The Halal Legal Framework: How Effective Is It?
Are Muslims in Manila in peril?
Better not google your symptoms and their treatment
What is in a name, “Batanes to Tawi-Tawi”?
Mehol K. Sadain | Page A4
Macabangkit K. Lanto | Page A4
Benj Bangahan | Page A5
Julmunir I. Jannaral | Page A5
Philippine Muslim Today? Bearer of Glad Tidings Email: Phone: 09152184388 (Administration) 09778430218 (Editorial)
Bearer of Glad Tidings Vol. I, No. 02 | June 26-July 2, 2020 (Dhuʻl-Qiʻdah 5-11, 1441) | 12 Pages | Metro Manila
No Filipino can perform hajj this year – NCMF By JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL Metro Manila News Bureau Chief
Ecotourism looms in Turtle Islands — B1 Bud Bongao: The Sacred Mountain of Tawi Tawi--Tawi — B2 Tourism industry hikes share in GDP to 13% — B2 World looks to innovation for sustainable oceans — B1 Bangsamoro chief lauds MOTC for handwashing project
he head of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) lauded the accomplishments of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) after the turnover of its two hand washing facilities to the Integrated Public Terminals here.
KAABA: Several millions of pilgrims coming from different countries are going to go on circumambulating or “tawaf” by going around seven times in Kaaba as part of the Hajj ritual. (Contributed Photo)
OLDEN MOSQUE, Quiapo, Manila: “Definitely, there will be no Filipinos who can leave for Saudi Arabia to perform their pilgrimage in Makkah for this year Hajj in conformity with the COVID-19 health protocol of social distancing,” according to the Bureau of Pilgrimage and Endowment of the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (BPE-NCMF). NO FILIPINO | A2
Lanao Sur posts highest Covid cases in the Bangsamoro BANGSAMORO | A2
Violence over land intensifies in Bangsamoro amid pandemic CITY: Violent Q UEZON conflict over land erupted across the Bangsamoro while the country grappled with the COVID pandemic, according to a Critical Events Monitoring System (CEMS) bulletin released today. PROBERS | B4
By ROCAYA SUNDAD OTICAL YAHYA MARAWI CITY, Lanao del Sur: The province of Lanao del Sur of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) has recorded to have the highest cases of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) according to the region’s Ministry of health. In its official post on Wednesday, BARMM’s public information bureau said the Health Ministry reported a total of 100 Covid-19 confirmed cases in the region as of June 23, 2020. Of these, 52 are active, with 44 recoveries and 4 deaths. Lanao del Sur province records 70 cases, 21 in Maguindanao, 6 in Basilan, 3 in Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi remains to be Covid-free. Health Minister Dr. Safrullah Dipatuan emphasized that to date, there is no recorded local
transmission in the region. “The rise in numbers is due to returning BARMM residents classified into Locally Stranded Individuals (LSI), Returning Overseas Filipinos (ROF) and those availing of the Hatid Probinsya Program,” Dipatuan said. PHILIPPINE MUSLIM TODAY