Woodhill Magazine Issue 2

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Rekord readers as the


golf course

in Pretoria


2013 I N T RO D U C I N G W I E S E N H O F O U R N E W A C C R E D I T E D C AT E R E R S





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Phoenix Creative Communication for Woodhill Estate www.phoenixcreative.co.za


Jaime-Lee van Sittert Jaime@phoenixcreative.co.za 021 422 4445 / 072 121 1979


Louise Martin Louise@phoenixcreative.co.za




Louise Martin Kurt Levendal Louise Martin Annelize Wepener Anel Maree Mina Vigliotti

The Woodhill Magazine focuses on the Woodhill Residential and Golf Estate. It is mailed on behalf of the Homeowners Association to residents and landowners. It is published in collaboration with several freelance companies and does not necessarily portray the opinions of these companies. Please send enquiries to communications@woodhill.co.za | 012 998 0011

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CHAIRMAN “We have a wonderful living environment and I hope that you and your families will be enjoying our Estate to the fullest.�

Summer is now well and truly here and

number of previous occasions. These include

another year has almost come to an end.

the possible upgrade of the clubhouse, the

By the time you read this article, our much

development of a retirement village and the

needed rains will have arrived and we will

possible acquisition of the roads and storm

have completed our annual fund raising

water infrastructure to enable the Estate to

activities, the Annual Charity Golf Day and the

proceed with the access gates rezoning, thus

Barnyard Theatre evening.

further ensuring the safety of all residents on the Estate.

Last year we raised in excess of R210 000 and I hope and trust that this year, through

As it is essential that we receive as much input

the support of homeowners and residents,

and feedback from as many Homeowners as

we will have surpassed that amount. Not only

possible before any decisions are taken, I

are the events for outstanding charities, they

am hopeful that, early in the new year, we will

are good fun and hopefully you would have

be in a position to convene an information-

participated in the proceedings.

sharing meeting with Homeowners.

Since my last communication, we have

Whatever your plans are for the Christmas

appointed Wiesenhoff as our caterers and

season, whether you are staying on the Estate

they would have been in action since the

and enjoying it to the fullest or holidaying

beginning of November. We are very excited

elsewhere, I wish you and your loved ones a

about their breadth of experience and

safe and happy festive season.

professionalism and I hope that in the weeks and months ahead, we will see many more homeowners using the clubhouse facilities and enjoying the services of Wiesenhoff. The Board has now turned its attention to the key projects that I have referred to on a

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- Graham Damp




“The year is quickly nearing its end and many of you will be heading off on a well-deserved break.“

For those of you that will be away, please

to ensure that this does not happen. The

travel safely and have an enjoyable festive

register was implemented last year and

season.Unfortunately this is also the time of

proved to be very successful. All of the gifts

year when pets get neglected. Please ensure

that were received were evenly distributed,

that your pets are taken care of if you are

and this had a positive effect on all of the

planning on being away. It is advisable to let

security personnel, especially the personnel

the Estate office, and your neighbours, know

working behind the scenes in the control

when you are going away and when you will


be back. Owners should also inform their employees not to divulge any information to

- Harold Jooste

unknown persons regarding the employer’s planned movements over this period, or anything else pertaining to the owner of the property. For owners who are currently busy with alterations or building operations at their properties, we would like to remind you that the contractor’s gate will be closed from the 13th of December 2013 and will only reopen on Monday the 6th of January 2014. No building contractors will be granted access to the Estate over this period, including paving contractors and painters, etc. Garden services and emergency contractors like plumbers, roof leak repairmen and window repairman will however be granted access over this period. Over the festive season there are residents who wish to give security personnel gifts for the services rendered throughout the year. The HOA does not discourage this but it is essential for various reasons that this process is controlled. A register will be opened at the HOA building and all gifts supplied will be entered into the register and will then be evenly distributed amongst the security personnel. The reason for this is that in most cases, residents usually provide gifts to the personnel during the day shift, and in turn, the night shift do not receive anything. This practice then acts as a preventative measure


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F rom the


D I R E C TO R Why is Communication in the Woodhill Community Important? I am sure that like me, many of you can hardly

Many of you will also have seen a new face in

believe the end of the year is once again upon

the form of Anel Maree, who has seamlessly

us. I think we all spend so much time during

slotted into the marketing and communications

the year cramming more tasks into already

team. She has brought her own brand of

overloaded schedules that we hardly seem to

creative thinking and design to the team. I trust

notice the time flying by. At least the end of the

her association with Woodhill will be both a long

year provides us with an opportunity to pause

and productive one.

and reflect on our achievements for the year. I wish the marketing and communications The Woodhill brand has for a number of years

team a good rest this festive season because

been recognised as one of the country’s

the new year is going to be a busy one with

top Estate brands. As a community we can

a number of interesting initiatives taking off –

justifiable feel proud of the fact that many

by the time you read this our new caterers will

people aspire to live within our Estate. This

have already started offering their services and

year the marketing and communications team

they have some great ideas for the future.

set itself the goal of building upon our past achievements. Therefore, during 2013 we have

The introduction of Wi-Fi at the WCC will not

looked at consolidating our brand position

only be a boon for conference goers, but for

and a number of initiatives were taken with

residents that use these facilities too. There

a view to enhancing our brand offering. As a

will be more developments of this nature in the

result, residents now enjoy easier access to

new year that will continue to improve the value

information via a host of electronic mediums,

proposition of our Estate.







revamped and service providers now have an

In closing, I would like to wish all of you a

opportunity to communicate with residents via

wonderful festive season. This should be

dedicated platforms.

a time of togetherness and love, when one can put aside for the moment the day-to-day

This has yielded positive results in a number

challenges we face. Use this opportunity to its

of areas – not only are we seeing increased

fullest so that you come back refreshed and

communication and input from homeowners

ready to make the most of the challenges 2014

on matters of importance with respect to the

will bring.

Estate’s future, but we are also experiencing increased social interaction which bodes well

PS. Please spare a thought this year for the

for building strong community ties.

safety and comfort of your pets – they want to have a good holiday as much as you do.

The success we enjoyed this year is the result of the work put in by our staff, without their efforts, none of the success we have achieved in building our internal and external brand positioning would have been realised. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their efforts.

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- Annelize Wepener

Hans Muler Vice Chairman

Max Mervitz Finance Director



Annelize Wepener Communications/Aesthetic/ Marketing Director


Graham Damp Chairperson

Ray Wilkinson Director

Michelle Horn Legal Director

Nick Wentzel Roads/Infrastructure Director

Coen Bester Sercurity Director

Allen West Legal Director

Welcome to the newly appointed Board of Directors. They have been appointed by you to assist in the success of the Estate. We wish them all the best for 2014.

Pierro Grobler WCC Director


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F rom the



Effect of Insolvency on Property in Name of the Insolvent and his Spouse

The effect under the Insolvency Act 24 of

1918 CPD 111, the Court held that an insolvent

(a) Property acquired during insolvency

1936 (the “Act”) on the insolvent’s property is

can purchase land with the written consent of

to vest it all in the trustee. This includes even

his/her trustee. Although leave to trade gives

If property is acquired during insolvency without

contingent interests except fideicommissary

the insolvent the right to acquire movables

the trustee’s consent and the trustee does not

interests, but if the latter vest after insolvency

(Marais v Marais, 1923 WLD 37; Ex parte Kriel,

avoid the contract the assets acquired by the

but before confirmation of the distribution

1949 (1) SA 971 (O) at p. 927), the Registrar

insolvent in terms thereof are the insolvent’s

account, then the trustee can claim such

would be entitled to query a cession of a bond

own personal property (Ex parte Moolman, N.O.

property (Whitehead v Whitehead’s Estate,

by an insolvent, in the absence of the trustee’s

1934 TPD 258). The Court can on rehabilitation

1908 S.C. 65).

consent or even require the Court’s direction in

grant an order declaring that the property does

view of the fact that an investment in mortgage

not vest in the insolvent estate. In Ex parte

A lease is not automatically terminated by the

would be outside the usual scope of trading

Parker, 1946 CPD 536, it was held that where

insolvency of the lessee. The trustee must within

(see Estate Stander v Hamed and Others, 1928

an insolvent during his/her insolvency has

three months of his/her appointment notify the

CPD 139).

acquired immovable property without his/her

lessor that he/she desires to continue the lease

trustee’s consent, if he/she can satisfy the Court

failing which he/she shall be deemed to have

It is the practice when an insolvent acquires

that neither his/her trustee nor his/her creditors

terminated the lease (section 37(2)). Under the

property with his/her trustee’s consent to

lays claim to the asset, the Court may order

common law, insolvency of the lessor does

register it in his/her name without reference

him/her to deal with the asset on rehabilitation

not terminate the lease. The additional effect

to his insolvency. This seems correct as there

as his/her own); see also Ex parte Odendaal,

of the sequestration is to vest in the trustee all

is no vesting in the trustee and it is submitted

1949 (1) SA 914 (O); Ex parte de Wet, 1946

the property of the spouse (as defined) whose

that this applies equally to any subsequent

CPD 819; Ex parte de Vry, 1947 (2) SA 947 (C);

estate has not been sequestrated (section

dealing. Proof of consent must be in writing (In

Ex parte Olivier, 1948 (2) SA 545 (C); Ex parte

21(1)). Provision exists under section 21(2) of

re Smuts, 1922 CPD 157).

Steele, 1948 (1) SA 1203 (W). The Court held

the Act for the release of certain of the property of the solvent spouse. “Spouse” is very widely

in Olivier’s case that the procedural machinery Contracts without consent

of section 58(1) of the Deeds Registries Act 47

Provided a contract is not prejudicial to his/her

of 1937 (DRA) does not preclude the making

man and woman living together as husband

estate, an insolvent’s contract is not void but

of a declaratory order in favour of the insolvent.

and wife although not married to one another.

voidable at the instance of his trustee (Fairlie

The Acting Judge President said in that case

Section 21 of the Act does not prevent the

v Raubenheimer, 1935 A.D. 135; Ex parte

“The order would not of itself vest the property

solvent spouse from acquiring and dealing

Olivier, 1948 (2) SA 545 (C)). In Estate Louw v

in him (the insolvent); it would merely declare

with property so acquired after the date of

Credit Corporation of S.A. Ltd., 1956 (3) SA 303

that he was entitled thereto.” The procedure


(C) it was held that a trustee who repudiates

with regard to transfer is governed by the DRA.

a transaction concluded by the insolvent

It may well be that double transfer may be

Contractual and Proprietary

must renounce the benefits flowing from that

necessary and that double transfer duty may be

Rights of the Insolvent During

transaction, but from a Conveyancing point of

exigible. This is a matter between the insolvent


view the question only arises when property

and the registrar of deeds for the rights of the

From a practical point of view the contracts can

is already registered in the insolvent’s name

Fiscus would remain unimpaired as was indeed

be divided into two classes, i.e. contracts with

and he/she wishes to deal therewith. From

laid down in Parker’s case (supra)”. In Ex parte

and contracts without the trustee’s consent.

a practical point of view it would seem that a

Vorster, 1958 (1) SA 91 (C) the Court held that

distinction can be made between:

in such circumstances it is impossible to ignore

defined in section 21(13) and even includes a

Contracts with consent

the express provisions of section 58(1) and that

An insolvent must have the express consent of

• property acquired during insolvency, and

his/her trustee to acquire immovable property.

• property of the insolvent acquired before

In Van der Westhuizen v Registrar of Deeds,

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the trustee must pass transfer to the insolvent .

(b) Property of the insolvent acquired before

119 and 120 of the Act do not appear to affect

63(4)). All trustees must sign (section 56(4)

this. In fact sections 25(1) lends support to

of the Insolvency Act). The trustee must

this view by providing that the estate of the

pass transfer when property is sold prior to

If property at the date of insolvency is registered

insolvent shall remain vested in the trustee only

rehabilitation, and transfer registered only

in the name of the insolvent, then it vests in the

until the insolvent is re invested therewith. The

after the insolvent’s rehabilitation (Duffy v

trustee. It is clear that if the creditors do not

trustee having been divested of his/her rights,

Registrar of Deeds, 1917 TPD 97).

claim it and the property has not in terms of the

the insolvent is the correct person to deal

Act been re vested in the insolvent, a formal

therewith. For this reason and also the fact that

There must be no conflict of interest and duty.

transfer to the insolvent under section 58(1) is

any property restored to the insolvent is in fact

Neither the trustee nor his spouse, which are

necessary (Ex parte Allwright, 1946 TPD 664;

a separate estate, it is clear that no reference

the only self evident cases under section

Ex parte Gouws, 1950 (1) SA 486 (T). If the

to insolvency should be set out in any deeds.

82(7) of the Insolvency Act can purchase

property has been re vested in the insolvent,

A composition is not binding on the separate

either personally or in a representative

transfer by endorsement is permitted under

creditors of the spouse of the insolvent (section

capacity unless the acquisition is confirmed

section 58(2).

122) nor does it affect the liability of a surety

by an order of Court. (Estate Jamodien v

(section 120(3) of the Act).

Registrar of Deeds, 1933 CPD 348).



An insolvent may in terms of section 119 of the Act enter into a deed of composition with


• Conditions of Title. Conditions of title bind

On rehabilitation, an insolvent is relieved of

the trustee (Engelbrecht v Mundell’s Trustee,

his/her creditors and if it is a condition that

every disability and is discharged from liability

1934 CPD 111, where it was held that a right

any property be restored to him/her then the

for all debts arising before sequestration

of pre emption condition registered against

trustee is divested thereof and it re vests in the

(section 129(1)(b)), but any property which was

the title of an insolvent’s property binds his

insolvent subject to any condition which may

vested in the trustee remains so vested (section

trustee), but where property is bonded free

be imposed (section 120). No formal transfer

25(1) of the Insolvency Act) i.e. the insolvent can

of a condition by order of Court or by a waiver

is necessary to effect such re vesting (Ex parte

contract and acquire property as from the date

from the interested party, then the trustee

Vels, 1921 OPD 171) but under section 58(2)

of rehabilitation. If the insolvent has immovable

can sell free of the condition (Oeseldien and

of the DRA an endorsement is first required on

property to which the trustee and creditors lay

Others v Laattoe, 1934 CPD 348). A mere

the title to the property before the insolvent can

no claim then the Court should be asked to

condition that the property shall not form part

deal with such property.

authorize the Registrar to endorse the title to

of the insolvent estate is not binding.

the effect that the insolvent is entitled to deal An endorsement under section 58(2) is

therewith (see Ex parte Ardis, 1931 CPD 209;

Where mortgaged property is leased without

obtained by formal application by the insolvent

Ex parte Gouws, 1950 (1) SA 486 (T)).

the mortgagee’s consent, the trustee can sell

together with a copy of the composition which is the best evidence. If there is a mortgage

free of the lease if he/she has first offered it Transfer of Assets by the Trustee

provisionally subject to the lease if the sale

Under section 82(1) of the Insolvency Act the

subject to the lease has realized insufficient

composition the mortgagee is to retain his/her

trustee must sell the assets of the estate in

to meet the mortgagee’s claim (Mars, 5th

rights, then the latter is re invested automatically

accordance with the directions of creditors.

Edition, page 145). Unless official evidence

with his/her former rights (Ex parte Vels, 1921

The trustee can only sell by private treaty if

was forthcoming then the registrar would

OPD 171). It seems strange that no provision is

authorized by creditors, but it is accepted that

obviously require confirmation by the Court

made in the DRA to record this.

no duty is cast on the Registrar to call for this

unless perhaps the lessee consented to the

authority. It has been held that abandonment of

lapsing under section 78(1) of the Deeds

It would seem that after re vesting the insolvent

the property to a mortgagee is covered in the

Act. The trustee is now bound by a condition

is entitled to acquire and deal with property

power to sell (Brown & Co. v Cohen’s Trustee,

of a lease prohibiting cession or assignment

in his/her own right. This seems to be the

1907 28 NLR 457; Goldberg v Salzberg, 1908

without consent (section 37(5) as inserted by

position in Akhalwaya v Boda, 1922 TPD 426

T.H. 29).

section 14 of Act No. 16 of 1943).

where it was held that an insolvent who had

The following are general points on insolvency

entered into a deed of composition and who


subsequently had not applied for rehabilitation

• Proof of Insolvency. The “interdict”.

56(1) of the DRA, bonds need not be lodged

could be sequestrated a second time; (Motala

• The Trustee. Certificate of appointment

for disposal on transfer.

and Others v Bugwandeen, 1928 NPD 385; Ex

issued by the Master under sec-tion 56(2) of

parte Joe, 1948 (1) SA 1285 (C)) and sections

the Act, which is exhibited only (regulation

bond over the property and in terms of the

(d) Bonds over the Property. Under section

- Allen West


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F rom the



“Thank you to all our Woodhill service providers.” The year is done and dusted and a lot of residents will be leaving for their festive holiday. Please ensure that the family or friends that need to access the Estate during this time to look after your property are registered. We can register them for a specific period of time or even certain days and times. Please also remember the newspaper delivery. This time of the year is also known as “silly season” so please be careful. One tends to forget about the criminal element outside of the Estate, so make sure no valuables are left in your car while in the shopping malls or while stationed at traffic intersections. The past year there were a few minor incidents of vandalism on the Estate. We just

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want to send out a clear message that if a

If the two above mentioned procedures are

person makes himself/herself guilty of such

not followed when dropped off at home,

an act, the justice system will take its course.

the person arriving back at the exit gate

Just as a friendly neighbourly suggestion; if a

will struggle to exit and create a frustrating

yearend function is being held at your home,


please keep the neighbours in mind who are

Please note that setting off fireworks on the

not part of the function.

Estate is strongly prohibited.

Please make use of the following two

On a lighter but very important note, I just want

procedures when returning home from any

to take this opportunity to thank all of our service

functions during this festive period.

providers for assisting us and providing services that form part of a successful operations system,

1. Request an entry code from the Click-on

keeping Woodhill residents safe and secure.

system and let the driver use that code to enter. Use your exit code to let them out of

I wish everybody a Happy Christmas and a

the Estate.

safe return.

2. Stop at the visitor’s entry lane and let security phone your unit and open the gate by pressing 9 so that the driver can get a slip with the entry and exit code.

- Werner Pretorius

the time for membership renewals and new


applications. Debbie is the go-to lady. Debbie


got married in 2006 to the love of her life. They have two adorable children, Neldene (6) and Kevin (4). Her children really do mean the world to her and she would do anything for them. As a working mom, Debbie loves to spend time

Debbie Koekemoer Financial Assistant Debbie Koekemoer is the numbers lady that has been working as Woodhill’s Financial Assistant and Membership Secretary since 2004. Before her big move to the city, she lived in Vanderbijlpark where she had to leave all of her friends and family for a brand new start at Woodhill but has created a pretty great life for herself here. Debbie loves being part of the Woodhill Country Club family, enjoys the staff that she works with every day and is looking forward to the years to come.

with her children every chance she gets. Time is very precious and according to Debbie, you should seize every moment with your family As a Financial Assistant extraordinaire, Debbie does the entire debtor invoicing of Woodhill’s golf days, group bookings, banqueting, conferencing





reconciliations. Her skills extend to membership secretary where she is responsible for new applicantions and assisting members with general enquiries, handicapping issues and general administrative related features. As the new year swiftly approaches, we are sure that you will get to know Debbie even more as it’s

and appreciate that special family trip where you can have fun and enjoy each other, and make memories for life. Because Debbie is a professional working mom, she doesn’t really have time for hobbies. However, she does love reading books when the opportunity presents itself and has recently started finger-painting with her children, which she enjoys. Debbie would love to go to Switzerland with her husband before she retires. According to her, she would love to retire by the sea side, but is not quite sure where yet exactly.

Anel Maree Communications Manager Anel Maree has brought an air of enthusiasm and friendliness to the Estate, she moved to Pretoria when her husband of seven months was transferred and says that the move was a positive one. Anel previously lived in Potchefstroom where her life and namely career was very different to what it is today. When living in Potchefstroom, Anel taught Afrikaans to grade 10 pupils. She loved the challange of teaching young people and when she told them she was leaving, they gave her a touching farewell. Anel has an avid passion for the environment and relishes the open spaces of Pretoria and its surroundings.


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F rom the



Features of the D6 Communicator The D6 Communicator is an easy-to-use communication tool and is vital for effective communication within the Woodhill Estate. The default communication channel is the desktop communicator. It is a light-weight application that every resident should install on their computer. The features of the D6 Communicator are very easy to use and quick to grasp. AT A GLANCE

This feature gives an overview of what has been happening on the Estate. Click on the relevant bullet and it will take you directly to the link you requested or the page you desire to be on.


The news feature lets you know more about detailed happenings regarding the Estate and the Woodhill Country Club. Short detailed descriptions of the relevant news will be posted on a regular basis by our communications team, making sure that all news about Woodhill reaches our homeowners, residents and golf members.

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at Woodhill. Whether it’s a golf day event or

and happenings on the Woodhill Estate and

The calendar shows the dates of the events a lucky draw at the Woodhill Country Club clubhouse, the relevant information will be posted on the calendar feature, as well as the contact details regarding these specific events.

The gallery contains photos about the events Country Club. Click on the bar in the top right hand corner to select specific categories of the photos you want to view. The photos of the specific categories will be sorted separately. The option of viewing “all categories” is also listed as a possibility.


Under this feature you will find all of the resources regarding Woodhill Estate and Country Club. Just click on the resource you would like to view in this section and it will open with the relevant program, giving you all the information on that specific topic. Use the scrollbar on the right hand side to navigate this feature upwards and downwards.


These features are the links to our website, www.woodhillestate.co.za and our social media pages. Click on the tab of the page you would like to visit and it will take you directly to your desired destination. TO DOWNLOAD THE D6 COMMUNICATOR FOLLOW THESE 5 EASY STEPS: 1. Type in the following link:

http:/www.d6technology.com/ downloads.php?id=7249 2. Select Mac or Windows, depending on your computer. 3. Click “save” first. Once the program is downloaded, click “run”. 4. Follow the steps by clicking “next” until you get to the step which says “install” and then “finish”.

We want this communication tool to be used as frequently as possible to enhance communication to our homeowners, residents and golf members.

5. You will be asked to put in a password to

- Anel Maree

gain access to the information - Click on the “Click here to request a password” link. You will be taken to a page where


The contacts feature enables you to contact anyone within the HOA or the Woodhill Country Club. Our staff will gladly assist you with any matter.

selecting the news you want to receive. Click on the “Personalise” tab on the left of the screen. Tick the boxes of the different would




news about. Click on the “save” button at the bottom of the screen to finalise your decision.

will be sent to you via e-mail.

contact the Communications Manager at HOA

Personalise your D6 Communicator by


Click “submit” to get a password which

If a problem occurs with the password, please



you will type in your e-mail address.

with your name, surname, cell phone number and e-mail address. You will be added to our D6 database in order for you to gain access to the communicator.Once you have received your password it can be entered into the registration


section along with your e-mail address. For any questions and enquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact us at: communications@woodhill.co.za.


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Other products available: Lighting • Cupboards • Bathrooms Appliances • Doors & Windows • Flooring • Architectural Mouldings



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The Real Estate Leaders




WOODHILL (on golf course)




EXCLUSIVE MANDATE A Moroccan Masterpiece!

EXCLUSIVE MANDATE Modern Contemporary Country-Style Home!

A home out of a storybook that will leave you breathless! Situated on the golf course of the prestigious Woodhill Golf Estate overlooking one of the picturesque dams. It’s uniqueness does not imply that it is merely a showpiece – on the contrary the easy living lifestyle is so obvious and entertaining could be a real delight with the living areas, bar and kitchen flowing into each other. Offering: 5 Bedr all en-suite – one could serve as a bachelor’s flat, study, superb entertaining, pool, designer’s garden, SQ.

This amazing single-level family home is a perfect example where rural meets urban in an effective synergy between rustic charm and modern chic. A combination of natural stone and modern finishes. The huge patio with frameless stacking doors allows for endless entertaining/ braai opportunities. A brand new state-of-the-art kitchen with a built-in pizza oven. Offering: 4 bedr, 3 bath, guest bed (opportunity for a flat), 4 liv rooms, 3 gar, 2 SQ’s, borehole, pool, dam, boma, low maintenance garden.

Leandi Naudé – 082 561 4381

Roma Naudé – 082 600 8440


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D R AW A family event

After five successful years, the Lucky Draw has snowballed and has become the most awaited monthly event, as initially envisaged by Richard Rippon, previous WCC chairperson. The whole idea is that every last Friday evening of the month, the Woodhill community, residents and members have an informal and enjoyable evening at the clubhouse. Congratulations to Jacques Pienaar our October winner. To all of our new residents and members, please join us with your family and friends! Contact Sarita for more information: sarita.stonehouse@woodhill.co.za

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While mom and dad were enjoying the lucky draw festivities the children celebrated Halloween with games and trick or treating.


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CONFERENCE FA C I L I T Y R E V I E W Q&A with Willie Horn: Capitec Bank

With upgraded conference facilities, new furniture and professional, friendly staff, Conference @ Woodhill is sure to become the go-to establishment for conferences of all sizes and types. Our new caterers Wiesenhof are sure to tend to any requirements one may need and with the introduction of WiFi, the process of hosting a conference will be even easier. Woodhill has a prime location, is secure, has adequate parking and covers any technological requirements needed for hosting a conference. Capitec hosted their successful conference at Woodhill and they were kind enough to answer some questions about their Conference @ Woodhill experience.

Q: Did you find the Estate and all of the facilities offered to you easily? A: Yes; my team came from all over Gauteng and the directions provided were spot on!

Q: Was the required technology up to your standards? available on site.

you? A: Very friendly and helpful.

A: We had coffee and sandwiches on arrival (both days) and two great lunch menus. Tea and coffee were available throughout the two days.

Q: What is the conference venue like? A: The size of my team makes it difficult to cater for but Woodhill ticked all the boxes.

Q: How do you rate the security? A: It was great for everyone that used the code system to gain access; it was a little more time consuming for the rest

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Q: What was your overall conferencing experience like at Woodhill and would you

Q: What refreshments were you offered and how would you rate them?

Q: How did you find the staff that assisted

entrance (volume problem).

A: Yes; it would help if there was Wi-Fi

As far as the facilities go, we were well briefed by our hostess!

that tried to gain access at the visitor’s

recommend it to others? A: It was most enjoyable and yes I will recommend it to anyone looking for a well serviced intimate conference venue!

Move on Move up

WOODHILL SALES & RENTALS INGE NOWITZ 083 380 6414 www.leapfrog.co.za WOODHILL

R1 950 000

LOCK UP AND GO! Neat and tidy with 3 bedr and 2 bathr and guest toilet. Lovely kitchen with open plan family/dining room with separate scullery. Undercover patio with garden, large enough to add a splash pool. Double automated garage and plenty of parking space.


R5 900 000

EXQUISITE FAMILY HOME ! Beautiful and spacious 4 bedroom home with 3,5 bathrooms and study. Formal lounge, dining room, 2 TV lounges, bar with stunning patio and swimming pool. Under tile heating, air con. 3 Garages & Sq.



R2 000 000

LOCK UP & GO ON THE FAIRWAYS! Very neat 3 bedr, 2 bathr ground floor unit with fantastic views of the fairways. Open plan kitchen, lounge and dining room. Covered patio with built in braai and lovely garden. 2 Garages.


R6 800 000

ON THE FAIRWAYS WITH 2 BED FLATLET! Beautiful finishes with lovely views of the golf course. Large entertainment area, 5 Bedrooms all en suite with pyjama lounge, under floor heating and central vacuum system. Open plan kitchen, dining room and lounge as well as formal lounge with fire place. 4 Garages & SQ.


R4 750 000

FAMILY HOME WITH FLATLET This elegant 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom home has a separate 1 bedroom flat –let and lovely spacious entertainment areas with built in braai, pizza oven and fire place with doors opening up to beautiful pool area. 4 Garages and staff accommodation.


R7 450 000

EXCELLENT POSITION ON THE FAIRWAYS! This magnificent home offers 4 bedrooms, 3, 5 bathrooms, study. Beautiful finishes and excellent lay out with large entertainment patio with ceiling fans and braai facilities. Also offers wine cellar, gas fire place in the lounge, under floor heating and air cons. Lovely garden with pool, 2 garages and sq.


R4 850 000

ON THE FAIRWAYS! This low maintenance well-built home offers 4 bedrooms, 3,5 bathrooms, study and is situated on the fairways. Spacious covered patio with built in braai overlooking the beautiful garden and pool . 2 garages & staff quarters.


R7 900 000

TUSCAN MASTERPIECE ! Beautiful Tuscan designed house with 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 5 living areas, home theatre, walk-in-cold room, authentic wine cellar. Beautiful cherry wood kitchen, home , gym, movie theatre room, 4 garages and so much more…


PROVIDING A PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE - Hourly consultations - Preparing colour schemes, layout and furniture arrangements - Manufacture, supply and installation of curtains, blinds, upholstery and furniture - Agents for several ranges of local and imported fabrics, furniture and accessories - Paint work and various paint techniques - Wall coverings, flooring and carpeting - Lamps and accessories

Complete turnkey projects

living in style


Cerita Nagy | c: + 27 79 669 3432 | cerita@cninteriors.co.za | www.cninteriors.co.za

23 W



role as publisher for the De Vico and pioneered a new vision for the publication. Together with the new look and feel of the magazine, a view of amalgamating the different sections came into play. The De Vico magazine became the





Our Woodhill Golf and Country Estate is rich in

The initial internal mouthpiece and publication

features were added to the content synopsis

history and has become one of the most well-

of the Woodhill Estate was formed 13 years ago

of the magazine. The newly branded Woodhill

established residential and golf Estates in the

under the name of De Vico. The Latin meaning

Publication includes lifestyle pieces made up

country. The unusual juxtaposition of its current

of De Vico is ‘About the Village’ and its initial

of its Travel To feature; an interesting travel

technological innovations and history found on

purpose was an information resource, as well

piece, an Out on the Town calendar looking at

the Estate provides an interesting story.

as communicational medium between the

happenings, festivals and events in the area,

HOA, Estate and its residents. The De Vico was

Open Kitchen; a review on a restaurant in the

The land where the Woodhill Estate is located on,

distributed free of charge and on a quarterly

area, Escape To; a spa review and Family Time;

now amounting to 207 hectares of land, was once

basis, a process that is still adopted today.

a piece on fun activities and events to enjoy with the whole family. An investment piece; Corner

a dairy farm dating back to 1927. The original land was owned by the Wolfaardt family and still

Over the years from its inception, the De Vico

Office and Interest piece; this particular one you

today, part of the old dairy farm still remains on the

magazine has evolved and changed to what it

are currently reading, were also introduced.

right side of the 14th fairway of the golf course.

represents today. De Vico moved from being a

The farm was expropriated by the City Council of

single component to sporting various sections

From the evolution of the Estate in regards

Pretoria and was then bought by the developers

pertaining to the Estate. The first section of the

to how it has grown and expanded over the

in November 1997. Woodhill officially came into

publication the De Vico included information

years, to the forward movement of its marketing

being on the 1st of March 1999 with the clubhouse

regarding the residential Estate, the Divot

and internal publication, we are still making

also being built in the same year. When the board

pertained to the Country Club and the Woodhill

history and it will be interesting to see what has

of directors were appointed at the end of 1999,

golf course and the d’ Tour represented the

changed in another 10 years.

there were only 10 homes on the Estate, how far

magazine’s lifestyle section. In June of this year,

it has come since then.

Phoenix Creative Communication took over the

24 W

25 W

It Was Worth 12 Years of Waiting Each pupil at Woodhill College remembers the day they walked through the school gates for the very first time, with feelings of nervousness and uncertainty. On the 20th of September, the Matric pupils symbolically made their last entry through the gates of Woodhill College, with a sense of pride and anticipation. A part of the Matric farewell, which is almost as exciting as the actual Matric Dance itself, is the ride you make your grand last entry in. Every couple made sure their last journey through the gates was as grand as possible with pupils arriving in exotic sports cars, cute Fiat 500s, crazy taxis and even a boat escorted by team of Harley Davidsons. Each couple had a red carpet experience when they were flooded by flashing cameras and cheers as they walked down towards the venue. It was quite a sight to see all these once little boys now grown up as young men looking dashing in their suits and ties and the same can be said about the girls, who have blossomed into young women, each looking stunning in their evening dresses. The theme for the evening was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and each pupil was blown away as they entered Checkley’s Sweet Factory, with all the preconceived expectations far exceeded. Everything in the room was edible as you crossed over a bridge into a wonderland which would be too much for even the biggest sweet tooth. A special thank you on behalf of all the Matrics to Mrs Peché and her team for putting everything together and leaving our jaws hanging in amazement of what can be done. Speeches were kept to a minimum as the focus of the evening was to socialise and enjoy fellowship with one another for the last time. With the dance floor opened by the head prefects, certain pupils showed off their dancing skills whilst others gave it a go with their two left feet. The dance floor was filled with smiles that could stretch across the universe, smiles of pure joy and happiness which created an unreal atmosphere experienced only once in a lifetime.

26 W

The meals for the evening ran hand-in-hand with the theme, as we were treated to steak with a chocolate sauce, a combination that surprisingly sends your taste buds on an adventure, and then a chocolate fountain for dessert. It is impossible for words to capture the feelings and emotions that ran through each person’s body that night, as incredible memories were made. The Matric Dance of 2013 was an indescribable event that was definitely worth 12 years of

waiting and it will remain a fond memory in the hearts of each Matric pupil. Our journey as pupils at Woodhill College has sadly come to an end, but as one door closes another opens, and a special thank you to all the staff for preparing


Feed-A-Friend is an outreach initiative facilitated by several Methodist Churches in the Pretoria area. On 18th September, Sinoville and Valley Methodist Churches facilitated this activity in partnership with Woodhill College when some 600 Primary School pupils actively participated in packing 25 000 meals for the needy. These meals consist of rice, soya mince, dried vegetables and vitamin powder and are packed in units that will feed a family of six.

us for the next journey in this precious life given to us.

- Damon Munday


Woodhill College parents responded with incredible generosity when the call went out to raise the R30 000 needed to fund this event and the facilitating churches are keen to see these events grow in frequency and spread throughout the community – benefitting more and more needy individuals and families.

FOUNDATION SCHOOL DRESS-UP DAY – 18 OCTOBER On 18 October we had our annual Dress-up Day. This year the Grade 000’s dressed up as something from Under the Sea, the Grade 00’s dressed up as Disney characters and the Grade 0’s had to dress up as something that started with the same letter as their name. We had mermaids, fish and sharks, princesses and superman as well as a Jack-in-the-box, a giraffe and a robot. The children, staff and parents had lots of fun as we went around looking at the wonderful costumes and trying to guess who each child was.

lives as adults and we trust that all that they have learned in their time at Woodhill College will stand them in good stead in the future.



Woodhill College is offering limited spaces in the following grades for 2014: Foundation School (Grades 00 and 0) Preparatory School (Grades 1, 4 and 6) High School (Grades 7 to 12)

ADDRESS: De Villebois Mareuil Drive, Pretoria East CONTACTS: 012 998 1774 ab1@woodcol.co.za www.woodhillcollege.co.za


FAREWELL TO OUR MATRICS – 10 OCTOBER Sadly for us, at this time each year we have to say goodbye to our Matrics. It has become a tradition at Woodhill College that during the last week of their school career the Matrics visit the Foundation School so that we can say goodbye to them. Many of the Matrics were in the Foundation School during their pre-school years. Each Matric was presented with a candle by one of our Grade 000 children. This candle symbolises the light that shines within each one them. We trust that they will take the light that is within them out into the world so that they can be a light to those around them no matter where their path in life takes them. The handing over of the candles by the youngest members of the Woodhill family to those who are leaving is also a symbolic gesture. Our ceremony ended with the release of balloons, carrying a wish for the future from each of the Matrics and the singing of the song “wish me luck as you wave me goodbye....”. Our love and prayers go with them as they write their exams and begin their future

27 W



“My favourite aspect of any artwork is the message and emotion it captures and communicates.” Andre de Beer

Talented artist Andre de Beer was born in

his artworks by being involved in every aspect of

Potchefstroom in 1933. His extensive studies

the process. He feels that the prolonged feeling

included a BA degree and MA degree in Fine

of an artwork can be achieved by facilitating

Arts. He was also a lecturer, senior lecturer,

every facet of it. One should visit the specific

Head of the Art Department and Vice-Rector

location and experience the feeling you want

at the Pretoria College of Education. He

to communicate through your artwork. For

started painting full time in 1983 specialising

him, his sketches hold the most joy. He enjoys

in landscapes, portraits, still-lifes, seascapes,

capturing a moment, whether it is an interesting

genres and figures. His mediums of choice

person sitting in a cafe or seizing the emotions of

include oils, watercolour, ink, pencil, charcoal

passengers in an airport, whose flight had been

and pastel. For Andre, art is an absolute passion

delayed for three days.

and he appreciates fine art in any form as it should be seen in the context it is created in.

Except for Andre’s artworks, he also has a great love for sport. He has a deep appreciation for

Every piece of art has a uniqueness about it and

any type of sport, as it is an art form on its own.

a story it tells, when you look at the artwork in its

He particularly loves fishing by the sea side and

entirety. According to Mr. De Beer the success

supports rugby to the fullest.

of an artwork lies in the planning of it. He also

28 W


sees it as the most difficult aspect when creating

Andre de Beer’s artworks can be found in

a masterpiece. The composition should be

many private art collections, internationally and

planned beforehand and thought through to

locally. As an artist, his work is truly amazing and

capture the true emotion and story you want it

unique. He can definitely be seen as one of the

to tell in the end.Andre finds his inspiration for

most versatile artists in our country.


29 W


RO M A N T I C D E S T I N AT I O N S Love is in the Air; Romantic Accommodation in Magaliesburg With December right around the corner, February will be fast upon us and we will start to feel Cupid’s arrow nudging us to celebrate the day of love. We decided to review three establishments in the Magaliesburg area that encompass romantic ideals. • Dream Lodge

Dream Lodge is the perfect place to escape to with your partner for a weekend of nature, relaxation and quite in the stunning Magaliesburg area. Dream Lodge offers three beautifully decorated cottages boasting a Victorian bath, a built-in fireplace and wooden floors; the perfect romantic setting. The cottages are at least 500 meters- 1km away from one another ensuring complete privacy. Dream Lodge’s ethos of ‘No electricity, no TV, no rush. Just you, your partner and nature,’ indicates this location as one of serenity and beauty where you spend quality time with your partner, just enjoying each other. Mobile number: 082 620 6369 Email: sam@dreamlodge.co.za http://www.dreamlodge.co.za/

• La Provence d’ Afrique


La Provence d’ Afrique has to be one of


the most romantic establishments in the


Magaliesburg area. It is many a couple’s dream to head to France for that special experience but with an establishment so

• Celtis Lodge

Celtis Lodge, which is located on 23

close and one that embodies La Provence

hectares of pristine scenery, offers the

so well, their dream is nearer then they

perfect romantic getaway. The picturesque,

think. La Provence is styled to closely

three star retreat is comprised of the

resemble a quaint French Village with all of

original 19th century farmhouse and four

its charm in décor, food and wine and style.

thatched-roof cottages. Bask in the beautiful

La Provence has eight idealist suites styled

surroundings of the farm, take a dip in the

in vintage French decor and each sports a

rose-lined swimming pool, enjoy an intimate

fireplace, making it the perfect hideout from

picnic or horse-ride. Celtis Lodge’s cottages

the world outside. Enjoy a delicious meal in

are quaint and welcoming, accompanied

their characteristic sidewalk restaurant or a

by the wedding chapel, which is hidden

soothing massage in their forest spa.

amongst lovely white stinkwood trees. A delicious four course, candlelit dinner is

Mobile Phone Number:

served in the evenings and in the mornings

+27 82 900 8205

you can start your day with a full English breakfast from 09h00 till 11h00 giving you a chance to wake up at your own leisurely pace. Contact Una on: 076 507 5525 http://www.celtislodge.co.za

30 W


31 W



“It is with both great excitement and some trepidation that I take on the role as Director of the WCC.”

I have been a homeowner at Woodhill since

price of R1500. This will include all green fees.

Both Paula and I would like to wish you all a very

2001 and previously spent three years on

It will not include membership, handicapping

festive Christmas season and for those who will

the board from 2002 until 2005. This tenure,

or affiliation to the SAGA. Please contact the

be travelling, please be safe!

however, is slightly different in that I have the

club to obtain more information.

- Piero Grobler

challenge of running the WCC. My thanks go to Graham Damp, past WCC Director,

I will keep you all informed with regards to these

and now chairman of the HOA for his efforts

initiatives during the course of the year, as well

in establishing a strategic vision for me to

as updating you on new projects as and when

continue. Some of the projects we will be

they are initiated. By the time you read this

undertaking during the course of the new year

article, we would have welcomed our new food


and beverage partners, Wiesenhof. Our thanks

• Clubhouse closes at 16:00

Keeping the golf course in the remarkable

go to Kingdom Caterers for all their efforts and

• Offices close at 12:00

condition it is in currently. My thanks and

service they gave us over the past years and we

appreciation to Frikkie Potgieter, our course

wish them well in their new endeavours.

25 December

superintendent, and his team for presenting •

16 December

• Golf course and club house open 24 December

• Am tee off times only

• Closed

31 December

the golf course in its current condition.

We are hugely excited in having Wiesenhof

We are looking at the club house with the view

take over our catering. They will be bringing a

• Clubhouse closes at 16:00

of upgrading the facilities. A project team has

completely new image in catering to our Estate,

• Offices close at 12:00

been established to look at various options,

in that the catering will now be managed by

as well as the feasibility of the upgrade. We

a national franchise. Kobus Wiese has given

1 January

will be reporting back to homeowners early in

us his personal commitment that he will do

the new year with alternatives and options.

whatever it takes to make this a success, and

The pump house needs to be rebuilt; it is

I am very confident that he will achieve his

showing its age by continually breaking down,

objectives. I ask all of you to support Wiesenhof,

opportunity to join the WCC as a Mid-Week

which causes havoc with the irrigation system.

you will enjoy their catering. Over and above

Golfing Associate. The following conditions

The management committee is looking

the excitement of Wiesenhof, Conference @


into the possibility of over seeding all of the

Woodhill will be upgraded to the next level.

• A fee of R1500 is payable in advance for

greens with Po annua grass. Currently the

New conference furniture and WiFi will ensure

greens are already 60% overgrown with Poa

that all corporate companies will never doubt

• This fee will include all green fees.

grass and the only way to remove this would

hosting their conferences at our lovely venue

• Residents joining this category will only be

be to dig it out. This would be at great cost.

in the future. We invite our residents who are

able to play on Monday, Thursday and Friday

We are looking at introducing a mid-week

captains of industry to contact Lizette, our

mornings and Sunday afternoons subject to

social golf option to all homeowners

PCO, to host their company’s conferences


who are not currently members of the

right on their door step. In closing, I would

• You will not have a handicap/affiliation card

golf club. This is to encourage more

like to reiterate how excited I am to have been

but each golfer will be issued with a WCC

home owners to become members. The

given this portfolio and I look forward to working

benefits and costs are as follows:

together with my team, Mark Bruyns WCC

Between the 1st of November 2013 and

Manager, Paul Marks, Director of golf and their

the 31st of March 2014, we are offering all

respective teams during the course of the year.

non-member homeowners the option of

They are a very dedicated team of people, and

playing golf during the week, from Monday

we are very fortunate to have them with us.

afternoons to Friday mornings for the total

32 W

Festive Season Operating hours


• Am tee times only

• Closed

Residential Golfing Special

As a Woodhill resident, we now offer you the

association until the end of February 2014.

joining card (Only valid at WCC). • No existing golfing members may join this category. • This offer is not applicable to any affiliated golf members. • This is for a trail period until the end of February 2014.



33 W


G O L F D I R E C TO R The Spirit Cup, proudly sponsored by Henk

A new and exciting competition took place on

golfers. It starts in early November, don’t

and Hein Du Toit from AFRI-GROUP, took

Friday the 11th of October. Sun International

worry if you don’t have clubs as we will

place on Saturday the 28th of September at

offered a 5 weekday 2 nights stays at the

provide them for you. Please bring a friend

Woodhill Country Club. The teams consisted

Carousel Casino Resort, as well as a spot

along or anyone new in the game to our

of the MC Corner, Houties, Woodies, Meerkatte

for one golfer to attend the very prestigious

Bunny School and come have some fun.

and of course the sponsor’s team. The format

Nedbank Golf Challenge Pro Am in December

was Better Ball Stableford and all the team’s

with the world’s best players. A field of 96

Please email me at Paulm@woodhill.co.za or

scores were added up to attain the final result.

players did battle and our winner, a very good

contact our Head Teaching Pro Johan Van

The teams were also dressed in their team

golfer when he practices, was Morne Sheperd

Vuuren on 083 703 5799.

shirts and caps, and I must say, the guys

on 44 points. Morne is in for a treat as he

looked really smart on the course. All of the

gets to rub shoulders with the world’s most

Happy Golfing,

players were treated to a lovely braai in the late

prominent golfers at Sun City in December,

Paul Marks

afternoon and the prize giving was squeezed

well done! Many thanks to Sun International

in between the SA vs. Australia test match.

for choosing Woodhill as a venue and for

The winners for a third consecutive time were

offering us this fantastic prize.

the MEERKATTE and the trophy was received by Captain Jaco Moolman, congratulations to

We have scheduled a fun-filled program

their team! Our thanks again to AFRI-GROUP

consisting of an hour a week at the Woodhill


driving range for all of the beginner lady

TOP 10

4. Ensure at ALL TIMES that the battery

under cover, ALWAYS open the seat.

terminals are tight. Loose connections

This will ensure that the heat escapes –

can result in the batteries exploding.

and ensure a longer battery life.

t hings to remember

when caring for

y our G olf C ar 1.

DO NOT over inflate your tyres. Inflate to between 0.8 and 1.0 Bar.

2. Ensure that there is NO PLAY on the steering wheel. This may result in causing an accident. 3. Check that your batteries are not swollen.

34 W




Ensure battery cables and terminals are


ALWAYS charge the batteries after use.

always clean. Use bicarbonate of soda

DO NOT RUN FLAT! This will ensure a

mixed with water to clean.

longer battery life.

Ensure that there is always battery water in the batteries. DO NOT overfill.

7. NEVER USE BATTERY ACID in your batteries – you will destroy the batteries. 8. When charging the batteries indoor or

10. NEVER drive a Golf Car with flat batteries. This will cause MAJOR DAMAGE.

Should you have any questions or require any assistance with your Golf Car – please contact us on: 012 259 3942 or 084 222 3952

At Christmas, all roads lead home. ~ MARJORIE HOLMES

Your sales and rental Property Professional residing in Woodhill Golf Estate:

Ana Scott 083 501 4440 ana@sirpretoria.co.za www.sothebysrealty.co.za

35 W


GREENSKEEPER One of the most discussed and prominent

new Poa-free bent grass. At the moment we are

mostly annual and by inter-seeding it with a

topics at greens committee meetings around

sitting with approximately 75% Poa annua on the

returning Poa, we will definitely improve the

the world must be the control of Poa annua and

greens. Reducing the Poa is out of the question

surface, which now consists of two types of

how to get rid of this nuisance. Over the years,

and although it would appear at some stages

grass. As stated, to try and fight it is a losing

this has been the biggest enemy of many

throughout the summer that we are winning the

battle as the course is already infested.

superintendents and although there are some

battle, this is not the case. Our biggest problem

green keepers that claim to have reduced Poa

is that our surroundings are completely infested

Inter-seeding seems to be the obvious

infestation on their greens, this is also yet to be

with Poa annua and one can see this in the

solution, which would mean that we will

seen. Numerous course superintendents have

fairways, greens and tee surrounds, in fact all

hollowtine during March/April and then again in

claimed to reduce Poa by means of chemical

over the golf course, not to mention the river and

August/September every year and no longer in

control, but there are still no chemicals on

under the trees in the rough etc.

January. During these hollowtining exercises,

the market that are registered which may be

we will inter-seed all of the greens with

applied to safely remove Poa. We have had

The main problem with Poa annua is the

perennial Poa. This Poa will eventually start to

first-hand experience of these products and

seeding of the plant which is really bad for two

take over the annual Poa, which will then lead

we have conducted endless trials to try and

months of the year. The other problem is more

to a better putting surface. Poa does have

reduce Poa infestation on our greens for over

aesthetic, as there is discoloration between

some disadvantages for us as course staff, as

the past 10 years.

Poa annua and the bent grass. Poa annua also

it is less disease tolerant and it tends to stress

grows much faster than bent, which then results

easier in the heat. This is not a concern for us

What makes this process so difficult is that once

in greens becoming rough. Over the years

as we are already maintaining greens with 75%

you get an infestation of only 5%, it is absolutely

we have lived with this problem and sprayed

Poa and no extra chemicals or wetting agents

suicidal for any superintendent to kill the Poa. As

the greens regularly with growth regulators to

would be required to maintain them.

mentioned, there is no product that will extract

slow their growth and ensure that the putting

the Poa safely and the bent grass takes strain

surfaces remain as smooth as possible.

when products such as this are utilised. 5% does

36 W

We are confident in this decision and have made reference to other clubs that have done this

not sound like a lot, but just remember that the

We have come to the stage where we need to

already with great success, thus I am certain that

area would die out over the entire surface of the

decide whether we want to continue the fight

we will only benefit in years to come.

green and not just in one corner. This will cause

against Poa annua or if we should just inter-

the putting surface to become very bumpy as

seed all the greens with a perennial Poa. The


all of these areas will have to be plugged with

Poa that we have on the greens currently is




LADIES CAPTAIN Time flies when you are having fun, and we have been having a huge amount of it. With our Spring Couple’s Day being such a success, I feel like we should do that more often. The prize giving was a blast, with everyone being remembered, for their fun-filled errors! The Woodhill Annual Charity Golf Day is on our doorstep; the 9th of November 2013, and we have so much excitement surrounding this special event at the Woodhill Country Club. We have quite a responsibility this year. We have added more charities to the day as we would like to help more people this year, and we don’t want to change the numbers, so we really need all the support of each and every resident, corporate member and golf member at Woodhill. The theme for this Charity Golf Day is ‘Carnival’. We have a huge target to reach in terms of sponsorship and are thus appealing to everyone to dig deep into their hearts for some support. We have arranged to have

the Pink Drive truck here on the day, for the convenience of all the Woodhill community. The Pink Drive truck is a testing centre on wheels, which exams, both men and women for breast cancer. So please use this opportunity to have yourself, your partner and your domestic staff tested. We all have a social responsibility towards the people we know and that are part of our lives. An interesting fact regarding breast cancer; did you know that men are one percent of the population that gets breast cancer?

for your first day of school! Caring Daisies, our newest member, is a charity run by a few mothers who started out trying to help a single mother with triplets and made a nude calendar (very discreet) and sold it hoping to raise R45 000, but ended up raising R200 000! They decided to continue their charity, and have been doing really well.We also have Wespoort Uitreikskema, Sunrise Naskoolsentrum, Tshwane Haven, Oeboentoe and CMR. They are our regular charities, who really appreciate our support and love!

Our goal this year was to reach out and help even more people, so we have added Ons Huis, who aids individuals of all ages with mentally handicaps. They have a well-run facility and by supporting them, we will be able to help those with serious needs. We are also going to be helping the young children from Solidarity Helping Hand. Erasmuskloof, who start school next year, with all of their new school bags. This is a special charity because there’s nothing more wonderful than having a new school bag with brand new stationary

So, there you have it, here’s why you need to dig deep, time is moving fast, book your spot at the best day of the year. Contact me on: 0836769803 or woodhillladiesgolf@gmail.com Let’s do this! Let’s do this as a group and really change the lives of these people. Thank you for your support, and those who have already committed to being a part of our Special Day! - Erica Van Wyk


37 W

38 W


FOUNDERS DAY The 15th Founders Day was hosted on Sunday the 6th of October. From the original 150 founder members, only 30 members are left. The founders and golf members played an AM field and their spouses joined for a traditional Sunday lunch afterwards.

First place Peter Kok, Callie Engelbrect, Jacques De Lange, Herbet Freyer, Graham Damp

Second place

Third place

Ilana Joubert, Francois Joubert, Graham Damp, Gerald Ras

Hans Muller, Marius Matthee, Vernon Filter, Graham Damp, Randi Matthee



39 W


Our nominated charities are as follows:

Ons Huis

Tshwane Haven

Wespoort Voeding en

determination of a group of parents that believe

babies and toddlers with medical problems.


that their mentally handicapped children

The objectives at the Haven are to provide

Wespoort Voeding assists approximately

would be able to live and work as normally as

a support structure with regards to sick

60 families in the community that are really

possible within the community. Ons Huis offer

children and provide them with a secure home

a permanent, full-time, protective home and

environment. They liaise with doctors, clinics

activity centre to mentally handicapped adults,

and specialists on the specific problems of

within a supportive environment where they

babies and toddlers. They also provide an

can enjoy adequate physical care and grow

overnight shelter facility for the SAP until these

spiritually and emotionally so that they are able

children can be placed with other Place of

to make a contribution - no matter how small -

Safety parents.

poor to help them deal with trauma and illnesses. There is also a food scheme, which helps to feed all of these families and they also provide guidance to deal with financial management, healthy living, spiritual guidance, as well as depression and stress.

40 W


This project was started from the faith and

to the community.

Tshwane Haven focuses on the needs of

Pink Drive

Carer and PinkDrive are the indispensable, tangible





Organisation (PBO) powering South Africa’s first mobile Mammography Unit and PinkDrive Educational Unit, through our country. PinkDrive currently runs two “Pink” mobile breast check units, as well as three educational cars. Both units travel to semi-urban and urban areas around South Africa with the aim of enabling various disadvantaged communities access to education about physical examinations and how to conduct breast self-examination. Solidarity Helping Hand School Case Project

This project is very special. It assists small children starting school next year who don’t have money, with all of the stationary that they need to take to school. They are provided with a school bag with all of the necessary items to give them a good start to their school career. Sunrise After School Centre

This after school centre provides a safe place for children to go to after school, where they are assisted with their homework and are fed, as their working parents are not in a position to assist their children. This centre was supported by us last year and we provided a play house for the little girls and a tree house for the boys. Save A Child Project


Caring Daisies

are a non-profit organisation that renders

neglected and traumatised children between

difference where formal charity organisations

the ages of 0 and 16. The house parents

are not able to reach. They embarked on

and their children form the framework around

several fundraising projects where they assisted

several welfare organisations and the Child

children, parents, families and animals. They

Protection Units of the SAPS may place

have to work hard to help these people in need

children for unspecified periods of time. They

and Woodhill will evaluate one or two of their

have homed about 245 children over the years.

cases and see how we can assist them.

This project protects vulnerable children. They social-work service to children, families and communities in need. They offer programmes to assist people in despair by offering Family Preservation Programmes, Child Protection, Poverty Alleviation and Community Development.

This charity offers a safe, loving shelter for

Their aim, as ordinary mothers, is to make a


41 W

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Contact: Trade enquiries welcome. Paul: +27 82 903 1333 girafacile@gmail.com www.facebook.com/girafacile

SPECIAL OFFER of R350 for Woodhill Residents only! Normally R399 delivered to your door. Innovative and easy to use, Girafacile’s beach umbrella has a 220cm canopy with reinforced spokes, a screw-in pole and UV protective covering.

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42 W

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During the last couple of years, one of the fastest growing sports in South Africa is ladies golf. With more ladies playing an important role in the business world today, you will find that they want to start playing and participating with the men on the golf course and I must say, the ladies are fierce competitors. Something I find very interesting is that many ladies are scared or intimidated to start playing the game. Starting from scratch is always difficult and having the confidence to approach a complete stranger to coach you is never easy. However, I am glad to share with you that we have broken the ice regarding this matter. At the end of October we started promoting a five-week beginner program called “Bunny Classes” for all the non-golfing ladies in the Estate. I am very glad to say that we have had a great response with 10 ladies committing to the program. The classes consist of a one-hour lesson per week over a five-week period at a cost of R600.00 per person. The idea was to create a very relaxed environment for our novice lady golfers and make sure that we have fun from the word go. The five-week course was divided into three driving range sessions and two short game sessions. After this I really think that the ladies would be able to make a much easier decision on whether they would like to continue playing this great game and who knows, even become members of the club. For all of you ladies who missed out on this opportunity, don’t worry as we will do this again in the near future. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you want to get started, I guarantee you will enjoy it. Your Teaching Pro Johan van Vuuren Class AAA PGA Professional 0837035799 johan@passionforgolf.co.za


43 W

128 COMPANY STREET SUNNYSIDE PRETORIA TEL: 012-344 1414 FAX: 012-3444 290 CELL: 082 4488 504 E-mail: cozylamp@mweb.co.za


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44 W


Barend Botha 079 498 4133 barend@eminentdesigns.co.za



8 5:10 PM


J unior C lub C hamps 2 0 1 3 A Division:

C Division:

Werner Deyzel

Van Staden Roos

Gross Runner Up:

Runner Up Points:

Stefan Wears-taylor

Hano Moolman

Best Nett:

JUNIOR Division:

Best Gross:

Martin Mare

Best Points:

Best Points:

Nett Runner Up:

Matthew Render

Catherine Lau

Runner Up Points: Phil Snyman

B Division: Best Nett:

Wehan Bakker Nett Runner Up: Erhard Bode


45 W











46 W


082 050 0817

info@saventagroup.co.za www.saventagroup.co.za

I R R I G AT I O N TIPS An irrigation system is the lifeblood of any exceptional garden, the jewel to your home. A


well designed and installed irrigation system is far more cost effective during the lifespan of your garden, in terms of your time, investment, water usage, the growth and survival of your plants. As the consumer, you place trust in the installers. Below are a few important facts that can empower you when installing your irrigation system. Irrigation systems should be designed based on the shape of your garden, types of plants you have, water flow and pressure in your area. The shape of your garden and type of plants determines the sprayers that are used. Water flow and pressure will influence the cost of your system in terms of the number of sprayers you can use on a watering station. An excellent irrigation system also needs to be able to adapt to seasonal changes, which can be achieved by automisation and the addition of rain sensors. Rain sensors will ensure that your system switches off on rainy days, thus reducing water costs and overwatering of plants. Irrigation systems can be either manual or

Summer on the Estate

automated. An automated system will save you time and money in the long run as it automatically

We are already having a hot summer and

these nutrient supplies are not replenished,

the holidays have nearly arrived, here’s to

the soil will be incapable of sustaining plant

the end of another beautiful year. Looking

life. Fertilisers are used to put these nutrients

back over the year we can see how the

back into the ground. There are two types of

gardens inside and around the Estate have

fertilisers; the first one is organic fertilisers,

developed and blossomed. They are much

like livestock manure, which improves soil

more colourful and this proves that a little bit

quality but releases nutrients slowly. The

of hard work, regular watering and fertilising

second is manufactured fertilisers that

will benefit any garden.

give soil the quick boost needed during the growing season. I would recommend

During this time of year, there could be

2:3:2(22) fertiliser for established plants and

unwanted insects and disease that may arise

superfosfate for new additions to the garden.

in the gardens. Plants should be inspected

The fertiliser must be strewn on dry plants

regularly for diseases and treated with the

but not near the stem, the plant then needs

correct spraying program. When using a

to be watered immediately.

demands of your garden, at set times. This spares the environment by only using the exact amount of water required, as encouraged by the Landscaping and Irrigation Association of SA (LIA. SA) Your garden can continue to be watered even when you are away, without having to give anyone access to your property. There are different irrigation products that can be used, but stick to the proven winners such as Rain bird and Hunter. Ask the installer to provide you with a landscaping and irrigation plan tailored to your garden. Most importantly, use a designer and installer that you trust and with whom you can have open communication

spraying program, remember not to water the infected plant for four hours after spraying.

switches the system on an off according to the

I hope that you enjoy this beautiful Estate during the festive season.

about the specific needs of your garden. Edited by the CEO of Saventa Group www.saventagroup.co.za

Fertilising is a very important part of having a successful garden. Plants need soil nutrients

Johan Prinsloo

for healthy growth and development, and if


47 W

Henry Martins

BONSAI TREES The elusive bonsai tree and its meticulous

National Arboretum in the United States, is a very

growing and pruning has become a popular

mature 388 years old. This exquisite bonsai tree

pastime with horticultural aficionados. While

amazingly survived the Hiroshima bombing in

bonsai trees are mostly associated with

World War II and was only a few kilometres from

Japanese culture, it was the Chinese that

its detonation. Donated to the Arboretum by the

originally created the idea of growing and

Yamaki family as part of Japan’s Bicentennial

pruning the tree. It evolved into an intricate art

gift, this bonsai is incredibly rare and is often

form by 700 AD, and by 1333 AD the practice

used in bonsai training.

1. Akao Herb and Rose garden

was introduced to Japan. The Japanese perfected these techniques and refined it into

The oldest being: Akao Herb and Rose garden.

an even more complex art. The tree and the pot

Located in Atami, Japan, the Akao Herb and

form a single harmonious component where

Rose garden is an astounding horticultural

the shape, texture and colour of one element

spot, which not only boasts one of the largest

compliment the other, and the timely regime

bonsais in the world but one of the oldest. The

of shaping the tree increases its allure. Bonsai

red pine bonsai located in the garden is over an

trees are also known for their lengthy lifespan

incredible 600 years old and is 16 feet tall and

and can live to hundreds of years old making

sprawls over 30 feet wide. The red pine bonsai

them even more intriguing. We look at the top

is located in the massive and immaculate Zen

two oldest bonsai trees in the world.

garden and comprises of five green plumes sprouting from the plant base instead of one

In 2nd place: The Yamaki Pine.

massive spray.

2. The Yamaki Pine

The Yamaki Pine, which is owned by the




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BIRD SIGHTINGS Ek het ‘n mooi storie.
Ons het verlede jaar ‘n garingboomstomp in ons tuin opgesit om Rooikop Houtkappers te lok.
Hulle het daar ingetrek en lank daarin gewoon toe ek so 2 maande gelede opmerk dat ‘n swerm bye daar ingetrek het. Ek het geglo die bye sou weggaan maar hulle het nie.
Omdat ons kleinkinders het wat in die tuin rondspeel het ek die bye toe een aand uitgerook, die volgende dag was hulle weg.
Die Saterdag daarna haal ek die stomp toe af en grawe ek die heuningkoek uit wat al mooi in die nes gegroei het.
Ons het so muurtjie by die swembad waarop ons vrugte en kossies vir voels uitsit, en ek besluit om die stukkende heuningkoeke daar te gaan neersit.
Dit was nie ‘n uur nie of ‘n Groot Heuningwyser het daar kom sit en vreet en vreet en vreet aan die larwes en heuningkoekwas.
Dit was so mooi
Aangeheg ‘n foto of so wat ek kon neem. Deesdae hoor ek hulle roep ( Victor Victor Victor), maar nog nie weer gesien nie. Sal weer vir heuningkoeke wil gaan soekom hulle weer te lok. Hulle moet baie goed kan ruik en sien.

Cape Robins return Photograph by Harold Jooste

Vriendelike groete

Here on our Woodhill Golf and Country Estate, many of our residents have a passion for birding. Our lovely Estate is a hub of birding activity and we always have our binoculars close by, in the hopes to catch the next sighting. We have seen many interesting birds come and go but in this birding feature, we are going to look at three of the rarest birds from across the world.

Forest Owlet

Asian Crested Ibis

Forest Owlet

The rare and visually astounding Asian Crested

The Forest Owlet is a species of owls that was

Ibis was originally found in Eastern Russia, Japan

thought to be extinct until it was rediscovered in

and China. As one of the rarest birds, the only

2007. This rare bird is endemic to India and the

known remaining population of the species

last recorded number of Forest Owlets was 250.

can be found in mainland China’s Shaanxi

They remain on the Critically Endangered list

Province. The number of Asian Crested Ibis’s has

and can be found in various forests across India.

dramatically reduced over the years and in 2006,

The Forest Owlet is a small bird of around 23cm

there were only 500 of the birds recorded to be

which has a stocky body. It is a typical owlet with

left. The Asian Crested Ibis has an elongated bill,

a rather unspotted crown and heavily banded

a dense crest of white plumes on its nape and an

wings and tail.

orange colouring on the underside of its wings.


49 W

do a little something

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From Christmas trees to Christmas lights, decorations, themed gift wrapping paper, bags, bows and all things nice. While stocks last. BUILDERS WAREHOUSE Woodlands: Cnr Garsfontein Rd, De Villebois, Woodlands, Pretoria Tel: 086 000 8915

MONDAY TO FRIDAY: 7AM – 6PM, SATURDAY: 7AM – 5PM, SUNDAY & PUBLIC HOLIDAYS: 8AM – 4PM Contact our CUSTOMER CARE LINE on 0860 284 533 50 or visit us at www.builders.co.za




C A L E N D A R • Irene Christmas Market

you and your partner can create something delicious

The Irene Market in the beautiful grounds of the historic


Smuts House Museum is the perfect Christmas market

Tel: 012 991 3483

to attend during this festive season. Enjoy freshly baked

Cell: 083 306 9352

goods and an array of food, and the arts and crafts stalls,

Email: info@kelkiewyn.co.za

as well as the antiques and collectables section. They are


open on Saturdays from 09h00 till 14h00. Tel: 012-667-1659

• Moonlight Horse Riding

Email: irenemkt@mweb.co.za

For the more outdoor enthusiasts, what could be more


romantic than horse riding in one of the most spectacular settings, watching the sunset, and riding in the moonlight?

• Carols by Candlelight - Saturday, 8 December

Cape Riding has incorporated a special moonlight picnic option, so if you enjoy the fresh air of the outdoors, but

Old Mutual Music in the Gardens is hosting its magical

don’t want to travel too far, this is perfect for you.

Carols by Candlelight in the scenic Pretoria Botanical

Cell: 082 828 6323

Gardens. Take a picnic along and enjoy a festive evening

Email: caperiding@polka.co.za

out with your family singing your favourite carols.


Tel: 012 843 5172/3/4 Email: pretoriagarden@sanbi.org.za

• GO KARTING at Menlyn Park Go-Karts @ Menlyn Park will offer endless hours of fun for

• The Beach at Menlyn Park

the entire family who is over 1.45m tall.Prices start from

The annual Beach Christmas extravaganza is sure to

R40 for five laps, to R90 for 20 laps. They are open from

entertain your children while you shop to your heart’s

Monday to Thursday from 12h00 till 21h00, Fridays till

delight. Boasting a play area and chance to meet Father

22h00, Saturdays from 10h00 and Sundays from 11h00.

Christmas, it’s always a great day out for the children. Schedule still to be determined. For the Lovers; Romantic Valentine’s Day Ideas • Customised Picnics A picnic enjoyed out in nature is always a magical



experience. Why not do something different this


Valentine’s Day and relish in a bespoke picnic for you

• Domestic and office cleaning of synthetics, woolen Kelims,

and your partner, along with all of the essentials to make

Flokaties, Karakuls, Persians, Nouwens & Chinese carpets,

it as romantic and memorable as possible. Contact: Shannon Middlemiss at Dial a Picnic Tel: 083 579 3689 Email: pretoria@dialapicnic.co.za http://www.dialapicnic.co.za

Interiors of cars and caravans • Master Guard • Moth-proofing • Flood damage extraction

Phone: Mike Roupell Tel: 012 993 2854 / 083 442 5818 Owner supervised • 25 years Experience • same personnel

• Cooking Classes Many couples share the love of food and instead of spending an enormous amount of money on a meal in a crowded restaurant or cooking; why not enjoy the unique experience of a cooking class. Kelkiewyn Food & Wine will offer the perfect venue for a romantic date where

The Persian


Cleaning done by hand We collect and deliver Quotes & Bookings BIRDING

51 W

Tel: 012 993 2854 • Fax: 012 993 1839 • Cell: 083 442 5818 We also specialise in the cleaning of fitted carpets and upholstery



A SLICE ABOVE THE REST. Come dine at Col’Cacchio pizzeria Parkview and experience Italian-inspired food at its best. We offer an impressive variety of thin-based gourmet pizzas, crisp salads and freshly prepared pastas teamed with great service. COL’CACCHIO PIZZERIA PARKVIEW 012 992 6050 SHOP G55 PARKVIEW SHOPPING CENTRE, GARSFONTEIN RD.

52 W

BIRDING www.facebook.com/colcacchio



LOCAL COMMUNITY EVENTS H eat G R I L L RO O M Open Kitchen restaurant review, we visited Heat Grill Room located in Woodlands Boulevard in Woodhill. I had the pleasure of sampling this well-known establishment and was very impressed from the moment I walked through the doors. I was welcomed by a professional hostess who immediately accompanied me to my table, which was located in the al fresco dining area on Heat’s balcony. The atmosphere of Heat is contemporary, stylish and elegant. Beautifully decorated with hanging, circular ceramic chandeliers that provide the perfect amount of atmospheric lighting. The upstairs

was torn between the duck legs confit served

My experience at Heat Grill Room had all of

with a mandarin, Cointreau, orange and honey

the right ingredients for a gratifying night out:

sauce and the classic and always delicious fillet.

sophisticated décor, faultless service and fine

Heat Grill Room, with an emphasis on the word

dining cuisine.

‘Grill’ in their name, are known for their steaks so I opted for one of the most tender and perfectly


sophisticated scene.

grilled fillets I have ever tasted, with a side of

Shop 31, Woodlands Boulevard, Cnr Garsfontein

velvety mash and creamy, pepper sauce. Not

& De Villa Bois Street, Woodlands,

I started my adventure of taste with a fine bottle

thinking I could possibly eat anymore, I had a

Pretoria, South Africa.

glimpse at Heat’s dessert menu and I knew I

Telephone: +27 12 997 3959

needed to try their vanilla ice-cream creation,

Fax: +27 12 997 4180

with sweet, chewy pieces of Turkish delight

E-mail: info@heatgrillroom.co.za

hidden in the creamy temptation, with chocolate


wine cellar is distinctive, set in glass, and sets a

of Diemersfontein Pinotage. Heat Grill Room has won numerous awards for their extensive wine list, including the John Platter rating for South Africa wines each year from 2007 to 2012. For starters, I indulged in the garlic snails, which were cooked perfectly in a rich creamy, garlicbutter sauce, served with fresh, brown bread. I


sauce drizzled all over it. It was a marvellous, different dessert that is sure not to feature on many other menus across the world.

National Zoological Gardens of South Africa South Africa is incredibly rich in wildlife but

educational courses for children during

one has to sometimes travel far to enjoy it.

the holidays and now one can even camp

Just around the corner from the Woodhill

overnight at the National Zoological Gardens


with the sound of the lion’s roaring close





Zoological Gardens of South Africa.

by. Both interesting and educational, the National Zoological Gardens is one of those

This place really is a child’s dream and offers

places one has to visit with their family. The

a world of interesting education, activities

Zoo is open seven days a week, 365 days a

and even courses.

year. Tickets are sold from 08h30 to 16h30 daily at R66 for adults and R44 for children

The National Zoological Gardens, the largest

aged between 2-15 years old.

zoo in South Africa, boasts an incredible variety of wildlife, which includes an aquarium

Tel: +27 12 339 2700

and reptile park, and over 3117 specimens

Fax: +27 12 323 4540

of 209 mammal species. The ZooClub is

Email: info@nzg.ac.za

the perfect holiday programme offering

Website: http://www.nzg.ac.za/


53 W


B ill H arrop ’ s Original Balloon Safaris For the adventurous Woodhill Families, meet Bill.

What could be more exhilarating then

of the panorama. Start your thrilling morning

boarding a magical hot air balloon, just

off with a cup of coffee while the professional

as the sun starts to rise over the majestic

team sets up the hot air balloon and finish it



off with a delectable champagne breakfast

Original Balloon Safaris, one of the most

in their lovely pavilion. This is one completely

renowned providers, offers this once in a

unique experience that is sure to be the

lifetime experience just 45kms outside of

highlight of your holidays.



Johannesburg. With a focus on safety, one is able to enjoy this amazing experience

Tel: + 27 11 705 3201

with complete peace of mind. Bill Harrop’s

Fax: +27 11 705 3203

Original Balloon Safaris’ location enjoys

Email: wooodhill@balloon.co.za

some of the best ballooning weather in the

Website: www.balloon.co.za

world; all one needs to do is sip on a glass of champagne and take in the exquisiteness

54 W



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55 W


The Place where Romance was Born and Blossomed

In homage to the day of love in February, we

The atmosphere is set with wooden floors,

different corners of the world, 17th century

decided to review the timelessly romantic and

high ceilings with intricate design and a

tapestries and classical music softly playing

intimate Illyria House and Spa. With a focus

bunch of aromatic flowers at the entrance.

in the background. The main space opens

on their spa, I arrived at an establishment that



up to an alfresco dining area and the huge,

is literally fit for royalty; Mandela and Graça

complete with white gloves and suite, tended

manicured garden. The outside dining area

Machel are just a few of the prominent clientele

to me perfectly for the duration of my stay. It is

and garden are perfect for an intimate wedding

that have relished this hidden gem. Illyria is truly

obvious that the staff share the same passion

or kitchen tea, and while I was there, a hoard

exceptional. It was the first five star boutique

as the owner; Marietjie van der Walt. When I am

of ladies celebrated their special day with a

hotel of its kind and has a history since 1940.

led up to my room; the Catharina Suite, which

scrumptious High Tea and an array cakes.

The private house, which exudes classic

was also selected by the South African National

The garden, where fairies are sure to hide,

architecture that is elegant with clean lines and

Broadcasting Corporation as the Number 1

boasts two Roman style baths where one can

is impactful in its simplicity, was bought by the

Honeymoon Suite in South Africa, I am totally

soak up the bubbles both in the water and in

van der Walt family 23 years ago and has since

in awe. The bedroom is absolutely exquisite;

the champagne. The stairs lead to the pool

been evolved to offer one of the most charming

it is decorated in classic, vintage décor and

area, an opulent, classical design with a large

escapes in the country and even the world.

French antique furniture. The idealistic suite

sparkling pool surrounded by flowers and

is comprised of a separate dressing room,

sculptures. Classical music fills the area as the

Located in the affluent area of Muckleneuk

a private office and a balcony complete with

resident white ducks keep you company.

Hill in Pretoria, Illyria House and Spa offers

furniture overlooking the tranquil garden. The

a solace that transports you to a romantic

lovely en-suite bathroom boasts a vintage

Their spa is completely separate from the hotel

setting, which is laden in old world charm.

bath tub on lion paw feet and is stocked with

and can be described as a garden, wellness

The massive property is inundated with green

candles, incense and roses.

spa retreat. The therapy room is decorated in



vegetation, making it feel like a hidden, magic

an oriental theme with rich colours and wood

garden. I am graciously welcomed and as

Very content in my room, I knew I needed to

being the main element. The aroma of incense

walking through wrought iron gates, I get a

explore the grounds as there were even more

relaxes you even more and it’s evident that

true feel for the opulence that Illyria House and

surprises awaiting me. The house is divinely

the friendly Thai therapists are knowledgeable

Spa emits.

decorated with luxurious, vintage furniture from

about the art of relaxation and massage. I had

56 W


a full body Thai massage and having been to

softly lit candles makes for the perfect setting


Thailand and sampled this massage, I know

for a delectable meal of fresh sole and a glass

Tel: 012 344 6035

how it should feel and at Illyria it was perfect. I

of chilled Sauvignon Blanc, served by the most

Cell: 083 263 8815

left the spa feeling completely renewed and a

professional of butlers with immense attention

Email: reservations@illyria.co.za

little sore, as it should be. The spa is located in

to detail. Illyria House and Spa has won many


the other part of the hotel, the Hideaway. This

distinguished accolades with many focusing

also has an oriental theme with bamboo, wood

on their immensely romantic offering. Just a


and futons, and sports six rooms decorated in

few of these awards include: Most Romantic

327 Bourke Street

the same oriental sentiments but with a twist

Spot in South Africa - Getaway, Most Exclusive

Muckleneuk Hill

of Victorian furniture. There is also an events

Hotels in South Africa - Marie Claire and it was


and conference area with a Turkish theme.

also included in the Best Hotels of the World

The juxtaposition of the classical, romantic

by Sven Fritsche. Marietjie van der Walt is just

house and the authentically Oriental Hideaway

as charming as this luxurious, boutique hotel

makes for an intriguing combination.

and she entertained me with her interesting stories about the amazing people she had met

After taking a long relaxing bath, I am

whilst running the hotel. Illyria House and Spa

expected for dinner in the fine dining, boutique

is one of those places where you lose yourself.

restaurant, which is now open to the public. I

With a note included in the turndown service

placed my order upon arriving at Illyria House

stating, ‘May a thousand kisses rain upon you

and Spa as absolutely every dish is made

tonight. With love from our garden,” one can

fresh before serving. The atmosphere in the al

get a small glimpse into this out of this world

fresco dining area is delightful. The tables are

experience. Take your significant other there

beautifully laid using only silver cutlery, linen

for a weekend to remember for the rest of your

and lace. The garden, which is decorated with

lives. Why not start with Valentine’s Day?


57 W

58 W



10 Ways to Feel at Home in your New Neighbourhood When you buy a new home, you’re also

to take note of your new branch code for

taking ownership of a place on your street

future electronic transfers. Register your

• Contact your insurance company to

and in a community. Kevin Mountjoy,

new address with anyone who sends

make sure that your policy is aligned

national sales manager at Ooba, South

you bills, so that you don’t lose out on

with the type of security in your new

Africa’s biggest bond originator, says that

vital information that should be coming

home, and with the new area you are

there are lots of practical and social things

your way.

living in. Ensure that you are covered

that you can do to help your move into a new neighbourhood:

for your move and during any planned • Look at the website for the Rotary Club,


The Lions Club or the Round Table • Get to know your neighbours. Introduce

Club for branches located near to your

• Do some research into any courses or

yourself to the people in the houses or

area. By getting involved in charities

classes offered in your area. Yoga or

apartments on either side of you, as well

like these, you can actively participate

pottery for example are great ways to

as opposite you. Let them know when

in improving the lives of people living in

make new friends for yourself and your

you’ll be moving in, and give them your

your community.


contact details and take theirs; if they are happy to provide it.

“Moving into a new home is so much • Sign up with an armed response

simpler and less stressful if you have a

company that has a high presence in

sense of belonging there,” says Mountjoy.

• Introduce yourself to the local residents’

your neighbourhood. Usually, the more

“By doing some of the new things we

association or body corporate, and sign

people that go with a particular provider,

suggested here - especially if you do them

up for any newsletters or email groups.

the more cars they will have allocated to

before you move in - you will find that there

that area and the quicker their response

is less admin and more joy in settling into

• Get your utilities sorted out. Sign up

will be. Assess the security levels of


with the relevant providers to have

other houses on your street and attempt



to match them. Find out from your local

and internet put into your name. For

police station if there are any particular

- Rosa Willers

municipal bills, you will need to go to

types of criminal activity you should be

Chairperson of Woodhill Approved Agents

your nearest customer service centre

vigilant of.




with a valid ID, details of next of kin, your baking details, payment for the

• Find out about the local healthcare

required deposit, your offer to purchase

providers like doctors, dentists and vets,

or deeds document, your meter number

as well as the nearest emergency room.

and its latest readings, your contact details and the completed application

• Work out the quickest routes to work and

for the supply of water and electricity

to your children’s schools but remember

form. Also find out whether your area

to test these in rush hour traffic so

has a recycling pic-up or identify the


nearest dump that you can take your

congestion. Also, find out about the

recyclable waste to.

public transport offered in your area





- there is a growing, quality public • Go into your bank and switch branches

transport infrastructure in South Africa

so that any deliveries come to the most

and you may find that you are pleasantly

convenient location for you. Remember

surprised by the convenience offered.


59 W

Atlantic Seaboard 021 439 7415 seapoint@pamgolding.co.za

Woodhill Golf Estate OFFICE 012 365 9000 FAX 012 365 2887 EMAIL pretoriaeast@pamgolding.co.za


R6.2 million


R6.2 million


R6.2 million

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Peace and Privacy Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 4 Garages: 3 Web Access SW1042205

Peace and Privacy Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 4 Garages: 3 Web Access SW1042205

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ON SHOW Sunday 2-5pm.

ON SHOW Sunday 2-5pm.

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R6.2 million

R6.2 million

4 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Study, Pool, Staff Accommodation, 2 Garages ON SHOW Sunday 2-5pm.

Barbara Rogers 082 658 1116, Barbara Rogers 082 658 1116, Barbara Rogers 082 658 1116

Web Access PT547184 R6.95 Million This home is situated on the fairways, beautiful finishes. 5 Bedrooms, 4 Bathrooms, Study, Staff Accommodation, 3 Garages Peace and Privacy Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 4 Garages: 3 Web Access SW1042205


Peace and Privacy Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the Peace and Privacy Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the R6.5 Million R4.85 Million Web Access PT1145550 printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been has been privacy on the Golf Course. Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 4 Garages: Ultimate 3 Web Access SW1042205 Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 4 Garages: 3 Web Access SW1042205

4 Bedroom, Bathrooms, Study, Staff Accommodation,ON 3 Garages ON SHOW Sunday42-5pm. SHOW Sunday 2-5pm. Barbara Rogers 082 658 1116, Barbara Rogers 082 658 1116, Barbara Rogers 082 658 1116

R6.2 million


Barbara Rogers 082 658 1116, Barbara Rogers 082 658 1116, Barbara Rogers 082 658 1116

R5.95 Million Web Access PT1152885 This immaculate home is perfect for entertaining. 4 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Study, Staff Accommodation, 3 Garages R6.2 million


R6.2 million

Our accredited agents Peace and Privacy Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 4 Garages: 3 Web Access SW1042205

Peace and Privacy Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 4 Garages: 3 Web Access SW1042205

Barbara Rogers 082 658 1116

Barbara Rogers 082 658 1116

Prescilla Rootman 083 282 ON 5386 IdaONMeintjes 082 563 4489 SHOW Sunday 2-5pm. SHOW Sunday 2-5pm. precilla.rootman@pamgolding.co.za ida.meintjes@pamgolding.co.za Barbara Rogers 082 658 1116, Barbara Rogers 082 658 1116, Barbara Rogers 082 658 1116, Barbara Rogers 082 658 1116, Barbara Rogers 082 658 1116, Barbara Rogers 082 658 1116, ON SHOW Sunday 2-5pm.

Barbara Rogers 082 658 1116

60 W


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Harold Jooste (Estate Manager) Ext. 216 Ext. 232

Fax 012 998 0012 www.woodhillestate.co.za.

Mark Bruyns (Club Manager) Ext. 217 Sarita Stonehouse (Brand Marketing Manager) Ext. 226 | FAX: 086 567 9544 Monita Pieterse (Financial Manager) Ext. 215 | FAX: 086 293 4235 Debbie Koekemoer (Membership Sec./Fin. Ass.) Ext. 223 Justin Black (Maintenance Manager) Ext. 233 Olivia Moholola (WCC Reception) Ext. 201

Werner Pretoruis (Operations Manager) Ext. 219 Anel Maree (Communications) Ext. 236 Onica Ramasodi (HOA Reception) Ext. 200 Gerald de Bruin (HOA Administrative Officer) Ext. 227 | 086 568 3145 SECURITY

24 Hours Emergency & Security Shift Manager 073 791 1775 Andre Langerveld (FSS Contract Manager) Ext. 203 | 071 851 1221


Alyssa Matthysen FSS Secretary Ext. 202 Security Gate (Garsfontein Rd)

Lizette van der Merwe (Professional Conference Organiser) Ext. 235

012 998 6020 Security Gate (ST Bernard Rd) 012 998 4793 Control Room Security


Ext. 229 | 012 993 1236

Tel 012 998 0021 Paul Marks (Golf Director) Ext. 228 GREENSKEEPER Tel 012 998 4675

Tel 012 998 0011

Ely Wouther (Financial Officer)

Tel 012 998 0011



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Telephone: (012) 362 0472 Fax: (012) 362 0472 Cellphone: 084 7066 067




ROCKY: 071 609 4245 GERALD: 082 823 7317


Hanili Stopforth 083 268 9498 hanili@ambassadorletting.co.za

Joos van Zyl 083 648 6394 joos.vanzyl@absamail.co.za

Lizette Leas 082 929 3225 both_lizette@yahoo.com

Pedrie Oosthuizen 082 454 0045 kok.pedrie@gmail.com

RM REALTORS Vito Barbonese 072 472 1894 vito@rmrealtors.co.za

Anthony Boshoff 082 445 1178 anthony@propertyshop.co.za

Michelle Yssel 076 900 0573 michelle.yssel@propertycoza.co.za

Charlene Beyers 083 604 8554

Karin Consul

Edda Davidson 082 956 1944 edda.davidson@engelvoelkers.com

Marieth Kloppers 082 820 5549 marieth@remaxinfo.co.za

Narina Fischer 082 456 6051 narina@allestates.co.za


Leandi NaudĂŠ 082 561 4381 leandinaude@gmail.com

Roma NaudĂŠ 082 600 8440 romanaude@telkomsa.net

Ronelle Pienaar 082 772 5158 ronelle@rootx.co.za

62 W

012 807 4248 083 577 6344 agent3.faerieglen@justpropertygroup.co.za

Tersia Taljaard 079 693 8390 tersia@remaxinfo.co.za

Vino Baum 082 372 6030 vino@biancaproperties.co.za

Reinette Ballot 083 898 3356 reinetteb@remax.net

Rosa Willers 082 962 7228 rosa@seeff.com

Rehan Muller 082 372 0278 rehan@reality1moreleta.co.za

Lorrae van der Bergh 072 103 2813 PA1@realty1moreleta.co.za

Izelle Matthee 083 278 1911 izelle@realty1moreleta.co.za

Kim Read 082 446 6365 kim@propertyshop.co.za

Jan Badenhorst 083 264 2452 janrib@telkomsa.net

Bully Smit 082 891 7126 bullysmit@mweb.co.za

Koks Oosthuizen 082 899 5915 kok.pedrie@gmail.com

Inge Nowitz 083 380 6414 inge.now@hotmail.com

Ana Scott 083 501 4440 homes@sirpretoria.co.za

Kevin Nel 079 262 2316 kevin@remaxinfo.com

Ida Meintjes 082 563 4489 ida.meintjes@pamgolding.co.za

Prescilla Rootman 083 282 5386 prescilla.rootman@pamgolding.co.za

Ansie Jacobs 012 348 0123 082 494 6677 ansie@appleproperty.co.za

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