SPURR Vol 4 Issue 1 Feb 2011

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Photo by Jason O’Donnell Photo by Evelyn Blanchette

a Success!


this issue

EDITORIAL p 2 Who to call

Photo by Jason O’Donnell

BRZ UPDATE p 3 New Developments

Photo by Jason O’Donnell

THE DIRTY GARDENER p 5 Weeds vs Newspaper THE BEAT p 10 Clean Communities Photo by Jason O’Donnell

WENDY KINSMAN (780) 495-0321

Firstly, there were some incredible winter and Christmas events for families that took place in communities in the Jasper Place Revitalization in December. Meip Raedschelder and Simone Atkinson put in endless hours of volunteer time to plan the first WinterFest for our four communities. Meip and Simone realized very quickly,

Photo by Jason O’Donnell

that to plan an event of this size, they needed to reach out to volunteer organizations and businesses in BritanniaYoungstown community who are trying to improve the lives of individuals and families and make their neighbourhoods more vibrant, liveable and safe. Britannia Youngstown Community League, West Boys and Girls Club, West Edmonton Fusion, jumped at the opportuni-

ty to plan activities for the first Winterfest. The BritanniaYoungstown Community League, Fun Team Alberta and The City of Edmonton's, Neighbourhood Revitalization Matching Grant, supported this event. The league donated their hall and skating rink for the winter activities and the Stony Plain BRZ provided use of their equipment. Both Fun Team Alberta and the City of Edmonton's Neighbourhood

Revitalization Grant and Britannia Youngstown Community League contributed to making the Christmas holidays fun and memorable for so many families and youth. I spoke with the organizers, Meip and Simone and they were extremely pleased to see so many people having a wonderful time together. Simone, stated, that “It also continued on page 4



www.thespurr.ca Editor: Jamie Post editor@thespurr.ca Gardening: Michele Hebert gardening@thespurr.ca Community Info: Wendy Kinsman community@thespurr.ca Business Info: Diane Kereluk business@thespurr.ca SPURR Photographer: Kailey Schwerman Advertising: Jim Wooley ads@thespurr.ca

Publisher: Pie Communications Inc. 544, 12222 137 Avenue Ph: (780) 757-0993 Fax: (780) 401-3438 Edmonton, AB, T5L 4X5 www.piecommunications.com

What is SPURR The Stony Plain (road and area) Urban Revitalization Report is a community based newspaper whose mission it is to serve the west-end communities of BritanniaYoungstown, Canora, Glenwood, High Park, Mayfield, & West Jasper / Sherwood along with the Members of the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association. SPURR is a joint initiative for Community & Business Interests of Edmonton’s westend lead by: City of Edmonton Community Services, Neighbourhood Revitalization Project and the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Revitalization Zone. The opinions expressed in the articles appearing in The SPURR are those of the people named as the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of The SPURR, its editor, its publisher, the City of Edmonton or the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Revitalization Zone. For More Information Please Contact: Wendy Kinsman, Jasper Place Revitalization Coordinator, Office of Great Neighbourhoods City of Edmonton Community Services Dept. 10835 - 120 St. N.W. P.O. Box 2359, Edmonton, AB, T5J 2R7 Ph: (780) 495-0321 wendy.kinsman@edmonton.ca Diane Kereluk, Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association 10043 151 Street. Edmonton, AB, T5P 4Z7 Ph: (780) 477-5169 info@stonyplainroadbrz.ca


Amongst SPURR editorials, this month's carries the distinction of having been half written on a smartphone at City Hall. At the time of writing, Council had just voted against a motion for city administration to develop a conceptual plan for the west LRT using 107ave, and in favor of a motion endorsing the Stony Plain Road corridor without city administration's recommended changes to the Meadowlark area which would have sent the corridor to a public hearing, allowing the public a final chance to speak to all of council, not just a committee on this issue, which will have large consequences for the future of our communities. I'm not going to comment here on the merits of this decision or any other. I am, however, going to talk about decision making, and our place as community stakeholders. It's a big place we live in, with a billion dollar budget, thousands of employees spread across numerous departments, hundreds of neighborhoods both residential and

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor,

PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Without our Advertisers you would not be reading this newspaper. Our Advertisers survive on your business. Please support our advertisers and when you call or visit them please make sure to say you saw them in the SPURR. Thank you.

THE SPURR NEEDS YOU! If you have a story or a photo depicting how life is, was or should be in Edmonton’s west end we would love to hear from you. Please forward your stories to the publishers address above, thank you.


I'd like to congratulate the B r i t a n n i a - Yo u n g s t o w n Community League on their fabulous winter festival. What a charming, quaint, oldfashioned family event. Sunday evening saw vintage Christmas movies, popcorn, beverages, skating, and a bonfire. The hall was festively decorated and guests were greeted by community members. How charming! Sincerely,

Please send us your date sensitive event information, we would love to include what we can and it’s FREE.


Dianne from Glenwood

commercial, and a population of over 782,000 spread out over 680 km2. However, capital city or summer village, there's no pleasing everyone. There is, however, a big difference between calling up the small-town mayor at home, and calling 311, your city councillor, leaving messages with executive assistants, filing appeals, and delivering presentations to appeal boards, committees, and city council. As a Community League or Revitalization volunteer, or simply as residents looking to express an opinion or concern, when working through the bureaucracy of a large city, and intricacies of its governance, we all have one thing in common - we're doing it on our own time. We do it without executive assistants, research assistants, layers of staff and management, and with whatever time and resources we are able to cobble together from our day-to-day lives. It's not easy to witness a pedestrian being struck by a vehicle in a poorly marked intersection, and then playing phone tag with four individuals only to be told no, the intersection won't be given any signalized safety features (unfortunately, a true story). It's not easy decifering some of the planning and development notices which arrive at our doors about RF4, RF7, variances, zoning bylaws, etc. It's definitely not easy looking at a road like Stony Plain Rd, and wondering what revitalization work can be done that won't be demolished during LRT construction. As easy as it is to get frustrated, yell, cry, storm out, throw your hands in the air and walk away, remember that everyone is human. That the operator on 311 is not a civic decision maker, the transportation manager, senior planner, or roadway maintenance director, and that sitting as a transportation engineer or urban planner, between a Council with its own opinions, priorities, and civic interests, and a large and diverse publicat-large with the same can be a difficult place to be. In a city the size of Edmonton, it is local representation that's so important to the future of a community and its residents. When the priorities of Councillors, managers, or consultants diverge from the priorities of the community, if there's no squeaky wheel,

expect no grease. However, venting anger or frustration at those who serve the public without control over public policy and resources, accomplishes little. What should you do? Well, the most influential outlet for your voice also happens to be the easiest. Unfortunately only 30% of us choose to cast a ballot when the opportunity arises. In the years between election campaigns, the method of public involvement used by our city is difficult to describe as user friendly - as residents, and community or business stakeholders, it's you who has to reach out. Not an easy thing to do when trying to influence a process based on decisions made months or years before a notice arrives in your mailbox, or when the “please select one” public opinion survey manages to ask everything except, “do you support this, yes/no and why?”. So vote, write letters, call your Councillor, form a local lobby group, liaise with other communities. But remember the difference between those tasked with serving the public using the means at hand, and those who guide public policy, legislation, and resources. Not every decision will go your way, and not every decision or person who disagreed with you was wrong. Remember that there is a time to quit, to move on, totally or to the next steps, and that you can say you tried, something far better than saying “I should have - I could have - I never did”. Editor's Notes: If you're interested in learning about the City of Edmonton's current planning process, I'd suggest taking a look at the City's planning academy courses, and consider registering for the spring sessions. Letters to the Editor - If you'd like to to submit a letter about snow removal, snow shovelling, snow blowers, or scaling windrows, now is the time before spring arrives ;) Starting in March, I'll be doing a series of editorials on community building and revitalization - amenities, development, and public involvement. If you have any suggestions, ideas or comments from your time as a resident of Jasper Place or other mature communities in Edmonton or elsewhere, I'd love to hear them editor@thespurr.ca S P U R R FEBRUARY 2011


Volunteer Appreciation 2010

DIANE KERELUK (780) 477-5169

Every year to show our thanks the BRZ hosts a Volunteer Appreciation for all those wonderful people that contribute their time and energy to help run events for the business area. This year the volunteer function was held at the Continental Inn. The food and customer service was great. Secret Santa joined us and a good time was had by all. Thank You Volunteers!

If you have not heard Pharos Pizza and Spaghetti has joined us at 15120 Stony Plain Road. Just above The Haven Social Club, this now provides the opportunity for the Haven Social Club to provide delicious venues during the lunch and dinner hour. This is a really positive direction and we hope to see more business developments that will complement the revitalization. For more information on both check out the Business Directory at: www.stonyplainroadbrz.ca

t n e m p o l e v e D New Jasper Gates


WEST LRT West LRT - Council has approved the route for the West which will entail Stony Plain Road from 156 Street east. There is no estimated start or finish date as there currently is no finances available for the development. This will however encourage fast tracking the streetscape revitalization proposal that has been put on hold during discussions. Please contact your Councillor to let them how important it is for this revitalize to begin between 149 and 156 street Stony Plain Road (Phase I).

We have a

New Development Jasper Gates Condominium Another great addition to the area this 18 unit 40+ development with commercial retail on the main floor will start construction in the spring. Located on the north end of the Jasper Gates Plaza along with Giant Tiger and Shoppers, this development will prove to be a positive addition to the area. Check out the BRZ web www.stonyplainbrz.ca for updates as they become available on this development.

F O R U M We have a forum on our website and want to hear from you. Please visit our website and join in on the discussion or add a topic of your choice.

t h n e e h w w t e s e s r e t h t h a p o s h s the best! y h W If you are looking for new places to “Meet & Eat” or “Stop & Shop” the west end has it all. Stony Plain Road and Area has close to 500 businesses in over 60 categories ready to help you Stay, Play, Eat, Meet, Shop, Service … Whatever you need you can find it by checking the business directory at www.StonyPlainRoadBRZ.ca

Hungry? There are over 50 restaurants to choose from, search “Fast Food” or “Restaurants”. Car trouble? We have 23 locations under “Automotive Repair and Maintenance”.

try us out at

www.StonyPlainRoadBRZ.ca S P U R R FEBRUARY 2011



WENDY KINSMAN (780) 495-0321

continued from cover

gave me a greater sense that this is my community, and I want to be a part of making changes to make it a better, friendlier, safer place to live”. Meip has met so many new people in her community and she said that “already people are connecting and wanting to meet to start new clubs and activities”. Both of them want to see the WinterFest continue next year to continue to offer these memorable community events.

Photo by Evelyn Blanchette

Christmas events that have brought so many people in our communities together.

Photo by Jason O’Donnell

Many thanks to the Phoenix Program at Britannia Jr. High School who helped build the snow bank rink and a special thank you to Paul Robertson, from West Edmonton Fusion who graciously spearheaded the flooding of the BritanniaYoungstown outdoor hockey rink. Both the West Boys and Girls Club and the B-Y C.L. contributed many pairs of skates to families to enjoy both the outdoor and snow bank rink. Kids on Track Association hosted an enormous Christmas theatre and dinner for 300 people in December at the People's Church. Kids on Track is an association whose mission is to improve the lives of families in our areas. Thank you, to the staff and many volunteers who worked very hard to plan and orchestrate these memorable 4

The Jasper Place Revitalization is moving closer to implementation to implementing its goal of 'Building our Community”. JPR volunteers, City of Edmonton staff are working closely together to move towards the implementation of the first phase of an improved streetscape plan on Stony Plain Road. The JPR Feeling Safe in Our Community have created the 'Spirit of Stony Calendar', which profiles some of the organizations working within the JPR area and has worked closely with the Police Department, West Division to education us on crime prevention tips to keep us feeling safer in our communities. Many thanks to the volunteers of the JPR Feeling Safe in Our Community Working Group, for the creation of the calendar. The Permaculture Society will be hosting a workshop in the Jasper Place Revitalization in early spring to educate us on growing food locally. Watch for more info on how to register in the March SPURR. S P U R R FEBRUARY 2011



The winter blues are upon us with a vengeance. I have never seen so much snow in Edmonton over the past 50 years. I know I have roses under all that snow, and roses signify Valentine's Day, the theme for The SPURR this month. I have about ten rose bushes in my gardens, three of which I have moved twice from one house to the next, over the last twelve years. They are all hardy roses, developed for the northern climate, and all come back every year with little or no winter damage. I give them a good pruning in the fall, cutting them back at least one-third to one-half their size, leaving sturdy branches that can withstand the weight of the snow, no smaller than the width of a pencil. In the Spring, I

The best fertilizer is the gardener's shad o w prune out the dead wood and damaged branches, and just let them do their thing. My favorite rose is a climbing rose, winding up and around a black iron arbor in my backyard garden, climbing about five feet high. Just gorgeous! It thrives back there, protected a bit from the wind, and gives me an abundance of blooms every year. Last year I counted 120 blooms one day. I can't recall what variety it is, but it is a medium pink that has little scent. A gardener's journal would


Author Unknown

come in handy now to remember what it is and where I bought it. Anyhow, I know all my roses are the "Explorer" or "Arctic Hardy" type. Often, in the Spring, I will come across plant sales of roses that I know will not make it throughout the next winter, such as the "carpet" roses or tea roses. I treat those as annuals in Edmonton's climate. They do well the first year, giving a nice display of blooms and color, and then they become compost material the next .

Roses are prone to fungal disease such as black spot. My girlfriend, Trudy, swears by using diluted milk sprayed on her roses to combat this. Another method is to spread a layer of about four sheets of newspaper around the base of the rose, about an inch from the base, and then to spread bark mulch (no smaller than an inch in diameter) on top the newspapers. I like to feed my roses naturally, using banana peels buried under the soil close to the base of the rose. The roses seem to thrive by this, and no harmful chemicals are going into my garden. I also spread used coffee grounds around my roses; they like the acid from the grounds and it helps to amend to soil. If you wish to share your gardening tips and ideas with our readers, please contact me in care of The SPURR and I will pass it along in future issues.

Happy Gardening

We are a family owned and operated business which has opened to service the coffee and lunch needs of the West End community, and we hope to become a meeting place for those in the neighbourhoods around us. We specialise in fine Italian espresso and locally roasted artisan coffee. Breakfast and lunch are readily available with fresh baking done daily and a wide range of gourmet sandwiches, soups and salads to choose from. We ensure prompt service and also do takeout catering for your business or family luncheon.

Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday from 7am to 4pm, Saturday from 9am to 12pm

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Member Alberta Recycling


COMMUNITY NEWS BRITANNIA-YOUNGSTOWN 15927 - 105 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5P 0T8 Phone: 780-483-8983 New Website! www.bycl.ca Outdoor Skating Have you noticed all of the activity going on at the rink? Thank you to all of the volunteers who are making this happen and breathing warm life into this cold winter. Check out the “Fusion West Edmonton� Facebook page for the daily status of the rink. Gardening Club In February we present Barry Greig, Horticulturalist from the Devonian Botanic gardens who will speak about starting your plants from seed, indoors and out, best practices, preventing damping off, and lots more, including a demonstration. We ask that all attending bring extra seed, and a snack to share! Barry is entertaining and has a wealth of information and is happy to answer any gardening questions you might have in preparation for the 2011 gardening season! Feel free to bring photos from your garden to share with fellow gardeners as this first meeting of 2011 is a celebration! Next meeting: When: Thursday, Feb. 3 at 7:00 pm (first Thursday of each month) Where: Community Hall Cost: Free! On March 4th, our meeting topic will be landscape design, presented by Kevin Napora. Kevin will be speaking about classic landscape design practices and how these can be applied to our yards and gardens, either with the help of professionals or relying on our own green thumbs and muscle. To keep in touch and hear about upcoming events, send an email to Miep Raedschelders at gardens@bycl.ca and we'll add you to our email list. Soccer Registration (Outdoor) Start thinking about spring because outdoor soccer registration is coming up! When: Saturday, Feb. 26 11:00 - 2:00 pm Tuesday, Mar. 8 6:00 - 8:00 pm Where: at the hall Late registration will be held at the Mayfield Hotel on Mar. 17. Check our website (www.bycl.ca) or the March SPURR for the time. 1st Annual Spring Show & Sale! This is BIG news! We are having a Britannia Youngstown Spring Show & Sale in April. When: April 9, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Where: The Britannia Youngstown Community Hall (15927 - 105 Avenue) We're hoping to have between 20 - 30 vendors at the show including home-based 6

businesses such as Scentsy, Avon, Tomboy tool, Tupperware, handmade jewellery, baking, etc. For more information or to ask about having a stall at the show, email Debbie at soccer@bycl.ca or got to www.bycl.ca. Support our community by supporting their business ventures or just have some coffee, buy a cookie and visit with your neighbours. Senior's Circle Because of the difficulty getting around in the snow and cold, we have put our meetings on hold until further notice. However, feel free to email Jane at seniors@bycl.ca if you think it might be starting up again or go to www.bycl.ca for the status. Parents and Tots Looking to meet some other parents in the community? Social development is very important in the early stages of life for your children - and also for you! We will meet weekly on Thursdays from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM at the Britannia Youngstown Community Hall (15927 - 105 Avenue) for a Parent & Tot Playtime. Newborn up to school age are all welcome. If you have any email Simone at or call 780-628-5630.

questions please playgroup@bycl.ca

780 860 1874 780 920 2092 780 444 2548 780 489 6483 780 489 2057 780 484 4771 780 489 4570 780 478 0979 780 963 4529

Canora Community League's meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Come and talk about local issues. Please remember if you know of a Community League member who is ill or has lost a love one please call Stella @ 780-489 6483 Emma @ 780 489 2057 Iris Horbasenko - 780 484 4771 Skating Times: Monday - Friday - 4:30 PM - 9 PM Saturday - 1 PM - 5 PM, 6 PM - 9 PM Sunday - 1 PM - 5 PM Rinks closes @ -20 Celsius

Show & Dance Featuring Country Swing

Hall Bookings For hall bookings, general inquiries, requests for programs or to join our league, please call the Britannia Youngstown Community Hall at 780-483-8983 or email info@bycl.ca. We'd love to hear from you. Please speak clearly when leaving a message, and leave both your name and a telephone number so that your call can be returned. Need a membership? With new things happening all the time around here, it's a great time to start getting involved with the league. Call Laura at 780-484-7773 for your membership or leave a clear message at the hall at 780-483-8983.


With Calvin Vollrath, Alfie Myhre, Pete Hicks, Richard Chernisky, Ron (Oz) Danyluk, Les Vincent, Ray St. Germain, Darryl Campbell Date: February 11, 2011 10425 - 152 Street 9 PM - 1 AM Tickets: $15/person Only 230 ticket Tickets will be on sale also January 29, 1 - 2 PM and February 8 , 7 - 9 PM. No tickets sold at the door On sale by board members Numbers in directory) Late Light Lunch For more information: Christine 780 860 1874 Winter Carnival February 26, 2011 1 - 4 PM Free Petting Zoo, Inside & Outside Activities, Many other activities.

10425 - 152 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 4P1 Phone: 780-489-6007

Important Phone Numbers Rink: 780-489-6070 Hall Rentals Inquiries: 780-952-7006 Email: canora11@telusplanet.net Executive & Board Members Directory- 2010 - 2011 President Tony Lovell 780 478 1st V P Ray St. Germain 780 481 2nd V P Bob Poliues 780 962 Secretary Shandi Hyggen 780 486 Treasurer Verna Helten Building Paul Birch 780 999

Christine Lovell Events Membership Erin Robinson Programs Roberta Spence Flowers Stella Benko Emma Black Iris Horbasenko Neighbourhood Watch Cathy Gronmeyer Publicity Virginia Lovell Bingo Virginia Lovell Casino Greg Roberts Sports Paul Birch

Popcorn, Cotton Candy, Ice 50 cents Concession

0979 6860 0292 6179 4229

Canora Community League Annual Meeting 10425 152 Street Annual Business Meeting - 7 PM - Annual Financial Report - Annual Budget - Election of Executives & Directors March 20, 2011 Snacks after. S P U R R FEBRUARY 2011

COMMUNITY NEWS GLENWOOD 16430 - 97 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5P 0E8 Phone: 780-489-7571 www.glenwoodcommunityleague.com New Year's Dinner and Dance - A SOLD OUT Success!! Our New Year's event at the hall was a huge success, everyone had a great time! The door prizes were great, the food and drink were wonderful and the dance floor was always in use... what more can you ask for? We look forward to having YOU and your friends there next year, so watch for the tickets going on sale next November or December!!! Thanks Shannon and Dianne for putting on a great event! Volunteers WANTED Mornings at WESTLAWN School Westlawn School is looking for community volunteers to help prepare/serve breakfast to junior high students at the school (9520-165 Street.) Volunteers are needed for shifts on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 7:30 to 8:30 am. Volunteers are also needed for “shoppers/delivery� of the breakfast items. All volunteers will be required to complete a security check. Please call the school at 780 484-3456 and let them know you are interested in volunteering for the breakfast program. Westlawn School Fine Arts Night and Silent Auction Thursday, February 10 from 6:30-7:30pm Westlawn School at 9520-165 Street. The community is invited to enjoy an evening of the Arts at Westlawn including presentations by their Drama and Choral Music classes, as well as hands-on Art and FACE (Fine Arts Core Education) demonstrations. Silent auction items include student work and pieces by local professional artists. Proceeds will support the Arts at Westlawn. For more information contact Mr. Morison 780-484-3456. ATTENTION PARENTS WITH INFANTS AND TODDLERS!!! Are you looking for somewhere to go just to get out of the house this winter? Starting in January, the Glenwood Hall will be hosting a mom's (or dad's) morning out on Wednesdays between 9:30 and 11:30 am. Bring your little ones, a few toys and a snack to share and have a morning out! You can call Michele at 780-439-3169 for more information, or email glenwoodcommunity@hotmail.com. SKATING RINK NOW OPEN! Lace up your skates for a leisurely skate or bring your hockey gear and join in for some shinny hockey! Make sure you bring your skate tags. COST = FREE with membership, $2 per skate/person or $10 Skate Pass (for the season) S P U R R FEBRUARY 2011

Skating Rink Hours 5 - 9 PM Monday to Friday 12 - 9 PM Saturdays 12 - 6 PM Sundays We will be looking for people interested in putting in the rink and taking care of it as well as doing snow removal at the hall for NEXT winter (this is a paid position). If you think you might be interested, contact Michele at 780-439-3169 to leave your information so that we can contact you next fall... HOCKEY NIGHT IN GLENWOOD IS BACK! The Oilers will be back on the big screen at Glenwood Hall with FREE Oilers games playing at the hall - starting this month, we are showing the Sportsnet One games. Doors open 30 minutes before each game - watch the SPURR or check our website at www.glenwoodcommunityleague.com for game dates and times. Cash bar is available, along with FREE popcorn. Children are welcome with parent supervisors. Monday, February 7th at 7 PM vs. Predators Sunday, February 27th at 6 PM vs. Bruins Sunday, March 13th at 11AM vs. Penguins Sunday, April 10th at 1PM vs. Avalanche Interested in playing WIST? Crib? Euchre? A group of Euchre players meets at the hall on Tuesday evenings, but if you would be interested in playing a DIFFERENT card game, just go ahead and ask around if there are others who might be interested. More tables could always be set up to play a different game! Contact Michele at 780-439-3169 if you are interested in organizing a different game. Euchre is a 'trick-taking' card game played in groups of 4 with partners. Beginners are welcome because the more players, the better! Join us for Euchre EVERY Tuesday night at the Glenwood Community Hall. Registration is at 6:30pm, games begin at 7pm. Glenwood's Member Community Swim Many community leagues are moving away from hosting community swim times but Glenwood still has ours! Bring the family and head over to the Jasper Place Pool from 4-6 on Sunday evenings for a free swim. Make sure you bring your membership card! Contact Michele if you still need yours (780-439-3169)

MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE YEAR ROUND! Contact Michele for more information at 780-439-3169. HALL RENTAL Seats 100 people in theater style seating, 80 seated at tables. Our beautiful new kitchen boasts a rinse sink, huge cooler/fridge, double oven, stove and griddle top and a super quick dishwasher. There is tons of prep space and it's all stainless steel - so it's quicker to clean up!

We offer FREE WiFi in our community hall! That means that if you are in the hall, you will be able to use your Blackberry, Ipod, cellphone or laptop to log on to the internet! Functions at the hall will also have access to the FREE internet connection. We have joined the Free WiFi Project. Visit the website for more details. Friday/Saturday rentals: Members $150*, Non-Members $400 Sunday-Thursday rentals: Members $75*, Non-Members $150 Call the Facility Director, Charlotte at 444-0411 * Must be a member in good standing.

HIGH PARK 11032 - 154 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 2K1 Phone: 780-484-4646 highparkcommunity.com

9th Annual Family Sleigh Ride Friday, February 18, 2010 5:30 - 8:00 Sleigh running from 6 - 8 Cost - $5.00 per family Includes - Hot dogs, hot chocolate, skating, sleigh ride City of Edmonton will have snow shoes, and making bannoch over the fire! Hope you can join us for this Annual Event. Any questions, contact Janice 780-489-4753

Softball Registration February 1 & 24, 2010 6:30 - 9:00 High Park Community Hall 5 years and up Please bring copy of birth certificate Baby Sale! Saturday March 26 from 10:00 - 2:00 Bring your gently used items to sell! Tables are $25.00 Concession run by Preschool Proceeds to High Park Community League. Please contact Nora at 780-489-1867 to arrange for a table

High Park Preschool High Park Community Hall Ages 30 months - 4 years Still Room Available! Contact Paula for more info @ 780-479-6929 Adult Drop-In Please join us Drop in, have a cup of coffee and a visit! Wednesdays - 12:30pm - 2:30pm High Park Community Hall, For information, call Joan at 780-489-5419 7

COMMUNITY NEWS High Park Community Hall Seats 200 people. Please call Roger to book your special event @ 780-474-7892 before 8 PM Are you interested in your community? Meeting new people and making a difference? We are still in need of a “Programs Director”. Join our Board of Directors If you are interested, contact Janice Gargas at 780-489-4753 Did you know that you can use your community Credits for use OUTSIDE of the community! Registering you or your child for tae kwon do, skating, gymnastics, etc? Cheques are issued at the Board of Directors meeting, the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30. Contact Nora St Jean prior to registering 780-486-1867

MAYFIELD 10941 - 161 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 1G2 Phone: 780-483-4675 www.mayfieldcommunityleague.com Contact Information President Kristy Bergstrom 780-450-2347 or e-mail mayfield.community@gmail.com. The Mayfield community League is also on Face book at Mayfield Community ~ Edmonton If you would like to volunteer in the community now is the perfect time. The board has many new and exciting events coming up in the new year, so if you are interested in getting involved in your community we have lots of different volunteer opportunities available. Mayfield community is on the web, updates on community events are posted as well as a community. Please check us out at www.mayfieldcommunityleague. If you have not returned your survey that was delivered to your house recently

please do so now. We need as many as possible and it is not too late. Bingo Mayfield is always looking for volunteers to work. The credit you receive can be used towards Mayfield Community classes and even children's programs outside our community. Please call Grace at 780-486-4801 if you are interested. The next bingo dates are: Feb 21st and March 22nd at the Castle Downs Bingo hall. Hall Rentals The Mayfield hall is available for rental. You must be a member of the Mayfield community to rent the hall please call the Hall at 780 483-4675 and leave a message. Community Memberships If you wish to purchase a membership please call Elaine at 780-481-8108 to pick one up. Families - $25.00 Singles - $15.00, Seniors - $10.00 Yoga Every Tuesday at the Hall. 6:30 to 7:45 PM Call Fran for more info 780-484-1476

someone who would like a night out with good company please RSVP to Grace at 780-486-4801 or Greg at 780-489-2063 by Feb 10th 2011. Please keep an eye on the Community board for all upcoming events. Starting in January Mayfield is offering a Senior's skate every Thursday from 2:00pm to 4:00pm free to Mayfield members $2.00 to everyone else. Skating rink and family skate area We are happy to announce that the Skating rink and family skate area will be up and running this year, our first stage of the rink update has been complete. The hours will be as follows. Rink will be closed when the temp falls below -20. Monday's Closed Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 4:00 - 9:00pm Thursday 2:00pm to 9:00pm Saturday 12:00pm to 8:00pm Sunday 12:00pm to 5:00pm Playground Potluck information session Feb 26 at 1:00pm please join us at the Mayfield Community Hall.

Seniors Carpet Bowling Tuesdays and Thursdays For more information call Doreen @ 780-486-1833 or Marlene @ 780-484-5728

Come out and find out the plans for the new playground between Mayfield Elementary and Our Lady Peace.

Park Committee They are still looking for people to help, all ages and time commitments welcome. Contact Trevor Waddell at tdwaddell@shaw.ca or 780-233-6800 if you want to join the committee or if you have any questions. Seniors Group We are having a Valentines dinner on February 13th at the Hall for the Seniors of Mayfield, if you are interested or know

If you want a say in what the park will look like or are just curious on what is involved with putting in a park please come by. If you have any questions please call Deidre at 780-486-1477. Mayfield Crafts Every 3rd Saturday of the month , the hall will be open from 10:00am to 4:00pm for anyone interested in doing scrapbooking, knitting, drawing or any other crafty activities. Call Deidre at (780) 486-1477 if you have any questions.

A note from your MP “Our Government has strived to make Canada more united, more prosperous, a safer, and a stronger country. Our Government will continue to work hard on the economy: protecting existing jobs and helping to create good, new jobs for Edmontonians.”


780-442-1888 www.lauriehawn.ca 8



COMMUNITY NEWS Family Fun Day We are starting a family fun day for all the members of the Mayfield community. Come enjoy some hot chocolate, hotdogs and fire pits activities start at 10:00am and finish up at 1:00pm. Cost of $2.00 per family for members $4.00 for nonmembers.

Community Services

Ebenezer United Church 16302 106 Avenue Edmonton T5P 0W9 Phone 780-489-5803 Church Service, Sunday at 11 a.m.

WEST JASPER / SHERWOOD 9620 - 152 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 4N9 Phone: 780-483-2815

Don’t Miss the next Deadline for Submission February 18, 5:00 pm

List your Non-profit group for $99 per year (*some conditions apply).

Special event listings FREE for non-profits, otherwise classified rates and some conditions apply.



Place your business card in the SPURR and reach out to the community. Email: ads@thespurr.ca CLASSIFIEDS For Sale Got Something to Sell? Place your text only classified ads here in your local community newspaper and reach 15,000 people in Edmonton’s West End. At $0.10 per character this Ad you are reading costs less than $20.00. ____________________________ For Sale: 4 bedroom lakefront home at Sunrise Beach on Sandy Lake. To view call Gordon Boddez at 780-939-1111 ____________________________




T: 780.496.8122 F: 780.496.8113 linda.sloan@edmonton.ca

2nd Floor, City Hall 1 Sir Winston Churchill Square Edmonton T5J 2R7




Events Power Speakers Toastmasters Club #3650 Meets Every Wednesday from 7:00 – 9:00pm Grant MacEwan University Room 437 10045 – 156st Contact Norma at 780-432-4854 www.powerspeakers.ca ____________________________

Cat Sitting by

The Cat Lady Call Joan at 451-3384 Let your cat(s) enjoy your holiday in the comfort of their own home.




A high standard of cleanliness within a community is a strong indication of its overall wellbeing. A clean community suggests it is respected, cared for, safe, and not tolerant of crime. A clean community and well care for property provide fewer opportunities for petty crime such as garage break and enters, tamper with auto, and theft from auto to occur. The appearance of a community can be depreciated with the presence of abandoned, derelict and long time unused vehicles. Not only are these vehicles an unsightly eye sore but they are also known to increase the likelihood of theft from auto, theft of vehicles,

and can be linked to other crimes. By removing these unwanted vehicles and take pride in maintaining your community you can reverse these effects, reduce vandalism, antisocial behaviour and criminal activities, while increasing community safety.

at www.kidney.ca or phone 780-453-2288 to ask about their requirements. We thank you in advance for your commitment to the community.


Hopefully you have received your copy of the “Spirit of Stony” crime prevention calendar. This free community calendar was created by members of the JP Revitalization Feeling Safe in Our Community working group as a way to share crime prevention information and strategies, to celebrate our communities and to create awareness of local support agencies. Please make good use of the calendar; check out the local agencies and do your part to help prevent crime and implement the strategies provided in the calendar.

We are asking community members to remove their unwanted or derelict vehicles, to help create a cleaner appearance of the community and to prevent crime.

Sincerely Britannia-Youngstown Neighbourhood Empowerment Team Constable Kelly Lang

The Kidney Foundation of Canada's Kidney Car Program may be of help and may provide financially compensation, contact them online

Community Capacity Builder Connie Marciniuk

2011 Registration Notice

Check us out at www.sjpbaseball.ca West Edmonton Baseball Players: To ensure that you “Play Ball” this year, please note. Don’t let your profits walk out the door! We can help you maximize your profits by lessening theft in your business. Call us for a FREE Consultation & Estimate

780-907-7100 www.StopLiftSystems.com Locally Owned and Operated since 1997

Registration Dates, Times, and Locations Friday, February 25, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm at the Lessard Community Hall (17404-57 Avenue)

Saturday, February 26, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm at the Lessard Community Hall (17404-57 Avenue)

Saturday, March 05, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm at the La Perle Community Hall (18611 97A Avenue)

Friday, March 11, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm at Crestwood Community Hall (14325-96 Avenue)

Saturday, March 12, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm at Crestwood Community Hall (14325-96 Avenue)

Registration Fees Birthday between Jan 01/06 – Dec 31/07 Jan 01/04 – Dec 31/05 Jan 01/02 – Dec 31/03 Jan 01/00 – Dec 31/01 Jan 01/98 – Dec 31/99 Jan 01/96 – Dec 31/97 Jan 01/93 – Dec 31/95

Player Age 4–5 6–7 8–9 10 – 11 12 – 13 14 – 15 16 – 18



Kids 1st Ball Jr. Rookie Sr. Rookie Mosquito Peewee Bantam Midget

$ 75.00 $ 125.00 $ 150.00 $ 200.00 $ 215.00 $ 220.00 $ 225.00

For additional information about SJP Baseball, visit our website at www.sjpbaseball.ca or call Dan at 780-481-0689.



C A N O R A PA R K WAT C H Here is hoping that 2011 is finding everyone in good health, good spirits and good condition from shoveling all this snow. I think we have quite enough now. The rivers should be full come spring. We are planning a children's Snow Shoe event on March 12 starting at the Canora Community League Hall. We will then go over to Canora Greenspace on 149 St and back to the hall for Hot Chocolate. We will confirm times in the next edition of the SPURR. Our third annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held on April 23 at the Canora Greenspace on 149 Street at 1:00pm. Come out and bring the children to join in the fun. We will be having a separate area for the preschool children. We are going to have a flower planting bee around the middle of May at St. Anne Park on 153 St and 102 Ave. If you have a "green thumb" come out and join us while we play in the dirt. Give me a call at (780) 484-1777 so we can contact you as this date will depend on weather. We will supply coffee and goodies to all of the hard workers.

Our 4th Annual Mini-Carnival will take place on May 29 at St. Anne Park from 1:00 to 4:00pm. We are looking forward to seeing many of our friends and neighbours come out to enjoy a day of fun, food, games for the children, and live music. We are also looking for volunteers to come out and help with the BBQ. We are still working on our August event and will keep you informed in the SPURR. If you have any interesting ideas for this event please e-mail to canoraparkswatch@yahoo.ca. The next meeting of Canora Park Watch will be held on February 15 at 7:00pm at the Canora Community Hall. Everyone is invited. We had a couple of new persons come to our last meeting. It shows that more people are interested in what is happening in our community. If you have any suggestions for upcoming events please let us know at canoraparkswatch@yahoo.ca. New volunteers with new ideas are always welcome.

“For more details please visit: www.thehavensocialclub.com/calendar”

A message from the Honourable Heather Klimchuk MLA, Edmonton-Glenora


Province makes strides in addressing health care pressures Early indicators suggest that province-wide overcapacity protocols developed and implemented by Alberta Health Services (AHS) and aimed at reducing peak pressures in emergency departments are having the desired impact of easing pressures. The protocols, launched Dec. 20, 2010, have been enacted primarily in Edmonton and Calgary, and are helping staff and physicians provide more timely access for patients needing emergency department care, and also reducing the number of patients in emergency departments waiting for admission to a hospital bed. Recently, the number of patients waiting in emergency departments each morning for admission to a hospital bed has declined. In September last year there were, on average, 80 patients waiting in the morning for admission in an emergency department to a hospital bed in the major Edmonton hospitals. There were 84 patients waiting on average in October, 71 in November and 48 in December. On January 19th the number was 44. AHS has also seen overall improvement in patient length of stay in emergency departments. Length of stay is calculated from the first documented time after arrival in emergency until discharge or hospital admission. AHS has set a target that 70 per cent of patients are seen, assessed, treated and discharged within four hours by March 2011; and 45 per cent of patients are seen, assessed, treated, stabilized and admitted within eight hours. Further, AHS recently announced that more than 9,000 additional magnetic resonance imaging scans (MRIs) will be performed between now and March 31 to help reduce wait lists for this procedure across the province. The additional procedures represent more than a five per cent increase over the 166,000 MRIs performed annually by AHS and its contracted community partners. There will be 4,700 additional MRIs in Calgary, 3,000 in Edmonton, and 1,350 in other parts of the province. Through the commitment of frontline staff at our hospitals, the system is working and we are getting closer to our targets. In other words, the protocols are being used and are having the intended impact. Physicians, nurses and other health care professionals and administrators continue to meet to discuss the protocols and to further develop a province-wide approach to health system pressures. Constituency Office: 10649-124 Street Edmonton, AB T5N 1S5 Phone: 780-455-7979 edmonton.glenora@assembly.ab.ca


Beginner class at Stony Plain Road location Starts Feb 2nd, Mon/Wed 6:00-7:00 pm Try the FIRST CLASS for FREE! • 15740 Stony Plain Rd. • 8927 Whyte (82nd) Ave. • 9203-144 Ave. (Polish Veterans Hall) • 5320-143 St. (Riverbend Community League-Brookside Hall) • Sherwood Park, Wye Community Hall (151 - 22559 Wye Road) • St. Albert, 7 Tache St. • Sherwood Park, Festival Place

visit western.canada.taoist.org or call 780-489-4293



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toward your deductible* *exp Feb. 28, 2011


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