Chief Minister Ahod Ebrahim administered the oath of the newly appointed and re appointed Cabinet Members of the Bangsamoro Government on Friday,Sept.23, atBadjau Hall, Bangsamoro GovernmentCenter inthiscity.
BARMM officials pledged tostrongly adhere to the rules, practices, and processes driven by the principle of Moral Governance with the utmost dedication, devotion, honesty, justice,andintegrity.
Of the appointed cabinet members, 14 hold the ministerial posts, while 15 aredeputyministers.
With Chief Minister Ebrahim as the head of the Bangsamoro Cabinet, the newly appointed officials are as follows:
Ali Solaiman, Deputy
Chief Minister for North Central Mindanao; Albakil Jikiri , Deputy Chief Minister for South Western Mindanao; Abdulraof Macacua, SeniorMinister; Atty. Sha Elijah Datumama Alba, Attoney General; Mohd Asnin Pendatun, CabinetSecretary; Abdullah Cusain, AssistantSenior Minister; Alvin Yasher Abdulgafar,Chief ofStaff; Engr. Mohajirin Ali, Director General of Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority (BPDA)
Akmad Brahim, Minister for Environment and Natural Resources (MENRE); Muslimin Sema, Minister for Labor and Employ-
2 priority codes, 14 proposed measures filed in Parliament
The Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) has filed two (2) priority codes and fourteen (14) proposed measures to the Bangsamoro parliament during their session on Thursday, September 22, 2022.
Atty. Naguib Sinarimbo, Minister for Interior and Local Government (MILG);
Hamid AminodinBarra, Minister for Human Settlements and Development (MHSD);
Mohammad Yacob, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Agrarian Reform(MAFAR);
Atty.Ubaida Pacasem, Minister for Finance, and Budget and Management (MFBM);
Engr. Aida Silongan, Minister for Science and Technology(MOST);
Atty. Raissa Jajurie, Minister for Social Services and Development (MSSD);
Arch. Eduardo Guerra,
Minister for Public Works (MPW);
Mohagher Iqbal, Minister for Basic, Higher and Technical Education (MBHTE);
Atty. Paisalin Tago, CPA, Minister for Transportation and Communication (MOTC); Aduamri Taddik, Minister for Trade, Investments andTourism(MTIT);
Hussein Muñoz, Minister for Public Order and Safety(MPOS); Melanio Ulama, Minister for Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs (MIPA).
Muslimin Abubakar Asmawilfor MENRE; Tommy Nawa for MOLE; Amilbarah Amilasen for MFBM; Edsel Mohammad Jilhanofor MOST; Nur Ainee Tan Lim for
MSSD; Abdul MaomitTomawis for MPW; Haron Meling for MBHTE; Muhammad Ameen Abbasfor MOTC; Atty. Sukarno Abas for MTIT; Abunawas Maslamama for MILG; Ammal Solaiman of Ministry forMAFAR; Abdulkudos Balito for MPOS; Guiamal Abdulrahman forMIPA.
While the minister for health has not been named yet, Dr. Zul Qarneyn Abas will serve as the Health Ministry’sDeputyMinister.
Meanwhile, Butch Malangwas namedas theAdministrator for BARMM’s Special Geographic Area (SGA) in North Cotabato. (With Johaira Sahidala/ BIO)
Renaming the Philippines
‘Maharlika’ (Last part)
The term Mardijker is a Dutch corruption of the Portuguese version of the original Sanskrit word and was used to designate former Portuguese and Dutch slaves from India in the East Indies, known as Mardijker...
At least 127 dead after riot breaks out at Indon football match
At least 127 people trampled to death at a football stadium in the fifth most populated country, Indonesia, when fans invaded the pitch and police responded with tear gas, triggering a stampede, authorities say.
For latest update, visit: www.philmuslim.today. | For press release, send to: pr@philmuslim.today Vol. III, No. 17 | Oct. 10 16, 2022 (Rabiul Awwal 14 20, 1444) WWW.PHILMUSLIM.TODAY P20.00
2 priority codes, 14 proposed measures filed in Bangsamoro Parliament
COTABATO CITY—The Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) filed two (2) priority codes and fourteen (14) proposed measures to the parliament during their session on Thursday, September 22, 2022.
The 2 priority codes filed by the Government of the Day were the Bangsamoro Local Governance Code (BLGC) and the Bangsamoro Electoral Code.
BLGC aims to ensure that the local government units are more self reliant and that the delivery of services will be more efficient, while the Electoral Code prescribes the structural, functional, and procedural principles in the elections of officers within the Bangsamoro region through democratic political participation.
Meanwhile, the 14 other measures proposed by the Government of Day are the following:
Bangsamoro Regional Institute for Islamic Higher Studies Act of 2022; Rights of Internally Displaced Persons of the BARMM Act; Charter of the Bangsamoro Energy Development Corporation; Charter of the Bangsamoro Development Corporation; Bangsamoro Memorial Marker Act; Hashim and Mimbantas Memorial Site; Bangsamoro Science High School System Act of 2022; Offices for SGA Act; Bangsamoro Agriculture and Fisheries Training Institute Act; Declaring May 2 as Battle of Bayang Day; BARMM Buffer Fund Act of 2022; Bangsamoro Irrigation Act of 2022; Establishing the administrative capital of the Bangsamoro Government in Parang, Maguindanao; and Veteran Mujahideen Act of 2022.
After a two day deliberation in the plenary, the Parliament adopted a resolution providing for rules, procedures, and practices of the BTA.
During the session, President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. has also been given high praise and gratitude by the Parliament for his role in upholding peace agreements and bringing about the unprecedented unification of the Moro fronts in the Philippines.
The Parliament also conveyed their condolences on the death of MILF 122nd Base Commander Abdulwahid Radiamoda.
UBJP execs condemn slay of mayoral bet in Maguindanao
Topofficials ofthe United Bangsamoro Justice Party (UBJP) have vehemently condemned the killing in broad daylight of their mayoral bet in Datu Odin Sinsuat, Maguindanao on Friday in whattheysuspectedas part of continuing harassments against their members and allies in theprovince.
In separate statements, UBJP Vice President Mohagher Iqbal and Deputy Secretary General Naguib Sinarimbo aired grief over the “gruesome murder” of former Barangay Dalican chairman Datu Jamael Q. Sinsuat Sr., assuring his bereaved family of the regional political party’s support in seeking justice.
Iqbal, concurrent MILF vice chairman and Education minister in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), asked the regional police leadership to relieve “immediately” the chief of police of Datu Odin Sinsuat (DOS) for alleged failure to maintain law and order inthetown.
Sinsuat, 56, was exiting from the town’s com-
pounded masjid after joining the Friday congregational prayer when a gunman shot him dead before hecould board his service vehicle parked nearbypast1p.m., earlier reportssaid.
Iqbal lamented that the mosque is near the town hall and just a “few meters away” from the municipalpolicestation.
“I could fathom how can one think of this gruesome murder in a place of worship, except for the fact that the person who did this or (was) behind this has no more fear for Allah SWT (subahannahu wa taala),” Iqbal saidindismay.
For his part, Sinarimbo, concurrent BARMM’s Interior and Local Government minister, called on all “law enforcement agencies to conduct a swift and thorough investigation and immediately bring the perpetrators and everyone behind this tothebarsofjustice.”
He said the UBJP had raised concern over “continuing harassment and attack against its officials and party leaders since the elections and immediately thereafter,” echoing Minister Iqbals claim aboutrecent assassination attempts on other party members or alliesinDOS town alone.
Residents earlier said armed escorts of Sinsuat had fired back and killed the triggerman that also joined the prayer and tailed the unsuspecting victim. The slain suspect remained unidentified as of press time. One resident sent to this writer some photos of the alleged triggerman lying lifeless at thescene.
Former Maguindanao 1st District Congressman Ronnie Sinsuat, an uncle of the victim, corroborated the residents’ initial information. But he said they learned that there were two other accomplices who had swiftly escaped after his nephew’s escorts returned fire. He also lamented the alleged lack of swift police probe in the incident.
The former lawmaker ran for reelection under the UBJP in this year’s synchronized elections but lost to Bai Dimple Mastura of the rival “Family Alliance” political bloc led by reelected Maguindanao Gov. Mariam Sangki
The UBJP is the political party of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) with key BARMM officials as members. It was registered with the Commission on Elections in 2015 as the MILF started transitioning from its armed revolution to a politicalmovement.
It put up full official slates across Maguindanao in this year’s local and national elections, fielding Sinsuat as a mayoral candidate in the town named after their father. But Sinsuat lost to his nephew, Lester Sinsuat, who ran for mayor on the verge of ending a three term vice gubernatorialreign.
Former Rep. Sinsuat was interviewed by the Philippine Muslim Today over the phone while he was with the family of his deceased brother preparing for an Islamic burial riteSaturdaymorning.
He said his deceased brother was the second to the youngest of 20 children of the late Datu Odin Sinsuat indifferent wives.
The slain Sinsuat, who issurvived by sixchildren, had served for years as chairman of Barangay Dalican, the original name of Dinaig town before it was renamed Datu Odin Sinsuat. (AGM)
Mysterious death of detainee in police custody draws probe
By PMT News Team
The chief of police in Barira, Maguindanao has been subjected to “administrative relief” and his subordinate enlisted personnel “reassigned” momentarily at the provincial police office pending an investigation into the death of a Moro detainee who surrendered after a road accident that reportedly left a child injured on Sept. 25 in the municipality.
This was the gist of an official statement posted in social media by Police Colonel Roel R. Sermese, the new provincial police director inMaguindanao.
Col. Sermese said his administration is directly” addressing the controversy surrounding the controversial death of one Johaire Mangco Dagalangit in the custody of the BariraPoliceStation(MPS).
He said operatives of the Criminal Investigation
COTABATO CITYand Detective Management of the Police Regional Office for the Bangsamoro AutonomousRegion (PRO BAR) have already been tasked to “immediately conduct a thorough investigation” on thecase.
Justice seeking relativessaid Dagalangit was driving a motorcycle and accidentally bumped an unnamed child along the road in Barira on September25.
Dagalangit had prevented afatal impact during the accident because he was able to kick the child off the road, and that the child was slightly hurt, according to his brother Najer.
“Nabangga ng kapatid ko ang bata pero hindi napurohan dahil nasipa niya. Hindi rin natumba ang motor niya, Najer narrated in a messenger chat with the Philippine Muslim Today (PMT) news on Friday.
He pointed out that
his brother promptly went to the village chairman of barangay Tugaig who in turn,hesaid,surrendered him to the Barira police station in a bid to prevent an undue reprisal from the child’s kin and an escalation of the accident to intenseproportions.
Najer said that before his brother was turned over to the MPS, their father saw Johaire without any injury and was physicallysound.
A day after the surrender, Najer said his family was shocked to receive a report from the MPS elements that his brother succumbed to nocturnal death (bangugot) while asleepindetention.
Najer and other relatives rejected the local police claim, saying that Joahire’s body sustained marks of severe bruises and contusions in most partsofhisupperbody.
He furnished the PMT news with a postmortem photo of hisbrother, even
as he and other relatives suspected that Johaire was brutally mauled in detention.
In different Facebook pages, relatives posted the names and photos of Barira cops purportedly on duty at the time of Johaire’s detention, hoping that such police officers should not only face administrative sanction but be prosecuted to the fullestintent ofjustice.
Najer said a meaningful justice in his brothers death can be achieved not onlywith thedismissal from service of the cops involved but when they are imprisoned to regret their wrongdoing.
Other aggrieved relatives also posted in social media some photos showing themselves putting up tarpaulins containing calls for justice in the vicinity of the Barira MPS after thepurported reshuffleinthepoliceoutfit.
Vol. III, No. 17 | Oct. 10 16, 2022 (Rabiul Awwal 14 20, 1444)BARMM NewsA2
Slain village chair Jamael Sinsuat.
(With story from Kasan Usop, Jr./BIO)
The Bangsamoro Parliament in session>
Basilan hosts BARMM’s service delivery convergence
LGUs ink MOAs for P30M infra projects as residents get relief goodies
Basilan province has hosted another leg of convergent service deliveries from the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) bureaucracy, receiving relief goodies and infrastructure projects from the Office of the Chief Minister (OCM) and the Ministry of the Interior and Local Government (MILG).
The trend setting event was held on September 30, enabling BARMM Chief Minister Ahod “Hadji Murad” Ebrahim tobring along his cabinet members to interface with Basilan officials and residents through Project TABANG or Tulong Alay sa Bangsamorong Nangangailangan on a face to face service delivery cum consultativeconvergence.
The Project TABANG, constituting all BARMM ministries and agencies as implementing members, wasdesigned by the OCM to be “closer to the people” on a periodic cycle meant to cover all component provinces and areas of the archipelagic autonomous region through theyears, according to the office of Senior Minister Abdulraof Macacua.
BARMM comprises the provinces of Maguindanao and Lanao del Sur
(including Marawi City) as well as this city and the36 village Special Geographical Area in North Cotabato in mainland Central Mindanao, and the distant provinces of Basilan (including Lamitan City), Sulu and Tawi Tawi in the archipelagic Western Mindanao.
In the latest leg of Project TABANG in Basilan, data on services or goodies delivered by other BARMM ministries and agencies were not readily available as ofpress time. Only those of the MILG and partly of the OCM were gathered by the Philippine Muslim Today (PMT) news through a press statement and somesocialmediaposts.
Basilan Governor Jim Hataman Salliman alongside other local officials warmly received the regional contingent led by CM Ebrahim, and was all praises for the repeated episode of the convergence in his province, it waslearned.
Salliman and Ebrahim
jointly witnessed the dispersal of 2,700 bags relief goodies for pre identified Basilan residents, including internally displaced persons, underprivileged villagers and families in Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) communities in the island province, reportssaid.
Hostofficialsreportedly assembled hundreds of residents and local leaders for interaction with BARMM executives, notablythechief minister.
CMEbrahim inhisbrief speech pointed out that while political diversity exists among local leaders and constituents, there should always be room for unity in spirit and action when public service is at stake.
“We have only one goal and that istoimprove the wellbeing of every Bangsamoro people. But we can realize this dream when we are united in spirit and action,” Ebrahim was quoted as saying in Filipino.
At the event, the re-
gional officialdom forged amanagementmemorandum pact with theLGU of Tabuan Lasa for the operation and maintenance of the P12 million desalination machine earlier delivered and installed in the municipality, MILG Minister Naguib Sinarimbosaid in apost.
Tabuan Lasa’s desalination machine was one of several units of similar gadgets purchased and distributed by the OCM and MILG to island municipalities in Basilan, Sulu and Tawi Tawi to instantly transform sea water into drinking liquid and the age old oddity of scarce potable water in the island provinces, earlier BARMM reports said learned.
The MILG also signed separate memorandums of agreement(MoAs) with officials of Lamitan City and Albarka town for the construction of a P15 million public market building for each of the LGUs, Minister Sinarimbo said.
“We also took the opportunity to explain to the constituents of the province the programs of the MILG thru our fliers and brochures at our booth. A meeting with thegovernor and the mayors also allowed us to personally receive their proposals,” Sinarimbo said, referring to Salliman whom he commended for his warm reception.
BARMM grants add’l. P10-M fund for indigent patients in ZCMC
More indigent patients in Zamboanga City Medical Center (ZCMC) will nowbe ableto access the regional government’s hospital assistance program dubbed AMBaG or the ‘Ayudang Medikal mula sa Bangsamoro Government’ as an additional Php10 million fund was granted tothehospital.
BARMM Cabinet SecretaryMohd Asnin Pendatun, who also serves as AMBaG’s project manager, disclosed that they are regularly replenishing medical funds to the program’spartnerhospitals.
“Just recently, we replenished funds in ZCMC as the initial fund (Php5 million) we transferred to them were already consumed. This time we transferred 10 million pesos,” Pendatunsaid.
Pendatun turned over
the checks to ZCMC Chief Dr. Afdal Kunting on September21.
“ZCMC is very strategic as it serves as referral hospitals for patients from Basilan, Sulu, Tawi Tawi, and nearby provinces in Zamboanga,” he added.
In ZCMC alone, the program was able to help 588 patients coming from the Bangsamoro core territories and other areas.
To date, AMBAG has 28 partner hospitals within and outside the region’s territories, as the Bangsamoro Organic Law provides that the regional government shall also extend assistance to Bangsamoro communities outside the region.
As of August this year, the number of patients who benefitted from the
program already reached 36,409. Out of this figure, 73% walked out of the hospital with zero balance after availing of AMBaG and other medical benefitsofthegovernment.
Pendatun said they simplified the process of availing the program and ensured that a desk officer is available at every partner hospital ready to assistpatients.
Sadam Macao, a resident of Parang, Maguindanao shared how he easily availed of the program when his father was admitted to Iranun District Hospital.
“Dumating kami Sabado ng gabi sa hospital at nakalabas kami Lunes. Hindi po mahirap i process yung AMBaG, napakadali,” Macaosaid.
As theystrategized the implementation,Pendatun disclosed that the pro-
gram’s marching order to desk officers is to ensure that patients will be discharged from the hospital as soon as they availed of AMBaG’sbenefits.
Ayaw natin na maging dahilan pa yung AMBaG na ma delay yung paglabas ng pasyente,” hesaid.
To expand its services, AMBaG is eyeing to forge partnerships with all government hospitals within and outside the BARMM’s formal territorieswithinthisyear.
“Were still adding hospitals that are very strategic na labas na sa BARMM territory, and currently ang very soon na madadagdag sa roster of hospitals natin ay sa Palawan,” Pendatun shared.
(With story from Abdullah Matucan/BIO)
BARMM journalist receives PH patent for energy utility model
COTABATO CITY The Intellectual Property Office of thePhilippines(IPOPHL)hasgranted patentregistration to aprototype ofrenewable energyconversion developed by a journalist based in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in MuslimMindanao(BARMM).
Lawyer Lolibeth Medrano, IPOPHL patents director, wrote that a certificate of registration (COR) of patent has been issued to Nash B. Maulana, one year afterhehad applied for utility model (UM) patent ofhis Tri Mode Power Generator (T MPG) System, a set of self charging battery driven generator prototype.
Nash B. Maulana studied BSEE at National University, Manila, and finished Bachelor of Journalism at Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Manila
BARMM Education Minister Mohaguer Iqbal lauded the project even prior to the grant of the patent, saying, “this is what we need: creativityin invention orinnovation.”
Theregion’s Interior and Local Governments Minister Naguib Sinarimbo said his office can host a forum where the patent may be presented, and the model explained anddiscussed.
Maulana said the T MPG UM can be upgraded to full scale of his original design. The model is a downscaled version including a direct current (DC) source composed of car batteries in the prototype, instead of costly industrial batteries.
He said T MPG as a marine electricity source conversion model for renewable energy “can be expanded” with a gearbox mechanism designed for a hydropower turbine or a wind turbine system, as establishedin aResearch and Development(R&D) program on marine electricity conversion for renewable energydevelopedin Europe.
Maulana, however, added that any R&D efforts should “not extend” the design to external community looping distribution, just as yet, so as not to create early “conflict” with power utilities on issues like islanding.”
Engineer Chamlette Garcia, chief of the IPOPHL Utility Model Examination Division (UMED), said the Philippine patent regulatory agency is strict as ever on granting patent COR including those for utility models(UMs),underwhich theT MPGispatented.
The whole world, including U.S. (inventors) will get to see it(T MPG) when it’spublished on the IPOPHL e Gazette,” Garcia explained. The abstract of Maulana’s utility model had been published in a month long “period of opposition,” May 20 June 20, 2022.Therewasnoopposition.
Asked how he came up with the idea, Maulana said the T MPG System has been conceptualized in decades of formation of thoughts” on transferring the marine electricity for conversion (to renewable energy) which would take the diesel prime mover off the system, to a stationary land utilization to develop a source of renewable energy.”Instead of a diesel prime mover, Maulana uses heavy duty customized brushless DC motor which he had ordered from China. The prototype driving motor is mechanically enhanced in terms of torque (to overcome friction) in driving a transmission, which is running a set of mechanicalloads composed of onemarinedynamo type generator and another device, each turning on a technicallyrequired speed.
“Have you ever seen anything like to this before?” tops thequestions asked on Maulana’s utility model by some of the country’s science and technology officials in online meetings hosted by the DepartmentofScienceand Technology(DOST) in April.
Maulana said his answer to the question is “not yet,” at least speaking in terms of an entire system that is already developed like the T MPG integrative setup.
Buthesaid anyseriousR&Dprobe of theT MPG UM may also be made in reference to a conference
Vol. III, No. 17 | Oct. 10 16, 2022 (Rabiul Awwal 14 20, 1444)BARMM A3
BARMM | page 07
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Is Celebrating Maulid An-Nabi Bid’ah?
While Muslim religious scholars in the Philippines are busy arguing with each other on whether Maulid An Nabi, the Prophet’s birthday, may Allah send His peace and blessings upon him and his progeny, is Bid’ah or not, many Muslim Filipinos on the other hand are busy celebrating their birthdays no longer listening to the fatwah of the so called scholars who call suchcelebration as Bid’ah if notharam.”
It’s obvious the Ulama does no longer hold strong influence upon local Muslims and it’s due to bickering and bragging among the so called scholars that let loose their flock trust.
is Bid’ah
Muslim scholars have translated Bid’ah as
“Innovation” in theEnglishlanguage.
Theyhavecited twodifferentdefinitions of Bid`ah
Thefirst oneis “linguistic,” theother “technical.”
inharmonywith the Qur'an,Sunnah,traceable tradition (Athar) and theconsensus(Ijma`) ofMuslims.Thesecond kind includes those innovations that bring about that whichis good and thiskindisnotcondemned.
The previous classification of Bid`ah is also maintainedby ImamAn Nawawi.
Those who try to understand the concept of Bid`ah in its linguistic sense maintain that the root of the word includes that whichis new and unprecedented.
Hence, they define Bid`ah as everything that has been introduced following the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and the golden eras of his Companions(mayAllahbepleased withthem.)
The aforementioned linguistic definition encompasses what is good and what is bad, acts of worship (`Ibadat) and others that are otherwise. Those who follow thisdefinition argue that the word Bid`ah as well as the acts related to it are praised in certain religious contexts while condemned in others. This may explain why some scholars have dubbed certain innovative acts as being religiously recommended while classifyingothersasbeing religiouslycondemned.
Imam Shafi`i stated thatinnovative actsare oftwo kinds:the first oneincludes thosethings thatdonot go
However, Imam Al `Izz ibn `Abdus Salam classified Bid`ah intofivecategories:
Obligatory innovation, such as combining and classifying Arabicsciencesand teachingthem.
Religiously recommended innovation, such as buildingschools.
Religiously forbidden innovation, such as reciting the Qur’an in a way that changes the meaning of its wordsfrom theircontexts.
Religiouslycondemnedinnovation,such asdecorating mosques.
Religiously permitted innovation, such as serving differentdishes on onediningtable.
On the other hand, those who adopt the technical definition of Bid'ah state thatinnovation includes things
Renaming the Philippines ‘Maharlika’
Theterm Mardijker isa Dutch corruption of the Portuguese version of the original Sanskrit word and was used to designate former Portuguese and Dutch slaves from India in the East Indies, known as Mardijker, whence the Malay meaning of "free" is derived.
Mardijker are the former Catholic slaves broughtfrom Indiaand the East Indies that were liberated by theDutch ifthey abandoned Catholicism and embraced the Dutch Reformed Church. The term was significant during the anti colonialist and pro independence movements of the colonies of Indonesia, Malaya, and Singapore, in the history of Indonesia, history of Malaysia, and in the historyofSingapore.Itbecame a battle cry for those demanding independence from the colonial administrations of the Netherlands and United Kingdom.
Siding Duterte, Presidential spokesperson Sal-
vador Panelo told journalists covering the Palace that "maharlika means royalty." But according to experts, maharlikaactually has a different meaning, and it's not quite as "peaceful" or noble as we think.
In a radio interview with DZBB, historian Rolando Borrinaga of the National Commission for Culture and Arts said that maharlika actually means"freeman."
Xiao Chua, a historian and assistant professorial lecturer at De La Salle University, said in a report by the Philippine Star that the misconception about the word's meaning was due to a "mistranslation" of Spanish historical texts wherein maharlika was translated to noblemen. "When we read the English, we thought noblemen means royal blooded," he said.
Chua further said, “People were thinking, we want that name. It's a romanticized name, kasi (for it is) royal. Hindi (No); it's just an ordinary person
Award winning novelist Abdon Balde Jr. also took the issue to his social media, saying that the word was included in the Vocabulario de la lengua tagala. Its meaning, translated from Spanish to Tagalog, is "alipin na itinuring na malaya." (A slaveconsidered free)
‘Nothing wrong’ renaming the Philippines Maharlika
Actually, there is nothing wrong in renaming the Philippines Maharlika. If the nation is truly sovereign and free, it must end all slavery connotations and implications upon them. The people of the archipelago should not bear the name Filipinos anymore which still directly or indirectly mean subjects of the Spanish King Philip.
No one can deny the fact that the Philippines, especially those from Luzon and the Visayas were colonized by foreign subjugators for centuries, first by Spain, then the Japanese and the Americans.
Even portions of Mindanao were conquered except the Muslims who were able to suppress foreign subjugation and remained truly free, enjoying their ‘merdeka’ until lately when their lands were taken from them, given to migrants from the north under government programs.
These colonizers had made our country so poor that we can hardly overcome until the present. After our alleged independence on July 4, 1954, or June 12, 1896, the Philippine is still among the poor countries in the third world today our natural resources, our cultures and civilizations arestillbeing andmanipulated by foreign interventions. This only mean one thing: the Filipinos are not free at all.
Changing the Philippines to Maharlika, or any other name, therefore, is better if it will end all colonial connotations of still being under foreign subjugation or interference.
Vol. III, No. 17 | Oct. 10 16, 2022 (Rabiul Awwal 14 20, 1444)FeatureA4 FRONT PAGE OF LAST WEEK ISSUE Philippine Muslim Today Inc. SEC Co. Reg. No. 2021030008913 02 TIN: 602 795 878 00000 PHILGEPS Red Registration ID No. 287438
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(MASIDING N YAHYA (Last part) WHAT IS BID’AH | page 08
“ ” What
The proposed Ranao Autonomous region in perspective (Pros and cons)
Advocates of a separate autonomous region for the two (2) Lanao provinces and adjoining areas advance the theory, that another autonomous region in their area will bring in economic progress and de-
The issue of a new Autonomous region for the Maranao revolve on the text of the Philippine Constitution, specifically, Article 10, Sec. 15, which states:
SECTION 15. There shall be created autonomous regions in Muslim Mindanao and in the Cordillerasconsisting ofprovinces, cities, municipalities, and geographical areas sharing common and distinctive historical and culturalheritage, economic and social structures, and other relevant characteristics within the framework of this Constitution and the national sovereignty as well as territorial integrity of the Republic of the Philippines.
Proponents of Ranao autonomy believe that another autonomous region for the Maranaos in Muslim Mindanao can be legally created by Congress. Inhabitants of the Ranao region (Maranaos, Iranuns and Indigenous tribal Filipinos) shares the same common and distinctive historical and cultural heritage. Likewise, there is no provision in the Philippine Constitution, neither in the Local Government Code and the “BOL” prohibiting the creation of a second autonomous region, as a matter of fact the Constitution allows the merging of LGU’s which strengthen the concept of two autonomy,asthus,
SECTION 13, Local government unit may group themselves, consolidate or coordinates their efforts, services and
velopment, they said a Ranao autonomy for the Maranao co-existing with the present BARMM means more jobs, funds and infra. propelled by constructive competition with the present BARMM
My Legal Point
Bayan G. Balt
resources for purposes commonly beneficial to them in accordance with law.
Ranao autonomy which maybe carve from the present BARMM has the following proposed land area: (1). Lanao Del Sur, (2) Maranao province, (3). Lanao del Norte, (4). Marawi City and Iligan City, (5). Iranun province, (comprising the four Iranun’s municipalities of Maguindanao) and (6). Non Muslim tribal province comprising adjacent municipalities of Bukidnun and Zamboanga Del Sur. The Ranao autonomy has a total land area of 11,470 Sq. KM. which is 5 times bigger than Singapore (728.6 Sq.KM), 2 times bigger than Brunei (5,765 Sq. KM.), 15 times bigger than Bahrain (760 Sq. KM) and almost thesame land area with the state of Qatar (11,571 Sq. KM.). The total population of theRanao autonomy is projected to reach an estimated 3.4 million inyear end.
The Ranao autonomy is rich in natural and min-
eral resources, already it has Lake Lanao which produced 728.5MW. (DOE Report) with its six HEPP, while Agus 3, once operational will generate another 325MW. The Ranao areas has 7 other lakes that can be harness for future power generation. Inhabited by well trained and educated professionals, the Ranao autonomy is home to thousands of skill professionals like lawyers, engineers, doctors and other medical and or technical/or vocational workers, it has Port located in Balabagan and airport in Malabang that can support her economic activities. Corollary, some countries find political solution to ethnic and cultural differences by crafting law setting up separate autonomous region for each group. In Chinathere are five existing autonomous regions, these are: Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Xinjiang Uygur (pop. 21,813,334) and Ningxia Hui (pop. 6,176,900.), the last two of these autonomous regions are inhabited and ruled by Chinese Muslims.
The idea of a Ranao autonomy come at a time when the Maranao is reported to have lost hope for a better and moral governance in the regional government,deteriorating peace and order and unabated poverty. The latest 2021 report of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) shows BARMM the poorest re-
More gains in divided Maguindanao
meetings at Taraka Sports Complex, Brgy. Maruhom, Taraka LDS under the leadership of LCE Hon. Amenodin Usudan Sumagayan and Vice Mayor Nashiba GANDAMRA Sumagayan on September20,2022 at about10:00amofthe samedate.
oters in Maguindanao should go out and cast votes in the upcoming September 17 referen-
Their votes matter most for the future of Maguindanao. Reigning politicians rule all the time. The voice of the ordinary residents is unheard or ignored most of the time. Elections or plebiscites come occasionally for them to have a direct role indecisionmaking, courtesy of the right of suffrage.
The Commission on Elections, the police and military alongside other concerned groups are all set for the event, and had held coordination meetings meant to ensure peaceful, orderly and honest voting and balloting, according to lawyer Udtog Tago, the provincial election supervisor (PES)ofMaguindanao.
In a recent interview with me and fellow veteran journalist Lolly Acosta over Manila based DWIZ, Tago said barangay officials in Maguindanao were expected to stage information campaigns to educate resident voters on the essence of the referendum and drum up favourable turnout on Sept.17.
Media entities covering Maguindanao have not reported active and massive information drives in villages; neither had theprovincial government engaged the media in educating and inviting the electorate.
I floated slogan type social media messages about the forthcoming plebiscite. One of which was a query on whether or not Maguindanao voters are in favour of the creation of Maguindanao del Sur and Maguindanao del Norte out of the moth-
dum to ratify or reject the splitting of their province proposed under R.A. 11550.
two capitol sites, thereby bring constituents closer to their powers that be; and
5. Such law will somehow resurrect the mothballed Shariff Kabunsuan province (constituting the first district of Maguindanao), during which the minority Iranun townshad enjoyed wider latitudes in governance.
Ali G. Macabalang
As of press time, more than a dozen nitizens answered the question in the affirmative, with a few airing dissent. One of them asked me via messenger about my stand on the question.
I told the Facebook friend that I am not aresident or elector of Maguindanao, but I am concerned about the welfare of the majority of Maguindanaons. So, I expressed my view in favour of the provincial split, stating the following reasons:
1. Dividing Maguindanao will benefit the majority constituents in all development dimensions socio political, economics, administrative efficiency,and etc;
2. Creation two provincial governments will bring about more employment opportunities, more electiveposts;
3. Each of theprovincial governments will have more focused service deliveries in consonance with the saying that the smaller area of jurisdiction to manage, thebetter tomanage;
4. R.A.11550 prescribes for the creation of
There are many other benefits available in the creation of Maguindanao del Sur and Maguindanao delNorte.
The proposed Maguindanao del Norte shall comprise 12, namely: Datu Blah Sinsuat, Barira, Buldon, Datu Odin Sinsuat, Kabuntalan, Matanog, North Upi, Parang, Northern Kabuntalan, Sultan Kudarat, Sultan Mastura, and Talitay. Datu Odin Sinsuat will serve as the northern capital town.
Maguindanao del Sur will comprise Ampatuan, Buluan, Datu Abdulla Sangki, Datu Anggal, Datu Hofer Ampatuan, Midtimbang, Datu Montawal, Datu Paglas, Datu Piang, Datu Salibo, Satu Saudi Ampatuan, Datu Unsay, Gen. Salipada K. Pendatun, Guindulungan, Mamasapano, Mangudadatu, Pagalungan, Paglat, Pandag, Rajah Buayan, Shariff Aguak, Shariff Saydona Mustafa, Sultan sa Barongis, Talayan, andSouthUpi.
The current provincial Buluan capital is retained as the seat of Maguindanao del Sur under R.A. 11550.
(Comments and reactions may be sent to alimac.bulletin@gmail. com.)
J&T EXPRESS Branch launched in Saguiaran LDS
ILIGAN CITY J&T Express is an Indonesian logistics and express delivery company.[1] Founded in 2015 (as PT Global Jet Express),[2] the company has 350,000 employees worldwide.[3] Since its founding, J&T experienced rapid growth, expanding into Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore, China, Mexico, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Egypt by 2022. It is one of the two decacorn companies in Indonesia. In December 2021, it was valued at USD $20 billion, and ranked as the 16th largest unicorn globally.
in Saguiaran, Lanao del Sur successfully Launching of Noralyn Courier Services partnered with J&T Express Saguiaran Branch located at Datu Ampao Village (near AMG Gas Station), Brgy. Bubong, Saguiaran, Lanao del Sur.
Vol. III, No. 17 | Oct. 10 16, 2022 (Rabiul Awwal 14 20, 1444)Opinion A5
CITY The Personnel of Taraka MPS led by PSSg Loremae N Mascod under the supervision of PLT NurBasherC.Cayda Acop attended and participated in the Municipal Peace and Order Council (MPOC) and Municipal Anti Drug Abuse Council (MADAC) JOINT
To the Saguiaran residents, maaari niyo pa ring gamitin ang exact Residential or Business Address niyo at ilagay sa additional address details ang J&T Express Saguiran. the Branch Owners, Dr. Noralin Mangondato Sharief Ador and Sultan Nasroden Bandera Ador and thier supporter mother, Dr. Norma Mangondato Sharief, PhD. ROCAYA OPTICAL YAHYA
BALT | page 07
not because of them, our people will not be enjoying quality education within their arms’ reach. We also give thanks and due recognition to our faculty and staff for their efficiency, competence and pro activeness that led to where MSU Maguindanao Campus is right now.
We are cognizant that as an institution, while MSU Maguindanao is on its bloom of academic excellence, it faces challenges as well. On the part of the Bangsamoro Government, we prioritize education. We invest on our youth. We allocate bulk of our budget for education. We are ready for any help we can extend to our Higher Education Institutions.
Guided by its mission and vision, we are assured that MSU Maguindanao will continue to reach greatest possible heights. On its 49th Founding Anniversary, I wish the Mindanao State University Maguindanao Campus continuous success in its pursuit of academic excellence and in nurturing the minds of the Bangsamoro Youth; inculcating in them the selfless love for Bangsamoro land, honing their potentials to be the future of the Region and contributors of its progress and development.
I would like to end this by leaving a quote that I have read “Education is the foundation upon which we build our future.” We offer our sincerest thanks to Mindanao State University Maguindanao Campus for building our youth all for the progress and growth of our homeland.
Happy Founding Anniversary our dear Mindanao State University Maguindanao. Pagpalain Bangsamoro.
the main objective of the peace rally is to invite the citizens, especially the members of the Bangsamoro Transition Authority, to unite and work in solidarity for a peaceful transition in the BARMM andbeyond.
Alim said,therallyspecifically aims at lobbying for thefollowing:
1. Faithful implementation of the peace agreements between the government and the MILF and the MNLF to sustain the gains of the peace process;
2. Passage of the important codes and other relevant laws as foundation for good governance intheBARMM;
all areas ruined by the past violence as an expression of transitional justice,and;
6. Working towards strengthening social cohesion, inter tribal unity and promoting justice, tolerance and understanding towards healing, reconciliation and national unity through the institution of dialogues and consultative assemblies among different sectors and faithgroups;
7. Fighting and resisting corruption so that the resourcesintended forthe well being of the people are safeguarded and used instead for public service
With the participation
and solidarity in actions, is the most important and effective first step in
sive development in the
ty community (CSOs), even as we continue to accompany the peace ”
In Marawi City, the peace rally which started s Park in Kilometer Zero was led
Noni Lao, Kalimodan chairman Amenoding T. Cali, UNYPAD Ansary Diamaoden, Salaam Police Marawi headed by Atty. Khadijah Abdulmohmen, Albangsamoro Shari'ah and Professional Education College headed by Omar Ali Mangondato Sahrief, Inshirah Amil, agency Ranao watch for Empowerment Network RAWATEN Inc. and Youth Volunteers.
Vol. III, No. 17 | Oct. 10 16, 2022 (Rabiul Awwal 14 20, 1444)NewsA6
BARMM journalist… from page A3
paper on “marine current as an effective source for renewable electric energy conversion” The paper titled: “Drive Generator for MarineCurrent EnergyConversion” is credited to Swedish scientists at Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology, Technology, Department of Engineering Sciences, Electricity. The conference paper was based on a thesis of the same title published by that prestigiouslearninginstitution inEuropein 2007.
In graphical terms, Maulana added, a similar concept developed in Taiwan was patented in the Philippinesin2005.
A little similarity with the Taiwan model, if any, did not matternorhamper thepatent application for theT MPG Bangsamoro Model. Instead, the precedent technology patent has even boosted the formality examination review (FER) on the T MPG System, which was conducted by Engineer Marriane Gadaingan of the IPOPHL Utility Model Examination Division (UMED).
Insupportto BARMMstudies
Maulana, however, reiterated that his utility model isno more than aprototype thatdoesnotdeliver a full scale output, unless when some of its components areupgraded toitsfull scaledesign.
But he said he would recommend that R&D efforts on theT MPGshallbelimitedtoconsideration oftechnical probe of this system, as a source of conversion into renewable energy and should not include any program leading to community extension of loops installation and distribution. A separate R&D, he said, shouldcover anysuch extended program.
Maulanahascovered BARMM areasfor theManila Standard (since 2016), and previously, in the coverage of ARMM for the Philippine Daily Inquirer (1992 2016). He has also written books on community best practices in projects supported (in ARMM) by international organizations, including the World Bank in 2010 andin2014.
He said he has had some engineering background in theory and practice. But in college, he opted to finishjournalism.
Among others, Maulana is a recipient of the European Union Peace Journalism Award (2015), Sultan Kudarat Professional Achievement Award (print journalism category, 2018); Humanitarian Reporting Award (ICRC,2010), ARMM Gawad kalikasan (2018), Peace Reporting Citation/ Certification of Recognition by the Philippine Army’s 6th Infantry Division (2010), and is a 2016 CMMA Finalist for the Philippine Inquirer’sMamasapanoSeriesin2015.
Nash B. Maulana studied BSEE at National University, Manila, and finished Bachelor of Journalism at Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Manila
The proposed Ranao Autonomous region...
gion in the country, despite billions of funds assistance from the national government, as said by Sen. I. Marcos in filing Senate Resolution No. 729.
“Under the General Appropriations Act (GAA) of 2020, the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) was allocated an annual appropriation of Php 7 billion, an Annual Block Grant of Php 63.6 billion, and a Special Development Fund of Php 5 billion. In addition to this, under the 2021 GAA, the BARMM was also given an annual appropriation of Php 8.6 billion, an Annual Block Grant of Php 71.6 billion, and a Special De-
velopment Fund of Php 5 billion”. Despite these allocated appropriations, there is too little progress and change in theBARMM.”
With almost 4 years in reign with unlimited government assistance, the incidence of poverty in BARMM shows very discouragingto wit:
The BARMM has 39.4% poverty incidence among families far from the nationwide average of 18% and the national capital region of 5.2%. (PSA 2021report) while 63% of theMoro Muslims lives below the poverty line, (The Arab News report) this mean, that for every 1 Million Moro Muslims, 630,000 of them dont have three
Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT
REGIONAL TRIAL COURT OF LANAO DEL SUR Twelfth (12th) Judicial Region Branch 8, Marawi City
E mail address: rtc1mrw008@judiciary.gov.ph | Contact Number: +63 909 820 5575
Spl. Proceeding No. 2551 2022
of his passport under his Certificate of Live Birth at the DFA Regional Consular Office in Cagayan de Oro that Petitioner was informed that there appeared two records of birth relating to him. Petitioner was advised to cancel the second registration;
10. The delayed registration of Petitioner’s birth with the Office of Respondent under Registry No. 2010 696 had no basis in fact and in law since Petitioner was actually born at 046 Bo. Nabaro, Marawi City, Lanao del Sur, and timely registration was in fact recorded at the Office of the Civil Registrar of Marawi City evidenced by a Certificate of Live Birth (Annex “A”);
11. Being the first registration, the first Certificate of Live Birth bearing Registry No. 2003 5700 takes precedence over the second Certificate of Live Birth bearing Registry No. 2010 696;
12. The possible errors, however, contained in the first Certificate of Live Birth may be corrected to reflect the correct information relating to the birth of Petitioner;
13. Furthermore, the existence of Petitioner’s second birth certificate at the records of public respondent may affect Petitioner’s birth record or subject the convenient use of the same with certain difficulties, considering Petitioner appears to have two (2) recorded birth certificates;
14. The cancellation of the second Certificate of Live Birth of Petitioner (Annex “B”) bearing registry No. 2010 696 from the records of public respondent would put in order Petitioner’s birth records and eventually facilitate and expedite Petitioner’s intention to correct erroneous entries in his Certificate of Live Birth;
Before this court is verified Petition for Cancellation of Registry No. 2010 696 bearing the name MACABAWI AMOL DIPATUAN, which reads in part:
1. Petitioner is legal age, Filipino, married and a resident of Dipatuan Compound, 0837 Barangay Marawi Poblacion, Marawi City. Petitioner may be served with orders, summons and other court processes through the undersigned counsel with office address at Oro Legis Law Office, 2nd floor Gonzalo Chavez Bldg. Capistrano Corner Tirso Neri St., Cagayan de Oro City;
2. Respondent Municipal Civil Registrar, is a public office mandated to perform the civil registration function including cancellation/correction of entries in the Civil Registry of the Municipality of Bacolod Kalawi where the fact of birth of Petitioner was registered, whose office is located at the Municipal Hall of Bacolod Kalawi, Brgy. Bubong, Lanao del Sur, where summons and other legal processes may be served;
3. Petitioner was born on May 08, 1979; however, his record of birth
4. The first registration was through a Certificate of Live Birth with Registry No. 2003 5700 under the name of one CARDAWI MINDALANO MACASILANG registered at the Office of the Civil Registrar of Marawi City. A copy of the Certificate of Live Birth with registry NO. 2003 5700 is hereto attached and marked as Annex “A”;
5. The second registration was through a delayed registration of Certificate of Live Birth with Registry No. 2010 96 under the name of one MACABAWI AMOL DIPATUAN received at the Office of the Municipal Registrar of Bacolod Kalawi; 6. The first Certificate of Live Birth (Annex “A”) contains the following information:
CARDAWI MINDALANO MACASILANG born on May 8, 1979 at 046 Bo. Nabaro, Marawi City, Lanao del Sur
7. The second Certificate of Live Birth (Annex “B”), which Petitioner was able to use only once, contains the following information:
MACABAWI AMOL DIPATUAN born on October 10, 1980 at Brgy. Dipatuan Bacolod Kalawi, Lanao del Sur
8. Petitioner had use the second Certificate of Live Birth (Annex “B”) only once and for him to perform hajj at Saudi Arabia, with his apprehension of using his original and first Certificate of Live Birth because of the possibility of being held by the Saudi Arabia Immigration because of his non completion of contract with his previous employer as an AutoCAD operator for the Saudi Bin Laddin Group, during the year 2006. (Attached is an ID issued by the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos under the name Macabawi Amol Dipatuan as Pilgrim as Annex “C”).
9. It was only in November 2015, when Petitioner applied for renewal
meals a day, more, worst is that hundred thousand of them cannot buy medicines for their sick or send their children to school. When the BTA took over in 2019, the Moro people has high hopes that the dividend of peace will finally reach the most economically oppressed Moro. The BTA parliament is supposed to craft laws to implement the peace process, unfortunately only three laws were passed and approved out of the sixmandated laws,provided in the BOL, these are the Administrative, Education and Civil Service codes which have minimal benefits to the Moro people. Some critics argue against the quality of said laws being a copy paste
from national laws containing questionable provisions.
With due respect, there are some BTA members who work very hard sincere enough to help his constituents, the like of Sultan DumaSani, Musa Diamla and Maisarah Dandamun Latiph. Sultan Duma Sani once become emotional when heraiseshisvoicein one meeting demanding the return of GZ residents to their homes. MP Diamla has filed several Resolutions and bills, his office conduct seminars and lectures and has presided sessions ofthe Parliament on several occasions, MP Latiph was the most articulate and reachable BTA member
15. That Petitioner obtained an NBI Clearance under the name CARDAWI MINDALANO MACASILANG, under NBI ID NO. M224ECHI97 RXI209067 which had remarks that he has no records on file and contains his latest photo valid until July 08, 2023.
Finding the aforesaid Petition to be sufficient in form and substance, it is hereby ordered that the same be set for hearing before this Court on December 6, 2022 at 8:30 o’clock in the morning.
Let copy of this Order be PUBLISHED at the expense of the petitioner in a newspaper of general circulation in Lanao del Sur or Marawi City or Iligan City for three (3) consecutive weeks.
The Municipal Civil Registrar of Bacolod Kalawi, Lanao del Sur and the Civil Registrar General, or any person or party who has an interest in the petition, may file his/her opposition thereto within fifteen (15) days from notice of this Petition or from the last day of publication of this order.
Further, let this order be posted for fifteen (15) days prior to the date of hearing in the Bulletin Board of the Civil Registrar of Bacolod Kalawi, Lanao del Sur and the Bulletin Board of this Court, also at the expense of the petitioner.
The petitioner is directed to notify this Court of the publication of this order not later than three (3) days before December 6, 2022.
Furnish copies of tis order, together with the copies of the Petition to the Municipal Civil Registrar of Bacolod Kalawi, Lanao del Sur, the Hon. Solicitor General, Makati City, and the Hon. Civil Registrar General, Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), Santa Mesa, Manila.
Marawi City, Philippines, August 30, 2022
(SGD) SAMINA S. MACABANDO USMAN Presiding Judge /ssb
Copy Furnished: Atty. Mohammad Hussien B. Lucman LCR of Bacolod Kalawi 2F Gonzalo Chavez Bldg. Capistrano Bacolod, Lanao del Sur Corner Tirso Neri St., Cagayan De Oro City
PSA Cardawi M. Macasilang
NSO Building, East Avenue, Diaptuan Compound, 0837 Diliman, Quezon City Brgy. Marawi Poblacion, Marawi City
Office of the Solicitor General 134, Amorsolo St., Legazpi Village, Makati City
PMT: Oct. 3 9, 2022; Oct. 10 17, 2022; Oct. 18 24, 2022
who filed several important legislations. Congratulations for the hard work andsincereservices to their constituents during stint in the former BTA.
For comment at:bayanbalt@yahoo.com
Atty. Bayan G. Balt is
the former Chapter PresidentoftheIntegratedBar of the Philippines (IBP Marawi City andLanaodel Sur, 20132015) Chairman oftheRanaoFederalState Movement (RFSM) and PresidentoftheAllianceof Regional Coalitions Against Peoples Poverty (ARCAPP).
A7Vol. III, No. 17 | Oct. 10 16, 2022 (Rabiul Awwal 14 20, 1444) Business News & Classified Ads PHILIPPINE MUSLIM TODAY INC. SEC Co. Reg. No. 2021030008913 02 TIN: 602 795 878 00000 PHILGEPS Red Registration ID No. 287438 Read Philippine Muslim Today newspaper. Your source of reliable information on the Bangsamoro. www.philmuslim.today
BALT | from page A5
What is Bid’ah?...
As a result, things that are new and unprecedented,but goinlinewiththespiritofIslam,and do not contradict its basics are not considered innovations. It is recorded that some of the Prophet's Companions (may Allah be pleased with them all) would say the Talbiyah (during Hajj) in a formula different fromthat said by the Prophet(peaceandblessingsbeuponhim).
thatapparentlyresembleShari`ah,butgenuinelythey don’t. On the basis of this definition, all innovations are strongly condemned, and hence they can not include the five categories mentioned by Imam Al `Izz ibn `Abdus Salaam above. This may explain the Propheticsaying,"Everyinnovative actisan aberration."
Also, Imam Malik stated that he who innovates something in Islam while deeming it to be a good innovation has alleged that Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was unfaithful in disseminating his message as Allah Almighty says: "This day are those whodisbelievein despair of(everharming) your religion; so fear them not, fear Me! This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favor unto you, and have chosen for you Al Islam as religion. Whosoever is forced by hunger, not by will, to sin: (for him) Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."(Al Ma'idah:3)
Hence, theinnovations that areunlawfulin Islam includethefollowing:
Being innovated, in the sense that the innovation doesnot take place during the early Islamic period.
The innovation is considered unlawful when it contradicts one of the primary sources of Islam, such astheQur'an and theSunnah.
As a result, things that are new and unprecedented, but go in line with the spirit of Islam, and do not contradict its basics are not considered innovations. It is recorded that some of the Prophet's Companions (may Allah be pleased with them all) would say the Talbiyah (during Hajj) in a formula different from that said by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). For example, Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) would say, "Labbayka Haqqan HaqqaLabbaykaTa`abbudan Wasedqa." ‘Truly I am at your service O Allah; I am at your service in true worship ofYou.’
Also, `Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) is reported to have gathered people to perform Tarawih (Ramadan night prayer) in congregation. It is noteworthyherethatthe same actdid not existduring the lifetime of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).
At least 127 dead after riot breaks out at Indonesia football match
At least 127 people died at a football stadium in Indonesia when fans invaded the pitch and police responded with tear gas, triggering a stampede, authorities say.
Arema FC supporters at the Kanjuruhan stadi-
Police, who characterized the unrest as “riots,” tried to persuade fans to return to the stands and fired tear gas after two officerswerekilled.
Many of the victims were trampled to death, according topolice.
“In the incident, 127 people died, two of whom are police officers. Thirty four peopledied insidethe stadium and the rest died in hospital,” East Java police chief Nico Afinta said in a statement on Sunday.
Afinta said many people were crushed and suffocated when they ran to oneexit.
Images captured from inside the stadium during the stampede showed huge amounts of tear gas and people clambering over fences.
People were carrying injured spectators through thechaos.
Torched vehicles, including a police truck, littered the streets outside the stadium on Sunday morning.
The Indonesian government apologized for the incident and promised
to investigate the circumstances surrounding the stampede.
“We’re sorry for this incident this is a regrettable incident that ‘injures’ our football at a time when supporters can watch football matches from the stadium,” Indonesian Sports and Youth Minister Zainudin Amali toldbroadcaster Kompas.
“We will thoroughly evaluate the organization of the match and the attendance of supporters. Will we return to banning supporters from attending
um in the eastern city of Malang stormed the pitch late on Saturday after their team lost 3 2 to Persebaya Surabaya, the first loss in more than two decades to their bitter rival.
the matches? That is what we will discuss,” the minister added.
The Football Association of Indonesia (PSSI) suspended football matches for one week, banned Arema FC from hosting home games for the rest of the season, and said it would send an investigation team to Malang to establish the cause ofthecrush.
“We’re sorry and apologies to families of the victims and all parties over the incident,” PSSI chairman Mochamad Iria-
Fan violenceis aproblem in Indonesia, where deep rivalries have preciously turned into deadly confrontations.
Some matches the biggest being the Old Indonesia Derby between PersijaJakarta and Persib Bandung aresoheated players from top teams have to travel to away games under heavy protection.
Source: AFP
Hamas calls Israeli crimes against Palestinian children a ‘sadist’ practice
The Hamas resistance movement has denounced Israel’s crimes against Palestinian children as a “sadist” practice.
Thedenouncement on Thursday comes following the brutal killing of a Palestinian child at the hands of the Israeli regime’sforces.
Seven year old Rayyan Yaser Suleiman died in the town of Taquu near the city of Bethlehem in the southern part of the Israeli occupied West Bank earlier onThursday.
Rayyan lost his life as he and his fellow schoolchildren were being viciously chased by Israeli troops on their way homefrom school.
According to the West Bank based Palestinian
Authority’s health ministry, the minor died after falling from a high placeduring thechase.
Reflecting on the incident, Hamas asserted that the Israeli military’s “crimes against Palestinian children, people, land, and sanctities will not grant Israel security,” the Palestinian Information Center news agency reported.
Such deadly atrocities, the movement added, would rather “only boost the Palestinian resistances strength to defend the Palestinian lands and rights until the full liberation of Palestine.”
Citing medical staff at the Beit Jala Governmental Hospital, where Rayyan was pronounced dead, the official Palestinian Wafa
news agency said the child’s heart had also stopped beating as he was running away from thetroops.
The Palestinian boy’s father, Yaser, confirmed that the Israeli troops had chased his son to their house, adding that Rayyan’s heart stopped beating because he was apparently so scared, Wafaadded.
The father said he put his son in his car and rushed tohospital,but was stopped halfway by Israeli forces, who checked his son. They let him drive on after they had made sure he was dead, Yaser said. (Source: PressTV)
Vol. III, No. 17 | Oct. 10 16, 2022 (Rabiul Awwal 14 20, 1444)Muslim WorldA8
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DEADLY FOOTBALL MATCH: This picture taken on October 1, 2022 shows security personnel (lower) on the pitch at Kanjuruhan stadium in Malang, East Java, Indonesia, where at least 127 people died at a football stadium after fans invaded the pitch. (Photo by AFP)
Press TV file photo of Israeli troops
Read Philippine Muslim Today newspaper
From page A4