1. Encourage and promote green building and sustainable design practices, to helpcreate a livable, walkable and sustainable community along Stony Plain Road and surrounding area. 2. Create an easily accessible destination by foot, bike, public transit and vehicle. Acknowledge and enhance Stony Plain Road’s dual role as a destination and as a gateway to Downtown. 3. Encourage and promote quality architecture and urban design in the area. Stony Plain Road Urban Design Vision 4. Provide wide sidewalks with a variety of streetscape elements to enhance the pedestrian experience and to encourage extensive pedestrian traffic. 5. Create a community for everyone, including families, working professionals, seniors and students by creating a vibrant public realm with a variety of activities, public spaces and opportunities for interaction. 6. Enhance the connection to the North Saskatchewan River valley through improved wayfinding and an extended, marked bicycle pathway. 7. Encourage investment in the area through public-private partnerships and public investment. 8. Create a public gathering space that is highly connected to the pedestrian shopping street and to the surrounding neighbourhoods. 9. Maintain on-street parking opportunities to support local businesses and to provide a buffer between pedestrians and vehicular traffic. 10. Ensure the future LRT line becomes an asset to the village character proposed for Stony Plain Road. Ensure the creation of a pedestrian friendly interface with the future LRT line and stations.
With the help of community volunteers the Jasper Place Revitalization is building momentum. In the month of June there were a number of activities geared towards revitalizing the area. On June 11, 2011 the Jasper Place Revitalization in partnership with the Stony Plain Road Business Revitalization Zone, LuvEdmonton and the Community Leagues for Canora, Glenwood, West Jasper Place and Britannia Youngstown held a community
clean up. Over 70 volunteers contributed their time to manning garbage bins and picking up litter throughout the neighbourhoods. An Open House was held on June 15, 2011 to present a draft Urban Design Vision for Stony Plain Road. The area for the vision includes the Stony Plain Road corridor from 149 Street to 170 Street, including the area between 102 Avenue and 100 Avenue. The visioning exercise began in 2008 and is a result of the community and business-owner
Insidethis issue
EDITORIAL page 2 Info Sessions and Playoff Games!
feedback gathered through charrettes, working session, interviews and open houses. Next steps involve preparing a streetscaping plan with construction to follow. Supported with a grant from the City of Edmonton, “Health and Safety in the Park” was held on June, 21, 2011 in Butler Park. The event was held on National Aboriginal Day and incorporated numerous activities from the Aboriginal Community including drummers, dancers, arts and crafts
BRZ UPDATE page 3 A little about now!
and bannock making. A goal of the event was to bring the community together to celebrate diversity and the Aboriginal Culture. None of the initiatives would have been successful without the hard work of community members and volunteers. Thank You! To help shape the future of the neighbourhoods of Canora, Glenwood, West Jasper Place, and Britannia Youngstown, consider volunteering by contacting Steve Gauley at 9445417, or steve.gauley@edmonton.ca.
Continued from last month.
THE DIRTY GARDENER page 5 Summer Pruning.
S P U R R • J U LY / A U G 2 0 1 1 VOLUME 4 ISSUE 6
Maintain on-street parking opportunities to support local businesses and to provide a buffer between pedestrians and vehicular traffic.
www.thespurr.ca Editor: Jamie Post editor@thespurr.ca Gardening: Michele Hebert gardening@thespurr.ca Community Info: Steve Gauley community@thespurr.ca Business Info: Diane Kereluk business@thespurr.ca SPURR Photographer: Kailey Schwerman photographer@thespurr.ca Advertising: Jim Wooley ads@thespurr.ca
Publisher: Pie Communications Inc. 544, 12222 137 Avenue Ph: (780) 757-0993 Fax: (780) 401-3438 Edmonton, AB, T5L 4X5 www.piecommunications.com
What is SPURR The Stony Plain (road and area) Urban Revitalization Report is a community based newspaper whose mission it is to serve the west-end communities of BritanniaYoungstown, Canora, Glenwood, High Park, Mayfield, & West Jasper / Sherwood along with the Members of the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association. SPURR is a joint initiative for Community & Business Interests of Edmonton’s westend lead by: City of Edmonton Community Services, Neighbourhood Revitalization Project and the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Revitalization Zone. The opinions expressed in the articles appearing in The SPURR are those of the people named as the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of The SPURR, its editor, its publisher, the City of Edmonton or the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Revitalization Zone. For More Information Please Contact: Steve Gauley, Jasper Place Revitalization Coordinator, Office of Great Neighbourhoods City of Edmonton Community Services Dept. 10835 - 120 St. N.W. P.O. Box 2359, Edmonton, AB, T5J 2R7 Ph: 780-944-5417 jprevitalization@edmonton.ca Diane Kereluk, Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association 10043 151 Street. Edmonton, AB, T5P 4Z7 Ph: (780) 477-5169 info@stonyplainroadbrz.ca
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Without our Advertisers you would not be reading this newspaper. Our Advertisers survive on your business. Please support our advertisers and when you call or visit them please make sure to say you saw them in the SPURR. Thank you.
THE SPURR NEEDS YOU! If you have a story or a photo depicting how life is, was or should be in Edmonton’s west end we would love to hear from you. Please forward your stories to the publishers address
In June, City of Edmonton staff held a public information session for the upcoming urban design/street-scape work on Stony Plain Road. The Bruins and Canucks were also going at it that night, and since there are no bylaws prohibiting info sessions from conflicting with playoff games, you can be forgiven for not attending, even I was out the door for the drop of the puck. The info is available on the City's website, just search for Jasper Place Revitalization. There are some points from the presentation which I feel deserve to be highlighted, both for their importance to local revitalization, and the lobbying efforts which have gone on behind-the-scenes and at public meetings to further the issues:
Please send us your date sensitive event information, we would love to include what we can and it’s FREE.
Encourage and promote quality architecture and urban design in the area Widen sidewalks and enhance the pedestrian realm with canopies, street trees, pedestrian lighting, crosswalks and street furniture
Create a focal “town centre,” containing retail, open space, transit connections and opportunities for public interaction A redevelopment of the Butler Park/Jasper Place Transit Terminal area was incorporated in the original Jasper Place Revitalization Strategy. The area now exists in many ways isolated from its community and the surrounding area, and outside of access to public transportation, it offers little to none else to draw people in. Some things are starting to happen, but they remain just 'things' if there's nobody to use them, or push for their creation. Now go out and enjoy the weather before it starts snowing again in a couple months :).
C A N O R A PA R K WAT C H I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer, in spite of the mosquitoes. We must enjoy these lovely warm days and evenings because the days are getting shorter already. Yikes. Our 4th annual mini-carnival was a huge success. I would like to thank all of our volunteers who have worked so long and hard to make it happen. I would also like to thank everyone who took the time to come out and enjoy the entertainment, the food, the fun and the lovely sunny weather. A huge THANK YOU to Constables James Shaw and Will Burroughs for giving us a hand cooking all of those hot dogs. It was very nice to see Heather Klimchuk and Josie come out to join us. We donated $429.43 to the Stollery Children's Hospital from this event. We could not have accomplished this without your support. Way to Go.
above, thank you.
A point which has been made over and over again since WLRT design work began calling for the elimination of what limited on-street parking is already available to local businesses. On a road which sees the traffic volume one would expect of a major corridor into a downtown core, I believe we can all attest to being uncomfortable waking next to rapidly moving vehicle traffic without a buffer, just as easily as business owners can testify to the difficulty of doing business without their location being accessible to all. I do hope that work being done on this issue becomes a long-term solution, and not a short-term benefit to be eliminated at the start of LRT construction.
While I've never had to, or tried to manoeuvre a scooter, walker, carriage or wheel chair down a narrow and obstructed sidewalk, it's easy to see some fatal flaws in the current street-scape and building setbacks when it comes to providing accessibility to all. It's long-overdue for improvements to be made in this regard.
We really appreciate the flower garden fairy or fairies for helping to keep the weeds in check at St. Anne. Park. The flowers are looking very nice. Thank you.
Our Surprise Event for August will be a Safety Fair at St. Anne Park, 153 St and 102 Ave. It will be on August 27 from 1:00 to 3:30PM. We will be having information on car seat safety, sun safety, pedestrian safety as well as helmet fitting. We are hoping to have a fire truck, a police car, and an ambulance come out. There will also be representatives from the various City of Edmonton departments with their pertinent information. There will also be fun games and prizes for the children as well as face painting. There may still even be a few more surprises. Refreshments will be served. Come out and join us for this great back to school event. We are having a Meet the Police night on September 20 at Canora Community Hall from 7:00 to 8:30PM.
Come out and hear what is happening in our neighbourhood from the policemen involved in our area. There will be a short presentation by the police followed by a question and answer period. Everyone is welcome so come out and let the police know that we care about what happens in our community. Refreshments will be provided. The next meeting of Canora Park Watch is on August 16 at St Anne Park, 153 St and 102 Ave, at 7:00PM. Everyone is welcome to attend. You can contact us at canoraparkswatch@yahoo.ca or call the Canora Hall at (780)489 6007 and leave a message for Canora Park Watch. Enjoy the rest of the summer.
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A little about now Keeping streets clean with Kids on Track, OSP and Christian Care Centre Youth Group Three new outdoor patios either have arrived or are coming soon: Pharo's • DD's Pub • Café Rista DIANE KERELUK (780) 477-5169
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6 14 7 4 15 8 6 1 27 1 12 11 1 10 5 2 30 2 9 15 3 4 6 5 1 27 6 12 2 1 5 3 41 17 9 20 3 2 6 14 7 11 7 3 2 8 3 12 2 14 11 43 1 3 8 4 4 4 3 7 2
Flower planter - This has been a successful pilot project with Alpine Greenhouse and now that we have achieved the presentation and watering arrangements we have been striving for, next year we will increase the number of planters to 150 so that we can supply each business block with three planters.
And there is more Street beautification moving forward: Phase I Construction 149 St. to 153 St. Stony Plain Road - 2012 153 St. to 158 St. Stony Plain Road - 2013 Phase II Planning 158 St. to 170 St.- 2013 New façade for South Block Building from 151 St. to 152 St. Stony Plain Road Four events per year One per season Fall • Summer • Winter • Spring One per area East wing (138 St to 143 St Stony Plain Road) Central (146 St to 156 St Stony Plain Road) Midway (157 St. to 163 St. Stony Plain Road) West Wing (164 St. to 170 Stony Plain Road & 100 Avenue) Next Event First Annual West Side Motorcycle Rally
KIDS ON TRACK Continued from last issue Interview with Linda Roussel Executive Director of “Kids on Track”
What are the main features of the Kids on Track programs and where are they held? Kids On Track is a unique blend of social, recreational/educational and spiritual programs that have been developed for service to the community at large. Children and youth from any faith or cultural background are welcome at our programs. Enriching relationships and positive role modeling encourages children in their character development. Our offices and some of our programs are currently located in People's Church at 15641-96 Ave. We also hold programs in community schools and halls. Barriers to participation such as transportation and registration fees have been addressed in our program delivery, increasing the opportunities for all children to be able to participate!
For children… We have “Kids Character Clubs” which are held weekly in elementary schools during the lunch hour and after school, during early dismissal day. Currently our staff and volunteers lead a weekly club at nine schools in West Edmonton. Children benefit immensely from the consistent contact with mentoring adults who provide a safe environment for them while they meet new friends, problem solve the challenges in their lives and explore and express christian values and beliefs. They learn how to participate in and enjoy recreational activities. Clubs may include stories, games, drama, crafts, and snacks. Because the group is together for the year, and often for several consecutive years, stability is established for children whose lives are disrupted or chaotic. Parents have been very enthusiastic about the character clubs. They are free, accessible, and supportive. Registration forms and times are available at the school offices. Several of our schools have clubs filled to capacity with a waiting list. Other schools have requested clubs but we are unable to provide more clubs without further resources.
We also provide school assembly presentations called “Character Connex” , where we give a highenergy presentation capturing all the senses, featuring video, skits, puppets, games, illusions and audience participation. Students leave with a better understanding of why honesty, kindness, respect, responsibility, as well as other good character traits are important to exercise and cherish. Here is a comment we've received: “Being a single parent, I cannot begin to express how appreciative I am for having the program in our lives. My boy was once disruptive and discouraged. Because of Kids on Track, I now have a young man who is confident, self-assured, and an asset to himself and his community”. Marie, single parent. For teens… We have “KOT Youth”. It is held every Friday night from 7-9 pm. Recreational activities are structured to help teenagers develop positive peer relations, and mentoring relationships with adult role models. In the summer months a full recreational day per week is added to the programming. This allows us time to do more extensive field trips in and around the community. The quarters where we meet for KOT Youth are a bit cramped! We are currently looking for a new space that has a gymnasium where we can enjoy being active. Parents are included as well…? Yes, we host a monthly “Family Rally” dinner and activities at no cost When? One Saturday evening a month from 5:30 - 8:00 see calendar online for future dates www.kidsontrack.org Where: Peoples Church 15641 - 96 Ave.
enjoy the activities. These include a variety of creative theatre mediums such as fast paced dramas, puppets, games and music designed specifically to promote character development and often to reflect and celebrate learnings from the weekly clubs. Meanwhile, in the “Parent Café”, parents engage in activities they have selected. They appreciate a time to unwind, share with other parents as well as glean from experienced parents in the community. Some activities have been a twist hockey tournament, financial budgeting information, parenting videos on raising teenagers and a “beauty” time for the Moms. We have been pleased to meet a number of new immigrant parents in the community who heard about us because their children (through our school programs) have made them aware! It's not always easy for people to read flyers if English is not their first language. People can refer their new Canadian neighbours to join us for a community meal. Year round …? Yes, in combination with the monthly family rallies, we also host several special celebrations throughout the year: The Mother's Day Tea, the Family Picnic in June, a Thanksgiving Dinner and Christmas Dinner & Black light Puppet Show. These are all family favorites! What about 'getting to' the rallies and the celebrations? Families have the potential of missing out of these celebrations due to lack of funds, transportation or the ability to plan a family event. We provide transportation for selected programs north of the river up to 118 Avenue and west of 124th Street. So, to book a ride by bus, call the BOOK-A-BUS hotline: 780-481-2942 ext.1
Includes dinner, activity program for children, the Parent Café and pre-schoolers child care.
I understand you have additional programming…
At Kids on Track we recognize the vital importance of connecting families in the community. By participating in events as a family, positive memories and connections are created… A delicious and nutritous meal kicks off the evening with food shared around a family table, then grades 1-6 split off and
Yes, we have “Rainbows” which is a 6-week support group to help children recover from grief following divorce, separation, or death and “Prisms” a group that helps parents get on the same page as their kids by learning how to respond appropriately to their child's grief. This runs once a
week on a selected evening. Our next session will start in October 2011 & “LITE” Leader In Training Experience for teens: The LITE program includes training workshops, work experience and team building activities. Teens work on leadership skills and character development that in turn enhances their self-esteem and future career opportunities. When youth are looking for a challenging, engaging opportunity to become involved in their community, the LITE program is there for them. Many graduates of this program go on to become summer staff and adult volunteers. as well as…Summer Day Camps + one week Ranch Camp:
Our summer programs offer affordable, fun, safe activities. For seven weeks children (grades 1-6) can get out of their neighborhoods and experience all the wonderful places and activities that Edmonton has to offer. The cost per child per day is: $10.00 - for fieldtrip admissions, snacks, & transportation - we think it's a great deal!! The summer culminates with a one-week camp filled with adventure, good food, and caring adults! Insert PHOTO of Kids camp Is this cost still a problem for some families? We have various ways to make arrangements with parents who register their children for the day camps. One of the biggest ways is to gather pledges and do the annual fundraiser walk with us. In any case, we don't want finances to get in the way of your child attending, so come and talk to me! Thank you for sharing with us all about Kids on Track Linda
Interview by Catherine McGuire Community Building Social Worker Community Building - West
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Author: Jasper Place Revitalization Feeling Safe in the Community Working Group
Welcome to the Feeling Safe In Our Community column! Our group is one of three working groups comprised of area residents under the Jasper Place Revitalization Strategy. We are excited to have this new forum in the SPURR to share information and ask for ideas about how residents can feel safe in our community. Our group is interested in learning of resident concerns and addressing them by increasing awareness and connecting with various city agencies who can help. Successful projects of the Feeling Safe In Our Community group were their involvement with the Community Clean-Up event of 2010, and the safety survey in 2010-11, in which residents voiced their concerns with their
neighbourhoods. Our meetings are held at the Community Services Office located at 10030 167 Street the second Thursday of every month (except July). The meeting begins at 6:15pm. We • welcome all area residents to come and join us and see how we • can work together and help raise awareness of safety issues in our community. For more information, please contact Steve Gauley • at 780-944-5417, or email steve.gauley@edmonton.ca. Neighbourhood Watch has a • number of crime prevention tips to help raise awareness of safety issues. With vacation season underway, please take a few minutes to review these • helpful suggestions provided by Neighbourhood Watch to prepare your home for your holiday absence. • Vacation Safety An empty house is a tempting target for a burglar. Use this • checklist of tips to help safeguard your home while you're away. • Have good locks on all doors and windows and use them! • Ask a trusted neighbour to watch the house while you're
away. It is a good idea to leave your vacation address and phone number with them so you can be reached in case of an emergency. Never leave your house keys hidden outside your home. Stop all deliveries, or arrange for a neighbour to pick up your mail, newspapers and packages. Arrange for someone to mow your lawn, rake leaves and maintain the yard to give the home a lived-in look. Plug in timers to turn lights and a radio or television on and off at appropriate times. This helps to disguise the fact that you are away. Turn the bell or ringer on your phone down low. If a burglar is around, he won't be alerted to your absence by a ringing phone. Don't announce your absence on answering machine messages. Leave your blinds, shades, and curtains in a normal position. Ask a neighbour to occasionally park their car at your home as you normally would. Vehicles parked outside should be moved occasionally
to appear that they are being used. Secure storage sheds and gates.
Travel Safety • If you are driving, make sure your vehicle has been properly serviced and is in suitable condition for the journey. • Try to have specific directions and routes to your destination. • Keep your vehicle doors and windows locked. • At stop lights and other traffic delays, leave enough space in front of your vehicle so that you have an escape option in case of an emergency. • Let someone know the route you intend to travel and your itinerary. This will help authorities in locating you if there is a need to do so. • Plan your trip carefully and allow for factors such as weather, fatigue, facilities for lodging, food and fuel. • Be sure you have sufficient finances either cash, travelers cheques, or credit cards. Use the hotel safe to store your valuables during your stay.
It is now July and most of your spring-flowering shrubs have blossomed out by now, and are looking a little tired and ratty. Now is the time to prune them. Spring-flowering shrubs such as lilacs, forsythia, honeysuckle and weigela set their buds during the summer months for the next year's blooms, so now is the best time to prune them, although it may be too late for the forsythias as they are one of the first shrubs to bloom in the spring. They may have to wait for a pruning until early next spring, right after blossoming. To prune, remove any dead blossoms with pruners or snapping them off by hand. Then proceed to remove any dead or diseased wood right down to the ground. Sterilize your tools with rubbing alcohol if you cut out diseased wood, or use the cheap vodka that your Uncle Harry brought over at Christmas. Prune
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out any older branches, thicker and darker than young stems, cutting them back to 30 cm from the ground. Shorten any remaining stems by no more than one-third, removing any inward-facing branches to improve sunlight and air circulation throughout the bush. Prune your shrubs every year by a third, and they will produce blossoms year after year. My hostas are looking great, all 30+ of them, but some are showing signs of being a slug's supper. Time to break out the coffee grounds, sprinkling them now and then around the base of my plants. SLUGS HATE COFFEE GROUNDS. However, coffee tends to be acidic, so use sparingly. It is best to use large quantities in the compost pile, so the acid breaks down into the rest of the compost. The grounds can be directly sprinkled under acid-loving plants such as blueberries, however. The coffee grounds add nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous to the soil. And your garden will smell great. If you are not a coffee drinker, your local coffee shop often has used grounds packaged and ready to give away for free. Just ask.
Help Build Something Great! The Jasper Place Revitalization initiative is looking for energetic community members to be part of a committee and working groups aimed at revitalizing the communities of Canora, Glenwood, Britannia Youngstown and West Jasper Place. No experience necessary – just bring your great ideas and enthusiasm to any of the following committees and working groups: Steering Committee • Oversees and advises the revitalization efforts underway in Jasper Place • Monthly meetings Feeling Safe Working Group • Promote awareness of bylaws and enforcement • Promote and build on community safety initiatives Connecting Working Group • Help to connect neighbours and business owners to each other • Foster good relationships within the community Building Working Group • Provide feedback on area planning • Help with beautification and physical improvements
Join a dynamic group of your neighbours and friends to shape the future of Jasper Place! The length of term is flexible and meetings usually last about two hours. To volunteer, please contact Steve Gauley, City of Edmonton, 780.944.5417.
Until September, Happy Gardening.
COMMUNITY NEWS BRITANNIA-YOUNGSTOWN 15927 - 105 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5P 0T8 Phone: 780-483-8983 New Website! www.bycl.ca Families Get Active Club This is a new initiative by the league to get families up and active together. Sports, games, and all sorts of activities to get us all moving and having fun doing it! Thursdays, 6:30 - 8:00 July 7: Circle games July 21: Kites over Britannia Youngstown Aug. 4: Hula hooping (build and play/exercise with hula hoops!) Aug. 18: Introduction to Zumba Sept. 1: TBA Sept. 15: Britannia Youngstown's Got Talent use the summer to polish up your dance/magic/joke-telling/art/music and strut your stuff in a fun talent show For more information call Kim at 780-481-9621. Free Swimming for Members This is the most awesome tangible membership benefit. Our league is offering free swimming for all members at Edmonton's four outdoor Pools: Borden Park, Oliver, Mill Creek, and Fred Broadstock . Mill Creek 7-9 pm everyday of the week. Borden Park, Oliver and Fred Broadstock Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays 5 - 7 p.m. For memberships, please call Laura at 4847773 or email her at Laura.Nielsenkerr@gov.ab.ca. Yards in Bloom We are planning to have a friendly competition involving the beautiful yards in Britannia Youngstown. There are two ways to get involved right now: 1. Clean up your yards and get ready for a year of colour with all of your favourite flowers and plants. You'll do that anyway, won't you? 2. Wander around our neighbourhood and nominate properties in July when the colours are at their best. Please pass on any deserving addresses to Miep Raedschelders at gardens@bycl.ca It's a great way to let people know that we appreciate the work they put into their yards. At our next Gardening Club meeting in September, we'll see pictures of all nominated front yards and vote on the best one!
children wouldn't call it that). We'd hate to drop such as popular program. Call Deb at 486-3561 for more information. Fusion Festival of Hope This 3-day festival will take place at our hall on August 5, 6 and 7. Noon to 4 PM. TWO world records will be attempted during the festivals! As always, everyone is welcome and everything is FREE! Coming in the fall: ZUMBA! This Latin-inspired exercise class will be starting Sept. 8, weekly on Thursday afternoons for 10 weeks. $30 for members, $50 for non-members, drop-in rate of $10. To register, call Evelyn at 780-930-2195 or Kim at 780-481-9621.
CANORA 10425 - 152 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 4P1 Phone: 780-489-6007 http://MyCanora.com Important Phone Numbers Rink: 780-489-6070 Hall: 780-489-6007 Hall Rentals Inquiries: 780-952-7006 Email: canora11@telusplanet.net Follow us on Facebook too
HIGH PARK 11032 - 154 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 2K1 Phone: 780-484-4646 highparkcommunity.com GREEN SHACK Green Shack is operational at the park behind the hall. Monday to Thursday from 2:30 - 5:30 Fridays 1:30 - 5:30. Spray deck will be operational weather permitting! Pre-School Registration 2011-2012 September 1st from 6:00 - 9:00. Register yourchild/children, between the ages of 30 months and 4 years, in our parent cooperative preschool, please contact Nora at 780-486-1867 or High Park Community at 780-484-4646. Or email preschool@highparkcommunity.com Big Bin Event (must have a valid community membership to utilize)
Saturday September 17th in conjunction with Community League Day. We will be hosting a Pancake Breakfast from 9:00 - 11:30. Come and purchase your membership.
Parents & Tots Even though it's summer, this group will still be meeting at the hall when the weather is good. Meet us in the park enjoying the sun and sand. Thursday mornings, 9:30 - 11am.
Your Board of Directors will be painting the inside of the hall this weekend so if you are interested in donating some of your time, supplies, please contact Janice - 780-489-4753
Open Position: Soccer Coordinator This year we've had a couple of soccer teams, but didn't manage to find a volunteer at our AGM for the Soccer Coordinator. If you'd like to support our soccer teams, please consider taking on this role. Soccer introduces our children to a great and fun sport, but it also involves team building, friendships, and building community networks (although the
Bingos are a necessary source of income for our community. Volunteer for a bingo & receive community credits to use for recreational, wellness activities for your children, yourself or your spouse! If you have a team that would like to work a Bingo for fundraising, to volunteer, call Val at 780-244-5870. Upcoming bingo dates: Aug 18 (5:00 - 12:00) September 2 (5:00 - 12:00)
Board Meetings Our next community Executive meetings will be on Tuesday, August 23, 2011 7pm at the hall. All members of High Park Community are Welcome to attend! Adult Drop-In All adults welcome. Drop in, have a cup of coffee and a visit! Wednesdays - 12:30pm 3:30pm High Park Community Hall. For information, call Joan at 780-489-5419
GLENWOOD 16430 - 97 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5P 0E8 Phone: 780-489-7571 www.glenwoodcommunityleague.com PARTY IN THE PARK SEPTEMBER 10, 2011! Our annual Membership Drive is being kicked off September 10h from 5:30 to 8:30pm. Join us at the Glenwood Hall (16430 97 Ave) for food, fun, music, a beer tent and, of course at dusk, FIREWORKS!! NEW THIS YEAR - Street Hockey Tournament!!! This year will feature a Street Hockey tournament for all ages! 4 on 4 games in separate age categories. Contact Al or Colleen to register a team or for more info at 780 487 3330. Sticks and Equipment not supplied Diesel Powered Games will be back with more video game action for kids through adults! Once again there will be bouncy castles for the younger kids, kids activities, DJ/dance, beer gardens and loads of fun for everyone! The food cost is $1/ item. We will offer burgers or hotdogs, pop or juice, delicious corn on the cob or chips. The beer gardens are only open to current members - 2011/2012 memberships available at the event ($25 per household). MANY volunteers are needed to help please contact Shelley at 780 481 7208 if you can help - we can't do it without you!
NEW YOUTH DROP-IN SITE at GLENWOOD Ages 11-17 years - www.edmonton.ca/youth Come out and join us for a summer full of fun for youth between the ages of 11 and 17 years old. Activities change from week to week based on what YOU want to do. Our radical leaders are ready, willing, and able to provide a variety of activities from sports, games, henna tattoos, youth art, or just hanging out in the great summer weather! Glenwood Rink Shack 16430 97 Ave - July 3rd Aug 23rd Monday to Thurs 12:30 - 8pm Friday 3:30-8pm SUMMER PLAYGROUND PROGRAM Ages 6-12 years - 16430 97 Ave Glenwood Community League Playground Monday - Thursday 10 - 5:30pm Friday - 1:30 - 5:30pm Drop-in free playground program for children ages 6 to 12 years old. FREE SWIMMING AT POOLS! Must Prove Membership
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COMMUNITY NEWS Fred Broadstock pool from 5-7pm Sunday through Thursday. -Mill Creek Pool 7-9 pm everyday Borden and Oliver Pool 5-7 pm Sun. through Thurs. -*NEW* Queen Elizabeth Pool 5-7 pm Sun. through Thurs. Get your $25 per household membership by calling Michele Bugera at 780 439-3169! GLENWOOD GRIZZLIES ADULT RECREATIONAL HOCKEY TEAM LOOKING FOR PLAYERS Contact Clayton Johnson for more information at 780-489-2188 and Michele Bugera at 780-439-3169 to get your membership. INTERESTED IN A WINTER JOB IN 2011? We will be looking for a rink attendant please contact Michele at 780 439-3169.
Bingo Please call Grace at 780-486-4801 if you are interested in volunteering for credits towards activities. The next bingo date is July 30th at the Castle Downs Bingo Hall. Rock Star Camp Mayfield is hosting Rock Star Camp again this year, contact the city of Edmonton to register your child. The camp runs from Aug 8th to 12th for 9-12 year olds. Zumba 7 to 8pm at Mayfield Hall 10 weeks for $105.00 Call Bonnie at 780 489 3254
10941 - 161 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 1G2 Phone: 780-483-4675 www.mayfieldcommunityleague.com The Mayfield board would like to wish everyone a great summer and can't wait to see you all again at the September BBQ on the 17th at 5:00pm. Membership BBQ Will be on September 17th at 5:00pm, come out and get a hamburger and a community membership.
Mayfield Crafts 3rd Saturday of the Month, at the hall 10:00am to 4:00pm for anyone interested. Call Deidre at (780) 486-1477 for info. Drop in Slow pitch Every Friday night at the Mayfield ball diamond starting at 7:30pm. You need to be 16 to play and all
WEST JASPER / SHERWOOD 9620 - 152 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 4N9 Phone: 780-483-2815
Community Services
Ebenezer United Church 16302 106 Avenue. Edmonton T5P 0W9 Phone 780-489-5803 Church Service, Sunday at 11 a.m. List your Non-profit group for $99 per year (*some conditions apply).
Special event listings FREE for non-profits, otherwise classified rates and some conditions apply.
To place your business card or your classified ads please email us at ads@thespurr.ca Hearing Aid Devices and Services at Affordable Prices
Power Speakers Toastmasters Club #3650 Meets Every Wednesday from 7:00 – 9:00pm Grant MacEwan University Room 437 - 10045 – 156st Contact Norma at 780-432-4854 www.powerspeakers.ca
HALL RENTAL See our website at www.glenwoodcommunityleague.com and go to the Hall Rental tab for photos and prices.
communities are invited to come out and join in the fun. Beginners to seasoned pros are all welcome.
Seniors Carpet Bowling Tuesdays and Thursdays for more info call Doreen @ 780-486-1833 or Marlene @ 780-484-5728
TUESDAY NIGHT EUCHRE Join us for Euchre EVERY Tuesday night at the Glenwood Community Hall. Registration is at 6:30pm, games begin at 7pm.
GLENDALE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Glendale, “Home of the Grizzlies”, is accepting registrations for Kindergarten to Grade 6. We offer a variety of programs including regular, full-day Kindergarten, French as a second language and Opportunity. We also have laptops, notebooks, eReaders and SmartBoards in each classroom. Our focus is Literacy. Please have a look at our website at Glendale@epsb.ca. Glendale Elementary School is located at 9812 - 161 Street. Phone: (780) 489-4300. Please contact the school August 22, 2011 to register for school start on Sept. 1, 2011.
Yoga Tuesday 6:30 to 7:45 PM at the hall
• Hearing Tests • Hearing Aids • Repairs & Batteries •• Funding Funding is is available available for for most most Seniors Seniors
Main Office: 226 Meadowlark Mall Tel 780-409-9585
Armstrongs’ Counselling Services Murray Armstrong M.S.W., R.S.W. Donna Armstrong B.Ed. 10027 166 Street, Edmonton, AB T5P 4Y1 Email: dmarm@telus.net Phone: 780-444-4399 Websites: http://ArmstrongsCounselling.com
VAN DOESBURG LAW JASON VAN DOESBURG Barrister & Solicitor 10060 - 164 Street EDMONTON, ALBERTA T5P 4Y3
Real Estate
PH: (780) 451-2661 FAX: (780) 452-1051 jason@vandoesburglaw.com
Wills & Estates
Personal Injury
T: 780.496.8122 F: 780.496.8113 linda.sloan@edmonton.ca
2nd Floor, City Hall 1 Sir Winston Churchill Square Edmonton T5J 2R7
Cat Sitting by
The Cat Lady Call Joan at 451-3384 Let your cat(s) enjoy your holiday in the comfort of their own home.
www.LindaSloan.com Cost is $5.00 per family S P U R R J U LY / A U G U S T 2 0 1 1
Call us to discuss building your dream home.
Allard | Callaghan SW 780.430.0037 Montalet | Beaumont 780.929.2598 Infill Lots - Call us today to 780.450.9898 find out about building in mature neighborhoods
780.450.9898 www.calibermasterbuilder.ca
Sing e c n Da Act
Edmonton CHILDREN’S DANCE THEATRE Pre-school - Adult classes Tap, Ballet, Jazz, Modern, Lyrical, Drama, Hip Hop, Musical Theatre, Tumbling
Register now for Fall and Winter classes.
780-443-0226 780-443-0226 #201 15505 Stony Plain Road 8
Indoor Soccer Registration 2011/2012 EWZSA Community Soccer September 6th & 8th from 6:00 to 9:00 pm West Soccer Center, 17415-106 A. Ave. Late Registration (additional $25.00 ) Thursday Sept 15, 2011 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm at EWZSA Office 15430-93 Ave. EWZSA at 780-451-6453 ext 0
S P U R R J U LY / A U G U S T 2 0 1 1