1921 E-PUB Vo l u m e 5 , N o . 5
3 Major Week
Philadelphia PGA Member Alex Knoll will make his major championship debut at the PGA Championship.
5 Fall Classic
The PGA REACH Philadelphia Pro-Am on Oct. 28 is the newest addition to the Section’s tournament calendar.
7 1 Day, 100 Holes Register to play 100 holes to support PGA REACH Philadelphia.
8 Awards Season The Section is now accepting nominations for the 2020 awards.
10 Looking back: the 1950s in the Section
To celebrate the Philadelphia PGA’s 100th year in 2021, Section Historian Pete Trenham, PGA, looks back at the 1950s.
Pictured: TPC Harding Park in San Francisco will host Alex Knoll, PGA, and 19 other PGA Club Professionals for the first major of 2020.