Celebrating the SHINE THROUGH Campaign to Sustain Pi Beta Phi

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A VISION FOR ENDOWMENTS, A VISION FOR THE FUTURE While celebrating the 150th birthday

I remember the very early phases of

endowment dollars. Endowment

of our Fraternity was certainly a good

this campaign. A small committee

gifts are invested, and proceeds

reason to launch a transformational

came together to cast a vision

of those investments are used to

campaign, the true impetus for the

for what we thought we might

support Pi Phi’s needs. In most

SHINE THROUGH campaign was

accomplish and how we might be

cases, the original gift stays intact

a need to sustain our sisterhood.

able to do it. The early goals we set

at its original amount or grows.

Developing women of intellect

for the campaign were far surpassed

Endowment gifts produce new

and integrity takes resources. As

before we even launched the effort

dollars for Pi Beta Phi in perpetuity.

we looked at our next 150 years, it

at Convention 2017.

If this campaign was truly about the

became clear that if Pi Beta Phi was

future of Pi Phi, we knew a focus

to continue to do the work we do,

As the campaign took shape, we

on endowment giving would be a

we’d need more resources.

realized the most significant impact

critical component.

would come from growing our

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