Eating Your Fruits and Vegetables Our nation is riddled with health problems. From heart disease to obesity, it may seem like an uphill battle to try to stay healthy and ensure that you do not spend time, money and energy dealing with health problems that could have been avoided. When you are trying to lead a healthier life, a great way to start is by getting in enough fruits and vegetables throughout the day. Eating the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables will ensure that your body is getting the nutrients that it needs to avoid many diseases.
How much? It is recommended that each adult get about nine servings of fruits and vegetables in a day. This averages out to about two and a half cups of vegetables and 2 cups of fruit. This can be an overwhelming number if you are not accustomed to incorporating fruits and vegetables. While you are working on incorporating more fruits and vegetables in your diet, you may want to start by making reminders for yourself throughout the day. Reminding yourself throughout the day that you should be eating fruits and vegetables is a great way to ensure that you are going to get to them. You are going to want to incorporate fruits and vegetables in all of your meals. This means, when you are at a restaurant, you are going to want to find a way to sneak in some fruits and vegetables. Ask about different options that they have for sides and you may find that you can replace your potatoes with some seasonal vegetables. Prep an adequate amount of fruits and vegetables ahead of time to ensure that you are going to be able to grab them on the go. Buying and getting everything ready once a week can ensure that you are able to grab the fruits and vegetables that you need on your way out the door. Starting off small and working up to nine servings a day may make this task much less overwhelming. Try to make sure that you get at least one serving a day and then you can ease yourself into eating the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables in a day.
Preparation While you are working on eating more fruits and vegetables, there may be new ways to
prepare your fruits and vegetables that you have not thought of. Tossing vegetables in a skillet can be a great way to ensure that you are able to infuse them with some other vegetables. You want to make sure that you are putting the vegetables into an oil that is not going to take the nutritional value away from them. Tossing them with a small amount of coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil will ensure that they are going to get cooked without losing nutrients. Making a big fruit salad and taking some of it with you when you leave the house can also be beneficial. No matter how you choose to do it, getting the right amount of fruits and vegetables in throughout your day is a great way to help you improve your health. Megadyne is an electrosurgical equipment supplier that understands the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Specializing in electrosurgery, Megadyne encourages everyone to consult with their physician to find a healthy eating plan that is right for each person’s individual circumstance. Photo Credit: E V Peters,