Creating a Fitness Challenge for your Life When you want to become more fit you should be sure that you understand how beneficial a fitness challenge may be. This article describes ways that you can go about creating your personal fitness challenge. There are a lot of people that have a hard time understanding how they are going to be wise about the way that they are changing their habits to be healthier. You want to make sure that you take the time that you need to understand how you will be smart about the habits you develop. There are some simple changes that you can make to ensure that you are healthier. Making small lifestyle changes is a great way to ensure that you are going to be able to slowly but surely become healthier.
Support from friends Starting a lifestyle challenge is a great way to find a way to be healthier and include your friends. Take the time that you need to understand how you are going to find a group of friends that are going to be dedicated to these healthy lifestyle changes as well. To ensure that you are going to be able to be wise about the challenge you will be able to develop a system that delegates points to each of the members of the challenge. This skeleton system of a health challenge may help you develop a health challenge of your own. When you first set up the health challenge you want to be sure that you understand how you can award points to the people that are involved in the challenge. Take the time that you need to find healthy ways to award these points.
Skip Dessert Some people will give a point for each day that you do not eat a dessert. You can decide to make your challenge for all seven days of the week or you may want to allow one free day a week in which people are allowed to cheat a little bit. You may also want to give one free day a week for not drinking any soda. When you do not drink any soda you get one point for that day and you are able to accumulate a point for each day during the week that you do not drink soda.
Not eating after 8pm, exercising five times a week for thirty minutes and then having a weekly challenge each week may be more ways that you can give points. Make sure that you take the time that you need to understand how you are going to record the points of the people involved. After this portion you will want to make sure that you learn how you are going to determine the length of your challenge. Some people like to establish a challenge that lasts for three weeks while others like to establish a challenge that lasts for eight weeks. There are many different challenges that you can include on the weekly challenge. These are a great way for people to start understanding how to develop a habit and keep that habit going for at least seven days.
Food Journals The first week of your challenge you may choose to have everyone keep a food journal. Keeping a food journal is a great way to make sure that you are aware of what you are eating throughout the day and aware that you will have to be accountable for it. When you start to keep a food journal you may be surprised at what you find. You have to make sure that you take the time that you need to understand how you can learn from the food journal that you are keeping throughout that week. The second week you may want to challenge everyone to get a specific amount of sleep a night. Recommending something like seven hours a sleep a night for the challenge is a great way to ensure that people are focusing on their sleeping habits for a week. The third week you may challenge everyone to increase their vegetable servings every day. Determine a number that you think will be healthy and make sure you talk with your doctor about that number before you challenge people to this. The fourth week you may find that you challenge people to drink more water throughout the day. Drinking more water can hydrate your body and help your skin, your hair and it may even help your digestive system. All this so you can avoid electrosurgery The fifth week you may want to challenge everyone to do pushups and sit ups every day. Continue to develop different challenges for each week that you want to the challenge to last so you can be sure that you are going to be able to improve your healthy habits. Photo credit: Flood Koff, Megpi