Woodhill magazine issue3 online

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2014 C E L E B R A T I N G 1 5 Y E A R S O F W O O D H I L L T H E E S TA T E O F C H O I C E

BMW 3 Series 320i 328i 335i 320d


Sheer Driving Pleasure























Phoenix Creative Communication for Woodhill Estate, www.phoenixcreative.co.za


Jaime-Lee van Sittert Jaime@phoenixcreative.co.za 021 422 4445 / 072 121 1979


Louise Martin Louise@phoenixcreative.co.za



Louise Martin Kurt Levendal Bryce Lewis Mina Vigliotti


Annelize Wepener


Sarita Stonehouse Anel Maree

The Woodhill Magazine focuses on the Woodhill Residential and Golf Estate. It is mailed on behalf of the Homeowners Association to residents and landowners. It is published in collaboration with several freelance companies and does not necessarily portray the opinions of these companies. Please send enquiries to communications@woodhill.co.za | 012 998 0011

1 W


CHAIRMAN “We have a wonderful living environment and I hope that you and your families will be enjoying our Estate to the fullest.� 2014 is now well under way and since our


last publication, much has happened here at

abundance, our Estate has blossomed and






Woodhill and in the broader economy. Given

is looking magnificent. We continually receive

that our currency is again under pressure and

compliments from visitors, particularly visiting

that it is an election year, we are probably

golfers and there is no doubt that the overall

going to have to fasten our seat belts and enjoy

ambience of the Estate adds materially to the

the ride!

values of our properties.

In the last quarter of 2013, our focus was

Our new caterers have settled in very well and

centred on security and I hope that by the time

I encourage homeowners to make use of their

you read this article, we will have made a lot

services at the clubhouse and at home.

of progress in addressing this challenging and complex issue. In passing, I would like

In addition to the many day to day issues of

again to stress the need for homeowners to be

an Estate like ours, the Board is working on

more vigilant in their own security - it really is

a number of exciting projects, including a

amazing how many reports the HOA receives

clubhouse revamp, the acquisition of the

from our security personnel about houses with

Estate roads and a retirement village complex.

doors and windows left open at night.

I am hopeful that we will soon be ready to communicate more fully with homeowners.

I would also like to appeal to homeowners to be tolerant of and treat the security officers at our

I hope that this year will be one of great

entrance gates with the respect they deserve.

fulfilment for you and your family.

They have a difficult job to do and I believe that they do it very well.

2 W


Graham Damp




The enforcement of HOA rules is always a

of a member as they did not comply with the

be overturned unless the member can show

talking point on any Estate and we thought

building guidelines set. This went to court,

that they have been dramatically prejudiced

it appropriate to approach the Association

where the judge awarded in favour of the HOA

through this process error.

of Residential Communities (ARC) of which

and again on appeal. The member was

Woodhill is a member, to obtain their views on

instructed to demolish and rectify the problem.

Having been asked by many of our members

this issue.

Judgment was based on the contractual

to look at the possibility of initiating a legal

agreement between the HOA and all of its

process to bring closure to issues relating to

ARC had the following to say:


rules, this is not possible because the legal

residential community industry at the moment

2. An Estate in the NW province requested a

there has to be an applicant and a defendant,

and ARC would like to provide an update on

member to rectify a garage door even though

with an argument related to specific matters.

some of these, with special reference to rules

the appearance of the door was not affected

The two points above though, do show that

and the issuing and enforcement thereof.

as the problem lay with the materials that were

in these matters it is clear that the HOA does

used. The owner refused and followed legal

have the right to develop and enforce rules.

There are a number of issues facing the

process requires that in any case matter,

Having done extensive research across the

process. At all levels of the legal process,

industry, consulted with numerous attorneys

judgment went to the HOA. The member

ARC confidently believes that the development

and referred to some case law, it is very clear

appealed, taking the matter to the Supreme

and enforcement of rules is the right of an

that an HOA has the right to enforce rules

Court and judgment, with applying costs, was

HOA through a contractual agreement.

that they establish and approve at a general

again awarded to the HOA.

meeting. Of significance as well is the fact that there is Two cases in particular have been

case law, where even if a member can show

1. An Estate in Pretoria refused occupancy

meeting, this is not grounds for a decision to


Harold Jooste

that there was an error made at the general


3 W

F rom the


DESK Embracing the meaning of

‘There is no place like home’. We would like to extend a warm invitation to our residents and members to make

use of our facilities. We cater for corporate

companies and golfers but our aim for 2014 is to invite all residents to make use of our

convenient facilities for their business needs. You can sit back, relax and our marketing and events team will make things happen for you.

Good food and a professional service, against the back¬drop of golfing greens and plush, elegant facilities, makes taking a group for a golf day or meet¬ing, an easy and topnotch professional experience at the Woodhill Country Club. We have the best facilities to host meetings, conferences, exhibitions, golf days, parties and wed¬dings, as well as ceremonies such as christenings, kitchen teas and kiddies’ parties. Our newly launched Golf Conference Package concept lets your group start the day with a team building/strategy-planning half day conference, and then move on to playing golf. What better advantage can there be than

organiser and takes care of all of the details,

offers a variety of meal options. They have

combining a game of golf with conferencing?

thereby aiming to allow the client the luxury of

also launched their business and pensioner’s

not having to think about practicalities whilst

breakfast to ensure that our residents and

One of Woodhill’s big advantages is its

at our venue. Everything we offer can be tailor-

members can, at any given time, pop in for a

excellent security. Even the country’s top VIPs

made to suit the need of each individual client

meal before starting their hectic business day.

can be accommodated without concern for

– in effect a one stop shop.

their safety, which is a very important point of

For Woodhill to partner with a renowned brand

consideration when securing draw cards for

We are very pleased with our new food

like Wiesenhof and be the first country club

your function.

and beverage partner, Wiesenhof Coffee

to open a Wiesenhof on its premises, ensures

Holdings, situated at the Clubhouse. They

we are moving in a direction that will meet

Our well-manicured and luxurious golf course

have just opened for business and are already

with the needs of our valued home owners,

is still one of our biggest attributes to host

extending their excellent service to our

residents, visitors and members.

corporate golf days, as well as smaller group

guests. Over and above the halfway house

bookings which are becoming more and more

which serves top quality meals to golfers, they

popular. Our professional team assists the

have a Wiensenhof a la carte menu which

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Sarita Stonehouse and Annelize Wepener

F rom the


D I R E C TO R CO HABITATION / MARRIAGE Marriage entitles a partner when terminating the relationship to claim maintenance and at the death of a spouse, to preferential payments under the Maintenance of Surviving Spouses Act. Co Habitation of partners disregards claims of

entitled S to the benefits stipulated in a

income. The parties never married although

maintenance and thus it is important to factor in

partnership contract. In terms thereof, the

they lived together for 20 years. By the time the

the following matters when considering either

three essentials are that:

relationship ended in 2008, B was a wealthy


• each of the partners must bring something

man while M owned no significant assets. M

into the partnership, whether it be money,

sought half of B’s assets and claimed damages

labour or skill;

based on a breach of promise to marry her.

In the 2013 Ponelat v Schrepfer matter, Ponelat (P) invited Schrepfer(S) to move in with him. According to S, P had indicated that he wished

• their business should be carried on for the

to share all his possessions with her, and that

joint benefit of the parties; and that

The court held that a partnership existed

he would support her and her 16-year-old son.

• the object should be to make a profit.

between the parties. M’s share was determined

Soon after they began living together, S

The High Court found that a partnership existed

stopped working at P’s request. She then took

between the parties. S’s share had been

over all the domestic responsibilities.

determined as being 35% and P’s being 65%.

When she later returned to work, she contributed

In another matter; Butters v Mncora, the parties

“Marriage is not merely a piece of paper. Couples

her salary to the couple’s joint expenses.

met in 1988. Butters (B) worked as a technician

who choose to marry enter the agreement fully

She testified further that she assisted P in his

for the post office. A relationship developed

cognisant of the legal obligations which arise


between B and Mncora (M) and a child was

by operation of law upon the conclusion of the

born. While B continued to work at the post office

marriage. These obligations arise as soon as

In 1998, she stopped working, again at P’s

he started to install alarm systems in his spare

the marriage is concluded, without the need for

request, as he wanted her to retire with him to

time, for extra income. In 1992, B resigned from

any further agreement. They include obligations

live on a farm in Plettenberg Bay. There she

the post office and started a security business.

that extend beyond the termination of marriage

was actively involved in the running of the farm.

The parties began cohabiting, and although M

and even after death. To the extent that any

After the farm was sold, the couple moved to a

began working as a secretary in 1994, earning

obligations arise between cohabitants during

house which S helped to renovate. S asked P for

R2 000 per month, she resigned after two years

the subsistence of their relationship, these arise

confirmation that she was entitled to a half share

because B wanted her to stay at home with the

by agreement and only to the extent of that

of the partnership estate, as she had begun to

children. B’s business was very successful,


feel financially insecure about her future.

and his assets grew. All such assets were in

to be 30 percent. The Court also awarded M damages of R25 000 for the breach of promise. CONCLUSION-WHAT TO DO?

The Constitutional Court confirmed that:

his name. Despite that, M always considered

In conclusion, partners in domestic relationships

She received a letter from his attorneys,

the assets to be theirs to share. She stated

should enter into written agreements to avoid

informing her that certain gifts had been made

that she had nothing to do with B’s business,

disputes later on.

to her in P’s will and that should she wish to

but supported him, cared for him and the

leave P, she would receive a R100 000 cash

children and maintained their common home.

Written by Michelle Horn

payment, and a further R100 000 payable over

Between 2006 and 2007, the relationship began

From Michelle Horn Attorneys

60 months. That offer was not accepted by S.

deteriorating and ended when M found B with

The Court had to decide whether the

another woman. B married the other woman and

relationship was in fact a partnership which

left M unemployed and without any personal


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F rom the



“I hope that everyone had a great holiday and is well rested.”

As from time to time the need to change

the Estate. On 31 March this procedure will

workers on our property occurs and we may

take place, so please ensure to collect your

currently have no South African citizens as

golf cart renewals and first time registrations

employees, so the following is very important.

at the Clubhouse reception or Pro-Shop. On numerous occasions Rules and Regulations

When employing a new person, make sure

are brought under the attention of Woodhill

that they have a valid passport and also a

residents but there are still residents that don’t

valid workers permit. It is against the law to

adhere to these rules.

have immigrants as employees without having a valid workers permit.

One of these rules includes residents that walk their dogs in the afternoon on the golf course.

With current employees, please make sure

We received regular complaints regarding

that you are aware of his/her work permit’s

this aspect and in the process of the dog not

expiry date to ensure it is renewed in time.

being on a leash, they are left to run all over the course starting fights with other dogs or

All workers must be registered if they go on

disturbing golfers. We also found that some

leave and if a temporary worker assists for

of the small wildlife is affected by this. With

that time period, it is very important that the

the dogs running all over, excrement is left

Estate’s rules are adhered to as stipulated


below. A number of unclaimed lost items have been 1.3.1

handed in at the HOA offices for safe keeping

Any ID card, tag or biometric identification,

and if not collected they will be donated to

or identification system of any kind that

charity. Items not claimed by the 1st of March

the Board may prescribe for permanent

2014 will be donated to Hospice.

workers, temporary workers and contractor representatives


Periodically dogs are encountered roaming

enforced by every owner with respect to



around the streets of the Estate. This is not

people in his/her employment or contracted

only a nuisance to other residents but it

to him/her.

causes extra work for security as the dogs have to be caught and then be taken to the

Non-registered workers may not simply be

contractors gate where they are kept until the

collected at the gate or outside the Estate.

owner claims the animal. This practice leads

Workers have to be taken to the HOA offices

to the resident being fined and the possibility

to register them for the time they will be

of the dog being collected by the SPCA if it is


not collected. Please ensure that your pets

Probation period workers are seen as temporary workers and they also need to be registered. Security can also be notified beforehand if a person will be collected for one day. The time has come once again for the annual renewal of all personal golf carts on

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cannot get out of your property.

Werner Pretorius



A positive attitude goes a long way...

In today’s high tempo life, it is important that

aspects of a situation. Positive thinking is not

Disregard feelings of negativity or a desire to

we have and maintain a positive attitude. A

being unrealistic; it’s recognising the negative

give up. If you make a choice to be persistent,

positive attitude and mindset holds the key to

aspects of a situation but choosing to rather

you can transform your thinking as well as the

happiness and joy, leading to good health and

focus on the good ones. A positive attitude is

people around you.

a successful outcome in situations and actions.

therefore a choice we make. It is important that we use positive words and body language in

A positive attitude manifests itself in ways

The problem before us is the fact that not

our inner dialogues, e-mails or when talking to

such as creativity, optimism, self-esteem,

everyone accepts or believes in positive

one another.

motivation and confidence. It changes your

thinking. A lot of people today find it easier to

life in a healthy way. Looking at the bright

be negative because of certain circumstances.

A simple act like smiling can make one feel

side of things can influence others to follow

Some even ignore the people who believe

happier. Sometimes it is difficult to smile and

your example. If strong enough, your positive

and accept a positive mindset. All of us can

feel positive when there are many negative

thinking may become contagious. Draw more

influence or affect, in one way or another, the

influences around you, but smiling and

positivity towards yourself by controlling

people we live and work with or meet on a daily

positive affirmations can lead to a better

your thoughts. Your attitude determines your

basis. By surrounding oneself with optimistic

attitude, a successful life and less stress.

altitude - be the person who achieved it with

and positive people, one can increase positive

Although situations may not immediately

the power of a positive attitude.

thinking and allow one’s confidence to rise.

change, if your attitude towards them does,

A positive attitude is simply learning the positive

you will notice the outcome does as well.

Anél Maree


7 W

4 Star Lodge


p The Cha



Intimate Cerem

8 W


CASA TOSCANA www.casatoscana.co.za








C OMEDY MADNESS R180.00 per person

* Enjoy our comedy showcase selective Monday’s. * Dinner, Dessert and Coffee. * Come dressed for fun and laughter.

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R300.00 per person * Philip as your MC and entertainer for the evening. * 3 Course Dinner, Welcome Cocktail and Coffee. * Dress Code - Smart/Casual

Le Si Restaurant - Casa Toscana

5 Darlington Road, Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria

Enquiries / Bookings:

012 348 8820 / 072 716 0442 | bookings@casatoscana.co.za

9 W





Club House and Course 15th Celebration

April Fools Day

Watch this Space

13 Couples Day

15 - 16 28

Human Rights Day



Men’s Club Champs

21 Members day –

18 Course & Club House Closed – Good Friday

Monthly Lucky Draw

10 W

15 -18

Course Closed – Hollowtining


Winter Club Champs


Monthly Lucky Draw




25 Monthly Lucky Draw



Youth Day Celebrations

1 Spring Day Dinner

Golf Day – Hillbilly vs Vleipadda 18 Resident Music on the 18th Faiway - Kevin Leo


Woodhill Ladies Open


27 Monthly Lucky Draw




Monthly Lucky Draw

30 Monthly Lucky Draw






Founders Day


Monthly Lucky Draw




Monthly Lucky Draw

Women’s Day High Tea




Annual Charity Golf Day


Kiddies Xmas Tree & Lucky Draw



EXCLUSIVE MANDATE One-in-a-million Masterpiece

This home’s majestic exterior is just a hint of the beauty that lies beyond its doors – modern, elegant, timeless with clean lines and brand new! Open-plan living at its best. Top position with spectacular views. This uncluttered masterpiece is a “must see”! Offering 4 bedrooms all en suite, 3 living rooms, study, 2 SQ’s, 4 garages with 2 carports, kitchen with modern day high-tech appliances, bar, boma, braai on covered wooden deck, pool and a Magnificent garden! Web Ref: 301750809


Follow @Menlyn Auto_

11 W

M C FO U N DAT I O N R E AC HE S O U T As most of us are aware, the economic

been incredible. We would like to express

environment has placed unforeseen constraints

our gratitude to all for their participation,

on numerous households. After hearing of

contribution and support.

a number of tales of regrettable situations amongst their friends, colleagues and in some

This has allowed the Foundation to sponsor

cases family members, a group of golfing

their second recipient, Ms Carmen van der Walt

friends within Woodhill decided to make a

during the course of this academic year. She is

difference by establishing the M C Foundation

in her second year, studying a BA Psychology


at the University of Pretoria. Our first recipient,




number 2012/104645/08.

Ms Aninka Janse van Rensburg, is doing extremely well with her BSc Physiotherapy

The M C Foundation (“the Foundation”) reaches

degree at the Free State University.

out to individuals in need of assistance purely for educational and sporting purposes through

In the coming months, the Foundation’s Board

its network of clients, contacts, friends and

will be assessing other applicants and will be

sponsors. Over the last two years, a number of

increasing the number of recipients for the next

applications have been received for financial

academic year.

assistance. The Board

of Directors of the

Foundation reviewed all of the requests and

In order to continue in this spirit, the Foundation

also conducted interviews with the candidates.

has reserved their next Charity Golf Day for the 7th of May 2014 at the Woodhill Country Club.

The Foundation held their inaugural Charity

Please look out for further notices in this regard.

Golf Day at Woodhill Country Club on the 12th

Should any resident or golf member wish to

of June 2013 with the primary goal of raising

obtain any further information on the Foundation,

funds for the aforementioned purpose.

they may contact Johann Botha 083 273 8556 or Alan Hargroves 071 603 4229, or if they wish

By doing so, you will assist us in extending

As a result of the success of this golf day and

to contribute to the Foundation, the Banking

generous donations received, the Foundation

Details are as follows:

the human spirit and empathy to those who

R180 349.00 was raised for this worthy cause.

M C Foundation,

be making a difference and supporting the

The Board of Directors of the Foundation are


is proud to announce that a total amount of

truly overwhelmed as it exceeded our own expectations and the feedback from all has

12 W


Branch Code 250655

Acc no. 62373744088

are less fortunate than ourselves. Lastly, you’ll Foundation’s motto “chipping in”. M C Foundation

13 W

W oodhill A N N U A L C hristmas C harity G olf D ay 2 0 1 3 What a wonderful gift we gave out last year to so many charities. We had our sights on a large number of charities in order to help as many people as possible, and as the economy dictates, sometimes this is not possible. We had a lot of support from our most loyal golf members, our sponsors and our suppliers. I am so grateful to all of you for helping us make Woodhill’s Annual Christmas Charity Golf Day for 2013 such a fabulous day! Our main sponsor, Menlyn Auto, BMW, Anina and her team, are just so willing to be a part of our events at Woodhill, and we value and appreciate their continued support. We had wonderful sponsorship from the youth of Afriform, especially Henk and he went out of his way to make this a very special event. The Pink Drive Bus was there, scanning and educating all those who wanted to know more about breast cancer awareness. Our carnival theme with bright colours really created a wonderful setting. A special thanks to Lizette and her team for working so hard on her birthday to make our day so stunning! To our new caterers, Wiesenhof, the food was wonderful and made the event even more enjoyable. Thank you to Boma for donating the delicious boerewors rolls! A special thank you to the Woodhill staff, especially Sarita, Mark and Paul for all of their assistance in making our Charity day so special.

14 W


To my committee, and especially Dave and

Solidarity Skool Tassie Projek - R10 000

Ivan, for organising the prizes, we really made a

Caring Daisies - R10 000

difference in so many people’s lives, so thanks

Woodhill Caddies - R 5 000

to you all for your hard work and support! There were so many people that made this day We were able to collect an amount of

so special and I cannot mention you all, but be

R170 000.00! This was divided amongst

assured that everything you did was amazing

the 10 charities that we had nominated as

and the result says it all. Thank you!

beneficiaries, including: This year, we are going to do it all again! The Wespoort Uitryksentrum - R30 000

next event will be held on the 8th of November

Ons Huis - R20 000

2014. Looking forward to having you share this

Tswane Haven - R20 000

wonderful day with us.

Save a Child CMR - R20 000 Oeboentoe - R20 000 Sunrise Naaskool Sentrum - R20 000

Erica Van Wyk Charity Golf Day Committee

Pink Drive - R15 000


15 W

KIDDIES C hristmas T ree F eedback Woodhill’s Christmas Tree for the resident children is an annual event hosted by the HOA on the last Friday of November. This wonderful and exciting celebration is filled with live entertainment, treats and laughter and is well attended by the kids, parents and grandparents. Our event kicked off with a Christmas Market at the Clubhouse. A wide range of residential exhibitors made use of the opportunity to display their products and added to an even more festive atmosphere. 188 children were astonished as they saw Santa arrive on a Harley Davidson at the Clubhouse. The activities and entertainment

of the day included stilt walkers performing balloon art, face painting, clowns, jumping castles, crafts and games. Each child also received vouchers for a sweet pack, caramel popcorn, ice cream, juice and a craft kit. The highlight was that they could collect their presents that ‘Santa’ delivered.

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This was once again a truly beautiful event as it started the celebrations of the festive season on a positive note. We look forward to our Woodhill Christmas Tree event at the end of 2014.


17 W

Valentines D inner Perfect weather, perfect scenery and perfect venue, what better can be on offer to enjoy and celebrate 2014 Valentine. Residents had the option to either join for a sit down 3 course dine and wine on the patio overlooking the golf course or to bring a blanket and enjoy their picnic basket on the 18th fairway. Live entertainment with Andrew Lawrance and all time favourites created the perfect ambiance for this special occupation.

“Thank you, we had a great time. Very special day had by all.”

Robin Catterick

“Good morning Olivia We had a great evening and enjoyed our picnic basket. Please give our compliments to all who were involved It was a definite success. I hope you do it again next year. Have a good day.” Dawn Bosman

“I must just tell you – I was suitably impressed with the picnic basket and want to compliment you guys on the quality/taste of the food. I thought it real value for money!! Thank You!” Shelleigh Terlouw

“I just wanted to thank you, we ALL had a GREAT time and think we were the last group to leave! Everyone was very satisfied with the baskets, it was really a good initiative! Please keep me on your list of things that is happening over weekends, event and specials please!” Jeanine Smith

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25 W

P revention , A ddiction and R ecovery

“We admitted we were powerless over our addition, that our lives had become unmanageable” – STEP 1

When I started researching this article, I called

and goal of each and every day for the addict.

prepared for a battle and a war if they are using.

around to various treatment facilities in the

They are stuck in a seemingly endless cycle,

Most drugs stay in the blood system for three

Gauteng area and I was astounded by the lack

which can only be described as a nightmare.

days, so if you do go this route make sure you

of facilities that cater to 13-17 year olds. Not only

To add to the chemical process that is

do it quickly. If they test negative but are using,

are there few facilities but some of them are lock

happening in the body, one of the ways that the

it will be so much more difficult to help them.

down facilities that could expose your child to

body protects itself is denial. The body’s denial

A better option would be to take your child

all sorts of new dangers. As a parent I can only

system is the first big hurdle that an individual

to be assessed. The best place I found in my

imagine how I would be feeling at this point. I

faces when they come into recovery. Ask an

research is Akeso Crescent Clinic based in

hope that I can assist you by sharing my findings.

addict if he or she thinks they are addicted and

Boskruin, Randburg, where they will do a full

they will be in complete denial. Ask an alcoholic

assessment with the child and offer the best

Addiction is a disease where there is no known

why do they drink, and more than often they

course of action. Akeso Crescent Clinic offers

cure. However, understanding the disease and

blame stress. Have you ever seen a psychologist

an inpatient adolescent program (YAP) as

by following an easy programme, you can live a

prescribe alcohol to combat stress?

well as a dual diagnosis adolescent program

happy, healthy and fulfilling life, as a productive member of society.

(DAP) that assists in the treatment of addiction Breaking down this denial system is much

and psychiatric disorders. The treating team

easier in adults than adolescents. By the time an

comprises of professionals who have a special

What is addiction and how is it a disease?

adult has come into recovery there is so much

interest and expertise in adolescent psychiatry.

All drugs of abuse - nicotine, cocaine,

evidence of the addiction; they have lost their

The team includes psychiatrists, psychologists,

marijuana, alcohol and others, affect the brain’s

jobs, homes and families. But in an adolescent

social workers and occupational therapists.

“reward” circuit, which is part of the limbic system. Normally, the reward circuit responds to pleasurable experiences by releasing the

the losses might not be prevalent and for a

parent you want to combat the using before

The multi-disciplinary team uses an eco-

it becomes an addiction.

systemic approach in treating adolescents.

feelings of pleasure, and tells the brain that

In most cases the first drug of choice is alcohol;

in the context of all their various environments, for

this is something important; pay attention

it is easily available and socially acceptable.

example their family, school, friends, etc. Thus,

and remember this. Drugs hijack this system,

The association with drinking and fun, forgetting

adolescents are treated holistically by the multi-

causing unusually large amounts of dopamine

all of your problems, becoming accepted

to flood the system. Sometimes this lasts for a

by a particular social group or just the pure

disciplinary team. Their 21 day course is aimed

long time compared to what happens when a

satisfaction of doing something naughty, is

natural reward stimulates dopamine.

easily created. Problems at school or at home

neurotransmitter dopamine, which creates

can perpetuate the using. For high school girls

Essentially, this model focuses on the individual

at educating the adolescent to the dangers

of drugs, while helping them through group

and individual sessions to deal with their underlining problems. The strongest support

This flood of dopamine is what causes the

there is the enormous pressure to be thin. Many

“high” or euphoria associated with drug abuse.

young women use drugs to help with weight

recovery is their family. It is crucial that the family

As a result of the flooding, the brain stops to

loss. How as a parent do you know if your

is involved in the healing process, Mom and

more serious underlining issue? The most

and co-dependencies. Cresent Clinic offer

naturally produce dopamine. Dopamine’s natural

system the adolescent has to assist them in

child is just being a teenager or if there is a

Dad need to look closely at their own behavior

common tell-tell signs are behavior changes,

family theropy and have a outpatient services

joyless. How the individual needs the substance

withdrawing from a social group and maybe

with psychiatrists and psychologists available

to experience feelings of pleasure/joy and as the

he or she is no longer hanging out with their old

and offer interventions in cases of emergencies

use of the drug carries on, the individual levels of

school friends and have a new group that they

by means of an “intervention unit” available 24

tolerance to the substance become greater, and

don’t bring home, not wanting to have friends

hours per day. (www.crescentclinic.co.za)

in turn requires more and more of the substance

over to the house anymore, being secretive to

to feel the same levels of pleasure. In the case of

where they are going, sleeping patterns are

Even though the road to recovery is not an easy

an addict, the brain believes that the substance

affected and self-mutilation. What are the first

one for the addict and the family, if they all follow

administering a drug test at home; it is important

lives back, they get so much more.

ability to activate pleasure/joy is weakened and without the dopamine the individual starts to feel

is more important than other survival elements like sleep, food, sex etc. So the acquiring and using of the substance becomes the main focus

26 W


steps for a concerned parent? You could try to be in the room at the time. However, be

the suggested steps, not only do they get their


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27 W


This programme has been a great hit especially during the hot weather and the Foundation School children are very excited about being able to “swim” in our own colourful little pool.

As part of our gross motor programme this year the Foundation School is implementing a water safety programme. The aim of this is


to enable children to keep themselves afloat in the water. Our gross motor specialist is teaching the children the first elements of water safety such as the rules about safety in the swimming pool area and how to get safely into and out of the swimming pool. In addition they are getting used to having water on their faces and they are being introduced to floating, kicking, paddling and breathing in the water.



GOLD Back: Megan van der Walt, Kiara Fourie Front: Ami Flynn, Catherine Wilcocks, GJ Swart SILVER Back: Simeon Lechtanski, Alden Rahl, Lolade Irinoye, Nicky Govender Middle: Oskar Frielingsdorf, Hannah Palane, Anesu Nhamo, Huibrie Kooij, Jessica Wilcocks Front: Fabio Soalheiro, Tristan Storm, Damon Dempers BRONZE Back: Chelsea Nortje, Inge Davel, Jenna Michael, Alex Papageorgiou Front: Jeconiah Sibuyi, Cathrine de Klerk, Michael Pachinger, Daniella Osae

Junior Victor & Victrix Ludorum

Senior Victor Ludorum

Senior Victrix Ludorum

Elijah Dredge & Charnan Beyers

Dylan Botha

Samantha van Veyeren

HIGH SCHOOL INTERHOUSE ATHLETICS REPORT 2014 Faster, higher, further, louder – was the order of the day for our much anticipated Annual Inter-

track and on the field, with many records being broken, and with many students who are not

Individual awards for athletes:

House Athletics Competition which proved to be

regular athletes participating to merely attain

Victrix Ludorum (Junior): Nikita Robertson

an outstanding one this year.

points for their respective houses.

Our matric students certainly did not disappoint

The following students attained awards on the

Victor Ludorum (Junior): Romeil Griffith Victrix Ludorum (Senior): Gabbi Lochoff Victor Ludorum (Senior): Marcus Bornman

in the spirit department – not even the heat could

day included the following:

dampen the festive, fun and healthy camaraderie between the houses in their quest for the holy grail of spirit aka. “The Spirit Trophy”. Themes on the day included Greek gods (the Blackies), Jungle warriors (the Marshies) and the Hunger Games (the Fishies). All three houses made a really grand entrance ensuring that the spirit judges had a tough job ahead of them. The competition and participation levels were fantastic on the

Spirit trophy results: First: Black Eagles Second: Martial Eagles Third: Fish eagles Final standings for the athletics competition: First: Martial Eagles Second: Black Eagles Third: Fish Eagles

In conclusion we would like to thank all staff, parents, supporters and of course participants for such a successful, enjoyable and trouble free event. Even though there were winners on the day, there certainly were no losers as everyone gave it their all and had a really fun and enjoyable day, packed with fond memories. We certainly look forward to this event next year!

HIGH SCHOOL INTER – HOUSE SWIMMING GALA REPORT 2014 As usual an electric, festive and fun atmosphere was prevalent at our annual 2014 Inter-house Day - Night Swimming Gala. Our matrics, who take spirit very seriously, certainly went out of their way to make the occasion a memorable one. The Blackies took on the theme of cowboys, the Fishies – firemen and the Marshies added some carnival flair to this exciting event. All three houses are to be congratulated on keeping the singing and cheering going throughout the entire evening.

De Villebois Mareuil Drive, Pretoria East

The following students are to be congratulated on achieving the following awards: Phoebe Dredge: Junior Victrix Laudorum Hannah Dredge: Senior Victrix Laudorum Shane Beyers: Junior Victor Laudorum Wihan Odendaal: Senior Victor Laudorum Overall results for the spirit competition were: First: Marshall Eagles Second: Black Eagles Third: Fish Eagles

Competition in the pool was also highly intense, with many students who do not usually swim, taking to the water any way - in order to attain participation points for their respective houses.

And finally, houses attained the following positions for the swimming competition: First: Black Eagles Second: Fish Eagles Third: Marshall Eagles

This entertaining event was also well attended by parents and past pupils; more spectators seem to attend every year and it is wonderful to see their support and encouragement of the swimmers.

In conclusion we would like to thank all staff, parents, supporters and of course, participants for such a successful, enjoyable and trouble free event. All in all, this event was an exciting one and as always, we look forward to it next year!

012 998 1774 – alacia.b@curroholdings.co.za – www.woodhillcollege.co.za

Bryc e Lew is Illustr ation by


10 APRIL 2014

30 W



31 W

I nteresting E aster T raditions from A cross the G lobe

With the December holidays becoming a

1,000 people. The legend behind this Easter

distant memory, Easter is just around the

tradition goes back to when Napoleon and

corner and traditional celebrations will be

his army were traveling through the south of

enjoyed by people from across the world.

France and stopped in the small town to enjoy

European countries of Czech Republic and

South Africans typically attend church, enjoy

some omelettes. Napoleon liked this so much

Slovakia they have an Easter tradition that will

an Easter egg hunt or travel over the long

that he ordered the town’s people to gather all

keep ladies on their toes. On Easter Monday,

weekend, but some are lucky enough to

of their eggs and make a massive omelette for

men attempt to lightly spank women with

travel to far away, exotic places and enjoy

his entire army.

handmade whips made of willow and decorated

Easter traditions of a different kind. We take a look at diverse Easter celebrations and traditions from countries across the world.

and Slovakia

Women, watch your backsides! In the eastern

with colourful ribbons. According to the legend, Cooling off at Easter in Poland

the willow is the first tree to bloom in the spring

Poland has some very unique traditions

with the branches transferring the tree’s vitality

and at Easter these traditions get even more

and fertility to a woman. This playful spanking

interesting. Smingus-Dyngus is a Polish Easter

is all in the name of fun and is in no way painful.

tradition where pouring water on one another is the name of the game. On Easter Monday, boys attempt to soak other people using buckets of water, water guns and anything they can get their hands on. A legend dictates that any girls that get drenched will marry within a year, so anyone wanting their partner to propose should head to Poland this Easter holiday. Adorn a hardhat in Corfu, Greece

If you’re in Greece this Easter, be sure to steer clear of the streets in Corfu on Holy Saturday, or at least adorn a hardhat. Every year the traditional ‘Pot Throwing’ celebrations A rather large serving in Haux, France

take place where people throw pots, pans

The French are known to relish the finer things

and other ceramics out of their windows,

in life and at Easter, this is no different. On

smashing them on the streets below. Some

Easter Monday in the town of Haux, a giant

say the custom derives from the Venetians,

omelette is served up in the town’s main square

who on New Year’s Day used to throw out all

for the locals to devour. This massive omelette

of their old items. Others believe the throwing

uses more than 4,500 eggs and feeds up to

of the pots welcomes spring.

32 W

Naughty shenanigans in Czech Republic

Humpy Dumpty around in Washington DC,

even boasts many more amusements such as

A time old tradition in this US state has been

sports and crafts.


live music, a massive Easter egg hunt, various

the Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn of the iconic White House. Members of the

Whatever the traditions and celebrations you

presidential family and various friends aim to

and your family are going to enjoy this Easter,

roll a coloured hard-boiled egg with a large

relish the time with your loved ones and be

serving spoon across the lawn. The Easter

safe if travelling.

tradition has grown significantly and now









33 W

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34 W




G O L F D I R E C TO R Golfing Greetings To You All

Welcome to 2014 and may I take the

of WCC, which falls prior to the Champs on

for a group of 27 children from a small school

opportunity to wish you all a great golfing and

the 1st of March 2014. Please make a note of

in Mamelodi to learn how to play golf. My

successful year ahead. December was a very

these dates and the ‘Take Up the Challenge’

fellow PGA member and the Director of Golf

busy month for the club as holiday golfers

to win your handicap division this year.

at Silver lakes Andrew Mackenna and I take

and members enjoyed playing our beautiful

turns in coaching the children at the club’s

course. Rain did affect us on certain days

As a Woodhill CC member, an added benefit

driving range to build their golfing skills from

but all in all the weather was great and many

is that we have secured for you a number of

the absolute beginning.

a compliment was received on the golfing

Inter Club Agreements. These clubs have

experience at WCC.

agreed to give a preferential green fee on all

Golf clubs and golf balls are provided by us

days except a Saturday. I can confirm that

for the kids and the entire project is sponsored

With our greens recently hollowtined and

the following clubs are on board: The Els

by Mercedes-Benz Menlyn. This has really

prepared for the rest of the year, I can’t help

Club Copperleaf, Silver Lakes CC, Centurion

made a difference in these children’s lives

but mention the large number of unfixed pitch-

CC, Arabella, Koro Creek GC, Ebotse CC,

and I am happy to say that we will continue

marks on the greens of late. I would like to

Germiston CC, Princes Grant CC and Zebula

with the project in 2014. The kids are dressed

urge all golfers to please check the green for

CC. Please present your Woodhill membership

in a golfing kit and driven to each venue where

your pitch mark before cleaning your golf

card at the green fee counter at these clubs,

after the coaching session, are treated to a

ball as an unfixed pitch mark takes three

as well as informing them when making your

lunch and soft drink and then driven safely

weeks to recover and a fixed or repaired

booking that you are from Woodhill CC.

back home to Mamelodi. Many of the children

This will help our greens remain in wonderful

Congratulations to Louis Bekker who won the

can assist many of them in taking up the game

condition. Divots are a similar exercise and

Castle Light Challenge Finals at Woodhill in


for golfers we also need you to please fill in

early December. Louis not only won some

those divots straight after your shot, helping in

lovely Castle Light products but also the latest

Our Pro Shop Team has two new shop

keeping our fairways in great shape!

Mizuno Aerolite stand bag for his efforts on 40

assistants for all your golfing needs. They are

pts. Well played!

Lardus Van Rooyen and Christine Van Cittert

pitch mark takes five days to recover fully.

have a natural flair for golf and we hope we

Woodhill Club Champs will be hosted on the

We wish them a long and happy stay with us.

15th and 16th of March 2014 and entries will

Over the past year a partnership between

open two weeks before the date. This also

Mercedes-Benz Menlyn, Woodhill CC and

co-insides with our yearly Subs as members

Silver Lakes CC has created an opportunity

Paul Marks


35 W


GREENSKEEPER With it being Woodhill’s 15th birthday this year,

would also be ready at any time, for any event.

look at work to be done on the greens in a

I have decided to give a short overview of the

Manicuring of the course came with time and

couple of years’ time. We are currently looking

past nine years and six months that I have

we decided to mulch around all trees to firstly

at work that needs to be done on the irrigation

been involved at the Woodhill Country Club.

protect them from daily maintenance with

system as this system is 17 years old and was

trimmers and secondly to keep the moisture

installed two years before the course was

I started my journey at Woodhill on the 1st of

in the soil for longer, which would be highly

opened. Unfortunately there will always be

September 2004 as the Course Superintendent

beneficial for the tree. We also started a policy

some improvements that one needs to make

after being involved at Zwartkop Country Club

of only planting indigenous trees and shrubs

to the golf course to be able to compete with

for four years. I always knew that Woodhill was

on the golf course to try and become one of

other courses.

a golf course with a lot of potential and that

the first indigenous courses in the country.

if ever given the opportunity to work there, I

There is however still much work that needs

I do however think that the course has come

would do my best to improve the golf course

to be done on this, as we do have a large

a long way since I have started here and the

and show off its true potential.

number of invasive plants on the golf course.

changes and improvements didn’t always

We have also built more indigenous gardens

come easy, but it was all worthwhile. I can

On the maintenance side, there were a lot

on the golf course, with the one at the 7th hole

say that I am very proud of Woodhill Country

of changes that we had to make to ensure

definitely being the most popular amongst

Club and all of my staff, as well as the other

that playing surfaces improved. The top

members and even visitors that come and

staff members that were involved during this

dressing used on the fairways, tees and green

play at Woodhill.

process to get the course to where it is today.

surrounds were probably the best cultural

I can also assure you that I will always keep

practice that we could have introduced

The golf course has become better every year

on improving the golf course and its high

to Woodhill. Together with the fertilisation

and one can see how trees are getting bigger

standards so that we can carry on shinning as

program that was introduced, we were able

and how grass surfaces have improved. The

one of the top golf courses in Gauteng.

to improve the quality of the poor soils that the

equipment and the maintenance of it, as well as

golf course was built on.

the 3 year cycle on which equipment is rotated, has definitely played a role in this regard.

Cutting activities were increased to create tightly knitted fairways and other kikuyu areas.

We do however have to invest in the course

By cutting all of the areas of the golf course

as I think that we will have to do a lot of work

on a daily basis, we ensured that the course

on bunkers and tees soon and most probably

36 W



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LADIES CAPTAIN What a wonderful Christmas and New Year! We really had so much fun welcoming 2014! So, a new year always brings resolutions and that is part of our new challenge this year. As a committee, we would like to spark a new and exciting enthusiasm for golf and our Social Group! We have a couple of new events on the cards for our Woodhill Ladies Calendar, and as a group of friends, we would like to invite all those who would like to join us! Please come and have some fun with us; we are looking forward to meeting you! Our first exciting event is the Gautrain Trip which is scheduled for the 19th of March

2013. We are looking so forward to this. For further information please contact Riana Moore or Maryna Groenewald. Our Ladies Club Champs date has changed

and it will now be held on the 22nd and 23rd of February 2014. Please make yourselves

available to play in the most prestigious event on our annual golf calendar. If you love golf, you will know how special this event is and you never know, you may just be a winner! Take a chance! Be there, if you don’t play you can’t win! We have a Doubles and Singles Knock-out

schedule starting for 2014 and if you would like to participate please let us know as entries close on the 5th of February 2014.

Women’s Thursday League starts early this

year with our first games being played on the 6th of February 2014. This year our League Tournament is different in that we are no longer

playing home and away games. We are only playing at neutral venues. That means that there are less games to play and therefore makes the League a huge challenge for us. We have two great teams in place and are going to try our best to get that trophy this year!

38 W


Remember we have Golf on Thursdays

Riana Moore - 082 467 8299

to join us, please put your name down in our

Maryna Groenewald - 083 226 8051

for all of the ladies and if you would like

Susan Maree - 083 285 2975

Ladies Pink book in the Pro Shop. If you can’t

Delma Van Der Merwe - 082 779 0269

play on Thursdays, there are some of us who play on Tuesdays, so please come and join us.

Should you need any assistance or information, please contact us. We will be happy to assist

A very special Happy Birthday goes out to our Past Ladies Captain, Karen Van Huyssteen, who turns 60 this year in February. Looking good at 60 Karen! Also, we have had a number of new ladies joining Woodhill, and we would like to say a very special “Welcome” to you all. Thank you for joining our club and we look forward to having a round of golf with you! Our Committee Members are: Erica Van Wyk 083 676 9803


“Mistakes are part of the game. It’s how well you recover from them that is the mark of a great player.” - Alice Cooper

Happy golfing, and less putting... Erica Van Wyk

Improve your golf swing Want to improve your golf swing? Melanie Retief of retieFisio may be able to help. Melanie is a physiotherapist with a special interest in sports injuries. Since her husband is a keen golfer, she naturally developed an interest in the sport. Even though she leaves the technical swing training to the pros, she knows how the body works and what is required of your body to perform at its best. If we look at a normal swing sequence, as explained by Robert Baker, one of the world’s leading golf instructors, there are a few things that need to happen in a specific order to generate the best results. In a good sequence, there is a rolling of the ankles on the first move of the downswing which allows the left hip to open up and in turn will pull back the shoulders. As the shoulders accelerate, the energy is transferred through the shaft and into the clubhead by the downward pull on the grip of the club. For all of this to happen, the body needs to be completely loose and relaxed. Over time we “forget” to use certain muscles and the body naturally compensates by using different muscles to do the work of the inactive ones. We become less flexible and any structure that is already tense, cannot contract effectively and will limit your golf swing. The answer to this problem lies with a technique developed by Douglas Heel called muscle activation. Melanie uses these techniques to “wake up” the right muscles to do the right thing at the right time during the swing. The muscles can then function at their maximum strength, endurance and flexibility. Once activated, you will feel more relaxed and balanced, and swinging the club with power will seem easier because the muscles can fire in the right sequence. An activation session starts with an assessment of flexibility and then pressing on specific pressure points to activate the inactive muscles. This is combined with resistance training to strengthen the core muscles and improve posture. Muscle activation can be done at any age, at any skill level and for any sport. It will not suddenly make you an excellent sportsman but it will help you do what you do best. For more information and to book an activation session, you can contact retieFisio at:

Call: 079 177 2123 email: retiefisio@gmail.com For more information and testimonials on muscle activation please visit www.muscleactivation.co.za


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39 W


Custom Fitting by Johan van Vuuren

PGA Teaching Professional Custom fitting is a service that is widely used by

stroke as certain putters can enhance your

ground, and the higher the bounce, the less

many golfers worldwide and the advantages of

stroke while others can make life very difficult

chance you will have of this happening. Look at

fitting your clubs correctly is that it can help you

for you. Face balanced putters; heel to toe

the type of courses and weather conditions you

perform much better, eliminate any element of

balanced putters and centre shaft have been

tend to play in most often and choose the correct

doubt, and give you the peace of mind that your

the order of the day over the years with the odd

bounce which best suites these conditions.

clubs are right for you. For this series I will be

exception of some players using a broomstick

Secondly, the degrees of loft between your

acting as a complete novice that knows nothing

putter. The one great revelation in putting

wedges, I believe should be exactly the same;

about custom fitting. Paul Marks who currently is

over the last couple of years has been the

for example Pitching Wedge 48°, Gap Wedge

the Vice Chairman of the PGA of SA and the Golf

introduction of the belly putter. This has saved

52°, Sand Wedge 56° and your Lob Wedge

Director at the Woodhill Residential and Country

and built many great careers on all of the major

60°. The advantage of doing it like this is that

Estate will do my fitment for me. Paul has many

tours all over the world. Because of its design

you can really become very consistent with

years of experience in club fitting and has a

so many problems are taken out of the equation

your distance control, ball flight and spin on the

fantastic setup at Woodhill, which includes an

and this has really given so many players the

greens and this is what wedge play is all about.

indoor fitment center and a driving range.

confidence and trust to become better putters.

All top players are magicians when it comes

The one great equaliser in golf is putting and if

to putting and wedge play, and the reason for

you can find the right putter, I guarantee you

this is that they follow these steps I have just

I feel gets overlooked very often is selecting

your scores will come down quite substantially.

explained in finding the correct equipment and

game. Firstly let’s start off with the putters. In

The second aspect we looked at from a custom

today’s day and age, selecting the correct

fitting point of view in this segment is choosing

putter can really make a massive difference to

the correct wedges for your game. With the new

your game and give you that edge over your

rules surrounding the grooves of the wedges, no

fellow competitors. I always say that selecting a

panic sets in as the average club golfer will still

putter is like choosing your husband or wife, as

be able to use the wedges they know for years

this is a very personal part of the game. When

to come. Only when you become a high level

purchasing a putter, start off by selecting some

amateur player that competes in major events or

putters from the shelf that you like the look and

aspires to become a professional, “V” grooves

weight of, this I think is very important as you

on wedges will come into play. Another design

want to feel confident when you look down at

feature of a wedge that is very important to look

the putter. Secondly, after consulting with your

at is the bounce of the wedge and the degrees

local PGA professional, it is very important to

of loft you need. The lower the bounce of the

determine what type of putter will suite your

club, the easier the club head will dig into the

When it comes to custom fitting, an area that the correct putter and wedges for a player’s

40 W


then spend hours on the range and putting green perfecting them.








R10 785.00


R11 165.00



R14 800.00


R15 560.00



R7 590.00


R7 970.00



R10 290.00


R11 050.00



R2 960.00


R3 340.00



R2 490.00


R2 870.00



R1 130.00


R1 510.00



R2 370.00


R2 370.00



R4 150.00


R 4 530.00



R1 190.00


R1 190.00



R2 370.00


R2 750.00



R3 560.00


R3 940.00





For enquiries, contact our Membership Secretary Debbie Koekemoer at: 021 998 0011 or debbie@woodhill.co.za


41 W

42 W

Escape To a Resort, a Spa and into the Treetops For this ‘Escape To’ feature and in celebration

by lush, African vegetation, river gorges and

every year since 1997, and in 2013 it was

of maintaining an exciting ethos for the

valleys, the hotel not only hosts numerous

awarded by the AA the status of “Best Value

new year ahead, we decided to look at an


for Money Family Holiday Destination and

establishment which offers all of the right

getaways but an ultimate destination for the

elements for a relaxing, adrenalin-packed and

entire family.





pampering weekend getaway for both leisure

Consistent Achiever.” The Sparkling Health Spa has shined just

and conference attributes. The Sparkling

Over the years, both the spa and the hotel have

as exceedingly with its latest and most

Waters Hotel, the Sparkling Health Spa and

been awarded with many notable accolades

prestigious accolade to date; being voted

their Canopy Tours Experience really do

and their Canopy Tours Experience adds

as a finalist in the 2013 “Luxury Spas of the

provide an exceptional experience for anyone

even more of an advantage to their already

World” programme. It’s evident from the

who has the pleasure of exploring it.

prominent pulling factor. The Sparkling Water

professionals that both the hotel and spa

Hotel is the only three time winner of the

offer an array of diverse attractions that vary

Now in its 23rd year, the hotel has proved to

respected conference venue of the year award

with consumer’s tailored needs.

be an affordable and diverse destination time

in the budget venue category for South Africa.

and time again. Located in one of the oldest

It was also a finalist in the AA Accommodation

mountain ranges on earth and surrounded

Award programme as a Family Resort Hotel,

The Canopy Tours Experience, which is

Whatever you are searching for in an escape

located on the same property as the hotel,

from city life, and the stresses that come with


it, this establishment offers it in profusion.




zipping between platforms, which have been constructed high into the granite rock faces

Physical Address: Rietfontein Farm JQ 348,

and are joined by cables. With safety at the

Rietfontein, RTB District

core of their ethos, endless hours of fun can

Telephone: 014 535 0000

be spent in the abundance of nature with

Mobile: 082 859 4036

unparalleled vistas of the valleys, streams

Fax: 014 535 0007

and African Highveld below. The tour of 2.5

Email: info@sparklingwaters.co.za

hours also includes transport up and down

Website: http://www.sparklingwaters.co.za

the mountain, two experienced guides, refreshments on the tour and a meal at Hadedas Restaurant and Bar.

43 W

LANDSCAPING The New Year is here and it has come with

and 95% of the water absorbed from the

the plant to be ineffective in absorbing

an abundance of rain. This is essential for all

soil is utilised for this. The additional 5% is

nutrients from the soil through the roots. Too

of the plants and the reason why the gardens

used for photosynthesis, which consists of a

much water can also prevent the roots from

are flourishing so well.

chain reaction in which water, sunlight and

getting oxygen, which causes them to rot

carbon dioxide are used for producing the

and then the plant dies. It is also important

carbohydrates necessary for plant growth.

to do research about the plants that are in

Water typically makes up 80 to 95% of the mass of growing plant tissue, 40 to 50%

your garden as some may require more or

of mature woody plants and 70 to 95% of

The rate of transpiration is dependent on water

mature herbaceous plants. Water is also

availability within the plant and soil, which is

extremely important to plants for the following

dependent on the texture and structure of

Just as a last note, the South African plant

several reasons.

the soil. Plant water uptake does not always

of 2014 is Vepris lanceolata from the Family

keep up with transpiration water loss rates

Rutaceae. It is commonly known as the White

Firstly, it carries important nutrients from the

even if soil moisture is adequate. Temporary

Ironwood, and is mostly an evergreen shrub

soil to the plant and plant vigour, and overall

midday wilting is common during hot, sunny

or small tree of up to 5m occurring naturally

resistance to stress from insects and/or

afternoons; but plants can rehydrate over

along the coast from the Western Coast to

disease is influenced by their water status.

night when lower temperatures result in

Kwazulu-Natal through Mumalanga, Limpopo

decreased transpiration water losses.

and the northern section of Gauteng and the

The most important factor driving water

North-West Province.

movement in plants is a process known as

Please make sure that your garden gets

transpiration. This is a loss of water from

adequate water during hot days but be

plants in the form of vapour (evaporation)

careful not to over water as this can cause

44 W


less water than others.

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Grow your Very Own Food Garden

Mother Nature can provide in ways that are

sides and ideally, they should be 1 metre wide

on the seed packet carefully. This is your best

astounding. She offers the most nutritional, fresh

or less. An east-west configuration allows for

guide for sowing depth and spacing, when to

food from her back garden but unfortunately by

the best sun exposure on all of the beds.

transplant the vegetables and basic care.

the time these goods reach our table, they may

Pathways should be 30cm wide, otherwise

have lost much of their goodness. One thing you

space is wasted.

7. Spread the harvest

Plant a few seeds of each variety every two to four

can do to maintain its connection to its healthy 4. Build up the soil

weeks to ensure an on-going harvest throughout

Vegetables like fertile, well-drained soil. The

the season. Sow leafy vegetables at two-weekly

more effort you put into the preparation,

intervals, legumes about three weeks apart, root

1. Start small and grow

the more success you will enjoy later on.

vegetables about four weeks apart and fruiting

Starting a food garden is not a minute task, so

Dig compost, well-rotted kraal manure and

vegetables six to twelve weeks apart.

rather start small and grow. As your confidence

bonemeal into the soil at a depth of 30cm.

and abilities increase, you can add a variety of

Other soil preparation methods include the no-

vegetables, expand the garden’s size and aim

till method, trenching and building raised beds.

roots is grow your very own food garden in your home. Here’s how:

8. Water and feed regularly

Water your vegetables more frequently in hot, dry weather and fertilise them according to their

for future sustainability. 5. Start with easy, seasonal vegetables

type and seed packet instructions.

Vegetables and herbs need at least six hours of

with three to five, easy-to-grow vegetables

sun a day. In order of preference, a north-facing

according to the season and climate of your

9. Keep a record

space is best, followed by west and then east-

area. Easy summer crops are beans, beetroot,

journey, especially the lessons learnt. This

facing. South-facing is the least ideal.

Swiss chard, sweet corn, herbs, sweet peppers,

makes next year’s planning easier and prevents

summer squash and tomatoes. Easy winter

you from making the same mistakes.

2. Finding the right space

Choose vegetables your family enjoys. Start

3. Keep it simple

crops are carrots, onions, broccoli and leeks.

for ease of working. Whatever the shape of

6. Follow seed packet instructions

Happy sowing and good luck!

The layout of your beds should be designed your beds, they should be accessible from all

Record as much as possible of your gardening

Before sowing your seeds, read the instructions

Landscaping in Autumn Autumn landscaping is a celebration, there is

can continue using autumn seedlings, including

to have it installed in the busy summer months.

much work to be done to prepare your garden for

spring bulbs. If you don’t remember to plant them

Adding a feature such as a wooden deck can be

winter and for spring that follows. Leaving leaves

in autumn, you’ll miss out on all the beauty they

used for relaxation and entertainment. A wooden

on the lawn for more than three or four days may

bring in spring. Planting trees and shrubs is also

or composite deck extends your home into the

impede the growth of grass, depriving them of

part of autumn landscaping. If you focus on weed

garden as an indoor-outdoor space. Add colour

sunlight. You could use a leaf rake, leaf blower,

control now, you’ll save lots of time in spring on

to your autumn landscape and get the best

mulching blower, lawn mower, or even call our

weed removal.

gardening tips from Saventa Group. Call one of our experts to come and see your garden and assist

services to take over these tedious tasks. This is also the time to prepare your shrubs

you in making it ergonomic, economic and even

Keep your grass short. Once your grass stops

for protection against winter by watering them

more beautiful than it already is.

growing later in autumn, use 2:3:2 fertiliser to

correctly in autumn to “winterise” them, spraying


keep it green during the winter months. Planting

anti-desiccants on them, wrapping them in burlap,

other grasses, such as mondu, ground covers or

or covering them with sheltering structures.

cape thatching grass adds sophistication to your

This is an ideal time of year to install an irrigation

garden. If your primary interest in the summer

system, ensuring that your garden remains green

months was growing flowers and vegetables, you 46 W

during the dry season and to avoid the rush later Henry Martins

Storm Blinds have become an integral part of the trend to outdoor living. The company provides protection and functionality, while satisfying the highest aesthetic standards. Storm Blinds is a preferred supplier to many of the foremost housing estates; all blinds are custom-made for each home and allow full use of patio areas all year round. Storm Blinds are designed and manufactured under patent in South Africa, using Timber sourced from sustainable forests treated and rated 20 to 30 years outside. Contact Head Office On: 0861 877 773 Or SMS “BLINDS” and your email address to 33075

47 W


ENGLISH NAME (old names in brackets)



Grebe, Little (Dabchick)

Dobbertjie, Klein


Cormorant, White-breasted

Duiker, Witbors-


Cormorant, Reed

Duiker, Riet-


Darter, African



Heron, Grey

Reier, Blou-


Heron, Black-headed

Reier, Swartkop-


Heron, Purple

Reier, Rooi-


Egret, Little

Reier, Kleinwit-


Egret, Cattle

Reier, Vee- (Bosluisvoël)


Heron, Green-backed

Reier, Groenrug-





Ibis, African Sacred



Ibis, Hadeda



Spoonbill, African



Goose, Egyptian



Duck, Yellow-billed

Eend, Geelbek-


Duck, African Black

Eend, Swart-


Teal, Cape

Eend, Teel-



Eend, Groenkop-


Kite, Yellowbilled

Wou, Geelbek-


Kite, Black-shouldered

Valkie, Blou-

Barn Owl 315

Gull, Grey-headed


Dove, Rock (Pigeon, Feral)

Meeu, GryskopDuif, Tuin-


Pigeon, Speckled (Pigeon, Rock)

Duif, Krans-


Dove, Red-eyed

Duif, Groot Ring-


Dove, Cape Turtle-

Duif, Gewone Tortel-


Dove, Laughing

Duifie, Rooibors-


Parakeet, Rose-ringed

Parkiet, Ringnek-


Go-away-bird, Grey (Lourie, Grey)



Cuckoo, Red-chested

Piet-my-vrou Nuwejaarsvoël, Bont-


Cuckoo, Jacobin


Cuckoo, Diederick



Coucal, Burchell’s

Vleiloerie, Gewone


Owl, Barn

Uil, Nonnetjie-


Owl, Southern White-faced Scops- (Owl, Whitefaced)

Uil, Witwang-


Owlet, Pearl-spotted

Uil, Witkol-


Owl, Spotted Eagle-

Uil, Gevlekte Oor-


Nightjar, Freckled

Naguil, Donker-


Swift, White-rumped

Windswael, Witkruis-


Swift, Little

Windswael, Klein


Swift, African Palm-

Windswael, Palm-


Mousebird, Speckled

Muisvoël, Gevlekte


Mousebird, White-backed

Muisvoël, Witkruis-

Golden Tailed Woodpecker


Eagle, African Fish-

Arend, Vis-


Buzzard, Lizard

Valk, Akkedis-


Francolin, Coqui



Francolin, Orange River

Patrys, Kalahari-


Spurfowl, Swainson’s (Francolin, Swainson’s)

Fisant, Bosveld-


Guineafowl, Helmeted

Tarentaal, Gewone


Moorhen, Common

Waterhoender, Groot


Coot, Red-knobbed



Plover, Three-banded

Kiewiet, Driebandstrand-


Lapwing, Crowned (Plover, Crowned)

Kiewiet, Kroon-


Lapwing, Blacksmith (Plover, Blacksmith)

Kiewiet, Bont-


Lapwing, African Wattled (Plover, Wattled)

Kiewiet, Lel-


Sandpiper, Common

Ruiter, Gewone


Thick-knee, Spotted (Dikkop, Spotted)


48 W


Egyptian Goose 426

Mousebird, Red-faced


Kingfisher, Pied

Muisvoël, RooiwangVisvanger, Bont-


Kingfisher. Giant

Visvanger, Reuse


Kingfisher, Malachite

Visvanger, Kuifkop-


Kingfisher, Woodland

Visvanger, Bosveld-


Kingfisher, Brown-hooded

Visvanger, Bruinkop-


Bee-eater, European


Hoopoe, African

Byvreter, Europese Hoephoep


Wood-hoopoe, Green (Woodhoopoe, Redbilled)

Kakelaar, Rooibek- (Kakelaar, Gewone)


Hornbill, African Grey

Neushoringvoël, Grys-


Barbet, Black-collared

Houtkapper, Rooikop-


Barbet, Crested

Houtkapper, Kuifkop-


Honeyguide, Greater

Heuningwyser, Groot-


Honeyguide, Lesser

Heuningwyser, Klein-


Woodpecker, Bennett’s

Speg, Bennettse


Woodpecker, Golden-tailed

Speg, Goudstert-


Wryneck, Red-throated



Lark, Rufous-naped

Lewerik, Rooinek-

Familiar Chat


Swallow, Barn (Swallow, Eurasian/European)

Swael, Europese


Swallow, White-throated

Swael, Witkeel-


Swallow, Greater Striped

Swael, Groot Streep-


Swallow, Lesser Striped

Swael, Klein Streep-


Drongo, Fork-tailed

Byvanger, Mikstert-


Oriole, Black-headed

Wielewaal, (Oostelike) Swartkop-


Crow, Pied

Kraai, Witbors-


Babbler, Arrow-marked

Katlagter, Pylvlek-


Wagtail, Cape

Kwikkie, Gewone


Bulbul, Dark-capped (Bulbul, Blackeyed)

Tiptol, Swartoog-


Pipit, African (Pipit, Grassveld)

Koester, Gewone


Prinia, Black-chested


Flycatcher, Southern Black

Vlieëvanger, Swart-


Flycatcher, Fiscal

Vlieëvanger, Fiskaal-


Batis, Chinspot

Bosbontrokkie, Witlies-


Flycatcher, Fairy

Vlieëvanger, Fee-

Flycatcher, African Paradise-

Vlieëvanger, (Afrikaanse) Paradys-


Langstertjie, Swartband-


Thrush, Kurrichane

Lyster, Rooibek-


Longclaw, Cape (Longclaw, Orangethroated)

Kalkoentjie, Oranjekeel-


Thrush, Karoo (Thrush, Olive)

Lyster, Bruin- (Lyster, Olyf-)


Fiscal, Common (Shrike, Common Fiscal)

Laksman, (Gewone) Fiskaal-


Wheatear, Mountain (Chat, Mountain)



Boubou, Southern

Fiskaal, Suidelike Water-


Chat, Familiar

Spekvreter, Gewone


Puffback, Blackbacked (Puffback)

Sneeubal (Swartrugsneeubal)


Tchagra, Browncrowned (Tchagra, Threestreaked)

Tjagra, Rooivlerk-

Yellow Billed Duck


Chat, Mocking Cliff- (Mocking Chat)



Chat, (Southern) Ant-eating



Stonehat, African

Bontrokkie, Gewone


Robin-Chat, Cape (Robin, Cape)

Janfrederik, Gewone


Tit-babbler, Chestnut-vented

Tjeriktik, Bosveld-


Warbler, Ichterine



Warbler, Marsh (Warbler, European Marsh)

Sanger, Europese Riet;


Warbler, Lesser Swamp- (Warbler, Cape Reed)

Sanger, Kaapse Riet-


Warbler, Willow

Sanger, Hof-


Apalis, Bar-throated

Kleinjantjie, Bandkeel-


Crombec, Long-billed

Stompstert, Bosveld-


Cisticola, Zitting (Cisticola, Fantailed)

Klopkloppie, Landery-


Prinia, Tawny-flanked

Langstertjie, Bruinsy-





Myna, Common (Myna, Indian)

Spreeu, Indiese


Starling, Pied

Spreeu, Witgat-


Starling, Cape Glossy

Spreeu, Klein Glans-


Starling, Red-winged

Spreeu, Rooivlerk-


Sunbird, White-bellied

Suikerbekkie, Witbors-


Sunbird, Amethyst (Sunbird, Black)

Suikerbekkie, (Afrikaanse) Swart-


White-eye, Cape

Glasogie, Kaapse


Sparrow, House

Mossie, Huis-


Sparrow, Cape

Mossie, Gewone


Sparrow, Southern Grey-headed

Mossie, (Suidelike) Gryskop-


Petronia, Yellow-throated (Sparrow, Yellowthroated)

Mossie, (Afrikaanse) Geelvlek-


Weaver, Thick-billed

Wewer, Dikbek-


Weaver, Cape

Wewer, Kaapse Vink, Swartkeelgeel-


Weaver, Southern Masked-


Quelea, Red-billed

Kwelea, Rooibek-


Bishop, Southern Red

Vink, (Suidelike) Rooi-


Widowbird, White-winged

Flap, Witvlerk-


Widowbird, Red-collared

Flap, Rooikeel-


Waxbill, Blue

Sysie, Gewone Blou-


Waxbill, Common

Sysie, Rooibek- (Rooibekkie)


Finch, Cut-throat

Vink, Bandkeel-


Finch, Red-headed

Vink, Rooikop-


Mannikin, Bronze

Fret, Gewone


Whydah, Pin-tailed

Rooibekkie, Koning-


Canary, Black-throated

Kanarie, Berg-


Seedeater, Streaky-headed (Canary, Streakyheaded)

Kanarie, Streepkop-

Please email communications@woodhill.co.za, if you have any other birds to add to this list.


49 W



Out on the Town - March, April & May

• The Stall Night Market, 27 March, 17:00 - 21:00, Southdowns Shopping Centre, Irene

For all of you avid foodies out there, The Stall Night Market takes place in March and it’s an event not to be missed. Expect a niche food, beer and wine market boasting delectable food to be sampled, a vibrant atmosphere and live entertainment for the whole family to enjoy. Contact The Stall Night Market on 072 155 3924, email: gareth.christie@gmail.com or visit their website at: www.facebook.com/thestallmarket

• Mother’s Day Vintage Train to Cullinan, date to be confirmed, Hermanstad, Pretoria

Treat your mom to a different type of activity this Mother’s Day with a nostalgic trip on the lovely Vintage Train to Cullinan. Celebrate the important woman in your life with a day trip on a vintage steam train where you are able to enjoy the ride, as well as the characteristic town of Cullinan and all of the gems it has to offer. Contact Friends of the Rail on 012 767 7913



Saturday 15th - Arno Jordaan Monday 17th - Chris Chameleon Thursday 20th - Artist to be confirmed Friday 21st - Tribute Thursday 27th - Jakkie Louw Friday 28th - Artist to be confirmed



Thursday 3rd - Artist to be confirmed Friday 4th - Helena Hettema Thursday 10th - Artist to be confirmed Friday 11th - Koos vd Merwe - Leonard Cohen Thursday 17th - Elvis Blue Thursday 24th - Corlea Friday 25th - Artist to be confirmed

• Capital Urban Market Special Edition, 6 April, 10:00 - 15:00, Moyo Fountains Valley Nature Reserve

This innovative market, which seeks to revitalise Pretoria’s inner city, showcases talented, local designers and producers. The market boasts an incredible variety of unique handmade goodies from the fashion and design sector, as well as freshly created delicacies. Contact the Capital Market on 074 146 7255 or visit their website at: www.marketcapital.co.za


Thursday 8th - Ray Dylan Friday 9th - Artist to be confirmed Thursday 15th - Heinz Winckler Friday 16th - Artist to be confirmed Thursday 22nd - Bobby van Jaarsveld Friday 23rd - Artist to be confirmed Thursday 29th - Phillip Moolman Friday 30th - Artist to be confirmed

• Gauteng Philharmonic Easter Concert, 18 April, Brooklyn Theatre Treat yourself to an evening filled with true harmonious bliss at the

Brooklyn Theatre. On Good Friday, the talented musicians from the Gauteng Philharmonic Orchestra will entertain guests and get them into the Easter and holiday spirits. Contact the Brooklyn Theatre on 012 460 6033 or visit their website at: www.brooklyntheatre.co.za

50 W

Thursday 5th - Nianell Friday 6th - Mel Botes Thursday 12th - Jakkels en Leeu Friday 13th - Koos Kombuis


5 Darlington Road - Lynnwood manor - Pretoria - Contact: 012 348 8820

51 W

Celebrate Life, Celebrate 2014

The Orient Hotel Main Entrance

The Orient Hotel Entrance

Champagne Bar

With the beginning of a new year comes all of

to mind, but this couldn’t be more wrong.

The characteristic architecture, design and

the resolutions, the promises, the celebrations

The perfect amalgamation of rich terracotta

décor continues throughout the establishment

of life that we crave. We all start off with good

colours, clean cut oriental architecture and

where hours can be spent exploring the grounds.

intentions but unfortunately life happens and

ancient temple pillars work melodiously with

It is evident that the owners have an embedded

these intentions get pushed to the wayside and

the natural environment. Apart from The

passion for art as some of the finest collections

lost in the mundaneness of everyday tasks.

Orient offering the perfect intimate wedding

of South African and international art decorate

We need to remember that life is a celebration

venue, as well as conference facilities, the

the walls, passages and the small gallery. There

and it is for living! We need to take time out

accommodation is truly fit for any Sultan of

is a lovely outside area with an airy balcony and

and enjoy the finer things in life and if there

the seas. The nine elegant suites have been

pool and various other hidden areas among the

is one incredible escape that offers all of this

designed in the most sumptuous of styles,

lush garden which are perfect for an afternoon

in abundance, it’s The Orient Hotel and their

blending the exotic sentiments of the orient,

high tea. Another attraction that makes The

award winning restaurant Mosaic.

which are adorned with Moorish and colonial

Orient such a celebration of life is their The Petite

decor. Envision high ceilings, secret snug

Alhambra Private Cinema. The opulent cinema is

Located half an hour’s drive from Pretoria, in the

escapes with textured pillows, intricately

set in rich burgundy tones featuring plush seats

meandering slopes of Crocodile River Valley,

carved, wooden doors that have more history

and velvet curtain hung walls in an old Hollywood

The Orient Hotel transports you to a bygone

then you can imagine imported straight from

style. Visitors can escape the city rush for a few

era of Moorish opulence. When picturing an

India, and secluded verandas, which provide

hours with an array of cult and classic features.

oriental inspired, exotic boutique hotel set in

stunning views over the mountains below

a conservation area, visions of a somewhat

where one may catch a glimpse of giraffes

One cannot mention The Orient without paying

kitsch or over the top establishment may come

and other game.

a tribute to their award winning Restaurant

Gamebird Country Terrine

52 W


Confit of Beetroot with Horseradish Sorbet

Constantinople Suite

Tiffany Room

Mosaic. Chantel Dartnall, chef extraordinaire,

from various countries across the world and it’s

All of the staff, as well as the owner Mari are

offers one of the most superb dining experiences

notable to mention that Restaurant Mosaic has

gracious and welcoming, and really do add to

you could ever imagine. We are talking fine

the largest wine list in the whole of South Africa,

the experience of feeling like Maharaja royalty in

dining at its best with wine pairing by a French

with the establishment winning so many awards it

your very own Taj Mahal in the African bushveld.

Sommelier, Germain Lehodey. The restaurant is

would be difficult to note them all. For main course

decorated in a classic Art Nouveau style, which

there is a selection of quail, veal loin or kabeljou,

Physical Address:

draws inspiration from vintage Parisian chicness.

all equally delicious and for dessert, textures and

The Orient

Tables are set in private booths with exquisite,

tastes of violets and spice or a journey of lemon

Francolin Conservancy, Elandsfontein,

white damask table cloths and silver cutlery.

verbena, chamomile and lime can be indulged

Crocodile River Valley, Pretoria

in. Each dish is intricately created with immense

Phone: 012 371 2902/3/4/5

The menu varies with the changing seasons and

attention to every element on the plate. There is a

E-mail: mari@the-orient.net

you are treated to an intimate presentation by

perfect harmony of taste in each bite and foods

Orient Website:

Chantel herself on what you can expect for that

that may not seem compatible, create a journey


day. For the tantalising summer menu, one can

of taste with multiple layers that keep surprising

Mosaic Website:

expect three Amuse Bouche dishes, and three

the palate.


starter dishes, which include a white anchovy

Email: reservations@restaurantmosaic.com

and fennel mousse, a delicate tomato tartar,

As the captivating food at Restaurant Mosaic

a white chocolate, chavroux and watercress

continues to amaze the senses, the establishment

parcel, snails and prawn tempura. Each dish

itself keeps you searching for the next hidden

is perfectly paired with an award winning wine

gem that awaits you around every corner.

Mosaic Restaurant

Chantel Dartnall


53 W


family day out

A family that plays together stays together! Celebrate 2014 with these diverse and unique activities that the whole family can enjoy. • A history of the skies

Located in Pretoria, the South African Air Force Museum is any aviation or historian aficionado’s paradise. The Pretoria museum boasts a rich living history of momentous aircrafts, many of which are still functional today. Aircrafts date back to the 1930’s to the present day. From full size scale model projects to show days and educational tours and events, the South African Air Force Museum in Pretoria will give you an insight into the history of the skies. Flying Training Days are on the first Saturday of each month, come and marvel at these old birds fly. The Annual Air Show features on the 10th of May featuring aircrafts from the museum, Tiger Moth and the Air Force Gripen. Contact: 012 351 2290 Website: http://www.saafmuseum.org or like us on Facebook SAAF Museum – Fan Site • Work on your aim Paintballing can be one of the most exciting activities you can enjoy. Some say men and boys may be more inclined to enjoy this pastime but the fairer sex may dabble in this gun wielding day of adrenaline. Don camouflage overalls, select your weapon, stock up on colourful plastic bullets filled with paint and attempt to eliminate the members of the opposing team. It’s a lot of fun and yes, it does sting when you get shot but with the amount of adrenalin pumping though your veins, the sting is minimal. http://www.proballpaintball.co.za/ Bookings: 083 601 7768

54 W


• Pretoria National Botanical Gardens

With the wonderful weather that the country has been experiencing, we should all be capitalising on the outdoors and the splendour it offers. The perfect place to enjoy nature and its abundance is the Pretoria National Botanical Gardens. The diversity of indigenous fauna and flora on this 76 hectare, urban oasis is a pristine getaway, which is conveniently situated in the eastern suburbs of Pretoria. Perfect for picnics, a stroll with the children or any avid nature enthusiast, head to the Pretoria National Botanical Gardens for the last pleasure of summer. Contact: 012 843 5172/3/4 Email: pretoriagarden@sanbi.org.za • Cheetah Research and Breeding Centre (The Ann van Dyk Cheetah Centre)

Take a walk on the wild side with the fastest cat in the world at The Ann van Dyk Cheetah Centre. Established in 1971, the centre was set up to ensure the survival of the cheetah species. There are numerous tours that can suite any experience or budget requirement. Spend the day walking alongside this elegant animal and marvel at their speed with the cheetah run. Suitable for both small and large parties, The Ann van Dyk Cheetah Centre also offers a Cheetah Lodge where one is able to make an entire weekend of the experience. Contact: 012 504 9906/7/8 Website: http://www.dewildt.co.za/ Email: cheetah@dewildt.co.za • On the Rocks Fly Fishing venue

With Mother’s Day fast approaching, we should not forget about the dads out there and especially ones that like to fish. A little, hidden gem in Pretoria, On the Rocks Fly Fishing venue provides the perfect, tranquil spot to relish some time in nature. Not only does this establishment offer fly fishing for trout, picnic areas and braai facilities, but it also offers accommodation, fully self-catered, in a garden flat and garden cottage at affordable rates. Tel: 082 490 2226 - Charl Tel: 082 305 1154 - Gretchen e-mail: vgretchen@gmail.com


55 W

How To Be Healthy With Bread

1. Look for breads such as wholegrain, whole-spelt, and rye. Breads that contain 100% wholegrain are unrefined and undergo less processing.

a coffee of your choice on us!

Redeemable at: Lynnwood (012) 348 0890 . Woodlands (012) 997 7613

2. Enjoy your bread the healthy way by not adding butter or mayo. 3. Know the nutrient content of your bread choices. Avoid breads that contain refined sugars or hydrogenated oils as they are made from trans fats and can contribute to heart disease. 4. Vary the types of bread you eat. Eat pita bread, dark breads, and wholegrain breads for variety.

T&C apply. To the bearer. This voucher cannot be exchanged for cash. No change will be given. Valid for 3 years from date of issue. Offer not valid in conjunction with any other promotion.

56 W

ENTERTAINMENT Breads and platters made to order

57 W



The Creative House is based in Pretoria, offering a unique and creative home décor and curtain-making service.

• One-on-one consultations/briefs.

We are passionate about creating living spaces that inspire and capture each client’s unique vision and taste. Style, creativity, value and quality combined with seamless production and service excellence is how we maintain the highest standard of work on a daily basis. At the end of the day, our most successful projects are those where the client’s style & individuality is celebrated in the space that we created.

• Custom curtains/drapes design & making.

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58 W

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Life Changing Experiences for 2014 With a new year always come promises,

easy to achieve and that can most definitely

Not only an educational food awakening but an

goals and hopes for the year ahead. We

change your life.

immensely fun activity, the Kelkiewyn Food and

crave life changing experiences that add

• Learn something new for the love of food.

Wine Experience and their amazing cooking

Many of us have a keen passion for food but

classes will leave you swearing less then Gordon

in the mundaneness of everyday tasks. We

devouring it however is strictly reserved for

Ramsay in your kitchen. From themed cooking

may have grand interpretations of what life

restaurants or other people’s gatherings. Imagine

classes to ones for beginners and tailor made

changing experiences may represent but one

the fulfilment of cooking a delicious meal all by

get-togethers, this is the perfect place to help

can make small moves with a huge impact.

yourself and then enjoying your hard work,

change your life and in turn that of your family.

They say three ways to change your life is to

showing off your newfound skill to your loved

Website: http://www.kelkiewyn.co.za/

learn something new is to, do a selfless act

ones? If this sounds more like a joke then a

Telephone: 012 991 3483

and most importantly, get your body moving.

viable opportunity, cooking lessons may be for

Mobile: 083 306 9352

Here we look at three experiences that are

you and can really change your everyday life.

Email: info@kelkiewyn.co.za

value to our life and make it more exciting

tissue typing tests at a cost of R2000 for those that cannot afford to donate towards them. Facts: • Only two teaspoons of blood are needed to register you as a donor. • Donating bone marrow stem cells is no more painful than donating blood. • You need to be between the ages of 18 and 45 and weigh over 50kgs. • Have a BMI of under 35.

• Doing a selfless act

Wouldn’t you like to know that if you or someone

Every year 100’s of South Africans are

attacks our children –75% of patients are under

devastated with the news that they have been

25 years old.

diagnosed with a life threatening blood disorder such as leukaemia. Take a moment to think

In the majority of cases, a bone marrow stem cell

what an impact that would have on your life...

transplant is a patient’s only hope of survival and

What if it was your son, daughter or a loved one?

on top of this they are faced with the daunting

What lengths would you go to save your child’s

and traumatic task of finding a matching bone

life? Understandably when a family member is

marrow stem cell donor. The chance of finding a

diagnosed with Leukaemia, the panic sets in

suitable donor is just 1:100 000.

and the urgent search for a bone marrow stem cell donor begins.

The Sunflower Fund is a NGO committed to increasing the South African Bone Marrow

Can you even imagine this terror, fear and

Registry. The organization is not Government

possible loss for a moment? This disease

funded; therefore raises money to pay for

close to you was diagnosed with leukaemia that there was a bone marrow stem cell donor available on the SA Bone Marrow Registry to save your life. Should you wish to become a donor, make a financial contribution or hold an awareness talk at your organisation, please contact us on our Toll Free Number: 0800 12 10 82 or visit our website www.sunflowerfund.org.za for more information. “There is no such thing as a small donation” The Sunflower Fund appreciates every cent they receive. “Share a little, Save a life”.


59 W

• Don’t forget to move your body...

Many of us ladies and some men have had dreams of being a ballerina, a ballroom star or salsa legend when we were younger and it’s not too late to fulfil that childhood dream. Dancing is a passionate expression of life and movement, and it’s not only highly enjoyable but a viable exercising alternative that is bound to change your everyday life. Dance Scenario, which is located in Groenkloof Pretoria, is the perfect establishment to get those toes tapping. With a variety of dancing genres that look at social, competitive, fitness and toning elements, their professional dance instructors are there to take the lead in dance, while you take the lead in changing your life. Website: http://www.dancescenario.co.za/ E-mail: studio@dancescenario.co.za Neotel: 012 753 0202 Mobile (Leander): 082 575 2461



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R16 000 000


Bedrooms 7 Bathrooms 7 Garages 4 Web 311534 Fairways on both sides of the home (2600m² stand). This architectural masterpiece, was made for entertaining with a full size billiard table, a home theatre, a bar, a Jacuzzi, sauna, swimming pool, gym and a separate club house with several sitting areas. Extras : Butler flat, indoor lift and separate home office.


R7 990 000




Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 5 Garages 3 Web 313911 Live in grand style in this magnificent flawless home. Large guest suite, double volume lounge, study. Stunning solid Rose wood kitchen. Patio offers access to the elegant garden with heated pool. SQ. Plus 1 bedroom en suite, lounge with a stunning kitchen. One of the finest homes in Woodhill.

ROSA WILLERS Cell 082 962 7228 l rosa@seeff.com l [O] 012 452 2500


2014 Through a Crystal Ball

- Rosa Willers Chairperson of Woodhill Approved Agents

Generally speaking, 2013 was a pretty good

toll on consumer confidence with the FNB/BER

from the economic fallout of 2008 and the record

year for housing markets across the globe. The

Consumer Confidence Index showing negative

number of residential units completed for the first

British property market saw rapidly rising prices

readings for six out of the last seven quarters.

10 months of 2013 rose year-on-year by a mere

in London while other areas saw stable growth.

“We thus enter 2014 still on a broadly slow

3.2%. At this stage the level of building activity

According to a report in the Telegraph, house



remains not far above half of what it reached at

prices in Britain rose at a pace not seen since

since 2011, a path which has already had a

the height of the residential building boom back in

the economic crisis and the average price for

negative impact on overall growth in consumer

2007. “The result of the slow recovery in building

a property in the UK now stands at £174910,

expenditure. We also enter the new year not

activity to date is that, not only do we enter

up from 7.7% from November last year. Things

forecasting any interest rate cutting, and thus

2014 with residential demand rising but supply

have also been improving on the South African

no further stimulus from the SARB either, as

has also been becoming more constrained

property front. By all accounts, banks relaxed

consumer inflation continues to move around

according to FNB’s valuers. When one shows the

their purse strings a little more last year and house

the higher part of the three to six percent target

demand and supply ratings on a monthly basis,

prices have been rising, but if not dramatically,


we see the gap steadily closing between the two,




then at least steadily.

and at 48.73 by December, the Market Strength It’s not all bad news however and Loos says that

Index is getting very close to the crucial 50 level.

“In order to look forward in 2014, it is probably

while a slow economy and lack of interest rate

This level is the best Market Strength Index levels

necessary to consider some of the economic

cuts could be expected to have a moderating

since October 2008.”

trends through 2013 as the year progressed,”

influence on the pace of growth in residential

says John Loos, the Household and Property

demand in 2014, there are two key factors which

“In line with an improving demand-supply

Sector Strategist for FNB. “This leads us to believe

can possibly have the opposite influence. “Firstly,


that we should not expect to see a large increase

the question needs to be asked if banks as a

accelerating house price growth when viewed on

in the average rate of house price inflation on

group are beginning to see mortgage lending

a monthly basis. So whereas the average price

that of 2013. The reality is that South Africa has

as potential source of asset growth after the

growth for the entire year of 2013 being slower

anaemic economic growth at best, with the 2013

unsecured credit boom has all but ended. Why

than that of 2012, this is due to growth earlier in

average real economic growth rate looking set to

not? ‘Recency Basis’ in humans suggests that

2013 being slower, whereas in latter parts it was

come in at near two percent. Such a rate would

lone periods of low and stable interest rates, and

once again picking up speed, reaching 8.7%

mean the second consecutive year of slowdown

better times in recent years regarding bad debts

year-on-year in December.” Loos states that

in economic growth since a more respectable

on mortgage books, can often be expected to

the net results of all of the above is that, despite

3.5% rate achieved in 2011.”

drive a perception of lower risk amongst lenders

a slow economy in 2013, other factors, most






and borrowers alike. This could imply relaxations

notably some possibly more relaxed lending by

“Slowing economic growth, in turn, is influential in

in lending criteria, something which may have

banks as a group, and a constrained supply side

slowing the pace of employment, wage growth

been taking place already, and which in turn

of the residential property sector, lead us to lift

and thus disposable household income growth.

could be boosting residential demand.

our 2014 average house price growth forecast to

So, whereas real household disposable income

nine percent thus up from 2013’s growth. In 2015,

growth peaked at an impressive 5.2% in 2011,

“What we know at least is that the National Credit

however, we would expect price growth to once

it looks set to be nearer to 2.7% for 2013 when

Regulator data has pointed to accelerating

again slow, based on our forecast that interest

we receive the data for the final quarter.” A

growth in mortgage lending in recent quarters, as

rates should start to rise in 2015.

weaker Rand continues to add to South African

well as cutbacks in other forms of credit granting.

consumer woes. The price of petrol increased by

So whereas total household credit granted in the

39 cents on the first day of this year and is likely

third quarter in 2013 grew by a moderate 6.8%

to rise even further in the coming months. This,

year-on-year, the mortgage component of that

coupled with rising food costs, is going to force

grew by a very strong 20% in value, and has

South Africans to dig yet deeper into their rapidly

been on a sharply accelerating growth trend in

emptying pockets and it will affect disposable

recent quarters. The second key factor is the

income even further. Loos says that slowing real

supply side of residential property. It appears

disposable income growth has already taken its

that the construction industry is still recovering

He says that the residential market of 2013

could be described as a ‘comfortable and wellbalanced market’ which was still largely free of extreme or ‘crazy’ behaviour, and certainly

not booming. “Despite a weak economy that

looks likely to persist, supply constraints could cause 2014 house price performance to be slightly better in our view.”

63 W

We are delighted to have recently been awarded Best Estate Agency in South Africa and Africa by the International Property Awards 2013. In addition, the Pretoria Region was presented with The Golden Arrow Award for Best Real Estate Agents in the PMR Africa Awards as well as the Pretoria News Readers’ Choice Award. In addition to acknowledging, congratulating and thanking each and every member of the Pam Golding Properties Group, across 3 continents and 300 offices, to whom these awards are dedicated and without whom they would not have been possible we’d like to thank our clients for continuing to put their trust in us.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you wish a free market-related valuation of your property to sell or rent. Ida Meintjies 082 563 4489 ida.meintjies@pamgolding.co.za Prescilla Rootman 083 282 5386 prescilla.rootman@pamgolding.co.za Pretoria 012 365 9000

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15 YEARS AT Woodhill!


View of the golf course 2001

Woodhill Estate’s 15th year celebration,

we thought we would pay homage to our wonderful Estate and document one of

its first resident’s journey from the day he arrived.

The Botha family have been living on the Woodhill Estate right from the early days. While living in Faerie Glen, Pretoria east, Lourens’s neighbours had the idea of closing off the streets and making one main access point, which is now prevalent in many areas in Pretoria today. This obviously related to the escalating crime rate but unfortunately no decisions were made. This was one of the prominent factors, apart from the alluring Woodhill Golf Course, the lock up-

15 years ago the landscape of the Woodhill

Lourens comments that golf is a serious affair

Estate was significantly different. Lourens

at Woodhill and there are a number of golfing

explains that it was mostly Highveld and rock

groups with interesting names such as The

with very few trees. Various architects at Woodhill

Woodies, Houties and Meerkatte. These

designed many homes with a Tuscan feel, and in

golfing buddies gather on a Saturday, waiver

the early 2000s a few ended up being featured in

some cash, hack some balls and forget about

the renowned Homeowners Magazine. This also

the week’s problems for a while.

helped to put Woodhill on the map. One of Lourens’s fondest memories of the Woodhill College made a huge contribution to

Estate is when the PGA was initially held at the

the popularity of the Estate especially with young

Woodhill Golf Course in 2001. “We walked the

families. The school was much smaller than it

course with some of SA’s most talented golfers

secure Woodhill Estate.

is today but it also played a role in introducing

and once even provided some shelter when play

families to each other. Today it is interesting to

was stopped during a rain storm and gathered

They purchased their stand on the Woodhill

see more than 20 golf carts on average parked at

on our veranda for James Kingston’s four ball.

the school gate and on a Saturday morning, one

James even gave us a signed golfing glove to

can hear the cheering of kids at a sports event.

commemorate the occasion.”

As Lourens explains, the Estate itself was

When asking Lourens if he would ever move

immensely different 15 years ago. His visiting

from the Estate, the answer is “highly unlikely”.

friends would joke that it looked as though

Some people on the Estate now choose after

he lived on a bomb site due to the immense

retirement to commute between the Cape and

amount of building rubble and skeleton homes.

Woodhill enjoying the value of having a lock up-

There was up to five active building sites on his

and-go lifestyle.

and-go convenience and the ability to build and design their own dream home, which affected the Botha family moving into the

Estate in 2000 and it took six months to complete. Lourens explains the enjoyment of a new lifestyle where one was able to have a braai in the street and invite all of their neighbours around. Over the years Woodhill has become very popular with various embassies in Pretoria and hosts foreign families, which in turn also creates a culturally diverse Estate. Many people living at Woodhill work from home and the clubhouse facilities and surrounding shopping centres offer many meeting spots and gastronomic opportunities.

street alone in those first years. How amazing to watch the Estate develop and transform

In his time living on the Woodhill Estate, Lourens

into the amazing establishment it is today.

also was a member of the board and he explains that this really gives an insight into the challenges of running such a prominent Estate. He also states that in his opinion, it is beneficial for Homeowners to be on the board just once in their life to peek behind the curtain and see how difficult it really is to keep Woodhill and all its facets in tip top shape. Thank you to Lourens Botha from the Woodhill Magazine for painting such a wonderfully nostalgic picture of the journey he and his family have enjoyed with the Woodhill Estate. Here’s to another happy 15 years at Woodhill.

Woodhill streets development 2001

65 W


Anthony Boshoff 082 445 1178 anthony@propertyshop.co.za

Kim Read 082 446 6365 kim@propertyshop.co.za

Rehan Muller 082 372 0278 rehan@reality1moreleta.co.za

Izelle Matthee 083 278 1911 izelle@realty1moreleta.co.za

Ana Scott 083 501 4440 homes@sirpretoria.co.za

Rosa Willers 082 962 7228 rosa@seeff.com

Pedrie Oosthuizen 082 454 0045 kok.pedrie@gmail.com

Kevin Nel 079 262 2316 kevin@remaxinfo.com

Marieth Kloppers 082 820 5549 marieth@remaxinfo.co.za

Narina Fischer 082 456 6051 narina@allestates.co.za

Koks Oosthuizen 082 899 5915 kok.pedrie@gmail.com

Ronelle Pienaar 082 772 5158 ronelle@rootx.co.za

Edda Davidson 082 956 1944 edda.davidson@engelvoelkers. com

Hanili Stopforth 083 268 9498 hanili@ambassadorletting.co.za

Joos van Zyl 083 648 6394 joos.vanzyl@absamail.co.za

Lorrae van der Bergh 072 103 2813 PA1@realty1moreleta.co.za

Tersia Taljaard 079 693 8390 tersia@remaxinfo.co.za

Reinette Ballot 083 898 3356 reinetteb@remax.net

Shaun Melass 082 804 9182 shaun.melass@engelvoelkers. com

Lizette Leas 082 929 3225 both_lizette@yahoo.com

Karin Consul 012 807 4248 083 577 6344 agent3.faerieglen@justpropertygroup.co.za

Jan Badenhorst 083 264 2452 jan@property-100.co.za

Michelle Yussel 076 900 0573 michelle.yussel@propertycoza. co.za

Vino Baum 082 372 6030 vino@biancaproperties.co.za

Prescilla Rootman 083 282 5386

prescilla.rootman@pamgolding. co.za

RM REALTORS Alberto Ochetta 079 326 2684

Vito Barbonese 072 472 1894 vito@rmrealtors.co.za

Ansie Jacobs 012 348 0123 082 494 6677 ansie@appleproperty.co.za

Elna Bouwer 083 997 6430 elnabouwer@gmail.com

alberto@casanostra-properties. co.za

Inge Nowitz 083 380 6414 inge.now@hotmail.com

Charlene Beyers 083 604 8554 charlene@mooikloofpropertygroup.co.za

Ida Meintjes 082 563 4489 ida.meintjes@pamgolding. co.za

Leandi NaudĂŠ 082 561 4381 leandinaude@gmail.com

Roma NaudĂŠ 082 600 8440 romanaude@telkomsa.net

Bully Smit 082 891 7126 bullysmit@mweb.co.za

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