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Usability Testing SCRIPT

Introduction ith your permission, we're going to record this session, which will only be used to help us figure out how to improve the app, and it won't be seen by anyone except those working on this project. Ok, let's get started!

Hello! Thank you again for taking the time to participate in this study. Before we get started, I'm going to give you a brief overview of the test and how it will work.


Today, we'll be asking you to try out our app called NOME and do a few activities using the app. The fee during the test will be covered by us. e want to understand what you think that works well about the app, as well as what doesn't. Please feel free to let us know at any time if there's something you like, dislike, if you're confused, etc. If at any point you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask. e encourage you to think aloud as much as possible.

Background Information

1. Please select your age range:

18-24 years 25-35 years 36-50 years 51+ years do you use payment by card or QR code (1 to 10) e ll give you a scenarios to discover the feature of the app. You d like to buy a sofa and when online looking for one in our app. Using NOME you can select the sofa you like and pay for it without using cash. As you complete each activity, we d like you to tell us your thought and feeling as you navigate through the feature. very easy very difficult very easy very difficult

2. What is your highest level of education?

3. What is your current position?

1. Overall, how difficult or easy for you to pay for the sofa with Credit/ Debit Card?

2. Overall, how difficult or easy for you to pay for the sofa with Pay with QR Code?

3. Do you think NOME would be a safe app for you to store your account and do payment online for stuffs? (1 10)

3-6 7-8 9-10

4. Do you think the app is clean and attractive? (1 10)


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