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Photographers dealing with COVID
Photographers Dealing with COVID-19
By Paul Whitham LPSNZ
DESPITE THE FACT that we can’t really travel much outside of New Zealand, life here has returned to a degree of normality. The same can not be true in other parts of the world.
My older daughter lives in Melbourne and every year she gets a photo taken with Santa. She does this every year (even though she is now 36). When she looks back though her images 2020 is going to scream “Social Distancing”.
In America those that are taking it seriously are finding doing shoots somewhat difficult. If you watch YouTube you will notice how mask wearing is becoming way more prevalent. But what do you do when you are a professional model and your work has all but dried up?
Model Samantha Mathias, who is based in Indiana, realised that as it was possible to remote control a camera close up, it might be possible to do it over the internet. And that is exactly what she does. She positions the camera which the photographer controls remotely and then uses Zoom for the two to communicate.
You can read more about and see a video of it in action at https://petapixel.com/2020/04/17/ model-lets-photographers-control-her-dslr-over-zoom-for-long-distance-photo-shoots/

PSNZ Membership Benefits Helping Photographers Grow
As a PSNZ member you can enjoy a range of benefits, including: •
Expert advice to help improve your photography.
The opportunity to achieve a higher Society distinction (APSNZ, FPSNZ).
A complimentary copy of New Zealand Camera, and the ability to submit your images for selection in this annual publication.
Access to member only resources, including a member only PSNZ Facebook page for social chat and updates with other members.
The opportunity to enter the Canon Online Competition, with trophies for each round and for the overall winner each year.
Discounts for Society activities, such as the annual PSNZ national convention, special workshops, international competitions and much more.
The opportunity to participate in regional club meetings and events, including the PSNZ Workshop Series. A copy of our bimonthly magazine – CameraTalk, with news, reviews, events and some of the best photography around. The opportunity to exhibit your work in exhibitions such as the PSNZ Canon National Exhibition, Regional Salons and other member only online competitions. Access to judge training workshops at a reduced rate for PSNZ members. Ability to promote your website on our website. Receive our regular blog posts to stay up to date with the latest news on events, activities and special offers. Product discounts and savings when they are offered from our corporate partners and associated companies. Discounts for major NZIPP events as a PSNZ member.
Final Thoughts
On behalf of Lindsay and myself we hope you have a great Christmas with family and friends. If 2020 has taught us anything is that we can’t take anything for granted and that life can change quite dramatically in a very short period of time.
For those travelling over the period, drive safely and everyone will have a happy New Year.
Finally, don’t forget to take your camera and take those family shots that an assessor may call a “snapshot” but you would call “priceless memories”.
Paul Whitham LPSNZ
The Last Image
Christmas mince pies on sale in the South Melbourne market in 2019 by Paul Whitham