Grace Point! January 2016

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Volume 2 ~Issue 1

January 2016 eMagazine of Philippi Prospect Ministries TM

Reflecting on the last year.

Table of Contents 3~Notes from Rebecca 4~About Us 5-7~VerseWorks by Jaime Dills 8~Restoration & Renewal 9-13~ Highways & Hedges 14~Of Words & Wisdom 15-23~Cleaning Out the Closet 24~Ruth’s Reads 25-27~Parton’s Petals 28~Of Words & Wisdom 29-33~In the Potting Shed 34~GuideWorks 35-37~Avner Valer 38~Scripture With Impact 39-43~Greetings from Malawi by Pastor Michael Kanyoli 44~Of Words & Wisdom 45-47~Ordinary Aussie Mom by Melanie Baker-Nash 48~Observations-Worth a Thousand Words 49-51~ClassWorks 52~PrayerWorks 53-55~It Is Written 56~Observations-Worth a Thousand Words 57-59~The Bright Side by Olivia Carpenter 60~Of Parchment & Passage 61-63~The Personal Column by Angela Carpenter Back Cover~Subscribe to Grace Point!


Notes from



Philippi Prospect Ministries was started by husband and wife ministry team, James and Rebecca Matthews, in December of 2012. At that time, we had had an online ministry through Facebook and Google since January of 2010, called Boaz Ministries~The Kinsmen Redeemer. This ministry has grown to incorporate issues of general ministry, the homeless, international ministry connections, and men’s restoration ministries. In July of that year, God impressed upon me to start Ruth Ministries~The Virtuous Woman. It consists of various women’s restoration ministries. Then, in September of 2011, the Lord had us begin a ministry geared toward the youth, called Timothy Ministries~The True Son. In July 2012, I began writing a blog, and it soon grew into six separate blogs within a few months. The blogs seemed to blossom immediately and, here we are two and a half years later, our online presence is now approximately 10,000 followers in 128 countries, and growing continually. We also have several ongoing projects; some are posted weekly, and others posted as God leads. So, the purpose of this e-magazine is to put all of our ministry components together under one ‘roof’, as well as give others an opportunity to share their calling with the world. We have now been ‘on the road’ for over four years. We gave up our house, and almost all our earthly belongings, in August in 2010. Since then, we have physically ministered in 5 states-North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Mississippi, and Arkansas. During this time, we have actively ministered in 36 churches, and countless homes and families. We go wherever God sends us. We have many stories, praises, testimonies, life-lessons, and unique happenings to write about each month. We look forward to sharing them with you.

Sincerely, Revs. James & Rebecca Matthews 4




VerseWorks TM is a trademark of Philippi Prospect Ministries TM

Do not walk foolishly my child Enjoy your youth but do not be wild. For the road is already hard and long Speak often of psalms and spiritual songs. Give thanks to the Father for his loving way Praise him through the night and day. Pray for all to be done if it His will And remember at moments to just be still. Seek wisdom with every step that you make Do not be discouraged, for we all make mistakes.

Inspired by Ephesians 5:15-21


by Jaime Dills 7

A Journey to

Oftentimes, we have so much going on that we lose sight of what is God’s plan for our life, and run blindly from one activity to another. We use the word BUSY, which stands for Being Under Satan’s Yoke. It is aptly applied. Sometime we run around like headless chickens, trying to keep up with our family’s schedule, all while keeping things neatly balanced. But, what if our own life is not the factor, but rather, we are being influenced by what’s going on in the world? Acts of injustice that seem to override our sense of Godly balance. What do we do with that?

So, what is the significance of Noah and Jonah? Are we to focus on the evil, and nothing else?

While looking for a suitable picture to attach to this article, I came across literally hundreds depicting the atrocities of the war-torn Middle East. And almost all of them children, very graphic, and heartwrenching. Then there is human trafficking, honor killings and mutilations, suicide bombers,

murders, rapes, and every type of the sun.

evil under

We Christians continue to look at the world, and see Yeshua’s prediction falling into place: As in the days of Noah. Check. As in the days of Jonah. Check. Just like Yeshua said. 8

In the midst of the evil, God intervened, and good prevailed. Noah and his family was saved, and Nineveh repented. Joseph was unjustly thrown in jail, yet God used what he learned there to feed the whole nation through the seven years of famine. David was anointed King, yet ran for his life, and God used his fighting skills to rid Israel of her enemies. Nothing is wasted. Joseph said to his brothers, in reference to them selling him into slavery, “You meant it as evil, but God used it to saved many people.” There will be social injustice as long as the earth turns. It is a part of human nature that the enemy will feed, making immoral gluttons out of those seeking power and authority. The first key to dealing with it is to remember God’s promises to His people, and use them as our foundational stepping stones, even when we don’t understand what goes on around us. The second is to be obedient in how God wants us to react to it. If He calls us to offer up our home to the victims of human trafficking, then do it. If he calls us to spend time on our knees for the people of a war-torn country, then do that, too. The angel told Daniel that his cry was heard on the very first day. God is listening TM

a publication of Ruth Ministries-The Virtuous Woman,TM a woman's restoration ministry/a segment of Philippi Prospect Ministries


Hedges & Highways by Rebecca


Are you willing to go where God wants to take you?

Here am I, send me.

A person doesn’t necessarily have to pack a suitcase in order to be willing to “go into the highways and hedges” to compel the people to come in. In fact, a lot of us can just go next door, or across the street. In our experience so far these past 5 years, we have seen many more willing to go to the jungles of Africa before they would offer Christ to their neighbor. The best example of willingness to “go” is Isaiah. “Here am I-send me.” God wants to send us where the seed needs to be planted. And, while we are there, we might harvest a seed someone planted years before. We don’t see a wheat crop in the middle of the interstate. Where He is asking us to go may be a little off the beaten track. It may not be Africa-it might be a group of teenagers that hang out under the bleachers at the Friday night high school football game.It might be old man who fought in the war or lost his wife to cancer, and turned to a bottle, that no one else will approach. Our great commission, as commanded by Jesus, is to go out from Jerusalem, to Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. (Acts 1:8) We know Jerusalem is where God lived-in the temple-and now we are the temple in which He lives, so the spreading of the Gospel has to start within ourselves. We must know it by knowing Him, in order to share it with others. Next comes Judea. Those who are non-believers in our households, our family and friends, coworkers and neighbors. Venturing into Samaria, we will meet those people who have tried “religion” and didn’t like it, yet profess a “knowing’ of God. And, if we happen upon a woman by a well, we know we will be well received. (A little pun, there, to make you smile.) And, lastly, we get to “the uttermost parts of the world.” It can mean Africa, but it doesn’t have to be that far away geographically. And, it doesn’t mean that is somewhere that hasn’t heard the Gospel. It is those places where the Gospel has been rejected, for whatever reason, causing that place to be “off limits” by others who are still in Jerusalem or Judea. Like under the bleachers on a Friday night, or visiting someone who has been through a terrible ordeal. Or, it could be someone who was not “raised in church” and simply hasn’t heard about the Lord from someone on a personal level. The scenarios are as many as there are people in the world. Does God want you to “go” for Him? Absolutely! Do you have to pack a suitcase to do it? Not necessarily! see more of my blogs at My Story...My Walk

Highways & Hedges by Rebecca


Here in the “Bible belt” it seems that preaching and pastoring gets passed down through families as if it were a deed to a piece of land inherited from the previous generation. But, what if you are one of those people that God is calling to do something different? What if He has chosen you to head up a ministry in somewhere in tribal Africa? What if He wants you to risk your life sharing Yeshua in countries where that name could get you killed? All throughout Scripture, God chose trailblazers to carry His message from one generation to the next, so that He always had a remnant of followers. In almost every case, these chosen ones were asked to something that was totally different than what the families expected them to do. We know how the disciples - the talmidim* - left their families and followed Yeshua, without question, and without consulting anyone on their life-altering decision. So, whose footsteps are you following? Are you expected to fill the religious shoes of the generation before you? Are you expected to do it the way it has always been done? We know what Yeshua said about following the traditions of men: read Mark 7. Don’t let the world hold you captive. Instead of the world having a hold on you, you take hold of the world through the calling that God has given you. To be called of God should be an honor, and held in high regard, more so than any accolade that people could offer. Be a trailblazer for God. Don’t let tradition, or unrelenting family members, keep you from the purpose wherein you have been called. ‫תלמידם‬ *talmidim- A plural Hebrew noun meaning "disciples" in its truest sense: those who leave family to study and follow the ways of their teacher [rabbi]. They study not only to learn what their teacher knows but to become the type of man their teacher is. From the Hebrew root word "limmud" meaning "instructed". Strong''s #8527. Pronounced tal mee DEEM. Singular talmid. (Credit Source )

Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the number of apples in a seed. -Robert H. Schuller

"Robert H. Schuller." Xplore Inc, 2015. 4 January 2015.


Cleaning Out the Closet by

Rebecca Matthews

Tired of your excess baggage? Time to pack it up and move it out!


luggage photo courtesy of THOR via Flickr | License/cropped

We all have it. That extra 'stuff' we carry around from childhood, past relationships and other painful experiences. It functions as reminders of the places it came from when something similar comes along and 'triggers' it. But, do we really need it? As a follower of Yeshua, do we trust Him enough to let it go? Some baggage is big and cumbersome, and easy to spot. Others are so small that they can become lost~so lost that a person is unaware they have it until it is stumbled upon. If we are to be true to Christ, true to ourselves, and true to our Christian walk, then the baggage has to go so that we have room for the better gift He has to offer. For that, we might need to look into our closet~not the closet that holds our clothing, but the closet of our hearts. All of us has a dark, dusty, cobweb-filled corner that we dare not touch because of the painful memories or unforgiveness that will be there. What do we do about that? Do we just ignore that part of our lives, or put something in front of it to hide the dirt? How can we truly have a clean closet to store our wardrobe (the part of ourselves that we show to the world) if we fail to clean out the dark corners? Only through Christ can we truly shine the light on, and clean out, the dark places in the closet of our hearts. Yeshua~He offers the best house-cleaning service with which no other can compare. Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. Revelation 3:20

photo courtesy of Waiting For The Word via Flickr | License

Cleaning Out the Closet by

Rebecca Matthews

Do you have clothing in your spiritual closet that has you bound up and restricted?

If you watched the Pirates of the Caribbean, you are familiar with the scene where the maids are tightening the corset of Elizabeth Swann, played by Kiera Knightly, and then later faints because the corset was so tight she could not breathe. It is hard for us to imagine in the 21st century, that barely a hundred years ago, we women were so fashion-conscious, that we subjected ourselves to what amounted to ‘torture by fashion.’ This x-ray from 1908 show how the corset narrowed the lower ribcage, making it difficult to breathe, and displaced internal organs, by forcing them downward, causing ailments like enlarged livers, spleens, stomach problems, and the inability to eat more than a few spoonfuls of food at one sitting.

And, as if not being able to eat or breathe wasn’t enough, along came the ‘hoop’ dresses that weighed us down with metal sewn into our skirts. This got me to thinking about how Satan continually tries to restrict us, while making it look ‘fashionable’ or ‘popular.’ His whole purpose - laid out in Scripture as ‘steal, kill, and destroy’ - is meant to hamper, or stop, our spiritual breathing, keep us confined in a garment of his making, that he can draw tighter and tighter, until we faint and die. In Genesis, God breathe into us ‘the breath of life’ and the Enemy uses every mechanism he can to stop it. So, what do you have in your spiritual closet that has you bound, restricted, and drawn up so that you can’t breathe, can’t move, displaces vital parts of your being, all while making you think that that is how you are supposed to interact with others and society as a whole? And, what do you have in your spiritual closet that has you weighed down like the metal framework of the hoop dress, pulling your shoulders down, causing you to be a spiritual Quasi Modo, humpbacked and stooped over? In Luke 13, this type of ‘weight’ is categorized as demonic. Now he was teaching in one of the

synagogues on the Sabbath. And behold, there was a woman who had had a disabling spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not fully straighten herself. When Jesus saw her, he called her over and said to her, “Woman, you are freed from your disability.” And he laid his hands on her, and immediately she was made straight, and she glorified God.

It’s time to clean out the closet, and get rid of the old ways of thinking, and the things that are religiously fashionable, but are contrary to God. It’s time to let go of the spiritual corset and the weight of a demonic framework, and send it back where it came from. It’s time to get rid of what’s keeping you bound, gasping for breath, and destroying you from the inside out.

photo credits: corset x-ray | hoop skirt

Cleaning Out the Closet by

Rebecca Matthews

Are you tired of wearing religious hand-me-downs?

What part of your view on life just doesn’t fit anymore?





What views, thought processes, attitudes, characterizations, philosophies, or ways of life, just don’t fit anymore? It’s time to get rid of the out-grown, over-sized, threadbare thinking that someone else has given you, and be dressed in the spiritual clothing that God has given us! So, what clothing should we find hanging in our spiritual closet? We find the answer to that in Ephesians 6; it is a uniform to be worn at all times. Paul likens it to a Roman soldier’s armor, because theirs was the best defensive clothing in the physical world at that time. We are going to look at the modern wardrobe.

v. 14 - having the utility belt of truth buckled around your waist Not just any old belt, but a belt that holds tools. Think of a carpenter’s belt, an electrician's belt, or any other occupation where tools need to be within reach at all times. v. 14 - put on the breastplate of righteousness The Roman breastplate was a piece of metal that kept their internal organs from being injured. We don’t have to wear one of those to keep from being hurt. However, being quick to forgive, slow to anger, and refusing to let others offend us will keep necessary organs, like or heart, from being broken. v. 15 - and fitted your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace You know, we women love shoes. Most of us would have a closet just for them , in every style, color and heel height we could imagine. So, whether you’re wearing 6-inch stilettos, running shoes, or your theme song is “These boots are made for walking,” remember that they represent the spreading of the Gospel, and that you will always be willing to go where God calls you. v. 16 - above all, taking up the shield of faith Today’s shield is made from Kevlar, or similar material, and is called a bullet-proof vest. For police and military, it is to keep the bullets from penetrating. Our enemy uses fiery darts. v. 17 - take the helmet of salvation I personally have never been a “hat person” but I know I have the spiritual covering and protection of Yeshua Himself, whose very name means “salvation” and that He guides me in all my thoughts and actions. v. 17 - and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God We’ve all seen the Robin Hood movies, where all the battles are fought, and won, by a sword. The difference between the Hollywood version and God’s, is that God’s is a two-edged sword. This means that if we start using it in a way that was not intended, we will end up hurting ourselves more than we do the enemy. (see Hebrews 4:12) v. 18 - praying at all times in the Spirit, being watchful to this end in all perseverance This is not given to us as an article of clothing in our English translations, but we know that the Jewish tallit is a shawl-like garment worn by men during morning services, and during the reading of the Scriptures, with tzitzit (long fringes) attached to the corners as a reminder of the commandments. It is also called a prayer shawl. The women do not wear a tallit, but do wear scarves during these services. So, every time we put on a scarf to complete an outfit, or to ward off the cold, we should remember that prayer does the same thing: it completes our spiritual wardrobe and it keeps out the spiritual coldness of the enemy. 19

Cleaning Out the Closet by

Rebecca Matthews

What does your closet say about you? Neat and orderly? Or sloppy and chaotic?

Our closets are where we store our clothing that we put on when we present ourselves to the world. It is a private place and, therefore, can be somewhat of an intimate place. When we present ourselves to the public, wearing the clothing that we have chosen for the day, we might receive compliments on our choices, or questions as to where we purchased a certain item. But, what would those same people think if they saw the state of our closet? Would they be as apt to compliment us on our clothing choice if our closet looked like this? Would they think our garments were just as pretty if they knew we dug them from a pile of unsorted laundry? Does what we present on the outside line up with what’s really going on on the inside? So, what does our spiritual closet look like? And, then by extension, what does our spiritual life look like? Does our life have a semblance of being “decent and in order” as Paul spoke of how the church must conduct itself? Are we not the church? Are we not to conduct ourselves with decency and orderliness? But, how do we do that if we live in chaos? How do we go about having order in our spiritual lives if there is no order in our physical lives? And, if our most intimate and private places are in chaos, but we try to present otherwise to the world, is that not an element of living a lie? These are hard questions that we must ask ourselves if we want to be true to ourselves, true to God, and true to the world, who look to us to see how we handle the things that life throws at us. The thing about closets is that they cannot organize themselves. They must be cleaned out by us, then maintained through the leadership and direction of the Holy Spirit, to a higher standard than we have been accustomed to in the past. I don’t know about you, but some of us have work to do.

& Book Reviews I read this book in the winter of 2013 and, as a woman, it showed me things about myself that I had never recognized before. Not only does the author address topics that concern us women in our Christian life, but also how social, family, and cultural issues form how we operate in that Christianity. The book starts out talking about the general roles in our lives: wife, mother, career professional, and how wearing these masks create a filter through which we live a Christian life. In these roles, it is easy for the enemy to bind us through a mask of ritual and routine. The following chapters go on to talk about all the masks we wear to cover up our past, whether it be pain from childhood abuse, loss of a loved-one, and various negative relationships. Then, some of us seek help through counseling or self-help groups, and how to overcome living our lives according to how other people see us. Some of us get into competitions with coworkers, family, and neighbors, as well as compare ourselves with others that we deem better than us, or that we perceive to have a higher social status. The book deals with condemnation, whether from ourselves or from others, and the masks it causes us to wear, and the unrealistic expectations we put on ourselves. Once all the masks are identified, the remainder of the book tells us how to truly take off the masks that we wear for the world, so that we can be transparent and barefaced before God. As this author so eloquently points out, using her own experiences throughout, in order to be real with God, we have to take off all the masks. The only way we can have our identity in Him is to take off all of our worldly masks, and have no fear of anyone seeing the real “woman behind the mask.” I absolutely loved this book!


a publication of Ruth Ministries-The Virtuous Woman,TM a woman's restoration ministry/a segment of Philippi Prospect Ministries



petals of wisdom, hope, inspiration, and truth by Keitha

Deception from Within

According to neurologist Barry Gordon at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore we as humans, Use virtually every part of the brain, and that [most of] the brain is active almost all the time." This powerful tool that God gave us takes up only three percent of a person’s body weight but uses 20 percent of our energy. So why do we spend so much of that energy succumbing to the deception of Satan? I have recently started reading a great book by Joyce Meyer’s titled Battlefield of the Mind, and it has been very enlightening to say the least. I have spent years trying to move forward in my life in a positive way, but have always been held back and could not figure out why?

The subtle power of deception, through the calculated actions of Satan, start to build within the act of thinking and before we know it negativity virtually oozes from our pores. I for one have recently started paying attention to the words I speak. Why do you ask? Because I believe it shows the depth of who I truly am. I have been surprised to find that I have become a very negative person. I have been beaten down so much that I have allowed my mind and my way of thinking to become a playground for Satan’s deception. “Our past may explain why we're suffering but we must not use it as an excuse to stay in bondage,” (Joyce Meyer, Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your Mind.) The Bible has many scriptures that showcase how developing a close relationship with God, asking for help with our struggles, and being armed with scripture to rebuke the devils subtle attempts to deceive can overcome the war that Christians fight daily.


We cannot live in a positive manner if we are constantly allowing Satan the power to take control of our thoughts. We cannot arm ourselves with the Whole Armor of God if we choose to surrender to the assault from within. There is no difficulty that has come to you that is beyond human resistance. God is faithful to His Word and He can be trusted to not let you be lured and put on trial. He will give you the strength of resistance and power to stand. He always delivers a way out! All we have to do is seek Him through scripture, prayer, and choose not to surrender to the devil’s attempt to control our minds.

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. I challenge all of you who read this to TODAY take control of your thoughts. Do not, anymore, give Satan the power to control your mind. Rebuke him with the power of God. He is ever faithful, and ever present. All we have to do is trust in Him and remember He is always on our side. With that‌‌how can we go wrong?

read more from Keitha at Tuckasegee Country Living and Keitha Parton-Official Mary Kay Consultant

Scripture is bread for daily use, not cake for special occasions. -Unknown/Anonymous

photo courtesy of vanessa via Flickr | License


In the Potting Shed by

What seed has God planted in you, that He wants you to nurture in a protected environment, until it is ready to be planted outside?

photos courtesy of umbrellahead56 via Flickr | License / U.S. Department of Agriculture via Flickr | License

Rebecca Matthews

Scripture is full of analogies of seed, gardens, vineyards, and other agricultural metaphors. Has God given you a seed? An idea? A dream? A vision? A desire of your heart? In the very first stages of growth, when the seed erupts from the ground, it’ is difficult to see what the mature plant will be. This is when it must be protected the most. Frost, heavy rain, or too much sun can wipe out its existence before it has a chance to get established. So, while the root system and the next set of leaves develop, protect the seed you’ve been given with faith and patience, until you see the next stage of growth. You might find that some of the seed are meant to be short-term goals; they mature in just a few weeks, giving you fruit in the same year you planted it. Other seed might be long-term, taking years to mature and bear fruit. In Scripture, the righteous are described as trees, particularly oaks~ for strength and stamina, and palms~ for uprightness and honesty. Regardless of what kind of seed you are nurturing, give it the best care possible, because God will use it to carry out a work that He has been preparing you for all along. You will learn faith and obedience through a squash seed, and you will learn patience and perseverance through an acorn.

And you will learn that you are worthy of your calling, by keeping your face looking to the One who first planted the seed in you.

photos courtesy of Cheryl via Flickr | License / darius_saulenas via Flickr | License / Stig Nygaard via Flickr | License

In the Potting Shed by

Rebecca Matthews

Do you have a built-in resiliency?


1:the power or ability to return to the original form, position, etc., after being bent, compressed, or stretched 2: the ability to recover readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like

Pansies are resilient little flowers. They bloom better in cooler weather; heat causes the bloom to get smaller, or disappear altogether. And the variety of color combinations! They are a gardener’s dream flower. But, did you know that pansies have a built-in “anti-freeze”? They can be cold, laying flat on the ground, looking past dead. Then the sun warms them up, and they stand up all perky again. Well, that is how we need to be when the Enemy causes a spiritual freeze to come upon us. We might look like we have died out to the elements, but when the Son comes up, and we warm up to Him, we will find that we are as resilient as the pansy. After reading the pertinent information about the pansy located to the right, in yellow, we understand how the pansy operates during cold weather. You see, we need to learn to “let the moisture escape” when we feel Satan blowing a cold draft our way. The Enemy will try to catch us unaware, so that the spiritual coldness that comes will cause us the rupture on the inside. The cold can come by way of a hateful remark, acting out of haste or anger, or any number of other circumstances. Just remember, let the moisture out, then lift your face to the Son. Just like to pansies do. photo courtesy of BRF Klätterträdet via Flickr/License

Pansies protect themselves by allowing moisture to escape their leaves as temperatures fall. Other plants cannot do this, so when the temperature goes below freezing the water in their cells freezes and ruptures the cell walls. That’s what happens when you leave a houseplant on the patio during a freeze. Dry cells, though, can’t rupture. They just go limp. It is normal to see pansy leaves completely wilted at dawn but green and perky by noon. That’s why it is important to keep the soil in pansy beds moist after a freeze…so their roots can re-hydrate the leaves. quote from

How resilient are you?

Click here to take the quiz!



It Is Written by

Rebecca Matthews

Find a Space to The Seven Steps CalltoYour Own Yeshua from Matthew 14:24-33 1. Recognize you’re in a storm. (v.24) 2. Ask Him to bid you, and He will say “Come.” (v.28) 3. TAKE THE STEP (v.29) 4. Do not be afraid, and do not doubt. (v.30) 5. But, if you falter, He will take you by the hand, and lead you to safety. (v. 31) 6. The storm will cease. (v. 32) 7. You will see Him for who He is. (v.33)

GuideWorksTM is a trademark of Philippi Prospect MinistriesTM



Introducing Avner Valer, a vibrant young man, born and raised in Israel, who believes in Yeshua Ha Mashiach, who is himself a unique person, with a gripping testimony, and a unique ministry. Click on the video link below to hear his story in his own words (English subtitles included.) Then, continue to read what an Israeli journalist had to say about this distinct man of God. Read more about him at

Avner Valer Work of Art Ministries

Messianic Jew Finds Cure For Insanity It is well known that many geniuses live out their lives in mental hospitals around the world. In Israel, there is a Messianic Jewish believer diagnosed with clinical schizophrenia who is a Bible whiz, and he claims that God’s Word has healed his mind. By David Lazarus for “Israel Today"

Born on a Moshav (farming community) in southern Israel, Avner Valer suffered an extreme episode of psychosis as a teenager. “When I was 18, I took an ecstasy tablet and went crazy,” he recalls. “For two weeks I was like a mad man. I would run into the streets without any clothes. So they put me into the lockdown ward of the local mental hospital.” Avner, whose family is secular, said it was an earlier addiction that helped him cope. “Ever since I learned to read in first grade I was captivated by the words of the Hebrew Bible,” he told ‘Israel today’. “I became obsessed with reading the Scriptures. The only class I went to in high school was Old Testament.” Restrained and suppressed by psychiatric drugs in the mental hospital, Avner’s passion for God’s Word grew ever stronger. “I hardly remember what happened to me, but my sister tells me that I couldn’t stop quoting verses from the Hebrew Bible day and night.” Avner relates how as a child he had seen a video clip of people mocking someone carrying a cross: “That touched my heart deeply and my whole life I have been looking for the man in the video tape. I had no idea who it was. In the Hospital I started drawing a figure on a cross while obsessively writing in a notebook Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I think someone was reaching out to me.” Eventually, Avner was released from the hospital to the care of a rehabilitation facility. “I wanted to take another ecstasy pill and kill myself.” Concerned with his state of mind, a cousin shared the Gospel with him at a Bar Mitzvah. “I was a broken man when he talked with me,” he says. “But when my cousin was talking about Jesus, I knew that this was the one I had been looking for all my life.” And that’s when the healing began. “I read in Proverbs that God’s Word ‘will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones,’ so I began to take his Word into my life everyday as a medicine for my disease” he says. “I would even play an audio version of the Bible at night as i slept”. Avner is still diagnosed with schizophrenia and visits a psychiatrist regularly just to be safe. At 31, he has gone more than 10 years without any medication, except, of course, God’s Word which, he says, “I still take every single day.” Last year he had another psychotic episode and the medical staff were amazed that he was able to stay balanced without medication. “God’s word is healing me. No one can deny that,” he says. “People ask me to come and pray and help them with their depression. All I can tell them with is to spend time with God’s word. That is the only place I find hope for my life.” Some years ago, as part of his healing process, Avner began studying the Book of Proverbs. All day and late into the night, he pored over the ancient wisdom seeking practical instruction for his life. “Every word has become a part of who i am,” he says. “It is the only thing that keeps me going.” Avner has written word-by-word commentaries in Hebrew on the Books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, which are available as free online downloads. He refuses to receive any payment for his work on God’s word. Quoting from Proverbs 23:23, he says: “Buy the truth and do not sell it."

all photos, videos and articles used by express written permission

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There are a few phrases in Scripture that makes an impact on our hearts and minds. If these words were spoken to us, what would our reaction be? How would they change our idea of how God sees us? But my servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit, and has

I will bring him into the land into which he went, and his descendants shall possess it. Numbers 14:24

Are we following God fully?


by Pastor Michael Kanyoli We as a team of Ministers at Praise Chapel Living Word of God Church ( PCLC ) have developed a basic leadership training program that can take a believer and make a true disciple of him / her. The biggest challenge in the church of Jesus Christ is the need for leadership. In the Bible we are taught to pray and ask the Lord to send more labourers to work in the field , so obviously the Lord knew we would have this challenge (Matt 9 : 37- 38) .

Discipleship is the process of turning a convert into a mature Christ - follower . There are many Christians but very few Christ - followers in the real sense of the Word . A Christ - follower is someone who has made a quality decision to live and model the life of Christ in and through their lives . We have devised TWO types of leadership training courses in our Church . 1) SCHOOL OF THE BIBLE We have code-named the first one as School of the Bible. One of the most exciting observations in the Bible is that the Lord began to raise up leaders among everyday believers. (Ephesians 4:11-13) Their responsibility is to equip God's people to do His work and build up the church. This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God's Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ. The purpose of this course is to take a new convert from conversion to a home fellowship leader in a very short period of time. Through this system we aim to train all new home fellowship members to become effective fellowship leaders so that they are ready to take their own fellowship when multiplication is ready. This training system repeats itself quarterly , and through it, we are now capable of raising up many new leaders in the church. After completing the course, we encourage the new trainee to also plant their own fellowship group in their home or the home someone else, or even in the work place. photo courtesy of Frank Douwes via Flickr | License

2) REQUIREMENTS OF A BIBLICAL LEADER Dealing with areas as: Spiritual mentoring; establishing a powerful prayer life; loving and caring leadership; the gift of hospitality; qualifications of a biblical leader; character and commitment qualifications; how to lead effectively; the functions of a leader; the Pastor in leadership, the Pastor as a shepherd, etc. These, and many more lessons, are given to those who have been ordained as Pastors, Evangelists, Deacons or those we are preparing to ordain as such. 3) INVITATIONS We also invite Pastors, Evangelists, and Elders from our daughter village churches to come to Blantyre Main Church, where they receive IN SERVICE LEADERSHIP TRAINING for a month. Afterward, we let them go and help their churches. It costs about $500 (US dollars) to train a student for a year. Just imagine these village Pastors, never having received any formal Bible training course: the only training they need is this one. The main church needs to prepare the materials in both English and Chichewa (our vernacular language) for some have have not had enough secular education. This is a challenge to us again. As the main church, we have to foot all these bills and responsibilities.

Among several activities highlighted during our 2015 Camp Meeting in April, there was an official ordination of Mrs. Rhoda Phiri to the position of Pastor of PCLC. We believe women are equally called to be in the office of Pastor, Evangelist, Prophetess, Apostle, Teacher (the Five Fold Ministry). We also invited Pastor Micha Klopper, a woman Pastor from South Africa, to help in the ordination process.

Below is my short story backing my argument why women must be in the Five Fold Ministry.

THE WOMAN IS A SYMBOL OF LIFE: John 20:17 According to Mark 16:9-10, Mary was the first to whom the Risen Saviour appeared. The reason why He sent a woman to be an Apostle to the Apostles and to witness the Resurrection to them, is to be seen in relationship with Adam and Eve, the first man and the first woman.

Eve, the first woman, had been the first to take of the fruit of death and to give it to the man. So, in the same way, a woman was the first to take of the fruit of life, the Risen Saviour, and told this Good news to the man. That means, if the woman has been the first to bring the news of death to man, likewise, she has been the first to bring the news of life to man!

top photo courtesy of Waiting For The Word via Flickr | License / bottom photo courtesy of Waiting For The Word via Flickr | License

The woman --more than the man-- is the symbol of life. She knows better the origin of life. More than the man, she experiences how life is growing in her womb. She knows better how the unborn child is becoming a human being. So, more than the man, the woman is associated with the mystery of life, which is the essence of God, who alone knows what life is in its absolute and complete form. What the Risen Lord did in sending Mary Magdalene as Apostle of the new life is really in accordance with our conception of life. And, in Africa, and even in the church, the African woman should keep this precious vocation to be the first Apostle of Life; a life in Christ. On the other hand, if it is true according to the Apostle Paul, that in Christ there is no man and woman since the risen Lord sent a woman to the man to proclaim the news of the new life, all men have been transformed through Christ to bear the new life. Up to now, everyone who has been born again, man or woman, has to witness the resurrection of Christ in themselves, and to bear a new life in the risen Lord. To do so we have to recognize the voice of the risen Lord, as Mary did. We have to recognize the presence of the risen Lord in our daily lives. He is the one who is going before us, leading us to the new life, where there will be no more crying, weeping, suffering or death.

photo courtesy of Waiting For The Word via Flickr | License

Give your troubles to God. He will be up all night anyway. -Unknown/Anonymous

He will not allow your foot to slip; He who keeps you will not slumber. Psalm 121:3

photo courtesy of Mike Lewinski via Flickr | License


Sometimes life gets really tough. Sometimes we can feel so overwhelmed when things happen around us which we’ve had no say about or control over…Do you know what I mean? Well, the same goes for our children; they too can feel overwhelmed and can struggle to cope with life’s pressures. Unforeseen tragedies can occur in our family’s lives which need to be walked out in faith and love. This article is my 5 point guide for our role as parents to help our children navigate and cope with life’s tragedies. Please be aware I am not a child psychologist. This article comes from my perspective as a Christian parent who is theologically educated and has worked with young people. 1. Deal with your own issues: We understand that to help others we need to be healthy ourselves. That being said, sometimes as parents we still need to care for our children while dealing with our own issues. I feel if we always waited for the perfect timing to come alongside our children, we’d possibly never find the right time, as I always have some area to grow in and things to deal with. As the adult we need to be self-sufficient in dealing with our own baggage to be a healthy parent for our own child/ren. This means we need trusted Christian counsel; a safe adult to talk things through with. For single parents this means we need to find someone obviously other than a spouse; from personal experience as a single parent, for true untainted clarity, I often need to talk to a trusted Christian who is not a family member and therefore not emotionally connected to me. I will still share things with close family, but for healing and discernment about many issues I will speak to others. I believe we can most definitely work on our own healing and issues while also being available for our children. Read Ecclesiastes 11:1-6 which speaks about being diligent and not waiting for the right time to sew which will encourage you to continue to sew into your children’s lives. 2 Timothy 4:2 also says to preach the word in and out of season and scriptures such as Proverbs 22:6; Ephesians 6:4; Deuteronomy 11:19 exhort parents to teach their children in the way of The LORD. As parents we have the most honoured position to speak into our children’s lives.

2. Be prepared to be a Counsellor: I personally think the pendulum has swung too far in recent times in relation to professional counselling for children which has disempowered parents. I think we need to find middle ground again. Yes, professional Christian counselling is a great tool for both adults and children (for example possibly in relation to point one; dealing with our own issues) but when it becomes first base, parents can become viewed by their children as disinterested, uncaring and incompetent. The basic premise of good counselling is first and foremost LISTENING…really listening…active attention-given listening! Then it is NOT to provide the other person with all the answers, rather it is to ask questions to help the other person think through the problem themselves and problem-solve. A good counsellor is a sounding board for someone and always ENCOURAGES and EMPOWERS the other person. A parent who has a close relationship with their child and loves them can definitely do this! A wise, mature counsellor will of course guide the conversation and caution when necessary.

3. Be a Teacher: After being a counsellor, a parent also has the right to be their child’s teacher. This is the Godgiven privilege of speaking biblical based wisdom and truth into our child/ren’s lives. When talking issues through, teach your child/ren teach the biblical reason for the right response. Avoid just telling them what to do, for in my opinion that is more legalistic and can result more easily in rebellion, rather than wise, loving and respectful parenting. Implant good theology into your children for the rest of their lives. Treat them how you want to be treated. Doesn’t God give us the why rather than just rules? Talk to your child about WHY they should show grace and pray for their enemies…talk to them about WHY that person in their life has most likely made that bad choice…WHY they should forgive and so on. 4. Be an Encourager: Life is tough and children need encouragement. Speak words of life into your child/ren’s lives. Tell them the special things you know about them. Help them see their talents and run the race with joy. Tell them God has a good plan for them! As a parent there will be times when you need to rebuke your child but follow it up with encouragement…reassure them as God does us. 5. Be a Model: As a Christian parent we MUST model our faith as this will speak louder than any words. We must be aware we will become a reflection of the Father to our children and of the accountability that brings. We MUST be the constant, stable, faithful, wise person in our child/ren’s lives. We need to model how to seek God first at all times and especially in relation to dealing with tragedy and our emotions; how to comfort others; how to respond appropriately with self-control; how to not live a fleshly driven life; how to intentionally worship God during the week and how to have quiet time with Him and so on. We MUST model a life where God’s grace is sufficient because the world won’t. Finally don’t be afraid to lead your family spiritually, as we teach by example and are equipping our children for their future.

see more from Melanie Baker-Nash at Life of an Ordinary Aussie Woman

by Melanie Baker-Nash

Observations: Worth a Thousand Words

by Rebecca Matthews

What does this picture say to you?

Can't get past your past? Do you keep returning to the dry, dusty shell of the person you used to be? Are you not letting that old life go, or is it not letting you go? What is it that has such a hold on you that you cannot take that step into a new life? Do you yearn for something better, something that seems just out of reach? Are you comfortable in your old ways, so that the fear of change keeps you from moving on? Do you feel that you deserve where you are, and are content to stay? Do you feel trapped in your current situation, unable to do anything about it?

ALL of these scenarios are means the Enemy uses to keep you from reaching your full potential, and going where God wants to take you. photo courtesy of Donnie Nunley via Flickr | License



Most people would never guess now, but I was an angry person growing up. I was hurting the people around me, I was skipping school, and I was just a bitter person. I blamed those around me for my problems, and I was always the victim. Every little thing would set me off. I was breaking things, I was bullying my little sister, and avoiding my parents at all costs. All my anger had stemmed from unhappiness. I didn't enjoy my childhood, and at age fourteen I was diagnosed with depression. But, I refused to take the pills I was prescribed. So, after that I started to keep things bottled up inside, and that created health problems for me. I constantly had chest pains and was always feeling stressed out. Somehow I made it through highschool, but I never really felt any better. It wasn't until I had my son that I felt complete; I felt truly happy. God had given me my purpose for living. And, then when I surrendered my life to God, and gave my son to Him, I was able to let that anger go.

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James 1:19-20 My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. This is something I still work on every day. Being angry doesn't help anything. Anger ruins relationships. Anger affects your health. Anger causes depression. God didn't create you to be an angry person. He didn't create you to live a depressed and bitter life. It took a while for me to learn that, but so much has changed since I have! And you can, too. Change your mind and your life before it is too late! If I can do it, you can do it!

by Rachel Draughn

PrayerWorks TM a publication of Philippi Prospect Ministries TM


It Is Written by

Are You Called to Write?

Rebecca Matthews

I know what you are thinking: I can’t write! Well, with that attitude, you won’t! But, if God is calling you, He will give you what you need. Moses told God that he stuttered. Did God go find someone else to lead His people? No. He gave him Aaron, to do the talking for him. So, pick up a pen, or a pencil, pull out some paper, and jot down a few thoughts. 1) What lesson have you learned on your Godly journey that you want to share with others? 2) Who is your target audience? Teens? Single mothers? Older women? Widows? The terminally ill? The homeless? 3) What is the main point you want to convey? Your story should have a beginning, a middle, and an end. If what you are writing about is a particular painful part of your life, pray about your subject matter, and let God lead you to say the “write” words. Look for pictures to help convey your message. Maybe you have some old memories tucked away in a shoebox or photo album. Or, maybe you need something fresh. If so, then look for pictures that have a Creative Commons license, that you can use in your article, without worrying about copyright infringement. God has told a lot of people to write. If He is telling you, then take a look in Scripture at who He also called to write. Here are a few:

Besides being wise, the Preacher also taught the people knowledge, weighing and studying and arranging many proverbs with great care. The Preacher sought to find words of delight, and uprightly he wrote words of truth. The words of the wise are like goads, and like nails firmly fixed are the collected sayings; they are given by one Shepherd. Ecc. 12:9-11

Write in a book all the words that I have spoken to you. For behold, days are coming, declares the LORD, when I will restore the fortunes of my people, Israel and Judah, says the LORD, and I will bring them back to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall take possession of it. Jeremiah 30:2

Now it shall come about when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, he shall write for himself a copy of this law on a scroll in the presence of the Levitical priests. It shall be with him and he shall read it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the LORD his God, by carefully observing all the words of this law and these statutes, that his heart may not be lifted up above his countrymen and that he may not turn aside from the commandment, to the right or the left, so that he and his sons may continue long in his kingdom in the midst of Israel. Deut. 17:18-20

What words are passing through your heart, and making their way to your fingers? What encouragement does God want you to share? What have you lived through, that your experience might change the direction of someone else? Pull out the notepad, and jot down your thoughts. Your story is worth the read. If God has been dealing with you to open up your life in this way, don’t hold back. Can you imagine how the Scriptures would read if there were no Psalms or Proverbs? The words of David, and others writers, all those hundreds of years ago are still just as encouraging and powerful now as they were when the ink was fresh.

Observations: Worth a Thousand Words

by Rebecca Matthews

What does this picture say to you?

You are not a little girl anymore? Where has the time gone? Is this the place where girl meets woman? Are you leaving your childhood innocence behind? Is this where your dreams started, or where they have come true? Do you want to make sure you don’t lose the little girl inside of you? Are you ready to start the next phase of your life? Does this bring back memories of a more peaceful, happier time in your life?

All of these scenarios help us understand the stage of life we are in, how we have matured, what we have left behind, and who we are going forward.


by Olivia Carpenter






Pa th

Revelations 21:4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.

photo courtesy of Barta IV via Flickr | License

No matter how hard you try, you just can't make everybody happy. Even when you follow the "Golden Rule" (treat others the way you want to be treated), not everybody is going to be happy. But, if you're happy yourself, its easier for others around you to be happy. When I was in 4th grade, all I wanted was to fit in with the "popular girls" at school. For three years, I put up a false front; a fake version of myself. I threw parties. I went to picnics. I bought the style of clothes and shoes they wore. I played the sports they played, and I did everything they did. I was miserable. I know what you're thinking: Didn't you get exactly what you wanted? From an outside perspective, I did. But, from myself, I was unsatisfied. I got what I thought I wanted, not what I wanted in my heart. In a way, I was "popular", but not in the right way. People knew of me, but they didn't actually know me. This went on for three years. The whole time, I knew something was missing, but I didn't know what. Everyone else seemed happy, I seemed happy, but deep down, I wasn't. I was holding on to those friendships, thinking my happiness depended on them. After I realized we were heading down different paths, I let them go down their paths and I went down mine. That day was when things finally started looking up. After three years, I was happy with myself. I decided it was time to be me, to let people know the real me. Shortly after that, I decided I was going to try out for cheering. I made it. For three years I kept it a secret that I took tumbling & cheerleading instead of basketball & softball. It took a while, but in the end, they were happy for me because I was happy. I didn't take a different path because of them, I took a different path because of me. And I'm very glad I did. I'm a lot more successful now than I would've been if I had stayed that unhappy version of me. If Esther hadn't revealed her true identity; if she hadn't let the world know her instead of knowing of her, her whole purpose would've been irrelevant. Esther waited until the time was right, then let everyone know who she really was, instead of a fake front she could have shown them.

Give ear, O heavens, and let me speak; And let the earth hear the words of my mouth. Let my teaching drop as the rain, My speech distill as the dew, As the droplets on the fresh grass And as the showers on the herb. For I proclaim the name of the LORD; Ascribe greatness to our God! The Rock! His work is perfect, For all His ways are just; A God of faithfulness and without injustice, Righteous and upright is He. Deut. 32:1-4

Philippi Prospect Ministries | Of Parchment & Passage TM


The Personal Column by

Angela Carpenter

God created us in His image. We are the only thing He created with a soul to love Him back. Unlike animals who live on instinct, God created us like Him with the ability to choose. We all have free will. A situation will happen: a part of God’s plan, but we have a choice to go through it with Him or without Him. Without God you will hit road blocks, traffic jams, detours, and react out of fear and short term pleasure, like an animal on the earth. With Him you will see the road blocks, detours, and traffic jams clearly and see a reason why.

God’s Will

Jeremiah 29:11 I know the plans I have for you, the plans to prosper you and give you hope.

God is complete freedom--free of fear. God is free to love and help others with no fear of consequences. Can you imagine living that free? What would you do differently if you could be free? And what would you not do? Would you be able to face your giants? Would you be able to part the sea for others to have freedom as well? Would you be able to give your life for another? He created us with the same freedom as Himself. I hear people use the words free will in a negative way. “Free will sucks.” But, it only sucks when we do not use it, when we choose to live in the world like an animal, living on instincts, only for ourselves to profit and survive. A free will is freedom to thrive in this world, and a heart to help others do the same. God is good and fair, and free will is the greatest gift He gave us. He gave us the freedom to choose, so we could know the freedom of Jesus Christ. If we did not have the freedom to accept and choose a life in Jesus, we would be no different than animals. When we activate our free will by making a choice to see our life in Scripture, we see that free will is one will. After 13 years of being a stay-at-home mom, I decided to re-enter the workforce, to help make ends meet at home. I started working for a wellknown retail company sweeping floors a few hours a week for $8 an hour. I knew I could help the company, and my family, profit, if I gave 100% of me to them. When you help others you help yourself. The better I was at my job, the more hours my boss gave me. The more obedient I was, the more responsibility she gave me.

In four short months, I found myself interviewing for a manager’s job. With no resume` or business degree, I got the job. My boss later told me that I got the job because I had something that does not come with a business degree: I understood the bottom line: PROFIT. When we help others, everyone profits. When Jesus met Peter, he said Follow me. I will make you a fisher of men. He didn’t want Peter to spend his life trying to catch fish to survive. He wanted Peter to teach others to fish to thrive. Jesus chose God’s will, and chose to live His life for the profit of others. He knew where He was going and said follow me. He wanted Peter to choose the same. God said I know the plans I have for you. The plans for prosper and hope. If we want to enjoy life, we must follow Him. The more obedient we are to God, the more responsibility He gives us. Accepting free will is the understanding of ONE will: God’s will. When the disciples asked Jesus how do we pray, He said, Our father who is in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. Dear God, I praise you, I serve you, now and forever. Amen. One heart, one will, one purpose. What would you give to have that kind of freedom on earth? Jesus already gave His life for you. Accept HIM and you will see.

read more from Angela at

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