Why Is Cancer So Hard to Cure? They say that everyone knows someone that has suffered or is suffering from cancer. It’s everywhere, first-world countries are no exception. With the medical world’s history for curing diseases, why are tumors the things that seem to elude scientific control? Shouldn’t a cure have been found by now? To some extent, there is no such thing as a “cure” for cancer in the first place. The problem with curing it is that doctors are fighting a battle against DNA. Cancer isn’t so much a disease that infects the body as it is a mutation within it. Cancer comes from a mutation in the DNA.
The Root of Cancer Something somewhere caused a part of the normal DNA replication process to go awry. In some cases, the UV rays knock aside an important part of coding. In other cases, a chemical does the same thing. Any number of influences could mutate the cell’s DNA. DNA acts as the list of instructions that guide the cell to do what it’s supposed to. It’s what helps the kidneys to perform properly. It’s what makes the cell become what it’s supposed to be. A cell’s DNA changes for some reason and the cell no longer performs its proper function. Instead of helping the body out, it starts to do its own thing. In the case of one bad cell, nothing happens. One cell can’t do much to harm the entire body on its own. The danger comes when that cell replicates itself again and again. It creates its own community of bad cells that begin to interfere with the body’s basic functioning. Your body works in such a way that it can’t survive without most of the organs working properly.