SPURR Vol 3 Issue 4 May 2010

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Gardening is hard work but the results are worth it, for myself and for my gardens. Apparently, the weight-bearing aspects of gardening are beneficial particularily to women as it helps build strong bones and prevent osteoporosis. Also, the Vitamin D we get naturally from the sunshine helps to prevent bone loss, and just makes us feel better emotionally. At my age (50, but look much younger, ha ha) I need all the help I can get. Wear a hat, and use sunscreen when outdoors. The spray-on types of sunscreen are a bonus, and I don’t get my hands all mucked up before gardening. Before venturing out into the garden, a few preventative measures are in order to avoid sprains, strains and a trip to your chiropractor. The first activity to do is to limber up. Muscles and tendons are like rubber bands, and work much more efficiently when warm and pliable. Start by going for a brisk walk as a warm-up, or marching on the spot, and then proceed to do some stretching exercis-

Insidethis issue

es pre-gardening. Movements should be slow and controlled, and you should feel a gentle stretch of the muscle. Hold the position for 10 to 15 seconds, and don’t bounce or jerk. Repeat each movement two to three times. Perform the exercises again post-gardening to prevent any stiffness afterwards. Know your limitations, especially if you have spinal problems. The phrase “no pain – no gain” no longer applies, except for a trip to the ER. Neck: While sitting or standing with good posture, tilt head forward bringing chin down, stretching the back and sides of the neck. Keeping face forward, tip ear towards shoulder. Repeat for other side. Shoulders: Grasp elbow with opposite hand. Pull elbow and arm towards chest until you feel a gentle stretch at back of arm, making sure shoulder isn’t hunched. Repeat with other arm. Clasp hands behind head. Press elbows back until you feel a gentle stretch at front of shoulders. Wrists: Holding arm straight out in front, point hand downward towards floor. With other hand, gently pull fingers toward you until you feel a stretch. Repeat on other side. Hold hands in front of chest, palms together, fingers pointing upward. Bend wrists downwards until you feel a stretch in the forearms.

EDITORIAL page 2 Introducing SPURR’s new Editor...

BRZ UPDATE page 3 Opportunity Does Knock!



Lower Back and Thighs: While standing, place hands firmly on hips. Bend backwards slowly until you feel a stretch, and then return to upright position. Clasp hands together over head. Lean to one side, keeping back straight until you feel a stretch in your side. Repeat with other side. Using a wall for support with one hand, grasp ankle behind you with your other hand. Slowly push leg back to stretch front of thigh, keeping thigh in line with body. Repeat with other side. These exercises are also good pre golfing (which I intend to partake in this year as I didn’t get out to golf last year at all). Don’t try to tackle all your gardening chores at one time. Break up your chores, having a cup of tea or lemonade in between, taking the time to sit outdoors and enjoy your garden. To be a gardener is to be patient and optimistic. Until next month, Happy Gardening.

SPURR is 2 Years Old!!! We want to thank everyone who has contributed along the way, but a special Happy Second Anniversary to Michele Hebert & Diane Kereluk who have been with the SPURR since our first issue - Thank you.

JPRS UPDATE page 4 Getting to know you!

IT MAKES CENTS page 6 Garage Sale Savvy!

S P U R R • M AY 2 0 1 0 VOLUME 3 ISSUE 4



Where the LRT will run within the corridors?

address pedestrian and cyclist impacts?

Where will any bridges or underpasses be?

For our communities which lie between 163st/87ave and Stony Plain Road/142st, the city will be holding a workshop on May 6th, 6pm-9pm at the Meadowlark Community League Hall (1596192ave). This is a "game changer" with the potential to set the course for our communities for decades to come, and as such I urge you to get involved.

Editor: Jamie Post editor@thespurr.ca Gardening: Michele Hebert gardening@thespurr.ca It Makes Cents: Sheri Landry itmakescents@thespurr.ca Community Info: Wendy Kinsman community@thespurr.ca Business Info: Diane Kereluk business@thespurr.ca Advertising: Jim Wooley ads@thespurr.ca Publisher: Pie Communications Inc. 544, 12222 137 Avenue Ph: (780) 757-0993 Fax: (780) 401-3438 Edmonton, AB, T5L 4X5 www.piecommunications.com What is SPURR The Stony Plain (road and area) Urban Revitalization Report is a community based newspaper whose mission it is to serve the west-end communities of BritanniaYoungstown, Canora, Glenwood, High Park, Mayfield, & West Jasper / Sherwood along with the Members of the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association. SPURR is a joint initiative for Community & Business Interests of Edmonton’s westend lead by: City of Edmonton Community Services, Neighbourhood Revitalization Project and the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Revitalization Zone. The opinions expressed in the articles appearing in The SPURR are those of the people named as the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of The SPURR, its editor, its publisher, the City of Edmonton or the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Revitalization Zone. For More Information Please Contact: Wendy Kinsman, Jasper Place Revitalization Coordinator, Office of Great Neighbourhoods City of Edmonton Community Services Dept. 100835 - 120 St. N.W. P.O. Box 2359, Edmonton, AB, T5J 2R7 Ph: (780) 495-0321 wendy.kinsman@edmonton.ca Diane Kereluk, Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association 10043 151 Street. Edmonton, AB, T5P 4Z7 Ph: (780) 477-5169 info@stonyplainroadbrz.ca

PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Without our Advertisers you would not be reading this newspaper. Our Advertisers survive on your business. Please support our advertisers and when you call or visit them please make sure to say you saw them in the SPURR. Thank you.

THE SPURR NEEDS YOU! If you have a story or a photo depicting how life is, was or should be in Edmonton’s west end we would love to hear from you. Please forward your stories to the publishers address above, thank you.

FREE EVENT CALENDAR Please send us your date sensitive event information, we would love to include what


Where will stations be located? How will they be configured?

Hello SPURR readers. My name is Jamie Post. I'm pleased to take on the editorship of the SPURR, our local community newspaper. As west-end residents, my family and I always look forward to reading about neighborhood events, community services available to us, and shopping opportunities at local businesses.

How will vehicle access in and out of communities be impacted? What plans are needed to

Spring is here (minus any May snowfalls ;), greening foliage, and a 9 pm sunset provide as good an opportunity as ever to get out and about in our neighborhoods, and as we move forward into summer, our communities also move forward into what will be a year of change. The BRZ has held its first ever Business/Community mixer, a wonderful opportunity to learn more about local business, including Diane Kereluk's conceptual plans for a Holistic Urban Market, and I hope it has inspired you to learn more about the Jasper Place Revitalization and consider joining a working group or getting involved in your local community league. Wendy Kinsman has settled into her role as our new Neighborhood Revitalization Coordinator, and is working hard with the Revitalization's community volunteers. With an election upcoming, the city's previous 6 wards have been split into 12, while the provincial electoral boundaries commission has completed public hearings in our city regarding its interim report which has proposed changes to how West-Edmonton is represented in the Legislative Assembly. It's been five months since the long-running debate over a West-LRT corridor ended with City Council voting to approve the Stony Plain Road/104 Avenue corridor. While the city is looking to the province, the federal government and an upcoming bid for EXPO 2017 to provide the funding to construct the West and Southeast lines, city administration is moving ahead with the corridor's conceptual design phase. The questions being asked during this phase of design are:

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S P U R R M AY 2 0 1 0


Date: Tuesday, May 18th, 2010 Time: 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm Location: City Hall, City Room

DIANE KERELUK (780) 477-5169

Opportunity Does Knock The Edmonton City Council approved a Development Incentive Funding that applies to various Enterprise Areas in the city. This is a grant funding program designed for revitalization and reinvesting in the special needs main street commercial areas of Edmonton. The financial incentives will be available to Property Owners in these Enterprise Areas of the Business Revitalization Zones who invest in a new development, redevelopment, and/or conversion of their properties for mixed use, multiunit Residential and /or eligible Retail and Commercial Use Storefront occupancy. Property Owners must meet the guidelines of the program to qualify. The Incentives for the proposed development funds are: Multi-unit-unit Residential Development • A reimbursement grant of $12,000 per new Dwelling to a maximum of 36 new Dwellings for any Mixed-use project that creates new Dwellings located above eligible ground floor Retail and Commercial Use Storefront(s) occupancy. • A reimbursement grant of $7,000 per new Dwelling to a maximum of 36 new Dwellings for any Multi-unit Residential project that creates a minimum of 10 new dwellings. New Retail and Commercial Building Development A reimbursement grant equal to the amount of 5% total construction Value to a maximum amount of $40,000 per new Retail and Commercial Use building that has Construction Value $250,000, is a minimum of two storey’s, and has eligible Retail and Commercial Use Storefront(s) occupancy on the ground floor of the building. To learn more about this program the City of Edmonton is hosting an Open House for the Development Incentive Program on:

S P U R R M AY 2 0 1 0

In addition there will be an Open House hosted by the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association for Property Owners and Investors who are specifically interested in development in the area on:

Area Business Association for a short survey. The purpose of the survey was to find out what the member values were and what direction they wanted the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association to pursue. The results are now available and any business member wishing to receive a copy can do so by e-mailing stonyplainbrz@telus.net or visit: www.stonyplainroadbrz.ca.

Date: Wednesday May 19th, 2010 Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm Location: 10043 151 Street RSVP: (780) 477-5169 stonyplainbrz@telus.net

Summer Time is Almost Here!!! Mark your Calendars….Back Yard BBQ and Beer Gardens. Saturday, June 26, 2010. A great opportunity to listen to home grown music and enjoy a conversation with fellow neighbours. Watch for further information in the June issue of The S.P.U.R.R. or visit: www.stonyplainroadbrz.ca.

You Be You be

the the Judge…

Judge…Restaurant Review West LRT Update The City of Edmonton will be seeking public involvement regarding the proposed West LRT route and has offered a separate consultation for the business members of the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association. Date and location will be dependent on the number of participants. If you are a business member and would like to be involved with the consultation please email stonyplainbrz@telus.net or call (780) 477-5169 by May 10, 2010.

Keep your reviews coming in. For more information or a list of qualifying restaurants visit: www.stonyplainroadbrz.ca. Congratulations to the following restaurants for the great reviews: Hoang Long Restaurant Vic’s Pizza Cheese Cake Tasty Tomato Joey’s Grill & Lounge Haps Restaurant

Results from the Business Member Survey! During the early part of March a company called Trend Research contacted all business members with the Stony Plain Road and

Calendar at a glance... Date


January – May 01

Applications for Façade Improvement

May 18

Development Incentive Program Open House Property Owners and Investors Open House

May 19

Website www.edmonton.ca/city_government/planning_de velopment/facade-and-storefront-improvem.aspx

RSVP to stonyplainbrz@telus.net

May – December

Holistic Urban Market


May – October

Flower Planters



Spring Clean up Big Bin Event - Litter Pickup

June 26

Back Yard BBQ & Beer Garden



Street Clean up – Litter Pickup


September 11




Unveiling of Capital City Mural



Fall Clean up Big Bin Event

October 15/16

Storefront Cinema Nights




WENDY KINSMAN (780) 495-0321

shops with the Jasper Place Revitalization (JPR) Steering Committee and representatives with from the three, JPR Working Groups (Connecting our Community, Feeling Safe in our Community and Building our Community). We had the wonderful opportunity to have a presentation by key, City of Edmonton LRT staff, Transportation Department, to hear the next phases of the LRT Public Involvement Plan. LRT, Transportation Department Udate: You are invited to attend the next LRT Public Workshop on Thursday, May 6, 2010 at 6:00pm at Meadowlark Community League Hall. Please see the add in this months SPURR or go to www.edmonton.ca

Hello residents, businesses and organizations residing in the communities of Canora, West Jasper Place, Glenwood and Britannia Youngstown and the outlying communities who are affected by the changes planned in the Jasper Place Revitalization area. Wendy’s Quote; “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” Sir Winston Churchill

As your Jasper Place Revitalization Coordinator, I have just completed my second month of work in this position and have thoroughly enjoyed meeting many more people. I value your honesty and openness on what is important to you in your community and sharing your ideas on what needs to change. I facilitated two 1/2 day work-


Committee members who attended the JPR Workshop identified the issues, concerns and obstacles they are currently facing. One of the significant issues identified was lack of communication amongst the steering committee members and the three JPR Working Groups and the second issue was spending too much time on meeting minutes, and other administrative details, instead of putting greater efforts into the actions required to realize the JPR vision. New strategies are being written to include re-focus the JPR Strategy, re-structure the current governance, improve information and cohesiveness between the JPR committees and the public. The Jasper Place Revitalization Steering Committees next steps with representation from the three working groups are to write the new actions plans for the new strategies and incorporate them into the Jasper Place Revitalization

Strategy. I will post these in the June SPURR article. I work in partnership with the Stony Plain BRZ and I am very excited to see the incredible special events being planned over the next few months. Dogapalooza is coming in September, Store Front Cinema Nights are coming back in October and the BRZ staff are planning the future Holistic Urban Market, to be unveiled in October 2010. I am also working in partnership with the Neighbourhood Empowerment Team (NET), Edmonton Police Department, Bylaw and St. Paul’s Anglican Church to plan a clean-up day for communities in the Jasper Place Revitalization area in June. More details will be forthcoming in the June SPURR article. I having been going on walking and drive by tours to get to know your communities. I had my Neighbourhood and Community Development colleagues, Community Services Department educate me on the communities of Canora and Britannia Youngstown in April. Thank you, to Tim O’Donnell, Community Recreation Coordinator, Nicole Magilton, Social Worker, and Catherine McGuire , Social Worker,

Community Building West, for taking me on this informative community tour. It is important for me to know all of the community’s assets, which includes the schools, not-for-profit organizations, local parks, churches and businesses which serves these communities. Thank you, to the Bent Arrow Agency for giving us a tour of your facility and informing us off the many outstanding programs you offer to aboriginal families. When I return from my vacation, I will continue to meet with all of the JPR Steering Committee and Working Groups to review and update their short, mid term and long term plans. In May and June, I am planning to attend the community league meetings to introduce myself and understand both of our contributions to the Jasper Place Revitalization. I encourage all of you to e-mail me your comments on the SPURR as I try to keep all of you connected to the Jasper Place Revitalization Strategy. I will be returning from holidays on May 17 to read your thoughts and ideas. Wendy.Kinsman@edmonton.ca

S P U R R M AY 2 0 1 0

J A S P E R P L AC E L I B R A RY The Jasper Place Library has great programs for you and your family this month! Join us for the following FREE programs: Baby Laptime: Tuesdays at 10:15am. Ages: 3-12 months. Registration required. Fun For Ones: Wednesdays at 10:15am, beginning May 19. Ages: 12-23 months. Registration required. Family Storytime: Thursday nights at 6:30pm. All ages. Drop in.

Please call the library at 780.496.1810 for program details and to register. We are located at 9010 156 Street (just north of the Meadowlark Mall). Please note the library will be closed on Monday, May 24. Visit us online at www.epl.ca Don’t have a library card yet? Drop in and sign up! If you are under 18 we need to have the signature of your parent or guarantor.

Honourable Heather Klimchuk MLA, Edmonton-Glenora Minister of Service Alberta

New drug program for seniors delayed Existing drug coverage for seniors continues Proposed changes to Alberta's seniors' drug plan scheduled to take effect on July 1, 2010, have been delayed in order to address necessary legislative and regulatory changes and align with other government programs for seniors. Government will continue to pay about 80% of seniors’ total drug costs through the existing seniors’ drug program, which remains available to all Albertans age 65 and over. Seniors with this coverage will continue to pay a co-payment of 30 per cent of each prescription's cost to a maximum of $25 per prescription. The existing program will continue to provide coverage for prescription drugs, ambulance services, clinical psychological services, and home nursing care. "In 20 years, Alberta's seniors' population will have doubled from 400,000 to more than 800,000 - an increase from 11 to 21 per cent of our population," said Gene Zwozdesky, Minister of Health and Wellness. "As a result, a comprehensive approach is needed to address the needs of an aging and rapidly expanding population, and that simply requires more time to get it right." Questions about existing coverage should be directed to Alberta Blue Cross at 1-800-661-6995, or by email at www.ab.bluecross.ca, since they administer the seniors' drug program for the Government of Alberta. The Alberta Government has a clear plan for a strong economic recovery. An important part of The Way Forward is maintaining support for programs and services Albertans need most, such as health care, education, and safe and vibrant communities. For more information about the plan, please visit alberta.ca. Constituency Office: 10649-124 Street Edmonton, AB T5N 1S5 Phone: 780-455-7979 edmonton.glenora@assembly.ab.ca

S P U R R M AY 2 0 1 0




Holding a garage sale is a great way to lighten the amount of stuff you have around your house and make some extra money while doing it. If you are thinking about having a garage sale soon, these tips will help you save time, make money and get the most of your yard sale. Gather your items ahead of time. In order to save yourself some stress at the last minute start putting your items in boxes early. Grab some stickers and a pen and price your items before you store them in boxes. You will save yourself an evening of work trying to price your items the night before. Go through your house, when you find an item you want to sell, price it, put the sticker on it, and store it in the box. Store the box away until you are ready to hold your sale. If you do that ahead of time, all you have left is to take everything out of the boxes and display them. Make sure your items are visibly priced. Most people like to shop around at garage sales where the items are clearly marked. If your items are not marked then people will only look for items they really want. By marking your items you may attract someone who would have overlooked that item because they didn't want it enough to ask what the price was.


Display your electronics and have them either hooked up or close to a power source. If you are selling electronics, your customers will want to know that they work. Having a power source close by will save you time and running around while the sale is going on. If you are selling a TV, try to have it either on a cartoon channel, or hooked up to a DVD/VCR and playing a cartoon. Cartoons display nicely on televisions and it also acts as a great babysitter. Cartoons keep kids occupied and their little fingers away from your breakables. It also allows the parents more time to shop as the kids quietly watch a show. (This worked wonders at our garage sale last summer). You don't have to have the sound going on the television all day. Price realistically. Price an item for what it is, not for what it means to you. Remember that you are holding a garage sale and your buyers will be bargain hunters. It is okay to put a couple of items in at a higher price but the majority of your prices should be a great bargain or your buyer will check out a couple of high prices and leave because they don't want to waste their time when there are other sales out there.

day, you will accept their offer after a certain time if the item is still there.

have a specific section for garage sales and you can list yours for free.

Notify your neighbours. Advising your neighbours closest to you of the date or your desire to hold a garage sale will benefit you in a couple of ways. If the date is far enough into the future, they may express their desire to hold a garage sale in their yard on the same day. Turning a garage sale into a multi-family, or community garage sale makes it more desirable to shoppers.

Check your community paper to see if they print about garage sales. Print out some signs to post at your local community hall, library, church or merchants.

Telling your direct neighbours is also a courtesy. They can prepare for the increased traffic on their street or in their back lane and are usually more understanding of people parked in their spot if they know ahead of time. It also gets your neighbours over to your place to pick up some of your stuff at a great price. Advertise your sale. In addition to telling neighbours, there are numerous places to advertise your garage sale. There are some online sites such as kijiji.com that

When advertising, put as much information as possible such as the date, time, location and some of the items you are selling to attract more buyers. If you are having a larger sale such as multifamily or neighbourhood sale, put that information in too. Also, if you are having the garage sale rain or shine, add that in as well. In the event of poor weather, people will know that you are still open for business. Garage sales are a great way to unload the possessions you no longer need and with good preparation they can be an enjoyable and profitable experience. Sheri Landry is the owner and author of www.thisbirdsday.com and is a garage sale fanatic.

In addition to pricing realistically, don't be afraid to say no if someone offers a price that is too low for what you are selling. You may get bargain hunters that come in at the beginning of a sale and will offer a really low price. You can politely say that since it is the start of the day, you prefer to stay at your price, but if they really want to try the same offer later in the

S P U R R M AY 2 0 1 0

CANORA PARK WATCH I would like to give a big thank you to all of the litttle easter egg hunters that showed up for the Easter Egg Hunt. It was great fun. A big thank you also to Constable Trevor Shelrud and Constable Ryan Brady for coming out to make sure our egg hunters were safe. Thanks also to the volunteers who helped walk through the park, hide the eggs and help with the cleanup. You are truly amazing. Our third annual MiniCarnival will be held on MAY 30 at St. Anne Park, 153 St and 102 Ave, from 1:00PM to 4:00PM. There will be hot dogs, chips and pop, juice or water. The cost of hot dogs is 25 cents, chips are 25 cents and drinks are 50 cents. So for $1.00 you can have lunch. We will be having 3 bands, games and prizes for the children, face painting and much more. Come out and enjoy the afternoon. This is a great time to touch base with your neighbours and friends after being indoors all winter. The Bike Safety Clinic scheduled for June has been cancelled due to conflicting events. There will be a Safety Fair at St Anne Park on June 12, sponsored by Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society, from 1:00PM to 3:00PM. The Police Department, the Fire Department and Emergency

Medical Services will be present along with trucks, cars and ambulances. Booths included will be the Red Cross, Pedestrian safety, Home safety, Inline skating safety, skateboard safety and helmet safety. Snacks and refreshments will be served. Come out and join in this informative and entertaining event at 102 Avenue and 153 Street. Picnic In The Park will take place on July 18 at St Anne Park, 153 St and 102 Ave. Bring your picnic lunch or dinner and join us for an old fashioned Sunday picnic. Bring your favourite games as well.

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August 22 is the date of the JUMPY THING event at St Anne Park, 102 Avenue and 153 Street. Bring the children out to jump off some of the energy that they accumulated over the summer. Refreshments will be served. If you have any other ideas for events in either St Anne Park or the Canora Greenspace along 149 St, please let us know at canoraparkswatch@yahoo.ca or cal the Hall at 780 489 6007 and leave a message for Park Watch. We would love to hear from you. Remember anyone can join. Our meetings are on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00PM and will be held at St Anne Park during the summer.

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A note from your MP The Government of Canada has introduced measures to ensure fairness at the gas pumps for Canadian consumers. It is estimated that each year, due to inaccurate measurement, Canadian consumers receive a full $20 million dollars less gas than what they pay for at the pumps. When you pull into a station to gas up, you should be guaranteed that what’s on the pump is what’s in the tank. That’s why we are taking concrete action to protect consumers from paying more than they should at the gas station and other places where goods are measured.


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SPURR COMMUNITY NEWS BRITANNIA-YOUNGSTOWN Contact: 15927 - 105 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5P 0T8 Phone: 780-483-8983 Soccer We have 3 outdoor soccer teams this year. For the first time ever we have a U-4, as well as U-6 and a U-16 Boys teams. We are thrilled to have some little ones playing in Britannia again and they are all ready to go. Go kids and have a great time and lots of fun this season! And remember – dogs are not allowed on the soccer fields. Leave them at home this year! Annual General Meeting It’s that time again. We’ve had a pretty good year together and I think it’s just going to keep getting better. Maybe I only think that because it’s the first year I’ve been involved, but truly it’s been a great way to improve the feeling that we are a community, not just a collection of houses and people who have nothing to do with one another. Get involved – it’s fun! AGM Meeting: Tuesday, May 11 at 7:00 at the Britannia Youngstown Community Hall There are lots of ways to get involved. This year we need to fill the following positions: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and Social Director, as well as Soccer, Playgroup and Hall Rental Coordinators. Please contact Barb Busse for more information at barbara.busse@gov.ab.ca. Lots of roles just means that work gets spread thinly and we have more fun together while doing it. And there will be door prizes, food and drinks! It’ll be a fun night so come on out. Plant Exchange Saturday, May 15 10:00 am - 12:00 pm at the Britannia Youngstown Community Hall. Spring is a great time to share your plants and get some new ones. Divide any perennials you have, bring annuals that you've started by seed or even the seeds themselves. Don't have any plants to share? Come anyway and you'll go home with something. Come and join us! Contact miep@shaw.ca (Miep Raedschelders) or byclcommunications@hotmail.com (Evelyn at 780-930-2195) to get onto our email list and don't miss any of our gardening events. Free Swimming for Members Our league is offering free swimming for all members at the City of Edmonton’s four outdoor Pools: Borden Park, Oliver, Mill Creek and Fred Broadstock (which will be open again this year!!) Mill Creek May 22 – August 29, 2010 7:00 – 9:00 pm everyday of the week.


Borden Park, Oliver and Fred Broadstock June 5 – August 29, 2010 Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. For memberships, please call Laura at 484-7773 or email her at Laura.Nielsen-kerr@gov.ab.ca. Look forward to indoor swimming once September comes too. Beautiful Gardens We are planning to have a friendly competition involving the beautiful yards in Britannia Youngstown. There are two ways to get involved right now. 1. Clean up your yards and get ready for a year of colour with all of your favourite flowers and plants. You'll do that anyway, won't you? 2. If you'd like to wander around our neighbourhood nominating properties a little later in the season when the colours are at their best, please let Andrea know by emailing her at mzorro@interbaun.com. Gardening Club Meeting Mark this date on your calendars now. When: Thursday, June 3 at 7:00 pm Where: Community Hall What: Guest speaker from Lee Valley Tools regarding gardening tool maintenance Cost: Toonie, just to cover coffee/tea costs There will also be a time of socializing with fellow gardeners and getting your own personal questions answered or just meeting people. If you want to be kept informed via email, please email miep@shaw.ca. That way you will always know if there are changes to the topic or speakers and you can email any topics that you’d like covered in this or another gardening meeting. Senior's Spring Tea A traditional way to celebrate the return of warm weather is with a tea party. It’s just an informal gathering of seniors and neighbours. Come and have some tea or coffee with us and get to know some new faces or meet up with well-known friends. When: Wednesday, May 12 at 10:30 Where: At the community hall Please email byclcommunications@hotmail.com if you have any questions or to let Evelyn know that you’ll be joining us. Youngstown and Britannia Schools under review! Change is coming and all schools will be affected in some way. Possibilities include consolidation with other schools, reconfiguration of schools and/or programs, or possible closure. That would mean big change for our neighbourhood, so make sure your voice is heard. By now all interview forms have been submitted, and in May EPSB's consultant, Dialogue

Partners Inc. will release a workbook. Late May/June there will be community forums and in the Fall there will be workshops leading up to decisions by EPSB in the spring of 2011. Get involved!! http://sectorreview2010.com Green Shack Green Shack will be opening again in July – Gordon Drynan Park (166 Street, between 103 and 104 Avenue). The leaders offer great activities for your kids (6-12 years) and an opportunity for them to create friendships close to home. Remember to check it out and see what’s going on. This year the hours will be from 2:30 – 5:30, Monday-Thursday. Hall Bookings For hall bookings, general inquiries, requests for programs or to join our league, please call the Britannia Youngstown Community Hall at 780483-8983 or email BYCLgeneral@hotmail.com. We’d love to hear from you.

CANORA Contact: 10425 - 152 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 4P1 Phone: 780-489-6007 Fun Carnival June 12, 2010 Cost: Free 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm Dunk tank, Jumpy Things, Pony rides or petting zoo, music and other things. Popcorn, Pop, etc. minimal cost. Family Steak Barbeque and Dance Doors open: 6:30 pm Cost: 12 years and over - $15 for steak 6 years – 11 years - $8 for hamburger or weiners 5 & under free (hamburgers/wieners)

GLENWOOD Contact: 16430 - 97 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5P 0E8 Phone: 780-489-7571 www.glenwoodcommunityleague.com GREAT SUMMER NEWS FOR GLENWOOD! **NEW** Summer FREE Community Swim times at Edmonton’s OUTDOOR swimming pools! Glenwood has joined with a few other city communities to offer Glenwood members FREE swims at the city’s outdoor pools this summer! Each pool has designated days/times, and their opening dates vary. Just make sure you have your actual membership card from 2009-2010, and you will get in for FREE! S P U R R M AY 2 0 1 0

COMMUNITY NEWS 5:00 - 7:00 pm on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays WEST - Fred Broadstock Pool (Open July 1st to August 29th) CENTRAL - Oliver Pool (Open June 5th to August 29th) NORTH - Borden Park – Pool (Open June 5th to August 29th)

GREEN SHACK PLAYGROUND PROGRAM IS BACK! The community league is once again supporting the drop in playground program for kids ages 6-12 years old. This is FREE to participants, just drop in with your kids, grandkids or visiting friends for games, crafts and other fun activities! No membership required. The program runs rain or shine, as they use the rink shack if the weather is bad. Stop in at the community hall playground to see what it’s all about.

7:00 to 9:00 pm Every day of the week SOUTH - Mill Creek Pool (Open May 22nd to August 29th) DID YOU KNOW? Outdoor pools are available for rent to individuals every evening at 7pm (except Mill Creek) for approximately $70 an hour (including a lifeguard). A great birthday party activity, family reunion event, or friend get together. Call Cheryl Bell with the City at 780 495-9862 if you are interested. MEMBERSHIPS STILL AVAILABLE IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS GREAT MEMBERSHIP PERK! Only $25 per household, and FREE for Seniors 60 and older who live within Glenwood. Call Michele at 780-439-3169 to get yours before the summer gets here!

Open Monday to Thursday 10:30am to 5:00pm, Fridays from 1:30 to 5:00pm SCRAPBOOKING DAY OUT MAY 15th 10:00am - 6:00pm! Come and join us for a day that gives you uninterrupted time to scrapbook or make cards! You will be provided with your own 6 foot table (plenty of work space!), lunch, snacks and beverages, and access to my stamps and inks. Please bring materials for your scrapbooking or card making projects.

HALL RENTAL Seats 100 people in theater style seating, 80 seated at tables. Our beautiful new kitchen boasts a rinse sink, huge cooler/fridge, double oven, stove and griddle top and a super quick dishwasher. There is tons of prep space and it’s all stainless steel – so it’s quicker to clean up! We are the first community league in the city of Edmonton to offer FREE WiFi in our neighbourhood! That means that if you are in the hall, you will be able to use your Blackberry, Ipod, cellphone or laptop to log on to the internet! Functions at the hall will also have access to the FREE internet connection. We are joining the Free WiFi Project. Visit the website for more details. Friday/Saturday rentals: Members $150*, Non-Members $400 Sunday-Thursday rentals: Members $75*, Non-Members $150 Call the Facility Director, Charlotte at 444-0411 * Must be a member in good standing. SAVE THE DATE!!!!!!!!!

Registration for the Scrapbooking Day is $20.

The Glenwood boundaries are from 156 Street west to 170 street, and from 95 Avenue north to Stony Plain Road. SUMMER DAYCAMPS FOR KIDS 3-5years AND 5-7years! Glenwood is fortunate enough to be getting THREE registered programs running out of our hall this summer. Registration is May 4th, and the programs fill up fast, so it’s best to register in the first couple of days. Call 311, or go online at http://eReg.edmonton.ca (with your personal barcode and pin number) to register. July 12-16: Junior Chefs, 3-5 yrs (am) 9:00 - 11:30am Code # 354544 Learn to cook up some yummy treats! With a cup of games, a tablespoon of songs and a sprinkle of crafts, you’ll have a recipe for fun. July 12-16: Mini Multi Mania, 5-7 yrs (pm) 1:30 - 4:00pm Code # 354683 It’s a new adventure everyday! Filled with activities ranging from soccer and mini golf in the park, inspiring art experiences, dramatic play and adventures in the valley. August 9-13: Green Thumbs, 3-5 yrs (am) 9:00 - 11:30am Code # 354590 Come and get the scoop on growing flowers and vegetables. Learn some neat ways that our insect friends help us out in the garden! Planting seeds, crafting some beautiful bugs and making cool garden markers are all part of the fun!

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Pre-registration is required, as space is limited! Please RSVP by email kewchuk@telus.net or phone (780)489-5955 to hold your spot! All the details are on my website http://createwithkatherine.myctmh.com TUESDAY NIGHT EUCHRE Euchre is a ‘trick-taking’ card game played in groups of 4 with partners. Beginners are welcome because the more players, the better! Join us for Euchre EVERY Tuesday night at the Glenwood Community Hall. Registration is at 6:30pm, games begin at 7:00pm.

Glenwood is once again hosting a HUGE fall bash on September 11th, 2010. Mark your calendars for great food, fun, music and more!

Deadline for next issue is: May 21, 2010 Don’t Miss Out! 9

SPURR COMMUNITY NEWS For information, call Joan at 780-489-5419


High Park Community Hall seats 200 people. Please call Roger to book your special event @ 780-474-7892 before 8:00pm.

Contact: 11032 - 154 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 2K1 Phone: 780-484-4646 www.highparkcommunity.com

Are you interested in your community? Meeting new people and making a difference?

High Park Community League Annual General Meeting Sunday, May 30, 2010 1:30 – 2:30 Everyone Welcome Position Available!

Join our Board of Directors If you are interested, contact Janice Gargas at 780-489-4753.

High Park Preschool Registration for September, 2010 Ages 30 months – 4 years Contact Paula for more information @ 780-479-6929

Did you know that you can use your community Credits for use OUTSIDE of the community! Registering you or your child for tae kwon do, skating, gymnastics, etc? Cheques are issued at the Board of Directors meeting, the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm. Contact Nora St Jean prior to registering 780-486-1867!

High Park Garage Sale Saturday May 8th, 2010 For Tables contact Paula – 780-297-0648 Community Membership BBQ and Big Bin Event Saturday, September 18, 2010 12:00 – 4:00 High Park Community Hall Please come and purchase your membership and join us for our BBQ. Further Details to follow! Adult Drop-In Please join us. Drop in, have a cup of coffee and a visit! Wednesdays – 12:30pm – 2:30pm High Park Community Hall

replaced and there are still some vacant positions, which can be filled at a later date. It’s not too late to get involved! 2010 – 2011 Executive Board President: Kristy Bergstrom VP Facilities: Cheryl Quigley VP Operations:Greg Ostopowich Treasurer: Merle Bishop Secretary: Robyn Robertson Soccer Director: Doug Combee Social Chairperson: OPEN Registrar: OPEN Bingo/Casino Chairperson: Grace Berscheid Program Chairperson: OPEN Membership Chairperson: Elaine Fraser Publicity Chairperson: Deidre Thomas Seniors Chairperson: OPEN Hall Rental Chairperson: OPEN Next Meeting is Thursday, May 6, 2010 at 7:00 pm. Come meet the Executive Board members at a Twoonie Pancake Breakfast on May 15th from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Contact Information Community League President: Kristy Bergstrom 780 – 483-4675 or e-mail mayfieldcommunity@yahoo.ca

MAYFIELD Contact: 10941 - 161 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 1G2 Phone: 780-483-4675 The Annual General Meeting was held Thursday, May 8th at 7:00pm. Unfortunately, the spring blizzard kept some people away. No worries – everyone is always welcome at all meetings! Some executive members were

Needs Assessment Survey Thank you to those who completed the survey. The information given helps the Community League to coordinate with the City of Edmonton to organize programs for the community. You can still return your form to the hall. We value all opinions.


Summer Day

High Park Garage

Seniors Spring Tea

Mill Creek

High Park Annual

Canora Park Watch

Camps for kids


May 12, 2010

Outdoor Pool

General Meeting

May 30, 2010


May 8, 2010

10:30 am


May 30th, 2010

Third Annual Mini

May 4, 2010

Contact Paula


May 22th, 2010

1:30 - 2:30





Everyone Welcome

Community Hall

Community Hall

Gardening Club


Fred Broadstock

Borden Park

Canora Fun



Outdoor Pool

Outdoor Pool

Outdoor Pool


Community Ball

June 3, 2010




June 12, 2010


7:00 pm

June 5, 2010

June 5, 2010

June 5, 2010

1:00 - 6:00 pm

June 18 - 20, 2010

High Park Movie

Back Yard BBQ &


Membership BBQ

Beer Garden

September 11, 2010

and Big Bin Event

June 25th, 2010

June 26, 2010

165 Street and

September 18

6 p.m.

Location: TBA

Stony Plain Road

High Park

Storefront Cinema Nights October 15 and October 16, 2010 149 Street to 156 Street Stony Plain Road

Canora Park Watch


Britannia Youngstown Community Hall

Taco & Tater

Community Hall

August 2010 Jumping Thing Event St. Anne Park

Please send us your date sensitive Community Sponsored or Free event information, we would love to include what we can and it’s FREE.


S P U R R M AY 2 0 1 0

SPURR COMMUNITY NEWS We did receive some feedback about the lack of programs for Seniors in the community. If you are interested in organizing a Seniors Group, even if it is just to use the hall to meet for coffee once a week, please contact the Community League. The Past President Tara is willing to help co-ordinate some activities for community Seniors. Please call her at 780-486-6152 Summer! The City of Edmonton “Green Shack” program will be running again this summer. Mark your calendars for August 9 – 13, when Mayfield Community League will be hosting Rock Star Camp/Rock for children aged 9 – 12. Watch for registration information coming soon in the City of Edmonton Summer Programs Booklet as space will be limited. Baseball The Mayfield Community Ball Tournament will run again this year on the Father’s Day weekend, June 18th – 20th. Please leave a message at the hall (780-486-6152) if you would like to submit a team. Bingo Mayfield is always looking for volunteers to work. The credit you receive can be used

towards Mayfield Community classes and even children's programs outside our community. Please call Grace at 780-486-4801 if you are interested. The next bingo dates are: Saturday, May 1st , Sunday, June 6th.

Moms and Tots Dads, newborns, grandparents, and caregivers all welcome. No cost. Wednesdays 9:30 11:00am. At Mayfield Hall. For information contact Tara @ 780-486-6152.

Hall Rentals For resident members only. Leave a message at the hall and a Board member will call you back. 780-483-4675


Community Memberships Get your membership now! Call Elaine 780-481-8108 Singles - $15.00 Families - $25.00 Seniors - $10.00

Contact: 9620 - 152 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 4N9 Phone: 780-483-2815

Community Services Ebenezer United Church 16302 106 Avenue Edmonton T5P 0W9 Phone 780 5803 Church Service, Sunday at 11 a.m.

Pilates Every Monday at the hall 8:00 - 9:00pm. Call Bonnie for more info 780-489-3254 Yoga Every Tuesday at the Hall, 6:30 - 7:45pm. Call Fran for more info 780-484-1476.

List your Non-profit group for $99 per year (*some conditions apply).

Seniors Carpet Bowling Tuesdays and Thursdays. For more information call Doreen @ 780-486-1833 or Marlene @ 780-484-5728


Special event listings FREE for non-profits, otherwise classified rates and some conditions apply.


Place your business card in the SPURR and reach out to the community. Email: ads@thespurr.ca CLASSIFIEDS For Sale


ARE YOU TOXIC? You can’t afford not to check this video out!! www.shelleythomas.isagenix.com Got Something to Sell? Call or email for details and how we can help: Direct: 780-487-2688 Place your text only classiEmail: sthomas62@shaw.ca fied ads here in your local _________________________________________ community newspaper and reach 15,000 people in Mary MacDonald Edmonton’s West End. At $0.10 per character this Ad Fe d e ra l Li b e ra l C a nd i d a t e f o r E d m o nt o n C e nt r e you are reading costs less than $20.00. _________________________ _________________________

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Cat Sitting by

The Cat Lady Call Joan at 451-3384 Let your cat(s) enjoy your holiday in the comfort of their own home.

TEAKE Bookkeeping Services Offering Full-cycle bookkeeping to financial statements, payroll, GST, start-up, job costing and more. Contact Teresa at 780.222.8334. www.teakebookkeeping.com _________________________

S P U R R M AY 2 0 1 0



Ph: 780.450.9898 Callaghan 780.430.0037



Jasper Place

Montalet, Beaumont

9827 - 155 street 780.438.4666

130 Rue Madelene 780.929.2598

S P U R R M AY 2 0 1 0

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