11 & 12 MAY 2024

11&12 MAY 2024
Sale information
Geneva, 11–12 May 2024
Auction & Viewing Location
Hotel President, a Luxury Collection Hotel
Quai Wilson 47 1211 Geneva
Saturday, 11 May 2024, 2pm
Session 1
Sunday, 12 May 2024, 2pm Session 2
Under the aegis of Maître Tristan Reymond, Huissier Judiciaire
Wednesday 8 May, 10am–7pm
Thursday 9 May, 10am–7pm
Friday 10 May, 10am–6pm Saturday 11 May, 9am–1pm Sunday 12 May, 9am–1pm
Sale Designation
When sending in written bids or making enquiries please refer to this sale as CH080224 or The Geneva Watch Auction: XIX.
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Genius, know-how, talent, dexterity or passion are just a few words that define the incredible and complex world of horology. A world that we celebrate everyday at Phillips Watches.
2024 – on the tailgate of 2023 – slowly sees the market returning to a healthier and more rational functioning where the words investment, profits or margin have returned to the corporate world and replaced by the words heritage, quality and relevance.
If 2023 showed us something, it is that we cannot dwell in the past but can only look forward and stop reducing these miniature masterpieces to simply an asset class.
Art should be appreciated for the emotions it’s provides, and more than ever, horology is an art and the makers true artists.
With our tightly curated selection of watches we want to – more than ever – offer you the remarkable, the surprising, the glorious and invite you to delve into a world where craftsmanship, heritage, and innovation converge to define the essence of horology.
ALEXANDRE GHOTBI Head of Watches, Europe TIFFANY TO Head of Sale, Senior International SpecialistSESSION ONE
Saturday 11 May 2024, 2pm
Lots 1–106
Phillips in Association with Bacs & Russo proudly presents a remarkable assemblage of over 40 wristwatches from the private collection of the esteemed Italian watch collector and publisher, Guido Mondani. (Lots 1–22 and lots 107–127).
Guido Mondani, a respected figure in the world of vintage watches, has been a pioneering force for nearly four decades. Renowned for his unwavering commitment to horological scholarship, he established a publishing house in 1992, dedicated to disseminating his knowledge of timepieces. His influence extends far beyond the pages of his books, solidifying his position as a key tastemaker within the international collecting circuit.
Returning to the Geneva auction stage after a memorable auction in 2006, Mondani unveils a selection that epitomizes his discerning eye and lifelong passion for watches. The Guido Collection displays a carefully curated selection of brands, including Cartier, Eberhard, Longines, Patek Philippe, and, notably, Rolex purchased over several decades of dedicated pursuit. Within this collection lie watches that hold sentimental value, either retained by Mondani and his family since the 2006 auction or acquired more recently due to Mondani's unyielding passion for watches. Among these, are contemporary Rolex sport watches acquired to mark the special occasion of his grandchildren's births.
Noteworthy highlights are the Rolex pink gold chronograph Ref. 6036 ‘Jean-Claude Killy’, procured following a fortuitous encounter initiated by a friend seeking advice, and the timeless Eberhard Rattrapante Chronograph in yellow gold, obtained directly from an elderly Eberhard & Co. salesperson on their final day of work in 1988. Also the iconic Rolex Cosmograph Daytona Ref. 6269 in yellow gold, purchased as a birthday gift for his wife.
Each of these timepieces contributes to the rich tapestry of Mondani's collection, serving as a testament to his meticulous curation and unwavering dedication to the world of horology.
As Mondani, now 79 years old, prepares to part with these cherished watches, he does so with a sense of celebration and a desire to inspire future generations of collectors. His decision to share these treasures with the world symbolizes not just the end of an era, but also a new chapter in the rich tapestry of watch collecting.
In the words of Guido Mondani himself, "I have chosen to sell the remaining part of my collection to relive the emotions of the first Mondani auction in 2006. This occasion is further confirmation that my continuous search for, and acquisition of, quality timepieces has brought me great satisfaction." The Mondani Collection is a testament to a lifetime of passion, knowledge, and the enduring legacy of one of horology's most influential figures.
Guido Mondani was born October 29, 1945, in Genoa, Italy. He never wore watches while growing up, eventually purchasing a Cartier for daily wear in the 1970s. His watch collection began in earnest in 1986, after he received a Rolex with a moon-phase as a birthday gift from his wife, Franca. From the start, Mondani has epitomized a thoughtful approach to collecting. He dedicated himself to acquiring as much knowledge as he could before making any purchases, and then taking as long as needed to find the best example of a watch possible. He never bought a watch for his collection that he wasn’t 100 percent sure was the best example he could find; he never compromised on his interest in quality over volume.
Mondani published his first book on watches, "Collecting Rolex Wristwatches," in 1992. He’s since sold more than 100,000 copies of books published under his family’s label, “Guido Mondani Editore.” His publishing library consists primarily of dedicated works under a specific theme, such as on various Rolex and Patek Philippe timepieces, or on a topic like steel chronographs.

ROLEX A sporty and attractive stainless steel dual time wristwatch with ceramic bezel, date, bracelet, international guarantee, hang tag and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex
Year 2018
Reference No. 126710BLRO
Case No. 2X2Z0046
Model Name GMT-Master II “Pepsi”
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3285, 31 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Jubilee bracelet, max length 210mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 10,000–20,000
Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated August 14, 2018, product literature, wallet, hang tag, presentation box and outer packaging. Furthermore accompanied by a copy of Rolex GMT-Master Story by Guido Mondani Editore.

The present watch is illustrated in Vol. II of Rolex GMT-Master Story by Guido Mondani Editore, pages 190, 191, 192 and 193.

Released in 2018, reference 126710BLRO is the proud heir to the GMT reference 6542 from 1955. At the time of launch, it was the undisputed star of Baselworld 2018 was Rolex’s new GMT-Master II. Publicly acclaimed, the watch instantaneously became a must have and immediately generated a waiting list at Rolex retailers. The iconic model, initially made for pilots to simultaneously keep track of two time zones was ready for a renewal. The new reference 126710BLRO features an extremely attractive Jubilee bracelet, a specificity that nods to the original GMT model which was in fact the only sports watch offered by the brand with this bracelet – others would typically come with an Oyster bracelet. The GMTMaster II with its Jubilee bracelet is one of the most in-demand modern Rolexes today, with waitlists stretching years.
The watch is preserved in near-pristine condition, with the bezel protector, sticker on the caseband, clasp and caseback still present. The bracelet is partially stickered as well.

ROLEX A very fine, rare and well-preserved stainless steel chronograph wristwatch with bracelet, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex Year 2016
Reference No. 116500LN
Case No. 92M938V6
Model Name Cosmograph Daytona
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 4130, 44 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 205mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 15,000–30,000

Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated July 14, 2016, purchase receipt, product literature, presentation box and outer packaging.

Introduced at the 2016 Baselworld, reference 116500LN replaced reference 116520. While both models feature an in-house Rolex chronograph movement, reference 116500LN was Rolex’s very first stainless steel Cosmograph Daytona to feature a Cerachrom bezel. Two dial versions were available for the stainless steel model - either black or white. Reference 116500LN became an instant overnight success with clients immediately filling up the waiting list at retailers. Today, it is still incredibly difficult to obtain one due to the model’s good looks and cult status.
The present watch is offered in brand new, unworn condition and is accompanied by all of its original accessories. It has the stickers to the caseband which has the QR code, clasp, and bezel protector.

ROLEX A highly rare and attractive stainless steel dual time wristwatch with date, ceramic bezel, bracelet, guarantee, hang tag and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex Year 2019
Reference No. 116710BLNR
Case No. 8U3188V6
Model Name GMT-Master II “Batman”
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3186, 31 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 205mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 10,000–20,000

Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated March 6, 2019, hang tag, product literature, presentation box and outer packaging. Furthermore accompanied by a copy of Rolex GMT-Master Story by Guido Mondani Editore.
The present watch is illustrated in Vol. II of Rolex GMT-Master Story, pages 168 and 169 by Guido Mondani Editore.

Introduced at the Baselworld 2013, the Rolex GMT-Master ref. 116710BLNR was a first of its kind featuring a never seen before blue and black Cerachrom bezel insert. Extremely well-received by collectors at immediate glance, the model earned its nickname the “Batman” for its obvious color combinations. One of the most desirable Rolex sports models in recent times, the “Batman” is with no doubt a modern classic among its former references.
Discontinued in 2019 and making way for the new ref. 126710BLNR equipped with a new cal. 3285, the present example ref. 116710BLNR is offered in virtually unworn condition and is further accompanied by its full set of accessories.

ROLEX A fine and attractive stainless steel diver’s wristwatch with center seconds, date, bracelet, guarantee and presentation box, made to celebrate the 100th anniverary of Abate
Manufacturer Rolex
Year 2021
Reference No. 126610LN
Case No. 4157D125
Model Name Submariner
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3235, 31 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 195mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 41mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 10,000–20,000

Accompanied by guarantee dated December 05, 2021, product literature, Abate product literature, wallet, presentation box and outer packaging.

A classic within the catalog, the Submariner has always been a Rolex classic with its sporty and practical features. While its appearance has slightly changed over the years, some characteristics remain constant, such as the rotating bezel, luminous hour markers and luminous hands.
Released in 2020, the reference 126610LN delighted collectors and scholars. While it has a slightly larger diameter of 41mm, compared to its predecessor, it has slimmer lugs, giving the watch a slightly more proportional look. Furthermore, the movement was upgraded to an in-house caliber, the cal. 3235. The present watch most notable has a special engraving bearing “Abate 1920-2020”. The present watch was made in 50 examples to celebrate the 100th anniversary for the retailer based in San Remo (Italy).
The present watch is preserved in excellent and virtually unworn condition.

PATEK PHILIPPE A rare stainless steel wristwatch with center seconds, date, bracelet, certificate of origin and presentation box
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 2007
Reference No. 5711/1A-001
Movement No. 3’405’369
Case No. 4’342’447
Model Name Nautilus
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 315, 29 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Patek Philippe bracelet, max length 195mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Patek Philippe deployant clasp
Dimensions 42.5mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 40,000–80,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin dated February 16, 2007, wallet, product literature, presentation box and outer packaging. Further accompanied by a copy of Patek Philippe Nautilus & Aquanaut by Guido Mondani Editore.
The present watch is illustrated in Patek Philippe Nautilus & Aquanaut by Guido Mondani Editore, pages, 100 and 101.

There are watches which have reached such a level of recognition in the collecting community that their designs are immediately recognisable and have become a collecting category of their own. The Royal Oak, Speedmaster, Reverso, Daytona and of course Nautilus are such kinds of models.
Reference 5711 was launched in 2006 to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Nautilus. Inspired by the classic sporty design of the original reference 3700 Jumbo Nautilus, the present updated modern reference featured sweep center seconds and a larger case.
In the years leading to its recent discontinuation, the success of reference 5711 has exploded to the point that waiting lists were more than ten years long propelling the model to new heights.
Preserved in excellent condition, this timepiece, produced during the early production years, is also accompanied by its original accessories and preserved in excellent barely worn condition.

ROLEX A rare and attractive stainless steel wristwatch with center seconds, “explorer dial”, bracelet, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex Year Circa 1997
Reference No. 14270
Case No. U171660
Model Name Explorer
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3000, 27 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 185mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 6,000–12,000
Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated November 06, 1997, calendar and presentation box.

The ref. 14270 was introduced in 1989 replacing the former ref. 1016 and remained in production until 2001. Compared to its predecessor, the model features a number of upgrades including the caliber 3000 movement. It also had a sapphire crystal, which was more durable and scratch proof than a plexi crystal.
With many admirers of the model, the Explorer boasts simplicity yet remains elegant and functional. Furthermore, the model retains its iconic details featured in the very first ref. 6350 and 6150 is the 3-6-9 dial.
The present watch is preserved in excellent condition with its guarantee dated November 06, 1997, calendar and presentation box.

ROLEX A highly rare and virtually new old stock stainless steel quartz wristwatch with date, bracelet, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex Year Circa 2001
Reference No. 17000
Case No. K111833
Model Name Oysterquartz Datejust
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Quartz, cal. 5035, 11 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Oysterquartz bracelet, max length 195mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 3,000–6,000

Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated May 21, 2003 stamped Bucherer AG, product literature, calendar, presentation box and outer packaging.

Towards the end of the 1970s, the Swiss watch industry was great affected by the Quartz crisis, with Japanese watchmakers supplied the world market with a large quantity of quartz watches. To combat this situation, Rolex decided to manufacture a new series of watches fitted with quartz movement, and the Oysterquartz Datejust was conceived.
The Rolex Oysterquartz Datejust ref. 17000 first appeared in 1977 and was introduced during a time when the brand sought to meet clients’ demands for quartz watch movements, and can be considered as the grandfather of all subsequent quartz watches created by the brand, such as the Oysterquartz Day-Date.
In excellent and virtually new-old-stock condition, the case of the present watch has full proportions and factory finishes to the lugs and bracelet, with the rare black dial retaining rounded intact luminous plots. As an even nicer touch, the original caseback sticker is present, as well as the sticker on the clasp. The timepiece is furthermore accompanied by its Rolex guarantee, product literature, calendar, presentation box and outer packaging.

ROLEX A fine and attractive white gold dual time wristwatch with center seconds, date, meteorite dial, bracelet, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex Year 2019
Reference No. 126719BLRO
Case No. 8Z864263
Model Name GMT-Master II
Material 18K white gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3285, 31 jewels
Bracelet/Strap 18K white gold Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 210mm
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Rolex Oyster deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter

Signed Case, dial, movement, bracelet and clasp signed
CHF 30,000–60,000
Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated December 07, 2019, wallet, product literature, tag, presentation box and outer packaging. Furthmore accompanied by a copy of Rolex GMT-Master Story by Guido Mondani Editore.
The present watch is illustrated in Vol. II of Rolex GMT-Master Story by Guido Mondani Editore, pages 204, 205, 206 and 207.

In 2014 Rolex released its very first GMT-Master II reference 116719BLRO encased in 18K white gold. Four years later, the firm released the new reference 126719BLRO fitted with the newly upgraded caliber 3285 featuring an attractive navy blue dial instead of the traditional black dial.
While the white gold GMT-Master II has long been a favorite among collectors, the introduction of the model with meteorite dial wowed and impressed collector’s during its launch in 2019. While meteorite has been used on other models in the past such as the Day-Date, it marked the first time this material was ever used on a GMT-Master.
Sporty yet refined, the present Rolex GMT-Master II is considered to be one of the most sought after timepieces with its aesthetics remaining very much similar to the first iterations of the model, most notably with its bi-colored “Pepsi” bezel that many are fond of.

An attractive yellow gold reversible quartz wristwatch with guarantee
Manufacturer Jaeger-LeCoultre
Year Circa 1990
Reference No. 140.105.1
Case No. 1’614’061
Model Name Reverso Classique
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Quartz
Bracelet/Strap Ostrich
Clasp/Buckle Gold plated Jaeger-LeCoultre buckle
Dimensions 24mm Width and 36mm Length
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 3,500–7,000
Accompanied by Jaeger-LeCoultre International Guarantee.

Irresistibly elegant with a rich history in watchmaking and sport, the present Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso Classique is a tribute to the company’s models of the early 1930s and 1940s. Introduced in 1931, the Reverso has a most fascinating history, as the creation of the model absolutely ties functionality with aesthetics. The present timepiece is rendered even more collectible by the presence of the “GM” monogram on the case, corresponding to the initials of none other than Guido Mondani himself and is also the logo of the company Guido Mondani Editore. It was gifted to Guido Mondani by his wife Franca. It is furthermore accompanied by its International Guarantee.

PATEK PHILIPPE A rare and attractive stainless steel square-shaped wristwatch with subsidiary seconds, retailed by Freccero
Manufacturer Patek Philippe
Year 1944
Reference No. 1485
Movement No. 911’947
Case No. 627’264
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Manual, cal. 10-110, 18 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather

Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Patek Philippe pin buckle stamped PPCo
Dimensions 27mm Width and 34.5mm Length
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 10,000–20,000
Accompanied by Patek Philippe Extract from the Archives confirming production of the present watch in 1944 and its subsequent sale on December 6, 1945.
Launched in 1940, reference 1485 was to our knowledge, only created in stainless steel. The case was designed in the attempt to render it water-resistant by using the sliding sides. In short this was a very innovative design with an inner case compartment with gaskets being pressed together with the metal sliders on the sides of the outer case. The patent for this new case was registered on 25th August 1938 as Swiss patent CH 207378, and published 31st October 1939. To date, only approximately 21 examples of the reference have ever appeared on the auction market, and to the best of our knowledge, the present watch is the only known example with this signature on the dial.
Fresh to the auction market, the present watch is a very attractive example, retailed by Freccero as seen by the retailer’s signature on the dial. A legendary retailer, Freccero, is based in Uruguay and is still in business today. While it no longer retails Patek Philippe, the store sold some of the most unique retailed-signed watches of the past century. The dial features the correct long signature, and the enamel is raised and incredibly strong. The comma between “Patek, Philippe” is present, as is the accent in the “Genève” signature.

A fine and impressive titanium diver’s wristwatch with ring lock system, gas escape valve and bracelet, with guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex
Year 2022
Reference No. 126067
Case No. Q6L46891
Model Name Sea-Dweller, Deepsea Challenge
Material Titanium
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3230, 31 jewels

Bracelet/Strap Titanium Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 225mm
Clasp/Buckle Titanium Rolex Oyster deployant clasp
Dimensions 50mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement, bracelet and clasp signed
CHF 25,000–50,000
Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated December 30, 2022, product literature, wallet, special Deepsea Challenge presentation box and outer packaging. Furthmore accompanied by a copy of Master Rolex by Guido Mondani Editore.
The present watch is illustrated in Guido Mondani Editore Master Rolex book in pages 212 and 213.
With the newest release in 2022 of the Rolex Deepsea Challenge reference 126067, Rolex establishes itself at the lead of the exploration of the world’s greatest depths, just like it did back in the 1950’s when the Piccards took the Trieste Bathyscaphe and explored the Mariana Trench with a Rolex watch attached to the exterior of their submarine.
Sharing many design elements with its brother reference 116660
Sea-Dweller Deepsea, the new model is nothing short of a experimental tool watch capable of reaching the deepest point of our planet, while also being technically for sale in Rolex boutiques and retailers, availability aside. Designed to withstand the highest possible pressure found anywhere on the planet, it is also the very first watch by Rolex made entirely from grade 5 titanium. Cased in a respectable 50mm case, the timepiece features all the elements one would expect from a Sea-Dweller, such as Ringlock system, Triplock crown and 60-minute scale unidirectional bezel. Fitted to the Deepsea challenge is also a grade 5 titanium 3-link Oyster bracelet with brushed surface, Oysterlock safety clasp featuring a Rolex Glidelock extension system and a Fliplock extension link.
Preserved in virtually unworn condition and complete with its full set of accessories, the present Rolex Deepsea Challenge reference 126067 is certainly a must have for the daredevil collectors amongst us.

Ref. 126067 Sea-Dweller, Deepsea

PATEK PHILIPPE A highly rare and attractive platinum perpetual chronograph wristwatch with moon phases, 24-hour indication, leap year indication, certificate of origin, additional case back, hang tag, setting pin and presentation box, single sealed
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 2009
Reference No. 5970P-001
Movement No. 3’931’136
Case No. 4’491’142
Material Platinum
Calibre Manual, cal. CH 27-70 Q, 24 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Alligator
Clasp/Buckle Platinum Patek Philippe deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 140,000–280,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin dated October 29, 2009, additional numbered caseback, setting pin, hang tag, slip case, wallet, product literature, presentation box and outer packaging.

Manufactured from 2004 to 2011, reference 5970 was Patek Philippe’s very last perpetual calendar chronograph wristwatch series to use a Lemania 2310 based movement. With the introduction of successor reference 5270, Patek Philippe used its own in-house movement.
Due to its generous and modern case proportions, this reference is a favorite among scholars and the watch community. Since the model stopped production, it has only increased in popularity and collectability. Compared to its predecessor, reference 3970, reference 5970 has a much larger and heftier case size of 40 millimeters. While the reference has enjoyed variations such as different gem-set bezels and various dial designs, examples cased in platinum like this watch are the true classics. The black dial immediately distinguishes the case metal, as does the subtle diamond between 6 o’clock - both indicate Patek Philippe’s use of platinum.
The present watch is brand new and single sealed. It is offered with an additional caseback, setting pin and its original certificate. It’s today an icon that represents the golden age of watch making.

ROLEX An exceedingly exclusive and lavish diamond-set yellow gold chronograph wristwatch with sapphire-set numerals and presentation box
Showcasing a bezel set with 44 brilliant diamonds and pavé dial with 240 diamonds, reference 6269 is among the most regal, glamorous and luxurious Cosmograph models ever made. Research shows that Rolex made no more than thirty pieces in total. It is considered a trophy watch for many collectors. The top of the lugs are sharp, demonstrating how little if any intervention the watch has seen throughout its lifetime.
While today gem-set sports pieces are highly collectible and widely seen, these watches were only brought into the mainstream during the 2000s. In fact, these combinations of watchmaking and gem-setting have been recently rediscovered and are enjoying the popularity they truly deserve. However, only a few decades ago the market for bejewelled timepieces was a very different beast. Prior to that, gem-set sports watches were considered either a special order series, or one-off pieces. During the 1980s, Rolex adorned tool watches with precious gems for its most exclusive and demanding clientele, ranging from Sultans in the Middle East to industry titans. Rolex in particular excels in sourcing and setting gemstones. Alongside reference 6269 and its baguette diamond sibling reference 6270, the brand also developed a ruby, diamond and sapphire-set GMT-Master, known today as the “SARU”.

ROLEX An exceedingly exclusive and lavish diamond-set yellow gold chronograph wristwatch with sapphire-set numerals and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex Year Circa 1985
Reference No. 6269
Movement No. 16’438
Case No. 8’912’024
Model Name Cosmograph
Material 18K yellow gold and diamonds
Calibre Manual, cal. 727, 17 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Rolex buckle
Dimensions 37mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 600,000–1,200,000

Accompanied by Rolex presentation box and outer packaging. Furthmore accompanied by a copy of Daytona Manual Winding by Guido Mondani Editore.
The present watch is illustrated in Daytona Manual Winding by Guido Mondani Editore, pages 186 and 187.

While the concept of merging gemstones with sports watches may seem obvious today, it was at the time a completely daring and maverick idea. Rolex forever changed the way we perceive and understand a tool watch, paving the way for endless possibilities and developments, such as the “Leopard” or the mythical emeraldset automatic Daytona. At the time, references 6269 or 6270 were mainly made for and worn by men. One can only imagine the debonair and well-heeled gentleman for whom Rolex specially produced this watch.
In fact, such a brave decision would probably not have been made by the company, if they had not been spurred by one of their most important - if not their most important ever - clients: His Highness Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said of Oman (1940-2020). It is under his specific request that the first two bejewelled Rolex sport references came to light. One, reference 6269, is distinguished by its brilliant-cut diamond bezel, diamond pavé dial and golden subsidiary counters. The other is the reference 6270 with a baguette-set bezel.
The present reference 6269 is an extremely impressive example, with crisp and sharp finishes on the top of the lugs. The hallmarks beneath the lugs are visible and deep, as are the numbers between the lugs. The dial itself is dazzling and bright; it is set with brilliant diamonds, as well as sapphires in lieu of hour markers. Such gems hardly appear on the market, no less in such well-preserved condition. ROLEX An exceedingly exclusive and lavish diamond-set yellow gold chronograph wristwatch with sapphire-set numerals and presentation box

LONGINES A rare and attractive pink gold flyback chronograph wristwatch with hang tag and presentation box
Manufacturer Longines Year Circa 1960
Reference No. 5967
Movement No. 1’1826’824
Case No. 64
Material 18K pink gold
Calibre Manual, cal. 30CH, 17 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Crocodile
Clasp/Buckle Gold plated Longines buckle
Dimensions 38mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 8,000–16,000
Accompanied by Longines hang tag and presentation box.

This exceptional pink gold chronograph wristwatch is a study on how a timepiece has slept in a safe for over half a century. It most notably boasts a case size of 38mm, which was unusually large for the period, when the norm was watch cases of 36mm or even less.
Calibre 30CH is unanimously considered one of the best chronograph movements of the mid twentieth century. Incorporating a flyback function, the movement allows for the chronograph to be instantaneously reset and restarted, enormously useful for practical applications.
The case is preserved in most probably unpolished condition with sharp bevels and crisp edges throughout. Two deep and sharp hallmarks can be found beneath the lugs. The dial barely shows any sign of aging, and the case remains as crisp as it was the day it left the factory. Such gems hardly appear on the market, no less in such untouched and original condition.

CARTIER A very fine and well-preserved yellow gold reversible rectangular-shaped wristwatch
Manufacturer Cartier
Year Circa 1970
Movement No. 7733
Case No. 035’249 and 65’458
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Manual, 17 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Alligator
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Cartier deployant clasp
Dimensions 24mm Width and 33mm Length
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 6,000–12,000

While the term “Reverso” is most often associated with Jaeger LeCoultre, other brands had also used a similar case construction during the 20th century. In 1930, Cartier developed and patented a similar system and named it the “Cabriolet Reverso”, later known as the “Basculante”.
It was not until the 1970’s that Cartier introduced the Tank Reverso, like the present example. Bearing a Paris dial, it was most notably retailed at Cartier Paris. The case is furthermore preserved in spectacular condition with deep and crisp hallmarks. The case and clasp are stamped EJ for Edmond Jaeger, along with French gold marks.

ROLEX A virtually new-old-stock and attractive antimagnetic stainless steel wristwatch with center seconds, bracelet, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex
Year 2007
Reference No. 116400
Case No. M204028
Model Name Milgauss
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3131, 31 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 190mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 5,000–10,000

Accompanied by Rolex guarantee December 04, 2007, product literature, wallet, presentation box and outer packaging.

The very first Milgauss model was released in 1956. Reference 6541 represents the very first iteration of the model, which targeted at a very specific - albeit at the time novel and growing - market: scientists, engineers and technicians working with high magnetic fields in electro-industrial environments or scientific facilities; indeed its iconic “lightning” seconds hand is an obvious nod to electromagnetism.
The Milgauss underwent a few updates before the last iteration was released in 2007. Rolex surprised the horological community when it release the reference 116400 to coincide with the opening of CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, the world’s highestenergy particle accelerator. It was released in three versions, all 40mm, with the present example having the black dial, and iconic “lightning” seconds hand this time in orange.
The present timepiece is preserved in virtually new-old-stock condition with stickers still present on the case and clasp, and is complete with its Rolex guarantee December 04, 2007, product literature, wallet, presentation box and outer packaging.

ROLEX A fine stainless steel wristwatch with center seconds, bracelet, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex
Year 2018
Reference No. 116900
Case No. U9766083
Model Name Air-King
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3131, 31 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 200mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 4,000–8,000

Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated April 2018, tag, product literature, wallet and presentation box.

Officially launched at Baselworld in 2016, the Rolex reference 116900 was welcomed with great interest amongst collectors as it was the release of a former great. Usually fitted in a 34mm case, for the new Air King Rolex opted for a larger and contemporary 40mm diameter case to cater towards new trends and demand. Featuring a semi-glossy black dial, it features a highly legible layout with aviator-style numerals similar to two cockpit instruments developed by Rolex for the British supersonic land vehicle Bloodhound SSC.
Showcasing a captivating green center seconds hand, that perfectly contrasts against the semi-glossy dial, it further matches with the unusual and hardly ever seen Rolex signature in green. Offered in excellent overall condition and complete with its full set of accessories, the present sporty Rolex Air-King reference 116900 from circa 2018 is certainly a great choice for daily wear.

ROLEX A rare, impressive and like-new yellow gold, diamond and yellow sapphire-set chronograph wristwatch with guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex
Year 2007
Reference No. 116598SACO
Case No. M245531
Model Name Cosmograph Daytona “Leopard”

Material 18K yellow gold, yellow sapphires and diamonds
Calibre Automatic, cal. 4130, 44 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Rolex leather strap with “Leopard” print
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Rolex folding deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 60,000–120,000
Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated September 2009, numbered tag, additional strap, product literature, wallet, presentation box and outer packaging. Furthermore accompanied by a copy of Rolex Daytona Self-Winding by Guido Mondani Editore.
The present watch is illustrated in Rolex Daytona Self-Winding by Guido Mondani Editore, pages 308 and 309.
Introduced at Basel Fair in 2004, reference 116598 SACO immediately captured the eyes and hearts of Rolex fans. Set with diamond hour markers contrasting against a leopard print dial and strap, the watch was something entirely different than anything Rolex had conceived in the past. This print inspired the watch’s nickname, “Leopard”. The watch is adorned with 36 baguette-cut yellow sapphires on the bezel, which are completely uniform, set incredibly close together and matching, which technically is no easy feat. The hoods between the lugs are also embellished with brilliant diamonds.
Presented in like-new condition with stickers on the caseband, caseback and clasp, this example is accompanied by its original guarantee, tag, presentation box and outer packaging. Gemset, precious sports watches are becoming increasingly collectible today, due to their good looks and robust proportions. Conspicuous, bold and audacious, this watch is a completely novel and interesting interpretation of the Cosmograph Daytona, making a bold statement about both Rolex and the collector who dons the timepiece.

ROLEX A fine, and attractive stainless steel and pink gold dual time wristwatch with date, brown ceramic bezel, bracelet, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex
Year 2020
Reference No. 126711CHNR
Case No. 2H84T687
Model Name GMT-Master II “Rootbeer”
Material Stainless steel and 18K Everose Gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3285, 31 jewels

Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel and 18K Everose Gold Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 205mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel and 18K Everose Gold Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 10,000–20,000
Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated December 22, 2020, hang tag, product literature, presentation box and outer packaging. Furthermore accompanied by a copy of Rolex GMT-Master Story by Guido Mondani Editore.
The present watch is illustrated in Vol. II of Rolex GMT-Master Story by Guido Mondani Editore, pages 186-187.
Rolex introduced the reference 126711CHNR GMT-Master II at Baselworld in 2018 and was the brand’s first endeavor to use the combination of 18K Everose gold and stainless steel-dubbed by Rolex as “Everose Rolesor” for the GMT-Master II. The twotone reference 126711CHNR is nicknamed “Rootbeer” due to its resemblance to not only a rootbeer can, but as the two-tone, steel and gold vintage Rolex GMT-Master model 1675 with the same moniker. The roots of the “Rootbeer” GMT hark back to 1963, when the first two-tone Rolex wristwatches with brown dials were offered in the market.
The present example is offered in pristine condition with its original caseback sticker and is accompanied with all its original accessories. The GMT-Master is so cherished by watch collectors and enthusiasts that sixty-eight years after it was first introduced, it remains one of Rolex’s top selling wristwatches. This “Rootbeer” from 2020 presents an excellent opportunity to own one of these exceptional two-tone models.

ROLEX A stickered and very attractive white gold diver’s wristwatch with center seconds, date, blue ceramic revolving bezel, bracelet, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex
Year 2008
Reference No. 116619LB
Case No. V205403
Model Name Submariner “Smurf”
Material 18K white gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3135, 31 jewels
Bracelet/Strap 18K white gold Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 200mm
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 20,000–40,000

Accompanied by Rolex Guarantee card dated May 08, 2012, card holder, product literature, hang tags, fitted presentation box and outer packaging. Furthermore accompanied by a copy of Rolex Submariner, Sea-Dweller e Deepsea by Guido Mondani Editore.
The present watch is published in Rolex Submariner, Sea-Dweller e Deepsea by Guido Mondani Editore, pages 250 and 251.
Officially released in 2008, the Rolex reference 116619LB was the first serially produced white gold Submariner. Luxurious yet robust, this submariner retains all of the key characteristics that make Rolex tool watches so highly desirable – efficient, waterproof and rugged.
LB for “lunette bleu”, the aquatic blue bezel is made of scratchresistant ceramic and matches the charming vivid blue dial. Featuring white gold hour markers and hands, both have been coated with Rolex’s luminescent Chromalight filling. Cased at 40mm in diameter the timepiece sits comfortably on the wrist. Thanks to its 18K white gold case and bracelet the watch has a pleasant extra heftiness to it.
The model was discontinued recently in 2020, making way for the new reference 126619LB that features a new caliber and a larger 41mm diameter case. The present Rolex Submariner reference 116619LB, from 2008, is offered with its full set of accessories. It is preserved in almost unworn condition and is partially stickered. Nicknamed “The Smurf” by collectors, it is a great opportunity for any watch enthusiast.

PATEK PHILIPPE A fine, barely worn and attractive stainless steel flyback chronograph wristwatch with date, bracelet, original certificate and presentation box
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 2007
Reference No. 5980/1A-001
Movement No. 3’666’072
Case No. 4’374’133
Model Name Nautilus
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 28-520 C, 35 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Patek Philippe bracelet, max length 200mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Patek Philippe deployant clasp
Dimensions 44mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 50,000–100,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin dated September 22, 2007, slip box, product literature, wallet, presentation box and outer packaging. Furthermore accompanied by a copy of Patek Philippe Nautilus & Aquanaut by Guido Mondani Editore.
The present watch is illustrated in Patek Philippe Nautilus & Aquanaut by Guido Mondani Editore, pages 201 and 202.
Patek Philippe reference 5980/1A was initially introduced in 2006 together with its time-only brother reference 5711, during the same year when the Nautilus collection as a whole celebrated its 30th birthday. Equipped with the manufacturer’s in-house self-winding chronograph calibre CH 28-520, the design of the timepieces was entirely new and revolutionary as the Nautilus collection had never incorporated a flyback chronograph function before.
Stepping away from the usual chronograph layout, the dial is further simplified via a subsidiary dial combining all registers into one, forming what is dubbed as the “bull’s eye” counter. Originally available in stainless steel with bracelet, 18K pink gold with a leather strap for early examples and the latest iteration in 18K pink gold with a matching bracelet, Stainless steel examples have been discontinued in 2014 and replaced by the reference 5990, the timepiece has since then been one of the most sought after Patek Philippe references since.
Preserved in near-unworn condition, the present timepiece comes with its original certificate of origin and fitted box.

ROLEX A rare and attractive yellow gold chronograph wristwatch with champagne dial, bracelet, caseback sticker, additional black service dial, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex
Year Circa 1987
Reference No. 6265
Case No. R328869
Model Name Cosmograph Daytona
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Manual, cal. 727, 17 jewels
Bracelet/Strap 18K yellow gold Rolex Oyster bracelet, end links stamped 71, max length 180mm
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 37mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 120,000–240,000

Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated October 21, 1989, additional service dial, product literature, calendar, wallet, presentation box and outer packaging. Furthermore accompanied by a copy of Rolex Encyclopedia by Guido Mondani Editore.
The present watch is illustrated in Rolex Encyclopedia by Guido Mondani Editore, pages 142 and 143.
Reference 6265 was introduced to the market in 1969, and ceased production in 1987. While the reference was mainly cased in stainless steel, limited amounts were also cased in 18K or 14K yellow gold. As the Daytona was first and foremost a tool watch for professional drivers, the public mostly looked for the light and resistant steel version; the heavy, outlandish and more delicate gold variation made little sense at the time. Thus, notwithstanding its near 2 decades of production run, it is estimated that no more than 2000 examples were cased in gold.
One of the peculiarities of the new calibre 727 (found on ref. 6262, 6263, 6264 and 6265) is that it had chronometer capabilities. While, however, steel Daytonas were not certified by COSC, the gold versions, doubtlessly due to their higher prestige, were indeed sent to COSC for certification. Thus, with some very early exceptions, they bear already the script now ubiquitous on all Daytonas: Rolex / Oyster / Superlative Chronometer / Officially Certified. The present watch is a superlative example, fitted with a beautiful champagne dial. It is preserved in most probably unpolished condition with sharp finishes to the top of the lugs, and very crisp serial numbers between the lugs. Even the original Rolex sticker is present on the caseback. It is furthermore fitted with its Rolex guarantee dated October 21, 1989, additional service dial, product literature, calendar, wallet, presentation box and outer packaging.

A very attractive stainless steel wristwatch with date, bracelet, certificate of origin and box, made to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the model, number 303 of a limited edition of 1000 pieces
Manufacturer Audemars Piguet Year 1993
Reference No. 14802ST
Movement No. 386’621
Case No. D12381.0303
Model Name Royal Oak Jubilée
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 2121, 36 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Audemars Piguet bracelet, max length 190mm

Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Audemars Piguet deployant clasp
Dimensions 39mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 30,000–60,000
Accompanied by Audemars Piguet Certificate of Origin dated September 8th, 1993, Certificate of Exclusivity, numbered fitted wooden presentation box and outer packaging.
In celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Royal Oak in 1992, Audemars Piguet launched a limited edition ref. 14802 Royal Oak Jubilee for the special occasion.
Sold between 1992 and 2002, the reference 14802 was made in 1000 examples altogether, produced in stainless steel, yellow gold, and a very small number in platinum. The present example in stainless steel is fitted with a blue-grey dial similar to the original ref. 5402ST. Paying homage to the first Royal Oak, it retains the 39 mm case proportion yet with one important difference – the use of a sapphire case back which displays the legendary, ultra-thin cal. 2121 with an engraved rotor accompanied by the case number to commemorate this special edition.
Numbered 303 of a limited edition of 1000 pieces, the present watch is notable for its extraordinary condition - the case has never seen polishing in its lifetime. The contrasting polished and brushed finishes remain intact while the luminous hands and indexes have aged uniformly to an attractive ivory patina that contrasts beautifully with the depth of the grey-blue dial. Coming from the family of the original owner, the watch has been carefully cherished, most probably never worn and kept in a safe until today.
Sold in 1993, the present Audemars Piguet Royal Oak ref. 14802ST is not only extremely well-preserved, it is also accompanied by all original accessories including the original certificate and a numbered octagonal presentation box in oak wood, reminiscent of the octagonal screwed bezel of the Royal Oak itself.

PATEK PHILIPPE A fine and rare yellow gold multi-scale chronograph wristwatch with certificate of origin and presentation box, one of 400 pieces made to commemorate the 175th anniversary of Patek Philippe
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 2015
Reference No. 5975J-001
Movement No. 5’906’174
Case No. 6’056’785
Model Name Multi-Scale Chronograph
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. CH 28-520, 29 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Patek Philippe deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed.
CHF 30,000–60,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin date November 04th, 2015, commemorate coin and attestation, leather envelope, product literature, anniversary wooden presentation box and outer packaging.
Celebrating its 175th anniversary in 2014, Patek Philippe unveiled a collection of exclusive limited-edition timepieces to mark the special occasion. The Patek Philippe reference 5975, like the present example, featuring a groundbreaking multi-scale chronograph complication, was a highlight of the series.
The timepiece was introduced in a variation of four different metals, with 400 examples each in yellow, pink, and white gold, along with an additional 100 examples in platinum. Encased in a gracefully constructed 40mm diameter case, its design features prominent stepped lugs and seamlessly blends more traditional watchmaking techniques with a modern touch, ensuring a timeless aesthetic. In contrast to more conventional chronographic setups, the reference 5975 showcases an unconventional 1-minute chronograph, designed to be used in conjunction with the multiscale dial for measuring speed (tachymeter scale), distance (telemeter scale), or heartbeats (pulsometer scale).
Offered in excellent overall condition and accompanied by its full set of accessories, the present Patek Philippe reference 5975 from 2015 is a captivating timepiece. For collectors in search of a significant Patek Philippe chronograph reference, this underrated model is truly worth considering. Limited to just 400 pieces, this particular lot is fresh to the market and represents the 20th example to be presented at auction.

A. LANGE & SÖHNE A rare and attractive limited edition platinum wristwatch with black guilloché dial, power reserve indication and guarantee, numbered 19 of a limited edition of 20 pieces and made for the 20th anniversary of the Lange 1
Manufacturer A. Lange & Söhne
Year 2014
Reference No. 101.062
Movement No. 110’223
Case No. 220’079, caseback further engraved 19/20
Model Name Lange 1 “20th Anniversary”
Material Platinum
Calibre Manual, cal. L.901.0, 53 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Platinum A. Lange & Söhne pin buckle
Dimensions 38.5mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed.
CHF 25,000–50,000

Accompanied by A. Lange & Söhne undated Garantie & Service booklet confirming the present timepiece is a Lange 1 “20th Anniversary” and leather wallet.
Made to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the launch of the Lange 1 model, the present reference 101.062 stands out as a testament of the exceptional leadership and guidance Walter Lange and Günter Blümlein left since the launch of their first collection in 1994. Featuring what are now considered as the four foundational models: the Lange 1, Arkade, Saxonia, and Tourbillon Pour le Mérite, the debut collection marked the establishment of a new design language, particularly evident in the dial design and movement construction.
Cased in platinum and featuring a stunning black guilloché dial, the present Lange 1 “20th Anniversary” showcases an interesting and highly rare feature, the black date indication. Reserved exclusively for the brand’s rarest and most limited models, the timepiece was limited to just 20 examples with the present example being number 19.
Originally presented as a set with a diamond-set Little Lange 1, also available in the auction catalog in the following lot number 26, the timepieces come with a special numbered box which will be offered without reserve for an esteemed collector who will buy both timepiece and wishes to reunited them in a box together.
This timepiece is furthermore preserved in excellent condition with crisp hallmarks, deep engravings, along with its leather wallet and undated guarantee & service booklet.

Ref. 101.062 Lange 1 “20th Anniversary”

A. LANGE & SÖHNE A rare and attractive limited edition platinum and diamond-set wristwatch with guilloché dial and guarantee, numbered 19 of a limited edition of 20 pieces made for the 20th anniversary of the Lange 1
Manufacturer A. Lange & Söhne
Year 2014
Reference No. 811.062
Movement No. 110’410
Case No. 220’179 caseback further engraved 19/20
Model Name Little Lange 1
Material Platinum and diamonds
Calibre Manual, cal. L901.0, 53 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather strap
Clasp/Buckle Platinum A. Lange & Söhne pin buckle
Dimensions 36.1mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and pin buckle signed
CHF 12,000–20,000

Accompanied by A. Lange & Söhne undated guarantee, product literature and setting pin.
The A. Lange & Söhne Lange 1 displaying eccentric time and seconds with an asymmetrically positioned large date window and power reserve at 3 o’clock is one of the most immediately recognizable Lange models. A flagship model for the firm, A. Lange & Söhne first released the coveted Lange 1 model in 1994 being one of the very first models to be serially produced after the revitalization of the brand by Walter Lange. It is now widely considered as one of the cornerstones of the brand.
In 1997, the firm released a downsized version of the Lange 1 with the introduction of the Little Lange 1 with a reduced case size of 36.1mm. Throughout the years, the Little Lange 1 continued to flourish with various case metals and dial materials, mostly paired with a diamond-set bezel. Among the various dial designs, guilloche examples, such as the present one, as well as mother of pearl dials were added to the inventory.
Released in 2014, the present example Little Lange 1 Soirée was made to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Lange 1 model. Part of a pair, originally offered alongside the larger version, a Lange 1, only 20 pieces were made, with the present watch being number 19. It most notably displays a black guilloché dial with a diamond-set bezel, which contrasts beautifully against the dark background. There couldn’t be a more suiting word than Soirée to describe the watch; all in elegance, reminiscent of a starry night sky. The timepiece was originally presented as a set with Lot 25, a Lange 1, as well as a special numbered box which is offered without reserve, for someone who will buy both timepieces and want to reunited them in a box together. Timeless in aesthetics, the present Little Lange 1 glittering with subtlety is preserved in excellent, like new condition and exudes the spirit of the German manufacturer.

A. LANGE & SÖHNE A rare, heavy and attractive wooden box, made in a limited edition of 20 pieces and made for the 20th anniversary of the Lange 1
Manufacturer A. Lange & Söhne
Year 2014
Material Wood
Dimensions 35cm Length, 12cm Width and 27cm Height
Signed Presentation box and outer packaging signed
CHF 1,000–2,000
Accompanied by A. Lange & Söhne outer packaging.

Offered without reserve, the present presentation box by A. Lange & Söhne was made specially for the set of two timepieces, a Lange 1 and Little Lange 1, bearing references 101.062 and 811.062, respectively. Large and massive, this special box is also inscribed inside “Special Edition 20 Years Lange 1 1994-2014”, showing that the set was made to commemorate the special occasion.
In the event Lots 25 and 26 are both sold and purchased by the same paddle, the present box, lot 27 will be automatically withdrawn from the sale and all absentee and commission bids for lot 27 will be cancelled. Ownership of lot 27 will then be awarded to the successful purchaser of lots 25 and 26. In the event Lots 25 and 26 are not both purchased by the same paddle the present lot will be offered at auction, with no reserve.

ROLEX A rare and attractive white gold and diamond and sapphire-set dual time wristwatch with center seconds, date, bracelet, guarantee and box
Manufacturer Rolex
Year 2011
Reference No. 116759SANR
Case No. M720853
Model Name GMT-Master II
Material 18K white gold, diamonds and black sapphires
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3186, 31 jewels

Bracelet/Strap 18K white gold Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 180mm
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 40,000–80,000
Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated February 18, 2011, hang tag, product literature, wallet, presentation box and outer packaging.

The GMT-Master, Rolex’s iconic dual time offering, is most famously and typically cased in stainless steel. While reference 6542 and 1675 were sometimes cased in precious metals, these were infrequent occurrences. Indeed, it was not until the arrival of reference 16758 in 1979, that the GMT-Master was set with rubies, diamonds and sapphires, introducing in the process the four letters code (in that instance, “SARU”) that now defines gem-set Rolex watches.
The present example is a variation on the theme, characterised by an incredibly striking monochrome appearance. As defined by its suffix “SANR”, the bezel of this piece is adorned with black sapphires (Sapphire Noir) and diamonds, which dramatically alter the overall looks of the piece. The colourful red/blue bezel in in this case exclusively black and white, granting to the watch both aesthetic boldness and ultimate readability (even more impressive in a gem-set piece).

A scholarship changing stainless steel wristwatch with small seconds, oversized date, power reserve indication, deep blue dial, guarantee, presentation box
Manufacturer A. Lange & Söhne
Year 1999
Reference No. 101.026 X Movement No. 11’288
Case No. 117’972
Model Name Lange 1
Material Stainless Steel
Calibre Manual, cal. L901.0, 53 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel A. Lange & Söhne pin buckle
Dimensions 38.5mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 150,000–300,000

Accompanied by A. Lange & Söhne International guarantee dated 11th November, 1999, Proof of Origin dated February 15th 2024, instruction manual, fitted presentation box and outer packaging. The watch is further accompanied by A.Lange & Söhne email dated Thursday 29th of February confirming a change of dial from massive silver argenté to a massive silver blued dial was noted for this watch and took place at A. Lange & Söhne.
It is always an exhilarating moment when discovering a timepiece that rewrites scholarship and the present Lange 1 in steel with blue dial is such a watch. The Lange 1 was part of the first 4 models launched by Lange & Söhne in 1994 upon its rebirth and immediately became a signature piece for the brand and a design icon. Lange & Söhne only produced watches in precious metals and it wasn’t until 2019 and the launch of the Odysseus that we saw a production series model made in stainless steel. However, the story of the stainless steel Lange 1 is shrouded in mystery. The Lange 1 in stainless steel was never offered in a catalogue and the manufacture has never confirmed the exact number of examples produced. Experts estimate that approximately 30 were made in total, of which some have appeared sporadically on the international auction market. Research shows that some were made in 1994 upon the official relaunch of the A. Lange & Söhne, and also produced during the period from 1996-1999 with most examples either delivered to the German, Italian or American market with either silver or black dials.
The magnitude of the discovery of a steel example with blue dial cannot be underlined enough. The watch is consigned by the original owner and bought in 1999 from German retailer Oeding-Erdel. An extra element of mystery surrounds this timepiece as the guarantee indicates the correct case and movement numbers but mentions ref 101.027X which is a “secret reference”, white gold, silver dial and blue hands. Lange & Söhne have not provided reason for the discrepancy as the watch should be a reference 101.026 (as confirmed by the A. Lange & Söhne Proof of Origin) however, they have confirmed the steel case and blue dial. In an email dating 29 February 2024, Lange confirms that the original silver dial was replaced by them with a blue dial. In the current state of scholarship and research this is the only known stainless steel Lange 1 with a blue dial elevating this timepiece to stratospheric levels of collectability.

Ref. 101.026X Lange 1 in Stainless Steel

AUDEMARS PIGUET A rare and attractive stainless steel perpetual calendar wristwatch with “sapphire blue” dial and bracelet
Manufacturer Audemars Piguet
Year 2001
Reference No. 25820ST.OO.0944ST.02
Movement No. 505’895
Case No. E33688 and 0222
Model Name Royal Oak Perpetual Calendar
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 2120/2802, 38 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Audemars Piguet bracelet, max length mm

Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Audemars Piguet deployant clasp
Dimensions 39mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 100,000–200,000
Accompanied by Audemars Piguet Extrait de Registre confirming the register date on September 20, 2001 and pouch.

Introducing a leap year indicator to Audemars Piguet’s Royal Oak Perpetual Calendar, the reference 25820 was launched in 1996 and remained in production until 2013. The complete count numbers 628 pieces in steel, 107 pieces in yellow gold, 74 pieces in platinum, 11 in pink gold, 378 in steel/platinum, 15 in tantalum/yellow gold, 9 in tantalum/platinum, and 13 in tantalum/pink gold were produced, for a grand total of 1,235 examples.
Arguably the best known dial color found on Royal Oak timepieces, the present watch features a “sapphire blue” dial according to the official Audemars Piguet nomenclature. However, even the greenest watch enthusiast knows the community calls it a different, very appropriate nickname: the “Yves Klein”. When the beauty and rarity of the “Sapphire Blue” dial merges with the collectability and historical appeal of a perpetual calendar Royal Oak, one knows without a doubt that one is in the presence of a wristwatch that is as eminently collectible as it is strikingly charming. Most importantly, research with the manufacture confirms that the “02”in the reference number corresponds to a “sapphire lacquered” dial which corresponds to this type of blue.
Offered in excellent condition of both case and dial, the present watch will not fail to satisfy the horological needs of the most demanding Royal Oak collectors.

ROLEX A rare and attractive white gold chronograph wristwatch with mother-of-pearl dial, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex Year 2010
Reference No. 116599TBR
Case No. D122945
Model Name Cosmograph Daytona
Material 18K white gold, diamonds and mother-of-pearl
Calibre Automatic, cal. 4130, 44 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Alligator
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 40,000–80,000

Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated January 05, 2010, product literature, wallet, presentation box and outer packaging.

It is incredible how a brand better known for its tool watches also makes some of the most delicately gem-set timepieces available on the market. During the 1980s, Rolex adorned tool watches with precious gems for its most exclusive and demanding clientele, ranging from Sultans in the Middle East to industry titans. Rolex in particular excels in sourcing and setting gemstones. Today, gemset sports watches have come to represent the pinnacle of sports watch collecting.
Bedazzled with baguette-cut diamonds on the bezel and brilliantcut diamonds on the lugs and dial, the watch is also fitted with a mother-of-pearl dial that adds to the splendour. Reference 116599TBR most notably has diamonds on the hooded lugs, which gives a slight design twist on the classic Cosmograph Daytona. In excellent condition, rarely a sports watch has been embellished with such opulence.

PATEK PHILIPPE A highly desirable, rare and attractive pink gold and diamond-set chronograph wristwatch with annual calendar, day/night indication, certificate of origin and presentation box
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 2022
Reference No. 5961R-010
Movement No. 7’498’606
Case No. 6’555’976
Model Name “Bull’s Eye”
Material 18K pink gold and diamond-set

Calibre Automatic, cal. CH 28-520 IRM QA 24H, 40 jewels, stamped with the Patek Philippe Seal
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K pink gold and diamond-set Patek Philippe deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 70,000–140,000
Accompanied by Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin dated November 30, 2022, setting pin, fitted presentation box and outer packaging.
Launched in 2006, the Patek Philippe ref. 5960 bears the firm’s very first self-winding in-house chronograph movement, further enhanced with an additional annual calendar complication. Initially introduced in platinum with a grey dial, the reference evolved with various new case materials and dial configurations over time. It is a piece that merges enormous practicality with elegance and refined savoir-faire. The case lines are clean and simple, obviously inspired by the Calatrava collection. The dial sports a clean-cut layout featuring three apertures indicating the day, date and month at the edge of the dial at 10, 12 and 2 o’ clock and is dominated by the “Bull’s Eye” chronograph counter - giving the watch its nicknamewhich groups chronographic minutes and hours indicated by superimposed hands, and completes the package with a discreet day/ night indicator. The 12 hour counter offers the longest recording span for a Patek wristwatch - which normally show 30 minutes with examples going as low as one minute (ref. 5975).
In 2011, the ref. 5961P was released featuring a baguette-cut diamond-set bezel, further adorned with diamond indexes and a diamond-set deployant clasp. The present pink gold variant is a later, warmer and subtle evolution of the model. The blue dial has been swapped for a black one - with calendar discs in tone - which beautifully contrasts with the warm rose gold case. The present example was delivered on November 30, 2022 and is offered with its full set of accessories by its original owner and in practically unworn condition. Given the increased appeal gem-set watches are currently enjoying, and the overall quite restricted production of such models by Patek Philippe, it is more than likely that acquiring an example of 5961 - not to mention one with the present oneowner provenance and perfect condition - will become more and more challenging in the coming years.

BREGUET A superb and rare white gold chronograph wristwatch with onyx hour and minute track, certificate of origin and presentation box
Manufacturer Breguet
Year Circa 1995
Reference No. 3237
Movement No. 1140
Case No. 3538E
Model Name “Tuxedo”
Material 18k white gold
Calibre Manual, cal. 533, 21 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18k white gold Breguet pin buckle
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 20,000–40,000
Accompanied by Breguet fitted box, blank Certificat d’Origine et de guarantee, user’s manual and outer packaging.

Breguet is typically known for its classic signature elements such as its coin edge cases with thin elongated lugs and of course its superbly elegant hand guilloché dials. However, sometimes, Breguet adds a twist to its dials and the present chronograph reference 3237 is a perfect example.
The outer track is printed in silver over an onyx section. A small detail that makes all the difference and fully impacts the overall attractivity and looks of the watch. Adding panache to elegance and flamboyance to classism. Nicknamed “Tuxedo” due to the color combination, the present chronograph is not just a pretty face but houses one of the most respected manual wind chronograph movements: the Lemania Cal. 2310 – a movement that was used by Patek Philippe, Vacheron Constantin or Roger Dubuis to name a few.
In absolutely superlative condition, the present reference Breguet 3237 chronograph is one of an extremely small number to have come to the market with an onyx dial.

ROLEX A highly attractive, uncommon and surprising yellow gold automatic calendar wristwatch with center seconds, ammonite dial and bracelet
Manufacturer Rolex Year 1977
Reference No. 18038
Movement No. 0330777
Case No. 5’314’794
Model Name Day-Date
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3055, 27 jewels

Bracelet/Strap 18K yellow gold Rolex President bracelet stamped “55” to the endlinks, max length 185mm
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Rolex hidden deployant clasp stamped “F 18000” and “D”
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 20,000–40,000
This example of ref. 18038 most notably displays a hard stone ammonite dial with diamond-set Arabic markers. One of the most unusual dial materials ever to be featured on a watch, this dial in made up of fossilized ammonites (a prehistorical mollusc). Consequently, no two dials are exactly the same in nature, giving each watch a distinctive and unique appearance.
Not only an aesthetical quirk, the intellectual implication of having a timepiece measuring hours, days and week featuring a dial which encapsulates beings millions of years old is quite mind-bending.
Rolex is famed in the world of watchmaking for its excellence of execution and inventiveness when it comes to using hard stone and unusual materials. The manufacture has elevated its dress watches with materials such as rubellite, blood stone, coral, and a number of different fossil-bearing stones, providing an unusual design twist to classic models.

PHILIPPE A lovely and rare pink gold chronograph wristwatch with pink dial
Manufacturer Patek Philippe
Year 1941
Reference No. 130
Movement No. 862’513
Case No. 622’680
Material 18k pink gold
Calibre Manual, cal 13-130, 23 jewels, stamped with the Geneva Seal
Bracelet/Strap Alligator
Clasp/Buckle Gilt pin buckle
Dimensions 33mm Diameter
CHF 30,000–60,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Extract from the Archives confirming production of the present watch in 1941 with rose dial and its subsequent sale on April 3, 1941.

The reference 130 is one of the most storied and researched models made by Patek Philippe. It was first released in 1934 and remained in production until at least 1964. A legacy watch from the golden age of horology, this chronograph perfectly captures the spirit of traditional watchmaking and the supremely elegant ethos of Patek Philippe.
Its case is derived from the Bauhaus-designed reference 96 and was produced in many variations and metals. Some of the earliest timepieces were custom ordered and at times, the single button chronographs featured a Victorin Piguet ébauche. However by the mid-1930s, due to the growing demand from its clientele, Patek Philippe introduced the caliber 13-130 in 1936 using the Valjoux chronograph caliber 13.
The present example adds even more attractivity as it is not only housed in a warm pink case but also also features a rare and extremely coveted pink dial as confirmed by the Extract from the Archives.

PATEK PHILIPPE A fine and rare yellow gold automatic wristwatch with black glossy dial
Manufacturer Patek Philippe
Year 1956
Reference No. 2584
Movement No. 764’047
Case No. 2’600’113
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 12-600, 30 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold PPCo pin buckle
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 25,000–50,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Extract from the Archives confirming production of the present watch in 1956 and its subsequent sale on March 5, 1958.

The present Patek Philippe reference 2584 in yellow gold impresses with its overall superb condition with full case, subtly facetted lugs, crisp hallmark on the lug and striking glossy black dial. Reference 2584 was produced for a short period making it a rare model amongst Patek Philippe time-only wristwatches. In fact only 49 reference 2584 are known of which the present model is the second one with black dial to appear on the market.
This model is powered by the now iconic automatic Patek Philippe caliber 12-600, considered by the cognoscenti as being the most beautiful vintage automatic wristwatch movement ever designed. It is not only finished to the highest degree as attested by the Geneva seal but it also features a Gyromax balance and an 18K gold guilloché rotor.
Furthermore, the reference 2584 features an ingenious snap on back with raised borders fitting snugly into the case and thus increasing the water resistance. Its superb condition, striking combination of yellow gold case and black dial combined with its ultimate rarity make the present reference 2584 a superb addition to any connoisseur’s collection.

ROLEX A very attractive and well preserved stainless steel chronograph wristwatch with salmon dial, tachymeter and telemeter scales
Manufacturer Rolex
Year Circa 1942
Reference No. 3525
Case No. 181’177
Model Name “Barilotto”
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Manual, cal. 13”, 17 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel “grains of rice” bracelet measuring 200mm max
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel deployant clasp
Dimensions 35mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial and movement signed
CHF 40,000–80,000

Launched in 1939, the reference 3525 was Rolex’s very first chronograph wristwatch to be housed in an Oyster case defined by water resistant screw down case back as well as screw down winding crown.
The model was available in yellow gold, bi-metal combinations, pink gold, as well as stainless steel, such as the present execution. Analysis of publicly known pieces shows that - with the exception of a few outliers - most of the production for the reference is grouped in three “batches”, with respectively serial numbers around 40’xxx-50’xxx for the first batch, then in the mid 100’000 for the second, and in the mid-300’000 the last.
The present example from circa 1942 according to the serial number stamped on the caseback reveals that it belongs to the early generation of the model, whilst later examples featured the serial numbers stamped in between the lugs. The ref. 3525 also earned its other nickname “Monoblocco” by Italian collectors as the case is made entirely out of a block of steel including the lugs and the bezel, with the exception of the screw-down caseback.
Fitted with an attractive salmon dial, the present timepiece features a tachymeter and a telemeter scale in French, which correlates nicely with the “Fab.Suisse.” signage positioned at 6 o’clock.

PATEK PHILIPPE A rare, elegant and attractive pink gold perpetual calendar chronograph wristwatch with moonphases, 24-hour indication, leap year indication, certificate of origin, additional caseback, setting pin and presentation box
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 2006
Reference No. 5970R-001
Movement No. 3’047’999
Case No. 4’296’862
Material 18K pink gold
Calibre Manual, cal. 27-70 Q, 24 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Alligator
Clasp/Buckle 18K pink gold Patek Philippe deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement, and clasp signed
CHF 90,000–180,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin stamped Mersmann, Switzerland and dated 24th December, 2006, product literature, leather folio, additional solid case back, setting pin, fitted presentation box and outer packaging.

Released in 2004, the Patek Philippe reference 5970 was one of the shortest production runs from the Maison, lasting approximately 7 years from 2004 to 2011. This very reference was the last perpetual calendar chronograph model to use the Lemania 2310 based movement.
Proud heir to Patek Philippe’s prestigious perpetual calendar chronographs starting with reference 1518, 2499 and 3970, the reference 5970 was the first model developed and designed by Thierry Stern upon his taking the reins of the brand. The reference 5970 in pink gold, like the present example, along side the white gold version was the first variant introduced in 2004 and remained in production until 2009.
The tachymeter scale perfectly encircles the day and month windows which themselves are perfectly clear and legible. The three subdials are also perfectly aligned and in symmetry with the outer dial as well as with the minutes, hours, and chronograph hands. Preserved in excellent overall condition with its full set of accessories, additional caseback and setting pin this is a rare opportunity to obtain one of Patek Philippe’s last classic perpetual calendar chronograph models in pink gold.

ROLEX A highly rare and attractive stainless steel chronograph wristwatch with multi-scale dial
Manufacturer Rolex
Year Circa 1959
Reference No. 6234
Case No. 425’899
Model Name “Pre-Daytona”
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Manual, cal. 72, 17 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex pin buckle
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 20,000–40,000

The present watch demonstrates how a watch can remain extremely original, even sixty years after it has left the Rolex factory. This particular case is presented in extremely remarkable condition. It features full proportions and sharp finishes on the top of the lugs. The numbers between the lugs are particularly noteworthy. Deep and precise, the serial and reference numbers are engraved directly onto the factory-satin finish, demonstrating how they have never seen intervention in the past. The bezel is particularly crisp, with a sharp edge.
The “Swiss”signed dial is equally extraordinary, with no major signs of tarnishing, which is impressive given the age of the watch.

ROLEX A rare and attractive white gold calendar wristwatch with green lacquer “Stella” dial and bracelet, made for the Sultanate of Oman
Manufacturer Rolex Year Circa 1986
Reference No. 18049
Case No. 9’142’831
Model Name Day-Date
Material 18K white gold and diamonds
Calibre Automatic, cal. 1556, 26 jewels
Bracelet/Strap 18K white gold Rolex President bracelet, max length 195mm
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 30,000–60,000
Accompanied by Rolex presentation box.

This superlative white gold Day-Date is set with diamonds on the bezel and the beautiful green lacquer “Stella” dial. Offered in excellent condition, it displays sharp finishes to the top of the lugs and crisp hallmarks.
Most importantly, it is engraved with the “Khanjar” symbol on the caseback. Watches fitted with the “Khanjar” symbol, either on the dial or case, were made on special request from His Majesty Qaboos bin Said Al Said, the Sultan of Oman.
Reference 18049 most notably displays a diamond-set bezel, denoted by the “4” in the reference number. It displays a sapphire crystal and is powered by the Day-Date caliber 3055. White gold Day-Dates are much rarer to come by than their yellow gold counterparts, underscoring the rarity of the present timepiece.

PATEK PHILIPPE A very well-preserved yellow gold wristwatch with sweep center seconds
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 1959
Reference No. 2508
Movement No. 708’008
Case No. 2’609’585
Model Name Calatrava
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Manual, Cal. 27 SC, 18 jewels, stamped twice with the Geneva Seal Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold pin buckle signed PPCo.
Dimensions 35mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial and movement signed
CHF 12,000–24,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Extract from the Archives confirming production of the present watch in 1959 and subsequent sale on November 21, 1959, service papers from the ateliers of Philippe Dufour and travel pouch.

Launched in 1951, at 35mm, reference 2508 was quite a large timepiece for the time, when typical gentlemen’s wristwatches measured a mere 33mm diameter. The model was intended for a more intensive and professional use than the usual Patek Philippe dress watch, even featuring a screw-down case back, enabling the watch to be water resistant - a feature found on a small minority of vintage Patek Philippe’s production.
Reference 2508 most notably features center seconds, powered by the calibre 27SC (SC for Secondes au Centre), one of the most appreciated vintage manually-wound center seconds calibers made by any manufacturer. The caliber 27SC also serves as the base for the movements used in some of the most hallowed complicated Patek Philippe vintage models such as the reference 2497. The Taubert-sourced case features the gently downturned and curvaceous lugs seen on the venerable reference 1463.
The present example is in extremely well-preserved condition with a clean crisp dial with raised enamel print and a yellow gold case with crisp hallmarks to the lugs and case back. In an interesting twist the watch was serviced by Daniella Dufour in July 2020.

A highly attractive and well-preserved white gold wristwatch with center seconds, textured case, chronometer movement and bracelet
Manufacturer Vacheron Constantin
Year 1967
Reference No. 6694
Movement No. 588’009
Case No. 411’650
Model Name “Batman”
Material 18K white gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. K1072/1, 29 jewels
Bracelet/Strap 18K white gold Vacheron Constantin Gay Frères bracelet, max length 170mm

Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Vacheron Constantin buckle stamped 67
Dimensions 35mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet
CHF 8,000–12,000
Accompanied by Vacheron Constantin Extract from the Archives confirming manufacture of the present watch in 1967.
The Chronomètre Royal was originally launched in 1907 as a family of high precision pocket watches and produced in wristwatch form beginning in 1953. The Chronomètre Royal reference 6694 was introduced in 1962, and housed Vacheron Constantin’s first automatic caliber with chronometer certification – the caliber 1072, featuring a chronometric balance and the rotor mounted on ruby ball bearings. Collectors often refer to reference 6694 as “the Batman” due to its wide and dramatic wing-shaped lugs that are instantly recognizable.
The present example is a very rare specimen preserved in impressive condition. Not only does it retain all its original textured finishes, it was even delivered with its original and lavish textured Vacheron Constantin Gay Frères white gold bracelet, which is particularly collectible today.
The finish throughout the bracelet and case is extremely fine and a testament to Vacheron’s commitment to craftsmanship and elegance. The brick-style bracelet is taut, showing this piece was hardly ever worn and was treated with the utmost care by previous owners. The finely cross-hatched pattern on the case and bracelet is a traditional Florentine technique, still used today in haute horlogerie and haute joaillerie. Typically, it is done by hand with a hard-tipped tool (today, a diamond-tipped hammer is used), repeatedly beaten into the metal to achieve the directional texture visible throughout. A series of parallel lines are engraved bidirectionally, giving the metal a matte, almost three-dimensional appearance. The dial possesses a softly radiating silver sunburst appearance, with the Maltese Cross inset with a diamond below the 12 o’clock hour marker.

An extremely attractive, very rare and highly collectible platinum skeletonized perpetual calendar pocket watch with moonphases with proceeds going to charity
Manufacturer Audemars Piguet
Year Circa 1990
Reference No. 25684PT/O/0000/01
Movement No. 275’623
Case No. C34671 and 007
Material Platinum
Calibre Manual, cal. 5020, 20 jewels
Dimensions 49mm Diameter
Signed Case, movement and dial signed
CHF 20,000–40,000

Accompanied by Audemars Piguet Certificate of Origin and Guarantee, setting pin, presentation box and outer packaging.
Calibre 5020 was in production for about 17 years (1979 - 1995). During this time, more than 1000 examples of the movement were produced - however only about 200 pieces were upgraded with the perpetual calendar module. Furthermore, only about one quarter of those (around 50 examples) featured the skeletonized construction. As these 50 skeletonized perpetual calendar calibres were used in different models, these numbers are already enough to give an idea of the scarcity of the present watch.
Beyond the rarity side of the equation, one cannot overlook the absolutely stunning aesthetics of the piece. While skeletonized timepieces tend at times to be difficult to read - especially when the dial, such as in this instance, provides more information than just the time - the adoption of blue chapter rings for the subsidiary counters renders reading the date an effortless endeavour. The same hold true for the time, with the large cathedral-style blued hands providing ideal contrast on the metal background. Also the placing of the hours on an outer track bordered by an additional minute blue track is an obvious effort for maximum legibility.
The final result is an absolute mechanical masterpiece. Offered in excellent condition and with its Audemars Piguet Certificate of Origin and Guarantee, presentation box and outer packaging, this watch will provide endless delight to its new owner.
Please note that the proceeds of the present timepiece will be donated by the consignor to various charities.

CARTIER A highly rare and attractive stainless steel wristwatch with Eastern Arabic numerals, with guarantee and box made in a limited edition of 50 pieces for the Dubai Watch Club
Manufacturer Cartier
Year 2021
Reference No. 4305
Case No. 11

Model Name Santos-Dumont Extra-Large “Dubai Watch Club”
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Manual, cal. 430, 18 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Cartier buckle
Dimensions 46.6mm Length and 33.9mm Width
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 10,000–20,000
Accompanied by Cartier Certificate of Origin, presentation box stamped DWC and outer packaging.

The present watch was made specially by Cartier for the Dubai Watch Club - a collectors’ club based in the United Arab Emirates. Based on the Santos-Dumont Extra-Large model, the “Dubai Watch Club” version is an extremely striking interpretation with a salmon dial and burgundy-coloured Eastern Arabic numerals, keeping in tradition with special edition watches from the region. Its extra-thin appearance is thanks to caliber 430 MC, which measures just 2 mm high.
Cartier special orders are incredibly rare and hard to come by - a special relationship with La Maison is imperative to be granted such an honour, and this collaboration is testament to Cartier’s high esteem for the Dubai Watch Club. Moreover, only 50 examples of this edition was made.
The present watch is furthermore offered in virtually unworn condition with the plastic cover still present.

ROLEX A highly rare and attractive yellow gold dual time wristwatch with bracelet, made for the Sultanate of Oman
Manufacturer Rolex Year Circa 1977
Reference No. 1675
Case No. 5’127’105
Model Name GMT-Master “Khanjar”
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 1570, 26 jewels
Bracelet/Strap 18K yellow gold Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 185mm
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 50,000–100,000

Rolex introduced the GMT-Master, reference 6542, in 1954 in response to growing international travel, working with Pan American Airlines to develop a watch for their pilots that could indicate “home” and “local” time. By 1959, Rolex introduced the next generation model, the reference 1675, which sported crown guards, and the original rotating calibrated Bakelite bezel was replaced with a more durable metal bezel. The reference 1675 was produced from 1959 until 1980 in stainless steel, stainless steel and gold and all gold, and the dial designation evolved to eventually include the now famous “Superlative Chronometer, Officially Certified” text.
The present watch, reference 1675, is a very well-preserved example with sharp hallmarks and a charming, faded brown bezel. The hallmarks beneath the lugs are particularly crisp and the lugs display crisp bevels. Even the bracelet is rigid and tight, attesting to the great condition of the timepiece.
Most impressive is the bright red “Khanjar” printed at 6 o’clock instead of “Superlative Chronometer Officially Certified”. Watches fitted with custom Middle East dials were often presented as gifts to ambassadors, dignitaries, or staff, as a token of gratitude or respect. It was an honor to be presented a Rolex watch with the state symbol. In fact, many of these watches are cherished by their original owners, and passed down from one generation to the next. As a result, Rolex watches with custom dials hardly appear on the market.

CARTIER A rare and very well preserved large yellow gold curved wristwatch with movement by European Watch & Clock Co.
Manufacturer Cartier
Year Circa 1950
Case No. 23473, 31619, 4801 and inside caseback stamped 23473
Model Name Tank Cintrée
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Manual, 19 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Cartier deployant clasp
Dimensions 46.5mm Length and 23mm Width

Signed Case, dial and movement signed, clasp with Cartier hand stamped numbers, movement and case furthermore signed by European Watch & Clock Co. Inc France
CHF 30,000–60,000
Accessories Furthermore accompanied by associated watch straps.
Introduced in 1921, the 9-ligne, Grand Tank Cintrée model was the largest and boldest variation of Cartier’s Tank line. With its long, slender, and gracefully arching case, the Cintrée is without a doubt one of the most beautiful watches made during the 20th century. Measuring a dramatic 46.5mm long by 23mm wide, the Cintrée’s highly curved case was designed to hug the curves of the wrist. The expansive dial and case combine straight lines, sensual curves, and crisp angles, resulting in a ‘modern’ wristwatch with a design far ahead of its time - so much so, in fact, that the design has spawned multiple re-editions; the latest one, just released in 2021, is a faithful hommage to the original version.
Fitted with a movement by European Watch & Clock Co, the present watch is a wonderful example of a Tank Cintrée from approximately 1950 by Cartier Paris. Featuring strong hallmarks throughout the case, this watch is preserved in exceptional condition, displaying a combination of brushed and polished with sharp finishes, evidencing a lack of intervention to the watch. It furthermore shows Cartier’s fine and superior craftsmanship.
The case is particularly large for a 1950s watch, with the rectangular curved case sitting incredibly well on the wrist, showcasing Cartier’s eye for design and proportions. The dial is preserved in excellent condition, with hardly any blemishes or tarnishing. It moreover retains its yellow gold folding deployant clasp which is also hallmarked for France and “EJ” for Edmond Jaeger.

AUDEMARS PIGUET An incredibly elegant and rare yellow gold triple calendar wristwatch with moonphase indication
Manufacturer Audemars Piguet
Year Circa 1950
Reference No. 5514
Movement No. 55’892
Case No. 55’892
Material 18k yellow gold
Calibre Manual, cal. 9/10RSQ, 17 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Dimensions 25mm Width and 25mm Length
Signed Case, dial and movement signed
CHF 50,000–100,000

Rare is a word that can hardly start to describe vintage Audemars Piguet complicated watches like the present triple calendar with moonphases, merging exquisite quality, superb aesthetics and technical ingenuity. Audemars Piguet created its first calendar wristwatch, based on the 10HPVM movement, in 1924 for Swiss watch retailer Gübelin. In the following years Audemars Piguet housed this caliber in different case shapes from rectangular, to cushion, tortue, and round. According to the book “Audemars Piguet 20th Century Complicated Wristwatches” published by the brand, only 22 watches (in yellow, pink and white gold) of the model 5514 were made between 1945to 1950 but only 6 are known.
This model is immediately identifiable by its square case and tear drop lugs, that were later replaced by elongated lugs in the 1960s. Not only a technical marvel, Audemars Piguet has managed to design a balanced and a very legible dial with large text. The case is also in excellent condition with a nice crisp hallmark to the case flank.

PATEK PHILIPPE A very well preserved, historically interesting and extremely uncommon yellow gold automatic wristwatch with “Golden Rule” dial and bracelet, retailed by Tiffany & Co.
Making its debut in 1953, the Patek Philippe ref. 2526 is a cornerstone model: it’s the firm’s first serially produced selfwinding wristwatch. Adored by collectors, the prestigious reference is arguably one of the most impressive time-only model ever manufactured by Patek Philippe due to its technical supremacy and unparalleled elegance. The self-winding caliber 12-600AT is still today considered one of the best self-winding movement ever conceived by any watchmaker and it was the result od literally decades of R&D - as Patek had to wait for the Rolex patent on winding rotors to expire. The case is a simply timeless design, largely inspired by Bauhaus-models such as ref 96, 530 and 570 however its softer lines and more massive presence render it the perfect balance of masculinity and refinement. The waterproof construction adds a layer of practicality.
Encased in yellow gold, pink gold, white gold and platinum, it is remained in production until 1960. The present example Patek Philippe ref. 2526 “Golden Rule” is one of the most recognisable and collectible variations of the series. Retailed by Tiffany, as proudly declared by the signature at 12 o’clock, it features an extremely unusual “Golden Rule” dial with the precept written in its entirety: “Do onto others as you would have them do onto you”. A philosophical concept that can be found in most if not all religion and philosophical views on life, these dials baffled scholars for decades. Originally they were thought to be commissioned by the Freemasons - the Golden Rule being one of their main tenets. This turned out to be only partially true. In depth research discovered that these dials were most likely all ordered by then-US senator (and future President) Lyndon B. Johnson in the 1950s (probably in two different batches) to be gifted to friends and advisors. LBJ was in fact initiated to the Masonry in 1937 - which is where he most likely became familiar with the Golden Rule - even though he does not appear to have been very active - or at all - within the organisation in subsequent times.

PATEK PHILIPPE A very well preserved, historically interesting and extremely uncommon yellow gold automatic wristwatch with “Golden Rule” dial and bracelet, retailed by Tiffany & Co.
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 1956
Reference No. 2526
Movement No. 763’479
Case No. 695’979, retailer number “M395 55081” hand-engraved under the top right lug
Material 18K yellow gold

Calibre Automatic, cal. 12-600AT, 30 jewels, stamped “HOX”, stamped twice with the Geneva Seal Bracelet/Strap 18K yellow gold Patek Philippe “herringbone” bracelet, max length 200mm
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Patek Philippe clasp
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed by maker, dial further signed by retailer, case further numbered by retailer
CHF 50,000–100,000
Last appeared at auction nearly a quarter of a century ago - in Geneva in 2000 - the piece has remained in the same collection ever since. It is offered in spectacular condition of both case and dial. The case features an immaculate and deep hallmark on the band at 6, and it even retains the Tiffany inventory number handengraved under the top left lug. The dial is equally well-preserved, with all graphics intact and without fading. No oxidation marks or scratches are to be found on the surface. The movement as well bears a particularity: it is stamped HOX as expected by a watch sold in USA at this time.
Considering the importance and rarity of these timepieces, it is no surprise that they hardly ever appear on the market. This one was last spotted 24 years ago - and spent this entire span of time in the same collection - but even when looking at other examples the tune does not change: about 10 pieces are known in total. This is without a doubt an unmissable opportunity for the collector of rare, important and historical timepieces.

AUDEMARS PIGUET A unique, superbly attractive and extremely important platinum minute repeating wristwatch with diamond-set numerals and Jean-Pierre Ecoffey integrated bracelet - one of 2 in platinum
It is intriguing how the concept of rarity varies with perspective, and only rarely assumes an objective meaning. Today, a 300-pieces limited edition from the most prestigious brand is considered highly limited. Back in vintage time, the entire production of a model could amount to a few dozen pieces (Patek Philippe two crown worldtimers come to mind - see lot 55). The present piece however represents a completely different tier of rarity. When it comes to vintage Audemars Piguet minute repeaters, one has to assimilate the outlandish concept that a total of 7 wristwatch - not 7 models! - were made from the end of WWII to the 1990s, of which one was transformed into a pendant watch, leaving 6 extant watches.
The present piece can be arguably considered the most impressive of the 7: it is the very last vintage repeater produced by the brand, one of only 2 made in platinum (ironically this last one, and the first one produced), and the only one of the 7 to be fitted with a bracelet. In fact, even considering the entire history of the company, only 3 minute repeating wristwatches are recorded to have left to factory with a bracelet: the present watch, a rectangular piece sold in 1924, and a lady’s bracelet watch from the early twentieth century.

AUDEMARS PIGUET A unique, superbly attractive and extremely important platinum minute repeating wristwatch with diamond-set numerals and Jean-Pierre Ecoffey integrated bracelet - one of 2 in platinum
Manufacturer Audemars Piguet
Year 1960/1983
Reference No. 5538
Movement No. 64’804, “secret number” 3’135 below mainplate
Case No. B 3207
Material Platinum

Calibre Manual, cal. 13JSM on LeCoultre ébauche, jeweled
Bracelet/Strap Platinum Jean-Pierre Ecoffey for Audemars Piguet bracelet , max length 195mm
Clasp/Buckle Platinum Jean-Pierre Ecoffey for Audemars Piguet clasp stamped “6”
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed by maker, clasp further signed by bracelet maker
CHF 200,000–400,000
The numbers above alone are sufficient to classify the watch as one of the most important wristwatches ever made in the history of the brand, but when looking at the aesthetics of the watch and the movement breathing life into it, the appeal of the piece is, no matter how impossible it seems, further amplified.
The icy beauty of the piece is simply sublime, especially when combined with the discreet diamond-set numerals and the outstanding bracelet, a work of art in itself, but the history of the piece is as intriguing as its looks.
The watch was lost to time for nearly half a century, before resurfacing in 2016. Audemars Piguet confirms its production in 1960 as a special order. So peculiar an unusual were minute repeaters within the catalogue of the company, that they had to outsource the ébauche, as AP was not producing chiming movements anymore at the time. The choice fell on a LeCoultre & Cie. ebauche made at the beginning of the 20th century, which Audemars acquired from Vacheron Constantin. This calibre feature an intriguing “secret number” 3185 etched onto the mainplate (hidden by a bridge when the movement is assembled). The ébauche was finished at Audemars Piguet, and the final result is a technological masterpiece featuring straight bridges and hammers close together.

AUDEMARS PIGUET A unique, superbly attractive and extremely important platinum minute repeating wristwatch with diamond-set numerals and Jean-Pierre Ecoffey integrated bracelet - one of 2 in platinum
A case with a diamond-set bezel was produced and with it a bracelet featuring two rows of diamonds at the edges. The unique reference number 5538 was used for this marvel, and it was delivered to a Spanish client through the Madrid retailer “Joyeria Grassy”. And here ends the “first act” of the watch’s history.
The second act opens two decade later, in 1983, when the watch returned to Audemars Piguet. Fashion had remarkably changed in the short span of twenty years, and the watch felt probably a bit too flamboyant. Thus, the diamond-set bezel was swapped for the current plain one, while the bracelet was entirely changed: the old “brick links” bracelet with diamond sides was substituted with the currently much more modern one, featuring an interwoven design interspaced by bold horizontal triple bands. This new bracelet (featuring its own reference number: 573) was realised by Jean-Pierre Ecoffey, one of the most respected case and bracelet makers of all times. At the same time, the piece was serviced and restored by Francisco Pasadin, one of the historical and most skilled Audemars Piguet watchmakers. Once the job was done, it went back to its owner, concluding its “second act” and disappearing in the fog of time for 35 years.
The last leg of its journey is less eventful - for the joy of the connoisseur. It was purchased at auction in 2016 by the current owner - an important collector who treated it with the respect a watch of this importance and in this condition demands: they only admired, wound and operated it from time to time, never wearing it once. This means that the exceedingly impressive condition the watch had when it appeared in 2016 have been perfectly maintained until today.
The cardinal importance of this watch in the overall production of Audemars Piguet cannot be overstated and it is testament to it the fact that the piece is prominently featured in “Audemars Piguet 20th Century Complicated Wristwatches”, a publication realised by the brand itself and considered the “bible” when it comes to scholarship about vintage complicated AP timepieces.

CARTIER A rare and attractive yellow gold curved wristwatch with ink blue dial, made by Cartier London
Manufacturer Cartier
Year Circa 1970
Case No. 9514
Model Name Tank Cintrée
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Manual, Jaeger-LeCoultre cal. K840, 18 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Cartier deployant clasp
Dimensions 42.5mm Length and 21.5m Width

Signed Case, dial and movement signed, case and clasp furthermore with English Hallmarks
CHF 70,000–140,000
Introduced in 1921, the Tank Cintrée model was the largest and boldest variation of Cartier’s Tank line. With its long, slender, and gracefully arching case, the Cintrée is without a doubt one of the most beautiful watches made during the 20th century. The Cintrée’s highly curved case was designed to hug the curves of the wrist. The expansive dial and case combine straight lines, sensual curves, and crisp angles, resulting in a ‘modern’ wristwatch with a design far ahead of its time - so much so, in fact, that the design has spawned multiple re-editions; the latest one, just released in 2021, being a virtually perfect replica of the vintage model.
While a Tank Cintrée is already a very special piece, what makes the present watch even more extraordinary is the presence of the dark inky blue dial that almost looks black, along with the gold painted numerals. Such extraordinary pieces do not appear on the market often, no less in such impressive condition. Possibly unique, the present watch is the only known Cintrée with this dial configuration. The case is crisp with sharp hallmarks and numbers throughout, including the English marks corresponding to 1970 (denoted by “ P”) that are visible on the caseband and clasp. Even the clasp displays the same number as the case, attesting to the fact it was delivered to the watch. Furthermore, the maker’s mark “JC” is visible on the case and clasp, which is the maker’s mark for Cartier and represents Jacques Cartier. This maker’s mark was seen on pieces made by Cartier London.
The present watch furthermore has a noteworthy provenance, as it was formerly in the collection of Ben Clymer, the founder of Hodinkee - the influential editorial and e-commerce journal in the world of watches. This timepiece has been immortalized as it has also been seen on various print media and watch journals, and featured in a video with Ben Clymer wearing the timepiece, recounting the story of how he acquired the watch and how Cartier New York had unofficially confirmed its existence and the dial colour being dark blue.

ROLEX A highly rare and attractive platinum and diamond-set calendar wristwatch with bracelet, made for the Sultanate of Oman and retailed by Asprey
Manufacturer Rolex Year Circa 1975
Reference No. 1802 inside caseback stamped with serial number 3’873’774
Movement No. DD714747
Case No. 3’873’774
Model Name Day-Date “Khanjar”
Material Platinum
Calibre Automatic, cal. 1556, 26 jewels

Bracelet/Strap Platinum Rolex President bracelet, max length 180mm
Clasp/Buckle Platinum Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed, outside caseback stamped Asprey
CHF 70,000–140,000
The present Rolex Day-Date is not just outstanding but an extremely rare example for a number of good reasons. With a striking appeal that is immediately noticeable, the dial is stamped with a red “Khanjar” symbol, a part of the national emblem of Oman. Watches fitted with “Khanjar” dials were made on special request from His Majesty Qaboos bin Said Al Said, the Sultan of Oman, and presented as gifts to his closest dignitaries and servants.
While the ref. 1800 series of Day-Dates were encased in a variety of metals, the present example ref. 1802 featuring a smooth bezel is encased in the highly rare and precious platinum 36mm diameter Oyster case. Most interestingly, the diamond markers are slightly larger than the standard production pieces.
The case back is engraved Asprey as the Sultan’s early Rolex timepieces were only available at the London-based retailer. The Asprey engraving remains clear, crisp and legible, which is incredibly rare as most engravings have been worn off over time due to general wear and light polishing. Once the case back is opened, the case number is repeated inside the case back indicating that the watch was a special order made upon request from Rolex.

ROLEX A rare and attractive stainless steel chronograph wristwatch with “porcelain” dial, bracelet, guarantee, presentation box and outer packaging
Manufacturer Rolex
Year Circa 1989
Reference No. 16520
Case No. R782916
Model Name Cosmograph Daytona
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 4030, 31 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 190mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 70,000–140,000

Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated April 29, product literature, original receipt, tag, service guarantee, presentation box and outer packaging.
In celebration of the Daytona’s 25th anniversary, Rolex released its first self-winding chronograph model, the reference 16520, at Baselworld 1988. Technically impressive, it was powered by the automatic Zenith El Primero calibre, which was substantially modified by Rolex. Over the years, this milestone timepiece has become a collectors’ favorite, with grail examples such as the early and rare “R” series chronographs like the present watch.
Indeed, while reference 16520’s popularity has increased dramatically in the past years, few automatic Cosmograph Daytonas are as beloved as the first-generation models ‘R Series’. As opposed to later white dial 16520s that feature a more matte appearance, these early examples feature a lacquered, glossy surface, a so-called “porcelain” dial. The black graphics is printed on top of the dial, giving it a three-dimensional effect. Furthermore, the Cosmograph script sets further apart from the first four lines of text, as if floating in the middle of the dial. Of particular note is the “inverted 6” on the 6 o’clock subsidiary register, highly appreciated by collectors today. The reference 16520 was the first Daytona to be fitted with a sapphire crystal, and with a larger case diameter measuring 40 mm, which was equipped with the rare 200 graduation bezel. Later examples would have a bezel calibrated to 400 units.
One of the most iconic and cherished wristwatches by collectors today, the Cosmograph Daytona distinguished itself for its classic design, durability, and iconic appeal. The present lot is a rare opportunity to own an early example complete with its full set of accessories including a correct satin finished bracelet and preserved in honest and good overall condition.

PATEK PHILIPPE An extremely rare and supremely attractive stainless steel chronograph wristwatch with two-tone sector dial
Patek Philippe’s reference 130 is without a doubt one of the brand’s landmark vintage models. It subtly merges the “Calatrava” case design - defined by clean, simple, utilitarian lines following the Bauhaus mantra “form follows function” - with the sporty elegance of a chronograph. In production for close to 30 years, reference 130 was made in yellow, pink and white gold and - a minority - in steel with a diverse range of different dial variations.
One interesting observation to note is that the lugs of the stainless steel version are different from that of all other case materials. They are slightly thicker and shorter in design giving this classic timepiece a more compact, sportier look.

An extremely rare and supremely attractive stainless steel chronograph wristwatch with two-tone sector dial
Manufacturer Patek Philippe
Year 1937
Reference No. 130
Movement No. 860’515
Case No. 505’192
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Manual, cal 13’’’130, 23 jewels Bracelet/Strap Leather strap
Dimensions 33mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial and movement signed
CHF 200,000–400,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Extract from the Archives confirming production of the present watch in 1937 with “silvered dial, black enamel numerals at 12 and 6 o’ clock, tachometer scale” and its subsequent sale on August 9, 1938.
The present specimen is a highly appealing variation featuring a superb two-tone silvered sector dial cased in stainless steel. It is considered one of the most desirable combinations for collectors. It is interesting to note how sector dials were in fashion for a remarkably short time. They are usually found on watches made during the second half of the 1930s. It appears that Patek Philippe realised a number of sectorial designs, differing from each other in the number of sectors and type of numerals employed. The present design, for example, is known also with applied numerals at 6 and 12 (see lot 30, Phillips Hong Kong, 27 November 2018 ). Furthermore, an identical dial layout (with enameled numerals) happened to break the world record for reference 130 in steel at Phillips Geneva in May 2016. Even counting all different variations, however, sector dials remain as unobtainable as they are attractive: only a few dozens such watches are overall known from the entire auction market.
The dial is preserved in overall honest and lovely condition, with the hard enamel long signature and scales without losses or signs of restoration. The case as well is in very attractive condition and has not been subjected to careless polishing.
Originally offered at auction in 2020 by the family of the original owner, the present watch was originally delivered to France, the country where it resided its entire life until it was consigned to Phillips for the sale - fitting as the dial is signed “FAB. SUISSE”, denoting that the watch was delivered to France.

An extremely fine and exceedingly rare pink gold perpetual calendar split seconds chronograph wristwatch with moon phases, 24 hours, leap year indicator, black dial, original certificate and fitted presentation box
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 2011
Reference No. 5004R-018
Movement No. 3’275’457
Case No. 4’514’251
Material 18K pink gold
Calibre Manual, cal. 27-70 Q, 28 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K pink gold Patek Philippe pin buckle
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 150,000–300,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin dated February 25, 2011 confirming the black dial, additional numbered case back, hang tag, setting ping, leather portfolio, numbered slip case, wallet, fitted presentation box and outer packaging.
The present reference 5004 sets the collectability bar well beyond an already highly prized standard 5004 thanks to the potent combination of pink gold case and original black dial (as confirmed by the Certificate of Origin). A rare combination of which only a handful are known. One of the great classics of the modern Patek Philippe catalogue, the reference 5004 was produced between 1994 and 2010. It is the first Patek Philippe serially produced perpetual calendar chronograph model with moonphases - a set of complications rooted in the history of the brand, the first model made in series being reference 1518 launched in 1941 - with the additional split second complication. Together with the reference 5070 and 5970, it is the last Patek Philippe model to employ the “Nouvelle Lemania” based calibre.
The aesthetics of the watch are based on the reference 3970 (itself based on the iconic ref. 2499), with subtle differences: the dial features large Arabic numerals instead of baton markers most often found on the ref. 3970; the case is thicker and 0.8 mm larger as a result of the split-seconds complication, granting it a more substantial wrist presence, while still remaining very elegant and understated. The intricacy of the split seconds module, compounded with the already complex perpetual calendar chronograph and the enormously high finishing standard of the company, commanded an incredibly slow production rate. While the model was cased in a variety of metals, pink gold examples with black dials are incredibly rare. In addition, this dial is confirmed by the Certificate of Origin with the suffix -018, adding another element of collectibility. This watch is complete with its Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin dated February 25, 2011 confirming the black dial, additional numbered case back, leather portfolio, numbered slip case, wallet, fitted presentation box and outer packaging.

PATEK PHILIPPE An astoundingly well-preserved, highly important and supremely scarce yellow gold world time wristwatch with two crowns, guilloché dial and metallic city ring
There are watch models that in virtue of their historical importance, rarity and attractiveness have soared above all the rest and are regarded unanimously by the community as “watch collecting endgame”: pieces that, once acquired, a connoisseur can feel to have reached the utmost top of collecting, he or she becoming part of an ultra-exclusive club which only the most discerning and demanding collectors can say to have joined. The two-crown Patek Philippe worldtime is potentially the very first model to reach this kind of “ultimate grail” status, achieving it as soon as 1989, when an example was chosen as cover lot of the “Art of Patek Philippe” auction. Since then, its popularity has been steadily increasing - a trend which seems nowhere close to ending.
The present example is without a doubt one of the most appealing and collectible Patek Philippe two-crown worldtime wristwatches to ever come to market in virtue of its unpolished case which perfectly preserves all the details of its peculiar architecture in absolutely unmolested condition. All the facets of the lugs are perfectly preserved, with sharp edges. The inward step where the lug joins the band is incredibly prominent, the satin finish is original and unspoiled and the hallmark is a joy to behold.
The dial is as impressive as the case, featuring a city ring with strong engraved/enamelled graphics in beautiful contrast with the metallic finish. The guilloché center is absolutely pristine, without hints of oxidation. The 24-hour ring features perfectly preserved graphics, without signs of fading. Such remarkable condition is not only a rarity but also a necessity if one is to admire this design in all of its unabashed beauty, especially concerning the case: even the most minute rounding of the edges dramatically alters its aesthetic effect which so strongly relies on facets and edges to convey its power.

An astoundingly well-preserved, highly important and supremely scarce yellow gold world time wristwatch with two crowns, guilloché dial and metallic city ring
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year Circa 1960
Reference No. 2523/1
Movement No. 724314
Case No. 313048

Model Name Two-Crown World Time, Ore del Mondo Doppia Corona
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Manual, cal.12-400, 18 jewels, stamped twice with the Geneva Seal Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Patek Philippe pin buckle
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 1,200,000–2,400,000
Accompanied by Patek Philippe Extract form the Archives.
The complication is defined by the presence of two rings: a fixedbut adjustable - one with the 24 time zones, and a second 24-hour ring, usually divided in nocturnal and diurnal halves for easier readability, revolving counterclockwise. This simple but brilliant system allows for the correct time for each city to be read on the respective adjacent segment of the 24-hour ring: a true Columbus’ Egg of watchmaking. The worldtime complication is a direct consequence of the advancements in the field of communication technology. While today it is rightfully identified as a traveler’s complication, its original purpose was in fact more “static”; the earliest examples do not even have a system to adjust the time zone. In its first conceptualisation, it meant to allow people with international business/interests to track simultaneously the time everywhere in the world. Imagine being PanAm CEO in the 1950s, and having to place consecutive calls (a real-world situation, since the mid first half of the past century) to your Tokyo, Rome, New York and Sydney offices. Knowing what time it is in each city helps you plan the calls. That is why watchmaker Louis Cottier developed the system in the 1930s, when intercontinental telecommunication was beginning to be more commonplace. Very early in it’s evolution, however, the revolving city ring was introduced, thus “consecrating” forever the worldtime as a traveler’s timepiece.
Reference 2523 is in fact the final step (in vintage wristwatches) of a refinement process that had begun two decades earlier. The very first Patek Philippe examples of the system involved a fixed city ring (as mentioned, without the possibility of easily changing the local time zone) and were executed as practically one-off -pieces such as reference 515 (a rectangular model), two modified examples of reference 96 (96HU), and references 542 and 1416, two 3-piece series, probably market tests - together with a prototype series of three 1415 examples.

PATEK PHILIPPE An astoundingly well-preserved, highly important and supremely scarce yellow gold world time wristwatch with two crowns, guilloché dial and metallic city ring

The first serially produced model was reference 1415, featuring a 31mm diameter and a rotating 24h ring and fixed city bezel, allowing for user-friendly change of time zone. In fact it proved itself quite successful - for such a new and unorthodox model - with about 115 pieces made mostly during the 1940s.
The evolution of ref. 1415, reference 2523 is miles away from its ancestor in terms of design. It features an oversize-for-the-time 36 mm case, two crowns (one to set the city ring) and a city ring which becomes integral part of the dial rather than being engraved to the bezel (a “bead and notches” system allows for the city ring to smoothly snap into place at each time zone, a detail which highlights the attention Patek Philippe reserved to this model). It would seem that such elaborate and refined aesthetics - which make the timepiece so iconic and attractive nowadays - were too ahead of their time: reference 2523 was in fact a commercial disaster, and consequently production was very limited. A slightly modified version (ref. 2523-1, the present watch) was launched as well, but with no different outcome.
The importance of this model is well recognised by the brand itself: 3 examples are housed in the Patek Philippe museum.
Combining rarity, technical proficiency, mind-blowing good looks and ultimate exclusivity, this watch is unarguably one of the most important timepieces in existence and it would be the crown jewel of even the most important wristwatch collection.

PATEK PHILIPPE An astoundingly well-preserved, highly important and supremely scarce yellow gold world time wristwatch with two crowns, guilloché dial and metallic city ring
Born in Geneva in 1894 to automata-maker Emmanuel Cottier, Louis Cottier was consequently in contact with watch/automatamaking since the very beginning of his life. He was formally trained in watchmaking at the École d’Horlogerie in Rue Necker, Genève. During these years, he was classmate with Edouard Wengercelebrated casemaker and lifelong friend - and trained under watchmaker Henri Hess, whom he held in the highest of regards. He will later recall “In 1908, we (Edouard and I) were side by side in the class of Herni Hess … none (other teacher) has left such a deep and lasting mark as Henri Hess did.”
After school, he worked for Jaeger until 1931, when the Great Depression had him loose his job and subsequently set up his own shop in Geneva at 45, Rue Vautier. It is with the introduction of the worldtime system that same year (patent no. 270085) that he made his name immortal. In fact, the inspiration for the idea came from his father’s unsuccessful attempt at tackling the same problem. When introduced, the worldtime complication was a truly novel complication, with a completely new aesthetic layout and which address a previously non-existent need. The novelty effect was in fact a success, and companies such as Vacheron Constantin, Agassiz (today known as Longines), and Rolex were also among Cottier’s clients.
In 1947, he moved to 20, Rue Ancienne and began to industrialise and improve his production methodology. It is during these years that he acquired the trust of Rolex’s founder Hans Wilsdorf to the point that, also thanks to the recommendation of horological historian Alfred Chapuis, he was appointed curator of his collection, a post most congenial to him also due to his love for history. He was in fact also a dedicated scholar of Genevan History, and his renown in the field was so high that important collectors would go to him asking not only for restorations, but also for historical researches on their timepieces. Furthermore, he was also a talented painter and aquarellist.
He kept on developing new horological solutions, mostly for Patek Philippe, such as the present two-crown update to his worldtime system (1950); a 1954 wristwatch with double dial but single movement (a world’s first) and 1958 linear hour watch (which is the inspiration for the contemporary Urwerk’s “Cobra” timepieces). His final contribution to watchmaking history comes in 1959, when he patented the jump-hour travel time system found on Patek Philippe reference 2597. He passed away on September 16, 1966 in Carouge, the Geneva neighbourhood where he lived and worked for virtually his entire life.
Movement: The overall execution of the timepiece is, from a purely technical standpoint, absolutely extraordinary. The watch is powered by one of Patek Philippe’s most reliable “time only” movements of the time, 12 lignes calibre 12’’’400, personally modified by Louis Cottier - the inventor of the world time system. The legendary watchmaker in fact insisted for personally executing the final assembly of every single piece (and to hand-make the hands) of the production.
Dial: Going beyond the usual Patek Philippe quality, the restricted production output and the differently decorated dials meant that each one of these watches was treated practically as a Pièce Unique - the most important components of the movement and dial are hand-finished and univocally linked to each watch: in fact, a movement number can be found on virtually all the main parts, including: 24 hour disc (movement number stamped to the underside, and then last 2 digits repeated on the metal ring with the toothing), city ring (hand-engraved to the underside), toothed gear for the city ring (hand-engraved to the upper-side), movement (both sides), and of course to the underside of the enamel disc together with Louis Cottier’s monogram LC. The case number is present, beyond inside the caseback as usual, also on the inside of the bezel (last 3 digits hand engraved twice, in Roman numerals and in Arabic numerals) and is also stamped to the movement bracing.
Case: Made by Geneva-based Antoine Gerlach - poinçon number 4 in a Key - it is one of the most fascinating and complex Patek Philippe designs. Already, the inclusion of a second crown - making this the only vintage single-dial Patek Philippe model sporting 2 crowns - was extremely avant-garde. The large 36mm diameter was also destined to raise eyebrows, especially when found in an elegant gold Patek Philippe dress watch. However, it is the design of the lugs that will live on as one of the most brave - and ultimately impressive, even though it took decades to be appreciated - architectures employed by the brand. These cases in fact present a distinct evolution:
- The lugs of ref 2523 are consistent throughout production, faceted and raised above the bezel. The case numbers for ref. 2523 are randomly found within the 306’1xx/306’2xx range, with one outliers (305’699).
- The cases of ref. 2523/1 feature instead consecutive numbers and present an evolution
- Earlier watches (First Series - lowest case no. known: 313’036; Highest: 313’043 ) feature a more streamlined, facet-less lug design. The lugs are not raised above the bezel.
- Later pieces (Second Series - lowest known case: 724’044; highest: 724’051) reintroduce the faceted design of ref. 2523 but keep a lower height, with the lugs not going above the bezel. Practically, this last evolution strikes the sweet spot between the previous two.
A downside of the faceted lugs design is that the soft gold edges are very sensitive to polishing, with many examples of the model featuring rounded edges. Luckily, the present instance happens to
be one of the very few case which survived absolutely unpolished until today, allowing us to admire this architecture in all of its glory. Possibly to to its original lukewarm reception, Patek Philippe employed a remarkable range of dials for this reference maybe as an effort to lure in clients with different tastes. The model is known with plain silvered dial (2523-1 First Series), blue enamel dial (found on 2523), cloisonné enamel dials (2523) and engine-turned dial (found both on 2523 and on Second Series 2523-1, albeit different designs). The city ring as well features an evolution, with earlier version featuring a matte grené finish while the Second Series of ref. 2523/1 - the present watch - features a metallic-finish dial very much in tone with the guilloché center for a somewhat futuristic/ steampunk effect.
A recap of the dial evolution for the model looks as follows:
Ref. 2523 can feature (without real chronological order) the following dials (and the city ring is matte):
- golden guilloché dial
- blue enamel dial
- cloisonné dials
Ref. 2523-1 can feature:
- First Series: plain silvered dial, matte city ring - earliest known: 724’302, latest known: 724’309.
- Second Series: silvered guilloché dial, metallic city ring - earliest known: 724’310, latest known: 724’310.
A comprehensive list of all the known 2523/2523-1 is summarised in the table below, which shows us that: The production of reference 2523 movements was made in two batches, one starting with movement no. 720’300, and the other with no. 722’700. Yellow, pink and white gold examples are known. The latest known movement no. of the first batch is 720’308, and movement 720’312 is a ref. 96, thus the total output of this batch is between 9 and 12 pieces.
The latest known movement no. of the second batch is 722’719, and movement 722’724 is a ref. 2431, thus the total output of this batch is between 20 and 24 pieces. Consequently, the total output for reference 2523 must be between 29 and 36 pieces. The production of reference 2523-1 is even more restricted, most likely around 20 pieces in total with consecutive movement numbers and a production evenly split between First and Second Series.
First Series (flat lugs, plain silvered dial, matte city ring): most likely starting with 724’300 (but the earliest known is 724’302) up to 724’309 - potentially 10 pieces, 5 are known all in yellow gold. Second Series (faceted lugs, guilloché dial, metallic city ring - the present watch): they start at 724’310 and the last known example is 724’318 - most likely it was made in around the same numbers as the First Series but no movement number has appeared on the market from 724’319 to 724’334 (a ref. 2500R). 8 Second Series pieces are known, 4 in yellow gold and 4 in pink gold.
Below, a list of all known watches:
720’300 - 305’699 - YG - Guilloché
720’301 - 306’193 - YG - Eurasia
720’302 - unknown
720’303 - 306’197 - YG - Eurasia
720’304 - 306’201 - YG - Eurasia
720’305 - unknown
720’306 - unknown
720’307 - unknown
720’308 - 306’199 - YG - Gold Guilloché
720’309 - unknown
720’310 - unknown
720’311 - unknown
720’312 - ref. 96
722’700 - 306’202 - YG - Guilloché
722’701 - unconfirmed - YG - Guilloché
722’702 - 306’207 - YG - Guilloché
722’703 - 306’208 - YG - Blue enamel
722’704 - 306’209 - YG - Blue enamel
722’705 - 306’204 - YG - Blue enamel
722’706 - 306’205 - YG - North America
722’707 - 307’475 - WG - North America
722’708 - 306’210 - YG - North America
722’709 - 306’211 - YG - North America
722’710 - 306’206 - YG - South America
722’711 - 306’212 - YG - South America
722’712 - 306’213 - PG - Guilloché
722’713 - unknown
722’714 - 306’215 - PG - Blue enamel
722’715 - 306’216 - PG - Blue enamel
722’716 - 306’217 - PG - North America
722’717 - 306’218 - PG - North America
722’718 - unknown
722’719 - 306’220 - PG - South America
2523-1 First Series
724’300 - unknown
724’301 - unknown
724’302 - YG - silvered
724’303 - YG - silvered
724’304 - YG - silvered
724’305 - unknown
724’306 - unknown
724’307 - YG - silvered
724’308 - Unknown
724’309 - YG - silvered
2523-1 Second Series
724’310 - YG - guilloché
724’311 - YG - guilloché
724’312 - YG - guilloché
724’313 - unknown
724’314 - YG - guilloché
724’315 - PG - guilloché
724’316 - PG - guilloché
724’317 - PG - guilloché
724’318 - PG - guilloché
Combining rarity, technical proficiency, mind-blowing good looks and ultimate exclusivity, this watch is unarguably one of the most important timepieces in existence and it would be the crown jewel of even the most important wristwatch collection.
DANIEL ROTH A highly rare and attractive pink gold perpetual calendar wristwatch with pink dial
Manufacturer Daniel Roth
Year 1990s
Reference No. C117
Movement No. 012
Case No. 012
Material 18K pink gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 8810, 30 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18 pink gold buckle
Dimensions 35mm Width and 38mm Length
Signed Case, dial and movement signed
CHF 25,000–50,000

It is no small feat to create an immediately recognizable design language like Daniel Roth has, with his signature ellipsocurvex case shape, hands with pointed tips and dials with a horizontal or Clous de Paris guilloché patterns.
Roth’s perpetual calendar was conceived originally with Philippe Dufour – whose workshops were only a stone’s throw away from Roth’s Vallée de Joux ateliers. The goal was to create the world’s first instantaneous perpetual calendar whereby all the calendar functions would jump to the next increment at the same time at midnight. However, due to the weight of the day and month discs the movement would require too much energy and this proved technically challenging and as such Roth retained the more classical “semi instantaneous” system for this watch.
The present example, featuring a beautiful pink dial on a pink gold case, is a superb example of Roth’s philosophy: technical prowess, perfect legibility and a strong design.

VOUTILAINEN A rare and attractive stainless steel limited edition wristwatch with center seconds, guilloché dial, certificate of origin, presentation box and outer packaging, number 2 of a limited edition of 10 pieces
Manufacturer Voutilainen
Year Circa 2020
Case No. 28SC AC 2/10
Model Name 28SC
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Manual, cal. Vingt-8, 22 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Voutilainen buckle
Dimensions 38.5mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 70,000–140,000

Accompanied by Voutilainen Certificate of Origin, product literature, presentation box and outer packaging.

Made in a limited edition of only 10 pieces in stainless steel and 10 pieces in titanium, the Voutilainen 28SC wristwatch completely represents the DNA of its maker, yet departs from the ordinary due to its concave lugs.
With the launch of the Vingt-8 line, Kari Voutilainen entered the exclusive club of artisans having fully developed an in-house movement. This apparently simple movement features a complex direct impulse escapement enabling a more constant distribution of energy. Furthermore, the extra-large balance allows fine regulation of the watch using a rare balance spring system with the exterior of the spring using a Breguet overcoil, while the internal curve uses the little known Grossmann curve.
The elegant dial is furthermore made in house. The two tone dial is made from silver and engine turned by hand - a skill which Voutilainen is best known for.

REXHEP REXHEPI An exceptionally rare, platinum wristwatch with white Grand Feu enamel dial, zero-reset function, certificate of origin and presentation box, number 3 of a limited edition of 25 pieces
Rexhep Rexhepi is certainly one of the most exciting independent watchmakers to emerge in the past years garnering almost cultlike status. Thanks to the immense success of the Chronomètre Contemporain in 2018 he became a name to be reckoned with no longer only with the independent watch cognoscenti but amongst the wider horological world.
Rexhepi is however far from an overnight sensation, having built his brand on hard work, talent and “blood sweat and tears”. At the age of 14, Rexhepi began his horological career with an apprenticeship at Patek Philippe and moving up as watchmaker, focusing on tourbillons. He later joined F.P. Journe and BNB before opening his own ateliers. He named his brand Akrivia, inspired by the Greek word for precision and immediately created a design language with his somewhat tonneau shaped watches with flamboyant dials.
The Chronomètre Contemporain was a breakthrough in many ways, it was his first round watch but also his first watch to feature his name Rexhep Rexhepi and not Akrivia. The model was made in either pink gold with black enamel dial or platinum with a white enamel dial, each version limited to just 25 pieces.
The dial is further enhanced with an Art-Deco-esque asymmetrical outline that highlights each Roman numeral in an alternating pattern. Adding depth and dimension to the dial, the small seconds is positioned in a recessed sub-register at 6’oclock, surrounded by a delicate gilded ring—a subtle detail that was not included in the initial prototype.

Ref. RRCC1 Chronomètre Contemporain

REXHEP REXHEPI An exceptionally rare, platinum wristwatch with white Grand Feu enamel dial, zero-reset function, certificate of origin and presentation box, number 3 of a limited edition of 25 pieces
Manufacturer Rexhep Rexhepi
Year 2019
Reference No. RRCC1
Movement No. N°3
Model Name Chronomètre Contemporain
Material Platinum
Calibre Manual, cal. RR-01, 19 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Platinum pin buckle
Dimensions 38mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial and movement signed
CHF 300,000–600,000
Accompanied by Rexhep Rexhepi fitted box, Certificate of Origin and Warranty, letter to the owner, leather wallet, outer packaging.

The impeccable quality of the movement that powers the Chronomètre Contemporain is as to be expected from Rexhep Rexhepi and his small team of artisans. An architectural dream, the unusually symmetrical caliber RR-01 is not only appealing but is also a testament to its mechanical prowess. The movement is equipped with a hacking-second and zero-reset mechanism that allows the small seconds hand to pause and revert to zero when the winding crown is pulled. This function is rarely incorporated into wristwatches and maximises precision when time is being set via a heart-shaped cam beneath the small seconds hand, akin to the resetting mechanism in a chronograph. A single barrel that rotates on a central jewelled steel bridge, similar to ones used for a tourbillon carriage, is also employed, resulting in up to 100 hours of power reserve.
The finishing of the caliber RR-01 is faultless, showing off a ranging display of hand polished surfaces on every plate and bridge, around every turn and corner. Each anglage on both visible and concealled parts of the movement are rounded, in the bombé style, and requires the most skilled and experienced artisans to achieve manually. Adhering to the traditional standards of Genevan haute horology, the movement plates are decorated with deep, defined Côtes de Genève stripes. A spotlight is shone on certain components with a suave black polishing, such as the cap for the balance cock. Smaller details, like the perlage finishes on the base plate, are tastefully executed, bringing the movement’s entire aesthetic to a whole new level of classic, while richly adorned with details.
We are proud to offer the very first platinum Chronomètre Contemporain that comes to an international auction room.

GREUBEL FORSEY An impressive and unusual white gold dual time and worldtime wristwatch with tourbillon regulator, power reserve indication, Certificate and box, numbered 62 of a limited edition of 100 pieces
Manufacturer Greubel Forsey Year Circa 2013
Reference No. GF05
Movement No. No. 62
Case No. No. 62
Model Name GMT Tourbillon
Material 18K white gold
Calibre Manual, cal. GF GMT, 50 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather

Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Greubel Forsey double deployant clasp
Dimensions 43.5mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 100,000–200,000
Accompanied by undated Greubel Forsey certificate, leather wallet, user manual, loupe, gloves, polishing cloth, traveling pouch, presentation box and outer packaging.
With an asymmetric case design, a dial featuring three different GMT/world time indications, and an inclined tourbillon, this timepiece is a watchmaking tour-de-force both from an aesthetic and a technical point of view. The dial itself is simply mesmerizing. The main time indication is relegated to a subdial at 12 o’clock, flanked to the right by the fan-shaped power reserve indication and another subdial for the constant seconds. On the left side of the main dial, one finds the main GMT indication, controlled by the pusher in the band. The lower part of the dial is dedicated to the main features of the watch. On the left, a globe surrounded by a 24 hours ring gives a visual impression of the current time through the planet. A window on the band allows the beholder to gaze at the southern hemisphere.
On the right one can admire a 25 seconds tourbillon featuring a 24 degree inclination. This particularly complex configuration required enormous efforts in research and development (focused for example on the teeth geometry for the inclined escapement, or on the energy management in a 24 seconds tourbillon - a much faster rate than the usual 60 seconds) but allows for improved accuracy and a more striking visual effect. Turning the watch around to its case back, an additional world-time indication is prominently displayed by a wheel with 24 cities featuring an inner “summer time” ring and an outer “winter-time” ring - this being a less artistic but more readable rendering of the world time complication compared to the rotating globe.
The present piece is number 62 of a limited edition of 100 pieces. The present limited edition white gold example is offered in very attractive condition and complete of all of its accessory - a true delight for the connoisseur of high-end watchmaking.

An extremely important and early “pre-souscription” chronometer wristwatch numbered 57/00R with double escapement, power reserve indicator, early “shiny” dial, shallow engravings, certificate of origin and presentation box
F.P. Journe’s first wristwatch launched under his newly created brand was the Tourbillon Souverain in 1999 rapidly followed by what was then – and remains- an incredibly cutting edge and innovative timepiece: the Chronomètre à Résonance, the world’s first wristwatch to use the resonance phenomenon. The movement is composed of two independent balances, alternatively serving as an “exciter” and “resonator.” This phenomenon was first documented in horology by French royal clockmaker Antide Janvier in the 18th century in his double pendulum clocks, but it was François-Paul Journe who created the world’s first wristwatch using this phenomenon, officially launching in 2000.
The earliest F.P. Journe Chronomètre à Résonance examples can be divided into three categories. After the first two years of case production (99R and 00R), the characteristics of the Résonance become more standardized, until the brass movement series is discontinued in its entirety by 2004.
No. 001 – 020: The Souscription watches. These were first offered to those twenty clients of Journe who purchased his Tourbillon Souverain, funding his brand. They bear the suffix /00R for their production year of 2000. They were not necessarily delivered in that order, contrary to previous schools of thought, but many of the clients who purchased a Souscription Tourbillon also ordered a matching Résonance. They have the deeper engravings to the caseback, as Journe used laser-etching for this series.

Chronomètre à Resonance “Pre-Souscription”

An extremely important and early “pre-souscription” chronometer wristwatch numbered 57/00R with double escapement, power reserve indicator, early “shiny” dial, shallow engravings, certificate of origin and presentation box
Manufacturer F.P. Journe
Year 2000
Case No. 057/00R
Model Name Chronomètre à Resonance “Pre-Souscription”
Material Platinum
Calibre Manual, cal. 1499, 36 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Alligator
Clasp/Buckle Platinum F.P.Journe pin buckle
Dimensions 38mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 400,000–800,000
Accompanied by F.P. Journe fitted box, Certificate of Origin and service invoice dated August 8, 2006.

No. 021 – 03X: The Pre-Production watches, with suffix /99R. These were in fact the first approximately 10 Resonances created by Journe and are numbered after the Souscription watches but produced and sometimes delivered before. About 10 examples. With shallow engravings.
No. 03X – 05X: The Pre-Souscription watches, with suffix /00R, like the present example. Estimated 30-40 examples. These were ordered before the Souscription Resonances and bear the shallow engravings and shiny dials typical of the earliest references R and T.
The earliest Pre-Souscription Résonances share all the delightful traits of the very first pieces to be manufactured by Journe, with the exception that their cases were ordered in 2000, rather than 1999. One could conclude that the “pre-production” watches, ordered in 1999, were delivered to those who attended the Basel Fair wherein Journe presented his creations to the public for the first time. The Pre-Souscription watches, one can hypothesize, were purchased by the first members of the public to be won over by Journe’s horological merits.
The present example number 57 is the last example known of the Pre-Souscription series, it features the coveted shallow engravings, shiny gold dial and silvery sub-dials. Interestingly it still features the round screws on the caseback found on the very early examples as opposed to the notched screws found in later Pre-Souscription and regular production models. The present Pre-Souscription number 57 was purchased by the consignor from the original owner in the early 2000s, sent to Journe in 2006 for servicing (where only the movement was serviced – all other original elements remaining as is) and worn only sparingly since.

Chronomètre à Resonance “Pre-Souscription”

LAURENT FERRIER A lovely and exceedingly exclusive white gold wristwatch with grand feu black enamel dial, applied Breguet numerals, double direct-impulse escapement, additional white grand feu enamel dial,warranty and presentation box
Manufacturer Laurent Ferrier
Year 2018
Movement No. 621
Model Name Galet Micro-Rotor 40mm
Material 18k white gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 229.01, 35 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Alligator
Clasp/Buckle 18k white gold Laurent Ferrier pin buckle
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
CHF 25,000–50,000

Accompanied by Laurent Ferrier fitted box, additional white grand feu enamel dial, guarantee, product literature, loupe, polishing cloth and outer packaging.
Laurent Ferrier timepieces are the epitome of sotto voce elegance and style and the present Gallet with its black grand feu enamel dial and applied Breguet numerals is no exception.
Laurent Ferrier began his eponymous brand in 2010 - after 35 years spent at Patek Philippe- and immediately captured the heart of purists with his Galet Classic Tourbillon Double Spiral. Notable for the subtle sophistication of his timepieces, the Galet Micro-Rotor was unveiled in 2011. The sinuous contour and flowing turned lugs resembles a river stone, hence the name “Galet” meaning pebble in French.
Giving life to this timepiece is the incredibly well finished and cutting edge self-winding calibre FBN 229.01. Taking inspiration from the natural escapement invented by Abraham-Louis Breguet, the movement features a double direct-impulse escapement using two nickel phosphorous escape wheels and a silicon lever to ensure better distribution of energy. The movement is further hand decorated lavishly to the nth degree with a beautifully tapered rotor bridge, polished angles and Geneva waves.
To the best of our research the present timepiece with its grand feu black enamel dial and Breguet numerals is a special order, but it also comes with an additional white grand feu enamel dial with Roman numerals.

A rare and extremely attractive platinum split second chronograph wristwatch with Eastern Arabic numerals, certificate and presentation box
Manufacturer F.P. Journe
Year Circa 2020
Reference No. 089-CM
Model Name LineSport
Material Platinum
Calibre Manual, cal. 1518, 29 jewels

Bracelet/Strap Platinum F.P. Journe bracelet, max length 185mm
Clasp/Buckle Platinum F.P. Journe deployant clasp
Dimensions 44mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 150,000–300,000
Accompanied by undated International Guarantee stamped Boutique F.P Journe Beirut, polishing cloth, fitted presentation box and outer packaging.
Introduced in 2011 by F. P. Journe, the Octa Sport line initially featured cases made of ultra-light aluminum. The inspiration for this collection stemmed from a significant collector and dedicated sports enthusiast who actively participated in marathon and triathlon competitions. F.P. Journe ventured into the realm of splitseconds complications for the first time during the Only Watch Charity Auction in November 2017. Several months afterward, an official production version of the watch was introduced as part of Journe’s LineSport collection, available in titanium, pink gold, or like the present example, platinum cases. The movements employed in the platinum and pink gold variations adhered to Journe’s conventional pink gold construction, while the movement in the titanium model utilized an unconventional material for watchmaking: aluminum.
Distinguished by its uncommon and captivating blue-purple dial featuring a central guilloché pattern, this timepiece exceptionally showcases Eastern Arabic numerals for the hours, the minute track (in intervals of 5), the small seconds, the 30-minute chronograph counter, and the oversized date. Most probably a custom order, it is believed that around 5 examples have been made in this configuration. Inside the present LineSport split second chronograph beats the exceptional hound-wound caliber 1518, further visible in all its pride through the sapphire case back. An evolution of the movement Journe used in the initial Only Watch unique piece, the caliber 1518 could be viewed as an enhanced iteration of the previous caliber 1517. In 18K pink gold, the movement is exceptionally refined to Journe’s standards featuring perlage on the baseplate, polished screw heads with chamfered slots, circular stripes on the bridges, and straight-graining on the few steel components.
Preserved in excellent overall condition and accompanied by its full set of accessories the present split-seconds chronograph is certainly one of the rarest timepieces from F.P. Journe.

There is always a sense of excitement when a timepiece made by the great Philippe Dufour comes to the market.
Philippe Dufour exemplifies what we have collectively come to imagine as the typical Swiss watchmaker: a pipe-smoking solitary figure working in a small workshop in the Swiss Alps handmaking watches of incomparable beauty and quality infused with passion and love.
Philippe Dufour is all of the above and much more. An extremely talented and passionate watchmaker, he is an ardent defender of traditional watchmaking that he considers a dying art. A true living legend, his watches are considered masterpieces that collectors jealously treasure, making them extremely difficult to obtain.
The Simplicity was first presented in 2000 and was a break away from Dufour’s wonderfully complex mechanisms. With this model, he wanted to demonstrate his unrivalled finishing techniques and to prove that simple could also mean sophisticated. Each watch, like all his other creations, was to be hand-finished and assembled by the master himself.

PHILIPPE DUFOUR An extremely rare, elegant and highly important platinum wristwatch with certificate of oirgin and presentation box
Manufacturer Philippe Dufour
Year 2011
Case No. 132
Model Name Simplicity 34
Material Platinum
Calibre Manual, cal. 11’”, 21 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Alligator
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Philippe Dufour pin buckle
Dimensions 34mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 250,000–500,000

Accompanied by Philippe Dufour Certificate of Origin and presentation box.

The Simplicity was originally presented in a 34 mm case and a larger 37 mm case was offered rapidly after. It was made in pink gold, white gold or platinum with a few unique steels version known. Two dial types can most often be found on his timepieces; either in white lacquer or with a hand-guilloché dial, with unique versions also known.
Whereas the majority of the Simplicity models ordered by clients were housed in 37mm cases with guilloché dials, Dufour continued making a small number of pieces in 34mm with a guilloché dial.
With the difficulty of obtaining a Simplicity the world’s greatest collectors can only access one on the secondary market and the present example is the perfect opportunity to own a masterpiece of independent horology.

SHAPIRO A fine and attractive white gold wristwatch with superb hand guilloché dial and warranty card, one of 6 made in white gold
Manufacturer Shapiro
Year 2021
Movement No. 43
Model Name Infinity
Material 18K white gold
Calibre Manual, cal. UWD, 19 jewels
Bracelet/Strap J.N. Shapiro Alligator strap
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold J.N. Shapiro pin buckle
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Cased, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 20,000–40,000

Accompanied by J.N. Shapiro Warranty card dated December 2021.
Hailing from California, Joshua Shapiro, the founder of his eponymous brand, has single-handedly reestablished America’s presence in the realm of watchmaking. Despite being a high school principal in Los Angeles, Shapiro’s passion for mechanics and watchmaking led him to dedicate his free time to seven years of study at the British Horological Institute, focusing on watchmaking and guillochage.
Demonstrating exceptional skill and talent, Shapiro launched his brand in 2018, specializing in timepieces that showcase his newly invented guilloché pattern known as the Infinity. This innovative design, based on fractals, features a series of intricate patterns within repeating patterns. The dial, adorned with hand-engraved markings filled with ink, requires an entire month to complete. Featuring a contemporarily elegant 40mm diameter case, the timepiece presents itself with a combination of both polished and brushed surfaces.
Although no longer in production, the case was offered in five different metals. According to our findings, a total of 100 Infinity examples were produced, with the present model being one of only 6 white gold examples! Offered in excellent condition, the present Shapiro Infinity numbered 43 represents a fantastic opportunity to own a very limited and hard to come by timepiece from one of the spear heads of the rebirth of American independent horology.

URWERK A rare, virtually unworn, fine and impressive stainless steel and titanium wristwatch with threedimensional orbital satellite complication, power reserve, torque indicator and retrograde hand, warranty and presentation box, number 01 of a limited edition of 35 pieces
Manufacturer Urwerk
Year 2015
Reference No. UR-210S
Case No. Z15-803, caseback further engraved 01/35
Model Name Full Metal Jacket
Material Stainless steel and Titanium
Calibre Automatic, cal. UR-7.10, 51 jewels

Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Urwerk bracelet, max length 200mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Urwerk concealed folding double deployant clasp
Dimensions 43.8mm Width and 53.6mm Length
Signed Case, dial, movement and deployant signed
CHF 60,000–120,000
Accompanied by Urwerk International Warranty dated May 2020, product literature, presentation box and outer packaging.
Introduced in 2015, the UR-210S clearly showcases the true DNA of the brand in all its technicality, unusual display, and mechanical prowess. Showcasing their signature complication with wandering hours, retrograde minute hand and control panel to the caseback, the timepiece feels extremely well balanced.
Extremely intuitive and technically impressive, the control panel on the caseback allows to control the automatic winding rotor depending on the activity of its wearer. Three different settings are available; full, reduced & stop. On the dial, the UR-210S satellites complication is showcased in all its greatness. The minute hand’s course is defined by the rotation of a double coaxial star-shaped cam, which also serves as a gear for controlling the retrograde mechanism that runs on a 120° journey. To the extremity of the dial sits a power reserve indicator and more interestingly a winding efficiency indicator, which in essence calculates the difference between the consumed and generated energy of the mainspring.
Showcasing a fully brushed stainless steel bracelet and case, the combination of the two render the timepiece very luminous on the wrist. Sporty yet equally discreet, the present Urwerk UR-210S is part of a limited edition of 35 pieces of which the present example is number 01. In excellent overall condition, the timepiece is further accompanied by the Urwerk International Warranty dated May 2020, product literature, presentation box and outer packaging.
Within 6 months from the purchase of the present timepiece Urwerk generously offers a complete service.

A highly rare and collectible stainless steel wristwatch with two-tone luminous dial, engraved case back, original certificate, attestation and presentation box, made to celebrate the re-opening of the Patek Philippe boutique in Geneva in 2006
Manufacturer Patek Philippe
Year 2007
Reference No. 5565A-001
Movement No. 1’901’704
Case No. 4’381’641
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Manual, cal. 215 PS, 18 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Patek Philippe pin buckle
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 20,000–30,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin stamped Patek Philippe Salons de Genève dated 20th January 2007, limited edition Attestation dated 20th January 2007, product literature, commemorative coin, leather portfolio, fitted commemorative presentation box and outer packaging.
In 2006, Patek Philippe unveiled the reference 5565 to commemorate the grand reopening of its renovated Geneva boutique. This exceptional timepiece, limited to just 300 pieces and exclusively available through the Geneva boutique, stands out with its stainless steel case—a departure from the brand’s typical use of precious metals. Adorning the caseback is a special engraving “Patek Philippe Geneve 1839-1982-2006” marking three pivotal dates in Patek Philippe’s history: the company’s founding in 1839, the original opening of the Geneva Salon in 1982, and the celebrated reopening in 2006. The steel case combined with the limited availability make this watch of the most coveted time-only modern Patek Philippe creations.
Drawing inspiration from one of the first waterproof Patek Philippe wristwatches, the reference 565, the present anniversary timepiece reinterprets the historical heritage of the Swiss maison with a contemporary touch: its 36mm diameter and two-tone dial echoing the elegance of 1930s sectorial dials. Powered by the esteemed caliber 215 PS, it perfectly exemplifies the know-how and finesse Patek Philippe is best-known for.
Preserved in impeccable condition, this example of the reference 5565 comes complete with its Patek Philippe Certificate, Attestation, commemorative medal, product literature, leather wallet, and presentation box. A true modern classic, it is a prized possession for discerning collectors of fine and rare timepieces.

An attractive white gold chronograph wristwatch with date, certificate of origin and presentation box
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 2021
Reference No. 5968G-001
Movement No. 7’376’689
Case No. 6’423’152
Model Name Aquanaut Chronograph
Material 18K white gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. CH 28-520 C, 32 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Tropic rubber Patek Philippe strap

Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Patek Philippe double deployant clasp
Dimensions 42mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement, strap and clasp signed.
CHF 60,000–120,000
Accompanied by Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin dated May 31, 2021, setting pin, instruction manual, product literature, leather wallet, fitted presentation box, and outer packaging.

Initially introduced in 2018, featuring a stainless steel construction with a black dial and an optional orange (or black) strap, the model underwent a remarkable update in 2021. The transformation involved a shift to the more opulent white gold for the case, while the dial now offered in two colour choices: green or blue, as exemplified by the present model, accompanied by matching straps. Consequently, while the choice of case metal adds a touch of luxury, the lighthearted color palette enhances the overall “fun” aspect, downplaying the seriousness of the timepiece.
With a 42mm diameter case, the addition of two chronograph pushers does not compromise the integrity of the case, ensuring it remains compact and comfortable on the wrist. The watch strikes a harmonious balance between sportiness and sophistication, housing the renowned in-house calibre CH 28-520. This movement, featuring a flyback function, showcases Patek’s traditional craftsmanship, including Gyromax and Spiromax technologies, as well as the prestigious Patek Philippe Seal.
The present Patek Philippe reference 5968G-001 dates back to 2021 and in nearly “like-new” condition, is accompanied by its original full set of accessories.

Ref. 5968G-001 Aquanaut Chronograph

AUDEMARS PIGUET A unique platinum and emerald set rectangular-shaped minute repeating wristwatch with jumping hours and mother of pearl dial
Manufacturer Audemars Piguet
Year 1994
Reference No. 25765PT
Movement No. 412’392
Case No. D47288 caseback further engraved 1/1
Material Platinum
Calibre Manual, cal. 2865, 32 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Platinum Audemars Piguet pin buckle
Dimensions 38mm Length (including lugs) and 29mm Width
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 25,000–50,000

Legend has it that the idea of reviving the minute repeater at Audemars Piguet dates from the late 80s and a discussion between Serge Meylan, the brand’s technical director and Giulio Papi the genius watchmaker. The former wanted a watch using one of the brand’s signature elements: the jump hour, whereas the latter dreamt of a small repeating movement that could also fit in ladies watches.
As there were no museum nor archives at the time, Meylan provided Papi with some old photocopies of watches and movements for inspiration. 4 years later caliber 2865 was born, featuring a jump hour minute repeater. The 1st models were launched in 1992 and in production until 1997, made in 257 pieces split between 7 references.
The present unique reference 25765 in platinum was presented in 1994 and features a lovely mother of pearl dial with blue accents and a flamboyant emerald setting on the sides of the bezel/ lugs. Even though the case is in platinum and as such a metal that muffles the sound of the chimes, the latter are nevertheless nice and crisp. The present jump hour minute repeater is historical, unique and a milestone of horological history.

PATEK PHILIPPE A rare, elegant and well-preserved platinum perpetual calendar chronograph wristwatch with leap year indicator, certificate of origin and presentation box
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 2005
Reference No. 3970EP-021
Movement No. 3’046’770
Case No. 4’197’834
Material Platinum
Calibre Manual, cal. CH 27-70 Q, 24 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Platinum Patek Philippe deployant clasp
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and deployant signed
CHF 70,000–140,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin dated January 2005, leather wallet, setting pin, product literature, Patek Philippe fitted box and outer packaging.

Certain timepieces have consistently garnered admiration from collectors, becoming objects of appreciation for both seasoned enthusiasts and the newer generation. Among such revered watches is the Patek Philippe reference 3970. Introduced in 1986 as the successor to the legendary reference 2499, the reference 3970 marked a significant transition by adopting a modified Lemaniabased ébauche, departing from the previous Valjoux movement.
While upholding the distinctive aesthetics reminiscent of both the reference 1518 and 2499, the reference 3970 introduced notable enhancements, including a leap year and 24-hour indication for the first time. Available in yellow gold, pink gold, white gold, and platinum, like the present example, the reference went through a total of four series during its impressive production span of over 19 years, concluding in 2004. It is estimated that more than 4,000 examples of the reference 3970 were crafted throughout its production tenure.
Manufactured in 2005, the present reference 3970E is part of the 4th series with a seven-digit movement and case number, baton hands and lapidated indexes. Preserved in excellent overall condition it is further accompanied by its full set of accessories.

ROLEX An uncommon, attractive and very well preserved stainless steel chronograph wristwatch with blue “Daytona” designation and bracelet
Manufacturer Rolex
Year Circa 1970
Reference No. 6239
Case No. 2’377’619; inside caseback stamped “6239”
Model Name Cosmograph Daytona
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Manual, cal.722-1, 17 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 200mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 36mm Diameter

Signed Case, dial, movement, bracelet and clasp signed
CHF 40,000–80,000
The first Cosmograph Daytona, known as the reference 6239, marked Rolex’s entry into the chronograph realm when it debuted in 1963, remaining in production until approximately 1976. Offered in stainless steel and 18K yellow gold, this model boasted a groundbreaking feature: the tachymeter scale engraved on its bezel, a first for the brand. Originally marketed as the “Le Mans,” it gained its enduring moniker, the “Daytona,” after Rolex became a sponsor of the 24 Hours of Daytona race.
Adding to the allure of this particular Daytona is the distinctive blue fading of the signature at 6 o’clock, originally rendered in white. This anomaly, caused by a pigment defect, has transformed the signature into a captivating light blue hue, adding a unique charm to the timepiece. Bearing a 2.3 million serial from circa 1970, the current 6239 showcases a robust case. Notably, the silver print contrasts beautifully with the charming faded baby blue inscription.
Sure to delight discerning collectors who appreciate the racing legends, the present Rolex Daytona reference 6239 is further offered in excellent overall condition further elevating this timepieces desirability.

CARTIER A highly rare and attractive platinum wristwatch with jumping hours, made to commemorate Cartier’s 150th anniversary and numbered 101 of a 150 pieces limited edition, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Cartier
Year 1997
Case No. 101/150
Model Name Tank à Guichets
Material Platinum
Calibre Manual, cal. 9752 MC, 19 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Cartier deployant clasp
Dimensions 25.5mm Width and 37mm Length
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 30,000–60,000
Accompanied by Cartier blank guarantee, product literature and anniversary presentation box

The Tank à Guichets wristwatch introduced in 1928 marked a significant departure from traditional timepiece designs of its era, embracing the avant-garde aesthetics of the Art Deco movement. Its distinctive jumping hours mechanism and minutes aperture at 6 o’clock set it apart as a masterpiece of both form and function. The term “à Guichets” denotes the French translation of apertures, within which the hour “jumps” as time progresses, adding to its allure and sophistication.
Commemorating their 150th anniversary, Cartier’s limited edition Tank à Guichets, released in 1997, pays homage to this iconic timepiece while infusing it with contemporary craftsmanship and luxury. With only 150 examples produced, each watch becomes a coveted collector’s item, embodying the timeless elegance and sophistication synonymous with the Cartier brand.
Crafted from platinum and adorned with a ruby cabochon crown, this anniversary edition exudes opulence and refinement. The subtle yet significant deviation from the traditional sapphire crown serves as a testament to Cartier’s commitment to innovation and attention to detail.
Measuring 25.5mm wide and 37mm long, the case of the watch strikes the perfect balance between understated elegance and undeniable presence. Its restrained design ensures that it remains a symbol of taste and sophistication rather than ostentation.
In pristine, like-new condition and accompanied by its original accessories, including the presence of its case back sticker, this particular example of the Tank à Guichets numbered 101 stands as a testament to Cartier’s legacy of excellence and timeless design.

ROLEX A rare and attractive stainless steel chronograph wristwatch with espresso “tropical’ subsidiary regstiers
Manufacturer Rolex Year Circa 1971
Reference No. 6263 inside caseback stamped 6239
Case No. 2’804’077
Model Name Cosmograph Daytona
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Manual, cal. 727, 17 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Steel buckle
Dimensions 37.5mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial and movement signed
CHF 70,000–140,000

Reference 6263 was in production - together with its metal-bezel sibling reference 6265 - since the late 1960s until 1987. The final evolution of the manual Daytona line, it is considered by many the most representative and iconic reference of the line, incorporating all the details which made the Daytona a masterpiece of design: bezel with black insert bearing a tachymetre scale, screw-down pushers, and the unmistakable Rolex Oyster case.
The present example is a perfect study in stealth contrast with its silver dial, black bezel and subdials that have turned an incredibly attractive and harmonious espresso brown tone.
In addition to its very appealing condition and tropical subdials, its rarity is further enhanced by its early Mk 1 pushers that can only be found on the earliest of Cosmographs.

An extremely rare, important and attractive white gold perpetual calendar wristwatch with salmon dial, certificate of origin and presentation box, made for the 2015 Patek Philippe Watch Art Grand Exhibition at the Saatchi gallery in London
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 2016
Reference No. 3940G-029
Movement No. 3’677’780
Case No. 4’369’802
Material 18K white gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 240, 27 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Patek Philippe deployant clasp
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 70,000–120,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin dated March 24th, 2016, leather folio, product literature, leather self-winding presentation box with relative charger and batteries, additional solid back, 18K white gold setting pin, fitted presentation box and outer packaging.
The Patek Philippe reference 3940 stands out as one of Patek Philippe’s most iconic models ever created. Introduced in 1985 under the guidance of Philippe Stern, it represented a notable departure in design for the brand’s classical perpetual calendar models. During its production period, it ranked among Patek Philippe’s longestrunning references, with production halting around 2007. The sleek, stepped and finely designed 36mm diameter Calatrava case infuses the watch with a distinct contemporary elegance, while the calendar functions on the dial are communicated through subdials rather than apertures. Fuelled by the groundbreaking ultra-thin caliber 240, which introduced Patek Philippe’s inaugural use of a micro-rotor, it facilitated the creation of an elegant and remarkably slim case that hugs the wrist snugly.
The present reference 3940 in 18k white gold however, sits in a league of its own. The 2015 Patek Philippe Watch Art Grand Exhibition held the distinction of being the largest overseas exhibition ever hosted by Patek Philippe at that time. To commemorate the brand’s 175th anniversary and this significant event, Patek Philippe unveiled, for the first time publicly, a collection of previously discontinued models adorned with special dials. These exclusive watches were exclusively offered to Patek Philippe’s most esteemed and privileged clientele. Today, timepieces from this historic exhibition are revered as prized possessions due to their scarcity and pivotal role in Patek Philippe’s illustrious history. Fresh to the auction market, the present timepiece is part of only a handful of reference 3940s specially made for the 2015 Patek Philippe Watch Art Grand Exhibition. Showcasing a captivating salmon dial and open caseback, Patek Philippe used new old stock cases, paired with different dial colours that had never appeared before in the reference, but using the dial layout of the 5140, as can be seen from the present example. Immensely captivating, the present Saatchi Edition reference 3940 is furthermore accompanied by its original and full set of accessories including the certificate of origin, setting pin, additional numbered caseback and winding presentation box.

Ref. 3940G-029 “Saatchi

PATEK PHILIPPE A very fine and attractive pink gold perpetual calendar wristwatch with moon phases, leap year indication, certificate of origin, additional caseback and presentation box
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 2014
Reference No. 5140R-011
Movement No. 5’806’136
Case No. 4’687’733
Material 18K pink gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 240 Q, 27 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K pink gold Patek Philippe deployant clasp
Dimensions 37mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed.
CHF 30,000–60,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin dated July 22th, 2014, product literature, leather wallet, additional caseback, hang tag, setting pin, cardboard sleeve, numbered envelope, fitted presentation box, electrical charger, and outer packaging.

Introduced in 2006 as the successor to the reference 3940, the reference 5140 marked a notable evolution in Patek Philippe’s perpetual calendar timepieces. While retaining the esteemed caliber 240 Q automatic perpetual calendar movement, the case dimensions expanded from the classic 36mm to a more contemporary 37.2mm. Furthermore, updates were made to the dial design and text, aligning it with Patek Philippe’s modern aesthetic while enhancing legibility.
Characterized by its slender profile, graceful Calatrava case, and practical functionality, the reference 5140 swiftly became a coveted choice for discerning individuals seeking a refined timepiece. However, Patek Philippe ceased production of all case metal and dial configurations for the reference 5140 by 2016, introducing the reference 5327 as its replacement, which remains in production today. The present offering, crafted in 18K pink gold and featuring a captivating silver dial, debuted in 2014.
This particular timepiece, presented in hardly worn condition and accompanied by its full set of accessories, additional caseback and setting pin, presents an enticing opportunity for those in search of technical excellence, everyday versatility, and understated elegance.

RICHARD MILLE A rare and attractive pink gold rectangular wristwatch with warranty and presentation box
Manufacturer Richard Mille
Year Circa 2016
Reference No. RM016
Case No. 1396
Material 18K pink gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. RM-AS7, 32 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Fabric
Clasp/Buckle 18K pink gold Richard Mille deployant clasp
Dimensions 38mm Width and 50mm Length
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 30,000–60,000
Accompanied by Richard Mille warranty, pouch, presentation box and outer packaging.

The slim RM 16 is a breakthrough from Richard Mille’s uber engineered movements and as restrained in design as a Richard Mille can be. In fact, according to Mille, creating the RM16 was a difficult stylistic exercise, which called for the creation of a rectangular shape while conserving the brand’s distinguishing design codes.
Even though a time only with date model (the date is very smartly integrated into the numeral 7) the RM16 features the cutting edge technology one can expect from the brand: the openworked bridges and baseplate are made of grade 5 titanium and features a variable geometry rotor. The winding rotor features two “wings” which can be adjusted to modify the inertia, therefore the winding of the rotor can be regulated according to the more or less active lifestyle of the owner.
In overall very attractive condition the present RM16 in pink gold is preserved in barely worn condition and offers an opportunity to acquire one of Mille’s more unusual stealth designs.

RICHARD MILLE A highly rare and attractive titanium tourbillon wristwatch with power reserve, function indicator, warranty and presentation box
The quest for exceptional quality and perfection is the constant driving force behind Richard Mille, and RM017-01 is an epitome of such brand philosophy. Launched in 2017, the RM017-01 is based on the original RM 017, which is best known for its manual winding tourbillion, but imbued with the elements that Richard Mille is best known for, such as the iconic tonneau case, torque limiting crown, high-grade finishing and a sporty velcro strap. So rare is this watch that a cursory search on the internet of this reference does not yield many results, particularly for a titainum model. However, further research reveals that the present watch was offered to the very best Richard Mille clients.
The watch itself is powered by the manual winding tourbillon movement, function indicator with power reserve. The baseplate and the bridges are made of grade 5 titanium, which allows for the gear train to function effortlessly. Given its durability, grade 5 titanium is also often used in aerospace, aeronautics and automobile industries. The tourbillon is furthermore surrounded by a skeletonised baseplate and bridges.

RICHARD MILLE A highly rare and attractive titanium tourbillon wristwatch with power reserve, function indicator, warranty and presentation box
Manufacturer Richard Mille
Year 2021
Reference No. MON-01562
Movement No. 0316
Case No. 226
Model Name RM17-01
Material Titanium
Calibre Manual, cal. 017, 23 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Velcro
Dimensions 40mm Width and 48mm Length
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 250,000–500,000
Accompanied by Richard Mille warranty dated July 22, 2021, warranty card, additional rubber strap, product literature, presentation box and outer packaging.

The function indicator is also cleverly integrated on the dial side and located at the 4 o’clock position, whose function is similar to a car’s gearbox. It indicates the winding, neutral and hand-setting positions when the crown is pulled out.
As an even nicer touch, the watch is accompanied by its Richard Mille warranty dated July 22, 2021, warranty card, additional rubber strap, product literature, presentation box and outer packaging.

A unique stainless steel wristwatch with intriguing movement architecture, box and guarantee, with proceeds for charity
Manufacturer Paul Gerber & Anny Weber Year 2023
Movement No. Movement engraved “One of One”
Model Name “Waterford 2023”
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Manual, cal. 55W
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel pin buckle signed Paul Gerber
Dimensions 42mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial and buckle signed
CHF 10,000–20,000
Accompanied by Gerber/Weber fitted box, Letter to the Owner, additional leather strap and outer packaging.

Paul Gerber may not be one of the best known names of independent watchmaking, but he is definitely one of the most respected. Opening his workshops in 1976, he has created watches under his name including the world’s first double rotor and triple rotor movements and has developed movements for major brands. For eleven years he worked on the most complicated wristwatch in the world (Piguet/Muller/Gerber Grande Complication), which consists of 1,116 parts and led the watch and Gerber to be featured in the “Guinness Book of Records” in 2005.
The present unique creation was created to support the Festival of Time in Waterford, Ireland, an exhibition dedicated to independent artisanal watchmaking. Gerber always up for a challenge, had decided on using a Unitas pocket watch movement as a base, and adding to it an oversized balance with an almost unheard of slow beat 14400 VPH frequency. It also features a moustache anchor. While working on this project, Gerber was approached by Anny Weber - a horology student who felt she needed a bit more challenge than her training curriculum would provide her. Gerber decided to have her work with him on the development of this watch accepting her technically challenging ideas, including the addition of a Breguet overcoil to the balance. Weber’s participation was so important that Gerber decided to have her name on the dial alongside his. The hand guilloché dial is made to resemble the waves of the sea at the shores of Waterford, a “Festival of Time” engraving was added around the hour track and the movement features a plaque filled with green lume engraved Waterford. In addition to supporting the future Festival of Time exhibitions, parts of the proceeds from the sale of this unique timepiece, engraved “One of One” on the movement will be donated to the ‘Join Our Boys’ Trust, a charity registered in Ireland dedicated to raising awareness and to offer practical support for families with children suffering from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy in Ireland, and to Anny Weber herself for her watchmaking career development.


VIANNEY HALTER A steampunk and very rare pink gold wristwatch with center seconds, sapphire rotor, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Vianney Halter
Year Circa 2005
Case No. 47R.227.CL
Model Name Classic
Material 18K pink gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. VH100, 27 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather

Clasp/Buckle 18K pink gold Vianney Halter pin buckle signed VH
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 25,000–50,000
Accompanied by Vianney Halter fitted box, Certificate of Authenticity and outer packaging.
With the perpetual calendar Antiqua launched in 1998, Vianney Halter somewhat launched the genre of Independent Creative Horology, with a highly off the beaten path design inspired by 19th century steam punk.
Halter released the Classic collection in 2000 as a deliberate evolution away from the complexity – and the audacity - of the Antiqua. The Halter signature elements were nevertheless very present on the Classic that include a bezel with rivets on each hour marker inspired by the portholes of Captain Nemo’s Nautilus, lugs with an unconventional hinged design and a crown adorned with rivets. The dial gleams in its architectural beauty, it is multileveled with an elegant mix of frosted and polished surfaces. The whole topped with flame blued hands.
The movement inside is an interesting one. It’s a modified Lemania caliber 8810 – dubbed the VH100 by Halter – with a double barrel architecture and an oscillating weight mounted on a transparent sapphire crystal to allow for an unimpeded view of the movement design and decoration. Every aspect of the case, the movement, and the dial are hand-finished by Halter and his team.
The Classic was made in a total of 250 pieces in pink, yellow and white gold with different dial variants. The present example in pink gold bearing number 47 is in excellent condition with its full set of accessories and offers the opportunity to the collector of independent artisans to own an extremely coveted and hard to find timepiece.

An attractive and exclusive limited edition stainless steel wristwatch with funky blue fumé dial, suspended balance wheel, power reserve indicator, warranty and presentation box, numbered 12 of a limited edition of 15 pieces
Manufacturer H. Moser & Cie X MB&F
Year Circa 2020
Reference No. LM101
Case No. 51A23113, case back further engraved 12/15
Model Name H. Moser x MB&F Legacy Machine 101
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Manual, 23 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather strap
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel MB&F deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, movement, strap and clasp signed
CHF 30,000–60,000

Accompanied by MB&F international warranty stamped Cellini Jewelers, New York, dated August 2020, invoice, instruction manual, leather holder, fitted presentation box, outer packaging and travel pouch.
To celebrate their respective 15th anniversaries, MB&F and H. Moser & Cie joined hands in 2020 to create a limited edition of the now legendary Legacy Machine 101. True to H. Moser & Cie “back to basics” aesthetics, MB&F removed their logo and subdials to place the hours, minutes and power reserve hands directly on the main dial, allowing the full expression of the mesmerizing fumé dials borrowed from H. Moser & Cie. Housed in stainless steel, a material rarely used by MB&F, this incredibly attractive, hypnotizing funky blue dial takes more than 200 steps to make and is imbued with the most astonishing gradient colour effect.
As stated in its name Max Büsser & Friends, the present LM101 boasts an in-house movement whose finish and architecture were designed by a friend, the celebrated independent watchmaker Kari Voutilainen. This anniversary edition features a double hairspring mechanism visible on the 14mm flying balance wheel which achieves great isochronism to its oscillation. The transparent case back also reveals a set of gold chatons and wheels amidst the black NACcoated bridges with refined Côtes de Genève and chamfered edges. The present watch is extremely rare and is the 12th one produced in a run of only 15 pieces with the funky blue dials (other dial options included red, cosmic green and aqua blue, each produced in a limited edition of only 15 pieces). It is preserved in impeccable condition and accompanied by full set of accessories. This truly magnificent yet minimalistic wristwatch undoubtedly deserves to find home to a collector with an eye for timeless beauty.
Please note that MB&F generously offers a complementary servicing of the watch to the winning bidder within a period of 6 months after the sale.

An incredible pink gold limited edition perpetual calendar wristwatch with enamel, engraved and gemset double hunter case with box and guarantee
Manufacturer H. Moser & Cie
Year Circa 2016
Reference No. 8341-0400
Movement No. 012451
Case No. 200 113865
Model Name Perpetual 1 Heritage
Material 18K pink gold, enamel and diamonds
Calibre Manual, cal. HMC341.501, 28 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K pink gold Moser deployant clasp
Dimensions 46 mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 30,000–60,000

Accompanied by H. Moser & Cie fitted box, undated guarantee, users manual, loupe, setting pin and outer packaging.
The present Moser Perpetual 1 Heritage is one of those pieces whose creation is not backed by marketing or commercial reasons but rather for the sake of pure craftsmanship, poetry and the quest for beauty.
The watch is a limited edition of 10 pieces made for the brand’s 10th anniversary in 2016 and inspired by a pocket watch from the late 19th century. One cannot be anything but mesmerized by the incredible work on the double hinged case, no less than 5 different artistic crafts were used for this creation, combining guilloché, cloisonné enamel, grand feu enamel, engraving and gem-setting. Even the case flanks are engraved and enameled.
The case work is intricate and complicated whereas the indications on the dial are zen-like and pure. Moser’s perpetual calendar is extremely user-friendly. It is heralded for allowing both forward and backward adjustment of the date functions with the patented double-pull crown. The month is displayed by a delicate central hand referring to the hour markers as the twelve months of the year, while the leap year cycle indicator is visible on the movement side and adjustable with the setting pin through the pusher on the side of the case. The movement of the watch also boosts a sevenday power reserve which is shown by the power reserve display at the 9 o’clock of the dial.
An incredible watch in absolutely every sense, the present watch is in superb condition and complete with its full set of accessories.

An absurdly rare and mechanically complex titanium and pink gold tourbillon wristwatch with constant force remontoire, power reserve, dead beat seconds and presentation box, number 2 of a limited edition of 5 pieces, with proceeds going to charity
Some timepieces are so rare that while they have been heard of, few have actually been seen - even fewer photographs have been available. The present F.P. Journe Tourbillon Souverain in titanium is part of this elusive category. Made in 5 pieces in celebration of the anniversary of the brand’s boutique in Hong Kong, it features a graphic and theatrical color combination of slate grey dial with salmon script. This color combination can be found also in the titanium case (one which Journe only uses for some of the anniversary pieces) with pink gold crown, hands and deployant clasp.
The tourbillon is one of Journe’s signature pieces, since the debut of the world premiere Tourbillon Souverain remontoire system in 1991, it took a decade long of yearning until the reveal of the TN Model (“Tourbillon Nouveau”) with an innovative inclusion of the dead beat second, hence Remontoir d’Égalité avec Seconde Morte. An art of making time stand still, the complication requires the utmost precision to reliably stop and restart the seconds hand as the escapement continues to beat—not moving until one second has elapsed, then jumps to the next second. Enriched with a deadbeat second complication, the timepiece with constant force mechanism results in much higher accuracy on precise time reading. Exceptional with beauty and complexity, the second generation is upsized from 38mm to 40mm with a fresh 18K pink gold movement.


An absurdly rare and mechanically complex titanium and pink gold tourbillon wristwatch with constant force remontoire, power reserve, dead beat seconds and presentation box, number 2 of a limited edition of 5 pieces, with proceeds going to charity
Manufacturer F.P. Journe
Year Circa 2010
Case No. 2/5-TT
Model Name Tourbillon Souverain “Hong Kong”
Material Titanium and 18K pink gold
Calibre Manual, cal. 1403, 26 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
18K pink gold F.P. Journe deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 200,000–400,000

Accompanied by F.P. Journe fitted box, user manual, polishing cloth and outer packaging.

The present Hong Kong boutique edition Tourbillon Souverain is number 2 of a limited edition of only 5 pieces. Offered by its original owner, the present example, fresh to the auction market is certainly one of the rarest and most coveted of Journe’s creations and an opportunity to obtain a masterpiece that is not only visually impacting, technically inspiring but whose rarity make it a must have.
Please note that the proceeds of the present timepiece will be donated by the consignor to UNICEF.

LAURENT FERRIER X PHILLIPS An incredibly attractive stainless steel wristwatch with three-tone dial, guarantee and boy, part of a limited edition of 16 pieces
Manufacturer Laurent Ferrier X Phillips
Year 2021
Movement No. 139
Model Name Hommage II
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Manual, cal. LF 116.01, 21 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Laurent Ferrier pin buckle
Dimensions 40mm Diameter

Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed Laurent Ferrier, case back further engraved Phillips in Association with Bacs & Russo
CHF 20,000–40,000
Accompanied by Laurent Ferrier fitted box, undated guarantee, product literature, loupe, polishing cloth and outer packaging.
The Hommage II is the result of a 2-year creative ping pong between Laurent Ferrier and Phillips in Association with Bacs & Russo. The idea behind this watch was to pay tribute to the incredible step case watches from the 1940s specifically those made by Longines and Omega, but not by creating a fauxtina vintage watch but rather to recreate the look and feel of watches from the era in a decidedly modern manner. The goal was not to create a design based on an existing Laurent Ferrier model but to create something completely new and other than the movement everything in the Hommage II was designed specifically for the model: the stepped case, the dial, the hands, the crown and even the Laurent Ferrier logo!
As the case was a completely new design that did not exist within the Ferrier collection, intense discussions went into the exact size of the step, the finishing of the case and even the polishing of the tranche of the bezel. The design of the dials and their subsequent production was also extremely time consuming. The goal was to create a three-tone dial in two different versions, using the exact same colors (black, powder pink and silver) but with two completely different results: one black military inspired dial with luminous hands and indexes and a salmon example with a more “civilian” look with blued hands.
The Laurent Ferrier logo was also redesigned to fit the overall look of the watch. Beating within, is Laurent Ferrier’s manual wind LF 116.01 hand-wound movement with frosted finish and an impressive 80 hours of power reserve. The Hommage II was launched in 2021 as a limited edition of 32 pieces, 16 with black dial and 16 with powder pink dial.
To the best of our knowledge the present Hommage II is the first of its kind to appear in an international auction room, preserved in excellent condition it is consigned by the original owner.


Manufacturer Urban Jürgensen Year Circa 1985
Case No. 4056
Model Name Reference 1
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3019 PHC, 31 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Urban Jürgensen pin buckle
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 25,000–50,000

Urban Jürgensen’s history began in 1773 when the brand was originally established by a Danish clockmaker, Jürgen Jürgensen. His eldest son Urban traveled throughout Europe studying with Breguet, Berthoud, Houriet, and Arnold before taking over the family business in 1811 upon his father’s passing. The company remained in the hands of the Jürgensen family until 1912, with Urban’s sons expanding the company to Le Locle, Switzerland in addition to the company headquarters in Copenhagen. The mid-twentieth century was a time of upheaval for the brand, which produced their first wristwatch in 1919 after the First World War, and changed ownership numerous times. The brand came back with a bang in the 1980s until the 1990s, following its acquisition by Peter Baumberger with his partner, the much-heralded English watchmaker Derek Pratt. The duo set out to rebuild the brand, committed to the original tenets of technical excellence, traditional aesthetics, and handmade master craftsmanship.
The first wristwatch model to be created was the Reference 1, first produced in 1982, though the brand was not officially launched until 1985. Research shows that only 186 pieces were produced between 1982 and 1986, with a very small series of 15 pieces in platinum produced later in 2001. It notably features the automatic chronograph caliber 3019 PHC, based on the reliable Zenith El Primero, in this instance with triple date and moon phases. Aesthetically, the present Reference 1 can be considered a pinnacle of elegance with a stepped case and tear drop lugs and a dial with satin outer track with Roman numerals, beautifully hand guilloché with different patterns for the subdials and the central section.

An elaborate and technical openwork platinum wristwatch with gold “butterfly” shaped bridges, sapphire gear wheels, number 1 with box and unstamped guarantee
Manufacturer Andreas Strehler
Year Circa 2015
Movement No. No. 1/MMZIV
Case No. No. 1/MMZIV
Model Name Papillon d’Or
Material Platinum
Calibre Manual, 27 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Platinum Andreas Strehler buckle
Dimensions 41mm Width and 47.2mm Length
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 50,000–100,000

Accompanied by Andreas Strehler fitted box, undated and unstamped guarantee card, users manual and outer packaging.
A “watchmaker’s watchmaker”, Andreas Strehler is a name whispered with reverence and awe within the circles of horological conoisseurs. Part watchmaker, mathematician, philosopher and astronomer he is a brilliant movement constructor and designer who has worked with some of the world’s greatest brands to create unique complicated movements, his motto being “It’s complicated to be simple”.
After having worked at Renaud & Papi, Strehler set out on his own in 1995 as an independent watchmaker and 3 years later presented his first timepiece and has ever since continued creating complicated movements for others and under his own name. The Papillon d’Or (French for gold butterfly) takes its name from the golden bridges shaped like a butterfly holding the superbly finished gear train with its two sapphire crystal gear wheels and supports the white fired silver dial ring. The finishing of the movement – that is completely openworked – is fascinating, as each and every component has been painstakingly finished by hand, whether black polishing, circling and angling. It is important to note the incredible number of interior angles (one of the most complex and difficult types of angling to master consisting of a sharp break between two angles). The two barrels provide the watch with 78 hours (slightly above 3 days) power reserve. A power reserve indicator can be found on the back of the movement and linked to the balance cock. According to Strehler this incorporates what is probably the world’s smallest differential gear.
The present Papillon d’Or cased in platinum bears number 1 elevating its desirability to stratospheric levels. It is only the 2nd time a Strehler timepiece appears at auction (the first was a Sauterelle à Lune Perpetuelle sold by Phillips Geneva in November 2023).

An early, impressive and highly collectible platinum chronometer wristwatch with tourbillon regulator and remontoir d’egalité, brass movement, warranty and presentation box
Manufacturer F.P. Journe
Year 2003
Case No. 259-03T
Model Name Tourbillon Souverain
Material Platinum
Calibre Manual, cal. 1498, 25 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather strap
Clasp/Buckle Platinum F.P. Journe pin buckle
Dimensions 38mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 180,000–360,000

Accompanied by F. P. Journe Warranty card stamped by Milan retailer “Orologeria Pisa” and dated November 2003, instruction booklet, polishing cloth, fitted wooden presentation box and outer packaging.
In 1999, F.P. Journe made his debut as an independent watchmaker. Along with this, he unveiled his first Tourbillon Souverain, which included a remontoir mechanism that was a world first. In essence, the revolutionary remontoir system achieves a greater accuracy and amplitude through the usage of a constant force device, which provides a continuous and equal amount of energy regardless of the mainspring’s winding level. Encased in a 38mm platinum case, the present Tourbillon Souverain from 2003 is part of the 4th generation F.P. Journe tourbillons (2001-2003) that were fitted with smaller dial screws and brass movements with a ‘Remontoir d’Egalité’. It is estimated that 320 examples were produced between platinum and pink gold. In 2004, Journe would go to further radicalize the way we see tourbillons with the addition of a deadbeat seconds, which became the Remontoir d’Egalité avec Seconde Morte. That year he also would go on to transition from brass movements to pink gold movements that we find in current production models.
The distinctive yellow gold dial features an amazing texture, is clear in its layout and is overall extremely legible. Showcasing the hours and minutes on a secondary silver guilloché dial the one-second Remontoir d’Egalité system is placed geometrically in-line at six o’clock to showcase its equal importance to the time display. Visible via its aperture, it emphasizes its status as a complication as it provides a constant force to the escapement, acting as a transmission and balancing system for the transfer of power between the mainspring and the escapement. Finally, the two large apertures invite its wearer to peek into the fantastic movement within. Etched beneath the tourbillon are the brand’s signature words ‘Invenit et Fecit’ (Latin for ‘Invented and Made’). Finally, a 42hour power reserve indication is shown at 12 o’clock. The present 38mm Tourbillon Souverain with brass movement from 2003 is fresh to the market and offered by the original Italian owner who bought it in the hallowed Milan-based Fratelli Pisa store - one of the Italian meccas of watch collecting. Complete of its accessories and in hardly-ever used condition, it will without a doubt impress and delight the collector of early independent masterpieces.

FELIX BAUMGARTNERAn impressive and cutting-edge platinum wristwatch with three-dimensional satellite hour display, retrograde minutes, five-day power reserve, day and night indication, and five-year service indicator, number 36 of a 45 piece limited edition
Manufacturer Harry Winston by Felix Baumgartner
Year Circa 2005
Case No. 017’693, further engraved with limited edition number 36/45
Model Name Opus V
Material Platinum
Calibre Manual, cal. ARCAP P-40 Opus V Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Platinum Harry Winston pin buckle
Dimensions 50mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 60,000–120,000

Accompanied by Opus V presentation box, blank guarantee booklet and product literature.
Harry Winston’s Opus collection has always been synonymous with audacity, creativity and forward thinking watchmaking. The Opus series was a revolutionary collaborative effort between Harry Winston and independent watchmakers to produce a series of limited edition, unique, and unusual complicated timepieces. The effort began in 1998 when Max Büsser joined Harry Winston as director of rare timepieces. He sought to make cutting edge watches with some of the brightest talents in the horological world that pushed the limits of both the design and the mechanics of watches. Launched in 2001, the first in the series was the Opus 1 in conjunction with F. P. Journe.
The Opus V brought together two names that come immediately to mind when thinking of creative independent horology : Max Büsser and Urwerk. These two powerhouses have been changing the face of modern watchmaking for years and the Opus V was the first collaboration between Maximilian Büsser and Felix Baumgartner (co-founder and master watchmaker of Urwerk) for a result that is nothing short of exceptional. The watch features an unusual yet mesmerizing three dimensional time display with three rotating and revolving cubes that indicate the hours, along with a retrograding minute scale.
Opus V was launched in 2005 and remains today, 19 years after its presentation, a mesmerizing horological UFO retaining its WOW factor and ability to surprise and impress. This watch bears the DNA of Urwerk with its unconventional time telling mechanism and bold and dynamic look. The series was extremely limited, produced in just 45 examples in platinum of which the present watch is number 36 and 45 in pink gold along with seven pieces in platinum set with round diamonds, and three examples in platinum set with baguette diamonds, for a total of 100 timepieces. The Opus V over the years has become amongst the most sought after watches in the Opus series and this watch provides a scarce opportunity for collectors of independent watchmakers to own one.

wristwatch with retrograde minutes and jump hours time system in the shape of Donald Duck playing golf, and mother-of-pearl sky and minute track
Manufacturer Gérald Genta
Year Circa 1990
Reference No. G3632
Case No. 79’927
Model Name Retro
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. GA3R, jeweled
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel pin buckle
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case and dial signed
CHF 10,000–20,000

The present watch exemplifies how one can own a piece of watchmaking history - and quite an important one, in hindsightwithout having to spend millions of dollars. As by today’s standard the association between pop culture icons - both fantasy ones as well as real-life ones - and watchmaking is a most cemented trend, it is difficult to imagine a time when putting a cartoon character on a watch was considered blasphemy. The very first one to infringe this taboo was indeed what is arguably the most gifted watch designer (and, later, maker) of all times: Mr. Gerald Genta.
When he first showed such creations at Basel World in 1984 - where for the first time in history the likes of Mickey Mouse, The Pink Panther and Popey made an appearance on high-end mechanical timepieces - the organisers commented that “such a serious exhibition…has no room for mice, panthers, Popeye and other unsuitable characters” and Genta consequently decided to retire from the show. The 1984 EuropaStar article from which the previous excerpt is taken continues with what now sounds like a very prophetic question: “The use of … cartoon figures may shock us today because they seem to belong to a minor art. But what about tomorrow?”.

Being tomorrow today, we all know what the answer to that question is, and it all started from a scorned line of timepieces of which the present watch is a remarkable example. One of the most committed merging of pop-culture and watchmaking, it truly checks all the boxes: precious metals? Check: mother-of-pear dial. Complicated movement? Check: retrograde minutes, jumping hours. Pop culture reference? Double check: beyond the obvious Donald, golf itself is a sort of pop-culture sport.

PATEK PHILIPPE A fine, attractive and well-preserved white gold annual calendar wristwatch with small seconds, two-tone silvered regulator dial, certificate of origin and presentation box
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 2013
Reference No. 5235G-001
Movement No. 5’612’429
Case No. 4’534’309
Model Name Regulator
Material 18K white gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 31-260 REG QA, 29 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Patek Phillippe pin buckle
Dimensions 40.5mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 20,000–40,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin dated December 19, 2013, instruction manual, product literature, cardboard sleeve, setting pin, hang tag, leather folio, outer packaging and fitted presentation box.
Gaining positive acclaim from collectors since its debut at Baselworld 2012, the Patek Philippe Regulator reference 5235 marked the brand’s first ever regulator style wristwatch. Its distinctiveness lies not only in its refreshing aesthetics but also in its impeccable execution, featuring a vertical two-tone dial with a silver brushed finish and stylish blue accents.
While the appeal is novel, those with seasoned eyes may observe similarities in the case design when compared to the legendary references 3448 and 3450, affectionately nicknamed the “Padellone,” meaning “frying pan” in Italian. Characterized by sharp edges, brushed casebands, and iconic pointed lugs, the reference 5235 stands as an understated masterpiece. Elegant, rejuvenating, and technically proficient, the movement was exclusively crafted for this reference, displaying a unique architecture unlike any other caliber produced by the brand. Notably, it holds the distinction of being the first serially produced Patek Philippe caliber to integrate three silicon components developed by the Advance Research department: a silicon escape wheel, a silicon anchor, and a silicon balance spring.
Recently discontinued and succeeded by an example in pink gold, the present reference, dating back to circa 2013, is offered in virtually unworn condition and comes complete with its full set of accessories.

PATEK PHILIPPE A superb, immensely attractive and equally scarce platinum chronograph wristwatch with perpetual calendar, moonphases, leap year indication, 24-hour indication, additional salmon dial with diamond-set indexes and integrated bracelet
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 1994
Reference No. 3970/2
Movement No. 876’851
Case No. 2’953’571
Material Platinum
Calibre Manual, cal. 27-70 Q, 24 jewels, stamped with the Geneva Seal
Bracelet/Strap Platinum Patek Philippe integrated bracelet, max length 205mm
Clasp/Buckle Platinum Patek Philippe textured clasp
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 100,000–200,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Extract from the Archives confirming production of the present watch with silvered dial in 1994 and its subsequent sale on September 19, 1994, Patek Philippe service documents dated October 27, 2009 confirming that “a dial supplied by the client was mounted on the watch”, F.lli Pisa (Patek Philippe retailer in Milan) fiscal receipt of 1090EUR, additional salmon dial.
Replacing the legendary reference 2499, the reference 3970 was launched in 1986 with a new, modified Lemania-based ébauche as opposed to the previous Valjoux movement. While maintaining the signature aesthetics found in both reference 1518 and 2499, the reference 3970 also included a leap year and 24-hour indication for the first time. The reference was produced in yellow gold, pink gold, white gold and platinum across a total of four series with production spanning over 19 years, until 2004.
While the majority of the production features a leather strap - a very restricted amount was modified by adding an integrated bracelet. So pervasive is the modification to the aesthetics of the pieces that a modified reference was chosen for these masterpieces: ref. 3970/2 (potentially one of the first instances of a “/“ after the reference designating the presence of the bracelet - now a standard of the “Patek code”). These pieces were reserved for the most esteemed clients of the brand so much so that the output is ridiculously small: a handful are known, while the total production of ref 3970 is estimated to be around 4000 pieces. While any platinum example of 3970/2 is to be considered one of the pinnacles of Patek Philippe neovintage production, the present specimen ups the ante with the presence of an additional salmon dial with diamond indexes which grants the watch an absolutely incredible appeal when mounted. Furthermore, the dial has not been fitted on the watch by a random watchmaker, but most likely by Patek Philippe itself: during a service in October 2009 - as confirmed by the documentation accompanying the watch - Patek Philippe mounted a “dial supplied by the client” on the timepiece, which we believe it to be the stunning salmon one presently accompanying the watch.

AUDEMARS PIGUET A rare and attractive limited edition titanium and platinum tourbillon wristwatch with bracelet, guarantee and presentation box, made in a limited edition series of 50 pieces
Manufacturer Audemars Piguet
Year 2017
Reference No. 26510IP
Case No. J64903
Model Name Royal Oak Tourbillon Extra-Thin
Material Platinum and titanium
Calibre Manual, cal. 2924, 25 jewels

Bracelet/Strap Platinum and titanium Audemars Piguet bracelet, max length 195mm
Clasp/Buckle Platinum and titanium Audemars Piguet deployant clasp
Dimensions 41mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 120,000–240,000
Accompanied by Audemars Piguet International Warranty Card, product literature, presentation box and outer packaging.
The Audemars Piguet Royal Oak is one of the most iconic wristwatch designs of the 20th century. Designed in one night by Gerald Genta, it was introduced in 1972, during the depths of the quartz crisis, and was the most expensive steel watch ever offered to the public. So audacious was its concept, Audemars Piguet’s competitors were sure the watch would bankrupt the company, however the model has become an icon and fan favourite for its rugged, masculine, and sporty aesthetic. Since its introduction, the brand has produced many iterations of the Royal Oak, experimenting with different case sizes, materials, dial treatments, and complications.
The Royal Oak Tourbillon Extra-Thin was released in 2012 to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the model, and is one of the few Royal Oaks with a manually wound movement. An Audemars Piguet boutique exclusive, the present model reference 26510IP is most notably cased in platinum and titanium. It was released in 2017 in a limited edition of only 50 pieces and was met with admiration and accolades from the collecting world.
The “IP” - as the present watch is nicknamed by collectors (as reference to the last two letters of its reference number meaning titanium and platinum) - represents the continuation, or according to some collectors the pinnacle, of this path. In its case, the collector finds the mix - as idiosyncratic as it is potent - of two opposing metals: ultra light and technical titanium for the case and bracelet links and heavy and luxurious platinum for the bezel and central links. It is incredible how two polar opposites such as these metals manage to perfectly blend together for a supremely attractive final result.
Offered in fantastic condition, it is furthermore accompanied by its Audemars Piguet International Warranty Card, product literature, presentation box and outer packaging.

ROLEX An incredibly attractive, scarce and well-preserved stainless steel wristwatch with black honeycomb dial, luminous dots and bracelet
Manufacturer Rolex
Year Circa 1954
Reference No. 6352 inside caseback also engraved 6350
Case No. 28’524
Model Name Oyster Perpetual
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. A296, 18 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Wandayke expandable bracelet, max length (unexpanded) 195mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Wanadyke deployant clasp stamped “83837”
Dimensions 35mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial and movement signed; clasp signed by bracelet maker
CHF 20,000–40,000

The Rolex 6352 features both “Pre-Explorer” and “Explorer” dials, as Rolex used this model as an experimental palette for testing the new branding. “Explorer” dials first appeared in 1953 and are most commonly seen on the reference 6350.
The reference 6352, on the other hand, is most often seen with a white honeycomb dial or a smooth black dial. Hardly ever seen is the present combination – with a black honeycomb dial.
The present example of a 6352 is especially well preserved, but also stands out with its rare dial: a depth rating (50m / 185ft) is indicated below the brand name at 12 o’clock – a highly unusual designation found on few Rolex watches made during the early 1950s.
During these formative years for the brand, Rolex experimented with many different dial and case configurations, marking the development and refinement of their first “tool” watches. The caseback features two reference numbers, one marked 6350 with a strikethrough, and a second reference number engraved 6352 . The dial has been preserved in excellent condition and is sure to impress even the most discerning of Rolex scholars and enthusiasts.

OMEGA A highly rare and attractive white gold wristwatch with sapphire-set indexes, center seconds and date
Manufacturer Omega Year Circa 1965
Reference No. 168005/6
Movement No. 24’434’685
Model Name Constellation “De Luxe”
Material 18K white gold and sapphires
Calibre Automatic, cal. 561, 24 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Dimensions 34.5mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial and movement signed
CHF 15,000–25,000

The Constellation collection was launched in 1952. The symbol of this collection is engraved on the back: the Cupola of the Geneva Observatory surrounded by eight stars representing the brand’s greatest chronometric achievements at the world’s observatories including the 1931 “clean sweep” at the Observatory of Geneva where Omega broke the record for precision in every category.
Launched in 1952, the Omega Constellation was considered as one of the most precise and reliable wristwatches at the time. Since its initial release, the Constellation remains as one of the firm’s flagship models, still in production till date. Encased in an elegant 34.5mm diameter case, the present watch is a wonderfully executed specimen with sculpted lugs. However, what sets the present watch apart from the ordinary is the presence of the baguette sapphire hour markers on the dial.
The present example belongs to the “De Luxe” collection as it features a white gold case, giving the timepiece a touch of extravagance. The angled lugs are very impressive with sharp bevels and finishing throughout - we believe that the watch is preserved in possibly unpolished condition as there are no service marks to the inside caseback. Two deep and crisp hallmarks are visible beneath the lugs and the constellation engraving on the caseback is deep and sharp.

LONGINES An exquisite, large and enormously charming 14K yellow gold wristwatch with black glossy dial
Manufacturer Longines Year 1939
Movement No. 5’724’997
Case No. 5’724’997
Material 14K yellow gold
Calibre Manual, cal. 15.26, jeweled
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Gilt pin buckle
Dimensions 38mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial and movement signed
CHF 10,000–20,000

Accompanied by Longines Extract from the Archives confirming the present watch was invoiced on February 27, 1939 to the company Zipper, which was the manufacture’s agent at the time for Poland.
An incredibly attractive and well-preserved example of mid-20th century design, this timepiece possesses a number of traits which will delight the collector. The least apparent of them is the 14K gold case, an uncommon alloy used by watchmakers for specific markets in order to save on import taxes.
Connoisseurs will have already noticed that this is an oversize timepiece - another highly appealing and uncommon trait - sporting a nearly 38mm (37.8, to be precise) case well beyond the realm of what, at the time, was considered proper for an evening timepiece. This might indicate a more professional intended usage, a destination potentially supported by the 14K case and by its dial.
Even the least watch-educated layman will immediately recognise this dial as an incredibly charming and superbly well-preserved example. The galvanic construction presents a virtually unmarred glossy finish, not presenting any of the signs of aging so often seen on similar dials (wrinkling, bubbling and such), instead retaining a superb mirror-finish. The same has to be said for the graphics which do not feature even a hint of oxidation. The azurage in the subsidiary dial is equally breathtakingly well-preserved.
Without a doubt this timepiece will satisfy the long-time connoisseur looking for a “best-in-class” example of galvanic dial, as well as the more “hand-on” collector looking for a superbly attractive vintage everyday watch.

ROLEX An extremely rare diver’s wristwatch with center seconds, date, engraved caseback, bracelet, guarantee and presentation box, made for the Italian Police Divers Corps
Manufacturer Rolex
Year 2008
Reference No. 16600
Movement No. 32’425’280
Case No. V319060
Model Name Sea-Dweller Polipetto
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3135, 31 jewels

Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Oyster bracelet stamped “PJ 93160A” to the end links, max length 215 mm (without extension)
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
Formerly in the collection of Guido Mondani
CHF 80,000–160,000
Accompanied Rolex guarantee dated December 2008 signed by La Spezia and confirming delivery to Marco Marotta, product literature, tool, wallet, Buehlman diving table, presentation box and outer packaging. Furthermore accompanied by a copy of a purchase agreement between the current consignor and Guido Mondani.
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of its diving corps, the Italian State Police asked Rolex to produce this rare special edition. Seventy eight pieces were made in total, of which twenty eight bear the certification number of the diver to whom it was given. The emblem of the Italian Police Divers Corps - the octopus - is immediately apparent on the dial and is the origin of the “Polipetto” nickname for the model (Italian for “small octopus”). The caseback engraving is executed using high-voltage electro-gravure and it reads, on the present piece, “POLIZIA DI STATO SOMMOZZATORI 1958-2008 BREV. SMZ N.3029”. The present watch is one among a rarified 28 pieces also with the brevet number of the diver on the caseback.
The present watch comes with its original box, guarantee, chronometer tag, a leather folder containing a double-ended tool for adjusting the bracelet, and a credit card sized Buehlman diving table. Most notably, the guarantee card is signed La Spezia, in line with other known examples, and confirms delivery of the watch to Marco Marotta. The Sea-Dweller “Polipetto” can indisputably be considered one of the rarest and most collectible Rolex “tool” watches of modern times. Highlighting its importance in the pantheon of highly sought-after Rolex watches, the Octopus is featured on the cover of Mondani and Ravagnani’s seminal work “Rolex Submariner Story”. To find a Polipetto, in absolutely mint condition and accompanied by such complete accessories is without a doubt an outstandingly rare opportunity for the collector of rare timepieces. The present watch furthermore has an impressive provenance as it was purchased by the current consignor directly from the famous Guido Mondani, of which a copy of the purchase agreement is accompanying the present lot.

ROLEX A highly rare, attractive and well-preserved stainless steel triple calendar wristwatch with moonphases
Manufacturer Rolex
Year Circa 1951
Reference No. 8171
Movement No. 56’845
Case No. 686’447
Model Name “Padellone”
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 10’’’1/2, 18 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Dimensions 38mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial and movement signed
CHF 100,000–200,000

Reference 8171 is lovingly dubbed “Padellone”, which translates to “large frying pan” in Italian. Boasting a generous 38 mm case, it is slightly larger than its waterproof Oyster sibling, reference 6062. Both references 8171 and 6062 were the only two vintage Rolex models with moonphases, giving them a mythical reputation and cult-like following. Produced for a very short period of time in the early 1950s, reference 8171 and 6062 were available in yellow gold, pink gold, and stainless steel.
The present watch is an exceedingly well-preserved example, and is incredibly impressive. Reference 8171 has been made in three case metals, and a remarkable - given its short production run - number of dial variants are known. The present watch is fitted with the beloved grené dial. The dial is preserved in charming and unrestored condition, with sharp and crisp apertures at 12 o’clock attesting to its originality. Most reference 8171s have undergone some restoration during their lifetime, yet this example remains untouched to this day, further enhancing its desirability and rarity.
This example furthermore boasts a strong and crisp case, clearly displaying the Rolex coronet and case numbers on the case back, details lacking from many worn or over polished examples.
Such an unrestored and superlative piece hardly ever comes to the market, a true trophy example for the most discerning among collectors.

ROLEX An extremely rare and attractive white gold and multi-gem set calendar wristwatch with center seconds and bracelet
Manufacturer Rolex Year Circa 1984
Reference No. 69119
Case No. 8’397’301
Model Name Datejust “Rainbow”
Material 18K white gold, diamonds and sapphires

Bracelet/Strap 18K white gold Rolex bracelet, max length 165mm
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 26mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 30,000–60,000
The present watch displays a number of features that elevate it beyond a regular Datejust, due to the presence of the multisapphire bezel giving way to the name “Rainbow”. It packs a visual punch, most notably due to its beautiful and impressive bezel, which is set with gemstones that graduate in hue to mimic the color spectrum. The tones range from a vibrant and intense deep red, and slowly morph to mauve, orange, chartreuse, green, blue and finally deep purple. The bezel’s beauty stems from the wellmatched, pure and bright colored gemstones. The colors blend together seamlessly, attesting to Rolex’s technical superiority and eye for color. The dial also displays gemstones in a rainbow hue, referencing the colors of the bezel.
As an even nicer touch, the dial is also set with rainbow hue-ed sapphires in lieu of hour markers, giving the timepiece further appeal. The watch itself is preserved in marvelous and impressive condition, with sharp finishes to the top of the lugs and also a sharp “Original Rolex Design” engraving on the caseback which is crisp and visible.

An incredibly beautiful, rare and complex minute repeating yellow gold wristwatch with flinqué enamel dial and jaquemart automaton, certificate and presentation box, number 9 of a limited edition of 30 pieces, with proceeds going to charity
Manufacturer Ulysse Nardin
Year Circa 2000
Reference No. 716-22
Case No. N°9
Model Name Forgeorons Jacquemart Minute Repeater
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Manual, Christophe Claret base, 32 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather

Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Ulysse Nardin pin buckle signed UN
Dimensions 38mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 20,000–40,000
Accompanied by Ulysse Nardin fitted box, Certificate, certificate of Limited Edition and outer packaging.
The present Ulysse Nardin Jacquemart Minute Repeater takes us back to a glorious period of watchmaking right after the quartz crisis that nearly wiped out the mechanical watch industry. In the 1980s-1990s brands delved into their past to create modern complicated masterpieces, and the present timepiece finds its roots in this golden epoch.
The present timepiece is as much as a feast for the eyes as it is for the ears! Not content with creating a wonderful minute repeater cased in an elegant curvaceous case with strong stepped lugs, Ulysse Nardin created a superb enamel flinqué dial (the base is guilloché then enameled) featuring two engraved automatons representing blacksmiths. When the repeater lever is activated the arm of the automaton on the left rises and falls (as if he is hitting the object he is holding with a hammer) to the chimes of the hours, both figures move in synch with the chimes of the quarter hours and the automaton on the right moves with the chimes of the minutes.
It is important to note that not only Ulysse Nardin was one of the very first brands to introduce a Jacquemart minute repeating wristwatch but remains one of the very few who has mastered the complex mastery of automatons. The present timepiece is number 9 of a limited edition of 30 pieces. In excellent condition, fresh to the market and from the original owner it is a true relevant piece of horological history with every detail constructed with meticulous craftsmanship and sophistication.
Please note that the proceeds of the present timepiece will be donated by the consignor to various charities.

Ref. 716-22 Forgeorons Jacquemart Minute Repeater

An original yellow gold wristwatch with wandering hours and cloisonné enamel dial depicting the travels of Fernand de Magellan, guarantee and presentation box, part of a limited edition of 60 pieces, with proceeds going to charity
Manufacturer Vacheron Constantin Year Circa 2010
Reference No. 47070
Movement No. 949’704
Case No. 798’597
Model Name Hommage Aux Grands Explorateurs “Fernand de Magellan”
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 1126. 26 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather

Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Vacheron Constantin deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 20,000–40,000
Accompanied by Vacheron Constantin fitted box, Certificate of Origin and Guarantee, product literature, loupe, hang tag, DVD and outer packaging.
Throughout close to 270 years Vacheron Constantin has always experimented with alternative time displays in pocket or wristwatch format. In 1994, the famed Geneva brand took the horological world by storm when it launched the Mercator, a surprising collection of timepieces featuring a dial depicting old maps of Eurasia or the Americas, and two retrograde hands in the form of a compass acting as the hour and minutes indicators. Following the Mercator’s critical and commercial success, Vacheron Constantin launched the Hommage Aux Grands Explorateurs (Tribute to the Great Explorers) in 2004. A series of four watches, limited to 60 pieces each, the watches were made with a two level dial construction representing the travels of a famous explorer. The present example is dedicated to Fernando de Magellan, who in 1519, commanding a fleet of 5 ships and 300 men set sail from the port of Seville bound for the Spice Islands (today Indonesia). The dial depicts the route he travelled from Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean – named as such due to the fact that Magellan was marveled by its calm waters.
Creating a cloisonné enamel dial requires extreme skills, dexterity and talent. The artist first marks out the outline of the motifs using a fine gold wire to separate the various enamel regions. Multiple enamel layers are applied depending on the desired colors, followed by numerous successive firing operations in a kiln serving to intensify the color and light effects as well as the gradation of the enamel. A dangerous process as at each firing the dial can break while the enamel may react differently to the heat, resulting in high rejection rates. The level of difficulty has been pushed even further for the dial of this watch as it is made on two levels with a small opening allowing the passage of a sapphire disc for the wandering hour indication. Please note that the proceeds of the present timepiece will be donated by the consignor to various charities.

VACHERON CONSTANTIN A rare and impressive platinum tourbillon wristwatch with platinum dial and 14 day power reserve indication, number 9 of a limited edition of 50 pieces
Manufacturer Vacheron Constantin Year 2014
Reference No. 89000/000P
Movement No. 5’248’870
Case No. 1’263’818, caseback further stamped 9/50
Model Name Patrimony Traditionnelle 14-Day Tourbillon
Material Platinum
Calibre Manual, cal. 2260, 31 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Platinum Vacheron Constantin deployant clasp
Dimensions 42mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and deployant signed
CHF 40,000–80,000

Accompanied by Vacheron Constantin Extract from the Archives and pouch.
In 2006, with the inception and creation of the Collection Excellence Platine, Vacheron Constantin wanted to honor the intrinsic alliance between pure mechanical refinement and an inestimably precious material, platinum.
Rare, pure, and eternal, platinum which was discovered in the 18th century has been the favored material in the field of Fine Watchmaking since the beginning of the 19th century. Noblest of all metals, the distinctive choice of material from Vacheron Constantin further heightened the gravitas and importance of the present timepiece. Luxurious and exclusive, after an extensive research and development period the team managed to create a jaw dropping sandblasted platinum dial. Noticeable from the platinum PT950 hallmark between 4 and 5 o’clock, Vacheron Constantin wanted to keep a pure platinum dial with no protective coating to keep the metal’s intrinsic “raw” metallic aspect as much as possible.
Equipped with Calibre 2260, the Patrimony Traditionnelle 14-day tourbillon Collection Excellence Platine features a mechanical hand-wound tourbillon movement boasting an impressive 14-day power reserve. In addition to the tourbillon, paired with a small second at 6 o’clock, the movement also features a power-reserve display at 12 o’clock. Such is the refinement, the entire watch bears the exclusive Hallmark of Geneva.
In excellent condition, the present Patrimony Traditionnelle 14-day tourbillon was issued in a 50-piece individually numbered limited edition, of which the present timepiece is number 09.

CARTIER An incredibly rare asymmetrical white gold wristwatch with salmon dial, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Cartier
Year 2022
Reference No. WGCH0037
Case No. 4131 - 513827BX
Model Name Crash
Material 18k white gold
Calibre Manual, cal. 8971 MC, 19 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18k white gold Cartier Crash folding clasp
Dimensions 42.3mm Length
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 40,000–80,000
Accompanied by Cartier fitted box, International Warranty Card, Certificate of Origin, product literature and outer packaging.

The present white gold Cartier Crash is mysterious, elusive and special in more ways than one. It is made of white gold which is a metal reserved for special pieces but mainly it comes with a superb salmon dial giving the watch extra appeal and collectability.
Most would agree that the Cartier Crash is the most iconic wristwatch manufactured by the firm, due to its unique asymmetrical case design immediately connecting dots with Salvador Dali’s “Persistence of Memory” as well as the form of a melted Maxi Baignoire Allongée. With that said, regardless of the story behind the watch, the Crash is arguably one of the most fascinating wristwatches manufactured in the 20th century. With a case that immediately draws one’s attention, the fluid facets and soft curves interpreted is without a doubt refreshing. Initially introduced by Cartier London in 1967, the Crash has enjoyed various iterations since its launch with gem-set models and skeletonized versions. However in 2019, Cartier introduced the ref. 4127 featuring and inspired by much of the same aesthetics as the very first example from the late 1960’s.
The present example in white gold and salmon dial is making its auction debut, according to our research this is the 3rd known example.

An attractive and rare cushion shaped platinum perpetual calendar chronograph wristwatch with moonphases, black dial and diamond-set hour markers, certificate of origin and setting pin
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 1997
Reference No. 5020
Movement No. 3’045’489
Case No. 2’956’182
Model Name “TV Screen”
Material Platinum
Calibre Manual, cal. CH 27-70 Q, 24 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Platinum Patek Philippe pin buckle
Dimensions 37mm Width
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 150,000–300,000
Accompanied by Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin dated 1997, leather wallet, instruction manual, product literature, setting pin, numbered envelope and wooden presentation box

The reference 5020 is certain to distinguish itself from other perpetual calendar chronographs from Patek Philippe thanks to its innovative design and elegant proportions.
Introduced in 1994, and manufactured for approximately 8 years, Patek Philippe’s reference 5020, affectionately dubbed the “TV Screen” for its distinctive cushion shape, provided an alternative to the reference 3970. Despite sharing identical complications and mechanical components, such as the perpetual calendar with leap year indication, 24-hour indicator, and chronograph function, the reference 5020 boasted its own unique style and allure.
Its unconventional case design received a tepid response from customers, resulting in exceedingly low production figures. It is estimated that approximately 200 units of the reference 5020 were manufactured, spanning variations in yellow, pink, or white gold, as well as platinum. The platinum variants were offered with either a silver dial featuring Breguet numerals or a black dial adorned with diamond markers. Furthermore, the platinum version is exceptionally scarce as only 4 models featuring a silver dial and Breguet numerals, and only 3 examples featuring a black dial and diamond markers, like the present example, are known to exist to date.
Preserved in excellent condition and complete with its certificate of origin confirming the back dial with diamond-set hour markers, the exceptional scarcity of the reference 5020, regardless of the metal, together with its dial case combination render the present timepiece extremely sought-after.

PATEK PHILIPPE A superb and well-preserved stainless steel chronograph wristwatch with two-tone silvered dial with outer tachymeter scale
It is safe to say that Patek Philippe’s reference 1463 chronograph is considered by collectors as one of the most attractive and utterly bombastic vintage chronographs of our times. The desirability of this reference is taken one step further by the present model thanks to its unmolested and ultra rare steel case and two-tone dial.
Reference 1463 was first launched in 1940, and production continued for approximately 25 years. It was the first and only waterproof chronograph produced by Patek Philippe featuring a screw-back case and round pump pushers.
Despite the limited production numbers, there were many variations. While each featured a ten-sided screw back case and playful rounded chronograph-pushers, known as “Tasti Tondi” in Italian, there were many dial variations. The present example features a sublime, two-tone silvered dial with outer polished chapter ring and tachymeter, and inner silvered matte dial with applied raised steel markers, subsidiary dials, and railway track.

PATEK PHILIPPE A superb and well-preserved stainless steel chronograph wristwatch with two-tone silvered dial with outer tachymeter scale
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 1949
Reference No. 1463
Movement No. 867’657
Case No. 653’517
Model Name “Tasti Tondi”
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Manual, cal. 13’’’, 23 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel PPCo pin buckle
Dimensions 35mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
Winning Icons – Legendary Watches of the 20th Century, Phillips New York 26 October 2017
CHF 200,000–400,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Extract from the Archives confirming production of the present watch in 1949 and its subsequent sale on 22 March 1950.
A similar reference 1463 in steel is featured in Patek Philippe Steel Watches by John Goldberger pp. 284-285.

Its overall condition is incredible, with an immaculate case retaining a crisp finishing, with thick lugs and a sharp bezel. The wonderful state of preservation suggests the watch was hardly worn, and lovingly cared for over its long history.
The two-tone dial is simply radiant with a hard, raised enamel script that is fully intact and well defined. Over the past twenty years, very few steel reference 1463 watches have been offered at auction. Of the 67 known examples of the reference 1463 in steel, only 17 are known to have a two-tone dial, making it extremely rare and highly sought after.
This remarkable stainless steel example combines so many desirable elements sought after by collectors, making it a worthy addition for a world-class collection of complicated Patek Philippe wristwatches.

PATEK PHILIPPE A very attractive pink gold wristwatch with first series enamel dial, retailed by Freccero
Manufacturer Patek Philippe
Year 1954
Reference No. 2526
Movement No. 760’979
Case No. 684’552
Material 18K pink gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 12-600, 30 jewels, stamped with the Geneva Seal Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K pink gold pin buckle signed PPCo
Dimensions 35.5mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 50,000–100,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Extract from the Archives confirming production of the present watch in 1954 and its subsequent sale on December 16, 1954.

The present Patek Philippe ref 2526 places itself within the ultra exclusive and covetable category of the models made not only in pink gold but to also feature the signature of famed Montevideo (Uruguay) based retailer Freccero (still in business today) on the dial.
Patek Philippe’s first automatic wristwatch, the legendary reference 2526, was introduced to the market in 1953 and set the standard for a timeless and elegant case design. Reference 2526 was launched with the celebrated caliber 12-600 AT - Patek Philippe’s first automatic movement, considered by many to be the most beautiful self-winding movement made by any manufacturer. Created in yellow, pink, and white gold, as well as platinum, the 35.5mm diameter Baumgartner-fabricated case was oversized for the era.
Very early examples such as the present dial feature flared holes not only in the centre but also in correspondence of every single index. An extremely costly production methodology, such dials were later abandoned in favour of simpler enamel dials with one flared hole at the centre and glued indexes (Second Series dials) but even these ones proved to be anti economical, prompting Patek to finally settle for metal dials (Third Series). The present pink gold reference 2526 with Freccero signature represents the ultimate echelon of vintage time only Patek Philippe and the present example fresh to the market is one of only 7 known in this combination.

VACHERON CONSTANTIN A possibly unique, unspeakably beautiful and enormously collectible platinum automatic wristwatch with center seconds, diamond-set bezel and Gay Freres bracelet
Manufacturer Vacheron Constantin
Year 1960
Reference No. 6465
Movement No. 545’597
Case No. 374’917
Material Platinum and diamonds
Calibre Automatic, cal. K1071, 29 jewels, stamped twice with the Geneva Seal

Bracelet/Strap Platinum Gay Freres bracelet, max length 195mm
Clasp/Buckle Platinum Gay Freres clasp stamped “2 60”
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial and movement signed by maker, clasp signed by bracelet maker
CHF 60,000–120,000
Accompanied by Vacheron Constantin Extract from the Archives confirming production in 1960.
The watch is prominently illustrated in Royal Vacheron Constantin by Pucci Papaleo Editore.
When it comes to watch collecting, there is little dispute: unique timepieces are considered the ultimate tier in the field. The point is how one defines uniqueness. It can be a normal model with a different kind of dial. It could be a watch fitted with a bracelet instead of a leather strap. It can be a reference executed in a metal never seen before. In the Instance of the present timepiece, we are in the presence of one of those rare astral conjunctions where all levels of uniqueness are reunited under one case. Reference 6465 is so far known in only one example: the present one. This trait already unarguably classifies it as one of the most important time only wristwatches ever made by the company. But if this was not enough, even the metal it is executed in represents the highest level of collectibility: platinum. The subtle addition of diamonds to the bezel and to the indexes further boost the appeal of the piece, making it one of the most refined and elegant dress watches produced by Vacheron Constantin.
This is, however, a true treasure trove for the collector, as the watch comes not on a simple leather strap, but rather on an exquisite Gay Freres platinum bracelet, featuring a highly unusual style hardly ever seen before. The bracelet is stamped with the same year of the watch, but to cement its absolute originality to the timepiece we checked with Vacheron Constantin, and they verbally confirmed that the watch was born indeed with a bracelet. While a single look to this piece would be enough to conquer the heart of any collector, the amount of unique traits it encapsulates makes it an absolutely unmissable opportunity for the most demanding connoisseur, a true Grail and undoubtedly one of the most collectible time only watches ever made by Vacheron Constantin.

An extremely rare and highly important stainless steel limited edition chronograph cushion-shaped wristwatch, 1950s movement and original certificate part of a limited edition of 16 pieces
Reference 3670 is not only one of the rarest, elusive and desirable of all modern Patek Philippe wristwatches but the story behind its creation is filled with mystery and history.
In 1996, Patek Philippe prepared to move its workshops from the historic address of rue du Rhone to Plan les Ouates. According to the brand an old wooden chest was found on the 5th floor and in it were 16 vintage chronograph caliber 13-130 assembled and adjusted in 1955. Caliber 13-130 was a staple in Patek Philippe chronographs, found in the iconic ref 130 and 1463 to name just a few.
To celebrate this discovery, Patek Philippe disassembled and subsequently reassembled the 16 movements and housed them in stainless steel cushion cases inspired by the chronographs of the 1920s. To discover the unused movements was extremely remarkable. Yet, to case them in a stainless steel cushion case was, at the time, nothing sort of extraordinary. Apart from its split-seconds chronograph reference 5950 or the ultra elusive perpetual calendar split seconds chronograph reference 5004A, Patek Philippe hardly ever used stainless steel in the production of their high-end timepieces in modern times, saving them for charity or one-off events.

An extremely rare and highly important stainless steel limited edition chronograph cushion-shaped wristwatch, 1950s movement and original certificate part of a limited edition of 16 pieces
Manufacturer Patek Philippe
Year 2012
Reference No. 3670A-001
Movement No. 869’316
Case No. 4’494’103
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Manual, cal. 13’’130 CH, 25 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Patek Philippe pin buckle Dimensions 37mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 500,000–1,000,000

Accompanied by Limited Edition attestation, Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin dated June 16, 2012, large leather folder with history of the watch

Producing a highly limited stainless steel chronograph wristwatch housing an original vintage movement was a bold and audacious move, sending collectors into an immediate frenzy. The watches were furthermore fitted with grey dials, giving it a modern and sporty appearance.
Launched in 2011, reference 3670 was an “application” watch. As such, only Patek Philippe’s most prestigious, deserving and loyal clients were granted the honor to own one such wristwatch.
In fact, the present example is only the 3rd to ever grace an international auction market.
Momentous in its aesthetic impact and gargantuan in its collectability, the present timepiece - is without a doubt one of the most important pieces from Patek Philippe’s modern history.

Sunday 12 May 2024, 2pm
Lots 107–219
An attractive stainless steel wristwatch with center seconds, date, green dial, bracelet, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex
Year 2020
Reference No. 116610LV
Case No. L88Z1624
Model Name Submariner
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3135, 31 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 195mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 8,000–16,000

Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated October 02, 2020, hang tag, wallet, product literature, presentation box and outer packaging.

Reference 116610LV, the Rolex “Hulk”, was launched in 2010 as an upgrade to its predecessor, the reference 16610LV “Kermit”. While similar in overall design and build, the “Hulk” features a robust case with broader lugs and glidelock features to allow the wearer to make the necessary adjustments on the wrist with ease. Highly sought-after in the market, the reference was discontinued in 2020 and made way for its new ref. 126610LV with a black dial. The green coloured ceramic bezel is an upgrade to its predecessor as it is much more durable in comparison to the previous aluminium bezel.
The present watch is preserved in virtually unworn condition and still retains its original accessories such as the Rolex guarantee dated October 02, 2020, bezel protector, hang tag, wallet, product literature, presentation box and outer packaging.

Manufacturer Rolex Year 2012
Reference No. 116509
Case No. V256225
Model Name Cosmograph Daytona
Material 18K white gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 4130, 44 jewels
Bracelet/Strap 18K white gold Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 205mm
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 15,000–30,000
Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated May 08, 2012, product literature, tag, wallet, presentation box and outer packaging. 108. ROLEX A nearly new-old-stock and attractive white gold chronograph wristwatch with bracelet, guarantee and presentation box

Introduced in 2000 alongside its stainless steel counterpart ref. 116520, the Rolex Cosmograph Daytona ref. 116509 features the upgraded and Rolex’s first ever in-house self-winding chronograph movement cal. 4130.
Hefty, steady and robust, the present Rolex Cosmograph Daytona ref. 116509 encased in 18K white gold with bracelet is certainly a luxurious touch to the renowned tool watch. The watch is furthermore preserved in near-pristine condition and is partially stickered to the case, clasp and caseback. The bracelet is in nearpristine condition as well. It is furthermore accompanied by its Rolex guarantee dated May 08, 2012, product literature, tag, wallet, presentation box and outer packaging.
Fitted with an attractive black dial with red accents and applied Arabic numerals, the dial is sporty and reflects the flying colors on the famous race track, Daytona circuit.

ROLEX An extremely well-preserved and attractive pink gold dual time wristwatch with date, bracelet, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex Year 2021
Reference No. 126715CHNR
Case No. 3005A9K5
Model Name GMT-Master II
Material 18K pink gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3285, 31 jewels
Bracelet/Strap 18K pink gold Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 190mm
Clasp/Buckle 18K pink gold Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 20,000–30,000

Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated March 2021, wallet, tag, product literature, presentation box and outer packaging. Furthermore accompanied by a copy of Rolex GMT-Master Story by Guido Mondani Editore.
The present watch is illustrated in the second volume of Rolex GMT-Master Story by Guido Mondani, pages 188 and 189.

Launched at Baselworld in 2018, the GMT-Master II in Everose gold was an instant success, and instantly a new icon. Hefty and eyecatching, it was a luxurious alternative to the stainless steel tool watch. At the time of launch, it was the first serially produced GMTMaster to be cased only in Everose. Everose gold was introduced by Rolex in 2005 and consists of an alloy of yellow gold, copper and platinum. Adding platinum in the gold combination allows the case to keep its pink tone over the years.
The present model is offered in virtually unworn condition and with all its original accessories.

ROLEX A rare and attractive stainless steel dual time wristwatch with cerachrom black and blue revolving bezel, center seconds, date, bracelet, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex
Year 2020
Reference No. 126710 BLNR
Case No. 8231F342
Model Name GMT-Master II “Batgirl”
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3285, 31 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Jubilee bracelet, max length 205mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 10,000–20,000

Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated September 11, 2020, hang tag, product literature, presentation box and outer packaging. Furthermore accompanied by a copy of Rolex GMT-Master Story by Guido Mondani Editore.
The present watch is illustrated in Vol. II of Rolex GMT-Master Story by Guido Mondani Editore, pages 194 to 195.
In 1954, Rolex launched one of its most iconic models: the GMTMaster. The timepiece was initially developed in collaboration with Pan American Airlines as to enable their pilots to simultaneously keep track of two time zones when flying from one location to another. Today, the legacy of the timepiece lives on as the GMT-Master is one of Rolex’s most celebrated models in the current catalog.
Reference 126710BLNR was first presented during Baselworld 2019 and received immediate praise by both critics and collectors. Nicknamed the “Batman” for its obvious bicolour black and blue bezel, the watch incorporates all the most beloved traits of the new GMT-Master II line: an iconic Cerachrom 24-hour rotatable bezel, the new caliber 3285 and a polished and brushed Jubilee bracelet; a novelty for Rolex sports watches which used to have an Oyster bracelet.
Offered in virtually unworn condition and retaining all its original accessories, this example is a continuity of the original 2013 “Batman” reference 116710BLNR and is already considered a classic collectible for any watch aficionado.

ROLEX A rare and attractive stainless steel chronograph wristwatch with guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex Year 2021
Reference No. 116500LN
Case No. 430E91H9
Model Name Cosmograph Daytona
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 4130, 44 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 205mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 15,000–30,000

Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated February 11, 2021, hang tag, product literature, wallet, presentation box and outer packaging.

Introduced at the 2016 Baselworld, reference 116500LN replaced reference 116520. While both models feature an in-house Rolex chronograph movement, reference 116500LN was Rolex’s very first stainless steel Cosmograph Daytona to feature a Cerachrom bezel. Two dial versions were available for the stainless steel model - either black or white. Reference 116500LN became an instant overnight success with clients immediately filling up the waiting list at retailers. Today, it is still incredibly difficult to obtain one due to the model’s good looks and cult status.
The present watch is offered in virtually pristine condition with the stickers on the case partially present, as well as the caseback and clasp. It is furthermore accompanied by its Rolex guarantee dated February 11, 2021, hang tag, product literature, wallet, presentation box and outer packaging.

ROLEX A rare and virtually “new old stock” stainless steel chronograph wristwatch with caseback sticker, bracelet, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex
Year Circa 1994
Reference No. 16520
Movement No. 10’594
Case No. S760392
Model Name Cosmograph Daytona
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 4030, 31 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 195mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 20,000–30,000
Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated 01 October 1994, product literature, wallet, presentation box and outer packaging.

Reference 16520 is among Rolex’s most innovative models ever produced. Housing the iconic Zenith-based caliber 4030 mechanism, the model was fitted with the first automatic chronograph movement in the firm’s history. At the time of launch in 1988, it quickly became a cult classic and garnered an immediate waiting list at Rolex retailers. Today, the Zenith Daytona has become an even more collectible watch due to its rarity, good looks and importance within the history of Rolex.
The present example is remarkable not only due to its provenance, but also for its accessories and its condition.
The piece is preserved in nearly-pristine condition: it not only features an unpolished case with strong edges and satin finish, it even has the caseback sticker and sticker on the clasp still present. It is also accompanied by its original accessories such as the guarantee, product literature, and presentation box with the reference number on the sticker on the side.

PATEK PHILIPPE A fine and attractive stainless steel wristwatch with date, power reserve and bracelet, certificate of origin and presentation box
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 2003
Reference No. 3710/1A-001
Movement No. 3’231’124
Case No. 4’148’152
Model Name Nautilus “Comet”
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 330 SC, 30 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Patek Philippe bracelet, max length 190mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Patek Philippe deployant clasp
Dimensions 43mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 40,000–80,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin dated September 2003, presentation box and outer packaging. Furthermore accompanied by a copy of Patek Philippe Nautilus & Aquanaut by Guido Mondani Editore.
The present watch is illustrated in Patek Philippe Nautilus & Aquanaut by Guido Mondani Editore, pages 51, 52 and 53.

Reference 3710 is a historically important model within the Nautilus family. Launched in 1998 and in production until 2004/2005, it was the first Nautilus model to feature a complication (other than a date indication) and even though it retained the smooth dial with Roman numerals as found in the reference 3800 it marked the return of the “Jumbo” sized reference 3700.
The Nautilus reference 3710 features a very unusual power reserve / state of wind indicator nicknamed by collectors “comet tail”. The said “tail” being placed on a rotating disc and once the movement fully wound the disc would continue rotating, indicating that the winding mechanism was disconnected from the main barrel.
The present watch is distinguished by its pristine state of preservation. All factory finishes are present, from the bevels to the sharp edges. It is furthermore accompanied by its original certificate and presentation box.

Ref. 3710/1A-001 Nautilus “Comet”

PHILIPPE An interesting and rare chromium plated desk clock with power reserve, Guillaume balance, hack feature, observatory movement and walnut presentation box, retailed by Oscar Linke
Manufacturer Patek Philippe
Year 1912
Movement No. 170’295
Case No. 293’800
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Manual, 21’’, jeweled Dimensions 91mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial and movement signed
CHF 15,000–30,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Extract from the Archives confirming production of the present watch in 1912 for the Geneva Observatory Contest in 1919, with Bulletin obtained for 1st class test results in performance, and its subsequent sale on September 16, 1932. Furthermore accompanied by Patek Philippe original walnut presentation box.
Extremely rare, the present watch is one among less than two dozen known desk clocks with observatory movements, specially made for retailers with their original walnut box. These timepieces were most notably made for retailers as display pieces - each with chronometer quality movements. The desk clock itself is massive, measuring 91 millimeters, with a dial featuring black enamel baton indexes and blued steel hands. In a striking design, the boxes displayed the retailer each clock was displayed for - in this instance, it is Oscar Linke. Research shows that Oscar Linke was a retailer in Genova. Other clocks bear different retailer names - in the past we have seen those engraved with Alfredo Alvarez, Tiffany & Co, Shreve, and Baily, Banks & Biddle, among others. This particular watch passed the Geneva Observatory Contest in 1919, with a “Bulletin” obtained for 1st class test results in performance.

Manufacturer Cartier Year Circa 1970
Case No. 781’010’635
Model Name Square Incurvée “Fabergé”
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Manual, cal. ETA 2512,17 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Alligator
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Cartier deployant clasp
Dimensions 26mm Width and 33mm Length
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 4,000–8,000

Exuding charm, the present “Gondolo”, or “Ellipse” represents what Cartier is best at: combining watchmaking with iconic design. In the second half of the 20th century, Cartier created some of the most impressive, creative and iconic designs of its multi-century history, imaging a multitude of case shapes as a canvas for their horological creations.
Cased in yellow gold, the present model is called the Square Incurvée Fabergé due to the likeness of the case to a curved square. It joins the echelons of other fantastically designed watches such as the Crash, Baignoire and Pebble, to name a few. The curved yellow gold case shaped perfectly contrasts against the eggshell white dial. Furthermore, the “Paris” notation on the dial makes it very collectible.

An extremely attractive and scarce white gold and diamond-set wristwatch with center seconds, date, bracelet, certificate of origin and presentation box
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 2009
Reference No. 5713/1G-001
Movement No. 3’648’004
Case No. 4’470’073
Model Name Nautilus
Material 18K white gold and diamonds
Calibre Automatic, cal. 324 S C, 29 jewels
Bracelet/Strap 18K white gold Patek Philippe bracelet, max length 200mm
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Patek Philippe deployant clasp
Dimensions 43mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 100,000–200,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin dated February 03, 2009, slip case, hang tag, presentation box and outer packaging. Furthermore accompanied by a copy of Patek Philippe Nautilus & Aquanaut by Guido Mondani Editore.
The present watch is illustrated in Patek Philippe Nautilus & Aquanaut, pages 157 and 158.

The Nautilus - alongside the first luxury steel sport’s watch models from the 1970s - is a remarkable example of the courage and independence of some Swiss watchmakers. Against many, if not all the stylistic codes that ruled watchmaking until then, a luxury steel sports watch was created and today is the pillar of the Swiss watchmaking industry, with waiting lists so long that one is unable to merely put their name down today for a watch.
The present 5713/1G is an extraordinary example of the diamondset Nautilus. Extremely rare and made in very few quantities, it is the ultimate inconspicuous watch. The case has a beautiful luster and glows incandescently in a way that can only be achieved with the use of white gold.
As confirmed by the Certificate of Origin, the bezel is set with 48 brilliant-cut diamonds for a weight of approximately 1.50 carats. Preserved in lovely condition, this timepiece makes a grand addition to a collection of Patek Philippe wristwatches.

Reference 6036 replaced its predecessor, reference 5036, in 1951. Named after champion sportsman and Rolex ambassador Jean-Claude Killy, the ‘Killy’ is the only Rolex oyster model to feature a full calendar and chronograph complication. It is the third representative of arguably the most complicated vintage Rolex line of timepieces, which is now known as “Datocompax” or, more famously, “Jean-Claude Killy”. The model is preceded by two other Killy iterations - ref. 5036 (launched in 1948) and ref. 4767 (launched in 1947) - and succeeded by ref. 6236, all four of them sporting very similar aesthetics and differing mainly for technical updates. It is worth noting the existence also of ref. 4768 - produced alongside ref. 4767 - sharing the same complications as the four Killy models but lacking an Oyster case, and thus its classification as a Killy is somewhat debated.

Ref. 6036 Oyster Chronographe “Jean-Claude

ROLEX A highly rare and attractive pink gold triple calendar chronograph wristwatch with bracelet and guarantee
Manufacturer Rolex
Year Circa 1954
Reference No. 6036
Case No. 113’756
Model Name Oyster Chronographe “Jean-Claude Killy”
Material 18K pink gold
Calibre Manual, cal. 72C, 17 jewels

Bracelet/Strap 18K pink gold Italian made bracelet, max length 180mm
Clasp/Buckle 18K pink gold deployant clasp
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial and movement signed
CHF 400,000–800,000
Accompanied by Rolex guarantee, product literature, envelope, presentation box and outer packaging. Furthermore accompanied by a copy of Master Rolex by Guido Mondani Editore.
The present watch is published in Master Rolex by Guido Mondani Editore, pages 66 and 67.

The reference was typically cased in stainless steel. Yet, for their most discerning clients, Rolex also offered the model in yellow gold, steel and gold combinations, and most exclusively, in pink gold.
The present example is a superlative example, with a beautiful case and crisp hallmarks. The numbers are crisp between the lugs and the dial has changed to a beautiful ivory hue. The luminous dots are also round, intact, and have aged with warm patina.
An incredibly important watch, the present watch is furthermore forever preserved in literature, being published in Master Rolex by Guido Mondani Editore, pages 66 and 67.

Ref. 6036 Oyster Chronographe “Jean-Claude

ROLEX A highly rare and almost new-old-stock stainless steel dual time wristwatch with caseback sticker, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex
Year Circa 1992
Reference No. 16700
Case No. N472340
Model Name GMT-Master
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3175, 31 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 205mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 10,000–20,000

Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated February 24, 1993, bezel protector, product literature, calendar, presentation box and outer packaging. Furthermore accompanied by a copy of Rolex GMT-Master Story by Guido Mondani Editore.
The present watch is illustrated in Vol. I of Rolex GMT-Master Story by Guido Mondani Editore, pages 186-187.

In production from 1988 to 1999, reference 16700 is a classic GMT-Master. The model most notably featured a sapphire crystal, which was a new introduction to the GMT-Master line at the time. Fitted with an aluminum bezel, it was a decidedly more modern and heftier version of the iconic model.
The present timepiece is distinguished by its impeccable state of preservation. Displaying a beautiful and untouched tritium dial, the present watch is preserved in excellent and crisp condition, with razor sharp edges and crisp bevels. It even retains its original green factory caseback sticker. The numbers between the lugs are crisp, and have never seen intervention before. The bracelet is furthermore incredibly rigid and tight, showing how little (if any) wear the watch has seen throughout its lifespan. Furthermore, the original seal on the clasp remains intact. The present watch is accompanied by its Rolex guarantee, product literature, calendar, presentation box and outer packaging.

ROLEX A highly rare and attractive antimagnetic stainless steel wristwatch with center seconds, bracelet, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex
Year 2008
Reference No. 116400GV
Case No. M654163
Model Name Milgauss
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3131, 31 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 185mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex deployant
Dimensions 40mm Diameter

Signed Case, dial, movement, bracelet and clasp signed
CHF 5,000–10,000
Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated June 2008, wallet, tag, product literature, presentation box and outer packaging.

With a decorated history in the lineage of professional Rolex tool watches, the Milgauss was first introduced to the world in 1956 via the ref. 6541. Designed as an antimagnetic wristwatch for professionals working in power plants, medical facilities and labs, the watch was able to withstand magnetic fields of up to 1,000 gauss as well as being the chosen timepiece worn by scientists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva.
In 2007, Rolex released the Milgauss ref. 116400 to replace its former long-lived ref. 1019. Bearing the same principle as all previous Milgauss references, the movement is protected by a metal cage. Paying its rightful homage to the ref. 6541, the ref. 116400 features an orange “thunderbolt” center seconds hand. Furthermore, what is notably interesting is that the ref. 116400 features a green tinted sapphire crystal giving the reference an entirely unique appeal. Till today, it is the only Rolex model ever produced to feature a tinted sapphire crystal.
The present watch is in virtually liked-new condition with plastic stickers still present on the caseband, caseback and clasp on the bracelet. It is furthermore offered as a “full set” with its Rolex guarantee dated June 2008, wallet, tag, product literature, presentation box and outer packaging.

An extremely rare stainless steel wristwatch with small seconds, power reserve indication, date, moon phases, bracelet, certificate of origin and presentation box
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 2006
Reference No. 5712/1A-001
Movement No. 3’171’290
Case No. 4’377’247
Model Name Nautilus
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 240 PS IRM C LU, 29 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Patek Philippe bracelet, max length 190mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Patek Philippe deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 50,000–100,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin dated December 8, 2006, wallet, product literature, presentation box and outer packaging. Furthermore accompanied by a copy of Patek Philippe Nautilus & Aquanaut by Guido Mondani Editore.
The present watch is illustrated in Patek Philippe Nautilus & Aquanaut by Guido Mondani Editore, pages 138 and 139.

Displaying a date, power reserve and moon phases complication, the reference 5712 was the successor of reference 3712. It is immediately recognizable from its predecessor due to the lack of hour marker at 7 o’clock. Made to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the famous Nautilus collection in 2006, the model was a commercial success. Its good looks, combined with a hefty presence makes it one of the most desirable modern sports watches available on the market today. In fact, it is incredibly difficult to obtain one at a Patek Philippe retailer, requiring years of waiting to be allocated one.
The present timepiece is an exemplary example. Preserved in most probably unpolished condition with great finishes to the top of the lugs and bevels, the timepiece is offered in excellent condition. The clasp even has remnant of the original sticker. It is furthermore accompanied by its Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin dated December 8, 2006, presentation box and outer packaging.

Manufacturer Patek Philippe
Year Circa 1980
Material Wood
A rare and attractive wooden presentation box, made for the Nautilus model

Dimensions 40cm Length, 8.5cm Height and 18cm Width
Signed Box signed
CHF 5,000–10,000
Offered without reserve, the present presentation box made in lacquered wood by Patek Philippe was made specially for the Nautilus model, evidenced by Nautilus inscription inside the box. Heavy and solid, it is made with the very best materials - qualities Patek Philippe is best known for.
It is most probable that the present presentation box was made upon special order for a client, wishing to store his or her watches inside in an unusual and luxurious manner. The box is perfect for any collector wishing to display their coveted Nautilus models, providing beauty, practicality and most of all, vintage flair.

ROLEX A fine and attractive white gold dual-time wristwatch with center seconds, date, bracelet, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex Year 2019
Reference No. 126719BLRO
Case No. 8V382853
Model Name GMT-Master II “Pepsi”
Material 18K white gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3285, 31 jewels
Bracelet/Strap 18K white gold Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 205mm
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 25,000–50,000

Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated September 19, 2019, product literature, wallet, presentation box and outer packaging. Furthermore accompanied by a copy of Rolex GMT-Master Stor y by Guido Mondani.
The present watch is published in the second volume of Rolex GMT-Master Story by Guido Mondani, pages 200, 201, 202 and 203.

In 2014 Rolex released for the first time its very first GMT-Master II reference 116719BLRO encased in 18K white gold. Four years later, the firm released the new reference 126719BLRO fitted with the newly upgraded caliber 3285 featuring an attractive navy blue dial stepping away from its traditional black dial.
Visually striking, both the dial and bezel feature a dark navy colour that elegantly contrasts against the brighter and unique red of the bezel and the white gold case.
Sporty yet refined, the present Rolex GMT-Master II is considered to be one of the most sought after timepieces with its aesthetics remaining very much similar to the first iterations of the model, most notably with its bi-colored “Pepsi” bezel that many are fond of.
Preserved in excellent condition and complete with its original set of accessories, the present Rolex GMT-Master II reference 126719BLROs is a highly sought after timepiece, making this a perfect opportunity that even the most discerning of collectors should not miss.

ROLEX A rare and attractive white gold calendar wristwatch with diamond-set dial, center seconds, date, bracelet, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex
Year 2008
Reference No. 218239
Case No. M852865
Model Name Day-Date II
Material 18K white gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3156, 31 jewels
Bracelet/Strap 18K white gold Rolex President bracelet, max length 200mm
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 41mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 20,000–40,000

Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated November 8, 2008, hang tag, product literature, presentation box and outer packaging. Furthermore accompanied by a copy of Rolex Day-Date by Guido Mondani Editore.
The present watch is illustrated in Rolex Day-Date by Guido Mondani Editore, pages 272-273.

Released in 2008, the Day-Date II was most notably cased in a 41mm diameter case - it was bigger and bolder than ever, offering proportions to the taste of modern standards. It stood in stark contrast to the original Day-Date launched in 1956, which displayed a 36mm case. Housed inside a beautiful white gold case is the reliable and robust cal. 3156 under a striking black dial with diamond markers.
The reference was discontinued in 2015 with the release of the Day-Date 40. Presented in excellent overall condition and further accompanied by the original guarantee and presentation box, the present example is a fantastic opportunity to acquire an attractive and luxurious wristwatch manufactured by none other than Rolex.

EBERHARD & CO. A highly rare, attractive and extremely well-preserved yellow gold split seconds chronograph wristwatch
Manufacturer Eberhard & Co.
Year Circa 1938
Movement No. 17’336
Case No. 1’009’920
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Manual, cal. 86, 16”, 17 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Gold plated Eberhard pin buckle
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 20,000–40,000

Preserved in absolutely astounding and most probably unpolished condition, the present timepiece is a true time capsule. Displaying powerful and defined lugs, it is unspoiled and barely worn despite being over 70 years of age. It most notably features a split seconds mechanism - among the most prestigious and complicated of all chronograph movements.
The start, stop and reset functions are all controlled by a single push piece that is integrated into the winding crown. The top pusher is responsible for the split-seconds function, meant to measure intermediate times without interrupting the timekeeping of an event. Appearing to look like a third chronograph pusher, the lower pusher at 4 o’clock instead works as a “stop and lock” mechanism controlled by simply sliding the bottom button up towards the crown. When the slide is moved upwards, the precise time is protected, and can be recorded by the user. The lock prevents the accidental actuation of the chronograph’s pushers that would result in losing the measurement.
The dial of the present timepiece is particularly noteworthy. Hardly displaying any signs of aging, it is free of visible tarnishing or spotting. The graphics are crisp, clear and free of losses. Considering the age of the timepiece, the dial is truly remarkable.

A virtually new old stock and attractive stainless steel diver’s wristwatch with date, ring lock system, gas escape valve and bracelet, with guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex
Year 2014
Reference No. 116660
Case No. 60T94346
Model Name Sea-Dweller, Deepsea “James Cameron”
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3135, 31 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 215mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex Oyster deployant clasp
Dimensions 44mm Diameter

Signed Case, dial, movement, bracelet and clasp signed
CHF 8,000–16,000
Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated December 2014, product literature, wallet, presentation box and outer packaging. Furthermore accompanied by a copy of Submariner, Sea-Dweller e Deepsea by Guido Mondani Editore.
The present watch is illustrated in the first volume of Guido Mondani Editore Rolex Submariner, Sea-Dweller e Deepsea pages 142 to 145.

Originally launched in 2008, the Rolex reference 116660 SeaDweller Deepsea originally featured a black dial, a newly introduced Ringlock system, thicker case and 5mm thick sapphire crystal, when compared to its regular counterpart. Extremely robust, the Sea-Dweller Deep Sea was meant to explore the deepest depths of the ocean with an incredible depth rating up to 3,900 meters (12,800 feet).
In 2014, Rolex introduced a new Deepsea model this time featuring an attractive gradient blue dial beautifully mimicking the hues of the ocean depths where light begins to fade. Warmly nicknamed the “James Cameron” in tribute to the director’s solo diving expedition where he set to explore and document the deepest part of the ocean.
The present Rolex Sea-Dweller Deepsea “James Cameron” reference 116660 from 2014 is in outstanding, and virtually unworn condition and is further offered with its full set of accessories.

ROLEX A rare and attractive stainless steel diver’s wristwatch with center seconds, date, bracelet, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex Year Circa 1972
Reference No. 1680
Movement No. D239401
Case No. 3’225’662
Model Name Submariner
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 1570, 26 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 205mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 18,000–36,000
Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated March 5, 1974 stamped C. Colombo, second guarantee, wallet, product literature, presentation box and outer packaging. Furthermore accompanied by a copy of Rolex Submariner, Sea-Dweller and Deepsea by Guido Mondani Editore.

The present watch is illustrated in the second volume of Rolex Submariner, Sea-Dweller and Deepsea by Guido Mondani Editore, pages 14, 15, 16 and 17.

Making its debut in 1967, the reference 1680 was the first Submariner to be fitted with a date function. Early dial variations of the reference display a ‘meters first’ depth rating and the single line of red ‘Submariner’ script, hence the name “Red Sub”. Highly sought-after, these rare diver’s watches with a dash of red mark an important milestone for this utilitarian tool watch and are beloved details by vintage Rolex collectors.
The present watch is fitted with a Mk V dial characterized by a “Feet First” designation with “Submariner” in red directly on the dial. The dial is preserved in excellent and attractive condition, with charming patina on the luminous markers that matches the hands. Furthermore, the case is preserved in excellent and impressive condition with crisp bevels and sharp finishes. It is complete with its Rolex guarantee dated March 5, 1974, wallet, presentation box and outer packaging.

ROLEX A highly rare and attractive stainless steel chronograph wristwatch with “Paul Newman” dial and bracelet
Manufacturer Rolex Year Circa 1966
Reference No. 6239
Case No. 1’428’743
Model Name Cosmograph Daytona “Paul Newman”
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Manual, cal. 722-1, 17 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 185mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 37mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 180,000–280,000
Accompanied by Rolex product literature and presentation box. Futhermore accompanied by a copy of Rolex Encyclopedia by Guido Mondani Editore.
The present watch is illustrated in the second volume of Rolex Encyclopedia by Guido Mondani Editore, pages 80 and 81.

Superbly iconic and highly sought-after, Rolex Cosmograph Daytona “Paul Newman” dials are one of the most well-designed chronograph dials of the past century. They are also one of the scarcest horological resources on the planet.
A quintessential “Paul Newman” Daytona, this example perfectly embodies the Hollywood legend. It was during the filming of “Winning” that Paul Newman fell in love with racing. His wife, Joanne Woodward, consequently gifted this exact Daytona variant to her husband, inscribed with phrase “DRIVE CAREFULLY ME”. It is thanks to this particular design that exotic-dialed Cosmographs are now synonymous with the philanthropic icon. The dial is remarkable and impressive. While almost sixty years in age, it is preserved in immaculate condition, showing how exotic dials originally left the Rolex factory. The ivory portion of the dial does not display any tarnishing or spotting, and the concentric circles within the contrasting subsidiary registers are defined and delicate.
Of particular note is the superb case. Showcasing full lugs, the satin finishes are crisp. The lug-holes remain a considerable distance from the edge of the case, evidence of its original condition. Sparking memories of Paul Newman’s “Paul Newman”, this model is one of the most iconic Daytonas ever produced, representing the high-octane world of auto racing, speed and glamour.

UNIVERSAL A highly rare, attractive and oversized stainless steel chronograph wristwatch
Manufacturer Universal Year 1942
Reference No. 22531
Case No. 878’097
Model Name Compax
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Manual, cal. 292, 17 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel pin buckle
Dimensions 46mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial and movement signed
CHF 10,000–20,000

While today’s taste is oriented toward timepieces measuring at least 38mm, the situation was very different for most of the past century. Most notably, during the first half of the 1900s the standard size for men hovered between 31 and 35mm. The present wristwatch, however, features a 46mm diameter, a size which at the time must have been considered simply outlandish. In virtue of this size, the utilization of the piece was certainly professional. Compounding to its remarkable size, the construction of the lugs - straight with a triple facet - is extremely unusual as well. This is in strong contrast with what was normally seen in the early 1940s. In fact, such a style is decades ahead of its time, much closer to the 1960s and 1970s design, characterized indeed by geometric, angular case shapes.
Last, but most definitely not least, such an unusual case construction can truly be appreciated at its fullest thanks to the astoundingly well preserved condition of the watch. Most probably it is unpolished, showcasing sharp edges and absolutely intact proportions. The collector of fine vintage timepieces will be thrilled to know that the dial too is in a similar state, absolutely devoid of any kind of cosmetic enhancement or restoration and preserved in excellent condition.

An unusual and attractive stainless steel chronograph wristwatch with hooded spider lugs
Manufacturer Omega X Tissot
Year Circa 1940
Movement No. 6837
Case No. 834’206
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Manual, cal 33.3, 17 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel pin buckle
Dimensions 38mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial and movement siged
CHF 5,000–10,000

The present chronograph features many elements that collectors have come to appreciate:
Large case: 38mm
Strong original lugs
Iconic caliber: cal 33.3
Double signed: Omega/Tissot
The financial crisis in 1929 had a heavy impact on the Swiss watch industry and to negate this effect the two Swiss powerhouses that were Omega and Tissot forged an alliance with Paul-Tissot Draguett (from the founding family of Tissot) becoming Omega’s CEO in 1930. This new entity named Société Suisse pour l’Industrie Horlogère (SSIH) is what became the foundation of the future Swatch Group. Even though the two brands continued production under their own names a few pieces were co-signed making them somewhat of a novelty and highly coveted by collectors.
The present timepiece features the iconic Omega chronograph caliber 33.3 which was originally produced in 1933 by Lemania, with one pusher on top, and the other operated by pushing the crown. It was only later that the movement was modified to enable two separate pushers to start, stop and reset the chronograph function.
The large case supports lugs with a complex and original architecture that alongside the multiscale dial design give the watch a very contemporary and powerful presence.

An incredibly rare and probably unique pink gold wristwatch with black dial and “acuatic” indication, retailed by Freccero
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 1952
Reference No. 565
Movement No. 968’979
Case No. 663’082
Material 18K pink gold
Calibre Manual, cal. 12’’’120, 18 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K pink gold buckle signed PPC°
Dimensions 35mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial and movement signed
CHF 20,000–40,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Extract from the Archives confirming production in 1951 with rose gold indexes and subsequent sale on January, 19, 1952 and fitted presentation box.
The Patek Philippe reference 565 stands out as one of Patek Philippe’s sportier models from the 1940s and early 1950s. Noteworthy for its water resistance, a rarity in the 1940s, the model also incorporates an inner soft iron case to protect the movement, the outer case is uniquely composed of two parts, minimising potential entry points for dust and humidity. Its innovative and enduring qualities have certainly made the reference 565 a collector’s favourite.
A captivating specimen, the present Patek Philippe reference 565 is one of just four examples in pink gold with a black dial known to exist. Among these four, only two bear the signature of Freccero, and the present model uniquely showcases triangular indexes and 3-9-12 configuration in Arabic numerals.
Adding to its distinctive features, a very original and uncommon “ACUATIC” inscription is displayed at 6 o’clock, highlighting its water-resistant case. The final inclusion of the retailer’s signature “Freccero” certainly adds an extra layer of allure.
The case retains its polished and brushed surfaces, showcasing elegant angles. Enhanced by a captivating black dial adorned with distinctive triangular indexes and the remarkably rare “ACUATIC” inscription, this timepiece emanates a sense of confidence and sophistication. Given its unparalleled exclusivity, the present lot stands as an exceptional exemplar for collectors with discerning tastes.

An unbelievable and highly collectible almost new-old-stock pink gold wristwatch with center seconds, waterproof case and sticker on the back
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year Circa 1955
Reference No. 2508
Movement No. 708’753
Case No. 2’504’386
Material 18K pink gold
Calibre Manual, cal. 27SC, 18 jewels, stamped twice with the Geneva seal
Bracelet/Strap Original Patek Philippe alligator strap with original hangtag
Clasp/Buckle 18K pink gold Patek Philippe pin buckle
Dimensions 35mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial and movement signed
CHF 40,000–80,000
Accompanied by original Patek Philippe alligator strap and hang tag.

It is always a pleasure to introduce a never-before-seen timepiece to the market, when however said timepiece is a pink gold Patek Philippe ref. 2508 in almost new-old-stock condition, pleasure gives way to sheer exhilaration.
The present fresh-to-the-market piece represents indeed one of such incredibly rare occasions. Freshly discovered in Italy, it is truly a textbook example of how such a watch would look like when lying in the display of a shop in the 1950s. All factory finishes are perfectly unmolested, the “waterproof” sticker to the back is present. Even the bracelet is the original one, obviously never used and still featuring the original paper sale tag.
We are in the presence of a timepiece that would make the most demanding purist cry in awe - and a unique opportunity for any enthusiast of the field.
Launched in 1951, at 35.5mm reference 2508 was quite a large timepiece for the time, when typical gentlemen’s wristwatches measured a mere 33mm diameter. The model was intended for a more intensive and professional use than the usual Patek Philippe dress watch, even featuring a screw-down case back, enabling the watch to be water resistant - a feature found on a small minority of vintage Patek Philippe’s production. Reference 2508 most notably features center seconds, powered by the calibre 27SC (SC for Secondes au Centre), one of the most appreciated vintage, manually-wound, center seconds calibers made by any manufacturer. The caliber 27SC also serves the base for the movements used in some of the most hallowed complicated Patek Philippe vintage models such as the reference 2497. The Taubertsourced case features the gently downturned and curvaceous lugs seen on the venerable reference 1463.

Manufacturer Rolex
Year Circa 1951
Reference No. 6036
Case No. 847’068
Model Name Oyster Chronograph “Jean-Claude Killy”
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Manual, cal. 72C, 17 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel pin buckle
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial and movement signed
CHF 80,000–160,000

From 1947 until 1962, Rolex produced a series of rare and innovative triple calendar chronograph wristwatches housed in Oyster cases, encompassing the references 4767, 5036, 6036 and 6236. The reference 4768 also bore a triple calendar chronograph complication, however in a non-Oyster case. Produced in very limited numbers, these references were made in yellow and pink gold, as well as stainless steel. Initially known as the Dato-Compax, today they are more generally referred to as the “Jean-Claude Killy”, named after the three-time French Olympic ski champion and Rolex ambassador. After production of reference 6236 ceased around 1962, Rolex would never again offer a model with similar complications.
The present, early reference 6036 bears a charismatically aged dial, resembling ivory parchment that has turned a beautiful beige hue over time. This change in color contrasts wonderfully with the blue outer date track and the stainless steel case.
The dial’s wonderful, recessed small, silver-finished square hour markers are correct for the reference and era. It features a bright blued steel calendar hand to complement the blue outer calendar track typical for this reference. Its case is remarkably well-preserved, thick and still sharp, indicating it was worn carefully over its lifetime.
This is an exceptional opportunity for the astute collector to gain a renowned and hallowed reference, the most complex chronograph wristwatch ever produced by Rolex.

PATEK PHILIPPE An incredibly rare, highly collectible and very important yellow gold perpetual calendar wristwatch with center seconds, moonphases and screw-down caseback
The Reference 2438/1 stands as one of Patek Philippe’s most significant creations. With only 60-70 pieces crafted in yellow and pink gold, it holds the distinction of being the scarcest perpetual calendar model ever produced by the brand, dwarfing the numbers of better-known references like the reference 1518 and 2499, which saw approximately 281 and 349 examples respectively.
The world’s first perpetual calendar wristwatch with centre seconds, along side its sibling reference 2497 with a snap on caseback, its rarity is mainly attributed to its unconventional position in Patek’s production line. The brand was renowned for its high-end, intricate timepieces, not for its tool watches. Consequently, the concept of a heavily priced gold perpetual calendar watch with waterproof capabilities seemed incongruous to their clientele.
An exemplar horological design, characterised by its harmonious symmetry, striking curves, and generous case dimensions, reference 2438-1 also further marked the debut of the world’s first serially produced waterproof perpetual calendar wristwatch.
Believed to have been produced in only 35 examples in yellow gold with 26 having already appeared to the market, the reference 2438-1 can be categorised into two distinct series: the first with applied Arabic numerals and feuille hands, and the second, exemplified by the present watch, featuring applied baton numerals and dauphine hands.

Ref. 2438-1 “Secondi al Centro”

An incredibly rare, highly collectible and very important yellow gold perpetual calendar wristwatch with center seconds, moonphases and screw-down caseback
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 1955
Reference No. 2438-1
Movement No. 888’167
Case No. 2’619’206
Model Name “Secondi al Centro”
Material 18K yellow gold

Calibre Manual, cal. 27SCQ, 18 jewels, stamped three times with the Geneva Seal Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Patek Philippe pin buckle
Dimensions 37mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 250,000–500,000
It is interesting to note that the addition of center seconds necessitated the development of a totally new movement, as retrofitting the existing cal. 13’’-130 present on the reference 2499 was not possible. Patek Philippe thus utilized 179 consecutively numbered calibers 27SC (888’000 to 888’178), to create the caliber 27SCQ (Second au Centre Quantième).
Remarkably, the present watch boasts an interesting feature only seen once before on a reference 2438-1 previously sold at Phillips Geneva in November 2023 (lot 93) two movement and case numbers away from the present example. Its Geneva Seal-marked movement is stamped not once or twice, but three times with the Seal. This anomaly, possibly part of a batch, adds an intriguing dimension to the timepiece, appealing to discerning connoisseurs.
Offered in excellent overall condition and possessing unparalleled allure, this fresh to the market reference 2438-1 represents the dawn of waterproof perpetual calendars and remains the rarest perpetual calendar model ever serially produced by the brand. It is destined for a place of utmost prominence in the most distinguished vintage watch collections.

Consigned by the original owner and accompanied by full paperwork from Rolex Geneva detailing the service and restoration process in 2018, this piece exemplifies why the Oyster “Paul Newman” has become one of the world’s most highly sought after timepieces. Its rarity can only be matched by its good looks and complete nature – sure to pass the test of even the most assiduous collector. The present reference 6263 features a “Panda” MK 2 dial. Paul Newman dials that feature a white dial with black subdials are referred to as “Panda” as they mimic the color scheme of the face of the much-beloved bear. These Paul Newman “Pandas” generally feature four subtly different dial configurations in accordance to the serial number, the MK2 being a version with beautifully sharp serifs on all the letters. The dial excels in all aspects: the perfect golden beige lume plots match the luminous material of the handset and the Art Deco numerals within the subdials are printed boldly against subtle, sublime concentric circles.
One of the most intriguing aspects of the extremely collectible Daytonas fitted with an exotic dial are the unusual Art Deco numerals located within the subdials. The Art Deco movement reached its heyday in the 1930s but has been stylistically pervasive through to the present day. Iconic Art Deco logos that have persisted include that of Harper’s Bazaar and Yves Saint Laurent’s monogram. Geometric, stark lines that are the hallmark of the Art Deco style are thought to have been inspired by two cultural movements of the early twentieth century – Egyptomania, the world’s fascination with Ancient Egypt, and the dawn of the Machine Age, inspiring more futuristic and industrial designs. It is no wonder that as an attempt to commercialize and boost sales of the manually wound Daytona, Rolex chose to incorporate such a striking and futuristic design element. ROLEX A rare and attractive stainless steel chronograph wristwatch with “Paul Newman” dial and bracelet

Ref. 6263 Oyster Cosmograph “Paul Newman-Panda”

ROLEX A rare and attractive stainless steel chronograph wristwatch with “Paul Newman” dial and bracelet
Manufacturer Rolex Year Circa 1971
Reference No. 6263
Case No. 2’804’098
Model Name Oyster Cosmograph “Paul Newman Panda”
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Manual, cal. 727, 17 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 190mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 37.5mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 200,000–400,000
Accompanied by Rolex service invoice dated February 8, 2018.

This timepiece notably went to Rolex Geneva in 2018 where it underwent a full servicing and restoration for close to CHF 20,000, where the case and dial were both restored to its original glory. Most importantly, Rolex had used vintage Luminova during the servicing process, showing that it respects and upholds the old tradition how components were fabricated.
“I lived in Mallorca for some years during the end of the sixties, and every year I drove to Denmark in my new Volvo P 1800 sports car to celebrate Christmas with my family.On one of these trips, I overnighted in Geneva and had a walk through the center. In the window display of the famous Rolex dealer, Bücherer, I saw a couple of watches on offer, and entered to have a closer look. After 20 minutes, I was the happy owner of this watch, which later became well known after Paul Newman wore it in a movie.
From that date and until a few years ago, I wore my watch every day - first during my 6 years living in Kenya, taking part in numerous safaris in East Africa, Malawi, Zambia, Botswana, Namibia and South Africa plus several trips to all the islands in the Indian ocean, Zanzibar, Seychelles, The Comores, Madagascar, La Reunion and Mauritius, and later back in Denmark/ Nordic countries ( including once 1.300 km from the North Pole) and a number of years in Chile (including more that 15 times to the Easter Island and once to Antartica) plus several times around the world. I have loved my watch, reliable over and under water, in tropical heat and polar cold. I’ve worn the watch during more that 10 trips North of the Polar Circle and more than 100 times across the Equator. I am convinced this is one of the most travelled watches in the world!”

ROLEX A rare and attractive white gold calendar wristwatch with diamond set hour-markers, champagne dial and tridor bracelet
Manufacturer Rolex Year Circa 1984
Reference No. 18039B
Movement No. 1’881’689
Case No. 8’640’569
Model Name Day-Date Tridor
Material 18k yellow gold, pink gold and white gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3055, 31 jewels

Bracelet/Strap Tridor Rolex president bracelet, end links stamped 55, max length 190mm
Clasp/Buckle Tridor Rolex concealed deployant buckle
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 18,000–30,000
During the mid-1980s, Rolex unveiled the Tridor edition of the DayDate, featuring a unique combination of three different gold hues. This singular model showcased a blend of yellow gold for the fluted bezel, a white gold case, and a President bracelet with center links crafted from yellow, white, and pink gold.
The wonderful champagne dial present on this Tridor reference 18039B is adorned with ten baguette-cut diamond hour markers, harmoniously interlaced with round cut diamonds. The caliber powering this particular reference is further equipped with the quick-set functions, enabling swift adjustments of the date.
In excellent overall condition, the present Rolex Tridor Day-Date reference 18039B further retains its factory green Rolex sticker on the caseback.

ROLEX A rare and attractive white gold calendar wristwatch with sapphire set hour-markers, champagne dial and tridor bracelet
Manufacturer Rolex Year 1986
Reference No. 18039B
Movement No. 0’516’247
Case No. 9’064’318; inside caseback stamped 18000
Model Name Day-Date Tridor
Material 18k yellow gold, pink gold and white gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3055, 27 jewels

Bracelet/Strap Tridor Rolex president bracelet, end links stamped 55, max length 190mm
Clasp/Buckle Tridor Rolex concealed deployant clasp
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement, bracelet and clasp signed
CHF 18,000–30,000
During the mid-1980s, Rolex unveiled the Tridor edition of the DayDate, featuring a unique combination of three different gold hues. This singular model showcased a blend of yellow gold for the fluted bezel, a white gold case, and a President bracelet with center links crafted from yellow, white, and pink gold.
The wonderful champagne dial present on this Tridor reference 18039B is adorned with ten baguette-cut sapphire hour markers, harmoniously interlaced with round cut diamonds. The caliber powering this particular reference is further equipped with a quickset feature, enabling swift adjustments of the date.
In excellent overall condition, the present Rolex Tridor Day-Date reference 18039B showcases strong definition to the lugs and retains the factory green Rolex sticker on the caseback.

A gorgeous and extremely well preserved pink gold wristwatch with two-tone pink dial and “long” signature
Manufacturer Patek Philippe
Year 1946
Reference No. 565
Movement No. 929’352
Case No. 640’534
Material 18k pink gold
Calibre Manual, cal. 12-120’’’, 18 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18k pink gold PPCo pin buckle
Dimensions 35mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 50,000-100,000`
$ 56,000-112,000
€ 51,800-104,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Extract from the Archives confirming production of the present watch in 1946 and its subsequent sale on February 4th, 1947.
The present Patek Philippe ref 565 in pink gold with stunning two-tone pink dial is absolutely breathtaking. The mix of the “pink on pink” giving the watch ultimate debonaire flair. The reference 565 is one of the most classic gentleman wristwatches of the 20th century. Released in 1938, the model featured innovative and enduring qualities that today make it a collector’s favorite. These include the two piece Taubert case with screw down back, an inner soft iron case to protect the movement from the adverse effects of magnetic fields, and a more generous case diameter, compared to the smaller reference 96, which was first released in 1932.
The brand continued to manufacture the model until 1952, and in an era when yellow gold timepieces were de rigueur, fewer examples were produced in pink gold and rarely in stainless steel. Designed for a public with a growing interest in outdoor activities, the reference 565 was waterproof with its screw-down caseback. Offered with subsidiary seconds or less frequently, with center seconds, the caliber was upgraded over the reference’s production period. First series examples of the reference housed the caliber 12’’’120, while a Victorin Piguet indirect center seconds movement 12-120 SC was introduced in 1939, and in 1950 a second series was released with either the caliber 12’’’400 or the new caliber 27 SC. Preserved in overall very clean condition with crisp hallmarks and an incredible two-tone dial that radiates with beauty.
The present reference 565 “pink on pink” is fresh to the auction market and one of only 8 known in this configuration.

ROLEX A rare and attractive stainless steel chronograph wristwatch with “Sigma” dial, guarantee, bracelet and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex
Year Circa 1972
Reference No. 6265
Case No. 3’287’171
Model Name Oyster Cosmograph
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Manual, cal. 727, 17 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 185mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 37mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 50,000–100,000

Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated 1975 and stamped Bucherer, invoice, product literature, presentation box and outer packaging.

In 1969, Rolex simultaneously launched references 6263 and 6265, replacing the first Oyster Cosmograph - Model 6240. The Cosmograph Daytona with screw-down pushers was in production for almost 20 years and was offered in either stainless steel or gold.
The present reference 6265 displays a “Sigma” dial which is correct for the serial number, and is distinguished by its impressive state of preservation. The edges are incredibly crisp and sharp to the touch. Furthermore, the watch retains its original pushers, which is a particularly sought after detail. The dial is also preserved in excellent condition with barely any signs of aging. As an interesting historical note, the watch is accompanied by a plethora of accessories such as the original guarantee, product literature, presentation box and outer packaging. The guarantee states that the watch was retailed at Bucherer in New York, and further investigation reveals that Bucherer did indeed have a boutique in NYC on 5th Avenue.
It is incredible how 50 years after its original launch, the manual wind Rolex Cosmograph Daytona still retains modernity, with its design codes perfectly capturing the zeitgeist of the late 1960s and remaining ever relevant today.

6265 Oyster Cosmograph “Box and Punched

PATEK PHILIPPE An enormously collectible and higly refined yellow gold minute repeating automatic wristwatch with special order dial with Breguet numerals, Certificate of Origin, Patek Philippe special order letter, additional Roman numerals dial, made to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of Patek Philippe
Without a doubt, the present timepiece is one of the most important “pure” (no additional complication) minute repeater wristwatches made by Patek Philippe. Minute repeaters are undoubtedly considered - both by the public and by Patek Philippe themselves - one of the ultimate specialties of the brand. Made in extremely restricted numbers, they are the ultimate tier when it comes to Patek Philippe collecting. Modern timepieces are practically unobtainable unless the brand deems one worthy of such an honour, and the vintage and neo-vintage examples are even more difficult to come across given the even smaller output. Thus, the present special order piece unique can be considered as an absolute pinnacle of Patek collecting, a unique grail whose rarity and mechanical complexity is rivalled only by its elegance.
Fresh-to-the-market and consigned by the original owner, the watch features a never-before-seen “porcelain” dial with painted Breguet numerals - in stark contrast with the rest of the 3979 production which features Roman numerals. The genesis of such a dial is fully documented both by Patek Philippe and by the meticulous collector himself in the accompanying documents.
From Patek Philippe, the original letter dated December 3 1991 is present confirming the “exceptional production of a white dial with Breguet numerals” for the watch.
From the collector, a handwritten note is present dated December 1991 - at the moment of purchase - stating that the Patek Philippe letter has to always accompany the Certificate of Origin for these explicit reasons:
a) the watch was originally intended to have Roman numerals b) the letter certifies the special order request and acceptance c) the watch was delivered with Breguet numerals
Indeed, the original Certificate dated December 12 1991 mentions the Roman numerals, but the letter is dated December 3 1991 as he wanted to receive official confirmation from Patek about the special order before picking up the watch from the shop. Finally, the Extract from the Archives confirming the Breguet numerals closes the circle demonstrating how the official dial the watch is recorded with is indeed the Breguet numerals one. This is not simply an additional dial offered to the client on the side; it rather is a truly bespoken configuration of the watch.

An enormously collectible and higly refined yellow gold minute repeating automatic wristwatch with special order dial with Breguet numerals, Certificate of Origin, Patek Philippe special order letter, additional Roman numerals dial, made to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of Patek Philippe
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 1991
Reference No. 3979
Movement No. 1’904’030
Case No. 2’906’832
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. R27 PS, 39 jewels, stamped with the Geneva Seal
Bracelet/Strap Leather

Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Patek Philippe officier style pin buckle
Dimensions 33mm diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 200,000–400,000
Accompanied by Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin dated December 12, 1991, Patek Philippe letter confirming that the company “exceptionally accepted to manufacture a white dial with Breguet numerals” for the watch, additional Roman numerals dial, additional solid caseback, product literature, leather wallet, sale tag, wooden presentation box and outer packaging.
Given how rarely Patek Philippe agrees to making special request pieces, that would be already enough to make this watch catnip for collectors. The fact that a special request has been granted on a repeating watch of course boosts the appeal of the package, but the fact that this was an Anniversary model renders the realisation of this piece unique absolutely mind-blowing : it would be simply unthinkable to obtain such a customisation on an Anniversary piece in modern days.
In honour of its 150th anniversary, Patek Philippe launched a series of exclusive timepieces, marking a significant occasion in an era when such special editions were rare. Among these notable releases were the caliber 89 and two minute repeating timepieces: the reference 3974, featuring a perpetual calendar complication, and the reference 3979, like the present example, showcasing small seconds. The wrist models were celebrated as pivotal achievements for the brand, being the first self-winding minute repeating wristwatches they had ever produced.
Housed in a refined 33mm round case with highly architectural lugs reminiscent of what seen on the vintage Patek minuter repeaters, reference 3979 was available in platinum, white gold, pink gold and yellow gold. With around 100 pieces made in total and only 24 having appeared publicly, the model is without a doubt one of the rarest modern repeaters made by the brand. Initially, cases for this reference were crafted by the skilled Jean-Pierre Hagmann. Later iterations like the present example featured cases by Genevabased Atelier Reunis, identifiable by the key hallmark number 28. Interestingly, after the year 2000 all cases made by Atelier Reunis won’t be stamped with key 28 anymore but rather with the signature oval PPC stamp.

ROLEX A rare and attractive white gold calendar wristwatch with ruby set hour-markers, champagne dial and tridor bracelet
Manufacturer Rolex Year 1986
Reference No. 18039B
Movement No. 1’779’482
Case No. 9’302’305, inside caseback stamped 18000
Model Name Day-Date Tridor
Material 18k yellow gold, pink gold and white gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3055, 31 jewels

Bracelet/Strap Tridor Rolex president bracelet, end links stamped 55, max length 190mm
Clasp/Buckle Tridor Rolex concealed deployant clasp
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 18,000–30,000
During the mid-1980s, Rolex unveiled the Tridor edition of the DayDate, featuring a unique combination of three different gold hues. This singular model showcased a blend of yellow gold for the fluted bezel, a white gold case, and a President bracelet with center links crafted from yellow, white, and pink gold.
The wonderful champagne dial present on this Tridor reference 18039B is adorned with ten baguette-cut ruby hour markers, harmoniously interlaced with round cut diamonds. The caliber powering this particular reference is further equipped with the quick-set functions, enabling swift adjustments of the date.
In excellent and possibly unpolished condition, the present DayDate reference 18039B showcases strong definition to the lugs and retains the factory green Rolex sticker on the caseback together with its mix of brushed and polished surfaces.

ROLEX A rare and attractive white gold calendar wristwatch with emerald set hourmarkers, champagne dial and tridor bracelet
Manufacturer Rolex Year 1990
Reference No. 18239B
Movement No. 5’624’558
Case No. E’759’118, inside caseback stamped 18200
Model Name Day-Date Tridor
Material 18k yellow gold, pink gold, white gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3155, 31 jewels

Bracelet/Strap 18K white gold, yellow gold and rose gold Rolex Tridor bracelet, max length 185mm
Clasp/Buckle Tridor Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 25,000–50,000
In the mid-1980s, Rolex introduced the Tridor (three gold) version of the Day-Date. One single model was launched with an elegant mix of three gold colors: a white gold case, President bracelet fused with yellow, white and pink gold center links, and in this case, diamond bezel.
The present watch is an exceptional example of the Tridor. Adorned with ten baguette-cut emeralds, the watch also displays a diamond-set bezel giving it an extra dose of luxury and glamour. As an even nicer touch, it is preserved in most probably unpolished condition and still retains its caseback sticker.
The state-of-the-art caliber powering this Day-Date model are characterized is the Double Quick-set day and date function, which allows a rapid date adjustment.

ROLEX An extremely rare, well-preserved and important amagnetic wristwatch with “lightning” center seconds, “no lumes” chocolate tropical honeycomb dial and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex
Year Circa 1958
Reference No. 6541
Movement No. N699139
Case No. 412’424
Model Name Milgauss
Material Stainless steel

Calibre Automatic, cal. 1055, 25 jewels, soft iron antimagnetic inner back, butterfly rotor
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Oyster riveted bracelet stamped “455B” to the endlink, max length 220mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex deployant clasp stamped “3 66”
Dimensions 38mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 100,000–200,000
Accompanied by Rolex wooden presentation box and additional suede strap with stainless steel Rolex pin buckle
Released in 1956, reference 6541 targeted at a very specific - albeit at the time novel and growing - market: scientists, engineers and technicians working with high magnetic fields in electro-industrial environments or scientific facilities; indeed its iconic “lightning” seconds hand is an obvious nod to electromagnetism. Most impressively, the Milgauss was guaranteed to resist magnetic fields up to 1,000 gauss. The Milgauss overcomes the effects of magnetic fields by using antimagnetic alloys and an iron movement cover to create a Faraday cage.
The present example, with caseback stamped IV.1958 indicating it was produced in the fourth quarter of 1958, is one of the earliest examples reference 6541 produced and presents a compendium of traits which will delight the collector. Any 6541’s dial - with its surprising honeycomb texture - is fascinating, but the present example well exceeds expectations. Not only it is perfectly preserved without marks or scratches to the surface, but it furthermore achieved an outstanding dark chocolate tropicalisation. Its case number 412’424 is consistent with other examples of the reference, as most appear to bear a 412’xxx serial number. An additional intriguing detail of this specimen can be found behind the lugs: five service marks have been hand-engraved behind both top lugs and the bottom left lug, and all apparently done by the same watchmaker given the similarity in their code: 28060VA, 41414VA, 1805VA, 8844VA, 15651VA. While extremely unusual to find such a mark on the outside of the case (normally, watchmakers etch the inside of the caseback - and indeed the present piece features two service marks to the back, but not sharing the same “style” of those behind the lugs), other examples of the reference are known with such peculiar engraving to the outside of their cases - see lot 112 in the Geneva Watch Auction XV in May 2022. A possible explanation could lie in the fact that such a professional timepiece might have been serviced locally at the institution where the owner worked, with the numbers to the outside coding some service (or regulation) information for quick reference.

Reference 3448 was launched in 1962 and remained in production for twenty years, before being replaced by its slightly more advanced descendant reference 3450 which features a leap year indication. While the vast majority of the 586 pieces production was cased in yellow gold, examples in different metals were madeas the present white gold watch exemplifies.
The movement beating inside this landmark model is a masterpiece of engineering with the addition of a perpetual/moonphase module to cal. 27-460, which is the final evolution of cal. 12-600 (the one powering ref. 2526), and universally considered one of the best automatic movements (if not the best automatic movement) of all times. The model - somewhat of a “sleeper” for years - is eventually and quickly gaining the attention it deserves among the community, most likely due to its nature of somewhat “tràit d’unión” between the practicality of a modern automatic perpetual calendar and the allure rarity and collectability of a vintage Patek Philippe wristwatch. While anyone lucky enough to wear any variant of the reference should be thanking her or his good star, white gold examples are on a tier of their own, amounting to something like 10% of the total production.
The present reference 3448 merges such rarity with a most impressive overall condition. It displays beautiful finishes, from the mini bevels on the bottom side of the lugs, to the multi faceted bezel - all of these sporting sharp edges. Compounding to its remarkable state of preservation, the watch sports a rare “inverted date” dial. A four Series division is generally accepted for the dial of 3448: -1st Series: small baton minute divisions, engraved/enamelled graphics1962 to circa 1965; -2nd series: pearl minute divisions and small date ring (earlier ones have engraved/enameled graphics, later ones are printed - 1965 to circa 1973; -3rd Series: pearl minute divisions and large date ring, printed - 1971 to circa 1978; -4th Series: small baton minute divisions, printed - from circa 1978. PATEK PHILIPPE

An extremely well-preserved, important and attractive white gold automatic perpetual calendar wristwatch with moonphases and “inverted date” dial
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 1972
Reference No. 3448
Movement No. 1’119’246
Case No. 328’533
Model Name “Padellone”
Material 18K white gold

Calibre Automatic, cal. 27-460Q, 37 jewels, stamped twice with the Geneva Seal Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Patek Philippe pin buckle
Dimensions 37.5mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 400,000–800,000
Accompanied by 2004 Patek Philippe Extract from the Archives confirming production of the present watch in 1972 and its subsequent sale on July 21, 1972, Service papers and receipt (4’200EUR, April 2021), Patek Philippe Customer Center tag, additional crystal, box and outer packaging.
Normally, the date ring features upright graphics in both the lower and upper part of the ring (thus switching the orientation of the letters midway through it on the left and right). However, for a short time in the early 1970s, Patek Philippe experimented with an “inverted date” ring: where the lower part of the ring features upside down numerals. This detail amplifies the aesthetic balance of the design - as there is not switch in the orientation of the numbers relative to the center of the subdial - but makes it less readable - as some numbers are upside down. Thus, the company soon reverted to the “full upright” design, most likely deciding to have form following function. The result is a remarkable scarcity of “inverted date” examples - a pity given their increased aesthetic balance.
Given that the “inverted date experiment” was made at the same time as the switch form 2nd to 3rd Series, it can be found in both of them - in this instance, the large date classifies the piece as a 3rd Series dial. An intriguing detail is the lack of Sigma, due to a change in Swiss law and regulation, all dials produced from 1971 feature this designation, which was eventually phased out approximately a decade later. The dial condition is as impressive as the case one. All graphics are crisp and strong, and the dial hardly betrays the passage of time if not for a hint of ivory/off-white patina which enormously amplifies the charme of the piece. An incredibly careful custodian, the owner hardly wore it at all save for a few special occasions, and none at all since its last Patek Philippe service of 2021. It is important to note that the service was exclusively mechanical, without any interventions whatsoever on the case or the dial, which is the reason for its somewhat conservative costfor a Patek Philippe service - of 4’200 EUR as testified by the fiscal receipt accompanying the watch.

Manufacturer Patek Philippe
Year 1946
Reference No. 1415
Movement No. 929’578
Case No. 647’134
Model Name World Time
Material 18K pink gold
An extremely fine, highly attractive and very rare pink gold worldtime wristwatch

Calibre Manual, cal. 12-120, 18 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Gilt in pin buckle
Dimensions 31mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial and movement signed
CHF 120,000-240,000
Accompanied by Patek Philippe Extract from the Archives confirming production of the present watch in 1946 and its subsequent sale on January 11, 1950, further accompanied by a pink gold (non Patek Phillipe) mesh bracelet.
Launched in 1939, reference 1415 is an absolute milestone reference in the history of Patek Philippe wristwatches. Prior to the reference’s launch, “world time” mechanisms were only found on pocket watches, which often displayed different designs to the centre, such as a polychrome enamel painting of continents or mythical creatures. With the rise of international travel, the ingenious “world time system” was first introduced in the early 1930s. Indeed, Patek Philippe advertising from the period marketed world time watches to “the man whose interests go beyond the horizon”.
Featuring a local time, with hours and minute hand in the centre, the watch was fitted with a rotating 24 hour ring, along with an adjustable outer ring inscribed with the names of different cities. As such, the viewer could immediately adjust the time zone to view both the local time, and all other listed cities simultaneously. The present watch is immediately distinguishable by its impeccable state of preservation. This example is one of approximately 15 examples in pink gold. The watch is also fitted with luxurious bracelet from the period. One would expect general wear to dull its proportions, yet this example remains sharp and crisp, with a crisp hallmark on the caseband. The watch still retains its factory service sticker on the caseback.
The dial, too, is preserved in extraordinary condition. This is particularly astounding, considering the watch is fitted with a non-waterproof snap-on case back. Most surviving examples are spotted or tarnished due to exposure to the elements. The enamel signature remains intact and raised. Manufactured in 1946, this example is a superlative “world time” in every sense, delighting with its freshness, sheer rarity, unmatched condition and utmost beauty.

PATEK PHILIPPE A superb, very scarce and incredibly sought-after yellow gold perpetual calendar chronograph wristwatch with moonphases
Patek Philippe’s reference 1518 is a monumental piece in absolutely every sense. It was not only the world’s first perpetual calendar chronograph wristwatch made in series launched in 1941 but it also set out the blueprint for all subsequent Patek Philippe watches with this complication but for other brands as well.
The 1518 in its own manner greatly contributed to the manufacturer’s dominant position in the watchmaking industry. Consider for example that no other company achieved a serial production of similarly complicated pieces until the 1980s. Its successors are references 2499, 3970, 5970 and finally 5270, which features an in-house movement - this makes the present line of watches the only one with ongoing production at Patek Philippe since the 1940s.
According to research, only 281 examples were manufactured, it is believed that 215 examples were encased in yellow gold with 58 examples made in pink gold and 4 known in steel.

PATEK PHILIPPE A superb, very scarce and incredibly sought-after yellow gold perpetual calendar chronograph wristwatch with moonphases
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 1951
Reference No. 1518
Movement No. 868’109
Case No. 674’135
Material 18k yellow gold
Calibre Manual, cal. 13’’, 23 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Patek Philippe buckle
Dimensions 35mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial and movement signed
Sotheby’s Geneva, 18 Nov 1997, lot 256
CHF 400,000–800,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Extract from the Archives confirming production of the present watch in 1951 with silvered dial and its subsequent sale on October 16, 1954.

The present watch impresses by its superb state of preservation, the case is strong with nice thick lugs, and two strong and crisp hallmarks, one under the lug and one on the side of the case.
The silver dial is devoid of tarnish or intervention, it boasts absolutely unmolested and vibrant graphics - without losses or fading - and furthermore sports very sharp edges to the day/month windows and moon phase aperture.

ROLEX A rare and attractive stainless steel chronograph wristwatch with slightly “tropical” registers, bracelet, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex
Year Circa 1995
Reference No. 16520
Movement No. 89071
Case No. W702066
Model Name Cosmograph Daytona
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 4030, 31 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 205mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 15,000–30,000

Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated March 1996 from Bucherer Lucerne, Rolex service guarantee and presentation box.

An instant success since its very launch, the ref. 16520 continues to achieve premium results at auction with an ever growing community of admirers.
With that said, even though the Zenith Daytona Cosmograph dazzles in its entirety, some stars shine brighter than the rest - such as the famed tropical dials, whose white chapter rings tend to darken over time due to a defect in some specific batches of paint. These dials are usually found on S,N, T and W serial numbers (watches made between circa 1993 and 1996), thus just a small part of the production of ref. 16520, however, adding to their rarity, not all watches produced during this time range eventually develop tropical chapter rings. Since the discovery of this particularity in 2005, the fame and appeal of these watches have never stopped growing.
The present example Cosmograph Daytona from circa 1995 bearing a “W” serial is offered with its full set of accessories and in very honest overall condition. The uniform tropicalization of the registers is at the moment in its initial stages - the chapters having acquired a light ivory hue - thus there is the likelihood for the process to progress through the years, granting the new owner of this formidable watch ever increasing delight.

ROLEX A rare and highly attractive white gold chronograph wristwatch with sodalite dial and diamond-set numerals with presentation box and hang tag
Manufacturer Rolex Year 1998
Reference No. 16519
Movement No. 195’202
Case No. A840774
Model Name Cosmograph Daytona
Material 18K white gold, sodalite and diamonds
Calibre Automatic, cal. 4030, 31 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Crocodile

Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Rolex deployant clasp stamped DE
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 20,000–40,000
Accompanied by wood Rolex presentation box, hang tag, green leather envelope, product literature, Rolex stick pin, Rolex Cosmograph Daytona plaque and Rolex service guarantee.

Rolex’s Cosmograph Daytona is one of the most iconic timepieces ever produced. Since it was first introduced in 1963, collectors and watch enthusiasts now long to own this model known for its masculine appeal and durability. Like other Rolex tool watches, the Daytona has undergone technical and design changes over the last nearly 70 years, however the base DNA has remained the same. Reference 16520 was launched in 1988 and took the watch world community by surprise. Until then, the Daytona was only available with a manually wound movement. With this reference, Rolex broke this tradition by introducing the automatic caliber 4030 based on a heavily modified Zenith El-Primero movement.
The reference 16519 was the white gold counterpart to the stainless steel 16520 – offered instead on a leather strap. The present example is fitted with a stunning and rare blue sodalite dial with diamond-set hour markers and is a wonderful example of Rolex seeking new innovative and imaginative ways to bring a new aesthetic to the Cosmograph Daytona. A pre-cursor to the beloved “Beach” series from the early 2000s, reference 16519s with hardstone dials show that experimentation with color is an expressive part of the Rolex way.
Preserved in excellent condition, the present model is a fine example of the rare hardstone dial Daytona Cosmograph.

Manufacturer Audemars Piguet
Year Circa 1995
Reference No. PT25720/002
Movement No. 375’781
Case No. D8’262
Model Name Star Wheel
Material Platinum
Calibre Automatic, cal. 2124, 33 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Platinum Audemars Piguet pin buckle
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial movement and pin buckle signed
CHF 15,000–30,000
Accompanied by Audemars Piguet Certificate of Origin stamped Taiwan and leather box. 148.
AUDEMARS PIGUET A rare and most intriguing platinum wristwatch with rotating discs display, engraved dial, certificate and presentation box

Contained within the centre of the dial is the main attraction of the present timepiece – the wandering-hours display. A watch with no hands; the Star Wheel must be one of, if not, the most daring and avant-garde timepieces in the Audemars Piguet collection. It was in 1991 that Audemars Piguet rediscovered and reintroduced this unusual mechanism that originally elaborated in the 18th century upon the request of Pope Alexander VII.
Joining creativity, beauty and technical wonder, the asymmetrical time display is made thanks to three rotating sapphire disks with printed hours rotating on a centre wheel respectively pointing to the minutes on the upper part of the dial. The model was made available in yellow gold, pink gold, stainless steel and platinum with either a guilloché dial or a floral engraved decoration.
The present watch feels slim on the wrist, measuring a subtle 36mm, yet its delicate floral engraved lower dial, and stepped platinum case gives it undeniable gravitas. Presented in excellent overall condition and accompanied by its certificate and original presentation box, this Star Wheel will delight the collector who is looking for a rare and elegant timepiece that will keep on surprising every time one lays eyes on it.

An outstandingly rare, extremely refined and highly impressive platinum wristwatch with miniature enamel dial depicting The Silk Road, second disappearing dial, certificate and box, number 1 of a 3-piece limited edition, with proceeds going to charity
Manufacturer Jaeger LeCoultre
Year Circa 2006
Reference No. 246.6.79
Movement No. 3’413’001
Case No. 2’430’035 and 1/3
Model Name Reverso à éclipses “Voyages et Découvertes”
Material Platinum
Calibre Manual, cal. 849, 19 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather

Clasp/Buckle Platinum Jaeger LeCoultre double deployant clasp
Dimensions 29mm Width, 39.5mm Width
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 15,000–30,000
Accompanied by Jaeger LeCoultre undated and unstamped Certificat de Garantie, Certificat d’Origine, instruction booklet, loupe, fitted wooden presentation box and outer packaging.
Possibly the very first “sports watch” ever designed, the Reverso appeared in 1931 following a patent request for a watch “capable of sliding in its support and being completely turned over” deposited in Paris on March 4, 1931 by René-Alfred Chavot. Later that year, Cesar de Trey - Swiss businessman and polo enthusiast - bought the right to the design, partnered with Jacques David LeCoultre, came up with the brand name “Reverso”, and began production of a watch which could withstand the rigours of a polo match. Thus begins the history of one of the most successful and iconic watch models ever devised. The aesthetics of this piece - appropriately named “Reverso à Éclipse” - completely change according to which dial the owner decides to employ.
The metal “shutters” dial grants the piece a very modern vibe. Activating the shutters, through a dedicated wheel on the side of the case at 2 o’clock, the wearer is granted the view of a sublime miniature recreation depicting The Silk Road. A hidden treasure beneath the dial and a true testament of refinement and unparalleled craftsmanship from Jaeger LeCoultre the finishing of the dial can be seen to carry a flinqué and miniature enamelling technique. The switch between these two souls happens smoothly rendering the present timepiece a truly mesmerising and multifaceted watch. The fact that such a masterpiece not only is offered in virtually unworn condition and with its full set of accessories and documents, but also is part of an extremely rarified production of only three pieces - of which this one is numbered 1/3 - renders it one of the most collectible examples of Reverso to grace and auction room. A final layer of appeal is furthermore granted by the fact that it is offered by its original owner: a perfect storm for the connoisseur of fine and rare watches. Please note that the proceeds of the present timepiece will be donated by the consignor to various charities.

ROLEX A rare and luxurious yellow gold chronograph wristwatch with yellow mother-of-pearl dial, Roman numerals and guarantee
Manufacturer Rolex Year Circa 2011
Reference No. 116518
Movement No. C0’262’516
Case No. 91’N48’043
Model Name Cosmograph Daytona
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 4130, 44 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Rolex Oyster deployant clasp stamped “24640”
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 25,000–50,000
Accompanied by Rolex guarantee card dated February 2011 from Becker Juweliere & Uhrmacher, Hamburg. Furthermore accompanied by Rolex presentation box.

A revolutionary change in the Daytona lineup occurred in 2000 when Rolex updated the automatic Cosmograph Daytona, introducing the brand’s first, fully in-house chronograph movement, the caliber 4130. The present Cosmograph Daytona ref. 116518 in yellow gold features such a movement and is fitted with a mesmerizing yellow mother-of-pearl dial with Roman numerals.
Mother of pearl has a natural, lustrous quality and adds a touch of elegance and luxury to the robustness one would expect from a Cosmograph Daytona. The result is nothing less than a stunning, shimmering dial that catches the light and sparkles like no other. Exuberant in design thanks to the combination of warmth and iridescence, the watch breathes charisma and audacity.
Offered in excellent overall condition and accompanied by its original guarantee, the present example is a spectacular option for collectors seeking a subtle hint of flare combined with the already iconic aesthetics of the Daytona model.

PATEK PHILIPPE A very fine and attractive yellow gold world time automatic wristwatch with cloisonné enamel dial, certificate of origin and presentation box
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 2012
Reference No. 5131J-001
Movement No. 5’636’516
Case No. 4’557’053
Model Name World Time
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 240HU, 33 jewels, stamped with the Patek Philippe seal
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Patek Philippe deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 50,000–100,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin dated November 2, 2012, product literature, wallet, presentation box and outer packaging.

Patek Philippe’s reference 5131 is a worthy heir to the long lineage of coveted worldtime watches the Geneva brand is famous for, and is also the first modern worldtime reference to be graced with the fabled cloisonné dial featuring geographic maps.
Patek Philippe was one of the first brands to embrace this new complication - in fact, an example of the earliest specimens of this complication is lot 55 of this sale. In the fifties, however, models featuring dials with beautifully crafted enamel maps of North and South Americas and Europe were made in restricted numbers (somewhere between 10 and 20 pieces in total). These watches, now among the most coveted timepieces in existence, are the inspiration for the series of modern cloisonné worldtime pieces.
The present watch is a well preserved example with the Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin dated November 2, 2012, product literature, wallet, presentation box and outer packaging.

PATEK PHILIPPE A fine and attractive yellow gold perpetual calendar chronograph wristwatch with moon phases, 24-hour, leap year indication, additional solid caseback, certificate of origin and presentation box
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 2008
Reference No. 5970J-001
Movement No. 3’049’606
Case No. 4’462’717
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Manual, cal. CH27-70 Q, 24 jewels, stamped with the Geneva Seal
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Patek Philippe deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial and movement signed
CHF 80,000–160,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin dated December 09, 2008, product literature, leather document holder, additional caseback, cardboard sleeve, setting pin, wooden presentation box and outer packaging.
The Patek Philippe reference 5970 has now rightfully earned its place as one of the most cherished and sought-after neovintage Patek Philippe models. Serving as the proud successor to Patek Philippe’s lineage of perpetual calendar chronographs, which began with the reference 1518 and continued through the renowned 2499 and 3970, this timepiece was introduced in 2004. However, its presence in the catalog was relatively brief, spanning only seven years – the shortest duration for any perpetual calendar chronograph model from Patek Philippe. In 2011, it made way for the reference 5270, housing Patek Philippe’s inaugural in-house chronograph caliber and marking the end of the Nouvelle Lemaniabased movement in the reference 5970, celebrated as a Patek Philippe technical masterpiece.
Remarkably, the reference 5970 follows a distinctive production timeline, with white and pink gold models available from 2004 to 2007, the yellow gold variant was made available only in 2008, and the concluding two years, 2009 and 2010, featuring the platinum version. Consequently, the existing yellow gold version is speculated to be the rarest among them – an unusual occurrence for Patek Philippe, where yellow gold typically prevails as the most common metal, at least until the early 2000s. Aesthetically, there is a noticeable “return to the origin”: while reference 2499 (2nd series onward) and reference 3970 adopted round pushers, the reference 5970 reverts to rectangular pushers, reminiscent of the initial models in the series – the highly sought-after references 1518 and 2499 1st series. The present yellow gold model enhances this vintage ambiance, aligning with the historical norm for vintage Patek Philippe complicated pieces. Further preserved in excellent overall condition the present yellow gold Patek Philippe reference 5970 from 2008 is further accompanied by its full and complete set of accessories.

ROLEX A rare and attractive yellow gold chronograph wristwatch with mother-of-pearl dial, Arabic numerals and guarantee
Manufacturer Rolex Year 2014
Reference No. 116518
Movement No. C0’593’976
Case No. 46’5H5’292
Model Name Cosmograph Daytona
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 4130, 44 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Rolex Oyster deployant clasp stamped 24640
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 20,000–40,000
Accompanied by Rolex guarantee card dated May 18th, 2014 and stamped A. Hartmann & Son, Ireland. Furthermore accompanied by Rolex presentation box.

A revolutionary change in the Daytona lineup occurred in 2000 when Rolex updated the automatic Cosmograph Daytona, introducing the brand’s first, fully in-house chronograph movement, the caliber 4130. The present Cosmograph Daytona ref. 116518 in yellow gold features such a movement and is fitted with a mesmerizing white mother-of-pearl dial with Arabic numerals.
Mother of pearl has a natural, lustrous quality and adds a touch of elegance and luxury to the robustness one would expect from a Cosmograph Daytona. The result is nothing less than a stunning, shimmering dial that catches the light and sparkles like no other. Exuberant in design thanks to the combination of warmth and iridescence, the watch breathes charisma and audacity.
Offered in excellent overall condition and still retaining its factory stickers, the present example is a spectacular option for collectors who are looking for a subtle hint of flamboyance combined with the already iconic aesthetics of the Daytona model.

An extremely attractive, difficult-to-obtain and collectible white gold perpetual calendar wristwatch with moonphases, 24-hour indication, leap year indication, integrated bracelet, Certificate and box
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 2022
Reference No. 5740/1G-001
Movement No. 7’499’863
Case No. 6’541’239
Material 18K white gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 240Q, 27 jewels, stamped with the Patek Philippe seal

Bracelet/Strap 18K white gold Patek Philippe integrated bracelet stamped A384TAP, max length 200mm
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Patek Philippe double deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 100,000–200,000
Accompanied by Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin stamped by Salons Patek Philippe, Geneve and dated December 4, 2022, instruction booklet and product literature, leather wallet, setting pin, Patek Philippe travel box and outer packaging, Patek Philippe electric winder and outer packaging, Patek Philippe wooden presentation box and outer packaging

Launched in 1976, the Nautilus today is more than just a popular sports timepiece - it is a cultural icon in itself and a cornerstone in Patek Philippe’s catalog. Following the launch of the reference 3700/1, the model has re-invented itself in many iterations such as changing the dial colour or including complications. By 2018, Patek Philippe had diversified its Nautilus line up to include a vast array of complications – from a simple date to a chronograph to an annual calendar. As such, it finally came time to introduce one of their signature complications - the perpetual calendar - in the Nautilus line, and at Baselworld Patek Philippe launched the 5740G. With a lustrous 18K white gold case and bracelet, the caliber 240 Q – Patek’s ultra-slim perpetual calendar movement stamped with the Patek Philippe seal – beats within so that the case itself remains a mere 8.42mm, which is even slimmer than the reference 5712.
This immediately captivated the market with its combination of sporty/elegant aesthetics boosted by the incredibly attractive and refined metallic navy/royal blue of the dial and the intrinsic scarcity dictated by the complex movement. Combining all of the above with the practicality of an automatic perpetual calendartheoretically ensuring no need to set or wind the watch, assuming one always wears it, until the year 2100 - results in what some consider the ultimate Nautilus, an “everyday grail” equally suitable for a charity gala as it is for scuba diving in the Caribbeans.

AUDEMARS PIGUET A rare and cutting-edge white ceramic perpetual calendar wristwatch with moon phases display, week indication, box and guarantee
Manufacturer Audemars Piguet
Year 2021
Reference No. 26579CB.OO.1225CB.01
Case No. RK8932J
Model Name Royal Oak “White Ceramic”
Material White ceramic
Calibre Automatic, cal. 5134, 38 jewels
Bracelet/Strap White ceramic Audemars Piguet bracelet, max length 195mm

Clasp/Buckle White ceramic Audemars Piguet deployant clasp
Dimensions 41mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 150,000–300,000
Accompanied by Audemars Piguet fitted box, guarantee, winder, original purchase invoice and outer packaging.
Audemars Piguet’s white ceramic Royal Oak perpetual calendar is most probably one of the most elusive and sought after models made by Audemars Piguet in the past years. Audemars Piguet has developed a groundbreaking tradition of experimenting with materials, whether by mixing different metals or by using novel materials such as alacrite 602 or forged carbon, to name a few.
In 2017 the brand launched - in a very bold move – a Royal Oak perpetual calendar in black ceramic (case and bracelet) followed by a white ceramic version in 2019, such as the present watch.
Audemars Piguet’s attention to detail on ceramic Royal Oaks is second to none in terms of comfort and aesthetics. The mirrorlike edges on the bezel and links create a subtle yet sensational contrast to the evenly brushed finishes on the case and bracelet. According to the brand, their metal-like polished ceramic is not only unique, but this level of detail on such a tough material can only be achieved by meticulous hand finishing. The model houses an automatic calibre 5134 (inspired by the original cal. 2120), connecting its visual and technical complexity to its predecessors. Along with the traditional calendar functions, the present Royal Oak features a 52 week indication as well as a beautiful moon phases display- depicted by a photorealistic moon on an iridescent aventurine background.
The present Audemars Piguet perpetual calendar in white ceramic reference 26579CB is further offered in excellent overall condition and comes with its full set of accessories.

RICHARD MILLE A very fine limited edition titanium tonneau-shaped skeletonized wristwatch with center seconds, semi-instantaneous date and box, number 156 of a 300 pieces limited edition
Manufacturer Richard Mille
Year Circa 2007
Movement No. 2166
Case No. 156/300
Model Name RM005-1 Felipe Massa
Material Titanium
Calibre Automatic, cal. 6200, 32 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Rubber
Clasp/Buckle Titanium Richard Mille deployant clasp
Dimensions 45mm Length and 37.8mm Width
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 60,000–120,000

Accompanied by Richard Mille additional straps, product literature, Richard Mille Approved Used Watch Certificate of Authenticity and pouch.

Richard Mille announced his first watch, the RM001 Tourbillon, in 2000 and has ever since remained true to three key concepts driving the passion, which helped redefine modern horology: the best technical innovations, the best artistry and architecture with the best heritage and fine watchmaking craftsmanship. Mille sought to create wristwatches that were 21st century masterpieces, employing cutting edge materials and techniques, but remaining steeped in traditional Swiss watchmaking
The quest for exceptional quality and perfection is the constant driving force behind Richard Mille, and RM-005 is an epitome of such brand philosophy. Debuted in 2004, RM 005 was the brand’s first automatic wristwatch and was offered in a variety of case materials during its production run. One of the most distinctive is the version shown here with its all grey finishing and yellow inner bezel, as well as the colourful accents to the dial, produced especially for the former Ferrari Formula One driver Filipe Massa. The present watch is numbered 156 of a limited edition of 300 pieces, and is preserved in excellent condition.

A. LANGE & SÖHNE A very fine and rare limited edition platinum wristwatch with small seconds, Roman numerals, enamel dial, fusée and chain movement, guarantee and presentation box, numbered 04 of a limited edition of 50 pieces
Manufacturer A. Lange & Söhne
Year 2009
Reference No. 260.025
Movement No. 78’519
Case No. 188’504, caseback further stamped 04/50
Model Name Richard Lange “Pour le Mérite”
Material Platinum
Calibre Manual, cal. L044.1, 33 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Platinum A. Lange & Söhne pin buckle
Dimensions 40.5mm diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 40,000–80,000

Accompanied by A. Lange & Söhne guarantee stamped Oeding-Erdel and dated 17th August 2009, instruction manual, product literature, outer packaging and fitted presentation box.

Named in honour of Ferdinand Adolph Lange’s second son, the Richard Lange “Pour le Mérite” made its debut in 2008. Released in various metals as a limited edition, 50 pieces where made in platinum like the present example, 200 in pink gold, and 218 in white gold. Renowned for his simplicity with exceptional mechanics, Richard Lange has always been known as a genius in the field of micro-engineering with a passion for inventing and improving precision instruments including of course timepieces.
Revealed through its sapphire display case back is the stunning caliber L044.1. Showcasing a distinctive three-quarter plate made of German silver. It incorporates an extremely elaborated and outstanding Fusée and chain mechanism that distinguishes itself from basic three-handed movements. With its main objective being to deliver a constant torque, the Fusée and Chain mechanism present in the “Pour le Mérite”, as the name implies, stands in a league of its own.
The present platinum Richard Lange “Pour le Mérite”, number 04/50, is further accompanied by its full set of accessories and is certain to stand as one of the rarest examples from this exclusive series.

Ref. 260.025 Richard Lange “Pour le Mérite”

An extremely well-preserved and attractive pink gold split-seconds perpetual calendar chronograph wristwatch with small seconds, moon phases, leap year indication, power reserve indication, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer A. Lange & Söhne
Year Circa 2021
Reference No. 421.032FE
Movement No. 109’357
Case No. 216’101
Model Name 1815 Rattrapante Perpetual Calendar
Material 18K pink gold
Calibre Manual, cal. L101.1, 48 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K pink gold A. Lange & Söhne pin buckle
Dimensions 42mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 75,000–150,000

Accompanied by A. Lange & Söhne guarantee card dated December 2021, instruction manual, product literature, setting pin, fitted presentation box and outer packaging.
Since its resurgence in 1994, A. Lange & Söhne has crafted some of the most exceptional timepieces in contemporary horology, elevating the brand to unprecedented heights. With a commitment to preserving traditional Saxon watchmaking, the Glashütte-based manufacturer has cultivated a worldwide community of collectors dedicated to their meticulous creation of timepieces engineered to the highest standards.
In 2013, the company unveiled the 1815 Rattrapante Perpetual Calendar, a model that quickly became one of their most soughtafter and intricate timepieces. Reflecting the distinctive A. Lange & Söhne style, this watch is driven by a manually wound movement, cal. L101.1, composed of 631 individual components, featuring meticulously hand-finished and hand-engraved bridges and plates.
Exuding beauty both internally and externally, this mechanical marvel showcases a warm dial encased in pink gold. The 1815 Rattrapante Perpetual Calendar encapsulates all the coveted characteristics of the 1815 collection, including the railway minute track, Arabic numerals, the distinctive three dots over each quarter index, and its layered dial configuration. The chronograph and running seconds indications grace the 12 and 6 o’clock positions, while the calendar indications find their place at 3 and 9 o’clock, respectively. Infused with a subtle touch of red, the dial comes to life against the cool and muted monochrome background. Furthermore, the stepped layout enhances the visual appeal, creating a captivating illusion of depth from every angle.
The present pink gold A. Lange & Söhne 1815 Rattrapante Perpetual Calendar is offered in like new condition and is furthermore complete with all its original accessories.

Ref. 421.032FE 1815 Rattrapante Perpetual Calendar

VIANNEY HALTER AND GOLDPFEIL A very fine, unusual and rare white gold rectangular-shaped wristwatch with center seconds, jumping hours and moon phases
Manufacturer Vianney Halter and Goldpfeil Year Circa 2001
Case No. 11’217
Model Name GPVH
Material 18K white gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. GUB 60, 35 jewels
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold buckle
Dimensions 40mm Length and 29mm Width
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 12,000–24,000

The present Goldpfeil GPVH is the result of an ambitious project executed by the German luxury house that called upon seven members of the Académie Horlogère des Créateurs Indépendants (AHCI) to each produce a limited series of wristwatches that would make a statement in the world of horology in celebration of the new millennium. Among these seven masters (Sven Andersen, Martin Frei with Thomas and Felix Baumgarter, Vincent Calabrese, Vianney Halter, Frank Jutzi, Bernhard Lederer and Antoine Preziuso), the watchmaker who realised the present timepiece is none other than Vianney Halter, best known for his work behind the Antiqua and with Harry Winston for the Opus 3.
Inspired by vintage rangefinder cameras with their fitted leather Goldpfeil cases, time is expressed through the three sub-dials: minutes (the blue “Goldpfeil” arrow) and running seconds, jump hours in the window on the left corner, and a moon phase illustrated by stylized glyphs around the subdial. Given each piece of the present model required a tremendous amount of time and expertise to perfect, Halter’s creation was the most expensive of the seven watches. The front of the white gold case is covered with hundreds of hand-hammered micro dimples, intended to mirror the appearance of a leather protector on antique cameras. The complex crown is fashioned according to a camera’s winding knob, while the unique white gold buckle for the strap takes its cues from the loading mechanism for film rolls. The self-winding movement within is also developed in-house by Halter. Most notably, the moon phase is one of the most accurate ever installed in a wristwatch, deviating by a day in 139 years, compared to the 122 years of the typical moon phase in a high-end wristwatch.
According to the master watchmaker himself, this series of Goldpfeil GPVH watches is a limited edition of 108 pieces, along with an additional unique gem-set variant that was created to raise funds for charity. Presented in excellent overall condition, this will be a fantastic addition to any collection, especially for collectors who appreciate the work of some of the most coveted watchmakers and their unique approach to horology.

An impressive and innovative carburated stainless steel chronometer wristwatch with 1-minute tourbillon escapement, fusée-and-chain transmission, constant force regulation, power reserve indication and presentation box, numbered 1 of a limited edition of 20 pieces
Manufacturer Ferdinand Berthoud Year Circa 2019
Reference No. FB1R.6
Movement No. 0112
Case No. 1071, case flank further engraved with limited edition number 1/20
Model Name FB1R.6
Material Carburated stainless steel
Calibre Manuel, cal. FB-T.FC.R 1, 49 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Alligator
Clasp/Buckle Carburated stainless steel Ferdinand Berthoud deployant clasp signed FB
Dimensions 44mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 70,000–140,000

Accompanied by Ferdinand Berthoud presentation box and outer packaging, and furthermore accompanied by Ferdinand Berthoud Certificate of Origin.
Ferdinand Berthoud is undeniably one of the greatest names in watchmaking. Based in Paris he was named Horologist-Mechanic to the French navy by King Louis XV. In 2015, the Ferdinand Berthoud brand was re-established and acquired by Chopard spearheaded by Karl-Friedrich Scheufele and his team with an aim to manifest the legacy of one of the greatest horologists in history.
The present Chronomètre FB 1R.6-1 is a horological gem, merging together a technical prowess with a contemporary design. The watch is inspired by Berthoud’s Marine Clock N°7 from 1767 with a regulator type display. The dial features three openings: one for the hours (at 2 o’clock), another for the minutes (at 12 o’clock) and a third for the power reserve (at 10 o’clock). Whereas the seconds are indicated with a centrally mounted hand.
The FB-T.FC.R caliber beating within has a pillar-type architecture and features a direct-drive centre seconds tourbillon whose constant force is provided by a fusée-and-chain transmission mechanism incorporating a satellite differential gear and a Maltese Cross stopwork device. The chain connecting the fusée and barrel is a feat of micro engineering and comprises of 474 steel links of a total length of 280mm.
The octagonal shaped case is made of a new material called carburised stainless steel, a steel whose molecular structure has been reinforced by a thermochemical process offering the surface unprecedented hardness. The FB 1R.6 was made in a limited edition of 20 pieces and the present example bears the ultra coveted number 1.

Manufacturer Christian Klings Year Circa 2008
Movement No. N°6
Model Name Tourbillon N°6
Material 18k yellow gold
Calibre Manual, 19 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18k yellow gold pin buckle signed CK
Dimensions 42mm Diameter
Signed Dial, movement and crown signed
CHF 80,000–160,000

It is with great pleasure and pride that we bring to the international auction market for the very first time a Christian Klings tourbillon wristwatch, consigned by the original owner.
Christian Klings is a revered name of independent watchmaking, a discreet watchmaker who in the course of a 30 plus years career has made less than 35 watches but his impact has been immense whether with the collecting community or with his fellow watchmakers. Klings is as much an artist as he is a watchmaker and thus focuses on creating bespoke timepieces upon commission from savvy collectors. His creations - with an almost unheard of degree of hand work using traditional tools and techniqueshave ranged from a 10-second tourbillon with a free balance escapement, to detent escapements to highly finished time-only watches with single-beat escapements.
In a recent interview published on Phillips website Klings said: “The watches I make now need to be simple, have a clean look, a classic design, and an aesthetically pleasing movement with a high degree of finish. I want my movement designs to have a calming effect.”
The present Tourbillon number 6 is true to the master’s ethos: a slim case, hand guilloché dial with circular motif and silver chapter ring with hand engraved numerals frame a large 15mm tourbillon cage held by a beautifully finished cylindrical bridge. The large movement is also devoid of any frills with the blue screws, red rubies and gold chaton adding a dash of color. Interestingly the fourth wheel, connected to the tourbillon, sits on top of the movement to reduce the height of the movement.
Klings has made only 12 tourbillon wristwatches, each of them different, making the present N°6 unique and offering the rare opportunity to own a timepiece by a watchmaker of incredible talent who unfortunately has stopped making watches.

An incredible white gold wristwatch with unique engraved Mayan motif dial, number 12 of a limited edition of 12 pieces
Manufacturer De Bethune Year Circa 2012
Reference No. DB25W Maya
Movement No. 2005.163 further engraved with limited edition number 12/12
Model Name DB25 Maya
Material 18K white gold
Calibre Manual, Cal DB2005, 29 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold pin buckle signed De Bethune
Dimensions 44mm Diameter
Signed Case, movement and buckle signed
CHF 50,000–100,000
Accompanied by De Bethune fitted box, undated and unstamped De Bethune Certificate of Origin and Warranty, user manual, travel case and outer packaging.
The present watch is illustrated in De Bethune l’Art Horloger Au XXIe Siecle by Arthur Touchot ed. Assouline, page 210.

De Bethune unveiled the DB25 IX Maya in 2012, on the occasion of humankind’s symbolic passage into the 9th underworld predicted by the Mayan calendar and the result is nothing short of astounding. De Bethune created 12 watches, each with a different and unique engraved dial using the Mayan symbiology representing the advent of the 9th Underworld.
Better known for its cutting edge designs, De Bethune used its signature DB25 case to frame the incredible engraved yellow gold dial subtly mixing hand engraving by the talented Michèle Rothen and laser engraving. The result being a potent cocktail of avant garde meeting tradition, a savant mélange of cultures with the outcome being an achingly gorgeous timepiece in which one can spend literally hours admiring the dial (or the movement on that matter). To enable an unobstructed view of the dial, the hands are made of sapphire, blued elements add a dash of oomph to the whole.
The movement on the other hand is completely futuristic in its aspect , fully mirror polished featuring De Bethune’s signature technical innovations such as self regulating twin barrel, silicon/ palladium balance wheel, balance with flat terminal curve and triple pare chute shock absorbing system. The icing on the cake is the 6-day power reserve.
A true work of art - this unique masterpiece demonstrates De Bethune’s artistic and technical mastery.

VOUTILAINEN A unique and breathtaking white gold worldtime wristwatch with enamel and engraved Super-LumiNova dial, certificate and presentation box
Manufacturer Voutilainen
Year 2023
Movement No. TMZ 1/1
Case No. TMZ 1/1, case back further engraved Unique Piece
Model Name Wordtime Unique Piece
Material 18K white gold
Calibre Manual, cal. 216TMZ, jeweled
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Voutilainen pin buckle
Dimensions 39mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 80,000–160,000

Accompanied by Voutilainen fitted box, guarantee dated January 2023, service log, leather travel pouch, cleaning cloth and outer packaging.
Kari Voutilainen and his works are featured in Kari Voutilainen Horlogerie d’Art by Theodore Diehl as well as in Watchmakers, The Masters of Art Horology by Maxima Gallery pp. 228-247 and in Twelve faces of Time, Horological Virtuosos by Elisabeth Doerr and Ralf Baumgarten pp. 90-105.
A pure work of art in every sense, the present unique Voutilainen Worldtime is a gem of artistic and horological mastery. The watch is housed in a white gold case and uses Voutilainen’s new calibre 216TMZ, featuring a new escapement with two direct impulse escape wheels linked to an oversized, 13.5mm free-sprung balance wheel with a Grossman interior curve and Philips exterior curve. The finish of the movement with subtle Geneva waves, elegant beveling and polishing is what one has come to expect from Voutilainen: absolutely superb. Pink gold gears add a dash of panache to the overall appearance.
However, for once, the movement is not the star of the show but the absolutely visually arresting dial combining miniature painting, engraving and a surprising use of Super-LumiNova! The dial represents part of our Earth as seen from the moon’s surface which is hand engraved, the rest is miniature paining on enamel and the fabulous idea was to use Super-LumiNova for the separations between countries, the outer section of the Earth as well as on the moon’s crevices that magically light up.
The Worldtime city discs are set using the crown and therefore no other push piece is needed. Voutilainen started his career restoring antique timepieces but has never been shy about using new techniques and mixing innovation with tradition and the present TMZ unique piece engraved 1/1 is the perfect example.

ANDERSEN GENEVE An original and attractive pre-series white gold jump hour wristwatch with day and night indication, number 2 of less than 10 made
Manufacturer Andersen Geneve Year Circa 1998
Case No. 02
Model Name Jour et Nuit “Pre Series”
Material 18K white gold
Calibre Manual, extra slim caliber, 20 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Andersen pin buckle
Dimensions 42mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 10,000–20,000
Accompanied by a letter signed by Sven Andersen confirming the production of the present watch between 1998 and 1999 in less than 10 pieces.

After working for decades at Patek Philippe, Sven Andersen had the courage to set out on his own in 1980 in the midst of the quartz crisis with an aim to create unique bespoke timepieces. In 1985 with Vincent Calabrese – he co-founded the AHCI (Académie Horloger des Createurs Independent/ Horological Academy of Independent Creators) for which the duo received the Achievement Award at the GPHG in 2023.
The present Jour et Nuit (Day and Night) model features an original and playful manner of reading time. This unusual jumping 24hour display is indicated by a large hand with both sun and moon motifs on opposing ends. Much like the natural courses of the two celestial bodies, night and day are differentiated as the moon-hand sets past the 6th hour on the lower bow, and the sun-hand rises on the upper scale indicating the hours between 6 to 18.
The Jour et Nuit was originally made upon commission from a private client (Walter Haselberger, whose initials are on the case back) in 1995 and featured not only this original method of indicating time but also a minute repeater. Andersen then developed the movement for Cartier which used it in its Pasha models. Between 1998 and 1999 Andersen made less than 10 preseries Jour et Nuit models of which the present example is number 2. It wasn’t until 2000 that Andersen introduced a “production series” of the Jour et Nuit called the Grand Jour et Nuit as the case was enlarged to 42mm.
A historically important, technically interesting and playful timepiece, the present Jour et Nuit pre-series number 2 is a musthave for the collector of rare independent timepieces.

Manufacturer Daniel Roth
Year Circa 1990
Reference No. C187
Case No. 24
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Manual, 19 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Daniel Roth pin buckle
Dimensions 38mm Length and 35mm Width
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 50,000–100,000
wristwatch with closed caseback

It seems that the tourbillon is somewhat a right of passage for watchmakers launching their own brand regardless of generations, whether it be Journe in 1999 or a Theo Auffret or Rexhep Rexhepi in the past years. After having worked at Audemars Piguet and revived Breguet as we know it, Daniel Roth set out to launch his own brand in 1988 and introduced his Tourbillon ref. C187 the following year.
Upon launch of his brand, Roth immediately established his personal design language, the most obvious being the unusual ellipsocurvex shape, hands with pointed tips and dials with guilloché patterns, all elements you can find in the present yellow gold Tourbillion. However, the present early example number 24, is part of a very small selection of tourbillon wristwatches that were made with a full caseback as opposed to the two dial models that feature a power reserve indicator and date on the caseback.
Interestingly with the relaunch of the brand and the presentation of the new Souscription Tourbillon in 2023 it is this very combination that was selected as Daniel Roth’s 1st revival piece. The Daniel Roth reference C187 is probably on of the watchmaker’s better known creations. With classical lines and gentle curves, its design is as equally relevant in today’s standards as it was more than 30 years ago when it was released. Taking centre stage is the large tourbillon escapement with an original triple arm seconds hand featuring three hands of different lengths that indicate the seconds on three different seconds registers each calibrated for 20 seconds. Cased in yellow gold it features a remarkably executed guillochage. The hour-minute disc features classic Roman numerals and is in satin-brushed silver, as well as the lateral frames that indicate the number of the watch, the brand name and the seconds. The movement that powers this remarkable timepiece is based off the Lemania 387 ébauche, which has been highly modified and finished at the highest of levels.

PURNELL An impressive, complicated, and three-dimensional pink gold wristwatch with triple axis tourbillon regulator, with guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Purnell
Year Circa 2020
Reference No. CP.01RG Spherion
Case No. 1-20 Blue execution
Model Name Spherion Tourbillon
Material 18k pink gold
Calibre Manual wind, calibre CP01, 30 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Rubber
Clasp/Buckle 18k pink gold with titanium blades deployant clasp signed CP
Dimensions 48mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial/movement and clasp signed
CHF 30,000–60,000
Accompanied by Purnell fitted box, undated guarantee, polishing cloth, key and outer packaging.

Purnell is all about tourbillons.
The company is named after Cecil Purnell, a World War I veteran who studied watchmaking after being injured during the war and quickly became fascinated by Abraham-Louis Breguet and the tourbillon. Purnell was founded decades later in the mid-2000s by Cecil’s grandson, Jonathan Purnell.
The present Spherion Tourbillon, was revealed in 2020 and features the world’s fastest triple-axis tourbillon, which completes a full 360-degree rotation in eight seconds. The movement inside the Spherion Tourbillon was developed in partnership with the award-winning watchmaker Eric Coudray, who previously brought to life impressive tourbillon creations such as the Jaeger-LeCoultre Gyrotourbillon. The inner tourbillon cage of the Spherion completes more than seven rotations every minute, while the inner, middle, and outer tourbillon cages complete their individual rotation in eight seconds, 16 seconds, and 30 seconds, respectively. All cages are made of lightweight titanium, and the clearance between each individual cage is under 0.2mm. It took Coudray and Purnell more than two years to bring the Spherion Tourbillon to life.
But the mechanics were just the start of the Spherion’s development. The unique three-dimensional architecture of Purnell’s triple-axis tourbillon created difficulties in finding the right case and sapphire crystal to house and best display the innovative CP.01 movement. Conventional suppliers of sapphire crystals turned Purnell away. When a sapphire crystal manufacturer willing to take the small-batch project on was finally found, it took an additional 14 months of work to finalize. In addition to sapphire crystal protecting the front and back of the watch, there’s an additional sapphire crystal window in the left caseband as well as at 12 and 6 o’clock, allowing an unobstructed view of the triple-axis tourbillon in action.

A very rare, fine and attractive limited edition titanium and pink gold perpetual calendar wristwatch with retrograde date, ruthenium dial, certificate and presentation box, numbered 37 of a limited edition of 99 pieces, made exclusively for the 5th anniversary of the F. P. Journe Boutique Tokyo with proceeds going to charity
Manufacturer F.P. Journe
Year 2010
Case No. 37/99-OP
Model Name Octa Perpétuelle
Material Titanium and 18K pink gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 1300.3, 39 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K pink gold F. P. Journe deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 70,000–140,000

Accompanied by F.P. Journe Certificate stamped Montre Journe S.A. Geneve dated February 10, 2010, purchase invoice, fitted presentation box and outer packaging.
In celebration of the enduring admiration and devoted following within the Japanese community, François-Paul Journe marked a significant milestone by inaugurating his maiden boutique in Tokyo in 2003. Nestled in a minimalist Tadao Ando-designed structure in Aoyama, the boutique has served as a robust connection between the brand and its most valued clients in Japan. In recognition of his steadfast enthusiasts, F.P. Journe introduced a series of five limited edition timepieces under the Tokyo Anniversaire collection, characterized by a distinctive titanium case with pink gold case and adorned with exceptional ruthenium-coated dials. This series comprised the Souverain, Tourbillon, Resonance, Centigraphe, and the showcased Octa Perpétuelle.
Bearing a striking resemblance to the Octa Calendrier, the Octa Perpétuelle not only showcases two apertures for the month and day, along with an semi-circular retrograde date, but also features an exclusive pink gold safety pusher at 8 o’clock for a swift annual adjustment of the months. Reflecting the brand’s innovative and thoughtful ethos, “Invenit et Fecit,” the complexity lies in the concealed leap-year indication discreetly positioned within the oval aperture of February. Cleverly devised by the self-winding calibre 1300.3 perpetual calendar movement, the month of February is displayed as 1FE, 2FE, 3FE, and BFE for bissextile February, signifying the leap year. Encased in a contemporary 40mm diameter titanium case, the charcoal grey of the ruthenium dial gracefully contrasts against the pink gold hands and calendar accents, solidifying its distinguished appeal within the Tokyo Anniversaire series. Exceptionally rare and highly sought-after, the Octa Perpétuelle is limited to only 99 pieces, with the present example numbered 37 preserved in excellent overall condition and accompanied by its full set of accessories. Crafted with genuine affection and dedicated passion, this Octa Perpétuelle is undoubtedly an opportunity not to be missed for the discerning collector of Journe timepieces. Please note that the proceeds of the present timepiece will be donated by the consignor to UNICEF.

An incredibly impressive white gold and sapphire 20-degree bi-axial tourbillon wristwatch with hand hammered and enamel grand feu dials, two power reserve indicators and dual time zone complication, number 3 of a limited edition of 3 pieces
Manufacturer Jaeger-LeCoultre
Year 2014
Case No. 3130921, inside case further engraved with limited edition n° 3/3
Model Name Hybris Artistica 5 - Duomètre Sphérotourbillon
Material 18K white gold
Calibre Manual, cal. 382, 55 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Jaeger-LeCoultre pin buckle
Dimensions 44mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 50,000–100,000

Accompanied by Jaeger-LeCoultre Extract from the Archives confirming the production date of the present timepiece in 2014, presentation box, gloves and outer packaging.
The Hybris Artistica 5 from Jaeger-LeCoultre is nothing short of a mechanical wonder. In addition to its rotation around the axis of its titanium cage, the spherical tourbillon further revolves around a secondary axis, angled at 20 degrees, to counteract the influence of gravity in any orientation.
Encased in a sapphire and white gold 44mm case, the Duomètre Sphérotourbillon showcases an 18K white gold dial which has been engraved with multidirectional strokes through the use of a special chisel. Such a technique gives the grand feu enamel subdials an interesting grainy glossy effect. Architecturally impressive, the dial then leads to the cage of the tourbillion through the use of “staircases” composed of finely chiseled steps. Off centred at 12 o’clock we can find a second time zone in 24-hour mode indicator, extremely useful for the jet setter of the 21st century. The second time zone also showcases its individual power reserve indicator and is powered by its individual barrel. At three o’clock the oversized “home” time indicator is visible in typical JaegerLeCoultre style, off centred at 6 o’clock we can further find its sub-seconds indicator. All three sub-dials are enamel.
Rotating the watch around, we can find in all its glory the JaegerLeCoultre caliber 382. A horological marvel to witness, the flying tourbillon features a technically impressive cylindrical balance spring and sapphire tourbillon bridge that leads the eye to believe that the tourbillon is floating freely.
With the present example being one of only three pieces made, the present watch is preserved in excellent overall condition.

PATEK PHILIPPE A highly rare and attractive yellow gold, diamond, lapis lazuli and turquoise bracelet watch with ring and pendant
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 1978
Reference No. 4364/3
Movement No. 1’279’169
Case No. 2’766’277

Material 18K yellow gold, diamond, lapis lazuli and turquoise
Calibre Manual, cal. 16-1250, jeweled Bracelet/Strap
18K yellow gold, diamond, lapis lazuli and turquoise
Patek Philippe bracelet, max length 170mm
18K yellow gold, diamond, lapis lazuli and turquoise
Patek Philippe deployant clasp
Dimensions 34.5mm Width and 29.5mm Length
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed, pendant and ring furthermore signed
CHF 20,000–30,000
Accompanied by Patek Philippe Extract from the Archives confirming production of the present watch in 1978 with diamonds, lapis lazuli and turquoise and its subsequent sale on August 27, 1984. Furthermore accompanied by yellow gold, diamond, lapis lazuli and turquoise ring and pendant stamped PPCo.

The present lot is a rare and unusual jewellery suite featuring a lady’s Patek Philippe timepiece, accompanied by a ring and pendant. It is believed that this reference was produced as a series, each with accompanying jewelry.
This yellow gold bracelet watch perfectly encapsulates Patek Philippe’s elegance and style. Designed with undulating diamonds, lapis lazuli and turquoise, it boasts workmanship that is next-tonone and showcases Patek Philippe’s unparalleled workmanship.
Reference 4364 perfectly captures the spirit of the era - its sloping forms, radical shape and expressive design showcases the ideals of freedom, design and self-expression of the 1970s. This reference boasts a number of different hard stone embellishments, ranging from diamonds, to onyx and even coral. In this instance, the timepiece is adorned by diamonds, lapis lazuli and turquoise, giving the timepiece a glamorous appearance. One can imagine donning this watch from the Coasts of Cote d’Azur, to the shores of Capri.

PATEK PHILIPPE A very uncommon, well-preserved and highly unusual white gold and diamond-set dual time wristwatch with double movement, diamond pavé and lapis lazuli dial and bracelet
Manufacturer Patek Philippe
Year Circa 1978
Reference No. 4404
Movement No. 996’544 and 997’855
Case No. 2’769’833
Material 18K white gold, diamond and lapis lazuli
Calibre Both movements: manual, cal. 13’’’1/2, 20 jewels

Bracelet/Strap 18K white gold Jean Pierre Ecoffey for Patek Philippe integrated bracelet, max length 175mm
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Jean Pierre Ecoffey for Patek Philippe clasp
Dimensions 34.5 mm Width and 23 mm Length
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed by maker, clasp further signed by bracelet maker
CHF 20,000–40,000
Reference 4404 is a “strange animal” in the ecosystem of Patek Philippe’s production. A son of its times, the model was in production mostly during the 1970s, a period of turmoil for the watch industry which was facing dramatic competition from Japanese quartz watches. This crisis happen to come in a decade of great creative fervour in all aspect of society. Thus, some manufactures tried to differentiate themselves from the low-cost quartz alternatives with high quality, luxury timepieces (a strategy which proved key to the survival of the entire industry); the results can be counted among the most provocative and inventive designs of all times, focused on the usage of textures and exotic materials to convey a sense of exclusivity and refinement.
Patek Philippe being the conservative powerhouse it is, they were somewhat more restrained in their designs than other brands at the time (for example, Piaget), but when the brand decided to embrace the trend of the time, they gave the world some incredibly charming pieces such as the present dual-time wristwatch with diamond pavé dial with lapis lazuli inserts, and diamond-set bezel. The package boosted by an incredibly well-executed textured bracelet by master casemaker Jean Pierre Ecoffey, who realised bracelets for the most important watches of the most important brands (see lot 49) and was for 10 years the mentor of case making legend Jean-Pierre Hagmann.

Manufacturer Patek Philippe
Year 1960
Reference No. 2577
Movement No. 749’786
Case No. 699’571
Material 18K yellow gold
An incredibly scarce and bewildering yellow gold wristwatch with enamel dial

Calibre Manual, cal. 10-200, 18 jewels, stamped twice with the Geneva Seal Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Gilt pin buckle
Dimensions 35mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial and movement signed
CHF 35,000–70,000
Accompanied by Patek Philippe Extract from the Archives confirming production of the present watch in 1959 and its subsequent sale on June 14, 1960
Elusive, incredibly well-preserved and surprising provenance make the present, fresh-to-the-market Patek Philippe reference 2577, recently purchased from the family of the original owner, a true grail. When associating the words Patek Philippe and grand feu enamel dial the automatic reference 2526 and its successor the reference 3428 immediately come to mind. However, reference 2577 launched in 1956 is also part of this elite circle and much rarer than its peers. In fact it is so rare that previously only 5 examples in yellow gold have graced the auction market. The present lot being the sixth.
The desirability of the present watch hits new heights thanks its incredible state of preservation, the egg shell enamel dial is free of fissures and cracks and the case maintains its original brushed and polished surfaces with crisp bevels to the lugs. Unlike the references 2526 and 3428 housed in rather classical Calatrava style cases, the present model with its faceted “spider lugs” is audacious and unashamed which together with the beautiful, delicate and unharmed cream grand feu enamel dial with gilt Patek Philippe signature create a watch of incredible equilibrium and appeal. The case back reveals the surprising provenance of the timepiece, engraved on it are the following words translated from Serbo-Croatian: “To comrade Army General / Ivan Gosnjak on the occasion of his 60th birthday / DSNO (State Secretariat for National Defense).”
General Ivan Gošnjak was a Yugoslavian military leader who served under Tito, serving as the Minister of Defense from 1953 to 1967. The present fresh-to-the-market reference 2577 was property of General Gošnjak’s family until recently and its ultimate rarity and state of preservation make it a must have for any collector.

ROLEX A very rare and impressive pink gold calendar wristwatch with center seconds and brick link bracelet
Manufacturer Rolex
Year Circa 1959
Reference No. 1803
Movement No. DD7207
Case No. 494’485
Model Name Day-Date “El Dorado”
Material 18K pink gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 1555, 25 jewels

Bracelet/Strap 18K pink gold Rolex bracelet, max length 210mm
Clasp/Buckle 18K pink gold Rolex deployant clasp stamped 4.59
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 20,000–40,000
Phillips Geneva Watch Auction X, 9-10 November 2019, lot 243
The present watch is prominently illustrated in Day-Date, The Presidential Rolex by Pucci Papaleo Editore, page 122 and 123. It is furthermore illustrated in 100 Superlative Rolex Watches by John Goldberger, page 162.

Ever glamorous, the Day-Date model delights with its myriad of dial, bracelet, bezel and gold-finished designs. Since its inception in 1956, it remains one of the most surprising and diverse flagship models Rolex has ever produced. Apart from prototype models, the Day-Date has only been cased in precious metals, attesting to its glamor and prestige.
An extremely early example of reference 1803, the present watch is named “El Dorado” due to its gold livery and is forever preserved in literature. It is prominently illustrated in both Day-Date, The Presidential Rolex by Pucci Papaleo Editore and 100 Superlative Rolex Watches by John Goldberger. It features a most impressive pink gold brick link bracelet stamped for 1959, which corresponds to the year of manufacture of the wristwatch. Heavy, luxurious and flexible, it adds so much presence to the timepiece.
Furthermore, the watch itself is preserved in astounding condition. There are barely any signs of wear on the dial, which is particularly astounding, considering the watch is 60 years of age. All graphics are intact, and it displays a rare non-luminous dial with dart indexes, which is correct for early examples.

PATEK PHILIPPE A highly rare and attractive stainless steel wristwatch with date, olive green dial, certificate of origin and presentation box
Manufacturer Patek Philippe
Year 2021
Reference No. 5711/1A-014
Movement No. 7’414’566
Case No. 6’460’461
Model Name Nautilus
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 26-330 S C, 30 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Patek Philippe bracelet, max length 200mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Patek Philippe deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 100,000–200,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin dated June 27, 2021, hang tag, product literature, wallet, presentation box and outer packaging.

In 2021, Patek Philippe announced the imminent discontinuation of the reference 5711/1A in its entirety and introduced a special “olive green” dial to only be produced for one year to mark its departure. Alongside a baguette diamond-set bezel variant, these two final 5711s (apart from the limited run of 170 “Tiffany Blue” double signed pieces) would mark the end of the production of the reference that has been a mainstay of the Patek Philippe collection since its introduction in 2006. With no successor yet announced, and demand at a fever pitch, there is quite a void in the Nautilus lineup and few outlets for the collecting community.
Collectors were instantly drawn to the subtle hue of the green dial and of course the limited nature of the release, but allocations were limited and extremely selective. Given that no more of these 5711/1A-014 pieces will be produced and are now fully discontinued, the present example is one of the extremely few opportunities to acquire this intensely limited run of one of the most iconic sports watch references of all time.
The present watch is furthermore preserved in virtually unworn condition with the sticker still visible on the clasp.

Ref. 5711/1A-014 Nautilus “Olive Green”

PATEK PHILIPPE A superb yellow gold and diamond-set wristwatch with date and bracelet, service sealed
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year Circa 1980
Reference No. 3700/003
Movement No. 1’308’522
Case No. 54’460
Model Name Nautilus
Material 18k yellow gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 28 255C, 36 jewels
Bracelet/Strap 18K yellow gold Patek Philippe bracelet
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Patek Philippe deployant clasp
Dimensions 42mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 100,000–200,000

What started as Patek Philippe’s first leisure luxury watch has slowly evolved into a full collection of time only and complicated timepieces made in steel and precious metals, highly coveted by collectors with waiting list that can be counted in years.
Gerald Genta’s design inspired by the portholes of transatlantic ocean liners was named after Captain Nemo’s Nautilus submarine from Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. The ‘Jumbo’ case with wide flat bezel, integrated link bracelet, and ultrathin automatic movement had a masculine aesthetic compared to the smaller dressy gold mechanical watches of the time.
The original Nautilus reference 3700 presented in 1976 was intended as a luxury sports watch and thus was made in steel, however in the 1980s Patek Philippe decided to create a very small number of pieces in yellow gold adding a dash of glamour to its iconic design. Patek Philippe pushed its own boundaries by creating an even rarer version of the gold Nautilus with a bezel elegantly set with two rows of diamonds adding extra flamboyance to the watch. So rare is the reference 3700/ 003 that the present fresh to the market example is only the 8th known.
The present example is still service sealed and as such in extremely strong condition.

An exceptionally attractive and collectible platinum perpetual calendar split-seconds chronograph wristwatch with moon phases, certificate of origin, and presentation box
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 2010
Reference No. 5004P-021
Movement No. 3’275’389
Case No. 4’508’114
Material Platinum
Calibre Manual, cal. CHR 27-70 Q, 28 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Patek Philippe alligator strap
Clasp/Buckle Platinum Patek Philippe deployant clasp
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement, and clasp signed
CHF 150,000–300,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin dated October 14th, 2010, leather portfolio with photograph and product literature, fitted wooden presentation box, and outer packaging. Further accompanied by Patek Philippe travel box.
The Patek Philippe reference 5004 has become one of the greatest neo-vintage collectibles. Featuring a split-seconds chronograph function that allows simultaneous timing, it was the first serially produced Patek Philippe perpetual calendar model to feature such complication. A feast of technical mastery, the intricacy of the splitseconds module added to the already complex perpetual calendar chronograph was so complicated to manufacture that only a small number of watches were delivered each year. Powered by the Nouvelle Lemania-based calibre that can be admired through the crystal case back, the reference was produced in a variety of metals (pink gold, yellow gold, white gold, platinum and stainless steel) during a 16-year run, from 1994 till 2010.
Not too small nor too large, the watch measures an elegant 36mm diameter and shares the aesthetics of the long lineage of perpetual calendar chronographs such as the reference 3970 and the iconic references 2499 and 1518. Yet, its stepped case is a little bit thicker and larger than its predecessors to accommodate the split-second complication, giving the watch a contemporary presence to the wrist. Displaying an oversized crown at 3 o’clock and an understated silver dial with applied Arabic numerals, the present platinum example exudes a potent mix of simplicity, modern aesthetics, and traditions; a winning combination to create one of the most desirable and versatile wristwatches. Coming from the original owner, the present fresh-to-market reference 5004P-021 is further offered in beautifully well-preserved condition and was acquired through the Patek Philippe’s Geneva Salon as indicated on the Certificate of Origin. Widely thought of as one of the most desirable contemporary references by Patek Philippe, the combination of the subtle lustre of platinum, rarity, and technical virtuosity makes it an exceptional acquisition for the discerning collector.

AUDEMARS PIGUET A highly rare and attractive yellow gold perpetual calendar wristwatch with bracelet
Manufacturer Audemars Piguet Year Circa 1986
Reference No. 25554BA
Movement No. 274’253
Case No. C16530
Model Name Royal Oak Perpetual Calendar
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 2120/4, 38 jewels
Bracelet/Strap 18K yellow gold Audemars Piguet bracelet, max length 180mm

Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Audemars Piguet deployant clasp
Dimensions 39mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 60,000–120,000
First introduced as a time-only luxury sports watch in steel with an integrated bracelet in 1972, the ingenious design was by the great and late Gerald Genta. An unusual release at the time, doubly so for its release during the peak of the quartz crisis, it commanded a higher price than a gold watch. However, the firm’s vision behind Genta’s ingenuity would prevail, becoming the true pioneers behind the boom of the luxury sports wristwatch.
The Royal Oak Perpetual Calendar was launched in 1984. The forward-thinking approach from the Managing Director of Audemars Piguet at the time, George Golay, took the thin workhorse caliber 2120/2800, added an ultra-slim perpetual calendar module, and fitted it into the already slim Royal Oak case, making it one of the world’s thinnest automatic perpetual calendar watches.
The very first of these produced in series was the reference 25554 like the present lot and was made only in scarce quantities: an estimated 279 examples across all metals including yellow gold, stainless steel, and platinum.
One of the earlier examples produced with case number C16 serial it features all the subtle details collectors have come to love such as the three gold dotted indexes at 3, 9 and 12 o’clock and its small signature under the moon phase.

BREGUET An incredible and exceptionally rare white gold wristwatch with Hijri calendar, Eastern Arabic numerals on bracelet, one of 2 made
Manufacturer Breguet
Year 1982
Movement No. 187
Case No. 3349
Material 18k white gold
Calibre Automatic, 35 jewels
Bracelet/Strap 18k white gold integrated bracelet measuring 190mm max.
Clasp/Buckle 18k white gold concealed clasp
Dimensions 36.5mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial and movement signed
CHF 40,000–80,000
Breguet fitted box and outer packaging

It is exhilarating that in the realm of vintage- or to use the very fashionable “neo-vintage” - watches there are still incredible discoveries to be made like the present double signed Breguet/ Chaumet. During the 20th century Breguet underwent different changes in ownership and in 1970 it was purchased by the Parisian jewelers Chaumet who subsequently sold the brand in 1987. It was during this time that the young Daniel Roth was brought onboard to revamp the brand to its past glory.
Even though Breguet belonged to Chaumet only a handful of timepieces were cosigned by both brands. The present timepiece is clearly a Breguet as it features all the brand’s signature elements, such as the lavishly guilloché dial, offset time subdial, coin edge case and Breguet hands. However, not just a phenomenally attractive watch, the present example is also technically impressive as it features a Hijri Islamic calendar. This system is based on 12 lunar months in a year of 354 or 355 days, consequently each month can be 29 or 30 days long but not 31 days.
The month is indicated in the top aperture, the day right beneath and the date in the lower window. Thanks to the information available at the Breguet museum we know that this watch was made in only 2 examples in 1982 and delivered to Chaumet Geneve on April 30, 1982. Obviously a special order it is believed that these watches were destined for the Royal Court of Morocco. In superb condition, fresh to the market and a model never seen before in this configuration, the present Breguet/Chaumet is a timepiece so rare and desirable that it took 42 years to come to the market and finding another one is close to mission impossible.
We would like to thank Emmanuel Breguet Head of Patrimony and the Breguet museum for providing the information on this exceptional timepiece.

AUDEMARS PIGUET A gorgeous stainless “A Series” wristwatch with brown “tropical dial”, bracelet and service receipt
Manufacturer Audemars Piguet
Year 1973
Reference No. 5402
Case No. A506
Model Name Royal Oak “Jumbo”
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 2121, 36 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Audemars Piguet bracelet, max overall length 195mm

Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Audemars Piguet deployant clasp
Dimensions 39mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and strap signed
CHF 35,000–70,000
Electronic Audemars Piguet Extract from the Archives confirming production on 23 January, 1973 and service papers from September 2023.
The Royal Oak is not only the world’s first stainless steel luxury sports watch with a fully integrated bracelet (launched in 1972) but also one of the horological world’s best known names and designs.
Designed overnight in response to an urgent request for an “unprecedented steel watch,” it was at the same time the most expensive stainless steel watch ever made. The brand sought famed designer Gérald Genta, who developed a brilliantly engineered monobloc case, with a distinctively maritime feel, featuring an octagonal bezel secured by eight hexagonal white gold screws, and a dial with a tapisserie motif. The watch became known among collectors as the “Jumbo” due to the 39mm diameter case, which at the time was considered large compared to standard gentlemen’s dress watches, most of which measured between 33 and 35mm in diameter.
The present Royal Oak 5402 is an “A Series” with the case number 506. The ref. 5402 was produced in several different batches across A, B, C and D case numbers with small design details that made each subtly different. They house the extra slim caliber 2121 based on the Jaeger-LeCoultre caliber 920, that would later be used for Patek Philippe’s Nautilus wristwatch and Vacheron Constantin’s 222.
Consigned by the original owner, this Royal Oak features the distinctive “AP’” logo positioned at 6 o’clock, with later models having the brand logo at the 12 o’clock position. The dial is all the more desirable and further enhanced due to its incredible harmonious espresso colored “tropical” dial.
The watch was fully serviced by Audemars Piguet in September 2023 and is in lovely overall condition.

PATEK PHILIPPE An important, attractive and rare white gold chronograph wristwatch with salmon dial, certificate of origin and presentation box, made for the 2015 Patek Philippe Watch Art Grand Exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery in London
Introduced in 1998, the release of Patek Philippe’s reference 5070 marked the reintroduction of a non-perpetual calendar chronograph since nearly four decades. Housing the manualwinding caliber CH 27-70, a modernized Lemania 2310 ébauche, this movement stands out for its exceptional design and reliability, it is further adorned with the signature Geneva seal remarkably boasting a 60-hour power reserve. Featuring a modern and unconventional, by Patek Philippe standards, 42mm case diameter, the dial layout is “clean” and highly-legible, skilfully harmonising the presence of a tachymeter scale and an outer railway-minute track. Enhancing its legibility is the outstanding contrast between the warm salmon dial and white gold case.

Ref. Ref. 5070G-014 “Saatchi Edition”

An important, attractive and rare white gold chronograph wristwatch with salmon dial, certificate of origin and presentation box, made for the 2015 Patek Philippe Watch Art Grand Exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery in London
Manufacturer Patek Philippe
Year 2015
Reference No. Ref. 5070G-014
Movement No. 3’715’823
Case No. 4’375’002
Material 18K white gold
Calibre Manual, cal. CH 27-70, 24 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Patek Philippe deployant clasp
Dimensions 42mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 250,000–500,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin stamped Salons Patek Philippe New Bond Street London and dated 20th November, 2015, leather portfolio with photographs, instruction manual, product literature, leather document holder, cardboard sleeve, outer packaging and fitted presentation box.

Despite officially halting production in 2009, Patek Philippe discreetly extended a unique privilege to their most esteemed clients to commemorate special moments like the Watch Art Grand Exhibition at London’s Saatchi Gallery in 2015 . These timepieces, absent from official catalogs and shrouded in secrecy, represent the pinnacle of collecting—an elusive realm discussed by many but accessible to only a select few. Using new-old-stock movements and cases from standard series production, Patek Philippe offered unique dial colour/case combinations not seen in the original collection. This Saatchi Edition reference 5070 is believed to be one of just 5 examples made.
Presented with its full set of accessories, this timepiece is fresh to the market and boasts impeccable condition making this a unique opportunity to acquire a historically significant timepiece.

Ref. Ref. 5070G-014 “Saatchi Edition”

PATEK PHILIPPE A rare, superbly attractive and impressive platinum and diamond-set wristwatch with perpetual calendar, chronograph, moonphases, day/night indication, 24-hour indication, certificate, additional case back and box
Manufacturer Patek Philippe
Year 2021
Reference No. 5271P-001
Movement No. 7’314’443
Case No. 6’339’511
Material Platinum and diamond-set
Calibre Manual, cal. CH 29-535 PS Q, 33 jewels, stamped with the Patek Philippe Seal
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Platinum and diamond-set Patek Philippe deployant clasp
Dimensions 41mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 150,000–300,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin dated February 18, 2021, additional solid case back, product literature, leather document holder, fitted wooden presentation box and outer packaging
The lavish, diamond-set version of the reference 5270, the reference 5271 can be considered an impressive exercise in restrained overstatement. Patek Philippe revealed the new reference 5271 at Baselworld in 2014, which featured a black dial and most notably a bezel set with 80 baguette-cut diamonds weighing approximately 4.84 carats. With remarkable attention to details, the setting is present on the lugs as well and even the deployment clasp is adorned with baguette-cut diamonds.
While maintaining the undeniable wrist presence of a gem-set timepiece, the black dial and superbly elegant overall architecture make this watch one of the very few diamond-set pieces which manages not to strike the ineffable balance between flamboyant and elegant, a feat very few makers beyond Patek Philippe have mastered. The reference 5270 and its diamond-set sibling reference 5271 are notably a proud heir to Patek Philippe’s prestigious perpetual calendar chronographs starting with reference 1518, 2499, 3970 (and gem-set 3990) and finally the reference 5970 (and gem-set 5971). This model brought the Patek Philippe perpetual calendar chronograph into the modern era with its in-house caliber CH 29-535 PS Q, the first of its kind. Dazzling and eye-catching, it is an incredibly iconic model that showcases Patek Philippe’s skill in merging gem-setting with haute horlogerie.
The present timepiece is offered in virtually untouched condition. As its Certificate of Origin states, it was originally sold about 3 years (February 2021) ago, and an analysis of the case confirms that it has scarcely - if ever - been worn. The full set of original accessories - additional solid case back, setting pin, wallet, product literature, presentation box - making this the perfect example for the completionism collector.

Manufacturer Roger Dubuis
Year Circa 2000
Case No. 22
Model Name H37
Material 18K white gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 5749, 25 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Roger Dubuis buckle signed
Dimensions 37mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 20,000–40,000

First and foremost a watchmaker, Roger Dubuis had tirelessly worked for brands such as Patek Philippe and Longines, before setting up his own workshop. It was in 1995 that Dubuis created his own brand, teaming up with Carlos Dias. An early piece, the present watch is a triple calendar by Roger Dubuis with a beautiful lacquered dial. To the best of our knowledge, the present timepiece was made in a limited series of 28 pieces.
The watch itself offers even more than just technical prowess and good looks - it represents a period of time, when now-household names such as F.P. Journe, Philippe Dufour and Roger Smith were experimenting, producing their very first prototypes, pushing the boundaries of watchmaking and re-defining the meaning of watchmaking. Industry veterans will look back at this golden period of horology as the cradle of Independent Watchmaking, with doses of both pride and nostalgia.

An incredibly rare and impressive white gold tourbillon wristwatch with certificate and box
Manufacturer Marc Brogsitter
Year Circa 2008
Reference No. 2181
Movement No. 6003
Case No. 003
Material 18K white gold
Calibre Manual, cal 794T, 23 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Brogsitter pin buckle
Dimensions 55mm length lug to lug and 32mm width
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 35,000–70,000
Accompanied by fitted box, certificate of origin, unstamped guarantee booklet, user manual and outer packaging.

It is with great exhilaration and pleasure that we offer for the very first time at auction a timepiece from Marc Brogsitter, a name that only the cognoscenti will recognize, a man who entered the watch market with critical applause in 2005. It was in a booth at Basel Watch Fair that Philippe Dufour grabbed many collectors by their hand telling them to follow him as he wanted to show them something “extraordinary”, and it was Brogsitter’s first prototypes. Marc Brogsitter was not a watchmaker but a collector with an intense passion for observatory movements and watches made in the 30s-50s. It is when giving his watches to German watchmaker Karsten Frässdorf for servicing that the duo decided to work together and create rectangular watches with rectangular movements highly inspired by the watches of the past.
The duo were joined by another watchmaker, Urs Gottscheu, whom like Frässdorf had worked at Gübelin under the genius of Richard Daners. The team decided to create the movements ground up and not work from pre-existing ebauches, the technical aspects were the responsibility of the watchmakers whilst Brogsitter impulsed the design. This resulted in two models (with 2 different cases each) one with a constant force escapement and the other a sublime tourbillon – the present example. Made in only 5 pieces in white gold – of which the present watch is number 3 - the watch features a large stepped case with incredible brushed and polished surfaces, a beautifully guilloché dial with bold indexes. The movement is mind boggling with its large 17mm (!) tourbillon cage, beautifully finished mirror polished tourbillon bridge and low beat frequency. Only a handful of watches were delivered until the trio decided to go their separate ways making the present watch not only incredibly rare but also a milestone in the history of independent watchmaking, a timepiece that brought together great passionate minds pushing the boundaries of watchmaking and re-defining the meaning of horology.

CHARLES FRODSHAM & CO. A stunning stainless steel wristwatch with double impulse chronometer escapement with certificate of origin
Manufacturer Charles Frodsham & Co.
Year 2019
Case No. 010’800
Model Name Double-Impulse Chronometer
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Manual, inhouse
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel buckle
Dimensions 42mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial and movement signed
CHF 100,000–200,000

Accompanied by Charles Frodsham & Co. Ltd Certificate of Origin confirming delivery of the present watch on September 23, 2019 and correspondence.

Charles Frodsham is a venerable maker of British chronometers whose pieces date back to 1834, but it wasn’t until 2018 that the brand introduced a wristwatch – 16 years in the making - whose technical prowess took the horological world by storm.
Launched in 2018 and made in-house, the Double Impulse Chronometer combines the tradition of English watchmaking with the cutting-edge modern technology of today. It is most notably the very first wristwatch to utilize the oil-free double impulse escapement mechanism. The large free-sprung balance has a self-compensating balance spring with raised terminal curve, and a proprietary shock protection system with fixed jeweled bearings.
Absolutely every component of this watch is made by Frodsham including the case and ceramic dial. The only elements from the outside are the crystals, the main and balance springs, the jewels (that are from the brand’s existing stock dating from the 1950s) and the strap, giving the term “in-house” a brand new meaning. Only a handful of Frodsham’s Double Impulse Chronometers leave the brand’s workshops each year, with years long waiting lists. As such, the present example in stainless steel offers a unique opportunity.

A mind bogling and ulra complex white gold and zalium triple tourbillon wristwatch with power reserve, international warranty and presentation box, number 5 of a limited edition of 20 pieces
Manufacturer Harry Winston Year Circa 2013
Case No. 069025 further engraved with limited edition number 05/20
Model Name Histoire de Tourbillon 4
Material 18K white gold and zalium
Calibre Manual, Cal HW4501, 59 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Harry Winston pin buckle
Dimensions 47mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 50,000–100,000
Accompanied by undated Harry Winston International Warranty, instruction manual, fitted presentation box and outer packaging.

Harry Winston’s Histoire de Tourbillon was a project undertaken with Greubel Forsey’s Complitime to showcase the technical possibilities of this fascinating complication and push the boundaries going where few watchmakers had gone before or even since! Launched in 2013 the Histoire de Tourbillon 4 (the 4th installment as the name implies) is a mind boggling horological masterpiece featuring a complex triple tourbillon. Three concentric cages sit at different angles and rotate at different speeds. The outermost cage completes a revolution once every 300 seconds (5 minutes), the intermediate cage rotates once every 75 seconds, and the innermost cage spins once every 45 seconds. To obtain a more than respectable 50-hour power reserve considering the fact that the 3 rotating cages would use a lot of energy, the 134 components of the tourbillon are made of titanium and weigh a mere 1.57 grams! The movement plates and bridges are also in titanium.
Hours are read via the subdial at 1 o’clock whereas the minutes are indicated at 10 o’clock via a dual semi-circle dial, minutes from 0 to 30 are shown on an inner ring with white text on a black background, in conjunction with a short white hand. Minutes from 30 to 60, are presented on a black outer ring in conjunction with a blue tipped hand. The power reserve is discreetly placed on the right side of the case.
A blue hand located above the outer tourbillon points to a 300 second scale on the perimeter of the domed area. The white gold case sandwiches a middle section made of zalium. The Histoire de Tourbillon is one of those watches that underlines mechanical genius and vision; a watch so complex that we understand it is more a laboratory of ideas than a commercial venture. Made in only 20 pieces, the resent example bears number 5.

DANIEL ROTH An attractive and rare pink gold chronograph wristwatch with guilloché dial, certificate of origin and presentation box
Manufacturer Daniel Roth
Year Circa 1992
Reference No. BB2147
Movement No. 164
Case No. 164
Material 18K pink gold
Calibre Manual, cal. 2320, 21 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K pink gold buckle
Dimensions 38mm Width and 35mm Length
Signed Case, dial and movement signed
CHF 20,000–40,000

Accompanied by Daniel Roth Guarantee stamped by The Hour Glass, presentation box and outer packaging.
Born to be a horological pioneer, Daniel Roth is considered today one of the most brilliant watchmakers of his generation. Originally starting at Audemars Piguet, he later went on to work for Breguet where he restored the brand’s former horological importance and presence in the midst of the quartz crisis. After fourteen years of self development and studies within Breguet, in 1987 Daniel Roth started his eponymous brand directly inspired by Abraham-Louis Breguet’s pocket watches.
Immediately imposing and carving his personal design language, most notably the ellipsocurvex case shape, hands with pointed tips and dials, he was one the earliest master watchmakers who decided to branch out and go “independent” with his vision.
This manual-wind Daniel Roth reference BB 2147 features sharply executed pinstripe guilloché patterns and lance-shaped hands. Extremely comfortable on the wrist, inside beats the finely-finished and famous Lemania 2320 or CH-27 movement. Roth was no stranger to fine Lemania movements as whilst being a watchmaker for Breguet he helped develop and refine many Lemania calibers.
Preserved in excellent overall condition, the timepiece is further accompanied by the its original guarantee. A true testimony to the watchmaker’s heritage and savoir-faire, the present timepiece is a rare opportunity not to be missed.

MAÎTRES DU TEMPS BY KARI VOUTILAINEN AND ANDREAS STREHLER An incredibly innovative pink gold wristwatch with date, moonphase display, hidden day/night and second time zone indicator, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Maîtres du Temps by Kari Voutilainen and Andreas Strehler
Year Circa 2012
Movement No. 0087
Case No. MDT3086
Model Name Chapter 3 Reveal
Material 18K pink gold
Calibre Manual, cal. SHC03, 39 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather

Clasp/Buckle 18K pink gold pin buckle signed Maître du Temps
Dimensions 42mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 25,000–50,000
Accompanied by Maître du Temps fitted box, Certificate of Origin, user manual, leather wallet and outer packaging.
Maître du Temps is a collaborative brand launched in 2005 with a philosophy of creating original horological masterpieces by bringing together a group of independent watchmakers who merge their ideas and DNA. The brand launched its first model in 2008: Chapter One was developed by Christophe Claret, Roger Dubuis and Peter Speake-Marin. Chapter Two, launched the year after was developed by Daniel Roth, Peter Speake-Marin and Roger Dubuis. The present Chapter Three Reveal was launched in 2012 and is the brainchild of two of horology’s greatest minds: Andreas Strehler and Kari Voutilainen.
At first glance the Chapter 3 looks like a rather simple watch with date (at 2 o’clock), moonphase display at 4.30 and seconds (at 8 o’clock). However the name reveal takes on its full meaning when the pusher on the crown is pressed. Two panels open to reveal a day/night roller at 12 o’clock and rollers for a second timezone at 6 o’clock. The day and night are represented by beautifully graphic moon and sun faces. The home time is indicated via two rollers, each with 6 numbers, when the hour transitions from 6 to 7, the carriage holding the two rollers shifts over instantaneously, bringing the next roller into the aperture. Both the day/night and time zone rollers are engraved and hand painted! The pusher at 9 o’clock desynchronizes the rollers from time indication when setting the local time.
The Chapter 3 houses caliber SHC03 developed specially for it and the DNA of each watchmaker is truly visible and in perfect harmony. Turning the watch around reveals this beautiful movement with its unusual architecture, the day/night and home time rollers are also visible enabling an even better understanding of their functioning.

An extremely well-preserved and innovative titanium and pink gold chronograph wristwatch with 100th of a second, 20-second and 10-minute registers, semi-skeletonized ruthenium-coated dial, and certificate, made to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the F.P. Journe Boutique in Hong Kong; numbered 16 of a limited series of 20 examples with proceeds going to charity
Manufacturer F.P. Journe
Year 2016
Case No. 16/20 CTT
Model Name Centigraphe Souverain “Hong Kong Boutique 10th Anniversary”
Material Titanium, 18K pink gold
Calibre Manual, cal. 1506, 50 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K pink gold F.P. Journe deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed.
CHF 100,000–200,000
Accompanied by F.P. Journe Certificate dated December 09, 2016 and original invoice.

Establishing its presence in Hong Kong in 2006, F.P. Journe inaugurated its boutique in the Prince’s Building in Central. In 2016, marking the tenth anniversary of both its Hong Kong and Tokyo boutiques, the brand initiated a unique tradition. To commemorate the milestone of each boutique’s tenth anniversary, F.P. Journe introduced a limited edition series of the Centigraphe Anniversaire. Every caseback bears a distinctive reference number, ‘CTT,’ and the hometown of the respective boutique, making each one unique. Despite their visual similarities, they are nonetheless rendered in a striking array of colors and finishes.
Featuring a titanium 40mm diameter case, the caseband is further complemented by an 18K pink gold crown at four o’clock and rocker, allowing seamless stop-start-reset functions for the chronograph with a single finger. The magnificent, ingenious, and intricate dial displays subdials that are intricately open-worked, revealing the gears and levers that power the chronograph mechanism. Each opening is delicately covered with a thin layer of translucent sapphire. The small hands are crafted from red-lacquered titanium, mirroring the numerals within the subdials, while the hour numerals adopt a subdued orange tone that perfectly complements the handset, pink gold crown, and ergonomic pink gold rocker. The dial itself is a singular disc of white gold coated in ruthenium, providing a dark contrast to the vibrantly colored accents. The regular production model Centigraphe Souverain was discontinued in 2018, making the present Centigraphe Anniversaire the sole ongoing iteration beyond the Linesport collection. Maintained in a likenew state with all its original accessories, the significance of this exceptionally exclusive, dynamic, and groundbreaking timepiece cannot be overstated.
Please note that the proceeds of the present timepiece will be donated by the consignor to UNICEF.

AKRIVIA A superbly crafted and scarce titanium tourbillon wristwatch with hand hammered dial and presentation box
It is quite extraordinary to say that Rexhep Rexhepi today needs no introduction. In his early 30s, he heads a brand that is just a dozen of years old. The list of his clients include some of the world’s most demanding and scholarly collectors, his order books are full, waiting times are counted in years and he has won numerous prestigious awards.
However, he is far from an overnight wonder boy and his success was built on hard work and perseverance. Rexhepi arrived from Kosovo to Geneva at age 12. Two years later he joined Patek Philippe as an apprentice, then became a full time watchmaker. He then joined BNP Concept, a maker of high end watch movements, where his expertise and talent put him at the head of a team of 10 watchmakers. He then left for F.P. Journe. His experience there was an eye opening one and pushed him to want to create his own watches. He subsequently left Journe with the blessing of his mentor.
In 2012 he created Akrivia, inspired by the Greek word for precision. With the tourbillon as his main focus, he immediately created a very personal design language with a futuristic looking case being a fine mix of round, oval and tonneau, hand hammered dials, symmetrical movement architecture and superlative eye watering movements with a manual finish pushed to the extreme.

AKRIVIA A superbly crafted and scarce titanium tourbillon wristwatch with hand hammered dial and presentation box
Manufacturer Akrivia Year Circa 2015
Reference No. AK-05
Case No. 03
Model Name AK-05 Tourbillon Barette Miroir
Material Titanium
Calibre Manual, cal. AK-05, 16 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Titanium pin buckle

Dimensions 38mm length (not including lugs) and 43mm width
Signed Case, dial and movement signed
CHF 300,000–600,000
Accompanied by Akrivia fitted box, polishing cloth and outer packaging. Furthermore accompanied by Akrivia Certificate of Origin, where the new buyer will have his or her name written on the certificate.

The present AK-05 also called Tourbillon Barrette Miroir in relation to the mirror polish of the tourbillon bridge is his 5th watch. While the previous models featured the tourbillon with another complication the present timepiece is all about the tourbillon taking centre stage with a large cage of close to 14mm and a blued escapement wheel.
The yellow gold dial is meticulously hand hammered giving it a grainy texture and the hands with their original shape provide an even greater graphic vibe to the watch.
The movement side is as attractive as the dial side, perfectly symmetrical with gorgeous Geneva stripes, mirror polished elements and interior angles it is an ode to beauty and craftsmanship. The present AK-05 is the very first model to grace an international auction market. Bearing number 3, it is one of the earliest examples made. Momentous in its construction, beauty and collectability it has been with the original collector since 2015 and it will no doubt be a prize for any collectors of rare, contemporary horological masterpieces.
Furthermore accompanied by Akrivia Certificate of Origin, where the new buyer will have his or her name written on the certificate.

ROGER DUBUIS A delightful and elegant pink gold chronograph wristwatch with pulsometer scale, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Roger Dubuis
Year 1996
Reference No. H37565
Movement No. 31
Case No. 196053, inside soldi caseback further engraved with limited edition number 12/28
Model Name Hommage Chronograph
Material 18k pink gold
Calibre RD56
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18k pink gold Roger Dubuis deployant clasp
Dimensions 37mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 25,000–50,000

Accompanied by fitted box, Certificate of Origine, Geneva Seal certificate, Besancon Observatory certificate, additional solid caseback, hangtag, leather pouch, outer packaging.
Roger Dubuis is a pioneer independent watchmaker, launching his eponymous brand at a time where most watchmakers were either working for brands, creating movements for brands or doing restoration work. Dubuis started his career in the late 1950s in the after sales department of Longines. Repairing the iconic 13ZN chronograph caliber was an eye opener for him into the wonderful world of chronographs. He then left Longines for Patek Philippe where he worked as a constructor and a master watchmaker in the complications department. He left Patek Philippe after 14 years and set up his own repair atelier in Geneva in 1980, even creating movements for other brands. However, it was not until the mid 1990s that he created his own brand.
Greatly inspired by his time at Patek Philippe and the brand’s beautiful timepieces Dubuis launched two models, the round classical Hommage and the more quirky Sympathie with its unusual case design. The present Hommage chronograph in a pink gold 37mm case with sector dial and pulsometer scale is a true tribute to the golden age of horlology. It furthermore features a movement based on the Lemania 2310 ébauche - just like the famed Patek Philippe reference 5070. The movement proudly displays the Geneva seal - an exceptional feat for a small, at the time, independent watchmaker. On top of that, it was certified by the Besançon Observatory.
This watch takes us back to a time, when now-household names such as F.P. Journe or Roger Smith were experimenting, producing their very first prototypes, pushing the boundaries of watchmaking and re-defining the meaning of watchmaking. Industry veterans will look back at this golden period of horology as the cradle of Independent Watchmaking, with doses of both pride and nostalgia. In excellent condition and complete with its full set of accessories the present example is number 12 of a limited edition of 28 pieces.

Ref. H37565 Hommage Chronograph

RUDIS SYLVIA A unique, monumental and cutting edge white gold wristwatch with double balances within a rotating cage, made for the Sultanate of Oman
Manufacturer Rudis Sylvia Year Circa 2015
Reference No. RS12
Case No. N°06, caseback further engraved “unique”
Model Name RS12 Grand Art Horloger Harmonious Oscillator
Material 18k white gold
Calibre Manual, jeweled
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18k white gold Rudis Sylva pin buckle
Dimensions 44mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 50,000–100,000
Accompanied by Rudis Sylvia presentation box.

Rudis Sylva (meaning Rudis’ forest in Latin) was founded by watch industry veteran and enthusiast Jacky Epitaux in 2006 with the idea of creating a ground-breaking movement from scratch. Epitaux worked with movement constructor Romain Gillet and watchmaker Mika Rassinen and the result was the Harmonious Oscillator, a monumental movement- and watch - building upon the theoretical conclusion of better timekeeping through resonance. Unlike with F.P. Journe’s resonance movement, the present Harmonious Oscillator functions on physical resonance phenomenon as the balance wheels both have teeth on their rims and touch each other: one driving the other. One balance wheel is linked to the escapement, and it provides the impulse to oscillate the other balance wheel. Each hairspring breathes in the opposite manner to the other, so when one is open, the other is closed. As such each balance wheel has the same amplitude and averages the errors of the other, resulting in greater precision. Already technically impressive the balance wheels are mounted on a one-minute rotating carriage, similar to a tourbillon, negating the effects of gravity.
The movement is monumental but the finish and artistic crafts used are superlative. The large (17.4mm) rotating cage and bridge are beautifully hand finished, in fact just the cage features 28 inward angles! The baseplate is fully hand guilloché with a “pyramid” pattern, the caseback is hand engraved and features an enameled representation of an ancient subdial from the region of Les Bois (where the brand is located). The attractiveness of this horological masterpiece rises to stratospheric levels by the fact that it is a unique piece made for the Sultan of Oman. The green lacquer dial features Eastern Arabic numerals and a large Khanjar and Crown (the symbol of the Sultanate of Oman).


An ultra rare, technically impressive limited production platinum dual time chronometer wristwatch with double escapement, black dial, power reserve, certificate of authenticity, original invoice and presentation box, with proceeds going to charity
Manufacturer F.P. Journe
Year 2008
Case No. 388-RN
Model Name Chronomètre à Resonance “Black Label”
Material Platinum
Calibre Manual, cal. 1499.3, 36 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Platinum F.P. Journe pin buckle
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 150,000–300,000

Accompanied by fitted box, Certificate of Authenticity, special Black Label certificate, original invoice, user manual, USB key, polishing cloth and outer packaging.
F.P. Journe’s Chronomètre à Résonance represents not only one of modern horology’s technical milestones and one of the most relevant horological breakthroughs of the past decades, but it is also a signature piece by the genius watchmaker. Inspired by the works of the great 18th century watchmaker Antide Janvier, Journe took up the challenge in 1983 to create a pocket-watch using the resonance phenomenon, followed by the first ever wristwatch to use the phenomenon around 17 years later. The movement is composed of two independent balance wheels, when in motion, the balance wheels create the resonance effect and beat in synchrony, naturally evening out each others’ discrepancies and thus permitting greater accuracy. In 2004 the second generation of the model (the RN series for “Résonance “Nouvelle) was launched, it featured a larger 40mm case and a 18K rose gold movement.
The present Chronomètre à Résonance pushes the boundaries of collectability as it is part of the exclusive “Black Label” collection. It is part of a collection available only to the existing owners of Journe timepieces and only offered from official F.P. Journe boutiques worldwide with extremely limited production numbers (a maximum of two pieces per year per boutique). Elegant and captivating, the present Chronomètre à Résonance is truly a sight to behold, its black dial further accentuates the perfect symmetry between the two identical 12 hours indicators, notably the RN series was the last model to feature such a detail with later models either featuring a 24 and 12-hour indicator or rotating discs indicating the hours and minutes with analog 12-hour indicator to the right for the third and final generation. Fresh to the market and offered by its original owner, the present “Black Label” Chronomètre à Résonance” is preserved in excellent overall condition and complete with its impressive full set of accessories.
Please note that the proceeds of the present timepiece will be donated by the consignor to UNICEF.

Chronomètre à Resonance “Black

ROLEX A rare and attractive white gold calendar wristwatch with diamond-set black dial, bracelet, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex Year Circa 1990
Reference No. 18239
Movement No. 5’009’059
Case No. E’551’334
Model Name Day-Date
Material 18K white gold and diamonds
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3155, 31 jewels
Bracelet/Strap 18K white gold Rolex President bracelet, max length 180mm
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 18,000–25,000

Accompanied by Rolex guarantee stamped by Taiwanese retailer, notebook, product literature, cloth, presentation box and outer packaging.

In 1988, the reference 18239 was introduced with an upgraded caliber 3155. The newly introduced caliber allows the date and day to be adjusted via the crown with a quick-set feature.
The present example encased in white gold and fitted with a beautiful black lacquer dial, diamonds and baton numerals, is a rare variant and a specimen of the fathomed artistry of Rolex’s dial creations. Often seen in yellow gold cases, the white gold variant is believed to have produced in much less quantities. Lacquer dials are extremely hard to work with, and the present example is extremely rare - especially so with the alternating diamond and baton markers.
This particular example is preserved in an impressive condition, with crisp hallmarks beneath the lugs. Furthermore, the top of the lugs and caseback display crisp, milled finishes, attesting to the originality of the timepiece. Moreover, it is accompanied by its Rolex guarantee stamped by Taiwanese retailer, notebook, product literature, cloth, presentation box and outer packaging.

An incredibly well-preserved yellow gold calendar wristwatch with wood dial and bracelet
Manufacturer Rolex Year Circa 1978
Reference No. 18038
Movement No. 0’199’064
Case No. 5’904’479
Model Name Day-Date
Material 18K yellow gold and wood
Calibre Automatic, cal. 3055, 27 jewels
Bracelet/Strap 18K yellow gold Rolex President bracelet, max length 180mm
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 15,000–30,000

Accompanied by Rolex booklet, polishing cloth and fitted presentation box.

The Rolex Day-Date model continues to captivate collectors worldwide with its extensive range of dials, bracelets, bezels, and gold-finished designs, providing a plethora of choices. Since its introduction in 1956, it has been regarded as a daily dress watch and favoured by the century’s most influential individuals, this model was exclusively offered in precious metals such as yellow, rose, and white gold, along with platinum.
Showcasing a beautiful mahogany wood dial, the present DayDate is truly captivating. Given that wood is a naturally occurring phenomenon, no two wood dials will be the same in appearance, giving it a unique identity. The overall excellent condition of the present timepiece further enhances its overall appeal. Displaying crisp and deep hallmarks to the bottom of the lugs, the caseback further retains its original factory sticker.

ROLEX An exceptionally well-preserved yellow gold chronograph wristwatch with caseback sticker
Manufacturer Rolex
Year Circa 1987
Reference No. 6263
Movement No. 13’301
Case No. 9’487’043
Model Name Cosmograph
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 727, 17 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Alligator
Clasp/Buckle Gilt Rolex buckle
Dimensions 37.5mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 100,000–200,000

The evolution of the Cosmograph Daytona is legendary. Over its 60plus year life span, it has become an icon amongst chronographs for its strong masculine case, and classic sporty style. The references 6263 and 6265 were introduced into the market in approximately 1969, as an upgrade to the 6240, the first Daytona to feature screw down pushers. It is believed only 100 examples of both references in yellow gold were made each year, thus over its nearly 20 year run, only a very limited number were produced.
From the early 1980s and onwards, gold Cosmograph Daytonas featured a movement number engraved on the plate, behind the balance wheel. Research suggests that this was related to the officially certified chronometer certification. Around this period, Rolex modified the dial layout for gold versions, and the “Officially Certified Chronometer” designation was printed on the dial, which we see on the present example. There is something about sports watches dressed in gold livery.
The present watch is rendered extraordinary due to its exceptional state of preservation. A thin layer of patina has developed on the case over time, showing how it has been untouched over the years. Furthermore, all hallmarks are crisp and present. The watch even retains its green caseback sticker, adding another layer of collectability.

ROLEX A rare and attractive stainless steel chronograph wristwatch with bracelet, retailed by Tiffany & Co.
Manufacturer Rolex Year Circa 1973
Reference No. 6263
Case No. 3’602’002
Model Name Oyster Cosmograph “Tiffany & Co.”
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Manual, cal. 727, 17 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 195mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 37.5mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 100,000–200,000

Undeniably the Rolex Daytona is not only the world’s most famed sports chronograph but also one of the most coveted. The fact that the present reference 6263 bears the prestigious Tiffany & Co. signatures adds a whole new level of attractivity and desirability.
Some of the rarest, most historically important and valuable Rolex wristwatches have been sold through the American retailer Tiffany & Co. The present watch featuring not only the jeweler’s signature but also a beautiful dial, is an extraordinarily rare specimen. To date no more than a handful of correct examples have appeared on the market. Few retailers have had a relationship with Rolex like Tiffany & Co. has. The jeweler has proudly emblazoned its logo on a variety of Rolex wristwatches, ranging from the GMT-Master to the Cosmograph Daytona.
Adding to its ultimate desirability is the wonderful condition of this timepiece. The lugs are thick, the bevels crisp and the combination of brushed and polished surfaces intact. An inventory number can also be found beneath the lug. In addition to this, the subsidiary registers have also toned down to a slate grey tone, adding another level of charm.
To most vintage Rolex collectors, a reference 6263 Oyster Cosmograph Daytona represents a must have due to its superb aesthetics, legibility, and wearing comfort.

BLANCPAIN A rare and attractive stainless steel diver’s wristwatch with black dial and presentation box, made for the German Armed Forces
Manufacturer Blancpain
Year Circa 1968
Case No. 208’481
Model Name Fifty Fathoms No Radiations
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. AS1700/01, 17 jewels
Bracelet/Strap NATO
Dimensions 41mm Diameter

Signed Case, dial and movement signed, outside caseback with NATO code 6645-12-149-5012 and signed BUNDESWEHR
CHF 30,000–60,000
Accompanied by Blancpain Garantie, Certificate confirming the present watch was selected by Blancpain for inclusion in the Fifty Fathoms Exhibition help in conjunction with the celebration of Blancpain’s 27th anniversary and presentation box.

Launched in the mid 1950s, the Fifty Fathoms was both a passion project led by Blancpain’s then CEO, and an extremely technical and ground-breaking diving tool, built to meet the French Navy’s requirements for a wristwatch.
When the very first military Fifty Fathoms model came out, the dials featured radium to ensure the luminosity of the watch in the darkness of the sea. Later on, and with the rise of the public’s concern with the level of radioactivity of this material, Blancpain decided that the Fifty Fathoms should use tritium and would clearly indicate the harmlessness of their luminescent material. The present watch was most notably issued to the Bundeswehr, the German Armed Forces in the 1960s to1970s. These watches were requisitioned by the German Navy for their elite naval commando unit, the Kampfschwimmer.
Research shows that these watches were supplied by diver’s equipment dealer “Barakuda” in Buchholz near Hamburg.
The present example is a well-preserved example with a beautiful lacquer dial, as was selected by Blancpain for inclusion in the Fifty Fathoms Exhibition help in conjunction with the celebration of Blancpain’s 27th anniversary.

AUDEMARS PIGUET An extremely rare, whimsical and highly collectible perpetual calendar wristwatch with moonphases, two-tone guilloché dial and Breguet numerals
Manufacturer Audemars Piguet
Year Circa 2000
Reference No. 25657BA
Movement No. 373’914
Case No. D7708
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Automatic, cal 2120/4, 38 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Audemars Piguet pin buckle
Dimensions 36.5mm Width
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 20,000–40,000

Reference 25657 was launched at the beginning of the 1980s, one of the very first “modern” perpetual calendars made by the brand. It was used as a canvas for Audemars Piguet to experiment upon, which gave rise to some of the most audacious and inspired variations. Well-known are the so-called “Quadrifoglio” (four-leaf clover) versions as are those with Tuscan and skeletonized dials.
The present variation, however, arguably transcends them in terms of design - and unarguably in terms of rarity. One of the most difficult to find executions, the present piece features a highly complex silver/gilt guilloché dial which can be considered in a category of its own. Guilloché dials in Audemars Piguet perpetual calendar dress watches (and actually in the brand’s dress watches in general) is extremely rare (possibly because their line of sports watches features a textured tapisserie dial).
The present watch it is truly a masterpiece of design. Remarkable, despite the amount of different textures and colours, the dial never appears overly encumbered, rather it feels joyously flamboyant but still very elegant - without a doubt the perfect symmetry and sophisticated Breguet numerals play a part in this outcome.
Offered in superbly well preserved condition, the present piece is an astoundingly rare opportunity for the connoisseur of exotic and complicated timepieces.

AUDEMARS PIGUET A cutting edge and rare ultra slim titanium and platinum perpetual calendar wristwatch with moonphases, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Audemars Piguet
Year Circa 2020
Reference No. 26586IP.OO.1240IP.01
Case No. RN2385H
Model Name Royal Oak Perpetual Calendar Ultra-Thin
Material Titanium and Platinum
Calibre Automatic, cal. 5133, 37 jewels

Bracelet/Strap Titanium and platinum Audemars Piguet bracelet, max length 190mm
Clasp/Buckle Titanium and platinum deployant clasp
Dimensions 41mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 100,000–200,000
Accompanied by Audemars Piguet fitted box, winder, warranty, product literature and outer packaging.

The Audemars Piguet ultra slim perpetual calendar features a cutting-edge movement in an iconic case.
Based on the RD2 concept watch presented in 2018 the present timepiece is the world’s thinnest perpetual calendar with a case measuring a mere 6.3mm thick.
The base movement is caliber 2120 that has been a staple in the Royal Oak collection since 1972 but has been reworked in this model. Dubbed cal 5133 it has less components than the caliber found in Audemars Piguet’s regular perpetual calendars (256 vs 374) and has been reworked with a redistribution of the components on a horizonal pane increasing the movements diameter to 32mm (vs 29mm). Furthermore, to reduce thickness to a bare minimum the perpetual calendar module has been reengineered for sit on a flat pane.
The case is light as made in titanium but features a polished platinum bezel and links. Separating the watch apart from other Royal Oak models the dial does not feature the signature Grande Tapisserie dial. The present watch is in almost unworn condition and is complete with its full set of accessories.

A. LANGE & SÖHNE A highly rare and attractive yellow gold wristwatch with guilloché dial and presentation box, part of a 100 piece limited edition
Manufacturer A. Lange & Söhne
Year 1998
Reference No. 112.021A
Movement No. 7’403
Case No. 117’403
Model Name Lange 1A
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Manual, cal. L901.1, 53 jewels
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold
Dimensions 38.5mm Diameter
Signed 18K yellow gold A. Lange & Söhne pin buckle
CHF 35,000–70,000

Accompanied by A. Lange & Söhne product literature and presentation box. Furthermore accompanied by A. Lange & Söhne Proof of Origin confirming production of the present watch in 1998.

Released in 1998, the Lange 1A reference 112.021 was introduced as a limited edition of 100 pieces in yellow gold. An important reference for the firm, the present model is the very first limited edition Lange 1 and is the second limited edition model introduced by the firm since its re-establishment in 1994. Furthermore, it is the very first serially produced Lange wristwatch fitted with a solid gold dial. With a classic 38.5mm diameter case, one of the focuses since the re-establishment was its case construction. Günter Blümlein, co-founder of the modern A. Lange & Söhne, once said “I want our cases to give the feeling of closing a Mercedes door.”
The most notable element of the present model is surely its dial. Composed of solid gold, it features a highly attractive radiant guilloche finish. Matching harmoniously with its case and dial, the date discs are in fact also in a gold hue. All hands on the dial are gold with some examples from the series featuring blued hands, it is in fact believed that some examples featured customized elements during a time when the firm was slightly more flexible with customizations.
Well-preserved, this important model will surely garner interest for the growing community of collectors seeking for fine and rare early Lange timepieces.

An early, highly rare and attractive yellow gold tourbillon wristwatch with fusée chain mechanism, power reserve indication with bracelet and presentation box, part of a limited edition of 150 pieces
Manufacturer A. Lange & Söhne
Year 1994
Reference No. 701.301
Movement No. 383
Case No. 110’253
Model Name Tourbillon Pour le Mérite “Wellendorf Bracelet”
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Manual, L902.0, 29 jewels

Bracelet/Strap 18K yellow gold A. Lange & Söhne Wellendorff bracelet, max length 180mm
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold A. Lange & Söhne deployant clasp
Dimensions 38mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 120,000–240,000
Accompanied by A. Lange & Söhne Proof of Origin, and presentation box.
On October 24th 1994 at Dresden Castle, Walter Lange, Günter Blümlein and Hartmut Knothe debuted their first collection comprised no less than four watches, and four new calibres: the Lange 1, the Arkade, the Saxonia, and the Tourbillon Pour le Mérite. While the Lange 1 was arguably the most distinctive timepiece by A. Lange & Söhne due to its disruptive design, the Tourbillon Pour le Mérite named after one of Germany’s highest orders of merit, is unquestionably the star of the show and dominates the domain of horological complication. Taking the tourbillon to new heights, the Pour le Mérite was the first wristwatch to feature the most precious fusée-and-chain transmission, a refined constant-force mechanism that was developed together with Renaud & Papi at the time. Used to equalize the mainspring’s power, a fusée and chain was used on all 12 historic Lange tourbillon pocket watches produced by Walter’s ancestors. This complication optimizes the rate accuracy of the watch. The most famous of these twelve tourbillons, the reference 41000 “Jahrhundertourbillon” was exhibited at the Paris World Exhibition in 1900. The Pour Le Mérite Tourbillon is a direct descendent of the 41000, both technically and aesthetically, with the same finely constructed tourbillon carriage. Made in a production of only 200 pieces, the Tourbillon Pour le Mérite was available as follows:
18K yellow gold – 106 examples (Ref. 701.001/ Ref. 751.001/Ref. 701.301)
18K white gold - 20 examples (Ref. 701.007)
18K pink gold – 24 examples (701.011)
Platinum - 50 examples (Ref. 701.005)
Steel - 1 example
Most interestingly, the “3” in the reference number refers to the metal bracelet with which the watch was delivered by the manufacture. The A. Lange & Söhne 18K yellow gold bracelet was made by Wellendorff, and the fact that the manufacture confirms this watch was delivered with a bracelet is especially rare. Well-preserved, this important model will surely garner interest for the growing community of collectors seeking for fine and rare early Lange timepieces.

Ref. 701.301 Tourbillon Pour le Mérite “Wellendorf Bracelet”

A. LANGE & SÖHNE A rare and attractive white gold wristwatch with blue mother-of-pearl dial, made for Paris retailer Dubail in a limited edition of 25 pieces
Manufacturer A. Lange & Söhne Year 2017
Reference No. 117.040
Movement No. 124’852
Case No. 235’624 and limited edition number 24/25
Model Name Grand Lange One Limited Edition for Dubail
Material 18K white gold
Calibre Manual, cal. L095.1, 42 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold A. Lange & Söhne pin buckle
Dimensions 41mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 30,000–60,000

The launch of the Lange 1 model marked a new era when it was released during the company’s 1994 rebirth. Displaying off centered time and seconds with an asymmetrically positioned large date window and power reserve at 3 o’clock, the model has become a landmark for the brand and widely recognized throughout the horological sphere. Impressive during its initial launch, the Lange 1 is regarded as one of the most popular models manufactured by the firm.
The present Grand Lange One, with a case diameter of 41mm, is numbered 24 out of 25 and was made specially for the storied retailer in France, Dubail. While the smaller 38.5mm version was launched a few years earlier, the present watch is part of a series released in 2017. It is distinguished by its beautiful blue mother-ofpearl dial that gives the timepiece so much charisma. The Dubail family has long been a supporter of the brand, which eventually led to the opening of the Lange & Söhne boutique located in the rue de la Paix at the beginning of 2013 in Paris. It is particularly rare for the manufacture to make a special edition for a retailer, showing how important Dubail is to the brand. Furthermore, the retailer’s name is also engraved on the caseback.
To the best of our research this is the first time this reference is being offer in an international auction room.

ROLEX A rare and attractive white gold chronograph wristwatch with rubellite dial and bracelet
Manufacturer Rolex
Year Circa 2009
Reference No. 116509H
Movement No. C0658988
Case No. G863756
Model Name Cosmograph Daytona “Rubellite”
Material 18K white gold, rubellite and diamonds
Calibre Automatic, cal. 4130, 44 jewels
Bracelet/Strap 18K white gold Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 175mm
Clasp/Buckle 18K white gold Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 25,000–50,000
Accompanied by Rolex presentation box.

In 2000, Rolex introduced the groundbreaking Cosmograph Daytona ref. 116520, featuring the firm’s first ever in-house selfwinding chronograph caliber 4130, replacing its former Zenith El Primero based caliber 4030. Entering into the new millennium with a bang, Rolex also introduced gold variants of the Cosmograph Daytona, and also for the first time were also offered with various dial materials, including hardstones. Rolex has always been at the innovative forefront when it comes to the experimentation of dial materials. Hardstone dials have always been a collector’s favorite due to the fact that every dial is unique as it is natural. Various hardstones have differing natures, in terms of composition, luster and hardness, hence executing hardstone dials require extreme precision to execute.
This beautiful white gold Daytona is fitted with an incredibly attractive and rare rubellite dial with diamond-set numerals. The textured effect of the rubellite adds flair, movement and intrigue to the dial layout, and furthermore provides a perfect canvas for the diamond-set numerals to shine on. Moreover, most interestingly, the reference number is designated as reference 116509Hresearch suggests that the “H” refers to a non standard dial such as the present watch.

ROLEX An extremely rare and highly attractive yellow gold chronograph wristwatch with blue dial and bracelet, punched certificate and presentation box
While watches with blue dials have been enjoying immense popularity, it hasn’t always been the case, and past market indifference have become in today’s markets commercial triumphs.In the late 1980s, when Rolex introduced its first automatic Daytona, the brand decided to experiment with color schemes beyond the customary black and white. A captivating blue dial, adorned with a mesmerizing sunray pattern, was crafted by Rolex’s dial manufacturer, Singer. Regrettably, due to the poor’s market response, the production of these dials was halted, resulting in only a limited quantity being made. Despite sharing identical graphics with other Daytona dials of that era, the blue dials were never integrated into the reference 16528. Instead, Rolex gifted them to partners, suppliers, and senior management.

Ref. 16528 Cosmograph Daytona “The Big Blue”

ROLEX An extremely rare and highly attractive yellow gold chronograph wristwatch with blue dial and bracelet, punched certificate and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex Year 1992
Reference No. 16528
Movement No. 43885
Case No.
E’322’386, inside caseback stamped 16500
Model Name Cosmograph Daytona, The “Big Blue”
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 4030, 31 jewels
Bracelet/Strap 18K yellow gold Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 200mm.
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Rolex folding deployant clasp
Dimensions 39mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed
CHF 200,000–400,000
Accompanied by punched Rolex guarantee dated July 13,1992, pouch, fitted presentation box and outer packaging.

The present reference 16528’s striking aesthetics stem from a powerful combination: a lavish yellow gold case in excellent condition and an exquisite blue dial featuring a sunray pattern. This renders it one of the rarest and most exclusive Daytonas ever produced, serving as a crown jewel for discerning Daytona collectors. Further preserved in excellent overall condition, the present timepiece is further accompanied by its punched papers and fitted presentation box.

Ref. 16528 Cosmograph Daytona “The Big

ROLEX An extremely rare and attractive yellow gold chronograph wristwatch with “Qaboos” dial and bracelet, made for the Sultanate of Oman
Manufacturer Rolex
Year Circa 1973
Reference No. 6265
Movement No. 11’826
Case No. 3’751’995
Model Name Cosmograph Daytona “Qaboos”
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Manual, cal. 727, 17 jewels
Bracelet/Strap 18K yellow gold Rolex Oyster bracelet, end links stamped 71, max length 195 mm
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 37mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 100,000–200,000

The present example, a Cosmograph with a 3.7 million serial number, is part of an extremely small group of watches delivered specially by Rolex upon order by His Majesty, the Sultan of Oman, and features the coveted “Qaboos” script at 12 o’clock in lieu of the traditional “4-Lines” found under the 12 o’clock marker. The red colour of the emblazoned symbol perfectly complements the sporty yet elegant black dial, making the bicoloured champagne and black dial stand out even more. While the champagne version of the “Qaboos” dial can be found on the market, it is the first time a reference 6265 with black dial and red Qaboos signature appears on the market, to the best of our knowledge.
Watches fitted with custom Middle East dials were often presented as gifts to ambassadors, dignitaries, or staff, as a token of gratitude or respect. It was an honor to be presented a Rolex watch with the state symbol. In fact, many of these watches are cherished by their original owners, and passed down from one generation to the next. As a result, Rolex watches with custom dials hardly appear on the market.
Timepieces gifted by His Majesty had different signatures on the dial. Scholarship and research has led us to believe that watches bearing the “Khanjar”, the emblem of the Sultanate of Oman, on the dial were gifted to dignitaries or government officials via representatives of His Majesty, but timepieces bearing the Qaboos signature were handed directly by His Majesty himself, and as such destined to heads of state and extremely high ranking officials.

ROLEX A scholarship-changing yellow gold chronograph wristwatch with bracelet and full champagne dial
It is commonly accepted that Rolex only produced manual winding Cosmographs in yellow gold with either a champagne dial with black registers or black dial with champagne registers, it was unfathomable to many that Rolex would ever deviate from this modus operandi.
The present Daytona changes scholarship in this field. Similar to the well documented Cosmograph “Albino” in steel with full silver dial (doing without the black registers) the dial of the present yellow gold reference 6265 shines in its full champagne glory doing without black subdials.
Unlike prototype dials that were subsequently mounted onto watches the dial of the present example is signed and has feet, meaning it was made to be fitted into a watch.

ROLEX A scholarship-changing yellow gold chronograph wristwatch with bracelet and full champagne dial
Manufacturer Rolex Year Circa 1970
Reference No. 6265
Case No. 2’330’438
Model Name Oyster Cosmograph “Full Champagne Dial”
Material 18k yellow gold
Calibre Manual, cal 727, 17 jewels

Bracelet/Strap 18k yellow gold Oyster bracelet measuring 195mm max, endlinks stamped 71 Clasp/Buckle 18k yellow gold Rolex deployant clasp stamped 7205
Dimensions 37mm Diameter
CHF 200,000–400,000
Accompanied by Rolex letter dated 28 October 2008 confirming the champagne dial

This theory is furthermore confirmed by a letter dated 28 Oct 2008 from Rolex Germany, where the watch was sent for servicing. The letter states “we can confirm that the watch corresponds to the above data at this time”, the “above data” being a description of the watch with its serial number and the champagne dial (“Champagner K. gelb”) making this watch utterly unique and the only one we have seen in this configuration.
The letter also indicates that the 2 chronograph pushers are different. According to the consignor the watch was bought in the late 1990s/early 2000s from the original owner, a lawyer in the Dortmund (Germany) who had bought it from Rüschenbeck, the Rolex authorized dealer in Dortmund.
The present scholarship changing timepiece is monumental in its discovery and collectability.

ROLEX An exceptionally rare stainless steel wristwatch with date, ‘Khanjar’ dial and bracelet, made for the Sultan of Oman and retailed by Asprey
Watches fitted with custom Middle East dials were often presented as gifts to ambassadors, dignitaries, or staff, as a token of gratitude or respect. It was an honor to be presented a Rolex watch with the state symbol. In fact, many of these watches are cherished by their original owners, and passed down from one generation to the next. As a result, Rolex watches with custom dials hardly appear on the market.
The present watch features a ‘Khanjar’ dial, displaying the ‘Khanjar’ symbol, part of the national emblem of Oman. Watches fitted with ‘Khanjar’ dials were made on special request from His Majesty Qaboos bin Said Al Said, the Sultan of Oman, and presented as gifts to his closest dignitaries and servants.

ROLEX An exceptionally rare stainless steel wristwatch with date, ‘Khanjar’ dial and bracelet, made for the Sultan of Oman and retailed by Asprey
Manufacturer Rolex
Year Circa 1972
Reference No. 1665 inside caseback stamped 3’566’940
Movement No. D572713
Case No. 3’566’940
Model Name Sea-Dweller “Khanjar”
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 1570, 26 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 175mm
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex deployant clasp
Dimensions 40mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed, outside caseback stamped “Asprey”
CHF 200,000–400,000

Research suggests that His Majesty Al Said commissioned Rolex to create special Sea-Dwellers in the 1970s. These were presented to members of Britain’s elite Special Forces branch, the SAS, as a token of gratitude for defeating the Dhofar Rebellion. The Sea-Dwellers were either fitted with a gold Khanjar, a red Qaboos signature, or a red Khanjar, such as the present watch.
Most importantly, the watches were ordered through Asprey, and it is imperative that these watches bear the retailer’s logo engraved in the case back. Most of these watches bear a serial range of 3’566’xxx. Phillips in Association with Bacs & Russo had the pleasure of selling another example only four digits away with serial number 3’566’944 in Rolex Milestones: 38 Legendary Watches
That Shaped History in the Hong Kong Auction 28 November 2016.

ROLEX A rare and attractive stainless steel chronograph wristwatch with bracelet, made for the Sultan of Oman
Manufacturer Rolex Year Circa 1979
Reference No. 6265
Case No. 6’047’509
Model Name Cosmograph Daytona “ Khanjar”
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Manual, cal. 727, 17jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 185mm

Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex deployant clasp stamped P11
Dimensions 37mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 150,000–300,000
The present Rolex Daytona Cosmograph impresses by its incredible state of preservation with a very impressive case and great dial with crisp round lume plots.
However, where the watch reaches the highest peaks in terms of collectability is the presence of the highly coveted and extremely rare white Khanjar emblem on the subdial at 6 o’clock.
Watches fitted with “Khanjar” dials were made on special request from His Majesty Qaboos bin Said Al Said, the Sultan of Oman, and presented as gifts to his closest dignitaries and officials. Research and scholarship suggest that the Sultan commissioned most of his watches in the 1970s. It was an honor, and sign of respect, to be presented with a Rolex watch depicting the Omani state symbol. Many of these watches are cherished by their original owners, and passed down from one generation to the next.
His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said al Said (1940-2019) was known also for his own formidable watch collection and his passion for horology. His Majesty ascended to the throne at age 30 following studies under the President of India and military training at the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst, England, his reign was one of great success. With revenues received from oil sales, he drove transformational advances in healthcare, education, and infrastructure.
Only a very few number of Rolex Cosmographs bearing the “Khanjar” have appeared on the market highlighting the utter rarity of the model.

CARTIER A highly rare and attractive yellow gold elongated octagonal wristwatch, made by Cartier London
Manufacturer Cartier Year 1970
Movement No. 1’949’916
Case No. 9789
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Manual, cal. 845, 17 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Cartier deployant clasp
Dimensions 39mm Length and 19.5mm Width

Signed Case, dial and movement signed, case and clasp furthermore with English hallmarks
CHF 60,000–120,000
Accompanied by a facsimile of the letter from the original owner.
The 1960s and 1970s were a time of incredible creative turmoil. Spurred by the changes in society - which was veering toward more carefree social rules - designers in every field came up with some of the most intriguing designs to ever appear in any field: from watches, to jewellery, passing through the cars, buildings and of course garment fashion, a true design revolution took place during those years. It was during that time that Cartier London was producing some of its most creative and unusual pieces, merging form with function. La maison had imagined a number of fantastical and showstopping pieces during this time, from the Crash, to the Baignoire and the Pebble, among many others. The present Octagonal Elongated wristwatch perfectly encapsulates the spirit of Cartier’s designs during this era. No longer a round, tonneau shape, the case was in a long octagonal form, which also hugged the wrist.
This timepiece was most notably made by Cartier London, evidenced by the London hallmarks that date the watch to 1970. Furthermore, all Cartier hand-stamped numbers are visible and crisp. The maker’s mark “JC” is visible on the case and clasp, which is the maker’s mark for Cartier and represents Jacques Cartier. This maker’s mark was seen on pieces made by Cartier London.
The present watch was originally purchased by the original owner who had purchased the present watch when he was working at Liberty’s in London. In 1971, he was reading a magazine and was immediately enthralled by an advertisement showing the present watch. The gentleman decided to go to Cartier on Bond Street, where he subsequently tried on the timepiece and purchased it. At the time, the watch cost approximately 2000 pounds which was equivalent to a full year’s salary! The gentleman had enjoyed the timepiece for over 50 years before parting with it.

CARTIER A highly attractive white gold rectangular jump hour wristwatch with movement by European Watch and Clock Co.
Manufacturer Cartier
Year Circa 1931
Case No. 27388, 27457 and 27388 in the inside caseback
Model Name Tank à Guichets
Material 18K white gold
Calibre Manual, 19 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Suede
Clasp/Buckle 18K white and pink gold deployant clasp
Dimensions 22mm Width and 30mm Length

Signed Case, dial and movement singed, case and movement furthermore stamped European Watch and Clock Co.
CHF 100,000–200,000
The present watch is illustrated in White Cartier Bianco by Osvaldo Patrizzi, page 132.

The present model is an indelible part of Cartier’s history, and represents what the brand is best known for: merging form with function. A variant of the original Tank wristwatch, the Tank à Guichets was first introduced in 1928. Featuring jumping hours at the upper portion of the dial, the watch also displayed a minutes indicator at 6 o’clock. The Tank à Guichets was first released in 1928, evolving from the first Tank model of 1917. The watch was a modern masterwork of design, where less is more. Gone are the hands, and in their place ‘guichets’ – apertures – for the hours and minutes. Its name derives from the apertures, which “jump” as the time advances. “Jump Hour” wristwatches were particularly popular in the 1920s and 1930s.
Made in Paris (as seen by the European Watch and Clock Co. Inc France engraving on the caseback), the present watch cased in white gold is an exceptional specimen .The case is remarkably well-preserved, exhibiting strong hallmarks and crisp numbers throughout, and displays the maker’s mark “EJ” and French hallmarks. The condition of the timepiece is especially remarkable when one considers the age of the timepiece.

ROLEX A highly rare and extremely attractive stainless steel dual time wristwatch with black glossy dial, date, bracelet, guarantee and presentation box
Manufacturer Rolex
Year Circa 1966
Reference No. 1675
Movement No. 32’044
Case No. 1’409’913
Model Name GMT-Master
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Automatic, cal. 1560, 26 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Stainless steel Rolex Oyster bracelet, max length 190mm

Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Rolex deployant clasp stamped 7-66.
Dimensions 39mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 20,000–40,000
Accompanied by Rolex guarantee dated December 3, 1966, product literature and presentation box.

In 1954, Rolex launched one of its most iconic models: the GMTMaster. The timepiece was initially developed in collaboration with Pan American Airlines as to enable their pilots to simultaneously keep track of two time zones when flying from one location to another. Fitted with an extremely fragile Bakelite bezel, reference 6542 was replaced in 1959 by reference 1675 fitted with a more robust metallic insert.
The present watch is an exemplary version of the hallowed reference 1675. Preserved in impressive condition, it most notably displays a beautiful rich black lacquer dial with beautiful luminous markers. There is no telling how any dial will age, yet this particular one has aged beautifully and now displays strong and charismatic “pumpkin” patina - a detail that is highly sought after by collectors today. It is furthermore enhanced by the black bezel.
It is offered with its Rolex guarantee dated December 3, 1966, and presentation box. Such attractive and complete examples barely come on the market, underlying the collectibility of the present watch.

ROLEX A fine and rare yellow gold dual time wristwatch with sweep center seconds, date, brown lacquer dial and bakelite bezel
Manufacturer Rolex
Year Circa 1959
Reference No. 6542
Movement No. DN900521
Case No. 424’267
Model Name GMT-Master
Material 18k yellow gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 1066, 25 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18k yellow gold Rolex buckle
Dimensions 38mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
CHF 100,000–200,000
Phillips Hong Kong Rolex Milestones, November 28, 2016, lot 811

First released in in 1954, the GMT-Master reference 6542 was designed for pilots to use in their line of work. With the rise of international travel in the 1940s and 1950s, Rolex initially created the model for Pan Am airlines to track dual time zones. This ingenious design featured an immediately recognizable bakelite bezel with the twenty-four hour radium numerals painted on the underside, made to glow in any weather condition. Bakelite was Rolex’s material of choice, due to its low reflectivity and high readability. The additional luminous 24 hour tipped hand allowed the viewer to immediately track a second time zone.
Given that the GMT-Master was created for specific, work-related purposes, most examples were cased in stainless steel. These watches were worn in the most practical sense and made to withstand the elements. Yet, Rolex also manufactured a very limited number of watches cased in yellow gold, and fitted with a brown bakelite bezel. Due to the immense fragility of these watches, it is incredibly rare to find examples fitted with their original bakelite insert. The fact is even more pertinent as most of the bakelite bezels were recalled by Rolex due to their radium content. The original GMT-Master eventually ceased production in 1959.
The present watch is among the last batch of reference 6542s to be released, is presented in excellent and astounding condition. The bakelite bezel is intact, with hardly any blemishes and the radium is without losses. The brown lacquer dial displays rich tones, and the case is incredibly crisp, with a sharp milled finish to the top of the lugs and a sharp hallmark to the back of the lug.

ROLEX A very rare and well-preserved stainless steel chronograph wristwatch with glossy black dial, without tachymeter and telemeter scales
Manufacturer Rolex
Year Circa 1961
Reference No. 6234
Case No. 688’706
Model Name Oyster Chronograph
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Manual, cal. 72, 17 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel pin buckle
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial and movement signed
CHF 100,000–200,000

The present Rolex 6234 impresses and intrigues with its ultra rare transitional dial. The watch features a rare and superbly preserved glossy black dial, however it is to date one of the extremely few examples known that do not feature a tachymeter/telemeter scale but simply a 60 seconds scale on the periphery.
Furthermore, the indexes are not stamped as is habitual but are applied, yet again something very rarely seen. The dial was made by Stern, with serial number 103 (Rolex code at Stern) * (meaning made by Stern) and 497 (order number) on the back. While most black glossy vintage Rolex dials tend to age with clouding, bubbling or patina - more or less strong according to its conservation history of course - the present one arrives to us in wonderful condition, fully maintaining its glossy sheen. The balance cock of the present example is further engraved ROW meaning it was destined for the US market.
First introduced in 1955, the ref. 6234 “Pre-Daytona” was, and is still considered to be one of the most desired models within the Rolex Oyster chronograph family.
The watch is presented with a finely kept Oyster case, showcasing a design that is ever so appealing and eye catching. Examples of any reference 6234 presented in such excellent condition are few and far between. With its superb glossy black dial, lack of scales and applied indexes, the present lot is certainly a trophy for the collector of vintage Rolex sport watches.

Ref. 6234 Oyster Chronograph “Transitional Glossy

ROLEX An attractive and extremely fine yellow gold automatic triple calendar wristwatch with moonphases, star-set dial and bracelet
Manufacturer Rolex Year Circa 1951
Reference No. 6062
Movement No. N32558
Case No. 690’031
Model Name Oyster Perpetual “Stelline”
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 9 3/4’’’, 18 jewels
Bracelet/Strap 18K yellow gold Rolex Jubilee bracelet, max length 200mm
Clasp/Buckle 18K yellow gold Rolex deployant clasp stamped 1.50
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and bracelet signed
CHF 120,000–240,000

Fully infused with Rolex’s genetic codes with its Oyster case, inhouse automatic movement and Jubilee bracelet, reference 6062 further features a complication only seen in another reference (nonwaterproof reference 8171): a triple calendar and moonphase display. Known at the time as a brand specialising in professional timepieces rather than dress watches, it was extremely unusual for Rolex to venture into the realm of complicated calendar watches, and the fact that they made only two such models testified to this. In fact, the market regarded with suspicion these more complicated Rolex creations, resulting in their current remarkable scarcity.
Launched in 1950, and produced for only a handful of years, this reference was available in stainless steel, yellow gold and pink gold, and offered with different dial variations. The faceted star dial, as seen on the present watch, is beyond doubt the most whimsical and collectible of all the variations, so much that the watch was given its nickname “Stelline” (“Small stars” in Italian). In fact, luminous star dials come in two different variations: one with luminous accents present next to the star indexes, and the present more collectible one, where the star indexes present a recess at the centre into which the luminous material is applied. Rolex considered the model a top-of-the-line timepiece, with an inhouse automatic movement, and upgraded with a full calendar and moonphase indication.
When introduced, ref. 6062 was groundbreaking: it was the first automatic watch with triple calendar and moonphase indication housed in a water-resistant case to ever grace the market. The present yellow gold reference 6062 has been lovingly taken care of by its current owner and it remains in very honest condition. The case is strong and fully preserves its original proportions. A strong patina has developed with age, increasing the vintage allure of the watch. The luminous material displays a warm camel hue, perfectly harmonising with the rest of the dial.

PATEK PHILIPPE A freshly unsealed and rare stainless steel single button split-seconds chronograph wristwatch with additional solid caseback, certificate of origin and presentation box
Patek Philippe’s split seconds chronograph production can be split (pun intended) into two divergent camps: those with a single button operating the chronograph mechanism through the crown and those with the traditional two-button layout. The first split seconds chronograph wristwatch produced by Patek Philippe came in 1923, with a Victorin Piguet-based ebauche housed in an 18K yellow gold officer-style case. Subsequent split seconds chronographs produced in series had two buttons: the reference 1436 (about 165 total examples produced between 1938 and 1971), the reference 1563, and the unique piece reference 2512. All of these references are highly coveted by collectors to this day.
Patek Philippe wouldn’t produce another split-seconds chronograph until 2005, with the launch of reference 5959. Ironically - and very much in Patek Philipe style - the all-new, in-house ultra-thin movement cal. CHR 27-525 PS sports a single-button architecture, harkening back to the very first split second chronographs made by the company. The caliber was an extraordinary achievement in fine watchmaking history as it was the thinnest split seconds chronograph ever created at the time, as well as being the thinnest column wheel chronograph. Its design brilliantly demonstrated the prowess and know-how of Patek Philippe in the field of complications.
This exquisitely finished movement incorporates a number of technical features (such as optimised teeth geometry and an improved clutching/unclutching system) that enable its remarkable thinness, and at the same time increase the energy efficiency and reliability of the chronograph complication. Furthermore, this was Patek Philippe’s first fully in-house designed and manufactured chronograph movement.

PATEK PHILIPPE A freshly unsealed and rare stainless steel single button split-seconds chronograph wristwatch with additional solid caseback, certificate of origin and presentation box
Manufacturer Patek Philippe Year 2016
Reference No. 5950A-001
Movement No. 5’251’422
Case No. 4’567’240
Material Stainless steel
Calibre Manual, cal. CHR 27-525 PS, 31 jewels, stamped with the Patek Philippe Seal
Bracelet/Strap Patek Philippe alligator strap
Clasp/Buckle Stainless steel Patek Philippe pin buckle
Dimensions 36.5mm Width and 37mm Length
Signed Case, dial, movement and clasp signed.
CHF 220,000–440,000

Accompanied by Patek Philippe Certificate of Origin dated September 20, 2016, additional solid caseback, leather portfolio, product literature, numbered factory plastic sleeve, numbered sale tag, massive wooden presentation box and outer packaging.
At Baselworld in 2010, Patek Philippe announced reference 5950, a cushion-style, single button split-seconds chronograph with the same in-house movement but boasting subtle Belle Epoque styling. The model is a treasure trove of surprises, the most obvious one being the fact that it is a highly complicated Patek Philippe model in steel. Complicated steel Patek somewhat betray the ethos of the company - a highly complicated evening watch shall be in precious metals, dictate the powers that be at Patek - and consequently are made in very scarce numbers both in present and past times. The result is that the category is considered “endgame” for Patek Philippe collectors. Piling on this foundation, we can find traits that seem designed to delight the connoisseur: from the applied black gold Breguet numerals to the black lacquer scroll detailing at the corners and on the buckle (and even in the corners of the additional solid caseback). The dial surface features an opaline/ivory finish obviously reminiscent of vintage watches, a feeling boosted by the railway fifth-of-a-second divisions and Arabic (in fact using a Breguet font, another subtle detail highlighting the meticulous design process behind the model) five-minutes divisions.
The current 5950A was brand new and freshly unsealed on January 26, 2024 for the purposes of shipping the timepiece. It comes complete with all of its original accessories and even the numbered factory plastic sleeve, still retaining sealed within the numbered sale tag - two items often discarded when delivering the watch. To date, it is the 15th example that has appeared on the market.

ROLEX A very rare and attractive 14K yellow gold chronograph wristwatch with black “Paul Newman” dial and bracelet
Reference 6241 was manufactured from approximately 1966 to 1969. It is among the rarest Daytona models ever produced. A so-called “John Player Special”, the present watch is an exceedingly rare variant of the “Paul Newman” model. It is notably one of a few handful of known “John Player Specials” cased in 14K yellow gold and most probably made for the American market. With a serial number of 2’084’251, it was produced within a batch of other known “John Player Special” Cosmographs, making this watch within the “sweet spot” of the known serial range. Other known examples have the serial number:
1) 2’084’215
2) 2’084’241
3) 2’084’255
4) 2’084’230
5) 2’084’363
6) 2’084’352
In 1972, John Player & Sons sponsored the Lotus Formula One team, which emblazoned the cigarette maker’s logo on its cars. Clad in black and gold livery to match John Player & Sons’ corporate colors, the Formula One car became an instant hit and icon. Donning the same colors, the “John Player Special Paul Newman” shares its name with the racing vehicle.

ROLEX A very rare and attractive 14K yellow gold chronograph wristwatch with black “Paul Newman” dial and bracelet
Manufacturer Rolex
Year Circa 1969
Reference No. 6241
Case No. 2’084’251
Model Name Cosmograph Daytona “John Player Special”
Material 14K yellow gold
Calibre Manual, cal. 722-1, 17 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Dimensions 37.5mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial and movement signed
CHF 500,000–1,000,000

While beauty is inherently subjective, few - if any - collectors will disagree with the statement that among the many variations of the Daytona Cosmograph, vintage and modern, one of the most visually striking one is indeed the John Player Special Paul Newman 6241, with the alternation of black and gold details of the dial perfectly reprised on the case with its gold sheen and pitch black bezel. While the watch was conceived some years before the car and has no relation to the sporting event, from the contrasting black and gold graphics to the intricate trim and details, the similarities between the two are absolutely uncanny.
The present watch is distinguished by its exceptional state of preservation. The dial itself is astounding. Free of imperfections, it features round and complete luminous dots that are consistent in color, even when viewed under the telling rays of a black ultraviolet light. The hands furthermore match the numerals, and both display warm yellow patina. The case, too, is preserved in excellent condition with deep hallmarks beneath the lugs. The freshness, ‘correct’ tells and rarity of the present watch renders it one of the most exciting, astonishing and beautiful examples to come to the auction market in recent years.
A perfect storm of highly appealing traits with propels the present timepiece to the pinnacle of desirability for the connoisseur of highly important and attractive timepieces.

ROLEX A very rare and extremely well-preserved stainless steel and yellow gold anti-magnetic triple calendar wristwatch with tachometer scale
Manufacturer Rolex
Year 1948
Reference No. 4768
Case No. 624’911
Model Name Anti-Magnetique
Material Stainless steel and yellow gold
Calibre Manual, cal. 72C, 17 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle 18k yellow gold Rolex pin buckle
Dimensions 35mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed

The present timepiece has been sold previously by Phillips Bacs and Russo at the Geneva Watch Auction: THREE on May 15th 2016, lot 109
CHF 100,000–200,000
Whilst Rolex is often associated with rugged tool watches, during the mid-20th century the Swiss-based Maison was producing what can only be described as refined and sophisticated timepieces. Today, these watches are prized for their scarcity and allure, offering collectors a glimpse into a bygone era of elegance and innovation. The Rolex reference 4768 represented the brand’s inaugural venture into the world of antimagnetic triple calendar chronograph wristwatches. Although officially named the “Dato Compax,” its Oyster-cased counterpart gained prominence through its association with the renowned French Olympic skier, Jean-Claude Killy. Among the five Dato Compax models manufactured, the reference 4768 stands out as the sole variant featuring a non-Oyster case.
Launched in 1947, research suggests that only 220 examples of this reference were produced, these were available in stainless steel, yellow gold, pink gold, and two-tone variations, such as the present example, crafted in stainless steel with either a pink or yellow gold bezel, crown and date hand.
The present Rolex reference 4768 from 1948 features stunning elongated teardrop lugs and captivating silvered dial. In superb overall condition, inside the timepiece is made alive thanks to the reliable Valjoux 72C movement, which can be found in some of today’s most desirable models ever created by the firm.
In the world of watch collecting, discerning enthusiasts seek timepieces that not only enrich their collections with historical significance but also serve as bold statements of style. The present reference 4768, in close to mint condition, epitomizes this ethos, embodying the design prowess of the Rolex brand during the midcentury era.

During the 1950s, Rolex produced a variety of time-only wristwatches to cater to the tastes and whims of the period. Fitted with a rounded automatic movement, these watches featured a larger case diameter than the fashionable “bubble backs” of the 1930s and 1940s, thus having a greater presence on the wrist. Rolex arguably produced some of the most creative and attractive watches during the postwar period - while some were fitted with a honeycomb dial, others featured applied Arabic numerals and even cloisonné enamel works of art. The possibilities and combinations were endless.
Among those produced, one of the most exclusive and desirable variants of the time-only wristwatch featured a black lacquer dial with eight faceted stars in lieu of numerals, such as the present watch. It is also known as the “Galaxy” from advertising of the period.
Sublime in so many ways, this example is one of the most exciting, striking and beautiful time-only wristwatches that Rolex produced in the 1950s. Lovingly preserved in extraordinary condition since 1951, it offers everything that a collector could only dream of acquiring. Its rarity is unmatched, being one of only four known time-only examples to bear this dial configuration.

ROLEX A very rare and most attractive yellow gold wristwatch with black dial and star-shaped indexes
Manufacturer Rolex
Year Circa 1953
Reference No. 6098
Movement No. 43’352/H90’448
Case No. 912’006
Model Name Oyster Perpetual “Galaxy”
Material 18K yellow gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. A260, 18 jewels
Dimensions 36mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial and movement signed
CHF 150,000–300,000
Phillips Geneva Watch Auction TWO, 7&8 November 2015, lot 158

The beautiful black lacquer dial has been preserved in astounding condition, having retained its glossy appearance for over sixty years since its manufacture date. It is signed “Swiss” at the bottom of the dial, which is correct for a 1950s watch. The graphics range from an intense gold color, to a light shimmering shade, giving the dial depth and complexity, which is so characteristic of gilt dials and beloved by Rolex collectors and scholars.
The star numerals are horizontally aligned, and set in position where they should be. Furthermore, the luminous dots are placed precisely within each star and perfectly round, having aged with warm orange patina. It should be noted that there are two types of black lacquer star dials. The other variant features luminous dots outside the stars, and the stars point directly towards the center of the watch.
Featuring full and robust proportions, the case is presented in phenomenal condition, especially when one considers the age of the watch. The bezel is thick and defined, with a clear “step” where its edge meets the lugs. Light polishing would have immediately softened the facets and edges, yet this example remains extremely crisp. The top of the lugs furthermore displays sharp finishes, and the back of the lug features a pronounced hallmark that is immediately visible without the aid of a loupe.

ROLEX A spectacular, extremely rare and well preserved yellow gold wristwatch with cloisonné enamel dial depicting a caravel and original Bucherer certificate
A timeless design, an exquisite cloisonné enamel dial, a historic brand and ultimate rarity make the present lot a trophy watch for the most discerning collectors. The spectacular cloisonné enamel dial of this masterpiece represents a Caravel (a small, fast Spanish or Portuguese sailing ship of the 15th–17th centuries) and made by one of Geneva’s most acclaimed enamellers, Margueritte Koch, who worked with Stern to produce the enamel dials of some of the most sought after Rolex watches to date. The dial depicts a wonderful scene featuring a multi-colored boat at sea, topped with faceted baton hour markers. The dial made by Stern Frères is inscribed on the back with a number 103*389 The outer dial is finished with pearllike minute markers, further enhancing its beauty.
To create a cloisonné enamel dial, the artist first marks out the outline of the motifs using a fine gold wire to separate the various enamel regions. The artist then applies various enamel layers depending on the desired colors, while maintaining a very strict order in terms of the nature of the enamels according to the rules governing the firing process. This meticulous operation involves numerous successive firing operations in the kiln serving to intensify the color and light effects as well as the gradation of the materials. A dangerous process as at each firing the dial can break or the enamel may react differently to the heat, resulting in a high rejection rate.

ROLEX A spectacular, extremely rare and well preserved yellow gold wristwatch with cloisonné enamel dial depicting a caravel and original Bucherer certificate
Manufacturer Rolex
Year Circa 1953
Reference No. 6102
Movement No. 62114/F11’124
Case No. 902’600
Model Name “La Caravelle”
Material 18k yellow gold
Calibre Automatic, cal. 645, 18 jewels
Bracelet/Strap Leather
Clasp/Buckle Original yellow gold Rolex pin buckle
Dimensions 32mm Diameter
Signed Case, dial, movement and buckle signed
Christie’s New York, 12 April 2006, lot 334
Phillips Geneva Watch Auction TWO, 7&8 Nov 2015, lot 162
CHF 400,000–800,000

Accompanied by the original Bucherer Guarantee dated May 21st, 1957

The line of provenance of the present ref 6102 is as exceptional as the watch itself, as from 1954 to 2006 it was in the family of the original owner, in 2006 it was first auctioned at Christie’s New York and remained with an important private collector until 2015 where it was sold at Phillips and now coming back to Phillips close to a decade later.
This ref 6102 remains in incredible condition, still retaining its diamond finished, mirror polished curvature. The dial is free of fissures or cracks and the colors remain vibrant with hues of blue, green, yellow and red.
The watch is fitted with the original 18k yellow gold Rolex buckle, which is a rarity by itself. Accompanied by the original Rolex guarantee, retailed by Bucherer, in addition to its unworn condition and exclusivity factor, it is one of the most spectacular examples for any collector.

5020 “TV Screen”
Patek Philippe 2438-1 “Secondi al Centro”
Patek Philippe 2523/1 Two-Crown World Time, Ore del Mondo Doppia Corona
Philippe 3700/003 Nautilus
Patek Philippe 3710/1A-001 Nautilus “Comet”
Patek Philippe 3940G-029
Patek Philippe 3970/2
Patek Philippe 3970EP-021
Patek Philippe 4364/3
Patek Philippe 5004P-021
Patek Philippe 5004R-018
Philippe 5131J-001 World Time
Patek Philippe 5140R-011
Patek Philippe 5235G-001 Regulator
Patek Philippe 5271P
Patek Philippe 5565A-001
Patek Philippe 5711/1A-010 Nautilus
Patek Philippe 5712/1A-001 Nautilus
Patek Philippe 5713/1G-001 Nautilus
Patek Philippe 5740/1G-001
Patek Philippe 5950A-001
Patek Philippe 5961R-010 “Bull’s Eye”
67 Patek Philippe 5968G-001 Aquanaut Chronograph
152 Patek Philippe 5970J-001
12 Patek Philippe 5970P-001
38 Patek Philippe 5970R-001
24 Patek Philippe 5975J-001 Multi-Scale Chronograph
21 Patek Philippe 5980/1A-001 Nautilus
179 Patek Philippe Ref. 5070G-014
77 Paul Gerber & Anny Weber “Waterford 2023”
63 Philippe Dufour Simplicity 34
166 Purnell CP.01RG Spherion Tourbillon Spherion
58 Rexhep Rexhepi RRCC1 Chronomètre Contemporain
75 Richard Mille RM016
76 Richard Mille MON-01562 RM17-01
156 Richard Mille RM005-1 Felipe Massa
181 Roger Dubuis H37
189 Roger Dubuis H37565 Hommage Chronograph
45 Rolex 1675 GMT-Master “Khanjar”
210 Rolex 1675 GMT-Master
126 Rolex 1680 Submariner
172 Rolex 1803 Day-Date “El Dorado”
37 Rolex 3525 “Barilotto”
217 Rolex 4768 Anti-Magnetique
117 Rolex 6036 Oyster Chronographe “Jean Claude Killy”
132 Rolex 6036 Oyster Chronograph “Killy”
214 Rolex 6062 Oyster Perpetual “Stelline”
218 Rolex 6098 Oyster Perpetual “Galaxy”
219 Rolex 6102 “La Caravelle”
39 Rolex 6234 “Pre-Daytona”
213 Rolex 6234 Oyster Chronograph
70 Rolex 6239 Cosmograph Daytona
127 Rolex 6239 Cosmograph Daytona “Paul Newman”
216 Rolex 6241 Cosmograph Daytona “John Player Special”
134 Rolex 6263 Oyster Cosmograph “Paul Newman Panda”
194 Rolex 6263 Cosmograph
195 Rolex 6263 Oyster Cosmograph “Tiffany & Co.”
22 Rolex 6265 Cosmograph Daytona
138 Rolex 6265 Oyster Cosmograph
204 Rolex 6265 Cosmograph Daytona “Qaboos”
205 Rolex 6265 Oyster Cosmograph
207 Rolex 6265 Cosmograph Daytona “ Khanjar”
13 Rolex 6269 Cosmograph
142 Rolex 6541 Milgauss
211 Rolex 6542 GMT-Master
Rolex 8171 “Padellone”
Rolex 16520 Cosmograph Daytona
Rolex 16520 Cosmograph Daytona
Rolex 16528 Cosmograph Daytona, The “Big Blue”
Rolex 16600 Sea-Dweller Polipetto

Sale information
Geneva, 11–12 May 2024
Auction & Viewing Location
Hotel President, a Luxury Collection Hotel
Quai Wilson 47 1201 Geneva, Switzerland
Saturday, 11 May 2024, 2pm Session 1
Sunday, 12 May 2024, 2pm Session 2
Under the aegis of Maître Tristan Reymond, Huissier Judiciaire
Wednesday 8 May, 10am–7pm Thursday 9 May, 10am–7pm Friday 10 May, 10am–6pm Saturday 11 May, 9am–1pm Sunday 12 May, 9am–1pm
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Ref. 5970R-001 Perpetual Calendar
Chronograph in 18ct Rose Gold, circa 2005