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verrines 50 light recipes, salted or sweeted to receive in an original and friendly way

sommaire salted... Creamy peas soup with thyme 4_ Creamy mushroom soup with yogurt 6_ Spring aperitif 7_ Celery with black Olive tapenade 8_ Tomato scum with vegetables 9_ Tomato aspic with whipped ricotta 10_ Red bell pepper panna cotta with ginger 11_ Green tabbouleh 12_ Small ratatouille crumbles 14_ Broccoli purée verrine on diced chicken 15_ Cucumber tzatziki and green apple 16_ Creamy Rice Verrines with Saffron, Kiwi and Mango 17_ Asparagus with citrus mayonnaise 18_ Risotto with chanterelle mushrooms and tomatoes 20_ Swimming St. Jacques with fresh vegetables 21_ Prawns cocktail 22_ Shrimp verrines 23_ Prawns sticks with guacamole 24_ Fried prawns with sesame 25_ Cups of shellfish with avocado 26_ Cappuccino with blue 28_ Goat with spices 29_ Eggs casserole forest 30_ Endive verrines with ham 31_ Creamy endive soup with colombo 32_


... sweeted Flan with orange blossom 34_ Violet panna cotta 36_ Milk jelly panna cotta 37_ Berry trifle with kirsch 38_ Coconut cream with japanese pearls and poached pears 39_ Cream pear soup 40_ Honey pear soup 41_ Pear trifle 42_ Roses floating islands with saffron 43_ Pear praline currant verrine 44_ Double chocolate verrines and espelette pepper 45_ Nectarine tartar 46_ Spiced nectarine verrines 47_ Small crunchy vanilla-strawberry cones 48_ Strawberry mint jelly 50_ Delicious fruits 51_ Mixed fruit verrines 52_ Fresh fruits with rose 53_ Strawberry milk and lime ice 54_ Violet creams 55_ Frozen yogurt with berries 56_ Velvety red fruit yogurt 57_ Raspberry verrines with mascarpone cream 58_ Granita with raspberry and coconut 59_ Banana cheesecake 60_

sommaire 3

For 4 people Preparation 20 min Cooking time 15 min easy Recipe_PRISMAPIX PHOTO_Laurent ROUVRAIS 450 g frozen peas 1 egg 2 tbsp. chicken stock 20 cl single cream 3 tsp. Thyme Salt and pepper


peas soup with thyme

1. Let peas thaw at room temperature. Boil 1 l. of water, chicken stock and 2 teaspoon of thyme in a saucepan. Pour in the peas and cook during the time indicated on the package. 2. Take 2 ladles of peas and juice, add the whole egg, salt and pepper and mix everything. Pour a little of this mixture into 4 glasses. Cover with foil and keep warm. 3. Mix the remaining peas, add the cream and blend again. Reheat to a simmer. 4. Pour the creamy soup into the glasses, add the remaining thyme and serve immediately.



500 g button mushrooms 2 creamy plain yoghurt 1 bunch of chervil 2 thin slices of Parma ham







mushroom pieces. Sauté them in the olive oil for about 10 min., add

25 cl chicken stock 1 tbsp. olive oil Salt and pepper

salt and pepper. Add the broth; cook for another 10 min. 2. Mix them with the cooking juice and 2 yoghurts, salt, pepper, pass through a sieve to obtain a creamy soup. Keep warm.

For 4 people Preparation 15 min Cooking time 20 min Recipe_Hector BAROTOQUI PHOTO_Laurent ROUVRAIS

Creamy mushroom soup with yogurt 3. To serve, cut the ham slices in half lengthwise, fry them in a dry nonstick skillet for 1 min. on each side. Serve the creamy soup hot or warm with chips ham and chervil.

one more RECIPE

Vegetarian creamy soup Replace the Parma ham with 300 g of sliced carrots, steamed. Mix them with the juice of the mushrooms and yoghurt. Add salt and pepper and serve the soup, sieved and sprinkled with chervil, hot or warm, with triangles of toasted bread and rubbed with garlic.


1. For the cream soup: dissolve the stock cube in 50 cl of boiling water. Rinse and drain the lettuce, wash the leeks, chop it finely. Peel and chop onions. 2. Braise the leeks and onions in 2 tbsp. of olive oil. Pour the chicken stock, boil and add the lettuce. Bake for 20 min. Mix the preparation and stir in 10 cl of cream. Adjust the seasoning. Let cool, then keep in the refrigerator. 3. For the chausson: cook eggs for 5 min. in boiling salted water, refresh and hull them.

for 4 people Preparation 30 min Cooking time 40 min Recipe_Monique MOURGUES PHOTO_Francis KOMPALITCH

4. Peel and press the garlic. Rinse and chop the spinach, melt them in the remaining oil, add garlic, the sugar, salt







Spring aperitif 1 lettuce

5. Preheat the oven

th.7 (210째C). Cut

1 leek

discs of 8 cm of diameter in the puff

150 g spinach

pastry. Place on each a spinach nut and

2 onions

an egg, moisten the edges and join them

6 sprigs of chives

to close. Bake for 15 min.

12 quail eggs 200 g puff pastry 2 cloves of garlic 20 cl of liquid cream 1 tablet of vegetable stock

6. Serve the chausson hot or warm with iced






decorated with a fluffy whipped cream and chives.

1 tsp. of sugar 4 tbsp. of olive oil Salt and pepper


Celery with black olive

tapenade 1. Pit the olives. Peel the garlic then cut it in half to remove the germ. Combine in the bowl of a blender the olives, garlic, capers, anchovies and blend to obtain a coarse puree. Add pepper, pour olive oil and continue mixing until the mixture is smooth. Cool and refrigerate. 2. Peel the ribs of celery with a vegetable peeler to remove the strings and rinse them. Cut the celery into small pieces and cook them in steam for 20 min. 3. Serve the warm celery, accompanied by tapenade.

for 4 people Preparation 15 min Cooking time 20 min easy Recipe_Monique MOURGUES PHOTO_Francis KOMPALITCH

1 small stalk of celery branch 1 clove of garlic 200 g black olives 2 tbsp. capers 8 anchovy fillets thin in olive oil 10 cl of olive oil pepper


1 tbsp. tomato sauce 25 cl of cream 2 tbsp. cooking oil 1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar salt pepper

1 red pepper 1 green pepper 1 zucchini 2 tomatoes 1 shallot 1 sprig of basil

1. Rinse the vegetables and cut them into very small dice. Peel and chop the shallots. Rinse and finely chop the basil. Mix all these ingredients in a bowl, add the vinegar and oil. Add salt and pepper and set aside to cool. 2. Whip the very cold cream into whipped cream, at the end add the tomato sauce and mix gently. 3. Divide the vegetables into 4 glasses, garnish with the tomato whipped cream and serve immediately.

Tomato scum with vegetables For 4 people Preparation 30 min Cooking time 5 min easy Recipe_PRISMAPIX PHOTO_Laurent ROUVRAIS


For 6 people Preparation 20 min Cooking time 10 min waiting time 3 h

For tomato aspic: 16 oz. tomato juice (good quality) 1 1/2 tsp. gelatin

Recipe_Alba PEZONE PHOTO_Laurence MOUTON

Pinch of sea salt 1 tbsp. fresh grated parmesan For whipped ricotta:

1. Dissolve gelatin in cold water.

3/4 cup ricotta 2/3 cup chilled whipping cream

2. Prepare the tomato aspic. Heat the tomato

A pinch of salt and pepper

juice but do not boil. Check the seasoning; add a pinch of salt, if necessary. Remove

For basil oil and pine nuts: 1 tbsp. pine nuts Fresh basil leaves Extra virgin olive oil








stir juice





glasses: fill a little over one third full. Refrigerate, minimum 3 hours.

Tomato aspic with

whipped ricotta 3.






whipping cream until firm and fluffy, add pinch of salt. Fold in the ricotta. Season with pepper. Reserve in refrigerator until serving time. 4. Prepare the basil oil. Chop basil leaves, place in a small bowl, cover with olive oil. Toast the pine nuts. 5. To serve, sprinkle grated parmesan on top of tomato aspic. Then drizzle with 1 tbsp. basil oil. Fill a pastry bag with whipped ricotta






Garnish with fresh cracked pepper or basil and pine nuts.


7 fl oz cream 3 fl oz milk (6 tbsp) 2 red bell peppers 1 level tsp minced ginger 1 tbsp agar-agar or 2 sheets of gelatin salt and pepper

1. Wash the bell peppers then cut in half and remove the seeds. Peel with a serrated vegetable peeler. Cut the bell peppers into chunks then cook them with 2 glasses of water and the ginger. The bell peppers should be nice and tender. Drain then puree the bell peppers with a food processor.

Red bell pepper

panna cotta with ginger


2. Bring the cream and milk to a boil.

The milk can be

Soak the gelatin in 2 tbsp water. Add

replaced with coconut

the softened gelatin sheets or the agar-

milk for a more exotic variation.

agar. 3. Mix, add the red bell pepper puree,

For 4-6 people Preparation 6 min Cooking time 12 min waiting time 2 h 30 Recipe_Maureen JANSEN PHOTO_Laurence MOUTON

then bring to a boil again for 2 min. Add a pinch of salt and pepper. Pour into small ramekins or verrine glasses. Let cool to room temperature before placing in the refrigerator. Refrigerate for at least 2 h. before serving.



For 4 people Preparation 20 min Cooking time 5 min Recipe_Thalie BARDINET PHOTO_MARIELLE-GAULT

Green tabbouleh 150 g medium couscous

1. Rinse the couscous with cold water. Drain

1 green pepper

it and mix it in a bowl with 2 tbsp of oil,

1 cucumber

salt and pepper.

3 spring onions 1 lemon

2. Bring 30 cups of water to a boil. Pour it

1 bunch of coriander

over the couscous, let stand for 5 min. and

4 sprigs of mint

fluff with a fork. Allow to cool.

3 tbsp. olive oil Salt and pepper

3. Rinse the pepper, remove the seeds and cut it into very small dices. Peel the cucumber and cut it into very small dices as well. Peel and chop the onions. Rinse the herbs and chop them. 4. Stir the prepared vegetables and herbs into the couscous. Add the lemon juice and remaining oil, adjust the seasoning and serve chilled.


For 4 people Preparation 15 min Cooking time 35 min easy Recipe_Thalie BARDINET PHOTO_Laurent ROUVRAIS

1 kg frozen cooked ratatouille 30 g flour 60 g grated pecorino 30 g bread crumbs 75 g butter, softened 30 g ground almonds 2 pinches of Espelette pepper A pinch of salt

Small ratatouille crumbles 1. Preheat the oven to 180째C (th.6). Mix the pecorino with the flour, bread crumbs, ground almonds, pepper and salt. Add the softened butter and mix with your fingertips until dough is sandy. 2. Reheat the ratatouille in a saucepan over low heat to thaw. Divide it into small baking pan. Cover with dough and bake for 30 min. Serve hot.


400 g frozen broccoli 4 tbsp. béarnaise sauce 2 already cooked turkey meat

For 4 people Preparation 10 min Cooking time 10 min easy Recipe_Thalie BARDINET PHOTO_Laurent ROUVRAIS

Broccoli purée verrine

on diced

chicken 1. Cook the frozen broccoli florets for 6 min. in boiling salted water. Drain and blend them into thick puree. Stir in the béarnaise sauce and mix. Keep warm. 2.




turkey fillets for a few minutes




skillet. Pour them into 4 glasses, top with the purée and serve hot.


For 4 people Preparation 15 min no cooking Recipe_Thalie BARDINET PHOTO_MARIELLE-GAULT


tzatziki and green apple 1 small cucumber

1. Rinse and dry the cucumber. Cut it in half

1 Granny Smith apple

lengthwise. Remove the seeds; slice it. Press

A Greek yoghurt (150 g)

it in paper towels.

1 lemon 6 sprigs of mint 2 sprigs of parsley

2. Rinse and core the apple. Slice it. Sprinkle it with the juice of the half lemon.

Tabasco salt

3. Mix in a bowl the yogurt, remaining lemon juice and chopped herbs. Salt, add 4 to 6 drops of Tabasco. Stir in the cucumber and apple. 4. Serve chilled, accompanied by blinis.


for 4 people Preparation 15 min Cooking time 20 min Recipe_Philippe ASSET PHOTO_Philippe ASSET

1. In a saucepan, heat the milk over low heat. Open the capsules of cardamom and add the seeds into the pan. 2. When the milk is hot, add the rice, cover and cook for about 20 min., until rice has absorbed almost all the milk. 3. Remove from the heat and add the saffron and sugar. Let cool then add the double cream and honey.

Creamy rice verrines

with saffron, kiwi and mango 4. Peel the fruits, cut the mango into small cubes and kiwi into slices. 5. Divide the rice into small glasses, adding












100 g long grain rice 1 mango 2 kiwis 50 cl milk 75 g brown sugar 3 tbsp. double cream 2 tbsp. clear honey A dose of saffron powder a few capsules of cardamom



8 asparagus 1 lemon, juiced 1 lime, juiced 1 tsp mustard 2 eggs 1 1/2 cups olive oil 2 cups orange or mandarin orange juice 1/6 cup sugar salt

Asparagus with citrus mayonnaise 1. Peel the asparagus and trim the stalks so that they are all the same length. Cook them in

For 2 people Preparation 30 min Cooking time 12 min Recipe_Maureen JANSEN PHOTO_Laurence MOUTON

boiling water for 2 min. then cool on ice. 2. Make the mayonnaise: Break the eggs, separating the whites from the yolks. Beat 1 yolk with the mustard and olive oil. Add the lemon and lime juice to the mayonnaise, little by little. In a separate bowl, beat the two egg whites until stiff, then fold gradually into the mayonnaise. Keep refrigerated.

tips For a successful mayonnaise, all of the ingredients should be room temperature : the eggs, the mustard, and the oil. Remember to remove them from the refrigerator at least 1 h. ahead of time.

3. Put the mandarin or orange juice in a saucepan with the sugar. Bring to a boil, then turn down to low heat and let reduce for 10 min. so that it caramelizes. Let cool. 4.








mayonnaise and the citrus caramel.


1. Brown the chanterelle mushrooms in a pan with 30 g butter. Set them aside in a warm place. Cut the tomatoes into small dices. Rinse and chop the basil. 2. Peel and chop the shallots. In a casserole, cook them for 5 min.without browning in 30 g of butter, add rice; stir until the rice becomes translucent. Sprinkle with wine. When the liquid has evaporated, add the hot stock ladles by its measuring of absorption, stirring constantly. When cooked (about 20 min.); the rice should be creamy. 3. Add the Parmesan cheese, diced tomatoes and the remaining butter, stirring, then the mushrooms and the chopped basil. Adjust the seasoning. 4. Divide into bowls and garnish with 1 leaf of basil.

Risotto with chanterelle


and tomatoes 250 g Arborio rice 300 g frozen chanterelle mushrooms 6 dried tomatoes 2 shallots 3 sprigs of basil 100 g butter 10 cl white wine 1.2 l vegetable stock 50 g

grated parmesan

Salt and pepper

for 4 people Preparation 20 min Cooking time 30 min easy Recipe_PRISMAPIX PHOTO_Francis KOMPALITCH


12 Walnut St. Jacques 150 g snow peas 100 g peas 1 carrot 2 stalks of celery 2 onions 2 cloves garlic 1 bouquet garni 50 cl dry white wine 3 tbsp. of olive oil 1 pinch of pink pepper Salt and pepper

Swimming St. Jacques For 4 people Preparation 30 min Cooking time 50 min Recipe_Monique MOURGUES PHOTO_Francis KOMPALITCH

with fresh vegetables 1. Peel and chop the celery, onions, garlic and carrot. 2. Heat the oil, add all the chopped vegetables and let them gently steaming. Add the bouquet garni, wine and 50 cl of water. Add salt and pepper. Boil over low heat for 30 min. Then filter the broth. 3. Pour the broth into a saucepan. When it boils, add the peas, simmer for 10 min. and then add the walnut of St. Jacques. Let them poach for 7 min. Scatter with pink peppercorns just before serving.


For 4 people Preparation 20 min no cooking Recipe_Thalie BARDINET PHOTO_MARIELLE-GAULT

Prawns cocktail 400 g of cooked prawns

1. Shell the prawns. Cut the grapefruit in

2 grapefruit

half, remove the segment by eliminating

50 g of spinach shoots

the white membranes. Rinse and hull the

1 lettuce heart

spinach. Cut the lettuce into thin strips.

4 tbsp. of mayonnaise with lemon 2 tbsp. of cream

2. Mix the mayonnaise, cream and curry.

1 tsp. of curry powder 12 chives







spinach, segments of grapefruit, prawns and



with chives.





For 4 people Preparation 20 min no cooking easy Recipe_PRISMAPIX PHOTO_Laurent ROUVRAIS

1. Mix the mayonnaise with the cream cheese, add a dash of lime juice and pepper. 2. Peel the avocado and cut the flesh into cubes, drizzle them with lime juice. Rinse the cherry tomatoes, remove stems and cut them into quarters. Rinse and finely slice the lettuce heart. Shell the shrimp. Rinse and chop the coriander. 3. Pour some mayonnaise onto the bottom of 4 glasses, top with lettuce, diced avocado, tomato and finish with the shrimp. Sprinkle with the coriander and serve chilled.

Shrimp verrines 400 g cooked prawns 12 cherry tomatoes 1 lettuce heart an avocado 1 lime 100 g fresh goat cheese 3 tbsp. mayonnaise 1 bunch of coriander pepper


1. Place the cream and a bowl in the refrigerator. Blend the avocado flesh with the juice of 1/2 lemon, add salt and pepper. Add the diced prawns and the chopped zest of 1/2 lemon. 2. Preheat oven th.6 (180째C). Whip in a bowl the very cold cream into whipped cream and stir it gently into avocado puree. 50 g shelled prawns 3 sheets of phyllo 1 avocado 100g butter 1/2 lime 4 sprigs of mint 10 cl of cream Salt and pepper


sticks with guacamole 3.






sheets of phyllo cut into quarters. Roll them on sticks covered with parchment






baking sheet for 10 min. Allow to cool. 4.






preparation with a piping nozzle. Serve




for 4 people Preparation 45 min Cooking time 15 min midle Recipe_PRISMAPIX PHOTO_Laurent ROUVRAIS




For 4 people Preparation 20 min waiting time 30 min Cooking time 5 min easy Recipe_PRISMAPIX PHOTO_Laurent ROUVRAIS







sugar and the soy sauce, boil and let cool. 2. Peel and cut the cucumber into






vegetable peeler. Sprinkle them with 2 tbsp. of vinegar and soy and keep in the refrigerator.

Fried prawns with sesame 700 g shelled prawns 1 cucumber 60 g flour 60 g of sesame seeds 1 egg white 1 tbsp. of powdered sugar







incised length


prawns in




30窶確in. Drain them, roll them in










10 cl of soy sauce

seeds, except 2 tbsp. Fry in a

4 tbsp. soy vinegar

pan with 2 tbsp. of cooking oil

2 tbsp. cooking oil

and drain.


4. Serve the prawns in jars, topped sprinkled

with with

cucumber sesame.

and Serve

with soy vinegar.


350 g of each seafood (scallops, mussels and cockles) 2 avocados 1 rib of celery 1 natural yoghurt 1 lime 5 ml of cream 1 tbsp. of green pepper 3 tbsp. of olive oil 1 bunch cilantro Tabasco Salt and pepper

Cups of shellfish

with avocado

1. Rinse and cut the celery into dice. Bake for 5 min. in a casserole with 1 tsp. of oil. Add clams and tin cleaned with a half glass of water and pepper. Cover and, once opened, remove their shells. 2. Slice the avocado flesh. Fry for 30 sec., add pepper and squeeze lime juice. 3. Poach the scallops for 2 min. in 4 tbsp. of shellfish juice and a little oil. Drain and cook the juice. 4. Mix the shellfish with crushed green pepper, 5 drops of Tabasco, the juice of 1/2 lemon, yogurt and cilantro. 5. Add the cream into the shellfish juice and let cook. 6. Divide the avocados, shellfish, and cilantro in










For 4 people Preparation 30 min Cooking time 15 min difficile Recipe_PRISMAPIX PHOTO_Laurent ROUVRAIS


1. Peel the pear and celery, cut into pieces and put them in a saucepan with the milk. Cook over low heat for 30 min., half-covered. 2. Brown the almonds dry in a very hot nonstick pan. Whip the very cold cream to get

for a light whipped cream. Cool and

refrigerate. 3. Drain the pieces of celery and pear. Mix them with some cooking milk in order to obtain a cream. Add a pinch of nutmeg. 4. Pour the soup into glasses, sprinkle with chips of bleu d’Auvergne, almonds and a fluffy whipped cream. Serve immediately.

Cappuccino with blue for 4 people Preparation 20 min Cooking time 30 min easy Recipe_PRISMAPIX PHOTO_Laurent ROUVRAIS

1 kg of celeriac 1 l of semi-skimmed milk 120 g of Bleu d’Auvergne 1 pear 10 cl of cream 50 g chopped almonds nutmeg


For 4 people Preparation 10 min no cooking waiting time 6 h easy Recipe_Hector BAROTOQUI PHOTO_Laurent ROUVRAIS

4 sticks of goat 4 small bird’s eye chille 4 sprigs of fresh thyme 1 sprig of rosemary olive oil Salt and pepper


with spices 1. Cut the sticks of Goat into rounds of 2 cm thick, divide them into 4 transparent glasses, add the bird’s eye chille and herbs petals. Add salt and pepper and cover with olive oil. 2. Marinate for 6 h. Serve with toasted farmhouse bread.


4 eggs 20 g dried porcini mushrooms 60 g of ewe’s cheese 1 small can of foie gras

Eggs casserole forest 1 wholemeal bread

20 cl cream 50 g butter

1/2 bunch of chives

Salt and pepper

for 4 people Preparation 15 min Cooking time 20 min waiting time 30 min easy


1. Make rehydrate the dried mushrooms for 30 min.

in a bowl of warm water.

Drain and sponge up. Coarsely grate the ewe’s cheese. 2. Fry the mushrooms in the pan for 10 min. in 25 g of butter. Add salt and pepper and allow to cool. 3.










(240°C). baking.

Place 1 tbsp. of cream in each and the mushroom.





Break eggs in casseroles. 4. Cover the casserole with aluminum foil and place them in a bain-marie Bake for 8 min. 5. Cut the bread into slices, spread them







strips. 6. Serve the eggs casserole sprinkled with chopped chives and accompanied by strips of foie gras.


1. Wash, wipe and cut the endive in pieces. Cover them with water in a casserole; cook them for 20 min. over high heat. Drain, mix them with the cream, keep warm. 2. Heat the butter in a small saucepan, add the flour, salt and pepper, mix always, heating, gradually add the milk; set aside. 3. Make small piles of parmesan on oiled baking sheet, grill for 3 min. 4. Pour the endive cream into 4 glasses, cover with a little bĂŠchamel sauce.Sprinkle with nutmeg, add the diced ham and finish with a Parmesan crisp. Serve immediately.

Endive verrines

with ham

3 endives 5 cl low fat cream 1 thick slice of ham on the bone 100 g grated parmesan 50 g butter 1 tsp. flour 10 cl milk grated nutmeg Salt and pepper

for 4 people Preparation 20 min cooking time 25 min Recipe_Hector BAROTOQUI PHOTO_Laurent ROUVRAIS

one more recipe

Endives with smoked duck fillet Sprinkle 150 g of button mushrooms, rinsed and chopped with the juice of 1 lemon. Cut endive into 4 sections. Mix 1 tablespoon of cider vinegar, 1 pinch of salt, 1 teaspoon of strong mustard and 1 tsp. of clear honey. Pour in 4 tbsp. of hazelnut oil, whisking and pepper. Add the endives and mushrooms. Divide this salad onto plates. Garnish with slices of smoked duck defatted, pour a little sauce; sprinkle with chopped chives. Serve.



For 4 people Preparation 10 min Cooking time 10 min Recipe_Thalie BARDINET PHOTO_MARIELLE-GAULT 600 g endives 1 onion 1 potato (150 g) 3 tsp. colombo(or curry) 1 l milk 2 pinches of sugar 20 g butter salt

Creamy endive soup with colombo 1. Melt the chopped endives and onion, peeled and chopped with the butter for 2 min. in a saucepan over low heat. Sprinkle with 2 tsp. of colombo (or curry) and sugar. Mix for 1 min., then, add the milk and heat. 2.






peeled and minced. Lightly salt. Cook for 8 min. over low heat, covered. 3. Blend the soup in a hand blender, adjust the seasoning and serve hot, sprinkled with colombo.


For 4 people Preparation 15 min Cooking time 30 min Recipe_Thalie BARDINET PHOTO_MARIELLE-GAULT

50 cl milk 2 eggs + 4 yolks 150 g of caster sugar 1/2 lemon 1 tbsp. of water orange blossom

Flan with Orange Blossom 1. Cook 100 g of sugar with 3 tbsp. of water and a sprinkle of lemon juice until caramel is in small saucepan. Pour into 4 ramekins. Turn them so that the caramel covers the walls. Preheat oven th.5-6 (170째C). 2. Bring the milk to a boil. Whisk eggs, yolks and 50 g of sugar. Gradually pour the hot milk while whisking. Flavored of orange blossom water. 3. Pour into ramekins. Place them in a baking dish. Pour boiling water halfway up. Bake for 20 min. Let cool, then refrigerate until the last moment to serve chilled.



16 oz mascarpone 1/3 cup sugar 2 sheets of gelatin 1 tsp violet extract 20 crystallized violets

panna cotta 1. Soak the gelatin in cold water to soften it. 2. Melt the sugar and mascarpone in a saucepan, being careful not to let them come to a boil. 3. Drain the gelatin. Add it to the mascarpone and sugar mixture, mixing it in with a whisk. Add the violet extract. Pour the mixture into small glasses. Top with the crystallized violets. Chill for at least 2 h. in the refrigerator.


Violet for 4 people Preparation 10 min cooking time 3 min waiting time 2 h Recipe_Catherine BOURZAT PHOTO_Laurence MOUTON

20 1/2 fl oz. single cream 1/2 pot milk jelly (or dulce de leche) 3 sheets gelatin

1. Pour cream in saucepan and bring to boil then simmer for 5 min. Soften gelatin in a little water. 2. In a bowl, away from the heat, mix 4 tsp. milk jelly in cream. Squeeze sheets of gelatin between your fingers, then add to cream and put back on heat, so that they

Milk jelly

melt in cream. Stir regularly.

panna cotta 3.







1 tsp. of remaining milk jelly in jar, then put panna cotta on top. Leave to cool by putting in fridge for at least 8 h. before serving. Serve with little blob of milk jelly. Eat at room temperature.

for 4 people Preparation 10 min cooking time 7 min waiting time 8 h Recipe_Laurence MOUTON PHOTO_Laurence MOUTON


11 oz creme fraiche or sour cream 2/3 cup sugar 4 egg yolks 2 tbsp Kirsch 2 sheets of gelatin 14 oz fresh or frozen, thawed berries

1. Melt the butter in a small saucepan. Cover a 15x11’’ baking sheet with baking paper. Melt part of the butter and use a pastry brush to butter the paper. Beat the egg yolks with the sugar. Gradually add the flour, then add the rest of the melted butter. Whip the egg whites

For the sponge cake:

until stiff. Mix with the yolk mixture. Spread

2 1/2 tbsp butter, melted

the batter onto the buttered paper. Smooth out

1/3 cup sugar

with a spatula.

2/3 cup flour 3 egg whites + 4 yolksFor the syrup:

2. Cook 7 min. The cake should be slightly

1/2 cup sugar

golden. Remove from oven. Flip on to another

1/2 cup water

piece of lightly oiled baking paper. Remove the

1/4 cup Kirsch

first sheet of baking paper and cover with a

For the topping:

clean, damp kitchen towel. Cut circles in the

4 oz 80% dark chocolate shavings

sponge cake with the cookie cutter.

Berry trifle with kirsch for 8 people Preparation 1 h cooking time 15 min Recipe_Laurence MOUTON PHOTO_Laurence MOUTON

3. Soak the sheets of gelatin in a little water.

Prepare the syrup: heat the water, sugar and kirsch together for 4 or 5 min. 4. Prepare the custard mixture: Separate the egg yolks. Mix the yolks with the sugar and the kirsch in a saucepan. Beat steadily over low heat for 10 min. Cool the saucepan by placing it into a bowl of icy water. Add the wet sheets of gelatin. 5. Whip the creme fraiche into a whipped cream then add it to the custard mixture. Soak the cookies or sponge circles in the syrup then place one at the bottom of a glass or dessert cup. Add 1 tbsp of berries. Pour a little of the cream mixture on top of the berries. Start over again with a soaked cookie or sponge circle and continue layering. Finish with the cream. Repeat, filling other dessert cups until the ingredients are used up. Sprinkle some chocolate shavings on top of each serving. Chill in the refrigerator.


1. Heat milk and coconut cream and mix






Add and

food cream

mixture is hot, add japanese pearls and cook for 15 min. on medium heat. Pearls become translucid when cooked. 2.







for 15 min. in a little water with 1 tbsp. sugar, split vanilla bean and cinnamon stick.

Coconut cream

with japanese pearls and poached pears 1 cup milk

3. Add sugar to pearls and dissolve

1 cup coconut cream

it. Pour cream into glasses or small

1/4 cup japanese pearls

bowls and then cut up pears and add

1/4 cup sugar 1 drop red food coloring








fridge for 1 h.

1 vanilla bean 1 cinnamon stick 2 or 3 pears Grated coconut

for 4-6 people Preparation 10 min cooking time 30 min waiting time 1 h Recipe_Laurence MOUTON PHOTO_Laurence MOUTON










squeeze the fruit to extract the juice. Peel the pears, split them into four in the vertical direction; remove the core and seeds.

Cream pear soup 5 pears 1 lemon 1 egg yolk 80 g puff pastry 3 packets of vanilla sugar 2 tbsp. poppy seeds 1 sprig of fresh mint

for 4 people Preparation 10 min cooking time 15 min easy Recipe_PRISMAPIX PHOTO_Laurent ROUVRAIS


2. In a heavy saucepan, combine the pears, 1 packet of vanilla sugar, lemon zest and lemon juice. Cover and simmer for 20 min. When cooked, blend the pulp of the pears to get a smooth puree. Let it cool, then reserve in the refrigerator. 3. Preheat the oven to 210째C (th.7). Roll out the pastry thinly on a floured surface. Sprinkle with poppy seeds and remaining vanilla sugar. Fold the dough several times, cut it into sticks and brush them with the egg yolk diluted. Bake for 15 min. 4. Pour the creamy soup of pears into glasses, garnish with mint leaves and poppy seeds. Serve with puff sticks.

1. Peel and cut the pears into large dices. Cook them over low heat for 30 min. with 10 cl of water and lemon juice. Let them cool. Mix them with the cooking juice. 2. Pour 1 teaspoon of honey in the bottom of 4 glasses, then half of a Greek yogurt in each glass. Finish with a layer of the soup of the pears, sprinkle with vanilla seeds. Cool and refrigerate until serving.

Honey pear

soup 2 ripe pears 2 Greek yoghurt Juice of 1 lemon vanilla seeds

for 4 people Preparation 15 min cooking time 30 min easy Recipe_Hector BAROTOQUI PHOTO_Laurent ROUVRAIS


1. Place 4 large glasses in the refrigerator. Crumble the macaroons. 2. Mix the yoghurt with the mascarpone and 60 g sugar in a bowl. Work with an electric mixer to obtain a smooth mixture. Reserve in refrigerator. 3. Peel the pears, cut them into small cubes and sprinkle them with lemon juice. Refrigerate. 4. Make a caramel with the remaining sugar, lemon juice and 1 tbsp. of water. Add 10 cl of water, boil, let cool. 5. Fill the glasses beginning with the macaroon crumbs, then the diced pears, caramel and finally the mascarpone mixture. Finish with a few crumbs of macaroons. Serve immediately or put in the fridge until serving.

Pear trifle 3 pears 8 dry macaroons A whole milk yogurt 200 g mascarpone 120 g

caster sugar 1 lemon


for 4 people Preparation 20 min no cooking easy Recipe_PRISMAPIX PHOTO_Laurent ROUVRAIS

15 cl milk 20 cl cream 1 scoop of saffron threads 1 pinch of turmeric 4 eggs 140 g caster sugar pink colored sugar (delicatessens)

Roses floating islands

with saffron for 4 people Preparation 30 min cooking time 10 min

1. Boil the milk and cream with saffron and turmeric.


2. Bring a large casserole of water to boil. Beat the

Remove from heat, let infuse.

egg whites into stiff egg by incorporating gradually 20 g of sugar. Take 8 tbsp. of white, drop them into boiling water simmering, cook for 1 min. on each side, drain and set aside. 3. Whisk the yolks with the remaining sugar for 5 min. Gradually beat in the saffron milk by stirring constantly. Return to pan, cook over medium heat by stirring always, remove








gradually. 4. Fill 4 glasses with three quarters of saffron cream, and place 2 stiff egg whites, sprinkle with colored sugar and serve.


1 l frozen blackcurrants coulis 200 g cooking chocolate praline 1/2 l milk 2 tbsp. caster sugar 4 egg yolks 2 tbsp. flour 1 jar of pears in natural fruit juice

Pear praline

currant verrine 1. During the thawing of the blackcurrants coulis, make the praline cream. Boil the milk with the pieces of the chocolate praline and sugar. 2. In a bowl, beat the egg yolks with the flour and gradually add the boiling praline chocolate, stirring constantly. Put this mixture in a saucepan over low heat, stirring until boiling. Allow to cool. 3. Drain the pears in syrup and mix them. Pour the thawed sauce into glasses, then add a layer of praline cream and finish with



few in

spoonfuls the

before serving chilled.

For 4 people Preparation 20 min Cooking time 5 min waiting time 1 h easy Recipe_PRISMAPIX PHOTO_Laurent ROUVRAIS






pears. 1


For 4 people Preparation 20 min waiting time 2 h Cooking time 5 min easy Recipe_PRISMAPIX PHOTO_Laurent ROUVRAIS

6 eggs 100 g dark chocolate made of 70 % of cocoa 100 g white chocolate 1 small pot of Espelette pepper jelly A pinch of salt

Double chocolate


and espelette pepper 1.





both into

pieces. Beat the egg whites until stiff with a pinch of salt. 2. Remove from the heat, add 3 egg yolks and the egg whites in




Mix. 3. In each glass, alternate a





mousse, about 1 tbsp. of the pepper jelly and finish with the white chocolate mousse. Put the glasses at least for 2 h. in the fridge covered with cling film before serving.


4 large nectarines 3 leaves of gelatine 25 cl liqueur-like white wine + 1 tbsp. 1 tsp. vanilla powder 1 tbsp. caster sugar 4 butter shortbread

Nectarine tartar 1. Let soften the gelatine leaves in cold water. Heat 25 cl of white wine in a saucepan and add the squeezed gelatin while stirring. Pour the mixture on a baking sheet lined with cling film. Keep in the freezer for 10 min., then, refrigerate. 2. Peel and stone the nectarines, and cut them into dices. Mix them in a terrine with 1 tbsp. of wine, vanilla powder and caster sugar. 3. Unmold the jelly with white wine and cut it into dices. Divide the crushed biscuits onto the bottom of 4 glasses. Add the diced fruits and jelly. Serve cold.


for 4 people Preparation 20 min Cooking time 1 min waiting time 10 min easy Recipe_PRISMAPIX PHOTO_Laurent ROUVRAIS

1. Peel and chop the ginger. Peel and pit the nectarines, cut them into quarters. 2. Boil the orange juice and spices, then add the nectarines. Reduce the heat, let simmer for 30 min. and finish on high heat until the juices evaporate. 3. Remove the spices and then mix the fruits. Pour the mixture into glasses and keep in the refrigerator. 4. Whisk the cream until mixture is foamy. Add the mint syrup while continuing to beat. 5. Put a layer of foam and a mint leaf in each glass and serve.

For 4 people Preparation 15 min Cooking time 30 min midle Recipe_Monique MOURGUES PHOTO_Francis KOMPALITCH

Spiced nectarine verrines 700 g nectarines juice of 1 orange 20 cl single cream 1 tsp. mint syrup 4 sprigs of mint 10 g fresh ginger 1 vanilla pod 1 cinnamon stick 1 star anise 3 cardamom pods



For 4 people Preparation 30 min Cooking time 10 min Recipe_Thalie BARDINET PHOTO_MARIELLE-GAULT

Small crunchy vanilla For the filling

500 g strawberries 1 tbsp. lemon juice 80 g icing sugar 40 cl single cream very cold 1 vanilla pod

For the cones 125 g butter 125 g sugar 2 eggs 125 g flour 80 g crushed hazelnuts

strawberry cones 1. Preheat the oven to 180째C (th.6). Line a plate with parchment paper. Melt the butter over low heat. Beat eggs in a bowl with the sugar until they turn white, add the flour and melted butter. 2. Place teaspoons of dough widely separated on the parchment paper. With the back of the spoon, spread rings 8 or 10 cm in diameter. Sprinkle each ring with hazelnuts and bake for 8 to 10 min. Tiles should just brown around the edges. Just out of the oven, peel them and roll them into cones. Put them in small glasses so that they retain their shape when cooled. 3. Rinse and hull the strawberries. Mix the half with 40 g of icing sugar and lemon juice. Cut the remaining strawberries into quarters. Split the vanilla pod and scrape the seeds into the single cream. Whisk the cream until stiff, add the remaining icing sugar. 4. Fill the cones with vanilla whipped cream, garnish with strawberry pieces, decorate with crushed hazelnuts and serve with strawberry sauce separately.


600 g strawberries 1 bunch of mint 3 tbsp. mint syrup 3 sheets of gelatin


mint jelly For 4 people Preparation 20 min cooking time 10 min easy Recipe_Monique MOURGUES PHOTO_Francis KOMPALITCH

1. Rinse the mint, keep few leaves for garnish. Boil 50 cl of water. Remove from heat and dip the mint leaves, cover and let infuse for 10 min. then strain. 2. Soften the gelatin in cold water, squeeze them, add them to the infusion, mix, and then add the mint syrup. Pour into glasses a little mint preparation and refrigerate to form a jelly. 3. Rinse the strawberries, hull them and cut them into cubes. Reserve some for garnish. Garnish the glasses with strawberries, mint preparation and then put back in the refrigerator. Repeat until fill the glasses. Decorate with strawberries and mint leaves and serve immediately.


for 4 people Preparation 20 min waiting time 1 h no cooking Recipe_Monique MOURGUES PHOTO_Francis KOMPALITCH

1. Peel the pink grapefruit. Cut each segment into three small cubes. Remove the rind from the pineapple, remove the heart, cut the flesh into small dice. Peel the kiwi fruit, cut into small cubes. 2. Put in 4 glasses the diced grapefruit, cover with a layer of pineapple and end with the Kiwis. 3. Press the yellow grapefruit and 2 lemons. Mix the juice in a bowl with the vanilla sugar and honey. Pour this mixture over the fruit, cover with plastic wrap and set aside to cool for 1 h. before serving.


fruits 2 pink grapefruit 1 yellow grapefruit 4 kiwis ½ pineapple 2 limes 1 packet of vanilla sugar 1 tbsp. of liquid honey


1. Peel the apples and pears, split them into four and remove the core and seeds. Peel the bananas. Cut the fruit pulp into very small cubes and put them all together in a bowl. 2. Split into two the vanilla bean and collect the small black seeds with a knife. Squeeze the orange; add the vanilla pod seeds in the orange juice. Transfert to a small saucepan and boil for 5 min. Pour the boiling juice over the fruit cubes and marinate. 1 punnet of raspberries 6 strawberries 1 pear

3. Rinse the strawberries, pat dry, hull them and cut them into small pieces. Wipe the raspberries on a fine cloth.

2 apples 2 bananas

4. Preheat the oven to 210째C (th.7). Fill small glasses

1 orange

(oven resistant) with the fruits in alternating layers.

1 rounded tbsp. brown sugar

Finish with raspberries, sprinkle with brown sugar and

1 vanilla pod

bake for 30 min. Serve warm or cool.




For 4 people Preparation 25 min cooking time 30 min midle Recipe_Monique MOURGUES PHOTO_Francis KOMPALITCH


250 g strawberries 3 yellow peaches 1 banana 2 oranges 2 tbsp. rose syrup 1 vanilla pod

Fresh fruits with rose For 4 people Preparation 20 min cooking time 5 min waiting time 2 h Recipe_Monique MOURGUES PHOTO_Francis KOMPALITCH

1. Press the orange to extract the juice and heat it. Split into two the vanilla pod, get the black seeds with a knife point and add them to the hot orange juice. Cover and let infuse for 10 min. Strain the juice and stir in the fragrant rose syrup. 2. Dip the peaches for 1 min. in boiling water and then plunge them into a bowl of cold water to remove the skin more easily. Remove the cores, cut the flesh into small dice. Peel the banana and cut it into small cubes also. Quickly rinse the strawberries, dry and hull them. 3. Combine all the fruits in a bowl and add the juice rose scented, gently mix together, cover with plastic wrap and let cool in refrigerator for 2 h. 4. Divide the fruits with their juice into cups and decorate with a few rose petals.


For 4 people Preparation 20 min Cooking time 15 min waiting time 1 h easy Recipe_PRISMAPIX PHOTO_Laurent ROUVRAIS

500 g strawberries 40 cl milk 2 limes 10 cl very cold evaporated milk 120 g of caster sugar 6 egg yolks 1 tsp. of vanilla powder 1 tbsp. of shelled pistachios

Strawberry milk

and lime ice

1. Pour the milk into a saucepan with the vanilla powder and boil. Add the grated zest of one lemon. 2. Mix the egg yolks with sugar and add the hot milk while whisking. Cook over low heat until the cream coats the spoon. Pour into a cold bowl to stop cooking. Add the lemon juice zesty and let it take in an ice cream maker. 3. Wipe and hull the strawberries. Mix them with cold condensed milk and pour into glasses. Cool and refrigerate. 4. Serve the milk strawberries sprinkled with pistachios and add a scoop of ice cream and a slice of lime.


For 4 people Preparation 20 min Cooking time 30 min waiting time 1 h midle Recipe_PRISMAPIX PHOTO_Laurent ROUVRAIS

Violet creams 1. Rinse the fruit quickly. Mix with

1 punnet of blackcurrants

crème de cassis and keep for 1 h. in

1 punnet of blueberries

a cool.

80 cl whole milk 20 cl of cream

2. Boil in a saucepan the milk with the

12 egg yolks

cream and vanilla split in two.

5 cl of crème de cassis 1/2 vanilla bean








maceration juice. Whisk the egg yolks with the juice collected in a bowl. Pour the boiling milk by stirring with a wooden spoon. Remove the vanilla. 4.






Divide the fruit into 8 small ovenproof tins (keep some fruits for decoration) and fill them with cream. Place them in a dish filled with water halfway up the tins. Bake for 25 min. 5. Allow the cream to cool, garnish them








9 oz mixed berries, fresh or frozen 2 cups of plain fat free yogurt 1 orange, juiced

for 6 people Preparation 10 min no cooking waiting time 4 Ă 6 h Recipe_Maureen JANSEN PHOTO_Laurence MOUTON

3 tsp pure maple syrup

Frozen yogurt

with berries 1. In a food processor, mix the berries with







puree, the maple syrup and the yogurt in a bowl and mix thoroughly. 2. Pour into small glass jars and freeze for 4-6 h. Serve with fresh berries.

Conseils If you use frozen berries, thaw them beforehand in a colander.


1. Spoon a layer of yogurt into the bottom of a glass. Add a tablespoon of blackberry jam and strawberries cut in small pieces. 2. Repeat layers with yogurt and jam. Finish with layer of yogurt and garnish with mint leaves. 3. For a greater effect use a large syringe





Refrigerate for at least 30 min. before serving.


red fruit yogurt 2 cups organic goat milk yogurt 4 tbsp. blackberry jam 4 tbsp. strawberry sauce or jam 2-3 strawberries per serving Mint leaves

for 4-6 people Preparation 5 min no cooking waiting time 30 min Recipe_Maureen JANSEN PHOTO_Laurence MOUTON


1 punnet of raspberries 200 g mascarpone 6 Sponge fingers

for 4 people Preparation 20 min no cooking easy Recipe_PRISMAPIX PHOTO_Laurent ROUVRAIS

3 egg yolks 2 tbsp. granulated sugar 80 g icing sugar 1 untreated lemon 50 g chocolate, grated into chips an espresso

Raspberry verrines

with mascarpone cream 1. Rinse the lemon, take the zest, slice it and let blanch for 2 min. in boiling water. Drain and set aside. 2. Pass the edge of glasses successively in the lemon juice and then in granulated sugar. 3. Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar until the mixture whitens. Add the zest and mascarpone, while beating. 4. Soak the sponge fingers in coffee and arrange the half cut into pieces at the bottom of glasses. Fill a pastry bag with cream and top with biscuits. 5. In each glass, divide the raspberries, the










Serve chilled decorated with chocolate shavings.


1. Keep 50 g of raspberries, mix the remaining into puree. Mix it in a bowl with coconut milk and grenadine syrup. 2.









Place in freezer for 1 h. Then scrape the preparation with a fork to form grains. Place in the freezer again and again after 1/2 h. Repeat as many times as necessary to keep

for 4 people Preparation 15 min no cooking waiting time 2 h easy Recipe_Monique MOURGUES PHOTO_Francis KOMPALITCH

Granita with

and coconut

the contents of the dish is transformed into grains. 3. One hour before serving, put the glasses in the freezer to cool and then fill them with granita and remaining raspberries.


250 g raspberries 20 cl of coconut milk 2 tbsp. of grenadine syrup

one more RECIPE Beautiful color and delicious new flavor. If you mix red currant with raspberry equally, replace coconut milk with almond milk and grenadine syrup with currants syrup.


1. Mix the cookie crumbs with butter and












well, keep in the fridge. 2. Soak the gelatin leaves for 10 min. in cold water. Boil the lemon juice, grate the zest. 3. Whisk the egg yolks with 100 g of caster sugar and vanilla sugar until the mixture is frothy.

for 4 people Preparation 30 min no cooking waiting time 6 h Recipe_Hector BAROTOQUI PHOTO_Laurent ROUVRAIS

4. Spin the gelatin, stir it in the boiling lemon juice, whisking briskly. Stir in the square fresh, lemon zest and egg yolks.

Banana cheesecake 5. 3 bananas 1/2 orange





very by



cream an



mixer, Keep in the fridge.

1 lemon 150 g of butter cookies,

6. Beat the egg whites until stiff

shortbread or shuffleboard Breton

with the remaining sugar. Gently fold

1 tbsp. of chopped praline 450 g of fresh square Gervais 20 cl of cream













cookie crumbs.

150 g of caster sugar 1 tbsp. of brown sugar

7. Peel and mash the bananas. Mix with

1 packet of vanilla sugar

2 tbsp. of orange juice and zest, and

2 eggs

brown sugar. Spread over the cheesecake,

80 g softened butter

leave it in the refrigerator at least

3 sheets of gelatin


for 6 h. Serve chilled.


h a

Honey pear soup 41_

Asparagus with citrus mayonnaise 18_



Milk jelly panna cotta 37_

Banana cheesecake 60_

Mixed fruit verrines 52_

Berry trifle with kirsch 38_


Broccoli purée verrine on diced chicken 15_

Nectarine tartar 46_



Cappuccino with blue 28_

Pear praline currant verrine 44_

Celery with black Olive tapenade 8_

Pear trifle 42_

Coconut cream with japanese pearls and poached pears 39_

Prawns cocktail 22_

Cream pear soup 40_

Prawns sticks with guacamole 24_

Creamy endive soup with colombo 32_


Creamy mushroom soup with yogurt 6_

Raspberry verrines with mascarpone cream 58_

Creamy peas soup with thyme 4_

Red bell pepper panna cotta with ginger 11_

Creamy Rice Verrines with Saffron, Kiwi and Mango 17_

Risotto with chanterelle mushrooms and tomatoes 20_

Cucumber tzatziki and green apple 16_

Roses floating islands with saffron 43_

Cups of shellfish with avocado 26_



Shrimp verrines 23_

Delicious fruits 51_

Small crunchy vanilla-strawberry cones 48_

Double chocolate verrines and espelette pepper 45_

Small ratatouille crumbles 14_


Spiced nectarine verrines 47_

Eggs casserole forest 30_

Spring aperitif 7_

Endive verrines with ham 31_

Strawberry milk and lime ice 54_


Strawberry mint jelly 50_

Flan with orange blossom 34_

Swimming St. Jacques with fresh vegetables 21_

Fresh fruits with rose 53_


Fried prawns with sesame 25_

Tomato aspic with whipped ricotta 10_

Frozen yogurt with berries 56_

Tomato scum with vegetables 9_



Goat with spices 29_

Velvety red fruit yogurt 57_

Granita with raspberry and coconut 59_

Violet creams 55_

Green tabbouleh 12_

Violet panna cotta 36_

index 62

a realization ès-cuisine photographs © Prismapix / ès-cuisine © 2011 editions ès-cuisine editorship : prisma presse graphic design : shirley leong ho mock execution chroma : claire nijnikoff printed by adm imprimerie numérique


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