1921 E-PUB Vo l u m e 5 , N o . 3
3 2020 Diversity Scholarship winners
Scholarship program provides opportunities for individuals from diverse backgrounds to participate on the Philly PGA Junior Tour.
4 In the spotlight: Dean Kandle, PGA
2019 Philadelphia PGA Section Horton Smith Award winner Dean Kandle takes education for himself and his staff seriously.
6 Public Service Announcement: Back2Golf
The Allied Golf Organizations have created a Back2Golf PSA that you may share with your members, guests and customers.
7 Supporting our supporters
The Section recently launched an online partner directory for our PGA Members and Associates.
9 Looking back: the 1930s in the Section
To celebrate the Philadelphia PGA’s 100th year in 2021, Section Historian Pete Trenham, PGA, looks back at the 1930s. Pictured: Medford Village is slated to host the Jack Jolly & Son Championship in June as the Section’s tournament schedule resumes.