"The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration of the five senses." Hanna Rion.
Cover photos by Frank Bath
Winter is upon us, and one way to enjoy our gardens is to watch the birds. Entice them into your garden or onto your balcony with a bird feeder. Most birds like suet, but suet can turn rancid rapidly when the temperature warms, and can poison the birds, making it necessary to replace the suet frequently, depending on the weather. An alternative is to make bird feed balls or bricks, placing them on feeders or platforms. They can also be stuck onto garden stakes, making it more difficult for the squirrels to get at them. Get the kids interested in birdwatching by giving them an inexpensive pair of binoculars and a disposable camera as a holiday gift, just for birdwatching. They can create a journal or a scrapbook of their pictures and notes, to be shared with friends and family. A book on Alberta birds would be a good gift also, and would help them identify which birds visit the feeder.
Insidethis issue
s t e e w T Sweet il ml) corn o 2 tbsp (30 ed oats 00 ml) roll irds) r 2 cups (5 best for b anut butte re e a p il l) o m k c 0 1 cup (25 seeds (bla unflower s l) m 0 5 flour 1 cup (2 le wheat o h w l) m 25 shells 1/2 cup (1 shed egg ru c l) m 5 2 ortening 1/2 cup (1 getable sh e v l) m 0 1 cup (25 meal as needed nough corn e d d A l. Cornmeal, large bow meal, in a rn o c t p e c eeze , ex er and fr gredients p in a p ll a d e e x in Comb r. p or wa re togethe lastic wra p tu ix in m p ld ra o to h ricks, w balls or b to in rm o F eder. overnight. lace on fe p d n a g rappin Remove w
This would make a great gift for an elderly person, or a shut-in also, not just for kids.
EDITORIAL page 2 A Year Later
BRZ UPDATE page 4 Updates for the New Year
Have a wonderful holiday season, readers. Happy Gardening.
JPR UPDATE page 5 Year End Review
THE BEAT page 10 Holiday Safety
SPURR • DECEMBER 2010 VOLUME 3 ISSUE 10 Editor: Jamie Post Gardening: Michele Hebert Community Info: Wendy Kinsman Business Info: Diane Kereluk SPURR Photographer: Kailey Schwerman Advertising: Jim Wooley
Publisher: Pie Communications Inc. 544, 12222 137 Avenue Ph: (780) 757-0993 Fax: (780) 401-3438 Edmonton, AB, T5L 4X5
What is SPURR The Stony Plain (road and area) Urban Revitalization Report is a community based newspaper whose mission it is to serve the west-end communities of BritanniaYoungstown, Canora, Glenwood, High Park, Mayfield, & West Jasper / Sherwood along with the Members of the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association. SPURR is a joint initiative for Community & Business Interests of Edmonton’s westend lead by: City of Edmonton Community Services, Neighbourhood Revitalization Project and the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Revitalization Zone. The opinions expressed in the articles appearing in The SPURR are those of the people named as the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of The SPURR, its editor, its publisher, the City of Edmonton or the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Revitalization Zone. For More Information Please Contact: Wendy Kinsman, Jasper Place Revitalization Coordinator, Office of Great Neighbourhoods City of Edmonton Community Services Dept. 100835 - 120 St. N.W. P.O. Box 2359, Edmonton, AB, T5J 2R7 Ph: (780) 495-0321 Diane Kereluk, Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association 10043 151 Street. Edmonton, AB, T5P 4Z7 Ph: (780) 477-5169
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Without our Advertisers you would not be reading this newspaper. Our Advertisers survive on your business. Please support our advertisers and when you call or visit them please make sure to say you saw them in the SPURR. Thank you.
THE SPURR NEEDS YOU! If you have a story or a photo depicting how life is, was or should be in Edmonton’s west end we would love to hear from you. Please forward your stories to the publishers address above, thank you.
FREE EVENT CALENDAR Please send us your date sensitive event information, we would love to include what
It's been nearly a year now since City Council voted to utilize Stony Plain Road for the West LRT Corridor. By the time the next issue of the SPURR reaches you, the west line will likely have a Council approved conceptual design, specifying station locations, the orientation of the track on 156st and Stony Plain Road, etc. Information sessions will be held laying out the recommendations which transit planners, urban planners, and engineers have put together to send to Council for public hearings in December and January. Barring any additional time being needed to look at route amendments or technical details, the conclusion of January’s public hearing will likely leave only dollars and cents standing between detailed engineering work and shovels hitting the ground on 156st and Stony Plain Road. Meanwhile, the city is going back and forth between stakeholder groups on policy and bylaw work ranging from a Transit and Land Use Framework to “Urban Character” zoning amendments. Amongst volunteers, work is underway to provide both community input on the proposed additions and changes to city policy,
Letter to the Editor I would like to express our concerns and disgust on how this whole situation has been presented to the public and to all business owners along this route. This is not a solution for improving area / traffic / etc. This is an answer to obtain monies thru real estate grabbers on a higher business level. Decisions were made long before the public was even given a thought to be informed.
and encourage new developments which are focused on bringing families back to mature communities, rather than filling space with limited-amenity projects.
the river to the University of Alberta, before redirecting to a northern route focused more on development opportunities and less on people movement.
The debate over extending LRT to all corners of the city is decades old, and had Council moved forward then, myself and others my age would have grown up with LRT to West-Edmonton. The West LRT has gone through a number of possible corridors over the last six years, with the debate heating up over a recommendation to use 87th avenue to cross
There are other venues to debate the Stony Plain Road route, the criteria used to select it, and the effect it has had, and will have, on our communities. My interest right now is on the process which brought us here.
What is your opinion to the LRT for Stony Plain? Your actions and reactions I am also interested in.
The west route was controversial, heavily debated, and often postponed. Communities taking part in the early stages of consultation in 2009 were met with a “State of the City Address” which laid out the support of one member of Council for the SPR corridor. Just the kind of scenario which has led many an interested citizen to throw his or her hands in the air
The Grovenor area has and is a well established area with a deep rooted family orientation. Old Glenora is as such also. Why change it? I would appreciate it if you would respond to this little blurb. It would be appreciated to know that there is someone who is listening and is concerned to the outcome of this great, soon to be non existence neighborhood... Respectfully, Diane Cameron
we can and it’s FREE.
EDITORIAL and proclaim “why bother, the decision’s been made”. It’s always unfortunate when communities are pitted against each other. differing opinions are a fact of life, and are needed to have actual debate and discussion. However, it’s the process employed which goes a long way to fueling either cooperation or competition. When communities are grouped, some consulted early, and some consulted late; when guiding criteria are altered and redefined without public feedback; when individual options become labelled as exclusive solutions to task or criteria and are not given the opportunity for debate; when negative impacts to local issues, even those that span multiple communities, become acceptable casualties for the perceived “greater good”; when a community’s involvement becomes increasingly dependant on its lone ability to find time to organize and rally available volunteers; when this happens, relationships are hurt, cooperation and honest debate suffers and process becomes a
case study for how not to pro- Editor’s Notes ceed in the future. Congratulations to local resident, Jasper Place Revitlaization volunAs for the future, it’s how we teer, and executive director of the guide the inevitable changes to Edmonton Food Bank, Marjorie our city, our communities, and Bencz on the Food Bank’s recent it’s even the streets where we designation as one of Charity live that matter. The process of Intelligence Canada’s 36 recomlarger consultation and decision mended charities. making needs public feedback, as do the guiding policies and The Britannia-Youngstown bylaws which will shape our Community League will be holding communities and city. It’s impor- a winter festival in their community tant to be involved, however, it’s for the Jasper Place/Stony Plain equally important that public Road area. Supported by local volinvolvement not simply be reac- unteers, contributors, and the City tionary, limited to only providing of Edmonton, winter and family feedback. It’s important that we help drive initiatives, such as the Jasper Place Revitalization or the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues’ Family Friendly Neighborhood Redevelopment project. What is important is that we help to introduce and drive ideas, rather than simply being a “public involvement report” attached to a City Council agenda item, or lose community minded residents and volunteers to a frustrating and often reactionary process such as the West LRT route selection.
activities will take place from December 17th to 20th. Letters to the Editor - From the above editorial to the Mayor’s Swearing-In Address this past October, improving communication and consultation between the city and residents is often discussed. For the February edition of the SPURR, I’m interested in hearing how public and community consultation can be changed and improved. The current consultation efforts for the West LRT conceptual design, and the downtown arena proposal should provide some inspiration ;)
in Britannia-Youngstown 15927 - 105 Ave For the communities of Britannia-Youngstown, Glenwood, Canora & West Jasper/Sherwood
Friday, Dec 17 Boys & Girls Club Christmas Dinner
December 18 - 23
Saturday, Dec 18
daily from 12-4pm Snowshack & outdoor skating with free hot chocolate to warm up with inside the hall
3-4pm Fun Team Family Try-athlon 6-9pm BYCL Christmas Night - sleigh rides, skating & bonfires - visit from Santa - refreshments & cookie decorating - carollers info@
by 780-628 -5630
Sunday, Dec 19 6:30-9:30pm Classic Christmas Movie Night - short Christmas Classics for the whole family - fresh theater popcorn - skating & outdoor bonfires
Monday, Dec 20 7-9 pm Rockband Night - non competitive video gaming for all ages - refreshments - skating & outdoor bonfires
Hosted by the Britannia-Youngstown Community League.
DIANE KERELUK (780) 477-5169
It is that time of year that I look forward to wishing everyone a fun filled festive holiday. May you reflect warmheartedly over the past year on all that you have accomplished and open your hearts even wider to those who are close and dear and to those less fortunate.
“Heal the past, live the present and dream the future.” My New Year wish for all:
2011 New Year Great Relationships We are looking for volunteers who would like to share their creative side. The following events need you. Join us and help us make some great and exciting events. There are volunteer openings for the following: 2011 Storefront Cinema Nights Got Talent – a new twist for 2011. In addition to the storefront projections we will be looking for
local talent, singers, jugglers, anything unique and different and has talent. Business Community Mixer – help plan mixers that will bring businesses and communities together. Marketing the business area - how is your media skills? Help us promote our
business area. We are going to expand the marketing for the area and we need people who have experience with TV, radio, news releases. Holistic Urban Market – we have completed the research and planning stage and now ready to start building. Our first priority will be to find a landlord who will partner with us.
This year’s Storefront Cinema Nights winner for the draw of the ATB $500 RESP was Clint Kratky Congratulations Clint and many thanks again goes to ATB Financial for their continued support. It is great partners such as ATB that helps bring family friendly events like this to the business area.
We are upgrading the BRZ Website and soon the following will be available: Blogs – regular weekly updates Forums – you get to share your thoughts on issues of your choice Easier browsing – find what you are looking for quicker, easier, faster. RSS Feeds – follow our latest updates More links - connecting communities, businesses and opportunities We care about our members and surround communities and want to work with everyone to create a better place.
You be the Judge…Restaurant Review Keep your reviews coming in. For more information or list of qualifying restaurants visit: Congratulations to the following restaurants for the great reviews: Hoang Long Restaurant Vic’s Pizza Cheese Cake Tasty Tomato Joey’s Grill & Lounge Haps Restaurant Brado’s Pizza 4
Submit your reviews! If we choose to print your review, you will win a $25 gift towards your next dining experience within the qualifying business area and your review will get printed in the next edition of the SPURR. Reviews should be around 300 words and e-mailed in Word (.doc) or Rich Text (.rtf) to: Winning entries will be based on the quality of writing and may be edited for content and length.
J A S P E R P L A C E R E V I TA L I Z AT I O N U P D AT E strategy. I am excited about my role as a behind-the-scenes coordinator with many city departments, as it gives me the potential to serve you as efficiently as possible. Over this next year, I will: • represent you to the best of my ability • continue to ensure smooth communication, to make sure I understand your vision and objectives • work to coordinate the most efficient implementation of the goals arrived at through public consultation
WENDY KINSMAN (780) 495-0321
Work plan updates
Season’s Wendy
To begin this m o n t h ’ s column, I’d like to wish a wonderful festive season to all the citizens, businesses and organizations that have contributed to the vitality of the Jasper Place Revitalization. Thank you for your commitment to improving this area, and for your many efforts in that regard over the past year. It has been a pleasure to get to know many of you, and to work together toward improving the four neighbourhoods of Brittania–Youngstown, Canora, Glenwood and West Jasper Place. My New Year commitment to Jasper Place Revitalization
• Stony Plain Road Urban Design/Land Use Vision: The design workshop and the open house originally scheduled for November or early December 2010 have been rescheduled, and will now take place some time in the late winter of 2011. The Office of Great Neighbourhoods is working actively with all the involved city departments to coordinate the entire revitalization process, from combining meetings (Why come out to three public meetings with three different City departments when one combined meeting will do?) to implementing public services (If we’re repaving a street, why not do the scheduled sidewalk maintenance and street lighting improvements at the same time?). • Stony Plain Road Streetscape Improvement Concept Plan: Public consultations for this concept plan, originally scheduled for November and December 2010, will also be held in the late winter of 2011, in conjunction with the urban design/land use vision consultations. Recent successes
I’m committed to continuing to work in partnership with you in 2011, to implement the goals of the Jasper Place Revitalization
Early this year the Feeling Safe in our Community working group designed a crime preven-
tion survey that was distributed in hard copy, with an option to complete the survey online, to every household in the JPR area. This group will be working hard over the next few weeks to analyze the data and develop recommendations to the JPR steering committee that will help create a safer environment for citizens and businesses in our communities. Keep an eye out for the 2011 Crime Prevention Calendar. Connie Marciniuk and several volunteers from the Feeling Safe in our Community working group have done a tremendous job of creating this unique crime prevention tool. Each month the calendar profiles a neighbourhood business or organization and presents several crime prevention tips or strategies. Thanks to Connie and her team for taking the initiative to produce this valuable resource. The Building our Community working group employed a survey to confirm earlier findings about the pedestrian-friendliness of the Stony Plain Road corridor. This group’s survey solicited feedback about such things as crosswalks, lighting, parking, sidewalk width, street ambiance, connection places, and foot, bicycle and vehicular traffic patterns. It was intended to confirm what’s working for the people who live and work in the area, and to make sure the area is safe for both people and vehicles. Thanks to the committee for taking this initiative and for maintaining the vision of a safe, vibrant and efficient Stony Plain Road corridor. The Connecting our Community working group has continued to act in an advisory capacity, providing input and guidance to the SPURR. They’re also a big part of supporting and publicizing the special events that strengthen our communities and make them more inviting places to live.
The JPR Steering Committee has maintained close links with the JPR Internal Strategic Team, and offers ongoing guidance and support to ensure that the strategy is being implemented according to the overall vision. Our First WinterFest! Mark your calendars for an exciting “first,” as the B r i t t a n i a – Yo u n g s t o w n Community League presents several days of WinterFest activity from December 18 to 23, 2010. Look for fun activities for people of all ages. Daytime activities: • snowshack—open every day from noon to 4 PM • skating—every day • December 18—FunTeam family winter triathlon • curling demo Evening activities: • December 17: Boys & Girls Club dinner • December 18: Community holiday party • December 19: Classic Christmas Movie Night, with popcorn and snacks provided • December 20: Youth rock band night Volunteers make it happen! Do you want to make a difference in your community? All the JPR committees and working groups are actively recruiting new volunteers to join in the revitalization efforts and help us achieve our neighbourhood improvement goals. If you are able to donate some time to this worthwhile endeavour, please contact Wendy Kinsman at the Office of Great Neighbourhoods ( or 780.495.0321. From the City of Edmonton, the Office of Great Neighbourhoods, and myself—have a safe and happy festive season. I look forward to connecting with you again in February 2011.
Have you seen the impressive art work on the south wall of Westside Automotive, at 10010 – 168 Street? Local artist Kris Friesen designed and painted the city’s newest Giants of Edmonton mural, “Our Natural Home.” Photo by Kailey Schwerman
COMMUNITY NEWS BRITANNIA-YOUNGSTOWN 15927 - 105 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5P 0T8 Phone: 780-483-8983 New Website! Winterfest is coming!! We’re hosting a celebration of winter. Every day from Friday, Dec. 17 until Thursday, Dec. 23, there will be plenty of activities for all ages taking place in and around the community hall. Skating and hot chocolate, sleigh rides, bonfires, Santa, video gaming – It will be a great time and a great way to spend time with friends during the school holidays. Check out the ad in the SPURR for more details. We could avoid winter, but this is Edmonton – it’s here and we might as well celebrate it! Go to for more info. Outdoor Skating Have you noticed that there is a skating rink outside the hall? This winter we plan to have the rink iced so we can start using it, but it takes a community of volunteers to make it work. If you are interested in helping to make this a reality, please contact Barb at 780-489-6652. New! The Senior’s Circle Wednesday, Dec. 1 and Dec. 15 Want to get to know others in your community in the same stage of life? The Senior’s Circle meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 10:00 AM. Meet together to share stories, jokes, games or items of common interest. Share in some laughter to keep the winter blues away. After all, they do say that laughter is the best medicine. Winter is too long in Edmonton to stay cooped up in your house. Come on out! If you have any questions please email Gardening Club Thank you, Dustin Dajer, for inspiring us with your knowledge of permaculture. We’ve had a great lineup of speakers and no one leaves disappointed or without learning something. Next meeting: When: Thursday, December 2 at 7:00 pm Where: Community Hall Cost: Free! To keep in touch and hear about upcoming events, send an email to Miep Raedschelders at and we’ll add you to our email list. Parents and Tots Looking to meet some other parents in the community? Social development is very important in the early stages of life for your children – and also for you! We meet weekly on Thursdays from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM at the Britannia Youngstown Community Hall (15927 - 105 Avenue) for a Parent & Tot Playtime. Newborn up to school age are all welcome.
If you have any questions please email or call 780-628-5630. New Website! Check out what we’ve been doing and join us in the activities listed on our website. Hall Renovations We’ve been doing lots of work on the hall and it’s looking great for all of your events. For hall bookings, general inquiries, requests for programs or to join our league, please call the Britannia Youngstown Community Hall at 780483-8983 or email We’d love to hear from you. Please speak clearly when leaving a message, and leave both your name and a telephone number so that your call can be returned. Need a membership? With indoor swimming and outdoor skating starting soon, it’s a great time to start getting involved with the league. Call Laura at 780-484-7773 for your membership or leave a clear message at the hall at 780-483-8983.
CANORA 10425 - 152 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 4P1 Phone: 780-489-6007
GLENWOOD 16430 - 97 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5P 0E8 Phone: 780-489-7571 RING IN THE NEW YEAR at Glenwood Hall! Invite your friends and join us for dinner, door prizes and dancing at the Glenwood Hall. We will ring in the New Year with a delicious catered dinner and then dance the year away with our DJ and dance! Tickets are $30 per person for the evening and there will be a cash bar available. For more information and to order tickets, contact Shannon at 780 436 1834. Get your tickets quickly as they are limited! SKATING RINK OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK STARTING DECEMBER 1st! We are once again looking forward to opening our beautiful Glenwood skating rink 7 days a week! Lace up your skates for a leisurely skate or bring your hockey gear and join in for some shinny hockey! Make sure you bring your skate tags. Our rink attendant will be running a concession if you need a quick energy boost. COST = FREE with membership, $2 per skate/person or $10 Skate Pass (for the season) Skating Rink Hours – 5 – 9 PM Monday to Friday 12 – 9 PM Saturdays 12 – 6 PM Sundays
ATTENTION PARENTS WITH INFANTS AND TODDLERS!!! Are you looking for somewhere to go just to get out of the house this winter? Starting in January, the Glenwood Hall will be hosting a mom’s (or dad’s) morning out on Wednesdays between 9:30 and 11:30 am. Bring your little ones, a few toys and a snack to share and have a morning out! You can call Michele at 780 439-3169 for more information, or email See you January 5th for the first one! HOCKEY NIGHT IN GLENWOOD IS BACK IN THE NEW YEAR! The Oilers will be back on the big screen at Glenwood Hall with FREE Oilers games playing at the hall – starting in January, we are showing the Sportsnet One games. Doors open 30 minutes before each game - watch the SPURR or check our website at for game dates and times. Cash bar is available, along with FREE popcorn. Children are welcome with parent supervisors. Friday, January 7th at 8 PM vs. Canucks Tuesday, January 11th at 6:30 PM vs. Starts Monday, February 7th at 7 PM vs. Predators Sunday, February 27th at 6 PM vs. Bruins Sunday, March 13th at 11AM vs. Penguins Sunday, April 10th at 1PM vs. Avalanche Interested in playing WIST? Crib? Euchre? A group of Euchre players meets at the hall on Tuesday evenings, but if you would be interested in playing a DIFFERENT card game, just go ahead and ask around if there are others who might be interested. More tables could always be set up to play a different game! Contact Michele at 780 439-3169 if you are interested in organizing a different game. Euchre is a ‘trick-taking’ card game played in groups of 4 with partners. Beginners are welcome because the more players, the better! Join us for Euchre EVERY Tuesday night at the Glenwood Community Hall. Registration is at 6:30pm, games begin at 7pm. Glenwood’s Member Community Swim Many community leagues are moving away from hosting community swim times but Glenwood still has ours! Bring the family and head over to the Jasper Place Pool from 4-6 on Sunday evenings for a free swim. Make sure you bring your membership card! Contact Michele if you still need yours (780 439-3169)
MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE YEAR ROUND! Still wondering what your community league membership gets you? Show your membership card and save with... Free swim Sundays from 4-6pm at Jasper Place Pool (9200-163 Street) 10% off admission at the Telus World of Science (11211- 142 Street) Free skating at Glenwood rink and all outdoor community league rinks Discount on hall rentals – Save $250 per day S P U R R DECEMBER 2010
COMMUNITY NEWS on Fri./Sat. (Non-members $400, Members $150) and $75 per day Sun. To Thurs. (NonMembers $150, Members $75) Save 15% off City of Edmonton Pool and Leisure Center Multi-passes (10 or more) and save 20% off Annual passes. Free Community Swim every night of the week at various outdoor pools in July and August! Registration for preschool, sports teams and other community programs. Call Michele at 780 439-3169 to get your membership! HALL RENTAL Seats 100 people in theater style seating, 80 seated at tables. Our beautiful new kitchen boasts a rinse sink, huge cooler/fridge, double oven, stove and griddle top and a super quick dishwasher. There is tons of prep space and it’s all stainless steel – so it’s quicker to clean up! We offer FREE WiFi in our community hall! That means that if you are in the hall, you will be able to use your Blackberry, Ipod, cellphone or laptop to log on to the internet! Functions at the hall will also have access to the FREE internet connection. Visit the website for more details. Friday/Saturday rentals: Members $150*, Non-Members $400 Sunday-Thursday rentals: Members $75*, Non-Members $150 Call the Facility Director, Charlotte at 780-444-0411
but we also want the community to vote as well and will be held from Dec 17th to 20th we encourage all residents to take a look at your neighbours yards and vote for your favorites. There will be a 1st and 2nd place winner. To vote either send an email to or phone Deidre at 780 486-1477 and leave a message, make sure you note the address of the house you are voting for. You could also drop a note off at the Hall in the mailbox. Winners will be posted on the Community board as well as listed on our web site in the new year. Contact Information Community League President: Kristy Bergstrom 780 450-2347 or e-mail The Mayfield community League is also on Face book at Mayfield Community ~ Edmonton. Bingo Mayfield is always looking for volunteers to work. The credit you receive can be used towards Mayfield Community classes and even children's programs outside our community. Please call Grace at 780-486-4801 if you are interested. The next bingo dates are: Jan 23rd, Feb 21st and March 22nd at the Castle Downs Bingo hall. Hall Rentals The Mayfield hall is available for rental. You must be a member of the Mayfield community to rent the hall please call the Hall at 780 483-4675 and leave a message.
* Must be a member in good standing.
HIGH PARK 11032 - 154 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 2K1 Phone: 780-484-4646
MAYFIELD 10941 - 161 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 1G2 Phone: 780-483-4675 From everyone on the executive we wish everyone a merry holiday season and a happy new year. We are now on the web, please check us out at and check out our web site. A new batch of needs assessments were just handed out, please fill them out and drop it off at the Hall. It is important that we get as many of these filled out as possible since some of the projects we are working on are dependent on the feedback we will receive. We are having a Christmas outdoor light and display contest. All residents of Mayfield are entered. Judging will be done by the board
Community Memberships If you wish to purchase a membership please call Elaine at 780-481-8108 to pick one up. Families - $25.00 Singles - $15.00 Seniors - $10.00 Yoga Every Tuesday at the Hall. 6:30 to 7:45 PM Call Fran for more info 780-484-1476 Seniors Carpet Bowling Tuesdays and Thursdays For more information call Doreen @ 780-486-1833 or Marlene @ 780-484-5728 Moms and Tots Dads, Mom’s, Grandparents, and caregivers all welcome. No cost. Wednesdays 9:30 - 11:00 At Mayfield Hall For info contact Deidre @ 780-486-1477. We will be taking a break over the Christmas holidays last day will be Dec 15 returning Jan 5. No meetings on days colder than -15. Park Committee The first meeting at the Mayfield Community Hall had a great turnout. They are still looking
for people to help, all ages and time commitments welcome. Next meeting December 7th at 7:00 pm at the Mayfield Community Hall. Contact Trevor Waddell at or 780-233-6800 if you have any questions, or if you want to join the committee. Seniors Group Met on November 18th at 5:30pm at the Community Hall, unfortunately the weather kept a lot of seniors at home, but the few Seniors that braved the weather have suggested some great senior’s events for the future, please keep an eye on the Community board for all upcoming events. Kids Christmas Party Will be held on December 12th from 2:00pm till 4:00pm. Please RSVP to Kristy at 780 450-2347 or e-mail by Dec 8th So we know how many children will be attending. There will be a cost of $2.00 per family as well there will be a place to donate non-perishable food items to the Food Bank. There will be crafts and games as well, Santa will be visiting. We hope to see lots of children and their families at the party this year. Skating rink and family skate area We are happy to announce that the Skating rink and family skate area will be up and running this year, our first stage of the rink update has been complete. Once the rinks have been properly iced the hours will be as follows. 4:00pm till 9:00pm on Weekdays 12:00pm to 8:00pm on Weekends The rink and family skate area will be closed when the temperature falls below -20. WEST JASPER / SHERWOOD 9620 - 152 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 4N9 Phone: 780-483-2815
MEMBERSHIP Membership for the community league is $25.00 for a family $15.00 for singles & $5.00 for single seniors (55 and over) Memberships will be sold at rink or call Jim at 780-489-7596 A community membership allows children to register for organized sports, eg: hockey & soccer, free swimming Saturday nights & free skating at the rink. RINK HOURS When the skating rink is ready for use the hours will be as follows: Monday closed Tuesday - Friday: 5:00PM to 9:00 PM Saturday 1:00 PM to 9:00 M Sunday 12:00 noon to 6:00 PM The rink needs to be closed one day a week as per government regulations for employees.
COMMUNITY NEWS FAMILY SWIM Your 2008-2009 membership allows your family to swim for FREE at J.P. Pool on Saturdays from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm till the end of June 2011. Please remember to bring your membership card for admittance. TURKEY BINGO DUE TO UNFORSEEN CIRCUMSTANCES THE DATE HAS BEEN CHANGED AGAIN TO SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2010 The Christmas turkey bingo will be held at the community hall December 18, 2010. Children eight and older are welcome to participate when accompanied by an adult. Special children’s only game. Door prizes, 40 games and chances to win a prize. There will be 8 chances to win a turkey. Cash prizes include 2 early birds 2 bonanzas and odd even games. Children will not be allowed to play for cash prizes as per Alberta Gaming and Liquor regulations. Bonanza per call begins at noon, early birds to follow. Regular games start at 1:00pm. Come one, come all, and bring your friends and neighbors. Senior’s Programs Our Community League offers a number or programs for our senior members. However everyone is welcome. All programs are offered at the community hall located at 9620-152 street.
CARDS Whist on Wednesday afternoons from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm Whist on Sunday evenings from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm The cost is $1.00 and coffee and snacks are provided. CRIBBAGE TOURNAMENTS Tournaments are held the first and third Wednesday of every month from 7:00pm to 10:00 pm. The cost is $5.00 per person. CARPET BOWLING Come and get some exercise on Monday’s from 1:00pm to 3:00 pm. The cost is $1.00
NEWSLETTER The community league no longer puts out a newsletter. The SPURR is a community based newsletter delivered around the fifteen of each month. The community has been advertising our news in the SPURR since January 2008. Please look for the SPURR in your mailbox. HALL RENTAL If you would like to rent the community hall for your family or business events please call Jerry at 780-483-0347. The hall is available on Saturday evenings at a cost of $375.00 rent and $375.00 damage deposit.
Prizes are awarded based on the number of participants. If you have any questions about senior programs, please call Shirley at 780-489-8945.
Renter is responsible for their own tenant insurance and must be a community league member in good standing.
CASINO The next casino for the community is Friday Feb 04, 2011 and Saturday Feb 05, 2011
Community Services
If you can please help raise funds for the community please call Wilma at 780-483-0347.
Ebenezer United Church 16302 106 Avenue Edmonton T5P 0W9 Phone 780-489-5803 Church Service, Sunday at 11 a.m. List your Non-profit group for $99 per year (*some conditions apply).
50 volunteers are needed to make this a success.
Special event listings FREE for non-profits, otherwise classified rates and some conditions apply.
In the month of December, bylaw officers from the Complaints and Investigations section will focus on removing all damaged, derelict or dismantled vehicles in the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Revitalization Zone. They’ll be working in partnership with the Britannia Youngstown Neighbourhood Empowerment Team. The Community Standards Bylaw requires that you keep your property clean and tidy, and this campaign will focus on an issue that has been a concern in the BRZ. Vehicles that are either damaged, derelict, or dismantled have a variety of negative effects on our community. The first thing that comes to most of our minds is that they are unsightly, but they are not just eyesores. They can actually be very harmful. 8
Decaying vehicles present health and environmental hazards. Many contaminants, like oil, gas and antifreeze, are left to leak out. The vehicles present safety risks for injuries to young children playing in and around them. They can detract from property values in your area, and they can even attract vandals.
The Kidney Foundation of Canada’s Kidney Car Program will remove your damaged, derelict, or dismantled vehicle free of charge, so long as you can prove ownership and the vehicle has all four tires. For more information, or to start the process of getting your damaged, derelict, or dismantled vehicle removed, you can go to: and search kidney car or call their hotline at (780) 453-2288. S P U R R DECEMBER 2010
Place your business card in the SPURR and reach out to the community. Email: Next Deadline for Submission is January 21, 2010 CLASSIFIEDS For Sale Got Something to Sell? Place your text only classified ads here in your local community newspaper and reach 15,000 people in Edmonton’s West End. At $0.10 per character this Ad you are reading costs less than $20.00. ____________________________ For Sale: 4 bedroom lakefront home at Sunrise Beach on Sandy Lake. To view call Gordon Boddez at 780-9391111 ____________________________
Events Join your friends and neighbours for WinterFest 2010, hosted by Britannia-Youngstown from December 17-23! Free in & outdoor and ice fun for the whole family. Information and volunteer opportunities in December’s SPURR and at! ____________________________
Power Speakers Toastmasters Club #3650 Meets Every Wednesday from 7:00 – 9:00pm Grant MacEwan University Room 437 10045 – 156st Contact Norma at 780-432-4854
Season’s Greetings
Cat Sitting
in Britannia-Youngstown 15927 - 105 Ave For the communities of Britannia-Youngstown, Glenwood, Canora & West Jasper/Sherwood
The Cat Lady Call Joan at 451-3384
December 18 - 23 daily from 12-4pm Snowshack & outdoor skating with free hot chocolate to warm up with inside the hall
info@b y 780-628 -5630
Let your cat(s) enjoy your holiday in the comfort of their own home.
Happy Holidays
from all of us at Speedy Collision 10011 - 169th Street NW Edmonton, AB T5P 4M9 Main: +1(780) 443-3337
toward your deductible* *exp Dec 31, 2010
Services TEAKE Bookkeeping Services Offering Full-cycle bookkeeping to financial statements, payroll, GST, start-up, job costing and more. Contact Teresa at 780.222.8334.
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday from 7am to 4pm, Saturday from 9am to 12pm
Free wi-fi access
14213 103 Avenue
CafeRista 780-761-1155
In the manner of the holiday season, you may find yourself in the giving spirit. By giving your spare change to the person begging at your car door or the person standing at the grocery store entrance, you just unknowingly contributed to the chronic panhandling dilemma that plagues the City of Edmonton. This month, Stony Plain Road Beat Foot Patrol members would like to discuss panhandling and safety through the holidays. You may have noticed the recent advertising campaign the City of Edmonton has implemented to curb the ongoing panhandling
problems in your neighborhoods. The campaign focuses on educating and encouraging Edmontonians to donate to social service agencies instead of giving directly to panhandlers. For reference, please visit the City of Edmonton website and look under the “for residents” tab at the top. Click on “resident programs” on the left side of the page and then click on “community programs” and look for “have a heart give smart” campaign in the list. There you will find a list of social agencies that are in need of donations. Throughout a day, a panhandler can obtain in excess of $100. They typically target shopping centers and business areas where they approach you for money and loot your unattended vehicle. They typically spend this money on their alcohol and/or drug addictions. The Edmonton Police Service suggests your money be better serve by providing financial support to the local community social service agencies, as opposed to supporting panhandlers
and their addictions. By giving money to panhandlers your are;
say “Yes” to giving and “No” to panhandling.
• •
With the Christmas season approaching, we also thought it would be beneficial to go over some suggestions for making your vehicle and residence safe. Criminals also like to “shop” and will walk through parking lots. Please refrain from leaving anything in plain view. Wrapped presents, clothes, CD’s, cell phones, iPod’s, GPS and even coin change are enough to have a criminal smash your window or disable a lock to gain entry. Please place all your items in the trunk when you leave your vehicle unattended.
• •
Putting your safety at risk Placing the community and it stakeholders at risk Taking away from social service agencies, programming and people that use them. Encouraging their addictions and aggressive behavior Increasing public complaints and police intervention.
If a panhandler approaches you, tell them you donated to a local service agencies and contact the Edmonton Police Service. The city and Edmonton Police Service strongly recommend you
d hortbrea S d e p p i r’s Wh Heathe : Ingredients
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Wishing Everyone A Safe and Wonderful Holiday Season!! Constituency Office: 10649-124 Street Edmonton, AB T5N 1S5 Phone: (780)455-7979 Fax:(780)455-2197
1. When leaving home for an extended time, have a neighbor or family watch your house and pick up your newspapers and mail. 2. Use timers on interior/exterior lights and on a radio or TV so your house looks and sounds occupied. 3. Keep your Christmas tree and presents out of view from windows and entrances. 4. Keep windows and doors locked even when you’re at home, it only takes seconds for a thief to grab items near windows and doors. 5. Never say you are away from home on the outgoing message on your answering machine or voice mail. Simply say you are unable to answer the phone at the time. Don’t post information on Facebook or other social sites that you are away from home. 6. Don’t leave spare keys outside your residence. 7. If you have a security system, USE IT, even if you’re only gone for 5 minutes. 8. After Christmas, tear down and conceal boxes and packaging of electronics and expensive items when you place them out for garbage pick up to prevent advertising your new items to thieves. 9. Note down the serial and model number of your new Christmas gifts for any future insurance or theft complaints. 10. If you spot someone suspicious anywhere in your neighborhood, report it to the police as soon as possible. You may prevent a crime from happening Our local Neighborhood Empowerment Team will be offering a workshop on how to secure your home and vehicle in preparation for the holiday season on December 13 at 6:30 pm at the Britannia Youngstown Community Center. Everyone is welcome to attend. Stony Plain Road Beats would like to wish everyone a safe holiday season. If you see us walking around your neighborhood please feel free to ask any questions or voice your concerns.
J A S P E R P L AC E L I B R A RY The Jasper Place Library has great programs for you and your family this month!
Please call the library at 780.496.1810 for program details and to register.
Join us for the following FREE programs:
We are located at 9010 156 Street (just north of the Meadowlark Mall). The Library will be closed on the following dates:
Preschool Storytime: Tuesday afternoons at 2:15, ending Dec. 14th. Ages: 3-5 years. Registration required. Sing Sign Laugh and Learn: Friday mornings at 10:30, ending Dec.17th. Ages: up to 3 years. Registration required. Family Storytime: Thursday evenings at 7:00, ending Dec.16th. Drop in. Teen Advisory Group: Friday, Dec. 17 at 4pm. Ages: 12-17. Drop in.
December December December December December December
24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 31:
closed at 2pm closed closed closed closed closed at 5pm
Visit us online at Don’t have a library card yet? Drop in and sign up! If you are under 18 we need to have the signature of your parent or guarantor.
The staff of the SPURR would like to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you in February!
C A N O R A PA R K WAT C H Winter has arrived. Now the rush of shopping, wrapping, baking and entertaining begins. Take time to enjoy the season with all of its festivals, concerts and winter events. The plans for 2011 are coming along very nicely. • We are exploring the possibilities of having a Snowshoeing event in March in the Canora Greenspace on 149 Street. We will keep you advised in the upcoming editions of the SPURR. • Our third annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held on April 23 in the Canora Greenspace on 149 St. All children are welcome to come out and join in the hunt. We will have a special section for the 5 and under children. See you there. • The 4th Annual Mini-Carnival will be held on May 29 at St. Anne Park at 153 Street and 102 Avenue. Come out and enjoy an afternoon of fun, games, and entertainment. This is a great family event and a time to visit with your friends and neighbours. We are looking forward to having
great weather this time, not like last time when we were having a spring snow storm. • We will be having a Surprise Event at St Anne Park in August but the date has not yet been finalized. For further information please email and keep an eye on this space in the next editions of the SPURR. You can also contact us at the Canora Community League at (780) 489 6007 and leave a message for Canora Park Watch for Deckla or Shandi. Our next meeting will be held at Canora Community Hall, on February 15 at 7:00PM. Everyone in the community is welcome to come out and assist us in putting positive family events in our parks. This helps to make them safer places for everyone to enjoy. Thanks to everyone for all of their help in 2010. It has been a very successful year. Merry Christmas and a Very Happy and Healthy 2011.
Don’t let your profits walk out the door! We can help you maximize your profits by lessening theft in your business. Call us for a FREE Consultation & Estimate
780-907-7100 Locally Owned and Operated since 1997
We are a family owned and operated business which has opened to service the coffee and lunch needs of the West End community, and we hope to become a meeting place for those in the neighbourhoods around us. We specialise in fine Italian espresso and locally roasted artisan coffee. Breakfast and lunch are readily available with fresh baking done daily and a wide range of gourmet sandwiches, soups and salads to choose from. We ensure prompt service and also do takeout catering for your business or family luncheon.
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday from 7am to 4pm, Saturday from 9am to 12pm
Free wi-fi access S P U R R DECEMBER 2010
14213 103 Avenue
CafeRista 780-761-1155 11
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toward your deductible* *exp Dec 31, 2010