Devon Music - Dec 2013/Jan 2014

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DEC 2013 / JAN 2014


Box Office - 01392 667080

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Dan Le Sac & Scroobius Pip talk business, beats & beards Every Time I Die Dumbass questions with...

Frank Turner We chat to Frank ahead of his Plymouth show. WIN TICKETS!

Attention Thieves & Max Raptor

Return to The Rabbit!

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/d e vo n m u s i c m a g @devonmusicmag


Thanks for picking up a copy of the festive issue of Devon Music Magazine, your one stop guide to the best music in Exeter, Plymouth and the Devon area! This month we catch up with both halves of off kilter dance and rhyme duo Dan Le Sac vs Scroobius Pip and we chat to Frank Turner about the music biz, illegal downloads and his hardcore side-project plus win tickets to see either of these great acts when they play Devon next year. Attention Thieves and Max Raptor go head to head in Dumbass Questions and we do the leg work rounding up all of the best festive events so you don’t have to. Happy holidays and a prosperous New Year from Devon Music Magazine.

w w w. d e v o n - m u s i c . c o m /devonmusicmag @DevonMusicMag

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WHITE RABBIT 18/04 / facebook/advanceexeter / facebook/advanceplymouth


How did you guys meet and what prompted you to start making music together? We’ve known each other for year,s couldn’t really say where we first met though. We ended up making noise together after I booked Scroob for his first ever gig and I remixed some of his tracks. After a short while we decided to make something new together.

If Pip had to describe you in 3 words, which words would he choose? Big bearded idiot How would you describe Pip in 3 words? Lyric twizzling craftsman. What’s the most annoying habit Pip has? Sadly he doesn’t have any noteworthy bad habits anymore, the man is a delight. You’re both sporting impressive facial hair these days. What’s your best beard grooming tip? I don’t give tips, you’ve gotta learn for yourself. If Pip was really grumpy one day, how would you get him to crack a smile? I honestly don’t know, generally if he’s grumpy he needs a feed, so I’d probably throw pizza at him. If you had to enter a TV quiz/challenge show, which one would it be? Robot Wars, but I wouldn’t bring a robot, I’d just bring a big hammer and shin pads. Tell us one thing about Pip you think we should know The man makes chocolate from scratch! If you were Pip’s career advisor, what would you have suggested he do for a living (if music wasn’t an option)? So damn difficult, he already looks like a geography teacher so maybe that’s the way he should’ve gone!


New album ‘Repent, Replenish, Repeat’ is out now after a bit of a break since ‘Angles’ and “Logic of Chance”– has having some time apart working on your solo projects affected the album at all? After Angles and Logic we toured together for ages, but we had spent so much time together it didn’t feel like we could surprise or push each other any more. The time apart, working on the solo records gave us both the chance to bring in other influences into our respective styles, so when it came back to working on our collaboration we had new ideas to throw at each other. RRR is the result of that! What’s your writing process like? We don’t work together, mainly because our disciplines are so different, we tend to bounce ideas back and forth via email. This also means that we avoid getting on each others tits. DAN LE SAC vs SCROOBIUS PIP

Your effective use of social media channels has helped you to share your music from the beginning. Do you think it’s easier to get your message across in the Twitter generation? It is easier to get your message out to those that are listening, those who choose to follow you, BUT with the amount of information being pumped into the internet on a daily basis, it can be difficult to find a new audience. Social Networking is a great tool but it shouldn’t be the only route you use to get your music out there. Have you ever made any social media faux pas in saying something you shouldn’t? The biggest faux pas you can make is appearing ungrateful, no matter how well or badly your record does, a musician is still in the privileged position of making noise for a living, grumbling about people torrenting or not getting radio play or whatever just makes you look a bit like a dick. How are you enjoying being back out on the road, performing live together again? It has been delightful, really looking forward to hitting it hard next year! You had to add a second London date to this tour, which must have felt pretty good. Is there any show you’re particularly looking forward to? Any stand out favourite venues or crowds? Adding a second date in London was stunning, the support has been immense. As for stand outs we make it a rule never to play favourites!


Don’t miss Dan le Sac vs Scroobius Pip at The Lemon Grove on 28th January DEVON MUSIC | DECEMBER 2013

If Dan had to describe you in 3 words, which words would he choose? Big Bearded idiot How would you describe Dan in 3 words? Beat building wizard. What’s the most annoying habit Dan has? Snoring is the only thing really. But the poor devil cant help that I guess. You’re both sporting impressive facial hair these days. What’s your best beard grooming tip? I’m all about beard oil. Woodsman is my favourite. Its the most manly smell ever. If Dan was really grumpy one day, how would you get him to crack a smile? God I dont know. Im terrible at these things. I would probably put some stand up on in the van and try to force it out of him. If you had to enter a TV quiz/challenge show, which one would it be? Crystal Maze. I’d smash it. Block out the shouting idiots, solve stuff, get me some crystals, go hang with Richard O’Brian. Standard. Tell us one thing about Dan you think we should know Dan le Sac plays a mean fussball. If you were Dan’s career advisor, what would you have suggested he do for a living (if music wasn’t an option)? Hmmmm if music (and the music industry) weren’t an option (there are loads of areas outside of PLAYING music) then I think I’d go with some kind of coffee shop or something. He would proper nerd out over different fancy kinds of coffee and Mrs le Sac bakes a mean cake.





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FANTASTICA TICKETS Super Earlybird: £10 (limited availability)

Earlybird: £15 (before 19 Dec)

Advance: £20 (after 19 Dec)

On The Door: £25



And now for something completely different 01392 667080 | | Bradninch Place, Gandy Street, Exeter, EX4 3LS

If you had the chance to give up the band life to become a pirate would you do it? Like the old saying goes, ‘Piratin’ ain’t easy’ , so probably not.

If you had the chance to give up the band life to become a pirate would you do it? If it’s the old school Pirate we’re talking about then yea, treasure, tropical conditions, rafts, women, rum, the open water, islands, women, treasure, sand, rum...but if it’s a Somali pirate then it’s not for me...rubber dinghy, oil platforms, poor air quality, probable death by propellor and no money....bit like being in a band... If you had to eat one of the following what would it be: Octopus Tentacles, kangaroo’s tail or zombie brains? Well I quite like Octopus tentacles so that one...Zombie’s don’t exist so I don’t know how that’s going to happen..although I did know a kid at school who used to sit infront of the TV all day and he was a bit like a zombie but I don’t think he had any brains...he stank and I hated him.. How was the band formed? in 2001 we planted an acorn, 2 years later, pete was born. Matt could play all instruments so we just listened to him like a village elder until we began to make noises and write words to the things he was doing and saying...We ventured into punk rock as it seemed like the appropriate sound cause we couldn’t shred. Who would win in a race, Attention Thieves or Max Raptor? I once ran the 100m and was winning but due to the nature of my school field I put my foot into a rabbit hole and twisted my ankle.. I think I’d need to know the format and event location before making any rash decisions... Where’s the weirdest place that inspiration for a song has struck? In a cave in Gozo... What album/song are you ashamed to admit you secretly love? Craig David’s rendition of Come Together was a triumph. If you knew today was your last day on earth, how would you spend it? Trying to cure my terrible illness... If you had a snail that could magically grant wishes, what would you name it? Paul

If you had to eat one of the following what would it be: Octopus Tentacles, kangaroo’s tail or zombie brains? Obviously if you eat an infected zombie brain you will become a zombie, so that’s out of the question! Kangaroos tails are full of aboriginal magic so probably, by a process of elimination, an octopus’ tentacle as I’ve heard they are the tastiest thing with eight limbs and lovely on a rustic loaf. How was the band formed? Out of molten magma that had risen to the earth’s surface under incredible pressure so that when it was exposed to air it began to cool very quickly causing the outer layers to form a network of underground honeycomb tunnels with a chocolate coating. What goes around the world but stays in a corner? The first adhesive postage stamp, commonly referred to as the Penny Black, was issued in the United Kingdom in 1840. Who would win in a race, Attention Thieves or Max Raptor? Max Raptor! They can run but they can’t hide!! Where’s the weirdest place that inspiration for a song has struck? The weird thing about inspiration is that it normally occurs in odd places. You can be at work or in the shower or naked in a fridge and the ideas come streaming out, but try and find it in a practice room. What album/song are you ashamed to admit you secretly love? There’s no shame in secret love! But people would probably cringe if they saw us dancing/air bassing to Luther Vandross. If you knew today was your last day on earth, how would you spend it? Probably in denial. It would depend how the earth was ending, we’re pretty confident we could survive a zombie apocalypse or some kind of bird flu outbreak. If aliens invade us then you can’t just roll over and let them have the run of the place. If you had a snail that could magically grant wishes, what would you name it? It would have to be a secret code name so that not too many people would be aware of it’s extreme value and power, so maybe Codename:HumousSalmonHammer? How would you describe your music to someone who’s never heard it before? Really Great!!

If you had the chance to go back in time for 24 hours, where and when would you go? Probably to the 1970’s to Guam

If you had the chance to go back in time for 24 hours, where and when would you go? This is a tough question because there are literally an infinite number of choices, so here a few decent options; 1) Anytime that the dinosaurs were about, they knew how to get it done! 2) Just before the big bang (if it happened!) so that when you came back you could be really smug about knowing the truth! 3) And maybe back to when we played Reading festival because that was an awesome experience and one we would love to relive!

Why should we come to see your live show? ..don’t expect us to ignore you because we pay your money and we put on a many bands out there just ‘play’’s not about that, we put everything in to the point of illness....maybe that’s why it’s my last day on earth. Come down and you’ll have a damned good time, you might even get a black eye to take home with you... oh and we don’t charge you to talk to us...

Why should we come to see your live show? First and foremost because they will probably have a great time! Our live performance is something we take great pride in and is the best way to understand what we’re like as a band. We put everything into our show and usually come off stage drenched in sweat. Basically we rock out and have a lot of fun and we love sharing that with people who take the time to check us out.

How would you describe your music to someone who’s never heard it before? It’s like attempting to describe what food tastes like..just go and listen to it..

Catch Attention Thieves and Max Raptor at The Cavern with support from We Are Fiction and Framwork on 9th December





It’s been an incredible few years for Frank Turner. When post-hardcore noiseniks Million Dead disbanded in 2005 few could have expected that their singer would, in the not too distant future, be headlining Wembley Arena and opening the 2012 Olympic ceremony. Unphased by this success, Frank remains one of the most humble and hard-working musicians the UK has to offer. We caught up with him ahead of his biggest headlining tour to date.

There’s often a strong message running through your music, in an age of vacuous, disposable pop and X-factor clones do you think music can still deliver a message? Absolutely, if it wants to. I think that people get a little overly worked up about X Factor and so on. I mean, I don’t like it much, but there’s always been crappy, disposable music out there, you just have to hack through the jungle to find the meaningful stuff. I can’t say I’m specifically trying to propogate any message in what I do, but I write autobiographically so I suppose some of my values probably come through - honesty, independence, self-reliance, consideration, things like that are important to me and I do my best to live up to those ideas.

You got back to your hardcore roots with Mongol Horde last year, how did that feel after performing at the Olympics and headlining Wembley? Will we be seeing more? It felt great. MH is kind of a release, blowing off steam, having fun for me. Not that it’s not serious, but it’s a different vibe totally from my “day job”. We are working on an album for release next year and should be touring around that too. So, do people recognise you in the street after the Olympics appearance or is it just business as usual for Frank?

It depends what street you’re talking about. I do get reconised out and about sometimes, more often in Camden (ha), but it’s not something that bothers me, people are generally respectful and cool. You are set to play an ‘evening of conversation and music’ with Billy Bragg in aid of the homelessness charity ‘Shelter’ in December. Is this a cause you feel particularly strongly about? Yes, I think we live in a wealthy enough society to be able to handle the problem of homelessness one way or another, surely. It’s going to be great to be sharing the stage with Billy again as well, he’s a great guy and has been very kind to me. What’s next for Frank in 2014?

I read somewhere that on a file sharing/torrent site, on a link to a leak of one of your albums people were still commenting that they fully intended to buy it on its release. What do you think of illegal downloads and is the popularity of micro-payment systems like Spotify better or worse for the artist?

I’m working on new material at the moment, so probably a new record at some point sooner rather than later. And more touring. Just for a change.

The first thing to say is that the internet can’t be uninvented, and actually it’s overwhelmingly a force for good, on balance. It did short-circuit the business model of the music industry pretty hard, and there have been a lot of casualties because of that - most of them at the bottom of the food chain rather than the top, I should add, which is why downloading is something that I’m not totally comfortable with. That said, I think we are moving towards a different business model anyway, and it shouldn’t be too hard to reach a point where everyone, fans, musicians and behind-thescenes people alike, are happy.

It’s the biggest headline tour I’ve ever done, so it’s kind of daunting on some levels, but it’s also exciting, I think the shows will be great, the setlist is coming together for the shows and we have an amazing support bill lined up as well.

What can we expect from the February UK dates?

And finally, what does Frank Turner want for Christmas? Some peace and quiet, haha.


How do you feel that the music industry has changed much since the Million Dead days? The impact of the internet has widened and deepened, but it’s not like MD were a band that existed entirely before all that started. I suppose live music is yet more important to the economic side of things, but that’s fine with me. What advice would you give a young band or artist just starting out? Make your own luck. There is so much you can do on your own, don’t wait around for things to fall in your lap or sign yourself over to dodgy “managers” or whatever, get out there and spread the word on your own. Also, creatively, be your own harshest critic, constantly look for what’s wrong with what you do and how to make it better. Don’t miss Frank Turner and the Sleeping Souls with Flogging Molly and Beans on Toast at The Pavilions, Plymouth on 11th Feb





13 6


14 3




1 7



8 8





4 5 6







7 3

1 The White Rabbit 2 The Hub 3 Club Envy 4 Pavillions

5 Plymouth Uni 6 Tiki Bar 7 Thirst 8 Last Shop Standing


1 The Phoenix



2 The Cavern


3 The Lemon Grove 6


4 The Corn Exchange 5 Mama Stones 6 Exeter Cathedral 7 Exeter Great Hall


A lotta rock for your buck!

Attention Thieves bring post-hardcore, progressive and punk elements to their sound combined with the immediacy of pop. Max Raptor sound like the claws of British rock n’ roll frantically disembowelling American alt-rock with a partisan punk attitude! Concluding the epic line up is We Are Fiction, with their raw, unapologetic blend of melodic post-hardcore/screamo. Dec 09 | The Cavern, Exeter


Breaking the mould for girl groups


A combination of urban panto antics and scrappy doo-wops this 3 piece girl group sure like to make an impression. Great vocals, gorgeous harmonies and a whole lot of fun can be expected as the girls ad-lib their way through their catchy pop-orientated songs. FOR FANS OF: MISHA B / THE SATURDAYS / GIRLS ALOUD


Feb 02 | Pavilions, Plymouth

No shoegazing here, just excellent songwriting

Born in Chichester and raised on a steady diet of Elton John, Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen, Odell’s songs are emotional and raw but refuse to fall into the traps of the shoegazing singer/songwriter. Instead Tom’s music is more robust and mainstream with sweet hooks and blasts of rhythm designed to get you moving. FOR FANS OF: JAKE BUGG / KODALINE / BASTILLE

Punishing metal mathcore

Beginning with a noisy, chaotic hardcore sound, recent releases from this five-piece New York metalcore band feature increasingly fat grooves and twin leads thrown into the mix, with each album treading different ground. Also known for Keith Buckley’s intelligent and often cryptic lyrics, which are screamed over the pummelling beats you can expect to get messy in this mosh. FOR FANS OF: CHIMAIRA / THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA


Feb 15 | The Phoenix, Exeter


Dec 22 | White Rabbit, Plymouth


Feb 13 | White Rabbit, Plymouth

Mythic icons of the underground counter culture Cornish gypsy-folk band 3 Daft Monkeys weave world music influences around classic folk melodies. Add to this the band’s varied backgrounds from Dance, Dub, Punk, Reggae and Traditional Folk, and you have a stunning combination. Their passion, intensity and sheer joy of life mixed with their infectious dancing rhythms will leave you breathless and exhilarated. FOR FANS OF: MOULETTES / DUKE SPECIAL / MAD DOG MCREA


Feb 25 | Pavilions, Plymouth

You can’t help but love this hip-hop-pop duo

Platinum selling duo Rizzle Kicks’ new critically-acclaimed album Roaring 20s stormed into the chart at no.3, providing a much needed blast of their signature irresistible pop. The band have announced a massive tour of the UK, making an eagerly anticipated return to the live circuit in February/March 2014. FOR FANS OF: PROFESSOR GREEN / TINIE TEMPAH / LABRINTH

Uplifting lyrical pop-rock

It seems there is no stopping London-based Bastille whose ever increasing fan base are clearly connecting with the band’s haunting melodies, strong narratives and rhythmic backbone. The band have had a packed summer in 2013 seeing them on some of the biggest stages on the festival circuit so if you missed them, now’s your chance! FOR FANS OF: THE 1975 / TO KILL A KING / KODALINE


Mar 25 | The Phoenix, Exeter

Mar 03 | Pavilions, Plymouth

Sheffield’s prog-rock math-metal heroes

Interspersing heavy, progressive, guitar-driven instrumental sections with both idm-esque programmed and live drums, 65days’ albums maintain a distinctively gritty, almost industrial feel. The band, originally named after an unreleased John Carpenter film, have just released new record ‘Wild Light’ - and it’s a doozy, building you right up with a gripping intensity. FOR FANS OF: MOGWAI / OCEANSIZE / MAYBESHEWILL

Solo offering from this legend of the 80’s

After the split of the band in 1982, Adam Ant went solo, taking his song writing partner Pirroni with him. One of the seminal figures of new wave, Ant’s latest musical offering is a clear retreat from the pop-rock of his earlier solo stuff. An erratic mixed bag you can expect a full on showcase of a career that has spanned 30 years. FOR FANS OF: ER......ADAM AND THE ANTS?


Apr 18 | White Rabbit, Plymouth




Apr 09 | Lemon Grove, Exeter

Well executed, rip your head off metalcore

It’s a polished and classy tone set by Memphis May Fire with crisp guitar work, meaty bass lines, and thunderous drumming that will leave the crowd feeling pummelled by the brutality of their discontent. The traditional metalcore battle between emotional melodic vocals versus enraged roars and screams is won and ensures these Texas-based boys are leaders in their genre.



Just answer this simple question:

Dan Le Sac vs Scroobius Pip bring their incredible mix of danceable beats and genius lyrical wisdom to the Lemon Grove in Exeter this January. We’re giving away a pair of tickets, get involved!

What shalt thou always do? Email your answer to: or send us a direct message via Twitter or facebook. Competition closes 01/01/14 /devonmusicmag @D e v o n M u s i c M a g DEVON MUSIC | DECEMBER 2013



Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls will visit Plymouth Pavillions on February 11th 2014 with support from Flogging Molly and Beans on Toast. You and a pal could be in attendance by just answering one cheeky question...

Q: What underground act was Frank a member of before Million Dead? Email your answer to: or send us a direct message via Twitter or facebook. Competition closes 01/01/14 /devonmusicmag @D e v o n M u s i c M a g DEVON MUSIC | DECEMBER 2013



There’s loads on in Devon over Xmas and New Year and music to suit all tastes. We’ve rounded up the all best events here in one place to make it easy for you, so step away from that mince pie, pop Granny in front of the Strictly Come Dancing omnibus and get yourself some proper festive cheer at one of these great live music events or cracking clubnights. Chin chin! Starting the festivities in Exeter we have - The Computers Christmas Ball at The Phoenix on 19th December - Join The Computers for a special Christmas Ball! This much loved, sharply-dressed Exeter quintet’s sound lies somewhere in between Elvis Costello and The Attractions and Black Flag, with some Rocket From The Crypt thrown in The Computers for good measure!

Moving on to Plymouth, on 20th December Hold It Down proudly present the legendary chart topping Motown act Martha Reeves & The Vandellas at The Hub for an extra special Christmas Show. In contrast to other Motown groups such as The Supremes and The Marvelettes, Martha and the Vandellas were known for a harder, R&B sound, typified by “(Love Is Like a) Heat Wave”, “Nowhere to Run”, “Jimmy Mack” and, their signature song, “Dancing in the Street”. Martha Reeves

Also just over the road at The Pavilions musical master of ceremonies Jools Holland and his much loved Rhythm & Blues Orchestra will be bringing their audience-pleasing, foot-stomping ‘big band’ sound to Plymouth with a little help from three million album selling pop icon and former Spice Girl, Melanie Then on December 21st at The Cavern C colaborating with DJ JOE REBEL brings the best of punk, Jools Holland Jools for the first time. ska, Motown, classic indie and rock & roll in a Xmas extravaganza and tribute to the late great Joe Strummer from The Clash. Dead City Stereo are specially reforming to perform Clash songs and a couple of their own favourites! Rare Clash films will be screened throught the night. DEVON MUSIC | DECEMBER 2013


Back in Exeter for New Year’s Eve and The Cavern is keeping it strictly Indie with their New Year’s Eve Indie Club Party with special guests Get Cape Wear Cape Fly and Sean McGowan opening up a night of top tunes. After the bands see in the New Year with DJs Jake, Johnny and pals playing the likes of The Cure, Arctic Monkleys, The Libertines, Pulp, Get Cape Wear Cape Fly Oasis, Blur The Clash, Gossip, The 1975, you get the idea. Free cocktails on entry? Say no more. Literally just over the road we have Spectacula Fantastica at The Phoenix - Roll up, roll up this New Year’s Eve for dress-up and merriment in an eclectic array of themed rooms. Explore and enjoy the ‘Big Top’ (with Circus Stage), a Secret Speakeasy Cabaret, and a 50’s swing-dance party. Be dazzled by live music and DJs as they get the party started. Marvel at walk around acts, entertainers and performers. With live Music from Dizraeli, DJ Down Low and Bellatrix, Crinkle Cuts, The Skull Kids Entertainers & Performers from Cabaret Berlin, Magician and Mindreader Marc Lobb, Dr Lucie Furre, Inna Sketchi Manna, Circus Skills DJ’s Hod’guez (Rambunctious Social Club) , DJ Louie Louie , Electro-swing from Cabaret Voltaire, DJ Spider, Jazz Wolves and more, this certainly promises to be a night to remember. DEVON MUSIC | DECEMBER 2013

Over in Plymouth we see in the New Year with an altogether different vibe as the nine masked heads of Knotslip brutally tear into 2014 like a comet through candyfloss. Born from 9 seasoned musicians all sharing a love for Slipknot, first appearing together for a one off ‘Stars In Your Eyes’ show, only to realise the potential to become Europe’s greatest Slipknot tribute band. Featuring everything you expect from Slipknot, including masks, boiler suits, keg drums and an insane stage show THIS is the place to be if you want to mosh in the Knotslip new year. If metal’s not your thing then head to The Hub for the legendary Mad Dog Mcrea. These local heroes raise hands, lift feet and start parties wherever they play with their dance-demanding recipe of folk, pop, rock, jazz and bluegrass. Whisking up whistles, fiddles and mandolins to spectacular and infectious effect, these musical magicians are synonymous not only with a damn good party but also with quality musicianship and the odd surprise. Join them for the biggest party of the year as they see out 2013 in style! Mad Dog Mcrea FESTIVE EVENTS






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BLACK FOXXES You may have heard rumblings that there’s a new band in town…….. South west three-piece Black Foxxes are a band from humble beginnings. Formed from the ashes of many a successful Devon band (would it be too much to dub them a super-group?) the boys have been busy recording their first EP and are about to set to work filming the video. It’s all set for a stonking Boxing Day release where the full force of Black Foxxes will be blasted across the musical land and followed hot on the heels by a HUGE January EP launch party. Those of you lucky enough to have caught them opening for Canterbury at the Cavern in October are probably already wearing your smug ‘I was there and I can’t wait for January’ faces! With ‘an aim to play what comes naturally and to do it as loud as possible’, we’re expecting good things from the EP. We hooked up with guitarist/vocalist Mark to get the lowdown...

So, which Fox are you and what do you do in the band? I’m Mark, I play the guitar and sing. I also make the coffees. Tell us about how the band came together…… We always talk about how odd it was that the three of us ended up making music. The truth of it was I’d wanted to play this style of music since I started being in bands but always ended up playing with mates or just becoming something far too safe. So I started writing after my last group split, the first song I wrote which you’ll be able to hear on the EP was ‘Black Rivers’. I started jamming with friends and it sounded great but the commitment wasn’t there. After randomly messaging Ant (drummer) he came to one practice and bought a drum kit, cymbals, hardware that following week. It was madness. We were thinking of trying to keep it as a two piece but then a great friend of ours reminded us about Tris, he came down to a practice and played so fucking loud we had to say yes. And the rest is history.. What does the new EP sound like? These questions are always so hard to answer without sounding completely up yourself or deluded. So quite simply I’ll just say we never had any intentions to sound like any other bands during the writing process. Obvious influences will shine through, but we wanted a completely organic way of writing. I guess you could say it’s got that 70’s and 80’s feel of straight up loud and in your face rock music, but still holds true to the modern scene. We’re just a three piece, the sound’s so big because there’s nothing else in the way. Where have your biggest influences come from? Thankfully in this band we all have pretty similar influences. We all completely understand where rock music came from and why it became so massive at the time. Personally for me Neil Young is the biggest influence in all aspects not just music, his approach to everything with that ‘no bullshit’ attitude is exactly what I try to get across. Bar that as a group we’d say Nirvana and Foo Fighters are a massive one. Brand New, Manchester Orchestra, Biffy Clyro, Hot Water Music. There’s a good little list there! OH and grill stock in Bristol, no burgers should taste that good. But they do, and that inspires us. What would you like to see happen for Black Foxxes? Is there a particular aim for 2014? We’re currently in the process of arranging an EP launch show at the end of January. But in the meantime we’re just finishing up vocals on the EP. The video for the first single ‘You Gotta Grow’ will be a Boxing Day release, so that’ll kick start our New Year. The Facebook, Instagram, ALL the other social sites will be available on that date too, so make sure you add us up on those! In terms of our aims we definitely want to tour in 2014. It’s hard, you gotta stay realistic but at the same time we know we’re putting everything into this band so we don’t see any reason why we wouldn’t get put on a rad European tour or open up a few cool little festivals. So yeah the main aim is to get this EP out to as many people/ industry types as possible and see what we can do from it. If you suddenly became the biggest band in the world, who would you get to support you? Toughy. The go-to response would be your Foo-Fighters, Led Zep reunion, or the complete opposite and say our mates’ bands like ‘pups’. But to be honest I don’t think we’re in a position to answer that properly given the stage we’re at. Even though I kinda did haha! What do you do when you’re not making music? Not a whole lot to be honest. Ant has the best job out of us, he’s a filmmaker, does music videos and all that jazz. But we spend a hell of a lot of time doing this project. And we completely realise that’s the way it’s got to be. We’re still all living at home at 25 to be able to fund this the way we want too - it’s pretty bleak at the moment to be honest. And finally….what can we expect from your live show? I’m not gonna lie it’s going to be loud. We’re a three piece but we intend to piss some neighbours off. There’s too many bands out there that focus way too much on what they should be wearing, getting the left side of the crowd to sing at certain points in the set, doing cringey as hell intros about the town they’re playing in. You’ll never get that with us! We’re going to get up on stage, we’re going to be fucking loud and we’re going to sweat a lot. You’re probably going to enjoy yourself. ZAN LAWTHER

For more info visit DEVON MUSIC | DECEMBER 2013














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