SPURR Vol 2 Issue 4 May 2009

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Open House Brims With Ideas

Over one hundred people came to Britannia School to look at the proposed changes for the area at the Stony Plain Road and area Rezoning Open House on March 25. Through a visioning process carried out with area residents and business owners in March of 2007, a wide variety of issues were identified that pose challenges for the Stony Plain Road area. Most of the social issues identified can’t be addressed directly through zoning and land use, but many issues relating to physical conditions in the area can be: unattractive building facades, a poor pedestrian environment, a lack of positive activity on Stony Plain Road into the evening, and an undersupply of community-focused businesses can all be worked on through changes to the land use and zoning in the area. The Jasper Place revitalization Steering Committee and Working Group composed of area residents, business and property owners has been working closely with Planning Department staff for over a year, to develop a concept for physical changes to the area. The concept has mapped the Stony Plain Road corridor into 5 main “Character Areas,” each of which will have zoning changes to direct better types of residential and/or commercial development to them. These ideas are a workin-progress, but the general directions are as follows: Main Street Mixed Use: mixed use develop-


ment (retail at the ground floor with offices or residences above) along Stony Plain Road, up to six storeys on the north side of the street, and four storeys on the south side to limit shadows, providing an attractive pedestrian environment. Low-rise Apartment Areas: well-designed low-rise apartment development (up to four storeys) in the areas north of Stony Plain Road and between MacEwan and Jasper Gates Shopping Centre. Row Housing Area: well-designed row housing development and small apartment buildings with a focus on family-oriented housing, south of Stony Plain Road and west of the transit centre. Anchor Commercial Areas: improve Mayfield Common and Jasper Gates for pedestrian access and consider the possibility of allowing residences in these areas over time. Business Park: south of Stony Plain Road west of 164 street, this employment area would stay largely the same. Other ideas being looked at are moving Butler Park, which has visibility problems, to the corner of 156 street and Stony Plain Road.


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Redesigning the transit centre to work better for transit users - taking a slightly different zoning approach within walking distance of the transit center - would allow additional residents in this area to support the transit service. Community input is being sought on the design for these improvements, but detailed work on this will come later. This is one step in the process towards developing a new zoning plan and urban design plan for the area. We are compiling the feedback and using it to develop the plan. Next steps: a parking study as well as an engineering study of the sewage capacity of the area. The presentation from the March 25 Open House is available on line at http:/www.edmonton.ca/city_government/city _organization/jasper-place-revitalization.aspx If you have any questions or concerns or if you do not have access to the internet, you can receive a printed copy by calling Marian Bruin at (780) 944-5417.


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S P U R R • M AY 2 0 0 9 VOLUME 2 ISSUE 4

this month concerns the Jasper Place Revitalization.

Ph: (780) 757-0993 | www.thespurr.ca Editor: Paula E. Kirman editor@thespurr.ca Culture: Adele Knowler culture@thespurr.ca Gardening: Michele Hebert gardening@thespurr.ca Community Info: Marian Bruin community@thespurr.ca Business Info: Diane Kereluk business@thespurr.ca Advertising: Debbie Olsen debbie@thespurr.ca Jim Wooley ads@thespurr.ca Publisher: Pie Communications Inc.


Milestones and Revitalization May is a special month for The SPURR because it marks the paper’s first anniversary. In this day of economic uncertainty seeing papers fold (no pun intended) one after another, The SPURR is chugging along, trying in every aspect to be “the little paper that could.” In addition to celebrating one year, our theme

I grew up just a stone’s throw away from the Jasper Place area. Observing the gradual changes here is exciting and makes me pause to reflect on the past. The Jasper Place and Stony Plain Road areas are still just as recognizable to me now as when I was a child. However, there is so much more vibrancy now, with restaurants and shops where I head on a regular basis. Jasper Place is an historic part of the city that is having new life breathed into it, while focusing on building community, increasing

safety, and encouraging businesses to take root. It also has its share of social challenges such as homelessness and panhandling, but organizations of concerned citizens are rising to face these challenges head on. I am particularly thinking of the Jasper Place Health and Wellness Centre, but there have also been a couple operating quietly in the background for a while now, such as the Christian Care Centre and Bent Arrow Healing Society. Here’s looking forward to what the next year has to bring for The SPURR and the area’s revitalization. Thanks for joining us on this journey.

544, 12222 137 Avenue Edmonton, AB, T5L 4X5


Ph: (780) 757-0993 Fax: (780) 401-3438 www.piecommunications.com What is SPURR The Stony Plain (road and area) Urban Revitalization Report is a community based newspaper whose mission it is to serve the west-end communities of BritanniaYoungstown, Canora, Glenwood, High Park, Mayfield, & West Jasper / Sherwood along with the Members of the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association. SPURR is a joint initiative for Community & Business Interests of Edmonton’s westend lead by: City of Edmonton Community Services, Neighbourhood Revitalization Project and the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Revitalization Zone. For More Information Please Contact: Marian Bruin, City of Edmonton Community Services Department P.O. Box 2359, Edmonton, AB, T5J 2R7

Street or 149 Street, connecting to the Whitemud and crossing the North Saskatchewan River on the Quesnell Bridge, to Fox Drive, connecting to downtown by a transfer at the South Campus LRT Station. DIANE KERELUK (780) 477-5169

WEST LRT In October 2008, the City of Edmonton initiated a study to re-evaluate potential West LRT routes in response to an overall shift in the City’s strategic planning direction.

Ph: (780) 944-5417 marian.bruin@edmonton.ca

Three routes are now being considered:

Diane Kereluk, Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association 10043 151 Street. Edmonton, AB, T5P 4Z7 Ph: (780) 477-5169 info@stonyplainroadbrz.ca

When visiting or calling one of our advertisers please make sure to tell them you saw them

Route 107 From Lewis Estates along 87 Avenue, turning north at either 163 Street or 156 Street. This option will connect to Downtown via 107 Avenue.

in the SPURR – thank you.

THE SPURR NEEDS YOU! Reader response has been overwhelmingly positive about articles written by long time residents. If you have a story or a photo depicting

Route 102 From Lewis Estates along 87 Avenue, turning north at either 163 Street or 156 Street. This option will connect to Downtown via Stony Plain Road/102 Avenue.

how life is, was or should be in Edmonton’s west end we would love to hear from you. Please forward your stories to the publishers address above, thank you.

FREE EVENT CALENDAR The SPURR will begin publishing area events and activities in a monthly calendar in print and online. Please send us your date sensitive event information, we would love to include what we can and it’s FREE.


Route 87 From Lewis Estates along 87 Avenue to across the North Saskatchewan River and tie into University Avenue and the existing Health Sciences Station. This line would continue to downtown using existing LRT infrastructure. From Lewis Estates along 87 Avenue, going south at either 156

The development of a new line will have significant impacts on existing businesses, communities, and institutions. Technical experts with global expertise are conducting an extensive process using the Route Evaluation Criteria approved by Council. A public involvement process has been developed to seek feedback and input from affected stakeholders and general public on impacts and benefits of route options. The information gathered will feed into the technical process, be considered along with findings from technical analysis in developing a route recommendation. It will also be reported to City Council, who will make the ultimate decision on which LRT route will process. Get involved! For further information on how the Public Involvement Process unfolds and how to get involved go to: http://www.edmonton.ca/transportation/west-lrt.aspx or call the LRT projects information line at (780) 496-4874 SAFETY AND SECURITY FORUM The next forum will be held mid June. This informative session will be open to all businesses and

surrounding community members. Please watch for further details in the June SPURR issue. BUTLER MEMORIAL PARK UPCOMING EVENTS Aboriginal Days June 15 to 19 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. BBQ in the Park Saturday, July 11 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Family Night Friday, October 16 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. FLOWER POWER! Attention Stony Plain Road and Area Business Members: Improving the outside of your business could not get any simpler. Provide us with a hanging planter or a planter outside your building and we will do the rest. We will plant, water and maintain the flowers. This year we are piloting a new approach to creating beauty and character for the area. Ten major intersections have been identified, and we hope to create a whole new look with an arrangement of beautiful flower. By having businesses participate we can create a flow of beautiful flowers through out the business area, which will give us an exclusive, unified look. If everyone contributes a little we can do a lot! For more information please call: (780) 477-5196 or e-mail: stonyplainbrz@telus.net.

S P U R R M AY 2 0 0 9

UPDATE FROM JASPER PLACE REVITALIZATION STRATEGY March 25 Rezoning Open House was a great success! 105 people came to Britannia School to look at the proposed changes for the area. MARIAN BRUIN (780) 944-5417

The concept has mapped the Stony Plain Road corridor into five main “Character Areas,â€? each of which will have zoning changes to direct better types of residential and/or commercial development to them. These ideas are a workin-progress, but the general directions are as follows: • • • • •

Main Street Mixed Use Low-rise Apartment Areas Row Housing Area Anchor Commercial Areas The Business Park

Other ideas being looked at are moving Butler Park, which has visibility problems, to the corner of 156 street and Stony Plain Road. As well, another idea is redesign-

ing the transit centre to work better for transit users and to allow additional residents in this area to support the transit service. Community input is being sought on the design for these improvements, but detailed work on this will come later. This is one step in the process towards developing a new zoning plan and urban design plan for the area. We are compiling the feedback and using it to develop the plan. Next steps: a parking study as well as an engineering study of the sewage capacity of the area. The presentation from the March 25 Open House is available on line at: http://www.edmonton.ca/city_gov ernment/city_organization/jasperplace-revitalization.aspx If you have any questions or concerns or if you do not have access to the internet, you can receive a

printed copy by calling Marian Bruin at (780) 944-5417. Any feedback is welcome! Volunteers Needed to Join a Working Group Connecting Our Community Next Meeting: the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Boys and Girls Club 16030104 avenue Building Our Community Next Meeting: the third Wednesday 6pm at the BRZ office 10043-151 street Feeling Safe in Our Community Next Meeting: the second Thursday of each month, 6:30 p.m. at 10030-167 street. You can get involved with issues that concern you in your community.

You be the Judge‌Restaurant Review a very popular place to eat.

Hoang Long 10041-170 Street (780) 414-0877 Submitted by Lynn Perlitz Last fall I introduced my granddaughter to my favourite restaurant, Hoang Long and turned her into a huge fan of this fantastic restaurant. This family-run business offers friendly service and incredible food. If you plan to go on a Friday or Saturday evening be prepared to wait for a few minutes to get a table. This is

The food is a mix of Vietnamese and Thai and my favourite dish is the Vermicelli bowl with Lemongrass Chicken and Spring Rolls. I find this to be a very tasty, satisfying evening meal at a cost of only approximately $8.00. My granddaughter prefers the Chicken Stir Fry with Mixed Vegetables with the addition of her favourite fruit smoothie. The average dish costs $12 to $16 and if you are planning to share you don’t need many dishes, as the portions are quite large. The dÊcor is bright and fresh with lots of natural light shining through wooden blinds. This is a good size restaurant

e c n e r e f if D a e k a M


GRAFFITI Record Report Remove

S P U R R M AY 2 0 0 9

with a capacity to hold a large number of customers. The tables are large enough to accommodate all of the food without crowding and the seating is very comfortable.

to get to and has plenty of parking. If anyone in my family is asked to recommend a good place to eat, you will get a resounding chime of “Hoang Long.�

Since introducing her to this restaurant, my granddaughter has in turn invited her family who have now become regulars as well. I’ve spoken to a number of friends in Edmonton’s West End about this restaurant and everyone who has eaten here returns regularly, agreeing with me that the food is fantastic, the prices are reasonable, and the staff are friendly, courteous, and consistently serving hot, well prepared food. Located at Stony Plain Road and 170 Street this restaurant is easy

Hoang Long is a Vietnamese expression for “Bring it on!� Thanks to Lynn for submitting her review of the Hoang Long Restaurant. In appreciation, Lynn will receive fifty dollars compliments of the Stony Plain Road Business Association to spend at a restaurant of her choice. For contest details on our monthly restaurant review, please search “restaurant� on www.thespurr.ca or contact Diane at the BRZ office for more details.




FEEDBACK Do you have a Letter to the Editor? A comment about an article or item appearing in The SPURR? A question about the community? Send your feedback to editor@thespurr.ca. One Reader’s Thoughts on Graffiti I am not in one of the neighbourhoods that your paper services; however, I have the opportunity to read it at the office. I have read the article “Help to Combat Graffiti” and I couldn’t help but think of all the exterior paint I have in my basement. It was destined for the ECO station but now I wonder if it couldn’t be put to work in your neighbourhood. I’m sure it would take a few days before an owner of a business would have the opportunity to get to the home reno store for their kit. I thought it may be helpful to set up a “paint deposit” for used paint right in the area that could be used as an “interim fix” or as a paint primer. Perhaps, a can of left over paint could be distributed to each business along with a disposable foam brush in the event of vandalism which would eliminate the problems of storage, safety, and permits. Name Withheld By Request

What’s Up with Fred Broadstock Pool and Bill Hunter Arena? I am enjoying your community newspaper. I think it is just what our area needs to help bring back our area’s pride. Speaking of pride, would you happen to know what the plans are for Fred Broadstock Pool and the Bill Hunter Arena? I see much discussion in the news about the “new outdoor” pool in Kinsmen, however no news on Fred Broadstock. This is the second summer that we will not be able to enjoy swimming there because of poor planning at the city.


DesignEx Consulting Ltd. Recently I had the opportunity to meet Russ Garritty, the owner of a local business called DesignEx. His business focuses on residential design and drafting, planning designs for single family, multifamily, and major home renovations. Several projects of DesignEx have been completed in Parkview and Crestwood. Russ first realized that he loved space design and drafting when he took an elective course in high school. He attended NAIT and graduated with an Architectural Technology Degree. He has worked in the field since the mid 80s with home builders and architectural drafting companies. Now, along with his team, they produce a wide range of services in residential design including conceptual design, working drawings,

stock plans, brochures, and 3D renderings. DesignEx has been in business since 1992. In 2005, they relocated the business to 15930 100A avenue. DesignEx uses the latest technology to provide detailed house plans. Their website (www.designex.ca) includes over

300 stock plans of house designs. The company continues to provide excellent customer service to new and existing clients. If you are planning changes to your home or want to design the home of your dreams, Russ will be happy to assist you. You can contact him via their website or phone (780) 488-3844.

What is happening at Bill Hunter Arena? The place looks like a disaster zone. It too has been over a year with no construction in sight. I enquired about both at the city and was not provided any answers other than we will have construction begin shortly. Perhaps you, as editor of the Spurr, might have more luck on obtaining answers as to why this is taking place.

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Best Regards, Shannon Williamson Shannon, thanks for your words of encouragement. Bill Hunter Arena was getting some major improvements and there was a dispute with the quality of work that was done. The City let the contractor go and has hired a new one. They are resuming work right away. We don’t know about the pool but Mike Kuntz, Project Coordinator with recreation facilities, at (780) 944-0424 might be able to help.

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S P U R R M AY 2 0 0 9


T H E D R A G O N F LY D E N civic pride, in whatever small or large way possible.


The snow has melted in Edmonton, leaving behind a LOT of garbage on our streets and boulevards. Old Fart and I took our little, cranky old dog, Bijoux, for a walk the other day and I picked up a very full grocery bag of garbage in just a few blocks. I should have brought two or three bags with me, and could have filled them up quite easily.

A lot of the garbage I picked up was found close to two schools in my neighbourhood. Parents – please teach your children not to litter. Pack their lunches in reusable containers that they are to bring back home. I saw several garbage cans on the school grounds that are obviously not being used. I picked up several bagged lunches that were tossed on the ground, many with food (sandwiches, fruit, etc.) still inside. What a waste of good food.

A reminder that Parkview Community is having a garage sale at the Community Hall on If you see garbage in front of Saturday May 2 starting at 10 your house or apartment, a.m. Come out and meet Old please just pick it up and dis- Fart (a.k.a. Rod) and myself. pose of it properly. Edmonton really is a beautiful city and we Something to think about. Until wish to keep it that way. It is next month. up to all of us to do our part for

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“It was hard. It was a struggle. Don’t remind me of it.� The relevance of this quote from a long-time BritanniaYoungstown resident on the community history currently nearing completion is the perspective history provides on our current endeavours. If our predecessors built this community with a handful of seeds and a borrowed axe, what can we accomplish? This formal study of settlement in Britannia-Youngstown used historical documents, texts, maps, and interviews with residents to document life and land use in Britannia-Youngstown after 1883. This date is historically important because in 1883, the Dominion Survey charted sections of land to be sold as homesteads. What was it really like to register and prove a homestead? The individuals interviewed for this study suggest that the $10 registration fee was the easy part of the homesteading experience. The hard part of the bargain was improving the land within a year. Where they came from and what they knew had an impact on their early success.

One research participant, with Canadian parents who had lived in the U.S., suggested her grandparents were ill-prepared for the weather. A family from Ontario brought their livestock only to see them die. Yet another tells of her father’s dramatic escape from conscription in northern Europe. He left his family behind and arrived to Edmonton in midwinter with only 15 cents in his pocket. With six months to wait until a crop could be planted and harvested, he had the added burden of earning enough to pay for his family to join him. What could he do in this situation? Stories like these explain the pride with which one family produced an original homestead application from a box of keepsakes. Other artifacts produced during interviews include old family photos and even a beautiful old oak buffet. Keeping and caring for these family treasures suggests the importance of continuity. The Britannia-Youngstown community history project report will be available in June of 2009. Contributions from anyone with local family records are welcome until May 31. Contact Elizabeth Alke at (780) 488-5751 or ealke@shaw.ca.


Property Owners can receive:

7)0% /54



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THE DIRTY GARDENER good for the environment, and safe for kids and pets.


This month’s article deals with gardening tips that can be used throughout the growing season. I begged and groveled with my family and friends for tips, and found a few on the Internet. I hope you find them useful.

Spread crushed clean eggshells (I save mine up over the winter) around garden beds – helps to keep slugs away (thanks to Brian). Also, eggshells mixed in with the dirt around tomatoes helps to prevent them rotting on the vine because of the calcium in the shells (thanks to Lorraine).

Gardening tips:

Add 1 cup milk with water to fill a spray bottle – fights rust fungus on roses (thanks to Trudy who swears by this).

Chop up fine or grind up orange peels in food processor or blender – spread on top of garden beds to keep cats out of the dirt.

Plant marigolds in pots or beds around your deck, patio or balcony – helps keep mosquitoes away (thanks to Sharon).

Take one ounce of TKO household cleaner, add to water in a spray bottle, and spray all shrubs and bushes – helps to fight various bugs such as aphids and spider mites. It is a natural product made of orange oil, is

Use an upside down Frisbee (about an inch deep) to know when your lawn has received enough water – when the Frisbee is full its time to turn off the hose (about an inches’ worth is enough once a week).

Only water lawns and gardens in the early morning or in the evening to prevent evaporation by the hot summer sun. Also, avoid using fine mist sprinklers as too much water evaporates from them before the water hits the ground. Soaker hoses are best. Replace your mower with a manual one – great exercise for you, and no gas or electricity used. Let your grass clippings decompose on the lawn, spread as mulch for your gardens, or compost them. Compost your kitchen green waste (no animal products or oils) along with your garden clippings and leaves to add to your garden soil. It improves the texture of the soil, and adds oxygen, moisture, and nutrients to the soil.

soil. Lightly rake up the first few inches of soil, adding compost as you are raking, and then plant your seeds. Enhance nutrient take-up by raking in 1 cup Epsom Salts for every 9 square meters of garden. Add 5-8 cm of shredded bark around roots of shrubs and trees to conserve moisture and insulate the roots from excessive heat. Design your garden for water conservation. For drought resistant plants, plant them in high areas; for water-loving plants, plant in low areas. It only makes sense.

Spring bulbs prefer well-drained yet moist soil – too much water and they will rot (thanks Adele).

Use a water barrel or two (I have five, thanks to Old Fart), and use them to water your pots and gardens. To keep the water fresh, place a piece of sterling silver (coin, teaspoon, old jewelry, etc.) in the bottom of the barrel (thanks to Rob from Calgary – but he is originally from Edmonton).

Avoid deep-tilling the soil as it displaces beneficial organisms in the

Happy Gardening. See you next month.

CITY OF EDMONTON’S NEW 311 SERVICE In December, the City of Edmonton introduced a telephone information service. Citizens can call 311, 24 hours a day, every day of the year for access to City of Edmonton information, programs, and services. 311 services include Edmonton Transit schedule and fare information; planning and development information and inspection booking services; recreation program registration; and facility information, just to name a few. 311 does not replace 911. Anyone requiring fire, ambulance, or police emergency assistance must call 911 for emergency assistance. Citizens are encouraged to call 311 for all City of Edmonton information and services with the exception of DATS. Anyone registered with DATS should continue to call DATS directly to book the DATS serviceat (780) 496-4567. Edmonton Transit’s automated BusLink service is still available at (780) 496-1600. Utilities – EPCOR, TELUS, ATCO etc. - are not part of 311. Non-English speaking callers may request the assistance of an interpreter. The 311 agent will connect


with an external interpretive service to assist with the call. The interpretive service offers assistance in more than 150 languages. Deaf and hard of hearing callers can reach 311 using TTY: (780) 9445555 Many phone numbers for City services and facilities have been forwarded to 311. If you call a number for the City of Edmonton, you will be forwarded to a 311 agent. Over 90 City of Edmonton numbers have been forwarded to 311. These numbers will remain forwarded well into 2009, after which time citizens will be required to dial 311. The 2009 Blue Pages in the City of Edmonton Telus phone book will list 311 as the number to call for most City of Edmonton services. Residents of neighbouring communities interested in City of Edmonton information and services can call (780) 442-5311 to reach a City of Edmonton 311 agent. 311 does not offer in-person services. All locations previously offering in-person service are still open during regular business hours. Locations are:

Edmonton Transit lower level Churchill LRT Station Planning and Development, 5th Floor, HSBC Bank Canada Building, 10250-101 street City Hall, Main Floor Taxation, Main Floor City Hall City of Edmonton information is always available online at www.edmonton.ca or directly for online program registration www.edmonton.ca/ereg Online ETS Transit Trip Planner: www.takeETS.com

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S P U R R M AY 2 0 0 9

A message from the Honourable Heather Klimchuk MLA, Edmonton-Glenora

New Budget Builds A Strong Foundation For Tomorrow Much has changed in the past year. The global recession has hit economies the world over, and Alberta is no exception. While we’re not immune to the turmoil gripping world markets, Alberta is in a better position than many, and we have a plan that will see us through these challenging times. On April 7, 2009, Iris Evans, Minister of Finance and Enterprise, released Budget 2009. As Minister Evans stated in her budget speech, Budget 2009 provides investment in the programs and services Albertans need, like health care, education, and infrastructure. Also, it provides investment in infrastructure and capital that supports our economy today and our prosperity in the future. The best thing, though, is that it does this all while maintaining our competitive, low-tax regime - the lowest tax regime in Canada. Alberta is in a position to do this because we have no accumulated debt, and in the past five years, we’ve put aside $17 billion in savings. So again, while Alberta’s fiscal situation has been significantly affected by the economic downturn, we’re in a better position than most. We have a plan to build on our strength that will see us through these challenging times – and set us up to emerge even stronger. Budget 2009 projects deficits of $4.7 billion for 2009-10, $2.4 billion for 2010-11, and $1.8 billion for 2011-12, with a planned return to surplus in 2012-13. This is mainly due to low commodity prices, and low resource and income tax revenue. In order to achieve the targets for the latter two years, government will take $2 billion in corrective actions in 2010-11 unless revenues improve beyond our forecast. These deficits will be offset by transfers from the expanded Sustainability Fund - part of the savings we’ve set aside to ensure that when times are tough, we have the funding to keep our essential services running. In the meantime, we’ll be managing our spending to ensure we’re getting the best value for our dollars. Over the next three years, we will invest a record $23.2 billion in infrastructure - an investment that translates directly into jobs for Albertans. In addition to this commitment, Alberta Health Services will be drawing on cash reserves of $1.5 billion to support healthrelated capital projects.

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Also, through programs such as employment and training services, our government provides a range of employment and training services to help Albertans find meaningful employment. A total of $164 million has been allocated this fiscal year to support these programs. This increase will allow us to continue to provide programs and services to an ever increasing population that grew by just over 91,000 last year. Three quarters of the increase will go to priority areas such as health care, education, and helping those in need. For example, this year there will be an increase of $100 to the maximum monthly AISH benefit, and increases to the Alberta Seniors Benefit. Also, there will be 14,000 new child care spaces by 2011, 100 additional front-line police officers in 2009-10, with another 100 next year, and 450 affordable supportive living units throughout the province. All of this new funding will be allocated while still maintaining Alberta’s low new tax regime. With Budget 2009, Albertans will feel the full benefit of the elimination of health care premiums, saving us a total of $1 billion this year. Personal income tax credits will be indexed to inflation, saving Albertans $115 million in 2009. And, as of April 1, the small business threshold rose to $500,000 from $460,000, encouraging small businesses to grow. Further, we maintain the lowest fuel taxes in the country and have no sales tax. Budget 2009 reflects the Government of Alberta’s belief in all Albertans, the belief in our province, and the belief in our future. This budget describes the mission to manage our spending, use our savings wisely, build on our capacity, and market Alberta to the world. It keeps Albertans working and provides prudent tax measures. Alberta will continue to be a place for people of courage and determination to dream big, to embrace diversity, and to be strong.

Edmonton-Glenora Constituency Office 10649-124 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1S5 Phone: 780-455-7979 Fax: 780-455-2197 Email: edmonton.glenora@assembly.ab.ca


COMMUNITY NEWS GENERAL NEWS Bike Safety Programs – 4 Wheel Drive and Ride to Survive Your child will participate in bike related games and activities that will help them learn about basic bicycle skills, rules of the road and bike safety. 4 Wheel Drive programs are for ages 3-5 and Ride to Survive for ages 6-12. To register, contact 311 or online at http://ereg.edmonton.ca May 30 - Meadowlark CL (15961 – 92 Avenue) 4 Wheel Drive 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Ride to Survive 1-3 p.m. June 13 - Jasper Park CL (8751-153 Street) Ride to Survive 13 p.m. 2009 Summer Program Guide Summer is quickly approaching quickly! The 2009 Summer Program Guide will be out in mid to late April. The guide will be distributed to all elementary schools and available at your local City of Edmonton Leisure Centres. Be sure to pick up your copy and start planning for the summer! Summer Program registrations start May 4, 2009. What are the Dog Gone Rules? Are you uncertain what the rules are for walking dogs in the City of Edmonton? The City of Edmonton has very specific rules for dogs set out in the Animal Licensing Bylaw and the Parkland Bylaw. Rules for dogs are in place for the safety of your community and the safety of your pet. It’s pretty simple… In the City of Edmonton, you must license your dog. You must clean up your pet’s defecation. You can walk your dog on parkland so long as your dog is: • leashed and on a trail; • leashed and on a boulevard; • leashed and in an area governed by signage permitting dogs. Outside of designated off-leash areas, dogs must by on a leash at all times. For everyone’s safety and at all times, dogs must be kept at least 10 metres from any playground, sports field or picnic site. Your dog must be on a leash no longer than 2 metres in length.


Visit www.edmonton.ca/parks and click on Off Leash Park Sites for more information. If you are experiencing problems with dogs off leash in your neighborhood, temporary signs are available. Call your CRC for more information. Edmonton in Bloom Makes Edmonton Flourish Edmonton in Bloom is about Edmontonians working together to create a flourishing community. Many different groups and projects help to foster civic pride, environmental awareness, and beautification; and they contribute to Edmonton in Bloom. There are three main activities of Edmonton in Bloom. Edmonton in Bloom Directory A directory of groups and initiatives that beautify the community, promote environmental responsibility, and build pride in Edmonton. Edmonton in Bloom Show and Awards Showcases groups, projects and businesses that foster a beautiful Edmonton. Communities in Bloom Judging Edmonton has competed in the national Communities in Bloom competition since 1995. Some projects that make Edmonton flourish are: Front Yards In Bloom, Naturescapes and Community Gardens. People, Plants, and Pride… Growing together For More Information: Communities in Bloom Coordin-ator Phone: (780) 496-4678

BRITANNIA-YOUNGSTOWN We are always looking for new people to join the community and executive. Please e-mail Debbie at dyochim@hotmail.com or call Barb Busse at (780) 489-6652. SOCCER For outdoor soccer 2009 we have three teams. They are U-14 boys, U16 boys and U-18 girls. We would like to thank all the volunteers for 2008/2009 Indoor soccer. Hoping everyone will have a great time this outdoor season. CASINO We would like to thank all the volunteers that worked the casino for us on Jan 29 and 30. Also Barb Busse

for organizing the event and getting the volunteers. Our next one is July, August, or September 2010. Look for further info. 50 YEAR BIRTHDAY BASH Britannia-Youngstown is 50 years old this year. If you would like to help out or have suggestions please contact Barb Busse (780) 489-6652. HALL RENTALS We still have lots of openings for hall rentals. Our hall seats 150 people. For more info call Joan (780) 486-1887. WEBSITE DESIGN We are currently looking for assistance in getting our website up and running. We have the information on a disc; however, this information is not on the web. If you have experience and can give us the help we need. Please call Barb at (780) 489-6652.

household and seniors 60+ are FREE! Memberships for 2009/ 2010 will be available at our Annual General Meeting on May 3, at 10 a.m. (or email: glenwoodcommunity@hotmail.com or call Michele at (780) 439-3169). Come to a community league event – Come and play cards (Euchre) on a Tuesday – beginners welcome. Drop in at a community league meeting (first Thursday of every month) Come to Community Swim at Jasper Place Pool on a Saturday, 35 p.m. (with membership) Pop in at our Annual General Meeting Brunch May 3,2009 Come to Hockey Night in Glenwood Sign up for Adopt-A-Block to keep your street clean

GLENWOOD BRUNCH & ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING MAY 3rd - 10am at Glenwood Hall (16430 97 Avenue). 2009/2010 Memberships will be available for purchase and pick up, along with information on many other programs going on around Glenwood and area. Want to participate in the community, but worried you might be asked to volunteer time you don’t have/can’t offer? Stop worrying! This year, the Glenwood Executive will have all of its positions filled (a couple people hold down more than one position.) Yay! Come out and enjoy a free brunch and find out what’s new. So… How can you participate? Purchase a membership. Memberships in Glenwood Community League are still (after almost 20 years) only $25.00 per

Meet new friends and neighbours at our 70th Birthday Bash this fall Register your children for one of the City of Edmonton programs going on at the hall this summer drop in to check out our summer Playground Program with your kids, nephews, nieces, grandkids or friends Organize a block party on your street Attend our annual Christmas Party We are hoping to open two youth positions so that the young people of Glenwood can help us make decisions that affect them as well! If you are interested in making Glenwood a community that offers fun programs for young adults – come out and let us know! Mark your Calendar… September 12th, 2009 is the BIG DAY!

READY TO SELL YOUR HOME? HOME STAGING is the best investment you can make to give your listing that "edge" over the competition. Consider it an important and effective marketing tool that can create focus and showcase your special selling features! The result - maximum appeal to the potential buyer. Home Staging adds the "WOW" factor - staging improves your chances if your home appears "buyer ready". My purpose – STAGE/SHOW/SELL. For info, please call:

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S P U R R M AY 2 0 0 9

COMMUNITY NEWS What Does a 70th Birthday Bash for a Community Look Like? Fantastic food, fun, fireworks, friends, family, dancing, jumpy things for kids, door prizes, networking, neighbours, games and so much more!! This will be our biggest community event in YEARS and we are hoping to see so many people, new to the community and those who have been here for years joining together for a day of excitement. Email Michele at glenwoodcommunity@hotmail.com to get more information or to volunteer your expertise! Upcoming Scrapbooking Day Out – May 2 at the Glenwood Hall Katherine hosts scrapbooking days at the hall approximately every two months on a Saturday.... please contact her for upcoming dates at kewchuk@telus.net or visit her website for more information at www.createwithkatherine.myctmh.com. Euchre Join us for Euchre every Tuesday night at the Glenwood Community Hall. Registration at 6:30 p.m., games begin at 7 p.m. Anyone can come to play. Family and Kids’ Stuff… Registration for registered programs starts Monday, May 4 and we have two running right here in our neighbourhood! Go online at www.edmonton.ca and search Summer Program Guide for more information, or pick one up at City facilities. Register early to get your spot! Green Thumbs (3-5 Years) 9-11:30 a.m. Class 317740 - $55 (August 10-14) Come and get the scoop on growing flowers and vegetables. Learn some neat ways that our insect friends help us out in the garden! Planting seeds, crafting some beautiful bugs and making cool garden markers are all part of the fun!

Wild at Art (6-9 Years) 1:30-4 p.m. Class 318124 - $59 (August 10-14) Explore the world of art in this program. Sample everything from molding clay, paper maché and painting in different forms. Glenwood will once again be running FREE summer drop in playground program at the community league playground this summer. Please come out and enjoy games, crafts and other dramatic play. Last year was a great success, and we look forward to even higher numbers this year. Don’t Forget about Free Swimming… With your Glenwood Membership, you can participate with your family at our Community Swim at Jasper Place Pool on Saturdays from 3-5pm until the end of June. Other Glenwood Information: Have your say and find out about… Community development, League spending and changes, Programs offered, What’s new in Glenwood? Community League meetings are open to everyone and are generally held at the hall at 7pm on the first Thursday of every month. Are you hosting a birthday party? Baby or bridal shower? Family Reunion? Family Christmas Party? Consider renting the Glenwood Community Hall.

We would like to thank everyone for his or her help with the Easter BINGO at Canora on March 28, 2009, We are happy that everyone of all ages had a great time. Our Next event is the Volunteer appreciation Dinner April 24 2009, we hope to see all of our Volunteer’s out there having a great time. Thank you everyone who came out for the AGM (Annual General Meeting) on March 15 2009 we had a record turn out. Our new executive is; President - Tony Lovell 1st Vice President - Ray St. Germain 2nd Vice President - Robert Poliues Secretary - Shandi Hyggen Treasurer - Eva Squires Past President - Eleanor Burke Memberships - Erin Robins Building - Paul Birch Casino - Greg Roberts Program - Roberta Spence Events - Christine Lovell Bingo - Virginia Lovell Publicity- Adina Green Good & Wellness - Stella Benko Neighborhood Watch - Eleanor Burke

Friday/Saturday rentals: Members $150*, Non-Members $400

We also would like to thank everyone who helped clean up the graffiti on the hall. We would like to remind our neighbours and friends when you see suspicious activity please call the police.

Sunday-Thursday rentals: Members $75*, Non-Members $150 Call the Facility Director, Charlotte at (780) 444-0411 Must be a member in good standing.

Bingo: Canora Community League is looking for Volunteers within our league to work bingos, if you have some free time and would like to help us out please call Virginia (780) 478-0979




Rentals: The hall is still open for many dates during the year! If you are looking to have a BBQ or Wedding to call Paul at the hall (780) 999-4529


See samples and pricing at www.thespurr.ca/website or call 780-757-0993 tell us you saw it in the SPURR for special pricing!

Keeping Clean: Clean up the Neighbourhood, Lets keep our neighbourhood clean, if you see garbage lets pick it up. Lets help out each other. If you have graffiti on your house or garage and want some information on how to remove it! Call Paul (780) 999-4529 SPRING IS HERE !!! Help the Neighbours: If you notice that one of your neighbours needs help cleaning their yards, let’s help… This will help keep the neighbourhood clean, and a clean neighbour-

hood deters people to litter. LETS ALL WORK TOGETHER MEMBERS: Its never to late, That Canora Community league is always looking to welcome new members. If you would like to become a member please contact Erin (780) 920-2092 UPCOMING EVENTS… Board Meeting at Canora April 14, 2009 Volunteer appreciation Dinner April 24, 2009 Garage Sale at Canora May 2, 2009 Board Meeting at Canora May 12, 2009 BBQ at Canora June 6, 2009 Board meeting at Canora June 9, 2009 Green Shack opens July 2009 till August 2009 Board meeting September 8, 2009



Membership Drive at Canora September 12, 2009

HIGH PARK Are you interested in your community? Meeting new people and making a difference? Join our Board of Directors If you are interested, please contact Janice Gargas at (780) 489-4753 Rummage Sale - Huge In Door Garage Sale Sat May 23-and Sun May 24 9 a.m.-3p.m. Table Info Contact Paula @ (780) 479-6929 Pre-School registration night Tuesday May 26 @ 7 p.m. Come out check out the great Parent Cooperate Program that we run for Children Ages 3 & 4 Reasonable Price, Great Teacher, Many Field Trips And much more......Limited Spaces Available. Further Info Contact Paula @ (780) 479-6929 Babysitting Course – Anyone interested in participating Contact Naida Woycenko – (780) 487-8767 Dates to be determined by interest! Did you know that you can use your community Credits for use OUTSIDE of the community! Registering your child for tae kwon

www.thespurr.ca/website S P U R R M AY 2 0 0 9


COMMUNITY NEWS do, skating, gymnastics, etc? Contact Janice Gargas prior to registering (780) 489-4753! Space still available in High Park Preschool January Registration - 3 & 4 olds, Parent Co-Op, Year Reasonable rates. Lots of fun for both Parents and Children!! Call Paula for more info @ (780) 479-6929

contact Tara @ (780) 486-6152 Free Swimming for Mayfield community league members. Please show current membership card. Saturday evenings from 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. Jasper Place Fitness and Leisure Centre, 9200 - 163 Street Hall Rentals For resident members only. Call Kathy to book: (780) 484-3391

Vice President Facilities - Steve Middleton Secretary - Robyn Robertson Treasurer - Merle Bishop Membership - Elaine Fraser Publicity - Leanne Garon

Programs - Bonnie Myer Socials - Wendy Stevenson Registrar - Vacant Soccer - Mike Davison Castledowns Bingo - Vacant Hall Rental - Kathy Johnson

MAYFIELD Yoga Tuesdays 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. at Mayfield hall. $100 per 10 sessions $12 for drop-ins. Call Fran for info: (780) 484-1476 Pilates Mondays 8 to 9 p.m. at Mayfield Hall. $100 per 10 sessions $15 for drop-ins. Call Bonnie for info: (780) 489-3254 Carpet Bowling Seniors carpet bowling Tuesdays and Thursdays. For more information call Doreen @ (780) 486-1833 or Marlene @ (780) 484-5728 Moms and Tots Dads, newborns, grandparents, and caregivers all welcome. No cost. Wednesdays 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. At Mayfield Hall For information

Community Memberships Call Elaine: (780) 481-8108 Contact Information Tara Middleton: (780) 486-6152 email: mayfieldcommunity@yahoo.ca Other Mayfield News On April 8th we had our Annual General Meeting and had a much better turnout than in past years. Thank you to all the returning community members and to all the new members who came out to support our community league. If you were unable to come but would still like to volunteer or get involved with your community, please do not hesitate to call or e-mail Tara Middleton. The new executive of Mayfield are: President - Tara Middleton Vice President Operations - Greg Ostopowich

The SPURR would like to thank all those people who helped make this last year possible, starting with the two greatest contributor’s any paper could wish to have: Adele & Michele have been here from the start and their efforts have been and are greatly appreciated. We also want to thank everyone else who had a hand in making the SPURR something to be proud of and if we’ve ADELE MICHELE missed someone it will only be in print, KNOWLER HEBERT not in our hearts – thank you:

Thank Thank Thank Thank

Amanda Bird Amanda Woodward Andrew Jeynes Bernadette Thomas Bibianna Davidson Brian Novak Cail Johnson Chelsey Schmidtke Connie Clark Cst. Bill Countryman Cst. Michael Hickey Cst. Trevor Shelrud Cst. Wayde Peachman Dan & Tasha Allen

You You You You

Dana Woodward David Higgs Debbie Olsen Denny May Diane Kereluk Eric Kozakiewicz Eric O'Brien Jackie Fowler James Leder Jennifer Bath-Yofonoff Jenny Stasiuk Jim Doucet Jim Wooley John Gregory

Kristin Gibson Laurabelle Robinson Laura-Lee Rahn Louise Stewart Marian Bruin Matthew Cabaj Maxine Hebert Mike McGuire Paula Kirman Shannon Wooley Sherry Fowler Win Sebelius

Capital City Clean Up 2009 Big Bin Events The City of Edmonton is hosting Big Bin events for household items that can’t be set out for regular waste collection. Twelve weekend events will be held in various locations throughout the City. City residents will be able to drop off items such as old couches, chairs, mattresses, and appliances free of charge. Computers and other electronics will also be accepted for recycling. Note: Do not bring household hazardous waste like paint, varnish, household cleaners or batteries. Please take those items to an ECO Station.

All events will run from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.





May 2 & 3

Jasper Place

16003 – Stony Plain Road

May 9 & 10 May 23 & 24 May 30 & 31 June 6 & 7 June 13 & 14 June 20 & 21 August 15 & 16 August 22 & 23 August 29 & 30 September 12 & 13 September 19 & 20

Commonwealth Stadium SE District Yard Blue Quill Castle Downs Northlands Woodcroft Callingwood Commonwealth Stadium Blue Quill Millwoods Town Centre Kennedale

112 Avenue & 90 Street 5404 – 59 Avenue 11304 – 25 Avenue 11520 – 153 Avenue 11203 – 73 Street 13915 – 115 Avenue 17740 – 69 Avenue 112 Avenue & 90 Street 11304 – 25 Avenue 23 Avenue & 66 Street 12810 – 58 Street

S P U R R M AY 2 0 0 9



I was going through a number of boxes recently, ready or not, to downsize. This is a very heavy task, as I am my father’s daughter: a packrat and one who finds value in just about every book, trinket, and any other precious piece of someone else’s good finds. I have in my art studio old pictures and first edition books of Bronte, as well as first images of my great greats in oval frames. To ask me to do spring cleaning is like asking a mouse to stop eating cheese. I did take the time for the clean out as we needed to move one of our daughters downstairs, clearing the way, finally after almost twenty years for my husband and myself to have breathing space upstairs.

What ensued was a huge clean and sort of this author’s pack rat eclectic assortment of books garnered over the last twenty years or so. I am a teacher, and as such was afforded the spring break time to peruse the collection of books and memorabilia amassed over the last several years. Not only was I amazed at the vast collection that needed to be reduced, I was downright proud of my family’s literary journey.

many books from his collections but must now share some of them with other avid collectors. It would be my honour to give these books away this month to good collectors in honour of his memory. Collectors alike are invited to contact me at The SPURR to make arrangements (this month only) for pick up of these great literary treasures free and to a good literary home. I would be willing to drop off the books to your home. Otherwise, they are

destined to a drop off with Goodies or other organizations for re sale. A good book, a good read is better than chocolate on a dreamy Sunday afternoon. It stays with you longer, lingers better, and gives pause for thought. Pick up the phone, e-mail, or just let us know by snail mail if you want these treasures. My father would be tickled pink!

I had collected a veritable chronology of the times, from National Geographics to a full set of Life magazines from the sixties to the seventies (complete and in excellent condition). As well, I have a full collection of mint condition hard cover books on England, Canadian History, and many books regarding Canada and the railroad for free pick up. This great collection came from my father, Albert Knowler. He was the book collector. I have

Make sure to check out SPURR Online @ www.thespurr.ca

Never miss an issue again! a

If you enjoy local, community based news please consider a subscription. Your support via subscription will help us grow into a bigger and better paper and you’ll always be sure of getting your copy of the SPURR. Thank You. p Please sign me up, I want to subscribe $25 (GST included) Name: ______________________________________________________________ Email: _________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ P/C:___________________________ Please send your cheque or money order payable to: Pie Communications Inc. 544, 12222-137th Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5L 4X5

S P U R R M AY 2 0 0 9


JASPER PLACE LIBRARY UPDATE The Jasper Place Library has many programs for you and your family this month! Along with our regular programs, we are also celebrating Asian Heritage Month and National Youth Week with some exciting new programs! Join us for the following programs: Booktalk Storytime on Saturday, May 2 at 2 p.m. Edmonton Youth Week – Teen Gaming on Tuesday May 5 at 7 p.m.

Asian Heritage Month – Henna Body Art on Tuesday May 12 at 7 p.m. Please call the library at (780) 4961810 for program details and to register. We are located at 9010156 Street (across from the Meadowlark Mall). Visit us online at www.epl.ca. Don’t have a library card yet? Drop in and sign up! If you are under 18 we need to have the signature of your parent or guarantor.

Rhyme Time – Every Thursday in May at 6:30 p.m.

CLASSIFIEDS White Cloud Aboriginal Head Start is now accepting applications for the 2009/10 school year. Children must be of Aboriginal ancestry, potty trained and either 3 or 4 years of age. Please call 780-481-3451 to make an appointment to register your child, spaces are limited ______________________________

Please take a moment to answer the questions and then fax, email or mail the completed survey to The SPURR at 544,12222 137 Avenue, Edmonton, AB, T5L 4X5 Fax: (780) 401-3438, • ads@thespurr.ca 1 Please check off which community league you reside in.

“Mark your calendars for the National Aboriginal Day project " A Celebration of Aboriginal Health and Wellness” happening at the Butler Memorial Park 157 St & Stony Plain Road during the week of June 15th to 19th.

Britannia/Youngstown Canora Glenwood High Park Mayfield West Jasper/Sherwood Other 2 Do you get the SPURR on a regular basis? Yes, I receive it every month Yes, I have received it, but not every month No, I have never received it 3 How do you receive the SPURR Delivered to Home in Mail Boxt Read at work Pick up at store, coffee shop etc. 4 What are some of the things that you like about the SPURR?

5 What don’t you like about the SPURR?

6 Please check off some of the things that you would like to see in the SPURR.

Place your classified ad here 12

School News Multicultural Information Renter’s Corner Senior’s Scene Kid’s Corner Geek’s Corner Civic Contact List

S P U R R M AY 2 0 0 9

Who will you trust to represent you in the sale (or purchase) of your home? How will you decide on the Realtor® and the brokerage that will help you through what could be a stressful time, who could actually make it fun, and who will be able to assist you in the 146 details that make up a real estate transaction?

Madeline Sarafinchan Broker

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Sandra Laurin 780-218-7653

Felicia Macdonald 780-289-6670

Brian Maschio 780-233-4200

Jean Philippe Ouellett 780-217-7866

Alex Stewart 780-720-3343

Kristine Walline 780-217-5747

Erin Willman 780-221-5801

Reena Yost 780-722-2263

When you don’t want to take a chance on trusting your home with anyone less than the best, call one of us today!

More than just new homes! S P U R R M AY 2 0 0 9


All the businesses on this page are wishing a hearty congratulations to The SPURR on it’s 1st Year Anniversary

and a very appreciative thank you shouts back from Marian, Diane & Jim for all the support throughout this past year. We look forward to providing the SPURR and serving your needs for years to come.



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REMEMBRANCE SERVICE Sunday, May 10 • 11:30am & 2:30pm Please join us for a Service of Remembrance at 11:30am or 2:30pm in the Westlawn Chapel, followed by our Open House. Enjoy light refreshments, tour our beautiful gardens, and then pick up your free carnation to place on your mother's lot, niche,rock or bench.

JOIN US • ALL WELCOME For more details call 780-489-1602 RSVP WESTLAWN MEMORIAL GARDENS & FUNERAL HOME 10132-163rd Street, Edmonton • www.westlawnmemorial.com


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