Philippine Muslim Today

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Muslim today PHILIPPINE

The Muslim National Newspaper

Vol. I, No. 10 | August 21-27, 2020 (Muharram 2-8, 1442)

Of Oligarchy and Oligarchs

Abuse of Power Juan Ponce Enrile | Page A6

Homobono A. Adaza | Page A6

The Qur’ān on Contracts

The problem of pruritus

Mehol K. Sadain | Page A5

Benj Bangahan | Page A7

Muslim Filipinos pray for Pandemic to end T

hey also beseech healthful, peaceful, and fruitful year as they mark Amun Jadid, the Muslim New Year, on Thursday, August 20th, amid the deadly Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19.) Special Report

By Julmunir I. Jannaral Managing Editor (Full story on Page A2)

Justice for few, grief of many Punchline ALI G. MACABALANG


HE Senate committees on public order and dangerous drugs, and national defense and security conducted an inquiry last Wednesday into the killing of four Army intelligence soldiers by police elements in Jolo, Sulu on June 29, 2020. Senator Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa presided over the hearing, which was sought in a resolution authored by Senator Riza Hontiveros, and attended by top brasses of both the PNP and AFP alongside NBI officials and two witnesses. (Full story on Page A8)

Marawi marks 80th charter day and Amun Jadeed in a row (Full story on Page A3)



Vol. I, No. 10 | August 21-27, 2020 (Muharram 2-8, 1442)




he Muslim Filipinos celebrated the Islamic New Year or Amun Jadid on Thursday, August 20, 2020 (Muharram 1, 1442) with prayer for an end Amun Jadid falls on the first day of the first month of Muharram in 1442 in the lunar Hijra calendar equivalent to August 20, 2020 in the Gregorian calendar. It is determined by the appearance of the crescent moon. Aleem Said Ahmad Basher, chairman of the Imam Council of the Philippines and a graduate of the Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt explained that in Islamic calendar the changing of the date commences right after sunset unlike in the Gregorian calendar the changing of the date date starts 12 midnight. Hence, August 20, 2020 corresponds to Muharram 1, 1442, Aleem Basher further explained. He said the Hijra calendar was first introduced by one of the closest companions of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him), Umar ibn AlKhatab, which marks the Hijra or migration of the Holy Prophet from Makkah to Medina to establish the first Islamic state. He said at first the 12 months of Hijrah has no specific year yet. Thus the companions of Prophet Muhammad notably Umar ibn AlKhatab devised a method on how to determine the year. First, they tried to make the birthday or Maulud-dinNabi of the Holy Prophet as the basis in determining the start of the year of the lunar calendar. But it was not unanimously agreed. So they tried to use the first prophesy or revelation of the Holy Qur'an at Jabal Nur. But just the same they did not agree on it. Then they tried also the Israh Wal Miraj or the Ascension of Prophet Muhammad to Heaven by passing from Makkah to Jerusalem. But just the same it was not adopted in determining the start of the Islamic year. Finally, the first month of the Islamic year is named Muharram. The companions of the Prophet agreed in unison to start the Islamic New Year from the time when

Prophet Muhammad fled from Makkah to Yathrib (now called Medina) in 622 AH to escape religious persecution. Thus the Islamic New Year has been observed in this way since 622 AH after the Hijra. It can be noted also the lunar calendar in Hijra has 355 days unlike the solar calendar of the Gregorian Calendar it has 365 days and if it is a leap year that occurs every 4 years it has a total of 366 days with the month of February has 29 days. A usual question is being asked if Muslims may wish or greet someone by saying Happy Amun Jadid (Islamic New Year)? According to Aleem Basher, generally, there is nothing wrong with wishing someone good health and well-being every year and that God bless them all the time. He said the general Muslim community around the world would be fine if someone simply wished them a "Happy New Year" because there is nothing "haram" (forbidden or wrong) in such a statement. Hence, before explaining further some of the salient features of Amum Jadid, Aleem Basher read a solemn prayer by wishing everyone to stay happy the whole year (Kullo Wa Antom Bihayr). In like manner, Sultan Muedzul-Lail Tan Kiram, the 35th Sultan and reigning monarch in the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo (Sabah) sent also his Amun Jadid message to the Philippine Muslim Today, and said, "Let us all pray that this year will be a peaceful, healthful and fruitful year. Let us pray for peace to reign in every corner of the world." Sultan Kiram said the year 1441 was a disastrous one around the world with the COVID-19 pandemic that killed thousands of people and in the Middle East with the explosion in Beirut, Lebanon that killed hundreds including some overseas

to pandemics, to have good health, lasting peace, and fruitful year the whole year round and in all the coming years.

Filipino workers (OFWs) and thousands left homeless. The Sultan of Sulu also said as the Islamic world celebrated the Amun Jadid, "I would like to greet Muslims around the world especially the Bangsa Sug in the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo (Sabah) a Mubarak Amun Jadid." Chief Minister Ahod "Al Haj Murad" Ebrahim of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) said the Bangsamoro Govern-

ment joins the entire Muslim Ummah in the observance of Amun Jadid or the Islamic New Year for the Hijra Year 1442. "Despite not being part of Islam's two major Eid celebrations, Amun Jadid provides Muslim communities an opportunity to look back and reflect upon the previous year," Chief Minister Ebrahim said. In his message, the Chief Minister also said "that the observance of Amun Jadid, of course, comes on a

very unprecedented time. The coming of the new Hijra year during this pandemic gives us more reason to reassess on our affairs and how we walk in this earthly life. I hope we take this opportunity to humbly look into our lives, how we treat others and how we strengthen our faith to the Almighty Allah." Meanwhile, a Bangsamoro leader sent also his Amun Jadid message through the Philippine Muslim Today. SPECIAL REPORT | B2


Vol. I, No. 10 | August 21-27, 2020 (Muharram 2-8, 1442)


Marawi City marks 80th charter day and Amun Jadeed By ROCAYA SUMNDAD OTICAL YAHYA


ARAWI CITY: Residents of the Islamic City of Marawi will celebrate two holidays this week in a row. One is the charter day of the city and the other is the celebrations of Amun Jadeed, the Muslim New Year. On Wednesday, August 19th, they will mark its 80th Charter Day celebration, and on Thursday, August 20th, it will join the Muslims all over the world in commemorating Amun Jadeed, or the new year of the Muslims based on the Hijrih lunar calendar. Mayor Gandamra issued on Tuesday, August 18, Memorandum No. 51 that declares Special Non-Working Holiday for Marawi City’s 80th Charter Day Celebration on August 19, 2020. Gandamra also issued on the same day Memorandum No, 52 that declares August 20 as a legal holiday on the occasion of Amun Jadid, the first day of Muharram which is the first month in the Hijrah Calendar. Muharram 1st falls on Thursday, August 20 this year in the Gregorian calendar. In the official Facebook account of the City government of Marawi, the city mayor addresses his constituents, “May you and your family have a bountiful Islamic New Year!”

The former Dansalan Marawi City was a municipality named Dansalan, capital of the defunct undivided Lanao province in the Philippines from 1907 to 1940, first under the government of the Moro Province, the Department of Mindanao and Sulu, the Bureau of Non -Christian Tribes, the Commonwealth, and finally the Republic. The granting of a charter to the old Dansalan Municipality was jointly conceived by Commonwealth President, Manuel L. Quezon and Assemblyman, later Senator Tomas L. Cabili. The changing of the official name from Dansalan to Marawi was through Congressional amendment of the Charter in 1956 sponsored by Senator Domocao Alonto.” This is embodied in Republic Act No. 1552 dated June 16, 1956. Under the impact of Islamic awareness and consciousness, the renaming of Marawi City into Islamic City of Marawi was proposed in Parliamentary Bill No. 261 by former Assemblyman Jamail Dianalan, brother of former late Mayor Omar Dianalan. Professor Talib Benito in his thesis work entitled:, “the Renaming of Marawi City into Islamic City of Marawi: An Attitudinal Study Among City Residents in 1983,” revealed that the bill was read before the Batasan floor during its second session on July 24, 1979, and was transmitted to and received by the Committee on Local Government and Community Development on August 2,1979. The bill is expected to be finally deliberated and adopted by the Congress. Republic Act No. 6734“An Act Providing for an Organic Act for the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao” as amended by Republic Act No. 9054 “An Act

to strengthen and expand the Organic Act for the ARMM ” and the Muslim Mindanao Autonomy Acts. During the 1990 plebiscite, the people of Marawi City voted against the inclusion of the City in the ARMM. Therefore, Executive Order No. 429 dated October 12, 1990, provides the transfer of the City to Region 1X. Another plebiscite was scheduled toward the end of 2002. Despite government campaigning for a yes vote in many provinces in Southern Mindanao, only one more province (Basilan) and one city (Marawi) voted to be included in the expanded ARMM. Marawi City is thickly populated by a Muslim Meranao. The 77 years old City was expected to be one of the progressive cities in the Philippines. Nevertheless, by an act of the Sangguniang Panlungsod sometimes ago, Marawi has been called ‘Islamic City of Marawi.’ RSOY

Philippine Muslim Today Email: Phone: 09152184388 (Administration) 09778430218 (Editorial)



Vol. I, No. 10 | August 21-27, 2020 (Muharram 2-8, 1442)

PHILIPPINE MUSLIM TODAY INTERIM BOARD OF EDITORS: DEAN MASIDING NOOR YAHYA Interim Chairman and Publisher AMBASSADOR MACABANGKIT LANTO COMMISSIONER NASSER A. MAROHOMSALIC JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL, J.D. BENJ BANGAHAN, M.D. ABDUL HANNAN TAGO, PHD. JOHNNY R. LEE, PHD ALI G. MACABALANG INTERIM STAFF: MASIDING NOOR YAHYA Acting Editor-In-Chief JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL Acting Managing Editor & Metro Manila News Bureau Chief ALI G. MACABALANG Acting News Editor & Chief of Correspondents KIM BAGUNDANG Acting Bangsamoro Region Bureau Chief ROCAYA SUMNDAD OTICAL Acting Lanao Provinces Bureau Chief MARK EDRIEL “TWISTER” ORTIL Cartoonist FATIMA ORTIL-JANNARAL Acting Advertising Sales Director SAID AHMAD BASHER Religious Affairs Adviser FILEMON G. ROMERO In Charge of Environment and Conservation JOHNNY R. LEE In Charge of Tourism & Photography COLUMNISTS: HOMOBONO A. ADAZA BENJ BANGAHAN JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL MACABANGKIT B. LANTO ALI G. MACABALANG MEHOL K. SADAIN ABDUL HANNAN M. TAGO DISCLAIMER: Opinion of the writers expressed herein is not necessarily the opinion of Philippine Muslim Today. LUZON SATELLITE OFFICE 9052 Viscarra Compound, Molino 3, Bacoor City 4102 Cavite Province PHONE: +639778430218 | +639353138549 EMAIL: PORTAL:

Front page of PHILIPPINE MUSLIM TODAY previous issue.


Journalists are not preachers as a profession is an independJ ournalism ent pillar of democracy. As a fourth estate, it is at par with the government, the Church (religion) and the community — the other estates of democracy. A journalist has an inherent responsibility without which he ought not qualify to that degraded yet noble position, or a violation of which entails penalty and may disqualify him to enjoy the right guaranteed by the supreme law of any civilized society. Such is the limit especially of press freedom. Journalists enjoy the status of the fourth estate because they perform the role of giving the public the information they need, on the one hand, and policy and decisionmakers, on the other. The public has the right to know, for example, what the government is going to do as measure for a disaster to come, or if there is any threat to public safety which needs their role to perform. They must be reminded from time to time on their obligation as citizens and be in-

formed what to do for their common welfare. On the other hand, the government should be fed with proper and true information as basis for policy and decisionmaking. And in giving the information, journalists must only give true information without a sided, biased and partial judgment. Journalists are not preachers; they are reporters. They are not propagandists but independent unfettered objective propagators of current events. Journalists are to inform not to misinform, to help build or reconstruct, not to demolish or destruct. The Philippines has the most number of journalist casualties, mostly provincial practitioners. But if only Filipino provincial journalists abide with, follow, and stick to the true conduct of journalism, or for that matter, the Fourth Estate, maybe the number of casualties among Filipino journalists would not be that high. (A repost)

From the Mailbox: What they say about Philippine Muslim Today


lhamdulillah! Thank you Philippine Muslim Today for featuring The Book Review of my book " Warka Adala : The Cosmic Energy Healer" by Hji. Julmunir I. Jannaral, Managing Editor.

Shukran too Brother Hji. Munir. Your Book Review is awesomely informative, it hits the most challenging time of fear and worries brought by the Pandemic. Reading your review, it eases the thoughts of burden of our brothers and sisters who believed in spiritual healing. Again, so grateful for your enlightening write- ups. Sincerely, (Sgd.) HADJI WARKA ADALA Baraka Healing Garden Km. 15, Catumbal, Culianan, Zamboanga City

Opinion | News



he Qur’ān al-Kareem is both a religious and a legal book. It preaches spiritual teachings and religious rites, as it also prescribes legal rules in almost all aspects of the law: marriage, divorce, guardianship, support, succession, evidence and procedure, state and international law, commercial law and contracts. A long verse, if not the longest in the Qur’ān, talks about commercial transactions, and how to document them. Ayat 282 of Surah 2 sets the following rules, summarized as follows: First, transactions involving future obligations must have a fixed time period and reduced into writing because is just in the sight of Allah. A

scribe must be procured to write down the terms of the contract. The chosen scribe cannot refuse to render service. An exception to the requirement to write down our contracts is when we engaged in spot transactions. Second, according to the same verse, “let him who incurs the liability dictate”, but at the same time warns, “but let him fear Allah… and not diminish aught of what he owes.” The debtor determining his terms of payment is extraordinary in the laws on contracts, because nobody these days seem to abide by this debtor-friendly stipulation anymore. Third, if the party liable on a contract is “mentally deficient or weak, or unable to dictate”, his “guardian should



he Medical Doctors say that vaccines are needed to both protect an individual from getting very sick and to limit the spread of the virus. Without a vaccine, life can’t return to normal, according to them. Here in the Philippines, the Filipinos are waiting for the results from early studies offering promising signs that some coronavirus vaccines could work safely and might be ready for use before the end of the year. This is in particular to the Sputnik Vaccines prepared by Russian scientists and offered by President Vladimir Putin to his friend President Rodrigo Duterte. In fact President Duterte offered himself to be the first Guinea Pig in order to test how effective this Sputnik Vaccine. But take note the President said we are getting this type of vaccine from Russia Not For Free but For Sale. Researchers around the world have been racing to develop vaccines that can fight off the coronavirus. Now,

a handful are starting the final stage of testing, or will soon. Depending on the results, some companies say their vaccines could be greenlighted for use as soon as this year. Here’s a look at a very relevant question that we the laymen need to know the explicit answer. Q: Is there a vaccine for the new coronavirus? A: Not yet in distribution though Russia has announced they have already the Sputnik vaccine and hopefully can cure already the COVID-19 patients. Accordingly only in January did researchers investigating a mystery illness sickening people in Wuhan, China, confirmed it was caused by a new coronavirus, and it took weeks more before the pathogen emerged as a global health threat. It usually takes drugmakers years to research and test vaccines. Several Covid19 vaccines moved into human trials within months. The progress is remarkably rapid. Nevertheless, researchers need to conduct bigger studies for COVID-19 human trials

Vol. I, No. 10 | August 21-27, 2020 (Muharram 2-8, 1442)


The Qur’ān on Contracts dictate faithfully” in his behalf --- a guiding principle in the function of guardianship. Fourth, the witnesses to a contract should be two men. If there is only one man who can be a witness, two women should be taken in as witnesses. This is the provision that allows for two female witnesses in lieu of a male witness. The provision tells us why: so that when one female witness errs, the other can remind her. This has been taken by non-Muslims as discriminatory against women. It is not; in the context of the time it was revealed, when women were not allowed to stand witness because they lacked exposure to the intricacies of the world, this was an improvement which empowers women, while at the same time, acknowledging the limitations of women then. This will be further explained in future

columns on women and gender issues. Fifth, always take witnesses to a contract, but make sure that these witnesses, together with the scribes, are protected in case there is a threat of harm on their persons. At the end of this long verse, Allah says: Reverence me, for I am the One who is teaching you! This is such an awesome revelation. Recall how we long to study in top schools and universities where the teachers are brilliant; or how we prefer to send our children to reputable schools with equally reputable mentors. Now look at verse 282 of Surah 2 where God proclaims to us: I am your teacher! “Wa yu’allimu kumullaah!” Imagine God who is unequalled in Knowledge and Brilliance teaching us the rudiments of contracts! If you

are willing to spend a fortune to learn from topnotch teachers, how much are you willing to spend to be taught by Allah Himself? The price must be unquantifiable. Yet, the wonder of it all is Allah is not charging us anything. He teaches us free of charge. He only wants our piety. “Wattaqullah!”, He says. Are we willing to accord Him our piety, and learn from Him in the process? This is the Message of Knowledge that the Qur’an is teaching man, from the time it was revealed until today: Knowledge or Ilm comes from ALLAH, and is given to those who devote themselves to Him. ALLAH teaches those who are willing to turn to Him for Knowledge. Shall we then remain heedless to a God who is willing to impart the Knowledge of ages to us? MEHOL K. SADAIN

Of Covid-19 Vaccine and Mercury Drug lapses! in order to make sure their promising candidates really are safe and protect against the virus, and give regulators the data needed to determine whether to authorize use. Finally on the topic of a self-explanatory question why coronavirus vaccine important? Experts on the subject like epidemiologists say that the new coronavirus has infected millions of people world-wide, killing hundreds of thousands. They said although the virus isn’t as deadly as other pathogens like Ebola, it spreads more easily. Testing, social distancing and wearing masks can help reduce the risks of transmission, health authorities say, and drugs could help treat people who develop Covid19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. Yet, vaccines are needed to both protect an individual from getting very sick and to limit the spread of the virus. Without a vaccine, life can’t return to normal, according to experts from the World Health Organization (WHO). Mercury Drug Lapses! The Mercury Drug Customer Service at its Head Office in Quezon City has

been apologetic to me just for the start and even the head of the Customer Service named Jho called me thru my cellphone number to apologize on the lapses of their Sales employee identified as Katherine Nakila connected with the Mercury Drug at Molino in Bacoor City, Cavite. The employee bearing her name plate as Katy was arrogant enough and vehemently refused to honor my Drug Prescription Issued by my Endocrinologist at the Manila Doctor's Hospital. Well admittedly the Prescription was dated February 12, 2020 but due to Pandemic, I was not able to get a new one. But the question is there any Mercury Drug Guideline that is the basis for their Pharmacist to declare a certain doctor's prescription deemed expired. I asked for official explanation from the Branch Manager Ms. Connie Cadudu-an at the concerned Mercury Drug Branch at Horse Shoe Drive in Molino, Bacoor City. However she failed to reply immediately to my official letter. In the said letter with a copy furnished to Mercury Drug Corporations President Ms. Vivian Que-Azcona I asked her to furnish me the

Mercury Drug Guideline being used by their Pharmacist as a basis in declaring a Doctor's Prescription as expired. Then another false statement she made was that she told me it is provided in the Senior Citizen's Act otherwise known as Republic Act No. 9994, which is Granting Additional Benefits and Privileges to Senior Citizens, Further Amending Republic Act No. 7432, as Amended. I read the entire provisions of the Senior Citizen's Act. But nowhere I can find a provision that states a Doctor's Prescription is deemed expired after it was issued for an unspecified number of months. To make the long story short considering that the Mercury Drug Pharmacist who is the subject of my complaint vehemently refused to honor my Doctor's Prescription, I was not given as required by law a 20 percent discount on my purchases of my medicines. This is a blatant violation of the Senior Citizen's Act. I hope Atty. Romy Macalintal used to be an Anchorman at PTV-4 where I worked for 21 years as News Reporter inand then as Station Manager will get to JANNARAL | B1


A6 JP ENRILE COMMENTARY With Juan Ponce Enrile


was utterly upset when I learned what the Chief of Staff of Chairman Allan Capuyan of the National Commission for Indigenous People (NCIP) did to a lady lawyer who, upon my advice, brought to Malacañang the plight and grievance of a foreign investor who was a victim of unusual red tapes, delays, and machinations by the NCIP. It seems that when the NCIP learned that the lady lawyer succeeded in bringing the ordeal of her client to the attention of the Palace, the NCIP officials reacted angrily. So angry were they that the Chief of Staff of Chairman Allan Capuyan rudely and blatantly berated the lady lawyer through a phone call. Evidently, what the Chief of Staff of Chairman Capuyan did was a clear and grave disservice to the Palace, to the Governor and people of Palawan, and to the prestige, honor, economic well-being, and progress of the country. It was a crude abuse of power by little people in government. What made the NCIP officials so angry? Were they

hiding something so badly that they did not want the Palace to know? Are they such exceptional and untouchable part of the bureaucracy that they do not want even to be controlled or supervised by Malacañang? What gave them the license to disdainfully scold a member of Bar and the general public? Are they not earning their keep and high salaries from tax money from the people, like the lady lawyer, that they scornfully mistreated? Are they that powerful as a government agency to be not in accord with the vaunted policy of the current regime to alleviate the economic hardship of down-trodden people of the country, like those in Palawan? To be candid about it, I am truly puzzled and pissed off by the furious, ugly, and arrogant behavior of the NCIP officials. I had been in government service myself for over half a century, and, during all that time, I had never heard nor encountered any such haughty behavior of government officials. It appears that in 2015 the

DILIMAN WAY With Homobono A. Adaza


he Enrile warning is timely. It should not be ignored. The people should listen and be alert otherwise, before long we will become a province of China. We will become second class citizens. And the Chinese, especially the Communist kind, are not exemplary masters. You don’t have to go to Xinjiang province of China to see the cruel treatment by the CCP of the Uighur Muslims minority. All you need to do is notice the way the Chinese in this country treat their servants and workers. By no means is China our friend. The Chinese in our country treat us like their inferiors. The think they have every reason to do that since they control the economy of our country – banks, malls, trade

of all our products, hardware, airlines, maritime, subdivisions, high rise buildings, etcetera, etcetera. Name it, and they have got it! They have also been indirectly controlling the politics of this country. It is about time we tell these foreigners that this is our country and they better start behaving properly. The task of Johnny: Now that Johnny Enrile has hit the nail on the head, he should see President Duterte at the earliest opportunity and tell the President to reverse gear on his policy towards China. He should tell Duterte that if he does not act now, tomorrow may be too late. He should divest President Duterte of his irrational fear that China would go to war on the issue of the West Phil-

Vol. I, No. 10 | August 21-27, 2020 (Muharram 2-8, 1442)

Abuse of Power Palawan Provincial Government and the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) invited a foreign investor - a wellknown company using modern farming methods and fast -growing and high-yielding variety of coconut seedlings to develop a coconut plantation in Palawan. The foreign investor accepted the invitation and agreed to invest in the country. The site of the investment was an ancestral land of a tribal community in the town of Rizal in Palawan province. Because of that, the foreign investor sought the assistance and approval of the NCIP. And the NCIP required the foreign investor to secure the Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) of the members of the concerned tribal community where the investment would be done. The foreign investor dutifully complied with the required FPIC, which was accomplished under the strict supervision and guidance of the NCIP. In 2016, the FPIC process was completed, and a report was made recommending the award of a Certificate Precondition (CP) to the foreign investor. This was required by the rules of NICP. And so, on May 20, 2016, after a Memorandum of Agreement was signed among NCIP, the con-

cerned tribal community and the foreign investor, the NCIP awarded a CP to the foreign investor. The foreign investor began the implementation of the coconut plantation covering 3,500 hectares of land. It initially recruited and employed 1,200 employees and started paying the rental for the leased ancestral land to the concerned tribal community. In 2017, the Board of Investments (BOI) certified the foreign investor as a BOIregistered company and a BOI registration certificate was issued to it. Then suddenly, without any notice to anyone, the NCIP arbitrarily suspended the CP of the foreign investor. The suspension was contained in a Resolution No. 701-2017 dated January 10, 2017. But, surprisingly the resolution was only sent to and received by the foreign investor on May 23, 2017. It took the NCIP more than four months to provide the foreign investor with the adverse resolution. Thus, the ordeal of the foreign investor began. The foreign investor filed a motion for reconsideration with the NCIP on June 1, 2017. Meanwhile, the concerned tribal community and the foreign investor sought the assistance of the Presidential

Management Staff (PMS) through the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Regional Concerns (OASRC) in the region where Palawan belonged. The OASRC investigated the case. In June 2017, the OASRC wrote a letter to Leonor Oralde-Quintayo, then Chairperson of the NCIP, that the foreign investor was good for the concerned tribal community. The OASRC stated in its letter that the foreign investor would alleviate the poverty in Ransang, Candawaga and Culasian - three barangays in the town of Rizal, province of Palawan. It recommended that the suspension of the CP of the foreign investor be resolved right away so that the interest of the concerned tribal community would not be jeopardized. But the recommendation of the OASRC was not heeded. The foreign investor tried and explored every effort to reach out to and placate the NCIP. But all its efforts turned out to be in vain. The NCIP was adamant, unyielding, and insensitive like the rock of Gibraltar. In 2018, after suffering so many losses, the foreign investor decided to stop its operation and development activities. However, it continued ENRILE | A9

Duterte, Enrile, China and Philippines Last of 2 Parts ippine Sea. It will not go to war on the bases of several precedents. China did not go to war on the issue of Taiwan which it claims to be its province. From Mao to Xi and that is a period of more than seventy years, China has done nothing but saber rattling. It did not go to war. China and Japan have a controversy on the ownership of islands straddling between these two countries for decades now, it did not go to war, it just kept on threatening. When Chinese forces surreptitiously crept into Indian territory and was repelled by Indian forces, China retreated and did not go to war. Xi Jinping is the master of political bluff and President Duterte fell for it. What a pity! Or, is Duterte soft on China and Xi because of his repeat-

ed public claim that his grandfather is Chinese? The other matter he should disabuse President Duterte is Dutert’s claim that Xi Jinping assured him he will not allow Duterte to be ousted. But that is a lot of nonsense. Xi cannot do that. He will not go to war for Duterte as he will not go to war for the West Philippine. The only ones who can oust Duterte are the Filipino people, the military or America’s CIA. Or, the forces which Johnny Ponce Enrile must have in mind? Timing: Probably this is not the proper time to discuss what Johnny Enrile was writing about. But it is an interesting provocation to an intelligent conversation. I just could not let it pass. Anyhow, China, Xi and Duterte are inextricably bound together by the corona virus. At this point in

time, Duterte and Enrile are aging, just like me. Political figures like Duterte and Enrile are normally concerned with their legacy. As of now, it is uncertain for both of them. But a bold resolution to the China problem will work wonders for Duterte and Enrile. I am certain that if both of them agree on checking the inroads of China into our country, they will both be remembered by our people. Let’s think of possibilities though. If Duterte rebuffs Enrile’s warning and advice, what will Johnny Enrile do? Will he be just a Cicero – speaking while people are listening? Or, will he be a Demosthenes – speaking and making people march? It is interesting to watch the denouement. HOMOBONO ADAZA

Opinion | News My twocents Rx WITH BENJ S. BANGAHAN, M.D., FPCP, FPCCP


ruritus is not only something that is mind boggling; it is just that urge that makes people scratch. It is implyitchiness. It is therefore a part of human body defense mechanisms because, as can be easily deduced, the act of scratching serves as a natural way of mechanically removing whatever is on the skin that is causing the pruritus. Like the other body defense mechanisms, the sensation to scratch should not be therapeutically addressed unless it has transformed into a big ordeal to the patient, for when the stimulus is removed by the act of scratching, pruritus stops on its own. Besides, it is admitted that scratching, especially at night, is almost a natural human habit. Pruritus, however, should not be reacted against with

plain complacence, especially if it gets to become generalized, which means that the problem of scratching becomes more bothering; it is about time an affected person worried more for the bigger area covered is just not easy to manage, but more than that, the pruritus may be more than meets the eye. And indeed, generalized pruritus has many possible causes, which can be more understood if we simplify it. We can just skip local itchiness; this type is usually associated only with small areas of the skin and rarely becomes generalized, and more often is self-treated by the patients, with success. The etiologies of generalized pruritus may be simply divided into two conditions -one, who uthose that are associated with dermatosis or the lesion of the skin itself,

BY Abdul Hannan Magarang Tago


ecently I was able to discover various untapped Islands within lake Lanao. Thank to the administration of the iconic Masjid “Mosque” of Bacolod Grande, a municipality of Lanao del Sur located in its western side, for inviting me to deliver Jum’ah congregation “khutbah” sermon. The Masjid became landmark not only for the neighborhood but also for the entire Lanao Del Sur. With expansion outside the Mosque, it attracts visitors and those who pass by traveling to Malabang or Cotabato City from Marawi City. The expansion on the lake side allows visitors to take rest and enjoy the fresh wind coming from the second largest lake in the Philippines surrounded by mountains. Following my Friday sermon during which I emphasized the opportunities that

Vol. I, No. 10 | August 21-27, 2020 (Muharram 2-8, 1442)


The problem of pruritus and two, those in which the generalized pruritus is one of the manifestations of a disease that is located internally. The primary skin lesions that become generalized are, fortunately, easier to diagnose by a doctor, especially if the doctor is well trained as a dermatologist, or a doctor whose line of specialty is dermatology or skin diseases. A good extraction of the patients’ history, plus a good physical examination, is usually sufficient to make an accurate diagnosis, and therefore, an exact pharmacologic management. Often mentioned as common causes are “xerosis” and “atopic dermatis”. The former is usually complained of after bathing. The lesions are often prominent on the anterior legs and the lateral sides of the arms, whose plaques have fine fissures that look like a cracked pot. Atopic dermatitis, on the other hand, is a chronic skin disease that makes the skin red and

itchy, and is known for its periodic flaring. Known also as eczema, it can affect any age but is more common in children, and is sometimes accompanied by asthma or allergic rhinitis. Both of the diseases can be diagnostically confirmed by skin biopsy. There is no known cure for atopic dermatitis. Pruritus has been rarely associated with systemic malignancy except in Hodgkin’s disease, where in about 6%, pruritus is the single presentation. Among the blood malignant abnormalities, pruritus is associated with polycythemia vera, usually observed after quick temperature change like after bathing. It also commonly occurs in leukemia. There have been cases of cirrhosis of the gallbladder and bile obstruction outside of the liver where pruritus is the initial manifestation; elevated level of the alkaline phosphatase is a characteristic finding.

About less than 5% of diabetes mellitus cases have been associated with pruritic symptom, though it is said that there is no correlation between it and the severity of diabetes. Abnormal hyperfunction of the thyroid gland has also been found to produce generalized pruritus, which subsides when the thyroid function is normalized. Long standing kidney failure is one of the diseases that bring about generalized pruritus, and even dialysis has been known to trigger pruritic paroxysms. Psychogenic etiology has always been a considered possibility, especially after all laboratory examinations have turned out to be negative. Like any other complaints, generalized itchiness that has become persistent for an unusually long time, is one symptom that must be subjected to clinical analyses as part of the patient protection. Salamat Amun Jadiyd 1442… Māasalāma.

Lanao can offer competitive Halal Tourism destination

the place can offer in terms of business, I travelled to the Balt Island which belongs to Bacolod that took us by small powerboat 15 minutes only.

Establishing hospitality facilities, restaurants and even resorts where tourists can stay and enjoy the atmosphere. This will create job opportunities to hundreds of Maranaos and their products. Mus-

On board you can view the magnificent structure and its background mountain. Just imagine if cable cars installed from that high elevated area down to that island. Traveling alone is so exciting and refreshing with wonderful climate ranging from 2025 degree, the island is untapped that can generate income to the localities.

lim friendly countries like Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei would try to explore and discover the area as new destination. Through information dissemination and marketing strategies using social media and other platforms would attract Gulf countries who are also eyeing the area for investment. They would wish to

help the area through business and tourism Industry. The said countries are looking for new destination that can provide Halal food and Muslim friendly avenues. Here in Lanao, similar to Muslim countries, we only consume Halal products. In Saudi Arabia as the first global destination because of its Islamic sites and sacred places. We have here in Lanao a big number of Masajid while Tugaya produces artifacts and handmade products as souvenir. Security remains concern of the tourists. The newlycreated Bangsamoro Autono-

mous on Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) can provide security. The region is now enjoying peace and stability while national government is reinforced by the former rebel soldiers. We need only effective communication and connectivity including airport. In my meeting before with the Arab most influential and richest businessman in the world, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz, he asked me where the nearest airport to the area was. He promised that he would be willing to invest in the area after four years. AHMT

Happy Hijri New Year to all. — From the Philippine Muslim Today Family




Vol. I, No. 10 | August 21-27, 2020 (Muharram 2-8, 1442)

Justice for few, grief of many



he Senate committees on public order and dangerous drugs, and national defense and security conducted an inquiry last Wednesday into the killing of four Army intelligence soldiers by police elements in Jolo, Sulu on June 29, 2020. Senator Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa presided over the hearing, which was sought in a resolution authored by Senator Riza Hontiveros, and attended by top brasses of both the PNP and AFP alongside NBI officials and two witnesses. The police claimed it was a shootout, but the military said its four men were unarmed and searching for suspected suicide bombers. All nine policemen in the inci-

dent have since been accused of murder by the NBI. The incident has sparked controversy as to what could have been the motive behind the killing, raising questions also about the rapport between the two uniformed services. I have watched a portion of the recorded proceeding of the hearing, during which Sen. Hontiveros pointed out her concern being a widow of a police officer and her sympathy for the death of the victims and justice for their families. As usual, the hearing was meant to unearth the truth behind the incident and for the Senate to possibly come up with legislation that can prevent a repeat of the inci-

dent and improve existing laws and rules on militarypolice rapport. Will the Senate be able to achieve the goal of the hearing? This is a question the public will have to see in the future. Remember that the Senate had also conducted last March an on-the-spot hearing about the situation in the wartorn Marawi City. Prior to their committee hearing in Iligan City, Senators Dela Rosa, Bong Go, Imee Marcos, and Migs Zubiri, among others, had conducted ocular inspection of the MAA of the flattened city. Senators Go and Marcos, according to their words to the media after the hearing, had acknowledged government “shortcomings” in the snail-paced rehabilitation of

the city. Obviously, the field hearing was meant for aid in legislation that can improve the rehabilitation efforts in the city and for the recovery of its residents, many of them still displaced in different parts of the country. The House of Representatives had also conducted earlier committee hearings on the state of Marawi. But both the chambers of Congress have yet to report out what efforts in aid of legislation they had made to make the difference in the state of Marawi and the plight of the IDPs. Wednesday’s Senate hearing, once successful or fruitful, would lead to giving justice to the four soldiers and their bereaved families, on one hand, and improve rapport between the military

and establishments, on the other. But Congress, notably the Senate, ought to bear in mind that a multitude of people – the several thousands of IDPs from Marawi City – also need justice. And the IDPs have been waiting for justice more than three years now. Least Congress be accused of lopsided preference in justice-based legislations, lawmakers should come up with something that will ease and shorten the agony of Marawi IDPs. Better still, the Senate should summon to another hearing the people composing the Task Force Bangon Marawi to shed light on the real status of their group’s duty to restore normal life in the country’s lone Islamic city. ALI G. MACABALANG


'Stateless children & refugees, the collateral damage' By AMINULLAH "Koko" ALONTO LUCMAN Unknown to many, Sen Domocao Achmad Alonto also had rapprochement with most Southeast Asian Muslim leaders beginning with the Bandung Conference in the 50s with the late charismatic Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser. In as frequently, had befriended quite a number including rising star Tengku Abdulrahman of Malaysia. Their interlude had pedigree of exchanges, close advisories advise about mostly how to get out of the colonial tie wire. The Malaysian prince was a bit keen on the Indonesian armed struggle. My uncle Senator Alonto however, would as always insist on the Philippine experience peacefully pursuing goals of freedom, independence from colonial rule. My father was Rashid Lucman, he was congressman in the Philippine legislature's 6th congress in 1968, once a US war vet during World War ll whom had to choose which one, my mother to marry, Princess Tarhata, and or his military career in the US military. He chose my mmother. I am not at all too sure in all honesty whenever people of my flock in revering his (my father's) exploits as leader they tend calling him father of the "Bangsamoro revolution". You see, let me take the

depth, the abyss by which honestly say deeply for me personally, of such a moniker. To me, the 'Bangsamoro' equation does not exist; it is never rooted in the senseless carnage Muslims endured during all the decades warring beginning with the Corregidor massacre incident in 1968. This said, what it suggest says in the nature of things; I am therefore of the purview that a non existent problem does not require, aspire as solutions. So there cannot be such a Bangsamoro solution to end the decades Mindanao war. Instead we are now seeing a transmuted problem requiring greater resolve; and this is the dreary global war on terror. The Marawi siege in May 2017 by ISIS is transformation of such conflicts; a metamorphose of the territorial grab, not Islamic radicalism. But was the moniker ever the trigger to the rebellion of the Muslims? Or proactively ask, can the trigger to unceasing warring in Mindanao be the surreptitious Sabah annexation, if rightly so, can this issue be called a Muslim rebellion, or yet, a Bangsamoro problem? According to international jurists familiar with the Mindanao war, it is a war crime issue, an international incident; thus should be an arbitrary domain of the international

Last of 2 Parts community, or the UN. Henceforth, premises considered, it is a war crime of magnitude, an act of war. This cannot be a Bangsamoro problem to require a Bangsamoro solution. Come of it, if the Bangsamoro equation were to be the solution, rebellion could have ended when in 1996, the final peace agreement inked between FVR and Prof Nur Misuari's Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) would have concluded war, but it did not. Instead it splintered in two, the MNLF and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). The present day Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), gov't in agreement with MILF splintered further in as many, Mindanao war even aggravating to induct part of the global war on terror with the Middle East based ISIS terrorists' organization supporting insurgents such as Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG), Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF), Maute etc, the siege of Marawi City in May 2017 is primeval to this claim, ISIS siege of Marawi itself is Southeast Asia's 9/11. The Bangsamoro solution failed because this was never a Bangsamoro problem; the moniker by and large, was and is never part of the centuries 'Moro Wars'.

The late Ahmad Domocao "Domie" A. Alonto, right, was a MuslimFilipino lawyer, educator, author, traditional leader, and Islamic figure from Lanao del Sur. He served as a Senator of the Philippines. He was instrument for seeking help from the Musim world for the Muslim struggle in the Philippines. (Supplied) To top it, the Mindanao war is very unfortunately a state sponsored fracas, it violated local and international laws. Treason from any which way to assess says treachery may have been committed, hence is a war crime issue, not a Bangsamoro problem. Imagine this; the Malaysian foreign minister swaggering over the fracas of things of Sabah and Filipino counterpart hornswoggle slipping from their wily thoughts the Moro people suffering decades of war, grossly impoverished in untold pain because of the unending war, and hosts of refugees in Sabah from the Moro communities since 1974, a sore point in Malaysia Philippine relationship. 600,000 refugee people

and lost 'stateless children' all because of of the Sabah dispute. This issue should go straight to the UN Security Council and the ICC at The Hague for posterity. In fact, Spain, the United States Japan and UK, Malaysia being a British Commonwealth member, the rest having had some measures of interaction in war and peace with the beleaguered Muslims in Mindanao should sponsor hosting talks end our war in Mindanao with the UN Security Council, starting with settling of the Sabah issues. This could end us our war in Mindanao and possibly defeat terrorism in Southeast Asia. AMINULLAH A. LUCMAN

National News

Food take-out, delivery now allowed in Manila 24 hours

Abuse of Power to pay the salaries of its employees and to provide them with educational, health, and livelihood assistance. It also continued to faithfully pay the rentals for the leased land to the concerned tribal community. Then suddenly, on October 26, 2018, the poor foreign investor finally received a resolution of its motion for reconsideration, after waiting for more than 16 months, only to be told that its CP stayed suspended. Hence, the harassed foreign investor was impelled to elevate its case to the Court of Appeals for review on November 6, 2018. After that, the foreign investor together with the Danish Ambassador to the Philippines, met a certain Director Ed Bantayan to find a faster way to resolve the problem

with the NCIP. This effort too ended in failure. In 2019, despite its repeated setbacks, the foreign investor continued to pay the salaries of its 1,200 workers and to pay the rental on the leased land of the concerned tribal community. Then a new chairman, Allan Capuyan, was appointed for the NCIP, in lieu of the former Leonor OraldeQuintayo, who was removed for alleged corruption. This gave a new a ray of hope for the desperate foreign investor who immediately approached the new NCIP chairman for help. As a result of this new approach, a Field Based Investigation was ordered to be conducted. The Field Based Investigation report recommended that a Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) be conducted


once more among the members of the concerned tribal community. The hapless foreign investor agreed and provided the money needed for the repeat FPIC process. But as time went by, nothing happened in the repeat FPIC process. So, in January 2020, the helpless foreign investor went to the exalted office of Chairman Allan Capuyan to ask his help to end the delay in the restoration of its suspended CP. To appease the NCIP, the no-choice foreign investor agreed to withdraw its petition for review from the Court of Appeals. On July 6, 2020, the regional office of the NCIP where Palawan belonged recommended that the CP of the foreign investor be restored. Thereafter, the foreign investor was invited to participate via zoom in two en banc meetings of the NCIP. The

first was held on July 7, 2020 and the second was held on August 1, 2020. These two meetings produced nothing for the unfortunate foreign investor. Instead the NCIP disregarded the result of the FPIC process in 2019 that it ordered to be conducted. Moreover, and worse, the NCIP ordered the already battered foreign investor to show cause for this and that reason. Finally, on August 6, 2020, the NCIP changed its mind and required a validation of the FPIC process in 2019. The foreign investor was again asked to provide the money for that purpose. The NCIP also wanted a "delineation" of the area for the coconut plantation and for the foreign investor to provide the money for it, which was unnecessary because the Department of Natural Resources had already done it previously, the area being a

'HELP OUR BUSINESSES.' Manila Mayor Francisco ‘Isko Moreno’ Domagoso signs on Wednesday (Aug. 19, 2020) Executive Order No. 35 allowing all food establishments to offer take-out and delivery services on a 24/7 basis. This is part of efforts to help food businesses survive the Covid-19 pandemic. (Photo from Manila PIO)

ENRILE | from Page A6

AFP denies Asula was into Illegal drugs

During the GCQ, restaurants are allowed to operate at 30-percent venue capacity provided that it strictly adheres to the minimum public health standards at all times as set by the government. "Restaurants may also be allowed to operate beyond the curfew hours of the city provided that it shall cater only to those authorized persons outside of resident as provided under the Manila City ordinance or IATF regulations," it added. These food establishments should also be compliant with the protocols prescribed by the Department of Tourism (DOT), or by the joint guidelines issued by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), and the Department of Health (DOH). MNY


during the general community quarantine, provided that it strictly adheres to minimum public health standards at all times as set by the government such as but not limited to social distancing protocols. Under the approved InterAgency Task Force transition protocols in consultation with Metro Manila local chief executives, the operation of dinein restaurants is allowed subject to the capacity requirement determined by the LGU. “The city of Manila sees the need to slowly open the economy in the city particularly in the food and restaurant industry and to balance this with the demand from the general public which may serve as a stimulus of economic growth," the order read.


he Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) belied allegations that Cpl. Abdal Asula, one of the four military intelligence operatives killed by local police officers in Jolo, Sulu last June 29, was into illegal drugs. State media Philippine News Agency (PNA) quoted on Friday a statement from the AFP as saying that such allegations just aimed to draw attention away from the senseless killings. "That is obviously a desperate attempt by the assailants to besmirch the reputation of Corporal Asula to justify or to divert the attention away from the senseless killing of the soldiers," said AFP spokesperson Marine Major Gen. Edgard Arevalo in a statement. The military issued the statement after Brig. Gen. Manuel Abu, head of the Police Regional Office-Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, in a Senate public order and dangerous drugs committee hearing, made presentations Wednesday claiming that Asula had links with an illegal drugs syndicate. "The police earlier invoked self-defense even if investigation by the NBI (National Bureau of Investigation) and eyewitness accounts clearly testify that there was no unlawful aggression or sufficient provocation to warrant the shooting. And now, the vilification of one of the slain soldiers," Arevalo said. He added that the local police are coming up with all sorts of falsities to attempt to shirk criminal, civil, and administrative responsibilities for the murder of the four AFP personnel. Killed in the June 29 incident in Jolo, Sulu were Major Marvin A. Indammog, 39; Capt. Irwin B. Managuelod, 33; Sgt. Jaime M. Velasco, 38 and Asula, 33. The four soldiers were conducting intelligence and monitoring operations against two suspected suicide bombers when gunned down by nine Jolo-detailed police officers. Meanwhile, Philippine Army commander Lt. Gen. Cirilito Sobejana, said the Army ranks are always cleared of individuals with illegal drug links, adding that those found with such connections are immediately investigated and discharged from the service if found guilty. "Once you are (found) involved with (illegal) drugs, you will be discharged," he added. Sobejana said that when he was Western Mindanao Command chief, he had these accusations against Asula investigated and nothing came of it. MASIDING NOOR YAHYA

By MASIDING NOOR YAHYA ll take out and food delivery services in the city of Manila are now allowed to operate 24 hours a day under the more relaxed general community quarantine (GCQ). Manila Mayor Francisco ‘Isko Moreno’ Domagoso on Wednesday signed Executive Order No. 35 allowing all food establishments to offer takeout and delivery services on a 24/7 basis. Domagoso said the move aims to protect the livelihood of food industry workers amid the coronavirus pandemic. “This is the city government’s own little way to protect jobs of Manilans and to help businesses operate and survive the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Domagoso in a statement. “For the meantime, we must learn how to live while there is COVID-19, and at the same time, we must learn to go back to work safely and to discipline ourselves, for us to help stimulate our economy,” Domagoso added. Under the executive order, all restaurants are “allowed to operate beyond the curfew hours of the city, provided that it shall cater only to those authorized persons outside of residence.” Domagoso also reminded that all food establishments are only allowed to operate at 30 percent venue capacity

Vol. I, No. 10 | August 21-27, 2020 (Muharram 2-8, 1442)

forest land within the official jurisdiction of DENR. This is the deplorable saga of a well-meaning foreign investor who courageously wanted to help the country. The question is: How can we attract foreign investments to come to the country if this is the way we treat foreign investors? Why should we allow little Indians like those in NCIP to damage the honor and prestige of the country and her people? If this is the way things are below the level of the President, what future can we expect to create for the poor people not only in Palawan but in the entire county? Why did you, Chief of Staff of NCIP Chairman Allan Capuyan, get so riled when the problem of the unlucky foreign investor reached the ears and eyes of Malacañang? What really bothered you? Please answer. I rest my case!. JPE

World News


Lebanon's blast damage toll rises as assessment continues: UN

Vol. I, No. 10 | August 21-27, 2020 (Muharram 2-8, 1442)

Islamic Finance

Questions and Answers (May Allah bestow on Ethica Institute more wisdom and knowledge) By AMANODING D. ESMAIL, CPA, MPA President, Philippine Association of Islamic Accountants


NITED NATIONS – The damage toll in Lebanon following the Beirut blast is rising as the United Nations and partners continue their assessment, now reporting more than 290,000 people who have been left jobless, a UN spokesman said on Monday.

BLAST SITE. Photo taken on Aug. 17, 2020 shows debris at Port of Beirut, Lebanon. Two huge explosions rocked Port of Beirut on Aug. 4, shaking buildings all over Lebanon's capital, while killing at least 177 people and wounding 6,000. (Xinhua photo/Bilal Jawich) The statistics showed that an estimated 220,000 people have lost their jobs from the beginning of the October financial crisis while 70,000 people can no longer work because of the August 4 explosion, said Stephane Dujarric, spokesman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. The figures did not include those who lost jobs because of Covid-19. At least 2,000 doctors have been either injured or their clinics destroyed, Dujarric said, putting the total number of buildings damaged at 40,000, including 3,000 residential structures severely damaged. As for the Covid-19 toll, he said that as of Sunday there were 8,881 cases in the country with 102 deaths. The UN Relief and Works Agency said there have now been eight deaths from the disease among Palestinian refu-

gees in Lebanon. The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) is mobilizing USD35 million for its emergency response to the most vulnerable Lebanese, refugees, and migrant households in the capital. The agency said its aid stockpile in the country was not affected by the explosion, making available to the Lebanese Red Cross and other partners shelter kits, blankets, plastic sheeting, mattresses, and other critical items for survivors. In a related development, the spokesman said the Spanish contingent of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), operating in the mission's East Sector has donated firefighting equipment to the Lebanese Civil Defense. The donation to seven Civil Defense centers will help up to 175,000 people living in the Marjayoun district, southeast of Beirut, where the contingent is headquartered. ANADOLU

China confirms its 1st Covid-19 vaccine patent

Fourth Series


akat On Tradable Goods. – Is zakat due on anything purchased with the intention of reselling?

Zakat is due on anything purchased with the intention

of reselling the item (e.g. business inventory, real estate, car, clothing), regardless of how much time elapses or how the item is used before resale (e.g. lent, rented out, put up as collateral); if there was no firm intention to resell at the time of purchase, but rather the individual considered resale only one possibility among others, such as using the item for personal use, then zakat is not due on the item; once the item is sold, zakat is payable on the proceeds after one lunar year elapses on the money.

If an individual does not make a firm intention to resell an item at the time of purchase, but later decides to resell the item, zakat is due once the item is sold and at least one lunar year elapses on the money. Tradable goods are zakatable at all stages of production, regardless of whether they are raw material, work in progress or finished product. Zakat On Means Of Production. – Is zakat due on means of production such as machinery?

Zakat is not due on an investment’s means of production (e.g. property, plant and equipment). Zakat On Uninvested Cash. – Is zakat due on uninvested cash? Zakat is due on uninvested cash or cash that is returned to the investor for the period of time that it remained uninvested. Zakat On Investment Income. – Is zakat due on investment income?


NKARA – China, ground zero of the novel coronavirus outbreak, confirmed its first Covid-19 vaccine patent Sunday, according to state-affiliated media. "#China has approved its first #COVID19 #vaccine patent, which has been developed by PLA infectious disease expert Chen Wei's team. Earlier, the phase 2 trial of the vaccine candidate found that the vaccine is safe and induces an immune response," China Global Television Network (CGTN) said on Twitter. Citing data from clinical trials published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, China's state-run Xinhua News Agency reported that the Covid-19 vaccine candidate is "safe and generates an immune response." The research involved 320 "healthy volunteers" aged between 18 and 59, of which 96 participated in phase-1 clinical trials and 224 in phase-2 trials, it said. Xinhua said the results indicated that the vaccine effectively induced neutraliz-


Zakat is due on the returns that one receives from an investment. Zakat On Items Given In Charity. – Is zakat due on items held for one lunar year and subsequently given in charity?

Zakat is due on items held for at least one lunar year

Anadolu photo. ing antibodies in the volunteers and demonstrated good ability of a substance to trigger an immune response. On Saturday, Russia’s Health Ministry announced that the country has started production of its first Covid19 vaccine, noting initial batches will be earmarked for immunizing doctors and health workers before going to the general public. Russia officially registered the world’s first coronavirus vaccine, developed by the Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, on Tuesday. The announcement drew

skepticism worldwide as Russia plans to continue the third phase of trials along with the vaccine’s production and use. The coronavirus pandemic has claimed more than 772,000 lives in 188 countries and regions since originating in Wuhan, China in December. The US, Brazil, India, and Russia are currently the worst-hit countries. More than 21.5 million Covid-19 cases have been reported worldwide, with recoveries exceeding 13.5 million, according to figures compiled by US-based Johns Hopkins University. ANADOLU

before being given away in charity, because after a year zakat becomes a debt obligation that remains unfulfilled even by charity. Zakat On Disbursed Loans. – Is zakat due on disbursed loans?

Zakat is due on loans that have been disbursed where there is a reasonable expectation of receiving repayment. Zakat On Waived Loans. – Is zakat due on loans waived even though the debtor is able to pay?

Zakat is due on loans that are waived when the debtor is able to pay; the poor are due a share of the loan and waiving it unnecessarily amounts to misappropriating another’s wealth. Nisab Fluctuations During The Year. – Am I liable to pay zakat if my property drops below nisab during the year? Zakat is due even if one’s property value falls below the nisab minimum and rises back above it during the year.


Vol. I, No. 10 | August 21-27, 2020 (Muharram 2-8, 1442)


PH Covid-19 cases reach 178K; The Best of Halal Home-Cooked Muslim Filipino Dishes recoveries now 114,114


ANILA – The Department of Health (DOH) on Thursday reported 4,339 new coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) infections, raising the overall tally to 178,022 with 61,025 active cases.

It reported that of the active cases, about 91.3 percent were mild, 6.6 percent were asymptomatic, 0.9 percent were severe, and 1.2 percent were critical patients. The majority of the newly announced cases were from the National Capital Region (NCR) with 2,590 cases, Laguna with 223 cases, Cavite with 155 cases, Cebu with 128 and Rizal with 109 cases, "Of the 4,339 reported cases today, 3,213 or 74 percent occurred within the recent 14 days (August 7 to 20). The top regions with cases in the recent two weeks were NCR with 1,737 or 54 percent, Region 4A

The DOH said the additional cases reported were based on the total Covid-19 tests done by 100 out of 109 operational laboratories.

(Calabarzon) with 462 or 14 percent, and repatriates with 442 or 14 percent," the DOH said. The department also reported 727 new recoveries and 88 deaths, bringing the total number of recoveries to 114,114 and the number of deaths to 2,883. "Of the 88 deaths, 40 or 45 percent were reported in August, 27 or 31 percent in July, 19 or 22 percent in June, and two or 2 percent in May and the deaths were from Region 7 (Central Visayas) with 42 or 48 percent, NCR with 34 or 39 percent, Region 6 (Western Visayas) with five or 6 percent, Region 4A (Calabarzon) with four or

PIYANGGANG MANOK 5 percent, Region 9 (Zamboanga Peninsula) with one or 1 percent, Region 1 with one or 1 percent, and CAR (Cordillera Administrative Region) with one or 1 percent," the DOH said. It added that some 91 duplicates were removed from the total case count and of these, 43 were recovered cases have been removed. “Moreover, there were 51 cases that were previously reported as recovered but after final validation, they were 50 deaths and one active case,” the DOH said. As of Wednesday, the 82 licensed reverse transcriptionpolymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) laboratories and 27 licensed GeneXpert laboratories have conducted a total of 2,041,798 tests nationwide. The DOH said it has a 19,300 total bed capacity dedicated to Covid-19 patients. Occupied are about 47 percent of 1,700 intensive care unit beds; 42 percent of 12,600 isolation beds; and 51 percent of 5,000 ward beds. About 31 percent of 2,100 ventilators are in use. PNA

2 more cops die of Covid-19 MANILA: Two police officers died of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19), bringing the police force's death toll from the disease to 15. In a statement, PNP spokesperson Brig. Gen. Bernard Banac said the two latest deaths is a 45-year-old policeman assigned at the

Aviation Security Group, who passed away on August 12 and a 52-year-old assigned at Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, who died on Thursday. As of Thursday night, the number of Covid-19 infections among policemen has reached 3,153 as the PNP Health Service reported 55

new confirmed cases, most of whom came from the National Capital Region Police Office. A total of 2,283 personnel have recovered from the disease while the health service is also monitoring 751 probable cases and 2,546 suspected cases. (Christopher Lloyd Caliwan/PNA)

JANNARAL | from Page A5

Of Covid-19 Vaccine and Mercury Drug lapses! know my predicament as he is concerned about the plight of the Senior Citizens. Postscript: Here in my Postscript, I have nothing but sad stories especially on the demise of my two friends this month of August 2020. First it is the demise of my MSU-TCTO school mate Juldastan Rasul who succumbed to pandemic according to his niece in Zamboanga City. Jul or Esay as we call each other since we have

the same prefix of first name as Jul is a supporter of Philippine Muslim Today and every week I always forward to him the Link of the Digital Edition of Philippine Muslim Today. Then another friend who passed away on Wednesday, April 19, 2020 is my friend Hadji Abdurajack Sandag where most people in Sulu and Tawi-Tawi know him as Commander Jack Moro. It is his nom de guerra in the Moro National Liberation Front


(MNLF). He was kind but was among the Batch 300 of the MNLF who was trained in jungle warfare in foreign countries. He was also a member of the dreaded Task Force OcZa (Operations Commander Zapata). He is the elder brother of one of my fraternal brothers in the Alpha Sigma Phi-1845. At the time of his death, he was the incumbent Vice Mayor of the Municipality of South Ubian, Tawi-Tawi.

Piyanggang Manok. (Photo by Abdulaziz Hamsain)


e have presented some of the Best of Halal HomeCooked Muslim Filipino Dishes where we started with the Top of the Line Tausug delicacies as mentioned in the Tausug Cookbook written by Abdulaziz H. Hamsain from Jolo, Sulu. At first we presented the most popular Satti in the 8th Digital Edition of Philippine Muslim Today; then at the 9th Digital Edition we introduced another popular Tausug delicacy the Tiyulah Sug and commonly known as Tiyulah Itum because of its black ingredients. Now here at the 10th Digital Edition, we are presenting herewith the PIYANGGANG MANOK another Tausug delicacy that is usually served in special occasion like Pagduwaa Salamat or Thanksgiving Party. For an easy procedure of cooking Piyanggang Manok, we are enumerating herewith the easy cooking procedures that can be easily done.

Piyanggang Manok Serves 4-5 INGREDIENTS: - 1 whole chicken - 3 cloves garlic chopped - 1 whole onion chopped - 2 inch ginger chopped - 1 pinch black pepper - Chicken cubes (optional)

- 1 ½ tablespoon pipis itum (pamapa) - 2 cups of coconut milk - 1 lemongrass - Salt (according to taste) - Oil

PROCEDURE: 1. Spread the pipis itum into the chicken then marinate with oil for 2-3 hours. 2. Stir/saute the garlic, onion, ginger, black

pepper, and chicken cubes. 3. Add the marinated chicken and lemongrass. 4. Add coconut milk until it is almost dry.

*Two options to serve grill/bake the chicken to absorb all the ingredients.

Unknown to many, Vice Mayor Sandag has a Ph.D. Degree. He was an official of the Bureau of Customs (BoC) in Cagayan de Oro City. His wife being a lawyer is one of the Collectors of BoC. He was my guest in my Television Talk Show "Salaam Daan sa Kapayapaan" that I hosted a few

years back at the PTV-4. A day before his death where friends told me he died of natural death on Wednesday, April 19, he sent me a message at my Facebook Messenger that I would like to share with the readers of Philippine Muslim Today where Vice Mayor Sandag is an avid reader too. JIJ



Vol. I, No. 10 | August 21-27, 2020 (Muharram 2-8, 1442)

BizCoN to focus on Mindanao economy's strengths for country recovery

Secretary Carlos Dominguez.


avao City: The upcoming Mindanao Business Conference will allow delegates to understand Mindanao's unique opportunities and strengths in light of the current recovery of the Philippine economy. According to John Tria, President of the Davao City Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc. and this year's host, Mindanao's unique position as a major food supplier of the Philippines and ASEAN pre-


sents a good opportunity for investors seeking a foothold in this essential industry, widely seen as resilient in its ability to withstand and recover quickly from many disruptions. "Mindanao currently produces 40% of our food and can supply the food needs of many areas in the Visayas and Luzon. Investing further in this food production capacity and in systems to transport and distribute food will help it thrive and provide more food in the country, and strong income for local farmers and producers," he said. Agriculture and agribusiness will be one of the major topics for discussion in the conference, which will be keynoted by Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez. PR/DCCCII

Muslim Filipinos pray for Pandemic to end Datu Yusoph Boyog Mama, the Masirikampo sa Marawi (Traditional Royal Ruler of Marawi) said, "we pray that the Bangsamoro people, and their leaders, will be able to successfully navigate through the demands of the ongoing and post-crisis period. And the integration of fundamental global standards along with other local and international partners who see so much promise in the Bangsamoro region. The Masirikampo sa Marawi also said, "on the special occasion of this year's Amun Jadid celebration, allow me to express and share my sincere prayers that the Almighty Allah (SWT) give us more strength, solidarity, piety, and resilience especially for the Bangsamoro people and for the greater Philippine Muslim society in the face of the challenges brought about by the fast-changing global landscape." Amun Jadid is one of the Philippine holidays as an Islamic New Year. It is a Muslim Legal Holiday in some parts of the Philippines.

Pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 1083 known as Code of Muslim Personal Laws of the Philippines, "AMUN JADID" or Islamic New Year is a recognized Muslim Legal Holiday. This year it falls on August 20, 2020 which corresponds to Muharram 1, 1442 AH (After Hijra). Based on PD 1083, Article 170. Provides the provinces and cities where Muslim holidays are officially observed. (1) Muslim Holidays shall be officially observed in the Province(s) of Basilan, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, Maguindanao, North Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, and in the Cities (of Cotabato, Iligan, Marawi, Pagadian, and Zamboanga and in such other Muslim provinces and cities) as may hereafter be created. And upon proclamation by the President of the Philippines, Muslim holidays may also be officially observed in other provinces and cities. Likewise based on Article 172. Observance by Muslim

Employees: (1) All Muslim government officials and employees in place other than enumerated under Article 170 shall also be excused from reporting to office in order that they may be able to observe Muslim holidays. (2) The President of the Philippines may, by proclamation, require private offices, agencies or establishments to excuse their Muslim employees from reporting for work during a Muslim holiday without reduction in their usual compensation. Be that as it may the Philippine Muslim Today Management and Staff while everyone celebrated their Amun Jadid quietly on Thursday, as it marked its 10th Digital Edition on Friday, it is also wishing everyone the Muslim Filipinos a peaceful New Year with a solemn prayer that the COVID-19 will finally end so that everyone can experience a new normal lives again, Aleem Basher in his solemn prayer further said. JIJ

MINDANAO. Colored red is the Island of Mindanao including Basilan, Sulu and Tawi Tawi. (File)


Vol. I, No. 10 | August 21-27, 2020 (Muharram 2-8, 1442)


Economic importance of Turtle Group of Islands By JOHNNY R. LEE, Ph.D.

One of the hundreds of hotels in Sandakan, Sabah that serves as a take-off point to the three Turtle Islands.


n the previous article on the turtle group of islands, this writer barely touched on the economic importance of the area but more on the sustainability for its protection and conservation as the first trans-boundary protected area on sea turtles in the world. Six belong to the Philippines and only three to the Malaysia government. Coming from the word of mouth of its inhabitants, some 10- 20% of turtle eggs collected are still being commercialized in the buying market to give in to the cultural practices and income to the needy residents whose income solely depend on it for their survival. Commanding a high demand for rare food delicacies and touted as ‘aphrodisiacs’ for men who understand its food and medicinal values, turtle eggs remained a highly-prized commodity. But in totality, it's the physical islands itself which include its pristine seawaters, white beaches, rich coral community and rare floras and faunas that draws in high-end visitors and tourists who are in search of paradise-like islands free from the hustle and bustle of city life. Despite the disparity in numbers, the Malaysian side of Turtle Islands have maximized its potential as a tourist's destination without jeopardizing the conservation and protection of the area specifically with regards to the turtles and its habitat. For the Malaysian government, tourism brings a huge amount of income into the local economy in the form of payment for goods and services needed by the tourists. It generates opportunities for employment in the service sector of the economy associated with tourism that includes transportation services like mechanized banca, motor launch and fast

crafts; lodgings that include homestays, hostels, resorts and renting out rooms; and venues like eateries and restaurants. Practically all of these services and amenities are well-placed and has been established by Malaysian government taking advantage of their Turtle Islands as ‘magnets’ to tourists from all over the world because of its status as Heritage Site for Protection of Sea Turtles. While their main site, named Silingan Island, allows only 50 guests per night of stay in their modest 25-room well-furnished villa, reservations or ‘waiting lists’ to visit the nesting site runs of to a year or two before one can set foot on the place. That is how strong the lure of these tiny islands are - for what they considered as ‘a journey of a lifetime’ to witness the nestling and egg-laying of this endangered species which has been around for over 100 million years. What about the six islands on the Philippine side? In contrast to Malaysian side, our Turtle Islands have remained in their old form with almost nil in terms of tourism development. While there were past propositions, both from national and local governments to build ‘infrastructures’ to boost its economic potentials, none came into reality. Hopefully the BARMM government will seriously consider the development of these islands to duplicate the ‘good practices’ rendered by the Malaysian government to their islands. JRL

Fastcrafts that ferry tourists from Port of Sandakan to Selingan Island.

Dining lounge of Hotel Villa at Selingan Islamd, Turtle Park.

Aerial view of Taganak Island showing the municipal hall, school grounds and residential areas.

Sleeping quarter at Selingan Island, Turtle Island Park.



Vol. I, No. 10 | August 21-27, 2020 (Muharram 2-8, 1442)

Mobulid Ray Fisheries and Trade in Tawi-Tawi By FILEMON G. ROMERO, Ph.D.


obulid ray is a genus of ray belonging to the taxonomic family Myliobatidae (eagle rays). Species of this genera are often collectively referred to as “devil rays”, “flying mobula” or simply “flying rays”. Scientifically the mobulid rays belong to one family called Mobulidae, which contains two Genera; the Mobula Rays (9 species) and the Manta Rays (2 species). They are cartilaginous fishes (no bones) and characterized by diamond shaped bodies and wing-like pectoral fins which they use to propel themselves through open water. All are filter feeders, using their mouths and modified gill rakers to strain plankton and small fishes from the water. In general, mobula rays are much smaller than the mantas and can be distinguished by morphological differences in their mouths and cephalic fins (‘head fins’). Mobula rays have a bottom jaw which is undercut, so that when their mouths are close to the edge of the lower jaw rests much further back than the upper, whereas manta ray’s jaws are aligned evenly. The other differentiating anatomical feature is the shape of the cephalic fins, which when rolled up look like horns or tanduk projecting off their heads, hence the name “Devil Rays”. The primary function of these fins is to help funnel planktonic food into the gaping mouths of the ray’s when they are feeding. Unfurled, the mobula ray’s cephalic fins are just a flap, but in the mantas these fins unravel to form much larger paddle-like structures which touch in the center to form a complete funnel around the mantas mouth. Local name of the mobula are pagi baling since their main diet is acetes which the natives called as baling. It is also calledby theSama Dilaut as pagi salindang since it resembles the malong or drape worn across the shoulder of native women. The giant mantas a called pagi sanga or pagi bulan. They are classified in the Red List of International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as Vulnerable

Mobile or Devil Ray Breaching for air. (Photo credit to Nick Bonzey from Corvallis) and listed as Appendix II under Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species. In accordance with the RA 9147 otherwise known as the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act and the Revised Fisheries Code RA 10654, it shall be unlawful to fish or take, catch, gather, sell, purchase, possess, transport, export, forward or ship out species categorized by the IUCN and CITES as threatened or vulnerable. In Tawi-Tawi, there is an existing mobulid fishery which is not distinguished with mantas. While the exploitation of other rays like the kyampaw is not banned, the exploitation of this species still continues because they are as source of food as native delicacy like siyagul pagi and source income for the fisherfolks. Enforcement of the ban on fishing has been weak thereby increasing their vulnerability to fishing pressure. There was therefore a need to rapidly assess this traditional fishery in Tawi-Tawi mostly done by the Badjaos and Sama. The goal of this study is to contribute to the state of mobulid rays in the Philippines thereby helping build a comprehensive country level picture of manta and mobula ray distribution, fishery, and trade. This broad level work identified more in-depth investigation, collaboration, and development of policy recommendations. A rapid assessment survey on the mobilid ray fishery

was conducted in 5 municipalities of Tawi-tawi using Key Informant Interviews (KII’s) and Focus Group Discussions (FGD’s) to gather demographic and fishery profile. This is the first such study conducted in this part of the country. Fourteen (14) barangays with (48) fishermen/ respondents participated in this study on the demographic profile, the highest average percentage (42.64%) belonged to age group (3140 years old). The average educational attainment is only elementary level at 52.55% while 53.67 % of the fishermen, who are all married have an average of 2-4 children. The average Annual Family Income is PhP40,953

from fishing and seaweed farming and other sources. Eighty three (83%) of the fishermen own their fishing craft which are motorized. Fishing ground where mobulids frequently occur or sighted were identified. They occur either alone or in groups and usually during the southeast and northwest monsoon and when acetes and juvenile sardines are in abundance during the dark phase of the moon. Drift gill net (DGN) and Surface Drift Gill Net (SDGN) are the most common gears used. Spear Fishing Gear (SFG) and octopus jigger (“kuri-kuri”) are the lesser gears. On the perception on the

trend of landed catch majority claim that it is decreasing. On the trade, it is sold fresh or dried in the local market but it is the gill raker that has the higher commercial value which when dried can reach as much as PhP1,800-3,000/ kg. On the perception of enforcement, majority of the respondents have no knowledge that RA 9147 otherwise known as the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act of 2001 and that this prohibits the catching and selling of mobula and manta rays. Enforcement agencies are hesitant to enforce the ban because of the absence of a substitute income source for the natives. Recently there was a case of Mobula ray identified by Dr. Jom Acebes a Filipino expert on rays as Sickle-fin Devil ray, Mobula tarapacana that got stranded in the Bongao Channel. Some Bajau fishermen tried to spear it and the men from the 1st MSOU of the PNP tried to rescue it. Unfortunately it died because the rescue came a little late.To reduce the pressure on this species the following are recommended: Intensify IEC on the status of the mobula species and their role in healthy ecosystems; study mechanisms to regulate the mobulid fisheries and gear modifications in order to mitigate or reduce by -catch. FILEMON G. ROMERO

Personnel from the 1st MSOU (Maritime Special Operations Unit) of the Philippine National Police trying to rescue the Mobula Ray.

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