Volume 1 ~Issue 4 eMagazine of Philippi Prospect Ministries TM
April 2015
~Featuring~ Keitha Parton and husband Scott
and her ministry as a foster mother
There is a huge need for loving foster homes in this country, and it is a beautiful journey that I would do all over again.
Table of Contents
3~Notes from Rebecca 4~About Us 5~Restoration & Renewal 6-7~Cleaning Out the Closet 8~Young Christian Mom by Rachel Dills 9~Sons & Maidens 10-13 Handmade in Israel 14-15~Women of Valor: Interview with Keitha Parton 16~Spotlight on: Grace Gayle, Author 17~Poetry of Peace & Praise by Jaime Dills 18-19~In the Potting Shed 20-21~Women in Scripture: Hannah 22-23~Highways & Hedges 24-25~An Ordinary Aussie Mom by Melanie Baker-Nash 26-27~In the Garden 28~Of Words & Wisdom 29~The Prayer of Nehemiah 30-31~It is Written Back Cover~StillWorks Imagery
Hello to all readers! First, I want to thank you for clicking on the link that brought you to this magazine.
New this issue:
Notes from
The magazine is expanding!!! There are a lot of new features this month!! New page titles to look for are: Cleaning Out the Closet, a new series outlining what we must do to accomplish becoming a new creation in Him; In the Garden, where we will discover all we can about the flowers, fruit and trees mentioned in Scripture. Also, added this month: Highways & Hedges, giving insight into the Great Commission; and It is Written, encouragement for anyone who is called to write about their life experiences while on their walk with God. Congratulations to Melanie Baker-Nash, who will be a featured columnist in Grace Point! eMagazine for as long as the Lord leads her! She is from the land “Down Under”, and was featured in the Spotlight On: page last month as a Christian home-school mom. Or, mum, as the Aussies say! We are very happy to have her aboard! Also new this month, in the Spotlight On category, we have an international contributor: author Grace Gayle from Canada. She has published a book telling her story of overcoming depression, how God helped her every step of the way. A mustread!!! The purpose of this magazine is for help, hope and encouragement toward our fellow man. It is about promoting Godly endeavors and Godly results. It is not about judgment, or whether our beliefs are the same or not. The adversary is about division and subtraction; God is about multiplication and addition. We are our brother’s keeper! Our prayer is that there will be a blessing for each reader among these pages. God bless each and every one! Shalom. Sincerely, Rebecca Matthews Founder, administrator, and ordained minister at Philippi Prospect Ministries Editor in chief of Grace Point! eMagazine Photographer and curator at StillWorks Imagery
God used the experience with Jamie Coulter to teach us some "basics" and help strengthen us for the journey that lay ahead. We had no idea where He was going to take us. 1 Peter 1:7 tells us He will put us through the fire to burn off the impurities, so that we come out perfect in Him on the other side. Our next test of faith came when James had to sign over the parental rights of his son to his former in-laws, so that he could attend school in the county in which they lived. It was an "Abraham asked to sacrifice Isaac" scenario. Up until then, they had been the perfect hosts, letting us stay there while we figured out what direction God wanted us to go next. Little did we know that God would use them to move us along. After our car died that mid-December, they asked us to leave their house. On Christmas Eve, we walked out with the clothes on our back, our computer, our bibles, and a few essentials in a small backpack. We spent that first night in Azalea Park in Summerville. And it was cold. (That first night was spent on a bench just past the end of this bridge. Little did I know that the photos I took earlier that year would help tell our story over four years later.)
God used an 82 year old, partially paralyzed woman, that had problems with her 30+ year old furnace, to house us over the holidays. It was not putting out any heat, so James looked at it, to see if there was anything he could do. There was evidence of a fire where exposed wires had touched metal and sparked. She called in a heating and air repairman, who said that he had seen houses burn down from furnaces with less damage. Later, we learned that she had told her daughter and son-in-law about the funny smell that had permeated the house a few days before, but they had evidently had not taken her seriously. She told everyone that the Lord had brought us there to save her life, because He knew the source of the problem. Only God knew the severity of the potential situation, and our part in it. But, what is also true is that, had a fire started at night, with the location of the furnace being in the hall, she would not have made it out. There were no exit doors on the end of the house where her bedroom was located and, being paralyzed in her right leg, she depended on a walker to get around. All we know is that God has us at the right place at the right time. From there, we were taken to a vacant, unfurnished parsonage by a deacon of the church we had been attending. He dropped us off, leaving us out in the middle of nowhere with no food, and with no plans as to what would happen next. The place had power and water, and two pillows and two sheets. We slept on the floor. James found a sandwich bag with a few peppermint candies, and he melted them in water, and that was our sustenance for the next four days. On that last day, the pastor showed up and told us we had to leave. We got a ride back into Summerville by someone who showed up right at that moment to get a set of drums he had previously left there at the church. A year and a half later, while reading an English newspaper, my husband read about the arrest of the pastor, who had been using that vacant parsonage to rape women he had kidnapped. We then understood why he didn't want us there. He is still in prison as of this writing. We spent that night in Azalea Park, was picked up the next day by an acquaintance, taken to a New year's Eve service at a local church, then spent the night with her and her daughter. The name of the acquaintance was Hope, and her daughter's name was Faith. The next morning, when we got up, the symbolism of where we were was not lost on us. We were brought home by hope, and slept in the bed of faith. Even though we didn't understand exactly what was going on, or why God was doing what He was doing, that morning our hope and faith were restored, and we knew that He had everything under control.
We have many stories, praises, testimonies, life-lessons, and unique happenings to write about each month. We look forward to sharing them with you.
A Journey to
Whenever we approach the subject of Adam and Eve, it almost always refers to after the fruit was eaten. But, what was it like before, when things were good? What was it like to talk with God face to face, and tell Him about all the things that we had discovered in Eden that day? Would His face break into a smile as our eyes lit up telling Him about the beautiful flowers we had seen, or the animals that had wandered by? Would he laugh out loud if we told we played hide and seek all day, and that it was His turn to be ‘it’. I imagine that, before the fruit was eaten, Adam and Eve had an innocence about them, not unlike newborn babes in our present world. Can we ‘go back’, and get some of that? Can we experience a snippet of what they did, in those walks in the cool of the evening? I believe we can. God wants to hear from us. He wants to know about our day. He wants a relationship with us. To do so, we must find those moments of quiet time, and listen to His still, small voice. And tell Him all of our concerns, worries, and fears, and then trust Him to deal with them as He sees fit. And, most importantly, follow His instructions for our lives. That’s where Adam and Eve’s daily walks with God came to a screeching halt. Walk with God? Or go our own way? Both paths are laid before us. Which will we choose? a publication of Ruth Ministries-The Virtuous Woman TM a woman's restoration ministry/a segment of Philippi Prospect Ministries TM
Cleaning Out the Closet by
Rebecca Matthews
Tired of your excess baggage? Time to pack it up and move it out!
photo courtesy of THOR via Flickr
| License/cropped
We all have it. That extra 'stuff' we carry around from childhood, past relationships and other painful experiences. It functions as reminders of the places it came from when something similar comes along and 'triggers' it. But, do we really need it? As a follower of Yeshua, do we trust Him enough to let it go? Some baggage is big and cumbersome, and easy to spot. Others are so small that they can become lost~so lost that a person is unaware they have it until it is stumbled upon. If we are to be true to Christ, true to ourselves, and true to our Christian walk, then the baggage has to go so that we have room for the better gift He has to offer. For that, we might need to look into our closet~not the closet that holds our clothing, but the closet of our hearts. All of us has a dark, dusty, cobweb-filled corner that we dare not touch because of the painful memories or unforgiveness that will be there. What do we do about that? Do we just ignore that part of our lives, or put something in front of it to hide the dirt? How can we truly have a clean closet to store our wardrobe (the part of ourselves that we show to the world) if we fail to clean out the dark corners? Only through Christ can we truly shine the light on, and clean out, the dark places in the closet of our hearts. Yeshua~He offers the best house-cleaning service with which no other can compare.
Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. Revelation 3:20 photo courtesy of Waiting For The Word via Flickr | License
Young Christian Mom
by Rachel Dills
So, he finally got a job at some sort of calling company. But, now since we were both working we needed a babysitter. His brother was staying with us so he said he would watch him in return for him living there. Well that was short lived. I came back from work one evening to find my son standing in the window of his room crying while his babysitter was sleeping. My son was in the same diaper I had put him in that morning and he had barely eaten all day. Furious is an understatement to what I felt. I immediately quit my jobs and kicked out the brother. My son’s well-being was more important than me working. But now that meant that he was the only one making money and so bills weren’t getting paid. He was spending his money on other things he deemed more important. I later found out most of those things were pills, alcohol, and other assortments of drugs. When I was home alone with my son was the only time I felt happy. As soon as he came back from work, everything changed. I didn’t do things I should have done. I even mentioned to him that since I wasn’t working now that I could go to school. His reply was that I was too stupid to attend college. So I put college out of my mind. So this went on for a few months. But things weren’t getting any better. They were getting so much worse. One night I was alone with my son. He had told me that he was going to hang out with a couple of friends. It was about midnight and I heard a knock on the door. When I opened it there stood his brother. He proceeded to tell me that his brother was cheating on me at that very moment. I asked him to stay with my son for a few minutes. (He was sleeping so I knew he would be okay.) I found out where his brother was and ran all the way there. I had been there before so I knew the place and it was fairly close to where I was living. I walk in through the door to find him high on the couch with a half-naked girl. This girl was also an escort. He was high and didn’t even fully understand what was going on. I said a few words and told him to drive me back then he could do whatever he wanted. When we got back he gave me some stupid excuse and then started making me feel guilty when I mentioned leaving him. He talked about how we had a child together and we needed to stay in this relationship for him. I finally agreed that’s what was best for my son, and at the time I thought so. I thought maybe he would change for this child. But I was so, so wrong.
top photo: Images Money via Flicker /License/cropped | bottom photo: Wiros via Flickr / License/cropped
for and about today’s youth
from Timothy Ministries-The True Son & accompanying blog, The Maiden’s Portion
Sui-cide: The act of taking one's own life voluntarily and intentionally by a person of years of discretion and of sound mind. Is there anyone out there who has a dark cloud hanging over them? Is that dark cloud in the form of lonely life, being bullied, or any negative situation or circumstance going on right now? I know how you feel.....I went through the same feelings, both as a teenager and as an adult. I was a very lonely teenager....had a large family; lots of cousins, but no real friends. I grew up in a very small mountain community, and that did not help. Seven times in my early teenage years my sister took a butcher knife out of my hands. To me, a stab in the heart would do the job. She never told my parents, and of course, neither did I. I made it through high school, then married soon after. Leaving the little mountain community was a temporary solution to the depression. I went on with my life~had children, divorced, worked two jobs, and entered into another abusive relationship. In March, 2004, I decided I'd had enough of the abuse, and 144 pills-2 days in ICU-7 days in the psych ward later, I felt much better. The doctors said I should have died, but God had a bigger purpose. Ultimately, all I was looking for was love and acceptance, none of which I got growing up except from my paternal grandparents. All this time~since I was 14 years old~I knew who my Savior was....but I was searching for 'my purpose' in the wrong places. After this attempt, my life changed drastically....and has continued to improve in leaps and bounds. All I had to do was put Him first. My challenge to any who are thinking about or considering this permanent solution to a temporary problem to seek help. Not just the help that will put you on medicines that will 'regulate' you. Seek the Great Physician that can repair ALL the damage, no matter where it comes from. Whether it is from child molestation (which I suffered) unloving parents (me again) no positive role models in my peer group (ditto), a change will come if you sincerely seek it from Him. You can be alive again, in a way that you never thought or imagined. Before you consider taking your own life, give Him a chance. photo courtesy of Suicide-Wikipedia
by Rebecca Matthews/read more at The Maiden's Portion
See more from this artist at
photos used by permission
See more from this artist at
Colorful Mezuzah cases, Serving Spoon sets, Drawer Knobs, Rings, Pendants, Earrings and more Polymer Clay Home Decor and Jewelry hand made in the millefiori technique. The Unique combination of metal or glass coated with colorful polymer clay produces home decor that are both useful and decorative. The Jewelry are one of a kind items, unique and very colorful, use them to upgrade your daily appearance in an affordable price.
Jerusalem, Israel photos used by permission
See more from this artist at
NES Wedding Garden
Beautiful and romantic wedding jewelry is absolutely perfect to complete your exquisite look as a bride! It will add just the right amount of an elegant sparkle to your wedding and make you really feel like a Queen about the most essential day of your life. My name is Svetlana. I live in Haifa, Israel. As far as I can remember, I loved to create by hand. I draw, cut, glued, sculpted, built, I used paper and plasticine, metal wires from father’s work room, cones, sticks and stones from the yard or forest. “NES” is abbreviation from our names: Nessie (Anastasia) is my daughter’s name, Mom’s name is Elena and I’m Svetlana (by the way... “nes” means “miracle” in Hebrew!). Nessie: knitting, beading, sculpting, work with textile photos used by permission
All of the pieces you see have been handcrafted by us in our pet friendly & smoke free home.
see more from this artist at
Rana Hats
Rana Hats Israel: Panama hats for men & women, Downton Abbey cocktail hats, wide brim summer hats, 20s cloches, pillbox hats, vintage style Derby, Ascot hats, wide lace hair bands. Please read the item descriptions carefully and send me your head measurement. Herzliya, Israel
photos used by express written permission by the shop owner
My interviews with women of God. I have known Keitha Parton all my life, but there were many years that we did not see each other. When I saw her again, her son pictured in the middle was about two months old. I greatly admire both her and her husband for the Godly work that they do. PPM: How did God move you (and Scott) to become foster parents in the beginning? My body and pregnancy just didn’t go together. I stayed morbidly sick with each pregnancy and spent more time in the hospital, hooked up to IV fluids, than I did at home. So, when our youngest daughter was born, we made the decision for me to have a tubal ligation, which was a procedure that would render me infertile. Scott and I had always wanted more children, but just couldn’t have them. Then, in the early 2000’s I found out I was pregnant, and we were ecstatic!! What a blessing and a miracle at the same time. Then, several days later I miscarried and we were devastated. After grieving for our loss, we decided that we would like to pursue adopting a child. We checked into international adoption and the cost was way beyond anything we could ever afford. We checked into domestic adoption and were afraid that we would get a child, become attached, then the birth family would change their mind. So we started to pray that God would either take the burden for more children away, or let me conceive again. That didn’t happen. At the same time, my sister-in-law was a foster parent in a neighboring county. She would often tell me about the children they had living in their home, and the circumstances out of which each was taken was horrific. My heart went out to the children and I wanted to do something. So I called my local DSS to inquire about becoming a foster parent…then got scared and backed away. This went on for about three to four years. In the meantime God started working on us in His subtle, yet obvious, way. Everywhere we would go, we would see billboards advertising for foster parents. We would hear commercials on the radio and see them on the television. We would hear stories of children who were taken into custody on the news and then we got a flyer in the mail. How many people can say that…in the mail? I went to my pastor’s wife and said, “I really think God wants us to be foster parents.” She said to me, “If God wants you to do it, you take the first step and He will take care of the rest.” I once again inquired, we went to MAPP (Model Approach to Partnerships in Parenting) Classes, the required curriculum for the state to be licensed, and the rest, as they say, is history. Out of the whole class of about 10 to 15 couples…Scott and I were the only ones who got licensed, that I know of. 14
PPM: What has been the biggest thing you have learned from being a foster mom? The biggest thing that Scott and I have both said that we have learned is but, for the Grace of God, it could have been us involved in the system, and have our children taken away. Throughout our journey, we went from a mentality of “how could anyone treat their child this way,” to thinking, “no wonder they made the choices they did that got their children taken away.” Most of the children that lived with us came from broken homes, where the parents were themselves raised in neglectful, abusive, and addiction-filled homes. You hear the phrase all the time the apple doesn’t fall that far from the tree and, unfortunately, we learned firsthand how correct that statement is. Sometimes, we got to see a light go off in the parents’ head, and they actually took the steps required to change the patterns of abuse that they had been subjected to all their lives. They would work their case plan, and get their children back, thus the cycle of abuse stopped with them. In other instances, the parents were never able to pull it together and change what they had always known, so the children would then be placed in adoptive homes. God thought enough of Scott and I to make sure we were raised in good homes where we were loved, taught what is right and wrong, and led by example of how we are supposed to live. Not everyone is so fortunate, and the cycle continues on with the next generation, and the next, and so forth and so on, until someone takes the steps needed to change it. PPM: What advice would you give anyone else thinking of going into foster care, especially from the Christian perspective? The main thing I would tell someone is to pray about it and make sure that God is leading them in this direction, because it is challenging and a blessing at the same time. When anyone becomes a foster parent, they have the potential to change someone’s life forever. They will open their heart and their home to children and birth parents, who will come in and out of their lives, and often get their heart broken by circumstances beyond their control. A person must have the ability to love each child like their own, but be able to keep in the back of their mind that they are not their children at all. More often than not they will love them and lose them as they watch them move to another location or go back home. A person must have a strong relationship with their spouse, birth children, parents, friends, and neighbors as open communication crucial. Each child placed in their home will bring challenges, issues, and different outlooks that they are not used to. And, developing a working relationship with their social worker is crucial. The second thing I would say is there is a huge need for loving foster homes in this country, and it is a beautiful journey that I would do all over again. But, only with God at my side and the support of my amazing family, church, and community.
Grace Gayle
From Victim to Victor I would like to introduce my book, “From Victim to Victor,” my personal healing journey from depression. In it I tell my story with raw transparency. The Synopsis After burning out from nine years of a difficult ministry in an Ontario Housing complex, and the deaths of my father and brother, I plunged into the deepest, darkest hole you could imagine. As anger, fear, depression and loneliness engulfed me, I poured out my emotions. · God, who are You? · God, if You love me, show me. · God, why didn’t You protect me? I asked God to guide my healing process and give me the right books to read that would help me heal. God answered my prayers. He led me through a five-year healing journey which drew me into an intimate relationship with my Heavenly Father. He gave me a craving for studying His Word and spending time in His presence. Each time I cried out to my Heavenly Father in my agony He answered me with a Scripture or passage. By the end of the five years God had given me over three hundred Scriptures that helped me heal. The book, “From Victim to Victor” was written for those who desire to overcome depression, low self worth, dependencies, addictions, guilt, loneliness, fear or excessive anger. These overwhelming symptoms may be the aftermath of any number of emotional wounds- be it divorce, abandonment, childhood sexual abuse, parental neglect, physical or emotional abuse, the death of a loved one or a broken relationship. I have tried to tell my story with as much transparency as possible in order that countless individuals may identify with the struggles along my recovery journey. The book is intended to be a road map for anyone who has been deeply wounded and is working at overcoming the lifelong after affects of childhood trauma. The chapters were intentionally kept short for the purpose of allowing the reader to digest small portions at a time. As you read my story, you may be a little shocked at my bluntness. Keep in mind that the healing journey often becomes very messy before the individual is able to work through all the negative emotions involved. I have purposely written the book this way so those walking through the recovery process may draw comfort from knowing that someone has walked this path before them and felt the same intense emotions they are presently battling with. Brokenness caused by childhood trauma, loss of a loved one or deep emotional wounds from broken relationships can be healed if the reader will face their fears, commit to doing the work of healing and fix their eyes on Jesus. If you’ve ever been deeply wounded, this book was written for you. Read the book slowly, one chapter at a time, with pauses for reflection and application. If you’ll commit to doing the work of healing, meditate daily on the Scriptures in each chapter of this book, and walk with me through your own healing journey, God will meet you in a most amazing way. I’ll be praying for you. Author- “From Victim To Victor”, Founder- “Healing Our Brokenness Ministries” Speaker- on the healing journey Creator- of workshops and Bible studies for wounded hearts Grace lives with her husband, Paul McMullen, in Brighton, ON.
www.healingourbrokenness.com www.fromvictimtovictor.ca www.gracegayle.ca www.depressionhurts.net
It is times like this when I have had enough It is times like this I want to give up. But it is in this moment when I close my eyes And say a prayer through my hurt and cries. There is no struggle too hard or too tough We count on the Lord to lift us up. Thanking Him for the hard times, and especially for the good His blessings will be abundant if we live like we should. So in moments of sorrow do not question His plan In His time He will help us understand.
by Jaime Dills 17
In the Potting Shed by
Rebecca Matthews
photo courtesy of Roger Ward via Flickr/License
We are God’s dirt~the soil for His garden. We know that Adam started out immortal but, after the fall, God told Adam that he came from dust, and would one day return to the dust. (Then the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living soul. Genesis 2:7) But, we are also likened to the potter’s clay, molded into shape by the skillful hands of the Maker. (But now, O LORD, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand. Isaiah 64:8) The key to being dirt in a pot, as opposed to the dirt of the ground, is that God has chosen us, taking us out of the ground, and putting us into a pot, where we can grow the seed of His choosing, under His supervision. The same seed can be sown in the dirt of the ground~outside, unprotected and undernourished. Without someone to take care of it, that seed might soon die, leaving the ground bare. Or, a seed from the enemy can come in and take root in the dirt that holds the Godly seed, causing turmoil in the person’s life as he or she grows. (But while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went away. Matt. 13:25) It is the Maker who fashions the clay, sows the seed, putting it in His protected place, watering and nourishing it, until it matures into a healthy plant. Then, He transplants it into a place of His choosing, so it can continue to grow, bear fruit, and drop seed into the fertile ground in which it grows, to bring up the next generation Godly seed.
A garden really lives only insofar as it is an expression of faith, the embodiment of a hope and a song of praise. - Russell Page, The Education of a Gardener, 1962
So, we are all God’s dirt. But, whose seed is taking root in you? We are also God’s clay. Are you letting Him mold you into what He wants you to be? And, we are also seed that grows, bears fruit, and sows more seed. Which stage of the seed’s life are you in? Or, has the enemy planted a counterfeit seed in you, that you are not aware of?
quote: Essentials of Gardening | top photo: Roger Ward via Flickr/License | bottom photo: Bryan Ledgard via Flickr/License
Women in Scripture and What We Can Learn From Them by Rebecca Matthews
Hannah: The Committed
photo credit: "Samuel Dedicated by Hannah at the Temple" Frank W.W. Topham 19th century
1 Samuel 1 We have all been barren at one time or another in our lives, either physically or spiritually, and at our own doing or because God was using it for His glory. When God told Adam and Eve, and their descendants, to go forth and multiply, He was telling them to plant seed. For us today that seed is spiritual…but it has to be planted nonetheless. Who God is looking for is someone worthy to pass on that seed. Hannah is the perfect example of worthiness. On the positive side of life, Hannah was the preferred wife of a prominent man. Even though she had no children, he loved her more that his other wife, who had several children. (1:1, 4-5) On the negative side, the other wife teased and tortured her because she had no children, which caused Hannah a lot of grief. (1:6) In her time, not being able to bear children was considered the ultimate failure. But Hannah did not turn away from God and become bitter because of her plight; instead she used it to seek God’s face in earnest prayer. (1:11) Is this something we are able to do-to seek God’s face when the adversary is flaunting our barrenness all around? Are we able to make a promise to the Lord that we will keep, because He has kept His promise to us? Another negative going against Hannah was the man of God passing judgment on her based on his perception of what she should have been doing. She had to defend herself to someone who should have been helping her. (1:12-18) When we make our petitions to God out in the open, there are those that watch us, ready to pass judgment based on what they see on the outside, not by what we’re saying to God on the inside. This is where we must speak up for ourselves. Having a broken heart is hard enough without the added burden of the judgment of someone else. We should not be judged for being honest with God, but reassured of the fact of knowing who we serve. Hannah had her baby, Samuel-or ‘asked of God’, but told her husband she would not return to Shiloh until he was weaned. (1:22-23) Hannah had asked for a man-child~someone whom she could dedicate back to God when the time came. (Some debate over the age Samuel was when she brought him back to Eli. My personal research finds him to be approximately 12 years old, at which time the culture considered a child 'weaned' of its mother.) Plenty of time for Hannah to instill in him the meaning of his name and the story behind it, her commitment to God, and therefore, his commitment to God. The character of Hannah has gone through a great transformation. She presents Samuel as the result of her prayer some years before, and turns him over to Eli to be taught the ways of the temple. In her request, she never abandoned her goals, nor demeaned anyone else to achieve them. We should all strive to be like Hannah: to commit ourselves to the Lord, honoring the vow we make with Him, because when we honor Him, He honors us. 21
Hedges & Highways by Rebecca
Are you willing to go where God wants to take you?
Here am I, send me. 22
A person doesn’t necessarily have to pack a suitcase in order to be willing to “go into the highways and hedges” to compel the people to come in. In fact, a lot of us can just go next door, or across the street. In our experience so far these past 5 years, we have seen many more willing to go to the jungles of Africa before they would offer Christ to their neighbor. The best example of willingness to “go” is Isaiah. “Here am I-send me.” God wants to send us where the seed needs to be planted. And, while we are there, we might harvest a seed someone planted years before. We don’t see a wheat crop in the middle of the interstate. Where He is asking us to go may be a little off the beaten track. It may not be Africa-it might be a group of teenagers that hang out under the bleachers at the Friday night high school football game.It might be old man who fought in the war or lost his wife to cancer, and turned to a bottle, that no one else will approach. Our great commission, as commanded by Jesus, is to go out from Jerusalem, to Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. (Acts 1:8) We know Jerusalem is where God lived-in the temple-and now we are the temple in which He lives, so the spreading of the Gospel has to start within ourselves. We must know it by knowing Him, in order to share it with others. Next comes Judea. Those who are non-believers in our households, our family and friends, coworkers and neighbors. Venturing into Samaria, we will meet those people who have tried “religion” and didn’t like it, yet profess a “knowing’ of God. And, if we happen upon a woman by a well, we know we will be well received. (A little pun, there, to make you smile.) And, lastly, we get to “the uttermost parts of the world.” It can mean Africa, but it doesn’t have to be that far away geographically. And, it doesn’t mean that is somewhere that hasn’t heard the Gospel. It is those places where the Gospel has been rejected, for whatever reason, causing that place to be “off limits” by others who are still in Jerusalem or Judea. Like under the bleachers on a Friday night, or visiting someone who has been through a terrible ordeal. Or, it could be someone who was not “raised in church” and simply hasn’t heard about the Lord from someone on a personal level. The scenarios are as many as there are people in the world. Does God want you to “go” for Him? Absolutely! Do you have to pack a suitcase to do it? Not see more of my blogs at My Story...My Walk necessarily! 23
I’ve been a parent for 13 years and a Christian single parent for the last 3. 1 Corinthians 13:13 says, ‘Faith, hope, and love abide…the greatest of these is love.’ This scripture will be the base of this post…SINGLE PARENTING, SELF-CARE !
by Melanie Baker-Nash
LOVE: We love our children, but our first love must be Jesus. When He is number one we have better, more selfless love for others…That being said, I think He can only become our first love when we fall in love with Him. Connecting with His love daily helps us not look for love and fulfilment from unhealthy sources; negatively impacting our precious children. Begin each day with prayer – talk to Jesus, then read Scripture. Throughout the day think upon His love you’ve read about. Being alone when the children sleep can be difficult. Try to make your bedroom your own special place and focus on The Lord when you are going to sleep…Say goodnight to Him. Remember love says – You are not alone I am with you for all eternity. Love is patient – Try to be patient during this season of singleness and let The Lord bring about any changes in your life. If we rush ahead of Him, we won’t be the only one to suffer, our children will too. We must protect our children, being careful with who we let into our lives. Remember; focus on your first LOVE! Due to grief we may choose to avoid Jesus, not wanting to process things which hurt. But healing needs to be pursued, otherwise we can stagnate and true healing involves learning to live as a single Christian. Don’t rebound or rush into new relationships – The Lord cares for the other people and their hearts also. Focus on being a friend to others. Time with The Lord can be in ways that you may not have thought about…Like a bible study or even exploring a new ministry like hospital visiting. I began online writing during my new found singleness. Get to know yourself…what hidden talent needs some attention? Organise a baby-sitter and go make some new same-sex friends! Yes, you can love yourself…God loves you, remember? FAITH: Single people are of equal value to those married. Don’t believe one is better than the other. All situations present challenges. If you forget married couples have troubles, go visit one at their home and ask them how they’ve been…You may have to be a patient listening ear for quite some time! Why not research some inspiring Christian Singles? Don’t think you’re unequipped to lead your family as a single person – Okay, so single parenting is NOT God’s design…But does this mean your situation is beyond help? No! God is MORE than able to lead you and your family. DON’T LOSE FAITH IN HIM! Keep taking your problems to Him. He will lead you in His wisdom and surround you with the right people. Is there a Christian parent group you could be involved in to widen your support network? Your flesh is going to give you a hard time – because the reality is single parents have previously been in intimate relationships. However, I do believe God is more powerful than our flesh. DON’T BUY INTO THE LIE THIS AREA IS TOO HARD FOR HIM – I do believe the Lord can get us through anything, but we must determine to not gratify our flesh because each time we do, we keep feeding the desire, rather than starving it. Pray for help with selfcontrol, you’ll become a more confident parent…God is bigger than your flesh! 24
photo courtesy of: Frank Kovalchek via Flickr | License
HOPE: Hope doesn’t give up and our hope is on resurrected Christ because everything else is fading. Salvation in Christ is unchanging, regardless of marital status! Our God-given life, talent and salvation are all gifts from God. If you are a reluctant single, try focusing on this truth. Do not mourn your singleness (of course you may mourn the death of your relationship for as long as needed); But respect yourself as a single person, and God who loves you! Take care of yourself and live out your singleness in joy. Let your life exude thankfulness to your Saviour. Set your mind on things that are above to help carry you through and don’t forget all things are possible with God! Read: Col 3:1-17.
If you feel overwhelmed – you may need to let some things go or outsource. I remember people saying I’d have to be both mom and dad to my three sons; but I disagree, I believe I need to focus on my strengths to be the best parent I can be…trying to be mom and dad is draining and only serves to make others happy who don’t want to help me raise my children. I place my hope in God who can provide me with everything my children and I need…even if I have to wait for it. I remind myself if I face a shut door that I don’t know what path of destruction it could have possibly led to. I place my hope in His infinite knowledge and goodness. AGAIN LOVE: Remember “the greatest of these is LOVE” ~ Focus on Jesus as your first love; relax placing your faith and hope in Him to guide and protect you and your children. He loves you single or not, so respect and take care of yourself…you’ll be a better parent for it! Don’t rush into anything NEW; it’s not only your welfare to consider. If people disappoint you God won’ t…give Him your burdens for He cares for us and our children so much more than we will ever be able to comprehend! see more about Melanie Baker-Nash at Life of an Ordinary Aussie Woman
In the Garden by Rebecca Matthews
Fruits in Scripture
The Fig 26
In ancient times, as well as today, figs were a prominent, yet inexpensive, food source in Israel. The fruit was used as examples and metaphors to teach us how to live, and the ways of God. Here are a few interesting facts. The fig has medicinal qualities, and was used on Hezekiah as a poultice, placed on the boil that had made him ill. In the law concerning the Sabbath, orchards of figs were to be left alone in the seventh year, so they could be eaten by the beasts of the field and gathered for food by the poor. Figs are mentioned as part of the “Seven Species” named in Deuteronomy 8:8, where Israel is described as a blessed land. In Proverbs 27:18, there is an analogy made between a person who tends a fig tree is allowed to eat the fruit and a person who cares for his master will be honored, implying that fig trees represent people of prominence and authority in ancient Israeli culture. In Hosea 9:10, the first-ripe fig, in its first season, is used to describe the Hebrew patriarchs. In Jeremiah 24, God uses good, edible figs as a metaphor for His people in leadership that obeyed Him, and rotten figs for King Zedekiah, who refused to obey the prophet Jeremiah. Micah, in chapter 7, likens figs to the characteristics of being Godly and upright. In the Gospels, Yeshua curses a fig tree because it has no fruit. The early fig tree puts out fruit before it puts out leaves, so a fig tree with leaves should have had fruit on it. That tree was symbolic of a person of prominence being “all show” and no substance; e.i., a hypocrite. Yeshua cursed it to the root, because hypocrisy is rooted in evil. Perhaps the most meaningful symbolism is found in the Hebrew etymology of the word fig.
bikkurah: the first ripe fig, early fig Original Word: ִכּוּרה ָ בּ Part of Speech: Noun Feminine Phonetic Spelling: (bik-koo-raw') from bakar: to bear new fruit, to constitute as first-born Original Word: ָבּכַר Part of Speech: Verb Phonetic Spelling: (baw-kar') from a primitive root word: to burst the womb, i.e. to bear or make early fruit (of woman or tree); to give the birthright, to make firstborn, be firstling, bring forth first child (new fruit). photo courtesy of M a n u e l via Flickr | License/cropped
Scripture is bread for daily use, not cake for special occasions. -Unknown/Anonymous
photo courtesy of vanessa via Flickr | License
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It Is Written by
Are You Called to Write?
Rebecca Matthews
I know what you are thinking: I can’t write! Well, with that attitude, you won’t! But, if God is calling you, He will give you what you need. Moses told God that he stuttered. Did God go find someone else to lead His people? No. He gave him Aaron, to do the talking for him. So, pick up a pen, or a pencil, pull out some paper, and jot down a few thoughts. 1) What lesson have you learned on your Godly journey that you want to share with others? 2) Who is your target audience? Teens? Single mothers? Older women? Widows? The terminally ill? The homeless? 3) What is the main point you want to convey? Your story should have a beginning, a middle, and an end. If what you are writing about is a particular painful part of your life, pray about your subject matter, and let God lead you to say the “write” words. Look for pictures to help convey your message. Maybe you have some old memories tucked away in a shoebox or photo album. Or, maybe you need something fresh. If so, then look for pictures that have a Creative Commons license, that you can use in your article, without worrying about copyright infringement. God has told a lot of people to write. If He is telling you, then take a look in Scripture at who He also called to write. Here are a few:
Besides being wise, the Preacher also taught the people knowledge, weighing and studying and arranging many proverbs with great care. The Preacher sought to find words of delight, and uprightly he wrote words of truth. The words of the wise are like goads, and like nails firmly fixed are the collected sayings; they are given by one Shepherd. Ecc. 12:9-11
Write in a book all the words that I have spoken to you. For behold, days are coming, declares the LORD, when I will restore the fortunes of my people, Israel and Judah, says the LORD, and I will bring them back to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall take possession of it. Jeremiah 30:2
Now it shall come about when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, he shall write for himself a copy of this law on a scroll in the presence of the Levitical priests. It shall be with him and he shall read it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the LORD his God, by carefully observing all the words of this law and these statutes, that his heart may not be lifted up above his countrymen and that he may not turn aside from the commandment, to the right or the left, so that he and his sons may continue long in his kingdom in the midst of Israel. Deut. 17:18-20
What words are passing through your heart, and making their way to your fingers? What encouragement does God want you to share? What have you lived through, that your experience might change the direction of someone else? Pull out the notepad, and jot down your thoughts. Your story is worth the read. If God has been dealing with you to open up your life in this way, don’ t hold back. Can you imagine how the Scriptures would read if there were no Psalms or Proverbs? The words of David, and others writers, all those hundreds of years ago are still just as encouraging and powerful now as they were when the ink was fresh. 31
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