Summary of PSNZ Service Awards 2021 At the PSNZ Vision-21Convention held in Christchurch, six service awards were presented by PSNZ President Moira Blincoe LPSNZ. These include one Honorary Life membership, four service medals and one memorial award. The following citations are edited and condensed versions of Paul’s originals.
Ann Bastion FPSNZ EFIAP MFIAP – Honorary Life Membership They say when you want something done, ask a busy person. The busy person often needs no direction; they don’t create a fuss, have the right attitude, and just get on with what is required. Christchurch based Ann Bastion fits this description. Ann joined the editorial team of the Society’s flagship publication, NZ Camera, in 2014. Using her initiative, she quickly developed many timesaving improvements, positively impacting production processes, many still being used today. Ann’s attention to detail is exemplary. In 2016 Ann joined the PSNZ Council as Councillor for the New Zealand International Salon and the 4 Nations competition. Ann resurrected this dormant International Salon of meeting the strict criteria of the Fédération Internationale de l’ Art Photographique (FIAP) and the Photographic Society of America (PSA). Between 2017 and 2019, she recruited and worked with committees, organising and hosting three salons. Ann achieved her photography distinctions in quick succession with Licentiate in 2011, AFIAP in 2013, APSNZ in 2014, and FPSNZ and EFIAP in 2015. In 2019 she achieved the status of Master with the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP), becoming only the second PSNZ member and person in New Zealand to become a FIAP Master. As FIAP Liaison Officer, Ann represents New Zealand at FIAP Congress, and Photo meetings held worldwide. In addition, Ann is the person with whom our members liaise to ensure their FIAP applications are completed smoothly and successfully through a complex spreadsheet system keeping track of the many acceptances one requires to receive any FIAP distinction. Ann retired from Council in 2020 – the year that COVID-19 disrupted our events and workflow. However, she was quickly invited to join the Honours Board and has just completed her first assessment. Ann is also a competent judge and mentor who willingly shares her knowledge and technical skills. She epitomises the Society’s ethos of ‘helping photographers grow’.