Weight watchers

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Popular Diets: Weight Watchers It’s no secret—many Americans need to lose weight. And most people are aware that being overweight or obese can lead to other health problems like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, joint pain, increased risk of stroke, and increased risk of cancer. Nobody would choose to suffer from any of those problems if it could be avoided. But the truth is, those problems CAN be avoided or at least minimized by losing weight and obtaining a healthy body mass index. Weight loss is not easy though, and there are many obstacles that can get in the way. Some have crash dieted over and over again, some would like to have weight loss surgery but have been denied by their insurance company, and others have medical conditions or hectic schedules that get in the way of proper diet and exercise. If this sounds like you, what weight loss options do you have left? Maybe you have considered traveling to Mexico for more affordable gastric sleeve surgery, or starting an extreme fitness and diet regimen. There are thousands of diets out there, so which one will be the best for you? One popular diet that has worked for millions of people around the world is Weight Watchers.

How does Weight Watchers work? Weight Watchers uses a points system to help participants create a calorie deficit to lose weight. The current version is called PointsPlus. There are no “off limits” foods, just foods with higher PointsPlus values. Participants are assigned a target number of daily PointsPlus to stay within, and can earn additional points through physical activity. The point value of foods is calculated based on the protein, carbohydrate, fat, and fiber content. In conjunction with the points system, members can either attend meetings or participate online to obtain support from a leader who has successfully used the Weight Watchers program and from other members who are trying to lose or maintain weight.

Is Weight Watchers Effective? Absolutely. Weight Watchers has helped millions of people worldwide lose weight and maintain their ideal weight. It does not typically produce rapid results, but members can enjoy steady and consistent weight loss along with emotional support to help with behavioral changes. Some people have found that this moderate, community-based approach to weight loss helps them feel healthy and lose weight in a way they can maintain. Also, Weight Watchers can be very effective because there are no forbidden foods and many people can easily make the program fit their lifestyle. Another factor that helps members be successful in the long run is that they can use regular food instead of buying specialty foods directly through the program. They can eat the same foods as the rest of their family during regular mealtimes and shop at their regular grocery store. By not requiring major lifestyle changes, the program can be very sustainable for many people.

Is Weight Watchers Safe? Yes! Several medical organizations have recognized Weight Watchers as a safe weight-loss method. Many doctors recommend Weight Watchers and have for years. If you have specific dietary needs, are under treatment for an illness, are breastfeeding, or are a teenager, please consult with your doctor before beginning the program. Have more questions about Weight Watchers? Go online or find a local meeting to start learning about how this weight loss program may be able to work for you!

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