Estate Living Issue 4

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Estate Living

C ontents The Vines




















Teaching an Old Dog Some New Tricks









Executive Drive





The Residential Community Industry

Interest P i ece



Ladies on Lunch

Relax@... What’s Putting

Residential Review Tech Talk

I nvestment Savvy Design Decor Be Well


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Publishing Editor

Jaime- Lee van Sittert ManagerING PARTNER Creative Director

Louise Martin

Editors Letter

Advertising Sales

elcome to the fourth edition of

This issue of Estate Living looks at the

Estate Living. As we near the end of

mavericks, the pioneers and the innovators

a successful year, we have time to reflect on

doing things creatively to maximise on

the progressions and innovations that have

resources for supreme effect, in an ‘adapt

paved the way forward in the industry. The

or die’ environment. We review two of

decision to theme this edition ‘Innovation’ was

the largest developments our nation has

On-Line Media Marketing

brought on by the undeniable experiences

seen, both encompassing a city within a

Julian Van Heerden

within our business this year. In our own

gated community. We take dining to new

right, we have felt the ground shift and years

heights, relish in completely bespoke spa

Design & Layout

of planning and strategising has come

experiences and sample a wine Estate that

Kurt Levendal

together perfectly. The integration of all of

offers so much more than just wine and we

our mediums and avenues are finding the

literally drive an innovative beast.

Jaime-Lee van Sittert Lungisa Maseti Content Manager

Mina Vigliotti

Proof Reader

Stacy Woensdregt Printing

Paarl Litho

correct paths and we will come to enjoy a brand, product and offering unlike any other

Enjoy an innovative read in a time when

in the industry. Estate Living has led the way

innovation is crucial. We trust you will be as

to the future of publishing and marketing

inspired as we were.

within the Estate industry and is pioneering

Editorial and Sales enquiries:

thought patterns around communicating in

it. The Estate Living platforms honours timeold print, the future of online, the presence

Accounts and Creative enquiries:

of social, all together under one roof, within

one targeted community – yours. All pushing the boundaries of organisational innovation.

Website: Publisher

Phoenix Creative Communication Phoenix Creative Communication would like to thank the Association for Residential Communities and The South African Institute of the Interior Design Professions for their valuable contributions and endorsement.

COPYRIGHT 2010- Phoenix Freelance cc The opinions and views expressed herein are not necessarily the views of the Phoenix Freelance CC Group. The Publisher and Editor can regretfully not accept any liability for omissions or errors contained in this publication. The ownership of registered trademarks is duly acknowledged. No part of this publication or any of its content may be reproduced,digitally stored or transmitted in any format without the express permission of the publishing Editor.

All of these differing facets communicate our vision and ideas for the future, and this platform is set to revolutionise the Estate Community. This






partnerships with authorities in the Estate industry, which enable us to bring you knowledgeable experience. ARC (Association of Residential Communities) is the official governing body of the Estate community, with Red-i (Real Estate Development interactive) being





systems surrounding Estate mapping and communication. The IID (The South African Institute of Interior Design Professions) offers valuable insights into design and showcases credible service providers to the industry. All of our partners contribute to a holistic platform that we are proud to communicate to the Estates across South Africa.

Jaime- Lee van Sittert PUBLISHING EDITOR

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La Motte he grape-rich Western Cape is no stranger

through the rest and not only offer a singular

really show off their best attributes and

to the array of wine farms that line the region.

facet of the wine industry but a selection of

between their grace, height and the moody

World class vineyards produce spectacular

appealing experiences. This is exactly what La

mist that surrounds them like a smoking pipe,

wines, which are known and enjoyed the world

Motte has achieved. Their ethos of ‘a culture of

the picture is truly magical.

over. However, from time to time, there is a wine

excellence’ is spot on with La Motte possessing

farm of distinction that encapsulates a certain

both immense culture and excellence in

La Motte has enjoyed many notable accolades

experience and that adopts pioneering and

everything that they do. To say that La Motte,

documenting their dedication and passion,

innovative sentiments, which impress even the

its creators and staff, pay immense attention

with one being the winner of the Best of Wine

most discerning of wine connoisseurs, food

to detail is an understatement. Every single

Tourism awards for 2012 and 2013. Their

aficionados, historians and adventurers alike.

aspect of the experience, its products and

exceptional wines have had a prominent impact

Estate Living stumbled upon, or rather was

services, exude a certain silver, silk thread that

on the industry and have also enjoyed many

made delightfully aware of one of these wine

brings everything together holistically.

awards. The initial farm dates back to 1695 but

farms. Ladies and gentlemen, in all of its glory; La Motte.

was acquired by the Rupert family in 1999 and Driving down the long, cobbled driveway

the brand was innovated and evolved to what

which is flanked by lush vineyards and mature

it embodies today. The Rupert family wanted

For our ‘Innovation’ issue, Estate Living found

oak trees, one is instantly emerged in the

to share the La Motte ethos of abundance and

a wine farm that did things differently. In

beauty of the magnificent surroundings. In true

gratitude, and it provides an offering unlike any

today’s competitive market, one needs to shine

Franschhoek style, the well-known mountains

other in the Winelands. La Motte has come to



Art Meets Wine with a Twist of Cuisine


deliver an all-inclusive experience that looks at

melon. The La Motte Shiraz is just as adored;

wine, cuisine, art, music, history and nature. All

it’s an intense and aromatic wine with scents

of these creative and cultural influences work

of black pepper, which is perfectly balanced

together and that elusive ‘je ne sais quoi’ that

with black cherry and blue berry fruits. La

so many establishments strive for, is beautifully

Motte has four collections of wine; the La Motte

achieved by La Motte.

Collection, the Classic Collection, the Pierneef Collection and Hanneli R wines. All of these

The wine tasting room at La Motte is as one

different categories have done exceptionally

would imagine, characteristic, softly lit and

well with many of them winning the most

scented with smoky wafts of fine, imported

prominent awards in the wine industry. The

oak. What makes it even more visually

La Motte Pierneef Shiraz/ Viognier 2005 won

appealing and innovative is the fact that one

the International Wine Challenge, Best South

can view the working, maturation cellar and

African Shiraz, with the La Motte Pierneef

wine process areas. Rustic, exposed brick

Sauvignon Blanc winning the Michelangelo

and a contemporary feel, finish off the room

International Wine Awards Organic Trophy in

in style. Visitors are able to relish a social wine

2007, 2008 and 2010.


tasting experience of a range La Motte’s award


winning wines but one of the main attractions is

When meandering through La Motte, one

their wine and food pairing. A knowledgeable,

will notice fine pieces of art adorning the

wine ambassador will take the sense of taste

walls in its visitor’s areas. If one is an art

to another level of delight, with a selection of

enthusiast or has a tuned eye for various

bespoke dishes carefully created by the head

artists, it will become apparent that these are

chef at the Pierneef à La Motte restaurant to

not just normal pieces of art but extremely

complement each wine variation. Each striking

rare, creative impressions from one of

and mouth-watering dish is paired with a

South Africa’s most famous and notable

specific wine, which brings out the flavours in

artists, Jacob Hendrik Pierneef. The Rupert

both the food and the notes of the heavenly

family purchased a full set of Pierneef’s

liquid. These dishes include, semi-dried cherry

lino cuts, as well as many other pieces of

tomato with salmon caviar, double baked

art in various mediums that are housed

cheese soufflé and gooseberry chutney, duck

in the extensive and thought-provoking

liver parfait and berry lollipop with mushroom

museum. The relatively large museum at

and cashew nut pesto and rose geranium jelly

La Motte offers a stimulating journey of

with crystallised ginger; absolutely blissful. With

art, culture and the Franschhoek Valley

the popularity of chardonnay dwindling, it’s

history. The museum hosts two exhibitions;

good to note that the La Motte Chardonnay is

the main room highlighting the life and art

wonderful; a distinctive yellow fruit on the nose,

of Pierneef with an exhibition of 43 of his

complemented by a rich depth of cashew

original works from his private collection.

nut, straw and nutmeg, plus a refreshing

The other exhibition in the museum rotates

palate with finishes of pineapple and sweet

on an annual basis and which includes a

contemporary exhibition from the Rupert Art Foundation. At the moment, the exhibition is The Cape Town Triennials, presenting talented, 20th century South African artists. Another Rupert museum is located in Stellenbosch. Additionally, the history of the farm can be explored, showcasing the great journey it has undertaken. The juxtaposition of fine Pierneef lino cuts against the elegant atmosphere of the wine farm really makes for a unique and character-infused voyage. What could be more fulfilling for the soul then to admire another type of nourishment for the cultural and artistic senses? comprised of semi-dried tomatoes, dried La Motte really does capitalise on the natural

apricots, quail eggs and toasted almonds,

splendour that encircles the Estate. For the

which are finished off in a wild garlic dressing.

more active explorers, there is a scenic hiking

For main’s, the confit of smoked, pork belly,

trail that winds alongside the mountain that

beurre de tomate with olive tapenade or

forms the backdrop of the Estate. With an

their grilled beef fillet with biltong pomme

emphasis on La Motte’s contribution to Mother

gratin and Hanepoot cream are both what

Nature’s garden, they implement innovative

fine dining encompasses. Overflowing with

and sustainable farming practises. There is

different textures and flavours, and creative in

an abundance of bird life, a Protea garden

presentation; these dishes are world-class and

and a hoard of traditional fauna and flora. The

are a real treat for any avid foodie. Pierneef à

magnificent vista of the Franschhoek Valley,

La Motte has an exclusive dining evening with

as well as the landscape of the expansive

their Chef Table; a fine dining menu in line with

establishment below, delivers an idea of why

guest’s partialities, which is pre-arranged with

La Motte is one of the most successful wine

Head Chef Chris Erasmus; a definite idea for

farms in the Western Cape and even South

that special occasion.

Africa. After a day of wining and dining, history and The wine farm’s resident restaurant; Pierneef

art and possibly a musical experience, as La

à La Motte, boasts both an inside and

Motte hosts classical music concerts, one

outside area. The inside of Pierneef à La

is able to commemorate the day with a spot

Motte is elegantly decorated in neutral and

of shopping at their Farm Shop. The quaint

cream colours, sports perfectly laid tables,

farm shop offers memorabilia that showcases

which sit under spectacular chandeliers

La Motte’s uniqueness, farm-baked goods


and lovely flowers including Blushing Bride






Delft pottery, and the face brick fireplace

Proteas, if in season.

provides the perfect accompaniment to chilly winters. In the summer months, the wooden

Overall, La Motte is truly astounding. It’s a

deck and courtyard with shady oak trees

wonderful place to sample and be emerged

paints the perfect setting for lazy Sunday

in the finer things in life. From its grand

afternoons. Pierneef à La Motte offers fine

surroundings, to the elegant atmosphere and

dining that differs from the usual. They have

extensive wine and cuisine, make sure to

amalgamated traditional cuisine from that

sample this jewel in the Winelands.

the outcome is phenomenal, presenting food

Details: Tel: 021 876 8000

drenched in culture and bursting in flavour

Fax: 021 876 3446

and appearance. Pierneef à La Motte’s Cape

Bokkom Salad is the perfect starter and is

R45 Main Road, Franschhoek Valley


area over the years with a contemporary twist;



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One of the company’s key differentiators is

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conducted by a leading financial journal last

was a natural progression for the company to

year, reported that BMW Home Loans provided

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adies L on Lunch

Innovative dining. This may conjure up images of creatively prepared, bespoke dishes, or a venue that may offer a different form of entertainment and experience. All of these examples are right. However, there is one concept that is seemingly pushing the boundaries in innovative eating and has taken the world by storm. A hoard of individuals have welcomed and relished the idea of dining in the sky, on a contraption that somewhat resembles a Rollercoaster. Estate Living gets strapped in for an enthralling dinner. Sky Events, and namely their Dinner in the Sky offering, is an event that has come to South African shores, where a table of around 20 diners are suspended 50 meters above the ground by a crane. 50 meters may not sound like much, but trust me, when up at that height you definitely feel the scare factor. The original idea was invented in Belgium and all of the tables are made there and exported to the different locations around the world. Dinner in the Sky is held in Johannesburg at the Indaba Hotel, as well as in other locations across the world, including Australia, the United States, Canada and all over Europe. Upon arriving at the Indaba Hotel, sky diners are graciously welcomed and are led to the bar to enjoy a complementary drink, while enjoying the burnt orange and fiery red, African sunset. While sipping on the African inspired cocktails, one has time to ponder the logistics behind the dinner that they are about to enjoy. It seems to be a logistical mystery. Food, drinks and 50 meters between us and the ground below, not to mention bathroom break queries; how is this actually going to work I ask? Whilst approaching your pop-up restaurant for the evening, you can’t help but feel a tad nervous. The ominous, metallic structure looks as


though it’s about to be catapulted into the sky

The atmosphere is relaxed, or rather becomes

unique ride with social sentiments and of

and finish off with a loop or two. After being

calmer after the first elevation when people

course, unparalleled vistas of the surrounding

reassured by the more then capable staff that

get used to the height, which descends for

city. Dinner in the Sky includes a three course

this in fact is impossible, I allow them to strap

each course also offering a toilet break if

meal with drinks paid for separately at R545.00

me into my chair, feet dangling and butterflies

urgent. People chat while music pours from the

per person. They will be soon introducing a

fluttering. It’s important to mention that safety

speakers and grateful sounds can be heard

summer menu and all public bookings need

is of the highest standards and all precautions

appreciating the food. Our main course was a

to be made through Computicket. If you

are taken to ensure a secure dining experience.

delicious and soul-pleasing roast leg of lamb

enjoy good food, amazing views, a social

Your rollercoaster, dining chair keeps you

on a bed of mash with crunchy vegetables.

environment and a pinch of adrenalin, give

snuggly buckled in but allows you to swerve to

Social bantering continues while we are

Dinner in the Sky a try.

the sides for greater, viewing pleasure. After a

presented with a delectable, medley of dessert

safety announcement is projected through the

boasting chocolate mousse cake, meringue, a

Details: Hilary: 084 449 6040

speakers, we are set to dine with the stars.

koeksister and pistachio ice-cream. Dinner in

the Sky is a fascinating and innovative dining The dining area is made up of the dining

experience that manages to integrate a totally

table with adjoining chairs in a circular pattern and the bar area. One is able to order various wines and spirits from the barperson, who is strapped into their station. Your starter is served while on the ground, as with all of the other meals, before the structure elevates diners to the sky. For starters we were treated to a rich and creamy butternut soup, which is welcomed as it can get chilly at those heights. The upward movement is a smooth and slow one, with the ground steadily disappearing below your feet. As one imagines, the higher and height become apparent. The view is astounding, with the city lights glistening below. The stars become brighter as you settle in to enjoy your meal.


you move, the more your surroundings



Spa Review F

itting with Estate Living’s ‘Innovation’

the excitement of your pampering day is

issue, we set off to discover a spa

highlighted with a friendly email and reminder

and wellness establishment that holds

of your visit.

dissimilar sentiments that make it that much more attractive. We came across

Upon entering the spa, one is immediately

RAIN Urban Boutique Spa in the Zone,

greeted with an intense burst of fresh blue

Rosebank, immediately we were made

shades, mirror and light. The spa radiates

aware of the consumer-driven attributes and

a renewed ambience with a stylish and

fresh approach that many other spas lack.

contemporary design, yet it manages to

Although the word ‘welcoming’ may indicate

encapsulate certain warmth. Its fashionable

cliché ideals in the industry, a sometimes

decor culminates exquisitely with large

snooty environment makes for a somewhat

comfy leather, lazy-boy type chairs that are

uncomfortable experience. Well, not at RAIN

decorated with textured aqua cushions.

Urban Boutique Spa. Each package and treatment at RAIN Urban RAIN Urban Boutique was only too content

Boutique Spa is entirely personalised to the

to host us and from the beginning, it was

individual, which results in getting what you really

evident that there was something uniquely

want. A ladies only spa, RAIN has taken into

different about the way they did things. RAIN’s

consideration the busy lifestyle of the modern

founders, Amanda Johnson and Nicola

women and its offerings range from an hour with

Hopwood, set out to conceptualise and

their ‘I’m on an extended lunch break’ to 5 hours

create a unique spa, where the sometimes

with ‘I think I’ll stay a while’ packages, which are

stuffy and snobbish atmosphere associated

totally tailored to what you want on the day.

with many high-end spas was nowhere to be found. They really have succeeded in doing

One is immediately attracted to the spectacular

this. RAIN Urban Boutique is an extremely

and aromatic buffet of delicious, different

welcoming and warm establishment, where

coloured, scented and textured minerals and

the only element one needs to worry about,

scrubs. RAIN Urban Boutique Spa offers ladies

is which amazing treatment you are going

a chance to indulge in the visionary buffet

to indulge in. Prior to your appointment,

whenever enjoying a bespoke manicure or

RELAX @...

A Breath of Fresh Air in the Business of Pampering


pedicure, as well as with other treatments on

deserve it. You are presented with a fluffy,

and beauty. Additionally, you are able to

offer. Make your selection from an assortment

white robe and slippers and wait for your

become a member at RAIN Urban Boutique

of delightful mineral scrubs, fizz balls, masks

treatments. To say that the therapists at

and receive valuable specials and discounts.

and body butters. The flavours are comprised

RAIN have hands like strong-willed angels,

RAIN’s ethos centres on empowering the

of marula nut, rooibos and honey, ginger

determined to eliminate any stress out of your

business women of South Africa, helping them

and lime, baobab seed and litchi and rose.

body, would be an understatement. With soft,

realise their goals and provide inspirational

Derived from Mother Nature’s back garden,

classical music in the background, one is

evenings with influential speakers. It’s evident

these luscious minerals will heighten any

transcended to a true place of relaxation. RAIN

that RAIN Urban Boutique Spa’s focus is on a

treatment with rich aromas and the soft touch

offers a selection of music that one can choose

customer-centred experience and impeccable

of the natural environment. Sit back and relax

from to accompany treatments and further

service. This is highlighted in their professional

in the downstairs area while the approachable

tailor the experience. RAIN Urban Boutique

demeanour, and in all of the little details that

therapists tend to your hard working hands

Spa’s facials are world class and leave your

make it so unique. From the handwritten note

and feet. If in a rush, one can even relish a

skin feeling smooth and refreshed. After you

from your therapist thanking you and accenting

mini facial, whatever the customer wants, they

emerge from your lady cave, you make your way

something unique about you, to the chocolate

get, with an immensely strong emphasis on

downstairs for a snack and glass of flavoured

treats with notes of encouragement, and the

customer satisfaction. The treatment rooms

water to bring you back to reality slowly. Apart

flavourful buffet of minerals and scrubs, RAIN

are located upstairs and once you have

from RAIN and its varied offering, the spa

Urban Boutique Spa has evolved customer

selected your treats, you are guided upstairs

forms part of a social and community driven

interaction to another level of innovation.

to relax in a ‘chill area’. You immediately

hub for ladies. They boast a social calendar

notice the naughty indulgence of chocolate,

with different events, from introductions to new

Details: 011 447 4534

which is accompanied by a little note of

products, ladies only evenings and events

encouragement informing you, that you

with various speakers on health, wellbeing

RELAX @...



What Men Really Want any luxurious Spa and wellness

issue. Positioned as a type of Gentlemen’s Club,

spa attains. The establishment is a masculine

establishments proclaim to be

but one where relaxation and well-being is at the

hub of style and opulence with little hints of

innovative with some brands encompassing

centre of their ethos, Glasshouse offers a solace

men’s desires hiding behind every corner.

certain pioneering methods. One of the

that is merged with a unique experience. A men’s

From the freshly stocked bar compliments

establishments that truly hit the nail right on

only spa, and a place where the segregation

of Glasshouse, to being able to order fresh

the head when it comes to doing something

of the sexes actually works perfectly, the spa’s

sushi from Beluga just next door, who said that

completely different is Glasshouse Rejuvenation

accolades are impressive to say the least. Not

pampering could not come with an ice-cold,

for Men, which is located in the stylish Foundry

only has Glasshouse been featured three times

Corona or oak-matured whiskey? Dark, rich

Building in Greenpoint, Cape Town. Considered

on the popular lifestyle programme Top Billing,

grey colours, black leather, textured wall paper,

the only one of its kind in South Africa, we were

it is also the winner of the World Luxury Spa

exposed brick, metal and sentiments of an

only too pleased to showcase this implausible

Awards 2013 for South Africa, and this gives

industrial and loft ambience create the setting.

and distinctive spa in Estate Living’s ‘Innovation’

an indication of the pure decadence that the

Soothing aromas waft in the air, lathering on the

sense of relaxation, with a traditional barber’s corner that offers hot towel shaves and colour treatments. If looking for a day of pure, uninterrupted indulgence or just a quick shave or haircut, the choice is yours. One of the most popular areas that many men relish is the station where your hands and feet get some tender attention from one of their professional therapists. Imagine two comfy leather chairs with built-in foot spas and a flat screen plasma TV, where men can catch up on their sporting highlights. This unique spa concept enjoys a variety of innovative treatments and products that the clientele can enjoy, tailored to their specifications, in 5 beautifully decorated, private treatment rooms. Glasshouse has recently introduced the pioneering Or-Light machine, which is utilised for permanent hair removal, skin rejuvenation and aiding with reducing burst capillaries and sun damage. Additionally, Glasshouse caters for the more medical type treatments such as Lamelle Peels and Dermaroller Treatments. With the movement towards a more metrosexual society, Glasshouse has taken into consideration the modern man and their aesthetic needs. Treatments are geared towards keeping them looking and feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world. From calming massages, including hot stone, Swedish, deep tissue and Bellabaci Cup, to body wraps and scrubs, fast paced lives are no match for their therapists’ magical hands. Glasshouse does tinting and teeth whitening, and for the real men that understand that ‘pain is beauty’, an array of waxing options. Glasshouse offers a rewarding membership system that allows clients to collect promo miles of 5-10% discount, as well a type of social hub where members can enjoy wine and whiskey tasting evenings, as well as the opportunity to be introduced to new products. Just some of their goodies include the wellestablished Dermalogica range, which offers a man’s range, Tree of Life and urth Skin Solutions for Men. If evaluating Glasshouse in regards to innovation, they are a spa that has managed to amalgamate this with their incredible ideals. They offer a solace of well-being for men only, but one that still manages to maintain masculine components and provide specifically tailored treatments. The location is chick and stylish, the staff well informed, and it seems that the eight years of immense success that Glasshouse Rejuvenation for Men has enjoyed, is only the beginning. Details: 021 419 9599/8




What’s Putting G

Business Rescue Innovations for the Wedgewood Golf Course olf Data, one of South Africa’s

known throughout the world. Golf Data’s

a Jewish bowling club that was transformed

most notable and successful full

distinguished accolades include winning

into the grand Bob Grimsdell architecturally

service golf course design, construction and

South Africa’s Best New Course Award on

designed course in 1949. Grimsdell is still today

maintenance companies has undertaken the

an unmatched six occasions. Golf Data’s all-

acknowledged as having an innovative design

extensive task of completely renovating the

embracing services extend to every aspect

philosophy for his era and that foundation

Wedgewood Golf Course at the Wedgewood

of a championship golf course. This includes

still remains evident at Wedgewood. In 2005,

Country Estate in Port Elizabeth. From 1989,

all of the fundamental planning, designing

Pinnacle Point purchased Wedgewood and

Golf Data has been pioneering the way forward

and groundwork, leading up to the course’s

after some much anticipated hype on the vast

in South Africa with regards to golf courses and

landscaping and maintenance. Just some of

redevelopment, the project was terminated in

the innovative designs surrounding them. By

the distinguished golf courses that Golf Data

2009 with the development nearly complete.

December of this year (weather dependant)

have succeeded in creating are Leopard

Four years later, the Wedgewood Golf

Golf Data, together with the Wedgewood Golf

Creek, Pearl Valley, Pecanwood, Pezula and

Course is now a hive of activity and very

and Country Estate and the Cardinet Group,

Serengeti. All of these dedications have been

much not-terminated. The Cardinet Group

will unveil their hard work and dedication with

implemented in the conceptualisations of

purchased the development and contracted

an innovative golf course of distinction that will

Wedgewood and with extensive experience

Golf Data to take over the golfing element,

freshen up the golfing scene in Mandela Bay.

from working with golfing legends such as

therein as a critical component of the

Gary Player, Ernie Els and Jack Nicklaus; it’s

business rescue process. This was the start

Golf Data’s well established portfolio of

going to be thrilling to see the end product.

of a pioneering and innovative business

impressive strategic partners has contributed

The Wedgewood Golf and Country Estate

rescue mission, and Golf Data together

to their awarded golf courses, which are

has its roots placed in the 30’s and was once

with the new developers chose to accept


it with enthusiasm. Essentially, the Cardinet

aficionados. The talented Sean Quinn from


Group acquired the existing infrastructure

Golf Data was behind the redesigning of

house, which is a prominent feature of the

of the original project, estimated at a

the course since the Pinnacle Purchase of

establishment’s innovative ideals. Endemic

capitalisation of R500 million with the actual

the Estate. Golf Data’s preparations began

and indigenous grass has been utilised,

redevelopment expected to cost a further

by clearing all alien vegetation from the site,

which limits the course’s demand for water

R35 million.

which has in turn freed up water from the

and thus assists it to thrive naturally. Golf





dam and underlying marsh area. Golf Data’s

Data have strategically planned as many

The newly renovated golf course will form the

40 member crew rehabilitated elements

aspects of the design and construction of the

central attraction that is set to breathe life into

beginning with the entrance and then moving

course as possible, to comply with Audubon

the Wedgewood Estate and surrounding area.

to other facilities in the Estate. Both the

Environmental Standards. This ethos lends

In its initial planning, the Wedgewood Estate

course and common areas on the Estate

to achieving this prestigious and innovative

was aimed at merging both the game of golf

were rehabilitated and reshaped by Golf Data

accreditation in the first few years of operation.

with an alluring, country living lifestyle. In its

with an idea of creating a modern, clean and

Just some visible aspects of this include the

completion, its set to include a strong residential

sustainable landscape, which is not only fitting

introduction of owl boxes and raptor perches

component, with a boutique hotel planned to

of a high end Estate but one that does not

to naturally curb rodent and pest populations.

elevate the Estate as a tourist destination. The

impact unnecessarily on the environment, or

These environmental sentiments have sifted

rescue of the Wedgewood golf course poses

burden home owners with levies. Wedgewood

through to the Estate and the club house in

notable advantages for the economy of Port

sports a high-tech irrigation system and much

their entirety.

Elizabeth and is sure to contribute to creating

planning went into the innovative drainage

an advantageous investment destination,

that holistically contributes to the surrounding

Golf Data have evolved the Wedgewood

especially as there are not many 18 hole

environment, taking climate into consideration.

course to offer a challenging, stimulating and

golf courses in the area and no comparable



enthralling game with many intelligent and

golfing residential Estates. Additionally, it aims

Many environmental aspects have been

strategic surprises along the way. It boasts an

to be positioned as the go-to golf course for

incorporated into the establishment, from

attractive 18 hole, 72 par championship golf

both Port Elizabeth golfers, as well as visiting

sustainable practices, friendly maintenance

course enclosed with trees. Seven large new

Back of 8th hole

Finishing Holes

evident with the golf course’s existing wetlands,

safety and views of the golf course. An initial

cover 4 hectares of water located on the front

streams and water features being upgraded

840 plots will make up the residential section

nine holes. This has progressed the previous

with a modern edge. Tighter playing areas with

of the Estate, which encompass an ethos of

flat portion of the golf course to offer more of

the creation of strategic bunkers have been

a family-centred, lifestyle establishment with

a challenge for players, as well as create a

implemented with a strong focus on housing

open spaces and a nature reserve. The golf

picturesque environment with a country feel.

elements. Planning around Wedgewood’s

course’s par 3, 3rd hole is rumoured to be

Golf Data’s pioneering design philosophy is

residential component has included space,

extremely challenging; a shot that can be


lakes were incorporated by Golf Data, which


Tel: 021 551 5142

Cell: 079 362 1950



stretched a good 190 meters across the valley, which is flanked by two large bunkers waiting to snatch up anything right of what would be a vast putting surface. One of the adrenaline-fuelled surprises mentioned doesn’t get better then the par 3, 12th hole. This particular hole is able to play anything between 140 and 170 meters over a dramatic lake and one should be pleased to find the putting surface. This intriguing hole was inspired by the direction of the original par 3 15th hole designed by Grimsdell. The 12th hole runs in same direction and this is the section of the course where water plays a huge factor. This is where Golf Data opened up previously unexplored marsh lands, which were hidden on the previous course. The vast size of the lake only then becomes evident when walking down the fairway of

Wedgewood Clubhouse

the par 4, 11th hole. The club house at Wedgewood, which is being designed for Golf Data by Ross Smyth of SALT Architecture, is an innovative project with a country theme fused with modern sentiments. This additionally complements the golf course and Estate. It has been designed with family and social elements in mind, moving away from the once ‘maleonly’ philosophy. Its functional design is both comfortable and stylish utilizing stone and wood elements derived from the site, indicative of the sustainable ideals in action at Wedgewood. From its architecture, facilities and the materials used, every step aims to be as environmentally friendly as possible. After many years of hype and anticipation surrounding the different developers of Wedgewood and the course itself, it’s exciting that a quality end product is finally in sight. The Wedgewood course couldn’t have anyone better then Golf Data bringing it back to life. Avid golfing enthusiasts from around the country and even the world are sure to sample the innovation behind this distinctive course.


Details: Tel: 041 363 0000


Fax: 041 363 0003

7th hole Par 3

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AD VE RT S An extraordinary development

What is Waterfall Estate?

Waterfall Estate is found mid-way between Johannesburg and Pretoria on a 2200 hectare tract of land triangulated between Woodmead, Kyalami and Midrand, formerly known as the farm Waterval. Positioned as it is, between Johannesburg and Pretoria, its location is at the nexus of a surging residential and commercial growth node of Gauteng.

A future city:

The Waterfall development is extraordinary in the sense that it offers developers and planners the opportunity to create what will eventually be a ‘New City’ from a blank slate, all according to contemporary urban design and planning principles. Waterfall Estate to this end will aim to be a mixed development – meeting diverse lifestyle needs – comprising residential Estates, retirement villages, business parks, a private school, a hospital, a five star hotel and shopping malls – to name a few.

The intent of Waterfall Estate:

The Waterfall Estate is intended to be an attractive, efficient, secure, easily accessible and eco sensitive lifestyle investment. Its strategic location from scratch development guided by a master plan will ensure this, striving to promote integrated live, work and play environments that provide a good quality of life. In an urban environment, more than this you could not ask for!

The Gatehouse; Waterfall Country Village





Residential eview R Waterfall Estate





Johannesburg. Waterfall is one of the largest

an innovation in the way people want to live,

impressive developments sprawling

developments in the country and enjoys

shop and interact with each other. The farm

the city’s outlying areas. Many of these

a prime location that many developments

was sold in 1934 to Moosa Ismail Mia who

developments exude the innovative ideas of

and Estates dream of having. The main,

built a school for orphans on behalf of the

a mixed-use development, where the aspect

strategic partners are Atterbury Property

Islamic Institute and a small Islamic training

of community is being reintroduced into

Group, Waterfall Investment Company and

facility on the land, which not only led to

South African society. There is a prominent

Century Property Developments. Located

the 99-year leasehold regulations but is

gap in South Africa for a space where

in an area that has one of the fastest

still running its charities by donating funds

residential, retail, leisure and industrial

growing local economies with regards to

to feed and clothe 109 000 women and

attributes are located in one secure and

municipality, Waterfall is near to one of the

children every day.

convenient location. This has never been

busiest intersections in the country that

translated and envisioned so effectively

conveniently links to Pretoria, Midrand,

The land which was initially a massive

as with the Waterfall Estate Development,

Sandton and the Johannesburg CBD. The

3700 hectares, is now a 2200 hectare

which has had a significant impact on the

initial land dates back to a farm in the 1888’s

development that offers a cradle to the

retail, industrial and property markets of

but has since come a long way to represent

grave system. This means that every aspect


of your life, be it your birth, schooling and

With any area which has been developed

then retirement is taken into consideration

to withstand residential, retail and industrial

and is catered for. The massive Waterfall


Estate Development is made up of nine

infrastructure surrounding road systems

subsidiary Estates that not only cater for

and transportation needs to be taken into

different requirements and lifestyles, but also

consideration. The development partners

different income brackets; which is a breath

involved in this process have not only

of fresh air with regards to elitism within the

contributed to creating an area with minimal

Estate communities. There will eventually be

congestion but have upgraded many of the

around 8 000 homes, a retirement village,

roads and facilities of the area with the major

three primary schools and high schools

route presently under construction. Currently,

including Reddam House, various crèches,


retail and light industrial space and an array

through its centre and a new station is set

of business parks.

to be introduced. In regards to innovating







the means of efficient transportation further, a heliport facility is planned for the future. The nine Estates located within this minicity are surrounded with integral leisure and fundamental entities that result in one not having to travel far out of their comfort zone. In Waterfall’s CBD, a Netcare Hospital and one of the most modern and technologically advanced shopping centres, Mall of Africa, will be located, which rivals most similar establishments. The shopping centre to


be built at the heart of the Waterfall Estate







luxurious and leisure elements, it will also be designed and constructed by top pioneering architects that have integrated people, parking and flow patterns into its vision. Mall

of Africa, a shopping centre planned to be larger than Cresta located in the Western part of Johannesburg, will provide Wifi in all of its public areas, keeping up with technology and our era of instant gratification. When we evaluate innovative technologies and systems relating to communication, the Waterfall Estate Development has integrated pioneering and modern methods into their already extensive offering. All of the Estates will house over 40 cell phone masts that will be connected to an optic fibre network for enhanced connectivity. The modernised and highly effective optic fibre network that is being installed throughout all Estates and the development will include internet, TV, HD, telephone and security communication. The retail, commercial and business sectors will also make use of the optic fibre network, as well as the ground-breaking security systems being utilised at the residential Estates. The combined security systems utilised at all of Waterfall’s Estates have seen the need to safeguard the essence of the Estates, its Security is multi-faceted, containing various layers which all serve a prominent service. Each Estate houses highly trained manpower with state-of-the-art security systems. These are effectively and aesthetically integrated into


residents and the lifestyle that comes with it.


the resident’s lifestyle and Estates to limit any intrusive elements. Perimeters are secured by a four metre high, reinforced concrete wall with an electric fence, which is monitored by mounted CCTV cameras and is additionally patrolled by on-site security personnel. In regards to the environmental movement adopted by many Estates, sustainable practices have been implemented in many components of the development and Estates. The climate of the high-veld is taken into consideration, with 95% of the vegetation being indigenous to that area and solar and gas geysers utilised for energy. The main and most developed Estates of the


Waterfall Estate Development are the Waterfall


Country Estate, Waterfall Equestrian Estate

equestrian elements and a certain country

stables. As one may imagine, this distinctive

and the Waterfall Hills and Valley Mature

charm. There are various water features

Estate boasts magnificent homes of a grand

Lifestyle Estate. The Waterfall Equestrian

throughout the Estate and one feels as though

and opulent nature. One gets an idea of how

Estate is a paradise for nature and horse

it’s protected by a moat with ducks guarding

grand with prices for homes in the upper

lovers. It is a place where your passion for

their little piece of heaven. The breathtaking

millions; very upper millions.

equestrianism and polo is easily incorporated

club house is characteristic and evidence of

The Waterfall Country Estate poses its own

into your lifestyle; and a place that boasts

a love for horses and equine sport. The club

set of attractive facilities and is an Estate most

world class facilities right on your doorstep.

house is home to the elegant boutique hotel,

alluring for families. As its name indicates,

The manicured Estate is inundated with lush

Tintswalo, as well as its successful restaurant.

the Estate has a country feel, beautified by

vegetation and has a definite elegance. It

The restaurant overlooks the Estate’s polo

characteristic cobbled roads, surrounding

fuses a sophisticated African theme with

fields, practice areas and, in the distance,

hills and traditional high-veld fauna and flora.

Homes are unique but there is a definite

trails, abundant bird life and park benches. A

definitely one of the most attractive features

harmony in all of their aesthetic components.

luxurious spa is planned for the future, which

of the establishment. The clubhouse, which is

Rustic colours, tin roofs and the use of timber

just further cements Waterfall Country Estate

adorned with crystal chandeliers, is home to a

wood make for a modern interpretation of

as a leisure, lifestyle and sports centred

pool, restaurant, gym and various conference

village living. The Waterfall Country Estate

attraction for investors.

rooms. The health and well-being of residents is at the core of the Estate’s ideals and it is for

lifestyle and their clubhouse/lifestyle centre is

For retirees, looking for the perfect Estate which

this reason that it provides a frail care facility,

testament to this. The Estate is fairly close to

caters to their requirements, both lifestyle and

easy access to Waterfall City Hospital and

Reddam House College and the clubhouse

logistical, the Waterfall Valley Mature Lifestyle

other medical establishments in planning, as

is great for children and adults alike. The

Estate is exactly this. This picturesque Estate

well as 24 hour emergency healthcare.

clubhouse overlooks a large dam and houses

is made up of modest but attractive homes

a modern gym, a huge swimming pool, a

with similar aesthetic attributes, which boast

The Waterfall Estate Development and

climbing wall, restaurant and a cute, themed

wonderful views of the surrounding scenery.

its Estates have provided a viable and

children’s play area. Many of the Estate’s large

The Waterfall Valley Mature Lifestyle Estate’s

profitable investment opportunity. Already

and impressively designed homes have been

clubhouse is a hub of elegant and opulent

many savvy investors have seen the value

built near to the dam and the 37 kilometres of

design with views of the mini-golf course

of its longevity and success, and when more

pristine green belt offers walking and biking

which boasts world class facilities and is

of the components of the development are


has a strong focus on family and community


complete, this should increase even further. Apart from boosting local economy and contributing to the surrounding infrastructure, this extensive project has already created around 10,000 job opportunities and this number is set to rise with future planned projects. In its entirety, the Waterfall Estate Development and its prominent contributing elements are strategically pushing the envelope and will surely become one of the cornerstones of this innovative mixed-use development movement. Waterfall: Century Property Developments: Tel: 011 300 8700 Fax: 011 300 8790 Waterval Investment Company (Pty) Limited Tel: 011 253 9222 Fax: 011 253 9229







Residential Review Nooitgedacht

A Modern Village in the Heart of the Winelands


n this issue of Estate Living, we have

in 1923 and has since remained in the

looked at two innovative Estates that

ownership of the Wirth family. The Estate

both offer something unique and

is set on 240 hectares of land surrounded

pioneering in their own right. Our last Estate

by the Stellenbosch mountain range and

in our Residential Review is no different.

rolling vineyards. Its mixed-use elements

Nooitgedacht is an exciting development

include both commercial and retail aspects.

happening in the heart of the Winelands,

Nooitgedacht Village forms part of the Estate

near to the Beyerskloof Wine Estate and

and is set on 25 hectares, which includes 700

Stellenbosch centre. Nooitgedacht will be

varied residential properties, 18,000 square

comprised of mixed-use components but

meters of offices and 12,000 square meters

uniquely, it strives to bring back an old

of retail space. Nooitgedacht Village has

world, village and European charm into our

access to 225 hectares of farmland which

modernised residential society.

will remain undeveloped. This provides an incredible playground for nature enthusiasts

Visions for the Nooitgedacht Estate started

who will be able to partake in hiking, jogging

24 years ago by the Wirth family and this

and biking on the vast open land and rowing

vision is progressing beautifully. The Estate

in their large dam. For birding enthusiasts,

was purchased by Mr. Fritz Otto Wirth

the Estate boasts sightings of Fish Eagles


FESTIVE SEASON ADVICE FOR HOMEOWNERS For most South Africans, December means holiday time as consumers begin to wind down from the stresses of work. However, while people tend to be more relaxed during the festive season, the reality is that they actually face an increased risk of burglary because homes are left unoccupied for extended periods of time. There are certain tell-tale signs that indicate an unoccupied

enjoying the fresh supply of fish in the dam. Nooitgedacht

home, such as curtains not being opened during the day,

is part of the Cape Leopard Charity and has adopted green

lights being left on 24/7 and an overflowing post box. As a

and sustainable methods in many aspects of its grand

result, it is a good idea to ensure that gardens are maintained

project, including controlled energy use and organic farming

and speak to your neighbours to inform them of your plans so

on the Estate. The green and lush Winelands environment is

they can be on the lookout.

capitalised on with various picturesque picnic areas in the hidden forest sections along the river, which runs through

Another option is to employ a house sitter or a domestic

the Estate. Being a wine producing Estate, Nooitgedacht is

worker to look after the property. Not only can this reduce the

inundated with sprawling vineyards, as well as many plum

chance of a home being burgled and but it also provides a

and pear trees, which sweeten the air. Like many other

measure of reassurance from a maintenance perspective.

mixed-use Estates that are innovating the way forward in the way people live, Nooitgedacht will come to offer a cradle

However, it is important to realise that if you employ someone

to the grave system that will provide every differing facet

to look after your home they must also take all the precautions

of your life, from your birth, schooling, leisure activities and

necessary as outlined in your insurance policy, which includes

your retirement.

setting the home alarm system if specified by your insurer. If your house sitter goes out for the day and is not able to set the

High-end and modern security systems, which will not take

alarm then there is a high risk that any claim will be repudiated

away from the aesthetic splendour of Nooitgedacht, are

as the house was not properly protected.

introduced into the Estate. It will feature a reinforced fence, night vision cameras and a dedicated security workforce

Before going away, it is also very important to ensure that the

manning both the perimeter and main entrance. Nooitgedacht

alarm system is tested, as well as the backup battery. If a theft

is additionally innovating in regards to their transportation

takes place due to the fact that the alarm was faulty or the

needs with a Metro Rail train station, which will run from 5am

back-up battery was flat then once again the claim is likely to

to 8pm, as well as shuttles into Stellenbosch. The Estate has

be repudiated.

been developed to minimise traffic congestion and offers shuttles and golf carts which will transport residents within

The December holidays are the perfect time to relax from

the Estate. Innovations in the sphere of technology have

the pressures of the year just gone but by taking adequate

been implemented by the utilisation of a fibre optic network

precautions to secure your home before you go away you

for enhanced connectivity, as well as its own TV station

can rest assured that your belongings are safe whilst you are

where residents are able to see visitors at the main gate,


and which will showcase information on events, news and the various shops in the village centre.

Christelle Fourie, Managing Director of MUA Insurance Acceptances For more information, please visit:

Nooitgedacht’s initial phase, Village Walk, was launched in 2012 and was completely sold out in a mere three months showing just how much public and investment interest surrounds this development. Village Walk offers 3 bedroom houses starting at 135 square meters with starting prices of


R1.695 million. The quaint and characteristic village has strong European influences and can be described as having the same aesthetic look, feel and offering as a historic town with Bo-Kaap architecture. Safe and secure living has been incorporated into the residential and retail project with the ability to browse the centre of the village at any time of the day or night. The townhouse homes are built in an exquisite traditional manner with exposed brick, stone and wood elements. Individualistic, cobbled streets and pathways meander through homes and the centre, with water features and picnic spots in the lovely landscaped parks. A community and village lifestyle is enhanced with boutique shops, corner cafes, bakeries and restaurants, literally

Square was 95% sold since the launch a few

enthralling riding trails throughout the 200

right on your doorstep. The village will even

weeks back and Phase 2 will be available

hectares of scenic landscape.

offer its very own Village Chapel. The Village

from the 1st of December 2013.

Market provides fresh, farm-grown organic

The next residential component of the

produce, which limits the use of pesticides



Estate is Nooitgedacht Manor. This includes

in the farming process. The Nooitgedacht

an outstanding boulevard and pedestrian

25 exclusive erven, which encompass

Estate offers all of its residents special

walkways that connect all various residential

a wine Estate lifestyle. These plots are

golf club memberships for the Devonvale

sections, including Village Square to the

located in the quieter part of the Estate and

Golf Club, ensuring every aspect of one’s

Village Park. The area of Village Park will

boast spectacular 180 degree panoramic

leisurely requirements are taken care of.

sport a pioneering R10 million valued

mountain and vineyard views. The Manor

Village Square will be home to an array

clubhouse surrounded by lovely ponds and

homes are larger in size than the homes

of vibrant houses, maisonettes, studio

cascades and will offer facilities such as

in Village Walk and are uniquely designed

apartments and garden duplex units, all

tennis and squash courts, a bowling green,

to suit homeowner’s lifestyles. These plots

gathered around cobble-stoned piazzas.

a well-equipped gym and a large pool. Top

vary in size but houses of up to 600m2 can

This is the heart of the village where the

class equestrian facilities are planned to be

be built here. Located in close proximity to

aroma of freshly baked bread and brewed

constructed close to the Village Park area

Nooitgedacht Manor is Simonsberg Manor.

coffee fills the air. The first phase of Village

and will include stabling, paddocks and

The homes in this area are similar to the


ones in Nooitgedacht Manor with slightly smaller plots. Contributing to the already vast offering that Nooitgedacht has managed to incorporate into its vision, Village Retreat will soon be developing. Created for retirees and seniors, it provides 171 homes in a quiet section of the Estate and will offer a slower pace of leisurely life. Village Retreat will have world-class facilities and frail care. As with Village Retreat, Village Close will soon be developing a collection of 43 plots overlooking the adjacent 2.3 hectares of landscaped Village Park. As mentioned, wine is a strong factor at Nooitgedacht and residents have the opportunity to partake in the Private Wine Collection and




be included on the exceptional invitation list

allure of the Estate, but it will also attract many

Nooitgedacht has proven that when fully

for the Pressing of the Grapes Festival. Art

other, notable artists to the Estate and it may

complete, it will most surely feature as one of

has a very prominent place in the Estate and

become a hub for creativity. The arts and crafts

South Africa’s most pioneering and visionary

this is another component that contributes

workshops, together with the working bronze

Estates. Although it has also utilised mixed-

to Nooitgedacht’s innovative ideals. Village,

studio, create the perfect platform and location

use ideals into its development, it has

bronze art workshops will be located in the

for intimate wine evenings and events.

evolved to offer something so much more


heart of the village, along with The Bronze


distinctive. It will encapsulate a bygone time

Studios, where people are able to marvel at

On the same land infused with history and

that many individuals and families search for;

the art of bronze sculpturing and the process

the original manor house of the Nooitgedacht

one enriched in culture and beauty and one

behind these amazing, creative pieces. These

Estate, there is a wedding and function venue

that really gratifies a sought-after lifestyle.

bronze sculptures beautify the central man-

which has become a sought-after location for

made forests and maze areas. Well-known

that special day or important function. The

Details: Gerhardt Jooste

artists have been commissioned by the Estate

original chapel in the wedding venue dates

Tel: 0861 000 202

to create many incredible, pieces of art, which

back to the 1700’s, with the large function

Cell: 084 601 0001

will pave the way for more talents to emerge.

room being emerged in elegant antiquity and

This element not only contributes to the cultural






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Residential Review Steyn City



A Concept for the People

ith the rapidly growing local

from urban dwelling. Along with a hoard of

development is situated along the Jukskei River

economy of Johannesburg’s,

investors and developers, Steyn City is set to

in Johannesburg, between William Nicol Drive

more and more impressive developments

become one of the largest and most innovative

and Cedar Road in a heavily wooded area. Its

are sprouting up around the city. However,

residential Estates in South Africa. There

immense magnitude is hard to comprehend.

there seems to be one development that

is an embedded ideology in South African

After completion it will be 900 hectares large,

is generating quite a stir; Steyn City. With

society which communicates the need for us

an area which is larger than Sandton and the

Estate Living’s theme of ‘innovation’ in

to close ourselves off from the world in order

V&A Waterfront in the Western Cape.

mind, such a development is certainly

to protect our families. But by doing this, we

pushing the boundaries and evolving the

become isolated and disconnected. There

The Steyn Estate is set to integrate various

way we live and interact. Steyn City is part

are many contributing factors that aid in this

elements into the vast development and

of the leading pack, moulding the Estate

sentiment with the primary being crime. To

is designed to encourage the relationship

community movement, which is making its

combat this loss of community interaction and

between a city and its residents. Elements

way through the country and shifting ideas

to counteract fear, Estates have posed a safe

range from residential, commercial and retail

on where to call home.

haven. Steyn City not only does this with safety

attributes, as well as state-of-the-art medical

in abundance, but with an integrated offering of

facilities and private schooling establishments,

Flamboyant business tycoon Douw Steyn

social needs and wants. With its official launch

in one secure and community-centred Estate. It

envisioned a concept founded on an older

date in early 2015, the Estate is progressing in

embraces a ‘world’ on your doorstep boasting

way of life, which emphasised the quality

leaps and bounds with many affiliates working

a city centre teeming with shops, restaurants

of life and community that has disappeared

hard on the project. This visionary mixed-use

and conference and event facilities.

The Steyn Estate features various property

for the avid sports person. The elevated

options for the discerning investor, from

amount of hype surrounding this implausible

bachelor apartments to large, free standing

Estate deserves our attention. If it manages

family homes and even a retirement village,

to deliver all of the fundamental ideals it

which offers frail care and fundamental

has theorised to offer for South African’s


property and lifestyle needs and wants, it





developers have committed to the future of

will reap all of the rewards it deserves.

Steyn City with the facilitation of the Estate’s infrastructure amounting to R6 billion of


internal roads and bridges to minimise traffic, as well as the construction of leisure facilities and the city centre before any plots can be purchased. The Estate is a hub for that desired leisure lifestyle, with an 18-hole Nicklaus designed championship golf course, as well as many health and fitness facilities. With Steyn Estate being located near a river and in a woodland area, nature is right on your doorstep and when taking a stroll, a hike or a cycle, the Estate offers a solace of relaxation away from the mundane and busy outside world. If that’s not alluring enough, the Estate will




12:56 PM

boast equestrian, sport and track facilities

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Estat e Management Techno l ogy Web and Digital Marketing Advice for Property Developers and Estates:

The world is going

structure, tone and delivery mechanism

digital, there is no

of your content all combined are the key

denying that. This shift

weapon in your marketing arsenal.

brings with it a host of new opportunities

3. Go responsive: The proliferation of

and challenges. In the

mobile devices (tablets and phones) will

marketing space, digital marketing spend is

continue to grow over the coming years.

steadily increasing in relation to traditional

Statistics show that mobile internet usage

marketing each year and with good reason.

is expanding at a rapid rate and mobile

As our workplaces, homes and lives become

page views in Africa almost doubled

more connected we can’t avoid the new

from 2011 to 2012. Africa and Asia

mediums that engage with us.

(because of uncompetitive ADSL pricing and relatively cheap mobile internet) are

Property developers and Estate communities

leaders in this growth, however this is a

can maximise their ROI in digital spend by

global trend that cannot be ignored.

following a few simple, yet often overlooked, steps.

Responsive design simply means your web presence is crafted to adapt its

1. Prepare and research: Before embarking

display to suit the size of the device

on creating a web presence, do your

being used; desktop, laptop, tablet,

homework and explore the market,

mobile phone etc. One website that

find examples of websites you like and

works across all devices saves you the

list why you like them. Find examples

cost of building or updating separate

of websites you don’t like and list why

mobi sites or apps.

you don’t like them. List your primary objectives and note the goals you would like your digital presence to achieve.

4. Digital marketing mediums: Social media has been the buzzword for the past few years. While these mediums are good

2. Focus on your content: Categorise and

at providing alternate communication

list the content structure based on what

channels for your brand, the key to

you have. Enlist the help of a content

maximising your reach and engagement

strategist to help you fill in the blanks

is to deliver consistent, interesting

and guide the remaining process. The

and valuable content and engage in

importance of planning and structuring

two-way conversations about topics

web content is often overlooked with

that really matter to your audience.

many websites only dealing with content

Encourage your users to subscribe to

after the web project is already built. The

your email newsletter and fill this with


content that will enrich your subscribers.

objective for any digital real Estate map

Websites should be constructed on an

is the effective online presentation of the

easy to use CMS (content management

development or estate in order to promote

system) with a well-defined metadata

the overall estate and generate leads and

structure to allow easy and quick creation

enquiries that convert into sales.

and editing of web content which reduces overall spend.

Digital, online marketing has the potential for a much broader reach than traditional

5. SEO: The often misunderstood practice

marketing methods and can be far more

of search engine optimisation is not

cost effective than the traditional methods.

a ‘black art’. It simply boils down to

Following some basic best practices

having meaningful content contained

and ensuring that the content you deliver

in a well coded website that adheres

has substance can mean the difference

to fundamental best practices. Drive

between a web presence that exists but

interest and traffic to your website

is innefective verses an integrated digital

from your social media channels, blog,

marketing ecosystem that your users

newsletter and partner websites.

share in, engage with and thrive upon.

6. Analytics: All things digital can be measured; this is part of the mediums power. Keep track of your website, email newsletter and social media engagement and patterns. Use this knowledge to adapt and fine tune your content to what your audience is engaging with, rinse and repeat. 7. Digital Mapping: The real Estate industry is geographically driven and the use of mapping in the industry is not new. The geographic nature of plotting out homes for sale makes complete sense and this has been a staple of marketing properties for a long time. What has changed, evolved and innovated is the technology surrounding how we map. The mapping industry with its associated mediums and tools are coming of age and the ability to mix rich modern media and constantly changing data with spatial and geographic tools to create a cohesive platform that holds significant benefits. Users and prospective purchasers are provided with a more sophisticated way of searching as well as an immersive and informative experience. Ensure that your mapping solution is easily indexable by search engines and


that you are able to track user analytics


to identify areas of interest. The key

- Red I Technologies


I nvestment Savvy

Teaching an Old Dog Some New Tricks

extraction of oil from coal was mastered; it was achieved through Sasol, a state-owned

Getting governments to become innovators

company. Governments are not seen as great innovators in their own right. And yet with hen you see a government acting

pressing challenges of accountability, service

as an innovative adopter of

delivery and scarce resources, governments

technology, it’s something akin to watching a

are starting to harness innovations from a

dog walk on two legs; no matter how well they

multitude of sectors like never seen before.

do it, you’re still stuck on the surprise that they

With governments from Brazil to India and from

can do it all. The reason is that when it comes

Estonia to Kenya using new technologies like

to innovation, conventional thinking suggests

biometric identification systems and riding

that the best role that government can play

megatrends like open data, the question to ask

is to invest in research and development for

is whether the government institutions in South

technologies that don’t have a viable market.

Africa can also be leaders in innovation?

This type of investment can yield good results,


such as successes like GPS and the internet,

But first, it is important to be reminded of

which came from government funded research

South Africa’s rich innovative history. Just this

in the United States. Government intervention

June South Africa’s innovative credentials got

in new technologies can also take the form of

displayed in a surprising arena; an episode

subsidies. Consider Europe, where much of

of the Emmy-awarded television show “Grey’s

the green energy solutions available are made

Anatomy”. The episode “Idle Hands” featured

economically viable by government subsidies.

a new type of x-ray machine that can perform

Even in South Africa, where the commercial

a full body exam in just thirteen seconds. This

amazing machine, known as the Lodox, uses

selling his digital security company Thawte to

the business of governing. However, finding

less than ten times the amount of radiation than

Verisign and later went on to create Ubuntu,

the right starting point for seeking out these

a normal x-ray machine and is even safe to

the world’s most widely used Linux operating


be used on pregnant woman. The Lodox was

system. He would later become a household

requires some innovative thinking as well.

designed and manufactured in South Africa.

name by becoming the first South African in

Governments in developing countries are

space. Musk is even more impressive. He

breaking the stereotypes of how governments

The origin of this remarkable invention should

started Paypal, the online payment company,

should behave towards innovation and it’s

come as no surprise given South Africa’s long

sold it to eBay and then went on to create

where South Africa should turn to for help

history in groundbreaking medical innovations.

Tesla, the world’s leading luxury electric car

to tackle some of its own challenges. The

Allan Cormack, a South African, along with

company. He is also the founder of SpaceX

concept of South-South knowledge exchange

Godfrey Hounsfield, a Brit, won the Nobel

which last year became the company with

between developing economies isn’t new,

Prize in 1979 for inventing what we commonly

the first commercial space vehicle to dock

but it is decidedly relevant when it comes to

refer to as the CAT scan. While Chris Barnard

with the International Space Station. Musk

technology transfer.

performed the first human heart transplant in

has even performed the role of the real life

Cape Town in 1967.

caricature of Tony Stark for director John

The reasons for this are twofold. Firstly,

Favreau’s “Iron Man” movie series.

governments in developing countries are often



facing remarkably similar challenges that range

does not stop there. South Africa is after all

South Africa clearly has some impressive

from improving service delivery, to increasing

the birthplace of Pratley Putty, the Cobb braai

innovation credentials. But can South Africans


and the Kreepy Krawly pool cleaner. It’s also

use innovation to have a better government?

government efficiency. These challenges are

the origin of a new wave of pretty famous

After considering the Elon Musk example,

also similar in how they cross multiple sectors

innovators like Mark Shuttleworth and Elon

it may be tempting to turn to Silicon Valley

like healthcare, finance and procurement.

Musk. Shuttleworth became a billionaire after

for innovative solutions that can be used in

Recognising the commonality of South African





The list of innovativeness and innovators



issues with those faced by governments in countries like

fostering Kenya’s emergence as an African innovation hub.

Vietnam and Georgia, opens up a wealth of untapped

Part of the challenge facing governments who want to be

innovations. The second reason for looking towards other

innovative, is choosing which technologies to focus on.

developing countries for solutions is that many of the

Earlier this year, Mckinsey’s Global Institute issued a report

best innovations to tackle government’s challenges are

that identified twelve potentially disruptive technologies

originating there. Consider the example in the agricultural

that will likely reshape the economic landscape. Of these

industry in Nigeria which is being revolutionised by the use

twelve, three technologies that are particularly relevant

of electronic wallets, mobile phones and by registering

to developing economies like South Africa and their

farmers on a central database. Subsidies for fertiliser that

governments are 1) Mobile internet – connecting to the

used to be paid to middle men are now reaching farmers

internet using mobile devices; 2) The internet of things

directly. This is an example of how innovation can make

– using transmitters built into machines; and, 3) Energy

government intervention both more accountable and more

storage – the improvements in fuel cell technology. Others


like cloud computing, renewable energy and automation of knowledge work also have promise.

Governments that become more innovative also create a virtuous circle of encouraging more innovation outside of

Leveraging the high penetration of mobile devices

government. The best example here can be seen in Kenya.

within developing countries allows governments to

By implementing a strategy to develop e-government,

interact with citizens in ways they’ve not been able to do

Kenya has ended up as an innovation and technology

so up until now. For example, in countries where people

hub with Nairobi now home to a number of start-up

receive free healthcare, one challenge is that hospitals

incubators. The result is the emergence of Kenyan start-

might falsely claim that they serviced an individual. By

up companies like MyOrder, which has taken advantage

using SMS, a patient could verify that they did receive

of the government’s investments in ICT to create an online

care and also rate the quality of care. Transmitters that

portal that allows customers to place orders online with

are now being built into products allow for improved

local businesses via SMS.

maintenance of government assets like trains and monitoring of infrastructure like bridges and dam walls.

Not all people agree that the key for development successes

While improvements in fuel cell technology allow for

should rely on improved innovative government. In a recent

increased electrification without the significant capital

article in African Business, a different perspective was

expenditure of expanding the electrical grid.

put forward – one that excludes governments completely. The assertion here is that the developmental problems in

Governments have an opportunity to harness these types

many African countries are likely to be overcome by the

of technological solutions to improve how they govern, how

use of “crowd-sourced” solutions derived from connecting

they deliver services and how they are held accountable.

likeminded individuals often facing similar issues. However

Governments who become adopters of innovative

this perspective is not at odds with wanting the government

technologies not only end up with better government but

to play an active role. Where “crowds” attempt to address

also help foster innovation outside of government. This

problems, the government should try and harness these

type of virtuous innovative cycle can help countries tackle

initiatives to provide increased scale. Again what is really

some of the most pressing developmental challenges that

required is a government that is willing to be an adopter of

they face, and this might just be the new trick that South

innovation, not merely a bystander.

Africans should be asking their government to learn.

Again Kenya provides a good example. Kenya has been a pioneer in the use of open data to help engage its constituents to improve government. The Kenyan government publishes all of its procurement data and then uses public scrutiny to help fight corruption. To help ensure that the people have access to the data, Kenya has also


aggressively been expanding its fibre optic network and


already has more than 20000km of terrestrial fibre in place. The result is that more people are engaged in improving government, government is more accountable and the increased internet access feeds into the virtuous cycle of

- Alan Golding

Enquiries: 044 384 0988 or



Vittorio Catania

Cellphone no: 083 277 8597


Italdoors imports a wide range of quality Italian ISO 9001 certified and green approved, pre-finished and assembled interior doors distributed to both the domestic and commercial market throughout Africa. The company has a series of doors that meets the design needs of modern interiors. Italdoors offers economical doors that are manufactured in hollow core and solid door panel structure. The Rubicone door Range have a laminated melamine veneered finish. This is our most economical and best selling door range. Four colours available on special promotion Moka, White, Italian walnut,white oak. The Italdoors frame and architrave wraps around the unfinished wall reveal and has counter adjustments to balance the door and frame if the reveal is not straight within tolerances. The installation system is fast and tidy, and can be installed after all floor and wall finishes; therefore there are no snags to doors and frames.


Single Leaf and Double Leaf. Door sizes 2100mm and 2400mm height





Gallia - Glass White

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Single Leaf and Double Leaf. Door sizes 2100mm and 2400mm height



Corona Wenge

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I esign D Decor

Not your Usual Beach House, Innovative Design Elements




of five weeks, and the fact that they did not

by existing clients of mine,

want a distinctly ‘beachy’ interior. No average

a well-travelled couple, who

blue and white no-brainer concept here,

are running a very successful

they wanted something completely different,

business. They attain a very

unique and innovative.

outgoing and social lifestyle and their taste is indicative of

I really love a challenge and generally do

this. They recently purchased a magnificent

better when under pressure, so for me, this

home in the Simbithi Eco Estate and called on

was ideal. Plus I had the trust of my clients who

me to conceptualise and decorate their house

let me run a little wild, with little interference!

interior. The previous house I did for them was

I obviously kept to the budget at all times. It

sold with all of its furniture and fittings, so I

was quite hectic; I installed the final pieces

now had a clean slate to work with; how great

the day before I was due to leave for New York

is that! It does not happen often. There were

and I am proud to say, there were no snags.

only two prominent points that they stressed

I had such fun doing this project and I think

in the brief; a fairly strict budget and timeline

it shows. The interior has a playful feel with a


few surprises along the way. The acid yellow

The quirky mural of walking people was

colour lifts the mood in the interior, which is

actually an idea the client saw in a magazine,

dominated by greys and red, and green that

and it really adds such a fun element to the

pops up as well. There is a strong industrial

home’s presence. To the right, the main wall in

influence, with a few slick, high gloss pieces

the lounge area has been covered with a wall

for contrast. The rest is quite rustic.

paper that so closely resembles corrugated iron sheeting that you have to go up and

Firstly, the entrance to the home lacked a

touch it, only to find out that it is flat.

certain impact. I painted it charcoal, and on the left wall I hung seven rustic station-style

In the guest bedroom I started with an

clocks. On the right hand wall, I had a solid

exquisite, coral-coloured accent wall, with

oak-clad panel installed with a bright yellow

black, white and grey colours. I then added

recess and shelf that has been screeded with

pedestals and scatter cushions with a distinct

concrete and sealed. Then the client bought

jade colour. Again, a little quirkiness was

this amazing hanging light, it is so beautiful

called for in this room. I found this amazing

and now takes centre stage in the entrance.

mirror that blew me away and I had to use it. It just adds a touch of drama in the room and

In the main living area I incorporated quite a

makes a definite statement.

few stand-out pieces. The hanging Delicious Lights by Xavier Clarisse are loved by

The end result of my ideas and dĂŠcor

everyone. He painted the leather leaves in the

inspirations was a playful but stylish home that

same yellow that is repeated in the main living

is completely unique. My clients loved it and

area with various items.

I highly enjoyed the project. The colours are distinct and there are a few statement pieces

Another item I really adore is the gorgeous

that create a harmonious flow through the

solid oak-framed star mirror that hangs above

home, its decor and textures.


the yellow server in the dining area. It was


an idea that came to me one day. I wanted

Odette Uys- Eye Candy Interiors

a mirror but something which would be

Details: 031 904 1193

completely different and innovative. There are

082 459 6673

no typical clichĂŠs in this house so I had this

Fax: 086 671 6670

star mirror custom made especially for them.

The South African Institute of the Interior

we are very excited about. We are sure that



this will be a great partnership, which will

professional body which represents the

bring you, the discerning reader, relevant,

Interior Design Industry in South Africa. It

pioneering and exciting content. This month

operates nationally with representation in

we are featuring two accredited and talented

Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern

individuals in the interior design industry.

and Western Cape. The Institute is dedicated

Odette Uys of Eye Candy Interiors shares

to establishing, promoting and maintaining

her vision for a beach home with none of the

expertise, professionalism, sound business

usual stereotypes, while Lisa Taylor from the

practice and high standards through the

NCS Colour Centre SA offers some insight

industry. Membership of the IID indicates

into the world of colours.





your status as a qualified, experienced and ethical practicing professional in the industry. Recently, the IID has partnered with the Estate Living platform, a beneficial affiliation

Nature’s Palette


Elementary colours

ave you ever driven past a building and thought that it works really well?

If you discount the architectural design and look at the colour in isolation, you may find the designer worked with nature’s palette. Taking the perceived colours of the surrounding foliage and working them into the design of the building, gives one a feeling of calm and tranquillity. Estate planning needs to address not only the needs of the people buying into the development but also those who are visiting the Estate. While golf course Estates need to have low, lightness values for the exterior of the buildings, the colours which are dictated to the customers who buy into the development have to compliment the surrounding flora and exist within nature’s palette and not insult the senses. We’re in Africa – an oil painting of intense rich chromatic colour. There’s more than enough inspiration if one just learns to match up nature’s own colour scheme.



Design Decor


Choosing Exterior Colours The choice of colours for exterior use is an extremely delicate and difficult question which requires knowledge, experience and style. The exterior of a building is seen by many people and also for many years. Incorrectly designed, it can harm the environment and be very expensive to correct. With the help of the NCS System, knowledge and experience can be documented and archived for future needs. The NCS notation makes it possible to know for good, what the chosen colour will look like. Colour Research A colour is often perceived to be much stronger when it is used on a large façade than when one looks at a small colour sample. With the use of the NCS System, research scientists in the field of colour have been able to show how human perception changes within different colour regions. With this knowledge, it is possible to avoid common mistakes such as “the colour was in reality both stronger and lighter than I had

NCS notation

imagined it to be.” Tradition and Pigments To obtain a good result in exterior colouring, the culture-historical values and the traditional colour scales in the region should be taken into consideration. These scales can be documented in NCS notations and easily

and creating an unsuitable environment

made as a visual inventory of NCS, together

becomes greater with the more extensive

with the colours of the surrounding buildings

range of possibilities available. Today, it

and nature and one can see how this affects

is therefore even more important that any

the impression.

choice for the exterior of a building is based on knowledge.


Consideration should also be given to the


fact that some colours tend to fade on large

Advice and Tips for Exterior Colours

exterior surfaces. Since the surfaces are

Since the exterior colouring of a house is not

exposed on a bigger scale to the strong

only the concern of the individual but also a

outdoor light and pigments, which are light-

part of the total environmental experience in

resistant, stable and inexpensive, they fade

the neighbourhood, one must be particularly

quickly, as strongly chromatic colours often

careful and considerate when choosing the


exterior colour of a building.

The possibility of manufacturing many

The perception of a colour from a small

different colours increases with new modern

shade sample differs from that of the same

pigments, but this does not necessarily

colour on an outdoor wall. In general, the

mean that they are suitable for use as

colour is perceived to be lighter and stronger

exterior colours. The risk of making a mistake

when it is used on an exterior façade. Thus,

a colour sample should be chosen which is

use the lightest colour on that hue for your

both less chromatic and more blackish than

ceiling. This stops that nasty transition from

the colour desired. One should choose a

the interior room to the exterior colour façade

slightly more “drab” colour sample in order

as you don’t have the white horizon cutting

to avoid the risk of ending up with a house

your vision.

which is too bright and too strongly coloured. Conclusion: Always choose a less strong

The NCS course is recognised in South

and slightly darker colour sample.

Africa by the South African Institute of Architects and the South African Institute of Interior Design Professions. It forms part of

Choosing Interior Colours

the continued practice development points -

But what about the interior? Again we live in

CPD - for the built professional.

Africa and our lives revolve around indoor/ outdoor design. The colour you choose for

Lisa Taylor- NCS Colour Centre SA

the patio is going to impact on your indoor

Details: 011 486 3190

living space as well as your neighbour’s

082 900 7909

backyard. An important design tip is while the

Fax: 086 670 677

colour on exteriors bleach out, the opposite

happens to interior colours. That colour you thought was so great in the paint shop is so much more intense when used! Here is the easy part, take the colour you have chosen outside and keep the same hue, just one that is less chromatic and with less whiteness.

WE’RE HERE TO TAKE YOU THERE tokai: Unit 25, Westlake Lifestyle Centre, Westlake Drive, Tokai / (021) 713 0296 century city: The Gatehouse Suite 5, Century Way, Century City / (021) 552 9097 paarl: Shop 7, Frater Square 40A, Main Road, Paarl / (021) 863 4115 email:


Also take the same hue as the walls but


Be Well


The Future of Beauty

ur world is one that constantly moves forward and evolves on a daily basis.

Pioneering innovations push the boundaries to bring astounding revelations to many differing consumer markets. One prominent market that has evolved over the years, and has amazing things planned for its future, is the health and beauty sector. We are introduced to new products that offer something additional, something more effective and something that taps into the ever-growing need of the consumer. In line with Estate Living’s search for innovation, we delve into intriguing innovations shaping the future of the health and beauty market. The future of reducing wrinkles Ask any woman over the age of 25 what their main concern is regarding getting older and the response will be wrinkles and fine lines. Millions have been spent on researching the most effective means of reducing these annoyances and exploration continues. One of the most innovative developments is in the form of a new product that may be able to wipe away wrinkles as easily as you wipe away makeup. ‘Revance’ is a wipe on botulinum toxin, the same element that is used in Botox and Dysport, which is carried through the skin by a chemical peptide. It’s presently being verified to see if crow’s feet become visually smoother. If results are realised, this innovation will move onto improving the rest of the areas located on the face and chest. Imagine the ability to reduce wrinkles with a wipe; incredible. Bathing, without the water For centuries, bathing has been a relaxing pastime and ritual. In the not-too-distant future, it seems as though one may not only be able to relish this experience, but without water, offering a suspended, one of a kind feeling. A


new system of bathing is in the pipelines,

precisely or utilises an Intense Pulsed Light

All in a pill

which makes use of static-fighting, carbon-

appliance that kills the hair follicles at the

Safety in regards to the ever-increasing

fibre vacuums. These vacuums are already

roots, will make for a much smoother and

harshness of the sun will offer a visionary

being used on pets, but they will soon be

easier way to eliminate hair.

alternative to lathering yourself in sunscreen and avoiding the sun at all costs. A pill is

will evolve from a primary washing tool to

Mirror, mirror

being researched which works from the

represent pure relaxation. This innovation

Many of us may not distinguish what skin type

inside out, working on the inner skin layers

will additionally limit the occurrence of water

we are, and what our skin may be lacking.

to rectify cell damage from UV rays and

drying out the skin, and all together save

Usually, guidance can be attained by

protect your skin. This pioneering, magic pill


consulting a professional but developments

is planned to revolutionise the industry and

for an extraordinary gadget will make this

if in the sun for prolonged periods of time,

Goodbye hair

much easier to identify. Mirrors, which are

will be the perfect alternative to sunscreen.

One of the most prevalent beauty regimes

usually used purely for aesthetic reflection,

We move forward with a skip and a jump,

surrounding women and some men is the

may now be able to communicate what your

blurring the lines of what can be evolved

elimination of unwanted hair on their bodies.

skin needs. A mirror that features a sensor,

in our lives, needs and wants. These are

Shaving is a short-term solution with waxing

which looks similar to a digital thermometer,

merely a few of innovations note-worthy of

often being painful. The pioneering ideals

is planned to be fastened to the mirror and

being researched and implemented. As

surrounding laser hair removal have been

connected to a built-in meter. One pulls

developments move full steam ahead in

extremely well received from people across

out the sensor and touches it to the skin,

technological advances, these visions will

the world but it can be an expensive and

which then measures moisture, oiliness and

be transferred into seemingly mundane

time consuming endeavour. Following onto

redness. Further innovations are planned for

markets, but with some astonishing results

the innovation of laser hair removal, a laser

this high-tech mirror as it may additionally

that can change our daily lives.

system that consumers are able to purchase

track your appearance over time, as well as

and utilise at home is being explored. An

allow you to see how your features could be

at-home laser, which either cuts hair off

altered with plastic surgery.


adapted for people. The function of the bath


Phoenix Creative takes pride in

publishing these titles in association with each Estate’s Home Owners Association and Estate



A Publication of the Stonehurst Mountain Estate Homeowners Association








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A Publication of the Val de Vie Homeowners Association



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A Publication of the Stonehurst Mountain Estate Homeowners Association

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Be Well Get Electrified at Bodytec

I started out as sceptic, I think everyone does. Twenty minutes a week you say? No weights or functional training you say? Only a contraption and suit that zaps you with electric currents you say? I am more than not convinced I say! Although filled with scepticism and judgements, this new evolution of exercise is most certainly not-too-

innovative if nothing else. Whether it delivers

successful research on innovations

on what it has communicated is another

in the wellness and fitness sector, I finally

thing. I make my way down to the Bodytec

came across something that appeared to be

studio in the Cape Town City Bowl; they

extremely innovative, but seemingly too good

have branches all over Cape Town including

to be true. As we have all been told time and

Newlands, Stellenbosch, Steenberg, Sunset

time again, there is no fast way to get that

Beach, Tygervalley and Sea Point, as well as

toned, shapely figure, it just takes dedication

in Gauteng in Sandton, Rosebank, Centurion

and time. Although some sentiments of this

and Atholl. They are opening in Durban next

statement are true, according to Bodytec,

year as well as expanding in more areas in

twenty minutes a week is enough.

the Cape and Gauteng.





If I can use one word to describe the

explains that the Bodytec concept is based

After my orientation I’m more than excited to

design of the Bodytec studio as entering

on one on one personal training, which

sample this concept for myself and come out

the establishment, it would be ‘minimalistic’.

utilises EMS; electro muscle stimulation and

of the changing room looking like a surfer.

One soon realises why not much space

Bodytec is the first studio to use this method

This sentiment is further enhanced when my

is needed. The area is contemporary,

in South Africa.

personal trainer wets the additional layers


featuring Bodytec’s branding and houses


of my suit where the electronic patches

the reception area, changing facilities and

Electro muscle stimulation is comprised of

are going to be placed as this enhances

workout area, which is the size of a medium

a full body training exercise using impulse


room, with two stations that look as though

current. Our bodies make use of our own

patches are strategically placed to work

they are the plug-in points for a high-tech

electrical impulses to control the movement

all major muscle groups; your quadriceps,

gaming console. On the side of the room

of our muscles. EMS has used this natural

abdominal, deltoid, bicep, pectoral and

are the Bodytec workout suits that resemble

principle to create an enhanced intensity

gluten muscles. I’m all strapped in and

wetsuits and have a similar texture. On the

of movement that reaches deeper muscle

ready to be plugged into the Matrix with

same railing is an array of wires and cords

layers. The result of this is a movement and

my palms just as wet as the suit when I

that are intimidating to say the least.

workout that is proven to be 18 times more

ask, “Is this going to hurt?” The trainer

effective for your various muscle groups

assures me that it will not hurt and that there

Before I get changed into my electronic

than conventional fitness training. One is

are various levels of electronic impulses

suite, one of Bodytec’s certified, personal

able to quickly notice effective results in the

that we will select before the workout. It

trainers explain the process of the workout

reduction of fat that is turned into muscle,

starts as a fuzzy feeling radiating from the

session. After talking with him for a few

and an increase in physical strength

inside of your body outwards. It somewhat

minutes, I start to realise that there is a

and endurance. It’s also interesting and

tickles and as the intensity is turned up, it

definite science surrounding this intriguing

important to note that this training method

becomes more apparent. You stop at the



has been used by professional athletes and

level where it begins to feel uncomfortable.

starts to dissipate slightly. He passionately

sports rehabilitation centres for many years.

We are ready to start. Each muscle group is








worked on and there are intervals where the

electronic current had somewhat rendered

You too will start out as a sceptic, but get

electric currents are switched on and you

me unable to move. In a fit of spasm and

yourself down to Bodytec for a trial, and

complete your movement, which is exactly

laughter, I’m sure I looked fairly ridiculous.

change that perception for yourself.

with weights. Your movements need to be

After my twenty minutes were up, I felt great

Details: 021 418 3479 (Head Office)

slow and controlled. Immediately you feel

and headed to the private changing rooms

restrained in your movement, deep in your

for a much needed shower. Twenty minutes!

muscle as one would feel with a heavy weight

A lunch break, a pop into the store timeframe;

but very different. Each molecule of my

amazing, that’s all you need; a week together

cynicism is burned away with each difficult

with your normal cardiovascular activities to

muscle group movement and I’m out of

feel fit and healthy and look great.

the same as you would be doing in the gym

breath and sweating. I know I’m going to be extremely sore tomorrow, a feeling relished

Every single Bodytec workout session is

after a hard workout. I work on every muscle

conducted with your own personal trainer

group with various stretches, dips, crunches

and there are only two people allowed to

and squats and its hard, very hard, and I

train at a time, making it that much more

feel my muscles burning in the inner most

effective and intimate. As mentioned, there

layers; I’m burning in muscles I never even

are Bodytec studios located all over Cape

knew existed! On one or two occasions, the

Town and Johannesburg; you can view all

most peculiar thing happened, which made

locations on their website. Bodytec training

me feel as though I had absolutely no control

is available from R195 per session. They

of my body. As my trainer explained, I hadn’t


contracted my muscles in time and the

packages to cater for different client’s needs.







xecutive E rive D Dropping Sophisticated Jaws Indeed



ven more than its meticulous engineering, Mercedes






continuous innovation. Since inventing the car in 1886, they’ve simply never stopped reinventing it.’- Mercedes-Benz Not only is this statement fitting, I recently discovered it to be very accurate. The Mercedes Benz E-Class Cabriolet, E 400 is a magnificent car not only for its astounding aesthetic attributes, but as one that has pioneered innovative features that fit in line with the requirements of today’s drivers; safety, aerodynamic, compact, smart. When I was told that I was able to drive the E-Class Cabriolet around Johannesburg for three days, I was extremely excited. Apart from being able to enjoy this luxurious vehicle, it posed advantageous benefits, especially when driving around the chaotic streets of Johannesburg. Although I must admit at times it was certainly daunting not only because of the hefty price tag but additionally the elongated body, I definitely was looking forward to the experience. I was presented with a pure, white E 400, Automatic and its simple yet elegant colour emphasised every dynamic contour, shape and dimension that made it even more attractive. Still completely sophisticated in demeanour, it exudes a certain sporty cheekiness that makes it even more alluring to drive. The unique look of the car is highlighted with its long, slender body and an elegant soft-top silhouette, which is beautifully classical. The combination of this and the new interpretation of the characteristic





vehicle, leads me to affectionately name it, ‘The Beast’. Innovation in the design of the E-Class Cabriolet is showcased in the front area, which has a powerful shoulder-line and a more toned and muscular rear. The front


of the vehicle is one of its most impressive


features. It has aesthetically evolved to represent an expressive front section and is comprised of large air intakes and ribs in the bumper. All of these features offer

more comprehensive dynamism and create that sporty statement accustomed to the E-Class. The single-slat radiator grille with diamond lattice grille and star in the centre has the usual components of MercedesBenz but with a new look and feel. The rooftop is completely electronic and can be opened or closed in 20 seconds, and even whilst the vehicle speeds up to 40km/h. The Mercedes-Benz E-Class’s pioneering innovation of ‘Open-top motoring’ makes for a comfortable drive in varying weather conditions. The advanced system features a wind deflector, which is mounted on the roof, and a specialised draught-stopping system




guarantees a quieter and more comfortable ride in all of the seats of the Cabriolet. Flow of air and noise is significantly reduced, as


mechanism. The AIRCAP draught-stop


well as with that wind swept hairstyle; the key characteristic of owning a ‘drop top’. This is due to the visionary aerodynamics of the vehicle. The usual concept that driving a cabriolet is for summer is changed with these advanced systems. Upon entering the vehicle, I notice that the opulence of the exterior has been incorporated in every detail in the interior. For a cabriolet, the E 400 is extremely spacious and each seat is comfortably designed in a bucket-seat style with individual head restraints, which can be adjusted to height. The cockpit is a stylish and sporty hub, but one that has managed to integrate elegant design with innovative additions. The air outlets feature in silver shadow and the new 3-dial instrument cluster and dashboard boast an integral colour display. The interior colour scheme consists of classic tan and beige leather with accents of chrome. An analogue watch, as a centre

a top speed of 250km per hour. All engines

and turbocharging as well in many models

attraction on the dashboard, is a classic

available for the new E-Class Cabriolet

– throughout the entire engine speed range.

and elegant touch and an emphasis on the

combine dynamism with sustainability using

This bad boy purrs to life. I opt for the ECO

vehicle’s sophistication. This is accompanied

comprehensive vehicle optimisations, which

drive mode (out of Comfort and Sport options)

by the in-house navigation screen, where

have continually led to lower consumption

which facilitates start/stop function and

exterior cameras on the vehicle showcase

and emission figures over several years –

intelligent energy management – especially

exterior shots to assist with parking and all

also known as Blue EFFICIENCY. The highly

beneficial when sitting in Johannesburg

round safety.

efficient, low-emission petrol engines of

traffic. At an intersection, or traffic light, the

Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines.

the latest generation provide a high level

vehicle switches off and with a slight tap on

The E 400 sports a V6 cylinder engine with

of output and torque with direct injection –

the accelerator, comes to life once more. I reverse out of the longest driveway in the world with the assistance of the Rear View Camera (the vehicle offers 360° camera view) and Blind spot assist, navigating around a sharp corner of the property with an ease never experienced before. The drive to Pretoria, along the back route of the R21 gives me the opportunity to utilise the Cruise Control at a comfortable speed of 140km. This implementation was necessary as I kept exceeding the speed limit due to the smooth ride. Active Lane Keeping Assist, keeps beeping at me as I bend down to grab various things out of my handbag...just joking. But this is a great


inclusion in the specifications, together with


the Blind Spot Assist, in the form of small triangular flashing lights on the side mirrors, which light up when another vehicle or object comes too close.

The Acceleration Skid Control comes in

at the response from the executive male

women of the world not simply buying motor

handy when a taxi swerves in front of me.

species on the road, a very specific market

vehicles for transportation, but for pleasure

Couple that with the Collision Prevention

obviously educated in the values and

of the drive. This should also take president

Assist, collision warning including Adaptive

offerings of ‘The Beast’ I was dominating.

in not only the way cars are innovating the

Brake Assist, and you are sure to never

I’m not quite sure if the looks I was getting

way forward but in their marketing strategies.

have a bumper bashing, or anything worse

were of envy but one thing is for sure, I don’t

I myself have an aspiration of owning a car

ever again. If those specs are not enough,

think they were looking at me.

like this one day and the fact that Mercedes-

DISTRONIC PLUS proximity control with

Benz has already had the insight to include

STEER CONTROL, Adaptive brake lights

Brought safely to my destination, the

features that assist the preoccupied women

which flash and Anti-lock braking system

Parktronic system allows me to manoeuvre

driver of today, indicates that this movement

(ABS) ensure a smooth and very safe drive.

into a questionable parking space with ease

is well under way.

After the nerves had dissipated, I had the

and I put ‘The Beast’ to rest.

however never really bringing it to its top

In the past, the motor industry was one that

speed; the exhilaration of my audience on

was always geared towards men but many

the roads was thrilling enough. Dropping

big name brands have seen the value in the

sophisticated jaws indeed! I had to giggle

female market. There is a definite rise in the


opportunity to really enjoy the vehicle,


Arc I

The Residential Community Industry

n the context of South Africa’s transforming

is controlled by SAPOA (Property Owners of

managed and run? The Association for

society, our industry is often labelled as

South Africa), the Property Development


elitist, racist and classist. The Industry is in fact

Industry, The Real Estate Industry, the

established in 2008 in order to commence the

currently under Parliamentary focus, and faces

Hospitality Industry, or the Golf Industry.

process of self-regulation, and has certainly

some potentially negative legislative changes

The truth is that the Residential Community

made great strides over the past five years

emanating from such government branches

Industry is an industry on its own, and is

to develop and impart best practice, to

as the Department of Transport, Human

managed by itself through significant and

organise the industry and to create the formal

Settlements, Tourism, Local Government,

evolving law-compliant structures.

structures necessary for self-regulation. We

Sport and Recreation, and Natural Resources.



have become a united and collaborative

Such pending legislative activity might give

We are a diverse, multi-disciplinary industry

young industry and are rapidly approaching

the impression that the industry is in a state of

requiring a unique range of skills, competencies

the stage where we can govern ourselves.

chaos and in need of state intervention.

and leadership capacity to be successful, and importantly, to be sustainable. We are

The irony is that while Government is

On the contrary, our industry is non-racial

fortunate in South Africa to have some of

pushing industries to establish self-governing

and representative, is well-organised and has

the most dynamic and professionally skilled

competency, and relatively few are actually

contributed to over 1 million sustainable jobs

Estate Managers and qualified staff running

rising to that challenge, we are already in the

to the South African economy. Many residential

our Residential Communities in the global

process of establishing the National Council

Estates employ people from townships and

industry. Our Home Owners Associations,

of Residential Communities (NCRC). This

villages, from rural areas and from the most

managed by predominantly volunteer Boards

Council will be comprised of Home Owner

disadvantaged human settlements in South

of Directors, are also amongst the most

Associations, Regional and National Working

Africa. Our industry is very diverse and

professional and competent in the global


includes restaurants, hotels, golf courses,

industry, and are totally focused on good

National Council itself.

nature Estates, retirement villages, residential

Corporate Governance and best practices.

Estates, schools, office parks, shopping







The Council is being established through a

centres, eco resorts and mixed-use townships.

And why shouldn’t they be? They manage

democratic process, which is also practical.

We are part of a global phenomenon as self-

and control the collective assets of their

Busy working Estate managers, their staff and

managed residential communities proliferate

communities, which are amongst the most

Boards of Directors do not have the time or

around the world, and we are a recognised

valuable to their investors, namely their homes,

even the competency to do what is required

and highly respected member of the global

and the physical environments where those

operationally to establish this self-governing

residential community management industry.

residences are located. What better motivation

framework. So the work of establishing the

There is also a misperception that our industry

for them to be properly and professionally

Council and its structures is being facilitated

specialised consultants and subject matter experts. Proposals are submitted to establish

Residential Communities,

Agreements” with Government Departments,

• Strategy and External Relationships for Residential Communities,

Communities locally and globally, recognising

Regional Boards and the inaugural elected

• Operational and Management “Recognition

National Council for the development and

Award Programmes” for Centres of Excellence






interrogation, scrutiny, engagement and final ratification and endorsement will come from the HOA boards, with active participation from the Estate managers.

Professional Bodies and other Business

amongst Residential Communities,

the role of the NCRC to self-govern • The advocacy of appropriate legislation which takes into account the unique characteristics

• Professional Recognition of those who work in

and needs of the Industry

the Industry, • The





The Industry has quality leadership and

Sustainability Platform for the Industry, and

qualified and competent Estate managers,

• The facilitation of a healthy, productive and

Estate staff and Boards of Directors. Logical

The objective of the National Council for

enjoyable foundation for those who live and

and sound strategy is in place and in most


work in Residential Communities throughout

cases is being enacted daily. More importantly,

South Africa

a democratically elected and unified voice for





establish itself as the body entrusted to govern the Residential Community Industry in

the industry is ever-present and resounds with

South Africa. Again, what makes it unique is

The goals of the National Council are simple:

that it does not consist of paid bureaucrats but

• The protection, sustainability and growth of

confidence that this industry is here to stay.

is composed of members and officials from

the Residential Communities Industry in all

These are the elements of a successful and

the industry itself. Regional Boards of properly

nine provinces

sustainable Industry Model.

elected stakeholders representing the 2000

• The effective representation to Government

Residential Communities in South Africa,

and Civil Society as the single voice for

During October and November we will be

democratically elect their office bearers who

Residential Communities in South Africa

running regional sessions to gain industry

represent them on the National Council, where

• The establishment, implementation and

the council could be formed as a common law





common practices

standards in


or on the National Council, unless they also participate in a National Working group designed to govern: • Policy and Rules of Good Governance for

this at a board meeting as soon as possible.


Communities throughout South Africa No individual sits either on a Regional Board

support and all ARC members should table

• Assistance, remediation and encouragement

The Association for Residential Communities can be contacted at

for all to achieve the standards set • Recognition of Centres of Excellence in the

- Jeff Gilmour

industry and on the global stage • The establishment of “Common Sense


and initiated through ARC via a network of


AD VE RT S Other products available: Lighting • Cupboards • Bathrooms Appliances • Doors & Windows • Flooring • Architectural Mouldings PRETORIA

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Adapt Die or

The evolution of thinking comes from man’s need to survive different ecosystems and ever-changing environments in an adapt or die approach. With ever changing markets, fickle consumers and economic and social issues, for a business not only to survive but also prosper, it needs to adapt or die.

construction of our leisure facilities such as our 18-hole Nicklaus design championship golf course and the city center before launching to market, allowing homeowners to purchase with confidence. Our strategy to date has focused on communicating this message to the public while simultaneously communicating via the press about our


Thinkers, Builders, Analysts and Producers.

numerous CSI projects, our partnership with

wants is to be an innovator within its

The Thinker being the visionaries, Builders

local government for infrastructure upgrades,

particular industry, but pioneering an industry

or structural leaders look at process and the

as well as milestones achieved on site,”

can be like fumbling around in the dark for

implementation of ideas, Analytical leaders are

comments CEO of Steyn City Properties,

a light switch, while smashing your shin on

the improvers that take small innovations and

Giuseppe Plumari.

various obstacles. Painful! And when you do

make big successes out of them and finally

find the switch and turn on that bright light,

your Producers execute the innovative idea.




Instilling a feeling of faith in your product, and creating an offering far greater than what is

you find that you are all alone. What then? Surrounding yourself by effective and efficient

The strength of the thinking networks lies in the

expected, is part of the process. Ivey Business

staff is how an innovative idea becomes a

combination of worker-type cognitive styles and

Journal also looks at how research shows that

revenue stream.

their subordinate cognitive styles. By teaming

for marketers to truly succeed, the consumer

up individuals with similar styles, this can lead

has to learn the benefits and applications of


to a more positive working environment and

the product/service quickly, evaluating how

Excellence stated that cognitive innovation

create an ideal setting for a desirable property

the product or service works, and share

and creativity is usually thought of in two ways,

of an organisational culture.

their knowledge with their friends, thereby




leaving their investments and knowledge in

an individual’s attributes and a desirable property of an organisational culture. It is

Ok, now we have the dream team on board,

old products behind and embracing new

no longer feasible to employ a few creative

how do we take our services and products


minds in the hope that they come up with a

to market? Pioneering products created by

winning idea, then everyone rallies around

dream teams, mean very little if no one knows

This is where our second worker comes into

them to make that idea a reality. This will

about them. Let’s look at the Residential Estate

play, Technology within the community from

probably not happen, as you are not taking

Communities of South Africa.

the end user or homeowner to the developer; the amount of information that is passed within

into consideration what is happening in the rest of the organisation at that time. And if

Marketing, Technology, Management and

this process is overwhelming. As mentioned

your organisation is like ours; this is the day

Security could be described as the four

by Plumari, there are marketing strategy

everyone is on sick leave, the copy machine

workers of the Residential Estate communities,

in places so the consumer can purchase

is broken and the Internet is down. Another

each of these areas playing a distinctive role


moment of brilliance bites the dust.

in productivity and innovation.

the product quickly and easily creates this




confidence. To be truly innovative you need to consider the


entire network’s thinking and place cognitive

strategy by first committing to completion of




marketing Deon Basson, CEO of REDi, a company

diversity in leadership positions. You need to

the infrastructure, including basic services

that specializes in developing innovative

spearhead your innovative drive with business

like water, sanitation, electricity and internal

technologies for the property industry says –

guru Lou Adlers ‘Four Worker’ theory.

roads, planting of our extensive parklands,

it is now entirely possible to create an online


infrastructure that seamlessly facilitates the

meltdown in 2008. With R20m + budgets,

high wind speeds, snow and heavy rain,

flow of information and communication from



when the camera is out of focus due to

the marketing phase of a new development,

informed residents and competition from

dirt on the lens and low light conditions. If

through the sales and construction processes

other Estates, the Estate Managers were

your so called video analytics do give you

and then within the community as the estate

seeking formal training to improve their skills.

false alarms or nuisance alarms during

develops and matures.

The formation of ARC and the embracing of

these above-mentioned conditions, it is

the Professional Management Development

not video analytics. Optical cameras are




Whether marketing and selling a new

Program, developed by CAI in the USA

used in short-range detection areas, as

development or communicating within an

assisted in this regard and were implemented

Infra-Red illumination is very limited in

established Estate community, purchasers,

with great success. The M100 course teaches

distance and you need a lot of power for

homeowners, administrators and other role-

the participants the Legal basis of HOA’s,

long-range detection. Thermal cameras are

players should be able to communicate and

Financial Management, Facilities Management

used in longer distances as no illumination

have access to relevant information in real-

as well as Estate Management, Ethics and

is required. The best solution for perimeter

time, via the web-enabled device of their

Leadership. Classroom style education, work

detection will be the combination of thermal


group exercises and practical examples

cameras and video analytics, installed

from the industry equip the participants with

in a back-to-back overlap configuration,

By leveraging a combination of digital

the basic skills to manage their respective

and this will create a virtual barrier with no

mapping and the latest online technologies,

communities.The feedback has been very

possible “holes” for penetration; optimal

REDi is turning the above scenario into

positive and the impact on the work place can

operations with minimal false alarms.” Tinus

a reality and fostering a greater sense of

already be seen.”

Diedericks CEO Timetech Security

community and interaction within estates. It is at ground level where the implementation

5 Million people live in Residential Estate

Long term success of the projects relies

of the innovation happens, the Producers.

Communities and this market is growing

on long term consumer confidence, the

Why do we want to stay on an Estate? Beautiful

at an experiential rate. As pioneers and

management of the Estate is where small

environment, facilities and schools, yes these

innovators within this market, we most

innovations show big success; the M100

are all important, but the fundamental reason

certainly understand the importance of

training course that has been created for

individuals invest in an Estate is because of

creating an environment where our services

Estate Management can be described as

its security. If the security of the estate is not

and products have longevity. Publishing has

one of these big successes. The course

upheld, then your Marketing, Technology and

had to adapt and evolve to new technologies

empowers the management by standardising

Management investments will be worth as

and look at offering the client more than just

processes and procedures. Management

much as a return ticket on the Titanic.

hit and miss campaigns. Phoenix Creative

understanding and implementing these Estate Security is where innovation gets

to the Estate Community, has embraced


to flex its muscles and Timetech Security

innovation by offering clients all ‘Four

has brought out the big guns. Video

Workers’; marketing your product though new





consumer confidence at ground level.


Communication as a publishing partner

standards, they are able to focus on

analytics is the latest value-add software

technology, managing the development and

Johan Kruger GM of Peaconwood Estate

to perimeter security camera systems.

offering the security of a guaranteed market.

and facilitor of the M100 course in South

“True video analytics ensures that humans

A dream team, with visionary products and

Africa comments; “In an ever changing

are detected at all times 24/7, during all

pioneering spirit.

environment, Estate Managers were forced

weather conditions. True vide analytics is

to think outside of the box after the financial

responsible for positive detection during

- Louise Martin



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