Mun 2018 edinburgh prospectus def copy 2

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A printed copy of this prospectus can be produced on request. Allow approximately 3 days. You can also view the MUN 2018 EDINBURGH prospectus on line or download via the school website: - Details within the prospectus were correct at the time of going to press .

Dear participants, WE are now ready for the 2018 edition of our educational study programme in the United Kingdom and we really look forward for a positive experience and a wonderful opportunity for you to learn and socialize in a real international, academic environment. We expect all of you be enthusiastic, hard-working and considerate. This is because it is important to us that everybody enjoys themselves in a friendly and relaxed environment while making the most out of this experience. During the whole duration of your stay you will be under the direct responsibility of your group leader and of your accompanying teachers therefore we encourage you to contribute to a purposeful atmosphere and to a real sense of partnership between students and staff. We aim to provide you with an effective and enjoyable experience of being involved in an active citizen programme as well in a programme designed to actually meet your language needs. We really hope you will remember it proudly

• Academic activities School activities will cover the entire morning and most of your afternoon. You need to be at the University of Edinburgh designated venues sometime around 9 am. After arrival at the University you will be placed straight into class, according to the activities planned for you. The group leaders or your teachers will be there to check that everyone is settled. During the afternoon hours there will be practical activities in preparation for the final UN Conference. The workshops for the afternoon will be an important occasion for you to learn and grow in a fantastic international setting so we expect you to contribute to the success of every activity you are involved in and therefore it is imperative that you are at your assigned class or group promptly and with the highest motivation possible. A typical timetable: is specified below but variation in the afternoon might be possible as it has to be finalized with other schools Morning Lunch Afternoon Evening Home Day


11th March

9.30 - 12.30


English Language Skills

12 March

Tuesday 13 March

Arrival - airport transfers to homestay accommodation.

The Language of Meetings

9.30 - 12.30 English Language Skills

14.00 - 16.15 12.40 - 13.45 University Cafe

12.40 - 13.45 University Cafe

Formulating Arguments and Responses

Wednesday 14 9.00 - 10.30 English Language Skills March Negotiating & Compromising


11.00 - 12.30 - EdMUN Module 3 Negotiating & Concensus Building

EdMUN Module 1

Introduction to Politics & Model UN

14.00 - 17.00 EdMUN Module 2 Public Speaking & Debating


Directly home for

City Centre Orientation Tour

Dinner after Orientation Tour

17.00-18.45 Dinner at Beirut Restaurant

17.00-18.30 12.40 - 13.40 University Cafe

13.45 - 16.00 EdMUN Module 3 Negotiating & Concensus Building

Bowling or sightseeing or Scottish Youth Parliament

19.00-21.00 EdMUN meeting then directly home

Directly home at 18.30 or light dinner at University Canteen

Thursday 15 March

9,00-10.00 English Language Skills

Formal Writing +

10 - 12.30 EdMUN Module 4

16.00-17.00 12.40 - 13.40 University Cafe

13.45-15.45 EdMUN Module Four Drafting Formal Documents

Language Skills Formal Writing

Home for Dinner

Drafting Formal Documents

Friday 16 March

9,00-10.00 English Language Skills

Research - Putting it all together

12.40 - 13.40 University Cafe

13.40 - 16.00 EdMUN Module 5

10.30 - 12.40 EdMUN Module 5

Committee Formal Role-Playing

Home to 7.30 Change for Dinner and Ceilidh the Dinner and Ceilidh

Committee Formal Role-Playing



Saturday 17 March Sunday 18 March Monday19 March



9am-4pm Model UN Conference 9am-2pm Model

UN Conference


Venue to be confirmed Home

Social Event - St Patrick’s Day Music - to be confirmed Goodbyes End of Programme Certificates

Departure Day - pick up from host families and transferred to airport

Notes and Explanations Please Note: The above is an outline. Some timings might change depending on teaching room location and other students involved. An evening activity such as the Scottish Youth Parliament, if desired, may have to change according to SYP availability. 1. 2. 3. 4.

All classes and training workshops will take place at Edinburgh University in meeting rooms. Each session is approx 1.5 hours long with a 15 minute break. Students must bring all they need as they cannot leave the immediate area during training periods. Yellow highlighted days indicate that English Language Teachers will be on hand to work alongside EdMUN trainers to give language support but also assist individuals to find the best English to express their ideas. They will be in small groups of 6-7 at this point. Lunch will take place at one of the Edinburgh University student cafes around Potterrow. Food will be hot or cold as desired - canteen-style. Dinner and Ceilidh is optional. It is a time when the Conference participants can meet together, get to know one another and have fun.

5. 6. 7.

together. The venue has yet to be decided. Dinner is usually at the Balmoral Hotel in Princes Street but we are waiting for confirmation from EdMUN regarding this. The ceilidh could take place in the hotel or could be in one of Edinburgh University’s ballrooms. This Conference is replacing one usually run by George Watson’s College. EdMUN (and training branch ScotMUN) have taken this over. The Conference will involve 250 students from George Watson’s College and other schools and universities. Conference day lunches are buffet styling arranged for all by the Conference managers. The cost of the Conference, Ceilidh and Buffet are not included in the overall cost.

The Programme aims to provide: enhancement of English Language specific to the purpose of participating in a simulated MUN Conference at the end of the programme and which will benefit interpersonal and social communication in general. This includes: confidence building in speaking in English in public; acquisition of verbal fluency, communication skills techniques. 2. use of innovative and imaginative ways to develop competences in soft-skill acquisition which will provide both for the MUN Conference, but also for life and work skills beyond this programme. These include: a) Public Speaking - techniques and strategies - including Presentation Skills. b) Negotiation Skills - including developing arguments and reaching compromises. c) Conflict Resolution and Consensus Building d) Leadership, Management and Teamwork Skills e) Researching f) Communication Skills - oral and written. 3. establishment of a longer term relationship between Liceo Scientifico Statale Galileo Galilei and like-minded schools in Scotland. 4. participation in the Model UN Conference during the weekend of 16th-18th March 2018, including the social events of dinner and ceilidh. 1.

Programme Outline Innovative English language workshops focussing on communication skills and confidence building in speaking in public as well as writing research and position papers in English. Please see accompanying timetable and online of modules. • 10 hours minimum with experienced native speaking teachers in groups of not more than 15 participants. Workshops covering a variety of pertinent conference strategies and learning about Model UN procedures. • 10 hours with experienced native-speaking Model UN trainers in groups of not more than 15 - or with multiple teachers working in small subgroups according to ability and needs. • It is anticipated that there will be peer interaction with other pupils involved at the level of debate practice and discussing strategies. This depends on school programming. However, there will definitely be peer interaction with other school pupils and university students during the weekend of the Conference as well as during breaks and Conference social activities. • A Handbook of language forms used specifically in meetings will be supplied to each student. This will cover the language used for presentations, meetings, writing resolutions, negotiating, compromising, consensus building and will form a core element of language development.

Project Outline Training Modules These 5 modules form the basis of the MUN training and preparation for the Conference and will be delivered by the EdMUN Training Team led by Marco Bauder. - English Language Training and Support by Dan Tudor, Isabella Dalgarno & Meghan McDonald.

Outline Module 1 - Introduction to Politics and Model UN Module 1 focuses on introducing students to the idea of Model United Nations (MUN) - what it is and how it works. Students will learn about the purpose of the United Nations, how it is structured, and how ambassadors represent their countries. The second half of the module covers a basic introduction to Politics and International Relations. The politics of the modern world, and the United Nations are complex, and students will be given a thorough grounding in the key ideas and concepts. In order to simulate the UN, they will learn how to understand the basics of politics, and learn valuable skills such as in the process. (English Language Skills prior to this module)

Outline Module 2 - Public Speaking and Debating With a firm grounding in Politics, students will then learn how to express the views of the country they represent. A key skill of any ambassador is expressing the views of their country clearly and concisely, and the 2nd module will focus on this. Students will build their public speaking confidence through small group activities and icebreakers, building to speaking in front of the whole group. The 2nd module will also focus on debating, and how to formulate correct responses to arguments made by other students. Learning to target the correct points, avoid logical fallacies and make clear statement will all be priorities. (English Language Skills prior to this module)

Outline Module 3 - Negotiation and Consensus Building Module 3 will teach students the basics of negotiation. In their roles as country ambassadors for a country in MUN Conference, as well as in everyday life, students will inevitably have to negotiate something. This could be as complex as an international treaty, or as simple as where to go to dinner with their friends. Module 3 will explore what defines and shapes a negotiation, how students can work out the needs and interests of their negotiating opponents, and some elementary negotiation techniques. Like Module 2 the students will progress incrementally from very simple negotiations in small groups, and add complexity until they are ready to tackle the serious international issues that MUN usually discusses. (English Language Skills prior to this module)

Outline Module 4 - Drafting Formal Documents Writing a clear, concise and readable document is an oftenundervalued skill. Module 4 will give students insight into how to do so, and teach them how to prepare the intricate documents used by the UN. The module begins with a workshop on specialised vocabulary – the “jargon” of International Relations and the UN. Once again students will progress from small word games through to eventually writing a UN resolution of their own devising, from the point of view of their country. (English Language Teachers present throughout this module - and afterwards - to give individual and group support)

Outline Module 5 - Model UN Committee Module 5, the final Module, will combine the skills learned over the past 4 Modules into one integrated activity. The students will take part in miniature MUN Conference, which will be a full academic simulation of a UN Committee. They will prepare the position of the country they are assigned in the committee, research the international issue discussed and then spend time debating the issue with their peers. At the end of the day they will have negotiated and drafted a formal “Resolution” stating their agreed actions as an international community of countries. (English Language Skills present throughout this module - and afterwards to give individual and group support)

“Present and voting� delegates during a committee session at the Appleton Tower of the University of Edinburgh

Model UN preparation: roll call, setting the agenda and Committee work

Induction session, simulation exercises and understanding the flow of debate

Countries and groups meet to gather support for specific draft resolutions.


Activities This has deliberately been kept to a minimum to allow time for any potential activity between the two schools. • • • • •

Monday 4-6pm An early evening Orientation Tour of the Old Town - Monday 4-6pm. Tuesday 4-7pm Dinner out at a local restaurant or at the University of Edinburgh. Tuesday 7-9pm Visit to EdMUN’s Tuesday night event. Friday 7.30-11pm Ceilidh and Dinner Wednesday - optional bowling night. But this would mean dinner out or a canteen dinner at the University. The costs for another dinner out would have to be borne by the school or pupils.

Accommodation • •

Students in twin-room half board accommodation with selected home-stay families. Leaders in single room half board accommodation with selected home-stay families.

• •

Hot or cold lunches provided, canteen style at Edinburgh University. Dietary requirements will be catered for and all students will have to complete a comprehensive form regarding this and any allergies or medication for chronic illnesses.

Teachers and Support Staff •

Dedicated Manager of the Programme - with 24 hour access via mobile phone.

• • • •

Suitably qualified and experienced teaching staff. All staff and host families will have DBS Check (CRB/PVG or Disclosure Scotland) to approve them for working with minors. Support Team to look after teachers and students. 24 hour emergency number available to students and group leaders.

Miscellaneous • 7-day Bus pass will be supplied to teachers and students • Airport Transfers - this will be discussed fully prior to arrival - either shared taxis or private coach. • 1 Teacher per 15 students is included free of charge.

Certificates will be provided at a ceremony at the end of the programme.

Lunch at Taviot Row House, University of Edinburgh and the Balmoral, venue of MUN Conference dinner

The Scottish Parliament at Holyrood and a climb on to Arthurs Seat, an ancient volcano which sits 251m above sea level

Activities and lunch at St. George’s School, Edinburgh

Why should anyone participate in Model UN? Model UN promotes students' and teachers' interest in the world around them and broadens a student's knowledge in a variety of subjects. Model UN also teaches vital skills in negotiation, public speaking, problem solving, conflict resolution, research and communication. Model UN also gives students and teachers the opportunity to meet interesting new people and make new friends.

What are some of the educational benefits of Model UN? For over 60 years, teachers and students have benefited from and enjoyed this interactive learning experience. It not only involves young people in the study and discussion of global issues, but also encourages the development of skills useful throughout their lives, such as research, writing, public speaking, problem solving, consensus building, conflict resolution and compromise and cooperation.

Galilei Senior Group of students from 2017 • Participation in Model United Nations Conference • Workshops in specific language, confidence building, global citizenship and political literacy. • Meeting with Scottish Youth Assembly or Scottish Youth Parliament. • Trip to the Scottish Parliament for a workshop in political literacy

The Enchanted Forest, Pitlochry

Study Caledonia Study Caledonia is a study vacation provider which provides study vacation holidays for overseas and native students - with a difference! Programmes are arranged in workshops based on developing life and work skills within the broad context of global citizenship. Study Caledonia offers study vacations all year round developing global citizenship with schools in Edinburgh and Perthshire. Other programmes include Cultural Learning, Literature and the Arts, Customer Relations with Tourism including work placements, Activity Vacations with all kinds of sports (Highland Perthshire).

Directors Study Caledonia’s Directors, Isabella Dalgarno and Dan Tudor, have many years of experience in training in Professional and other specialised English and Soft Skills (including all those mentioned for the MUN Conference) as well as public speaking training. Both are experienced in working with non-native speakers of English and both speak Latin languages. Isabella Dalgarno conceived and organised the 2017 Conference training. She comes from a Public Relations, Journalism and Training background and has a wealth of expertise in events management, conferences and trade fairs.

Dan Tudor is a teacher and trainer with 30 years experience of working with young people in schools, colleges and universities. He has mentored and taught English/Soft Skills to young professionals.

Teachers and Trainers Meghan McDonald has been a Teacher of English as a Foreign Language for 10 years, with a particular interest in communication skills development. She has worked in Europe and the UK.

EdMUN EdMUN is Edinburgh University Model UN Association. It has been running for many years, holds weekly meetings and sends delegates to many simulated MUN Conferences in various parts of the world. They are dedicated to holding the annual Scottish Model United Nations (ScotMUN) Conference at the University of Edinburgh, which is internationally recognised and respected. They are also dedicated to providing training to young people in the skills required to participate in MUN simulated Conferences. Marco Bauder is EdMUN’s principal trainer for participation in simulated Conferences. His studies include Politics, Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution. He has been involved with EdMUN for more than five years. He will be responsible for coordinating EdMUN trainers and programme - at the University

Glossary Ceilidh (kay-lee) Scotland and Ireland: a party with music, dancing, and often storytelling Originally the word Ceilidh (kay-lee) descended from the Gaelic word for ‘gathering’ or ‘party’. However, these days when people think of a Ceilidh, they think of a fun filled night of wild dancing, good music and great company! The beauty of a ceilidh or Barn Dance is that everyone can take part, young or old, experienced dancers to beginners and even those with two left feet! Haggis hag·gis\ˈha-gəs \ a traditionally Scottish dish that consists of the heart, liver, and lungs of a sheep or a calf minced with suet, onions, oatmeal, and seasonings and boiled in the stomach of the animal

Dinner with students of St. George’s School and Ceilidh Scottish dance night at the University of Edinburgh.

Rules University/school/conference rules and your leaders’ decisions are to be respected and discussions must occur within an environment of mutual respect and open communication. Students who behave inappropriately must realize that they shall be held accountable for their actions and the consequences of such behaviour will result in exclusion from social events while still in England and disciplinary measures when back at school. Prior to departure you will be given the telephone numbers of the leaders you may want to contact and you will ensure that they have a copy of your mobile and telephone number as well. In case of an emergency you may of course conveniently direct to the first available teacher which acts as a hub for trouble shooting. Although it is very important that you attend classes in a pleasant, enthusiastic atmosphere there is a common code of conduct for each of our partner school which establishes the following rules that you must positively observe: • • • • • • • • • • • •

No smoking in school . No food or drinks in the classrooms No alcoholic drinks at all the times Switch all mobiles OFF during lessons Be punctual and regular in attendance. If you are delayed for any reason you must telephone the group leader immediately Speak only in English in the classroom and in your group No running in the venues Wear appropriate attire Show respect and courtesy to all staff Do not disrupt anyone’s class Each school will have rules for use of the computer room. Respect these rules at ALL times. If you damage any electrical equipment you will be charged Respect mealtimes

Also during your home stay there are some general rules: • • • • • • •

No smoking in host house unless authorized and in restricted areas No alcoholic beverages even in your private room Always let your host know if you are going to be late for dinner. Tell your host of any food that you dislike or do not eat as soon as possible. Information with your personal needs will be forwarded to your host family ad due time. If you have any washing please give to your host If you damage or break anything tell your host immediately. You may have to pay for the damage Some families may have other rules – please respect them.

The use of alcoholic drinks is strictly prohibited at ANY TIME both at school and family Under-age drinking is a serious matter in Britain and is prosecuted by the Law. However even if you are 18 or over you are NOT allowed to drink. So keep well away from this problem Once you have returned home from your evening activities YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED to go out again unless there is an organised event with your teachers and fellow students. If you fail to observe this rule the family will immediately inform your teacher. So DO NOT TAKE initiatives. • Homestay Guidelines Your hosts will be interested in what you are doing and so you should try to speak to them as much as possible. This will improve your English and will also help your hosts to know where you are. Life in Edinburgh can be different to life in Trieste. Please respect the rules of your hosts and always be friendly and polite. The following is a list of things to remember: ▪ Talk to your hosts as much as possible ▪ Tell your host if you are going to be late for dinner, or if you are not going to have dinner one evening (leave a note, if they are not there to speak to) ▪ Ask questions if you need to know anything ▪ Ask permission to use the telephone and pay for any phone calls you make ▪ Ask permission before taking food from the fridge or cupboards ▪ Ask permission to use the kitchen for making your own food If you have a problem with your homestay accommodation and you do not want to talk to your host about it, you can talk to your group leader or the Director of Study Caledonia. They will help you to resolve the problem.

These rules are very important and we are sure that you understand and will work diligently to meet the requirements in such a way as to bring credit to yourself, to the Liceo Galilei and to your community. • Forms There are some emergency Contact Details , Medical Health and Summary of Information forms that you are required to complete before your departure . It is extremely important that you fill them carefully as they contain important details for our organization and your well being . The summary of information also include your “desiderata” for a possible pairing with a student of your group to share accommodation with . It is your GL or teacher’s full discretion to accept or reject your request. • In the event that you are not feeling well or if you have an accident, we might need to take you to the doctor or to the hospital. In order to receive effective treatment, we need to know your full health and medical history. We may also need to contact your parent/guardian if there is an emergency. • We cannot administer any medicines to you without written permission from parents/guardian. If you are bringing any medicine with you, please specify this in the Medical Health and Summary of Information forms. • Please provide two passport format photographs of yourself with a plain or white background- One will be used for your 7-day bus pass.

IMPORTANT FOR PARENTS: Forms regarding a final authorization to travel, including the statement of compliance with payment procedure, as well as the parental permission for unattended journeys to school and back at home at dismissal of evening activities ARE OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE. We CANNOT process the student’s papers if any of these two forms are not produced concurrently. WE also need to have 3 photocopies of the student’s valid travel document (EEA ID or passport) AND ONE of your EU HEALTH CARD (Tesserino Sanitario).

Here are some possible flight details. Please note that flights still need to be confirmed and their validity depends on the number of participants and on the availability of the airline

VISA (visto d’ingresso nel Regno Unito) All relevant information can be found at, the official British Government website for online visa applications which can be used by visa applicants outside the UK. You will be directed to website where, once you have registered, you can apply for a UK visa over a secure internet connection. There is a visa application fee of appr £ 100.00 , which must be paid on line. Applicants also need to have their biometric information taken at a visa application centre (Rome) as part of their application, so you must book an appointment on line and travel to Rome on the day of your appointment. Make sure you apply well in advance as processing time may take up to one month.

Luggage: the following allowances apply: Hand baggage

one standard-sized bag - maximum size of the bag must not exceed 56x45x25cm up to 23 kgs (including wheels, pockets and handles) In addition, one laptop sized bag, handbag or briefcase

Checked baggage A 23kg(51lbs) maximum bag weight applies - One standard-sized bags allowed ( a standard size bag must not exceed 90cm x 75cm x 43cm (35.5ins x 29.5ins x 16ins, including the handle, pockets andwheels.) •

Before departure, make certain that you

The EU rules on liquids apply to all air passengers travelling from any EU airport. Limited quantities of liquids, gels or pastes must be held in individual containers not exceeding 100ml. This may include: Medicines Shampoo Creams Hair gel, hair spray Toothpaste Liquid or aerosol deodorants  Perfumes Cosmetics such as mascara and lip gloss Water and other drinks, soups and syrups Other items of similar consistency The containers must be carried in a separate clear plastic, zip-top or re-sealable bag that does not exceed 20cm x 20cm or equivalent to one litre capacity. Items must fit in the bag comfortably and the bag must be completely closed.

Have an identity card that is valid abroad the new airport security measures require passengers to show identification prior to boarding)

• •

Pay attention to all the new security rules at the airport (baggage allowance, restrictions onliquids) Have the money you intend to bring for personal use converted into British Pounds. Exchange rate is more convenient if you do it here. Money. We recommend that you bring around £80/90 for souvenirs, , gifts, snacks and drinks etc.

• •

EU Health insurance to include foreign travel. A photocopy of your Health Card should be handed in to your group leader prior to departure


YOUR FAMILY PHYSICIAN to see if you are advised to receive the vaccination for seasonal flu

Notify your group leader of any personal needs that will require attention Obtain any medicine or other personal health items that you may require (aspirin, allergy medication etc.)

PACK YOUR BAG WITH AT LEAST: 1 waterproof item of clothing (it may rain frequently) 1 pair of trainers 1 pair of comfortable walking shoes (waterproof) 1 wool sweater and a duffle coat and other casual clothing 1 electric adapter with UK style plug (useful for battery charger or hair-dryer

Folder, paper and pens for your classes Leave jewellery and unnecessary items behind. • It could be a nice idea to bring a little present for your host family For any specific request or further information please apply to your escort teacher or group leader. They will be lodging with nearby families and will be conveniently reachable at any suitable time. Always for emergencies. All teachers’ contact numbers and addresses for your group will be provided separately. Thank you for all the attention and fine support and please don't hesitate to ask away if you have any other queries Best wishes P. Tarsia -mobile 0039.3495948799 A printed copy of this prospectus can be produced on request . Allow approximately 3 days. You can also view the MUN EDINBURGH 2018 prospectus online or download via the school website- Details within the prospectus were correct at the time of going to press .





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