Philippine Muslim Today

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Mehol K. Sadain | A2

Save the Earth

COVID-19 is still raging, PMT-19 goes in full swing

Julmunir I. Jannaral | A3

Advantages for Muslim expatriate working in Muslim countries

Reflection: FASTING, a means to eternal well-being and happiness

Imadodin Basar Dimao | C1

Gamson Jr Mawallil Quijano | A3

The Muslim National Digital Newspaper | Bearer of Glad Tidings. Vol. I, No. 48 | May 14-20, 2021 (Shawwal 2-8, 1442) | 14 Pages | Online Issue




ID’L FITR CONGREGATION: A file photo of an Eid’l Fitr congregational prayer before the pandemic time during Eid’l Fitr prayer at the Dimaukom Pink



Mosque (Masjid) in Datu Saudi Ampatuan municipality in Maguindanao. Photo by Mark Navales

Full Story on Page C1


'Crising' now in Lanao del Sur

UBJP gains local party dominance in BARMM

Duterte, Mufti ask BARMM people to shun terror groups

Tropical Depression (TD) Crising is now in the vicinity of the Islamic City of Marawi in the province of Lanao del Sur, and is forecast to bring rains over parts of Mindanao, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said on Friday in its morning bulletin at 8.

The Bangsamoro Justice Party (UBJP), an official political body of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), has gained stronger foothold in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) after all 11 towns mayors in Maguindanao’s first district joined the party as additional member- players lately.

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte has asked local leaders in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) to deny terror-bound groups from seeking or maintaining sanctuary in their respective communities, or else he would declare all-out offensives.


THE BATTLE OF JOLO Jolo was once a progressive town teeming with people from all walks of life. The vibrancy was unmatched, built from scratch by the families that permanently settled in the town. The Garama-Abubakars owned the local Caltex gasoline station, the Lawas ran the renowned Lawa Coffee Shop where people flocked to drink a steaming cup of Kahawa Sug, and Romeo TengBan together with Agrifino Tan operated three of the five major movie theaters. My own family managed Times Coffee Shop where I and many of the locals enjoyed my mother’s cooking — satti, juwalan, and a variety of bread and native delicacies like baulo, wadjit, and pitis patani.



Vol. I, No. 48 | May 14-20, 2021 (Shawwal 2-8, 1442)

Philippine Muslim Today Inc. Co. Reg. No. 2021030008913-02 DATU YUSOPH B. MAMA Chairman, Board of Directors MASIDING NOOR YAHYA President/CEO JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL Vice President for Internal Affairs ALI G. MACABALANG Vice President for External Affairs ROCAYA SUMNDAD OTICAL Treasurer MACOD D. RASCAL Secretary CASAN C. CANA Auditor AMANODING ESMAIL Chairman, Special Committee on Administration & Finance

PHILIPPINE MUSLIM TODAY MASIDING NOOR YAHYA Editor-In-Chief and Publisher JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL Managing Editor Bureau Chief for NCR & CALABARZON Regions ALI G. MACABALANG News Editor Bureau Chief for Bangsamoro & Central Mindanao Regions ROCAYA SUMNDAD OTICAL Bureau Chief for Northern Mindanao & CARAGA Regions JOHNNY R. LEE Bureau Chief for Western Mindanao Region FATIMA ORTIL-JANNARAL Advertising Sales Director for NCR NUR-ALI A. MACABALANG Correspondent AMIR HUSSEIN ABBAS Correspondent COLUMNISTS | WRITERS: ATTY. HOMOBONO A. ADAZA IMADODIN BASAR DIMAO ATTY. JUAN PONCE ENRILE GAMSON JR MAWALLIL QUIJANO JOHNNY R. LEE, Ph.D ATTY. MEHOL K. SADAIN MA. FHEBIE ORTIL DISCLAIMER: Opinion of the writer expressed herein is not necessarily the opinion of Philippine Muslim Today nor of its management. TEMPORARY BUSINESS OFFICE:


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Front page of PHILIPPINE MUSLIM TODAY previous issue.

Observers believe BARMM’s financial assistance has not alleviated poverty incidence in the Bangsamoro..

BTA Extension and BARMM Election Postponement: Bangsamoro People’s Welfare Should be A Priority


s the transition period for the Bangsamoro Transition Authority nears its stipulated end, and now that the scheduled BARMM polls draw near, the clamor for extension and postponement from some quarters provides much food for thought as the matter is being mulled over by the powers that be. For one thing, it is EDITORIAL a truth that in its almost three years of existence, the BTA has yet to make a phenomenal impact on the region and on its constituents. Those who point this out refer to the fact that the BARMM did not have very much to begin with, and hence, the shortcomings. However, other quarters, and justifiably so, point out the fact that three years is already a substantial time for major changes to be made and felt from the halls of power to the humble hut in the most remote corner of the region; time it seems, was not wisely

spent in this case. And while the matter is making ripples and waves through various offered opinions, from the powerful few to the common man on the streets, some important and pressing matters, are being increasingly relegated to the back burner. The raging pandemic has also made matters more complicated. However potentially complex the issue may be, and whatever the outcome of the matter will be, it must be remembered that when people voted a resounding “YES” to the BOL and the BARMM, they did so in good faith that things would be better under the new order compared to its predecessor. They certainly deserve better under these pressing circumstances. At the end of the day the welfare of anyone residing in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao must be the priority, not the meanderings of the few who occupy the corridors of power. PMT

GRATEFULNESS AND REMEMBRANCE As I write this piece, the fast of Ramadan 1442 A.H. has just ended. It is an occasion for thanking and praising ALLAH for guiding us, and allowing us to complete the fast. “Wa litukmilul-iddata wa litukabbirullaaha ‘alaa ma hadaakum wa la-‘allakum tashkurun.” ([He wants you] to complete the prescribed period, and to glorify Him in that He has guided you; and perchance you shall be grateful.”) [Al-Qur’an, Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:185] Gratefulness is a form of remembering, and hence, it is part of our remembrance of ALLAH, or dhikrullah. And we remember ALLAH because of the favors he has bestowed on us, from our creation to our growth and nurturing by our parents and with sustenance all coming from ALLAH. This is succinctly mentioned in Surah AlAnkabut, 29:45 when ALLAH says: “Utlu maa uuhiya ilayka mina l-Kitaabi wa aqimi s-salaah. Inna s-salaata tanhaa ‘ani lfahshaaa-i wa l-munkar; wa la-Zikrullahi Akbar!” (Recite what is sent of the Book by inspiration to thee, and establish regular prayer. Verily, prayer restrains from shameful and evil deeds; and Remembrance of ALLAH is the greatest!”) The emphasis is on “wa la-Zikrullahi Akbar,” or “and the Remembrance of ALLAH is the greatest,” thus showing that it is even greater than

regular prayer. This is because prayer is also a form of remembering ALLAH; hence it is subsumed in the practice of “Remembrance”.

Ijtihad MEHOL K. SADAIN All the prophets of ALLAH display varying forms of gratefulness, but the gratefulness of Prophet Solomon or Sulayman in the Qur’an, for the favors ALLAH has given him, is a gratefulness worth emulating. Hence, when he saw an ant trying to warn its fellow ants to stay out of the way of Sulayman, lest Sulayman’s feet may inadvertently crush them, Prophet Sulayman said: “Rabbi awzi’-niii’an ashkura ni’-matakallatiii ‘an-‘amta ‘alayya wa ‘alaa waalidayya, wa ‘an ‘amala saalihan tarzaahu wa adkhilnii bi-Rahmatika fii ibaadika ssaalihiin.” Here, Prophet Sulayman asks ALLAH to order him to “be grateful” for ALLAH’s “favors on him and his parents”; and so that Sulayman can “work righteousness” and be admitted “to the ranks of (ALLAH’s) righteous servants.” [Surah An-Naml, 27:19] This Qur’anic story of Prophet Sulayman being amused at the apprehension of the ant, but at SADAIN | A11


Vol. I, No. 48 | May 14-20, 2021 (Shawwal 2-8, 1442)

Batanes to Tawi-Tawi


he 30-day fasting in the month of Ramadan is gone. But COVID-19 is still raging. PMT-19 likewise goes in full swing. When we launched the Philippine Muslim Today on June 19, 2020 (PMT-19) and touted as the first Muslim Digital Online Newspaper, it was already in the time of pandemic and only very few people then were tested as COVID19 positive. Now it has reached million already! The maiden issue (Vol. I, No. 1) of PMT came into existence on June 19, 2020. As we reached 52 issues or 52 weeks equivalent to 1 year, pandemic is still here. Hence, just like COVID-19 the acronym

can be called also as PMT-19 although we don’t have a deadly virus. In Shaa Allah, after our 1st year anniversary aside from the online edition, we can have the hard copy edition too. This week is now the 48th issue and with 4 more issues before our 1st Anniversary and hopefully I can already stop sending for Free the Digital Link of PMT-19. Those who are receiving the Digital Link for Free, as Managing Editor I would like to inform you that we will go on already with a Minimal Subscription for you to gain access to the Digital Link of PMT-19.


or a Muslim Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) like me to be working in a Muslim country like Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and State of Qatar is gratifying and a great blessing from Allāh. Simply because these are Muslim countries and I’m a Muslim. In these countries, I find it so convenient to practice my way of life as a believer of the Islamic faith. The truly Islamic environment that warmly welcomed me makes me feel so grateful and elated when I arrived in Riyadh, KSA then Qatar to work as a Radiologic Technologist. I knew I was in the right place and I felt secure knowing that the lifestyle in this country corresponded to my belief. Everywhere I go such as shopping centres, parks, recreational

areas, name it, there are always Masājid or Musalla which can be easily found. In my workplace, there’s a Masjid nearby. Not to mention the Musalla on all the hospital floors. Place of worship for prayer has never become my problem there and even here in Qatar. The Masjid or Musalla hold a special place in every Muslim’s heart. Praying five times every day is an integral part of every Muslim’s life because it is one of the pillars of Islam. One of the most beautiful things about working in KSA is that it is so easy to do Umrah and even Hajj because you are perfectly in the country where the place to do Umrah and Hajj is located. Even if a Muslim expatriate posted in other locations across the Kingdom, reaching

COVID-19 is still raging, PMT-19 goes in full swing

For those Paid Subscription, your cellphone will be given an Exclusive OTP (One Time Password) that is non-transferable. Meaning although the OTP is known by other person still the shared OTP will not work out if it is not on the cellphone earlier programmed by the PMT19 Subscription Team. Sinovac-is it a killer vaccine? It seems that the death of the first Tausug victim of COVID19 Vaccine here in the NCR Plus is still not known to Secretary Francisco Duque, III of the Department of Health (DOH) nor to Vaccine Czar Carlito Galvez, Jr., or to the IATF (Inter Agency

Suara from the Gulf


Task Force) on COVID19. I am referring to the death of the retired Sulu Division of Schools Superintendent Dr. Amy Malbun of the Department of Education (DepEd). I have learned that Dr. Malbun was inoculated with Sinovac the first type of vaccine from China. According to confirmed sources, the retired school official was vaccinated earlier this month of May 2021. Then 5 days later she felt an adverse reactions from Sinovac and relatives brought her immediately to St. Dominic Medical Center along the Aguinaldo Highway in Bacoor City, Cavite. Unfortunately, Dr. Malbun succumbed and died in the said hospi-

tal. But since for us Muslims we always bury our departed love ones at least within the day or within 24 hours he or she passed away there was no autopsy conducted to determine the cause of death. However, after the demise of Dr. Amy Malbun was posted in the Facebook many friends who knew her especially the Tausug from Sulu were worried of what had happened to her. Dr. Benj Bangahan a Tausug medical doctor and former Faculty Member of the College of Medicine of the University of Santo Tomas posted his medical opinion at the Facebook that even a layman can easily understand. By the way Dr. Bangahan used to write a Medical

Column at PMT-19 titled: “My two-cents Rx.” According to Dr. Bangahan “there is wisdom in accurately knowing bodily clinical status that may prove to be a contraindication to vaccination.” “Not all medical treatment or vaccination are be-all and one-all therapeutic regimen, even if previously proven effective and safe to others,” he emphasized. “The dictum is, no two patients are the same, hence it must be kept in mind that each one is different from another in the determination of do's and dont's,” Dr. Bangahan further said. —————— For those who have Comments/Suggestions please send an email to: julmunir1845@gmail.

Advantages for Muslim expatriate working in Muslim countries

Makkah and Madina either traveling by land or air would still be convenient. Sometimes there are philanthropic groups who want to sponsor Umrah and Hajj to Muslim expatriates. It is worth mentioning that even those Muslim OFWs from other GCC countries can also easily travel by land to KSA to perform Umrah. Although in this case, an Umrah visa is already required. Previously, the Mindanao Organization of Overseas Muslim Workers (OMMOW) based in Qatar was known for organizing an Umrah for Muslim OFWs in Qatar every year. I hope and pray when situations warrant, this OMMOW activity will resume again. Abdurahman Habi Bugtong, an OFW in Makkah, Al Mukarramah is blessed enough

because aside from earning financially from his work, he can also render services to the guests of Allāh during Hajj in which he considered as a rewarding experience. He is grateful to Allāh to be able to do the 5th pillar of Islam which is the Hajj. Visiting Al Masjid Al Harām on a regular basis to enjoy the goodness of the place while he is there is one of his favorites. Moreover, Friday is the first day of the weekend here in the Middle East and most OFWs on this day are off from work. With this, attending the Friday congressional prayer for Muslim men would be more hassle-free because it’s an off day. For those with work on Friday morning, like in the hospital, there is Masjid inside or outside the hospital premises where they can attend the Friday congressional prayer.

In addition, during Ramadhān, Muslim employees of these countries benefitted from reduced hours of work. As for us here in Qatar, from 8 hours a day to only 5 hours a day since we are fasting. Ma shā Allāh, this considerate law during Ramadhān are highly commendable. Likewise, when we have a duty during the time for breaking of the fast or pre-dawn meal, no need for us to worry about what food to eat because it will be provided by our employer for gratis. “My most unforgettable experience working here in KSA is when I had the chance to perform Hajj, the 5th pillar of Islam and an ultimate dream of every Muslim. This is a once-in-alifetime opportunity,” shares Karina-Isha Tulawie Y. Said, Tausug OFW in Madina, KSA. She is also one of the COVID-19 OFW tough-

est frontliners. Being born in Madina, the blessed city of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be upon Him), Karina believes the kind of environment she lives in today really matters to her because at times our (her) faith becomes high and low. She do appreciates all people there as how they valued the time of 5x obligatory prayers. “I remember when I entered the bus on our way to Arafat during Hajj, my tears suddenly fell down when I saw everyone wearing Ihram clothing and uttering the words of Tawhid, the Talbiya for Hajj,” Karina reminisces. Just like many Muslim expatriates working in KSA, Mohammad Shah Ahid, an OFWNurse based in Makkah, KSA, is forever grateful that he was able to perform Hajj for SUARA | A4




President Duterte on May 11 flew to Maguindanao and asked local leaders in the Bangsamoro region to deny terror groups or elements of sanctuary in their communities. He was referring particularly to the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF), some 100 combatants of which occupied for more than six hours the market area of Datu Paglas town in Maguindanao and prompted armed clashes with responding soldiers on May 8. He said keeping bandits out of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Min-

danao (BARMM) should be done to prevent him from ordering an all-out military offensive against the BIFF. The BARMM and Maguindanao leaders should not take the Presidential call lightly, and be reminded how harsh such full-scale offensives have left thousands of Maranao families displaced and the city of Marawi in ruin after combined forces of the Dawla Islameiya (Maute group) and the Abu Sayyaf bandits laid siege in the city in 2017. “This cannot go on. If they cannot be stopped and there will

Vol. I, No. 48 | May 14-20, 2021 (Shawwal 2-8, 1442)

Purge local leaders in areas with terror groups

be an all-out offensive, that will be a problem. If I give the order, I will no longer withdraw it,” Duterte told military, police and civilian officials who received him on May 11. “I’m begging you. Help me. Because otherwise, if I give the order for an all-out offensive, it will be bloody and it will be sad,” the President added. During and before the Presidential visit, resident-officials including Maguindanao Rep. Toto Mangudadatu and Grand Mufti Mohammad “Abuhuraira” Udasan have taken turns in condemning the BIFF occupation of the town

marker in the advent of the fasting month of Ramadan. The BARMM leadership, according to a Rappler report, would submit to the President a comprehensive plan to quell decisively the threats and atrocities in parts of Maguindanao caused by the BIFF, especially those espousing the ISIS violent ideology. The plan purportedly crafted by the BARMM cabinet involved two parts: Improved cooperation between troops of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front and military to “defeat BIFF” and “massive development” in the area so that it’s people will support the government and not the

BIFF. The plan’s focal scope is SPMS Box in Maguindanao covering the four towns of Shariff Aguak, Datu Saudi Ampatuan (formerly known as Pagatin), Mamasapano, and Datu Salibo. As I look at it, Duterte’s call cum warning, the local officials’ condemnations and the planned measures lack a basic element. By basic element, I am referring to holding municipal and barangays officials “truly responsible” for the continued stint of BIFF bandits in their respective towns and villages. The President or the BARMM government should suspend or replace elected town and

barangay officials who shall fail to report to authorities the presence in their turfs of terror or bandit groups like the BIFF and Abu Sayyaf. It is very unlikely for municipal or barangay officials to be unaware of the entry or presence of lawless people in their turfs. Their failure to report out the presence of such dangerous people should be interpreted as act of coddling. And coddling lawless people or fugitives is punishable by law. One penalty is replacement or suspension. It’s time to call spade a spade! AGM

SUARA | from Page A3

Advantages for Muslim expatriate working in Muslim countries gratis. Likewise, whenever he is available, he can always perform Umrah because he is living just within the sanctuary of Haram. “Being chosen to work inside the sanctuary of Haram is a great honor because Al Masjid Al Haraam is easily accessible to me. I can go there anytime I’m free,” narrated Mohammad Shah. In these countries,

we have also the great chance of studying Islamic education for free. Although in other Islamic universities, you need to pay for enrollment. During the old normal days, when it’s weekend here in Qatar, there were some free Islamic classes organized by some Filipino groups in collaboration with the local authorities here. Through it, you’ll be able to learn more

about Islam because numerous subjects were being taught by some OFW volunteers who had the sound knowledge about Islam. Similarly, in KSA, there are many Islamic centers where Muslim OFWs can enroll for free to learn the beautiful teachings of Islam. During these classes, it is a great opportunity for everyone to also meet new friends and

other “Kababayan” who belong to the same tribe. Today, as a result of COVID-19 restrictions, courses are held virtually. “I feel blessed to be working in a Muslim country like Qatar for so many reasons. The simultaneous and beautiful adhan (call to prayer) you hear when it’s time to pray is a perfect example. It reminds me of my obligation as a Mus-

lim and that’s something big for me, that even I am at work, at the mall or gym or even stuck at the traffic, that beautiful sound reminds me that this is all dunya and there’s something more significant we have to be minful for,” marveled Aldhakeel Amjad Tulawie, Tausug OFW in Qatar. From Qatar, Aldhakeel had a chance to visit KSA to perform Umrah.

Indeed, working in these countries would not only be beneficial for our worldly affairs but most importantly for our hereafter. Likewise, our fellow non-Muslim OFWs benefitted from these countries the other way around such as here in Qatar, a Muslim country, they are working in a country considered as one of the safest countries in the world. PMT

Muslims in Dagupan celebrate end of Ramadan DAGUPAN CITY – Some 200 Muslims residing in the central part of this city joined their fellow Muslims all over the country and in different parts of the world in offering special prayers on Thursday morning for the Eid al-Fitr or “the feast breaking the fast”, the culmination of Ramadan. Imam Hassim Asal, who led the offering of prayers, said they requested from the city government for the use of the city plaza as it could accommodate a good number of participants, and it is easier to set up a special prayer area for the women and children. This congregation of Muslims has their masjid or mosque Sitio Nueva at Barangay II and III here. He said as compared in the past years before the pandemic, attendance in this year’s Eid alFitr was lesser for safety reasons while some families opted to hold Eid or feast at their own residences. Imam Asal’s sermon on Thursday centered on love for parents and asking for forgiveness.

“Hindi dapat maputol ang koneksyon mo sa pamilya mo o kamag-anak mo, ito ay napakahalaga (Connection to the family or to your relatives should not be disconnected as it is very important),” he said in an interview. Aside from the Filipino Muslims residing in the city, also in attendance are some Pakistani students and businessmen, and other nationalities. Imam Asal said “Iftar” or the evening meal starts past 6 p.m. at the time the sun sets and at about 8 p.m., they stop the evening meal for the “taraweeh” or prayer offering which may last until 9:30 p.m. during their Ramadan. “Sa maghapon ay bawal kumain at uminom. Paano ma-sustain ang lakas sa maghapon? Kung minamahal mo ang isang bagay, hindi ka mahihirapan. Bawal din ang pagtabi sa asawa, mga paggawa ng hindi maganda, bawal ang mga ito sa araw ng Ramadan. Ang ginagawa namin, nag-aalay ng pagbasa ng Qur'an, o kaya pagsamba naming sa Allah Otala, ganon din ang mga ibang gawain na mas lalapit sa Allah Otala (Eating and

drinking are not allowed the whole day. How to sustain one’s strength throughout the day? If you love something, it will not be that difficult. Lying with your spouse, doing unwanted deeds, are prohibited during Ramadan. What we do is to offer and read the Qur’an or worship of Allah Otala, as well as other things that bring us closer to Allah Otala),” he said. Eid al-Fitr is a non-working holiday in the country. Liwayway Yparraguirre /PNA

Across The Nation

PRRD tells Pinoys to forego fiesta celebrations MANILA – President Rodrigo Duterte on Thursday told the public to skip fiesta celebrations and similar gatherings amid the prevailing coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic. Duterte made the call in a taped public address, as he acknowledged that different parts of the country are used to holding annual festivals every May. “Sinasabi ko lang na Mayo, maraming fiesta (I am saying that there are so many festivals in May),” he said. “I do not attribute it to any other particular region or what but there are a lot of fiestas kasi (because we are in a) predominantly country. So, ang hinihingi ko (So, what I am asking) is that you only not tone down but forgo kasi may batas (because we are implementing the law). Forgo to congregate, to crowd and to hold [fiesta].” His statement came, after he decided to relax the quarantine restrictions in the National Capital Region Plus (NCR Plus) composed of Metro Manila, Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, and Rizal. NCR Plus will be placed under general community quarantine “with heightened restrictions” from May 15 to 31. Duterte reminded fellow Filipinos that he would not tolerate any individuals who will defy the existing health and quarantine protocols imposed by the government to avoid another surge in Covid19 infections. “Be mindful of that because we are still in pandemic and there is no way of knowing how long this would last in this planet. I will not allow the violations of the guidelines given by the task force,” he said. Duterte also reiterated that he would punish accountable local officials who would fail to enforce the minimum public health standards. “I will hold local governments down to the last barangay (village) level and therefore, it could only be the barangay (village) captains. I will hold you responsible for any violation sa mga itong mga batas na hindi natutupad (for the laws that are being violated),” he said. Follow protocols Duterte told the public to continue observing the health and quarantine rules to keep them safe from Covid-19. Filipinos’ failure to follow protocols would only lead to another spike in Covid-19 infections, Duterte said. “You go out, you just go hunting for those virus to enter your body and pass it on, and that is a problem. So nakikiusap ako (So I am asking you), and I said there are a lot of fiestas, which you would like to hold. The problem is there is also the consequence, which you must be mindful of,” he said. ‘Super spreader’ Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Panelo, who joined the meeting with Duterte virtually, warned of “super spreader events,” should people continue to gather despite the threat posed by Covid-19. “‘Yun ay super spreader. Talagang kapag nagkaroon ng mga pagtitipon, pagsasama-sama ng mga tao, talagang doon nagsisimula ang paghahawa ng bawat isa (That is super spreader. If you hold gatherings, that would trigger a surge in coronavirus infections),” Panelo said. Panelo said public cooperation is necessary to boost the country’s ongoing fight against Covid19. “Kailangan tayo ay magkaisa. Ang kalaban natin ay pandemic (We should be united. Our enemy is the pandemic),” he said. “Kaya ang huling panawagan natin, sana ay magkaisa na po tayo. Tayo ay sumunod (So our call is let us be united. We should follow).” The Philippines on Thursday reported 6,384 new daily Covid-19 cases, bringing the total active case count to 55,260. Around 1,050,643 coronavirus-infected individuals have already recovered, while 18,821 have died. RUTH ABBEY GITA-CARLOS/PNA

Vol. I, No. 48 | May 14-20, 2021 (Shawwal 2-8, 1442)


Duterte, Mufti ask BARMM people to shun terror groups By ALI G. MACABALANG


OTABATO CITY – President Rordigo Duterte has asked local leaders in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) to deny terror-bound The President made the call in his visit at the headquarters of the Army’s 6th Infantry Division (6ID) in Awang, Datu Odin Sinsuat, Maguindanao on Tuesday, May 11, three days after combatants of the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) swarmed Datu Paglas town and occupied the municipal market area for at least six hours. He said keeping the bandits out of the BARMM would prevent him from ordering a fullscale military offensive against the BIFF, something some peace stakeholders feared as possible repeat of the mass destruction and displacement in Marawi City in 2017. “This cannot go on. If they cannot be stopped and there will be an all-out offensive, that will be a problem. If I give the order, I will no longer withdraw it,” Duterte told top BARMM civilian, police and military officials who welcomed him on Tuesday. “I’m begging you. Help me. Because otherwise, if I give the order for an all-out offensive, it will be bloody and it will be sad,” the President added. “I don’t want to kill Muslims. I don’t want to kill Christians. I want a peaceful life for all of us in the world,” Duterte said. BARMM officials led by Chief Minister Ahod “Hadji Murad” Ebrahim, who attended the Presidential visit, could not be reached for reaction about Duterte’s call. Only Sheikh Mohammad “Abuhuraira” Udasan, BARMM’s spiritual leader or grand mufti, came up with a statement that was posted in Facebook pages alongside the Presidential remarks. Udasan’s statement cited some verses in

groups from seeking or maintaining sanctuary in their respective communities, or else he would declare all-out offensives.

DENY TERRORISTS SANCTUARIES IN BARMM. PRRD speaks at the 6th Infantry Division Headquarters in Datu Odin Sinsuat, Maguindanao on May 11, with the company Senator Bong Go and BARMM Chief Minister Ahod “Hadji Murad” Ebrahim. (Photo supplied) the Holy Qur’an which prescribe for all faithful Muslims to shun people or groups of violent propensity such as the BIFF in Maguindanao and the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) in Sulu region. Duterte’s visit came three days after some 100 BIFF rebels occupied a market area in Datu Paglas, Maguindanao for at least six hours last May 8 and prompted exchanges of bullets with responding state security forces. The rebels’ siege of the town market, which came as a surprise for most people in Maguindanao amid the advent of Ramadan fasting, was heralded first through a Facebook tip by former Rajah Buayan mayor, now Agriculture Usec. Zamzamin Ampatuan. Local leaders including Maguindanao 2nd District Rep. Esmael “Toto” Mangudadatu have since taken turns in airing condemnations of the incident, describing it as taboo in the observance of Ramadan fast. Rep. Mangudadatu was interviewed by local media workers, who produced video clips showing him in the company of civilian and military contingents girding to respond to

Datu Paglas town a few kilometers away. A day later, the military reported having cleared the Datu Paglas poblacion after a firefight with the rebels, saying the attackers belonged to one of the three BIFF factions under Mohiden Animbang alias “Kumander Karialan.” The two other factions are reportedly led by Ismael Abubakar, alias “Imam Bongos,” and Esmael Abdulmalik alias “Abu Toraife.” On Thursday, Brig. Gen. Roy Galido, head of the Army’s 601st Brigade, reported that pursuing soldiers have killed four of the rebels and wounded another At the 6ID Headquarters on Tuesday, Chief Minister Ebrahim and his cabinet were expected to present to President Duterte a comprehensive plan to curb violence by extremist groups in the region during their meeting with him on Tuesday, the Rappler online news said. “We are set to present to him a proposal to decisively address the conflict in the SPMS Box caused by BIFFand ISIS-inspired Turaife group,” the online news quoted BARM Interior and Local Government Minister Naguib Sinarimbo as saying.

The plan crafted and approved by the Bangsamoro cabinet involved two parts, said Sinarimbo: Improved cooperation between troops of the MILF and Philippine military to “defeat BIFF” and “massive development” in the area so that it’s people will support the government and not the BIFF. SPMS Box is a military classified area referring to areas near Liguasan Marsh in Maguindanao composed of the four towns of Shariff Aguak, Datu Saudi Ampatuan (formerly known as Pagatin), Mamasapano, and Datu Salibo. It is known as a stronghold of the BIFF, a militant group responsible for much violence and attacks on government forces. The BIFF, before it splintered to three factions, was formed by Ustaz Ameril Umbrah Kato after he bolted from the Moro Islamic Liberation Front after the MILF leadership opted to pursue autonomy in lieu of independence. Chief Minister Ebrahim, who chairs the MILF central committee, had announced two years ago that his leadership was pursuing informal back channel DUTERTE | A10


Across Mindanao

Salapuddin reposts on China vaccine guidelines as a responsible citizen

Vol. I, No. 48 | May 14-20, 2021 (Shawwal 2-8, 1442)

'Crising' now in Lanao Sur



AVAO CITY — The administrator and chief executive officer (CEO) of the Southern Philippines Development Authority (SPDA) based in this city reposted Abdulghani “Gerry” Salapuddin apparently is not talking as SPDA administrator/CEO but as responsible citizen considering that the health protocols are not within the mandates of his agency. Salapuddin is so worried that the government is not transparent with the general public as far as the clear guidelines of COVID-19 vaccines are concerned. “We should worry why our own government is not issuing these to the general public,” Salapuddin said. He said in fact there is a stern warning reminding all netizens to consider the guidelines set by Beijing’s Vaccine Prevention Center before taking any vaccine, whether for your own sake or for your family’s. But Salapuddin mentioned that there is a gentle reminder from Hong Kong Specialist: Those who suffer stroke is not advisable to take the vaccine. In the same manner he said, Beijing City Vaccine Prevention Center list down the requirements for vaccination: 1. Those with malignant tumor are not fit to inoculate/vaccinate. 2. Those people taking maintenance pills for High Blood Pressure, Diabetes are not fit to vaccinate. 3. Those qualify for mental health like Depression is not suitable to vaccinate. 4. Those with hereditary diseases like Albinism are not suitable to vaccinate.

5. Those with unstable Cardiovascular diseases are not suitable to inoculate. 6. Those underwent operation such as Coronary Bypass are not fit to vaccinate. 7. Those who are recovering from major surgery are not fit to inoculate. 8. Those who used Blood products and immunosupressive within the last three months are not suitable to vaccinate. 9. Those taking Euthyrox are not suitable to inoculate. 10. Pregnant women in their first to second trimester are not fit to vaccinate. 11. Those taking long term immunosuppressive drugs are not fit to vaccinate. 12. Those suffer from Moderate to severe anemic should not be inoculated. 13. Those taking antiviral and antibiotics drugs within three months time can be vaccinated after one to two weeks once the drugs stop, and no symptoms persist. 14. Those with Hepatitis B and Helicobacter Putlori can’t be vaccinated. 15. Those people with stable high blood pressure of 140/90 below can be vaccinated. 16. Those with root origin from Flu prevention are prohibited to inoculate. 17. Those people vaccinated with Flu virus can be inoculated after quarantine of 9-14 days. In view of these reminders, the people of Mindanao to include Davao City and the

China’s guidelines for Sinovac vaccination in his capacity as responsible citizen and not as a government official.

Abdulghani ‘Gerry’ Ajul Salapuddin Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) are now worried especially that there are vaccines that are proven to have adverse effects although the primordial concerns of the government ordered these vaccines from abroad due to their quality and efficacy as a form of antigen and a cure for those inoculated to have an immunity to fight the dreaded Coronavirus. In a related news report, one should read also a related news story regarding the adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccines, which reads: “COVID-19 vaccine alleged adverse effect claims the life of the first Muslim victim, a Tausug from Sulu.” This is in the case of Dr. Amy Malbun, a retired Sulu division of schools superintendent of the Department of Education (DepEd) of the defunct Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM). Accordingly the COVID-19 vaccine inoculated on her was suspected to have adverse effects and claimed her life. Instead the vaccines are presumed to have antigen and perceived to be a cure and can

boost the immune systems of the persons who got the vaccine jabs, but proved to be the other way around for it has became the cause of an accident that entails the curtailment of one’s life. Thus, relatives and friends of Dr. Malbun suspected the vaccine inoculated on her 5 days earlier could have adverse effects on her body system. The said former DepEd-ARMM official succumbed to COVID-19 vaccine after she got inoculated and died at a hospital in Manila 5 days after on last Sunday, May 2. Dr. Benj Bangahan, a former faculty member of the College of Medicine of the University of Santos Tomas (UST) and used to be a Medical Columnist of the Philippine Muslim Today also explained his medical opinion in his Facebook timeline. According to Dr. Bangahan “there is wisdom in accurately knowing bodily clinical status that may prove to be a contraindication to vaccination.” “Not all medical treatment or vaccination are be-all and one-all therapeutic regimen, even if previously proven effective and safe to others,” he emphasized. “The dictum is, no two patients are the same, hence it must be kept in mind that each one is different from another in the determination of do’s and dont’s,” Dr. Bangahan further said. JIJSPDA administrator reposts China’s guidelines on vaccines not as government official but as a responsible citizen. JIJ

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Track of Tropical Depression Crising (PAGASA)


LIGAN CITY — Tropical Depression (TD) Crising is now in the vicinity of Marawi City, Lanao del Sur, and is forecast to bring rains over parts of Mindanao, the weather bureau said Friday. In its 8 a.m. bulletin, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said "Crising" accelerated, moving west-northwestward at 15 kph. It packs maximum sustained winds of 45 kph near the center, and gustiness of up to 75 kph. Light to moderate, with at times heavy rains may be experienced over the Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Oriental, Davao de Oro, Davao del Norte, Davao City, Davao del Sur, Cotabato, Maguindanao, Bukidnon, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, and Misamis Occidental. Isolated flash flooding and rain-induced landslides are possible during heavy or prolonged rainfall, PAGASA said. Meanwhile, tropical cyclone wind signal no. 1 was hoisted over the southeastern portion of Negros Oriental (Dumaguete City, Valencia, Sibulan, Santa Catalina, Siaton, Zamboanguita, Dauin, Bacong) and Siquijor; the western portion of Misamis Oriental (Jasaan, Villanueva, Tagoloan, Cagayan de Oro City, Opol, City of El Salvador, Alubijid, Manticao, Lugait, Naawan, Initao, Libertad, Gitagum, Laguindingan), the western portion of Bukidnon (Manolo Fortich, Sumilao, Pangantucan, Kalilangan, Talakag, Baungon, Libona), the northwestern portion of Cotabato (Banisilan, Alamada), the northern portion of Maguindanao (Matanog, Barira, Buldon), Lanao del Sur, Lanao del Norte, Misamis Occidental, the northeastern portion of Zamboanga del Sur (Midsalip, Sominot, Dumingag, Molave, Mahayag, Josefina, Tambulig, Ramon Magsaysay, Aurora, Tukuran, Labangan), and the northeastern portion of Zamboanga del Norte (Sergio Osmeña Sr., Katipunan, Pres. Manuel A. Roxas, Jose Dalman, Manukan, Dipolog City, Polanco, Piñan, Mutia, Dapitan City, Sibutad, Rizal, La Libertad). Strong breeze conditions, moderate to rough seas are likely over these areas. Mariners of small seacraft are advised not to venture out over the waters in these areas PAGASA/PNA


Across BARMM

Vol. I, No. 48 | May 14-20, 2021 (Shawwal 2-8, 1442)

UBJP gains local party dominance in BARMM


Two BIFF bomb couriers involved in the invasion of Datu Paglas town market captured



OTABATO CITY — The Bangsamoro Justice Party (UBJP), an official political body of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), has gained stronger foothold in the The entry of the 11 incumbent mayors came so essential that no less than MILF Chairman and BARMM interim Chief Minister Ahod “Hadji Murad” Ebrahim warmly welcomed and administered their oath of allegiance in formal ceremony at Camp Darapanan in Simuay, Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao on May 8, Saturday, party sources said. Ebrahim, sitting as UBJP president, swore in Mayors Shameem Mastura of Sultan Kudarat, Marshal Sinsuat of Datu Blah Sinsuat, Abolais Manalao of Buldon, Ramil Dilangalen of Northern Kabuntalan, Ramon Piang of Upi, Salaban Diocolano of Mother Kabuntalan, Cahar Ibay of Parang, Cherry Sinsuat of Datu Odin Sinsuat, Abdulraof Tomawis of Barira, Mohammad “Kits” Guro of Matanog

Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) after all 11 towns mayors in Maguindanao’s first district joined the party as additional member- players lately.

SWEARING IN OF UBJP NEW MEMBERS: Mass oathtaking of all 11 mayors in Maguindanao’s first district as new members of the UBJP before party president and BARMM Chief Minister Ahod “Hadji Murad” Ebrahim and eventual executive meeting on May 8 at the MILF’s Camp Darapanan in Sultan Kudarat town. (Supplied Photos)

Mayor, and Abdulrauf Mastura of Sultan Mastura.

After the oath-taking rite, Ebrahim held an executive meeting with

the 11 mayors accompanied by some vice mayors as well as Maguindanao Vice Giernor Lester Mastura and BARMM Parliament Member Tocao Mastura, a veteran politician who has ruled the then undivided Sultan Kudarat town for several years as mayor, party sources said. The Chief Minister “congratulated the new members and urged them to play an important role in the push for moral governance in the region,” said Naguib Sinarimbo, incumbent BARMM minister for Interior and Local Government, who witnessed both the oath-taking rite and subsequent meeting. Saturday’s event saw the third batch of incumbent elected officials to have joined the UBJP, according to UBJP | A11

BARMM suspends work on Friday due to Typhoon Crising By AMIR HUSSEIN ABBAS COTABATO CITY — The Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) has suspended work in the autonomous region on Friday, May 14, 2021, due to Typhoon Crising. In an advisory posted in its website, Bangsamoro Interim Chief minister Anhod B. Ebrahim said, “Work in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao is hereby suspended today, 14 May 2021 (2 Shawwal 1442 A.H.) due to Typhoon Crising.” Offices directly involved in disaster risk reduction and management, peace and security, delivery of basic and health services, and other vital services shall maintain their operations to ensure continuity of public service in the region. The advisory said suspension of work in private companies shall be left to the discretion of their management but is highly encouraged. With BIO

ARRESTED BOMB COURIERS: Members of the Philippine National Police-Criminal Investigation Detection Group in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region (CIDGBAR) fix the handcuffs of the arrested BIFF militants who are also bomb couriers. They are identified as Jerwali Salem Zabel (right) Nasrullah Abdullah Walingan (left). They were intercepted by the MILF who were conducting checkpoint after they invaded Datu Paglas municipality. Photo by MARK NAVALES COTABATO CITY: Two members of the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) involved in the invasion of Datu Paglas town market in Maguindanao and suspected too as bomb couriers were captured a day after they invaded Datu Paglas, sources from the military said. Brig. Gen. Roy Galido, commander of the 601st Infantry Brigade said the BIFF militants were headed by Abu Karialan where they engaged in gun battle with the Philippine Army for six hours before they retreated over the weekend. Galido said the two BIFF members were actually arrested by the members of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) who intercepted them a day after the invasion. He identified the BIFF militants as Jerwali Salem Zabel, 32, and Nasrullah Abdullah Walingan, 24. They were arrested by the former MILF members at the village of Mangadeg in Datu Paglas. “The suspects admitted that they were supposed to deliver food to their companions that are continuously being hunted by government forces,” Galido said, adding two improvised explosive devices (IED’s) and a 45 caliber pistol were confiscated from the suspects. It can be recalled that last Saturday, the BIFF militants, a breakaway of the MILF, entered the town of Datu Paglas and took over the main public market, engaged in running gun battle with government security forces until they retreated towards the marshland areas. Also on the same day, soldiers conducting a combat clearing operation in the nearby town of Pandag, also in Maguindanao, recovered assorted weapons and ammunition believed to be owned by the militants. Galido said the Philippine National PoliceCriminal Investigation and Detection Group in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region (CIDG-BAR) took custody of the suspects working under Commander Karialan of BIFF. Lt. Col. John Paul Baldomar, the local military spokesman, said the security sector has still the control of the situation while pursuing BIFF militants on the ground. “We have intensified our operation against these militants in the past few months,” Baldomar said, adding the latest encounter that occurred on Sunday in the marshland near Datu Paglas. The military said there were no reports of any hostages being taken during the militants’ siege of the market and ground troops recovered four improvised bombs, which the BIFF militants had planted around the town. In 2019, the BIFF was blamed for a series of bomb attacks in the south, including on a town market and at a restaurant in the town of Isulan that injured eight and 18 respectively. BIFF | A11

A8 BARMM posts 4K+ approved business registrations COTABATO CITY — The Bureau of Trade and Industry (BTI) under the Ministry of Trade, Investments and Tourism (MTIT) has recorded a total of 4,740 approved Business Name Registrations (BNRs) across the Bangsamoro region as of first quarter of 2021. Despite the ongoing public health crisis due to Covid-19 pandemic, the Ministry registered more than 300% of Business Names in the entire Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) compared to 1,251 BNRs recorded during the 1st quarter of 2020. The MTIT said BARMM has generated P423,242,612.00 worth of investments and 10,109 employment as of 1st quarter of 2021. It attributed the increase due to the intensive campaign of the Ministry in registering business names and the backing of MTIT Provincial Offices to the Business One Stop Shop (BOSS) activity of the Local Government Units (LGUs) in the region. Recent data showed that the key growing sectors amid Covid-19 crisis include financial and insurance services, construction, professional services, transport, storage, health, and food services. MTIT Minister Abuamri Taddik noted during the celebration of Bangsamoro Labor Day on May 1, the ministry has been doing its part to sustain socio-economic development suitable to the systems of life, needs, and aspirations of the Bangsamoro People. “This is through bringing the inclusive services to communities, ensuring the implementation of laws provided in the Bangsamoro Organic Law, ensuring multi-stakeholder participation and facilitating appropriate partnership,” Taddik said in a statement released by the Bangsamoro Information Office. Meanwhile, Dir. Hussein Biruar of BTI said that despite the threat of the pandemic, “we encourage the MSMEs to continue their businesses especially those essential commodities.” However, Biruar reminds the enterprises and establishments to observe the minimum health protocols and adjust to the new normal. ALI G. MACABALANG

Lanao del Sur IATF suspends Eid’l Fitr mass gatherings MARAWI CITY — Congregational prayers in mosques including mass outdoor congregation prayers related to the celebration of Eid'l Fitr (Feast of Ramadhan) have been suspended by the Lanao del Sur Provincial Inter-Agency TaskForce (PIATF) on Emerging Infectious Diseases. In Resolution No.06, series of 2021, the PIATF imposed a temporary ban on mass congregations and gatherings to protect the public from the highly contagious coronavirus disease (COVID)-19. The PIATF issued the resolution following a consultative meeting with the Provincial Ulama Council and the Ulama Council of Marawi City. Under the resolution, the PIATF directed that the Eid'l Fitr prayer shall be performed privately at home with immediate family members. Celebration at residences with any person outside of one's immediate household is highly discouraged. The PIATF also enjoined Muslim constituents in the province to celebrate Eid'l Fitr without sacrificing the observance of the minimum health standards and protocols. On Monday, the Bangsamoro IATF issued an advisory empowering Provincial IATFs in the Bangsamoro region to adopt in consultation with religious leaders a policy on the conduct of Eid'l Fitr congregation prayer and other related gatherings based on the actual COVID-19 situation in their respective locality. PHILIPPINE INFORMATION AGENCY

Across BARMM

Vol. I, No. 48 | May 14-20, 2021 (Shawwal 2-8, 1442)

Duterte, Mufti ask BARMM people to shun terror groups By ALI G. MACABALANG


OTABATO CITY – President Rodrigo Duterte has asked local leaders in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) to deny terror-bound groups from seeking or maintaining sanctuary in their respective communities, or else he would declare all-out offensives. The President made the call in his visit at the headquarters of the Army’s 6th Infantry Division (6ID) in Awang, Datu Odin Sinsuat, Maguindanao on Tuesday, May 11, three days after combatants of the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) swarmed Datu Paglas town and occupied the municipal market area for at least six hours. He said keeping the bandits out of the BARMM would prevent him from ordering a fullscale military offensive against the BIFF, something some peace stakeholders feared as possible repeat of the mass destruction and displacement in Marawi City in 2017. “This cannot go on. If they cannot be stopped and there will be an all-out offensive, that will be a problem. If I give the order, I will no longer withdraw it,” Duterte told top BARMM civilian, police and military officials who welcomed him on Tuesday. “I’m begging you. Help me. Because otherwise, if I give the order for an all-out offensive, it will be bloody and it will be sad,” the President added. “I don’t want to kill Muslims. I don’t want to kill Christians. I want a peaceful life for all of us in the world,” Duterte said. BARMM officials led by Chief Minister Ahod “Hadji Murad” Ebrahim, who attended the Presidential visit, could not be reached for reaction about Duterte’s call. Only Sheikh Mohammad “Abuhuraira” Udasan, BARMM’s spiritual leader or grand mufti, came up with a statement that was posted in Facebook pages alongside the Presidential remarks. Udasan’s statement cited some verses in the Holy Qur’an which prescribe for all faithful Muslims to shun people or groups of violent propensity such as the BIFF in Maguindanao and the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) in Sulu region.

DENY TERRORISTS SANCTUARIES IN BARMM. PRRD speak at the 6th Infantry Division Headquarters in Datu Odin Sinsuat, Maguindanao on May 11, with the company Senator Bong Go and BARMM Chief Minister Ahod “Hadji Murad” Ebrahim. (Photos supplied) Duterte’s visit came three days after some 100 BIFF rebels occupied a market area in Datu Paglas, Maguindanao for at least six hours last May 8 and prompted exchanges of bullets with responding state security forces. The rebels’ siege of the town market, which came as a surprise for most people in Maguindanao amid the advent of Ramadan fasting, was heralded first through a Facebook tip by former Rajah Buayan mayor, now Agriculture Usec. Zamzamin Ampatuan. Local leaders including Maguindanao 2nd District Rep. Esmael “Toto” Mangudadatu have since taken turns in airing condemnations of the incident, describing it as taboo in the observance of Ramadan fast. Rep. Mangudadatu was interviewed by local media workers, who produced video clips showing him in the company of civilian and military contingents girding to respond to Datu Paglas town a few kilometers away. A day later, the military reported having cleared the Datu Paglas poblacion after a firefight with the rebels, saying the attackers belonged to one of the three BIFF factions under Mohiden Animbang alias “Kumander Karialan.” The two other factions are reportedly led by Ismael Abubakar, alias “Imam Bongos,” and Esmael Abdulmalik alias “Abu Toraife.” On Thursday, Brig. Gen. Roy Galido, head of the Army’s 601st Brigade, reported that pursuing soldiers have killed four of the rebels and wounded another At the 6ID Headquarters on Tuesday, Chief Minister Ebrahim and his cabinet were expected to present to President Duterte a comprehensive plan to curb violence by extremist groups in the region during their meeting with him on Tuesday, the Rappler

online news said. “We are set to present to him a proposal to decisively address the conflict in the SPMS Box caused by BIFFand ISISinspired Turaife group,” the online news quoted BARM Interior and Local Government Minister Naguib Sinarimbo as saying. The plan crafted and approved by the Bangsamoro cabinet involved two parts, said Sinarimbo: Improved cooperation between troops of the MILF and Philippine military to “defeat BIFF” and “massive development” in the area so that it’s people will support the government and not the BIFF. SPMS Box is a military classified area referring to areas near Liguasan Marsh in Maguindanao composed of the four towns of Shariff Aguak, Datu Saudi Ampatuan (formerly known as Pagatin), Mamasapano, and Datu Salibo. It is known as a stronghold of the BIFF, a militant group responsible for much violence and attacks on government forces. The BIFF, before it splintered to three factions, was formed by Ustaz Ameril Umbrah Kato after he bolted from the Moro Islamic Liberation Front after the MILF leadership opted to pursue autonomy in lieu of independence. Chief Minister Ebrahim, who chairs the MILF central committee, had announced two years ago that his leadership was pursuing informal back channel talks with two of the BIFF factions. He said the one of the BIFF factions had “closed” any possible room for its members to return to the folds of the law. Since 2019, military and civilian establishments have been reporting gradual surrenders of BIFF men in batches. AGM

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Rhyme and Others

Vol. I, No. 48 | May 14-20, 2021 (Shawwal 2-8, 1442)

Special Feature:





With love and gratitude, To my daughters Jihan and Shariz, My son Jibran and my youngest daughter Kim, who is a shadow of mine.

“…the herculean effort to forget would be threatened by memory desperate to stay alive” — Beloved, Toni Morrison


olo was once a progressive town teeming with people from all walks of life. The vibrancy was unmatched, built from scratch by the families that permanently settled in the town. The GaramaAbubakars owned the local Caltex gasoline station, the Lawas ran the renowned Lawa Coffee Shop where people flocked to drink a steaming cup of Kahawa Sug, and Romeo TengBan together with Agrifino Tan operated three of the five major movie theaters. My own family managed Times Coffee Shop where I and many of the locals enjoyed my mother’s cooking – satti, juwalan, and a variety of bread and native delicacies like baulo, wadjit, and pitis patanih. In spite the sudden eruption of conflict when martial law was declared in September 1972, the town remained calm and unperturbed. Little did its residents knew that this relative calm was going to be shattered by a sudden turn of events a little over one year after. 10 PM, February 6, 1974 On the evening of February 6, 1974, the simple routine that marked our way of life changed. What we had built over decades came crumbling down in a blink of an eye. The silence that blanketed the neighborhood at night was broken by loud banging on the door of my family home followed by a desperate voice calling my name. Ronnie! Ronnie! With panic gripping my chest and trepidation with every step, I hurried to the door and unlocked it. ”The rebels have occupied the town!”exclaimed Art, a childhood playmate whom I treated like my brother. He lived in a barangay, almost a kilometer away, and ran through the dark streets to relay this piece of news to us. Moments later, my grandfather, Apuh Yahya, arrived. He had embarked on a long trek from the Danag area which was six to seven kilometers from the town proper we called Daa’ira. He knew earlier than most, and told us of the same recent events. After listening to him, we decided it will be safer to move out of the house. Piles of clothes, photographs, and other personal items were strewn all over the floor as my family scrambled to pack essentials in old rice sacks and small boxes. I was bathed in a cold sweat and was at a loss as I carefully stored delicate and precious old photos in a brown envelope. By 4 AM, we had already packed most of what we needed. How were we to carry all our belongings and mementos as we evacuated? I expressed this sentiment aloud, and my mother, who had her hands full, asked, “where will we go?” Before I could think of an answer, we heard a loud gunshot pierce the silent morning. Blood had already been spilled even before dawn had arrived. Later on, word spread that a local policeman had been killed in the nearby Plaza Tulay. At 5:30 am, I went downstairs and out to the main street where folks, both strangers and friends, were walking towards the northern side of town, Bus-Bus and the Lambayung water spring while others headed for the eastern border of the Patikul area, backs weighed down by personal belongings and uncertainty, pulling along bleary-eyed children, abandoning the comforts of their homes. Everyone moved in haste in a frantic attempt to escape the looming danger of war. In the next few days, anxiety and fear walked among theterrified townspeople of Jolo. Everyone’s nightmare had been realized. And it all happened before my eyes. ***** The civilian populace was more apprehensive about the military given the hostile takeover of Jolo by the AFP since the conflict started late in 1972. There were many unreported cases of military harassment, pillage, rape, execution, and massacre in the outskirts of the town of Jolo and adjacent islands. Military atrocities against

innocent civilians became by-words among the Joloanos. Blood would continue to soak the sacred soil of our forefathers. The Moro National Liberation Front mujahideen entered the town through the southern sector of the town in Kilometer 2 at the break of dawn. Commander Hadji Ban and his group completely occupied the stretch of Moore Avenue or Alat to the locals. Another group of rebels led by Commander Asmala Halil continued their march towards the airport where the AFP Tabak Division Base Camp was located. A long line of heavily armed rebels passed by our house who, by the looks of it, probably waded through the shallow portion of Tanjung Beach along Indanan. Another group led by Commander Ibba went straight to the Asturias PC compound where the elite 477th camp was situated just at the back of Tigbao water spring. Another group of battle-tested mujaheddin led by Commander Salli positioned themselves near the airport ready to lay siege to the nearby Philippine Air Force base. A large group of hardened rebels also assembled in the town plaza, some of whom were my schoolmates who joined the movement. We shook hands and embraced each other tightly like comrades in arms and shouted in unison, “Allahu Akbar!”. As I curiously watched the rebels crowding the Plaza Center near Hep Chong Loong Bakery, a DC-3 Swift passenger plane appeared on the horizon. Dozens of rebels trained their automatic weapons to the sky. But before any damage could be inflicted upon the unsuspecting aircraft, one of the commanders exclaimed, “Do not shoot it! It’s a commercial plane!” It was Swift’s early morning flight from Zamboanga, servicing daily the Zamboanga-Jolo lucrative route. It flew back to Zamboanga after receiving emergency instructions from the Jolo Control tower. There were thick crowds of onlookers outside Hong Hing bakery and the nearby Pun Tao Kong temple building. An hour later, an Army DC-3 plane suddenly flew overhead, circling once, and then it came back, flying at a much lower altitude. A deafening burst of heavy ground fire directed at the low-flying aircraft forced it to veer toward the coastal area. It flew back to Zamboanga City, more than 70 nautical miles away, and made an emergency landing at the Edwin Andrews Air Base. According to the news, a high-ranking General was on board, and while he remained unscathed by the sudden heavy spray of bullets, the aircraft was not as lucky. Both wings and fuselage were peppered with bullet holes. A young rebel leader armed with a .30 caliber machine gun with hundreds of rounds of ammo, dangling across his chest like a grotesque sash, signaled his group to move. I followed him and we proceeded to the Walled City and passed by Sincere Enterprises grocery store and to the Notre Dame High School Girls Department building fronting RCPI telegram office and La Jota Hotel and Restaurant. The staccato blasts of gunfire enveloped the surrounding area and incessant explosions and machine gun fire coming from the upper ground of Notre Dame College school building signaled a day of heavy fighting. I was beginning to worry about the safety of my relatives in the Gandasuli area which was a half kilometer away from the clash. While we were hiding in a safe place near the PNB compound, two Huey helicopter gunships suddenly hovered above and started raining down hot leads on the empty street adjacent to Goteckleng Hardware and Caltex gas station, bullets ricocheting off the road. The rebel group responded with the same fury, spraying the two gunships with automatic weapons fire. Hot empty shells were strewn all over the road and sidewalks after this exchange of gunfire. POOR | A11

With Maria Fhebie Ortil


asy salmon with honey garlic sauce is one of the best salmon recipes. It's garlicky, sweet and sticky with simple ingredients. Takes only 15 mins to make salmon dinner! SALMON RECIPES One of the best salmon recipes is Honey Garlic Salmon. The delicious honey and garlic sauce makes this salmon recipe extremely juicy, moist and packed full of flavors. This is one of the easiest salmon dishes to make at home. This salmon dinner takes only 15 minutes from start to finish. HOW TO COOK SALMON? How to cook salmon on the stove? To make this Honey Garlic Salmon recipe, you will need the following ingredients: Salmon fillet. Minced garlic. Honey. Apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. Salt and pepper. First, season the salmon fillets with salt, pepper and cayenne pepper. Next, make the honey garlic sauce by mixing the ingredients together. The final step is heating up a skillet or pan and cook the salmon with garlic and the sauce. You can add an extra step of broiling the salmon fillets in the oven. Broiling on high heat chars the surface of the fish, making this recipe extremely delicious and restaurant worthy. COOKING METHODS FOR SALMON RECIPES There are many ways to make this easy salmon recipe: You can cook the salmon in a skillet on the stove top. You can bake it in the oven at 400°F for 8 minutes, uncovered. You can also wrap the salmon with a sheet of aluminum foil and bake in the oven for 10 minutes. MFO



Rhyme and Others

Vol. I, No. 48 | May 14-20, 2021 (Shawwal 2-8, 1442)


THE BATTLE OF JOLO One Huey crashed near the airfield and the other retreated towards the open sea. I ran over to the other side of the road and took cover at the corner First Store School Supplies owned by Mr. Lay Chan. It was a popular spot for “girl watching” among students from the Philippine Muslim College, Sulu High School, and Notre Dame Boys. A few meters away was everyone’s favorite 3 Coins Refreshment Parlor. I was anxiously looking for my cousin, Sam, who was staying upstairs with his sister Evelyn. I followed the young rebels going to the GTL lumber yard and turned right to the Jolo Orphanage. Before we could proceed, a resident ran towards us and notified us of a military machine gun nest 200 yards away. Moments later, we scattered in all directions when it started strafing the area. I parted ways with the rebels as the fighting became intense. There was not a moment one couldn’t hear automatic gunfire, and the air was filled with the reverberating sounds of billets whizzing through the residential backroads. I hurriedly went straight to the main street and tried to cross Caltex Gas station onto Lawa coffee shop. If I turned left, there was another gas station adjacent to Robinson Bakery. On the right side was the Choo Guan Rice and Flour wholesaler building, once an area of bustling activity but at that moment, completely abandoned. I was alarmed when a group of people emerged from the row of century-old Acacia trees lining the municipal road. One of them pulled me over and immediately informed me of the Philippine Army beachhead with assault landing barges from a naval boat off the coast of Maubuh Beach. A group of mujahideen hurriedly passed by, an unconscious comrade in their arms who had passed out while manning a machine gun in the Town Hall building. I turned back and passed by Tongki Shell gas station along Serantes Street and ran towards home. I passed by La Ilongga carerederia and refreshment near the old post office. Then I went past the Madrasa Islamic School building located just after the fish market where there were rows of cafes, bakeries, and restaurants on both sides of the street. The main doors of the Egyptian restaurant were shut tight. Sampaguita refreshment was closed, and the door of Town’s Cafe was left ajar. Manjoorsa Optical’s glass showcase was slightly opened and Ling’s Creation Dress Shop and the Bulakeña restaurant were locked. Little did I know that all these establishments and landmarks would begone the next day. Breathless and doused with sweat, I arrived home and told my family of the goings-on outside. After a quick bite to eat, the family was ready to move out. I only took one overnight bag. But where to? ***** Other than our clothes, we had to leave everything in the house. I carried my father on my back, who, at that time, was already paralyzed. On our way to the northeast side of the town, an Army DC-3 plane started to fire hot leads which rained down with the chilling echo of bullets,spewing from a Browning.50 caliber machine gun. Civilians fled the streets in terror, searching for a safe place to avoid the onslaught. We reached my Aunt’s nipa house in Upper San Raymundo or Salih Mundo to the locals later in the afternoon after a long walk. From what we heard, the Department of Education building was hit by an incendiary bomb and exploded into a fireball. Bombardment from naval boats hit many residential houses, many of which burst into fire. And amid all this chaos, my cousin and I volunteered to head back to my sister’s house to salvage some food for her hungry infant as well as my aunt’s month-old baby. We crawled into a narrow canal, evading the barrage of machine gun fire as we approached my sister’s burning house at Lower San Raymundo. We squeezed into a hole on the wall hit by naval guns to retrieve a can of baby milk.Then we zigzagged our way back to safety,passing through small alleys and stopping by a sidewalk stall to buy fried bananas. An old woman was cooking them, unfazed by the chaos around her. While eating the sweet banana under a tree, a deafening explosion of mortar fire hit nearby, and people scampered for cover. A stranger informed me that a cousin of mine was hit by mortar shrapnel, and U Ping expired on the spot. Another horrible news reached me —the father of my schoolmate, Marilyn, was hit by shrapnel from naval shells. Mr. Lay Su Loy’s corpse was left inside the burning Central bakery. With our mouths full and grief in our hearts, we went back to our Aunt’s house. We passed through an alley, and I saw a familiar small house made of light materials near a babbling brook. It was my classmate’s house, the Sadain family, where we used to while away time before I went home from school. Nobody was inside. I would later know that they had taken refuge in the Sulu Public Hospital grounds near the Constabulary Headquarters and the Notre Dame Annex building, assuming that a hospital is a neutral ground to the combatants. My cousin and I climbed uphill onto the deserted street as dusk started to darken the neighborhood.

We didn’t have a proper meal that evening until a neighbor offered us unripe papaya, which my Aunt sliced into small chunks. I, together with Abdul Majid and Arn, ate ravenously. It wasn’t much but with some salt, the fruit kept hunger at bay for a little while longer. Outside, people were shouting in horror, “the whole downtown is on fire!” Fear gripped my heart as I tried hard to keep myself from vomiting what little food I ate. My father then insisted that we go home. And no matter what I said, he continued strongly insisting to return to the comforts of our house. So, with my father on my back, I trudged not towards home but up a hill that provided a good view of the burning town. “See? We don’t have anywhere else to go.” On a normal day, the view of the city from that vantage point would have been breathtaking. But with chaos reigning below, it was heartbreaking to witness the scenery before us thick black clouds of smoke billowing from burning buildings, the fire spreading rapidly fanned by the strong north wind.The rebels gave the people a burst of hope but the battle would be nothing more than a holding action. The retreat would come sooner than anyone expected; the end was closer than we all thought. It was a question of time — how much time did we have? How long a time did people to evacuate? The scorched-earth strategy of the AFP was unfolding before our eyes. My father’s grip tightened on my shoulder, and our hearts grew heavy, as we watched Jolo burn. What we witnessed was utter inferno. ***** By 12 midnight, a few stragglers started to go out of the houses that were spared by the fire, carrying what belongings they had. Together, they moved like a funeral caravan,making their way slowly along the dark alleys and out into the streets. The area would be bombarded by mortar fire, the military announced. Instead of staying in my aunt’s house, we scurried off to find another safe place. My father who clung desperately on my back was now getting heavier. I lacked sleep and my stomach growled with hunger. Cold sweat dampened my spirit. 1:25 AM, February 8, 1974 After an hour-long hike, we reached the town mayor’s residence at Lahih, where a group of policemen guarded the main door. According to one of his men, Mayor Barly Abubakar was sitting in the sala, exhausted, and was talking to several leaders. Later, he came out to face the crowd. With a shaking low voice, he ordered his men to take off their police badges. “Go home to your families. Leave me alone!”. He announced. The crowd quickly dispersed but no one knew where to go. So we walked without any direction in mind, dragging our aching tired feet and tired backs. There was a lull in the fighting as the night deepened. We took the opportunity to proceed to the main Scott road and we were horrified to find at the junction fully armed men, who looked like rebel returnees, manning a checkpoint. Without any warning, they thrust their firearms into my ribs and ordered us to put down our belongings. I held my father gently on my back expecting the worst to happen. They searched every sack for valuables like money, jewelry, and illegal guns. Some of our clothing was left behind as they ordered us to leave the area immediately. These men, known as the “balikbayan”, surrendered and returned to the fold of the law, and some of them instilled terror on the civilian populace, instigated by the military. My feet were shaking as we trudged along the street. Dark clouds of smoke started coming from the smoldering town, and a thick crowd of evacuees pushed their way to the Sulu Public Hospital. As we entered the elevated compound of the hospital, all one could hear were the cries of the children and elderlies looking for their loved ones. It was chaos. After we settled down inside, my father quietly sipped his first bottle of energy drink, a pale Pilsen, given to him by my cousin, Ching. Hordes of people, including myself, risked going downtown to scavenge for food. We walked briskly past burning houses and buildings. People searched for burned canned goods, and looting was everywhere. After a day of searching for food, we headed back to our safe place of refuge, passing by Tigbau Spring. Corpses lined the sidewalk where an encounter took place the day before. My uncle Kah Rashid lay dead nearby, his leg severed bymortar fire. I bartered my sardines with burnt rice near the entrance of the hospital and gave some canned beans, biscuits, and milk to friends and strangers alike. After a quick snack, I took a short dip in the spring to refresh myself. The air still reeked with the strong odor of death. This was the same pool where my friends and I spent most of our afternoons, swimming in its crystal-clear water. This was also the training ground of potential Olympic swimmers from the Sulu Archipelago. Now, it was teeming with anxious evacuees from all sections of the town who, like me, also craved for a refreshing dip after hours of aimless walking to safety. When the military announced that they would be bombarding the area in a short while, a surge of panic arose from

the crowd. “There is one safe place we can go,” a friend told me. “Where?” I retorted. “To the wharf!” With this information, everyone, young and old, gathered what little possessions they had and got ready to leave and headed towards the wharf which was a little over a kilometer away. In no time, long lines of evacuees marched along the main street, myself and my family included. It was a somber procession of fear, weary feet being dragged across the bullet-strewn pavement, hearts heavy with grief and a future marred with uncertainty. On our way, I saw and called my older brother on board a cargo truck of a local hardware store, and immediately after, we transferred our weak father to the rear end of the vehicle. “Look after him!” I yelled to my brother before I lost sight of the truck. ***** I went back to the downtown area where I heard sporadic gunfire. The remains of the town continued to smolder. Many innocent civilians were shot dead pointblank by soldiers without names and badges, a grimace of hate on their faces. After they torched down the whole town, they became the dreaded big-time looters, their upturned helmets filled to the brim with valuables.Soldiers were on a rampage; some inebriated, menacing-looking AFP “dogs of war” fired their rifles randomly into the air to scare off people prowling for food and homeowners who were trying to salvage whatever valuables were left in the ashes. A red-eyed soldier dragged his rifle behind him, carrying a sack laden with grocery items from a local store. The stench of roasted flesh pervaded the air. Groups of Alat residents passed by the plaza, many of whom were blindfolded with white towels and clung onto their loved ones as they trudged forward in slow motion. Most could not open their sore eyes inflicted by thick fumes the night before. Hundreds fled to the mountains to avoid the military onslaught. Many others tumbled down to the ground felled by bullets from machinegun fire. A young rebel led a group of Carmelite sisters to safety afraid of being molested by undisciplined soldiers on a killing spree. At the local market, vegetables were scattered around. A friend, Haroun, stayed in this vicinity. He was a basketball teammate of mine in a local league. The first salvo from the naval boats hit this area up to the wee hours and I was quite worried about his whereabouts. He, like many of the residents, had probably escaped elsewhere – at least that was my hope. Approaching an intersection near the Caltex gas station, people started panicking. A long line of young men was used as human shield by soldiers from the coastal area. I went into hiding for a while and waited in silence, fearing for my life. Some friends were there in the line of fire with guns pointed on their faces by ragtag soldiers. Many feared reprisals and bloodbath from the marauding soldiers. I trembled for the safety of my town mates. Intermittent gunshots resonated in the Plaza Marina fronting the Sea Breeze restaurant. “Don’t try to pass at the back alley of the plaza.” A stranger informed me. “Two young men were just shot by trigger happy soldiers.” I was dumbfounded upon knowing that Chang and a local mechanic, Pastor Maliksi, were shot to death at close range. I merged with the large crowd of evacuees on their way to the wharf. We passed by Perlas theater, its façade riddled with bullet holes. There were several holes on the right side of the high wall facing the sea which had been hit by cannon shells from gunboats. As we approached the main entrance gate of the wharf, the stench of rotting human flesh rising from the old wharf clung to our nostrils. I went my separate way, turned right to the new wharf. Without any warning, a soldier, his eyes filled with anger, stopped me at gunpoint. Immediately I raised my hands in complete surrender. With his finger on the trigger of his gun,I almost kneeled to beg for my life. He suspected me of killing his soldier friend at the height of running battle the day before. My eyes were fixed at the trigger as I took a moment to say my prayer. “Don’t shoot him, he’s my son!” came a voice. I looked back in slow motion so as not to peeve the trigger -happy soldier. My uncle, Bapah Ngong, came running towards me with both hands raised, pleading to the soldier to spare me just in the nick of time. He held my cold and clammy hands and comforted me. Despite the hate and rage plastered on his face, the soldier let me go, and my uncle and I left immediately. We reached the new wharf, but I was still shaking from the encounter. It was a close call.The foul smell had become intense as I clambered down a cemented pathway to wash myself with seawater. To my utter horror, I saw numerous bloated corpses floating nearby, their bodies riddled with gunshot wounds. These were unfortunate victims of the war, those who were pulled in and executed point-blank by merciless soldiers and then thrown into the sea. Some charred bodies floated under burnt houses, many of whom probably choked to death as their houses were enveloped by thick smoke.

(Continued next issue)


Vol. I, No. 48 | May 14-20, 2021 (Shawwal 2-8, 1442)


BARMM chief appeals for vigilance vs. Covid-19 as fasting ends


OTABATO CITY – Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) Chief Minister Murad Ebrahim appealed Thursday to residents to remain vigilant as Muslims celebrate Eid’l Fitr amid the coronavirus disease pandemic. “I would like to appeal that as we observe this meaningful day, we should not be complacent and put our guards down. Covid-19 still exists and it is incumbent upon all of us to continue practicing the minimum health standards,” Ebrahim said in his Facebook Eid’l Fitr message. Eid’l Fitr marks the end of the Islam faithful month-long fasting period of Ramadan that culminated Thursday. “If we continue these practices and with the help of our vaccination program, we will have the chance of having a better Ramadan next year, In shaa Allah (If Allah wills it),” he said. Ebrahim said the BARMM joins the rest of the Muslims worldwide in celebrating Eid’l Fitr this year although subdued due to the Covid-19 pandemic. “This blessed celebration (Eid’l Fitr) serves as a reflection to the wonderful virtues of the said month and a time to show our love to one another and our unity as one Muslim Ummah (world),” Ebrahim said. Ebrahim said although there are still trials that every Bangsamoro continues to face during this pandemic, “none of which will hinder Muslims from performing our obligations to the Almighty Allah and practicing the significant Sunnah or traditions taught by the Prophet Muhammad

BARMM Chief Minister Murad Ebrahim airing his Eid'l Fitr message via Facebook. (BARMM image)

(SAW).” Ebrahim also asked constituents to also pray for the success of the regional government in responding to the needs of the Bangsamoro people. Edwin Fernandez /PNA

SADAIN | from Page A2

GRATEFULNESS AND REMEMBRANCE that same time being grateful to God that he was gifted with understanding the language of ants, while not being created as an ant or from ants, demonstrates a prophetic sensitivity to God’s unique favor of creation of species, which should generate a gratefulness and a propensity to work righteously as keys to divine servanthood. Surely, a trait that people in power oftentimes lack. Prophet Sulayman’s

gratitude is such that he perceives all the favors of ALLAH as tests, hence, when the throne of the Queen of Sabaa was instantaneously and magically brought to him by a Jinn, the reaction of Sulayman was gratefulness to ALLAH, for he knew that this was ALLAH’s feat, thus: “Haaza min fazli Rabbii liyabluwaniii ‘a-‘ashkuru ‘am akfur. Wa man shakara fa innamaa yash-kuru li-nafsih, wa man kaffara fa-inna

Rabii Ghaniyyun Kariim.” [Surah AnNaml, 27: 40] (This is by the Grace of my Lord, to test me whether I am grateful or ungrateful. And if any is grateful, truly his gratitude is a gain for his own soul; but if any is ungrateful, truly my Lord is free of all needs, Supreme in Honor. Prophet Sulayman did not only see everything coming from ALLAH; he also saw them as tests from my AL-

LAH, to find out whether or not man is grateful. Hence, Prophet Sulayman constantly prayed for ALLAH to make him grateful, for as the ALLAH in the Qur’an says: “Wa intashkuruu yarzahu lakum!” [Surah AzZumar, 39:7] (If you are grateful, He is pleased with you.) Man’s show of gratefulness pleases ALLAH, and in this state, ALLAH says: “Lain-shakartum, laaziidanna-kum.” [Surah Ibrahim, 14:7] (If you

are grateful; I will add more [favors] unto you.”) And finally, the pinnacle of Remembrance and Gratefulness: “Fazkuruuniii az-kurkum! Washkuruu lii wa laa takfuruun.” [2:152] (Then do ye remember Me, I will remember you. Be grateful to Me, and reject not faith!”) What else can surpass ALLAH’s Remembrance of man, and who else can outdo such a Remembrance? It is a Remembrance of Gratefulness, and a Grateful-

ness of Remembrance. It is ALLAH telling man: you will always be in My Favor, if you are always grateful to Me for the favors I have given you. After the fasting of our senses, our hunger and thirst, our sacrifices, and after the month of Ramadan bids farewell, there are two sublime values that should punctuate of daily relation with ALLAH: Gratefulness and Remembrance. Eid ul-Fitr alMubarak!

registered voters in BARMM at 652,414, followed by Lanao del Sur (493,777), Sulu (376,235), Basilan (211,394) and TawiTawi (210,419), a published Comelec data showed. The first Congressional district of Maguindanao constitutes just 11 towns (whose in-

cumbent mayors now form part of the UBJP) and Cotabato City. But it has bigger registered voters (359,299 including Cotabato City’s 131,133) than the second district. The second district, which covers 25 towns, has only 347,825 registered voters. AGM

UBJP | from Page A7

UBJP gains local party dominance in BARMM Sinarimbo, who helped conceived the MILF political body in 2014 and helped work out its registration with the Commission on Elections months later. “Last month, the entire elected provincial officials of TawiTawi including the mayors of their municipalities and their

Sanggunian members took their oath as members of the UBJP,” constituting the second batch of new party faces, Sinarimbo said. He said the first batch, which involved six incumbent mayors in Basilan swearing-in as UBJP members, happened a few weeks before the Tawi-Tawi

delegation’s entry. Other party sources said the entry of all 11 mayors in the first district of Maguindanao was “pivotal” in the quest of the UBJP leadership to gain a formidable local political clout in the new autonomous region. BARMM covers the provinces of Maguinda-

nao, Lanao del Sur, Basilan, Sulu and Tawi -Tawi, the cities of Cotabato, Marawi and Lamitan as well as 63 villages in North Cotabato. It has total registered voters of 2,172,959 as of 2019 elections, according to Comelec data. Maguindanao has the most number of

BIFF | from Page A7

Two BIFF bomb couriers involved in the invasion of Datu Paglas town market captured BIFF members are former MILF fighters who had opposed that peace deal with the government. They have pledged allegiance to the Islamic State (IS) extremist group. With the latest inci-

dent, Rommel Banlaoi, chairman of the Institute for Peace, Violence and Terrorism Research in Manila, urged the Philippine government and former Muslim rebels to intensify their campaign in preventing violent

activities in the southern Philippines days after militants linked to the Islamic State attacked a southern Philippine town and caused a large displacement of civilians. “The BIFF has been

targeting areas that have a weak presence of government forces and they saw the town has the only small presence of troops since the military focused their operation in the marshland,” Ban-

laoi said. When asked about its implication in the peace process, Banlaoi explained that both the central government and Chief Minister Ahod “Al Hajj Murad” Ebrahim claimed pocket skir-

mishes cannot be avoided on the ground despite the signing of peace agreement since armed groups like the BIFF and Abu Sayyaf are still active in Mindanao. Mark Navales


Vol. I, No. 48 | May 14-20, 2021 (Shawwal 2-8, 1442)



BARMM Muslims failed to pray Eid’l Fitr congregations By JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL


ilipino Muslims prayed on Eid’l Fitr as a culmination of the 30-day fasting in the month of Ramadan, and most of them prayed for COVID19 pandemic to banish too. However many of the Muslims in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) failed to pray in congregation in masjid in observance of public health protocols on COVID19. Of the five provinces under the territorial jurisdiction of BARMM so far only the provinces of TawiTawi and Basilan where Muslims enjoyed the Eid’l Fitr where their respective Mufti have a mutual understanding with the governor’s of the provinces. That is they allowed the Muslim faithful to pray inside the masjid and of course with the understanding that they have to strictly observe and comply with the minimum public health standards. This is like the mandatory wearing of face masks, maintaining social physical distancing, frequent hand washing, cough etiquette, etc. In Tawi-Tawi, Governor Yshmael “Mang” Sali who is also the Chairman of the Tawi-Tawi Task Force COVID-19 was in full consultation with their religious leader like Mufti Abdulwahid Injuh. Mufti Injuh who finished his Islamic Studies at Islamic University in Madena, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was also the former Commissioner of the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF). Both Gov. Sali and Mufti Injuh made a strict guidelines based on the minimum public health standards. That is aside from wearing face masks, the jamaa were advised also to maintain social distancing. Likewise the “pagjiyara or beso-beso” or hugging which is by tradition is being done after the Eid’l Fitr prayer was also not allowed. Sheikh Kaberl O. Hajilan who is a resident of Bongao, Tawi-Tawi and an NCMF-accredited Sheikh told the Philippine Muslim Today that the people of the capital town of Bongao are thankful to both Gov. Sali and Mufti Injuh that despite the pandemic the people were able to exercise their religious obligations unlike in other BARMM provinces like Sulu, Maguindanao, and Lanao del Sur. Sheikh Hajilan said aside from the usual masjid like the Masjid Jamih, Masjid Suwah-Suwah, and Masjid Simandagit, there were also many people

EID’L FITR CONGREGATION: A file photo of congregational prayer before the pandemic time during Eid’l Fitr prayer at the Dimaukom Pink Mosque (Masjid) in Datu Saudi Ampatuan municipality in Maguindanao. Photo by Mark Navales who joined the congregation held at the sprawling DepEd compound. In like manner, in the province of Basilan the “jamaa” were also able to exercise their religious obligations freely to the Almighty Allah. That is also due to the cooperation and mutual understanding between their provincial governor and their religious leader. A few days before the Eid’l Fitr prayer, Dr. Aboulkhair S. Tarason, chairman of the Basilan Ulama Supreme Council similarly issued a strict guidelines to the jamaa of Basilan that there is a need for them to follow strictly the rules stipulated in the minimum public health standards. That is aside from the usual wearing face masks and at least 1 meter apart of social distancing, they have to bring also their own alcohol to disinfect their hands as soon as they enter the masjid. Sulu, Maguindanao, Lanao del Sur did not hold congregational prayer

The Muslim faithful in the Provinces of Sulu, Maguindanao, and Lanao del Sur experienced the same fate since although they prefer to pray in congregation inside the mosque or madjid they failed to to do so due to the strict guidelines implemented by the chief executive of the province or the Governor. In Sulu for instance a few days before the Eid’l Fitr, Gov. Abdusakur M. Tan, who is also the Chairman of the Sulu Task Force COVID-19 issued Executive Order No.5-2021 on May 7, 2021 that temporarily suspended the Eid’l Fitr prayer and other public and private gathering amidst the continuous rise of COVID-19 confirmed cases in the Province of Sulu. Gov. Tan to justify his issuance of Executive Order No. 5-2021 even cited Section 15, Article 2 of the 1987 Constitution that provides that the State shall protect and promote the right to health of the people and instill health consciousness among them.


Reflection: FASTING, a means to eternal well-being and happiness


real Muslim has to believe, whatever Islam has prohibited him is for his own sake not to cross it, for it will be disastrous for him sooner or later once committed though it’s always favored and glamorized by the desire. It’s likewise that anything he is obliged to do is for his own benefit albeit it’s always against one’s self to undertake, because humans are by nature don’t follow order. Nevertheless, once the de-

light of faith (Halawat alEym’an) existed firmly in a soul, you can hardy imagine how this would push him to perform any command passionately to please his Creator. Indeed, those people in the bar partying and drinking as if there’s no tomorrow are but nothing and zero; and can’t be compared to the level of happiness of one pious seeking for the forgiveness of his Creator in the middle of the nights

IMADODIN BASAR DIMAO when everyone else is sleeping. There is nothing can match the triumph after refraining from a mistake filled with temporary excitement, yet awaits longlasting repentance. As the holy month of Ramadhan is only oneday left, we should take

time to reflect upon ourselves if there’s Taqwa or fear of God-driven change it has brought to us, our family, and our community within 29 or 30 days consecutively – there should be, undoubtedly. In other words, there must be a sustainable

reform this Ramadhan has shaped us into the better version of us in dealing with our daily lives, including our respective works and responsibilities – to be punctual and trusted whether we are supervised or alone. Just think how we are attentive and cautious with the last minute of Suhur or early breakfast that ends upon Fajr prayer time. In fact, our fasting does not only teach us physically about self-

discipline but also spiritually that will limit one’s desire. Therefore, the Prophet (PBUH) has warned us that “It’s possible that fasting is rewarded but hunger and thirst.” Why? Didn’t he fast for the sake of Allah? Definitely, he did, but his words and actions didn’t so. Thus, fasting by merely abstaining from food and water doesn’t matter to Allah. “Whoever didn’t stop baseless words DIMAO | A12



Vol. I, No. 48 | May 14-20, 2021 (Shawwal 2-8, 1442)


BARMM Muslims failed to pray Eid’l Fitr congregations As this developed, even Sultan Muedzu-Lail Tan Kiram of the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo (Sabah) told the Philippine Muslim Today that he just prayed the Eid’l Fitr prayer at home so as not to violate the said Executive Order. Apparently many law-abiding Tausug residents had taken into consideration the sanctions of the order, where the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) were tasked to render full assistance for the successful implementation of this Executive Order. As part of the sanctions, all persons who may violate this Executive Order were warned of being subjected to the full force of the law if warranted. 30 day period of fasting The holy month of Ramadan—for faithful Muslims a 30-day period of fasting, praying and meditation, doing good deeds and sharing their good fortune with others— has ended. It was a time for joy and celebrating the Festival of the Breaking of the Fast as they prayed on Thursday the Eid’l Fitr prayer that Tausug of Sulu call it as “Hariraya Puasa.” However, most of all the Muslim Filipinos just like the rest of the citizens of this country are also fervently praying that the COVID-19 pandemic will finally banish. Hence, millions of Muslims around the world, including the Ummah or Muslim community in the different parts of the country ended their last day of fasting last Wednesday and celebrated the much-awaited Eid’l Fitr (Feast of Ramadan) on Thursday. Just like Christmas Day, Eid’l Fitr is now observed as one of the national holidays in the Philippines since 2002 when former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo signed Republic Act No. 9177 declaring Eid’l Fitr as part of the roster of special non-working holidays. Eid’l Fitr a national holiday Thus, President Rodrigo R. Duterte issued also Proclamation No. 1142 and declared Thursday, the 13th of May 2021 as a regular holiday throughout the country in observance of Eid’l Fitr as the Feast of Ramadan based also on the recommendation of Saidamen Pangarungan, secretary of the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF). President Duterte issued this proclamation so that the entire Filipino nation would have the opportunity to join their Muslim brothers and sisters in peace and harmony in the observance and celebration of Eid’l Fitr subject to community quarantine, social distancing and other public health measures. As usual, Eid’l Fitr falls on the first day of Shawwal, the 10th month that follows Ramadan as the 9th month in the Hegira or Islamic calendar. This year 2021, Eid’l Fitr was simultaneously celebrated around the world on May 13, equivalent to Shawwal 1, 1442. The Islamic calendar follows the phases of the moon which can be confusing to people who are used to the Gregorian calendar. Eid Mubarak! Muslims greet each other—and non-Muslims who share their spirit of having been renewed during Ramadan—Eid Mubarak! A blessed Eid’l Fitr to you. Being renewed, to the believing Muslim—as much as to the Christian who has taken the solemn fasts, prayers and meditation, rites of atonement during the 40-day Lenten season—means being ready once again to offer a part of the self for the common good. That is why the common prayer of the Muslims is for peace in the embrace of Allah, the One True God, which is the ultimate of common good. Unlike in the past, Eid’l Fitr celebration varies since it depends on the visual confirmation of the crescent moon on the month of Shawwal. In the book of Sahih AlBukhari, it says “stop observing Saum (fasts) on seeing the crescent moon of Shawwal.” Imam Council of the Philippines Aleem Said Ahmad Basher, chairman of the Imam Council of the Philippines, said Eid’l Fitr or Feast of Breaking the Fast is the day when Muslims are no longer allowed to observe fasting. “The solemn day of Hariraya Puasa provides the Muslim an opportune time to have a new dawn, to reform his character as he strides and stays the course of his life and of his children’s future in order to better the man,” Basher stressed. In the normal time, early morning prayer culminates the end of the 30-day fasting in the month of Ramadan highlighted by the congregational prayers in the masjid (mosque), an outdoor location or open spaces as long as the prayer was geared towards the Qiblah or direction of the Holy Kaaba in Makkah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. However this time since the Philippines and the whole world are in the state of pandemic due to the menace of COVID-19, some masjid or mosque were not allowed to

EID’L FITR AT BOLKIAH MOSQUE: A file photo shows an overflowing of thousands of people that can no longer be accommodated inside the mosque. Thousands of Muslims usually pray during Eid’l Fitr that takes place once a year as a culmination of the month of Ramadan in Cotabato City. Photo by Mark Navales hold anymore congregational prayer to avoid the mass gathering of people so that transmission of virus will be prevented too. Prayers for Eid’l Fitr, to stop the COVID-19 pandemic The Muslim community leaders who prayed during the Eid’l Fitr also prayed that the menace of COVID-19 that has affected so many people throughout the world will banish already to oblivion. Abdulghani “Gerry” A. Salapuddin, administrator and chief executive officer of the Southern Philippines Development Authority (SPDA) based in Davao City said on the occasion of Eid’l Fitr Mubarak, “I enjoin my brethren in Islam to thank Allah SWT and to offer salutation of peace to our beloved Prophet and Messenger Muhammad SAW, I would also like to appeal to my brothers and sisters in faith, to individually and collectively beseech Allah to free and keep us safe from the COVID pandemic and of other infectious and deadly diseases.” National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) Commissioner Yusoph Mando, on the occasion of Eid’l Fitr said, “amid the present challenging situation that we are facing, let us be reminded that there’s no greater blessing, mercy and forgiveness than that of Allah., there is no greater cure and healing than that of Allah’s. So lets all be blessed, be forgiven and be healed, Let's all celebrate Eid’l Fitr 2021 with all our hearts filled with hope, love and compassion as we pray to Allah, the Almighty to overcome this difficult situation at the earliest and come back to our normal life soon.” Sultan Muedzu-Lail Tan Kiram, the reigning ruler of the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo (Sabah), said “I call upon our people in the Sultanate of Sulu and Sabah to unite as brothers in Islam and have solidarity toward the attainment of genuine peace all over the conflictaffected areas of Mindanao, and most of all in our struggle to fight this pandemic.” Sultan Kiram added, “on behalf of my family, I would like to greet everyone in the Muslim world Eid'l Fitr Al Mubarak. This is the second year we celebrate Eid'l Fitr under the COVID-19 Pandemic. Let's hope and pray next year will be a different Eid, the world will be free from pandemic. Nevertheless let's continue to be vigilant against the virus. Again Eid'l Fitr Al Mubarak .” On the other hand, the Muslim technocrat, who has the royal title “Masirikampo sa Marawi” or traditional ruler of the confederation of Marawi, Datu Yusoph Boyog Mama (DYBM) said, “may the Almighty Allah (SWT) always shower His Mercy upon the Muslim Ummah, and to the rest of his creations and all of humankind, on the occasion of this Eid'l Fitr (Hijri 1442). And may the Almighty enable our hearts, minds and actions, especially those of government and sectoral leaders, to find the best solutions for the people's economic plight in the face of varied political challenges wrought by the global pandemic; and may we further find it in our hearts not to take undue advantage of this world crisis and, instead, sincerely find efficacious ways of alleviating the sufferings of our fellow men and join the concerted effort in putting an end to this protracted crisis the world over.”

Traditions of Eid’l Fitr 'Sawm', which is the practice of fasting during the holy month of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. Muslims believe that it was during the month of Ramadan that the text of the Qur'an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad. Muslims celebrate Eid’l Fitr with prayers called "Salat Al Eid" in Arabic. There is no audible call to prayer for the Eid prayers. Muslims will gather in mosques or open spaces and offer two units of prayer – called "Rakat". The prayers are followed by a sermon, in which the Imam asks for forgiveness, mercy, and peace for every being across the world. Other key elements of the Eid celebrations are giving money to the poor (known as 'Zakat al-Fitr', the amount to be given depends on the possessions someone has), sending Eid greetings and feasting with families. The first Eid’l Fitr was celebrated in 624 CE by Prophet Muhammad and his companions after their victory in the battle of Jang-e-Badar, a turning point in Muhammad's struggle with his opponents among the Quraish in Mecca during in the early days of Islam. In a nutshell, Aleem Basher who is a graduate of AlAzhar, the famous Islamic university in Cairo, Egypt explained to the Philippine Muslim Today that during the month of Ramadan, Muslims observe a strict fast and participate in pious activities such as charitable giving and peace-making. It is also a time of intense spiritual renewal for those who observe it. He said the observance of fasting in the month of Ramadan is very significant and as earlier mentioned, it is also during the time of Ramadan when the Holy Qur’an was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him). Before the day of Eid, during the last few days of Ramadan, each Muslim family gives a determined amount of food as donation to the poor consisting of rice, dates, among others, to ensure that the needy can have a holiday meal and participate in the celebration. The donation is known as sadaqah al-fitr (charity of fast breaking). Among Muslim Filipinos on the Eid day they take a bath in the early morning performing the ritual washing or ablution. They then wear new or best clothes and splash perfume before heading out to the mosque or designated place of gathering for the Eid’l Fitr congregational prayer. In going home after the prayer they usually take separate routes to and from the prayer ground as a tradition. As part of the joyful celebration of Eid’l Fitr, it was usually an open house in every home of a Muslim. They give food to the needy in mandatory act of charity. Most Muslim Filipinos take this opportunity to get together with family and friends to spend a happy day together. It is also a day when one Muslim who has misunderstanding with his fellow Muslim to seek forgiveness and embrace each other and forget their differences in the past. For many Muslims, Eid’l Fitr is a festival to show gratitude to Allah for the help and strength he gave them throughout the month of Ramadan to help them practice self-control. The phrase commonly used by Muslims as a greeting on this day is “Eid Mubarak”, which is Arabic for 'blessed festival'. The proper response to Eid Mubarak is "Khair Mubarak,” which wishes goodness on the person who has greeted you. JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL


Vol. I, No. 48 | May 14-20, 2021 (Shawwal 2-8, 1442)



Office of the Chief Minister




ismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmahtullahi Taala Wa Barakatuh. The Bangsamoro Government joins the rest of the Muslim world in celebrating Eid’l Fitr this year. As one of the two biggest feasts in the Islamic tradition, Eid’l Fitr marks the culmination of the month-long fasting during the Holy Month of Ramadhan. This blessed celebration serves as a reflection to the wonderful virtues of the said month and a time to show our love to one another and our unity as one Muslim Ummah. Although there are still trials that we continue to face during this pandemic, none of which will hinder us from performing our obligations to the Almighty Allah and practicing the significant Sunnah or traditions taught by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). I would like to appeal that as we observe this meaningful day, we should not be complacent and put our guards down. Covid-19 still exists and it is incumbent upon all of us to continue practicing the minimum health standards such as wearing of face masks, frequent hand washing of hands, and observing physical distance. If we continue these practices and with the help of our vaccination program, we will have the chance of having a better Ramadhan next year, In shaa Allah. The Holy Month of Ramadhan was an opportunity for us to achieve Taqwa. Let us pray that even as we bid farewell to this year’s Ramadhan, we carry the values it has taught us for the rest of our lives and that Allah (SWT) may accept our Ibadah, our Salah, our prayers, our fasting, our generosity through our Sadaqah and all other good deeds that come with the observance of the Holy Month of Ramadhan. Let us ask Allah’s forgiveness for our sins and that He may always extend to us His blessings and guidance in all our undertakings. Let us also pray for the success of our journey in establishing a regional government that is responsive to the needs of every Bangsamoro. May we have a peaceful and meaningful celebration of Eid’l Fitr, In shaa Allah. Eid’l Fitr Al-Mubarak! Wassalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmahtullahi Taala Wa Barakatuh. (SGD) Chief Minister AHOD B. EBRAHIM Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Eid’l Fitr Al-Mubarak Greetings from:

ADDRESS: Consunji St. corner Lluch St., Iligan City 9200 PH PHONE: 63 2283454 (PLDT) | 09996236702 (Smart)

Office of the Administrator



ssalamu Alaykum! In Islam, two of the most celebrated annual events or festivals are Eid’l Fitr and Eid’l Adha. Each marks the culmination and completion of two of the pillars of Islam, namely Fasting in Ramadan and Hajj or pilgrimage to Mecca in the month of Djul Hijja. Eid’l Fitr marks the culmination of a month long fasting in Ramadan, complete abstinence from foods and drinks and other normal acts that can nullify it. On the other hand, Eid’l Adha or the Feast of Sacrifice, forms part of the essential Hajj or Pilgrimage rituals by sacrificing animals in lieu of human sacrifice, to commemorate and immortalize the sacrifice of Ishmael, first son of Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salam. Both festivals start with an early morning salat or prayer, preceded by two khutba or sermon. This is also a time for forgiveness and amicable settlement of any feud between Muslims. On the occasion of Eid’l Fitr Mubarak, I enjoin my brethrens in Islam to thank Allah SWT and to offer salutation of peace to our beloved Prophet and Messenger Muhammad SAW. I would also like to appeal to my brothers and sisters in faith, to individually and collectively beseech Allah to free and keep us safe from the COVID pandemic and of other infectious and deadly diseases. In closing, I wish you all a joyous and blessed Eid’l Fitr Mubarak! (SGD) ABDULGHANI “GERRY” A. SALAPUDDIN Administrator/CEO Southern Philippines Development Authority

National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) 79 Jocfer Bldg., Commonwealth Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City



s we celebrate the Eid’l Fitr (the festival of the breaking of the fast) it is with great honor and privilege to greet everyone amid the present challenging situation that we are facing now. But let us be reminded that there’s no greater blessing, mercy and forgiveness than that of Allah. There is no greater cure and healing than that of Allah’s. So let us all be blessed, be forgiven and be healed. Let's all celebrate Eid’l Fitr 2021 with all our hearts filled with hope, love and compassion as we pray to Allah, the Almighty to overcome this difficult situation at the earliest and come back to our normal life soon. Let this Eid’l Fitr be the occasion of sharing, love, and kindness! Eid’l Fitr Al Mubarak!




Vol. I, No. 48 | May 14-20, 2021 (Shawwal 2-8, 1442)

Message ‫السالم عليكم ورحمة هللا وبركاته‬


ssalamu'alaikum Wa rahmatullahi Wa barakatuh On this very momentous occasion, the special day declaring the end of the whole Islamic fasting-month of Ramadan, it is my ardent prayer that we all heartily celebrate as Muslims, and as one Ummah, the spiritual rewards and joys of Eid'l Fitr as we pay gratitude to the Creator, Allah (SWT) who blessed us with all the things that benefit us on this earth and even assured our respective rewards in the Hereafter when the Creator Chairman Datu Yusoph B. Mama, during his representation as the Philipultimately grants us His Mer- pines' First (Voting) Delegate to the cy, rightly apportioned to each previous International Association of one of us through our individ- Athletics Federations' World Congress in behalf of PATAFA President Philip ual deeds and sacrifices. Ella Juico, together with World AthMay the Almighty Allah letics President Lord Sebastian Coe, (SWT) always shower His Mercy upon the Muslim Ummah, and to the rest of his creations and all of humankind, on the occasion of this Eid'l Fitr (Hijri 1442). And may the Almighty enable our hearts, minds and actions, especially those of governments and sectoral leaders, to find the best solutions for the people's economic plight in the face of varied political challenges wrought by the global pandemic; and may we further find it in our hearts not to take undue advantage of this world crisis and, instead, sincerely find efficacious ways of alleviating the sufferings of our fellow men and join the concerted effort in putting an end to this protracted crisis the world over. We pray for the continuity of strong leadership and innovative reforms that can maintain and ensure better health systems, useful education for the youth, and more secure livelihood conditions for the Filipino people, God willing. May genuine peace and solidarity reign in our beloved country. Happy Eid'l Fitr to all!

Message Assalamu Alaykum! On behalf of my family, I would like to greet everyone in the Muslim world Eid'l Fitr Al Mubarak. This is the second year we celebrate Eid'l Fitr under the COVID-19 Pandemic. Let's hope and pray next year will be a different Eid, the world will be free from pandemic. Nevertheless let's continue to be vigilant against the virus. Again Eid'l Fitr Al Mubarak!



Sultan of Sulu and North Borneo (Sabah)

Masirikampo sa Marawi (Traditional Royal Ruler of Marawi)

Chairman, Philippine Muslim Today DIMAO | from Page C1

FASTING, a means to eternal well-being and happiness and committing it, Allah didn’t need him refraining from his food and water – Alhadeeth.” To deeply illustrate this, a man depends basically on two things: First, his spouse; everyone is in need of husband or wife because that simply completes the manhood or the religion. Therefore, our father, Adan was given Eve, so he would not be lonely. Second, Food and water; not everyone somehow needs a spouse to live happily ever in life, but certainly none can avoid foods at

least twice a day to maintain the energy that is required to survive. And so much for water, for it gives life. Allah has said “And we made from water every living thing.” 21:30. Sure that there is something bigger and more important why every capable Muslim is mandated to fast every Ramadhan – some were already mentioned in holy Qur’an and the noble Hadeeth, and more are yet unknown to us but Allah knows alone. Dealing with societal issues, we have heard often from someone

close to us that he can’t stop doing specific things as he is used to it – it became part of his life. Yet, we see it ourselves as a normal thing or something avoidable by many easily. There comes fasting that cures addiction triggered by a substance or engaged in a behaviour as effectively as Psychology does or even better, because fasting implies 100% devotion to the Almighty One. Compared to Dopamine that transmits temporary pleasure after a long-time craving when

it’s consumed finally is far less when it comes to the contentment that will instill forever commitment while observing the holy month of Ramadhan. The problem in addiction in substance or engaging in a behavior leads into detrimental consequences as this will be part of one’s daily routine and will be too difficult to resist lately – I am quite sure you can name a few of these and those are already living in these psychological problems. You can try to ponder the following norms

to better understand the science of fasting: You can’t mess up with hungry, for it will put you in trouble. Yet, fasting told you to do the opposite, and if someone initiated it, you are advised to instead reply back saying: I am fasting! Meaning had it not been for fasting, you are up to any fight when your pride is challenged. Again, your wife is best described as your farm; you can cultivate it however, whatever, and whenever you like it. But fasting warns you not to do so, or you are asked to physically detach from her while fasting. Meaning there is no

single addiction can amount to your loving wife. And therefore this proves that any addiction can be survived and cured if we have followed the science of Fasting. Following so leads to a timeless well-being and happiness life has. I sincerely pray that our and your good deeds and countless sacrifices in the holy month of Ramadhan are accepted before Allah, the Exalted. May the spirit of this blessed Eid al-Fitr or Feast of the break (after breaking the fast in Ramadhan) reigns over all Muslims worldwide, and its fragrance is sensed in our brothers from different religions. IBD

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