NMR & Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Hyperpolarized Gases Magnetic resonance techniques have led to revolutions in practically all scientific fields from physics all the way to medical diagnostics. Physicists at the University of Utah are working on overcoming a key limitation of nuclear magnetic resonance techniques, which is the finite resolution due to low nuclear polarization by exploring high non-equilibrium polarization schemes.
Experimental Condensed Matter
Spin Dynamics Electronic spin phenomena in semiconductor nanostructures is fundamental for spin-based electronics and quantum computation. We investigate spin dynamics in inorganic and organic semiconductor nanostructures for potential device applications, by developing highly sensitive optical spectroscopies based on both ultrafast pump-probe method and passive spin noise method.
Spin-Dependent Processes In Condensed Matter The spin-degree of freedom of electrons and atomic nuclei can control electric currents and light emission in semiconductors. We study these effects experimentally in order to develop extremely sensitive spin measurement techniques for electron- and nuclear-spins. These are needed for new spintronics and spin quantum information technologies, but also for the exploration of how spin effects determine electrical and optical properties of electronic materials.
201 James Fletcher Bldg. 115 South 1400 East Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0830 (801) 581-6901
Dept of Physics & Astronomy University of Utah www.physics.utah.edu www.astro.utah.edu