CIRCULATION 16,000 December 2008 volume 1 • issue 7
In addition to general West End News & Articles the SPURR is the official Community League information source for: Britannia-Youngstown, Canora, Glenwood, High Park, Mayfield & West Jasper / Sherwood
Photos by Eric Kozakiewicz
Jasper place
C h r i s t m a s p a s t i n J P
Dinner on us – Contest
Stony plain road
Community news
safety & security forum
Volunteer Thank you
The dirty gardener
City events
Update from Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association
S P URR • d e c e m b e r 2 0 0 8 v o lu m e 1 • i s s u e 7
Ph: (780) 757-0993 | Culture: Adele Knowler Gardening: Michele Hebert (The Dirty Gardener)
Diane Kereluk (780) 477-5169
Community Info: Marian Bruin
Storefront Cinema Night Thank you to the many volunteers and participating businesses that it took to make this event a success! To all the moviegoers, we hope you had a fantastic evening and you will join us next year as we will soon be planning for a bigger, better Storefront Cinema Night 2009. Any comments and suggestions you have are greatly appreciated. Please e-mail info@ or call (780) 477-5169.
Business Info: Diane Kereluk Advertising: Jim Wooley Publisher: Pie Communications Inc. 544, 12222 137 Avenue Edmonton, AB, T5L 4X5 Ph: (780) 757-0993 Fax: (780) 401-3438 What is SPURR The Stony Plain (road and area) Urban Revitalization Report is a community based newspaper whose mission it is to serve the west-end communities of BritanniaYoungstown, Canora, Glenwood, High Park, Mayfield, & West Jasper / Sherwood along with the Members of the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association. SPURR is a joint initiative for Community & Business Interests of Edmonton’s westend lead by: City of Edmonton Community Services,
Project and the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Revitalization Zone. For More Information Please Contact: Marian Bruin, City of Edmonton Community Services Department
Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association Open House Business members and volunteers are welcomed
to join us for refreshments and appetizers: December 18, 2008 10043 151 Street 4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. RSVP: (780) 477-5169 Memory Tree For The Holidays We will be lighting up the park with a special remembrance tree which people can come and contribute an ornament to in remembrance of a loved one. We all know just how hard the holidays can be when someone we love can no longer be with us. Everyone is welcomed to join us, share a cup of hot chocolate and memories of our loved ones. Sunday, December 21st at 3:00 P.M. (weather permitting). For more information call Bernadette at 780-477-5169. Welcome New Businesses This section is dedicated to welcoming new businesses to the
area. Please show your support by stopping by. If you are a new business in the area and we have not listed you please contact Diane Kereluk at (780) 477-5169. Volunteers Please! Do you want to participate with exciting projects or would you rather be involved with Safety & Security? Are you interest in being a Board of Director? We have an opportunity for everyone. Be a part of “Building Something Special”. Call Diane Kereluk (780) 477-5169. Attention Businesses If anyone would like more information on any of the above, please call Diane Kereluk (780) 477-5169. The above information is being e-mailed out to all businesses. If you have not received an e-mail and would like to, please forward you e-mail address to
Thanks to our Volunteers As a resident of the City of Edmonton, it constantly amazes me the selflessness of the community members that give their time to volunteer to make things happen in our city. Point in part would be the wonderful people that showed up on Saturday November 29th, 2008 to volunteer their time and energy for the first Store Front Cinema Night.
The energy, laughter and excitement for the night were contagious and brought the group of 72 volunteers together to help make the evening a huge success. On behalf of the committee, I would like to send out a huge thank you for the support the volunteers gave to make this an event to remember.
It would not have been possible without you all. I look forward to meeting you all again next year as well as the many new volunteers for our second Cinema. Sherry Fowler Committee Volunteer Coordinator Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society
P.O. Box 2359, Edmonton, AB, T5J 2R7 Ph: (780) 944-5417 Diane Kereluk, Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association 10043 151 Street. Edmonton, AB, T5P 4Z7
Volunteers Needed Join a Working Group to Improve Your Community!
Ph: (780) 477-5169
When visiting or calling one of our advertisers please make sure to tell them you saw them
Marian Bruin
in the SPURR – thank you.
(780) 944-5417
THE SPURR NEEDS YOU! We are looking for a volunteer Editor. A proficiency in digital processing with some skill in literary sciences would be a minimum. Comfortable with all aspects of email communication and an ability to project manage is a must. Most important is a strong desire to contribute to the well being of your community. If this might be you please contact the Publisher.
We to
and events.
Store Front Cinema Event The Stony Plain Road business association ran a great family event! We hope you came out to the Store Front Cinema Event on November 29. The weather cooperated and there was approx 700 + people walking Stony Plain Road on a Saturday night from 7:00 - 10:00 P.M. A great event! Another success in the revitalization efforts for the area.
Connecting Our Community This group would work on increasing access to information on programs and services in the area as well as working on getting to know your neighbours and businesses through walkability, events and block parties. Next Meeting; The Second Monday of each month at 7:00 P.M. at the Boys and Girls Club 16030 104 avenue. Building Our Community This group would work on business, community and park clean ups and beautification as well as improving the community and business area by addressing traffic safety concerns
and physical changes to the area. We are also working on a new zoning plan for the Stony Plain Road area (149 street to 170 street) and 100 avenue to 102 avenue. The next meeting is December 17, 6:00 P.M. at the BRZ office 10043 151 street. (Normally we meet on the 4th Wednesday). Feeling Safe in Our Community This group would work with Police, the business association and your neighbours to create safer streets, parks and neighbourhoods! Next meeting: the second Thursday of each month, 6:30 P.M. at the Jasper Place Office 10030 - 167 street. You can get involved with issues that concern you in your community. Call Marian at (780) 944-5417
SPURR December 2008
were all unstrung and the popcorn was put out for the birds, but the cranberries went into a pot with some sugar and made into cranberry sauce for the next time we had chicken or turkey. Nothing was wasted in those days.
Well, Christmas is just around the corner, it seems. When I go out in the evening I see more and more lights on the houses. I like this time of year. I have always liked Christmas and I thought in this issue I would tell you about an old-fashioned Christmas in Jasper Place. When Mom and Dad and I first moved into our house in the Summer of 1947 we didn’t have electricity until the following Spring, so the first Christmas was without lights on the Christmas tree. Mom and I made decorations as brightly colored as possible to make up for it, and we had lots of fun. Christmas started early in those days, actually in October, when Mom made her Christmas cakes. We started by saving the best brown paper bags to line the pans with. Choosing the fruit and nuts was a big deal. Mom would buy whole walnuts, not the already shelled ones. It was always my job to crack the walnuts open and it had to be done perfectly. I had to crack them so that the two halves would split without being smashed. (I will tell you why later). Then we would get out the big dishpan and everything would go in and had to be mixed up perfectly, and into the waiting pans lined with greased brown
SPURR December 2008
paper bag, and then into the oven for hours and hours it seemed. It smelled divine. My Grandma always made the Christmas puddings for everyone. Each family got one and they were so good. She made them from currants from her own bushes that she brought over from England in 1912. My Grandpa had already come over to Canada earlier to build the house in Beverly before Grandma and the boys came. Can you imagine a women alone coming with four little boys on a boat, then a train from Halifax and bring currant bushes too. I guess she wanted to have a little bit of England out in Beverly. We were glad she did because they made the most delicious puddings. Every year there was the decision to make – hard sauce, rum sauce, brandy sauce, but my favorite was lemon sauce, and still is. To this day when I have Christmas pudding, I make a lemon sauce. Now, onto the homemade decorations. We would take the walnut shells and Mom would put glue all around the edges and stick a loop of string in the glue, and then the other half would go on and they had to dry. Then we would paint the walnut shells with whatever paint we had silver, gold, red and green. They were very pretty. For garland, we would string popcorn with a darning needle and also raw cranberries. After Christmas they
The Christmas tree selection was important. It had to be perfect. My Dad didn’t have a car until the 1960’s, so a friend of Mom and Dad would come by in his old car and we would go out to some lake and cut down a tree. It was fun. I have to laugh when I think of Christmas trees because times were tough in those days – it was just after the war with not too much extra money around. My husband, when he was about 11 years old, thought he would do something nice for his Mom, so he went into a neighbor’s yard with his little hatchet and cut down one of their evergreen trees and was so proud to bring it home to his Mom. However, he had never heard the term “covering your tracks”, and the police followed where he dragged the tree through the snow right to their back door. What a bad little boy, but it makes me chuckle still. Decorating the tree was always fun for me, trying to find just the right spot for everything. I never expected a lot of presents under the tree though, and they were usually very practical gifts – a new sweater, pajamas, robe, etc. – things you needed. One year though I got a real surprise. Miraculously under the tree was a new bike. I was not expecting it. I could not believe it, and it seemed an awfully long time until Spring when I could go outside and ride it. I was so proud of my new bike. There was always a gift for me under the tree from my Aunt Irma, who was Swedish. She was so handy with her hands and she always made something – knitted hat and mittens with scarf to match, or slippers. I loved those gifts, and always felt so special that she had made them for me.
Finally, it would be Christmas day and the excitement that came with it, opening the gifts and getting ready for company. We always had another couple over for Christmas, usually Alice and Walter as they didn’t have children, so they liked to spend Christmas at our house. Mom would be busy in the morning getting the turkey ready and the stuffing prepared, peeling the vegetables and getting things “just right”. It was always my job to get the salad plate ready for the table. Mom would make me mash up the Velveeta cheese with a fork to put into the celery. In those days there was no Cheese Whiz, but the Velveeta came in two-pound blocks in little wooden boxes. Anyone remember those? They were wonderful for keeping buttons, crayons, etc. We had a coal and wood stove then, and everything smelled so good cooking on that old stove. My Mom would make lefse for my Uncle Gunnar, who was Norwegian, on top of the stove. It was always my job to keep the top of the stove clean, shining it with newspaper. Everyone would sit around the table in our tiny little kitchen. Of course, by that time it was dark out so the kerosene lamps had to be lit (for our first Christmas) which made everything seem so magical. Everything tasted so good, even to the last spoonful of my Grandma’s Christmas pudding (with imported currants). I love those old Christmas memories, and I am so glad that I have them tucked away to think about each Christmas. Merry Christmas everyone – my family, friends and neighbors, and those that I don’t know but who took the time to read this.
The days before Christmas were busy for Mom and I. We made cookies and candy and lots of goodies. We always made starshaped shortbread cookies with a tiny candy silver ball in the middle. I think that star was the only cookie cutter Mom had.
community news Britannia Youngstown
Britannia Youngstown Community League Soccer Zone: West Soccer Hockey Zone: Hawks Athletic Club (NW District) Outdoor Rink: ONE Boundaries: North: 107 Avenue South: Stony Plain Road East: 156 Street West: Mayfield Road Hall Address: 15927 105 Avenue Edmonton, AB, T5P 0T8 Phone: (780) 483-8983 Capacity: 150 Wheelchair Accessible: No canora
The Annual Glenwood Christmas Party has changed this year! We will be holding our first ever Glenwood Christmas Open House for you to come enjoy some Christmas Cheer (cash bar will be open), Appetizers, Snacks and Great Conversation. This will be a good time to come, meet your neighbours and discover what big plans and upcoming renovations we have for our hall. (The PPV Oilers hockey game may be shown in the background.) Drop in for a minute or a few hours – meet the executive, take a look inside, purchase a membership or just have something to eat and drink! What: Christmas Open House at Glenwood Hall Where: Glenwood Hall 16430 97 Avenue NW
Canora Community League Soccer Zone: West Soccer Hockey Zone: Hawks Athletic Club (NW District) Outdoor Rink: ONE
Who: Anyone who lives in Glenwood (Seniors, Families, Singles)
Boundaries: North: 107 Avenue South: Stony Plain Road East: 149 Street West: 156 Street
NHL Hockey Night in Glenwood Is Finally Here FREE Pay-per-View OILERS HOCKEY is here! Once again, we are enjoying a good response to our PPV showings on our large screen TV. Join us at the hall for all pay-per-view hockey games, and some CBC games in HD! Free admission, cash bar, snacks and/ or free popcorn available! Bring your neighbours, your comfy chair and your friends! Doors open 30 minutes before game time. Contact Clayton at (780) 489-2188 for more information.
Hall Address: 10425 152 Street Edmonton, AB, T5P 4P1 Phone: (780) 489-6007 Capacity: 225 glenwood
Glenwood Community League Soccer Zone: West Soccer Hockey Zone: Whitemud West Hockey (NW District) Outdoor Rink: ONE Boundaries: North: Stony Plain Road South: 95 Avenue & 96 Avenue East: 163 Street & 158 Street West: 170 Street & 163 Street Hall Address: 16430 97 Avenue Edmonton, AB, T5P 0E8 Phone: (780) 489-7571 Capacity: 100 Wheelchair Accessible: Yes Christmas Open House December 19, 6:30 P.M. to Midnight
Date: December 19, 2008 Time: 6:30 P.M. to Midnight
• Friday, December 19 Oilers vs. Anaheim 7:00 P.M. • Sunday, January 18 vs. Phoenix 6:00 P.M. (Glenn Anderson Retirement Game) • Friday, January 30 Oilers vs. Wild 7:00 P.M. Crib Nights are Here Come to the hall alone or with a friend to participate in our monthly crib tournaments the 3rd Saturday of every month from 6:30 P.M. to
10:00 P.M. Light lunch provided. Contact Clayton at (780) 489-2188 for more information. Entry fee only $10 per person. These have been well attended so continue to bring your friends! Euchre Join us for Euchre every Tuesday night at the Glenwood Community Hall. Registration at 6:30 P.M., games begin at 7:00 P.M. Other Glenwood Information: Have your say and find out about… Community development, League spending and changes, Programs offered, What’s new in Glenwood? Community League meetings are open to everyone and are generally held at the hall at 7:00 P.M. on the first Thursday of every month. Are you hosting a birthday party? Baby or bridal shower? Family Reunion? Family Christmas Party? Consider renting the Glenwood Community Hall.
Janice Gargas 11032 154 Street Edmonton, Alberta , T5P 2K2 Or fax to 780-486-1791 (ATTENTION JANICE) Or email to Annual Craft and Bake Sale December 6, 2008 High Park Community Hall 11032 154 Street 9:30 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Lots of great X-mas presents for everyone on your list. With a donation to the Food Bank you will get a free Ticket for our raffle. Help support those in need during the Christmas Season... Tables Still available – interested call Paula – (780) 479-6929
Friday/Saturday rentals: Members: $150* Non-Members: $400
High Park, Mayfield & Britannia are pleased to announce a Community Children’s Christmas Party.
Sunday - Thursday rentals: Members: $75* Non-Members: $150 Call the Facility Director Charlotte at (780) 444-0411 * Must be a member good standing.
Other days as deemed necessary by the League. Required to supervise the High Park Community Rink, make ice, winter upkeep of the grounds. Hours may very from 3540 hours per week. Submit wage expectations with Resume to:
Magic Show by David Thiel, Visit from Santa in
high park
High Park Community League Soccer Zone: West Soccer Hockey Zone: Hawks Athletic Club (NW District) Outdoor Rink: ONE Boundaries: North: 111 Avenue South: 107 Avenue East: 149 Street West: 156 Street Hall Address: 11032 154 Street Edmonton, AB, T5P 2K1 Phone: (780) 484-4646 Capacity: 180 Wheelchair Accessible: No Wanted: Rink Caretaker Must be available Monday to Friday evenings and Saturdays and Sundays from December to April.
When: Sunday, December 14, 2008 3:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. Location: Mayfield Community Hall 10941 161 Street Cost: is $2.00 per family and a donation for the Food Bank To register call Tara (780) 486-6152 Space still available in High Park Pre-school 3 & 4 Year olds, Parent Co-Op, Reasonable rates. Lots of fun for both parents and children! Call Paula for more info at (780) 479-6929. Adult Drop-In All adults welcome. Drop in, have a cup of coffee and a visit! Wednesdays,12:30P.M. - 3:30 P.M. High Park Community Hall For information, call Joan at (780) 489-5419. In The Community for Kids 3-12: Sunshine Generation Singing and Performing Group
SPURR December 2008
community news Tuesday Evenings at High Park Community Hall For Information call Cheryl at (780) 554-6561 Certified Angel Intuituve Classes Hosted by Sandra Lizotte, CBP, ATP® & Sherry Martini, ATP® (Angel Therapy Practitioners®) Discover how to know when you are really receiving guidance, how to trust the feelings you’re getting about someone or something in your life, how to know when it’s truth or imagination, and how to tap into your personal power. Classes to be held at the High Park Community League (11032 154 Street) Starting Monday, January 12, 2009. Time 7:00 P.M. to 9:30 P.M.Cost is $25/person for each class. Please contact Sherry at 780-710-2182 or by email to register. High Park Hall Rentals Do you have an upcoming event? Rentals are available. Occasion: Weddings Time of Day: Any Time Cost: $400.00 Deposit: $400.00 Occasion: Any Time of Day: Whole Weekend Cost: $400.00 Deposit: $400.00 Occasion: Dinners, Meetings, Parties Time of Day: Weekday Eve/Aft Cost: $100.00 Deposit: $100.00 Occasion: Dinners, Meetings, Parties Time of Day: Weekends Cost: $250.00 Deposit: $200.00 Occasion: Commercial Kitchen Use Time of Day: Full day (8 hrs) Cost: $125.00 Deposit: $100.00 Occasion: Commercial Kitchen Use Time of Day: Half day (4 hrs) Cost: $75.00 Deposit: $100.00 Occasion: Meetings (upstairs) Time of Day: Any Time (3 hrs) Cost: $50.00 Deposit: $100.00 Occasion: Birthday Parties Time of Day: Afternoon (4 hrs) Cost: $50.00 Deposit: $100.00 Occasion: Funerals Cost: $75.00 *Community league members please call for Special pricing that may be available* Capacity 150 people.
SPURR December 2008
Members in good standing for two consecutive years will get a yearly $50 credit for hall rentals of $150 or more, *only one discount per year* Please call Nora at (780( 486-1867 for more information. Mayfield
Mayfield Community League Soccer Zone: West Soccer Hockey Zone: Hawks Athletic Club (NW District) Outdoor Rink: ONE Boundaries: North: 111 Avenue South: 107 Avenue East: 156 Street West: Mayfield Road Hall Address: 10941 161 Street Edmonton, AB, T5P 1G2 Phone: (780) 483-4675 Capacity: 125 Wheelchair Accessible: Yes Yoga Next 10 week session starts Tues January 6, 2009 6:30 to 7:45 P.M. at Mayfield hall Cost $100 for 10 weeks or $12 for drop ins Call Fran for information (780) 484-1476 Pilates Next 10 week session starts Mon January 5, 2009 8:00 to 9:00 P.M. at Mayfield Hall Cost $70 for 10 weeks or $10 for drop ins Call Bonnie for information (780) 489-3254 Carpet Bowling Seniors carpet bowling Tuesdays and Thursdays For more information call Doreen at (780) 486-1833 or Marlene at (780) 484-5728 Moms and Tots Dads, newborns, grandparents, and caregivers all welcome. No cost. Wednesdays 9:30 - 11:00 A.M. At Mayfield Hall Cancelled December 24 and 31 for the holidays. Cancelled if the weather is -20 with wind chill or colder. For information contact Tara at (780) 486-6152
Free Swimming for Mayfield community league members. Please show current membership card. Saturday evenings from 6:00 7:00 P.M. Jasper Place Fitness and Leisure Centre, 9200 163 Street Free Skating Once the ice is ready. For Mayfield community league members. Please show current membership card or skate tags.
Boundaries: North: Stony Plain Road/96 Avenue South: 96 Avenue/92 Avenue East: 149 Street/149 Street West: 158 Street/156 Street Hall Address: 9620 152 Street Edmonton, AB, T5P 4N9 Phone: (780) 483-2815 Capacity: 150 Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Hall Rentals Call Kathy to book rentals. 780-484-3391 Contact Information Mike Carson (780) 444-5986 or e-mail west jasper/sherwood
West Jasper/Sherwood Community League Soccer Zone: West Zone Hockey Zone: Whitemud West Hockey (NW District) Outdoor Rink: ONE
Largest Pool Hall in Western Canada! Daily lunch specials Happy Hour: Monday-Sunday from 4:00pm - 8:00pm $3.75 Hi-balls and domestic beer
Monday-Friday $8/hr till 6:00pm Saturday-Sunday $8/hr all day Evenings $10/hr after 6:00pm
“Bucket of Corona” 4 for $17.95
WEDNESDAY: Wings $0.35
8 Ball Tourneys
9 Ball Tourneys Register Early for Pool Leagues. Hosting: EPPA, Triple E, Walmac, CPA and the New “BCA” League.
Book your: Christmas Parties, Office Parties / Special Events 15121 Stony Plain Road Edmonton, Alberta T5P 2Y3 Phone: 486-3388 Fax: 486-4481 Email:
THE DIRTY GARDENER at Christmas time. I suggest Apache Seeds in the West-End, as I believe in supporting my neighborhood businesses. Michele hebert
December in Edmonton can be depressing for a gardener. But shopping for a gardener on your gift list can be a lot of fun, be it for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, birthday, etc. Most gardeners are also very frugal and rarely spend money on themselves by way of really good tools, a good gardening apron, a garden journal, etc. My favourite catalogue to look through in December comes from Lee Valley Tools. I flag my favourite things with little fluorescent postit notes, and my kids and Old Fart then know what to get me. It’s kinda like the Sears Wish Book for a gardener. To order a catalogue or shop on-line call 1-800-267-8767 or (I am getting no commission or perks of any kind by giving my readers this information; I simply like the store and believe strongly in their products). Other suggestions for the gardener on your list is a live plant such as an Amaryllis. Your reputable garden centre can help you choose an appropriate plant for your picky gardener. Many garden centers are open year-round and carry a good selection
How about a fountain for outdoors when Spring comes? Any gardener would appreciate a water feature to display in their yard or garden. Pond kits are another suggestion as a gift. For the balcony gardener or for indoors, a smaller, table-top fountain can be found for around $40.00 or less. These also make great gifts for the office worker – to bring a little bit of “Zen” into the cubicle or work space. Many also run on batteries. For the little gardener, kid-size gardening gloves and gardening tools make a great gift. Pack them into a pot with a couple packs of veggie and/or flower seeds, and they’re ready for Spring. The kids may not be able to use the gift right away, but will appreciate it when the time comes, and most of their toys they received in December are already broken. I hope I’ve given you some suggestions to help you with your shopping this year. If you have any comments or would like me to address a question or subject on gardening, please contact me at or phone the paper at (780) 757-0993. Until February, Happy Gardening.
SPURR ONLINE Make sure to check out Adele’s CULTURE article, a new introduction to the BEAT and lots more
Congratulations to last month’s winner: Bob Olynyk
Earls on 170th streets is hiring part time and full time
COOKS Please apply within.
9961 - 170 St. Ph: 780-481-2222
NEVER MISS AN ISSUE AGAIN! If you enjoy local, community based news please consider a subscription. Your support via subscription will help us grow into a bigger and better paper and you’ll always be sure of getting your copy of the SPURR. Thank you. Please sign me up, I want to subscribe $25 (GST included) NAME: _____________________________________________________
Photos of Storefront Cinema Night all online at
___________________________________________________________ P/C: ______________________________________________________
See samples and pricing at
Please send your cheque or money order payable to:
website or call 780-757-0993 tell us you saw it in
Pie Communications Inc.
the SPURR for special pricing!
544, 12222-137th Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T5L 4X5
SPURR December 2008
Public Safety Compliance Team On November 4th, 2008 Business Revitalization Zone hosted their second annual Safety and Security Forum. Sgt. Gary Godziuk from Public Safety Compliance Team (PSCT) together with his collegues from each sector of PSCT presented their goals and strategies they use as a team. The presentation started with some statistics about Edmonton. Our city has the 2nd highest alcohol consumption rate in Canada, there are approximately 1.6 billion dollars spent on alcohol in Edmonton every year. We are also known to have aggressive drinkers, and that of course leads to many more problems along the way. The 4 sectors of Public Safety Compliance Team are: Hospitality, Planning, Safety and Community; these sectors plan, manage and police hospitality zones. To be able to work in such broad spectrum of services, PSCT works directly with Edmonton Police Service, Edmonton Fire Department, Bylaw, Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission and City of Edmonton Planning and Development. Capital Health is considered to be the future stakeholder. The data entered by these parties is stored and shared from a central database. This way it’s easier to recognize the problem areas. Inspections occur at random times and at random locations. There are 4 members from each sector who inspect how liquor services are provided.
Some examples of violations given by Sgt. Godziuk were: • Overcrowding - which surprisingly is not that big of an issue • Proserve staff not present – means, that it’s mandatory to have at least one person on duty with a valid proserve certificate • Overserving and serving intoxicated people, which is the number one problem • Some places get high volume of phone calls because people just come there to fight.
After the inspection the owner is informed about what needs to be changed. In a couple of months the Public Safety Compliance Team comes back to see if the owners have followed through and see if the changes have been done. If there’s no difference from last visit, Public Safety Compliance Team suggests to City of Edmonton Licencing that this problem business should be shut down; then the City of Edmonton Licencing makes the decision. This very informative presentation was followed by discussion and the questions asked by the guests. Our next forum is planned for May 2009, we will be looking forward to see you there. If you have any questions, or concerns, please contact us at
West end space. your ideal place. Finally... the ultimate balance between work and play. Business Condominiums on the street level with private residences above – perfect for the urban professional. Located on the west edge of downtown, there are only five opportunities available.
Reserve Yours Today. 73_5310731_2_16/10
Call Tricia today at 780.450.9898 or 780.818.6700 for a private consultation. SPURR December 2008
CITY E V ENTS Winter Family Festival Attention all families! You are invited to a Family Winter Festival in your Park! Enjoy an afternoon at the park with loads of fun winter activities offered. These activities include snow painting, snowshoeing, a sleigh ride, and many more cool winter activities.West Winter Festivals will be at the following locations and dates: Woodcroft Community League 13915 – 115 Avenue Saturday, January 3, 2009 When: 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Who: All Families Cost: Absolutely FREE! Special Event Activities Include: • Snowshoeing • Sleigh Ride • Face and Snow Painting • Lots more! For more information about this event please call 442-4848. If the weather is -20C or colder with the wind-chill, the event will be cancelled.
Bright Nights Winter Family Festival With over 1.5 million visitors since its inception, BrightNights grows every year. It is Alberta’s most compelling holiday exhibition. Enjoy this larger-than-life land of fairytales, forests and fantasies without leaving the warmth of your vehicle. The Festival runs from November 22, 2008 – January 5, 2009. Telephone: (780) 426-4620 Web: Shinny/Public Skating Schedule For Public Skating and Shinny Hockey Schedules and information check out the City of Edmonton Website at
Truly Custom Homes at an Affordable Price
More Community & City Events can be found online at
Visit our showhomes and see for yourself the special care we take in designing your dream home. SHOWHOME LOCATIONS: Jasper Place in West Edmonton 9827 - 155 Street • 780-438-4666 Montalet in Beaumont 130 Rue Madelene • 780-929-2598 Hours: Mon - Thurs 3-8pm • Sat & Sun 12-5pm
We can build acreages and in infill areas Office 780-450-9898
Coming Soon to Heritage Valley SW Edmonton
SPURR December 2008