Remembering Ibrahim and Ishma’il Mehol K. Sadain | Page A5
Era of tyrants, age of the people
Unintended loss of weight
No talk means absence of care
STOP using the word “moromoro”
Homobono A. Adaza | Page A6
Benj Bangahan | Page A7
Ali G. Macabalang | Page A6
Julmunir I. Jannaral | Page A5
Eid’l Adha Mubarak! Bearer of Glad Tidings Vol. I, No. 07 | July 31-August 6, 2020 (Dhu’l-Hijjah 10-16, 1441)
| 12 Pages | Phiulippines
Eid’l Adha, A Feast of Sacrifice: A Test of Faith amid the Covid-19 By JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL Managing Editor
bout 1.6 billion Muslims around the world will mark on Friday, July 31, the Eid’l Adha or the Feast of Sacrifice which is one of the two major Muslim annual festivals, after the new moon was not sighted on Tuesday, July 21, the 29th day of Dhul Qa’dah, the month preceding Dhul Hijjah, the 10th day of which falls the Eid’l Adha. As the Hijrah Calendar is based on the movement of the moon, moon-sighting in the Hijrah calendar is always done every 29th of each month and once it is sighted the first day of the next Hijrah month starts the following day. But if it not sighted, the present month shall have to be completed 30 days and henceforth begins the next month. (Full story on Page A2)
Inside Kalang: A hidden fisher’s paradise jn Tandubas, Tawi-Tawi
School of Living Tradition for Mat Weaving Proposed in Tandubas
Restricted Hajj begins on Wednesday Only a few thousand pilgrims obtained a permit.
restricted Hajj (pilgrimage) to the Holy City of Makkah, Saudi Arabia, due to the coronavirus pandemic began on Wednesday. The pilgrimage to the holy city this year will include only a few thousand people compared to the average 2.5 million pilgrims of the past few years. Saudi State television showed images of small groups of pilgrims waiting in line, with gloves and shields, through various stations of Hajj (pilgrimage in Arabic) until the traditional walk around the Kaaba at the center of the mosque of Mecca, the holiest site for Islam. Huge crowds were shown on television in the last few years as they proceeded along the pilgrimage. Saudi Arabia announced that it only granted permits for the pilgrimage to about 1,000 people from Saudi and other countries who were already residing
in the Gulf kingdom. Pan Arab media reported that some 10,000 people are taking part in the pilgrimage, which will last until Sunday, August 2. The pilgrimage to the Mecca is one of the five pillars of Islam and each Muslim, with exceptions due to age and disease, among others, should take it at least once in a lifetime. Saudi Arabia usually earns some 10 million euros a year for the pilgrimage. This year restricted pilgrimage will bring financial losses to the Saudi kingdom already suffering from a regional financial crisis before the Covid-19 pandemic. ANSA