Grace Point! September 2015

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Volume 1 ~Issue 9

September 2015 eMagazine of Philippi Prospect Ministries TM

~featuring~ JR Cook and his ministry to the Homeless

Table of Contents 3~Notes from Rebecca 4~PrayerWorks 5~Restoration & Renewal 6-7~The Bright Side by Olivia Carpenter 8-9~VerseWorks by Jaime Dills 10-13 Handmade in Israel 14~Prayer of... 15~Special Guest Video by Ross & Chana Tsemach 16-17~Commissioned by JR Cook 18-19~Parton’s Petals 20-21~StoryWorks 22-23~Ordinary Aussie Mom 24-25~Greetings from Malawi by Pastor Michael Kanyoli 26-27~ClassWorks by Rachel Dills 28-29~Remarkables by Amanda Marler 30-31~ScrollWorks 32-33~The Personal Column by Angela Carpenter 34-35~Women in Scripture 36-37~In the Garden 38-39~Fruitworks 40-41~Namesakes 42-43~ImageWorks 44~Seller of Purple: T-Shirts 45~Seller of Purple: Prayer Journals Back Cover~StillWorks Imagery


Hello to all readers! First, I want to thank you for clicking on the link that brought you to this magazine.

New this issue:

Notes from


The magazine is expanding!!! There are new features this month!! New page titles to look for are: ClassWorks, from Rachel Dills, the contributor of “Young Christian Mom” in past issues. A big “thank you” to JR Cook, who still contributed this month even after being injured in a car accident and the getting a sinus infection. JR has proved that the enemy may knock us down, but he can’t keep us down! Our prayers are with you, JR! Also, a special “thank you” to Carmel (Ross) and Chana (Anita) Tsemach for sharing their beautiful music and voice with us. Take a listen; you will be blessed! On pages 44 and 45, you will find new product art of my own creation, this month featuring tee shirts and prayer journals. Each month the prayer journals will be offered in a different theme. This month’s theme: beach, which implies rest and relaxation, with appropriate Scripture attached. All purchases go to the continuation our ministry, so if you are led to purchase something, a hearty “thank you” in advance! The purpose of this magazine is for help, hope and encouragement toward our fellow man. It is about promoting Godly endeavors and Godly results. It is not about judgment, or whether our beliefs are the same or not. The Adversary is about division and subtraction; God is about multiplication and addition. We are our brother’s keeper! Our prayer is that there will be a blessing for each reader among these pages. God bless each and every one! Shalom. Sincerely, Rebecca Matthews Founder, administrator, and ordained minister at Philippi Prospect Ministries Founder, senior editor, writer, publisher of Grace Point! eMagazine Photographer and curator at StillWorks Imagery (The opinions expressed in this magazine by contributors does not necessarily reflect the opinions or beliefs of James and Rebecca Matthews, founders of Philippi Prospect Ministries, and Grace Point! eMagazine.)



PrayerWorks TM a publication of Philippi Prospect Ministries TM

A Journey to

The fog has always had an air of mystery, gloom, fear, unclear thinking, and downright evil associated with it. There have been horror movies made about it, monsters living in it, and countless travel-related accidents because of it. The bottom line is that the presence of fog represents not seeing clearly, coupled with fear and/or danger. One of the scariest experiences to happen with fog is driving through it while crossing suspension bridges, on winding country back roads, or at high altitudes where the road is perched, perilously it would seem, at the top of sheer rock cliffs that descend thousands of feet. But, what about the fog on the inside of our heads? I grew up with my mother using the phrase “I haven’t the foggiest notion” when a topic came up she knew little, or nothing, about. When we view our own Christian life, are we aware of where we stand in Christ, or is our notion foggy?

So, other than capturing our thought process, (2 Corinthians 10:5) what can we do to keep ourselves in check? The first thing is pray. Seek God, and pray over our thinking process, asking Him to show us our weaknesses, and how to overcome them. If we know where they are, we should not succumb to the temptation. Succumbing might be the first weakness that leads to the next weakness.

The maintenance of our mind is a theme throughout the New Testament, and something that is required to become “Christ-like.” Paul tells us to renew our minds daily. In Philippians 4:8, we are given a list of things to think on: things that are honest, just, pure, lovely, of good reputation, of virtue and praise. In many places in Scripture,, Jesus proclaims that He has come as a light into the world, so that those in the world would not remain in darkness. Or our minds in a fog.

The next thing is to put our new way of thinking into action. We should practice new habits that glorify God, and soon, they will become the way of life. God knows what is lurking out there in the fog. And, He knows what is hiding in the fog that is in our heads. But, just as happens with natural fog, when the Son comes out, the fog will have to disappear. a publication of Ruth Ministries-The Virtuous Woman,TM a woman's restoration ministry/a segment of Philippi Prospect Ministries



by Olivia Carpenter

“Facing your fears is a hard thing to do. I know, I've been there.�



Whether you're scared of failing a test, or you don't think you will make that winning shot, we all have some kind of fear we have to deal with in our lives.

on the Bright Side

About this time last year, I had finally made the cheering squad, and my coach had started to get serious about everyone on our squad being able to tumble (flip backwards). I had tumbled for tryouts, but I soon acquired a mental block. Mental blocks are very hard to deal with, and I had a hard time dealing with mine. Until one day, my mom spoke up and asked me, "Are you going to let Satan win? Are you going to let this fear separate you from God?" Before then, nobody had told me that giving into my fears meant letting Satan win. It was a huge eye opener! Soon after that, I let go of my fears and tried tumbling, and succeeded! So you see, facing our fears means getting closer to God, and not facing our fears means letting Satan win. And when Satan wins, we grow farther apart from God, and all Satan wants is us to grow farther and farther from God! What would've happened to Jesus if he had run away from what he was supposed to do? What if he never went up on the cross because he was "too scared"? We wouldn't be here, and we wouldn't be allowed into heaven. Jesus faced his fears with the ultimate price, and he was grateful for it. Psalm 34:4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. 7


In the Shadow of Thy Wings You have been my shelter in the storm Even as the rain falls, you have kept me warm. With joyful lips I will praise thee, You have brought me comfort in the shadow of thy wings.


VerseWorks TM is a trademark of Philippi Prospect Ministries TM

Each morning and night I will thank you for your love I have realized such things only come from above. Until I leave this temporary place, My hands lift to you and your amazing grace. __

inspired by Psalm 63:3-7

by Jaime Dills photography by Jaime Dills


See more from this artist at

Israeli T-shirts


photos used by permission

See more from this artist at

Flower Rainbow

Welcome to Flower Rainbow - our world of wedding jewelry. We create wedding hair pins, combs, bridal headbands, vines, wedding earrings, bridal necklaces, bridal bracelets. Also, flower girl jewelry and hair accessories. Jewelry and hair accessories for mother of the bride / mother of the groom. In our collection you will find beautiful and quality items, often custom created according to your specifications. Rehovot, Israel

photos used by permission


See more from this artist at

By Nature Jewellery

We design & handcraft quality pieces of using the mix of precious metals. We combine mainly Sterling Silver; 9ct Gold and Gold Filled to create unique pieces of Jewels. Israeli Sterling Silver & Gold design Jewellery, Rings, earrings, bracelets, pendant necklaces, combine sterling silver 925 with semi-precious stones and 9k gold.

Here are some videos we made that shows a little bit of the handcrafted process of our jewellery: Megiddo, Israel


photos used by permission

more from this artist at .H. K. Art 1.


Welcome to HKArt1 where you will find ancient Roman glass jewelry,Silver and Gold filled jewelry Fine Arts and home dĂŠcor items, sea glass, Copper,wire wrapped and raw crystal jewelry, necklaces, earrings, rings, pendants and more, all handmade. All my items are originals, many of them are one of a kind, all are handmade by me. I do not mass produce. Each one of my items is distinct. Haifa, Israel

photos used by permission



Special Guest Video by Carmel and Chana Tsamach My name is Chana Tsemach. My husband Carmel (Ross) and I have been called by Adonai to perform a music ministry to proclaim the honor and glory of Mashiach Yeshua. This song, Zakharyah (G-d Remembers), is based on Zechariah 2:10-13, and written by Messianic singer/songwriter Christine Jackman. G-d has proclaimed a Holy Covenant with the Land and People of Israel for a thousand generations. G-d Always Keeps His Promises! Halleluyah and Amen!


Focusing on those that have been called to go out and minister to the world. We have never officially met JR Cook, but he was there for us -perfect strangers- when we found ourselves living on the street, trying to understand the path that God was taking us down. He has remained in contact with us these past 4½ years, giving us spiritual support when we have needed it. A true man of God, we are blessed to count him as our friend.

PPM: When did God call you into ministry, and how has it developed over the years? JR: I was called into the ministry in college at age 22. I admit I had been running for a few years from that calling. I wasn’t sure in my own mind that I wanted to be in ministry. I had a brother who was in the ministry and it seemed scary. But, over the years, I was glad I accepted the call. I have developed over the years at being more diligent in ministry, and going after things, like stepping out of the normal crowd and trusting God. I have been involved in children’s youth and outreach ministries. I also started a food pantry in Bedford, Virginia; that was a big challenge I took on. It didnt seem like a big deal but, 75 families were relying on me for their food every week. And knowing that this is the only way that some got their medicine makes it a big deal. I love being involved in ministry. The calling is like an itch that will never go away, and I am glad I answered the call. PPM: What people/social group do you feel the most called to? JR: The people I am called to are the low-income, poverty-stricken, and the homeless. They may not benefit the church any money-wise, but they need to know God’s love just like everyone else does. I enjoy meeting their immediate needs, then talking to them about Jesus, and praying for them. 16

PPM: How does your wife and family support the ministry? JR: My wife will tell you that ministry has its ups and its downs. It isn’t always easy or pretty. There have been times we both thought of quitting. We even took a few breaks. However, as I said earlier, it is an itch that can never be fully scratched. My wife supports me fully 100%; always has. Even my daughters know the call on their dad’s life to help the homeless. Its a family deal with us; we all love God and love to serve. Ministry isnt easy, and the pay stinks, but the reward for obedience to our heavenly Father is priceless. I wouldn’t trade the last twenty years for anything. I am looking forward to the next twenty years. I see assistant pastor work, or maybe senior pastor work, in my future. The homeless will always be a part of my ministry. I love, love, love helping others. It brings me such joy. Handing a person a sandwich and a cup of coffee cost me maybe two bucks and a little time, but the look on their face when they get it -and then they tell you that it is the first thing they’ve eaten in 3 days! Man thats all I need! I don’t do ministry for the money or the perks that one might think comes along with it. I do it because our Heavenly Father called me to do it. I enjoy every minute of it, work hard at it, and the reward will be fabulous. My last piece of advice: Pray often. Read your Bible often. Be ready in season and out. You may be the only Jesus some people ever see. Also, always take time for your family. Love on them always. Take time for yourself, so you don’t get burnt out. And, always always listen for that still small voice in everything. For me it’s alone time in nature; for you, it may be different. Love on people. Let them know you care.


petals of wisdom, hope, inspiration, and truth by Keitha

Deception from Within According to neurologist Barry Gordon at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore we as humans, Use virtually every part of the brain, and that [most of] the brain is active almost all the time." This powerful tool that God gave us takes up only three percent of a person’s body weight but uses 20 percent of our energy. So why do we spend so much of that energy succumbing to the deception of Satan? I have recently started reading a great book by Joyce Meyer’s titled Battlefield of the Mind, and it has been very enlightening to say the least. I have spent years trying to move forward in my life in a positive way, but have always been held back and could not figure out why?

The subtle power of deception, through the calculated actions of Satan, start to build within the act of thinking and before we know it negativity virtually oozes from our pores. I for one have recently started paying attention to the words I speak. Why do you ask? Because I believe it shows the depth of who I truly am. I have been surprised to find that I have become a very negative person. I have been beaten down so much that I have allowed my mind and my way of thinking to become a playground for Satan’s deception. “Our past may explain why we're suffering but we must not use it as an excuse to stay in bondage,” (Joyce Meyer, Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your Mind.) The Bible has many scriptures that showcase how developing a close relationship with God, asking for help with our struggles, and being armed with scripture to rebuke the devils subtle attempts to deceive can overcome the war that Christians fight daily.



We cannot live in a positive manner if we are constantly allowing Satan the power to take control of our thoughts. We cannot arm ourselves with the Whole Armor of God if we choose to surrender to the assault from within. There is no difficulty that has come to you that is beyond human resistance. God is faithful to His Word and He can be trusted to not let you be lured and put on trial. He will give you the strength of resistance and power to stand. He always delivers a way out! All we have to do is seek Him through scripture, prayer, and choose not to surrender to the devil’s attempt to control our minds.

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. I challenge all of you who read this to TODAY take control of your thoughts. Do not, anymore, give Satan the power to control your mind. Rebuke him with the power of God. He is ever faithful, and ever present. All we have to do is trust in Him and remember He is always on our side. With that‌‌how can we go wrong?

read more from Keitha at Tuckasegee Country Living and Keitha Parton-Official Mary Kay Consultant




StoryWorks TM is a trademark of Philippi Prospect Ministries TM

Many years ago, a water bearer had two large pots, hanging on each end of a pole, which he carried across his neck. One of the pots was cracked and, while the other pot was perfect, always delivering a full portion of water, the cracked pot arrived only half full after a long walk from the well to the master’s house. For two full years this was a daily routine, with only one and a half pots of water getting delivered to the master’s house. The undamaged pot was proud of its perfection, able to carry out function for which it was made. But, the cracked pot was ashamed of its imperfect state, and felt guilty that it was able to maintain only half the capacity of the perfect pot. After two years of continual failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the well. "I feel so ashamed because of this big crack in my side." "Why are you ashamed?" asked the water bearer. "I can do only half of what the other pot does. Because of my flaws, you have to do all of this work, and you don't get the full value from your efforts," the pot said. The water bearer felt compassion toward the cracked pot, and said, "As we return to the master’s house, take notice of the beautiful flowers along the path." As they went up the hill, the cracked pot saw the beautiful wild flowers on the side of the path, and that made the pot smile a little. But, it still felt unacceptable because it had leaked out half its contents, so it still felt like a failure. The bearer said to the pot, "Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of the path, but not on the other side? I have always known about your flaw, and I used it to my advantage. I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back from the well, you have watered them. For two years, I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate my master’s table. Without you being just the way you are, he would not have this beauty to grace his house." Each of us has some kind of flaw. We are all cracked pots. But, if we will acknowledge our flaws, Yeshua will use our them to grace His Father's table. In Gd’s economy, nothing is wasted. God can find beauty in our brokenness.

photo courtesy of YorkshirePhotoWalks via Flickr | License | photo reversed


by Melanie Baker-Nash

A couple of years ago, I was having a morning sleep in, as I’d been up late finishing an assignment that was due. My bliss was sharply interrupted with noisy voices. “What have you done?” “Why did you cut your hair?” “You’re gonna be in big trouble!” “You’ve wrecked your hair! Mum’s going to be angry at you!” “OH NO!”

Now this was not the first attempt my middle son had made at a self-haircut, so I was somewhat more relaxed than the first time, and decided to just listen to see what he would do. A short time later I hear my middle son, cool, calm and collected, call out to me with simply, “Mom! Can you shave my head?” To which I equally, calmly, replied, ‘Yeah of course I can.” All peace was restored to our house, then and there, so simply. The incident made me contemplate later when I was in the bathroom to clean up the hair strewn all over the bathroom counter. I began to think about when we make mistakes and our Father’s reaction and our imaginings of His reaction! Sometimes we may try something in our lives and fail big time…Sometimes we just put our foot in it, or sometimes we can just lose our temper…I think you know what I mean. None of us are perfect and even when we try our best we can still make mistakes, even when our motives are well and good. Like when someone tries to run something at church and then loses their patience with others and acts out. I’m sure you can relate because we’re all human… 22

My son had simply decided of his own accord that his fringe was a too long and needed a trim…so he simply gave it a go. His motive was fine…but he failed because he was not ready at 9 to cut his own hair. My response (ok honestly it was mostly motivated by my physical location of lying in bed) but it was to wait and see what he would do. Yet as soon as he called out to me for help, in love I instantly responded because he is my son whom I want to help. This makes me think of our loving Father in heaven! As Christians we try to live God honouring lives, yet we can still stuff up! But I’m wondering how quick we are to seek forgiveness and help from God? To call out to our loving Father. I know what it’s like to think negatively. Thoughts which can, if I let them, stop me connection with my heavenly Father. Ones like, ‘And you call yourself a Christian? Oh no God is going to be really mad at me…I’ve done it again! Or, I am a hopeless case, God must be so sick of me!’ Yet scripture tells us in 1 John 1:9. ‘If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.’ I am only a fallible human mother, yet I am more than happy to help my sons and forgive them. I am readily available for them to spend time with me, and to talk with me. So how much more available is God’s love, mercy and friendship through Jesus? I want to now extend this reality of grace that God has made available to us as believers of Jesus Christ as our saviour to us as parents. In our parenting lives do we model the grace of The Father to our child/ren? I am not saying we don’t need to instil Christian morals into our children and not back them up with discipline and consequences. Rather when we teach our children Christian life, morals and ethics, do we also include confession, repentance, forgiveness and grace in practical ways so they’re not just nice words? Do our children understand they can come to us at any time to talk, confesses, be forgiven and shown grace because we are their loving parent who has God living inside of us as a Christian? What is our reaction like when they make a mistake or fail? Are we full of mercy and quick to forgive, even if we have to allow the reality of a consequence to occur for learning? The reality is even if we don’t want to – we model God to our kids. This can be scary I know! But if we stay, calm and collected, remembering our Father’s patience and grace He extends to us, it can help. If we are quick to connect with the Father everyday (both the good and not-so-good days) to seek His grace and forgiveness and love, we will impart this to our child/ren providing the most valuable key for life as adults, when they may no longer choose to come to us when they’ve failed. And honestly that’s okay for we want to raise children who are autonomous Christians! A relationship with God through Jesus Christ, just like the ones with our children, does not have to be complicated for He loves us and does not give us a Spirit of fear. Because of Jesus we can boldly approach the throne of grace for mercy and help (Hebrews 4:16) just like my son who cut his own hair without permission boldly confessing and calling out to me for help – Because He is my son whom I love he had my help instantly. Jesus is the Son of God who makes the way for us to become children of the living God. As parents let us stay on our knees to continue the sanctification processing of maturing as Christians to become more and more like Jesus, so that we can better model real, genuine, authentic, powerful faith to our children to raise bold Christians

see more from Melanie Baker-Nash at Life of an Ordinary Aussie Woman



Dear Gospel Friends and Partners : When I think of my life with Christine , the best description that comes to mind is found in Philippians 4: 3, when Paul calls his friend a " loyal yokefellow ". When I read that, a light bulb turned on in my mind. Christine and I are yoke fellows to each other. We're like two strong oxen yoked together to pull a load for Christ. Together we can manage more than twice what either could pull separately. On the wagon, we can carry our children, our families, and others the Lord has given us to minister to. It doesn't matter which ox is stronger at any particular time; it matters only that the load arrives safely at its destination . Each day brings new challenges and opportunities for us, and there are many radical changes taking place in our ministry . We have a vision of a Church totally sold out to God, doing His work with integrity and dedication to win the lost and dying world . We are looking forward to a new and exciting phase in Praise Chapel Living Word of God Church's growth 2015 and 2016. By God's grace we intend doing just that. Won't you stand in the gap with us and pray that our TEAM here will, by God's grace, go from strength to strength in reaching out to others. Continue connecting with us. We really appreciate you.


photo courtesy of khym54 via Flickr | License

You are most welcome to visit us personally and see what God is doing in our ministry. This is the time for you and us here to work while it's day. The night is coming - Jesus Christ is due to return soon. Much work needs to be accomplished while the door is open. We live and minister on the cutting edge, and all we have been able to accomplish for the Kingdom of God is because of God's grace. To this effect, I urge you to keep praying for us as we do for you. Regardless of what I may say about the limits our effectiveness in Malawi, our efforts would make a very real difference in the spiritual harvest in the remainder of 2015 and in 2016, if we had the encouragement, support and umbrella of other ministries. There is need for intensive, integrated efforts. Malawians are happy, warm-hearted and hard working people. They are generally open to the gospel, willing to receive Jesus and in dire need of discipleship. If they receive good input and "catch the fire" they are dependable in God's service . We conduct camp meetings, seminars and conferences often. Our three major activities are: Christmas Celebration (Dec 23 - 25); Easter Camp Meeting (April) and Our Annual General Conference (in September-Feast of Tabernacles). In closing, let the candle of love, hope and friendship light and keep hope alive . Please write me and I will be glad. contact me via: facebook/Michael Kanyoli email/Michael Kanyoli



A famous baboon once



past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or you can learn from it."


ClassWorks TM is a trademark of Philippi Prospect Ministries TM

Forgiveness is hard regardless of the situation. If you are needing to forgive someone, then that means you have been hurt in some way. Ephesians 4:32 says: Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. This is obviously easier said than done. It took me years to get over some of the things in my past. But after I had my son, I felt like these feelings were holding me back from being the mother I was capable of being. So one day, I decided I was done feeling that way. Because the truth is, the other person(s) probably aren't losing sleep because of the way they made you feel. I bowed my head, closed my eyes, and asked God to just lift this burden from me and give me peace. I stated out loud that I forgive these people for things that had happened in my childhood and adolescence. I just let it go. And by the time I opened my eyes, I had this sense of relief. I felt so much better. Now I have better relationships with my family and I don't dwell on the past or hold grudges. I'm not going to lie, some days are still hard and there are still things I struggle with forgiving and letting go. And that day will come. But until then, I will just continue praying and asking God for his mercy. Forgiveness is a very powerful thing. There are so many great examples of forgiveness, but there has been one story that has always stuck with me ever since I saw the video of it. Some of you may have heard of Gary Ridgway, better known as "The Green River Killer." During his sentencing, the families of the victims had a chance to come to the stand and say some words to the murderer. Everyone wished him a painful death and showed nothing but hatred. But that last man that came up to the stand was Mr. Robert Rule and he left a lasting impression. His words left the killer sobbing. "Mr. Ridgway, there are people here that hate you. I'm not one of them. I forgive you for what you have done. You've made it difficult to live to what I believe, and what God says to do, and that is to forgive. And He doesn't say to forgive certain people. He says to forgive all. So you are forgiven, sir." We could all learn a lot from Mr. Rule and from Jesus. Even as he was being nailed to the cross, Jesus cried out "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do." We are only human, but if we can ask God to forgive us for our sins, then we can forgive others for their wrongdoings upons us. You will lead a much healthier and happier life. Try it. You'll see.

by Rachel Dills 27

This girl is my best friend. We promised we would visit each other every chance we get.


Remark a b l e s

Thats a promise I intend to keep. ___

by Amanda Marler 29


Moses was one hundred twenty years old when he died:


ScrollWorks TM is a trademark of Philippi Prospect Ministries TM

his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated. __

Deuteronomy 34:7


The Personal Column by

Angela Carpenter

Have you ever heard the phrase “walking on eggshells?” I am living and raising my kids in a small town. I feel like I am walking on eggshells every second. I live next door to my in-laws, I’m a store manager of a well know retail store, I’m a cheer mom, an elder at my church, and volunteer at the school, etc. I’m involved with a lot but, in each I feel like the spectators are waiting for me to fall. What I’m learning from the pressure is how to fall forward at the feet of my Savior. I think Peter would understand how I feel now. When Jesus told him to get out of the boat and walk on water to him, he probably felt the same way. Think about it. Peter was singled out of the group and called to walk in faith. What if the other men were jealous of Peter? What if they wanted to be called and thought they could do it first? Peter would not have been chosen if Jesus thought he would be worried what the others would think. We are all Peters, and we are called to walk on water in faith. We can’t worry about other’s judgement, or what if, or we will fall through the water. We have to go when called! We have to step out of our comfort zone and walk on eggshells, while staying focused on what we are told to do. We can’t be afraid of making waves or, like Peter, if we doubt, we will sink.


This is where I’m learning to fall forward. Peter didn’t reach back for the boat, or the other men. He called out to Jesus to help him. I have made many mistakes in life, but my biggest is when I reach to others to help me up. That’s when I felt I was drowning. I’m not saying others can’t help pull me out but I don’t want pulled back in the boat, I want pulled back on the water. Jesus life was a perfect example of walking on eggshells and thriving. He was born the son of God, kings and nations wanted him to fail, even his disciples turned against him. Each time, he went to God for strength to walk on. In the end, Jesus’ sweat became as blood because his burden was so great, but he went on with the crucifixion. I know I’m not the only one that feels my Christian walk through life is like walking on eggshells, but I think the key to success is accepting it for what it is.... We were chosen to walk on water, and when we feel like we are in over our head, reach out to Christ, not back to the others on the boat. The boat is not safe; thats where the storm started, going back to the others on the boat is not helping anyone. Jesus came to help them off the boat . Jesus is safe and wanting to help us move forward. We are called to step out of our comfort zone in faith and walk through our fear just to get closer to Him. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. He that believes in me, shall not fail. I heard this quote and thought it fit this article. “Run to the throne, not the phone.”

read more from Angela at


Women in Scripture and What We Can Learn From Them by Rebecca Matthews

Mary: The Honorable


photo courtesy of Waiting For The Word via Flickr | License

Mary was called ‘highly favored’, the Lord was with her, and ‘blessed’ among women by the angel. That was how God saw her. However, her people would not see her that way. She was young, poor, female, and unmarried, and could have been stoned to death for being with child. ➲How many of us are willing to do what God asks when that job will cause most people to view us in the negative, or even cast us out, even though God has seen us as honorable in order to have given us the job in the first place?

Mary was the only human being to go with Jesus from birth to death, and beyond. When she said ‘be it unto me according to your will’, she accepted the honorable position of physically carrying the son of God. (Luke 1:28, 30, 48) ➲How many of us have been asked to carry the son of God? The answer? ALL of us that have asked Him to be our personal savior. Mary was chosen to carry Him physically, but we are chosen to carry Him spiritually. Like Mary, God bestows on us an honor-one that we should not turn away through disobedience.

By the time Yeshua was an adult, Mary knew He was no ordinary man. At the wedding, she asked Him to miraculously restock the wine. Even though He says His ‘hour is not yet come’, He honored His mother’s request. (John 2:3-5) ➲As time goes on, we will better understand our purpose and His will. By the time Jesus has matured in us, we will be able to ask Him for a miracle even if the occasion doesn’t necessarily warrant it.

When Mary desired to speak to Jesus, He used that opportunity to show the relationship with His spiritual family. Here He puts the emphasis on His disciples, the ones who were following Him . (Matthew 12:46-50) ➲As we mature in Christ, we will begin to see past our physical family and friends to the spiritual relationship we have with ALL believers.

When Mary watched her son dying on the cross, He made a point of telling her to look at Him. (John 19:25-27) If there was ANY question in her mind about who or what He was, it was made clear at that moment. ➲That is the way for all of us-when we see Jesus truly for why He came, then there is no question in our minds as to who He is.

Mary was among the group of people waiting for the spirit to come down on the day of Pentecost . (Acts 1:14) ➲If we nurture Yeshua within us-from conception to the cross, then we must pray and supplicate for the receiving of the Holy Spirit. It is in the Spirit that we share Him with others, as well complete the journey, as Mary did, from the beginning to the end. 35

In the Garden by Rebecca Matthews

Fruits in Scripture

The Apple 36

The apple is the fruit most attributed to being the fruit of tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden. However, Jewish tradition, as well as understanding the uses of the fruits spoken of in Scripture, and the root meanings of their names in Hebrew, says it was the pomegranate. (See the July issue for more on the pomegranate.) By understanding the Hebrew etymology of the word apple, we see it represents mankind after the fall and, more importantly, the people that G-d chose to make His own.

For Yahweh's portion is his people. Jacob is the lot of his inheritance. He found him in a desert land, in the waste howling wilderness. He surrounded him. He cared for him. He kept him as the apple of his eye. Deuteronomy 32:9-10 Keep me as the apple of your eye. Hide me under the shadow of your wings, from the wicked who oppress me, my deadly enemies, who surround me. Psalm 17:8-9 For thus says Yahweh of Armies: 'For honor he has sent me to the nations which plundered you; for he who touches you touches the apple of his eye. Zechariah 2:8 Joel 1:12 uses the metaphor of the five fruits -the grape (vine), the fig, the date (palm), the pomegranate, and the apple- to say that the joy of the people has dried and withered like the trees that produced these fruits.

ishon: the pupil (of the eye) Original Word: ‫אּישׁוֹן‬ Part of Speech: Noun Masculine Phonetic Spelling: (ee-shone') from the root word ish: man Original Word: ‫אּישׁ‬ Part of Speech: Noun Masculine Phonetic Spelling: (eesh) from the root word enosh: mankind Original Word: ‫אֱנוֹשׁ‬ Part of Speech: Noun Masculine Phonetic Spelling: (en-oshe') from the root word anash: to be weak, sick; to be mortal Original Word: ‫אָנַשׁ‬ Part of Speech: Verb Phonetic Spelling: (aw-nash') from a primitive root word: to be frail, feeble, melancholy; to be desperately wicked, incurable, woeful 37


a closer look at the fruits of the Spirit In Galatians 5:22-23, we are given a list of the fruits of the Spirit. They are the guidelines to which we conduct ourselves in our daily walk. These are nine different aspects of Godliness that we must adhere to in order to live to our fullest spiritual potential. They vary slightly, depending on the translation, but the foundational fruits of the Spirit are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. While at first glance, these all look the same, a closer look reveals small differences in their meanings, which translates to differences in their application and implementation. This article is meant to shed light on each of these nine characteristics of holiness, to explore their nuances and minute differences. Fulfillment falls under the category of peace.

Fulfillment What is it? What does it look like? The modern definition for this word is most often linked to the services of hotels, motels, bed & breakfasts, and the like. But, what does this word really mean? How do we apply it? And, is there a Scriptural model? The dictionary describes hospitality in the following way: 1. 2.

the act or state of fulfilling the state or quality of being fulfilled; completion; realization

Fulfill is defined as: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


to carry out, or bring to realization, as a prophecy or promise to perform or do, as duty; obey or follow, as commands to satisfy (requirements, obligations, etc.) to bring to an end; finish or complete, as a period of time to develop the full potential of

dictionary credit/dictionary credit

For I tell you that this which is written must still be fulfilled in me: 'He was counted with transgressors.' For that which concerns me has an end. Luke 22:37 Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of the things which have been spoken to her from the Lord! Luke 1:45 For Christ is the fulfillment of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. Romans 10:4

Love doesn't harm a neighbor. Love therefore is the fulfillment of the law. Romans 13:10 When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, "It is finished." He bowed his head, and gave up his spirit. John 19:30

All of these verses have to do with something coming to an end, whether it be an actual end, or the foretelling of an actual end. As such, that is the reason that fulfillment falls under the category of peace. When all things that we have set out to do have been accomplished; when we have come to the edge of everything, and cannot go any further; when our Godly assignment has been achieved, then we have fulfillment. When our purpose has been shown, mapped out, walked, delivered, and done, then we have peace.


Reuben “Look: a son!”

Our names are more than just what we are called. God gave names, or changed names, in Scripture, in the lives of those whose names were changed. Do up to the character of that name? Or, do you feel

Hebrew Transliteration: Re'uven Hebrew Spelling: ‫ְראוּבֵן‬ Anyone with the name “Reuben” can look very much like his namesake in Scripture. Here are a few examples of the characteristics of the name. Genesis 29:32 Leah conceived, and bore a son, and she named him Reuben. For she said, "Because Yahweh has looked at my affliction. Now my husband will love me." Leah, the unloved wife of Jacob, was so pleased that she had birthed a son, that she gave him a name so that, every time that it was spoken, that fact would resonate. Genesis 49:3-4 Reuben, you are my firstborn, my might, and the beginning of my strength; excelling in dignity, and excelling in power. Boiling over as water, you shall not excel; because you went up to your father's bed, then defiled it. He went up to my couch. The firstborn always gets the bulk of chores and responsibilities as they mature. And, as a result, the reward that is strictly reserved for the adult is thought to be deserved. Hence Reuben taking Jacob’s concubine to bed, and hindering himself from receiving a more befitting blessing as the firstborn.


They can reveal a lot about our character. When it signified that a change was about to take place you have a Scripture-based name? Are you living a name-change is in order?

Deuteronomy 27:13 These shall stand on Mount Ebal for the curse: Reuben, Gad, and Asher, and Zebulun, Dan, and Naphtali. The tribe of Reuben was one of the six chosen to speak out the curses to the people, as a witness that they had been told how to live in the Promised Land, and what would happen if they failed to do so. So, by extension, a “Reuben” may be used in that same way in today’s world. Deuteronomy 33:6 Let Reuben live, and not die; Nor let his men be few. This is the blessing spoken over the families descended from Reuben, spoken by Moses. The fact that he asked for the tribe of Reuben to “live” and that his numbers not diminish says that his descendants must have been in danger of doing just that. Genesis 37:21-22, 29 Reuben heard it, and delivered him out of their hand, and said, "Let's not take his life." Reuben said to them, "Shed no blood. Throw him into this pit that is in the wilderness, but lay no hand on him"—that he might deliver him out of their hand, to restore him to his father... Reuben returned to the pit; and saw that Joseph wasn't in the pit; and he tore his clothes. Reuben took the responsibility for his younger brother seriously. He did this because, deep down, he loved his brother, even if he was irritated by him. And, he loved his father, despite the fact that it was common knowledge that Joseph and Benjamin were the father’s favorites. 41



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What does this picture say to you? Can I really trust you? What kind of trick is this? Are you doing this to capture me and put me in a cage? I told my friends about you. Is it okay that I brought some along? Do you really want to be my friend? Now that you have begun this, are you going to continue? When will you be here again? Do I have to perform some action or favor for you in exchange for this? Is this really free? What is this going to cost me in the end? When I saw this picture, an issue of trust immediately came to my mind. It seems that the birds on the hand are very much like our children, gone out into the world, only to get lured in by taste of something new and different. This, most of the time, comes in the form of drugs, alcohol, or a demoralized lifestyle. We as parents need to make sure we have equipped our children with the tools necessary to know how the enemy will try to seduce them.


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