SPURR Vol 4 Issue 3 April 2011

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Never losing sight of Who we are or Where we're going

Aboriginal Days 2010 - Butler Park Photographer: Paula Kirman


Interview with Cheryl Whiskeyjack Executive Director of Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society 10117 150 Street (780) 481-3451 “Never losing sight of Where we're going”

Who we are or

"The Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society is committed to building on the strengths of Aboriginal children, youth and their families to enable them to develop spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally so they can walk proudly in both the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities." Cheryl, can you tell us where Bent Arrow's Mission statement originated from, and, what does the single statement mean? It came from the founders of Bent Arrow, Brad and Shauna Seneca, in effect, it is saying “your past is vibrant, colourful and strong. You can live that in the present, by respecting and honouring your culture wherever you live...”

Insidethis issue

All programs have been created and developed specifically for Aboriginal people. We provide people with a safe, supportive community from where they can make changes and new life choices and be successful… Can you give us some additional history and information on your programs? Shauna Seneca, a social worker (of pure Scottish heritage!) found she was not satisfied with the supports that were being offered to the aboriginal youth she was working with. Shauna wanted to be able to provide services that made sense for them. In 1993, she and her husband Brad, received funding from a federal program to provide a program for youth between the ages of 15 and 24 who wanted to return to school, enter training or find work. That program, called “Wind Dancers” became very successful and continues today. With the encouragement of the funders, the community and the Elders, Brad and Shauna established the Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society. Bent Arrow is a non-profit,


page 3

JPR UPDATE page 4 Welcome Steve Gauley!

charitable organization that was incorporated in November 1994. Programming is offered here in the west as well as a full Parent Link site on 116 Ave and 95 Street. For a complete history and to read Bent Arrow’s Governance Model, please visit our website at www.bentarrow.ca. In the spring of 1995 the Society was approached by Child Welfare (now called Alberta Children's Services) to establish a group home for Aboriginal youth between the ages of 12 and 17. The first group home was established and continues to provide services today. This group home is called: “Kokomish”, the cree word for Grandma's House. The staffing model that has been incorporated is based on one of being an extended family to the youth. The kids act a bit “tougher” around the regular, day time staff (youth workers), however, in the evening, “Kookum” is there and kids can be themselves, let down their guard, talk and be vulnerable - much like some kids will share with their grandparents and perhaps not always a parent or a teacher! Continued on page 8

BRZ UPDATE page 5 Sculptures on Stony!

NEW FEATURE page 7 Dr. Abdilmasih and Dr. Strachan on Stretching!



www.thespurr.ca Editor: Jamie Post editor@thespurr.ca Gardening: Michele Hebert gardening@thespurr.ca Community Info: Steve Gauley community@thespurr.ca Business Info: Diane Kereluk business@thespurr.ca SPURR Photographer: Kailey Schwerman photographer@thespurr.ca Advertising: Jim Wooley ads@thespurr.ca

Publisher: Pie Communications Inc. 544, 12222 137 Avenue Ph: (780) 757-0993 Fax: (780) 401-3438 Edmonton, AB, T5L 4X5 www.piecommunications.com

What is SPURR The Stony Plain (road and area) Urban Revitalization Report is a community based newspaper whose mission it is to serve the west-end communities of BritanniaYoungstown, Canora, Glenwood, High Park, Mayfield, & West Jasper / Sherwood along with the Members of the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association. SPURR is a joint initiative for Community & Business Interests of Edmonton’s westend lead by: City of Edmonton Community Services, Neighbourhood Revitalization Project and the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Revitalization Zone. The opinions expressed in the articles appearing in The SPURR are those of the people named as the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of The SPURR, its editor, its publisher, the City of Edmonton or the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Revitalization Zone. For More Information Please Contact: Steve Gauley, Jasper Place Revitalization Coordinator, Office of Great Neighbourhoods City of Edmonton Community Services Dept. 10835 - 120 St. N.W. P.O. Box 2359, Edmonton, AB, T5J 2R7 Ph: 780-944-5417 jprevitalization@edmonton.ca Diane Kereluk, Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association 10043 151 Street. Edmonton, AB, T5P 4Z7 Ph: (780) 477-5169 info@stonyplainroadbrz.ca

PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Without our Advertisers you would not be reading this newspaper. Our Advertisers survive on your business. Please support our advertisers and when you call or visit them please make sure to say you saw them in the SPURR. Thank you.

THE SPURR NEEDS YOU! If you have a story or a photo depicting how life is, was or should be in Edmonton’s west end we would love to hear from you. Please forward your stories to the publishers address above, thank you.

FREE EVENT CALENDAR Please send us your date sensitive event information, we would love to include what we can and it’s FREE.



In March, I discussed civic policy and guidelines, broadly defined vision, goals, beliefs and ideals that should serve as a guide for future legislation and decision making. For residents, volunteers, advocates and business owners, there is ultimately little to cling to when the former fail to become, or are underrepresented, in the latter. From Edmonton's People Plan “The Way we Live”: The City of Edmonton - Provides and promotes innovative methods to reduce barriers to participation and engage citizens in local government. Somethings are perhaps, universal. As with Edmonton, Calgary's choice of West LRT alignment was well criticized - the choice of alignment, the level of public consultation and access to decision makers, the transparency of the process were all called into question by citizens and local media. The end result of course being a deterioration of trust between the city and its citizens/stakeholders. Mistakes can happen, it's how we recover from them, what lessons we learn and how we move forward that is so crucial to future decision making. For Calgary, in preparation for the next phase of design following corridor selection, City Council directed its Administration to bring forward a report which was to include “a comprehensive citizen

engagement and communications plan”. Rather than working outward, from a public consultation plan drafted behind the scenes, they began with a “community summit”, soliciting public input and advice on the engagement process. From a group of interested citizens, a “public engagement planning committee” was formed to develop the plan Council had called for, to identify stakeholders and many of the issues which would need to be addressed. The end result was a process which included the hiring of a “community advocate” to address the issues and concerns of stakeholders with City Administration and the formation of “community advisory committees” for the six planned LRT stations along the route. Ultimately, between 2006 and 2009, over 100 meetings were held between community members/stakeholders and the City of Calgary. Following the process, the City of Calgary released a detailed document on the influence of public involvement and the changes which were ultimately made to the LRT plan because of public input. In early 2010, following Council approval of Transportation System Bylaw 15101, which established several LRT alignments, the City of Edmonton began public consultation for the routes' conceptual design. For the West LRT, the public consultation plan developed by administration followed much the same template as that for corridor selection. Following the internal development and approval of the consultation plan in February/March, representatives met with major institutions and large commercial property owners for the purposes of “Testing Ideas - exploring possibilities of locating stations on their property”. In

March and April, meetings were held with Key Stakeholder Groups, Community Leagues, and institutions to advise on the project's status, public involvement opportunities, and solicit input on areas of significant interest/impact to them. In November, “Information Sharing” sessions were held with a smaller group of identified “Key Stakeholders”. From May to June, information sessions were held for the general public, residents, business owners, etc. for “Information Sharing” and “Testing Ideas”. These were in the form of large-scale workshops for four groupings of communities and business districts along the line from Lewis Estates to Downtown. Following a City Council public hearing, the conceptual plan was approved without any significant additional changes. The difference between public engagement between the cities, for a project of similar scope and scale are significant. In terms of engaging citizens in local government, utilizing community volunteers to develop a public engagement plan, forming local committees to influence the effect and design of LRT expansion through their communities, and hiring a community advocate to represent citizens' concerns full-time were indeed innovative and effectual steps - steps that could, and would have, significantly enhanced public involvement within our city, and for far more than just LRT expansion. Information on Calgary's West LRT project is available from westlrt.ca. WLRT Public involvement plans for the City of Edmonton are available upon request from LRT Projects, LRTProjects@edmonton.ca.

EDITORS NOTES Letters to the Editor - Winter is passing us by, which means the inevitable start to construction season. From potholes to neighborhood renewal, if you'd like to write in about how your neighborhood's roads and infrastructure fared through the winter, or share your thoughts on local neighborhood renewal projects, the SPURR would love to hear from you. Congrats to local Britannia-Youngstown Resident Darryl Learie! - On February 9th, on City TV's Breakfast Television, Darryl set a world record, blowing up 446 balloons (with a minimum diameter of 20cm) in one hour. You can check out the video at http://darryl-learie.wikispaces.com/. This August, Darryl will be appearing with another world record holder Charles Servizio (most push-ups in 24 hours 46,001) at a charity event for Fusion Fellowship in Britannia-Youngstown. Pictured are 1000 balloons done during a 3 hour and 51 minute training run, and the successful record breaking effort in Breakfast Television's studios.

S P U R R APRIL 2011



"I Grew That‌." To watch the miracle of a plant emerging from the earth from a child's point of view, is truly wondrous. It is never too early to teach a child the simplicities of gardening, and lay the groundwork for a rewarding hobby/ career throughout their lives. Keep it simple and start small, such as with a bean plant in a pot. Let them work the soil into the pot, plant the seed, and water when needed. Help them create plant markers from tongue depressors or strips of plastic cut from containers, decorated with acrylic paints or permanent markers, drawing on the plants that will emerge. As a child gets older, give them their own plot of

S P U R R APRIL 2011

garden to plant and tend to. Harvesting is the fun part when they get to eat what they have grown. Kids get such a sense of accomplishment when this happens, and are being taught responsibility without even knowing it. It may even give them an appreciation for veggies that they previously did not want to try, such as beets, bok choy or swiss chard (all easy to grow from seed). Of course, they have to grow a few carrots of their own, to pull out when ready, wash off with the garden hose and eat raw straight from the garden. My childhood dog, Snoopy, would pull out carrots from the garden and eat them, dirt and all. sense of pride, is awesome, and no batteries required. One of the easiest and biggest bang-for-your-buck plants to grow There are so many kid-friendly garis the sunflower, especially the dening products on the market giant varieties that can get 10 to now, much more so than when 12 feet tall. It is amazing to a child my kids were small. Lee Valley is that such a large plant can start an excellent source. My adult from a small seed, and daughter, Mimi, still has her first benefit the birds in the winter pair of gardening gloves (much too months also (again, that sense of small for her now), and they were responsibility kicks in). To hear a quite difficult to find 15+ years child say "I grew that" with such a ago. Kid-size hand garden tools in

bright colors, little hoes and shovels, kneeling pads, watering cans, gardening aprons, etc. - there is an entire product line geared towards children. I can hardly wait for grandchildren; they will be the best outfitted little gardeners in the neighborhood, with their own veggie patch in Grandma's garden. Until next month, Happy Gardening.



Students, Sculptures

Sculpture in foreground by Sophia Johnson Artists: (Top row l-r.) Alex Blackstaffe, Kim Fuchs, Wehkwas Durocher,Susan Winters, Liz Lacousta, Sophia Johnson, Katie Miller, Leah Young, Holly Raubenheimer. Behind everyone is our wonderful and amazing technician Darcy Turlock. (Bottom row l-r) Kassandra Harvey, Nicola Lapp, Asha Rock, Jennifer Suchow and instructor, Agnieszka Matejko. Photographer: Kailey Schwerman

Artist: Alyssa Ellis Photographer: Kailey Schwerman

Artist: Susan Winters, Liz Lacousta Photographer: Kailey Schwerman

Artist: Liz Lacousta Photographer: Kailey Schwerman

J P R U P D AT E Public Art Contributing to the Revitalization of Stony Plain Road


The SPURR welcomes Steve Gauley to the role of Jasper Place Revitalization Coordinator. Our thanks to Wendy Kinsman for her dedication to The SPURR, the JPR, and our communities over the past year. We wish you all the best in your new position in the City of Edmonton's Community Investment Section. When's the last time you visited Stony Plain Road? Because of a cold winter, unless you work or live nearby it probably has been awhile. Now there's an additional reason to go: Public Art. Simply defined, Public Art is art exhibited in a public space as opposed to being shown in a gallery or museum. It is accessible to all and therefore can be enjoyed by all. Public Art whether murals, statues, or street theater has become a vital part of neighbourhood revitalizations 4

across North America. It is intended to make an area a more interesting, thought provoking, and enjoyable place to live, work and visit. Assisted by a grant from the City of Edmonton, students from Grant MacEwan University have spent the last semester preparing sculptures to be exhibited in the community on a temporary basis. As a community partner, the Stony Plain Road Business Revitalization Zone has worked with local merchants to have the sculptures displayed in front of businesses, shops and agencies. The benefits of this partnership are many: including, the art work can boost neighborhood morale, foot traffic for local merchants, and the overall feeling of safety in the area. For the artists it provides an opportunity to share their work with a large audience.

Some examples of the sculptures prepared by the art students are shown here. There are about 20 sculptures on display along Stony Plain Road between 149 and 170 Street. So, as spring approaches I encourage you to patron the shops and businesses along Stony Plain Road to discuss the merits of the sculptures with the local business owners. If you have an idea that you believe would help revitalize the Jasper Place area, feel free to contact me to see if you are eligible for a City of Edmonton grant; or, contact me if you would simply like to share your thoughts and ideas about neighbourhood revitalization in general. I can be reached at 780-944-5417, or by email at jprevitalization@edmonton.ca. Enjoy the art and the conversation it will provoke!

Artist: Asha Rock Photographer: Kailey Schwerman

These additional students were not in our group shot above but you can see their wonderful sculptures along Stony Plain Road: Tennielle Crier Bronwyn Wilson Ali Bischoff Alyssa Ellis Jean Enzie Claire Otto Casey Switzer Alannah Quilley Nicole Wolf Robyn Maskell Emily Ruske Montana Cardinal Julie Christensen

S P U R R APRIL 2011

and Revitalization!

Artist: (foreground) Nicola Lapp Photographer: Kailey Schwerman

Artist: Kassandra Harvey Photographer: Kailey Schwerman

Artist: Kim Fuchs Photographer: Kailey Schwerman

Artist: Tennielle Crier Photographer: Kailey Schwerman


Next time you find yourself shopping on Stony Plain Road stop a moment to enjoy the sculptures! Alberta Treasury Branches 15548 Stony Plain Road NW

Discount Vacuum Superstore 15206 Stony Plain Road NW

Armstrong's Counselling Services 10027 - 166 Street NW

Orbit Property Management 15215 Stony Plain Road NW

Aarron's 15420 Stony Plain Road NW

Stony Plain Road and Area BRZ 10043 151 Street NW

e Shop th

West for the best !

DIANE KERELUK (780) 477-5169

Thank you Grant McEwan Fine Arts Students and JP Neighbourhood Revitalization for the sculptures. To view the sculptures visit the following locations:

Artist: Casey Switzer

S P U R R APRIL 2011

Artic Wash 16008 Stony Plain Road NW

The Echo Store Inc 10158 - 156 Street NW

Azarko Dental Group 14938 Stony Plain Road NW

The Flag Shop 15507 Stony Plain Road NW

Apache Seeds Ltd 10136 - 149 Street NW

Unique Boutique Ltd. 14226 Stony Plain Road NW

Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society 10117 - 150 Street NW

United Way 15132 Stony Plain Road NW

Capital Hill Dental 14109 Stony Plain Road NW

West End Exchange Ltd 15241 Stony Plain Road NW

Chiu Lau Kung Fu College Inc 15302 Stony Plain Road NW

West End Exchange Bldg. 15230 Stony Plain Road NW

DD's 15203 Stony Plain Road N.W.

Vega Hair 14628 Stony Plain Road NW

Stony Plain Road and Area has close to 500 businesses in over 60 categories ready to help you

Stay, Play, Eat, Meet, Shop, Service ‌ Whatever you need you can find it by checking the business directory at www.StonyPlainRoadBRZ.ca

try us out at www.StonyPlainRoadBRZ.ca

F O R U M To check out our forum log in at www.stonyplainroadbrz.ca.


THE BEAT safe. The survey also suggests there is a misperception between public beliefs and the realities of police presence, response, and allocation of resources within their communities.

According to the February 2011 published Jasper Place Revitalization Initiative Feeling Safe in Our Community Survey the majority of respondents feel

In 2007, the Edmonton Police Service introduced a new way of delivering police services to Edmontonians. The new service focuses on a seven minute or less response time to crimes in progress where people and/or property are at risk. The city was divided into five divisions each with four districts, making 20 policing districts. This district team-policing model was implemented allowing officers to be

where they are needed most by citizens, target community crime, and deliver quick results specific to these neighbourhoods. Another change in the district team-policing model was the creation of new roles within each division to reach the community and address specific issues of crime and disorder. Community Liaison Sergeants and Constables (CLC) are assigned to each district to plan and coordinate directed activities based on crime, disorder, and repeat calls for service. Together, they coordinate activities and strengthen partnerships, finding effective and proactive initiatives to maintain a safe community.

The Jasper Place Revitalization Zone also has several BEAT members assigned to Stony Plain Rd (SPR) who create relationships with the SPR merchants, as well as, address associated crime and disorder in the area. We hope this information provides you with a greater insight and better understanding of how the Edmonton Police Service is striving to meet the needs of your community. To inquire about what district you reside in visit us at: www.edmontonpolice.ca/Comm unityPolicing/InYourCommunity/D istrictChooser.aspx

C A N O R A PA R K WAT C H We would like to extend a special thank you to Ron Hendrickson for attending our last meeting on March 15. He is a Park Ranger with the City of Edmonton and offered some tips on how we can help the Rangers do their jobs. The most important one is calling 311 when we see things going on in the parks that should not be there. The 311 operators will then get in touch with the Rangers to come out to try and resolve the issues. Our Easter Egg Hunt will be held on April 23 on the Canora Greenspace on the west side of 149 Street. It will start at 1:00PM at 104 Ave. We will have a separate area for the younger children. Bring the children out to join in the hunt and to just play in the park. This event is always well attended. We will be planting flowers in St. Anne Park around the middle of

May, as soon as the weather permits. We are calling all "green thumbs" in the area to join us in adding some needed colour into the park. Coffee and goodies will be provided after. Call 780-484-1777 and leave your name and number so we can contact you with the exact date and time. The 4th Annual Mini-Carnival will be held on May 29 at St. Anne Park on 153 Street and 102 Avenue from 1:00PM to 4:00PM. There will be games and face painting for all of the children as well as prizes. We will also have live music and a hot dog barbeque. Hot dogs will cost 25 cents, chips will be 25 cents and pop, juice or water will be 50 cents. Come out and have a meal for a Looney. The money raised will go towards the Stollery Children's Hospital. We are all looking forward to to seeing our friends and neighbours again after such a long winter.

We still need volunteers for this event. Please e-mail canoraparkswatch@yahoo.ca if you would like to assist us. We are presently looking at several options for our July, August and September events. If you have any suggestions, please let us know at canoraparkswatch@yahoo.ca. We

will keep you posted in the upcoming editions of the SPURR when plans are finalized. The next Canora Park Watch meeting will be held on April 19 at the Canora Community Hall, 10425-152 St, at 7:00PM. Everyone is invited to come out and give us suggestions about events that they would like to see take place in our parks.

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S P U R R APRIL 2011


These differences mean that not every shoe is right for every foot. Pronators generally need more stable shoes, while supinators need more cushioning. So if you are a supinator and you buy a “good stable shoe,” you may actually increase your risk of injury or exacerbate an existing one. If your discomfort comes from the ground up, we can design a pair of custom orthotic inserts just for you. Custom orthotics can be worn in multiple pairs of shoes, last for a couple of years, and ensure your foot is in a correct, comfortable mechanical position. 2. Warm up before activity, but don't stretch. It's customary to do some static stretching (prolonged holds with no movement) before exercise to help

From the back thigh stretch position, bend your front knee so that foot is now on the edge of the surface. Hands on hips, lean slightly forward over the bent leg. Keep the leg you are standing on straight.


#5 Hips/Buttocks

Place one foot up on a low surface about knee high with your hands on the thigh. Keep the knee of this leg straight with the toes pointing forward. Bend forward from the hips – not the waist. Keep your lower back flat by bringing your chest towards your knee rather than your head.

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But this doesn't the mean you can just leg bac k of the front step outside the door and start rune. kne e ning a marathon. h Warming up should gradually put your muscles into a “loose,” optimum length, and the TAKE 5! increased blood flow results in less muscle stiffness, less risk of injury and improved performance. A The photo excerpts above are from the Canadian Chiropractic Association’s “Take 5” stretching brochure. For a free copy of this brochure please visit our office or send your request to dr_tony@glenorachiro.com warmed-up muscle both contracts more forcefully and The easiest type of stretch is the • custom foot orthotics relaxes more quickly, enhancing static (no movement) stretch that speed and strength. allows you to feel tension in a partic- • rehabilitation exercises and ular muscle group. The best results stretches A good warm-up consists of start- come from shorter holds, under 15 ing off with light, easy movement seconds, repeating the stretch five • spinal decompression and gradually increasing your to 10 times. intensity to build up to a full range • manipulation of motion. For example, when 4. Stay hydrated. running, start off with a fast- Water helps regulate your body paced walk to get the blood flow- temperature and lubricates • physical therapy modalities ing, then build up to a light jog those hard-working joints and such as T.E.N.S. and increase your pace until you muscles, enhancing both per(Transcutaneous Electrical reach your normal running speed. formance and safety. Nerve Stimulation) and L.I.L.T. A light jog is a great overall warm(Low Intensity Laser Therapy) up, but also consider exercises 5. See a professional and get an specific to your activity, such as assessment. • massage therapy some practice kicks for football, a Sometimes, despite preparation game of catch for baseball, or a and precautions, injuries still For more information about these few serves for tennis. occur. Our clinic specializes in and other services, please visit our assessing and diagnosing why website: www.glenorachiro.com 3. Stretch after activity. your body hurts. We offer various Done your workout? Now's the treatments including: Follow these tips for an active, time for some stretching! Afterfun-filled and injury-free season. exercise stretching is a good way • soft-tissue therapies like A.R.T. Here's to getting outside and to cool down, prevent muscle sore(Active Release Technique) enjoying the warm weather ness and increase range of motion. and Graston while it lasts! Canadian Chiropractic Association

Stand near a wall, bench or a post and put one hand on it for balance. Grasp your ankle or foot with the other hand. Keep your upper body straight and pull your heel up towards your buttock. The knee of the leg you are bending should point towards the ground. If you are able to touch your buttock with the heel of the foot, gently extend the hip by the moving the knee backwards.

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#5 Hips/Buttocks

Place one foot up on a low surface about knee high with your hands on the thigh. Keep the knee of this leg straight with the toes pointing forward. Bend forward from the hips – not the waist. Keep your lower back flat by bringing your chest towards your knee rather than your head.

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From the back thigh stretch position, bend your front knee so that foot is now on the edge of the surface. Hands on hips, lean slightly forward over the bent leg. Keep the leg you are standing on straight.

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#3 Front of thigh

Adopt the same position as for the upper calf stretch. Shift the foot of your back leg forward until the toes are just behind the heel of the front leg. Keep both heels on the ground with toes pointing forward. Lower your hips by bending both knees.

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• Never stretch a cold muscle • Hold each stretch for a slow count of 30 • Repeat twice on each side. Get checked by a health • Don’t overstretch – be comfortable. professional such as a chiropractor • Don’t bounce when stretching. before starting a running program to • If you suffer an injury or make sure it is an appropriate fitness experience pain that lasts activity for you. Then start-out slowly longer than your usual postto allow your body to warm-up and workout soreness, ice the stretch-out after you stop. The five area to reduce swelling and stretches in this booklet target the inflammation, and consult major muscle groups that are used a chiropractor. when running. Don’t unlace without them.

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#2 Lower calf


• The health of your heart and lungs. • Your energy and stress levels. • The tone and strength of your leg and hip muscles. • Your bone density (reduces the risk of osteoporosis).

#4 Back of thigh

#1 Upper calf

Stretch your arms in front of you and place both hands on a sturdy object. Stand with feet comfortably apart with toes pointing towards the wall. Put one leg back about 12 inches from the other, keeping the knee straight and your foot flat on the ground. Bend the knee of the front leg so your hips move forward and lean into your hands. g


a great way ng i s to ge t fit and have fun


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Doctors of Chiropractic are specifically trained in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of muscle and joint injuries associated with sport and recreational activities. To find a chiropractor near you contact:

Canadian Chiropractic Association 1-877-222-9303 or 416-585-7902 www.chiropracticcanada.ca

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or the Royal College of Chiropractic Sports Sciences (Canada) www.rccssc.ca

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1. Use the right footwear for you. Just as people have different body types, there are a variety of foot types, too. People have flat feet (pes planus) or high arches (pes cavus), or might walk on the inside of their feet (pronation) or on the outside (supination).

#4 Back of thigh


After months spent indoors taking refuge from the cold, the warming weather inspires us to get out and get active. Along with a beachworthy physique, however, this increase in activity also brings increased risk of injury. Many patients come into the clinic this time of year complaining about back pain and are surprised to learn that, more often than not, back injuries are a result of a dysfunction occurring in their feet or hips. So before you break out that old pair of runners and charge full speed ahead, here are five tips to help you avoid injury through the spring and summer seasons.

“loosen up,” right? Please, please don't! That kind of stretch lengthens or tightens the muscle, and a tense muscle is the last thing you want right before vigorous activity.

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Put your best foot forward...

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S P U R R APRIL 2011


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BENT ARROW TRADITIONAL HEALING SOCIETY The challenge is finding a qualified (experienced enough) person to do the job and yet young enough to be able to work with the kids. Since the establishment of the first group home the Society has grown and developed approximately 15 Programs and provides services to approximately 5000 Aboriginal people per year. Shauna felt strongly that all the programs within Bent Arrow should have a name reflecting aboriginal culture. Within our offices, we house “7 Generations”, an aboriginal supported Children Services unit. Can you explain “7 generations”? Hundreds of years ago, when Aboriginal people were making big decisions for their families and tribes such as: agreeing about a marriage or where to move the village, these decisions would be determined by measuring the impact these decisions would have on the next 7 generations. In the same way, children's services workers are faced with making decisions that impact children's and families lives for generations to come and that is taken very seriously. When you say “Aboriginal” people, to which group of people are you referring? Canada wide, the term aboriginal means: First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples. We serve predominantly First Nations. In the Edmonton area, this group is often of Cree background. We want to serve all aboriginal persons and those with or without “status”. You have some information about growth projections for the Aboriginal population in Edmonton... Statistics show that the Aboriginal community in Edmonton is growing. Bent Arrow wants to be a support to the community as these children, youth and families attend school, enter the workforce, raise their children, transition to the city and learn about their proud and colorful culture. "In 2006, Aboriginal peoples accounted for 5.6% of the total population in the City of Edmonton. The Aboriginal identity 8

population in the City of Edmonton was at 30,365 residents in 2001 growing to 38,170 residents by 2006. This represents a population increase of 25.7% during the 5 year Census cycle. This rapid population increase is important to recognize especially if one considers that if the Aboriginal population continues to grow at the same pace-This could possibly result in an estimated 66,094 Aboriginal identity population living in the City of Edmonton by 2018" DID YOU KNOW: -The median age of Aboriginal Edmontonians is more than 10 years younger than non-Aboriginal residents- 25.7 versus 36.1 years, respectively! -The percentage (of aboriginals) with a university degree increased by more than 60% from 2001 to 2006 City of Edmonton, Aboriginal Relations Office Apart from the programming and services you deliver, what would be on your wish list for your agency? Or those you serve here in the West end? We have hopes of expanding our Housing Program. We currently offer a program in the Inglewood area and have had great success with the families involved as well in getting valuable support from the community. The Inglewood area along 124 street is filled with a “string” of multi family apartments. The community understands the value of having a building with tenants that have easy and immediate access to supports like us. Our (transitional housing) project is called: “Orenda House”. Residents stay for approximately a 2 year period. It has 8 suites with a live in, on site manager. I am also happy to report that as of April of this year, we will be working with the Boyle McAuley Community Services to expand our supports to newcomers to the City of Edmonton with a “Welcoming Service”. This program will enable us to be “mobile”, meaning we can literally meet clients where they're at. People may be fleeing an abusive situation, looking for a daycare, getting set up to attend school, and so on. This program is aimed at making communities safer

while assisting the “newly arrived” in Edmonton. The Program was developed in consultation with Alberta Health Services, Alberta Justice, Edmonton Public Schools, Police and the Food Bank. Are you talking about the “Urban Aboriginal?” Yes, those that arrive here from other parts of Alberta and from reserves, and having no connections. Kinship ties are really important in our culture and usually extended family is on the reserve. There is a cultural shift when coming into a new environment. People need time spent with them, to help settle, to get ready for new opportunities and so on. Bent Arrow can do that. Do your Seniors?



Our seniors play a big part within many aboriginal serving agencies. Seniors, the “Elders” of our communities, attend many of our events and make themselves available within our community based family programs. We see value in having our families mix within generations. This is traditional and very helpful to individuals and growing families. We need the “aunties” and Gramas and Grampas (Kookums and Moshums) to pass down this knowledge to us. This you can't learn from a book! They have so much to teach us, whether it be traditional: learning to make a homemade rattle or moccasins, practical: cooking and sewing or spiritual: through the ceremonies, songs and teachings we find strength from. It works both ways, families are taken care of, and we appreciate and honour our elders. Many of our seniors took part in conversations hosted at our site through “Circle of

Hope”, a government sponsored program providing information, resources and supports for people directly or indirectly impacted by residential schools. Connection to the community: how can others become involved? What volunteer needs do you have? We have, as an organization, seen the tremendous value in partnering with other organizations such as Edmonton Public Schools, The City of Edmonton, Children's Services, Alberta Health Services and many others in supporting meaningful access to those larger systems. We have the trust of the Aboriginal community and solid reputation in the Edmonton area for providing a valuable service to our community members. We are open to more ideas and ways of reaching out to more Edmontonians. Our volunteering needs are often around child minding for the parents' groups, serving and cooking. I recommend phoning the centre to see what the needs are. We are working on our website!! Great, can you tell us about the “Aboriginal Awareness” workshop? Yes, it's a 2 day workshop, held twice a year, in the Spring and Fall and is open to anyone! We go over history, culture and customs and pretty much everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask! We have had groups from Alberta Health, United Way, the Police, teachers, etc. We get very positive feedback from those who attend our workshops. Along with attending the occasional community meeting, I have enjoyed visiting Bent Arrow for the Soup & Bannock day. The last time consisted of a fantastic moose stew and dessert! It was nice to visit with staff and attendees of your programs. S P U R R APRIL 2011


Yes! Soup & Bannock (offered the last Friday of every month) is a great way to come out to Bent Arrow and be a fly on the wall and just enjoy. I'd also like people to know that we will be having our “Aboriginal Day in the Park Celebration� again this summer in Butler Park on June 21st. A free pancake breakfast from 8:0010:00am - which we will be advertising closer to the date. Thank you Cheryl for sharing all about Bent Arrow. Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society - list of Programs: Community Parents A program supporting the natural helpers in the community who support other families. This program serves the city of Edmonton. Coyote Kids A weekly cultural program for Aboriginal children 6-12 years of age. This program is currently offered at Sherwood Elementary School. Coyote Pride In School mentoring program for children in grades 4-6 currently offered at Brightview Youngstown, Sherwood and Prince Charles Elementary Schools. White Cloud Head Start Provides Aboriginal pre-school children with an opportunity to develop and learn different skills to be successful in the school system. This program is located in Sherwood Elementary School. Soaring Eagles a 16 week life skills and education prep program for Aboriginal youth aged 16-25 Wind Dancers Youth Pre-Employment Program a 16 week pre employment proS P U R R APRIL 2011

gram for Aboriginal youth aged 1625 Journey to Success Adult Employment Program a 4 week employment program for Aboriginal people over the age of 18 located at our west end office. Aboriginal Community Connections Centre A resource centre for newcomers to the city. The Centre can provide support in finding housing, employment, cultural resources. Photographer: Paula Kirman

Kokomish House Long term residential program for Aboriginal youth, 12-17 years old, who are in care of Children Services. This home is located in the west end of Edmonton. Iskwew House Long term Residential program for young Aboriginal women who are pregnant or parenting and in the care of Children Services. This home is located in the west end of Edmonton. Nitotemak Foster Care Foster care for Aboriginal children and youth in the care of Children Services. Healthy Families A long-term intensive home visitation program, which provides services to pregnant women and first time parenting families. Sacred Circle Family Intervention & 7 Generations In home and family support program for families involved with Children Services Health for Two Drop-in Site Where pregnant moms can get free milk coupons, bus tickets and receive information on prenatal and postnatal care

STI Edmonton Drop In Nurse every Friday afternoon sexual health information Food Bank Open to those our programs


can share, experience and bond in a safe and caring environment. Weekly 'big' breakfasts for seniors. This Program is located at our central office.


Income Tax Services seasonal - Free service open to everyone in the community phone and book appt Orenda House Is a transitional housing project for young Aboriginal families (ages 1629) who are at risk of becoming homeless. This program is located in the Inglewood Area. Soup & Bannock A free community meal offered on the last Friday of the month except for July and August. All people are welcome.

If you are a service provider in the community and would like to be featured, please contact: Catherine McGuire R.S.W. Community Building Social Worker Neighbourhood & Community Development Community Building West Jasper Place Site 10030-167 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 3W4 780-944-5454 780-496-5852

Aboriginal Awareness Workshop A two day workshop designed for non-Aboriginal agencies who are working within the aboriginal community. Parent Link Centre A gathering place for Aboriginal families that provides free programs and resources so they



The West Edmonton Local is a new website, providing news, information and conversation from the west end.

156th Street and Stony Plain Road. Look for us in your community from 124th Street to the Anthony Henday.

We are a project of Grant MacEwan University’s journalism program and operate from the school’s Centre for the Arts and Communications, the giant orange building at the corner of

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http://westedmontonlocal.ca/2011/0 3/i-have-pride-in-my-neighbourhood/

BRITANNIA YOUNGSTOWN One woman is doing her part to ensure her community stays clean, connected and crimefree. The struggle is getting her neighbours to do the same.

Deb Strobel has lived in west Edmonton for the past 13 years in a multi-housing complex owned by Capital Region Housing Corporation, which provides housing to families and individuals throughout the city who have a low or modest income. Strobel and neighbours

a handful of have joined


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Deb Strobel helps keep her neighbourhood clean by sweeping excess snow off her sidewalk outside of her west-Edmonton home on Monday, March 7, 2011.

forces in encouraging their fellow tenants to become more involved in the community, and stand as a united front against crime, substance abuse and other problems in their area.

“If you keep it clean, you keep it looking nice, you keep it safelooking, then there's less chance of crime coming,” she said.

She has helped plan a number of events to get other tenants involved, including: “I have pride in my neighour- o Coffee meetings hood,” she said. o Barbecues o Pot-luck dinners Strobel has involved herself in o Kid-friendly craft sessions a number of community initiatives in Britannia-Youngstown But for the most part, it's been over the years, including a a tough sell. zero-tolerance drug campaign with the Neighbourhood “It's just a way to get people out Empowerment Team (N.E.T.), there, but out of all the flyers I Park Watch and Capital drop off, I'm pretty sure most of them get thrown into the City Clean Up. garbage,” said Strobel. But, she also does a lot on her own to keep the neighbour- Still, Strobel remains committed hood in shape- like shoveling to her community, and only snowy sidewalks in the winter, hopes the example she and her or re-painting the courtyard pic- neighbours set will inspire others nic tables in the summer. to follow suit. Picking up garbage and keeping an eye out for crime are daily “The more people see us out jobs, but Strobel said they both there, the more we're hoping it will catch on.” make a big difference.


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S P U R R APRIL 2011

FOOD, FUN & NETWORKING The Stony Plain Road and Area Business Mixer, Thursday March 24th at the Haven Social Club was a great success. Cards were exchanged, acquaintances made and tons of business was discussed. More mixers are being planned, if you would like to participate in a future event, please email Diane Kereluk at: Stonyplainbrz@telus.net

S P U R R APRIL 2011


COMMUNITY NEWS BRITANNIA-YOUNGSTOWN 15927 - 105 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5P 0T8 Phone: 780-483-8983 New Website! www.bycl.ca Gardening Club Next meeting: Landscape Design When: Thursday, April 7 at 7:00 pm (first Thursday of each month) Where: Community Hall (15927 - 105 Avenue) Cost: Free! Our hot topic will be landscape design. We'll hear about different design practices and how these can be applied to our own yards and gardens, either with the help of professionals or relying on our own green thumbs and muscle. Bring in a picture of your landscaping problem area (8x10) and we'll work on redesigning it together. To keep in touch and hear about upcoming events, send an email to Miep Raedschelders at gardens@bycl.ca and we'll add you to our email list. 1st Annual Spring Show & Craft Sale! When: April 9, 10:00 - 5:00 pm Where: The Britannia Youngstown Community Hall (15927 - 105 Avenue) There will be free draws and lots of vendors to shop from including Scentsy, Tupperware, Pampered Chef, handmade crafts, handmade jewelery, baking and lots of other vendors. This is will be a cash n' carry event. Concession will also be available. Introduction to Permaculture When: April 2 Where: The Britannia Youngstown Community Hall (15927 - 105 Avenue)

Senior's Circle The Senior's Circle will start meeting again on May 4 at 10:00 a.m. For more information email Jane at seniors@bycl.ca Parents and Tots Looking to meet some other parents in the community? Social development is very important in the early stages of life for your children - and also for you! We meet weekly on Thursdays from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM at the Britannia Youngstown Community Hall (15927 - 105 Avenue) for a Parent & Tot Playtime. Newborn up to school age are all welcome. If you have any questions please email Simone at playgroup@bycl.ca or call 780-628-5630. Annual General Meeting When: May 11, 7:00 p.m. There has been a lot of activity at the hall this year. In order to keep the momentum going, it would be great to see some new faces start to get involved (or some old faces - we don't discriminate!). Involvement doesn't always mean work, so don't be scared! It can simply mean participation. It's the easiest way to build this community into what you want it to be and a great way to meet new people. Take advantage of the opportunities to get involved or just get to know what we've been doing. Hall Rentals A lot of work has been done renovating the hall and it looks great. For hall bookings, general inquiries, requests for programs or to join our league, please call the Britannia Youngstown Community Hall at 780-483-8983 or email hallrentals@bycl.ca. Please speak clearly when leaving a message, and leave both your name and a telephone number so that your call can be returned.

Learn about how to turn your yard into a natural and sustainable urban landscape, incorporating food into our urban spaces. For more information, contact raw.permaculture@gmail.com or Jordan at 780-999-6535. You'll also hear about the plans to start a holistic market in our neighbourhood.

Need a membership? With new things happening all the time around here, it's a great time to start getting involved with the league. Go to www.bycl.ca to email for your membership.

Monthly Community Potluck Dinner When: April 22, 6:00 p.m. Where: Britannia Youngstown Community Hall Fusion is building a team of people who are willing to be part of a monthly community potluck dinner. The goal is for the community to get together to visit, get to know one another, and celebrate what has been happening between us and around us.

10425 - 152 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 4P1 Phone: 780-489-6007

Who is invited? Anyone who has contributed to building hope in Britannia Youngstown, who would like to see a stronger sense of community here, or who has the potential to become involved in the community. When and where? They are booked for the fourth Thursday of each month at 6 PM at the Britannia Youngstown Community Hall.



Important Phone Numbers Rink: 780-489-6070 Hall Rentals Inquiries: 780-952-7006 Email: canora11@telusplanet.net Country Swing was a great evening for the third time. Thanks to all the volunteers for making it a great and enjoyable evening. A big Thank You to everyone who came out to our Annual General Meeting on the 20th of March. The new board is looking forward to helping the community this year. Also we would like to thank the past years board members for a job well done, those of you whom

left, we will miss you. We are still looking to fill some positions on the board, if interested please contact the league at canora11@telusplanet.net. We are looking for a treasurer and an event person. Anyone with a program they want to see happen in Canora, please feel free to contact us at canora11@telusplanet.net, just put "Programs" in the subject line. Hall rentals, please call 780-952-7006 Bingo information, please call 780-489-6007 and leave a message for Virginia.

NOTE: DATE CHANGE EASTER HAM FAMILY BINGO Saturday, April 9, 2011 Doors open at 11:00 am Bonanza and 2 early birds @ 12:00 noon 8 Go Go @ 1:00 pm Special Games for the children Concession open Show & Dance Featuring Country Swing With Calvin Vollrath, Alfie Myhre, Pete Hicks, Richard Chernisky, Ron (Oz) Danyluk, Les Vincent, Ray St. Germain, Darryl Campbell Dates: April 1, 2011, June 25, 2011 10425 - 152 Street 8 PM - 12 AM Tickets: $15/person Tickets will be on sale at: Myhre's Music 8735 118th Avenue Lazaro's Music 15115 Stony Plain Road Late Light Lunch For more information: Christine - 780-860-1874

GLENWOOD 16430 - 97 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5P 0E8 Phone: 780-489-7571 www.glenwoodcommunityleague.com

Win GAS or MEAT at the AGM Sunday, April 17th, 2pm 16430 97 Ave at the Glenwood Hall Please join us for coffee or tea - you could win a $50 gift card for Sandylane Meat Shop (in Glenwood) or a $50 gas card from Petro Canada! We require a certain number of community residents to have enough people to vote our executive in. Please consider attending even if you cannot volunteer for any executive positions. You must be in attendance to win the gift cards. Please come out and join us at the meeting. It is open to everyone living in Glenwood in apartments, condos and houses whether you rent or own your home. This year we have also have an interesting event happening in conjunction with our AGM!

S P U R R APRIL 2011

COMMUNITY NEWS Have you heard of the Sensational Game “GO”? Following the AGM there will be a presentation on the game of GO by some experienced GO players. You will be fascinated to discover why GO is the most popular board game of skill in the world. It is not only fun for all ages but teaches many mental skills such as patience and perseverance. It can be peaceful but in reality it is a struggle between 2 players to control territory on a 19 by 19 grid between black stones and white stones. We invite you to come and see and even try a small board game. Weekly sessions will follow on Wednesdays starting on April 20th with instruction and games. Adults and children ages 6 and up are welcome to attend, and residents of neighbouring communities are also welcome. Make friends. Have fun. Learn. KEEP YOUR MIND SHARP - LEARN HOW TO PLAY “GO” Starting April 20th, bring your children, your spouse or just yourself to learn how to play the game “GO”. There will be some instruction followed by games. This game is played by players from the age of 6 to seniors - so it's a great game to learn with friends or family. It's played between two people. See our demonstration at the AGM on April 17th, and decide if you would like to attend our weekly “GO” night on Wednesdays at the hall starting at 6pm. ATTENTION PARENTS WITH INFANTS AND TODDLERS!!! Are you looking for somewhere to go just to get out of the house? Glenwood Hall will be hosting a mom's (or dad's) morning out on Wednesdays between 9:30 and 11:30 am. Bring your little ones, a few toys and a snack to share and have a morning out! You can call Michele at 780 439-3169 for more information, or email glenwoodcommunity@hotmail.com INTERESTED IN A WINTER JOB IN 2011? We will be looking for a rink attendant interested in putting in the rink and taking care of it as well as doing snow removal at the hall for NEXT winter (this is a paid position). If you think you might be interested, contact Michele at 780 439-3169 to leave your information so that we can contact you next fall... LAST HOCKEY NIGHT IN GLENWOOD!!! The Oilers will be on the big screen at Glenwood Hall for the last time this year! Doors open 30 minutes before each game watch the SPURR or check our website at www.glenwoodcommunityleague.com for game dates and times. Cash bar is available, along with FREE popcorn. Children are welcome with parent supervisors. Sunday, April 10th at 1PM vs. Avalanche TUESDAY NIGHT EUCHRE Euchre is a 'trick-taking' card game played in groups of 4 with partners. Beginners are welcome because the more players, the better! Join us for Euchre EVERY Tuesday night at the Glenwood Community Hall. Registration is at 6:30pm, games begin at 7pm.

S P U R R APRIL 2011

GLENWOOD COMMUNITY LEAGUE SWIM Many community leagues are moving away from hosting community swim times but Glenwood still has ours! Pack your swimsuit and head over to the Jasper Place Pool from 4-6 on Sunday evenings for a free swim. Make sure you bring your membership card! Contact Michele if you still need yours (780 439-3169) MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE YEAR ROUND! Contact Michele for more info at 780 439-3169. HALL RENTAL Got online and visit the glenwood website at www.glenwoodcommunityleague.com and go to the Hall Rental tab for photos and prices.

HIGH PARK 11032 - 154 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 2K1 Phone: 780-484-4646 highparkcommunity.com Seniors & 50+ mark your calendars for April 14, 2011 Your Board of Directors will be hosting another dinner! Our First Annual Easter Dinner Doors Open 5:30 - Dinner 6:00 Cost is a valid Community League Membership or $5.00. Memberships will be available to purchase RSVP - Janice - 780-489-4753 SKATING The skating rinks are up and operational! You must have a valid community league membership (skate tag) or pay a drop in fee! We have an indoor skate room for lacing up, a boarded rink with floodlights, and a pond-style rink. The rink is open: Monday through Friday: 4:30pm-9:00pm Saturdays: 1:00pm-9:00pm Sundays: 1:00pm-6:00pm Except where prohibited due to large accumulation of snow, inclement weather, or temperatures below -23ºC or above 0ºC BINGO Bingos are a necessary source of income for our community. Volunteer for a bingo & receive community credits to use for recreational, wellness activities for your children, yourself or your spouse! Upcoming bingo dates: April 17, 2011 (5:00-12:00pm) May 16, 2011 (5:00-12:00pm) June 14, 2011 (5:00-12:00pm) July 20, 2011 (4:30-12:00pm) To volunteer, call Val at 780-483-7122. Alternate dates and times also available on shorter notice throughout the year. Board Meetings Our next community Executive meeting will be on April 5, 2011, 7:00pm at the hall. All members of the High Park Community are Welcome to attend! HALL RENTALS Main Hall - Weddings/ Weekend $450.00 Daily Rentals - 8hrs $300.00

(Each Additional hour after 8hr rental is $50.00 per hour) Upstairs meeting room - 8hrs (No Kitchen) $100.00 A matching CASH ONLY damage deposit is required as well. If you have any questions or wish to view that hall please contact Roger Little @ 780-474-7892 between 5pm & 8pm. (You can view the Hall Availability Calendar on pages 6-7, or online at http://highparkcommunity.wordpress.com/calendar/) Pre-School Registration If you would like to register your child/children, between the ages of 30 months and 4 years, in our parent cooperative preschool, please contact Nora at 780-486-1867 or Angela at 780-760-5131. Register your child today! Or email preschool@highparkcommunity.com Adult Drop-In All adults welcome. Drop in, have a cup of coffee and a visit! Wednesdays - 12:30pm - 3:30pm High Park Community Hall For information, call Joan at 780-489-5419

MAYFIELD 10941 - 161 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 1G2 Phone: 780-483-4675 www.mayfieldcommunityleague.com AGM April 11 at 7:00pm at the Mayfield Hall, all welcome, come meet the board and have a say in what happens in the upcoming year. There are volunteer positions available but we mainly want to meet the members of our community. Contact Information Community League President: Kristy Bergstrom 780 450-2347 e-mail: mayfield.community@gmail.com. The Mayfield community League is also on Face book at Mayfield Community ~ Edmonton Bingo Mayfield is always looking for volunteers to work. The credit you receive can be used towards Mayfield Community classes and even children's programs outside our community. Please call Grace at 780-486-4801 if you are interested. The next bingo dates are: April 20th, May 26th, June 25, and July 30th at the Castle Downs Bingo hall. Hall Rentals Currently we do not have a Hall Rental chairperson so we are not able to rent out our Hall. If you are interested in volunteering please come to the AGM on April 11th. Community Memberships If you wish to purchase a membership please call Elaine at 780-481-8108 to pick one up. Families - $25.00 Singles - $15.00 Seniors - $10.00


COMMUNITY NEWS Zumba Funnest Fitness Ever! Zumba Starts April 10th 7pm to 8pm Where - Mayfield Hall Latin Dancing/ a Party Workout 10 weeks for $105.00 Call Bonnie for more info at 780 489 3254 Yoga Every Tuesday at the Hall. 6:30 to 7:45 PM Call Fran for more info 780-484-1476 Seniors Carpet Bowling Tuesdays and Thursdays For more infor call Doreen @ 780-486-1833 or Marlene @ 780-484-5728 If you are interested in playing cards, there will be tables set up for games such as crib, hearts or any other games you enjoy playing, but please bring your own luck cards. Broomball Dropin on Monday nights from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Participants must be at least 16 years of age and sticks are provided. Park Committee They are still looking for people to help, all ages and time commitments welcome. Contact Trevor Waddell at tdwaddell@shaw.ca or 780-233-6800 if you want to join the committee or if you have any questions.

knitting, drawing or any other crafty activities. Call Deidre at (780) 486-1477 if you have any questions.

CARPET BOWLING Come and get some exercise on Monday's from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. The cost is $1.00 per person.


Soccer Registration Contact Jim at 489-7596 for further information

9620 - 152 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 4N9 Phone: 780-483-2815

Annual General Meeting The community league's annual meeting will be held on April 22, 2011 at 7:00 pm at the hall 9620-152street. All positions will be up for elections. All members are urged to attend. Community Bingo April 17, 2011 at the hall (9620-152Street). Children 8 and older are welcome to participate when accompanied by an adult. Special children's only game. Door Prizes, 40 games and chances to win prizes. Cash prizes include 2 early birds, 2 bonanzas, and 1 odd even game. Children will not be allowed to play for cash prizes as per Alberta Gaming & Liquor Regulations. Doors open at 11:00 am, Bonanza pre call begins at noon. followed by the early birds. Regular games start at 1:00 pm. Come one, come all, bring your friends & neighbors.

SENIORS PROGRAMS Seniors Group Our Community League offers a number of Starting in January Mayfield is offering a programs for our senior members. However Senior's skate every Thursday from 2:00pm everyone is welcome. All programs are to 4:00pm free to Mayfield members $2.00 to offered at the community hall located at everyone else. 9620-152 street. Skating rink and family skate area The Skating rink and family skate are up and running. The hours will be as follows. Rink will be closed when the temp falls below -20. Monday's Closed Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 4:00 to 9:00pm Thursday 2:00 to 9:00pm Saturday 12:00 to 8:00pm Sunday 12:00 to 5:00pm

CARDS 1. Whist on Wednesday from 1:00 to 3:00 pm 2. Whist on Sunday from 7:00 to 10:00pm

Mayfield Crafts Every 3rd Saturday of the Month, the hall will be open from 10:00am to 4:00pm for anyone interested in doing scrapbooking,

Prizes are awarded based on number of participants. If you have any questions about the seniors programs, please call Shirley at 489-8945

Swimming Your 2010-2011 membership allows your family to swim FREE at Jasper Place pool on Saturday evenings from 6:00 to 7:00 pm till the end of June 2011. Sherwood Elementary School Sherwood School is accepting registration for kindergarten to Grade 6. Please call the school at 489-2600.

Community Services

Ebenezer United Church 16302 106 Avenue. Edmonton T5P 0W9 Phone 780-489-5803 Church Service, Sunday at 11 a.m.

St. Paul’s Anglican Church 10127 - 145 Street, Edmonton T5N 2X6 Phone 780-455-0771 2011 LENT AND EASTER SERVICES April 17th Palm Sunday 9:00 am and 10:30 am (Beginning of Holy Week) 7:00 pm (Solemn Assembly) April 21st Maundy Thursday 7:30pm (Celebration of the Lord’s Last Supper) April 22nd Good Friday 10:00 am (Family Pageant) 12:00 pm (Creative/Contemplative Commemoration of the Cross) April 23rd Holy Saturday 6:30 pm (Interface Worship: The Rending of the Veil) April 24th Easter Sunday 9:00 am (Traditional Easter Service) 10:30 am (Contemporary Easter Service)

The cost is $1.00. Coffee and snacks provided. CRIBBAGE TOURNAMENTS Tournaments are held the first and third Wednesday of every month from 7:00 to 10:00pm. The cost is $5.00 per person.

Trinity United Church POOR NO MORE Canadian Documentary screening Thursday, April 7 at Trinity United Church, 8810 Meadowlark Road. Admission by donation Doors open at 7 p.m., screening at 7:30 Suggested donation is one hour of your wage. Proceeds from the evening will support the work of Habitat for Humanity and Jasper Place Child and Family Resource Centre. For more information please visit: www.poornomore.ca or call: Debbie Hubbard, 780-458-9286 List your Non-profit group for $99 per year (*some conditions apply).

Special event listings FREE for non-profits, otherwise classified rates and some conditions apply.

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S P U R R APRIL 2011



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CLASSIFIEDS Events Power Speakers Toastmasters Club #3650 Meets Every Wednesday from 7:00 – 9:00pm Grant MacEwan University Room 437 - 10045 – 156st Contact Norma at 780-432-4854 www.powerspeakers.ca

Michele Bugera Independent Soirée Stylist 9823 169 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5P 3X3 780.965.9269 micheleb.stylist@peekaboobeans.com


Armstrongs’ Counselling Services


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Home Based Business Peekaboo Beans is a high-end, boutique children's clothing line with sizes from 3 months to size 8. We are offering a unique opportunity to bring the “Peekaboo-tique” to you as a Soirée or as a Playdate with friends and their kids! We bring the vine to you, in the exclusive option where you get to see, feel and order from the entire Peekaboo Bean playwear collection.

10027 166 Street, Edmonton, AB T5P 4Y1 Email: dmarm@telus.net Phone: 780-444-4399 Websites: http://ArmstrongsCounselling.com

Hostesses get great “Bean-efits” including up to 25% of sales back in FREE clothing, and up to 4 items at HALF PRICE!!! Call Michele to book a Soirée and for more information at 780-965-9269.

Public Hearing The Public Hearing for the rezoning application submitted by Glenwood Cohousing is scheduled for April 4th at 1:30 pm at City Hall. Should the Bylaw be approved, we will then be applying for the development permit and proceeding with plans for construction. For more information about Glenwood Cohousing, contact Laura-Belle at 780-952-4995.



Properties For Sale: 4 bedroom lakefront home at Sunrise Beach on Sandy Lake. To view callGordon Boddez at 780-939-1111

JASON VAN DOESBURG Barrister & Solicitor 10060 - 164 Street EDMONTON, ALBERTA T5P 4Y3

Real Estate

PH: (780) 451-2661 FAX: (780) 452-1051 jason@vandoesburglaw.com

Wills & Estates

Personal Injury





T: 780.496.8122 F: 780.496.8113 linda.sloan@edmonton.ca

2nd Floor, City Hall 1 Sir Winston Churchill Square Edmonton T5J 2R7


Cat Sitting by

The Cat Lady Call Joan at 451-3384 Let your cat(s) enjoy your holiday in the comfort of their own home.

Want some help with this puzzle? Give us a call 780-757-0993

S P U R R APRIL 2011



Call us to discuss building your dream home.

Allard | Callaghan SW 780.430.0037 Montalet | Beaumont 780.929.2598 Infill Lots - Call us today to 780.450.9898 find out about building in mature neighborhoods

780.450.9898 www.calibermasterbuilder.ca

Come out and Play Full Contact Football


The West Edmonton Raiders

The West Edmonton Raiders Minor Football Association is now registering kids between the ages of 7 and 15 for our new season of full contact football. All equipment is provided, check out our website for more details.

The registration dates and times are as follows: Saturday April 9th,10:00 am - 1:00 pm Saturday April 30th,10:00 am - 1:00 pm Registration will take place at the Aldergrove Community League Hall 8535 - 182 Street

www.westedmontonraiders.com 16

S P U R R APRIL 2011

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