Grapevine - Cornerstone Issue 2

Page 1

Issue 2. 2013


ConTenTs PaGe 06 Wine & Dine 17

Safety & Security


20 Events & Media 26

Sports and Leisure


Stable Talk


36 Social & Community p10 FRONT COVER: Val de Vie Vineyards

PUBLISHER: Phoenix Creative Communication for the Val de Vie HOA EDITOR: Jaime-Lee van Sittert ADVERTISING SALES: Jaime-Lee van Sittert (021) 422 4445 / 0721711979 Nokuthula Ngwane ACCOUNTS MANAGER: Louise Martin DESIGN & LAYOUT: Louise Martin Kurt Levendal HOA EDITOR: CarlĂŠ Geldenhuys PHOTOGRAPHY: Mark Atkinston The Grapevine magazine focuses on the Val De Vie Estate. It is mailed on behalf of the homeowners association to residents and landowners. It is published in collaboration with several freelance companies and does not necessarily portray the opinions of these companies. Please send inquiries to


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2ZQHU *HUKDUG YDQ 'HYHQWHU VD\V ´,W¡V LPPHQVHO\ VDWLVI\LQJ WR WUDQVIRUP VRPHRQH¡V OLYLQJ VSDFH into a home where they feel connected and at peace with themselves. For this reason we are not content with only providing furniture. We want to assist clients in formulating a vision for their dream home and then help them to turn that vision into reality. We’ve already completed a variety of ORYHO\ SURMHFWV RYHU WKH SDVW WZR \HDUV DQG LQ WKH SURFHVV ZH¡YH DFTXLUHG WKH QHFHVVDU\ FDSDELOLWLHV DQG VHUYLFHV WKDW PDNH WKLV XQLTXH RQH VWRS H[SHULHQFH SRVVLEOH Âľ

Interior Design . Building R


The new services that we offer are:

Kitchens, Built-In Cupboards & Carpentry

Space, Concept & Interior Design



We boast a dedicated team of three highly skilled professionals in this department – Karel de Weerdt (Design Engineer) along with Valerea Horn and Helene de Waal (Interior Designers). They will produce a 3-D representation of the spaces in your home and advise you on maximising your dÊcor theme within these spaces. Should you be considering any structural changes like NQRFNLQJ RXW ZDOOV RU EXLOGLQJ D ÀUHSODFH WKHVH ZLOO EH incorporated in harmony with your decorating theme.

Interior Decorating

2QFH VHWWOHG RQ \RXU WKHPH \RX FDQ DOVR WDS LQWR Valerea and Helene’s considerable interior decorating skills. They will pay you a visit to discuss and create the SHUIHFW ORRN IRU \RXU KRPH )RU IXUWKHU SHDFH RI PLQG these ideas will be sketched up and presented to you along with mood boards and material samples.

Blinds, Curtains, Wallpaper & Painting

We act as agents for all the major blind manufacturers in the Western Cape and have long-standing relationships with a curtaining manufacturer as well as an artisan wallpaper installer. We also have our own team of painters.

Building Renovations & Alterations Although we are currently not geared to undertake ELJ EXLOGLQJ SURMHFWV ZH KDYH DVVHPEOHG D VSHFLDOLVW renovation and alteration team as the need arose over the past few years. This makes Incanda the only company in the Cape Town region that can provide the IXUQLWXUH GHVLJQ DQG GHFRUDWLRQ ZKLOH DOVR H[HFXWLQJ the building renovations and alterations.

Project Management And here’s the clincher – as long as mainly Incanda’s SURGXFWV DQG ODERXU DUH XVHG ZH¡OO PDQDJH WKH ZKROH project for you at no extra cost. A management fee will only be charged should a large portion of the work be outsourced. This fee is normally 10% of the value of the outsourced work. So why not give us a call on 021 863 1965 or simply drop by our showroom at 39 Main Road in Paarl. It will be the Ă€UVW VWHS WR WKH KRPH \RX¡YH DOZD\V GUHDPHG RI

Renovations & Alterations tel: +27 (0) 21 863 1965 | web:

Grapevine Communication

CHairman’s desk From the

Dear Homeowner, Thank you for making time in your

story and we have recently received very

further equips you with the information

busy schedule to read this edition. The

good brand exposure with main features

you need to be a Val de Vie ambassador.

Grapevine started four years ago as a three

in Sarie Magazine, Die Burger, SA Deluxe,

Our website is also a good source of

page stapled black and white newsletter,

Sporting Horse, Grazia Magazine and

information. It is updated on a weekly basis

but has now evolved into one of our main

Elle Magazine. We were also featured on

and features press articles and videos.

communication tools. We purposefully give

Goodhope FM, Radio Tygerberg, Heart FM

increased attention to the content as we

and the DSTV Bravo Show. Our website

I appreciate the complements we receive

prefer to communicate in a more concise

manages to attract over 5 000 unique

from many of you on a regular basis. We are

and well presented fashion. Please enjoy

visitors per month and our magazine, with

however, ever conscious of the fact that the

the whole edition.

a distribution of 15 000 copies, fly off the

success of this estate is dependent on the

shelves in the airport business lounges.

enthusiasm and harmonious cooperation of

I hope you also experience a sense

all the home owners and other stakeholders

of stability and normality, albeit not in



and that the trustees and management

the financial markets, but rather in the

including the Mayco of the Drakenstein

team are privileged to serve such a noble

general administration of the estate and

municipality, on a regular basis and can

cause and wonderful people. Together we

the steady frequency with which projects

confirm that the Executive Major, Gesie van

continue to position Val de Vie globally as a

are completed and services are delivered.

Deventer, has made significant progress

destination of unsurpassed natural beauty,

Like a marathon runner, we are settling

over the past two years in improving

where families can live securely with a sense

into our comfortable race pace, ready to

service delivery in general. Her willingness

of belonging.

break out with speed. Sound management

to consider and incorporate the interests

of the estate is an important underlining

of us and our neighbouring estates in their


factor to liquidity in our property market

long term planning is encouraging and

Morne Bosch

and building activity, so we tirelessly strive

boosts business confidence in the Valley.




to improve and eventually to be hailed as the benchmark and best practise

After a good harvest both in quantity and

incubator of estate management. We

quality we can expect to open wonderful

have reached 210 completed homes with

2013 Val de Vie wines in 2015. Please read

a total of 919 inhabitants. Another 67

our wine maker Harold’s report on page

homes are currently being constructed.

10. Thank you for supporting our wines

The media are picking up on our success

and the restaurant. We hope this edition


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Grapevine Wine and Dine

W ine hits the Right Notes

As a person who loves music, it is very easy to compare wine to music. There are many similarities, like the artistic expression, volume, bass “round mouth-feel”, treble “acidity”, balance and uniqueness that each wine or song can carry over. So if I had to compare my cultivars to music, this is how I would make the connection. Shiraz = Metallica: Such great diversity that you can find the

his music. When he picks up that Fender

dark side of the Moon album. Pink Floyd

differences between albums very significant.

Strat and starts making harmonious love to

was around for a very long time, but saved

From the racy Master of Puppets, to St. Anger

your eardrums, you realise that there is so

their masterpiece for their 8th album. It

where it sounds like Lars Ulrich is beating an

much sustenance in the beat, the vocals

was a pivotal moment in music history,

empty paint can, to the soft and rhythmic

and rhythm. The intricacy, complexity and

just establishing how truly magnificent the

melodies of S&M, where the symphony

structured layers make for fine listening. The

band had become. Staying in the charts for

adds a classical element, almost directly the

same with Grenache.You would think that this

the better part of 740 weeks, it was, and

opposite of what you would expect from the

fruit-driven nose will deliver a pansy wine, but

still is, iconic. The same goes for Cinsaut.

hard-core rockers. Shiraz is exactly the same.

alas, once the big notes and grippy palette

Even though it has been appreciated in

When you compare our different components

starts caressing your mouth, you know this is

the past, we are finding Cinsaut to be at

from the various regions, you would find the

not the Boy George you perceived it to be. I

its most celebrated and methodically well-

variation very intriguing.

love Dire Straits!

crafted state in its illustrious history. This

From the very racy and precise Botrivier, to

too has the potential to become iconic.

the palette-pounding Paarl, to the elegant and

Carignan = U2:

structured Swartland, there is something to

You sometimes forget how good U2 is.

Petit Sirah = Chris Chameleon:

find for every taste.

You would write them off and say that

For those of you who know Chris

this will definitely be their last album,

Chameleon, you know that he can take

Mourvèdre = Santana:

but then you get a taste of a new one,

on any role, has a vocal range broader

If you look at Santana’s music, he is able to

and you think “damn it they have done it

than Beyonce’s hips and presence bigger

add so much to any artist that he collaborates

again”. And then you have a playlist, and

than Alex Fergusson’s ego. As Petit

with. He adds class and finesse, and he also

somehow you miss them on there. The

would suggest, it is a small grape, but as

spices things up!

same applies to Carignan. You forget how

Chris Chameleon would suggest, even

The same with Mourvédre, you can blend it

important it is to complete a blend. And

though it is small it packs a big punch,

with almost any wine and it will enhance the

every year you can count on Carignan

with a great variety of characteristics and

profile immensely. And don’t forget the spice

consistently performing in the cellar.

the ability to perform almost every task

that it adds.

you need it for.

Cinsaut = Pink Floyd:

Grenache = Dire Straits:

Cinsaut has reached an impasse and is

As for the white wines, The Travelling

While Mark Knopfler can be misinterpreted as

making a storming comeback in the world

Wilbury’s is the best way to describe

a love-sick puppy, there is so much more to

of wine. More specifically, Cinsaut is the

each cultivar:


Grapevine Wine and Dine

Grenache Blanc = George Harrison:

Rousanne = Jeff Lynne:

Even though it is one of the lesser known

The most unknown of the Wilbury’s,

cultivars, it is the basis that forms our

but one of the most important. Being a

blend. Without it, it would never be as

producer and multi-instrumentalist, his

great as it is. Just as George Harrison

role has gone somewhat unnoticed. In

Sauvignon Blanc = Led Zeppelin BBC Sessions Acoustic live set.

is the founding father and the core of

the same way, the role of Rousanne is

Crisp, clean and a popular choice.

the Wilbury’s, in exactly the same way

underestimated and seldom given the

A Classic!

Grenache Blanc holds the blend together

credit it deserves. It is a fantastic cultivar

with its big heart and artistic integrity.

to work with as it produces, even though

Cab Franc = Tchaikovsky

the attention it receives is not at all to the


Viognier = Bob Dylan:

magnitude of the rest. The working class

ecstatic. Taking the mickey with Merlot

The element that adds the most character

hero if you will.

(as Tchaikovsky did with Le Marseillaise.)

in alcohol, as a blood sample would

Ugni Blanc = Roy Orbison:

Chenin Blanc = The National Anthem.

prove, both Viognier and Bob Dylan are

The one that the band has to live

There is something that everybody likes

the elements that add fun, spice and

without. Unfortunately Roy Orbison died

about it!

eccentricity to the final product.

a premature death, very similar to that

Some more wine comparisons:





to our blend. Quite often very high

of Ugni Blanc. Ugni Blanc, or otherwise

Pinotage = Afrikaans Rock.

Clairette Blanche = Tom Petty:

known as Trebbiano, is very often used in

It used to be bad, but innovation has helped

Both lighter in volume and colour, Tom

what is commonly referred to as Beaujolais

it gain quality and popularity.

Petty is the element that brings the crispy

Nouveau-style wines. Made to have a

treble to the blend. He tones down the

very low alcohol in a very fresh style, this

seriousness and lightens the mood. Even

wine is not made to mature, something

Low Alcohol Rose = the Bulls singing “Stand by me.”

though he will be thought of as the “little

that I strive for at Val de Vie. Its inability

Not to be taken seriously.

brother” he certainly won’t back down, as

to age thus made me use the metaphor

he has mentioned in the past. The same

for premature death. Sometime in the near

applies to the Clairette Blanche. It freshens

future I hope to make a wine in this style,

up the blend, with crisp acidity and low

just to show people in SA that there can

alcohol. Without Tom Petty, the Wilbury’s will

be good wine made in this style.

definitely not be the same.

- Harold Versfeld Val de Vie Winemaker 7






Grapevine Wine and Dine


When did you start at Val de Vie and what

been hand-crafted and barrel selected for

and Spirits Awards (IWSC) which is one of the

about the job appealed to you?

only the finest enjoyment. We use selected

most prestigious and revered competitions


arold ersfeld barrels from France and Hungary that would

in the world. All of our wines scored a silver

I started work in the autumn of 2010, after I

accentuate the fruit, and add structure and

or better, with the Shiraz claiming the best in

just returned from Australia. When I first tasted

complexity that we have become very well-

class, and the Seventeen 83 (1783) claiming

Val de Vie Wines, it reminded me of the style

known for.

gold. All of our wines also scored 4 stars or

of wines I made and loved in Australia. The

higher on John Platter, with the Val de Vie

opportunity to express what the SA terrier can

Tell us about the winemaking process on

2006 and the 1783 both scoring 4.5 stars,

offer with regard to the Rhône varietals was a

Val de Vie and do you use the grapes you

making it very close to being perfect. Val de

challenge I could not pass up.

get from the vines between homes?

Vie residents can be very proud of the estate

When did you make your first wine and tell

We have a very natural approach to

us a bit about your previous experiences at

winemaking at Val de Vie. We pick at optimal

How does this area compare with other

other estates.

ripeness, sometimes not even looking at

winemaking regions in SA and the world?

from a winemaking point of view.

analysis. But of course, it depends on what I grew up on a wine farm in Darling, so I think it

ideology you have for the wine in mind. Every

We have a very unique area in the sense of

was embedded in my genes to be in the wine

batch is fermented and matured separately

the combinations of different key areas that

industry. At school, we had the opportunity

so that in the end, the big picture will come

one normally looks at. Even though there are

to make wine, and at 16, I decided that this

together. I have used grapes from the estate

similar climates, similar soils, similar growing

would a be pivotal moment where I would

in the past, but mostly from the vineyards

potential and similar viticultural aspects, there

choose yay or nay. Fortunately I loved it. I also

by the river. The reason for this being that

are very few sites in the world with the same

had the opportunity to go to the old boys that

they are about 3 years older than the HOA

combinations of these aspects. We could say

are winemaking legends, like Hempies du

vineyards. There is a lot of potential though, as

that the most similar sites in the world would

Toit and Jan Boland Coetzee, and taste their

the Mourvédre at 398 and 405 shows great

include that of Southern France, as well as

wines. This made it a no-brainer. After I finished

depth and immense flavour, even at such a

a few areas in mid-California, possibly Paso

studying, I worked at D’Aria in Dubanville,

tender age. I was frequently asked this during

Robles, and some sites in Australia, possibly

before heading off to Napa Valley to work

the summer, “When are you going to harvest,

Nagambie Lakes or northern Yarra Valley.

at Alpha Omega. This is basically where I

the grapes are so sweet that they are falling

These areas suite our cultivars so well and

developed my philosophy about natural

on the ground?” The answer is simple: the

there is no reason why this valley can’t be one

fermentation and approach to winemaking

sweetness or ripeness of wine grapes is much

of the best Rhône-styled wines in the world.

techniques. It is in Australia in the following

higher than that of table grapes. About 7-10

vintage that I first worked with the cultivars

degrees Balling to be precise. So even though

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any

available at Val de Vie. The Nagambie Lakes

they taste ripe, they are still quite a way from

questions at

area is very similar in soils as we have in the

being optimal. The reason that the grapes fall

Paarl-Franschhoek valley. I picked up a lot of

from the vines is because we send people

valuable knowledge in the Australian vintage,

through the blocks to drop them. We do

especially with regards to the cultivars.

that because the load on them is too heavy, and the vine will not be able to optimally ripen

How would you describe the style or

those grapes. When the vines are older their

philosophy of Val de Vie’s wine?

vigour will increase and, hence, increase the potential to ripen more grapes.

We focus on Rhône varietals, which is suited perfectly to our area. The Rhône is an area

Tell us a bit about some of the awards that

in Southern France which has very similar

Val de Vie wines have won.

soils, climate and winemaking techniques that we have here at Val de Vie. We focus on

We rarely enter many competitions, but we

producing only high quality wines that have

seem to do very well at the International Wine








Eldatil Bacon


Peri-Peri Chicken Livers


Prawn and Avocado CrĂŞpe


Soup if the Day


Pitted Dates Wrapped in Crispy Bacon with a Creamy Danish Blue Cheese sauce. Recommended wine: Val de Vie Shiraz 2008

Crumbed Peri-Peri Chicken Livers topped with Parmesan Shavings Recommended wine: Val de Vie GVC 2008

Spicy Prawn and Avocado CrĂŞpe with a Harrissa Chilli Sauce Recommended wine: Val de Vie Ryk Neethling 2010

Enquire by your waiter

Bread Salad


Beetroot Salad


Calamari Salad


Croutons, Tomato, Cucumber, Feta and Herb Salad Dressing Recommended wine: Polo Club Sauvignon Blanc 2013

Roasted Beetroot, Butternut, Marinated Feta and Red Wine Dressing. Recommended wine: Polo Club Cabernet Franc 2011

Cajun Deep-Fried Calamari Tubes on a Green Salad Bed, Tossed in Dijon Vinaigrette. Recommended wine: Polo Club Chenin Blanc 2012


Pumpkin Risotto (V)


Chicken Kiev


Thai Chicken Curry


White Wine Linefish


Lamb Tagine


Beef Wellington


Pumpkin, Feta, Tomato and Garlic with Rich Creamed Arborio Rice Recommended wine: Polo Club Craftsman 2008

LIGHT MEALS Pork Tortilla Wrap


Smoked Chicken Tramezzini


Crispy Pork Belly and Pineapple and Feta Tortilla Wrap served with Chips Recommended wine: Val de Vie GVC 2008

Smoked Chicken and Avocado Trammezini with Chips or a Salad Recommended wine: Polo Club Chenin Blanc 2012

Snack Platter

Chicken Wings, Vegetable Springrolls, Fish Fingers, Crumbed Mushrooms, Chips, Humus and Sweet Chilli Recommended wine: Val de Vie GVC 2008

Beef Burger

Juicy Beef with Caramelized Onions, Emmanthaler Cheese, Chips and Mustard Mayonnaise Recommended wine: Val de Vie Ryk Neethling 2010

Chicken Wontons

Spicy Chicken and Mushroom Wontons served with Soy-Ginger Dipping sauce Recommended wine: Val de Vie GVC 2008

Chicken Breast Fillet, Stuffed Cabernet Franc with Garlic Butter and Herbs 2010 Served with Parmesan Risotto, Vegetables and Mushroom Sauce Recommended wine: Val de Vie GVC 2008

Creamy Coconut Curry served with Jasmine rice, Chutney and a Poppadum Recommended wine: Polo Club Cabernet Franc 2011


Tender Fish Fillet Baked in Foil with Onion, Tomato and Thyme served a baked potato and Vegetables Recommended wine: Val de Vie GVC 2008


Tender Lamb and Chick peas stewed in a Mild Curry sauce Served with Minted Couscous and Yoghurt Recommended wine: Val de Vie 1783 - 2007


250g Beef fillet and Mushroom Duxelle Baked in Puff Pastry Served with Braised Carrots, Green Beans and Potato Puree Recommended wine: Val de Vie Shiraz 2008


SIDES Shoestring Fries SautĂŠed Seasonal Vegetables Leafy Greek Salad

KIDS R21 R21 R21

PASTA Butternut Pasta

Roasted Butternut, Garlic, and Spaghetti Tossed in Olive Oil with Parmesan Shavings Recommended wine: Polo Club Chenin Blanc 2012

Beef Napolitano

Beef, Penne Pasta, Napolitano with Chili and Peppers Recommended wine: Val de Vie Shiraz 2008

Chicken and Bacon Pasta

Chicken, Bacon in a Creamy Blue Cheese sauce Recommended wine: Val de Vie GVC 2008


Toasted Cheese and Tomato sandwich


Bambino (Small Margarita)


Deep Fried Chicken Goujons and Fries


Ice Cream and Chocolate Sauce



Belgium Chocolate Springrolls and Vanilla Ice Cream R45 Brandy and Coke Malva Pudding with Vanilla Custard R45


Cake Selection


Enquire with Waitron


Monday : Closed









Bacon, Feta and Avocado Recommended wine: Val de Vie GVC 2008

Chicken, Avocado, Caramelised Onions, Mushrooms Recommended wine: Polo Club Chenin Blanc 2012

Mince, Garlic, Onion, Chillies and Peppers Recommended wine: Val de Vie Chenin Blanc 2012

Four Seasons

Olives, Mushrooms, Feta and Peppers Recommended wine: Val de Vie GVC 2008


Salami, Bacon, Ham and Chicken Recommended wine: Val de Vie GVC 2008


Rocket, Avocado, Parma Ham and Balsamic Cream Recommended wine: Polo Club Craftsman 2008

Cabernet Franc

Tuesday : 10:00 - 16:002 0 1 0 Wednesday : 10:00 - 22:00 Thursday : 10:00 - 16:00 Friday : 10:00 - 22:00 Saturday : 10:00 - 22:00 Sunday : 10:00 - 16:00



Sunday Buffet R 150p/p The Polo Club restaurant now offers a Sunday Buffet. Menu varies every week but always offers a Meat, Chicken and Fish option. Accompanied with a range of side dishes, salads and soup. A separate kiddies menu is also available.


Grapevine Wine and Dine

CELLAR DOOR PRICE LIST (All wines subject to availability, VAT inclusive)


Become a member of the Val de Vie Wine Club and earn 10% loyalty points with Legacy Lifestyle on all wines and restaurant purchases. Points are redeemable on your next purchase at Val de Vie Wines OR at the Polo Club Restaurant (1 point per R10.00 spent. 1 point equals R1.00) with Exclusive Gold membership to the Legacy Lifestyle programme. Membership also includes free delivery of wine orders to all major centres in South Africa for orders in multiples of 12 bottles and requires no membership or joining fees. Members receive a monthly Val de Vie Wines Newsletter and information about special offers and invitations to exclusive Wine Club evenings and special events. To remain an active wine club member, a minimum of 24 bottles of wine need to be purchased per year. If you would like to register as a member, please ask a waiter for assistance or visit the Wine page on We look forward to welcoming you as a member.



Polo Club Filly Rose 2012 Peaches, Apricots, Strawberries and cream on the nose. Tart fruits and bubblegum on the palate. Soft yet crisp acid, together with an alcohol of only 10.5%, makes this an ideal summer wine.

R 45.00

Polo Club Sauvignon Blanc 2013 Green fig, cut gras and peppers compliment the tropical flavours of gooseberry, melon and passion fruit. Crisp, yet balanced acid carries and finishes this full bodied wine.

R 65.00

Polo Club Chenin Blanc 2012 Ripe sweet melon and guava entices the nose. Crisp acid, minerality and rounded mouthfeel adds another dimension to this well crafted wine.

R 65.00

Polo Club Craftsman 2008 34% Mourvèdre, 25% Shiraz, 15% Grenache Noir, 13% Carignan, 13% Cinsaut A burst of red fruit: red berries, strawberries and cherries with nuances of well integrated oak.

R 70.00

Polo Club Cabernet Franc 2011 Blackcurrants, red currants and spice fill the glass. Delicate flavours of red fruits and fynbos.

R 90.00

VAL DE VIE Val de Vie GVC 2008 50% Grenache Blanc, 30% Viognier, 20% Clairette Blanche Turkish delight, Citrus Zest and Wildflowers fill the glass. Fresh and zippy acidity compliments the oak, not overpowering the subtle fruit flavours. Platter **** star | Silver - IWSC

R 135.00

Val de Vie Ryk Neethling 2010 56% Shiraz, 20% Mourvedre, 13% Carignan, 7% Grenache, 4% Cinsaut Black currant, red fruit and spice fill the glass. Hints of vanilla and oak flavours. Well-rounded mouth feel with subtle wood influence. A medium to full-bodied wine that finishes well on the back palate.

R 135.00

Val de Vie Shiraz 2008 Violet flower, nuances of sweet caramel and white chocolate aromas define the diversity of a truly exceptional cultivar. These are complemented by dark fruit aromas. Platter **** star | Silver (Best in class) - IWSC

R 155.00

Val de Vie 1783 - 2007 50% Mourvèdre, 20% Shiraz, 15% Grenache Noir, 10% Carignan, 5% Cinsaut Wine has a deep and rich colour. On the nose you get dark fruits, perfume and warm spices. Elegance and tannins combine to give a full, yet not overpowering mouth feel, with bursts of ripe fruit and balanced oak. Acidity carries the through the whole pallet, and gives a long and lingering finish Platter **** 1/2 star | Gold - IWSC

R 250.00

Val de Vie 2006 60% Mourvèdre, 20% Shiraz, 7% Carignan, 7% Grenache Noir, 6% Cinsaut Deeply garnet coloured. Fresh, big sweet cassis berry with some floral nuances, and mulberry and plumy fruit flavours, rich and aromatic on new oak. The palate is lush, soft and silky. Platter ****1/2 star

R 495.00

BARISTA Pinotage 2009 A burst of intense rich coffee and chocolate aromas with ripe nuances of mulberry, plum &Maraschino cherries.

address Val De Vie Estate Polo Pavilion R301 Paarl 7620


post PO BOX 6223 Paarl 7646

tel +27 (0) 21 863 6100

fax +27 (0) 21 863 2741

R 60.00


Grapevine Wine and Dine

Wine Review

In the June 2013 issue of Wine Extra, South Africa’s most popular wine magazine, a taste team of five reviewed five of the best Rhône blends in the country. This is what they had to say about the Val de Vie Ryk Neethling 2010. “Daisy says: Shiraz takes centre-stage in this Rhône-style blend with an intensity to the nose – spicy, with elements of pencil shavings and red berries. The berries carried through to the palate with mini bursts of tart fruit-compote and burnt caramel, giving a

for winemaking with a checklist for a good

Seeing as we haven’t seen or read about the

good shot at claiming better body than its

Rhône blend, this one would certainly tick

man in recent times, one should assume his

blender, Ryk Neethling…

all of the required boxes. Lots of beautiful,

talents were spent on creating this particular

Nathan says: As colourful as the estate on

bright red fruit – red currants and strawberry

gem. A well balanced wine that deserves to

any polo day. An intriguing mix of herbs,

jam – and a lovely balance of savoury pencil

be treated as one for special occasions.

tobacco and spices on the nose is followed

shavings, cigar box spice and cedar notes.

Hannah says: Just like its namesake, this is

by savoury fruits on the palate. A nicely

All in all a well-structured wine which I

a big wine. Full bodied, masculine and very

rounded mouth feel expresses the depth

cannot fault.

bold flavours. I picked up rich blackcurrants,

of this wine and definitely something every

Silas says: I was so surprised to learn that

some spice and lots of wood. Should be

wine lover should try. I am willing to take bet

our prized swimming horse, Ryk Neethling,

drunk with a piece of meat and a big strong

that a bottle could go down faster than Ryk

is the mastermind behind this special drink.

man – ideally Ryk Neethling…”

could do the 100m Freestyle.

A bold attempt from someone famous for

Charlotte says: If there was a text book

many other reasons outside of winemaking.

Cape Town Level 1, The Square Cape Quarter, Green Point Tel: 021 418-0855 Head Office & Showroom 144 Wetton Rd, Wetton Tel: 021 704-2340 Johannesburg Shop 70, Hyde Park Corner Tel: 011 325-5503

>1+<7:1)6 *)<0:775; 15

Thorburn is ensuring a safer environment for you at Val de Vie! Thorburn Security Solutions has been operational for nearly twelve years and has made significant inroads into the Security Estates industry over the last few years, including golf estates; spa, leisure and gaming resorts; residential estates; corporate office blocks; as well as wine estates. To date, we provide holistic security solutions to 30 well-known and prestigious estates, including Val de Vie. We classify Estate Security as five star establishments where customer interactions form part and parcel of the service standards and so we have chiselled the art of providing the appropriate calibre of security officers to such sites. When it comes to serving the customers, our officers are well trained in public relations, they look professional and they provide excellent quality of security services and response. Our Business Values are built on honesty, integrity and caring for employees. We live up to the following Business Fundamentals: • Direct shareholder involvement • Our employees are regarded as our competitive edge • A fresh approach to service delivery • Continuous training and skills development to stay abreast with the latest technology • Staff retention strategies afford us the reliance of business continuity to clients Thorburn has been highly successful in providing guarding, monitoring and electronic risk reduction services and has recently introduced an armed response service as well.

Contact us if you would like to receive impeccable security services elsewhere in your world! Thorburn Security Solutions 16

Southern Region +27 (0)21 948 0474

Grapevine Safety and Security

VAL DE VIE ESTATE SAFETY AND SECuRITY Val de Vie Estate is one, if not the most

taken lightly and required everyone’s

We can never become complacent

sought after residential estates in South

input in assessing the risks and security

with regard to our safety and security;

Africa to reside and/or acquire property.

needs of the estate. The thermal cameras

although Val de Vie has a secure

Val de Vie has always had the vision of

and security systems upgrade project

perimeter we will always be under threat

creating a safe and secure environment

was completed and operational on the

of “internal” criminal activity possibly

for all families/residents residing on

1st of May 2013. The project did have its

occurring on the estate. It is all of our

the estate. The unfortunate reality in

challenges and the odd ‘gremlin’ along the

responsibility on Val de Vie to ensure

South Africa is that criminals will target

way, which was expected due to the size

that we keep our estate a safe and

an Estate of this stature and attempt

of the project at hand.

secure environment for all to enjoy and

access by any means possible. From

have peace of mind. Our biggest threat

the onset, Val de Vie has always taken

Part of the new security project upgrade

or vulnerability lies with outsiders been

safety and security very seriously and

requirement was that all the security systems

granted access onto the Estate. Stringent

will continue to do so to ensure a safe

must remain operational at all times. UPS’s

security measures are in place to verify

and secure environment for all living on

and generators were installed to ensure

and confirm contractors or visitors

the estate. In view of this, the security

that all the systems remain operational even

wanting to enter our estate. However,

systems at Val de Vie were recently

during electrical power failures. This does

the onus is on us to then ensure that

upgraded and included the most state of

assist in maintaining a secure perimeter

these contractors or visitors are observed

the art security, thermal CCTV cameras

which would otherwise become vulnerable

and that they adhere to our rules and

technology, thats currently available on

for possible intrusions to occur during

regulations while they are on the estate.

the market. This technology upgrade

power failures.

puts Val de Vie at the forefront of estate security in South Africa. The decision to upgrade the security systems and to install the thermal cameras was not


Grapevine Safety and Sercurity We have gone to the extent that all

and extinguishers situated throughout

congestion sometimes experienced at the

contractors must be identifiable by means

the estate. This program will ensure

Main Entrance and Inner Lane booms at

of wearing reflective bibs and in some

that all health and safety regulations

the Estate. We will keep you up to date

cases company ‘uniforms’. Furthermore

are adhered to and help identify any

with regards to future developments as

all residential domestics, butlers and

shortfalls so preventative measures can

well as our safety and security on the

gardeners, live-in labourors and nannies,

be put in place and assist in responding


are now required to wear lanyards with

to any real emergency situation.

their Val de Vie identification clearly

Road traffic safety is also high on our list of

Val de Vie’s security team kindly request

visible. This might seem dramatic but

priorities. Due to vehicles speeding on the

that any suspicious behaviour or anything

consideration must be given to the fact

estate, additional traffic control measures

that seems out of place or irregular be

that there are numerous contractors and

have been introduced/implemented with

immediately reported so that it can be acted

personnal working on the Estate.

the installation of speed bumps and

upon and investigated. We encourage and

pedestrian crossings. This has further

invite any queries with regards to our security

In addition to the new security systems

been enhanced by introducing a trapping

systems, processes and procedures.

upgrade, Val de Vie also appointed Vlame

radar gun service, whereby transgressors’

Occupational Health & Safety on the 1

of the Estate’s speed limit are identified and

We would like to take this opportunity to

March 2013 to conduct assessments

fined accordingly.

thank our residents for their assistance,

and audits on all aspects related to health

co-operation and patience with all the

and safety on Val de Vie Estate. Val de

At present we are in the process of

security measures and processes being

Vie staff including outside suppliers of

considering/sourcing a “PT Guest” system

put in place.

services to Val de Vie also had to undergo

which will allow a resident to pre-approve

Brett Ashington

health and safety training. Vlame will help

a visitor. This in essence will allow a visitor

Thorburn Security

to compile, implement and maintain a

to be SMS’d a unique code which they

health and safety program. Incorporated

can use at the main entrance and the

into this was also the upgrade, repair and

specific inner lane boom to get access

replacement of doorboys ad 1

without delays. This will also alleviate the


fire hydrants, hose 2013/06/23 11:11reels AM


Unlike many other agencies, we remain focused purely on Val de Vie Estate - giving it our undivided attention. That’s why we can say we Eat, Sleep, Breathe Val de Vie.


Sports & Leisure Centre, Val de Vie Estate T: 021 863 6101 C: 082 55 333 96 19

Grapevine Events and Media


THE INFINITI 4 NATIONS INVITATIONAL POLO TOuRNAMENT Val de Vie Estate hosted the Infiniti 4 Nations Polo Invitational Polo Tournament on the 20th April 2013. The event was a great success. With Infiniti as the head sponsor, the invitational teams included Nigeria, Pakistan, Holland and South Africa. The event ended the polo season on a high note and highlighted how the sport has enjoyed phenomenal growth and recognition in the past year. Alec Combrink, Infiniti Cape Town’s Dealer Principle, said, “Infiniti Cape Town is proud to be part of the Infiniti 4 Nations Polo event at Val de Vie and feels that the event is a wonderful opportunity to expose potential customers to our luxurious brand.” Combrink opened the Plate Final which saw Nigeria taking on Holland in a fast paced match, Nigeria winning 6-4. Several of the competing ponies were supplied by Val de Vie Polo Club and were in top sporting condition. South Africa played against Pakistan in an exhilarating final match in which Pakistan won 5-2. The winning team was awarded the glittering trophy by Michele Stuurman from CarrolBoyes, along with generous prizes from Rudy Project, Polo SA, Val de Vie Wines, Polo World and Cap Classique from GM & Ahrens. The tournament was commentated by Gavin Kanigowski from Cape Town Polo Club and he kept guests on the edge of their seats and up to speed with the rules of the sport. Olympic medalist and Val de Vie Estate Marketing Director, Ryk Neethling, was MC of the event, while Val de Vie Events coordinated all the elements of the day. Chic, corporate-inspired decor with shades of black and white set the scene for guests to enjoy the polo, relax and network. Gentleman guests, not to mention some curious ladies, were treated to driving some of the elegant Infiniti cars on display. Charl du Plessis was named as the Most Valued Polo Player, while the Best Playing Polo Pony prize went to Bubbles, who is owned by Martin Venter and ridden by Lance Anderson. The day ended with three cheers saluting the polo ponies’ valorous play and guests enjoyed the rest of the evening celebrating in the Polo Club Restaurant and Pavilion.


Grapevine Events and Media

Duane & Ezel Wedding: Every little girl dreams of meeting the man

girls, getting our hair and make-up done,

approached him. By far, the best moment of

that she will spend the rest of her life with and

drinking champers, a Top Billing interview and

my life.

having the fairy tale wedding. And so my little

the morning was gone. It’s so true that time

girl dream came true on the 8th of December

flies on your wedding day. I was so relaxed

Everything was a fairy tale from there. All

2012 at the beautiful Val de Vie Estate.

on the day that I really enjoyed all of the

of our special guests, beautiful decor by

emotions. Then we were off to the church.

Nico, spectacular mountain setting and

I must admit before getting engaged I had

One of the most memorable moments of the

polo, music, speeches straight from the

never been to Val de Vie but having seen it

day was seeing my Dad’s face when he saw

heart, amazing food, desert from heaven,

in photos and magazines, I knew this was

me in my wedding dress for the first time. So

an awesome party and of course my new

the venue I would one day get married at.


hubby. The whole day was exactly what I

Meeting Simone, Elsje and their team I was

imagined it to be, thanks to all the service

confident my day would be a success. I

My favorite moment of our special day

could definitely plan my wedding, but only

was walking into the church grounds in

if I had them by my side. It’s really the most

Franschoek, the church bell was ringing

exciting time in your life.

and my heart started to race... I was going to see my future husband in a few minutes.

It was a perfect summer’s day in Paarl and

And then it was there... the wedding

Franschoek: Windy! I knew it was going to

march started playing and I could not wait

be the best day of my life. Breakfast with the

to see Duane. His face was priceless as I


providers, Elsje and her team.

Grapevine Events and Media

5 Top Tips for Future Brides: 1. Listen

to your heart! Everybody gives

their own opinion but it’s your special day and do whatever your heart is telling you.

2. So many people are going to tell you take every moment in because it flies by - TAKE THAT ADVICE! Your day is gone in a blink of an eye.

3. Relax there is no need to stress... you are

marrying the man of your dreams and no one will even know if something goes wrong, not even you.

4. Wedding planner, wedding planner, the best decision I made. I would definitely recommend having that special person that works so hard to make your day memorable by your side.

5. Last but the most important, look at your new hubby the whole day and appreciate each other.


Grapevine Events and Media

markeT daY On the 24th of March 2013, the Val de

hand-crafted goods, bask in the sunshine

Vie Estate was visited by over 1000

and enjoy the festive atmosphere with

eager patrons. The main reason for the

friends and family.

influx of guests; the Estate’s first ever market, which is also the only one of its

Invite your friends and family and

kind in the Paarl-Franschhoek Valley.

come share this day with us at the Val de Vie Estate. Be sure not to miss the

The successful market drew crowds to

next market on 15 September 2013.

the iconic Polo Pavilion’s terraces and

We look forward to seeing you there!

people were able to indulge in the region’s finest local produce. Surrounded by Val

For more information on all events at Val

de Vie’s beautiful, country setting, visitors

de Vie visit:

had the chance to discover characteristic



S van Huysteen

WHo We sPoT aT THe GYm

BH Oberholzer

Grapevine Sports and Leisure

sPeC saVers ironman 2013 Ironman 2013 was my first ultra-distance triathlon. The event consisted of a 3.8km swim, 180km cycle and 42km run, it was an awesome experience. Looking back I think the experience was so special for a number of reasons. Firstly, the weather on the day played along nicely. Good weather is a critical aspect for any IM participant, especially for us first timers and given the distances involved, you definitely do not want to battle against the elements. Secondly, IM South Africa is extremely well organised with hundreds of volunteers assisting nearly 1 800 athletes which range from the top pro’s, who complete the event in just over nine hours, to age groups whose only aim is to finish before cut off at midnight, seventeen hours after the start. Thirdly, the crowd support throughout the day was unbelievable – Port Elizabeth really becomes Iron City for that weekend and it seemed that everybody came out to support us. I was also lucky to have my wife and oldest daughter in PE to support me and be part of this great experience. Finally, I was physically and mentally well prepared; obviously this is very important for such a tough event. From a physical perspective I was fortunate that I could train in all weather conditions at Val de Vie using the excellent indoor, as well as the outdoor facilities – thanks Mieke for being so helpful. Mentally without my family and friends support, Ironman for me would not have been possible. So if you are looking for a physical and mental challenge, an amazing experience and a true sense of accomplishment, consider doing Ironman South Africa. - Stephan van Huysteen I ran through the final timing matt before the finish line as my name popped up on the big screen. I rounded the final corner of the course as the spotlights on the magic carpet nearly blinded me. All you can see at that moment is a white flash. As I neared the carpet the white flash faded and the crowd cheered. For that moment everything was in slow motion. I did it. I smiled. Pointing both hands to the sky I ran to the Ironman arch. Hearing my wife scream my name followed by the announcer’s famous voice... “BAREND HENDRIK OBERHOLZER YOU. ARE. AN. IRONMAN!”





Grapevine Sports and Leisure

Grapevine Sports and Leisure

ladies T riaTHlon

“How fortunate can one be? To have a triathlon event right on your doorstep - literally. I felt so blessed to be able to compete in my home valley with ladies from all over, it was wonderful to be able to share the excitement and beauty of the day with family and friends. To the organisers, Well done! May this become an annual event!” - Adri Holm

On 24 March 2013 Val de Vie held their first Ladies Only Triathlon and Duathlon which was a collaboration between Western Province Triathlon and Pink Drive. This was the second ladies triathlon ever held in the Western Cape. The Ladies Wellness Triathlon and Duathlon is an off-road event specifically aimed at female competitors. Both the triathlon and duathlon allow for a choice of distances with team or individual entries to accommodate various levels of fitness and ability. Ladies Triathlon: 600m swim, 16km cycle, 4km run Ladies Duathlon: 4km run, 8km cycle, 2km run Ladies Sprint Triathlon: 300m swim, 8km cycle, 2km run Girlie Super Sprint: 200m swim, 8km cycle, 2km run

RACE RESULTS Ladies Triathlon 1. Robyn Williams 2. Marie Heatlie 3. Ilana Steenkamp

1:01:11 1:06:29 1:08:59

With the objective of encouraging healthy lifestyle and activity, the event aims to create an environment in which ladies can flourish, have fun and enjoy the day without being overshadowed by more dominant male competitors. The Ladies Wellness Triathlon will focus on creating a niche market in lady specific activities, which will draw entrants back each year and promote

Ladies Triathlon Team 1. Sue Bosch/ Charmaine vd Merwe 1:15:10 2. Sofie Moens / Andrie Van Niekerk 1:31:50 Ladies Duathlon 1. Debra Rossouw 2. Madelief Roux 3. Resia Swart

52:27:00 56:29:00 56:57:00

healthy living and awareness amongst all participants. OFFICIAL EVENT CHARITY — PINKDRIVE® Being a ladies only event, the organisers use this platform to effectively raise awareness around female health issues through the formation of partnerships with credible and effective organisations. To this effect the Ladies Wellness Triathlon/Duathlon has joined forces

Ladies Duathlon Team 1. Maureen De Waal Lizelle Van Rooyen 2. Jeannie Gouws Antoinette

57:52:00 1:07:31

Girlie Super Sprint Triathlon 1. Lieze Van Heerden 2. Tatum Maher 3. Taylor-Drew Thomson

42:47:00 42:57:00 53:07:00

Ladies Sprint Triathlon 1. Simone Faulmann 2. Lynn Brennan 3. Tanya Du Toit

38:35:00 39:07:00 41:00:00

with PinkDrive®, an organisation which is powering a mobile mammography and an educational unit through South Africa for the purpose of breast cancer education, awareness and offering services to women. This initiative is particularly aimed at women who do not have

Well done to all of the Val de Vie ladies who took

access to information on breast cancer or do

part, you were all great sports! This event will be

not have medical insurance.

back next year. We will also host an Olympic

For more information on PinkDrive visit:

Distance Triathlon at the end of the year. Men,

you will be able to partake!


Grapevine Sports and Leisure

Players Swimmers chosen to represent Boland Schools Five Players swimmers were chosen to

achievements and we expect a bright future

represent the Boland region - Anuskha

in swimming for each of them.

van Dyk (13-14), Jeanne Blaisse (10), Jack de Swardt (10), Ajay Klaver (9&U) as well

South African youth swimming championships

as Chloë Morrie (9&U). These swimmers

– Port Elizabeth

participated for Boland on the 27th of April

We are very proud of the following Players

2013 at the annual Triaq Short Course

swimmers - Imre van Huysteen (17) and Aelke

Swimming Champs held in Cape Town.

van Venter (17) who both qualified to participate

The following swimmers won medals

as part of the Western Province Provincial

during the championship: Anuskha van Dyk

Team at the SA Youth Championships held

(13) took the Gold in the 100m Individual

from the 15th to the 20th of April 2013 in Port

Medley, 100m Breast Stroke, 50m Back

Elizabeth. Imre swam her personal best time in

Stroke. She further came 2nd in the 50m

the 200m Individual Medley, taking the Bronze

Butterfly, 100m Freestyle and 3rd in the

medal. Both of these dedicated swimmers are

50m Freestyle event. Jeanne Blaisse (10)

already training in preparation for next season.

took the Gold in the 100m Breast Stroke

As their coach, I look forward to great things

event and came 2nd in the 100m Individual

for them in the future.

Medley and 50m Backstroke events. She

Ajay, Jeanna, Anuskha, Jack


P.P. Roets

also came 3rd in the 50m Freestyle event. Jack de Swardt (10) 3rd in the 100m

To request more information on joining

Freestyle. Chloë Morrie (9) 3rd in the 25m

the Players Swimming Club please contact

Freestyle. We at Players in association with

the Head Coach P.P. Roets – 082 747 8277

Ryk Neethling Swimming Schools (Pty) Ltd congratulate these swimmers on their

Aelke, Imre


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Grapevine Communication


Grapevine Stable Talk

CaPTain’s rePorT

As we ease into the colder months of winter

We hope to see all players and a couple of

Vie Equestrian family and we welcome

we say farewell to an absolutely awesome

new faces next season. On behalf of the

them both. Kelly is currently competing

2013 season of polo.

Val de Vie Polo Club, I would like to say

in Show Jumping shows on her own two

thank you to Martin Venter, Kevin Rixon and

horses, Brandenburg Silverwood and

It is with great confidence that I can say on

George Mumba for making polo possible

SeeisBel Fiesta.

behalf of all of the polo players that we had

at Val de Vie, making polo a sport to be

a very successful and exciting season. We

reckoned with here and making polo an

ended off this year’s season with the Infiniti

enjoyable experience at Val de Vie.

4 Nations Invitational Event, the teams

Cheers to the ponies and horses! The Team.

participating where South Africa Invitational,

Whilst the polo season has come to an end,

Holland Invitational, Nigeria Invitational and

there are a number of us equestrians who

Pakistan Invitational. We had a wonderful

will continue through the winter with other

crowd of supporters cheering the players

various disciplines such as Show Jumping,

on from the Val de Vie Pavilion. The Pakistan

Dressage and Endurance riding.

Invitational team, comprising of Jason Drew, Kevin Rixon, Joseph Bronn and Charl du

Erin Page and her pony Leo are competing

Plessis, took home the trophy.

in the Provincial Schools league in Show Jumping and Courtney Roux and her pony

The Polo Club hosted this years first ‘Season

Boomerang and Natasha Henning and her

End Function’ which was superbly put

horse Grand Alliance have joined the Val de

together and hosted with some hilarious entertainment of our club’s youngest boys who did some sort of a ‘Dutch’ Hakka for our crowd. This season’s “Most Improved Player” trophy was awarded to Gio Hartman. May there be many more events such as this one to celebrate the sport. We have slowly eased our polo ponies into their time of rest over the next few months and we will slowly bring them back into a fitness schedule in late August 2013. The 2014 Polo Season will kick off with our first game of chukkas during the beginning of October 2013. Our ponies are looking wonderful and are sure to enjoy their wellearned rest this winter.


Grapevine Stable Talk

Val de Vie Represented at International Polo Events Earlier this year, Val de Vie Founder and Chief Executive Martin Venter along with Marketing Director Ryk Neethling, attended the Ylvisaker Cup Final at the International Polo Club at Palm Beach in Florida. Ryk Neethling was asked to do the handover of the cup and congratulated fellow South African Sugar Erskine, who was awarded Most Valued Player of the tournament.

Poloworld International Poloworld started out from very humble beginnings back in 2011. A friend of Liam’s had bought him a polo shirt from the UK. Liam had recently started playing polo at Val de Vie Estate and was asked where he got the shirt from, and whether he had any for sale. In a very short space of time, Liam was supplying polo shirts to members of the polo community. As demand for the products increased, Poloworld started developing their own line of polo inspired clothing, which is now reflected under their brand “Poloworld”. They recently launched the Val de Vie Polo Club collection in collaboration with the Estate, comprising of polo shirts, hoodies, caps and a kids’ range. To order a Val de Vie polo shirt contact: - Liam Paterson.




32 Jeanette Street Cnr Frans Conradie & Brackenfell Boulevard, Brackenfell 7560 Tell: 021 981 4401 e-mail:





The Filly’s

... comprise of a group of like-minded women whose main objective is to make a difference in communities that need it the most in our beautiful country.We provide humanitarian services and create awareness in support of our various charities. We are a non-profit association and arrange and manage various annual charity events to raise money to assist with our many community projects. We are also on Facebook so please “like” our page to receive updated information regarding our charity’s, sponsors and events.

Our next fund rais in our Mad hatter ’s H g event is igh Tea, S 31st Aug at ust 2013 @ the Po , Club Res lo taurant.

Thank you to everyone who supported our 2nd Annual Corporate Charity Fund Raiser event in May. The 1920’s Vegas themed event was an enormous success and your participation and support is truly appreciated. SAVE THE DATE for the 3rd Annual Vegas Nights Fund Raiser: Fri, 9th May 2014 - Dress the Decade Sensational 60’s - Think Modern Monochromania, Glamorous and Sexy to Flirty, Fun and Fiesty. Remember to book for our Madhatter’s Tea Party on Saturday, 31st of August 10h30 – 12h00 at the Polo Club Restaurant. Don your high tea hats and join The Filly’s for a scrumptious high tea feast suitable for the whole family. Cost : R 120.00 p/adult & R 60.00 p/child over 4yrs. Donations of toys clothes, food parcels and anything you may no longer need is welcome. Please pop these into the boxes at the front door on arrival. Bookings can be made by mailing 35

Grapevine Social and Community


THE FILLYS’ BIG-HEARTED GAMBLE PAYS OFF! On the evening of May 3rd, 2013, laid-back Val de Vie wine and Polo Estate came alive, at a sensational, 1920s-themed, corporate fundraising extravaganza that transcended the expectations of organisers, guests and beneficiaries alike. Dubbed “Harlem Nights”, the exclusive charity event is the second of its kind to be arranged by The Fillys, a non-profit organisation created by philanthropic ladies from Val de Vie, whose vision is to support select worthy causes in the area, by “giving something back to communities that need it most.” According to Fillys founder and professional event organiser, Leigh Swart, of Africadabra, the casino evening was “an undisputed triumph on every level”. Festivities kicked off as the sun dipped over the horizon, with 250 guests enjoying welcoming cocktails (courtesy of Oude Meester Brandy) on arrival. Those not appropriately garbed swiftly availed themselves of Gatsby-era gear and accessories at the “prop shop”, before being snapped by numerous photographers. Sporting period hats, spats and boas, guests mingled in the foyer, before being ushered into the ballroom (transformed into a glittering Vegas-style casino), accompanied by the cool blues-rock sounds of the accomplished Crimson House Blues Band. MC Peter Engelbrecht treated the audience to some magic moments, before Leigh Swart summed up the ultimate intention of the evening, providing an overview of the charities and associations supported by The Filly’s, which are: The Rock Pregnancy Crisis Centre in Paarl; the Drakenstein Palliative Hospice, and the Paarl & Wellington SPCA. She also gave an update on the future sustainability of the crèche in Franschhoek, which is being constructed with the proceeds of last year’s fundraiser and a generous donation by Regent Insurance. Famous swimmer (and Val de Vie resident), Ryk Neethling, also gave the lowdown on Hope for Action, which facilitates child development through sport, at the Mbekweni Community Sports Centre. Naturally, being both a casino evening and fundraising drive, the nitty-gritty of encouraging everyone to purchase gambling


chips (as well as to support the lucky draw, freely indulge in DGB sponsored shooters from their promo girls, purchase cigars, and complete donation pledge cards) had to be dealt with, before the night’s entertainment could get under way. Formalities having been dealt with, gifted solo chanteuse, Shannon Devy, took to the stage, and blew everyone away with her exquisite voice, before introducing the sultry ladies from Black Orchid Burlesque Dance Studio, who scintillated with their sexy dance routines, while guests tucked in to scrumptious bowl-food served by slick serving staff, later dabbling in the delights at the omnipresent dessert table. More MC magic filled the gap, while the promo girls plied willing guests with shooters, stogies and pledge-cards, enhanced by another rollicking set from the Crimson House Blues Band… and then it was time for the first lucky draw. Prizes consisted of an incredibly covetable array of exciting lifestyle goodies, including a variety of luxury gifts and hampers, in addition to vouchers for hair salons, dinners, Val de Vie Polo Club wine and pizza evenings, Evolve Beauty Salon, and Cycle Lab cycling boutique, as well as for overnight experiences at The Grand Roche hotel, Arabella Hotel & Spa; Lagoon Beach Hotel, Spier Hotel, a weekend at Crystal Towers, and even helicopter flips! The three slinky dancers from the Black Orchid Burlesque troupe then wowed the crowd once again, followed by talented singer-songwriter Shannon Devy, who paved the way for star celebrity guest, the ever-popular singer, Kurt Darren. Flown to Cape Town especially for the occasion, Kurt proceeded to treat the enthusiastic audience with a 30-minute appearance, and really got the party started with some hot hits! Once the applause had died down, the overall casino games winner of the evening walked away with the grand prize of a twonight, midweek stay at breathtaking Lake Longmere, Jenna Clifford’s luxurious private retreat in Mpumalanga. Then the lights were dimmed, and revellers at the packed Polo Bar danced and partied until the wee hours, in classic Cotton Club style.

Harlem Nights was, by all accounts, a marvellous, memorable “do”, and a resounding success for the Val de Vie Fillys. An exhausted but elated Leigh Swart said of the event: “The list of sincere thank you’s we owe to sponsors and partners who helped make the Harlem Nights evening magnificent is really extensive. We are especially grateful to Oude Meester (for the welcome drinks, brandy cocktails and wonderful lucky draw prizes), Thorburn for sponsoring the main table of the evening again this year, and Thirst Bar Services for keeping the drinks flowing. Thanks also to our table sponsors, Todwil, Hyman Systems, Turfmanzi, Guardian Project Management, Pre-Owned Stars Paarl, Flic Flac Events and Servest, not to mention Hertex for fabric, DGB for the shooters and promo girls, Mars Chocolates for the divine dessert table; Uniflora for the beautiful floral displays; To-Nett’s for fabulous décor (and Nico for assisting), as well as to Vegas Nights for another year of support, and Val de Vie for superb catering! Then, our deepest gratitude goes to the entertainers and performers: Peter Engelbrecht, Crimson House Blues Band, Shannon Devy, Black Orchid Dance Studio, and, of course, the wonderful Mr Kurt Darren!” “Media support for our charity fundraiser was also incredible, with The Month; Show-mePaarl; Bolander Lifestyle & Property; Pearl Valley Newsletter; Paarl Post; Paarl News; FranschhoekTatler, Drakenstein Gazette, and – last but not least – our very own Val de Vie Grapevine , all giving great pre- or postpublicity coverage of Harlem Nights.” “Finally, from the Fillys, our heartfelt thanks (mwah!) to everyone who attended the fundraiser and entered into the spirit of gambling and giving so willingly. The feedback has been nothing short of amazing, with a 200% increase in attendance, and four sponsors actually asking to come on board again next year! See you then…” Save the Date: Fri, 9th May 2014. Theme: Dress the Decade - Sensational 60’s Think Modern Monochromania, Glamorous and Sexy to Flirty, Fun and Fiesty.

Grapevine Social and Community


Grapevine Social and Community


Grapevine Social and Community

Kindermusik at Kinder Ark , an award-winning music enrichment program for school children aged 2 to 6, was created by Kindermusik International, the world’s most trusted brand in musical learning for the past 30 years. It was proudly brought into the classrooms of Kinder Ark Val de Vie at the beginning of 2011. Initially, there were only a few children

• Instrument play to strengthen fine motor skills. • Development-appropriate songs to develop vocal chords and expressive speech. imaginative play and taking turns. • Private studio classes available from birth to age 7.

program, but with thanks to Madri Steyn, the school principal, and the parents of every

In the last couple of years, the eyes of

child in the school, Kindermusik has now

the research community have turned

become part of the school’s curricula.

increasingly to music, and the marvels

• Songs and rhymes to develop phonetic awareness and early reading skills.

For more information please contact the schools Kindermusik educator: Pippa Wilson on 076 309 7837/

nothing short of amazing. The bottom line: early, positive, age-appropriate experiences with music — like Kindermusik — can have a remarkable and research-proven impact on children’s learning, including

instruments in time with music to

language and literacy skills (e.g. vocabulary,

improve hand-eye coordination.

comprehension, listening and expression);

skills in following directions.

I. Barchers, Ed.D. and Heidi Gilman Bennett.

and mysteries they have discovered are

• Tapping, clacking and ringing rhythm

• Focused listening with music to improve

the Path to Reading “Our Time” by Suzanne

Benefits of Music Behold . . . the Power of Kindermusik!

A Glimpse into the Classroom Experience

regulate behavior. Kindermusik Classes: On

• Learning that emphasises storytelling,

experiencing the joy and wonder of music and movement through the Kindermusik

and even the ability to plan, guide, and self-

social and emotional skill development; mathematics and pattern-recognition skills;

Kinder Ark Classrooms


Grapevine Social and Community


Grapevine Social and Community


Grapevine Social and Community

LETTER FROM A RESIDENT Hi there, Thank you for the weekly newsletter. We are so proud of our daughter Erin Pape

PRC classes have a first round of 90cm, PRB

and her pony Leo holding the flag high for

is 1m and PRA is 1.1m. They then raise the

Val de Vie at the Stellenbosch District Riding

jumps for a second (shorter) round on time

Club on Saturday 27 April. They competed in

and the fastest clear round wins.

the graded show jumping as a PRC entry and beat the A grade riders and ponies to take

- Marilyn Robinson

second place in the combined competition event for PRC, PRB and PRA ponies. The

We love to hear from you, please keep

pony who came first was a PRB competitor.

writing in...

VISITING DIGNITARIES Deputy State President Kgalema Motlanthe, Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform Gugile Nkwinti, Minister of Agriculture Tina Joemat-Peterson, Minister of Trade and Industry Rob Davies, Founder and Chief Executive, Martin Venter and Marketing Director, Ryk Neethling, visiting the Val de Vie Estate for the conference addressing the issues surrounding minimum wages for farm workers.

Introducing Carlé Geldenhuys Schooled in Paarl and graduating from Stellenbosch University completing degrees in business and law. Carlé is happy to continue her career on the Val de Vie Estate with the HOA as our new Compliance and Communications Manager. She takes over from Anel Steyn who left us at the end of March. Carlé believes in an open door policy and will address all you concerns and issues from her office in the Sports and Leisure Centre. We wish her well in her new position. Contact number: 021 863 6103 Email:


AMBASSADORS BRIEFING Martin Venter and Ryk Neethling with Helen Zille at the opening of the Western Cape Ambassadors Parliament Briefing.

Grapevine Social and Community


The Winelands Lifestyle

Realtor Excellence is growing If you enjoy a of country-living atmosphere, with large areas of unspoilt

natural beauty, historic wine farms, elegant country estates and the best

food and of wine in South Africa, then Paarlaislot theof place to be. With Realtor Excellence is attracting attention andbeautiful has a

backdrops ofasvineyards andofmountains, Paarl is the ideal location where reputation the future real estate. With impeccable levels of you can find characterful homes in town and beautiful residential estates.

service and cutting edge technology, we are ready to deliver our

industry leading levels of service excellence to all in the Paarl area.

The Realtor of Excellence team in Paarl has expanded and can now offer properties in: We attract only the very best realtors to our brand and are proud • Paarl and surrounding suburbs • Val de Vie Wine to introduce you&toPolo ourEstate growing team. Tania, Thys and Lynette are • Boschenmeer Golf and Country true Realtors of Excellence andEstate are ready to help you in all your •Paarl The Winelands Estate real estate needs! (sole mandate on developer stands) Leonard, Tania, Thys and Lynette are true Realtors of Excellence and are ready to help you in all your Paarl real estate needs!


Leonard Leonard Dormehl Dormehl Tania Tania Kirsten Kirsten Thys Thys Dannhauser Dannhauser Lynette Lynette Dannhauser Dannhauser

C C +27 +27 (0)83 (0)83 265 265 2251 2251 C C +27 +27 (0)82 (0)82 553 553 9867 9867 C C +27 +27 (0)82 (0)82 646 646 0932 0932 C C +27 +27 (0)71 (0)71 109 109 2669 2669


Grapevine Social and Community

ENZA Empowering Women, a Paarl based

training during the programme, including

The Clothing Bank also assists other

NPO, which runs a skills centre in Mbekweni,

financial literacy, micro business skills, life skills,

registered non profit organisations in the area

has partnered with The Clothing Bank to run

parenting skills, selling, merchandising skills

by donating excess garments to them based

its Winelands branch based in Paarl.

and computer skills. The women are also

on their need requirements.

The Clothing Bank Winelands project is

required to work at The Clothing Bank at least



once a week where they gain work experience

Can you help?

programme. Our mission is to “Empower

in aspects such as stock control, receiving and

• Mentoring is a key component of the

women to take charge of their lives so that

despatching stock and merchandising. They

programme and for this we need people

they can provide for themselves and their

also attend regular mentoring sessions to help

who are prepared to commit/volunteer

families”. Both organisations share similar

maximise the growth of their businesses. Our

their time to one morning every second

missions and passion and thus it made sense

motto is “Don’t give a woman a fish, teach a

week (in essence 2 hours every 2 weeks ,

to partner. The Clothing Bank’s mission is to

woman to fish AND teach her how to sell her

an average of 4 hours per month) at TCB

“Empower unemployed mothers through

fish.” The Clothing Bank is considered a best

Winelands to mentor the women on the

Enterprise Development so that they can

practice example of sustainable Enterprise


become financially and socially independent”.

Development. Since its inception in Cape

• Donations. The Clothing Bank has been

The first Clothing Bank was established

Town it has assisted over 250 women to start

certified by Empowerdex as a 3rd Party

in Cape Town in 2010, in response to the

small businesses in 2 years, collectively they

Enterprise Development Service Provider

growing problem of unemployment amongst

have generated profits in excess of R6m. This

which means that any donations (in

single mothers and the lack of support that

is money that is used to improve their lives,

the form of garments, services, grants,

they receive from the father of their children.

pay off their debts and save and it has the

loans) can be claimed as Enterprise

Of all mothers in South Africa, 40% are single

added benefit of stimulating other township

Development Points. Donations qualify

and for single mothers unemployment rates

based businesses. “Our programme changes

for bonus points as our entrepreneurs are

are over 60%. Less than 50% of fathers

lives, one garment at a time”.

classified as Exempt Micro Enterprises

contribute anything towards their child’s

The Winelands branch is the second Clothing

(Turnover of less than R5m pa) and they

welfare, which leaves the single mother

Bank to be opened and the aim is to have

with no choice but to rely on the state for

more than 60 women on the programme by

For more information:

welfare. Child grants are R 280 per month per

the end of the year.

Visit us at the Spilo Building on the corner



child and with an average of 2 children per

are 100% black women owned.

of Oostbosch Rd and Jan van Riebeeck

household, families are surviving on welfare of

Women are recruited at Open Days held at the

Drive in Paarl or visit our website:

R 560 per month. 1litre of milk and 1 loaf of

Thusong Centre in Mbekweni. The selection

bread would cost R 20 per day or R600 per

process is intensive and includes a process of

month, so this means that children raised

interviewing, assessments and volunteering

Like us on:

by a single mother, are highly likely to live in

work as the success of the programme

poverty with little prospects for their future.

depends on the women we select.

Contact us on 021 862 1146 or 076 898 8343

We run a 2 year holistic training programme

To apply the women must be :

that empowers unemployed mothers to start

• South African citizens or permanent


a small retail trading business. We source


excess clothing from the major retailers,

• Fluent in English

manufacturers, and the general public in

• Mothers with dependent school going

South Africa and use this clothing as the tool to


teach. The women purchase stock from The

• Unemployed

Clothing Bank at very low prices and sell the

• Preferably be at least 30 years of age

clothing at a profit. The objective is that each

• Self motivated individuals who are not

woman should earn R3500 per month which

expecting a job but rather taking charge

is enough to feed, clothe and educate

of their futures and prepared to do the

her family. The women receive extensive

work required.


Tracey Collins Director ENZA Empowering Women

Grapevine Social and Community



BOLAND Visit Boland Build It, Corner Lady Gray & Van Riebeeck Drive, Paarl or call (021) 872 0881 fax (021) 872 0885 / /








Grapevine Communication

Estate Building Newsletter Issue 2. 2013




About the Cornerstone The Cornerstone was born out of the need to

06 Landscaping & Nature

communicate and encapsulate the unique Val


Storage Units

the Estate.


Aesthetic Gallery


de Vie Aesthetics Guide, to explain building procedures and the supporting documentation as well as to discuss the building statistics on

The cornerstone of a building is an integral part of its supporting structure and the aim of this publication is therefore to support home-owners with building and design-related enquires. Many Val de Vie land-owners live elsewhere

Frequently Asked Questions

24 Estate Rules & Directory

in South Africa and around the world. In this newsletter we cover issues such as building progress and aesthetic elements, so as to give a clearer understanding of the Val de Vie Estate Guidelines. All advertisements in the publication relate to building, maintenance, interior design and landscaping. Thus providing an easy reference guide to assist in the building process.

Cornerstone Aesthetics

Aesthetics Newsletter With the amount of new construction

deviating from this list, including accent

happening on the Val de Vie Estate, our

colours, need to be approved by the

homes aesthetics and the guidelines

committee.Homeowners who intend to

surrounding them are always important.

re-paint their existing homes are obligated

In our previous aesthetics newsletter, we

to get prior approval from the committee

discussed the issue of exterior colour

if they are choosing a colour that is not

choices and the perplexing palette of

from the current palette or if they intend


to paint their house the same colour that was chosen from the old palette.

The brushouts as prepared by PLASCON were approved by the aesthetics committee and the list was added to the Val de Vie Architectural Guidelines, paragraph 4.2.5, available on the Val de Vie Website. All plan submissions as of 1 July 2013 need to be in line with this new colour palette. The use of any colour on the new colour palette will not be subject to the approval from the aesthetics committee bearing in mind that it still needs to be indicated on your plan submission. All colours









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“QUALITY, RELIABILITY RELIABILITY AND AND CUSTOMER CUSTOMER “QUALITY, SATISFACTION IS IS OUR OUR FOUNDATION” FOUNDATION” SATISFACTION Architectural ArchitecturalDesign Design Project ProjectManagement Management Finishing Finishingand andInterior InteriorDesign Design Landscape LandscapeDesign Design


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Address: 259 259 Val Val de de Vie Vie Estate, Estate, Kliprug Kliprug Minor Minor Road, Road, Paarl, Paarl, 7623 7623 Address:

Leonard Dormehl Dormehl 083 083 265 265 2251 2251 email: email: Leonard

Karen Dormehl Dormehl 082 082 849 849 8607 8607 email: email: Karen

Visit our our new new website: website: Visit

Cornerstone JBCC

The Role and Benefits of the Proper Appointment and use of the Principal Agent in the JBCC Contract Val de Vie HOA implemented the use of

The employer warrants that the principal

be an agent, the employer shall notify the

the JBCC suite of Contract Documents

agent has full authority and obligation to

contractor of the new principal agent to be



act in terms of the agreement, and where

appointed. The employer shall not appoint

Homeowners would contract with the






appropriate the associated nominated and

such principal agent or agent against

Builder in a formalised manner, using

selected subcontract agreements.

whom the contractor makes a reasonable

tried and tested documentation aimed

objection in writing within five (5) working

specifically at protecting equally, all parties

5.2 The employer may appoint agents as

to the Building process.

stated in the schedule and may appoint

It has become increasingly noticeable that

days of receipt of such notice.”

further agents with the contractor being

In terms of the JBCC Principal Building

notified thereof.

Agreement which you will be signing with

many Employers (Homeowners) do not

the Contractor – you as the Employer are

fully appreciate the risks they are taking

5.3 The principal agent shall be the only

obligated to make that appointment of

by not utilizing and employing the services

person who shall have the authority

the Principal Agent. The Principal Agent

of a Principal Agent properly. The benefits

to bind the employer, except where

can be the Architect appointed to design

to the Employer / Homeowner (particularly

agents issue contract instructions under

the building and does not need to be a

those with little or no experience of

delegated authority in terms of 5.3.2.

separate consultant or agent, unless you

building) by appointing a Principal Agent,

Without detracting from the above, the

choose to do so.

on an agreed and hopefully a full brief,

principal agent shall be the only person

will in the long run far outweigh what may



It is advisable that the Employer makes

appear to be more costs / expenses to the

instructions, except as provided in terms

such an appointment, after meetings

overall cost of building. Taking shortcuts

of 5.3.2;


in this appointment could well jeopardize

5.3.2 Delegate to the other agents

experienced Principal Agents in advance

the overall quality and standard of the

authority to issue contract instructions and

of signing any contracts with the Builder.

completed building for the Employer.

perform such duties as may be required

Equally this appointment should also be








for specific aspects of the works, provided

without undue influence from the Builder

CLAUSE 5.0 of the JBCC 2000 requires

that the contractor is given notice of such

as to who to appoint, thereby ensuring the

the employer to appoint a named person


Independence of the Role Players.

as the principal agent under the contract.

5.3.3 Receive notices on behalf of the

The Val de Vie HOA recently issued a new


Memorandum of Agreement (Builders


List) dated April 2013, which has been

5.1 The employer shall appoint the

5.4 Should the principal agent or any

accepted and signed by the majority of

principal agent as stated in the schedule.

other agent be unable to act or cease to

the Builders working at Val de Vie. The


new MOA particularly requires the Independence of the Various Role Players with each party only performing their core roles i.e. the Contractors are to build and the Professional Consultants (i.e. Principal Agents, Architects, Engineers, Landscape Contractors, Project Manager and / or Quantity Surveyors) – depending on which of these Agents are utilized and appointed on the project - run the project for the Employer / Homeowner, including providing design and detailing information for the Contractor to build. The building of a house or home for most Homeowners may well be a once off affair, which needs to be exciting and as stress free as possible. However there are innumerable decisions which need to be taken throughout the building process, which with the proper appointment of a Principal Agent and other agents will help protect the interest of the Employer / Homeowner throughout the whole process until final completion.

Solid timber flooring and decks installed with workmanship guarantees t French oak flooring sealed with Rubio Monocoat Oil available in 48 colours

Visit our showrooms

Cornerstone Planning Cycle


Cornerstone Landscaping & Nature

Servest Landscaping on Val de Vie Since we started work at Val de Vie, we have planted about 684 new trees at various places on and around the Estate. This includes Sizigium Cordatum, Quercus Suber, Liquidamber Styracifluae, Combretum Krausii, Ficus Macrocarpa, Ekebergia Capensis, Podocarpus Falcatus, Betula Pendulina, Nuxia Floribunda, Ficus Nitida, Platanus Acerfolia, Taxodium Disticum, Olive “Mission” and Trichelia Dregeana. The photographs give a clear indication of how the Estate has changed over time and remind us about how much progress the HOA has made. At the play area of Guyot Oval we planted 11 Quercus Suber trees

Next to plot 129 we have planted 12 Yellowwoods. The same pattern

and at Tinta Oval 4 Quercus Subers (next to plot 493) we planted

was repeated at plot 155.

another 3 and at plot 547 another 4 Quercus Subers. 31 Nuxia Floribunda trees were planted at various green fingers all over the Estate in strings of either 2, 3 or 4 trees. At the play park in Counoise Close 7 we added Londen Plane trees to the existing ones. On the outer lines of Berg River Road 18 Quercus suber trees were planted. In Palomino Way we planted 18 Fiscus and 29 Trichelia Dregeana trees. In Assemblage Street 20 Podocarpus and 14 Betula Pendulina trees were planted, with Yellowwoods at the pump station. At plot 456, 7 Yellowwoods were added and at 504 another 7 Betula Alba’s.

Between Village 1 and The Vines we planted 113 trees to form a forest like area where people would be able to relax next to the two

Near the Pavillion we have planted 166 Olive trees on both sides of

water ponds. All the tree holes were prepared at 750mm x 750mm

Poloway in Village 5.

deep and then 4 wheelbarrows of compost were mixed with the soil together with bone meal and organic fertilizer. Excess stone and clay soil were removed. Currently we are busy with upgrade work on beds and have started planting new plants in Village 1 and at the Main entrance to the site. We will be replacing Lavenders and other plants that did not do well on site. We planted Strelitzias in Cinsaut Cresent, Phortinia (red robin) and Raphoilepsis alba in Grenache Close. At the Eastern end of Guyot Close we replaced the Lavender with Westringia friuticosa.

On the outside of the Estate we planted a combination of Sizigium Guinese (Water Pear), Ficus Microcarpa, Platanus Acerfolia (Londen Plane) and Podocarpus Falcatus (Outeniqua Yellowwood).

In Village 3 we have planted 41 Podocarpus Falcatus and 13 Nuxia Floribunda.

In the picture above we have planted 16 Ficus Microcarpa and 11 Sizigium Guinese (Bosvlieër). This is next to plot 58 in Village 1.


Cornerstone Landscaping & Nature


YOUR GARDENS LIFE BLOOD In recent surveys done on Val de Vie, Homeowners were asked what factors were most important, in drawing them to VdV as an estate. Not surprisingly the following items came out tops on the list: 1) Security, being secure & 2) Open spaces, the landscaping and facilities – creating an environment for our children to interact with. The Val de Vie HOA and Trustees, have therefore realised the importance of the landscaping of public open spaces & private homes within the estate. In order to achieve the desired living environment, that is so important to us all, they have to regulate the way in which work is carried out on the estate, on every level. To this end, they passed a rule that every landscaper had to be SALI registered, and thus conform to the SALI standards of workmanship. And all irrigation systems had to be installed to LIA.SA standards. (Landscape Irrigation Association of SA). In recent Grapevine articles, I mentioned the importance of having a well designed and installed irrigation system, in that a well designed system is far more cost effective during the lifespan of a garden, and more important, to emphasise the fact that it is the LIFE BLOOD of a successful garden. Our summer weather in Paarl is often extreme, very hot and often windy. It goes without saying, that without proper irrigation systems in place, the landscaped gardens and open spaces we wish to achieve would not be possible. To the average person, one irrigation system is the same as the next; we place our trust in the people installing them, hoping they know what they’re doing. In this article, I wish therefore, to empower the VdV homeowner, as to understanding


the difference between well installed irrigation systems (installed to LIA.SA specs as required by VdV) from those that are not. Firstly, every irrigation system needs to be designed. No landscaper or irrigation company can install an effective system without a design; there are too many factors that need to be considered. Therefore before you part with your funds, you are entitled to know what’s going into the ground. Always ask your installing company to present both the irrigation and landscape plan. Further, there are many irrigation products on the market today; however my advice would be to stick with the proven winners – Rain Bird/ Hunter or Nelson products. There are two main factors that determine how a system is designed and thus installed: Water Flow and Water Pressure. Water Flow: On Val de Vie this is around 2200 – 2300 litres per hour. This flow off the municipal lines is actually quite poor. This poor flow is the reason why irrigation systems on Val de Vie become so expensive. Flow basically determines the number of sprayers one can install on a line or pipe. It is also a key factor when considering pipe size. The lower the flow, the fewer sprayers we can use on a line, and vice versa. The result is we have to use more valves, more zones or stations to water our properties in VdV / Paarl, when compared to other areas in Cape Town. This is why many homes in Val de Vie have 8 valves and more. Cost is increased; as more product is then needed. Water Pressure: In Val de Vie our static pressure is very high (8 bar). This means that the working pressure (when the system is running) if not regulated, will cause damage to a system over time. EVERY irrigation system on Val de Vie, should therefore have, what we call, a RINOX PRV

(pressure regulating valve (fig 1) installed on the supply line. This lowers the working pressure, thus protecting the pipes and valves installed, without it, your system will not last as long as it should. If you hear a banging sound coming from the pipes within your house, this is a sure sign that a PRV is not installed, and is needed. If considering our pressure; pipes used in Val de Vie should ALWAYS be rated to 6 bar and up. Using class 3 (bar) pipe in Val de Vie is not good enough, especially if there is no PRV installed, why; because the working pressure on Val de Vie then exceeds the rated / specified pressure of the pipe. Recommended Pipes: Main-line pipes should be HDPE (high-density polyethylene plastic) class 6 – 10 (bar) rated, virgin SABS approved, compression type pipe. Spray-line pipe

Cornerstone Landscaping & Nature should be LDPE 20mm (25mm preferably) class 6 (bar) rated, virgin SABS approved ‘Full Flow’ pipe. ‘Full Flow’ pipe is pipe that is connected using ‘Full Flow’ fittings. Recommended Fitting: All mainlines must be connected using compression type fittings (fig 2) – NOT clamp type fittings (fig 3), and associated pipe. All spray-line pipes should be connected using ‘Full Flow’ fittings (fig 4) – NOT clamp type fittings. Clamp insert fittings are considered a curse in professional irrigation circles; they are not designed with long term vision in mind, will rust and eventually leak. Besides they work out more costly anyways, if considering all factors. Trenching: According to basic LIA standards, trenches for mainline pipes must be 500600mm below finished ground level, and spray-lines must be at least 400mm below finished ground level. If your irrigation pipes are not at these depths, are lying just below the surface (100mm) or are above ground, then you are wasting money, and your contractor is not installing your system correctly. HDPE and LDPE pipe, will perish very quickly if exposed to sunlight above ground, and at shallow depths, will be pierced continuously during regular garden maintenance. This is a sure tell-tale sign of poor installation. Dripper line however is often in-stalled above ground, this is fairly

common, and within industry regulation, however covering the dripper line with a layer of mulch will extend its lifespan further. Valves (fig 5): These should ALWAYS be installed below ground within a suitable VALVE BOX (fig 6). This is why valve boxes are made. Below ground they are protected from sun and weather damage. Sun and heat damage valves very quickly. For this reason they should NEVER be installed against a wall, in a vertical position.

Valves are not made to be installed vertically, by doing so, one places tremendous strain on the inner diaphragm of the valve, I can further guarantee the valves / manifold will leak within the first year, if installed above ground. (Fig 7 & 8) are good examples of vales installed incorrectly, and signs of leaking. If valves are arranged in a cluster, using a GALVANISED MANIFOLD (fig 7) and are mounted on a wall, you’re asking for trouble, why; because plastic and galvanised


Cornerstone Landscaping & Nature steel fittings, expand and contract at different rates in the sun / weather. The plastic valve will be the first to crack, or the manifold will leak as a result of the expansion movement. One should always try using plastic fittings where possible to connect valves in clusters. Communication Wires: These are the wires that link your controller to the valves. They must always be installed within a suitable sleeve pipe, from the controller to the valve box. Wire should be used that allows sufficient current to reach the valves over the said distance. Generally 1 – 1.5mm Cabtyre or similar wire should be used. When wires are joined to the valves or otherwise, suitable water proof splice connectors (fig 9) should be used. These are connectors that contain gel. The wires are joined and then inserted into the gel of the connectors. In this way, water cannot cause electrical fault, nor can the joins corrode. Isolating Valves (fig 10): These shut-off valves should be used as follows: 1) Used before the PRV to isolate the main-line and 2) before the valve / valve cluster. These shut-off valves make it possible to carry out maintenance when needed; one should always have the option to isolate both the mainline and each valve cluster. Finally, when designing an irrigation system, sprayers within the garden should always

overlap from all ends. We call this “Head to head� placement of sprayers. Basically; the spray of water from each sprinkler (pop-up/ gear drive / riser pipe or similar) must reach the neighbouring or opposite sprinkler. In this way water is applied evenly to the area, eliminating dry spots, and combating the negative forces of wind. This is one of the most important aspects of efficient irrigation design and installation. Designing and installing irrigation is complex, there is much to know and learn. No contractor is perfect; we all make mistakes and must learn from these. The above points (although very brief), are the principles of proper irrigation design & installation, and according to our Val de Vie LIA.SA regulation, these need to be followed. If done correctly, your system will last many years, with only minor maintenance and adjustments. By empowering Homeowners with this knowledge, proper practices and standards can be obtained. Good Luck Mark Atkinson

Text Insert Two: Pipes above ground are no good & will not last.

Cornerstone Landscaping & Nature

the Bird Bird The eature:: Feature


definite chill in the air and the obvious signs Although there is a definite of winter are well on its way, there is still a hive of activity in the air with our feathered friends. Just sitting with my morning coffee, I have witnessed the Sacred Ibis as they take off on flight. In itself, the very effective and unique ‘V’ their morning flight. flying is something to marvel at. It is effective because formation flying the formation decreases wind resistance for the birds at the flock. It is also one of those sights that we can back of the flock. fly amongst garbage units and witness every morning, as they fly sewerage works, in fact wherever the day’s food can be found.

AFRICAN SAcred SACRED IbIS IBIS AfrIcAn The Threskiornisaethiopicus or the African Sacred Ibis, named after Thotha an egyptian Egyptian god whose name means “He who is like the Ibis”. Sacred Ibis were held in high regard in ancient egypt Egypt and were even mummified mummified and buried with pharaohs. They were reported to have kept egypt Egypt free from plagues and snakes. The African Sacred Ibis is a gregarious bird, living, breeding and flying flying in flocks. flocks. They are generally quiet birds and usually only grunt or croak when breeding or squabbling about a morsel or titbit of food. The feathered torso and wings are white with black trim and the rest of the naked head, neck, earholes, eyes, legs and feet are all ebony black. They have a long heavy curved bill which is used for foraging. In the evening we can be rewarded with their return. flying Flying over our estate Estate to roost and feel secure for the night.


Cornerstone Landscaping & Nature

the Bird Feature:

AFRICAN HOOPOE Another one of our feathered friends that can be seen in this pre-winter hive of activity is the African Hoopoe. Browsing through any nursery or garden department, you can find numerous statues, paintings, placemats and tributes to the graceful bird. With its long curved black bill and gorgeous crest, it is such an appealing bird for artists and designers alike. I am neither an artist, nor a designer but do so love them in the garden where I will be notified of their presence by their ‘hoop hoop’ call. You will often see them singularly or in pairs in open grasslands, parks and gardens. The African Hoopoe, UpupaAfricana, is a common visitor to our Estate and you can see them during summer. In the garden, you may be lucky enough to watch them walking about probing the ground with their bills. They eat insects and grubs but they also eat small frogs, reptiles and the young of rodents. When in a relaxed mode and eating, the Hoopoe relaxes its crest and it lays flat against its head but when alarmed, the beautiful crest is lifted, which more than doubles the size of its head. The crest feathers are different lengths and each is broadly tipped with black, forming the black bars on the flattened crown. The remainder of the head and neck area is cinnamon in colour. The rump is silky white and the tail glossy black. The Hoopoe is about 26cm and weighing in at about 57 grams. Genders differ only slightly in plumage with the males being paler in colour. The breeding season is August to February and the nest is usually in a hole in a tree, in a wall or in a mudbank. Four to seven pale blue or olive green eggs are laid and the incubation time is 15-16 days. Usually more than one brood is raised in a season. It is a messy affair with the nest never being cleaned. The chick’s form of self-defence is to defecate in the direction of the intruder. A real threat to the nest is the Cape Cobra. Like every homeowner, the African Hoopoe is fiercely protective over its nest. And finally the last endearing feature of this bird for me is the graceful low swooping flight. They fly low to the ground and the barred black tipped wings give a fluttering effect. A vision that remains with you long after they have left. We look forward to welcome the African Hoopoe home in warmer days. The next issue takes a look at the two common kingfishers in our area, the Pied and Malachite, as well as planting shrubs and trees to attract birds into the garden. Until then, wrap up warm and happy birding. Photos and Article by Glen Heramb


Cornerstone Storage Units

StOraGe uNitS Due to the high demand for storage facilities in the area, new storage units are being built on the estate. The announcement of the facility was well received and many Homeowners and Residents jumped at the investment opportunity, with all 62 units sold out within only 48 hours. Each safe and secure unit is an 18m² single garage size with a 2.4m x 2.1m pull up door. The construction of the facility will be alongside the Champions Field next to the Maintenance Centre and will be completed by November 2013.











Villages represented by numerals 1 - 12 STATISTICS: 5 June 2013 SHOC’s: 73 OCCUPATIONS: 213

5 6 4

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Contact us Tel: (021) 951 - 1140

Fax: (021) 951 - 4003


Cornerstone Aesthetics Gallery

Aesthetics Gallery CLADDING “4.2.3 Drypack stonework (natural stone matching that used in the gatehouse columns only.) No stonework tiles or cast concrete cladding will be permitted. (rule)”

EXTERNAL LIGHTS “4.9.1 All external lights mounted on the street facing elevation or ahead of this line shall be of the carriage type units in the colour black or dark grey. (rule)”

BALUSTRADES AND WROUGHT IRON WORK “4.5.1 All external balustrades are to be of a steel type with the elements (except support posts) having a maximum width of 10mm in any one direction and to be composed of primarily curvilinear elements typical of decorative wrought iron work. All balustrades to be black or a dark grey unless prior approval is obtained


from the Home Owners Association for use of an alternate colour. (rule)”

WROUGHT IRON BALCONIES AND TRELLISWORK “4.5.3 The guidelines strongly encourage the extensive use of wrought iron balcony railings and trelliswork. Owners are allowed to substitute any length of trelliswork in excess of 6m (garage width), on the street facing façade, for either the shutters or the pergola requirement. (rule)”

PERGOLAS “4.8.1 A pergola element is mandatory in front of the garage or an equal length of pergola provided elsewhere on the street facing façade. (rule)”






Cornerstone Aesthetics Gallery FRONT DOORS “4.3.5 Front doors, where visible from the street, shall be solid doors. Glassed entrance doors will be permitted where a wrought iron screen or gate is fixed or installed between the door and the street. (rule)”






encouraged, must be operational and are preferably side hung. (rule)” Samovar

“4.3.10 It is mandatory that operational


shutters be fitted to all street facing windows on the ground floor. Approved


shutters are fully framed with horizontal angled louvre elements, any other type is to be separately submitted for approval.




AIR-CONS AND POOL PUMPS “5.15 Mechanical equipment and plant such as air-conditioners (and grilles), ducts, pool pumps, etc. must be designed into the buildings and/or adequately enclosed or screened off from view. (rule)”

Evasive White Y4-E2-3

Stone Wash Y2-D2-2

Ivory Ridge Y3-D2-2


Ivory Parchment Y3-D2-3

Arniston White 240 - 1




Arniston White 25% UT 230 - 1

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Cornerstone Aesthetics Gallery MOULDINGS “4.7.1 The colour palette and the style of the estate encourage the use of plaster moulding to create relief on the facades. The use of corbelling and banding below eaves and along the line of the window head and cill height is strongly encouraged. Window surrounds will also be permitted. (guideline)”

DRIVEWAYS “3.3.2 Driveway materials are to be a combination of smartstone (or similar) concrete cobble (charcoal or grey colour) clay brick pavers, or exposed aggregate concrete surface beds (colour to be brown.)”


AESTHETIC GUIDELINES FOR Please make sure your Smartstone is Smartstone. Smartstone supplied all the paving at the estate during the development phase. If the developers believed in Smartstone’s quality then it should be still your first choice for paving.



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CONTACT DETAILS: The Polo House, 268 Les Lions Street, Val de Vie Estate, Paarl +27 83 641 8887 +27 21 863 1139 BIBC 92443 NHBRC 1-109798121 MBA BOLAND 1771 JBCC

Cornerstone Frequently Asked Questions


What are the HOA office hours and where are they situated? Val de Vie Sport and Leisure Centre Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 07H30 – 16H30 Fridays 07H30 – 16H00 Closed on weekends and public holidays. When are levy payments due and how does the extra levy affect me? 1st of the month in advance. When you buy a plot from 1 September 2012 in the extra levy phase you have a four month grace period from date of transfer to do your planning and to start building before the extra levy is applicable. When building starts you then have an additional 11 month period to complete the project in which the extra levy will again not be applicable. How do I update my personal information with the HOA? Please send an email to How and when can I do my security gate enrolment? New HOA Members: Gate enrolment can only be done after the deed of transfer, in office hours and at the HOA reception, proof of identification is required. New Tenants: Enrolment can only be done on completion of a tenant enrolment form, available at HOA reception. Copies of identification documents and rental agreements must accompany completed forms. Workers: All domestics, gardeners, au pairs, butlers, etc. need to be enrolled, with necessary identification documents. Valid work permits are mandatory for foreign workers. Taxi services Contact Mr Driver on 078 927 9674 for taxi services between Paarl and Val de Vie for your domestic workers. How and when can I obtain a remote for the inner lane booms/river frontage gates? Remotes are only available to residents at R110 per remote. Land owners that are in the planning phase may request the building control office to motivate an application for a remote. Remotes can be ordered and paid for at the HOA reception.

How and when do I obtain my post box key? The post box key can only be obtained after the deed of transfer, during office hours at the HOA reception. What is my Val de Vie postal address? Name and Surname…(your SG number) Val de Vie Estate, Paarl, Kliprug Minor Road, 7646 How often is postage sorted? Postage is retrieved from town and sorted daily. You will receive a notification slip in your box for parcels that are too big for the box. These letters/parcels need to be signed for and collected during office hours at the HOA reception. How do I apply for a dustbin? It is the homeowner’s responsibility to apply for a dustbin once Drakenstein occupation is issued, use SG number as reference and phone Drakenstein Municipality at 021 807 4715. When is refuse removal? Our refuse removal is done weekly by Drakenstein Municipality. We form part of their ‘purple zone’. For collection days, please refer to their schedule at

The HOA Picnic area is located on the banks of the Berg River on the Northern side of the Estate. Access to the River Frontage and Picnic Area is controlled and only possible to residents via pre-programmed remote controls (same remote as for inner lane booms). Access is only possible via 3 gates - Southern Gate, Gate at Picnic Area and Northern Gate. Access is limited to non-motorised transport during day-light hours only. Who can I contact for electrical or plumbing assistance? Plumber: MD Loodgieters, 021 8724617 / 082 453 8867 Electrician: Steven Jones, 021 872 8711/082 802 7219 Drains: The Drain Surgeon, 021 855 3035/073 228 4278 Will there be a waiting area in the near future for domestics etc when waiting for taxi’s Yes, construction started in June and will be finished at the latest end of August. Where did the olives go? The olives where picked and taken to be pressed for olive oil. The intention is to bottle the oil and be able to provide each resident with a sample of our own estate olive oil.

Does Val de Vie have a recycling unit? Homeowners can make use of the paper and glass banks at the Maintenance Centre. March a free municipal door-to-door recycling service began on the estate. Each week on the same day as your refuse removal, your recyclable material will be collected. All you need to do is get your ‘dry’ recyclable waste into the free clear bag you are provided with. Then place it next to or on top of your refuse bin ready for collection. How many pets are allowed? Each unit is limited to two animals. Only domestic animals posing no danger, noise or odours may be kept. All domestic animals shall at all times bear a tag which shall reflect the name, telephone number and SG number of their homeowner. What types of fish have been established in the dams and is fishing allowed? Grass Carp, Kurper and Bass have been stocked in our dams and fishing is only allowed on a catch-and-release base. Please respect these resources. Picnic Area and access to River Frontage


Cornerstone Estate Rules

Focus on Estate Rules

AnimAls Rule 8: Unless written authority has been given by the HOA, members are only allowed to keep a maximum of 2 (two) domestic animals per household on the Estate which pose no danger, noise or odours. it is vitally important that all domestic animals shall at all times bear a tag which reflects the name, telephone number and erf number of the relevant homeowner. Please take note that dogs must be kept in suitable enclosures and be prevented from straying off the relevant homeowner’s erf. Dogs are only allowed on the common areas on a leash while under strict control. Please visit our website at and follow the link to internal Communication for a full description of the rules regarding domestic animals and dogs under Pet Ownership Rules. APPROvAl Of AltERAtiOns AftER OCCUPAtiOn Rule 22: should a homeowner wish to make alterations to his/her house and/or garden, the homeowner must adhere to the following steps. All alterations must be shown on a plan for alterations done to

improvements and/or landscaping for scrutiny by the HOA. the controlling architect and HOA will merely ensure that the proposed improvements and/ or alterations comply with the set guidelines and will identify possible conflicting areas. All building plans must be submitted to the controlling architects and landscaping plans to the office of the HOA. the controlling architects together with the aesthetic committee shall evaluate the submitted plans. All plans for approval by the local authority must be submitted, together with the fully completed Architectural Plan Checklist, a perspective drawing, an A3 set of all building plans and an extra rendered paper copy for HOA record purposes. Approved drawings will be stamped by the controlling architects and made available for collection by the architect or homeowner for submission to the local authority. All approval fees are for the homeowner’s account. no building activity will be allowed without proof of the approved plans from the controlling

architects and if needed, the Drakenstein municipality or a letter from the municipality authorising the homeowner to start. Any alterations made in contravention of the above steps and/or failure to comply with the required procedure is subject to the HOA’s right to insist on the reversal thereof while the HOA is also entitled to impose a monthly penalty levy of R1 000 for each month during which such reversal has not been completed. lAnDsCAPing, POOls, jUnglE gyms Rule 25: jungle gyms, swings, trampolines, doll houses, bird cages, garden sheds, portable or temporary swimming pools and similar equipment or structures must be placed below the level of garden/yard walls in order that they are not readily visible from any road and/or other erf or public open space. no temporary wire fencing or similar fencing may be erected and all boundary screen elements must comply with the aesthetic guidelines. no temporary structures, as defined by the national Building Regulations, may be erected.

Val De Vie

Telephone Directory HOA EnQUiRiEs 021 863 6128

EvEnts & mARKEting 021 863 6191

DRAKEnstEin mUniCiPAlity / gEnERAl 021 807 4500

POlO 021 863 6169

OtHER sAPs – PAARl 021 807 4000

tRAffiC DEPARtmEnt 021 872 4755

sAlEs OffiCE 021 863 6101

sAP flying sQUAD 10111

WinEs 021 863 6100 POlO ClUB REstAURAnt 02 863 6174 BUilDing DEPARtmEnt 02 863 6127 RyK nEEtHling sWim sCHOOl 082 3791111 sECURity 021 863 6110 072 900 3954 HEAltHClUB 021 863 6136

AnimAl HOsPitAl WEllingtOn 021 873 1196

fiRE BRigADE 021 872 2323

vEtEnARiAn DR DEOn vAn tOnDER 083 631 4603

flying sQUAD 10111

PAARl liBRARy 021 807 4871/4742

AmBUlAnCE PAARl 10177 021 872 1970

PAARl tOURism 021 872 4842

REsCUE EmERgEnCy 10177 ER EmERgEnCy REsPOnsE 084 124 PAARl HOsPitAl 02 860 2500 mEDi CliniC PAARl 02 807 8000

fRAnsCHOEK tOURism 021 876 3603 POisOn/ snAKE BitE infORmAtiOn 021 689 5227 021 931 6129 POst OffiCE 57 lADy gREy stR PAARl 021 – 872 5337

WAtER / ElECtRiCity 021 - 807 2557


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