SPURR Vol 4 Issue 7 September 2011

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Dance Sing Act Celebrate!

Photos by Mark Kennedy

Located in the heart of the Stony Plain Rd business district, the Edmonton Children’s Dance Theatre is once again preparing for another busy season. This performing arts school offers classes in mom and me, pre-school, tap, ballet, jazz, modern, lyrical, hip hop, musical theatre, drama, tumbling, and rhythmic gymnastics. Don’t let the name fool you; adult classes in tap, ballet, jazz and hip hop are offered as well. The dance theatre takes pride in offering all students the opportunity to participate in show work,

competitions and festivals, auditions, conventions, workshops, and attend performances by local and traveling performing arts groups. This past year, students experienced a wide variety of performing opportunities including a tribute to Hollywood, the musical “Peter Pan” and the acrobatic filled production of “Jester”. In December, 12 young dancers were chosen to play Munchkins and Winkies in the Edmonton engagement of “The Wizard of Oz” national tour. Most recently students danced live on —- radio!

Insidethis issue


On the go!


Students and parents were given the opportunity to enhance their training through a number of traveling conventions and at studio sponsored events. The Dance Theatre was thrilled to have renowned flexibility specialist Alixa Sutton come to Edmonton to work with the dancers. Additional workshops included Rhythmic Gymnastics, belly dance, ballroom and make-up. The first Skills Olympics was held in the spring and students from 3 to “way older” showed off their technical abilities.

The Summer with the Arts dance camps were very successful and finished with a fun filled day at the Fringe Festival. The upcoming year is bound to be just as busy as performing artists young and old dance, sing, act and celebrate their passion. The 20th Anniversary season commences September 6th. For further information and registration call 780-443-0226, check out our web site at edmdancetheatre.com or drop by the studio located at 15505 – Stony Plain Rd.




Into fall!

Story Slam!

Series by Catherine McGuire!



www.thespurr.ca Editor: Jamie Post editor@thespurr.ca Gardening: Michele Hebert gardening@thespurr.ca Community Info: Steve Gauley community@thespurr.ca Business Info: Diane Kereluk business@thespurr.ca SPURR Photographer: Kailey Schwerman photographer@thespurr.ca Advertising: Jim Wooley ads@thespurr.ca

Publisher: Pie Communications Inc. 544, 12222 137 Avenue Ph: (780) 757-0993 Fax: (780) 401-3438 Edmonton, AB, T5L 4X5 www.piecommunications.com

What is SPURR The Stony Plain (road and area) Urban Revitalization Report is a community based newspaper whose mission it is to serve the west-end communities of BritanniaYoungstown, Canora, Glenwood, High Park, Mayfield, & West Jasper / Sherwood along with the Members of the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association. SPURR is a joint initiative for Community & Business Interests of Edmonton’s westend lead by: City of Edmonton Community Services, Neighbourhood Revitalization Project and the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Revitalization Zone. The opinions expressed in the articles appearing in The SPURR are those of the people named as the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of The SPURR, its editor, its publisher, the City of Edmonton or the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Revitalization Zone. For More Information Please Contact: Steve Gauley, Jasper Place Revitalization Coordinator, Office of Great Neighbourhoods City of Edmonton Community Services Dept. 10835 - 120 St. N.W. P.O. Box 2359, Edmonton, AB, T5J 2R7 Ph: 780-944-5417 jprevitalization@edmonton.ca Diane Kereluk, Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association 10043 151 Street. Edmonton, AB, T5P 4Z7 Ph: (780) 477-5169 info@stonyplainroadbrz.ca

PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Without our Advertisers you would not be reading this newspaper. Our Advertisers survive on your business. Please support our advertisers and when you call or visit them please make sure to say you saw them in the SPURR. Thank you.

THE SPURR NEEDS YOU! If you have a story or a photo depicting how life is, was or should be in Edmonton’s west end we would love to hear from you. Please forward your stories to the publishers address above, thank you.

FREE EVENT CALENDAR Please send us your date sensitive event information, we would love to include what we can and it’s FREE.



“I'm leaving on a jet plane, barring unexpected delays, know exactly when I'll be back again.“ Obviously long gone are the days when one needs a desk to get something written. I've done an editorial on a smartphone at City Hall, and now on an Android powered tablet on a flight out of town. Exciting times for us geeks. September also tends to be a happening time locally, as events take place and community groups

return, along with civic decision makers, from a summer hiatus. The September issue of the SPURR, however, is put together in August, a month when almost nothing seems to happen, so let's talk about what's coming up in September and into this fall (yes, only a couple more issues until you'll be dusting snow off the SPURR while taking it out of the mailbox ;). On the decision making front, on September 7th, City Council's Executive Committee will debate whether or not to recommend the allocation of funds for the creation of statutory Area Redevelopment

Plans for Glenwood, Canora, West Jasper Place and BritanniaYoungstown. The report to committee is available at Edmonton.ca. On September 10th, the Glenwood Community League will be holding “Party in the Park” and expanding the festivities to include a street-hockey tournament for all-ages, and amongst the events happening in Canora is a “meet the police” night scheduled for the Canora Community Hall on September 20th. Check out the community news section and the Canora Park Watch update for more info and listings of community news and events. Please remember: The opinions expressed in the articles appearing in The SPURR are those of the people named as the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of The SPURR, its editor, its publisher, the City of Edmonton or the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Revitalization Zone.


Where has the summer gone???? It is "Back to School" already and we feel like we missed a whole two months. Canora Park Watch would like to thank everyone who came out to our Safety Fair. We really appreciate the effort made by everyone from Alberta Health, the many City of Edmonton departments, the various other organizations who took time out of their busy schedules to spend the afternoon, as well as our own volunteers. Thank you all for a great job. It is always rewarding to see residents come out and take part in the events that are held at St. Anne Park. Canora Park Watch will be holding our 2nd Meet the Police night on September 20 at the Canora Community Hall, 10425 152 St, from 7:00PM to 8:30PM. Come out and get the latest crime statistics, the newest trends and find out how we can assist the police in protecting our community. We are hoping to have the entire Stony Plain Road Beat Team out, as well as the divisional Superintendant and Inspector. There will be short presentations

followed by a question and answer period. Come out a show your support for the Police Department and let them know that we appreciate all of the work that they do for us. Refreshments will be served. Join us for an informative evening.

Easter Egg Hunt in April, and our 5th annual Mini-Carnival toward the end of May. Enjoy the lovely fall colours that we are always blessed with.

We have no more events planned for the balance of this year. We are in need of volunteers or just interested residents of Canora to give us some ideas for more family friendly events that can be put into St Anne Park, 153 St and 102 Ave, and the Canora Greenspace, on the West side of 149 Street from 102 Ave to 107 Ave. Please e-mail us at canoraparkswatch@yahoo.ca. We are working on events for 2012. The schedule will be a Snowshoe event in March, the 4th annual S P U R R SEPTEMBER 2011

J P R U P D AT E Goal 1: Feeling safe in our Community. Create a community where feeling safe is common. Where children can play freely, residents and To improve the quality of life in the neighbourhoods of Canora, Glenwood, Britannia Youngstown and West Jasper Place the Jasper Place Revitalization is working towards three goals:

visitors can walk and ride bikes safely, and where drugs and crime are under control. The Jasper Place area will be known as a safe community in which to live, work and play.

Goal 2: Connecting our Community. Create a community where neighbours and business owners know each other, and all work together to resolve issues and create opportunities. Residents and

Goal 3: Building our Community. Jasper Place is the place to live and have a business. Store fronts are well kept, clean and bring pride to the area. Parkland, schools and pedestri-

business owners take pride in their community and share this pride through street appeal, cleanliness, and events. A community newspaper and other efforts help to market a positive image.

an walkways have plenty of lighting. Sidewalks, roadways and signage are improved and safe for all users. Adult businesses are only a small component of area business.

If you would like to join your neighbours, friends and local businesses in working towards achieving these goals consider joining one of the revitalizations working groups: • Connecting our Community Working Group meets the second Monday of each month • Feeling Safe in our Community Working Group meets the second Thursday of each month • Building our Community Working Group meets the third Thursday of each month For further information and details on meeting locations contact Steve Gauley at 944-5417, or steve.gauley@edmonton.ca.

FEELING SAFE WORKING GROUP The summer of 2011 draws to a close and while we enjoy these last days of sunshine and warmth, the reality of back to work and school routines take over. September is a month of new beginnings for children as they head off to school, some for their very first time in our neighbourhoods. September is also Baby Safety Month. In recognition of children’s safety, here are some tips to get parents thinking about the safety of their children of all ages at this hectic time of year. Baby Safety Can you name the twelve most common choking foods for children? The items are listed later in this article. Never leave a child unattended in a bathtub. Children can drown in a very small amount of water. Never leave a baby unattended in a high-chair or a baby carrier. Babies can wiggle and tip themselves over.

cubes, chunky peanut butter, peanuts or nuts of any kind, hard candy, grapes, raw carrots, potato chips and corn chips. For more information on baby and child safety, visit About.com or familyresource.com and enter Baby Safety Month.

Have you ever crawled around your home and looked at what your child is seeing? Is anything potentially dangerous that could intrigue your youngster that you may have missed?

Never reach under a school bus for an item that has fallen or rolled underneath the bus. After getting off the bus, move immediately onto the sidewalk, staying out of traffic.

Take a first aid course including CPR for infants and children, and If you must cross the street, walk ensure you have a fully stocked at least 10 paces in front of the first aid kit in an accessible place. school bus so the driver can see you. Never cross the street behind the bus. Always remember to School Bus Smarts Don’t play in the street while wait- Point, Pause and Proceed when ing for the school bus. Line up on crossing any street. the sidewalk facing the door. Common choking foods for children Ensure your backpack is securely under five years are: popcorn, hot closed so items can’t spill out. dogs, pieces of meat, raisins, ice

The Feeling Safe in Our Community group members are area residents who actively work in our neighbourhoods to help raise awareness and be pro-active regarding safety of both people and property. We welcome interested residents to join us. If you have a safety related question or topic you would like to see addressed in this column, please let us know. The Feeling Safe group meets at 6:15pm in the Boardroom at the Community Services Office located at 10030 – 167 Street the second Thursday of every month. Please contact Steve Gauley at 780.944.5417 for more information or email at steve.gauley@edmonton.ca.

No experience necessary – just bring your great ideas and enthusiasm to any of the following committees and working groups: Steering Committee r 0WFSTFFT BOE BEWJTFT UIF SFWJUBMJ[BUJPO FGGPSUT underway in Jasper Place r .POUIMZ NFFUJOHT

Help Build Something Great! The Jasper Place Revitalization initiative is looking for energetic community members to be part of a committee and working groups aimed at revitalizing the communities of Canora, Glenwood, Britannia Youngstown and West Jasper Place.


Feeling Safe Working Group r Promote awareness of bylaws and enforcement r 1SPNPUF BOE CVJME PO DPNNVOJUZ TBGFUZ JOJUJBUJWFT

Join a dynamic group of your neighbours and friends to shape the future of Jasper Place! The length of term is flexible and meetings usually last about two hours. To volunteer, please contact Steve Gauley, City of Edmonton, 780.944.5417.




ers used early in the Spring are likely depleted by now. Give pots a weekly feeding, reducing the dosage to half-strength. MICHELE HEBERT

Late Summer and early Fall can seem very dreary and daunting to a gardener; plants are looking a little weary and droopy by this time and could use some perking up. A suggestion to keep your gardening spirits up is to replace some of the worn out annuals in your pots and garden beds with plants such as chrysanthemums or lilies bought from your local garden center. The chrysanthemums will likely end up in the compost heap, but the lilies can be transplanted into your garden beds around early October, or at least three weeks before the soil frosts up. The mums and lilies give a fresh look to the pots with a burst of color. Now is the time to revive some of your plants with a good haircut,

Trim out old worn, tattered foliage from perennials such as Lady's Mantle and cranesbill geraniums; there is new growth happening under the mature leaves, just waiting to burst through and give a fresh look to your gardens.

Photo: Frank Bath

and they should last into the late fall, barring frost. Trim back your trailing annuals such as petunias, alyssium, lobelia, etc. by about one half to one third. Nip off spent blooms from plants such dahlias, geraniums, marigolds, nasturtiums, salvias, verbenas and zinnias. Remove the entire

flower head, not just the petals, otherwise the plant won't produce new flower heads. They may look a little forlorn for about a week, but will bounce back with new blooms. Also, pots may need more watering this time of the season and require more plant food as the time-released fertiliz-

An update to my tip in July's issue about using coffee grounds to repel slugs - it doesn't work. I think the caffeine caused the slugs to just eat my plants faster. They totally decimated my sunflowers at an alarming rate. I believe I will try insecticidal diatomaceous earth next year. I know that works, as I've used it before with good results. I thought I would save a few cents with recycled coffee grounds, but I know better now. Untll October, Happy Gardening.

n o t o m n d E ’ s n he b w e t s s e t r e i h s t in the wes p o h s y Wh t! If you are looking for new places to “Meet & Eat” or “Stop & Shop” the west end has it all. Stony Plain Road and Area has close to 500 businesses in over 60 categories ready to help you Stay, Play, Eat, Meet, Shop, Service … Whatever you need you can find it by checking the business directory at www.StonyPlainRoadBRZ.ca


There are over 50 restaurants to choose from, search “Fast Food” or “Restaurants”.

Car trouble?

We have 23 locations under “Automotive Repair and Maintenance”.

Need a Dentist, or a Doctor?

Check out “Dental”, “Medical” or “Health and Wellness”.

try us out at www.StonyPlainRoadBRZ.ca 4



The West Edmonton Local is a new website, providing news, information and conversation from the west end.

156th Street and Stony Plain Road. Look for us in your community from 124th Street to the Anthony Henday.

We are a project of Grant MacEwan University’s journalism program and operate from the school’s Centre for the Arts and Communications, the giant orange building at the corner of

We always want to improve, so come check out the site at: w w w.westedmontonlocal.ca and let us know what you think! Please visit us at “www.WestEdmontonLocal.ca


http://westedmontonlocal.ca/2011/08 /an-odd-august-story-slam-at-thehaven-social-club/

An unusually small crowd made their way into the Haven Social Club Wednesday night for the August session of the Edmonton Story Slam Society. Photo by Mathew White

Only seven out of a possible 10 writers braved the stage, in a night that had stories both morbid and hilarious. Whether it was homicidal nurses from Winnipeg or waging a war against mosquitoes and garlic, there was no telling where the next story would take the audience. Liam Shaw delivers his first-place story “My Struggle (Not in German) during the August story slam held at the Haven Social Club on Wednesday, August 17, 2011. The Edmonton Story Slam Society is an organization dedicated to providing local writers the chance to share their work in front of a live audience. For the majority of the first half Shilo Neveu held onto first place with a travel tale involving lava-shower water. But right before the break, Liam Shaw took a commanding lead with a story about a man carrying an unfortunate last name. Shaw came close to losing the lead when Adam Snider delivered the last story of the night – which was about a man who improperly disposed of porno – but Shaw held on by a margin of less than one point. S P U R R SEPTEMBER 2011

“This is the largest prize I’ve ever won,” said Shaw after accepting his $128 cash prize. “For a guy that’s got the mice and the cockroaches in his apartment, shit man, that’s a lot of food.” This is Shaw’s second time reading at the story slam, but he’s no stranger to the trade. He started going to story and poetry slams years ago while living in Ireland. He said he also recently came in second place during a story slam at the Blue Chair Cafe here in Edmonton. Although he’s had one story published, Shaw by no means considers himself a professional writer. He said he just does it for fun. “I’ve been published once but I didn’t get paid for it, so it doesn’t completely count,” said Shaw. Wednesday night’s winning story was called “My Struggle (Not in German)”, and although it may have seemed like a true story, Shaw said it wasn’t. He did, however, use certain locations and aspects of his life in the story. “I tried to make it as realistic as possible,” said Shaw. 5

COMMUNITY NEWS BRITANNIA-YOUNGSTOWN 15927 - 105 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5P 0T8 Phone: 780-483-8983 www.bycl.ca September 17 is Community League Day… And we’re celebrating with some activities throughout the day. • Pancake breakfast in the morning. • 3 km fun run/walk through BritanniaYoungstown in the afternoon – See our neighbourhood while walking, running and talking with your neighbours. • Movie night with popcorn at the hall in the early evening. There will be an early movie for young children and a later familyfriendly movie. Check out www.bycl.ca for more information and times. Come out and join us! Zumba This latin-inspired exercise class will be starting Sept. 8, weekly on Thursday afternoons for 10 weeks. For all ages: moms, teenage girls, dads, and everyone young at heart who wants to try something new and get moving. Thursdays, 2:30 – 3:15 pm (early enough for the early-out school children if they’d like to try it) $30 for members, $50 for non-members, drop-in rate of $10. To register, call Evelyn at 780-930-2195 or Kim at 780-481-9621. If babysitting is an issue, let us know and we can arrange childcare so that you can attend. Britannia/Youngstown’s Got Talent! Thursday, September 15 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Practice whatever your talents are and share them with us! This could be anything from photography, quilting, dance, music, magic tricks – whatever you’ve got. It’ll be a fun evening of laughter and a little lighthearted entertainment. For more information or questions, call Kim at 780-481-9621. Gardening Club Next meeting: Thursday, September 1 at 7:00 pm (first Thursday of each month) Where: Community Hall Cost: Free! All summer we’ve been trying to make our community look more beautiful and inviting. Although the official Yards in Bloom winners have been announced, we’ve got some beautiful yards in our area that we’ll be seeing picture of and voting on our favourites. Come and see! To keep in touch and hear about upcoming events, send an email to Miep Raedschelders at gardens@bycl.ca and we’ll add you to our email list. Next meeting: October 6 Parents and Tots Looking to meet some other parents in the 6

community? Social development is very important in the early stages of life for your children – and also for you! We meet weekly on Thursdays from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM at the Britannia Youngstown Community Hall (15927 - 105 Avenue) for a Parent & Tot Playtime. Newborn up to school age are all welcome. If you have any questions please email Simone at playgroup@bycl.ca or call 780-628-5630. Fall Show & Sale Do you have a business or products to sell? Consider getting renting a table at our 2nd Show & Sale on November 12. For more information or to ask about having a stall at the show, email Debbie at soccer@bycl.ca or go to www.bycl.ca. Free swimming! This fall we return to a weekly evening of free swimming at Jasper Place Pool. Bring your family and take advantage of this membership benefit. Sundays, 4:00 – 6:00 pm Hall Rentals A lot of work has been done renovating the hall and it looks great. For hall bookings, general inquiries, requests for programs or to join our league, please email hallrentals@hotmail.com. Need a membership? With new things happening all the time around here, it’s a great time to start getting involved with the league. Go to www.bycl.ca to email for your membership.

CANORA 10425 - 152 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 4P1 Phone: 780-489-6007 http://MyCanora.com Important Phone Numbers Rink: 780-489-6070 Hall: 780-489-6007 Hall Rentals Inquiries: 780-952-7006 Email: canora11@telusplanet.net Follow us on Facebook too Upcoming Events Sept 17, 2011 Membership drive 1-4pm at the Canora Community Hall 10425 152 street. Sept 20, 2011 Meet the police night , hosted at the Canora Community Hall 10425 152 street

There will be a 50/50, Nevadas, Auction, and $2 Late Light Lunch. Come on out and dance and swing the night away to the fiddling music of two of the worlds best fiddlers. For more information please contact Virginia at 780-478-0979. Upcoming Bingo dates at Caesars in West Edmonton Mall are: Thursday Aug. 25,2011 at 5pm Sunday September 18, 2011 at 5pm Friday October 14,2011 at 5pm Monday November 7,2011 at 5pm Upcoming Bingo dates at Castle Downs Bingo are: Sunday October 30,2011 at 5pm Sunday November 27,2011 at 5pm. To volunteer for any of these dates please call Virginia Lovell at 780-478-0979. We still have a need for an event director on our board. Please if you or someone you know would be interested, please email Shandi at shandi@mycanora.com. Our next board meeting is Sept 13, 2011, 7pm at the Community Hall 10425-152 street. Rental inquires, please call 780-952-7006 or email at info@mycanora.com Thank you to everyone for their patience as we had our hall closed down to re-wax the floor, it now looks really great!!

HIGH PARK 11032 - 154 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 2K1 Phone: 780-484-4646 highparkcommunity.com GREEN SHACK Green Shack is operational at the park behind the hall, Monday to Thursday from 2:30 – 5:30 Fridays 1:30 – 5:30. Have your kids come out and enjoy some crafts, games and other activities. Spray deck will be operational weather permitting! Pre-School Registration 2011-2012 September 1st from 6:00 – 9:00 Register your child/children, between the ages of 30 months and 4 years, in our parent cooperative preschool, please contact Nora at 780-486-1867 or High Park Community at 780-484-4646. Register your child today! Or email preschool@highparkcommunity.com Big Bin Event (must have a valid community membership to utilize)

Country Swing to swing through the Canora Community Hall once again Date - Sat Sept 24, 2011 Where - Canora Community Hall 10425 152 street, Time - 8 pm to 12 am Tickets cost $15 per person, and are available at the door, Metis Child & Family Services 10437-123 street (780-452-6100), Lazaro's Music 15115-Stony Plain Road (780-486-2771) and Myhre's Music 8735-118 Ave (780-477-1586).

Saturday September 17th in conjunction with Community League Day We will be hosting a Pancake Breakfast from 9:00 – 11:30. Come and purchase you new community league membership and enjoy breakfast. Your Board of Directors will be painting the inside of the hall this weekend so if you are interested in donating some of your time, supplies, please contact Janice 780-489-4753


COMMUNITY NEWS Bingos are a necessary source of income for our community. Volunteer for a bingo & receive community credits to use for recreational, wellness activities for your children, yourself or your spouse! If you have a team that would like to work a Bingo for fundraising, please contact Val. Upcoming bingo dates: September 2 (5:00 – 12:00) Oct 4 (5:00 – 12:00) Nov 5 (5:00 – 12:00) Jan 27 (5:00 – 12:00) To volunteer, call Val at 780-244-5870 Alternate dates and times also available on shorter notice throughout the year Board Meetings Our next community Executive meetings will be on Wednesday August 31, 2011 6:00pm at the hall. All members of High Park Community are Welcome to attend! HALL RENTALS Main Hall - Weddings/ Weekend $450.00 Daily Rentals - 8hrs $300.00 (Each Additional hour after 8hr rental is $50.00 per hour) Upstairs meeting room - 8hrs (No Kitchen) $100.00 A matching CASH ONLY damage deposit is required as well. If you have any questions or wish to view that hall please contact Janice Gargas @ 780-489-4753 between 5pm & 8pm. (You can view the Hall Availability Calendar on pages 6-7, or online at http://highparkcommunity.wordpress.com/calendar/) If you are interested in becoming more involved, we require a Hall Rentals Volunteer immediately to deal with all inquiries and customers! Adult Drop-In All adults welcome. Drop in, have a cup of coffee and a visit! Wednesdays – 12:30pm – 3:30pm High Park Community Hall For information, call Joan at 780-489-5419 CASINO – JANUARY 29 & 30, 2012 These are the dates for our next Casino. If you are interested in volunteering your time please contact Naida Woychenko at 487-8767 Reminder – Community Membership Allows you to enjoy 5 free swims at any City of Edmonton pools!

GLENWOOD 16430 - 97 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5P 0E8 Phone: 780-489-7571 www.glenwoodcommunityleague.com PARTY IN THE PARK SEPTEMBER 10, 2011! Our annual Membership Drive is being kicked off September 10h from 5:30 to 8:30pm. Join us at the Glenwood Hall (16430-97 Ave) for food, fun, music, a beer tent and, of course at dusk, FIREWORKS!! S P U R R SEPTEMBER 2011

NEW THIS YEAR - Street Hockey Tournament!!! This year will feature a Street Hockey tournament for all ages! 4 on 4 games in separate age categories.

HALL RENTAL See our website at www.glenwoodcommunityleague.com and go to the Hall Rental tab for photos and prices.

Contact Al or Colleen to register a team or for more information at 780-487-3330. Sticks and Equipment not supplied

GLENDALE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Glendale, “Home of the Grizzlies”, is accepting registrations for Kindergarten to Grade 6. We offer a variety of programs including regular, fullday Kindergarten, French as a second language and Opportunity. We also have laptops, notebooks, eReaders and SmartBoards in each classroom. Our focus is Literacy. Please have a look at our website at Glendale@epsb.ca. Glendale Elementary School is located at 9812 161 Street. Phone: (780) 489-4300. Please contact the school August 22, 2011 to register for school start on September 1, 2011.

Diesel Powered Games will be back with more video game action for kids through adults! Once again there will be bouncy castles for the younger kids, kids activities, DJ/dance, beer gardens and loads of fun for everyone! The food cost will be $1 per item. We will offer your choice of a burger or hotdog, pop or juice, or delicious corn on the cob or chips. The beer gardens are only open to current league members - 2011/2012 memberships will be available at the event ($25 per household). MANY volunteers are needed to help with supervising the bouncy things, set up, clean up, handing out food items, and a few other odd jobs throughout the day, and to prepare. Please contact Shelley at 780 481 7208 if you can help - we can't do it without you! FREE SWIMMING AT JASPER PLACE POOL! Glenwood members will benefit once again from FREE community swim at the Jasper Place Swimming pool on Sundays from 4-6pm throughout September to June. INDOOR SOCCER REGISTRATION If you are interested in registering for indoor soccer this year, please contact Al Hermary, our Sports Director for more information. Al 780 487 3330 GLENWOOD GRIZZLIES ADULT RECREATIONAL HOCKEY TEAM LOOKING FOR PLAYERS The Glenwood Grizzlies are looking for Glenwood residents to play on their men's rec hockey team. Players must live in Glenwood and will need a membership to play - contact Clayton Johnson for more information at 780-489-2188 and Michele Bugera at 780-439-3169 to get your membership.

INTERESTED IN A WINTER JOB IN 2011? We will be looking for a rink attendant interested in putting in the rink and taking care of it as well as doing snow removal at the hall for NEXT winter (this is a paid position). If you think you might be interested, contact Michele at 780 439-3169 to leave your information so that we can contact you next fall... TUESDAY NIGHT EUCHRE Euchre is a 'trick-taking' card game played in groups of 4 with partners. Beginners are welcome because the more players, the better! Join us for Euchre EVERY Tuesday night at the Glenwood Community Hall. Registration is at 6:30pm, games begin at 7pm.

MAYFIELD 10941 - 161 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 1G2 Phone: 780-483-4675 www.mayfieldcommunityleague.com On September 13th our membership drive will be held. You can purchase your membership from volunteers that are going door to door or wait until the BBQ on the 17th at 5:00pm. If you would like to volunteer for the membership drive and partake in the get together afterward contact Angela at 780-760-5131. The board will be meeting on the first Thursday of the month at 7:00pm beginning in October. Any residence of Mayfield is welcome to come to the board meetings. Contact Information Community League President: Kristy Bergstrom 780 450-2347 or e-mail mayfield.community@gmail.com. Or on the web at www.mayfieldcommunityleague.com. The Mayfield community League is also on Face book at Mayfield Community ~ Edmonton Membership BBQ Well be on September 17th at 5:00pm, come out and get a hamburger and a community membership. Meet new people and reconnect with past friends. Bingo Mayfield residents are welcome to volunteer and receive credits towards your children’s activities around the Edmonton area. Please call Grace at 780-486-4801 if you are interested. All bingo’s are at the Castle Downs Bingo hall. Hall Rentals The hall is available for rental to Mayfield community members who reside within the Mayfield community. Please call the Mayfield Hall (780) 483-4675 and leave a message and you will be contacted will all pertinent information. Community Memberships If you wish to purchase a membership please call Angela at 780-760-5131 to pick one up. Families - $25.00 Singles - $15.00 Seniors - $10.00


COMMUNITY NEWS Zumba Funnest Fitness Ever! Where – Mayfield Hall Latin Dancing/ a Party Workout Call Bonnie for more info at 780 489 3254

senior members. However everyone is welcome. All programs are offered at the community hall located at 9620-152 street.

CARDS 1. Whist on Wednesday afterYoga noons from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Every Tuesday at the Hall. 2. Whist on Sunday evenings from 6:30 to 7:45 PM. Call Fran for more 7:00pm to 10:00pm. The cost is info 780-484-1476 $1.00. Coffee and snacks provided Seniors Carpet Bowling Tuesdays and Thursdays For more information call Doreen @ 780-486-1833 or Marlene @ 780-484-5728 If you are interested in playing cards, there will be tables set up for games such as crib, hearts or any other games you enjoy playing, but please bring your own luck cards. Mayfield Crafts Every 3rd Saturday of the Month, the hall will be open from 10:00am to 4:00pm for anyone interested in doing scrapbooking, knitting, drawing or any other crafty activities. Call Deidre at (780) 486-1477 if you have any questions. We are starting up again in September 17th so come out and have some fun with like minded people.

CRIBBAGE TOURNAMENTS Tournaments are held the first and third Wednesday of every month from 7:00pm to 10:00pm. The cost is $5.00 per person. Prizes are awarded based on number of participants. Please call Shirley at 780-489-8945. CARPET BOWLING Come and get some exercise on Monday's from 1:00pm to 3:00 pm. The cost is $1.00 per person Soccer Registration Contact Jim at 489-7596

Swimming Your 2010-2011 membership allows your family to swim FREE at Jasper Place pool on Saturday evenings from 6:00pm to 7:00 pm A soccer coordinator is still starting Sept 10, 2011. Please bring required for the Mayfield area. your membership card for admitIf you are interested please come tance. Pool closed Nov to Feb. to a board meeting or phone the hall (780)483-4675 and leave a message and someone will call you back.

Sherwood Elementary School Sherwood School is accepting registration for kindergarten to Grade 6. Please call the school at 780-489-2600. Community Bingo Oct 2nd, 2011 at the hall (9620152Street). Children 8 and older are welcome to participate when accompanied by an adult. Special children's only game. Door Prizes, 40 games and chances to win prizes. Cash prizes include 2 early birds, 2 bonanzas, and 1 odd even game. Children will not be allowed to play for cash prizes as per Alberta Gaming & Liquor Regulations. Doors open at 11:00 am, Bonanza pre call begins at noon. followed by the early birds. Regular games start at 1:00 pm. TOD and Infill Guidelines Impact on West Jasper Place: After our recent meeting with Planning on July 19th, 2011, we were given a map detailing the areas affected by TOD (transit oriented development). The impact was worse than what we had been told. We also marked the properties affected by the infill guidelines. According to our analysis, we could lose up to 62% of our single detached houses to redevelopment for apartments and multi-family


dwellings! That would reduce our single family dwellings to only 13% and the multi-family dwellings (including apartments) to 87%! This is completely unacceptable. It will not only destabilize our community, but destroy its character and history. City council and planning have an obligation to enforce our Newman's Resolution. DEEP SEWER As many residents along 151 Street are aware there is a deep sewer that runs down the center of the street. The city is underway with upgrading the sewer. It will begin at 92 Avenue and head north to 99 Avenue, at which time it turns east and continues to the Gold Bar water treatment plant. This project begins September, 2011 and will be approximately 2 years in duration, depending on ground conditions. North and south bound traffic along 151 Street for approximately 40 meters south of 99th Avenue, and east bound traffic along 99th Avenue for approximately half a block west of 151st Street will be blocked for the project operations. New infrastructure in this area will be delayed until the project is complete. Further information may be obtained by phoning: Junhao Zou, Project Manager, Drainage Services, at 780-944-0039


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Membership Memberships will be available Sept 5th, 2011 at the hall from 7:00- 8:30pm. Fees remain the same. Family membership is $25.00, Single membership is $15.00 and senior membership is $5.00 per person. Federation of Community League Day Mark Saturday Sept 17th, 2011 on your calendar. We will be partying in the park. Free hot dogs and hamburgers to all members of the community league. Fun and games for all ages. Face Painting. Membership drive and program sign up from noon to 4:00 pm. SENIORS PROGRAMS Our Community League offers a number of programs for our


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Jasper Place Health & Wellness Centre

Yes, we are a group of people that desire to build a stronger and safer Edmonton by developing healthy relationships with all members of our community. The JP HAWC operates a program that works with marginalized men and women who are unable to live independently. Staff proceed to work with clients of the centre in: overcoming addictions, healing physically, mentally and spiritually, putting together a short-term plan, finding employment and transportation as well as finding housing.

15210 - Stony Plain Road

Interview with: Terri Wagner - Administration Sue Rounding - Family and Community Group Hi Terri, The main goal for the JP Health & Wellness centre sounds like it encompasses 2 parts - infrastructure and people, can you elaborate…

The first part of our goal includes the use of our 4000 sq foot space to serve those that drop in. The centre itself provides showers, laundry services, access to computers with internet (local fax and limited hrs phone use), legal advice, budgeting help, food, clothing exchange, storage and medical services, all for free. We are open 9am - 5 p.m. Monday to

COME EXPERIENCE IT! Westend Seniors Activity Centre 9629-176 Street

Thursday. We provide a soup lunch at 12p.m. most days and have extended hours during the “winter warming” program. The services we provide are essential to accomplish our objectives. Many of the clients are very hungry and need to eat before they can cope with other problems. They often require counseling, someone to advocate for and with them, and staff support and follow-up. Secondly, we run a Housing First program. This is a proven “client-centered” approach to ending homelessness in major urban areas. It reaches out to homeless people via outreach workers who connect with the homeless population with the sole purpose of helping them secure and maintain Housing. Clients are offered a choice of housing which meets their specific needs and then a support worker provides on going

support for a year, leading the person to independence. Housing First offers “end to end” support to people so that their frequency of becoming homeless is diminished, and, over time their ability to maintain a permanent home increases.

Housing First: People in need of housing can speak to an intake worker on Monday mornings at 9am. The program offers a variety of support to help clients move from living on the street into having their own apartment. Clients must sign a housing agreement -agreeing that they will be the only one staying in their

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suite and must agree to being supported by a worker for one year after they become housed. Winter warming program: The harsh winters in Edmonton mean that many homeless people suffer with the cold and the Winter Emergency Response Plan is a means to equip agencies with the resources they need to provide shelter, warmth, food and comfort during the long winter months. The Winter Emergency Committee was set up several years ago by Homeward Trust to lead a community planning process to develop a functional and feasible Winter Emergency Response Plan. In the past the program ran from November 1st to April 30th, but each year the program going forward is dependant upon the availability of provincial government funding.





The Jasper Place Health and Wellness Centre is a community based, community driven non-profit agency that endeavours to be an asset to the community. “JP HAWC” was founded in 2006 in response to the needs that were brought forward by the community. You seem to have a busy role here at your office! Can you talk a bit about what you do here? I make myself available to the clients that 'drop in' looking for practical help and support. I run the day to day operations of the office as well as providing a variety of support to clients. I assist people with resume writing, faxing, and job searches. I also do a lot of tax returns for low income individuals and families. I never know from one day to the next what my day will bring, every-

thing from simple tax returns to advocating for clients or referring them to other helping organizations.

What has been your personal experience working here at the Centre?

The Centre works together with Homeward Trust in providing clients with some employment opportunites, namely cleaning apartments between tenants, working at the furniture bank, etc. Many of the folks you see here daily are our wonderful volunteers.

I started in January of 2010. I'm not the same person I was when I first started working here. My whole perspective on poverty has changed. I see that it's important to keep loving and supporting the person regardless of the outcome. The Housing First program does enable this

A message from the Honourable Heather Klimchuk MLA, Edmonton-Glenora (780) 455-7979 — edmonton.glenora@assembly.ab.ca

Back to School & Safe Communities The days are getting shorter, and “Back to School” commercials have begun to dominate our television sets. I cannot believe how fast the summer season flew by this year! I was lucky enough to join the students and faculty at a variety of the schools in my constituency in celebrating the end of the 2010-2011 school year at their farewell celebrations in May and June. I also had a number of coffee parties at senior’s facilities includ-ing Meadowcroft, McQueen, Groat House, Canora Place and St. Andrew’s. As our children begin to walk back to schools in our neighbourhoods, their safety is of utmost importance and that is why the Alberta government is continuing its vision of building safe and strong communities. The Crime Prevention Framework is Alberta’s strategic roadmap for crime prevention and sets out a shared approach that all Albertans can use to design and integrate new and existing crime prevention initiatives throughout the province. It emphasizes the shared responsibility involved in crime prevention and the need for cooperation among individuals, families, neighbourhoods, municipalities, community-based service deliv-ery agencies, the private sector, and all levels of government. A good example of this collaboration is the Neighbourhood Empowerment Team which is now working in the Inglewood community. To further reduce and prevent crime, four community organizations from Edmonton are benefitting from the Government of Alberta’s Safe Communities Innovation Fund: · The Relentless Youth Outreach Worker Project (YOUCAN Edmonton): $1.4 million; · Taking Shelter With Literacy (Literacy Alberta and Further Education Society of Alberta): $1 million; · Building a Safer Community Through Inclusive Learning (Edmonton Public Library Board): $605,402; · Young Educated Long-term Leaders (YELL) Girls Group (iHuman Youth Society): $100,000. In addition to the exciting You Can announcement, I also had the pleasure of enjoying many other excellent summer events around the Edmonton-Glenora constituency, including the Canora Community League Mini Carnival, the Britannia/Youngstown Kids on Track Family Picnic, the opening of Brentwood Apartments which are funded through the housing capital initiative, Canada Day at Norquest College and the Capital Ex Safeway breakfast. I would like to take this opportunity to wish students, parents, teachers and principals the best of luck in beginning another successful school year. As a parent I am very aware of the incredible job teachers do and ap-preciate all of their efforts and dedication. Have a fantastic 2011-2012 year! Alberta’s Safe Communities Announcement Heather with Premier Stelmach, Kyle Dube Executive Director, Youcan and Catherine Broomfield Executive Director, iHuman Youth Society




EVERYONE • FAMILY • FRIENDS • FULLNESS • RESTORE • DIGNITY • WISDOM • BEAUTY assisted here are now 'giving back'. We are always looking for volunteers. Particularly at Christmas time we have a busy schedule of groups wanting to come serve meals here - a good problem to have!

process. We see people relapse and need to be re-housed, but we work with the client and the landlord to work through these issues. It has had an effect on my faith as I'm able to, on a daily basis, live my faith by loving “the least of these”. We know that we do this work not in our own strength. There is a reward for small victories we see in people's lives, “glimmers” such as people sharing with you their amount of 'clean time' or that they 'got the job' you were supporting them to pursue. If we'd like more information on the Centre's programs, staff, history, the Housing First Program, etc, where do we find that? The “story” of how the Jasper Place Health + Wellness Centre began, how clients are being helped as well as about the Centre's mission to provide housing in the City of Edmonton can be found on the website: www.jphawc.ca A volunteer of the Jasper Place Health and Wellness Centre: “There are many ways our church and it's members have served the Centre over the last few years. Giving financially is part of our annual budget. We have held drives for underwear and socks as well as participated in a fundraiser with the book “Christmas Chaos” (in which Sue Rounding shares a story about S P U R R SEPTEMBER 2011

her experiences one Christmas at the centre). We also collect pennies from our members which go toward the purchase of ETS bus tickets! Individuals also donate their time, money and gently used clothing to JP Health & Wellness. Our church is part of a group of 4 churches which regularly provide hot meals on Saturday nights from January to March. Meal serving, which seems like a small gesture by ourselves, is so appreciated by others. One night we had a quantity of fruit available to provide for dessert especially grapes! That night there was a single father with 2 young sons. I watched as the boy's eyes lit up like saucers when they saw all the fruit - the one boy proceeded to come back to his table with nothing but grapes on it! He was so thrilled and happy, and he contentedly munched away on his grapes for several minutes. I learned a lot that night. ..I have learned far more from the clients of the Centre than I have provided to them”. John Campbell - Hosanna Lutheran and Chairman of the West Edmonton Interfaith Coalition on Poverty WEICOP

Terri and Sue, can you fill us in a bit more about the volunteers who help out at the centre? Terri: People from all walks of life volunteer here. We have the support of many churches in the west end as well as youth groups, businesses and individuals who live in the local community. Also, people who have been

We also have practicum students on a regular basis, such as 3rd year nursing (mental health speciality) and social work (aboriginal studies). For those needing to do 'community hours' for infractions with the law, we provide a non-judgemental atmosphere. We find that given the opportunity, many who have been on a 'hard path' turn their life around with support. Sue: On a day to day basis, people come and help out with preparing or serving lunch, (in the winter: supper is also served for the warming program) or sit and visit/ play cards with clients, sort donations. Our coffee is always on - bring anything to go with coffee! Often clients' of the centre are in need of emergency essentials such as toiletries or dry, easy to pack foods. These items are very welcome for our pantry and clothing area. We have various fund raisers and a huge Christmas Party every year. The centre is open to everyone. We need this place painted! Things like that, I would like to see. Your personal experience…. We are not here to scold or preach. When people come in, they need to trust you before they will listen to you. Because of dysfunction that has occurred in their lives, we are the place for people to have meaningful relationships “we're IT…” It helps me to realize the supportive relationships and family that I am blessed with. Can you tell us about the Family and Community Group, how it started and it's mission?

We began to see the need to be of support to the many neighbourhood Moms and Mom's to be who have low incomes and are often single parenting. So with the Health for 2 program, the Family group was born. It's mandate, along with building relationships, is “building stronger families”. We meet every Thursday from 11am 1p.m. @ Fusion Fellowship Church - just west of us. They graciously donate this space to us each week. Lunch is provided as well as a childrens' play area. Guest speakers from various helping agencies and organizations offer various life skill information and support such as: baby and personal heath care, financial, relationships, dietitian/car seat safety, etc. Through Hf2 we also facilitate a “We-can” food co-op for the parents and provide cooking lessons. There are visits from the librarian and information on local recreation, arts and community happenings they can be a part of. Do you need specific volunteers for your group? Yes! We have volunteers who help with lunch set up or tear down (make drinks/prepare snacks/clean) and those who help provide activities with our children. We can always use more hands to help on an ongoing basis! Ongoing practical needs for this group are baby items/supplies, diapers/formula. Funds to purchase these items or to be able to take the group on recreational outings. We hope to be making a positive influence by building up our kids for the next generation and contribute to the overall health of the community. Everyone is welcome to join us as we reach out to local families. Thank you Sue and Terri for sharing with us all about the Jasper Place Health & Wellness Centre and it's programs!



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Student of the Year Christy Steinke

Most Improved Scholarships Cinney Ung • Kennedy Burnette • Katelyn Moody • Harrah Tamon • Aleesha Arcand Alyssa Madunicky • Chloe Rossi • Amanda Dubois • Kelsey Nice • Rachel Osman

Most Promising Scholarships Rylan Kulak • Alecia Hack • Makenna Walker • Kaylee Dang • Sarica Osman Brienne Gagnon • Victoria Nemedy • Miranda Hack • Chloe McGuckin

Achievement Scholarships Emma MacLachlan Brienne Gagnon • Amanda Dubois Makenna Walker

Achievement Medals Rachel Osman • Kaylee Dang • Brienne Gagnon • Alecia Hack • Sarica Osman Amanda Dubois • Chloe Rossi • Miranda Hack • Makenna Walker • Natalia Cobos Greyce Thibault-McLean • Victoria Nemedy • Aimee Bachez • Asia Hamdon Lisa St. George • Taylor de la Salle • Kennedy Burnette • Kaitlynn Macintyre Maya Crawford • Chloe McGuckin • Kelsey Nice • Lauren Bryman • Abby Bray Layla Schultenkamper • Emma Crawford • Seth Zurch • Angelique Batouche Siobhan Clyne • Rhianna Davis • Angelina Georgiopoulos • Madison Haydey Tameika Wycott • Kayla Malle • Cinney ung • Hallie Elgert • Myra Danay-Galvaz Jordyn Zatorski • Makena Griggs • Shania Lewis • Ivy Anderson • James Drefko-Zimmer Yaroslav Batyzhin • Samantha Bodnar • Emily Carrette • Meara Clyne • Olivia Campbell Brooke Doerkson • Kayla French • Kalin Haydey • Angelina Leon-Rebone • Harrah Tamon Emmaleigh MacIntyre • Christy Steinke • Tristan Flaathan • Chloe Mandanas Hannaya Lewis • Erica Gladu-Latourelle • Olivia Taylor • Jocelyn Spence Alyssa Madunicky • Sophia Que • Lauren Blake • Rosheen Clyne • Dakota Corbet Nate Kulak • Katelyn Moody • Parker Oliver • Lalainie Oliver • Felicity Bit Daniella Martorana • Rylan Kulak • Emma MacLachlan • Celeste Hamdon • Alyssa Bachez


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