Grace Point! January 2015

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Volume 1 ~Issue 1

January 2015

Announcing the launch of:

Table of Contents 3~Notes from Rebecca 4~About Us 5~Restoration & Renewal 6~Christ on Campus by Taylor Smith 7~Spotlight on: Billy Smith, Artist 8~Young Christian Mom by Rachel Dills 9~Memoirs of a Foster Mom by Keitha Parton 10-13 Handmade in Israel 14~Poetry of Peace & Praise 15~God’s Toolbox 16~Hands of Mercy-Uganda by Michael Nakhokho Odili 17~Of Words & Wisdom 18~Scripture with Impact 19~My Story...My Walk 20~PPM eStore 21~Links & Credits Back Cover~StillWorks Imagery 2

Hello to all readers! First, I want to thank you for clicking on the link that brought you to this magazine. We will be sharing various articles with you from guest contributors that will vary from month to month, regular features from guest writers, as well as regular features by us as the publishers.

Notes from


We have designed this magazine to be different than typical online magazines. First of all, as you can see, it flips like a real magazine. It’s not a website with a lot of links that a person must subscribe to to read the whole thing. Also, it is set up on a simple premise: short, straightforward articles that have a message. We have no well-known Christian celebrity interviews. Instead, we have articles by ‘common, everyday folk’ who have a story to tell, all for the glory of God. As of this printing, there are already more articles coming together for the February issue. Each issue will come out on the 8th of each month, so look out for it! All pages will have links to the websites they represent; however, on some social networks, these links will not be active. This is something beyond my control. So, inside the back cover, I have added a page entitled “Links & Credits” that has a complete list of all links in the magazine that can be copied and pasted into your browser.

The purpose of this magazine is for help, hope and encouragement toward our fellow man. It is about promoting Godly endeavors and Godly results. It is not about judgment, or whether our beliefs are the same or not. The adversary is about division and subtraction; God is about multiplication and addition. We are our brother’s keeper!

Operating in the promise that God made to Abram in Genesis, in this issue there are four pages dedicated to artisans in Israel who make beautifully handmade items that are available for purchase. And I will make you a great nation, And I will bless, And make your name great; And so you shall be a blessing; And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed. Genesis 12:2-3

Our prayer is that there will be a blessing for each reader among these pages. God bless each and every one! Shalom.

Sincerely, Rebecca Matthews Co-founder, administrator, and ordained minister at Philippi Prospect Ministries Editor in chief of Grace Point! eMagazine Photographer and curator at StillWorks Imagery 3

Philippi Prospect Ministries was started by husband and wife ministry team, James and Rebecca Matthews, in December of 2012. At that time, we had had an online ministry through Facebook and Google since January of 2010, called Boaz Ministries~The Kinsmen Redeemer. This ministry has grown to incorporate issues of general ministry, the homeless, international ministry connections, and men’s restoration ministries. In July of that year, God impressed upon me to start Ruth Ministries~The Virtuous Woman. It consists of various women’s restoration ministries. Then, in September of 2011, the Lord had us begin a ministry geared toward the youth, called Timothy Ministries~The True Son. In July 2012, I began writing a blog, and it soon grew into six separate blogs within a few months. The blogs seemed to blossom immediately and, here we are two and a half years later, our online presence is now approximately 10,000 followers in 128 countries, and growing continually. We also have several ongoing projects; some are posted weekly, and others posted as God leads. So, the purpose of this e-magazine is to put all of our ministry components together under one ‘roof’, as well as give others an opportunity to share their calling with the world. We have now been ‘on the road’ for over four years. We gave up our house, and almost all our earthly belongings, in August in 2010. Since then, we have physically ministered in 5 states-North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Mississippi, and Arkansas. During this time, we have actively ministered in 36 churches, and countless homes and families. We go wherever God sends us. We have many stories, praises, testimonies, life-lessons, and unique happenings to write about each month. We look forward to sharing them with you.

Sincerely, Revs. James & Rebecca Matthews 4

A Journey to

It’s not about forgetting the past. It’s about choosing to let go of the pain associated with it, then moving forward in faith, and using our experiences to help others. It’s about overcoming the enemy, and not letting our past be used against us. If that is you, then you are on his hit-list.The devil IS a liar, and is out to kill, steal, and destroy anything that promotes the Kingdom of God. The key is to keep pressing forward, one step at a time. Several months ago, I embarked on a journey of renewal: of my mind, heart, and character. But, I didn’t choose to do this on my own. No; God was at the helm of this ship, and made it plain to me that I had to lay down some parts of me that had become an integral part of me. It has been a struggle. Some things He asked me to put away go all the way back to childhood; things that I had used to view of other people. But, God revealed to me that it was pure poison, and was hindering my Christian walk. To help me along this path, I have collected pictures that represent different aspects of our Christian walk, because we are all at different places on the path, yet have the same goal. To successfully reach the end. So, here is my attempt to help someone else, while revealing what the Lord has told me to let go of, along with the benefits of being obedient. a publication of Ruth Ministries-The Virtuous Woman TM a women's restoration ministry/a section of Philippi Prospect Ministries TM


hrist on


Overcoming the Fear of Evangelizing by Taylor Smith

Evangelism is just a fancy word for sharing your faith through personal experience. Let me be the first to tell you that it terrifies me. Not only does it terrify me but I am constantly thinking of the thousand and one reasons why I am not equipped enough to do it. “I’m not smart enough”, “I’m not a good enough Christian.”, “What if I sound like a blubbering goofball?” Guess what? That’s just what Satan wants you to believe! I’m here to tell you, as a living example, that you can be an evangelist just like the disciples. You can share your faith without being a ‘Bible thumper’ or a ‘crazy radical Christian’. In the Bible, God used those that came from normal, ordinary lives. His disciples weren’t kings, they didn’t have excellent public speaking skills, they didn’t have a role in the church, they were just normal run-of-the-mill men of that time. Even Moses was an ordinary man who lacked the ability to speak with grace and poise, look at the wondrous things he did all in the name of God. “Moses said to the LORD, "Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue." Ex. 4:10 God also used Paul, who had previously killed Christians, as one of His biggest evangelizers. No, I’m not kidding! He killed and persecuted Christians because he thought they were working against God, and believed he was working for God. If God can transform him into one of the greatest evangelists of his time, then God can transform anybody. The best advice that I can give you to learn to be an evangelist is to just do it. It doesn’t take a special moment or a deeply spiritual conversation, all it takes is you looking for an opportunity. Always be on the lookout and aware of when you can tell someone about Jesus. Be intentional. At first, you don’t even have to start with Jesus’ story, but start with a

...I am constantly thinking... “I’m not smart enough”, “I’m not a good enough Christian.”, “What if I sound like a blubbering goofball?” Guess what? That’s just what Satan wants you to think!

story of your own. Be transparent and authentic to those you are trying to minister to, relate to them, and tell them the ways that you’ve seen God work in your life. It doesn’t take a special knowledge of the Hebrew translation of the Bible or an in depth description of the Old Testament, all you need to do is use your own life and the Truth of God as a template. You will never be able to change someone on your own, only God can transform someone’s heart, but all you need to do is simply allow Him to use you. Only an hour ago, I shared my faith for the first time in a setting where no other believers were around. I had an evangelistic tool, but it was really up to me to provoke the conversation. We talked for upwards to 45 minutes about things that I couldn’t have ever dreamed that she would open up with me about. She vocalized her desire to know the Lord better and her struggles with her faith up until this point. We are getting lunch next week to talk about it more. Was it easy for me? No. I was shaking the whole time, but I can’t describe to you the amount of joy that I felt as I called my Christian friend to tell her about the news, and coincidentally, she had already been praying for this very same person! Pray for it, look for opportunities, and take those opportunities when they arise. Remember, you could be the only light of Jesus that they ever see. Don’t let that person go another day without knowing the power of the One who died for them. This is my prayer for you. 6

read more about Taylor at Live By Faith

Artist I am an Artist that has been referred to as "God-taught". A title I carry with much conviction. Without any formal training from a prestigious art school, I have managed over the last 7 years to develop myself as a well sought-after artist. It all began in my early years with just doodles and copying things that I seen around in nature. Over time I began to really develop my love for listening and playing music which also began Influencing my art. Art for me is a way of life; it's a way that I can interact with the soul deep inside people. I have created an art style that I like to call "RealityFantasy." Sometimes I try to capture the true essence of a person’s outer image, other times I let their spirit speak from within and attempt to bring the message I receive to life.

The woods are my institution and God is my professor. The only technical training that I have had is an advanced placement class at Brevard High School under Sean Parrish in 1994-98. He really pushed me to pursue Art as a career; he saw something in my art that I was too blind to see at that time in my life. His class was nothing short of college level, as he was advancing us with the knowledge and skills that we would need to go to the next level. Even though I did not pursue art directly after high school, his teaching and methods never left my side. Art became my escape from reality for a while. When I didn't like or accept the way the world was going around me I would pull out some paper and create a world that I could agree with. Practice became the key, in my moments of escape I began to develop the photographic side of my mind. Images that I would see in my minds eye I would project them out on paper and breathe life into them. All I ever heard from others was "You need to go to Art school; you need to go to Art school!" The woods are my institution and God is my professor. I personally do not believe that the amount of credentials make the artist. It’s a person’s heart dedication and work ethic that will allow each one to achieve greatness. God has given me a gift and I feel that it is my obligation to use it to better the world around me. I have now come to this conclusion: that only God can get the credit for all my work, because according to this world I do not have the proper amount of schooling to do what I do. After being told time and time again that I would never make it as an artist, I have been driven to be the best that God has created me to be. An amazing Topiary Artist Pearl Fryar told me, "Never let anyone tell you what you are supposed to do and what you are supposed to be!" Words of wisdom that I will pass on to all I encounter. I am now known for my skill at portrait art, illustration, airbrushing, rock painting, murals, and tattoo design. I have been commissioned by many music venues and businesses for logos, paintings etc... I paint to release messages from my spirit that my soul may speak long after I'm gone. I want all who view my art to know and understand the existence of God through love, passion, and perseverance that I pour into my work. find Billy’s art work on



Young Christian Mom Dec. 29, 2008

by Rachel Dills

See that little guy in the picture? His name is Aiden, and he is my life. It was really hard at first. And, I'm not going to lie, there are still some days I want to pull my hair out. But, I wouldn't change a thing. If someone had asked me ten years ago where I thought I would be today, I definitely would have said something other than becoming a teenage mom. I was not prepared at all for what God had in store for me. I had graduated high school at seventeen and the world was my oyster. But, not long after my 18th birthday I met him. He was a daredevil and he liked to break rules and for some reason that intrigued me. We started dating and two months later I was pregnant. I panicked. How could I have been so stupid? I barely knew this guy! What was I going to do? To me, abortion was out of the question. I had a child growing inside of me, so I needed to accept the responsibility of my actions. Having a child obviously changes a person’s life. Little did I know the impact that my son would have on me, and why God sent him to me when He did.


by Keitha


So, after all these, and many other wondrous blessings, why do I still question, have doubts, and shaky faith?

learn more about Keitha at Tuckasegee Country Living and Keitha Parton-Official Mary Kay Consultant


See more from this artist at

Ronit Shwartz

Original art by Ronit Shwartz, Israel. Watercolor, Oil and Acrylic Paintings on paper and canvas. Abstracts, Geometric paintings, Mandalas, Nature, Kitchen & Home decor. Even Yahuda, Israel


all photos used by the expressed written consent of the artist

See more from this artist at Galleros

My work has a Mediterranean flair. I create quality, multi-functional colorful painting and Stained glass products made using lead free solder. My art works are for Home, garden and personal gifts. My items, eclectic but modern, are made with the beauty that can be achieved with texture, colors and materials. Liman, Israel

all photos used by the expressed written consent of the artist


See more from this artist at


Israeli born artist Amnon Caspi was stricken with polio in childhood he dealt with his disability in his everyday life by painting and drawing the world through his window and used his art to communicate with the world.

Amnon Caspi uses the process of Silver Electroforming* with stunning success to produce a vast collection.

Amnon's love of nature can be seen in his art where he integrates flowers and animals into the detailed sculpture-like artwork in which the figures project from the supporting background creating beautiful relief objects. Transforming disability into ability Amnon, now a married man with grown children, established himself and his studio as a leading Judaica artist.


all photos used by the expressed written consent of the artist

See more from this artist at StudioArmadillo Studio Armadillo are Hadas Kruk and Anat Stein, both product designers. Our art works and design pieces, exhibited in museums and galleries such as the Jewish museums of New York, and San Francisco. We create a modern contemporary look for Jewish iconic objects, yet we keep their original function and connection to rules of tradition. Tel Aviv, Israel

all photos used by the expressed written consent of the artist


Rescue Me Lord Rescue me Lord Comfort my soul Pull me away from the lies They are aging my body and making me old. Rescue me Lord Comfort my heart Pull me in away from sin And I will never part. Rescue me Lord For I have strayed I pray to You at night May I rest where I lay. Rescue me Lord Help me to one day see Your face. Rescue me Lord. Save me by Your amazing grace. by Jaime Dills 14

God gives each of us a box of tools to use in our daily lives. Are we using these tools as they were intended? Or, are they located in the bottom of our box, still unused?

Prayer gets God’s attention when we have gone astray. If...My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place. 2 Chronicles 7:14-15

Prayer sanctifies what has been rejected. For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude; for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer. 1 Titus 4:4-5

Prayer moves God. ...the LORD was moved by prayer for the land, and the plague was held back from Israel. 2 Samuel 24:25 Prayer heals our mortal bodies. Thus says the LORD, the God of your father David, I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; behold, I will add fifteen years to your life... 2 Kings 20:5

Prayer casts out demons, moves mountains, and makes all things possible. Jesus rebuked him, and the demon came out of him, and the boy was cured at once...if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting. Matthew 17:18,20-21


Michael Nakhokho Odili

I was born in 1972 in Eastern Uganda at the border of Uganda and Kenya among the poor communities of the slopes of Mountain Elgon, where many people have been killed due to landslides. I grew up with the ambition of becoming a doctor. Doctors in our communities were considered men of consequence. I missed going to a good school of my choice after qualifying because of lack of finances and the ignorant communities discouraged my Dad from paying high fees in such a school.

The orphanage school is called BRIGHT ALLIANACE ACADEMY (NURSERY AND PRIMARY SCHOOL) This school began in 2002. There was need for this school because of the many orphaned kids as a result of the AIDS/HIV, civil wars in Northern Uganda by rebel Joseph Kony, poverty, and accident victims. We began with 15 kids and now we have 150 children at the orphanage school.

At High School level, I joined a small school with limited facilities. I never qualified for the University. I was really discouraged, lost hope and hated life. I ran away from school for casual (odd jobs) job in Nairobi (Kenya). Life was hard, so I came back home as the prodigal son in the Bible, and the Father welcomed me. My former secondary school teacher advised me to join a Teachers College. I did not know God was preparing me for a great Children’s ministry. After qualifying with better distinctions, I joined a juvenile delinquency school in Rakai District where the AIDS/HIV has hit families. I found that elder kids were heading families in which all the parents had died of AIDS/HIV! When I moved into the villages, life was hard for the kids. Some Guardians used the kids as labor force. God has used my profession to help these kids who were hopeless to have hope. God talked to me about this. However, I worked there for a year and left, but God kept on visiting me. In 2002, I met brethren Robert Bikala and Francis Makokha and I shared my vision with them. We began a small church on a rented premises, then got more rooms for rent and began accommodating the needy kids. We have worked together so well. We have rented more rooms which are used as classrooms. The first kids we recruited in 2002 joined University in 2010. This is my great joy. all photos used by the expressed written consent of Michael Nakhokho Odili


Hands of Mercy-Uganda

Hands of Mercy is an NGO (non-government organization) founded in 2002 for the purpose of promoting the gospel of Jesus Christ to the communities in and around the Mukono district. Mukono district is located 22 kilometers from Uganda's capital, Kampala City, along the Kampala Jinja highway. The ministry of Hands of Mercy is implemented in rural areas where most of the people are poor. In these areas are few, if any, missionary or evangelistic works being done. Also, because Mukono district is only 22 kilometers from the city center, it has high prevalence of HIV/AIDS.

Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the number of apples in a seed. -Robert H. Schuller

"Robert H. Schuller." Xplore Inc, 2015. 4 January 2015.


There are a few phrases in Scripture that makes an impact on our hearts and minds. If these words were spoken to us, what would our reaction be? How would they change our idea of how God sees us? But my servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit and has

I will bring into the land into which he went, and his descendants shall possess it. Numbers 14:24

Are we following God fully? 18

I have read a book called "Why Not Women?" written by Loren Cunningham and David Joel Hamilton. The chapter began with a reference in 2 Timothy where Paul reminds Timothy of the faith of his grandmother Lois, and his mother Eunice. That got me to thinking about my own grandma, and how she constantly prayed for her family, including me. Most Christians in my generation or age group had/has one~ a prayin' grandma. I remember when I was not yet in my teens, Grandma was setting before me the pattern to follow: prayer. I remember her saying about a very sick relative who lived in another state, "I can't do anything for them but pray-the Lord will heal them according to His will." What I learned from my grandmother, mostly in my teenage years, was how to pray with humility and sincerity~just me and God. I learned patience and trust by watching and listening to her talk about her answered prayers. I learned sympathy by seeing her cry when others were in pain. And I learned that if I didn't have anything good to say about anyone to keep my mouth shut. In retrospect, I am realizing what a giant pillar she was in my Christian foundation. She showed me how to love, how to live, and how to conduct myself in my Christian walk. I am realizing she was a warrior, a fighter for the cause of God and a great believer in her Jesus~her Savior and Redeemer. Just as Paul told Timothy to remember the 'unfeigned faith' and to 'stir up the gift of God', that is what the Holy Spirit did for me last night. I have been reminded of the unhindered love she showed me growing up. I have the secure knowledge that she said many prayers for me; she travailed for my birth into the family of God. There have been times in my life when I have been called 'determined' or 'persevering' and I always attributed it to my independence. (Being born on Independence Day seems to ingrain the word, as well as the attitude, into a person.) No one ever told me that that was what we as Christians were supposed to do. Paul says that when we've done all we can, to stand. Is that not determination~to not let the enemy knock us down, even when we can't see the next step? My grandmother lived it in front of me, and showed it to me in every aspect of her life. No wonder I felt such a loss when she died. Only now, ten years later, do I know the full extent of why. She was, and still is really, my silent but strong fortress. I see that the path that God has had me walk for the past several years, she gave me the training for. Early in my Christian life, I would not have been able to 'stand' had I not seen her do it in my younger years. I would hope she would look down as part of that great cloud of witnesses and see the spiritual growth that I've undergone in the last few years. I feel as though I've found the last piece of a puzzle~a puzzle that was started many years ago. I remember a dream I had almost twenty years ago. In it I was riding in a horse-drawn wagon. Everything was monochromatic except the jacket I was wearing. It was red. She was a prophetic dreamer, as am I, so I knew that anything red was almost always associated with Jesus and His shed blood. When I told her the dream, she nodded, smiled and simply said, "Remember, red is for love." Yes, it is, Grandma. Yes, it is. see more of my blogs at My Story...My Walk


check out more of my ministry related art at our


PPM eStore

Links Page 4: Page: 6 Page: 7 Page: 9 Page: 10 Page: 11 Page: 12 Page: 13 Page: 14 Page: 19 Page: 20 Back cover:

Credits Background photos on pages: 2,3,6,9,14,15,17, courtesy of StillWorks Imagery. Photos on pages: cover,5,19,20,back cover, courtesy of StillWorks Imagery. Photos on page 8 courtesy of Rachel Dills. Photos on pages 10-13 courtesy of the respective artists. Photos on page 16 courtesy of Michael Nakhokho Odili. Photos of contributors courtesy of themselves. Quote on page 17 courtesy of Robert H. Schuller Quotes - BrainyQuote


Acrobatic Swan

Elegance in Yellow

Wild Red Hips


StillWorks Imagery Fine Art for purchase

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