Vision Clyde Valley & Avon

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Heart Healthy page 5


Calender Girls Lanark Memorial Hall 21/02/14 to 22/02/14 7:30pm Tickets £10 (£8 concession)

Chinese New Year page 6

Horse Comes Home Lanark Memorial Hall Friday 28/02/14 7:30pm Tickets £17.50 /£15.50

Valentine’s Day page 9

Heart Health Page 5 Losing Weight page 8

I ssue 15

February Gigs


Physical effect of grief page 10 - 11

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To advertise in The VISION call 07957 358 355 or Email The VISION | January / February 2014 | issue 15

February is National Heart Month We Take A Look At Some Ways of Keeping Your Heart Healthy Fortunately there are plenty of things you can do to help keep your heart healthy. And more often than not, looking at your diet – and losing weight if necessary – are the simplest changes you can make to help heart health. What are the risk factors of heart disease?

How do I find out my cholesterol levels? Your blood cholesterol levels can be measured by a simple blood test. Your doctor will look at figures for your overall or total cholesterol level, plus figures for your LDL and HDL cholesterol. All these values are measured in units called millimols per litre of blood, usually shortened to mmol/l. The four major risk factors for heart disease Healthy levels are as follows: are smoking, having high cholesterol, having high blood pressure and being Total cholesterol – less than 5 mmol/l physically inactive. LDL cholesterol – less than 3 mmol/l HDL cholesterol – more than 1 mmol/l However, being overweight, diabetes, drinking too much alcohol, and having too How do I go about lowering cholesterol? much salt in our diet also increases the risk. Your doctor may prescribe medication. A family history of heart disease is also a However, it’s also important to look at your risk factor. diet. Bear in mind, our risk of heart disease depends on how many risk factors we have and how strong each individual risk factor is. Giving up smoking and taking more aerobic exercise are important first steps.

pure vegetable oils and spreads such as sunflower, corn and soya oils and margarines and some vegetables. These types of fat help to lower LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol. But they also lower HDL or ‘good’ cholesterol. Monounsaturates Good sources of monounsaturates include olive oil, rapeseed oil, avocados, nuts and seeds. These types of fats lower LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol but they help to maintain levels of HDL or ‘good’ cholesterol. Ultimately, as well as eating fewer fatty foods in your diet, it’s important to swap foods high in saturates for foods rich in unsaturates. It might sound complicated but in practice it’s simple – for example, if you really must fry, use a small amount of olive oil rather than butter! What about foods that contain cholesterol? A few foods such as liver, kidney, prawns and eggs do contain more dietary cholesterol than many other foods. However, thanks to research, we now know the cholesterol in food has little effect on our blood cholesterol levels – it’s saturated fat that has the biggest impact. Consequently, there’s no need to limit the amount of these foods you eat, unless your GP or a dietitian has specifically advised you to do this.

According to the British Heart Foundation eating a heart healthy diet can help to lower your cholesterol levels by between 5% and 10%. In most cases, the aim is to reduce your total cholesterol, particularly by lowering levels of LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol. Many of the other risk factors – such as high But it’s also important to raise levels of HDL cholesterol, high blood pressure, being or ‘good’ cholesterol. Do I need to worry about trans fats? overweight and having too much alcohol Trans fats have increasingly been in the and salt – can all be improved by eating a In particular, losing weight is one of the news in the past few years. They tend to be healthier diet. most important things you can do to lower found in foods that contain hydrogenated What's the importance of lowering your cholesterol if you are overweight fats or hydrogenated vegetable oils and are cholesterol? or obese. Better still, losing those excess thought to be as harmful to heart health as pounds will also help to reduce other risk saturates. This means it’s a good idea to eat Cholesterol is a fatty material that’s made factors for heart disease such as high blood fewer foods that contain them. mainly in the liver. It’s an essential part of pressure and diabetes. every cell and is the building block of many Ironically, it’s the processing of pure important steroid hormones. However, Overall, you should cut down on the total vegetable oils – a good source of hearttoo much in the blood increases the risk of amount of fat you eat. For a healthy heart friendly unsaturates – that creates harmful heart disease. diet it is recommended that no more than trans fats! During manufacturing, these 30 percent of your daily calories come from liquid oils have hydrogen bubbled through Cholesterol uses the body’s circulation as fat. them in a process called hydrogenation to its transport system and travels around improve their texture, flavour and shelf life. on vehicles made up of proteins. These This means if you have a daily calorie The resulting product is a more solid fat combinations of cholesterol and protein intake of 1,500 calories, you should have called hydrogenated fat or hydrogenated are called lipoproteins and there are two no more than 50g of fat; if your daily calorie vegetable oil, which goes on to be used as main types – low density lipoproteins (LDL) allowance is 2,000 calories, you should have an ingredient in many processed foods. and high density lipoproteins (HDL). no more than 66g of fat a day. Currently, there are no legal requirements Bad Cholesterol It’s important for heart health to make for food manufacturers to label trans fats LDL transports cholesterol from the liver to sure you’re eating the right types of fat, on their products and few choose to do the cells, where certain amounts are needed. too. There are three main types of fat in so. This means for now, you need to scour However, any remaining cholesterol can food – saturates, monounsaturates and ingredients’ lists for hydrogenated fats or be chemically changed (a process called polyunsaturates. Most foods contain a hydrogenated vegetable oils. If a product oxidation) and taken up by the cells in the mixture of these, but they are generally contains either, it will almost certainly artery walls where it starts to build up – it’s classified according to the type of fat found contain trans fats, too – and the higher up this process that causes narrowing of the in the largest amount. the list the ingredient appears, the more arteries or atherosclerosis. Consequently, trans fats the product will contain. high levels of LDL cholesterol increase Saturates the risk of heart disease – that’s why it’s Foods high in saturates include fatty meats, The good news is, eating fewer foods that sometimes called ‘bad’ cholesterol. full-fat dairy products, butter, lard, cream, contain trans fats not only helps to keep cheese and many processed and takeaway your heart healthy, but also helps shift Good Cholesterol foods. These types of fats increase LDL or those pounds. The reason: trans fats tend In contrast, HDL carries excess cholesterol ‘bad’ cholesterol so it’s important to eat to be found in cakes, biscuits, margarines, away from the arteries to the liver, where fewer of them. takeaways, pastry, pies and fried foods – all the body gets rid of it. As a result, high foods that are also loaded with calories! levels of HDL cholesterol are thought to protect against heart disease and so, are Polyunsaturates sometimes called ‘good’ cholesterol. Good sources of polyunsaturates include

Chinese New Year is the longest and most important

celebration in the Chinese calendar. The Chinese year 4712 begins on Jan. 31, 2014. Chinese months are reckoned by the lunar calendar, with each month beginning on the darkest day. New Year festivities traditionally start on the first day of the month and continue until the fifteenth, when the moon is brightest. In China, people may take weeks of holiday from work to prepare for and celebrate the New Year. Legend has it that in ancient times, Buddha asked all the animals to meet him on Chinese New Year. Twelve came, and Buddha named a year after each one. He announced that the people born in each animal's year would have some of that animal's personality. Those born in horse years are cheerful, skillful with money, perceptive, witty, talented and good with their hands. Rembrandt, Harrison Ford, Aretha Franklin, Chopin, Sandra Day O'Connor, and President Theodore Roosevelt were born in the year of the horse. At Chinese New Year celebrations people wear red clothes, decorate with poems on red paper, and give children "lucky money" in red envelopes. Red symbolizes fire, which according to legend can drive away bad luck. The fireworks that


shower the festivities are rooted in a similar ancient custom. Long ago, people in China lit bamboo stalks, believing that the crackling flames would frighten evil spirits. In China, the New Year is a time of family reunion. Family members gather at each other's homes for visits and shared meals, most significantly a feast on New Year's Eve. The lantern festival is held on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. Some of the lanterns may be works of art, painted with birds, animals, flowers, zodiac signs, and scenes from legend and history. People hang glowing lanterns in temples, and carry lanterns to an evening parade under the light of the full moon.

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Lee Before

Lee After

January is a time when lots of people decide to get in shape and anyone thinking about slimming down this New Year will find incredible inspiration in a woman who attends Slimming World in Lanark , who has lost 6st in the past 12 months. hen Lee Gentleman made a W resolution to lose weight at the beginning of 2013 little did she know how

haven’t looked back since that day. I look after all, if I can do it anyone can!” forward to going to group every week now, it’s my ‘me’ time and I wouldn’t miss it for Lian who runs the Lanark Slimming successful she would be. Now, thanks to the the world.” World group that Lee attends, says she’s support of her local Slimming World group extremely proud of what Lee has achieved in Lanark , Lee has lost 6st in just a year and She couldn’t believe it when Lian explained over the past year. She says: “Lee is proof feels fantastic. how Slimming World’s Food Optimising that if you make small, manageable healthy eating plan worked and she changes the way you cook and eat and The 34 year-old had struggled with her discovered that she could eat lots of get the right support weight for most of her life. She tried to lose everyday foods without weighing and weight before but struggled as she’d be measuring, as well as still enjoying her it is possible to make your New Year’s left feeling hungry and deprived, in fact favourite treats in moderation. Lee adds: resolutions a reality. It makes me feel sad she’d often end up regaining the weight “I was really dubious it would work for me to think that so many people will embark she lost – and more – after she gave up. At at first and in my first week I thought ‘there on unhealthy, restrictive plans this her heaviest she weighed 15 stone which was no way I’m going to lose weight eating January because I know that they won’t resulted in various health problems for her all this’ as I hadn’t felt hungry or like I’d be able to keep them up for longer than a missed out at all, but I’d lost 7lbs and now few days or weeks, so they’ll soon be right Lee decided to do something about her I’m 6st lighter. It’s not a diet, just a healthy back where they started and feeling like a size once and for all, and joined her local way of eating that I know I can keep up for failure when actually it’s the programme Slimming World group, which is run by the rest of my life.” they’ve chosen that’s failed them. Lian McCulloch every Tuesday at 7pm at Harry Smith Complex and also every Friday After starting to slim down, Lee felt I hope Lee inspires people in Lanark to 9.30am St Nicholas Church Hall. confident enough to start being more choose Slimming World this New Year, and active too. Now she walks for miles and everyone’s guaranteed a warm welcome Lee says: “I was really miles everyday. at the Lanark group.” nervous about walking into the group that Changing her eating habits and become To join the Lanark Slimming World first time, but also more active hasn’t only transformed Lee on group simply pop along or call Lian on very excited as I was the outside, she feels like a new woman 07748845684 for more information. determined this time would be different. I got on the inside too. She says: “I might have I was really nervous about such a warm welcome lost 6st but I’ve gained so much more. I feel and I soon realised happier, healthier and have loads more walking into the group that there was nothing to be confidence. I can’t believe the difference worried about because in me in just 12 months – and neither can first time, but also very we were all in the same my family and friends. I would recommend excited as I was determined boat – we all just wanted Slimming World to anyone who’s thinking this time would be different. to lose weight. I honestly about trying to lose weight this New Year,


To advertise in The VISION call 07957 358 355 or Email The VISION | January / February 2014 | issue 15

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The Physical effects of grief There is so little in life we control and grief’s timing is among the uncontrollable. Grief causes tremendous turmoil in every aspect of life and involves a wide range of physical, emotional and spiritual responses. All are perfectly normal responses to the trauma of losing a loved one. This loss can quickly turn our world into an unfamiliar place. When we can understand how grief affects us, we are better equipped to deal with its grip. While we wish we never had to learn or understand these emotions, being aware of them may offer us comfort in our own times of sorrow.

overeating or nausea, lowered immunity, migraines or headaches. Weight loss or gain, aches and pains. You may feel shaky or trembling, dizziness or disorientation or an overall numbness, where the world becomes a surreal place. You may find yourself crying at unexpected The physical symptoms may times. include sleep difficulties, fatigue and exhaustion. Poor appetite, It is important to understand the Rest assured, we offer not just a professional service but a sensitive and sympathetic one

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symptoms and to know that they will pass as you work through your grief. If you find any symptom to be overwhelming or unbearable, contact a professional. Pre-existing painful problems such as arthritis may get worse and other chronic health conditions often flare up too. It’s common for conditions that need careful control such as diabetes and high blood pressure to go awry Here are a few simple things that should help while you adjust: Remember to drink plenty of water. You can quickly become dehydrated from crying and it is one of the first things that seem to be forgotten. Sleep as much as you can. It is so important to the renewal of your body needs. A good night sleep can help you see things in whole different way. If you are having trouble sleeping, talk to a doctor. Remember to eat good food. Your body will need the energy in the days and weeks ahead.

if any of your physical effects of bereavement don’t gradually improve over time, and you truly are worried that something might be wrong, see a doctor. You don’t need the added stress of fear about your own physical well-being right now. Get a checkup for the peace of mind. Sometimes we can manage with just the support of family and friends: sometimes it may be easier to talk with a counsellor

VISION Movie Of The Month


Based on the true story of the greatest treasure hunt in history, The Monuments Men is an action drama focusing on an unlikely World War II platoon, tasked by FDR with going into Germany to rescue artistic masterpieces from Nazi thieves and returning them to their rightful owners. It would be an impossible mission: with the art trapped behind enemy lines, and with the German army under orders to destroy everything as the Reich fell, how could these guys - seven museum directors, curators, and art historians, all more familiar with Michelangelo than the M-1 - possibly hope to succeed? But as the Monuments Men, as they were called, found themselves in a race against time to avoid the destruction of 1000 years of culture, they would risk their lives to protect and defend mankind's greatest achievements. From director To advertise in The VISION call Clooney, 07957 358 355stars or Email George the film Clooney, Matt Damon, Bill Murray, John Goodman, Jean The VISION | January / February 2014 | issue 15 Dujardin, Bob Balaban, Hugh Bonneville, and Cate Blanchett.

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Experienced Nail Technician required

Established Nail Bar / Beauty Salon Based in Lanark If you would like to run your own client based business and build a strong clientele then we are in a position to help you achieve this at an affordable price. Please contact Lisa on: 01555 667 693 Mob: 07473110810

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