5VGCOÆ‚VVGTU Sprinkler Fitters Local UnionUnion 692 of420 Philadelphia Local and Vicinity Description of Work: 6WHDPÆ“WWHU 3LSHÆ“WWHU %7-
The members of Local 692 provide all fire protection needs. From homes to high rises Local 692 does it all. Our members and contractors specialize in design, new 7KH VFRSH RI ZRUN RI WKH 6WHDPÆ“WWHU 3LSHÆ“WWHU HQFRPSDVVHV installations, retrofits, maintenance,RI emergency inspection, testing7KLV and LQVWDOODWLRQ DQG VHUYLFLQJ V\VWHPV repairs, UHTXLULQJ SLSLQJ service. includes steam and hot water heating systems, air conditioning/refrigeration systems, chemical & petrochemical plants and complete environmental systems in hospitals, schools, FKXUFKHV KLJK ULVH RIÆ“FH DQG DSDUWPHQW EXLOGLQJV 7KH WUDGH includes joining pipe mechanically and metallurgically by
soldering, brazing, or welding. It also includes erecting and working on scaffolding, interpreting blueprints, and writing technical reports. Measuring, cutting, and fabricating piping or tubing using mechanical equipment is also the work of the 6WHDPÆ“WWHU
/KPKOWO 3WCNKƂECVKQPU /KPKOWO 3WCNKƂECVKQPU 18 18 years years of of Driver’s High Clean Driver’s High School School Clean drug drug age age or or older older test license Diploma or GED test license Diploma or GED Vehicle 3URƓFLHQW Clean drug E\ WKH ƓUVW GD\ RI FODVV E\ WKH ƓUVW GD\ RI FODVV Driver’spreferred Social Security license preferredcard or proof of registration in English test February February 1st 1st or or August August 1st 1st (ability to read, legal employment write and status COMPLETED COMPLETED APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS and and transcripts transcripts are are required required to to be be delivered delivered or or Cont.) Applicant must take an aptitude testOctober and obtain the a minimum grade established by post post marked marked by by the the last last Friday Friday in in October for for the February February class class or or by by the the last last (Cont.) the Joint Apprentice Committee. Friday Friday in in April April for for the the August August class. class. Mechanical Equipment Serviceman (MESS) –– HVAC && RR Mechanical Equipment Serviceman (MESS) HVAC Applicant must have the physical ability to perform work and tasks required in • Must be a resident of the area covered by the jurisdiction of Sprinkler Fitters 7KH VFRSH RI WKH 0(66 HQFRPSDVVHV VHUYLFH DQG PDLQWHQDQFH RI FRPPHUFLDO 7KH VFRSH RI WKH 0(66 HQFRPSDVVHV VHUYLFH DQG PDLQWHQDQFH RI FRPPHUFLDO the sprinkler fitting trade. Localconditioning, #692. air air conditioning, refrigeration, refrigeration, ventilation ventilation and and heating heating equipment equipment and and A drug test will be administered at the expense of the Joint Apprentice CommitVLPLODU V\VWHPV (OHFWULF JDV RLO ƓUHG K\GURQLF DQG IRUFHG DLU HTXLSPHQW VLPLODU V\VWHPV (OHFWULF JDV RLO ƓUHG K\GURQLF DQG IRUFHG DLU HTXLSPHQW tee, to the accepted applicant at a future date prior to beginning employment. • Must be acombustion citizen of thecontrols, United States or have filed a declaration of intentare to Recommended associated Recommended High High School School Preparatory Preparatory Courses: Courses: associated combustion controls, and and temperature/humidity temperature/humidity controls controls are become a United States citizen. included. included. Building Building automation automation equipment equipment service service is is also also included. included. English English Composition, Composition, Math, Math, Science, Science, Four Four • Must NOT be a member of any association of group of individuals advocating to Starting Apprentices $17.73 (5% increase every 6 months after the 1st overthrow the government of the United States. year) $SSOLFDWLRQV Journeyperson $59.10 $SSOLFDWLRQV FDQ FDQ EH EH SLFNHG SLFNHG XS XS DW DW WKH WKH 6WHDPƓWWHUV 6WHDPƓWWHUV /RFDO /RFDO 8QLRQ 8QLRQ 7UDLQLQJ 7UDLQLQJ &HQWHU 7RZQVHQG 5RDG 6XLWH & 3KLODGHOSKLD 3$ Apprentices &HQWHU 7RZQVHQG 5RDG 6XLWH & 3KLODGHOSKLD 3$ Apprentices start start at at aa percentage percentage of of the the current current Journeymen Journeymen hourly hourly wage wage 7KH SHULRG H[WHQGV WKURXJKRXW \HDU DQG VWDUW LQ Benefits: Medical, Vision, Dental,each Pension, Application acceptance window is TBD but will beWKH updated theFODVVHV Sprinkler Fitters rate increases year. 7KH DSSOLFDWLRQ DSSOLFDWLRQ SHULRG H[WHQGV WKURXJKRXW WKH \HDU on DQG FODVVHV VWDUW LQ rate and and receive receive rate rate increases each year.and Supplemental Pension February and Website - http://www.sprinklerfitters692.org February and August August.. Applicants Applicants must must apply apply in in person person at at the the training training center Friday 7:30 AM Applicants must through apply in person furnish formPM of .identification (signature center Monday Monday through Fridayand 7:30 AM ––a4:00 4:00 PM . and photograph of applicant must be present) when picking up application. Along completed application applicants must documentation of: Application must be returned prior to the deadline established by the Joint Along with with the the completed application applicants must submit submit documentation of: Phone: (267) 350-2610 Phone: (215) (267)673-9565 350-2610ext. 3 Phone: Apprentice Committee at the time of pick-up. Ř &KHFN RU PRQH\ RUGHU PDGH SD\DEOH WR 6WHDPƓWWHUV /8 7UDLQLQJ )XQG Ř &KHFN RU PRQH\ RUGHU PDGH SD\DEOH WR 6WHDPƓWWHUV /8 7UDLQLQJ )XQG in Website: www.lu420.com in the the amount amount of of $25.00 $25.00 Website:mmoss@lu692.com www.lu420.com Email: Submit documentation of: Ř &RS\ RI DSSOLFDQW ELUWK FHUWLƓFDWH Ř &RS\ RI DSSOLFDQW ELUWK FHUWLƓFDWH •••Copy aa valid Birthof Certificate Copy of valid state state issued issued driver’s driver’s license license Address: Address: 7RZQVHQG 5RDG 6XLWH & 7RZQVHQG 5RDG 6XLWH & Website: http://www.sprinklerfitters692.org •• Drug Drug && Alcohol Alcohol Policy Policy Form Form Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA PA 19154 19154 Ř )RUP , (PSOR\PHQW (OLJLELOLW\ 9HULƓFDWLRQ )RUP • High School diploma or equivalent certificate Ř )RUP , (PSOR\PHQW (OLJLELOLW\ 9HULƓFDWLRQ )RUP Address: 14002 McNulty Road, •• Copy Copy of of applicant’s applicant’s high high school school diploma diploma Philadelphia PA 19154 Ř 2IƓFLDO KLJK VFKRRO WUDQVFULSW • Supply to the Joint Apprentice Committee a transcript of high school or Ř 2IƓFLDO KLJK VFKRRO WUDQVFULSW Ř +LJK 6FKRRO (TXLYDOHQF\ *UDGXDWH 5HTXLUHPHQWV Ŋ 7KUHH G.E.D. grades. Transcript must be forwarded to the Joint Apprentice Committee Ř +LJK 6FKRRO (TXLYDOHQF\ *UDGXDWH 5HTXLUHPHQWV Ŋ 7KUHH R &RS\ RI *(' &HUWLƓFDWH directly from the certifying school or state. R &RS\ RI *(' &HUWLƓFDWH R 2IƓFLDO *(' 7HVW 6FRUHV R 2IƓFLDO *(' 7HVW 6FRUHV R 2IƓFLDO +LJK 6FKRRO WUDQVFULSW Ŋ UHJDUGLQJ DOO KLJK VFKRROV DWWHQGHG • Pay a non-refundable $60.00 application fee by check or money order with R 2IƓFLDO +LJK 6FKRRO WUDQVFULSW Ŋ UHJDUGLQJ DOO KLJK VFKRROV DWWHQGHG ••completed Copy Form application. Copy of of Military Military Form DD214 DD214 Discharge/Separation Discharge/Separation Form Form ifif applicable applicable
Description of Work ( Minimum Qualifications
Needs to Succeed
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