Just Fly
“When she transformed into a butterfly , the caterpillars spoke not of her beauty, but of her weirdness. They wanted her to change back into what she always had been. But she had wings.”-Dean Jackson
I AM A PROUDLY “WEIRD” PHYSICIAN...a dreamer with a “think big,” “save the world,” “one person at a time,” “glass half full” sort of personality and approach to life. It is this part of my character and value system that inspired me to become an entrepreneur and founder/publisher of PhysicianOutlook Magazine.
I KNEW THAT MEDICINE WAS BROKEN, that patients were suffering, and that many physicians were looking for a way out of the rut that their professional (and personal) lives had become.
A COMBINATION OF STORYTELLING and by showcasing the art and beauty of medicine, Physician Outlook successfully unites physicians and patients with one another in a culture of mutual respect and trust. We partner with and amplify the voices of those who are truly invested in doing the right thing. One of our goals at P.O. is to provide a roadmap for those who feel inspired to become “accidental advocates” so that they, too, can help repair our fragmented healthcare system, where profits have become perversely prioritized over patient care.
WE FIRMLY BELIEVE IN TRANSPARENCY, knowing that true sunshine levels the playing field. We need to support national and state legislation that pulls back the curtain on the costly and inefficient bureaucracy in healthcare.
PHYSICIAN OUTLOOK IS A PROUDLY FORPROFIT but mission-based company. We are on track to become hugely financially successful with plans to re-invest those profits in physician-owned organizations, as
well as businesses that are physician-founded or affiliated. Those who transparently support patients’ and our profession’s well-being will continue to be our primary base.
PHYSICIAN OUTLOOK RELIES FINANCIALLY ON OUR SUBSCRIBERS and sponsoring advertisers. We seek support from those who are free of conflicts of interest.
It is no secret that traditional “medical magazines” and journals are chock-full of print advertisements sponsored by ‘big’ Pharma, ‘big’ Hospital and ‘big’ Insurance and the complicit middlemen (Group Purchasing Organizations and Pharmaceutical Benefit Managers) that tie all of these entities together.
THE MEDICAL INDUSTRY KNOWS that 90% of physicians are reached by print ads (a figure that rises to >95% when print and digital advertisements are considered together). We at Physician Outlook know that as well, and that is why we continue to stay the course. We would rather our support continue to come from hundreds of $10/month print subscribers, or a few dozen $200/month sponsoring advertisers, rather than accept the ‘blood money’ that a single $10,000/page print ad might bring us.
WE TRY HARD to stay away from “identity politics” and any framework or ideology that fosters ‘group-think.’ We PhysicianOutlook welcomes open dialogue amongst those with differing views. We are staunchly opposed to intolerance and racism of any kind.
PHYSICIAN OUTLOOK IS GROWING and has become a trusted resource and industry leader in a short period of time. We are a multi-media “Reader’s Digest” of sorts that exists on a variety of platforms.
I REPRESENT OUR AVERAGE READER. I have dedicated my life to Medicine. For me, being a physician is not a job, a career or an “employed opportunity.”
I REFUSE TO BE HERDED LIKE A SHEEP by Administrators, insurance companies or by hospital systems that put profits before patients. I am not a “provider.” I am a Physician with a capital “P.” I am not replaceable.
...and for all of the caterpillars out there who expect me to change back into who I was, it’s too late.
My wings are flapping, and I have embarked on my transcontinental migration.
Written by Dr. Marlene Wüst-SmithJust Ignore the Coaching Hype.
You’re curious.
A friend has been raving about how coaching has transformed the way she works/eats/exercises/sleeps/breathes. A physician on Facebook posted about how he’s leaving clinical work to practice as a leadership coach full-time. What’s all the hype about? Any mention of coaching triggers visions of Tony Robbins onstage pumping up an audience of 10,000 hoping to grasp the life they have only dreamed of.
Are you wondering if this is all legit? If you’ve never explored the world of coaching, then you might be missing the opportunity to push to your edge and exceed your own expectations. What is a coach? Coaches are a type of professional “helper” along with therapists, mentors, and advisors. They help you gain understanding and work towards achieving a goal in a specific area of your life.
According to the International Coaching Federation, the largest professional coaches association, a coach:“Discovers, clarifies, and aligns with what the client wants to achieve; encouraging client self-discovery; eliciting client-generated solutions and strategies; and holding the client responsible and accountable.”
A coaching approach sees the person being coached as resourceful and creative. As the person being coached, you’re the expert in your life and your coach partners with you to help you increase self-awareness, move past barriers, and develop action plans to achieve whatever goal or vision you set for yourself.
As a helping professional, a therapist, advisor or mentor enters the relationship asthe expert holding knowledge and a set of skills. In therapy, the focus is on navigating through problems or psychological issues. A mentor, consultant or advisor uses their knowledge of a specific area of expertise to advise you on how to move forward that area.
All approaches can be useful depending on your goals and the issues that you’re seeking support in. How do you become a coach? Standardization in coach training and practices has been gaining momentum. That being said, anyone can design a shiny website, start accepting clients and call themselves a coach.
There aren’t current industry regulations limiting who can practice coaching. However, good coach training programs are widely available.
Coach certification means that someone has completed a coach training program. Ideally, these programs teach coaching theory and offer opportunities to practice coaching skills. Coach training programs can provide general coach training or focus on a specific area such as leadership, health and wellness orfinancial coaching. While not required, some coaches pursue formal credentialing through a professional coaching organization, such as the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
As the field of coaching has grown, so has ICF’s work in defining training and practice standards. The establishment of ethical, evidence-based practices continues to expand. Does coaching really work?
The million-dollar question is, “Can coaching really help someone transform?”
The quick answer is yes, with a couple of caveats. First, the evidence. A growing body of research supports the impact of physician coaching. A recent, multi-site, randomized clinical trial showed decreased reports of emotional exhaustion and burnout among internists, family practitioners, and pediatricians who had received 6 sessions of coaching.
What Have You Got to Lose?
Coaching Works!
Whether you’re interested in partnering with a coach or becoming a coach yourself, you must believe in the value that the coaching offers. A trained coach practicing with integrity can help someone expand their thinking and work towards their personal vision.
Caveat #1
Coaching helps when you work with a coach who knows how to coach.Coaching is a broad field and, at least for now, just about anyone can call themselves a coach. The problem is that some people who sell themselves as coaches haven’t undergone sufficient or any training to understand how to coach effectively.
Training, in both the fundamentals and application of standardized coaching practices, is the key here. If you’re looking for a coach, then look for one who’s been certified through a reputable coach training program. If you’re interested in pursuing coach training, look for training programs that are credentialed through a professional credentialing body such as the ICF.
This assures that your training will align
with the most current coaching practices and standards.
Caveat #2
A client must be motivated to being coached.Coaching isn’t a passive process. While having a skilled coach is important, the process works when the client is fully engaged. Your coach is going to ask you to dig into your thinking, looking for barriers or blind spots.
She’ll push you to develop strategies to overcome obstacles. He’ll challenge you to put your discoveries to work as you design action plans to help you move towards your vision. Coaching is an activeprocess that continues outside of your sessions. If a client isn’t engaged in the work, the coaching can stall.
Caveat #3
A client and coach should be clear on the kind of help that will best support the client.For example, if someone wants a roadmap of how to get from point A to Z, then coaching might not be the right approach. An advisor might be just the right fit. A coach isn’t there to instruct you on how to do your life.
A coach helps a client discover their best strategies for achieving their personal vision.Now as with most things in life, they are grey areas. At times, especially at a client’s invitation, a coach might offer advice or suggestions. Sometimes, urgent issues might need to be addressed first. If a client is struggling with impairing depression or anxiety, a coach might explore other options for support with the client.
When coaching stretches into a different helper role, it’s always in service of meeting the client’s needs.
This might even mean a coach recommending a different form of help altogether.
Either as a coach or a client, maybe it’s worth giving coaching a closer look. What have you got to lose? You’ll never know until you give yourself the chance to explore coaching and discover, “What’s possible?”
by Tracy Asamoah, MD For more information head to Physician Outlook.comRandy Cook - MD Coaches, LLC
Whether you contemplating a career transition, curious about developing your leadership skills, or feeling a bit stuck, I am here to provide honest, unbiased, and relevant feedback and reflection through active listening and curious questioning. Remember, you are not alone.
You can find me as the host of the Rx for Success Podcast. www.rxforsuccess.com. I’m also a regular contributor to “The Script Pad” a blog on www.mymdcoaches.com.
Richard Zollinger - MD Coaches, LLC
Who can benefit from coaching? YOU can benefit from coaching. We are taught to care and comfort for our patients at all costs. Who is there for physicians? MD Coaches, that’s who. Whether you’re considering a career transition or pondering a professional dilemma, I’ll work alongside you to identify and develop your goals, big or small.
You can find my writings and musings on “The Script Pad” at www.mymdcoaches. com/blog. I’m also active on social media @ZooDoc and LinkedIn.
Desmond Bell - MD Coaches, LLC
The timing of when you ask the question of yourself, “how did I get here?,” can offer a pause for reflection and self-assessment. I support physicians throughout any stage of their career by asking the right questions, listening intently, and supporting them as they work to create and achieve personal and professional goals.
You can find me as the host of the podcast “Inside the Doctors Lounge.” I also contribute to “The Script Pad” blog at mymdcoaches.com.
Adam Harrison
Are you looking to develop your career or leadership skills? Are you studying for exams and need some help brushing up on your study skills? Has medicine left you feeling depleted or bullied? If so, I would love to help you.
As a GP and medical leader, I have experienced many of the challenges that medicine can throw at us. Having found my way through, I know I can help you to do the same. Dr Adam Harrison; leadership coach, doctor, lawyer & ex-medical director. Big fan of compassionate leadership.
Twitter: @FutureExecCoach
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dradamharrison
Email: dr.adamharrison@gmail.com
Career & Transition Coach ~ Tracy Asamoah
Families come to see me with all sorts of concerns. Usually, a child or teen is having a hard time psychologically, emotionally or behaviorally and his or her family is trying to understand and help life go a bit better. This is where I come in. I help children, teens and their families explore ways to improve life’s difficulties. Families who come to see me might have a child struggling with anxiety, ADHD or depression. Others have been diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder or psychosis. Help can come in a variety of forms. It may be through therapy, medication, diet, exercise or relaxation techniques. These are just a few of the options I suggest to my patients. People are complex and often the path to wellness is also complex. I don’t offer quick fixes but I do offer all of my knowledge to empower children and teens to live better lives.
Website: tracyasamoahmd.com
Mindful Marathon - Michelle Quirk
I may be a pediatrician, but I’m really passionate about helping busy professionals to prioritize their well-being through running and fitness. I love to develop customized training plans for every type of runner, especially beginners.
I found running in my early 30s, and it has truly changed my life since then. I remember what it was like to feel discouraged and stuck when I started out. Fast forward across some amazing finish lines, and now I get to share my love and knowledge of the sport through coaching!
I started Mindful Marathon to help others improve their lives by embracing running and exercise. I’m all about celebrating our current fitness, wherever that happens to be, and I’m a big believer in the idea that every runner starts from somewhere, even if that somewhere is mile 0. I am a pediatrician and a run coach, certified through the RRCA.
I’ve helped many professionals to become runners.
Why or why not? Challenge your beliefs.
If you have toddlers or you have been around them, you will notice their favorite words are “why” or “why not?”.
Now you may quickly give them answers, but you may notice kids are persistent little humans. After they start grabbing spaghetti with their hands and you tell them they cannot, they ask again “why”? You then say that a fork must be used; which is followed by another “why”? Pretty soon, you either may get annoyed and say, “because I say so,” which is very tempting, or you may actually pause and ponder the “why” of all the things you teach kids or you believe.
If you continue the “why” exercise for anything you do or do not do, you may arrive at something called your belief.
A belief is something you have thought so many times repetitively that it is now just that, a belief. It is the innate core of why you do things. It does not have a positive or negative connotation, but it is a belief or thought. Have you ever, just like your toddler is asking you, asked yourself why? I mean really asked why you have those beliefs? And not to come back with “just because,” or “my mother said so,” or “I was taught that.”
Those are true statements, but if you dig deep, you may find an unconscious thought that may surprise you which is the guiding force to your decisions and actions.
If you are totally satisfied with your results in life from those thoughts and beliefs, then no further action is likely needed. But if there are areas in your life, which could be improved, or you want to grow into, perhaps this may be a great exercise, just like the one that governs your curious toddler’s mind.
If you also realize, most of the things you do, or do not do, are also based on fear.
As a physician, and a urologist, many people do not come to see me until they are scared. Fear is what compels them to come to the doctor, not the bother of symptoms, but fear. Yes, they may be telling you they go frequently to pee, or that their testicle hurts,but if you dig deep, they may be coming
because they are afraid they may have cancer. They may have multiple fears if you explore the why. Understanding the why and not just recording their symptoms and prescribing your favorite medication, may be where the most important part of the interview lies.
We tend not to think about it.
As physicians we were trained to ask when symptoms started, what are they associated with, what makes them better or worse, what have they tried to make it better, but we tend to skip the why. Fear tends to be an extensive cause for us to do or not do something. We are afraid of doing something because of pain, because of misinformation, because of possible discomfort.
In our house, our driveway has an incline. My 5-year-old daughter loves to rollerblade, and she has learned to go down the incline into the curb without hesitation. Meanwhile, I go down this short but steep driveway, like an apprentice snowboarder going down the mountain, using the falling leaf technique. I go side to side, slowly, making small progress until I am at the curb. Now why do I do this? Why am I afraid? The worst thing that can happen is maybe I fall, and since it is not 35 mph, but about 2 seconds of feeling the
speed of the incline, my injuries, if any, will be minor. However, fear of discomfort holds me back from even trying.
The same thing happens to so many projects, dreams, or goals in life.
Whether you do not put yourself out there to date because you are afraid to be uncomfortable, you do not dare to dream you could write a book, or that you could lose weight and feel amazing. All the things that are stopping you from doing amazing things or finding happiness are fear. It is a sensation that will pass, and it is literally in your mind, thoughts, and beliefs.
If you explore the why you do things or why you are holding back, it may give you a clue about your results of why you still do not have a boyfriend, or you have not reached your dream to become the nurse you wanted to be.
Once you are aware, then you could begin to change your thoughts on the subject and then you may feel a bit different about the situation and then come up with solutions, plans, actions to change the result and find a boyfriend. Focusing on all the things that have gone wrong before, pointing out all the flaws
on the current guy that may be interested in dating you, instead of focusing on some of the positive qualities he has, will never change the result.
So, ask yourself why you do things, why you get angry when someone asks you something? I am not saying you must change why you do it or why you get angry. You can continue your same path and same
anger feeling inside you. If you dare to be uncomfortable, to understand your fears, it may stop your limiting beliefs that have not allowed you to go down your driveway in rollerblades, find your lifelong partner or write a book. The result is a few moments of adrenaline as you go down the driveway and you realize it is actually so much fun, you will do this multiple times thereafter.
So, ask yourself why or why not? Become a curious toddler.
Their curiosity should be fostered, not tampered with because it is easier to say, “I said so.”
Dr. Joy Coaching
For midlife women physicians who want to rediscover joy in medicine and life!
Are you struggling trying to balance your work life and your family life? Are you looking for something different but don’t know where to begin? Are you confused about what to do after your kids leave the nest?
These are all common concerns that women physicians have as they enter “midlife,” in addition to the many physician and psychological changes that color our experiences!
learn more at www.drjoycoaching.net
Kara Pepper, MD, LLC
Challenge your beliefs and maybe dare to make new ones.
It will transform you.
by Diana Londoño, MD Drawings by Paloma Londoño, age 5The demands on us are greater than ever before. The emotional and psychological burdens that we carry can be crushing. Coaching allows me to support physicians so that they can manage these burdens and continue to do what they’ve worked their entire lives to do - care for others.
In order to do that to the best of their ability, they must first care for themselves. I help exhausted perfectionists through burnout, overwhelm, procrastination, impostor syndrome, wellness, and career transition.
Learn more at www.karapeppermd.com
Tracey O-Connell Coaching
I’m a certified facilitator of Brene Brown’s curriculum for helping teens & profesionals. I’m also certified to teach self-healing through expressive writing using the course, Transform your Health: Write to Heal TM. I use these tools & others to coach teens, adults, & LGBTQ+ to help them build healthy mindsets & emotional intelligence, key ingrediets for a life of sustainable well-being.
You can learn more about working with me at www.traceyoconnellmd.com or email me at tracey@traceyoconnellmd.com
MARPE, LLC - Life Balance and Mental Fitness Coaching
“ A Life-Balance and Mental Fitness Coaching Company created by a Physician for Physicians” MARPE is a Life-Balance and Mental Fitness Coaching Company created by a physician for physicians. Understanding all the challenges that doctors face, MARPE’s aim is to provide its clients with the tools to overcome difficult situations with greater clarity, less stress, and a stronger sense of purpose. Our goal is to help doctors reignite their passion and experience higher satisfaction and fulfillment in their careers and personal lives.
Learn more at marpjourney.com
Email: ceciliacruz@marpjourney.com
Make New Mondays - Dr. Catherine Woodhouse MD
Hate Mondays? Make New Ones! ™
If you’re a stressed woman physician who absolutely hates Mondays, you can make new ones! When your alarm goes off Monday morning, imagine being excited to get out of bed, excited to do work that aligns with who you are and what you want. Coaching can help you craft the new work and rich life that you deserve. I’d love to invite you to a complimentary coaching Discovery conversation, and to check out other resources for more clarity and power over your work. Visit evolvedphysician.com and let’s chat soon about your new Mondays!
Contact: https://evolvedphysician.com
Professional coaching is a land of its own. Do you ever wonder WHO should be coached? That’s a simple question with a simple answer: Everyone. Heck yeah!
There is virtually no one who cannot benefit from the introspection and self-reflection that coaching entails. Remember the children’s book of old, HortonHearsaWho?
The Whoville of Coaching unwavering support and professional insight for all the Hortons among us. First and foremost, once an individual understands what coaching is and how he or she can benefit, another question bubbles to the surface. How do I get started with coaching and with WHO? Now, I know it is whom in this case, but I’m sticking with my “WHO theme.”
Well of course you do. After learning the WHOs in Whoville are in trouble, Horton, a kind-hearted elephant, endures significant harassment while caring for and protecting the WHOs. Think about our patients across the world. WHO watches out for them?
You do that’s WHO! You spend countless hours and battle obstacles large and small to care for the most vulnerable in their time of need. You, my friend, are Horton.
That begs the question, WHO cares for the Hortons of our world?
WHO is there to support physicians and clinicians when they are weary, lost, confused, or unsure? The answer is Coaches.
My colleagues at MD Coaches offer
To be coached, you must want to be! Successful coaching requires an open mind to search for your own solutions using your own personal thought To be coached, you must want to be! Successful coaching requires an open mind to search for your own solutions using your own personal thought processes.
The most important WHO in coaching is you the client! Your full presence is mandatory.
We all know roadblocks in life are inevitable. The solutions or pathways to success sometimes are not so simple or straightforward. What a gift it is to have an unbiased sounding board to listen and respond to you on a very personal level. Both the coach and the client represent the WHO team. This team practices being present in the moment and listening clearly to what is being shared. The coaching landscape is not solely
made up of a mentor, consultant, or therapist. In fact, this landscape is a rich clearing house for the issues a client may bring to discuss.
As a client, be open about your concerns. Your coach can help point you towards the right metaphorical baggage claim, inviting you to pick up your suitcase and enter the world anew. Understanding fully that you, the WHO, are the one who envisions the pathways and solutions. You may be looking for directions to resolve personal and or professional stumbling blocks and the sounding board of a great coach can be a guiding light.
Remember it’s imperative that you are fully engaged in the process to have what you deem to be successful. It is also important to understand the match between the client and the coach is the number one priority. If early on there is no connection in your mind or heart, then it is possible that Horton hears a different WHO for you!
The most important WHO is YOU.
Reach out, seek a coach, and enjoy the journey. You never have to be a Horton alone.
by Rick Zollinger, MD, FACS, For More Information head to PhysicianOutlook.comBeat Down Burnout - Dr. Nan Nuessle, MD
At Beat Down Burnout, we give you the opportunity to learn how to communicate at a level where you master negotiating without offending. We teach a system where you learn to hear and be heard. This gives you the leverage you need to lead while still building trust and a sense of community within your teams. This reduces errors, improves satisfaction (for both patients and staff), reduces staff turnover, and improves patient compliance. It diminishes, and even eliminates, the intimidation and coercion seen in bullying or hostile work environments.
Learn more on www.beatdownburnout.com
Pause and Presence: Mindful Life Coach
Are you successful on the surface yet struggling underneath? Discover a life of more calm, peace, connection, and a clear path forward in life and love. I am a certified coach, yoga instructor, pediatrician and long-time physician wellness leader. I offer 1:1 high touch mindful coaching, retreats, and small group coaching immersions into Parenting with Presence, Mindful Love, Mindful Minimalism, and Ongoing Presence. Easing struggles with challenging relationships, parenting, career stagnation and burnout, and decluttering are my coaching passion and areas of expertise.
Learn more at www.jessiemahoneymd.com
Joy in Family Medicine Coaching Services
“Dr. Tonya Caylor, FAAFP has over 22 years of clinical and academic experience and focuses on coaching in family medicine residency programs to help residents and faculty enjoy their chosen careers.
Learn more on www.joyinfamilymedicine.com
Heart to Heart Psychiatry, PC
Life Coaching for Physicians and Healers who want to find joy and creativity in life and work. Jumpstart your transformation witn an exclusive VIP Day!
Website: www.drhislabatesmd.com
Listen to the Podcast: Healer Heal Yourself...Discover Your Creativity on Apple Podcast.
Family in Focus
I am the founder of Family in Focus.
I help parents of overweight children stop struggling with food, exercise and fears of the long-term risks of obesity. Unlike medical weight loss programs, Family in Focus doesn’t focus on what’s wrong with the child & their weight. Instead, we use the key ingredient to helping kids find their healthy weight: an empowered parent who is a calm, confident role model with a plan to lead the whole family.
Learn more on wendyschofermd.com
Mindful Yoga for Healers with Dr. Jessie Mahoney
Breathe. Heal. Replenish. Grow. Connect.
All-levels yoga on zoom to help you grow self-compassion, groundedness, and inner strength. Classes are taught by a physician for physicians and purposely infused with specific coaching mantra and mindset strengthening for those in healthcare.
Sign-up at https://mindfulyoga.jessiemahoneymd.com/
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SJW Professional Coaching
In the ever changing environment of healthcare, medical professionals are encountering many challenges to their professional well-being. Issues of burnout and job satisfaction, as well as Clinician Distress Syndrome have become prevalent, and the need for professional coaching is important now more than ever. Coaching is a powerful tool to provide guidance and support; through exploration and self-discovery, the clinician is steered towards fulfillment and balance in both their personal and professional lives.
Website - SJWprofessionalcoaching.com
Email - susanwilsonmd@gmail.com
Pocket Bridges, LLC
Mastery of leadership comes from the ability to connect. At Pocket Bridges, we help leaders and executives CONNECT through coaching, teaching and more. That’s what we do!
Learn more at pocketbridges.com
Inspiring Balance Coaching
The practice of medicine is changing. As a coach, I support physicians as they navigate those changes and evaluate their personal needs. Physicians can then create a well balanced life and career that they love.
Website: inspiringbalancecoaching.com
Why Coaching?
Some years ago, approaching midcareer, I moved my family across the country to join a prestigious university. Although close to promotion at my current institution, I was offered a position as an Assistant Professor, with promises of rapid promotion givenmy past achievements and current career trajectory. I was thrilled, honored, excited to see where my career would lead, and trusted the promises that were made.
LEFT, still at the rank of Assistant Professor, suffering from depression, unsure of why I couldn’t succeed within the system, and burned out. As the mother of three daughters, one destined for medical school, I looked deep inside and promised myself that for their sake the story would not end this way. The next part of the story might seem like a wishful daydream or even a fairy tale.
I went on to become an Associate Professor and was ultimately promoted to Professor. I conceived, helped write, and edited a textbook in my subspecialty. I became a physician wellbeing advocate and was appointed to national committees to work for system change. How could this be true??
I HADN’T CHANGED my work ethic, my values, or my strong sense of individualism. One thing did change though, and that was my mindset. Having tried everything I could “within the system” without tangible results, I decided to take positive action on my own behalf. I set two new goals: to reach my potential and leave things better. I got a coach, and determined that I would leave my mindset and negative self-imagery behind.
I first learned about coaching soon after leaving the prestigious university, when
I became an Advisory Board member of a new Women’s Empowerment and Leadership Initiative (WELI) in my field, designed to help women achieve equity and academic promotion through using mentoring and coaching.
after attending our first training workshop on coaching techniques, I began to think about getting my own coach. I investigated, asked questions, hesitated.... and then committed. What did I have to lose? Over the next few months, one by one, my self-limiting beliefs were identified, examined, and left behind. Defining my potential no longer seemed like a limited proposition.
Meditation, exercise, talks with supportive friends –all were helpful, but none had succeeded in changing my mindset and
inner narrative until I got a coach. Developing a trusting, confidential relationship with someone who believed in me but who was also more than able and willing to callme on my own negative self-talk was unlike anything else I had experienced.
REBUILDING SELF-IMAGE and overcoming the inner critic is a long and arduous process with both forward motion and occasional backsliding. Through it all, my coach was there, cheering the victories, asking the tough questions when I felt stuck, and listening patiently.
Although firmly established in the business world and for elite athletes, coaching is still relatively new in medicine.
THE ESSENCE OF COACHING involves the creation of a trusting relationship, facilitating the coachee’s learning and
A True Story
development through inquiry, personal reflection, and discovery.
UNLIKE MENTORING or sponsorship, coaching allows evaluation of the whole person, incorporating and exploring both personaland professional goals and encouraging learning on multiple levels.
Similarly, although difficult or sensitive issues may be discussed, coaching is distinct from therapy and should not be confused with it. Coaching allows for clarification of values, mission, and priorities and the acquisition of desired skills such as conflict management or negotiation.
According to Jenny Rogers, “The whole aim of coaching is to close the gap between people’s potential and their current state.”1
That is exactly what happened for me.
Coaching can occur on an individual oneto-one basis or in group or team settings. Coaches may have a background in counseling or therapy, leadership, or may (like me) have had another career entirely!
We bring our diffuse backgrounds to this calling because it has shown us how to be happier and more successful human beings and we want to share that with others. Life is complex, and full of transitions. Creating a vision of your ideal self and future and building a plan to achieve those goals restores a sense of autonomy and empowerment in rapidly changing and volatile world. Find a coach. Reach your potential.
by Laura Berenstain, MD FASA Learn more at PhysicianOutlook.comThe Mindful Healers Podcast
When you listen to the Mindful Healers Podcast you will discover the power of the pause, the magic of presence, and what’s possible when you live with mindful intention. Co-hosted by Dr. Jessie Mahoney and Dr Ni-Cheng Liang, a pediatrician and a pulmonologist with over 30 years of experience in physician wellness as well as special training in mindfulness, mindset coaching, and yoga. Available on all podcast platforms.
“The rare chance to Pause and Breathe. There is one thing this podcast has that so many don’t: a pace and tone that themselves relax you while you absorb the deep wisdom of its hosts. The opening chime is like a Pavlovian call to calm... a downshift into a lower gear that sits more deeply into your soul. And then this is followed by the thoughtful and personal teachings that are the reliable core of every single episode. These women are worth getting quiet to listen to.”
Learn more at https://www.jessiemahoneymd.com/mindful-healers-podcast
Mindful Coaching Yoga & Culinary Medicine Retreat
Mindfulness, Nature, And Personal Growth At A Mountaintop Sanctuary. Enjoy Daily Transformative Coaching, Connect With Your Heart, Heal Your Nervous System, Stretch And Strengthen Your Body, And Awaken Your Spirit Through Yoga Taught By Physicians For Physicians.
Nourish Your Body & Soul With Delicious Homemade Food And Experience Culinary Medicine.
Up To 8 Hrs AMA PRA Category 1 CME Is Available.
2022 Dates: April 24-29th, Sept 11-16th, Nov6-11th.
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Wholehearted Doctoring - Dr. Pam
On the surface, I’m a psychiatrist, multiply-certified coach, mentor, and facilitator. At my core, I’m a compassionate samurai for wholehearted doctors in search of spiritual refreshment and hope. Medicine can feel like the proverbial trip to hell without even a handbasket, these days. Fortunately, this can also be a doorway for transformation. I’m devoted to helping you get from where you are, to where you want to be -- in your life, your work, your relationships, and your leadership. I invite you to a complimentary Wake-Up Call, so we can discuss your situation and needs.
Website: drpampappas.com
Publisher: Marlene Wüst-Smith, M.D. Editor in Chief: Alicia Roselli Managing Editor: Roxanne Bruce, MBA, DrBA, VP of Advertising: Pamela Ferman Director of Art and
Production: Tobias Sarrio Authors: Tracy Asamoah, MD; Rick Zollinger, MD, FACS; Laura Berenstain, MD FASA; Diana Londoño, MD
Published by “PhysicianOutlook Publishing” Editorial policy: PhysicianOutlook magazine is a national magazine dedicated to empowering physicians and their patients to improve the world of medicine together. Editorial decisions are based on the editor’s judgement of the quality of the writing, the timeliness of the content, and the potential interest to the readers of the PhysicianOutlook magazine. The magazine may publish articles dealing with controversial issues. The views expressed herein are of the authors and/or those interviewed, and may not reflect the official policy of the magazine. PhysicianOutlook neither agrees, nor disagrees with those ideas expressed, and no endorsement of those views should be inferred, unless specifically identified as officially endorsed by the magazine.
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