Totems in the Park
Students add a splash of colour to winter landscape It may be the middle of winter, but an
"While each student interpreted this project
with them long after they leave our institu-
Edmonton park recently became a lot
in different ways, each piece had to also fol-
tion," she adds.
brighter thanks to a group of Fine Art stu-
low certain guidelines - all of the pieces had
to be made of wood to make it light enough
The show, entitled Totems, is part of the revi-
to transport, at least six feet tall, and very
talization of the Stony Plain Road area. A
Butler Memorial Park, located a block west
colourful and easily seen from the street."
$500 grant from The City of Edmonton was
of MacEwan's Centre for the Arts and
Matejko says the project was designed to
used to purchase paint and other materials.
Communications campus (157 street and
create cheerful and uplifting sculptures for
Stony Plain Road), will be the temporary new
the public to enjoy during the cold and bleak
The first class installed their totems on
home for nearly 30 sculptures created by
winter months, but has also turned into a
January 27, with the second group set to fol-
first-year students.
great social service and community involve-
low on March 8. The totems will stay in
ment lesson for the students. "I believe that
Butler Memorial Park until sometime this
Fine Art instructor Agnieszka Matejko says
a part of the role of the artist is not to work
two classes were assigned the task of creat-
silently in a garret, but to create art that peo-
ing abstract totems based on historic and
ple enjoy on a daily basis," she says. "My
prehistoric traditions.
hope is that this attitude of art as a community service will be one that students take
Insidethis issue
BYLAW BUZZ page 2 Introducing a new column by Andrew Jabs
BRZ UPDATE page 3 Business Member Survey!
This article has been reprinted from (search totem) or link can be found on
DIRTY GARDENER page 4 IT MAKES CENTS page 10 Wire worms in your Beauty on a tight potatoes...not anymore! budget!
I N T R O D U C I N G B Y L AW B U Z Z Gardening: Michele Hebert It Makes Cents: Sheri Landry
ANDREW JABS Community Info: Marian Bruin Business Info: Diane Kereluk Advertising: Jim Wooley Publisher: Pie Communications Inc. 544, 12222 137 Avenue Ph: (780) 757-0993 Fax: (780) 401-3438 Edmonton, AB, T5L 4X5 What is SPURR The Stony Plain (road and area) Urban Revitalization Report is a community based newspaper whose mission it is to serve the west-end communities of BritanniaYoungstown, Canora, Glenwood, High Park, Mayfield, & West Jasper / Sherwood along with the Members of the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association. SPURR is a joint initiative for Community & Business Interests of Edmonton’s westend lead by: City of Edmonton Community Services, Neighbourhood Revitalization Project and the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Revitalization Zone. The opinions expressed in the articles appearing in The SPURR are those of the people named as the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of The SPURR, its editor, its publisher, the City of Edmonton or the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Revitalization Zone.
For More Information Please Contact: Marian Bruin, City of Edmonton Community Services Department P.O. Box 2359, Edmonton, AB, T5J 2R7 Ph: (780) 944-5417 Diane Kereluk, Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association 10043 151 Street. Edmonton, AB, T5P 4Z7 Ph: (780) 477-5169
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Without our Advertisers you would not be reading this newspaper. Our Advertisers survive on your business. Please support our advertisers and when you call or visit them please make sure to say you saw them in the SPURR. Thank you.
Andrew Jabs Municipal Enforcement Liaison Officer Community Standards Branch City of Edmonton
The residents and businesses of the Stony Plain and Jasper Place area are on a roll and bylaw
enforcement is here to help. Only recently assigned as your area’s municipal enforcement liaison officer, I have already seen that your community is mobilizing to make improvements. So, what can bylaw services do to help? I represent the guys and gals who handle everything from messy property to unlicensed dogs. As your area’s liaison officer, I will concentrate on building cooperative relationships. Where local community and business groups gather to connect the community, we will
be there to offer support. Bylaw brings expertise on minimum standards for business and property owners, specialized enforcement teams for repeat offenders, derelict houses, responsible hospitality, littering and dumping, and much more. Look for upcoming insight in future SPURR publications. If you have questions call 311, or invite me to your next community meeting. Take care!
C A N O R A PA R K WAT C H We would like to thank everyone that came out to our Police Information night. Special thanks to Superintendant Neil Dubord, Inspector Shane Loxtercamp, Sergeant Bill Countryman, Constables Ryan Brady, Greg Lewis, and Jillian Neufeld for coming out to spend some time with us. Thank you to Constable Wayde Peachman and Jeannette Wright from City of Edmonton Community Services for their presentation on Park Watch. Thanks also to Andrew Jabs for taking the time to explain the different areas of bylaw enforcement. It was a very informative evening. Thanks, as well, to Tony Lovell for his assistance.
May 30 Third Annual Mini Carnival At St Anne Park 153 St and 102 Ave from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Come out and join us for a BBQ with live bands, fun and games for the children, and visiting friends and neighbours. Join us in making this the best one yet. We are stilll working on finalizing a bicycle safety clinic for June, a Picnic in the Park for July, and the
Jumpy Thing event in August. We are always in need of volunteers. Everyone is invited to join us. Our meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm at Canora Community Hall 10425 152 St. You can also contact us at or call Canora Community Hall at 780-489-6007 and leave a message for Park Watch. Hope to see you soon.
Please mark your calendars for the following upcoming events: APRIL 3 Easter Egg Hunt On Canora Greenspace along 149 St. This event will start at 104 Avenue at 1:00 PM. Children of all ages are welcome.
THE SPURR NEEDS YOU! If you have a story or a photo depicting how life is, was or should be in Edmonton’s west end we would love to hear from you. Please forward your stories to the publishers address
The SPURR has the following positions open: Editor: In short the candidate for this job will have editing experience and a desire to be a part of the SPURR community. Basic computer skills a must along with a good understanding of Microsoft Word and Email, other software experience a plus. Join the SPURR and get involved in the communities it represents.
above, thank you.
FREE EVENT CALENDAR The SPURR publishes area events and activities in a monthly calendar in print and online. Please send us your date sensitive event information, we would love to include what we can and it’s FREE.
Sales Associate: Are you a people person? Do you want to work from home, make your own schedule, and get rewarded in proportion to your efforts? Then you might be the person we are looking for. The SPURR is looking for an energetic individual who can knock on doors and chat with clients regarding their advertising needs. This is a commission based position, so ad sales experience would be a plus, but since you get paid in proportion to your efforts all you need is a good work ethic and be willing to take direction. Interested? Please forward your resume to or fax your resume to 780-401-3436.
S P U R R MARCH 2010
STONY PLAIN ROAD AND AREA UPDATE and Commercial Use Storefront occupancy. Property owners must meet the guidelines of the program to qualify. How does it work? • Reviewed on a case by case basis DIANE KERELUK (780) 477-5169
Business Member Survey! During the early part of March a company called Trend Research will be contacting all business members for a short survey. The purpose of the survey is to find out what you the member values and what direction you would like to see the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association pursue. Your responses are very important to us and once the survey is completed and compiled a report on the results will be sent out to all businesses. Business Incentive Fund The Edmonton City Council approved a program that will apply to the designated Enterprise Areas within the city. A detailed policy soon to be released will explain what type of properties and uses are eligible for this program. The policy will be available on the web site or copies available upon request. This is a grant funding program designed for revitalization and reinvesting in the special needs main street commercial areas of Edmonton. Financial incentives may be provided to property owners in these Enterprise Areas of the Business Revitalization Zones who invest in a new development, redevelopment, and/or conversion of their properties for mixed use, multi-unit Residential and/or eligible Retail
• Subject to approval by the review committee. • Subject to legal agreement between the property owner and the City. The City works with the applicant in developing the best possible application. The application is presented to a Review committee for approval with conditions.
Successful projects will strive to make a positive contribution to the business area in terms of urban design and improving the pedestrian environment.
• Enhances the pedestrian environment • Human scale building frontage • Active building frontage
What financial incentives may be available to property owners in these Enterprise Areas? • Multi-unit Residential Development • New Retail and Commercial Building Development
• Quality architectural details • Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design • Landscape features Would you like more information?
• New Retail and Commercial Business Interior Improvement Key Program Design Guidelines:
Contact the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association at (780) 477-5169 or email:
Calendar at a glance... Date
January – May 01
Applications for Façade Improvement
Pole mounted Ashtrays installed
April 29
Business/Community Mixer
May – December
Holistic Urban Market
May – October
Flower Planters
Spring Clean up Big Bin Event - Litter Pickup
June 26
Back Yard BBQ & Beer Garden
Street Clean up – Litter Pickup
September 11
Unveiling of Capital City Mural
Fall Clean up Big Bin Event
October 15/16
Storefront Cinema Nights velopment/facade-and-storefront-improvem.aspx
You be the Judge…Restaurant Review
by Kellie Wilson
The wait staff was courteous and efficient. Large groups can be hard on the wait staff but not here, every part of our meal was wonderfully orchestrated. This is simply the best eating experience I have had so far this year.
Recently I had the opportunity to spend an evening with friends at Joeys Restaurant in Mayfield Common. The atmosphere was great, quiet, relaxed as we were seated in an alcove. Even though we were a large group of people we felt like we were alone in a wonderful relaxed setting. We were not disturbed by numerous customers passing by our table.
The atmosphere prepared us for the decadent meals to be presented. I enjoyed the pasta alfredo linguine with chicken added, but taste tested several other dishes such as the lobster ravioli and the panang prawn curry. All of the meals were beautifully presented and so delicious. The viva salad that came with crispy pita bread was wonderful. The aroma’s floating around the table were amaz-
Joeys Grill & Lounge 130 Mayfield Common
S P U R R MARCH 2010
ing. The best way to enjoy a wonderful setting such as Joeys is with lots of friends and an appetite for simply amazing food. I am eagerly awaiting the next opportunity to try new dishes here with great friends. Submit your reviews! If we choose to print your review, you will win a $50 gift towards your next dining experience within the qualifying business area and your review will get printed in the next edition of the SPURR. Reviews should be around 300 words and e-mailed in Word (.doc) or Rich Text (.rtf) to:
Congratulations to the following restaurants for the great reviews sent in: Hoang Long Restaurant 10041 170 Street Vic’s Pizza 10032 156 Street Cheese Cake 17011 100 Avenue Tasty Tomato 14233 Stony Plain Road Winning entries will be based on the quality of writing and may be edited for content and length.
It’s March in Edmonton and time to start planning our gardens. You probably have your order in for seeds, or have an idea of what you are growing this year. Before anything goes into the ground, the soil needs preparation, and your existing trees and shrubs require some TLC before the growing season. One way to combat fungus in the soil is to add cornmeal – yes, cornmeal. Somehow cornmeal is able to attract a member of the Trichoderma fungus family, which is a good fungus that kills off disease-causing fungi in a matter of weeks. It is effective on most everything from turf grass to black spot on roses. Also, since it is entirely organic, it can be used on edible crops such as your vegetable garden. Any type
of cornmeal can be used as a fungicide. Food grade cornmeal, found in your local grocery store, will work just fine, but is more expensive and comes in smaller quantities than horticultural cornmeal. Hort cornmeal is generally used for livestock feed, and comes in bulk. You can try a UFA store to purchase horticultural cornmeal. Holes carries readymade cornmeal supplements for the garden. How to apply: DRY – work 2 pounds of corneal into the soil for every 100 square feet. Water well to activate the fungus killing properties. One application per season is usually sufficient, but repeat applications won’t hurt anything, and adds nutrients to the soil. SPRAY – What is called “cornmeal juice” can be made by soaking 1 cup of cornmeal in 1 gallon of water overnight. Strain the liquid and use on susceptible plants. In early Spring, while fruit trees and shrubs are still dormant, many farmers and gardeners spray what
is called “dormant oil” on the bark and buds of their trees. A very old-fashioned approach to pest control, the purpose of the oily spray is to suffocate overwintering pests such as aphids and mites.
Most commercial sprays are made of kerosene or other petroleum oil. A much less toxic and more sustainable approach is to use a renewable resource such as vegetable oil. Use when the plants are dormant, before the buds start to unfurl. Spray on a coolish, cloudy day not freezing. If sprayed on a hot sunny day, your plants can sustain damage.
worm, a week prior to planting your seed potatoes, take a few regular (not seed) potatoes, cut into chunks at least an inch thick and two inches long, and impale them on a skewer, burying them about six inches under the surface of the soil, with the skewer above ground so you can locate it later. Space the chunks about three feet apart. The wire worms in the soil will attach themselves to the potatoes (which you then discard in the garbage, not the compost). Leave the potatoes during the day, digging up in the evening. It may take a couple of applications to rid your garden of the wire worms.
Combine the soap and oil and stir to blend thoroughly. Add the water a bit at a time, stirring as you go (water and oil don’t readily emulsify; the soap helps the process). Pour the mixture into a clean garden spray container. Spray a coat of the mixture over the entire bark of the tree. Shake the container frequently as you are spraying. Makes just over one gallon, enough for one large fruit tree.
On Monday, February 22, I attended a Garden Party and Seed Exchange at Brittania/ Youngstown Community Hall. I took seeds that I had harvested last fall, such as Purple Poppies, and in exchange I acquired seeds I am going to try this year such as Red Cosmos and Bok Choy. I had a great time, met some very nice ladies, and gained some knowledge and tips on gardening that I did not know previously. I believe the Garden Party and Seed Exchange will happen a couple of times a year, and I encourage any gardener to come out and share their seeds and knowledge with their neighbours. I learned what “Guerilla Gardening” means, a term I hadn’t heard before. This was a very informal get-together, and could and should happen in every community. Pass the word around, and start one in your community. Thanks to Evelyn and Rosa for putting the party together. I had a great time.
If your potatoes (or any root vegetable) are susceptible to wire
Happy Gardening. See you in April.
INGREDIENTS: 1 cup vegetable oil – any veggie oil can be used. 2 tablespoons non-degreasing liquid soap 1 gallon of water
S P U R R MARCH 2010
A message from the Honourable Heather Klimchuk MLA, Edmonton-Glenora
Budget 2010 strikes the right balance As we begin to climb out of the worst global recession since the 1930s, Alberta, like other jurisdictions, strives to address the needs of today without compromising our future prosperity. That is what Budget 2010 is about. Some will say government is spending too little, while others will say we’re spending too much. Budget 2010 strikes the right balance by spending on priority programs, while tightening spending to bring the province back into the black in 2012. It holds the line on taxes and advances Alberta’s competitiveness. In all, the Alberta government will spend $38.7 billion on public programs and services in 2010-11, about $1.5 billion more than this past year, mainly for health care, education, seniors and programs for vulnerable Albertans. Spending was reduced in a number of areas across government and the savings found were re-invested into these priority areas. Our commitment to public health care now totals more than $15 billion—a $2-billion increase. That includes a $1.3-billion boost to the Alberta Health Services operating base. This marks the start of five-year commitment to predictable and reliable funding to support long-term planning and health care delivery. Funding to school boards is increased by $250 million, or 4.8 per cent, and benefit levels are maintained for recipients of Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped, and the Alberta Seniors Benefit. In addition, funding remains the same for the Persons with Developmental Disabilities program. Investment in public infrastructure continues—supporting jobs today and laying the foundation for opportunities tomorrow—and we continue to support initiatives that maximize the value of our resources and enhance our ability to compete on the world stage. Government is projecting a $4.7 billion deficit in 2010-11. This year’s deficit will be offset by savings from the Sustainability Fund. But we are not relying on our savings alone to carry us through these challenging times. We will continue to work diligently to tighten spending where we can, and with improved revenues as the economy recovers, we will be back in black by 2012-13. Budget 2010 lays the groundwork for future growth, and strikes the right balance of meeting today’s needs while supporting our vision for lasting prosperity. It supports our vision for a strong, competitive Alberta, with the best publicly funded health care and the most advanced infrastructure in Canada. For more information about Budget 2010, visit
Edmonton-Glenora Constituency Office 10649 –124 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1S5 Phone: 780-455-7979 Email: edmonton.glenora@assembly
S P U R R MARCH 2010
GENERAL COMMUNITY NEWS The Jasper Place Library has many programs for you and your family this month, including programs during Spring Break!
Reading Buddies: Saturday March 6th at 10:30 am. Ages 6 - 10 years. Registration required.
Join us for the following FREE programs: Fun For Ones: Thursday March 4th at 10:15 am. Ages 12 - 23 months. Registration required.
Teen Gaming: Join us for Guitar Hero and other Wii games! Saturday, March 20th at 2 pm. Ages 13 - 17 years. Drop in.
Time For Twos: Tuesday mornings at 10:15 am. Ages 24 - 35 months. Registration required. Rhymes That Bind: Thursday evenings at 6:30 pm. Ages 0-3 years. Drop in. Preschool Storytime: Wednesday afternoons at 2:15 pm. Ages 3 - 5 years. Registration required. Unpack N’ Play: Friday mornings at 10:10 am. Ages 0 - 5 years. Registration required.
BRITANNIA-YOUNGSTOWN Contact: 15927 - 105 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5P 0T8 Phone: 780-483-8983 Soccer It’s not too late to sign up for outdoor soccer yet! We are still accepting registrations. Email Debbie Yochim at and she’ll do her best to match you up with a team. Hope to see you on the field this year! Hall Bookings For hall bookings, general inquiries, requests for programs or to join our league, please call Britannia Youngstown Community Hall at 780-483-8983 or email We’d love to hear from you.
CANORA Contact: 10425 - 152 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 4P1 Phone: 780-489-6007
GLENWOOD Contact: 16430 - 97 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5P 0E8 Phone: 780-489-7571 GLENWOOD COMMUNITY LEAGUE Visit us: Twitter at Facebook Group Glenwood Community League (become a “fan”)
Teen Advisory Group: Friday March 26th at 4 pm. Ages: 12 - 17 years. Drop in. How to Choose Books for Young Children: Tuesday March 9th at 7:00 pm. Ages 18+. Registration required. Triple P Positive Parenting: A one hour seminar series to enhance the knowledge, skills, and resourcefulness of parents. March’s session: Getting Teenagers Connected. Tuesday March 16th at 6:30 pm. Registration Required. Wii Bowling for Older Adults: Friday, March 19th at 2 pm. Ages 55+. Registration required. All these will keep you up to date on Glenwood activities, news and coming events. Have your say and find out about… Community development, League spending and changes, Programs offered, What’s new in Glenwood? Community League meetings are open to everyone and are generally held at the hall at 7 pm on the first Thursday of every month. COMMUNITY POTLUCK Call to register for our potluck and games night at the hall before Mar. 20th. Our next adult, family and senior potluck dinner and games night will be on Saturday, March 20th. Everyone will bring a dish to share and we will enjoy a potluck dinner starting at 5 pm. Those who wish to stay can choose from a variety of games (children are welcome to come and play kids’ games.) Pre-register with Michele at 780-439-3169 and then join us at the community hall at 16430 - 97 Ave. Register before March 20th! FREE PAY PER VIEW HOCKEY NIGHTS IN GLENWOOD! Die hard fans are welcome to come and watch FREE Pay Per View games playing at the hall. Doors open 30 minutes before each game. Cash bar is available, along with FREE popcorn. Children are welcome. Watch the SPURR or check our website at for any changes to the schedule or join us for the following dates: Friday, March 4th vs. Minnesota - 7 pm Tuesday, March 23rd vs. Canucks - 7 pm Friday, April 2nd vs. Dallas - 6:30 pm (LAST PPV GAME!) SCRAPBOOKING DAY OUT Saturday, March 13th 10 am- 6 pm
Spring Break Programs: Spring Break Party Games: Monday March 29 at 2 pm. Ages 6 - 11 years. Registration required. Spring Break Teen Gaming: Tuesday March 30 at 2 pm. Ages 13 - 17 years. Drop in. Spring Break Storybook Games: Wednesday March 31 at 2 pm. Ages 6 - 10 years. Registration required. Please call the library at 780-496-1810 for program details and to register. We are located at 9010-156 Street (just north of the Meadowlark Mall). Visit us online at Don’t have a library card yet? Drop in and sign up! If you are under 18 we need to have the signature of your parent or guarantor.
Come and join us for a day that gives you uninterrupted time to scrapbook or make cards! You will be provided with your own 6 foot table (plenty of work space!), lunch, snacks and beverages, and access to my stamps and inks. Please bring materials for your scrapbooking or card making projects. Registration for the Scrapbooking Day is $20. Pre-registration is required, as space is limited! Please RSVP by email or phone (780)489-5955 to hold your spot! All the details are on my website. GLENWOOD GRIZZLIES YEAR END DANCE April 10th! All community residents are welcome to join the Glenwood Grizzlies shinny hockey team for a light meal and DJ dance on Saturday, April 10, 2010. Doors open at 6:30 pm and the cost is $10 per person. Contact Clayton at 780-489-2188 or Gary at 780-489-6236 for tickets or for more information. TUESDAY NIGHT EUCHRE Euchre is a ‘trick-taking’ card game played in groups of 4 with partners. Beginners are welcome because the more players, the better! Join us for Euchre EVERY Tuesday night at the Glenwood Community Hall. Registration is at 6:30pm, games begin at 7 pm. DOES AN ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SOUND BORING TO YOU? It sounds boring to us too! This year we are doing it differently – join us on Sunday, April 18th at 2pm for specialty drinks, pastries, and other snacks for an afternoon Annual General Tea instead! Sit at a table with friends, enjoy some great drinks and fabulous treats from one of our west-end bakeries, and come to find out what’s new. If you like how active Glenwood is becoming, we’d love to hear
S P U R R MARCH 2010
COMMUNITY NEWS from you! We need to have a good turnout to proceed with our plans for the upcoming year. No need to worry about being coerced to volunteer – just come and chat with us! Those interested can also get some information about the West LRT Corridor at this get together on April 18th. MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE ALL YEAR LONG Contact Michele at 780-439-3169 There are many good reasons to get a membership, still only $25.00 per household (Free for seniors 60 and over). Communities with high membership numbers are considered to be more relevant when the city looks at making changes and approving/rejecting requests for changes to land use etc. (Recent issues being the West LRT route, changing some areas from single family homes to apartment buildings, derelict housing) FREE family swim at Jasper Place Pool Sundays from 4 - 6 pm – February to June. FREE skating at any community skating rink (with skate tags included with membership). A DISCOUNT of 15-20% off multi-passes and annual passes at City Swimming Pools and Leisure Centres. Ability to register for any adult or children’s activity (programs, sports, classes) at Glenwood or at any other community league. CHEAPER hall rental prices for Glenwood members in good standing. City PERKS Information emailed to you about issues affecting our community Contact Michele at 780-439-3169 or email to to get your membership card. HALL RENTAL Seats 100 people in theater style seating, 80 seated at tables. Our beautiful new kitchen boasts a rinse sink, huge cooler/fridge, double oven, stove and griddle top and a super quick dishwasher. There is tons of prep space and it’s all stainless steel – so it’s quicker to clean up! New this month! We are the first community league in the city of Edmonton to offer FREE WiFi in our neighbourhood! That means that if you are in the hall, you will be able to use your Blackberry, Ipod, cellphone or laptop to log on to the internet! Functions at the hall will also have access to the FREE internet connection. We are joining the Free WiFi Project. Visit the website for more details. Friday/Saturday rentals: Members $150*, Non-Members $400
S P U R R MARCH 2010
Sunday-Thursday rentals: Members $75*, Non-Members $150 Call the Facility Director, Charlotte at 444-0411 * Must be a member in good standing.
Glenwood Classifieds MISSING RING: Lost on Hallowe’en into a trick or treater’s bag, one wedding band about 3/16 of an inch wide and made of yellow gold, with a thin band of white gold on top. Contact or call Michele at 780 439-3169 with information. DRUM LESSONS: Experienced drummer (40 years experience) offering drum lessons within Glenwood community. Glenwood members receive a discount off their first lesson – just show your membership card! Visit for a sample of his skills. Contact Ray at 780-405-1374 for more information, or email at
HIGH PARK Contact: 11032 - 154 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 2K1 Phone: 780-484-4646 HIGH PARK MOVIE NIGHTS Where: High Park Community League 11032154 Street Time: Doors open at 6:00pm and movie to start shortly after. When: March 26th, 2010 (Spaghetti Night) April 30th: 2010 (Chilli with Salad night) May 28th, 2010 (Baked Mac & Cheese Night) June 25th, 2010 (Taco & Tater night) Ages 3 to 10 are welcome. (“G” Rated movie, most likely cartoon) A supervising adult 18+ must be present during the evening with child/children. The movie is free but, you must be a current High Park Community Member (Please bring proof of membership). If you are not, you can purchase a membership that night. A family membership is $25.00 annually. You are welcome to bring a pillow & blanket. Folding chairs will be provided or, if you are more comfortable in your own lawn chair you can also bring it. High Park Preschool Second Semester Registration for September, 2010 Ages 30 months – 4 years High Park Community Hall Contact Paula for more information @ 780-479-6929. Adult Drop-In Please join us when we reconvene in September. Drop in, have a cup of coffee and a visit! Wednesdays – 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm High Park Community Hall, For information, call Joan at 780-489-5419.
High Park Community Hall seats 200 people. Please call Roger to book your special event at 780-474-7892 before 8 pm. Help Wanted: We are currently looking to hire an individual to clean our community hall. Could possibly be up to 25 hours a month. Anyone interested, please forward your resume to: High Park Cleaning 11032 – 154 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 2K1 Are you interested in your community? Meeting new people and making a difference? Join our Board of Directors If you are interested, contact Janice Gargas at 780-489-4753. Did you know that you can use your community Credits for use OUTSIDE of the community! Registering your child for tae kwon do, skating, gymnastics, etc? Contact Nora St Jean prior to registering 780-486-1867!
MAYFIELD Contact: 10941 - 161 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 1G2 Phone: 780-483-4675 Hope everyone had a nice Family Day in February. A great way to spend time with your family is to volunteer with your community league. Come to a meeting or call us to find out how you and your family can get involved! Next Executive Meeting is Thursday, March 4, 2010 at 7:00 pm The Annual General Meeting is Thursday, April 8, 2010 at 7:00 pm. Please plan to attend. Come meet the Executive Board members at a Twoonie Pancake Breakfast on May 15th. Contact Information Community League President: Tara Middleton 780-486-6152 or Spring Cleaning Your Community Pitch-In Canada week is April 19 – 25, 2010. This is the time to rally the neighbours and get rid of the unsightly gunk revealed by the melting show. Check out for more details. Start Thinking of Summer! The City of Edmonton “Green Shack” program will be running again this summer. Mark your calendars for August 9–13, when
COMMUNITY NEWS Mayfield Community League will be hosting Rock Star Camp/Rock for children aged 9 –12. Watch for registration information coming soon in the City of Edmonton Summer Programs Booklet as space will be limited.
More Soccer for the Little Ones Is your 4 - 6 year old interested in trying out soccer? Call Mike @ (780) 487-1031 to join Mayfield's Little Kickers program. Available to Mayfield residents.
Bingo Mayfield is always looking for volunteers to work. The credit you receive can be used towards Mayfield Community classes and even children's programs outside our community. Please call Tara if you are interested. The next bingo dates are: Thursday, March 11th Saturday, May 1st Sunday, June 6th.
Pilates Every Monday at the hall from 8 - 9 pm. Call Bonnie for more info 780-489-3254.
Hall Rentals For resident members only. Leave a message at the hall and a Board member will call you back. 780-483-4675 Community Memberships Get your membership now! Call Elaine 780-481-8108. Singles - $15.00 Families - $25.00 Seniors - $10.00 Skating Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Fridays 3:15 8:00 pm. Saturdays and Sundays 12:00 5:00 pm. You can purchase your membership from Tim at the rink, or call Elaine at the above number.
Yoga Every Tuesday at the Hall from 6:30 - 7:45 pm. Call Fran for more info 780-484-1476. Seniors Carpet Bowling Tuesdays and Thursdays. For more information call Doreen @ 780-486-1833 or Marlene @ 780-484-5728. Moms and Tots Dads, newborns, grandparents, and caregivers all welcome. No cost. Wednesdays 9:30 - 11:00 am. Cancelled if it is colder than -20 with windchill. At Mayfield Hall. For information contact Tara @ 780-486-6152. Rinklighter by ENMAX Energy Rinklighter by ENMAX Energy is an annual community investment program that provides energy rebates for communities who operate an outdoor ice rink. ENMAX Energy’s Rinklighter program can light up one rink in your community, from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm for the months of November 2009
to February 2010, to help provide a safer winter play area for the kids. ENMAX Energy is dedicated to the promotion and support of safety and safety-related initiatives. For more than ten years, ENMAX Energy has maintained the Rinklighter program to help communities who value safety fund their community’s ice rink operations. “Rinklighter is a great way to ensure kids have a great time on the ice and a safer place to skate”, says Steve Kuehner, Community Volunteer, CKE Community Association, Calgary. ENMAX Energy is dedicated to empowering our community’s youth, as well as helping the environment. Since generating the electricity used at community rinks results in carbon emissions, ENMAX Energy is helping communities offset part of their carbon footprint by acquiring on their behalf Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) generated from renewable energy sources (like wind). ENMAX Energy will apply these RECs in an amount equivalent to the communities' rebated electricity consumption. Rinklighter is one of the many ways ENMAX Energy is working to build opportunities for family and community participation that energizes and enriches local community life and we thank your community for being part of this great program.
event CALENDAR Wii Bowling for
Potluck and Games
Oilers Pay Per View
Wii Bowling for
Older Adults
March 23rd at 5pm
Older Adults
Happy St. Patricks
March 19th, 2010
March 20th, 2010
vs Minnesota
2 p.m.
Glenwood Hall
Glenwood Hall
from the SPURR
Jasper Place Library
High Park Movie
Canora Park Watch
Glenwood Grizzlies
High Park Movie
Holistic Urban
High Park Movie
April 3, 2010
Year End Dance
March 26th, 2010
Easter Egg Hunt
April 10th, 2010
April 30th, 2010
May - December
May 28th, 2010
6 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6 p.m.
Location: TBA
6 p.m.
Spaghetti Night
$10 per person
Chilli & Salad
Oilers Pay Per View
St. Patricks Day
March 4th, 2010
March 17, 2010
5 p.m.
vs. Canucks - 7pm Glenwood Hall
March 19th, 2010 2 p.m. Jasper Place Library
Baked Mac & Cheese
Canora Park Watch
High Park Movie
Back Yard BBQ &
May 30, 2010
Beer Garden
September 11, 2010
Third Annual Mini
June 25th, 2010
June 26, 2010
165 Street and
6 p.m.
Location: TBA
Stony Plain Road
Taco & Tater
Storefront Cinema Nights October 15 and October 16, 2010 149 Street to 156 Street Stony Plain Road
Canora Park Watch August 2010 Jumping Thing Event St. Anne Park
Please send us your date sensitive Community Sponsored or Free event information, we would love to include what we can and it’s FREE. 8
S P U R R MARCH 2010
birds. Regular games start at 1:00 pm. Come one, come all, bring your friends & neighbors. SENIORS PROGRAMS Our Community League offers a number of programs for our senior members. However everyone is welcome. All programs are offered at the community hall located at 9620-152 Street.
Contact: 9620 - 152 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 4N9 Phone: 780-483-2815 Community Bingo March 28/10 at the hall (9620-152Street). Children 8 and older are welcome to participate when accompanied by an adult. Special children’s only game. Door Prizes, 40 games and chances to win prizes. Cash prizes include 2 early birds, 2 bonanzas, and 1 odd even game. Children will not be allowed to play for cash prizes as per Alberta Gaming & Liquor Regulations. Doors open at 11:00 am, Bonanza pre call begins at noon. followed by the early
CARPET BOWLING Come and get some exercise on Monday’s from 1:00 - 3:00 pm. The cost is $1.00 per person. Prizes are awarded based on number of participants. If you have any questions about the seniors programs, please call Shirley at 489-8945
CARDS Whist on Wednesday afternoons from 1:00 3:00 pm. Whist on Sunday evenings from 7:00 - 10:00 pm. The cost is $1.00. Coffee and snacks provided
Swimming Your 2008-2009 membership allows your family to swim FREE at Jasper Place pool on Saturday evenings from 6:00 - 7:00 pm till the end of May 2010. Please remember to bring your membership card for admittance.
CRIBBAGE TOURNAMENTS Tournaments are held the first and third Wednesday of every month from 7:00 - 10:00 pm. The cost is $5.00 per person.
Sherwood Elementary School Sherwood School is accepting registration for kindergarten to Grade 6. Please call the school at 489-2600.
BUY • SELL • TRADE • HELP WANTED Place your business card in the SPURR and reach out to the community. Email: Deadline for next issue is: March 19, 2010 CLASSIFIEDS Glendale Elementary School we have: An instructional focus on Literacy through “Balanced Literacy” in all classroom and 6+1 Traits of Writing Full day Kindergarten We meet the needs academically, emotionally and physically of all students
Responsibility, Reading) Extra-curricular activities: running club, choir, Scrabble Club, Math Club and after school programs Primary Opportunity Open House – Tuesday, March 16, 2010; 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Kindergarten Open House – Tuesday, May 4, 2010; 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
SmartBoards in all classrooms Daily breakfast snack
Now accepting registrations for 2010-2011 school year. ________________________________
Indigo Love of Reading Foundation Connections with community partners like the Rotary Club, City of Edmonton, The Family Center Success Coach, Bent Arrow, Big Brothers & Sisters, YMCA, Kids Club, Food for Thought Small class sizes We are Asset Builders
Dr. Scholl’s Toe-touch foot Spa. (Classic Series) Never used. Includes 2 kg of Sea Salt. $35.00. Phone 780-483-8162. ________________________________ Silvereed SK280 knitting machine Slivereed SRP 60N YC6 Automatic yarn changer with books & patern cards call Anne 780-486-0288. ________________________________
Peace Out School Recognition and programming for Aboriginal families – Wichitowin Family evenings Positive behaviour and good work habits recognition programs – S.T.A.R.R.R.S. (Students Taking Action with Respect,
S P U R R MARCH 2010
Got Something to Sell? Place your text only classified ads here in your local community newspaper and reach 15,000 people in Edmonton’s West End. At $0.10 per character this Ad you are reading costs less than $20.00. ________________________________
Mary MacDonald FederaL Liberal C an didate for Edmon ton C en tre
IT MAKES CENTS if any massage therapy schools need a willing body to work on. If you like to relax with a facial now and then, check online. There are many websites out there that share recipes to make your own, all-natural, facials. Have a night to yourself, mix a facial up, run a hot bath and relax with a good book.
Beauty on a Budget Who doesn't love to be pampered? Manicures, massages and facials are so relaxing aren't they? The cost of those luxuries can leave you feeling more poor than pampered sometimes though. If you are trying to save money, there are some other options out there that can give you just as much bang for your buck. Do you like salon-style haircuts? Look in your phone book to see if there are any esthetician schools nearby and call them to see if they take appointments. Here in Edmonton, one of our most
popular salons has their own school downtown and you can get a haircut or other esthetic services there for almost 80% off -- all because it is a student who is helping you. Fear not, these students have learned from the best and are always supervised by professionals, so you are sure to look your best at a fraction of the cost.
Maybe you love massages, who doesn't? Check with your place of employment. Some employers will cover a set number of massages if you get a doctor's referral. This way, you can get your massage and have it covered as part of your health benefits. Whether or not this is covered, you can also check around to see
The same goes for manicures and pedicures. Pull out all of your hand lotions, nail clippers and nail polish. Sit down in front of a favorite or new movie and do your own nails. Or you can make it into a girl's night. Do you have some friends that need some time to themselves too? Have them over and have a girl's night complete with a chick flick and some wine. Pampering doesn't have to cost a fortune and you'll feel better when you look good AND you know you saved money doing it. Sheri Landry is the owner and author of
2010 Registration Notice Check us out at
West Edmonton Baseball Players: To ensure that you “Play Ball” this year, please note.
Registration Dates, Times, and Locations
• Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) • Express Scratch Repair TM • Express lane, low-impact damage repair • 1 to 24 hour repair duration!
Saturday, February 27, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm at the Lessard Community Hall (17404-57 Avenue)
Friday, March 05, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm at the Willowby Community Hall (6315-184 Street)
Saturday, March 06, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm at the Willowby Community Hall (6315-184 Street)
Friday, March 12, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
• Full impact collison to all makes and models • We work with all major insurance providers
at Crestwood Community Hall (14325-96 Avenue)
Saturday, March 13, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm at Crestwood Community Hall (14325-96 Avenue)
Registration Fees Birthday between Jan 01/05 – Dec 31/06 Jan 01/03 – Dec 31/04 Jan 01/01 – Dec 31/02 Jan 01/99 – Dec 31/00 Jan 01/97 – Dec 31/98 Jan 01/95 – Dec 31/96 Jan 01/92 – Dec 31/94
Player Age 4–5 6–7 8–9 10 – 11 12 – 13 14 – 15 16 – 18
Kids 1st Ball Jr. Rookie Sr. Rookie Mosquito Peewee Bantam Midget
$ 75.00 $ 125.00 $ 150.00 $ 200.00 $ 215.00 $ 220.00 $ 225.00
For additional information about SJP Baseball, visit our website at or call Dan at 780-481-0689.
Are you a journeyman or entrepreneur interested in owning you own business? Call (877) 6-BUMPER to talk to a Speedy business development representative! TM
The Express Collision Centre, Speedy Bumpers, and Speedy Collision marks are trademarks of Speedy Bumpers Inc.
Contact us for an immediate estimate! 10011 - 169th Street NW Edmonton, AB T5P 4M9 Main: +1 (780) 443-3337 Fax: +1 (780) 443-3451
S P U R R MARCH 2010
NEW CANADIAN CITIZENSHIP GUIDE By Laurie Hawn, MP Edmonton Centre As Canadians, we know that we live in the best country in the world. Our standard of living is amongst the highest, and we are known around the globe as a beacon of peace and prosperity. It is for these reasons that Canadian citizenship is highly valued by many who seek to build a better life. New Canadians contribute to our economy and continue to play an important role as we recover from the effects of a global economic downturn. Their achievement in gaining citizenship is a success for Canada as a whole. This is why our Conservative Government has created a new citizenship study guide called “Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship”. The previous citizenship guide was exceptionally outdated and had not been substantially changed since it was created by the Liberal Government in 1995.
It lacked many important aspects of today’s Canadian culture, including important Canadian traditions such as wearing a poppy on Remembrance Day. The new study guide has a broader focus on Canadian history, symbols, and institutions. There is also more emphasis on the basic facts about our Government and politics, all in an effort to teach new Canadians not only the rights, but also the responsibilities of being Canadian. Citizenship applicants who have been scheduled for a test or interview before the end of February 2010 should study the old guide. But starting March 2010, a new citizenship test, along with the Government’s new study guide, will be in place. The test questions
will reflect the content in the new guide, and we believe that applicants will learn the fundamental information they need to become Canadian citizens who fully participate in Canadian society. Many respected Canadians helped our Government complete this study guide. From public figures to authors and historians, those who were consulted contributed their expertise and unique perspectives on Canada. Thanks to these individuals and organizations, the new guide now better reflects our shared history. Our new study guide aims to provide a deeper understanding of our great country to both new Canadians and those who have
A Note From Your MP As your Member of Parliament, I have one of the greatest honours anyone could possibly partake in; the swearing in ceremony of becoming a new Canadian Citizen. Having their Canadian Citizenship is a privilege that roughly only 34 million of the world get to have. In fact, many of our parents and grandparents went through the same process that new Canadians participate in today. Throughout the year, I attend numerous Citizenship ceremonies and get to congratulate new Canadians as they, and I along with them, repeat the Oath of Citizenship to express our commitment to Canada. It is an oath I do not take lightly and I am proud to have served my country both in the Canadian Air Force for over three decades, as well as now, as your Member of Parliament. As Canadians, we know that we live in the best country in the world. Our standard of living is among the highest, and we are known around the globe as a beacon of peace and prosperity. It is for these reasons that Canadian citizenship is highly valued by many who seek to build a better life.
MP for EDMONTON CENTRE | 780-442-1888 |
S P U R R MARCH 2010
been here for many generations – something the previous Liberal government ignored. The old study guide was criticized for being bland and fell short of providing a thorough outline of the important people and events in Canadian history. By giving our new citizens a more in-depth look at our history, our Conservative Government is helping to make Canadian citizenship more meaningful. Our Conservative Government rewrote the citizenship guide in order to better tell the story of Canada. It gives new Canadians more information about the rights and responsibilities of a Canadian citizen. Our Government will always aim for a common identity and pride among all people in Canada, from coast to coast to coast. If you would like to receive a copy of the new Canadian Citizenship Guide please contact my office. For more information please visit
Beaux Esprits Playschool Our 30th Year
Give your child the gift of a second language
• a gentle introduction to the French language • a play - based programme with centres, crafts, music and movement • no parent duty days • am and pm classes for ages 3 to 5
Taking registrations for 2010 - 2011 15120 - 104 Avenue (in Holy Cross Académie Internationale) or Lindsay 780-436-7926
Our Musical Kinƈergarten Ɖ Orff and Kodaly influences
Ɖ No fees Ɖ On-site child care Ɖ Inclusive Ɖ Collaborative Ɖ Whole child focus Open House March 24, 7 pm Singing, dancing and playing our way to literacy and numeracy in a musical environment 780.455.0832 10345 144 Street T5N 2V3
Candidate, Peaceful Schools International
Ph: 780.450.9898 Callaghan 780.430.0037
Jasper Place
Montalet, Beaumont
9827 - 155 street 780.438.4666
130 Rue Madelene 780.929.2598
S P U R R MARCH 2010