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Usability Testing Plan
by phillipchu01
The purpose of the UT plan is to document hat I m going to do, ho I m going to conduct the test, hat metrics I m going to capture, number of participants I m going to test, and hat scenarios I ill use. Please note that not all of the Test Plan nor Test Script ill be displayed in the Portfolio.
Determine user's first impression and observe ho users navigate through the ne Checkout Flo
To figure out hat specific difficulties users encounter hen they try to complete the transaction using ne Payment Options hen using the app.
To identify any critical errors or confusions that prevent users from completing their tasks efficiently
Determine the findings from testing results to make improvements and hot fixes on iterations for the next round.
Backgrou d
NOME is an E-Commerce App that has gro n to encompass a huge array of goods including house ares, lighting and clothing.
My aim is to test for usability and utility. I ant to identify existing pain points and critical errors.
The study ill be held at the participant s ork place and ill be conducted as Moderated In-Person Tests.
Participa ts
There ill be 6 participants all recruited via my social net ork. They ere screened to ensured that they fit ith the user persona of NOME.
Sessio s
Each session ill be 8-10 minutes in length. The testing ill be done ith recording mode in an iOS environment.
There d be 3 staffs participate in the Usability Testing hich are: 1 UX Designer, 1 Product O ner, 1 Technical Leader.
Metrics Errors ill be measured using Jakob Nielsen s scale
0 I don't agree that this is a usability problem at all
1 Cosmetic problem only: need not be fixed unless extra time is available on pro ject
2 Minor usability problem: fixing this should be given lo priority
3 Major usability problem: important to fix and should be given high priority
4 Usability catastrophe: imperative to fix before product can be released