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20th Century & Contemporary Art Evening & Day Sales New York / 7 & 8 December 2020

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Day Sales

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20th Century & Contemporary Art Evening & Day Sales New York / 7 & 8 December 2020

Auction & Viewing Location

Sale Designation

450 Park Avenue New York 10022

When sending in written bids or making enquiries please refer to these sales as NY010720 or 20th Century & Contemporary Art Evening Sale, NY010820 or 20th Century & Contemporary Art Day Sale, Morning Session, and NY010920 or 20th Century & Contemporary Art Day Sale, Afernoon Session.

Auctions Evening Sale Monday, 7 December, 7pm (lots 1–38) Day Sale, Morning Session Tuesday, 8 December, 10am (lots 101–238) Property of the Artists Donated to the Hall Art Foundation to Beneft the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts Tuesday, 8 December, 2pm (lots 301–319) Day Sale, Afernoon Session Tuesday, 8 December, 2:30pm (lots 401–572) Please register to bid online, absentee or by phone. Viewing by appointment 30 November–7 December Contact AppointmentsNewYork@phillips.com or +1 212 940 1200 to arrange your visit

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Evening Sale Lots 1–38

Property from the Collection of Pamela K. and William A. Royall Jr.

1. Amy Sherald b. 1973 The Bathers signed and dated “Amy Sherald 2015 Amy Sherald” on the reverse. oil on canvas. 72 1/8 x 67 in. (183.2 x 170.2 cm). Painted in 2015. Estimate $150,000-200,000

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2. Jadé Fadojutimi b. 1993 Lotus Land signed twice “JADÉ’S” on the stretcher; further signed, titled and dated ““Lotus Land” Jan 2017 Jadé Fadojutimi Jadé Fadojutimi” on the reverse. acrylic and oil on canvas. 47 1/ 2 x 59 in. (120.7 x 149.9 cm). Painted in 2017. Estimate $40,000-60,000

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Property from a New York Private Collection

3. Vaughn Spann b. 1992 Big Black Rainbow (Deep Dive) signed, titled and dated “Vaughn Spann 2019 “Big BLACK RAINBOW (Deep Dive)”” on the reverse. polymer paint and terrycloth on canvas. 80 1/4 x 84 1/4 in. (203.8 x 214 cm). Executed in 2019. Estimate $40,000-60,000

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Property from an Important West Coast Collection

4. Matthew Wong 1984-2019 Before Night Falls signed and dated “Wong 2018 [in Chinese]” and titled “BEFORE NIGHT FALLS” on the reverse. oil on canvas. 48 x 60 in. (121.9 x 152.4 cm). Painted in 2018. Estimate $300,000-500,000

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Property of an Important Texan Collector

5. Ruth Asawa 1926-2013 Untitled (S.045, Hanging Five-Lobed, Multilayered Continuous Form within a Form, with Spheres in the First, Second and Third Lobes) copper and brass wire. 72 x 14 x 14 in. (182.9 x 35.6 x 35.6 cm). Executed circa early 1960s. Estimate $1,500,000-2,000,000

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Property from a Midwestern Private Collection ○◆

6. Agnes Martin 1912-2004 Untitled oil and gold leaf on canvas. 11 7/8 x 11 7/8 in. (30.2 x 30.2 cm). Executed circa 1961. Estimate $1,800,000-2,500,000

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Property from a Midwestern Private Collection ○◆

7. Morris Louis 1912-1962 Infeld signed, titled, inscribed and dated “MORRIS LOUIS #492 “INFIELD” 1962.” on the stretcher; further inscribed by the artist’s widow ““INFIELD” M. Louis 62” on the reverse. Magna on canvas. 90 1/4 x 24 in. (229.2 x 61 cm). Painted in 1962. Estimate $900,000-1,200,000

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Property from a Midwestern Private Collection ○◆

8. Donald Judd 1928-1994 Untitled red lacquer on galvanized iron. 5 x 69 1/8 x 8 5/8 in. (12.7 x 175.6 x 21.9 cm). Executed in 1965 and refabricated in 1969, this work is the frst bullnose of 7 unique examples fabricated between 1965-1970. Other examples are housed in the permanent collections of The Museum Ulm (example number 3) and The Saint Louis Art Museum (example number 5). Estimate $3,000,000-4,000,000

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Property from a Midwestern Private Collection ○

9. Richard Diebenkorn 1922-1993 Untitled (Berkeley) signed with the artist’s initials and dated “RD 54” lower lef. watercolor, gouache, graphite and colored pencil on paper. 16 x 13 in. (40.6 x 33 cm). Executed in 1954. Estimate $300,000-500,000

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Property of a Distinguished American Collector ○◆

10. David Hockney b. 1937 Nichols Canyon acrylic on canvas. 84 x 60 in. (213.4 x 152.4 cm). Painted in 1980. This work has been requested for inclusion in the artist’s forthcoming exhibition David Hockney in Perspective organized by The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, to be held from June 11 - October 10, 2021. Estimate Upon Request

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11. Amoako Boafo b.1984 Purple on Red signed, inscribed and dated “AMOAKO M BOAFO 2019 KING” center right. oil on canvas. 76 5/8 x 55 1/8 in. (194.6 x 140 cm). Painted in 2019. Estimate $200,000-300,000

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Property from the Collection of Pamela K. and William A. Royall Jr.

12. Barkley L. Hendricks 1945-2017 Selina/Star signed and dated “B. Hendricks ‘80” upper right; signed, titled and dated ““SELINA/STAR” 1980 BARKLEY L. HENDRICKS” on the stretcher. oil and acrylic on linen. 60 1/8 x 50 1/8 in. (152.7 x 127.3 cm). Painted in 1980. Estimate $800,000-1,200,000

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Property from the Collection of Thomas Miller and Robert Boyett

13. Norman Rockwell 1894-1978 The Peephole signed “NORMAN ROCKWELL” lower lef. oil on panel. 14 1/4 x 11 1/4 in. (36.2 x 28.6 cm). Painted in 1958. This work is accompanied by an original copy of the August 30, 1958 issue of The Saturday Evening Post. Estimate $1,000,000-1,500,000

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Property of an Important American Collector ○◆

14. Clyford Still 1904-1980 PH-407 signed and dated “Clyford 1964” lower lef; signed, inscribed and dated “Clyford — 1964 P.H. 407 2 Westminster Md.” on the reverse. oil on canvas. 114 x 75 in. (289.6 x 190.5 cm). Painted in 1964. Estimate Upon Request

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Property of an Important Asian Collector ○◆

15. Glenn Ligon b. 1960 Stranger #67 signed, titled and dated “Stranger #67 2012 Glenn Ligon LIGON” on the backing board. oilstick, acrylic and coal dust on canvas. 84 x 60 in. (213.4 x 152.4 cm). Executed in 2012. Estimate $1,400,000-1,800,000

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Property from an Important European Collection ○◆

16. Jean-Michel Basquiat 1960-1988 Portrait of A-One A.K.A. King signed, titled and dated ““PORTRAIT OF A ONE A.K.A. KINGS” Jean Michel Basquiat SEPT 1982” on the reverse. acrylic, oilstick and marker on canvas mounted on tied wood supports. 72 x 72 3/8 in. (182.9 x 183.8 cm). Executed in 1982. Estimate $10,000,000-15,000,000

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Property from an Important West Coast Collection

17. Titus Kaphar b. 1976 Veil signed and dated “Kaphar 08” on the reverse. oil on canvas. 48 1/4 x 36 1/8 in. (122.6 x 91.8 cm). Painted in 2008. Estimate $70,000-90,000

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Property from an Important American Collection ○◆

18. René Magritte 1898-1967 Untitled (Woman’s Face covered by a Rose) signed “Magritte” upper lef. gouache on paper. 12 1/ 2 x 9 7/8 in. (31.8 x 25.1 cm). Executed in January 1965, this work was commissioned for the June 1965 issue of XXe Siècle Aux sources de l’Imaginaire. Estimate $1,200,000-1,800,000

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Property from the Collection of Thomas Miller and Robert Boyett

19. Norman Rockwell 1894-1978 An Audience of One signed “Norman Rockwell” lower right. oil on canvas. 26 x 20 5/8 in. (66 x 52.4 cm). Painted in 1938. Estimate $2,500,000-3,500,000

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Property from an Important American Collection ○◆

20. Pablo Picasso 1881-1973 Deux personnages signed and dated “Picasso 39” lower lef; dated “22 Sept 39” on the reverse. oil on canvas. 16 1/8 x 13 in. (41 x 33 cm). Painted on September 22, 1939, this work is accompanied by a certifcate of authenticity from Claude Ruiz Picasso. Estimate $1,200,000-1,800,000

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Property of an Important Collector

21. Joan Mitchell 1925-1992 Untitled titled “sans titre” on the reverse of the lef canvas. oil on canvas, diptych. each 102 1/ 2 x 70 3/4 in. (260.4 x 179.7 cm), overall 102 1/ 2 x 141 1/ 2 in. (260.4 x 359.4 cm). Painted in 1979. Estimate $9,000,000-12,000,000

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Property of an American Private Collector

22. Gerhard Richter b. 1932 Abstraktes Bild (678-1) signed, inscribed and dated “678-1 Richter 1988” on the reverse. oil on canvas. 38 1/4 x 36 1/4 in. (97.2 x 92.1 cm). Painted in 1988. Estimate $3,000,000-5,000,000

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Property from an Important New England Private Collection

23. Alexander Calder 1898-1976 Dot + Loop incised with the artist’s monogram and date “CA 56” on the largest element. sheet metal, wire and paint. 36 1/ 2 x 47 1/ 2 x 29 in. (92.7 x 120.7 x 73.7 cm). Executed in 1956, this work is registered in the archives of the Calder Foundation, New York, under application number A07389. Estimate $1,200,000-1,800,000

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Property from an Esteemed Private Collection ○◆

24. Joan Mitchell 1925-1992 Untitled signed “J. Mitchell” lower right. oil on canvas. 80 5/8 x 69 3/8 in. (204.8 x 176.2 cm). Painted circa 1953. This work has been requested for inclusion in the artist’s forthcoming retrospective Joan Mitchell organized by The Baltimore Museum of Art, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, and the Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris, to be held from March 21, 2021 - February 27, 2023. Estimate $10,000,000-15,000,000

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Property from a Distinguished Private Collection ○

25. Roy Lichtenstein 1923-1997 Nude with Joyous Painting (Study) signed and dated “rf Lichtenstein ‘94” lower right; signed and dated “rf Lichtenstein ‘94” on the reverse. colored pencil and graphite on paper. 13 x 11 1/8 in. (33 x 28.3 cm). Executed in 1994. This work will be included in the forthcoming catalogue raisonné being prepared by the Roy Lichtenstein Foundation. Estimate $1,500,000-2,000,000

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Property from a Private Collection ○

26. George Condo b. 1957 Transparent Female Forms signed and dated “Condo 09” on the reverse. acrylic, chalk and pastel on linen. 78 x 113 7/8 in. (198.1 x 289.2 cm). Executed in 2009. Estimate $3,500,000-5,500,000

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Property from the Louis-Dreyfus Family Collections ○◆

27. Helen Frankenthaler 1928-2011 Of White Square signed and dated “Frankenthaler ‘73” lower lef. acrylic on canvas. 79 1/ 2 x 255 1/4 in. (201.9 x 648.3 cm). Painted in 1973. Estimate $2,800,000-3,500,000

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Property of an Important Collector

28. Morris Louis 1912-1962 Beth Sin signed and inscribed “M Louis #108” on the reverse. Magna on canvas. 91 7/8 x 113 1/4 in. (233.4 x 287.7 cm). Painted in 1958. Estimate $4,000,000-6,000,000

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Property of a Distinguished European Collector

29. Georg Baselitz b. 1938 Forstarbeiter signed “Baselitz” lower lef; signed and inscribed “G. Baselitz Nr. 2” on the stretcher; further signed, titled and dated “G. Baselitz ‘67 “Forstarbeiter”” on the reverse. oil on canvas, in artist’s frame. 64 3/4 x 52 in. (164.5 x 132.2 cm). Painted in 1967. Estimate $1,800,000-2,500,000

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Property from the Family Collection of Payson and Helen Wolf

30. Charles White 1918-1979 Roots signed and dated “CHARLES WHITE ‘63” lower right. ink on board. 37 x 54 in. (94 x 137.2 cm). Executed in 1963. Estimate $500,000-700,000

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Property of an Important Northeast Private Collector

31. Roy Lichtenstein 1923-1997 Coup de Chapeau I incised with the artist’s signature, number and date “6/6 rf Lichtenstein ‘96” and stamped with the Tallix foundry mark on the base. painted and patinated bronze. 26 1/ 2 x 26 1/ 2 x 7 1/8 in. (67.3 x 67.3 x 18.1 cm). Executed in 1996, this work is number 6 from an edition of 6. This work will be included in the forthcoming catalogue raisonné being prepared by the Roy Lichtenstein Foundation. Estimate $500,000-700,000

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Property from an Important East Coast Collection

32. Sturtevant 1926-2014 Warhol Gold Marilyn signed, titled and dated “WARHOL GOLD MARILYN 1972 Sturtevant” on the reverse of the lef canvas; signed, titled, inscribed and dated “Sturtevant ‘04 WARHOL MARILYN 1973/04 replique (#2c NO IMAGE)” on the reverse of the right canvas. silkscreen ink and acrylic on canvas, diptych. each diameter 18 1/8 in. (46 cm). 1972-1973/2004 Replique, this work is accompanied by a certifcate of authenticity signed by the artist. This work will be included in the forthcoming catalogue raisonné being prepared by the Artist’s Estate and Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac. Estimate $450,000-550,000

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Property from the Collection of Pamela K. and William A. Royall Jr.

33. Kehinde Wiley b. 1977 Portrait of Mickalene Thomas, the Coyote signed and dated “Kehinde Wiley 2017” on the reverse. oil on canvas, in artist’s frame. 130 3/8 x 94 7/8 x 4 1/ 2 in. (331.2 x 241 x 11.4 cm). Painted in 2017. Estimate $100,000-150,000

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Property from a Distinguished Midwestern Collection

34. René Magritte 1898-1967 Le Choeur des Sphinges signed “Magritte” lower lef; signed, titled and dedicated “à Madame Blanche L. Sundheim - René Magritte “Le Choeur des Sphinges”” on the reverse. gouache on paper. 16 3/8 x 11 5/8 in. (41.6 x 29.5 cm). Executed in 1964. Please note that this work will be presented to the Comité Magritte on November 24, 2020. Estimate $1,000,000-1,500,000

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Property from the Collection of Pamela K. and William A. Royall Jr.

35. Mickalene Tomas b. 1971 I’ve Been Good To Me signed, titled and dated “I’ve Been Good To Me, 2013 M. Thomas” on the reverse. rhinestones, acrylic, enamel, silkscreen and oil on panel. 108 x 84 in. (274.3 x 213.4 cm). Executed in 2013. Estimate $200,000-300,000

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Property from an Important Private Collection

36. Gaston Lachaise 1882-1935 Garden Figure (second state) [LF 137] cast with the artist’s name “© G. LACHAISE G. LACHAISE” and the estate stamp and number “LACHAISE ESTATE 1/8” on the lower lef cast base edge; further stamped with the Modern Art Foundry insignia “MODERN ART FOUNDRY NEW YORK N.Y.” on the rear edge of the cast base. bronze with brown patina, on stone base. sculpture 77 1/ 2 x 31 1/ 2 x 23 1/ 2 in. (196.9 x 80 x 59.7 cm), stone base 7 7/8 x 31 1/ 2 x 23 1/ 2 in. (20 x 80 x 59.7 cm). Conceived in 1935 and cast in 1973 by Modern Art Foundry, this work is number 1 from an edition of 8 of which only 2 were produced. We are grateful to Virginia Budny, author of the forthcoming catalogue raisonné sponsored by the Lachaise Foundation, for her assistance in preparing the catalogue entry for this work. Estimate $600,000-800,000

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Property from a Distinguished Private Collection, Palm Beach

37. Ed Ruscha b. 1937 Local Storms signed and dated “Edward Ruscha 1973” on the overlap. egg white on satin. 19 7/8 x 24 in. (50.5 x 61 cm). Executed in 1973. Estimate $800,000-1,200,000

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Property from a European Private Collection scan for more on this lot

38. Barbara Kruger b. 1945 Untitled (Fear and Hate) silkscreen on vinyl. 65 3/4 x 132 1/ 2 in. (167 x 336.5 cm). Executed in 1990. Estimate $300,000-500,000

Day Sale, Morning Session Lots 101–238


Property from the Collection of Pamela K. and William A. Royall Jr.

101. Bill Traylor 1853-1949

Property Sold to Beneft The Hudson School

102. Jacob Lawrence 1917-2000

Untitled (Black and Brown Horse)

Street Scene

pastel and graphite on the reverse of a repurposed poster. 14 x 22 in. (35.6 x 55.9 cm). Executed circa 1941.

signed and dated “Jacob Lawrence 1951” lower center right. gouache, ink and graphite on paper. image 10 x 16 1/ 2 in. (25.4 x 41.9 cm), sheet 17 3/4 x 23 1/ 2 in. (45.1 x 59.7 cm). Executed in 1951.

Estimate $40,000-60,000 Peter Nesbett, co-author of Jacob Laurence: Paintings, Drawings, and Murals, A Catalogue Raisonné, has provided his written opinion of the work’s authenticity. Estimate $40,000-60,000 scan for more on this lot

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Property from the Collection of Pamela K. and William A. Royall Jr.

103. Milton Avery 1885-1965

Property from the Collection of Pamela K. and William A. Royall Jr.

104. Hans Hofmann 1880-1966


Provincetown Blue Sea

signed and dated “Milton Avery 1949” lower right; titled and inscribed “#17 Landscape” on the reverse. oil on canvasboard. 17 7/8 x 23 7/8 in. (45.5 x 60.5 cm). Painted in 1949.

signed “hans hofmann” lower right. oil on board. 24 x 30 in. (61 x 76.2 cm). Painted in 1937. Estimate $50,000-70,000

Estimate $60,000-80,000

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105. Vivian Springford 1913-2003

106. Helen Frankenthaler 1928-2011

Untitled (VSF327)

Thanksgiving Day Series (#13)

acrylic on canvas. 90 x 90 in. (228.6 x 228.6 cm). Painted circa 1970-1975.

signed “Frankenthaler” lower right; further signed “Frankenthaler” on the reverse. ceramic tile, stoneware with glazes. 13 3/8 x 17 1/ 2 in. (34 x 44.5 cm). Executed in 1973, this work is from a series of 71 unique tiles.

Estimate $50,000-70,000

Estimate $25,000-35,000

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Property from the Collection of Pamela K. and William A. Royall Jr.

107. Beauford Delaney 1901-1979

108. Matthew Wong 1984-2019

Street Scene

A Dream

signed and dated “BEAUFORD DELANEY 1968” lower right. oil on canvas. 38 1/8 x 51 1/8 in. (96.8 x 129.9 cm). Painted in 1968.

signed in Chinese, titled and dated in Chinese “A DREAM [Wong 2018]” on the reverse. oil on canvas. 24 x 20 in. (61 x 50.8 cm). Painted in 2018.

Estimate $120,000-180,000

Estimate $150,000-200,000

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Property from the Estate of Ruth O’Hara

109. Alexander Calder 1898-1976

Property from the Estate of Ruth O’Hara

110. Alexander Calder 1898-1976



oil on canvas mounted to board. 3 1/ 2 x 9 1/ 2 in. (9 x 24 cm). Painted circa 1945, this work is registered in the archives of the Calder Foundation, New York, under application number A10755.

oil on canvas mounted to board. 9 x 6 in. (22.9 x 15.2 cm). Painted circa 1945, this work is registered in the archives of the Calder Foundation, New York, under application number A10754.

Estimate $60,000-80,000 Estimate $60,000-80,000

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Property from the Estate of Ruth O’Hara

111. Alexander Calder 1898-1976

Property from the Estate of Ruth O’Hara

112. Alexander Calder 1898-1976

Light Fixture


sheet metal, wire and electrical socket. 17 1/4 x 12 x 12 in. (43.8 x 30.5 x 30.5 cm). Executed in 1952, this work is registered in the archives of the Calder Foundation, New York, under application number A11950.

sheet metal, wire and paint. 20 1/ 2 x 13 x 2 in. (52.1 x 33 x 5.1 cm). Executed circa 1950, this work is registered in the archives of the Calder Foundation, New York, under application number A25249.

Estimate $40,000-60,000

Estimate $350,000-500,000

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Property from the Estate of Ruth O’Hara

113. Alexander Calder 1898-1976

Property from the Estate of Ruth O’Hara

114. Alexander Calder 1898-1976

Fly choker


brass wire. 6 1/4 x 5 x 1 in. (15.9 x 12.7 x 2.5 cm). Executed circa 1929, this work is registered in the archives of the Calder Foundation, New York, under application number A16741.

copper. 12 1/4 x 9 1/4 x 7/8 in. (31.1 x 23.5 x 2.2 cm). Executed in 1948, this work is registered in the archives of the Calder Foundation, New York, under application number A21777.

Estimate $70,000-100,000

Estimate $25,000-35,000

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Property from the Estate of Ruth O’Hara

115. Alexander Calder 1898-1976

Property from the Estate of Ruth O’Hara

116. Alexander Calder 1898-1976

Lion Cage


signed “Calder” lower right. ink and crayon on paper. 18 3/4 x 24 1/ 2 in. (47.6 x 62.2 cm). Executed circa 1931, this work is registered in the archives of the Calder Foundation, New York, under application number A00049.

signed “Calder” lower right. ink and crayon on paper. 19 x 24 1/4 in. (48.3 x 61.6 cm). Executed circa 1930, this work is registered in the archives of the Calder Foundation, New York, under application number A23599.

Estimate $20,000-30,000

Estimate $18,000-25,000

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Property from the Estate of Ruth O’Hara

117. Alexander Calder 1898-1976

Property from the Estate of Ruth O’Hara

118. Alexander Calder 1898-1976


The Crooked Stick and the Straight Stick

wood, wire, leather, cloth, lead, and string. 13 1/ 2 x 5 1/ 2 x 1 1/ 2 in. (34.3 x 14 x 3.8 cm). Executed circa 1926-1931, this work is registered in the archives of the Calder Foundation, New York, under application number A23043.

signed and dated “Calder 1931” lower right. ink on paper. 22 3/4 x 30 3/4 in. (57.8 x 78.1 cm). Executed in 1931, this work is registered in the archives of the Calder Foundation, New York, under application number A02655.

Estimate $400,000-600,000

Estimate $20,000-30,000

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Property from the Estate of Ruth O’Hara

119. Joan Miró 1893-1983

Property from the Estate of Ruth O’Hara

120. Joan Miró 1893-1983



incised with the artist’s signature and number “Miró 2/2” and stamped with the Fundició Parellada, Barcelona foundry mark on the base. bronze with gray patina. 23 1/4 x 8 1/ 2 x 9 in. (59 x 21.5 x 23 cm). Conceived in 1968 and cast by Fundició Parellada, Barcelona, this work is number 2 from an edition of 3 numbered 0 to 2/2, plus 1 nominative cast.

signed “Miró” center right; further signed, inscribed and dated “joan miró “Danse” 29/5/36” on the reverse. watercolor and ink on paper. 16 1/4 x 12 7/8 in. (41.2 x 32.9 cm). Executed on May 29, 1936. Estimate $250,000-350,000

Estimate $60,000-80,000

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Property from the Estate of Ruth O’Hara

121. Robert Rauschenberg 1925-2008

Property from the Estate of Ruth O’Hara

122. Robert Rauschenberg 1925-2008


Untitled (de Gaulle)

signed and dated “Rauschenberg ’68” lower right. graphite, solvent transfer and watercolor on paper. 22 1/4 x 29 7/8 in. (56.5 x 76 cm). Executed in 1968.

signed, inscribed, and dated “Rauschenberg Paris 1961” on the reverse. solvent transfer, graphite and watercolor on paper. 22 1/4 x 30 in. (56.5 x 76.2 cm). Executed in 1961.

Estimate $180,000-250,000

Estimate $250,000-350,000

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Property from the Estate of Ruth O’Hara

123. Robert Rauschenberg 1925-2008

Property from the Estate of Ruth O’Hara

124. Conrad Marca-Relli 1913-2000


The Expendible

signed and dated “Rauschenberg 74” on the reverse. acrylic, graphite, paper bags and paper collage on paper. 34 x 24 1/4 in. (86.5 x 61.5 cm). Executed in 1974.

signed and dated “MARCA-RELLI / 57” lower right; further signed with the artist’s initials “M-R” on the reverse; further signed, titled, and dated “MARCA-RELLI M-2-57 THE EXPENDIBLE” on the stretcher. oil and canvas collage on canvas. 35 1/4 x 53 in. (89.5 x 134.6 cm). Executed in 1957, this work is registered with the Archivio Marca-Relli, Parma, as archive number MARE-6075.

Estimate $12,000-18,000

Estimate $100,000-150,000

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Property from the Estate of Ruth O’Hara

125. Andy Warhol 1928-1987

Property from the Estate of Ruth O’Hara

126. Andy Warhol 1928-1987

Puma Invader

Map of Eastern U.S.S.R. Missile Bases (positive)

stamped by the Estate of Andy Warhol and the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc., New York, initialed and numbered “VF PA10.474” twice on the overlap. synthetic polymer paint and silkscreen ink on canvas. 16 x 20 in. (40.6 x 50.8 cm). Executed circa 1985-1986.

stamped by the Estate of Andy Warhol and the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc., New York, initialed and numbered “VF PA 10.129” on the overlap. synthetic polymer paint and silkscreen ink on canvas. 16 x 20 in. (40.6 x 50.8 cm). Executed circa 1985-1986.

Estimate $40,000-60,000

Estimate $40,000-60,000

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Property from the Estate of Ruth O’Hara

127. Andy Warhol 1928-1987

Property from the Estate of Ruth O’Hara

128. Arthur Segal 1875–1944

Map of Eastern U.S.S.R. Missile Bases (negative)

Stillleben mit Flasche

stamped by the Estate of Andy Warhol and the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc., New York, initialed and numbered “VF PA 10.170” on the overlap. synthetic polymer paint and silkscreen ink on canvas. 16 x 20 in. (40.6 x 50.8 cm). Executed circa 1985-1986.

signed “A. Segal” lower lef and dated “1924” lower right; further signed and titled “A Segal Stillleben mit Flasche” on the reverse of the frame. oil on canvas, in artist’s painted frame. 26 7/8 x 31 3/8 in. (68.2 x 79.7 cm). Painted in 1924.

Estimate $40,000-60,000

Dr. Pavel Liska has confrmed the authenticity of the present work. Estimate $60,000-80,000

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Property from the Estate of Ruth O’Hara

129. Marc Chagall 1887-1985

Property from the Estate of Ruth O’Hara

130. Käthe Kollwitz 1867-1945

La danse au village

Mutter, zwei Kinder an sich pressend

signed and dated “Chagall 1907.8” lower center; inscribed “10” upper lef. graphite on paper. 4 1/4 x 4 in. (10.9 x 10.2 cm). Executed circa 1907-1908, this work is accompanied by a certifcate of authenticity issued by the Comité Chagall.

signed and dated “Käthe Kollwitz 1932” lower right. charcoal on paper. 23 7/8 x 18 1/4 in. (60.5 x 46.4 cm). Executed in 1932. Estimate $40,000-60,000

Estimate $4,000-6,000

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Property from a Distinguished Private Collection, New York

131. Richard Pettibone b. 1938

Property from a Distinguished Private Collection, New York

132. Richard Pettibone b. 1938

Andy Warhol, “Liz,” 1963

Andy Warhol, “Marilyn Monroe,” 1962 (brown)

signed and dated “Richard Pettibone 1967” on the stretcher. acrylic and silkscreen on canvas, in artist’s frame. 6 1/4 x 6 1/4 in. (15.9 x 15.9 cm). Executed in 1967.

signed with the artist’s initials and dated “RP 73” on the stretcher; signed by Andy Warhol “Andy Warhol” on the reverse. acrylic and silkscreen on canvas, in artist’s frame. 2 3/8 x 2 in. (6 x 5.1 cm). Executed in 1973.

Estimate $40,000-60,000 Estimate $30,000-40,000

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Property from a Distinguished Private Collection, New York

133. Richard Pettibone b. 1938

Property from a Distinguished Private Collection, New York

134. Richard Pettibone b. 1938

Jasper Johns “Grey Rectangles,” 1957

Marcel Duchamp “Bicycle Wheel,” 1913

signed, titled and dated “Richard Pettibone 1967, Jasper Johns Grey Rectangles 1957” on the stretcher. acrylic, collage and sculpmetal on canvas with three wood insets, in artist’s frame. 7 7/8 x 7 7/8 in. (20 x 20 cm). Executed in 1967.

stamped with the artist’s pseudonym and date “LEE ENROSE 1965” on the underside. stool, bicycle wheel rim and black fork. 52 1/ 2 x 24 x 15 1/ 5 in. (133.4 x 61 x 38.6 cm). Executed in 1965, this work is from a series of 5 unique painted variants.

Estimate $40,000-60,000

Estimate $40,000-60,000

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Property from a Distinguished Midwestern Collection

135. Alexander Calder 1898-1976

Property from a Distinguished Midwestern Collection

136. Saul Steinberg 1914-1999


Two Worlds

sheet metal, wire and string. 17 x 30 x 4 3/4 in. (43.2 x 76.2 x 12.1 cm). Executed circa 1972, this work is registered in the archives of the Calder Foundation, New York, under application number A29160.

signed and dated “STEINBERG 1964” lef edge. ink on paper. 23 1/8 x 14 5/8 in. (58.8 x 37 cm). Executed in 1964. Estimate $8,000-12,000

Estimate $200,000-300,000

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Property from a Distinguished Midwestern Collection

137. Jean Dubufet 1901-1985

Property from a Distinguished Midwestern Collection

138. Jack Tworkov 1900-1982

Site aux trois arbres


signed with the artist’s initials and dated “J.D. 75” upper right; titled and inscribed “T73 Site aux 3 arbres” on the reverse. acrylic on canvas. 36 1/4 x 28 3/4 in. (92 x 73 cm). Painted on August 5, 1975.

signed and dated “Tworkov 63” lower right. oil on canvas. 41 7/8 x 57 in. (106.6 x 144.9 cm). Painted in 1963. Estimate $60,000-80,000

Estimate $400,000-600,000

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Property from a Distinguished Midwestern Collection

139. Philip Guston 1913-1980

Property from a Distinguished Midwestern Collection

140. Willem de Kooning 1904-1997



signed “Philip Guston” lower right; further signed, titled and dated “PHILIP GUSTON “Slope” 1960” on the reverse. oil on paper laid on Masonite. 30 1/8 x 38 1/ 2 in. (76.4 x 97.9 cm). Painted in 1960.

signed “de Kooning” lower right; dedicated “Happy Birthday / dear Martin / Bill” on the reverse. oil on paper laid on Masonite. 35 3/8 x 22 1/ 2 in. (90 x 57 cm). Painted in 1964.

Estimate $300,000-500,000

Estimate $500,000-700,000

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Property of an Important New York Estate

141. Mary Heilmann b. 1940

Property from the Collection of Pamela K. and William A. Royall Jr.

142. Richard Pousette-Dart 1916-1992

Glide (diptych)

Pool of Contemplation

signed and dated “M Heilmann 2001” on the reverse of the lef canvas; further signed, inscribed and dated “M Heilmann 2001 Blue Sky Serape” on the reverse of the right canvas. oil on canvas, diptych. each 54 x 36 in. (137.2 x 91.4 cm) overall 54 x 72 in. (137.2 x 182.9 cm). Painted in 2001-2002.

signed and dated “RPousette-Dart 80-3” on the reverse. oil on canvas. 33 x 66 in. (83.8 x 167.6 cm). Painted in 1980-1983. Estimate $180,000-250,000

Estimate $150,000-200,000

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Property from the Collection of Pamela K. and William A. Royall Jr.

143. Ralph Humphrey 1932-1990

144. Hans Hofmann 1880-1966



oil on canvas. 69 7/8 x 60 1/8 in. (177.7 x 152.7 cm). Painted in 1959.

stamped by The Estate of Hans Hofmann and inscribed “HH-011782” on the stretcher. oil on board laid on canvas. 32 x 24 in. (81.3 x 61 cm). Painted circa 1960-1965.

Estimate $30,000-50,000

Estimate $150,000-200,000

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145. Robert Motherwell 1915-1991

146. Teodoros Stamos 1922-1997

Open No. 51: In Black and Orange


signed with the artist’s initials “RM” and then painted over upper right. acrylic on canvas. 25 x 29 7/8 in. (63.5 x 75.9 cm). Painted in 1969.

signed “Σtamos” lower lef; further signed “T. Stamos” on the stretcher. oil on canvas. 50 7/8 x 69 3/4 in. (129.5 x 177.3 cm). Painted in 1959.

Estimate $180,000-280,000

Estimate $80,000-120,000

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Property from the Collection of Pamela K. and William A. Royall Jr.

147. Betty Parsons 1900-1982

148. Robert Motherwell 1915-1991


Basque Suite #50

acrylic on canvas. 68 7/8 x 40 1/8 in. (175 x 102 cm). Painted circa 1962, this work will be included in the forthcoming online Catalogue Raisonné currently being prepared by the Betty Parsons Foundation.

signed “Motherwell” upper lef. gouache and lithograph on paper. 22 x 17 in. (55.9 x 43.2 cm). Executed in 1970, this work is unique. Estimate $50,000-70,000

Estimate $20,000-30,000

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Property from the Collection of Blake Byrne, Los Angeles

149. David Smith 1906-1965

Property from the Collection of Pamela K. and William A. Royall Jr.

150. Elaine de Kooning 1918-1989

Classic Figure III


incised with the artist’s signature and number “II David Smith” on the fgure’s proper lef arm. bronze, mounted on wooden base. sculpture 13 1/4 x 8 1/ 2 x 3 1/ 2 in. (33.5 x 21.5 x 9 cm), base 1 1/ 2 x 4 3/4 x 4 3/4 in. (3.8 x 12 x 12 cm), overall 14 5/8 x 8 1/ 2 x 4 3/4 in. (37.3 x 21.5 x 12 cm). Executed in 1945, this work is from an edition of 3 known works.

signed “E. de Kooning” lower lef. oil on Masonite. 151/2 x 177/8 in. (39.5 x 45.5 cm). Painted in 1959-1960. Estimate $15,000-20,000

Estimate $100,000-150,000

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Property from the Collection of the City of Plymouth

151. Larry Poons b. 1937

152. Friedel Dzubas 1915-1994


Key Largo

signed, titled, inscribed and dated “PANAMAR © LAWRENCE POONS 1984 84 C-2” on the reverse. acrylic, foam and paper on canvas, in artist’s frame. 86 x 43 in. (218.4 x 109.2 cm). Executed in 1984.

signed, titled and dated “Dzubas “KEY LARGO” /64” on the reverse. oil on canvas. 33 x 33 in. (83.8 x 83.8 cm). Painted in 1964. Estimate $50,000-70,000

Estimate $50,000-70,000

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Property from the Collection of the late Betsy Burton

153. Roger Brown 1941-1997

154. Roger Brown 1941-1997

Untitled (diptych)

Looking for a Leveraged Buyout

(i) signed with the artist’s initials “JRB” lower center, (ii) signed with the artist’s initials “JRB” lower right. oil on canvas, in artist’s frame, diptych. each canvas 14 x 11 in. (35.6 x 27.9 cm), overall framed 14 3/4 x 22 3/4 in. (37.5 x 57.8 cm). Painted in 1967.

titled “LOOKING FOR A LEVERAGED BUYOUT” on the overlap. oil on canvas. 48 x 72 in. (121.9 x 182.9 cm). Painted in 1988.

This work is recorded with the Roger Brown Study Collection of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and Kavi Gupta Gallery.

This work is recorded with the Roger Brown Study Collection of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and Kavi Gupta Gallery. Estimate $60,000-80,000

Estimate $30,000-50,000 scan for more on this lot

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Property from the Collection of the late Betsy Burton

155. Roger Brown 1941-1997

156. John Wesley b. 1928

The Big Bang


titled “THE BIG BANG” on the overlap. oil on canvas. 72 x 72 in. (182.9 x 182.9 cm). Painted in 1989.

signed, titled and dated ““FLIGHT” John Wesley 1968” on the reverse. acrylic on canvas. 38 7/8 x 33 5/8 in. (99 x 85.5 cm). Painted in 1968.

This work is recorded with the Roger Brown Study Collection of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and Kavi Gupta Gallery.

Estimate $90,000-120,000

Estimate $40,000-60,000

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157. Kenneth Noland 1924-2010

158. Fred Sandback 1943-2003



signed, titled and dated “Kenneth Noland DAWNDUSK 1968” on the reverse. acrylic on canvas. 30 1/ 2 x 142 in. (77.5 x 360.7 cm). Painted in 1968.

blue, red and yellow acrylic yarn. 90 x 11 x 11 in. (228.6 x 27.9 x 27.9 cm). Executed in 1990, this work is from a series of 6 unique sculptures and is accompanied by a letter of authenticity provided by the Estate, registered under Fred Sandback Estate Number 2488.3.

Estimate $150,000-250,000

Estimate $60,000-80,000

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159. Nam June Paik 1932-2006

160. Carl Andre b. 1935

Music is Not Sound

Steel Parallels

signed and dated “88 PAIK” on the right TV monitor. single-channel video system, acrylic on 2 TV-chairs with 9” color monitors, 2 cymbals, mallet, 2 found bust sculptures and 2 plastic telephones. 46 x 72 x 41 in. (116.8 x 182.9 x 104.1 cm). Executed in 1988, this work is from a series of 6 unique variants.

hot-rolled steel, in 10 parts. each 3/8 x 19 5/8 x 19 5/8 in. (1 x 50 x 50 cm), overall 3/8 x 59 x 98 3/8 in. (1 x 150 x 250 cm). Executed in 2006, this work is accompanied by a certifcate of authenticity signed by the artist. Estimate $100,000-150,000

Estimate $100,000-150,000

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161. John Chamberlain 1927-2011

162. Frank Stella b. 1936

Los Ang Us


painted and chromium-plated steel, wall leaning. 96 x 47 x 33 in. (243.8 x 119.4 x 83.8 cm.). Executed in 1988.

paint on 3D-printed epoxy resin. 20 x 20 x 20 in. (50.8 x 50.8 x 50.8 cm). Executed in 2011. Estimate $60,000-80,000

Estimate $400,000-600,000

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Property of an Important Miami Collector

163. John Chamberlain 1927-2011

Property from the Collection of the late Betsy Burton

164. Roy Lichtenstein 1923-1997


Suspended Mobile

painted and chromium-plated stainless steel. 64 x 56 3/4 x 50 1/4 in. (162.6 x 144.1 x 127.6 cm). Executed in 2007.

signed, numbered and dated “19/19 rf Lichtenstein ‘90” on the backing board; stamped with the Saf Tech Arts mark and number “RL90-002”. magna and silicone screenprint on polyester monoflament fabric, stretched over concave epoxy resin and fberglass frame. 50 3/4 x 75 3/4 x 3 7/8 in. (129 x 192.3 x 10 cm). Executed in 19901991, this work is number 19 from an edition of 19 plus 1 bon a tirer, 2 printer’s proofs, 1 presentation proof, 2 Saf Tech Arts proofs, 1 archive proof and 4 artist’s proofs.

Estimate $250,000-350,000

Estimate $150,000-200,000 scan for more on this lot

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Property of an Important New York Estate

165. Jean-Michel Basquiat 1960-1988

166. Martin Wong 1946-1999

Untitled (Geese+)

Untitled (Antonio Home)

signed, dedicated and dated “To KIM Jean-Michel Basquiat 1984.” on the reverse. oilstick and charcoal on paper. 41 1/ 2 x 29 3/4 in. (105.4 x 75.7 cm). Executed in 1984.

inscribed “344 EWING TERRACE SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94118” on the stretcher. acrylic on canvas. 17 7/8 x 24 in. (45.4 x 61 cm). Painted in 1985.

Estimate $300,000-400,000

Estimate $40,000-60,000

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Arts du Feu: Works from the Collection of Jason Jacques

167. Keith Haring 1958-1990

168. Andy Warhol 1928-1987

For Herb


signed, titled and dated “© K. Haring NOV. 5 1989 FOR HERB_” on the reverse. acrylic and photo collage on handmade paper. 24 1/ 2 x 29 5/8 in. (62.2 x 75.2 cm). Executed on November 5, 1989.

stamped by the Estate of Andy Warhol and the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc., New York, initialed and numbered “VF UP 48.62” on the reverse. silkscreen ink on HMP paper. image 181/2 x 137/8 in. (47 x 35.5 cm), sheet 311/2 x 24 in. (80 x 61 cm). Executed circa 1978, this work is unique.

Estimate $50,000-70,000

Estimate $100,000-150,000

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169. Andy Warhol 1928-1987

170. Andy Warhol 1928-1987


Frau Weintraub

stamped by the Estate of Andy Warhol and the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc., New York, initialed and numbered “VF OP 24.13” on the reverse. silkscreen ink on Strathmore drawing paper. 40 1/8 x 30 1/8 in. (101.9 x 76.5 cm). Executed circa 1964, this work is unique.

signed and dated “Andy Warhol 86” on the overlap. acrylic and silkscreen ink on canvas. 40 1/8 x 40 1/8 in. (101.8 x 101.8 cm). Executed in 1986. Estimate $120,000-180,000

Estimate $250,000-350,000

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Property from the Collection of Blake Byrne, Los Angeles

171. Robert Rauschenberg 1925-2008

172. Robert Rauschenberg 1925-2008

Pewter Drawer

Quarters from the series Anagrams (A Pun)

signed and dated “RAUSCHENBERG 1961” on the reverse. solvent transfer, pencil, wash and, gouache on paper. 22 7/8 x 28 7/8 in. (58 x 73.6 cm). Executed in 1961.

signed and dated “RAUSCHENBERG 97” lower lef. vegetable dye transfer on polylaminate. 59 3/4 x 45 1/8 in. (151.7 x 114.6 cm). Executed in 1997. Estimate $100,000-150,000

Estimate $300,000-500,000

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Property from a Private West Coast Collection

173. Ed Ruscha b. 1937

174. Ed Ruscha b. 1937

Chick Unit

Three works: (i-iii) Periods

signed and dated “Ed Ruscha 2003” on the backing board. acrylic on linen. 16 x 24 1/8 in. (40.6 x 61.3 cm). Painted in 2003.

each inscribed and consecutively numbered “Cancellation Proof [1, 6, 7]” lower lef; each signed and dated “Ed Ruscha 2013” lower right. unique lithographs. each image 24 x 24 in. (61 x 61 cm) each sheet 28 7/8 x 28 in. (73.3 x 71 cm). Executed in 2013, these are unique cancellation proofs 1, 6 and 7 aside from an edition of 60 of the fnal version.

Estimate $200,000-300,000

Estimate $120,000-180,000

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Property from the Estate of Janet Solinger

175. Alex Katz b. 1927

Property from the Collection of Pamela K. and William A. Royall Jr.

176. Neil Jenney b. 1945

Zihuatenejo Bay

Lines and Track

signed and dated “Alex Katz 80” upper right. oil on Masonite. 9 x 11 3/4 in. (23 x 30 cm). Painted in 1980.

signed, signed with the artist’s initials, inscribed and dated “This work is the best single image painting nj neil jenney nyc 1969” on the stretcher. acrylic on canvas, in artist’s frame. 58 x 64 1/ 2 in. (147.3 x 163.8 cm). Painted in 1969.

Estimate $35,000-45,000

Estimate $200,000-300,000

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177. Ralph Goings 1928-2016

178. Fernando Botero b. 1932

Hot Fudge Sundae


signed and titled “Ralph Goings HOT FUDGE SUNDAE” on the reverse; further signed, titled and dated “RALPH GOINGS 1972 HOT FUDGE SUNDAE” on the stretcher. oil on canvas. 39 7/8 x 56 1/8 in. (101.5 x 142.5 cm). Painted in 1972.

signed and dated “BOTERO 05” lower right. oil on canvas. 66 3/4 x 50 in. (169.5 x 127 cm). Painted in 2005. Estimate $350,000-450,000

Estimate $200,000-300,000

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Property from a Private Collection, Beverly Hills

179. Manolo Valdés b. 1942

180. Fernando Botero b. 1932


Reclining Woman with Mirror

incised with the artist’s initials and partially titled “MV R” on the reverse. bronze. 18 7/8 x 12 7/8 x 12 7/8 in. (48 x 33 x 33 cm). Executed circa 2000, this work is unique.

incised with the artist’s signature and number “Botero 2/6” and stamped with the foundry mark on the base. bronze. 14 7/8 x 55 1/8 x 19 5/8 in. (38 x 140 x 50 cm). Executed in 1986, this work is number 2 from an edition of 6 plus 2 artist’s proofs.

Estimate $50,000-70,000 Estimate $400,000-600,000

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Property from a Private Collection, Beverly Hills

181. Fernando Botero b. 1932

182. Pablo Picasso 1881-1973

Bowl of Fruits

Personnage endormi et femme accroupie (VIII)

signed and dated “BOTERO 04” lower right. oil on canvas. 39 3/4 x 47 3/4 in. (101 x 121.3 cm). Painted in 2004.

signed, inscribed and dated “Picasso 8 mai 47 VIII” lower right. ink wash and pen on paper. 20 x 25 7/8 in. (50.8 x 65.8 cm). Executed on May 8, 1947.

Estimate $180,000-220,000 Estimate $150,000-200,000

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Property from an Important Private Collection, Colorado

183. Henri Matisse 1869-1954

184. Alexander Archipenko 1887-1964

Jeune flle assise

Seated Woman Combing Her Hair

signed and dated “Henri Matisse 1 Janvier 28” lower right. ink on cut-out paper, laid on paper. 10 x 12 3/4 in. (25.4 x 32.4 cm). Executed on January 1, 1928, this work is accompanied by a certifcate of authenticity issued by Wanda de Guébriant in 1986.

incised with the artist’s signature, number and date “Archipenko 3/8 1915” lower lef. bronze. 21 1/ 2 x 7 x 6 in. (54.6 x 17.8 x 15.2 cm). Conceived in 1915/circa 1960, this authorized posthumous cast is number 3 from an edition of 8.

Estimate $50,000-70,000

Frances Archipenko Gray has confrmed the authenticity of this work. Estimate $150,000-200,000

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185. Francis Picabia 1879-1953

186. Francis Picabia 1879-1953

Sans titre

Sans titre

signed “Francis Picabia” lower right. gouache and graphite on paper. 16 5/8 x 12 3/4 in. (42.2 x 32.5 cm). Executed circa 1939-1940.

signed “Francis Picabia” lower edge; inscribed “19” on the reverse; further signed and inscribed by Germaine E. Picabia on a paper certifcate afxed to the reverse. oil on cardboard. framed 17 3/8 x 10 3/4 in. (44.1 x 27.3 cm). Painted circa 1938.

This work will be included in the forthcoming catalogue raisonné being prepared by the Comité Picabia.

Estimate $250,000-350,000 Estimate $20,000-30,000

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187. Joan Miró 1893-1983

188. Wassily Kandinsky 1866-1944

Sans titre


signed and dated “Miró 7/V/63.” lower right. wax crayon and felt-tip pen on 2 joined sheets of paper. 13 1/4 x 18 7/8 in. (33.8 x 47.8 cm). Executed on May 7, 1963, this work is accompanied by a certifcate of authenticity issued by ADOM (Association pour la Défense de l’œuvre de Joan Miró).

signed with the artist’s initial and dated “K 21” lower lef. watercolor and graphite on paper. 8 7/8 x 9 7/8 in. (22.5 x 25.3 cm). Executed in 1921. Estimate $140,000-180,000

Estimate $70,000-90,000

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189. Jean Dubufet 1901-1985

190. Alexander Calder 1898-1976

Texte Logologique VI


signed with the artist’s initials and dated “J.D. 67” lower right; inscribed “M322 VI” on the reverse. felt-tip pen on paper. 10 5/8 x 16 7/8 in. (27 x 43 cm). Executed on January 8, 1967.

signed and dated “Calder 67” lower right. gouache on paper. 22 1/ 2 x 30 in. (57.2 x 76.2 cm). Executed in 1967, this work is registered in the archives of the Calder Foundation, New York, under application number A15715.

Estimate $40,000-50,000 Estimate $30,000-50,000

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191. Alexander Calder 1898-1976

192. Bob Tompson 1937-1966


The Beg

signed and dated “61 Calder” lower right. gouache and ink on paper. 29 3/8 x 41 1/ 2 in. (74.6 x 105.4 cm). Executed in 1961, this work is registered in the archives of the Calder Foundation, New York, under application number A22580.

signed and dated “62 B. Thompson” lower lef; further signed and dated “B. Thompson, ’62-’63” lower right; further signed, titled, inscribed and dated “B. Thompson ’62 Paris “The Beg”” on the reverse. gouache on paper. 21 3/8 x 17 7/8 in. (54.3 x 45.4 cm). Executed in 1962-1963.

Estimate $40,000-60,000 Estimate $30,000-50,000

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Property from the Collection of Pamela K. and William A. Royall Jr.

193. Beauford Delaney 1901-1979

194. Andy Warhol 1928-1987


Rolling Stones - Love you Live Bill Wyman

signed, inscribed and dated “BEAUFORD DELANEY, PARIS 1964” on the reverse. oil on canvas. 18 1/8 x 13 1/8 in. (46 x 33.3 cm). Painted in 1964.

stamped by the Estate of Andy Warhol and the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc., New York, initialed and numbered “VF 102.016” on the reverse. graphite on paper. 40 7/8 x 28 1/8 in. (103.8 x 71.4 cm). Executed in 1975.

Estimate $30,000-40,000

Estimate $15,000-20,000

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195. Andy Warhol 1928-1987

196. Andy Warhol 1928-1987

The Annunciation (afer Leonardo da Vinci)

Head (Afer Picasso)

stamped by the Estate of Andy Warhol and the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc., New York, initialed and numbered “VF 22.005” on the reverse. graphite on paper. 23 1/ 2 x 31 1/ 2 in. (59.7 x 80 cm). Executed in 1984.

stamped by the Estate of Andy Warhol and the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc., New York, initialed and numbered “VF 51.001” on the reverse. charcoal on handmade paper. 31 5/8 x 24 in. (80.3 x 61 cm). Executed in 1985.

Estimate $40,000-60,000

Estimate $15,000-20,000

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197. Marisa Merz 1926–2019

198. Gordon Matta-Clark 1943-1978

Untitled (Gold and Silver)

Bing-Go Gone

pastel on Japanese paper. 36 x 24 1/ 2 in. (91.4 x 62.2 cm). Executed circa 2004.

(i) titled and inscribed “’BING-GO GONE’ “A PROJECT YOU PROBABLY HAVEN’T SEEN” on the reverse. gelatin silver print, in 2 parts. each 7 1/ 2 x 10 in. (18.9 x 25.4 cm). Executed in 1975, this work is unique.

Estimate $70,000-90,000

Estimate $20,000-30,000

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Property from the Estate of Janet Solinger

199. Sigmar Polke 1941-2010

200. Georg Baselitz b. 1938


Untitled (Beach Picture)

each signed with the artist’s initials and consecutively numbered “S.P. T 1 -14” on the reverse. unique Cibachrome prints, in 14 parts. each 20 x 16 in. (50.8 x 40.6 cm). Executed in 1992.

dated “29.VII.81” lower right; inscribed “Nr. G.B.Z. 1018” on the reverse. watercolor, blue ink and pencil on paper. 24 x 17 in. (61 x 43.2 cm). Executed on July 29, 1981.

Estimate $100,000-150,000

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Estimate $12,000-18,000

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Property from the Estate of Janet Solinger

201. Anselm Kiefer b. 1945

202. Friedrich Schröder-Sonnenstern 1892-1982

Gilgamesch im Zedernwald titled “Gilgamesch im Zedernwald” lower center; signed and dated “Anselm Kiefer 1980” on a label afxed to the backing board. acrylic and dispersion paint on photographic print. 32 1/4 x 23 1/4 in. (82 x 59 cm). Executed in 1980. Estimate $40,000-60,000

Pussy, Die mondmoralische Märchenwundersau com Kurfürstendamm signed, signed with the artist’s monogram, titled and dated “PUSSY, DIE MONDMORALISCHE MÄRCHENWUNDERSAU VOM KURFÜRSTENDAMM F.S. SONNENSTERN 1955” lower edge; further signed, signed with the artist’s monogram and dated “Sonnenstern 1955” on the reverse. colored pencil and graphite on paperboard. 19 7/8 x 28 3/4 in. (50.7 x 73 cm). Executed in 1955. Estimate $3,000-5,000

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Property from the Collection of Pamela K. and William A. Royall Jr.

203. Francis Bacon 1909-1992

204. William Turnbull 1922-2012

Untitled (Figure upside down on sofa)

Untitled (Walking Figures)

inscribed “Figure upside down on sofa; seen from distance as in crouching fgure” upper center; further inscribed “April 12 standing fgure, seated fgure, lying fgure from Muybridge” on the reverse. oil on canvas. 24 x 20 in. (61 x 50.8 cm). Painted circa 1957-1961.

signed and dated “1952 TURNBULL” on the reverse. oil on canvas. 30 1/8 x 40 in. (76.5 x 101.6 cm). Painted in 1952. Estimate $10,000-15,000

The authenticity of this work was confrmed by Martin Harrison, author of Francis Bacon: Catalogue Raisonné. Estimate $100,000-150,000

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Arts du Feu: Works from the Collection of Jason Jacques

205. Yayoi Kusama b. 1929

Arts du Feu: Works from the Collection of Jason Jacques

206. Yayoi Kusama b. 1929

Grass-Igniting Coruscation

Village with Mountain Views

signed and dated “Yayoi Kusama 1975” upper lef; further signed, titled in Japanese and dated “[Grass-Igniting Coruscation] Yayoi Kusama 1975” on the reverse. pastel, ink, paper and fabric collage on paper. 15 1/ 2 x 21 3/4 in. (39.4 x 55.2 cm). Executed in 1975, this work is accompanied by a registration card issued by YAYOI KUSAMA Inc.

signed, stamped with the artist’s seal and dated “1979 Yayoi Kusama” lower lef; further signed, titled in Japanese and dated “[Village with Mountain Views] 1979 Yayoi Kusama” on the reverse. felt-tip pen with water-based ink on paperboard. 10 1/4 x 7 7/8 in. (26 x 20.2 cm). Executed in 1999, this work is accompanied by a registration card issued by YAYOI KUSAMA Inc.

Estimate $50,000-70,000 Estimate $15,000-20,000

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207. Mark Tobey 1890-1976

208. Paul Jenkins 1923-2012

Untitled (Raissance of a Flower)

Phenomena Entrance to Peking

signed and dated “Tobey 62” lower right. tempera on paper. 11 1/8 x 7 1/4 in. (28.3 x 18.3 cm). Executed in 1962.

signed “Paul Jenkins” lower right; further signed, titled and dated “Paul Jenkins Phenomena Entrance to Peking 1989” on the reverse. acrylic on canvas. 50 3/4 x 37 7/8 in. (129 x 96.3 cm). Painted in 1989.

Achim Moeller, Managing Principal of The Mark Tobey Project LLC, has confrmed the authenticity. The work is registered in the Mark Tobey archive with the number MT [289-7-20-20].

Estimate $25,000-35,000

Estimate $20,000-30,000

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Property from the Collection of the late Betsy Burton

209. Al Held 1928-2005

210. David Novros b. 1941

Cygnus I


signed and dated “AL HELD 89” on the reverse. acrylic on canvas. 48 x 60 in. (121.9 x 152.4 cm). Painted in 1989.

signed with the artist’s initials and dated “D.N. ’76” on the stretcher. oil on canvas. 54 x 24 1/8 in. (137.2 x 61.3 cm). Painted in 1976.

Estimate $20,000-30,000

Estimate $15,000-20,000

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Property from the Collection of Blake Byrne, Los Angeles

211. Alfred Jensen 1903-1981

212. Lee Mullican 1919-1998


Isis Appearing (Guardian Figure)

signed “Al Jensen” lower right. oil and crayon on paper laid on board. 22 x 30 in. (55.9 x 76.2 cm). Executed in 1958.

oil on canvas. 72 x 50 in. (182.9 x 127 cm). Painted in 1978. Estimate $10,000-15,000

Estimate $18,000-25,000

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213. Larry Bell b. 1939

214. Harvey Quaytman 1937-2002

Small Mirage Study #162

Walnut, Slate and Clay

signed, partially titled and dated “L. Bell ’91 11/27/91 SMS 162” on the reverse. aluminum and silicon monoxide on canvas. 30 1/8 x 30 1/8 in. (76.5 x 76.5 cm). Executed on November 27, 1991.

signed, titled, inscribed and dated ““Walnut, SLate and CLay” Harvey Quaytman 1997 A/C” on the overlap. acrylic on canvas. 80 x 80 in. (203.2 x 203.2 cm). Painted in 1997.

Estimate $15,000-20,000

Estimate $25,000-35,000

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Property from a Distinguished Private Collection, New York

215. Sol LeWitt 1928-2007 Black and Gray Diagonal Bands in Three Directions with a Black Border inscribed “134” lower lef; signed and dated S. LEWITT 7/82” lower right. ink on paper. 22 x 30 1/ 2 in. (55.9 x 77.5 cm). Executed in 1982.

216. Richard Tuttle b. 1941 Untitled signed, inscribed and dated “CXL Richard Tuttle 1971” on the reverse. ink and watercolor on the reverse of a Richard Tuttle limited edition Two Books 1969 title page. 12 1/8 x 10 1/8 in. (30.7 x 25.7 cm). Executed in 1971.

Estimate $40,000-60,000 Estimate $7,000-10,000

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217. George Rickey 1907-2002

218. George Rickey 1907-2002

Inverted Column

Two Fixed Two Moving Lines III

incised with the artist’s signature and date “Rickey 1966” on the wall mount. stainless steel. approximately 36 x 6 x 12 in. (91.4 x 15.2 x 30.5 cm). Executed in 1966, this work is unique.

incised with the artist’s signature, number and date “1/3 Rickey 1975” on the base; partially titled “2 Fixed, 2 Moving” on the underside of the base. stainless steel on marble base. approximately 22 x 24 x 5 in. (55.9 x 61 x 12.7 cm), base 3 x 3 x 1 in. (7.6 x 7.6 x 2.5 cm). Executed in 1975, this work is number 1 from an edition of 3.

Estimate $30,000-50,000

Estimate $20,000-30,000

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Property from the Collection of Blake Byrne, Los Angeles

219. Joel Shapiro b. 1941

220. Luis Tomasello 1915-2014


Atmosphère Chromoplastique No. 259

incised with the artist’s signature, number and date “SHAPIRO 3/3 80” on the underside. bronze. 12 1/8 x 9 7/8 x 11 5/8 in. (30.7 x 25.2 x 29.5 cm). Executed in 1980, this work is number 3 from an edition of 3.

signed, titled and dated “ATMOSPHERE CHROMOPLASTIQUE No 259 1970 Luis Tomasello” on the stretcher. acrylic on wood. 41 1/4 x 41 1/4 in. (104.8 x 104.8 cm). Executed in 1970.

Estimate $12,000-18,000

We are most grateful to Sicardi Ayers Bacino, Houston, for their assistance with the cataloguing of this work Estimate $40,000-60,000

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221. Edgar Negret 1920-2012

222. Pedro Coronel 1923–1985


Sin título

signed, titled and dated ““ÁRBOL” NEGRET 1984” on the underside. painted aluminum. 44 7/8 x 32 1/4 x 29 7/8 in. (114 x 82 x 76 cm). Executed in 1984, this work is unique.

signed, inscribed and dated “Pedro Coronel. PARIS 80” on the reverse. oil on canvas. 31 1/ 2 x 27 1/ 2 in. (80 x 69.9 cm). Painted in 1980, this work is accompanied by a certifcate of authenticity issued by Galería Central de Arte Moderno Misrachi.

This work is accompanied by a certifcate of authenticity issued by Galería Casa Negret Buitrago, Germán Alvarado.

Estimate $60,000-80,000

Estimate $25,000-35,000

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223. Carlos Alfonzo 1950-1991

224. Francisco Toledo 1940 -2019

Thought Forms

Le Xu

signed and dated “ALFONZO 87” lower right; titled “THOUGHT FORMS” on the overlap. oil on canvas. 86 1/4 x 88 3/ 5 in. (219.1 x 225 cm). Painted in 1987.

signed “Toledo” lower right; further signed, titled, stamped with the artist’s studio seal and dated “Toledo LE Xu 1967” on the reverse. oil on panel. 31 1/ 2 x 23 5/8 in. (80 x 60 cm). Painted in 1967.

Estimate $60,000-80,000

Estimate $40,000-60,000

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Property from a Private Collection, Beverly Hills

225. Ana Mercedes Hoyos 1942-2014

226. LeRoy Neiman 1921–2012

Inverapuestas el Perro

Le rendez-vous

signed and dated “hoyos 92” lower lef. oil on canvas. 59 x 59 in. (150 x 150 cm). Painted in 1992.

signed and dated “LeRoy Neiman 68” lower right; further signed, titled, inscribed and dated “LeRoy Neiman 1968 NY “Le rendez-vous” “Chateau de Chatilly” FORET DE FRANCE 68” on the reverse. oil and enamel on board. 48 1/4 x 72 in. (122.5 x 182.9 cm). Painted in 1968.

Estimate $70,000-90,000

Estimate $40,000-60,000

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Property from a Private Collection, Beverly Hills

227. Bernard Bufet 1928-1999

Property from a Private Collection, Beverly Hills

228. Bernard Bufet 1928-1999

La montagne Sainte-Victoire

Princesse Espagnole

signed and dated “Bernard Bufet 63” upper right. oil on canvas. 35 1/4 x 51 1/8 in. (89.5 x 130 cm). Painted in 1963.

signed and dated “Bernard Bufet 59” lower lef. oil on canvas. 51 3/8 x 38 5/8 in. (130.5 x 98 cm). Painted in 1959.

This work is recorded in the archives of the Galerie Maurice Garnier, Paris.

This work is recorded in the archives of the Galerie Maurice Garnier, Paris.

Estimate $50,000-70,000

Estimate $40,000-60,000

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Property from a Private Collection, Beverly Hills

229. Christian Zervos 1889-1970 The complete set of Pablo Picasso, Catalogue Raisonné 1875-1973 the complete set of 34 volumes (with volume 2 in 2 parts), bound with covers in blue fabric. each 12 7/8 x 9 7/8 in. (32.7 x 25.1 cm). Published between 1957-1978 by Editions Cahiers d’Art, Paris.

Property from the Collection of Blake Byrne, Los Angeles

230. Georges Rouault 1871-1958 Jeune clown pensif stamped by the artist’s studio “Atelier de Georges Rouault” on the reverse. oil on paper laid on canvas. 8 5/8 x 6 1/8 in. (22 x 15.5 cm). Painted circa 1940, this work is accompanied by a certifcate of authenticity issued by Fondation Georges Rouault.

Estimate $12,000-18,000 Estimate $25,000-35,000

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Property from the Collection of Blake Byrne, Los Angeles

231. Auguste Herbin 1882-1960

Property from the Collection of Pamela K. and William A. Royall Jr.

232. Carl Paul Jennewein 1890-1978



signed and dated “herbin 1941” lower center. gouache on paper mounted to board. image 11 1/ 2 x 15 3/8 in. (29.2 x 39.1 cm), sheet 12 3/4 x 18 1/ 2 in. (32.4 x 47 cm). Executed in 1941.

incised with the artist’s signature and date “C.P. JENNEWEIN 19©39” on the base. bronze with verdigris patina. 87 x 22 x 20 in. (221 x 55.9 x 50.8 cm). Conceived in 1939, this work was cast circa 1942.

The late Geneviève Claisse has confrmed the authenticity of this work.

Estimate $40,000-60,000

Estimate $8,000-12,000

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233. Jim Dine b. 1935

234. Claes Oldenburg b. 1929


Two Small Ray Guns

signed, and dated “Jim Dine 1962 Dec 25.” lower center; further signed and inscribed “Jim Merry Xmas” on the reverse. oll, pastel, graphite, toothbrush and broken glass on board. 18 7/8 x 24 7/8 in. (47.9 x 63.2 cm). Executed on December 25, 1962.

enamel on plaster, metal paint tube and paintbrush bristles, mounted to paperboard. upper element 2 7/8 x 3 1/8 in. (7.5 x 8 cm), lower element 3 1/8 x 4 1/ 2 in. (8 x 11.5 cm), board 9 1/6 x 5 7/8 in. (23.3 x 15.1 cm). Executed in 1959-1960. Estimate $40,000-60,000

Estimate $18,000-25,000

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235. Larry Rivers 1923-2002

236. Kenny Scharf b. 1958


Coconut Donut in Space

signed, titled and dated “Rivers ‘64” center right. graphite, colored pencil, pastel, tape and paper collage on paper. 20 1/4 x 13 7/8 in. (51.4 x 35.2 cm). Executed in 1964.

signed, titled and dated “coconut donut iN space Kenny Scharf ’08” on the reverse. oil and glitter on canvas. 24 x 24 in. (61 x 61 cm). Executed in 2008. Estimate $15,000-20,000

Estimate $10,000-15,000

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237. Kenny Scharf b. 1958

238. Kenny Scharf b. 1958



spray paint on aluminum. 73 x 43 x 49 in. (185.4 x 109.2 x 124.5 cm). Executed in 2011.

signed, titled and dated “SPACECASE Kenny Scharf 85” on the reverse. acrylic on canvas. 29 7/8 x 24 in. (76 x 61 cm). Painted in 1985.

Estimate $40,000-60,000 Estimate $30,000-40,000

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Property of the Artists Donated to the Hall Art Foundation to Beneft the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts Lots 301–319

Property of the Artists Donated to the Hall Art Foundation to Beneft the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts

301. Katherine Bradford b. 1942

Property of the Artists Donated to the Hall Art Foundation to Beneft the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts

302. Katharina Grosse b. 1961

Diver for Dreyfoos

Ohne titel

signed and dated “K Bradford 2020” on the reverse. acrylic on canvas. 20 x 16 in. (50.8 x 40.6 cm). Painted in 2020.

signed, inscribed and dated “2019/3022” on the reverse. acrylic on paper. 29 1/ 2 x 22 1/ 2 in. (74.9 x 57.2 cm). Painted in 2019.

Courtesy of the Artist. All proceeds received by the Hall Art Foundation from the sale of this artwork will be gifed to the School of the Arts Foundation, Inc. and used to implement scholarships at the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, Florida for lowincome Black students who wish to pursue a career in the visual and performing arts.

Courtesy of the Artist and Koenig Galerie. All proceeds received by the Hall Art Foundation from the sale of this artwork will be gifed to the School of the Arts Foundation, Inc. and used to implement scholarships at the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, Florida for low-income Black students who wish to pursue a career in the visual and performing arts.

Estimate $8,000-12,000

Estimate $30,000-40,000

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Property of the Artists Donated to the Hall Art Foundation to Beneft the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts

303. Peter Saul b. 1934

Property of the Artists Donated to the Hall Art Foundation to Beneft the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts

304. Daniel Richter b. 1962

Four Dogs and a Sport Car

Ohne Titel

signed and dated “SAUL ‘20” lower right. acrylic and colored pencil on paper. 20 x 30 in. (50.8 x 76.2 cm). Executed in 2020.

signed and dated “D. Richter 20” on the reverse. oil on canvas. 15 3/4 x 11 3/4 in. (40 x 29.8 cm). Painted in 2020.

Courtesy of the Artist, Michael Werner Gallery, New York and London and Venus Over Manhattan, New York. All proceeds received by the Hall Art Foundation from the sale of this artwork will be gifed to the School of the Arts Foundation, Inc. and used to implement scholarships at the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, Florida for low-income Black students who wish to pursue a career in the visual and performing arts.

Courtesy of the Artist. All proceeds received by the Hall Art Foundation from the sale of this artwork will be gifed to the School of the Arts Foundation, Inc. and used to implement scholarships at the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, Florida for lowincome Black students who wish to pursue a career in the visual and performing arts.

Estimate $25,000-35,000

Estimate $20,000-30,000

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Property of the Artists Donated to the Hall Art Foundation to Beneft the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts

305. David Salle b. 1952

Property of the Artists Donated to the Hall Art Foundation to Beneft the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts

306. Robert Longo b. 1953

The Surprise

Study of Milwaukee Riot Cops

signed, titled and dated ““THE SURPRISE” David Salle 2020” on the reverse. oil on linen. 40 x 30 in. (101.6 x 76.2 cm). Painted in 2020.

signed and dated “Robert Longo 2018” lower right; titled “Study of Milwaukee Riot Cops” lower lef. ink and charcoal on vellum. 15 3/8 x 33 in. (39.1 x 83.8 cm). Executed in 2018.

Courtesy of the Artist and Skarstedt, New York. All proceeds received by the Hall Art Foundation from the sale of this artwork will be gifed to the School of the Arts Foundation, Inc. and used to implement scholarships at the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, Florida for low-income Black students who wish to pursue a career in the visual and performing arts.

Courtesy of the Artist and Metro Pictures, New York. All proceeds received by the Hall Art Foundation from the sale of this artwork will be gifed to the School of the Arts Foundation, Inc. and used to implement scholarships at the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, Florida for low-income Black students who wish to pursue a career in the visual and performing arts. Estimate $70,000-90,000

Estimate $40,000-60,000 scan for more on this lot

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Property of the Artists Donated to the Hall Art Foundation to Beneft the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts

307. Anselm Kiefer b. 1945 Erzvater grub, Erzmutter molk das Schicksal nährend für ein ganzes Volk titled “Erzvater grub, Erzmutter molk das Schicksal nährend für ein ganzes Volk” upper edge of glass. glass, metal and stones. 24 3/4 x 11 3/4 x 11 3/4 in. (62.9 x 29.8 x 29.8 cm). Executed in 2016. Courtesy of the Artist and White Cube. All proceeds received by the Hall Art Foundation from the sale of this artwork will be gifed to the School of the Arts Foundation, Inc. and used to implement scholarships at the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, Florida for low-income Black students who wish to pursue a career in the visual and performing arts.

Property of the Artists Donated to the Hall Art Foundation to Beneft the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts

308. Georg Baselitz b. 1938 Gestern und heute signed, titled, and dated “I.18.VI 020 G. Baselitz gestern und heute” on the reverse. oil on canvas. 53 1/4 x 44 in. (135.3 x 111.8 cm). Painted in 2020. Courtesy of the Artist. All proceeds received by the Hall Art Foundation from the sale of this artwork will be gifed to the School of the Arts Foundation, Inc. and used to implement scholarships at the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, Florida for low-income Black students who wish to pursue a career in the visual and performing arts. Estimate $600,000-700,000

Estimate $100,000-150,000 scan for more on this lot

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Property of the Artists Donated to the Hall Art Foundation to Beneft the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts

309. Julian Schnabel b. 1951

Property of the Artists Donated to the Hall Art Foundation to Beneft the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts

310. Antony Gormley b. 1950

Untitled (BEZ)


signed and dated “Julian Schnabel 2011” on the overlap; inscribed “P11.0033” on the stretcher. inkjet print, oil, ink, gesso and resin on polyester. 106 1/8 x 75 3/8 in. (269.6 x 191.5 cm). Executed in 2011.

stamped with the artist’s initials, inscription and date on the underside. cast iron. 37 5/8 x 10 7/8 x 6 3/8 in. (95.5 x 27.6 x 16.2 cm). Executed in 2018.

Courtesy of the Artist. All proceeds received by the Hall Art Foundation from the sale of this artwork will be gifed to the School of the Arts Foundation, Inc. and used to implement scholarships at the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, Florida for low-income Black students who wish to pursue a career in the visual and performing arts.

Courtesy of the Artist. All proceeds received by the Hall Art Foundation from the sale of this artwork will be gifed to the School of the Arts Foundation, Inc. and used to implement scholarships at the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, Florida for low-income Black students who wish to pursue a career in the visual and performing arts. Estimate $200,000-300,000

Estimate $100,000-150,000 scan for more on this lot

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Property of the Artists Donated to the Hall Art Foundation to Beneft the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts

311. Tracey Emin b. 1963

Property of the Artists Donated to the Hall Art Foundation to Beneft the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts

312. Spencer Finch b. 1962

Saturated In Your Love

Study for Goldberg Variation 8

neon. 56 1/8 x 61 1/8 in. (142.6 x 155.3 cm). Executed in 2020, this work is artist’s proof 2 from an edition of 3 plus 2 artist’s proofs and is accompanied by a certifcate of authenticity signed by the artist.

fuorescent fxtures, lamps and flters. 48 x 4 x 3 in. (121.9 x 10.2 x 7.6 cm). Executed in 2020.

Courtesy of the Artist. All proceeds received by the Hall Art Foundation from the sale of this artwork will be gifed to the School of the Arts Foundation, Inc. and used to implement scholarships at the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, Florida for low-income Black students who wish to pursue a career in the visual and performing arts.

Courtesy of the Artist. All proceeds received by the Hall Art Foundation from the sale of this artwork will be gifed to the School of the Arts Foundation, Inc. and used to implement scholarships at the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, Florida for lowincome Black students who wish to pursue a career in the visual and performing arts. Estimate $20,000-30,000

Estimate $70,000-100,000 scan for more on this lot

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Property of the Artists Donated to the Hall Art Foundation to Beneft the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts

313. Olafur Eliasson b. 1967

Property of the Artists Donated to the Hall Art Foundation to Beneft the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts

314. Jeppe Hein b. 1974

The hue of the void

Vertical Cut (100 x 100)

signed and dated “Olafur Eliasson 2020” lower right. watercolor and pencil on paper. 14 1/ 2 x 10 1/4 in. (36.8 x 26 cm). Executed in 2020.

mirror foil on aluminum frame. 39 3/8 x 39 3/8 x 1 5/8 in. (100 x 100 x 4.1 cm). Executed in 2020.

Courtesy of the Artist. All proceeds received by the Hall Art Foundation from the sale of this artwork will be gifed to the School of the Arts Foundation, Inc. and used to implement scholarships at the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, Florida for lowincome Black students who wish to pursue a career in the visual and performing arts.

Courtesy of the Artist and Koenig Galerie. All proceeds received by the Hall Art Foundation from the sale of this artwork will be gifed to the School of the Arts Foundation, Inc. and used to implement scholarships at the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, Florida for low-income Black students who wish to pursue a career in the visual and performing arts. Estimate $15,000-20,000

Estimate $10,000-15,000 scan for more on this lot

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Property of the Artists Donated to the Hall Art Foundation to Beneft the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts

315. Tony Matelli b. 1971

Property of the Artists Donated to the Hall Art Foundation to Beneft the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts

316. Kenny Scharf b. 1958

Head (Orange)


plaster, polyurethane, painted bronze and stainless steel. 12 x 11 x 12 in. (30.5 x 27.9 x 30.5 cm). Executed in 2020.

signed, titled and dated “Purbz K Scharf ‘20” on the reverse. oil on linen with powder coated aluminum frame. 24 5/8 x 24 5/8 x 2 1/ 2 in. (62.5 x 62.5 x 6.4 cm). Painted in 2020.

Courtesy of the Artist. All proceeds received by the Hall Art Foundation from the sale of this artwork will be gifed to the School of the Arts Foundation, Inc. and used to implement scholarships at the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, Florida for lowincome Black students who wish to pursue a career in the visual and performing arts.

Courtesy of the Artist. All proceeds received by the Hall Art Foundation from the sale of this artwork will be gifed to the School of the Arts Foundation, Inc. and used to implement scholarships at the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, Florida for low-income Black students who wish to pursue a career in the visual and performing arts.

Estimate $10,000-20,000

Estimate $25,000-35,000

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Property of the Artists Donated to the Hall Art Foundation to Beneft the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts

317. Alexis Rockman b. 1962

Property of the Artists Donated to the Hall Art Foundation to Beneft the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts

318. Karl Horst Hödicke b. 1938


Cocktail 2

signed and dated “A. Rockman 8/21/20” lower lef. ink and acrylic on paper. 18 x 24 in. (45.7 x 61 cm). Painted in 2020.

signed, titled and dated “Hödicke Cocktail II 03” on the reverse. polyester resin on canvas. 39 3/8 x 31 1/ 2 in. (100 x 80 cm). Executed in 2003.

Courtesy of the Artist. All proceeds received by the Hall Art Foundation from the sale of this artwork will be gifed to the School of the Arts Foundation, Inc. and used to implement scholarships at the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, Florida for lowincome Black students who wish to pursue a career in the visual and performing arts.

Courtesy of the Artist and Koenig Galerie. All proceeds received by the Hall Art Foundation from the sale of this artwork will be gifed to the School of the Arts Foundation, Inc. and used to implement scholarships at the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, Florida for low-income Black students who wish to pursue a career in the visual and performing arts.

Estimate $10,000-15,000

Estimate $20,000-30,000

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Property of the Artists Donated to the Hall Art Foundation to Beneft the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts

319. Enoc Perez b. 1967 Brooklyn, NY 2020 signed, titled and dated “Enoc Perez May 31, 2020 Brooklyn, NY.” on the reverse. oil on canvas. 18 x 24 in. (45.7 x 61 cm). Executed in 2020. Courtesy of the Artist. All proceeds received by the Hall Art Foundation from the sale of this artwork will be gifed to the School of the Arts Foundation, Inc. and used to implement scholarships at the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, Florida for lowincome Black students who wish to pursue a career in the visual and performing arts. Estimate $17,000-25,000 scan for more on this lot

Day Sale, Afternoon Session Lots 401–572

Property Sold to Beneft the Cuperior Residency, Berlin

401. Kudzanai-Violet Hwami b. 1993

402. Christina Quarles b. 1985

Eve on Psilocybin


oil on canvas. 51 1/8 x 54 3/8 in. (129.9 x 138.1 cm). Painted in 2018.

signed, titled and dated “Christina Quarles CHRISTINA QUARLES 2016 “TUCKT”” on the overlap. acrylic on canvas. 32 x 48 in. (81.3 x 121.9 cm). Painted in 2016.

A portion of Phillips’ revenue for this Lot will beneft the Cuperior Residency, Berlin.

Estimate $70,000-100,000 Estimate $30,000-40,000

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Property Sold to Beneft the Cuperior Residency, Berlin

403. Christina Forrer b. 1978

404. Jonathan Lyndon Chase b. 1989

Untitled (Purple and Pink)


signed and dated “Christina Forrer 2018” on the reverse. cotton, wool, linen and silk. 43 x 47 1/4 in. (109.2 x 120 cm). Executed in 2018.

signed and dated “Jonathan L Chase 2018” on the stretcher. acrylic, marker, graphite and glitter on cotton bed sheet. 72 x 60 in. (182.9 x 152.4 cm). Executed in 2018.

Estimate $20,000-30,000 A portion of Phillips’ revenue for this Lot will beneft the Cuperior Residency, Berlin. Estimate $35,000-45,000

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405. Robin F. Williams b. 1984

406. Loie Hollowell b. 1983

The Getaway (Study)

Linked Lingam in Red and Blue

signed and dated “ROBIN F WILLIAMS 2016” on the reverse. pastel on paper. 50 x 40 in. (127 x 101.6 cm). Executed in 2016.

signed, titled and dated “Loie Hollowell “Linked Lingam” “Linked Lingam in Red and Blue” 2015 Loie Hollowell” on the reverse. oil on linen mounted to panel. 28 x 21 in. (71.1 x 53.3 cm). Painted in 2015.

Estimate $25,000-35,000

Estimate $60,000-80,000

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407. Emily Mae Smith b. 1979

408. Gina Beavers b. 1974

Centurion XX

Lips with Painter’s Lips

signed and dated “EMILY MAE SMITH 2015” on the reverse. acrylic and oil on linen. 38 x 27 in. (96.5 x 68.6 cm). Painted in 2015.

signed and dated “Gina Beavers 2019” on the reverse. acrylic and foam on canvas mounted to panel, in artist’s frame. 31 1/8 x 31 1/8 x 5 7/8 in. (79.1 x 79.1 x 14.9 cm). Executed in 2019.

Estimate $20,000-30,000 Estimate $15,000-20,000

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Property Sold to Beneft the Cuperior Residency, Berlin

409. Joy Labinjo B.1994

Property from the Collection of Pamela K. and William A. Royall Jr.

410. Alex Gardner b. 1987

Visiting Great Grandma

to be titled

signed and dated “Joy Labinjo 2018 joy” on the reverse. oil and household paint on canvas. 57 3/8 x 76 3/4 in. (145.7 x 194.9 cm). Painted in 2018.

signed and dated “ALEX GARDNER 2018” on the overlap. acrylic on linen. 60 x 60 in. (152.4 x 152.4 cm). Painted in 2018.

A portion of Phillips’ revenue for this Lot will beneft the Cuperior Residency, Berlin.

Estimate $20,000-30,000

Estimate $10,000-15,000

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411. Austyn Weiner b. 1989 Crowd Pleaser signed, titled and dated “CROWD PLEASER AUSTYN 2017” on the reverse. oilstick on canvas mounted to panel. 56 x 98 1/4 in. (142.2 x 249.6 cm). Executed in 2017. Estimate $20,000-30,000

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412. Avery Singer b. 1987 Untitled (Study for “Gerty MacDowell’s Playbook”) signed and dated “Avery Singer 2016” on the reverse. acrylic on gessoed board. 30 x 38 3/4 in. (76.2 x 98.4 cm). Painted in 2016. Estimate $120,000-180,000

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Property Sold to Beneft the Cuperior Residency, Berlin

413. Tunji Adeniyi-Jones b. 1992

Property of an Important New York Estate

414. Toyin Ojih Odutola b. 1985

Red Twins III

What You Think You See

oil on canvas. 58 x 60 in. (147.3 x 152.4 cm). Painted in 2018. A portion of Phillips’ revenue for this Lot will beneft the Cuperior Residency, Berlin.

signed, titled and dated “Toyin Ojih ODUTOLA “WHAT YOU THiNK YOU SEE” (2014)” on the reverse. charcoal, pastel, marker and graphite on paper. 29 1/4 x 30 in. (74.3 x 76.2 cm). Executed in 2014.

Estimate $15,000-20,000

Estimate $40,000-60,000

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415. Dana Schutz b. 1976

416. Derek Fordjour b. 1974

Drowning (2)

No. 29

signed and dated “Dana Schutz 2011” lower right. monotype with watercolor, pastel, crayon and graphite on paper. 59 7/8 x 46 in. (152.1 x 116.8 cm). Executed in 2011, this work was published by Two Palms, New York.

signed, titled and dated “FORDJOUR ‘17 No. 29” on the reverse. oil pastel, charcoal, acrylic, cardboard and carved newspaper mounted to canvas. 30 x 24 in. (76.2 x 61 cm). Executed in 2017.

Estimate $60,000-80,000

Estimate $50,000-70,000

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Property from the Collection of Pamela K. and William A. Royall Jr.

417. Titus Kaphar b. 1976

Property from the Collection of Pamela K. and William A. Royall Jr.

418. Henry Taylor b. 1958

Memory Fails

Noah was here and obviously Thelma too

signed and dated “Kaphar 10” lower right. oil on canvas and tar on panel, with antique frame. 46 x 66 in. (116.8 x 167.6 cm). Executed in 2010.

acrylic on canvas. 75 1/ 2 x 62 5/8 in. (191.8 x 159.1 cm). Painted in 2014. Estimate $150,000-200,000

Estimate $80,000-120,000

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419. Torey Tornton b. 1990

420. Samuel Levi Jones b. 1978

Park on Log on Lawn Mower, Smash


inscribed and dated “xx 2k13” on the reverse. acrylic, spray paint and collage on wood. 43 3/4 x 88 1/4 in. (111.1 x 224.2 cm). Executed in 2013.

signed, titled and dated “Samuel Levi Jones Promises 2014” on the reverse. deconstructed encyclopedia set on canvas. 109 x 67 in. (276.9 x 170.2 cm). Executed in 2014.

Estimate $40,000-60,000 Estimate $40,000-60,000

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421. Angel Otero b. 1981

422. Marcus Jahmal b. 1990

Tasso’s (Afer Sir Anthony Van Dyck)

Rope & Rug

signed, titled and dated ““TASSO’S” (AFTER ANTHONY VAN DYCK) Angel Otero 2012 ANGEL OTERO” on the reverse. oil and oil paint skins on canvas. 40 1/ 2 x 32 1/ 2 in. (102.9 x 82.6 cm). Executed in 2012.

signed, titled and dated “Jahmal 2017 ‘Rope & Rug’” on the reverse. oil on panel. 60 x 60 in. (152.4 x 152.4 cm). Painted in 2017. Estimate $12,000-18,000

Estimate $20,000-30,000

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Property Sold to Beneft the Cuperior Residency, Berlin

423. Madelynn Green b. 1993

424. Jammie Holmes b. 1984



signed and dated “Madelynn Mae Green 2017” on the reverse. oil and acrylic on canvas. 24 x 30 in. (61 x 76.2 cm). Painted in 2017.

signed with the artist’s initials and dated “JH 2019” on the reverse. oil on canvas. 48 x 24 in. (121.9 x 61 cm). Painted in 2019.

A portion of Phillips’ revenue for this Lot will beneft the Cuperior Residency, Berlin.

Estimate $6,000-8,000

Estimate $3,000-5,000

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425. Hernan Bas b. 1978

426. Genieve Figgis b. 1972

Don’t Tell It To The Mountain


signed with the artist’s initials and dated “HB 09” lower right; further signed with the artist’s initials, titled and dated “Don’t tell it on a mountain HB 09” on the reverse. acrylic on canvas mounted to panel. 84 x 72 in. (213.4 x 182.9 cm). Painted in 2009.

signed and dated “genieve fggis 2014” on the reverse. acrylic on canvas. 39 1/ 2 x 31 3/8 in. (100.3 x 79.7 cm). Painted in 2014. Estimate $50,000-70,000

Estimate $90,000-120,000

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427. Katherine Bernhardt b. 1975

428. Katherine Bernhardt b. 1975

Plantains, Limes, and Papaya

5 Cigarettes on Black

signed, titled and dated “Plantains, Limes, Papaya 2015 Katherine Bernhardt” on the overlap. acrylic on canvas. 48 x 48 in. (121.9 x 121.9 cm). Painted in 2015.

signed, partially titled and dated “Katherine Bernhardt 2014 5 cigarettes” on the reverse. acrylic and spray paint on canvas. 40 x 30 in. (101.6 x 76.2 cm). Executed in 2014.

Estimate $20,000-30,000

Estimate $10,000-15,000

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429. Ann Craven b. 1969

430. Brian Calvin b. 1969

Deer on Emerald Field #2, 2006

Thing I

signed, titled and dated “a craven 2006 (Deer on Emerald Field #2)” on the reverse. oil on canvas. 60 x 48 in. (152.4 x 121.9 cm). Painted in 2006.

signed, titled and dated “Brian Calvin “THING (I)” 2007” on the reverse. acrylic on canvas. 48 x 60 in. (121.9 x 152.4 cm). Painted in 2007.

Estimate $15,000-20,000

Estimate $25,000-35,000

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431. Melike Kara b. 1985

432. Susumu Kamijo b. 1975



signed and dated “Melike Kara ‘18” on the reverse. oilstick and acrylic on canvas. 78 3/4 x 110 1/4 in. (200 x 280 cm). Executed in 2018.

pastel pencil and pastel oilstick on paper. 31 7/8 x 26 in. (81 x 66 cm). Executed in 2018. Estimate $8,000-12,000

Estimate $30,000-40,000

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433. Sanford Biggers b. 1970

434. Etel Adnan b. 1925

Quilt #19 (Rockstar)


signed and dated “Sanford Biggers 2013” lower right; further signed and dated “Sanford Biggers 2013” on the reverse. antique quilt, assorted textiles, acrylic and spray paint. 75 3/8 x 76 in. (191.5 x 193 cm). Executed in 2013.

signed and dated “Adnan 13” on the reverse. oil on canvas. 12 5/8 x 16 in. (32.1 x 40.6 cm). Painted in 2013. Estimate $40,000-60,000

Estimate $30,000-40,000

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Property from the Collection of Pamela K. and William A. Royall Jr.

435. McArthur Binion b. 1946 DNA Study: VI ink, laser print collage, oil paint stick and Staonal crayon on panel. 96 x 72 in. (243.8 x 182.9 cm). Executed in 2014.

Property from the Collection of Pamela K. and William A. Royall Jr.

436. McArthur Binion b. 1946 Sketch XIX (Looking for Grey): Three Movements of Sunlight ink, laser print collage, oil paint stick and Staonal crayon on panel. 48 x 32 in. (121.9 x 81.3 cm). Executed in 2014.

Estimate $100,000-150,000 Estimate $30,000-40,000

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437. Jef Sonhouse b. 1968

438. Michael Ray Charles b. 1967

Study for Exhibit A - Cardinal Francis Arinze

(Forever Free) Strange Fruits

signed, titled and dated “STUDY FOR EXHIBIT A CARDINAL FRANCIS ARINZE 2005 Jef Sonhouse” on the reverse. oil and mixed media on wood. 25 x 13 x 2 3/8 in. (63.5 x 33 x 6 cm). Executed in 2005.

signed and dated “MICHAEL RAY © CHARLES 08” lower right. acrylic latex, gold leaf and copper penny on board. 97 1/4 x 60 1/4 in. (247 x 153 cm). Executed in 2008.

Estimate $15,000-20,000

Estimate $40,000-60,000

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439. Tomoo Gokita b. 1969

440. Ella Kruglyanskaya b. 1978


Running Of

signed, titled and dated “HANGOVER Tomoo Gokita 2015” on the reverse. acrylic gouache on canvas. 89 1/ 2 x 71 5/8 in. (227.3 x 181.9 cm). Painted in 2015.

signed and dated “Ella Kruglyanskaya 2014” on the reverse. Flashe on paper. 91 x 48 in. (231.1 x 121.9 cm). Executed in 2014. Estimate $25,000-35,000

Estimate $200,000-300,000

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Property of an Important New York Estate

441. Mark Bradford b. 1961

442. Teaster Gates b. 1973

Untitled (Corner of Desire and Piety) II

Rubber Reduction Exercise

signed with the artist’s initial, partially titled and dated “Corner of Desire and Piety M 2008” on the reverse. mixed media collage. 22 x 27 3/4 in. (55.9 x 70.5 cm). Executed in 2008.

signed and dated “Theaster Gates 2013” on the reverse. roofng paper, rubber and tar on panel. 96 1/4 x 96 1/4 x 4 in. (244.5 x 244.5 x 10.2 cm). Executed in 2013.

Estimate $150,000-200,000

Estimate $100,000-150,000

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443. Mark Grotjahn b. 1968 Untitled (Top and Interior Gates, DeWalt Mask M33.f) bronze. sculpture 42 x 23 x 42 1/4 in. (106.7 x 58.4 x 107.3 cm), plinth 31 x 31 1/ 2 x 39 in. (78.7 x 80 x 99.1 cm), overall 73 x 31 1/ 2 x 42 1/4 in. (185.4 x 80 x 107.3 cm). Executed in 2014.

444. Glenn Ligon b. 1960 Stranger in the Village (excerpt) #5 signed, titled and dated “Glenn Ligon Glenn Ligon Stranger in the Village 1996 (excerpt) #5” on the reverse. coal dust on paper. 71 1/ 2 x 53 1/ 2 in. (181.6 x 135.9 cm). Executed in 1996. Estimate $150,000-200,000

Estimate $150,000-200,000

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445. Jenny Holzer b. 1950

446. Sherrie Levine b. 1947

Under a Rock

The Cradle

electronic LED sign with red and green diodes. 9 1/ 2 x 112 1/ 2 x 5 1/ 2 in. (24.1 x 285.8 x 14 cm). Executed in 1986, this work is number 6 from an edition of 6 plus 1 artist’s proof.

cast bronze. 18 7/8 x 39 3/8 x 23 5/8 in. (47.9 x 100 x 60 cm). Executed in 2009, this work is number 3 from an edition of 6 plus 2 artist’s proofs. Estimate $150,000-200,000

Estimate $150,000-200,000

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447. Haim Steinbach b. 1944

448. Haim Steinbach b. 1944

Untitled (strainer, soap dispenser) 2A

Untitled (brush, dog chew) 1A

plastic laminated wood shelf, enamel and steel strainer and plastic and resin soap dispenser. 28 1/ 2 x 24 3/4 x 15 1/4 in. (72.4 x 62.9 x 38.7 cm). Executed in 2009.

signed and dated “Haim Steinbach 08” on the reverse of the shelf. plastic laminated wood shelf, horsehair wood brush and rubber dog chew. 16 1/ 2 x 27 x 9 in. (41.9 x 68.6 x 22.9 cm). Executed in 2008.

Estimate $20,000-30,000 Estimate $20,000-30,000

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Property from a Distinguished Midwestern Collection

449. Peter Halley b. 1953

450. Peter Halley b. 1953


World of Mire

signed and dated “Peter Halley Peter Halley 1991” on the reverse. acrylic, fuorescent acrylic and Roll-a-Tex on two adjoined canvases. 90 x 89 in. (228.6 x 226.1 cm). Executed in 1991.

signed and dated “Peter Halley Peter Halley 1991” on the reverse. acrylic, fuorescent acrylic and Roll-A-Tex on two adjoined canvases. 84 3/8 x 81 1/ 2 in. (214.3 x 207 cm). Executed in 1991.

Estimate $200,000-300,000

Estimate $150,000-200,000

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451. Jacqueline Humphries b. 1960

452. Robert Longo b. 1953



signed and dated “Humphries 2015” on the reverse. oil on linen. 40 x 38 in. (101.6 x 96.5 cm). Painted in 2015.

(i) signed, numbered and dated “Robert Longo 2 1980” on the reverse, (ii) signed, numbered and dated “Robert Longo 1980 3” on the reverse, (iii) signed, numbered and dated “3 Robert Longo 1980” on the reverse. charcoal on paper, triptych. each 60 x 40 in. (152.4 x 101.6 cm). Executed in 1980.

Estimate $70,000-100,000

Estimate $300,000-400,000

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Property from a Distinguished Midwestern Collection

453. Sue Williams b. 1954

454. Carroll Dunham b. 1949

Pentagon Parking

Green Extension

signed and dated “Sue Williams 2014” on the reverse; titled “PENTAGON Parking” on the stretcher. oil and acrylic on canvas. 50 x 60 in. (127 x 152.4 cm). Painted in 2014.

signed and dated “October - November 1989 Carroll Dunham” center right. vinyl, acrylic and pencil on canvas. 62 1/ 2 x 78 3/4 in. (158.8 x 200 cm). Executed in 1989.

Estimate $50,000-70,000

Estimate $150,000-200,000

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455. Susan Rothenberg b. 1945

456. David Hammons b. 1943



signed, titled and dated “DOMINOS - HOT S. Rothenberg 2001 - 2002” on the reverse. oil on canvas. 73 x 75 in. (185.4 x 190.5 cm). Painted in 2001-2002.

signed “HAMMONS” lower right. enamel on Masonite. 36 1/8 x 48 1/8 in. (91.8 x 122.2 cm). Executed in 1969. Estimate $80,000-120,000

Estimate $50,000-70,000

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Property from the Collection of Blake Byrne, Los Angeles

457. Henry Taylor b. 1958

458. Fred Wilson b. 1954


Untitled (Bast)

signed, inscribed and dated “Henry Taylor Today is a Good One 2.25 2012 But I done” on the reverse. acrylic, ink, printed paper, printed cardboard and newsprint collage on canvas. 39 1/4 x 71 in. (99.7 x 180.3 cm). Executed in 2012.

plaster. 28 1/ 2 x 28 1/ 2 x 3 in. (72.4 x 72.4 x 7.6 cm). Executed in 1992. Estimate $25,000-35,000

Estimate $50,000-70,000

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459. David Salle b. 1952

460. Julian Schnabel b. 1951


Mi Vida es una Cumbre de Mentiras (Green Resin Picture)

signed, titled and dated ““WATCHCAP” David Salle 2006” on the reverse. oil on linen. 90 x 84 in. (228.6 x 213.4 cm). Painted in 2006.

signed and dated “Julian Schnabel 1994” on the overlap. oil, resin, gesso and leather on canvas, in artist’s frame. 98 x 78 in. (248.9 x 198.1 cm). Executed in 1994.

Estimate $60,000-80,000 Estimate $60,000-80,000

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Arts du Feu: Works from the Collection of Jason Jacques

461. Per Kirkeby 1938-2018

462. Per Kirkeby 1938-2018



signed and dated “PER KIRKEBY 1986” on the reverse. mixed media on blackboard. 48 x 48 in. (121.9 x 121.9 cm). Executed in 1986.

signed with the artist’s initials and dated “PK 07” on the reverse. oil and tempera on canvas. 45 x 37 3/8 in. (114.3 x 94.9 cm). Painted in 2007.

Estimate $25,000-35,000

Estimate $40,000-60,000

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463. Ross Bleckner b. 1949

464. Mel Bochner b. 1940

Love by Ambition

Measurement: 41”/22”

signed, titled and dated “Ross Bleckner 1996 LOVE BY AMBITION” on the reverse. oil on canvas. 84 x 72 in. (213.4 x 182.9 cm). Painted in 1996.

(i) signed, titled and dated “MEASUREMENT: 41”/ 22” MEL BOCHNER 1998” on the reverse, (ii, iii) titled “MEASUREMENT: 41”/22”” on the reverse. oil and acrylic on canvas, in 3 parts. (i) 14 x 18 in. (35.6 x 45.7 cm), (ii) 11 x 14 in. (27.9 x 35.6 cm), (iii) 18 x 14 in. (45.7 x 35.6 cm), overall 32 x 32 in. (81.3 x 81.3 cm). Painted in 1998.

Estimate $50,000-70,000

Estimate $40,000-60,000

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465. Tauba Auerbach b. 1981

466. Tauba Auerbach b. 1981

Grain - Meander Arc/Arc

Corrugation I

acrylic on canvas. 60 x 45 in. (152.4 x 114.3 cm). Painted in 2018.

signed and dated “TAUBA AUERBACH 2011” on the overlap. acrylic on canvas. 40 1/8 x 30 1/8 in. (101.9 x 76.5 cm). Painted in 2011.

Estimate $100,000-150,000 Estimate $70,000-100,000

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Property of an Important Miami Collector

467. Olafur Eliasson b. 1967

Property from the Collection of Blake Byrne, Los Angeles

468. Olafur Eliasson b. 1967

Red Green Kaleidoscope

Straight back

stainless steel, mirror and color efect flter. 77 1/ 2 x 30 x 64 in. (196.9 x 76.2 x 162.6 cm). Executed in 2004.

colored glass, gold, stainless steel, paint and LED lights. diameter 26 3/8 in. (67 cm). Executed in 2018, this work is accompanied by a certifcate of authenticity signed by the artist.

Estimate $80,000-120,000 Estimate $70,000-100,000

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469. Ugo Rondinone b. 1964

470. Ugo Rondinone b. 1964


SUNRISE. east. may

signed and dated “ugo rondinone 2012” on the stretcher. acrylic airbrush on canvas and silkscreen on Plexiglas plaque. diameter 106 1/8 in. (269.6 cm). Executed in 2012.

incised with the partial title “sunrise + E. may.” lower lef of sculpture. cast bronze, silver auto paint and concrete plinth. sculpture 73 x 46 1/4 x 50 5/8 in. (185.4 x 117.5 x 128.6 cm), plinth 23 x 46 1/8 x 45 5/8 in. (58.4 x 117.2 x 115.9 cm), overall 96 x 46 1/4 x 50 5/8 in. (243.8 x 117.5 x 128.6 cm). Executed in 2005, this work is number 1 from an edition of 1 plus 2 artist’s proofs.

Estimate $150,000-200,000

Estimate $150,000-200,000

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471. Juan Genovés 1930-2020

472. Adel Abdessemed b. 1971


Mappemonde 2 (thursday)

signed and dated “genovés 13” lower right; further signed, titled and dated “Genovés “iLUMiNADO” 2013” on the reverse. acrylic and mixed media on canvas mounted to panel. 59 x 47 1/4 in. (149.9 x 120 cm). Executed in 2013.

printed steel. diameter 67¾ in. (172.1 cm). Executed in 2010, this work is accompanied by a certifcate of authenticity signed by the artist. Estimate $40,000-60,000

Estimate $50,000-70,000

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473. Richard Deacon b. 1949

474. Gary Hume b. 1962


American Tan III (Bronze)

welded plastic. 71 x 83 x 48 in. (180.3 x 210.8 x 121.9 cm). Executed in 1990.

painted bronze and sheet metal with wooden plinth. sculpture 47 x 34 1/4 x 36 5/8 in. (119.4 x 87 x 93 cm), plinth 22 1/4 x 11 5/8 in. (56.5 x 29.5 cm), overall 69 1/4 x 34 1/4 x 36 5/8 in. (175.9 x 87 x 93 cm). Executed in 2006-2007, this work is number 2 from an edition of 5.

Estimate $35,000-45,000

Another example from this edition is housed in the permanent collection of the Palm Springs Art Museum. Estimate $40,000-60,000

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475. Damien Hirst b. 1965 Beautiful high speed, head into the steering wheel impact painting household gloss on canvas. diameter 84 in. (213.4 cm). Executed in 1996. Estimate $300,000-500,000

476. Gilbert & George b. 1943 and b. 1942 Pains signed and dated “1988 Gilbert + George” lower right; each titled and numbered respectively “PAINS [1-9]” on the reverse of the backing boards. hand-dyed gelatin silver prints, in artist’s frames, in 9 parts. each 24 x 20 in. (61 x 50.8 cm) overall 72 x 60 in. (182.9 x 152.4 cm). Executed in 1988. Estimate $80,000-110,000

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477. Peter Doig b. 1959

478. Chris Ofli b. 1968

Figure in Landscape

Footsteps (Devil’s staircase)

signed, titled and dated “ʻFigure in Landscape’ Peter Doig ‘96” on the reverse. oil on panel. 18 7/8 x 13 3/4 in. (47.9 x 34.9 cm). Painted in 1996.

signed, titled and dated ““footsteps (Devil’s staircase)” 2007 Chris Ofli” on the reverse. oil on canvas. 36 x 24 in. (91.4 x 61 cm). Painted in 2007.

Estimate $200,000-300,000

Estimate $60,000-80,000

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Property from the Collection of Pamela K. and William A. Royall Jr.

479. Antony Gormley b. 1950

480. Antony Gormley b. 1950

Breathing Room XIII

Bond II

signed, titled and dated “Breathing Room XIII 2010 Antony Gormley 2010” on the reverse. ink and bleach on paper. 29 3/4 x 43 7/8 in. (75.6 x 111.4 cm). Executed in 2010.

stamped with the artist’s initials, number and date on the underside. cast iron. 72 x 21 1/4 x 16 1/8 in. (183 x 54 x 41 cm). Executed in 2010, this work is number 4 from an edition of 5 plus 1 artist’s proof.

Estimate $30,000-50,000

Estimate $250,000-350,000

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481. Mike Kelley 1954-2012

482. Mike Kelley 1954-2012

City 5

Garbage Drawing #32

resin, electrical hardware and wood veneer on wood. sculpture 12 x 17 3/4 x 17 3/4 in. (30.5 x 45.1 x 45.1 cm), base 46 x 25 x 25 in. (116.8 x 63.5 x 63.5 cm), overall 58 x 25 x 25 in. (147.3 x 63.5 x 63.5 cm). Executed in 2007, this work is number 1 from an edition of 5 plus 2 artist’s proofs and 1 printer’s proof.

partially titled “32” on the reverse. acrylic on paper. 10 1/4 x 36 7/8 in. (26 x 93.7 cm). Painted in 1988. Estimate $15,000-20,000

Estimate $70,000-90,000

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Property from the Collection of Blake Byrne, Los Angeles

483. Jim Shaw b. 1952

484. George Condo b. 1957

Untitled (Ethan)

Smiling Girl with Lilac Shirt

signed and dated “Jim Shaw 06” on the overlap. oil on canvas mounted to panel. 60 1/4 x 42 1/8 in. (153 x 107 cm). Painted in 2006.

signed, titled and dated “Condo 05 Smiling girl with Lilac shirt” on the reverse. oil on canvas, in artist’s frame. 17 1/8 x 15 1/8 in. (43.5 x 38.4 cm). Executed in 2005.

Estimate $12,000-18,000

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Estimate $60,000-80,000

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485. Danh Vo b. 1975 Cease to know or to tell. Or to see or to be your own. Have someone else’s will as your own Phung Vo’s handwriting and gold leaf on found Mexican beer (Corona-Victoria) cardboard box. 20 1/ 2 x 52 1/4 in. (52.1 x 132.7 cm). Executed in 2014. Estimate $80,000-120,000

486. Jose Dávila b. 1974 Untitled found cardboard boxes and soda bottle caps. each 6 3/4 x 22 1/ 2 x 19 1/4 in. (17.1 x 57.2 x 48.9 cm), installation dimensions 117 x 22 1/ 2 x 19 1/4 in. (297.2 x 57.2 x 48.9 cm). Executed in 2007, this work is artist’s proof 2 from an edition of 2 plus 2 artist’s proofs, and is accompanied by a certifcate of authenticity signed by the artist. Estimate $22,000-28,000

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487. Damián Ortega b. 1967

488. Lucia Koch b. 1966



poured concrete. 12 x 21 1/ 2 x 19 1/ 2 in. (30.5 x 54.6 x 49.5 cm). Executed in 2009.

set of 10 laser cut colored acrylic plates. installation dimensions variable, approximately 78 1/ 2 x 37 x 38 1/ 2 in. (199.4 x 94 x 97.8 cm). Executed in 2012.

Estimate $10,000-15,000

Estimate $15,000-20,000

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Property from the Collection of Blake Byrne, Los Angeles

489. Rivane Neuenschwander b. 1967

490. Los Carpinteros b. 1969, b. 1970, b. 1971

Carta d’Agua (Rain Map)


acrylic and rain drops on road maps, in 4 parts, in artist’s frames. each 15 x 15 in. (38.1 x 38.1 cm). Executed in 2007, this work is accompanied by a certifcate of authenticity signed by the artist.

signed and dated “Los Carpinteros 2001” lower right; titled ““mesa”” lower center. watercolor and graphite on paper. 29 1/ 2 x 41 1/ 2 in. (74.9 x 105.4 cm). Executed in 2001.

Estimate $15,000-20,000

Estimate $8,000-12,000

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Property from the Tiroche DeLeon Collection

491. Abraham Cruzvillegas b. 1968 Autorretrato ciego regresando a la cordura entre gritos y sombrerazos en la plaza Taksim beige acrylic paint on newspaper clippings, cardboard, photographs, drawings, postcards, envelopes, tickets, vouchers, letters, drawings, posters, fyers, cards, recipes, napkins and steel pins, in 128 parts. installation dimensions variable approximately 137 3/4 x 110 1/4 in. (349.9 x 280 cm). Executed in 2013, this work is accompanied by a certifcate of authenticity signed by the artist.

Property from the Tiroche DeLeon Collection

492. Adrián Villar Rojas b. 1980 Sick of Goodbyes airbrushing and paint on car hood. 44 1/4 x 51 1/8 x 20 in. (112.4 x 129.9 x 50.8 cm). Executed in 2011. Estimate $30,000-50,000

Estimate $30,000-40,000 scan for more on this lot

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493. No Lot

Property from the Tiroche DeLeon Collection

494. Leandro Erlich b. 1973 Camisas ceramic on wooden shelf. installation dimensions 51 1/8 x 68 7/8 x 16 7/8 in. (129.9 x 174.9 x 42.9 cm). Executed in 2012, this work is number 1 from an edition of 3 plus 1 artist’s proof. Estimate $30,000-50,000

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Property from the Tiroche DeLeon Collection

495. OSGEMEOS b. 1974 Dentro do arco-iris, é assim (Within the Rainbow) mixed media on wood. 82 7/8 x 202 1/ 2 x 7 1/ 2 in. (210.5 x 514.4 x 19.1 cm). Executed in 2010. Estimate $150,000-200,000

Property from from the Tiroche DeLeon Collection

496. Vik Muniz b. 1961 Seven works from the series Pictures of Garbage: (i) The Sower (Zumbi); (ii) The Bearer (Imã); (iii) Marat (Sebastião); (iv) The Gypsy (Magna); (v) Isis (Woman Ironing); (vi) Mother and Children (Suellem); (vii) Atlas (Carlão) signed and dated “Vik Muniz 2008-11” on a label afxed to the reverse of the backing board of Atlas (Carlão). chromogenic print, in 7 parts. (i, iii) 30 1/4 x 23 1/ 2 in. (76.8 x 59.7 cm), (ii) 30 3/4 x 23 1/ 2 in. (78.1 x 59.7 cm), (iv, vii) 30 x 23 1/ 2 in. (76.2 x 59.7 cm), (v) 33 1/4 x 23 1/ 2 in. (84.5 x 59.7 cm), (vi) 30 1/ 2 x 23 1/ 2 in. (77.5 x 59.7 cm). Executed in 2008-2011, this work is number 19 from an edition of 30. Estimate $70,000-100,000

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Property from the Tiroche DeLeon Collection

497. Vik Muniz b. 1961 Jackie (Pictures of Diamonds) chromogenic print. 59 7/8 x 48 in. (152.1 x 121.9 cm). Executed in 2005, this work is artist’s proof 1 from an edition of 10 plus 5 artist’s proofs. Estimate $80,000-120,000

498. Hélio Oiticica and

Neville D’Almeida 1937-1980, b. 1941 34-CC3 (Maileryn - Cosmococa Programa in Process) chromogenic print mounted to aluminum. 44 3/4 x 29 7/8 in. (113.7 x 75.9 cm). Photographed in 1973 and printed in 2003, this work is number 6 from an edition of 12. Estimate $12,000-18,000

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499. Douglas Huebler 1924-1997

500. Lutz Bacher 1943-2019

Duration Piece #7, New York City

JOKES, Barry Goldwater (It’s a Great Country)

each photograph signed “Douglas Huebler” on the reverse; further signed “Douglas Huebler” lower right of project statement. typed project statement and 15 photographs. statement 11 x 8 1/ 2 in. (27.9 x 21.6 cm), each photograph 4 1/4 x 6 1/4 in. (10.8 x 15.9 cm). Executed in 1969.

distressed black and white photograph mounted to aluminum. 38 x 41 in. (96.5 x 104.1 cm). Executed in 1987, this work is unique. Estimate $8,000-12,000

Estimate $12,000-18,000

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501. Alex Guofeng Cao b. 1969 Two works: (i) JFK vs Jackie; (ii) Jackie vs JFK each signed, numbered and dated “AP 2/3 Cao 2010” on a label afxed to the reverse. chromogenic print mounted to Dibond. each 60 x 40 in. (152.4 x 101.6 cm). Executed in 2010, these works are each artist’s proof number 2 from an edition of 10 plus 3 artist’s proofs.

502. Louise Lawler b. 1947 Arranged by Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Atmore Pope or Their Daughter Theodate (Manet) signed, numbered and dated “Louise A. Lawler 1984 3/5” and stamped by the artist’s studio on the reverse. black and white photograph with printed mat. 27 1/ 2 x 31 3/8 in. (69.9 x 79.7 cm). Executed in 1984, this work is number 3 from an edition of 5.

Estimate $8,000-12,000 Estimate $15,000-20,000

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503. Louise Lawler b. 1947

504. Laurie Simmons b. 1949

Blue Line

Tourism: Las Vegas (Foxy) (2nd View)

signed, numbered and dated “Louise A. Lawler 1/5 1984” and stamped by the artist’s studio on the reverse. black and white photograph with printed mat. 27 7/8 x 32 in. (70.8 x 81.3 cm). Executed in 1984, this work is number 1 from an edition of 5.

signed, partially titled, numbered and dated “AP Tourism: Las Vegas (2nd View) 1984 Laurie Simmons” on a label afxed to the reverse of the backing board. 40 x 60 in. (101.6 x 152.4 cm). Executed in 1984, this work is artist’s proof 1 from an edition of 1 plus 2 artist’s proofs.

Estimate $15,000-20,000 Estimate $18,000-22,000

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505. Tracey Mofatt b. 1960

506. Anne Collier b. 1970

Something More #1

Dutch Still Life #4 (Postcard)

Cibachrome print. 39 x 51 in. (99.1 x 129.5 cm). Executed in 1989, this work is an artist’s proof from an edition of 30.

signed “Anne Collier” on a label afxed to the reverse of the backing board. chromogenic print. 28 5/8 x 23 1/4 in. (72.7 x 59.1 cm). Executed in 2012, this work is number 1 from an edition of 5 plus 2 artist’s proofs.

Estimate $20,000-30,000

Estimate $8,000-12,000

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507. Idris Khan b. 1978

508. Wolfgang Tillmans b. 1968

Eternal Movement

Freischwimmer 206

signed and dated “Idris Khan 2012” on a label afxed to the reverse of the backing board. digital chromogenic print mounted to aluminum. 60 x 70 7/8 in. (152.4 x 180 cm). Executed in 2012, this work is number 6 from an edition of 7 plus 2 artist’s proofs.

signed and numbered “Wolfgang Tillmans 1/1+1” on a label afxed to the reverse of the backing board. chromogenic print mounted to Dibond, in artist’s frame. 71 1/8 x 93 5/8 in. (180.7 x 237.8 cm). Executed in 2012, this work is number 1 from an edition of 1 plus 1 artist’s proof.

Estimate $40,000-60,000

Estimate $180,000-220,000

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509. Tomas Demand b. 1964

510. Andreas Gursky b. 1955

Fabrik (mit Namen)

Ohne Titel XI

signed, numbered and dated “Thomas Demand 1994 5/5” on the reverse. chromogenic print mounted to Diasec. 49 5/8 x 70 7/8 in. (126 x 180 cm). Executed in 1994, this work is number 5 from an edition of 5.

partially titled, numbered and dated “O.T. XI 6/6 99’” on the reverse of the backing board. chromogenic print mounted to Plexiglas, in artist’s frame. 108 1/4 x 81 1/ 2 in. (275 x 207 cm). Executed in 1999, this work is number 6 from an edition of 6.

Estimate $20,000-30,000

Estimate $50,000-70,000

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511. Wolfgang Tillmans b. 1968

512. Wolfgang Tillmans b. 1968

paper drop (black) II

Silver 132

signed, titled, inscribed, numbered and dated “paper drop (black) II ph 11/2006 pr 08/2014 8/10 + 1 Wolfgang Tillmans” on the reverse. inkjet print. 12 x 16 in. (30.5 x 40.6 cm). Photographed in 2006 and printed in 2014, this work is number 8 from an edition of 10 plus 1 artist’s proof.

signed, titled, inscribed and dated “Silver 132 2013 unique Wolfgang Tillmans” on the reverse. chromogenic print. 12 x 16 in. (30.5 x 40.6 cm). Executed in 2013, this work is unique. Estimate $10,000-15,000

Estimate $10,000-15,000

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513. Barkley L. Hendricks 1945-2017

514. Dawoud Bey b. 1953


Monique II

signed, titled and numbered ““Michael” B. Hendricks 1/2” on the mount. silver gelatin print. image diameter 4 1/ 2 in. (11.4 cm), mount 14 x 8 in. (35.6 x 20.3 cm). Executed circa 1971, this work is number 1 from an edition of 2.

signed “Dawoud Bey” on a label afxed to the reverse of the backing board of the lef image. Polacolor ER print, triptych. each 29 x 22 in. (73.7 x 55.9 cm), overall 29 x 66 in. (73.7 x 167.6 cm). Executed in 1999, this work is unique.

Estimate $5,000-7,000

Estimate $7,000-10,000

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515. Richard Mosse b. 1980

516. Ryan McGinley b. 1977

Seen and Not Seen


signed, titled and dated on a label afxed to the reverse of the fush-mount. chromogenic print. 49 1/ 2 x 39 1/ 2 in. (125.7 x 100.3 cm). Executed in 2012, this work is from an edition of 5 plus 1 artist’s proof.

chromogenic print, face-mounted to Plexiglas. 59 1/ 2 x 39 3/4 in. (151.1 x 101 cm). Executed in 2014, this work is number 1 from an edition of 3. Estimate $15,000-25,000

Estimate $20,000-30,000

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Property from the Collection of Blake Byrne, Los Angeles

517. Kehinde Wiley b. 1977 Two works: (i) Afer El Greco’s (Domenikos Theotokopoulos) The Annunciation; (ii) Afer George Romney’s Elizabeth Warren as Hebe each signed, numbered and dated “Kehinde Wiley 09 1/6” on the reverse. chromogenic print. each image 30 x 22 1/ 2 in. (76.2 x 57.2 cm), each sheet 34 x 26 3/4 in. (86.4 x 67.9 cm). Executed in 2009, each of these works is number 1 from an edition of 6 plus 1 artist’s proof.

Property from the Collection of Blake Byrne, Los Angeles

518. Zanele Muholi b. 1972 Hlonipha, Cassilhaus, Chapel Hill, North Carolina silver gelatin print. 39 1/4 x 26 1/8 in. (99.7 x 66.4 cm). Executed in 2016, this work is number 2 from an edition of 8. Estimate $10,000-15,000

Estimate $10,000-15,000

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519. Elad Lassry b. 1977 Trufe Goat Cheese, Emmentaler, Fork and Spoon chromogenic print, in artist’s frame. 14 1/ 2 x 11 3/8 in. (36.8 x 28.9 cm). Executed in 2010, this work is number 5 from an edition of 5 plus 2 artist’s proofs.

520. Elad Lassry b. 1977 Bouquet charcoal on paper, in artist’s frame. 14 3/8 x 11 3/8 in. (36.5 x 28.9 cm). Executed in 2012. Estimate $2,000-3,000

Estimate $3,000-5,000

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Property from the Collection of Blake Byrne, Los Angeles

521. Marlene Dumas b. 1953

Property from the Collection of Blake Byrne, Los Angeles

522. Marlene Dumas b. 1953

The Refection

White Lies II

signed, titled and dated “Marlene DUMAS the refection 1992” on the reverse. oil on canvas. 12 x 10 in. (30.5 x 25.4 cm). Painted in 1992.

signed and dated “marlene 2001” upper right; titled and inscribed “White Lies (2) I think I’ve hurt myself / I need some fresh air / without you I’ll die...” upper lef. ink and acrylic on paper. 26 x 19 3/4 in. (66 x 50.2 cm). Executed in 2001.

Estimate $70,000-100,000

Estimate $40,000-60,000

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Property from the Collection of Blake Byrne, Los Angeles

523. Marlene Dumas b. 1953

Property from the Collection of Blake Byrne, Los Angeles

524. Marlene Dumas b. 1953

Telephone Sex

The Woman and the Mirror

signed, titled and dated “Telephone Sex Marlene Dumas 1990” lower edge. watercolor and ink on paper. 9 1/ 2 x 12 1/ 2 in. (24.1 x 31.8 cm). Executed in 1990.

signed and dated “M. Dumas 1990” lef edge; titled and inscribed “oh NO NOT again! The Woman + the Mirror” upper edge; further inscribed “frst the BAD NEWS...” lower lef. watercolor and pencil on paper. 12 3/4 x 9 5/8 in. (32.4 x 24.4 cm). Executed in 1990.

Estimate $20,000-30,000

Estimate $12,000-18,000

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Property from the Collection of Blake Byrne, Los Angeles

525. Marlene Dumas b. 1953

Property from the Collection of Blake Byrne, Los Angeles

526. Marlene Dumas b. 1953

Helena Sleeping

Pampers Baby

titled and dated “Helena Sleeps 1989” lower right. ink wash on paper. 13 3/4 x 10 7/8 in. (34.9 x 27.6 cm). Executed in 1989.

signed, titled and dated “M Dumas. Pampers Baby. 1989.” lower right. watercolor, crayon and collage on paper. 12 1/4 x 17 3/8 in. (31.1 x 44.1 cm). Executed in 1989.

Estimate $15,000-20,000 Estimate $10,000-15,000

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Property from the Collection of Blake Byrne, Los Angeles

527. Marlene Dumas b. 1953

Property from the Collection of Blake Byrne, Los Angeles

528. Marlene Dumas b. 1953

A Little Devil

Baba Soldaat

signed with the artist’s initials, titled and dated “A Little Devil MD 1989” lower edge. watercolor and collage on paper. 12 x 9 1/ 2 in. (30.5 x 24.1 cm). Executed in 1989.

signed, titled and dated “Baba Soldaat 1990 M Dumas” lower right. watercolor on paper. 11 5/8 x 8 1/4 in. (29.5 x 21 cm). Executed in 1990. Estimate $8,000-12,000

Estimate $8,000-12,000

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Property from the Collection of Blake Byrne, Los Angeles

529. Marlene Dumas b. 1953

Property from the Collection of Blake Byrne, Los Angeles

530. Marlene Dumas b. 1953

Not Born Yet

Rana Temporaria

signed, titled and dated “NOT BORN yet. 1990 marlene.” lower right; further signed “M Dumas” on the reverse. ink, graphite and staples on paper collage on paper. 9 1/ 2 x 12 3/4 in. (24.1 x 32.4 cm). Executed in 1990.

titled and inscribed “Rana Temporaria die liefde is tijdelijk” upper lef. ink and pencil on paper. 8 1/4 x 11 1/ 2 in. (21 x 29.2 cm). Executed in 1992. Estimate $10,000-15,000

Estimate $8,000-12,000

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Property from the Collection of Blake Byrne, Los Angeles

531. Marlene Dumas b. 1953 Untitled (On the Sidewalk, Gebroke Liggaam [sic], The Breaking of a Human Body) (i) signed and dated “M Dumas 1987” on the reverse; further signed, partially titled and dated “M Dumas gebroke liggaam (1987)” lower edge, (ii) signed “M Dumas” on the reverse; partially titled “The breaking of a human body” upper edge; dated “17/3/88” lower lef, (iii) signed, partially titled and dated “M Dumas 1987 on the SIDEWALK” lower edge. ink and crayon on paper, triptych. (i) 8 1/4 x 8 1/4 in. (21 x 21 cm), (ii,iii) 8 1/4 x 11 5/8 in. (21 x 29.5 cm). Executed in 1987-1988.

532. Dana Schutz b. 1976 Yawn signed and dated “Dana Schutz 2002” on the reverse. charcoal on paper. 16 x 15 1/ 2 in. (40.6 x 39.4 cm). Executed in 2002. Estimate $10,000-15,000

Estimate $18,000-22,000

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Property from the Collection of Blake Byrne, Los Angeles

533. Raymond Pettibon b. 1957

534. Charline von Heyl b. 1960


Untitled (L.S. #8)

each signed and respectively dated. pen, watercolor and ink on paper, in 10 parts. largest 30 x 22 1/4 in. (76.2 x 56.5 cm), smallest 11 3/8 x 8 1/4 in. (28.9 x 21 cm). Executed in 1985-1993.

signed and dated “Charline von Heyl 2007” on the reverse. oil on canvas. 18 x 20 in. (45.7 x 50.8 cm). Painted in 2007.

Estimate $70,000-100,000

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Estimate $15,000-20,000

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535. Heimo Zobernig b. 1958

536. Heimo Zobernig b. 1958

Untitled (HZ2013-097)

Untitled (HZ2014-043)

signed, partially titled and dated “Heimo Zobernig 2013 HZ2013-097” on the overlap. acrylic on canvas. 78 3/4 x 78 3/4 in. (200 x 200 cm). Painted in 2013.

signed, partially titled and dated “Heimo Zobernig 2014 HZ2014-043” on the overlap. acrylic on canvas. 78 3/4 x 78 3/4 in. (200 x 200 cm). Painted in 2014.

Estimate $35,000-45,000

Estimate $35,000-45,000

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537. Peter Dreher 1932-2020

538. Anselm Reyle b. 1970

Seascape #20


partially titled, indistinctly inscribed and dated “20 7.3.98” on the reverse. oil on linen. 15 3/4 x 15 3/4 in. (40 x 40 cm). Painted in 1998.

mixed media on canvas, acrylic glass. 56 1/8 x 48 x 9 in. (142.6 x 121.9 x 22.9 cm). Executed in 2009. Estimate $25,000-35,000

Estimate $8,000-12,000

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Arts du Feu: Works from the Collection of Jason Jacques

539. Friedrich Kunath b. 1974

540. Sterling Ruby b. 1972

Breath In, Breathe Out, Move On


signed and dated “2012 Kunath” on a label afxed to the reverse. oil, acrylic, pastel, watercolor, colored pencil, charcoal, pencil and spray paint on canvas. 62 1/ 2 x 39 in. (158.8 x 99.1 cm). Executed in 2012.

incised with the artist’s initials and date “SR10” on the backside. bronze. 14 x 27 x 17 in. (35.6 x 68.6 x 43.2 cm). Executed in 2010, this work is number 2 from an edition of 3. Estimate $20,000-30,000

Estimate $20,000-30,000

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Property of an Important New York Estate

541. Rosemarie Trockel b. 1952

542. Ken Price 1935-2012

Pot 5


signed and inscribed “R Trockel RT1773” on the underside. glazed ceramic. 11 1/ 2 x 14 x 10 in. (29.2 x 35.6 x 25.4 cm). Executed in 2006.

signed and numbered “5/25 Kenneth M. Price” on the underside. acrylic on fred clay. 7 x 8 1/ 2 x 6 in. (17.8 x 21.6 x 15.2 cm). Executed in 1998, this work is number 5 from an edition of 25.

Estimate $25,000-35,000

Estimate $12,000-18,000

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Property from the Collection of Blake Byrne, Los Angeles

543. Robert Terrien b. 1947

544. Erwin Wurm b. 1954

No title (black cloud)

Fountain for Arthur Rimbaud

stamped with the artist’s initials “R.T.” on the reverse. enamel on wood. 9 3/4 x 17 3/4 x 2 7/8 in. (24.8 x 45.1 x 7.3 cm). Executed 1993-2000.

concrete, plate, pump and water. 22 1/4 x 16 x 48 in. (56.5 x 40.6 x 121.9 cm). Executed in 2007, this work is artist’s proof 1 from an edition of 3 plus 2 artist’s proofs.

Estimate $15,000-20,000

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Estimate $20,000-30,000

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Property from the Collection of Pamela K. and William A. Royall Jr.

545. Chiharu Shiota b. 1972

546. Claudia Comte b. 1983

State of Being #9

Tubes 4 (O, i, n)

steel, wool thread and child’s dress. 39 1/ 2 x 39 1/ 2 x 20 in. (100.3 x 100.3 x 50.8 cm). Executed in 2009.

cherry wood, in 3 parts, on artist’s base. O: 22 1/4 x 14 1/8 x 5 in. (56.5 x 35.9 x 12.7 cm), i: 12 7/8 x 4 3/4 x 4 1/ 2 in. (32.7 x 12.1 x 11.4 cm), n: 9 x 26 1/ 2 x 4 1/ 2 in. (22.9 x 67.3 x 11.4 cm), base: 19 1/8 x 86 5/8 x 15 in. (48.6 x 220 x 38.1 cm), overall: 41 3/8 x 86 5/8 x 15 in. (105.1 x 220 x 38.1 cm). Executed in 2013.

Estimate $30,000-40,000

Estimate $18,000-22,000

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547. Simone Leigh b. 1967

548. Korakrit Arunanondchai b. 1986


Untitled (Mannequin)

terra cotta, porcelain and metal base. sculpture 16 1/8 x 9 x 7 in. (41 x 22.9 x 17.8 cm), base 5 x 6 1/4 x 6 in. (12.7 x 15.9 x 15.2 cm), overall 17 x 9 x 7 in. (43.2 x 22.9 x 17.8 cm). Executed in 2013.

mixed media. 72 x 22 x 15 in. (182.9 x 55.9 x 38.1 cm). Executed in 2015. Estimate $18,000-22,000

Estimate $20,000-30,000

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Property Sold to Beneft the Cuperior Residency, Berlin

549. Mofat Takadiwa b. 1983

550. Oscar Murillo b. 1986

Educated Fulls

matt painting (yoga)

computer keys and wire. 78 3/4 x 39 3/8 x 11 3/4 in. (200 x 100 x 29.8 cm). Executed in 2016.

signed and dated “Oscar Murillo ‘13 Oscar Murillo ‘13” on the overlap. oil, oilstick, plastic and dirt on canvas. 103 3/8 x 84 1/ 2 in. (262.6 x 214.6 cm). Executed in 2013.

A portion of Phillips’ revenue for this Lot will beneft the Cuperior Residency, Berlin.

Estimate $80,000-120,000 Estimate $12,000-18,000

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551. Urs Fischer b. 1973

552. Rashid Johnson b. 1977

Pineapple / Melon

Cosmic Slop

silkscreen print on mirror-polished stainless steel sheets, polyurethane foam sheets, two-component polyurethane adhesive, stainless steel beams, aluminum L sections and screws, in 4 parts. sponge, each 55 1/8 x 39 5/8 x 52 in. (140 x 100.6 x 132.1 cm), chair, each 46 7/8 x 26 3/8 x 52 in. (119.1 x 67 x 132.1 cm). Executed in 2010, this work is number 1 from an edition of 2 plus 1 artist’s proof.

spray paint on mirror, in artist’s frame. 35 1/8 x 45 1/8 in. (89.2 x 114.6 cm). Executed in 2010. Estimate $10,000-15,000

Estimate $100,000-150,000

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553. Radclife Bailey b. 1968 Homage to Negro Baseball League mixed media on panel. 80 x 80 x 4 in. (203.2 x 203.2 x 10.2 cm). Executed in 1997. Estimate $20,000-30,000

554. Martin Eder b. 1968 Gedanken beim Verlassen Meines Kopfes (Thoughts Leaving my Head) signed, titled, inscribed and dated “gedanken beim Verlassen meines Kopfes Thoughts leaving my Head WVZ 505 @ 02/04 Martin Eder” on the reverse. oil on canvas. 78 1/ 2 x 94 1/4 in. (199.4 x 239.4 cm). Painted in 2004. Estimate $25,000-35,000

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555. Rob Pruitt b. 1964

556. Richard Aldrich b. 1975

Suicide Painting XXXIV

Tinto Brass Painting

signed and partially titled “Rob Pruitt Suicide Painting #” on the stretcher. acrylic on linen. 108 x 81 in. (274.3 x 205.7 cm). Painted in 2014.

oil, wax, pencil and china marker on linen. 84 x 58 in. (213.4 x 147.3 cm). Executed in 2011. Estimate $12,000-18,000

Estimate $30,000-50,000

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557. Matt Connors b. 1973

558. Alex Da Corte b. 1980

Untitled (ticking)

The Bad Seed

signed and dated “Matt Connors 2004” on the overlap. oil on printed fabric. 20 x 20 in. (50.8 x 50.8 cm). Executed in 2004.

spray paint, digitally printed poplin, sequin pins, foam, velvet, hardware and Plexiglas, in artist’s frame. 56 1/4 x 56 1/4 in. (142.9 x 142.9 cm). Executed in 2017.

Estimate $5,000-7,000 Estimate $20,000-30,000

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559. Kerstin Brätsch b. 1969

560. Kaari Upson b. 1972



oil and pigment on paper. 97 1/4 x 80 in. (247 x 203.2 cm). Painted in 2007.

loveseat, charcoal, Aqua-Resin and fberglass. 29 1/ 2 x 54 7/8 x 30 1/ 2 in. (74.9 x 139.4 x 77.5 cm). Executed in 2012.

Estimate $15,000-20,000 Estimate $20,000-30,000

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561. Dan Colen b. 1979

562. Aaron Young b. 1972


Arc Light (Moscow single)

signed, titled and dated “Dan Colen 2011 “TERBUCKITY - BUCKITY!”” on the overlap. tar and feathers on canvas. 47 5/8 x 35 1/8 in. (121 x 89.2 cm). Executed in 2011.

oil, rubber and acrylic on aluminum. 59 x 79 in. (149.9 x 200.7 cm). Executed in 2008. Estimate $8,000-12,000

Estimate $50,000-70,000

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563. Aaron Curry b. 1972

564. Jon Pestoni b. 1969


Brite Spot

painted aluminum honey comb panel. 94 5/8 x 43 in. (240.3 x 109.2 cm). Executed in 2013.

signed and dated “Jon Pestoni 2013” on the reverse. oil on canvas mounted to panel. 103 x 78 in. (261.6 x 198.1 cm). Painted in 2013.

Estimate $10,000-15,000 Estimate $8,000-12,000

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565. Joel Mesler b. 1974

566. Jon Rafman b. 1981


N.A.D. (Swirlyface Picasso)

signed, inscribed and dated “The Estate of Joel Mesler Joel Mesler 2018” on the overlap. acrylic on linen. 70 x 50 in. (177.8 x 127 cm). Painted in 2018.

archival pigment print. 58 x 42 in. (147.3 x 106.7 cm). Executed in 2012. Estimate $20,000-30,000

Estimate $30,000-40,000

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Arts du Feu: Works from the Collection of Jason Jacques

567. Jef Koons b. 1955

568. Djordje Ozbolt b. 1967

Seated Ballerina

Be Curious

signed, numbered and dated “Jef Koons 31/50 2015” on the underside. oil on carved wooden sculpture. 18 x 9 1/ 2 x 17 in. (45.7 x 24.1 x 43.2 cm). Executed in 2015, this work is number 31 from an edition of 50 plus 10 artist’s proofs.

signed and dated “Djordje Ozbolt 2008” on the reverse. acrylic on board. 58 5/8 x 66 1/ 2 in. (148.9 x 168.9 cm). Painted in 2008. Estimate $15,000-20,000

Estimate $30,000-50,000

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569. Wang Yigang b. 1961

570. Alexander Kaletski b. 1946

Abstract N9

Budweiser Fest

signed [in Chinese], signed with the artist’s initials and dated “2015 WYG” lower right. oil on canvas. 71 x 65 1/4 in. (180.3 x 165.7 cm). Painted in 2015.

signed “Kaletski” lower right. mixed media on cardboard. 50 x 79 in. (127 x 200.7 cm). Executed in 2010.

Estimate $30,000-50,000

Estimate $2,500-3,500

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571. Harland Miller b. 1964

572. Harland Miller b. 1964

You Are No Longer Part of My Life by Medical Opinion

Pipe Down Cunt

signed “Harland Miller” on the reverse. oil on canvas. 98 5/8 x 62 in. (250.5 x 157.5 cm). Painted in 2012.

signed, inscribed and dated “signature sign Harland Miller 2017” lower lef; further inscribed “THOUGHT AFTER FILTHY THOUGHT” center right. screen print hand-fnished with oil paint and varnish on archival paper 400 gsm. 54 3/8 x 41 1/4 in. (138.1 x 104.8 cm). Executed in 2013, this work is unique.

Estimate $70,000-100,000

Estimate $50,000-75,000

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Evening Sale Monday, 7 December, 7pm (lots 1–38)

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Front cover David Hockney, Nichols Canyon, 1980, lot 10 (detail). Acrylic on canvas, 84 x 60”, Artwork © David Hockney, Photo Credit: Prudence Cuming Associates Inside front cover Joan Mitchell, Untitled, 1979, lot 22 (detail). Artwork © Estate of Joan Mitchell Ruth Asawa, Untitled (S.045, Hanging Five-Lobed, Multilayered Continuous Form within a Form, with Spheres in the First, Second and Third Lobes), 1960s, lot 5 (detail). Artwork © 2020 Estate of Ruth Asawa/ Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York Jean-Michel Basquiat, Portrait of A-One A.K.A. King, 1982, lot 16 (detail). Artwork © Estate of Jean-Michel Basquiat. Licensed by Artestar, New York. Helen Frankenthaler, Of White Square, 1973, lot 27 (detail) © 2020 Helen Frankenthaler/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

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Design New York / 9 December



4 - 9 December 1 Hampton Road Southampton, New York

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Peter Voulkos Black Bulerias, 1958 Š Pier S. Voulkos and Daniel R. Peters Trust


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Donald Judd Catalogue Raisonné

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The Andy Warhol Catalogue Raisonné

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Andy Warhol 45 Gold Marilyns (Reversal Series), 1979-80. Courtesy of Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art. © The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc.

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Index Abdessemed, A. 472

Da Corte, A. 558

Halley, P. 449, 450

Labinjo, J. 409

Parsons, B. 147

Springford, V. 105

Adeniyi-Jones, T. 413

Dávila, J. 486

Hammons, D. 456

Lachaise, G. 36

Perez, E. 319

Stamos, T. 146

Adnan, E. 434

Dawoud, B. 514

Haring, K. 167

Lassry, E. 519, 520

Pestoni, J. 564

Steinbach, H. 447, 448

Aldrich, R. 556

de Kooning, E. 150

Heilmann, M. 141

Lawler, L. 502, 503

Pettibon, R. 533

Steinberg, S. 136

Alfonzo, C. 223

de Kooning, W. 140

Hein, J. 314

Lawrence, J. 102

Pettibone, R. 131, 132,

Stella, F. 162

Andre, C. 160

Deacon, Richard 473

Held, A. 209

Leigh, S. 547

133, 134

Still, C. 14

Archipenko, A. 184

Delaney, B. 107, 193

Hendricks, B. L. 12, 513

Levi Jones, S. 420

Picabia, F. 185, 186

Sturtevant 32

Arunanondchai, K. 548

Demand, T. 509

Herbin, A. 231

Levine, S. 446

Picasso, P. 20, 182

Asawa, R. 5

Diebenkorn, R. 9

Hirst, D. 475

LeWitt, S. 215

Polke, S. 199

Takadiwa, M. 549

Auerbach, T. 465, 466

Dine, J. 233

Hockney, D. 10

Lichtenstein, R. 25,

Poons, L. 151

Taylor, H. 418, 457

Avery, M. 103

Doig, P. 477

Hödicke, K. H. 318

31, 164

Pousette-Dart, R. 142

Therrien, R. 543

Dreher, P. 537

Hofmann, H. 104, 144

Ligon, G. 15, 444

Price, K. 542

Thomas, M. 35

Bacher, L. 500

Dubufet, J. 137, 189

Hollowell, L. 406

Longo, R. 306, 452

Pruitt, R. 555

Thompson, B. 192

Bacon, F. 203

Dumas, M. 521, 522, 523,

Holmes, J. 424

Los Carpinteros 490

Bailey, R. 553

524, 525, 526, 527, 528,

Holzer, J. 445

Louis, M. 7, 28

Bas, H. 425

529, 530, 531

Hoyos, A. M. 225

Baselitz, G. 29, 200, 308

Dunham, C. 454

Huebler, D. 499

Magritte, R. 18, 34

Basquiat, J.-M. 16, 165

Dzubas, F. 152

Hume, G. 474

Marca-Relli, C. 124

Rafman, J. 566

Tomasello, L. 220

Humphrey, R. 143

Martin, A. 6

Rauschenberg, R. 121, 122,

Traylor, B. 101

Beavers, G. 408

Thornton, T. 419 Quarles, C. 402

Tillmans, W. 508, 511, 512

Quaytman, H. 214

Tobey, M. 207 Toledo, F. 224

Bell, L. 213

Eder, M. 554

Humphries, J. 451

Matelli, T. 315

123, 171, 172

Trockel, R. 541

Bernhardt, K. 427, 428

Eliasson, O. 313, 467, 468

Hwami, K. V. 401

Matisse, H. 183

Reyle, A. 538

Turnbull, W. 204

Biggers, S. 433

Emin, T. 311

Matta-Clark, G. 198

Richter, D. 304

Tuttle, R. 216

Binion, M. 435, 436

Erlich, L. 494

Jahmal, M. 422

McGinley, R. 516

Richter, G. 22

Tworkov, J. 138

Jenkins, P. 208

Merz, M. 197

Rickey, G. 217, 218

Bleckner, R. 463 Boafo, A. 11

Fadojutimi, J. 2

Jennewein, C. P. 232

Mesler, J. 565

Rivers, L. 235

Bochner, M. 464

Figgis, G. 426

Jenney, N. 176

Miller, H. 571, 572

Rockman, A. 317

Botero, F. 178, 180, 181

Finch, S. 312

Jensen, A. 211

Miro, J. 119, 120, 187

Rockwell, N. 13, 19

Valdes, M. 179

Bradford, K. 301

Fischer, U. 551

Johnson, R. 552

Mitchell, J. 21, 24

Rondinone, U. 469, 470

Villar Rojas, A. 492

Bradford, M. 441

Fordjour, D. 416

Judd, D. 8

Mofatt, T. 505

Rothenberg, S. 455

Vo, D. 485

Bratsch, K. 559

Forrer, C. 403

June Paik, N. 159

Mosse, R. 515

Rouault, G. 230

von Heyl, C. 534

Brown, R. 153, 154, 155

Frankenthaler, H. 27, 106

Motherwell, R. 145, 148

Ruby, S. 540 Ruscha, E. 37, 172, 174

Upson, K. 560

Kaletski, A. 570

Muholi, Z. 518

Gardner, A. 410

Kamijo, S. 432

Mullican, L. 212

Calder, A. 23, 109, 110, 111,

Gates, T. 442

Kandinsky, W. 188

Muniz, V. 496, 497

Salle, D. 305, 459

Weiner, A. 411

112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117,

Genoves, J. 471

Kaphar, T. 17, 417

Murillo, O. 550

Sandback, F. 158

Wesley, J. 156

118, 135, 190, 191

Gilbert & George 476

Kara, M. 431

Saul, P. 303

White, C. 30

Calvin, B. 430

Goings, R. 177

Katz, A. 175

Negret, E. 221

Scharf, K. 236, 237,

Wiley, K. 33, 517

Cao, A. G. 501

Gokita, T. 439

Kelley, M. 481, 482

Neiman, L. 226

238, 316

Williams, R. F. 405

Chagall, M. 129

Gormley, A. 310, 479, 480

Khan, I. 507

Neuenschwander, R. 489

Schnabel, J. 309, 460

Williams, S. 453

Chamberlain, J. 161, 162

Green, M. M. 423

Kiefer, A. 201, 307

Noland, K. 157


Wilson, F. 458

Charles, M. R. 438

Grosse, K. 302

Kirkeby, P. 461, 462

Novros, D. 210

F. 202

Wong, M. 166

Chase, J. L. 404

Grotjahn, M. 443

Koch, L. 488

Schutz, D. 415, 532

Wong, M. 4, 108

Colen, D. 561

Gursky, A. 510

Kollwitz, K. 130

Ofli, C. 478

Segal, A. 128

Wurm, E. 544

Collier, A. 506

Guston, P. 139

Koons, J. 567

Oiticica and D’Almeida,

Shapiro, J. 219

Comte, C. 546

Kruger, B. 38

H. and N. 498

Shaw, J. 483

Yigang, W. 569

Condo, G. 26, 484

Kruglyanskaya, E. 440

Ojih Odutola, T. 414

Sherald, A. 1

Young, A. 562

Connors, M. 557

Kunath, F. 539

Oldenburg, C. 234

Shiota, C. 545

Coronel, P. 222

Kusama, Y. 205, 206

Bufet, B. 227, 228

Warhol, A. 125, 126, 127, 168, 169, 170, 194, 195, 196

Ortega, D. 487

Simmons, L. 504

Zervos, C. 229

Craven, A. 429


Singer, A. 412

Zobernig, H. 535, 536

Cruzvillegas, A. 491

Otero, A. 421

Smith, D. 149

Curry, A. 563

Ozbolt, D. 568

Smith, E. M. 407 Sonhouse, J. 437 Spann, V. 3


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