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Canon Online Results
PSNZ Canon Online Results from Round 5, 2020
THE WINNER OF the fifth round is Bryan Lay Lee with his image Cookie Time. The judge for this round was Phil Yeo MA (Photography) BA (Hons) ANZIPP – and he had a tough job. The number of entries was down a little from previous rounds but the quality was at another level – outstanding.
Bryan is a born and bred Aucklander living in Mangere Bridge. He joined Manukau and Auckland photographic societies 10 years ago, and PSNZ in 2016. He says he dabbles in all genres, especially macro, landscape and nature. He has had the odd ‘top ten’ in Canon Online but winning a round is a first. Bryan explained the thinking behind Cookie Time.
“Cookie Time” was taken as part of the Auckland Interclub Shootout competition in the category “Looking In”. My idea was to shoot into a shop window, hopefully to capture something intriguing within. We were at Alert Level 2.5 at the time, so we were restricted to shooting in our local area. That for me was the Mangere Bridge village. To avoid crowds of people I ventured out late one night. The place was devoid of people other than the odd homeless person and security guard on patrol. A deathly silence pervaded and an eerie light emanated from the shop windows. I thought it was a perfect reflection of our COVID-19 experience. To capture all the elements I needed, “Cookie Time” is a three-image, in-camera multiple exposure. It’s a snapshot of a time and place in our new coronavirus world.
With just one round left in this year’s competition the top five are
Member Julia De Cleene LPSNZ Deborah Martin LPSNZ Peter Rodgers LPSNZ Bryan Lay Yee Karl Tretheway LPSNZ Points 26 22 20 19 17
Paul Willyams APSNZ AFIAP MNZIPP Canon Online Coordinator
Comments from the Judge
Well done to all participants in this round of the Canon Online competition. With such a high standard it took days of repeat viewings to whittle these down. You should all be proud of your entries.
Judging offers me a break away from my career, shooting for Rocket Lab, Getty and my Fine Art work. The connection to the wonderful creativity within PSNZ is always inspiring and these images are a perfect example. Thank you for the opportunity. Nga mihi nui.
1st Cookie Time by Bryan Lay Yee
A wonderful composition and layering of elements within. The poignant commentary of the Covid experience and subtle references, offering a sense of place create a truly astounding photograph. A standout from my first viewing and the obvious winner for me. I compliment the author for his observation.
2nd Carpark in Infrared by Peter
Rodgers LPSNZ

This is an example of stunning visual communication. The juxtaposition of nature and the constructed world, the ability to create interest from the mundane and the successful colour treatment, all merge to create this beautiful image.

PSNZ Canon Online

3rd Standing Alone by Bob Pullein
The artist has created a truly captivating image. The success is in the simplicity. Such simplicity allows the mind to wander around and in turn create wonder! An excellent exposure that offers detail throughout the tones. Well done.
4th Fly Me to the Moon by Dianna Hambleton LPSNZ
The author has elevated this image through the use of the multiple exposure technique, creating movement and energy. Subtly applied, the composition is not too busy and the energy experienced is fully grasped.
5th Fire and Ice Tasman Lake by Karl Tretheway LPSNZ

An absolutely stunning landscape. I particularly enjoy the rich colours, and the artist has done well to preserve these. The rich contrast and successful composition add to the overall impact of the work.
6th Kaka by Deborah Martin LPSNZ
Such poise from the kaka. A quintessential example of a well timed moment. The cheeky kaka seems to be looking straight at the lens. Enhanced by the oval presentation, an image worthy of any wall.

PSNZ Canon Online
7th Persephone by Penny Kennedy LPSNZ
A truly emotive piece. The model’s pose, coupled with the interesting layering, culminates in a pleasing image. It is a soft, well toned work that provokes investigation. I particularly enjoy the ethereal atmosphere.

8th Time Travel by Julia De Cleene

A wonderful example of conceptual creativity. This is a well executed composite image that evokes memories of Dali’s surrealism. It has a notion of authenticity which truly ignites the imagination.
9th Calm Waters by Mark Davey
This image offers a sense of serenity. The composition is well crafted with a strong focal point holding the eye. The colour tone is both natural and timeless. I can imagine the work adorning the wall.

10th Iced Bubble by Wendy Pemberton
A wonderful macro image and a sublime example of the interest this genre holds. The power of the square composition is exemplified perfectly and the touch of warmth offered by the golden light enhances the depth within the image.
Entries for Round 6 close on 25 December