SPURR Vol 4 Issue 8 October 2011

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A good place to be...


Boys and Girls Club of Edmonton Area - West

and development of every child's potential as well as reinforcing in them the opportunities they can have at their disposal. Above all, the West Edmonton Club is a place where kids can feel safe, have fun and learn about themselves and others. CATHERINE MCGUIRE

Interview with Antonia De Boer Program Coordinator Britannia Club: 16030-104 Avenue

Can you explain the Club's motto: “a good place to be” …? The West Boys + Girls Club drop-in centre is for children and youth ages 6-17 years old. The kids we see come from all walks of life. We are culturally, socially and economically diverse and inclusive. Our programs focus on the exploration

You are providing social and personal skill development as well as recreational opportunities… We definitely are wanting to be proactive in our approach with children and youth vs. “putting out fires”. We endeavour to facilitate the healthy development of children, youth and their families by providing safe places, positive relationships, services and opportunities to develop personal strengths and interpersonal skills that enhance their long term success in life.

Insidethis issue



With a Bang!

Your hours and activities? We are open from 3-8pm every weekday with the exception of Thursdays when we're open from 12-5p.m. for a specific Elementary program. On an average day, we have about 40 children and youth. This is approximately 1/2 elementary and 1/2 junior high. We serve a snack and a meal on a daily basis. For some kids, it's their best meal of the day. We offer a number of different programs for members to participate in: sports, crafts, Art Club, Kitchen Club (includes meal planning once per week), Leaders In Training (opportunities to give older kids more ownership of their involvement) and more. We have started a Homework Club that began by one volunteer



Show and Shine!

at the club making themselves available to 'anyone who wants help' and it has grown! We hope to help kids with those kind of 'routines', also help kids one on one with their homework as needed. On our website you'll find our monthly calendar to give you a better idea of the things we do on a daily basis at the West Club. Additional opportunities are available for Club participation at a number of locations throughout the City of Edmonton www.bgcbigs.ca. Your facility has a good sized gym floor, games tables (and huge windows!) and it is conveniently located next door to a Junior High School! Do a lot of kids from there attend this club?


Stop Drop and Roll!

Continued on page 10 INTRODUCING


Bug in Your Ear!



www.thespurr.ca Editor: Jamie Post editor@thespurr.ca Gardening: Michele Hebert gardening@thespurr.ca Community Info: Steve Gauley community@thespurr.ca Business Info: Diane Kereluk business@thespurr.ca SPURR Photographer: Kailey Schwerman photographer@thespurr.ca Advertising: Jim Wooley ads@thespurr.ca

Publisher: Pie Communications Inc. 544, 12222 137 Avenue Ph: (780) 757-0993 Fax: (780) 401-3438 Edmonton, AB, T5L 4X5 www.piecommunications.com

What is SPURR The Stony Plain (road and area) Urban Revitalization Report is a community based newspaper whose mission it is to serve the west-end communities of BritanniaYoungstown, Canora, Glenwood, High Park, Mayfield, & West Jasper / Sherwood along with the Members of the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association. SPURR is a joint initiative for Community & Business Interests of Edmonton’s westend lead by: City of Edmonton Community Services, Neighbourhood Revitalization Project and the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Revitalization Zone. The opinions expressed in the articles appearing in The SPURR are those of the people named as the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of The SPURR, its editor, its publisher, the City of Edmonton or the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Revitalization Zone. For More Information Please Contact: Steve Gauley, Jasper Place Revitalization Coordinator, Office of Great Neighbourhoods City of Edmonton Community Services Dept. 10835 - 120 St. N.W. P.O. Box 2359, Edmonton, AB, T5J 2R7 Ph: 780-944-5417 jprevitalization@edmonton.ca Diane Kereluk, Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association 10043 151 Street. Edmonton, AB, T5P 4Z7 Ph: (780) 477-5169 info@stonyplainroadbrz.ca

PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Without our Advertisers you would not be reading this newspaper. Our Advertisers survive on your business. Please support our advertisers and when you call or visit them please make sure to say you saw them in the SPURR. Thank you.

THE SPURR NEEDS YOU! If you have a story or a photo depicting how life is, was or should be in Edmonton’s west end we would love to hear from you. Please forward your stories to the publishers address above, thank you.



Glenwood's annual Party in the Park has come and gone, with another year of fun, fireworks, and firetrucks. So have Community League events in several neighborhoods - pancakes, fun run/walk and movies in Britannia-Youngstown, as well as membership drives in Canora and West Jasper Place. For most local volunteer groups, September marks the start of a new year of work in our communities, and it's great to see things starting on a high note (or a bang if the fireworks startled you ;). In last month's issue, I mentioned the topic of Area Redevelopment Plans for the communities of Glenwood, Canora, West Jasper Place, and Britannia-Youngstown. ARP's are statutory (established through bylaw) plans to guide/facilitate redevelopment and land use in a specified area. On September 14th, the previous motion made in Council to allocate $1 million in funding for such an undertaking was withdrawn, and a motion passed for city planners to return to Council during budget deliberations with a service package to complete additional area plans, a list of 3-5 year priorities. I'm highlighting the issue as it was highlighted during the creation of the Jasper Place

3 year-old Tristan wants to be Edmonton Fire Rescue Station 23’s newest recruit as he checks out the rig at Glenwood’s “Party in the Park”

Revitalization Strategy, and has received significant attention from local volunteers. On the subject of volunteers and revitalization, a new group is set to hit the streets in Jasper Place. The Friends of Jasper Place, incorporated under the Alberta Society's Act, is a new, non-profit, volunteer driven initiative. The goal of the society is to serve as an inclusive meeting place for area residents to give their time in supporting initiatives and activities focused on creating safe, clean, welcoming communities where residents feel safe, proud, and connected in a community that is a great place to live/work/play. Current action plans for this early stage include creating a volunteer directory for community events and initiatives, serving as a catalyst for community discussions/issues of concern and supporting the work of the


Stony Plain Road BRZ. For more info, or to get involved, you can drop a line at contact@friendsofjasperplace.com, visit FriendsofJasperPlace.com, or watch out for future sponsored articles and submissions in The SPURR. Editors Notes: He's not leaving the SPURR, but he's got more office space. Congratulations to our publisher, Jim Wooley, as he takes on his new role as Executive Director of the West Edmonton Business Association. For info, visit weba.org or email info@weba.org. Just a reminder that the opinions expressed in articles published in The SPURR are those of their respective submitters, and do not necessarily reflect those of The SPURR, its editor, publisher, the City of Edmonton, or the Stony Plain Road BRZ.

Letters to the Editor - We are more than happy to accept letters to the editor regarding living, working, or playing in the communities served by The SPURR. Submissions can be sent to editor@thespurr.ca, and should be no more than 250 words in length.

Dear SPURR Editor, I would like to thank the Glenwood Community for the wonderful "Party in the Park". It was a great family event with activities for all ages, danceable music, good food and beverages, and bottomless popcorn. What more could you ask for on a beautiful fall day? In talking with other people at the event, I learned that it was truly a community event with league members organizing, planning, delivering flyers, cooking, setting up, and welcoming guests. A big thank you to the firefighters who came with their rigs and patiently answered endless questions - they were a huge hit! Can we do this again next year? I hope so.

Please send us your date sensitive event information, we would love to include what we can and it’s FREE.


Sincerely, Ken, a Glenwood resident



Over the last number of years, community members and local businesses have been working towards the revitalization of the Canora, Glenwood, Britannia-Youngstown and West Jasper Place neighbourhoods through volunteering. For example, this past June over seventy area residents, youth, community league representatives and local

businesses contributed their time and efforts to removing over 50 tonnes of garbage from the area. Without these volunteers the

Working Groups. These groups meet once a month and have specific revitalization goals that they are working towards.

community clean up would have not achieved this level of success.

If you or your family would like to contribute to revitalizing your neighbourhood, consider volunteering.

Monday of each month •

Volunteering can take many forms: For example, you could join your neighbours by participating on one of the Jasper Place Revitalization

Connecting our Community Working Group meets the second

Feeling Safe in our Community Working Group meets the second Thursday of each month Building our Community Working Group meets the third Thursday of each month

Other ways to volunteer include bringing your neighbours together to undertake a project that you believe would improve the quality of life in your neighbourhood, such as developing a community garden, painting a mural or planning a neighbourhood celebration event. To assist you, the Jasper Place Revitalization has grants to help make your ideas for improving your neighbourhood a reality. For further info about volunteering and neighbourhood revitalization grants contact Steve Gauley at 780-944-5417, or steve.gauley@edmonton.ca.

FEELING SAFE WORKING GROUP neighbourhoods. Children should always have an adult present while trick-or-treating. Never eat any candy until after it has been inspected by an adult. Remember that Halloween can be frightening for animals, so never approach any stray and be extra kind to every black cat you see! For more Halloween safety tips, visit the Canada Safety Council at www.safety-council.org.

This year fire has been in the news. House and apartment fires in the city, as well as the unprecedented Slave Lake wildfire situation, have been on people's minds. October is Fire Safety Month and presents a good opportunity to review some fire prevention and response tips for your family and home. Many home fires are preventable. Keep combustible articles away from heat sources. Don't overload electrical outlets and never run extension or power cords under carpeting. Have your furnace inspected and install a carbon monoxide detector in your home. If you have a wood burning stove or fireplace, have the chimney cleaned and inspected. Built-up creosote, a byproduct of burning wood, is a common cause of house fires. Change the batteries in your smoke detectors and test them regularly to ensure they are working properly. Each floor of your home should have a smoke detector, ideally with one outside each bedroom. Every kitchen should have a fire extinguisher. When using a fire extin-

guisher, remember to smother the base of the fire, not the flames. Have the extinguisher recharged or replaced if necessary. Keep matches and lighters away from children and never leave candles burning in an unsupervised area.

your family at least once a year to make sure everyone knows what to do and where to meet.

A little prevention effort can go a long way. For more information on fire safety visit Fire Prevention Canada at www.fiprecan.ca or www.about.com Teach your children to “Stop, Drop and enter 'fire safety'. and Roll” if their clothing is on fire. Have a fire escape plan from the Halloween is an exciting time of house and practice with a set year for children. The safest cosmuster point in the yard a safe dis- tumes are made of flame retardant tance from the house. Ensure sec- and reflective materials. Use makeond floor bedrooms have a rope lad- up instead of masks and make sure der to get your family safely to the costumes are not a tripping hazard. ground. Practice a fire drill with Carry a flashlight and stay in familiar

The Feeling Safe in Our Community working group members are area residents who actively work in our neighbourhoods to help raise awareness and be pro-active regarding safety of both people and property. We welcome interested residents to join us. If you have a safety related question or topic you would like to see addressed in this column, please let us know. The Feeling Safe group meets at 6:15pm in the Boardroom at the Community Services Office at 10030 - 167 Street the second Thursday of every month. For more info contact Steve Gauley at 780.944.5417, or email steve.gauley@edmonton.ca.

No experience necessary – just bring your great ideas and enthusiasm to any of the following committees and working groups: Steering Committee r 0WFSTFFT BOE BEWJTFT UIF SFWJUBMJ[BUJPO FGGPSUT underway in Jasper Place r .POUIMZ NFFUJOHT

Help Build Something Great! The Jasper Place Revitalization initiative is looking for energetic community members to be part of a committee and working groups aimed at revitalizing the communities of Canora, Glenwood, Britannia Youngstown and West Jasper Place.


Feeling Safe Working Group r Promote awareness of bylaws and enforcement r 1SPNPUF BOE CVJME PO DPNNVOJUZ TBGFUZ JOJUJBUJWFT

Join a dynamic group of your neighbours and friends to shape the future of Jasper Place! The length of term is flexible and meetings usually last about two hours. To volunteer, please contact Steve Gauley, City of Edmonton, 780.944.5417.



1st Annual Westside Motorcycle Show & Shine

Our first "Show & Shine" was a great success, thanks to all our supporters, volunteers, participants and participating BRZ Members. If you would like to be involved in our program next year please send us an email to stonyplainbrz@telus.net

n o t o m n d E ’ s n he b w e t s s e t r e i h s t in the wes p o h s y Wh t! If you are looking for new places to “Meet & Eat” or “Stop & Shop” the west end has it all. Stony Plain Road and Area has close to 500 businesses in over 60 categories ready to help you Stay, Play, Eat, Meet, Shop, Service … Whatever you need you can find it by checking the business directory at www.StonyPlainRoadBRZ.ca


There are over 50 restaurants to choose from, search “Fast Food” or “Restaurants”.

Car trouble?

We have 23 locations under “Automotive Repair and Maintenance”.

Need a Dentist, or a Doctor?

Check out “Dental”, “Medical” or “Health and Wellness”.

try us out at www.StonyPlainRoadBRZ.ca 4



Here it is, October already. Time to celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends. Then before you know it, the ghouls and goblins will be around. Happy October to everyone. What a month this has been with all of the construction in the alleys and along 104 Avenue. Sometimes we weren't sure which way was open for traffic. However, this was just a taste of what is to come next year when we are scheduled for new roads, curbs, sidewalks and light standards. Thankfully it will finally be our turn. Can't wait to get those new sidewalks. Our Flower Garden Angel, Dale Herman, was caught, greenthumbed, in the middle of the red petunia patch at St. Anne Park. He was busy pulling out all of the chickweed. Great job, Don! Thanks for caring. We really appreciate your help. Canora Park Watch has had a very successful year to date. The

weather was excellent for all of our events this year. We had about 90 kids out for the Easter Egg Hunt in April. Everyone went home with a bag of treats. The Mini-Carnival was a huge success. We sold around 500 hotdogs and donated over $420.00 to the Stollery Children's Hospital. Thanks to everyone for helping with this worthwhile project. Our Safety Fair was attended by many families. It was very nice seeing so many Dads and Moms out with their children. Canora Park Watch is very fortunate to have so many dedicated volunteers. They can always be counted on to support all of the events that are scheduled. Thank you to each and every one of you. CANORA PARK WATCH VOLUNTEERS ROCK! We are busy working on the events for 2012. We will be having a snow shoe event in March, an Easter Egg Hunt in April, our Mini-Carnival in May and another surprise event for August. If you have any suggestions for more events to be held in either St. Anne Park or the Canora


I joined the Edmonton Naturalization Group this year in my effort to help out bugs. The ENG are a group of volunteers growing native plants to naturalize gardens, school yards and parks. You can help by learning more about native plants. They need less watering and are beneficial all the way around, being host plants for butterflies and reliable sources of nectar for bees. The ENG web site is EdmontonNaturalizationGroup.org/. You can also receive the monthly newsletter, Wildflower News, for information regarding native plants and relative events happening in the Edmonton area. This past summer, ladybugs were quite scarce in Edmonton, however my hollyhocks were covered in ladybugs. We can provide natural, safe settings for ladybugs by not using pesticides on their food source, aphids, and by leaving leaves available in the fall for ladybugs S P U R R OCTOBER 2011

to hibernate in. Removing accumulated leaves and natural debris in the fall can result in accidental destruction of overwintering butterfly eggs, caterpillars and pupae. Milbert's Tortoiseshell butterflies are especially attracted to marigolds, and every year, come mid September, they find my marigolds, planted on the south side of the building where I work. Marigolds are one of the last flowers to succumb to frost. Let some nettle grow in your yard, as many beneficial bugs lay their eggs in the old weathered nettles, to hatch in the spring. Nettle is the host plant for the Milbert's Tortoiseshell butterfly. Butterflies that hibernate look for cricks and crannies in buildings, under bark or a nice pile of wood. They usually come out on a warm sunny day in the fall and early spring to soak in the sun, and then head back to hibernate again.

Greenspace, along 149 Street, please let us know at canoraparkswatch@yahoo.ca. The next Canora Park Watch meeting will be held at the Canora Community Hall, 10425-152 St,

on October 18 at 7:00PM. Everyone is invited to come out and join us in planning more events. We are always looking for more input from the neighbourhood as well as new ideas. Come out and join us.


The West Edmonton Local is a new website, providing news, information and conversation from the west end. We are a project of Grant MacEwan University’s journalism program and operate from the school’s Centre for the Arts

and Communications, the giant orange building at the corner of 156th Street and Stony Plain Road. Look for us in your community from 124th Street to the Anthony Henday. We always want to improve, so come check out the site at: w w w.westedmontonlocal.ca and let us know what you think! Please visit us at “www.WestEdmontonLocal.ca

EDMONTON POLICE ENLIST COMMUNITY’S HELP TO DECREASE CRIME KIMBERLY MELO http://westedmontonlocal.ca/2011/09/edmonton-police-enlist-communitys-help-todecrease-crime/

CANORA — The Edmonton Police Service hoping to decrease crime in the west end by enlisting the help of communities. Members of Canora Community Park Watch gathered with officers from Edmonton’s west division on Sept. 20 at a meet-the-police event to create an opportunity for west end citizens and police officers to communicate directly. Canora park watch co-ordinator Deckla Lindgren said the purpose of this event was “to have the police come for us, the citizens, and tell us how we can help the police protect us.” Members of the Edmonton Police Service discussed illegal activity such as drug trafficking, property crime and prostitution, and they discussed how they are working to reduce the rate of these crimes through projects varying from undercover work to social help to drug plans etc. Members of the community were then able to engage in a question-and-answer period to address their personal concerns and find out from the police how to go about dealing with these issues. They were encouraged to report suspicious activity and crimes-inprogress to police. They were also urged to get to know their neighbours and to become familiar with the resources in place to assist with the problem.

Edmonton Police Sgt. James Elkow not only addressed how west end citizens can aid the police with crime reduction, but also how to address their concerns that are not crime-related but are disturbances to community peace. This was an opportunity for police to “show this is who we are and what we do,” said Elkow. “We are here because we care and are concerned.” So far in 2011, West Division Edmonton Police have reduced the level of crime by 28 per cent, compared to 21 per cent in 2010. This was achieved through a policing program created called the Stony Plain Road Beats, which consists of day and night patrols by vehicle, on bicycle and on foot four days a week. The Canora community Meet-thePolice event was one of many that take place in communities all across Edmonton, said Elkow. The turnout at the Canora community meeting exceeded expectations, with about 50 residents in attendance. Police urge citizens throughout Edmonton to contact their local police to set up similar events.

Photo by Kimberly Melo

Acting Sergeant Jerrid Maze kneels beside “asphalt art” being unveiled as part of the city’s new campaign targeting jaywalkers on Tuesday, September 6, 2011. The campaign uses decals depicting a traffic victim in an effort to get pedestrians to use marked crosswalks


COMMUNITY NEWS BRITANNIA-YOUNGSTOWN 15927 - 105 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5P 0T8 Phone: 780-483-8983 bycl.ca Zumba This latin-inspired exercise class started September 22, but it's not too late to join us. The ten-weeksession ends on November 24. Thursdays, 3:00 - 3:45 pm $30 for members, $50 for non-members, drop-in rate of $10. To register, call Evelyn at 780-930-2195 or Kim at 780-481-9621. Gardening Club Next meeting: Thursday, October 6 at 7 pm (first Thursday of each month) Where: Community Hall Cost: Free for members, $10 for non-members The Britannia Youngstown Gardening Club presents: Pruning, with Amanda Chedzoy Learn the basics of pruning your trees and shrubs! Amanda is willing to answer your questions as well! E-mail: gardens@bycl.ca to pre-register! Parents and Tots Looking to meet some other parents in the community? Social development is very important in the earlystages of life for your children - and also for you! We meet weekly on Thursdays from 9:30 am to 11:00 am at the Britannia Youngstown Community Hall (15927 - 105 Avenue) for a Parent & Tot Playtime. Newborn up to school age are all welcome. If you have any questions please email Simone at playgroup@bycl.ca or call 780-628-5630. Free swimming! This fall we return to a weekly evening of free swimming at Jasper Place Pool. Bring your family andtake advantage of this membership benefit. Sundays, 4:00 - 6:00 pm Hall Rentals A lot of work has been done renovating the hall and it looks great. For hall bookings, general inquiries, requests for programs or to join our league, please emailhallrentals@bycl.ca. Need a membership? With new things happening all the time around here, it's a great time to start getting involved with theleague. Send an email tomembership@bycl.cafor your new membership.

Upcoming events Country swing is swinging through the Canora Hall - Sept. 24, 2011 from 8pm-12pm with a toonie midnight lunch. Featuring Calvin Vollrath, Alfie Myhre, Pete Hicks, Richard Chernisky, Ron (Oz) Danyluk, Les Vincent, Ray St, Germain, Darryl Campbell. Tickets can be purchased for $15 at Myhre's music - 8735 118 ave, or Lazaro's Music 15115 Stony Plain Road. Children's Christmas party - Dec 3rd from 10am-2pm with a toonie pancake breakfast, petting zoo, and of course SANTA! Every child from 0-12 years residing within Canora welcome. Please register the children with Christine before Nov 1st, email clovell1991@gmail.com or call after 6pm 780-860-1874. Bingo Caesars West Edmonton Mall Bingo datesSept 18, 5pm - Oct. 14, 5pm - Nov. 7 , 5pm Dec. 3 , 11am. Castle downs bingo dates - Oct. 30, 5pm -- Nov 27, 5pm - Dec 3 , 5pm - Dec 9, 5pm. Board Meeting October 11, 2011 starting at 7pm. Past events Community Day Sept 17, 2011. Thank you so much for all the community residents that came out and purchased a membership, got some information and had a visit with the executives. It was a nice afternoon. - We at Canora want to hear from you, please email us at info@mycanora.com with event ideas, complaints, comments any thing you want to talk to us about. - The Canora Board still is looking for a events director. For more information please contact Tony Lovell at tony@mycanora.com or Shandi at shandi@mycanora.com for more information. - Know someone who has been hospitalized? Had a baby? Lost a loved one? Contact Stella 780-489-6483, Iris 780-489-2-57 or Emma 780484-4771 and let them know. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - even to do one event, one hour, anything you can give us we will take it. Call Virginia 780-489-0979 or Christine 780-860-1874 and let them know. - Calling all Canora youth, Ethan our new youth Director wants your ideas, your time and he will give you volunteer hours. text him at 780-566-5430

CANORA 10425 - 152 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 4P1 Phone: 780-489-6007 MyCanora.com Important Phone Numbers Rink: 780-489-6070 Hall: 780-489-6007 Hall Rentals Inquiries: 780-952-7006 Email: canora11@telusplanet.net Follow us on Facebook too 6

CANORA HAS SOCCER!!!!!!!!!! We are back, starting as soon as we get some coaches. Does your child want to play soccer but is tired of going somewhere out of Canora to play? Become a coach and help the home team stay at home. Please contact Paul 780999-4229 for coach seminar times and dates. THIS is free!!! You can use these coaching strategies in all aspects of your life. Please volunteer, become a coach and help the local kids play soccer!

Neighborhood watch has moved it's Edmonton office. The new address : #100. 9644 - 54 Ave N.W. Phone: 780-433-7458 email: admin@emwatch.ca website: http://enwatch.ca - Please all members or interested members contact Cathy Keenan (780-489-4570) to update your information and fill out the new forms. THERE is no cost to you. Everything must be updated so please contact Cathy for more information. Thank you to all our volunteers!

GLENWOOD 16430 - 97 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5P 0E8 Phone: 780-489-7571 glenwoodcommunityleague.com "PARTY IN THE PARK" and Membership Drive A HUGE SUCCESS ONCE AGAIN! Glenwood's wonderful residents came out en masse for a great afternoon of food and fun and another amazing fireworks show! The weather was beautiful and all in all everyone had a great time! Over 500 hamburgers and hot dogs were served with delicious Taber corn, potato chips and pop. A great big thank you to all our volunteers who helped shuck corn, flip burgers, hand out food, make popcorn and sell tickets. Also, thank you to The Meadowlark Community League for lending us their BBQ and to the Edmonton Fire Department for coming out. A special thanks to Shannon Nichols and the Glenwood Community League Executive for all their hard work! COMMUNITY MEMBERSHIPS MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE YEAR ROUND! Get your $25 per household membership by calling Michele Bugera at 780 439-3169. Seniors 60+ are FREE! Show your community membership card and save with… • Free swim Sundays from 4 - 6 pm at Jasper Place Pool (9200 - 163 Street) • Free skating at Glenwood rink and all outdoor community league rinks • Discount on Glenwood Hall rentals • Ability to register for any adult or children's activity (programs, sports, classes) at Glenwood • Save 15% off City of Edmonton Pools and Leisure Centers multipasses (5 or more) and 20% off monthly and annual passes • Free swimming at various outdoor community pools in July and August GLENWOOD GRIZZLIES ADULT RECREATIONAL HOCKEY TEAM LOOKING FOR PLAYERS The Glenwood Grizzlies are looking for Glenwood residents to play on their men's rec hockey team. Players must live in Glenwood and will need a membership to play contact Clayton Johnson for more information at 780-489-2188 and Michele Bugera at 780-439-3169 to get your membership. S P U R R OCTOBER 2011

COMMUNITY NEWS INTERESTED IN A WINTER JOB IN 2011? We are looking for a rink attendant interested in putting in the rink and taking care of it as well as doing snow removal at the hall this winter (this is a paid position). If you think you might be interested, contact Michele at 780 439-3169 to leave your information so that we can contact you. TUESDAY NIGHT EUCHRE Euchre is a “trick-taking� card game played in groups of 4 with partners. Beginners are welcome because the more players, the better! Join us Tuesday night at the Glenwood Community Hall. Registration is at 6:30pm, games begin at 7pm. HALL RENTAL Are you hosting a birthday party? Baby or bridal shower? Family reunion? Family Christmas Party? Consider renting the Glenwood Community Hall. The Hall seats 80 at tables; 100 people in theatre style seating. We offer FREE WiFi in our community hall. For more information, see our website at www.glenwoodcommunityleague.com and go to the Hall Rental tab for photos and prices. Call the Facility Director, Charlotte, at 444-0411 for reservation. Must be a member in good standing. ASSISTED WASTE AND RECYCLE PROGRAM The City of Edmonton offers a free door side waste collection service for seniors and people with restricted mobility who have difficulty getting their garbage and recycling to the curb. For more information or to sign up for this free service, call 780 496-5698 or visit www.edmonton.ca/waste.

HIGH PARK 11032 - 154 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 2K1 Phone: 780-484-4646 highparkcommunity.com Pre-School Registration 2011-2012 September 28th from 6:00 - 9:00 Register your child/children, between the ages of 30 months and 4 years, in our parent cooperative preschool, please contact Paula at 780-479-6929, 780-242-2124 or High Park Community at 780-484-4646. Or email preschool@highparkcommunity.com

Bingos are a necessary source of income for our community. Volunteer for a bingo & receive community credits to use for recreational, and wellness activities for your children, yourself or your spouse!

Contact Information Community League President: Bergstrom 780 450-2347 or mayfield.community@gmail.com.

Upcoming bingo dates: Oct 4 (5:00 - 12:00), Nov 5 (5:00 - 12:00), Jan 27 (5:00 - 12:00) To volunteer, contact Val at 780-244-5870. Alternate dates and times are also available on shorter notice throughout the year

The Mayfield community League is also on Face book at Mayfield Community ~ Edmonton. Or call the hall and leave a message (780 - 483-4675)

Board Meetings Held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. All Members of High Park Community are Welcome to attend! HALL RENTALS Main Hall - Weddings/ Weekend $450.00 Daily Rentals - 8hrs $300.00 Upstairs meeting room - 8hrs (No Kitchen) $100.00. A matching CASH ONLY damage deposit is required as well. If you have any questions or wish to view the hall please contact Janice Gargas @ 780-489-4753 between 5pm & 8pm. If you are interested in becoming more involved, we are looking to fill the following volunteer positions: Hall Rentals, Treasurer, Programs! Please contact Janice Gargas if you are interested at 780-489-4753 between 5 - 8pm Adult Drop-In All adults welcome. Drop in, have a cup of coffee and a visit! Wednesdays - 12:30pm - 3:30pm High Park Community Hall For information, call Joan at 780-489-5419 CASINO - JANUARY 29 & 30, 2012 These are the dates for our next Casino. If you are interested in volunteering your time please contact Naida Woychenko at 780-487-8767. Reminder - Community Membership Allows you to enjoy 5 free swims at any City of Edmonton pools!!

MAYFIELD Softball Winter Camps Registration - Tuesday October 4th, 2011 7:00 - 8:00 pm High Park Community Hall $200.00 per child, Deposit of $50.00 at registration, $50.00 Nov 1st. Balance due January 15, 2012 Camps Start October 22, 2011 (consists of 19 sessions). For more info, please contact Tom Clooney at 780-399-8699 High Park Preschool Silent Auction Saturday November 19, 2011. Tickets $15.00 each, includes dinner, dance, silent auction. Call 780-484-4646 and leave a message for Paula. High Park Preschool Craft and Bake Sale Saturday December 3rd, 2011. To rent a table please contact Paula at 780-242-2124 or 780-484-4646 to leave message.


10941 - 161 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 1G2 Phone: 780-483-4675 mayfieldcommunityleague.com Mayfield Community League Board Meeting October 6th at 7:00pm Membership BBQ Was held on Sept 17 at 5:00pm, thank you to all the community members who came out and bought there 2011/2012 membership and had a hotdog. The Membership drive was held on Sept 13th and it was a great success. If your house was not canvassed we do apologize, our limited volunteers did the best they could and showed a great amount of determination in getting to as many houses as they did. Thank you to all our volunteers from both the membership drive as well as the BBQ you were a great help!

Kristy e-mail

Bingo Mayfield is always looking for volunteers to work. The credit you receive can be used towards Mayfield Community classes and even children's programs outside our community. Please call Grace at 780-486-480. Hall Rentals Currently we do not have a Hall Rental chairperson so we are not able to rent out our Hall. If you are interested in volunteering please come to the next board meeting October 6th at 7:00pm. Community Memberships If you wish to purchase a membership please call Angela at 780-760-5131 to pick one up. Families - $25.00 Singles - $15.00 Seniors - $10.00 Zumba Funnest Fitness Ever! Zumba Starts Sept 18th 7pm to 8pm Where - Mayfield Hall Latin Dancing/ a Party Workout 10 weeks for $105.00 Call Bonnie for more info at 780 489 3254 Yoga Every Tuesday at the Hall. 6:30 to 7:45 PM Call Fran for info 780-484-1476 Seniors Carpet Bowling Tuesdays and Thursdays For more information call Doreen @ 780-486-1833 or Marlene @ 780-484-5728 If you are interested in playing cards, there will be tables set up for games such as crib, hearts or any other games you enjoy playing, but please bring your own luck cards. Park Committee They are still looking for people to help, all ages and time commitments welcome. Contact Trevor Waddell at tdwaddell@shaw.ca or 780-233-6800 if you want to join the committee or if you have any questions, Mayfield Crafts Every 3rd Saturday of the Month, the hall will be open from 10:00am to 4:00pm for anyone interested in doing scrapbooking, knitting, drawing or any other crafty activities. Call Deidre at (780) 486-1477 if you have any questions. Skating Rink We are trying something new for the skating rink this year, if you are interested in participating in our new action plan, please call the hall at 780-483-4675 and leave a message for Cheryl, or you could come to the next board meeting on Oct 6th at 7:00pm.


COMMUNITY NEWS Door Prizes, 40 games and chances to win prizes. Cash prizes include 2 early birds, 2 bonanzas, and 1 odd 9620 - 152 Street even game. Children will not be Edmonton, AB T5P 4N9 allowed to play for cash prizes as Phone: 780-483-2815 per Alberta Gaming & Liquor Regulations. Doors open at 11:00 Membership Fees remain the same. Family am, Bonanza pre call begins at membership is $25.00, Single noon. followed by the early birds. membership is $15.00 and Regular games start at 1:00 pm. senior membership is $5.00 per person. Call Jim at 780-489-7596 TOD and Infill Guidelines Impact on or Jack at 780-429-2021 to West Jasper Place: After our recent meeting with Planning purchase your membership WEST JASPER / SHERWOOD

However everyone is welcome. All programs are offered at the community league hall CARDS 1. Whist on Wednesday afternoons from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm 2. Whist on Sunday evenings from 7:00pm to 10:00pm The cost is $1.00. Coffee and snacks provided CRIBBAGE TOURNAMENTS Tournaments are held the first and third Wednesday of every month from 7:00pm to 10:00pm. The cost is $5.00 per person. Prizes are awarded based on number of participants. If you have any questions about the seniors programs, please call Shirley at 489-8945

on July 19th, 2011, we were given a map detailing the areas affected by TOD (transit oriented development). The impact was worse than what we had been told. We also marked the proper-

ties affected by the infill guidelines. According to our analysis, we could lose up to 62% of our single detached houses to redevelopment for apartments and multi-family dwellings! That would reduce our single family dwellings to only 13% and the multi-family dwellings (including apartments) to 87%! This is completely unacceptable. It will not only destabilize our community, but destroy its character and history. City council and planning have an obligation to enforce our Newman's Resolution. DEEP SEWER As many residents along 151 Street are aware there is a deep sewer that runs down the center of the street. The city is underway with upgrading


the sewer. It will begin at 92 Avenue and head north to 99 Avenue, at which time it turns east and continues to the Gold Bar water treatment plant. This project begins September, 2011 and will be approximately 2 years in duration, depending on ground conditions. North and south bound traffic along 151 Street for approximately 40 meters south of 99th Avenue, and east bound traffic along 99th Avenue for approximately half a block west of 151st Street will be blocked for the project operations. New infrastructure in this area will be delayed until the project is complete. Further information may be obtained by phoning: Junhao Zou, Project Manager, Drainage Services, at 780-944-0039


To place your business card or your classified ads please email us at ads@thespurr.ca

Community Services Beavers, Cubs and Scouts for boys and girls meet Tuesday evening from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Britannia/Youngstown Community League Hall, 15927 - 105 Ave. Beavers age 5, 6 & 7, cubs, 8, 9 & 10., Scouts, 11, 12, & 13 For more information please call Rainbow at 780-459-3153.

Ebenezer United Church 16302 106 Avenue. Edmonton T5P 0W9 Phone 780-489-5803 Church Service, Sunday at 11 a.m. List your Non-profit group for $99 per year (*some conditions apply).

Special event listings FREE for non-profits, otherwise classified rates and some conditions apply.


CARPET BOWLING Come and get some exercise on Mondays from 1:00pm to 3:00pm The cost is $1.00 per person

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Soccer Registration Contact Jim at 489-7596 for further information Programs The Community League has a new program director. We look forward to hearing from you as to what programs we should be holding. Swimming Your 2010-2011 membership allows your family to swim FREE at Jasper Place pool on Saturday evenings from 6:00pm to 7:00 pm starting Sept 10, 2011. Please remember to bring your membership card for admittance. The pool will be closed from Nov to Feb. The community is seeking an alternate location for our members to enjoy swimming during the closure.




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Cat Sitting by

The Cat Lady Call Joan at 451-3384 Let your cat(s) enjoy your holiday in the comfort of their own home.


Sherwood Elementary School Sherwood School is accepting registration for kindergarten to Grade 6. Please call the school at 489-2600. Community Bingo DEC 18, 2011 at the hall (9620152Street). Children 8 and older can participate with an adult. Special children's only game. 8


Jasper Gates is the next generation of urban homes in Edmonton: flexible spaces, designed by local firm CK Design, nine foot ceilings, two-way fireplaces, acoustic upgrades, safe and secure heated underground parkade with storage and bike wash. And Jasper Gates, located just off of Stony Plain Road & 150 Street, is only 5 minutes from downtown. Jasper Gates is also bringing a new retail experience at street level. The new LRT station will be less than 100 feet from your door, while the Stony Plain Road streetscape is being renovated from 149th to 156th. The River Valley Trail System is just minutes away for runners, cyclists… and dogs. It’s a new way to live in the city.


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Yes, it's a great location for our Drop In program. We've been at this location since it's dedication opening in 1996 and we share the building with 2 other agencies. We serve families from many neighbourhoods in the west end. We also run a facilitated peer support series called 'Parent Talk' in various community locations. This program is designed to give tools and information on parenting your children and teens as well as to encourage friendships. We also have a series on parenting available specifically for teen mothers. Effective July 1st of this year, the West Edmonton Boys & Girls Club is part of the newly amalgamated Boys & Girls Clubs - Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton & Area. The reason for this was that we realized that we serve a common demographic of kids and youth and that in coming together we would better be able to support our kids, families and volunteers.

This may be information on discount sport equipment or clothing, health and (youth) career information. We are also a (small scale) food bank depot as well as a “Coats for Kids” depot (sponsored by the United Way) in the winter. Sometimes it's just making people aware of “what's out there” for instance the City's (discount) Leisure Access pass for families. Not long ago I was having a child interpret to his immigrant parent how to apply for this - very interesting! As well, last year we utilized the local community leagues' skating rink on a frequent basis for our kids + we provided the skating equipment. I hope to do the same this winter!

fit from these services has access to them in a way that is safe, supervised and intentional in its delivery. From your perspective………. what is most satisfying or challenging about what you do?

We run a “family night” every couple of months asking people to come in with a dish from their tradition or teach us to cook. All the children and youth are included even if their parents are not in Also, rather than competing for attendance. It is great learning and the same funds we'll now be able does a lot to celebrate the to pool our resources and hopeful- strengths that individuals have. ly reach more kids and families. We are now united to “continue the important work of providing the children and youth of our community with caring relationships and safe places”.

I have the greatest job! Where else can you come in the door and meet with so many great kids and youth + play basketball to start your day (for instance!) it is especially rewarding when kids are reaching milestones and want to share them with you. Recently, some of the girls graduating from grade 9 came over all dressed up in their grad gowns to show us. It's a blessing to get to know these kids and be a part of their lives. Like most non-profits, a challenge has been budget wise which affects staffing cuts + ratios with kids, but we're working with what we've got. We value volunteers!

How is Boys and Girls Club involved with the Big Brothers' Big Sisters' programming ? At present we are working on a strategic plan to assess the needs of our children throughout the city and to see how we can work together with our programs whether it is through “in school” mentors or site-based programming. With regard to the traditional 'one on one matching' Big Brothers, Big Sisters program, at this time, we have the application forms for families to fill out for their convenience. We understand that the wait list for a child/youth to be matched with a 'one on one' mentor can take some time, especially the wait for male mentors! Do you provide community connections and information for families? Yes, we provide access to community resources for youth or families in need of services.


Apart from the programming and services you deliver, what would be on your wish list for your agency? For those you serve here in the West end? We also have celebrated birthdays for kids who don't have the opportunity to have that in their lives, in that, we work on bridging the relationship(s) with families. We work with other professionals in providing presentations on issues or trends that come up from time to time, eg personal hygiene, smoking, identifying healthy relationships. We also have a community support worker who is available to work with the children/youth and their families with regard to issues or stressors needing additional support.

What is the cost for your programs? There is NO COST to families. However, the parents, where possible, donate their time and/or expertise to our community supper events or donate used toys or equipment. The reason why B + G does what it does… Children and youth do better in life when they have positive role models and supportive environments. Our goal is to ensure that every child who could bene-

We would love to see more community partnerships and involvement! It would be great to have opportunities to have conversations with those that are on the same page with regard to serving children and youth in the community, to find out what's happening and to discuss ideas. If you have any questions about how you can connect with our Club specifically, please contact me. We would also love to see more family and neighbourhood involvement, where we are all looking out for the well-being of


BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OF EDMONTON & AREA - WEST How can others become involved with what you are doing? What specific volunteer needs do you have?

the young people in our community. We see some families near the end of the month utilizing resources because they need to and I have observed that not all families are as engaged as they could be, so we look to create those networks of information and sharing.

There are many single parent mothers working hard, full time and I don't know how they do it! It is a privilege to be able to support them through our Club. Those that have come out are rallying around the good in this community that comes through by investing and caring about their neighbours.

We are always looking for volunteers and have a variety of needs! If you're interested in helping run/participate in some of our programs: Art Club, Kitchen Club, Sports & Games (or if you have an idea of your own), we would love for you to be a part of it! We are very flexible with people's schedules eg doing a craft for a short time or to give a few hours to interact with the kids. We can also use help with cooking and cleaning around the building “)

If you are interested in becoming either a volunteer or a mentor for kids with the Big Brother/Big Sister Program, you would use the same volunteer form. It's an online application: Go to our website: www.bgcbigs.ca Click on Boys & Girls Club. Then click on Volunteering and you'll be directed from there. Thank you Antonia for sharing with us about Boys + Girls Clubs WEST - Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Edmonton + Area.

You can call me directly with any questions: Antonia De Boer: 780.801.0934

THE DIRTY GARDENER Change is good. If a plant doesn't perform like it should, it gets turfed (composted) and replaced. Many plant species are being developed with the northern climate in mind; I put in two grape vines a few weeks ago, getting them at a greatly reduced price as it was late in the season. I love a bargain. I'll give an update next Summer as to how they do.


This month is about giving thanks for all that is good in our lives. For a gardener, this past growing season has been a bit rough what with all the rain and mosquitoes that hampered our efforts in the garden. My roses apparently loved the rain, as they were quite spectacular this year. Same goes for my lilies. I ordered some lily bulbs in the Spring, Pretty Woman they were called, and what a show and fragrance they gave. Huge white blossoms that I could smell from many feet away, and brought a smile to my face every time I stepped out onto my deck. Mother Nature did her magic in my yard, and for that I am very grateful. The dragonflies were outstanding this year, constantly flitting about my yard, voraciously gobbling up the mosquitoes. I bought two more bird baths this year, and I think they helped in attracting the dragonflies. My long-time girlfriend, Trudy, has submitted an article on bugs and insects, and has some good ideas on how to attract them to your yard. Give her article a read, please. S P U R R OCTOBER 2011

Many thanks to those of you who read my column each month. I welcome feedback, positive or negative, and wish to know what you would like to read about regarding any gardening topic. You can reach me at gardening@thespurr.ca Until next month, Happy Gardening…… This year I grew six hills of potatoes in one of my raised veggie beds (I have four), and got a couple of dinners' worth from them. Next year I will put in more hills. I had limited space this year as I had to babysit some perennials in my veggie beds as Rod decided to build a bigger garage, and many of my perennials had to be moved to make way for the "Man Cave" (grunt, grunt). I hope to move them back near the new garage soon, or at least in the early spring. Thank you, Rod, for creating a new landscaping project for me, truly. I love to create new spaces in my gardens. 11


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