There is a mass of policies and strategies that are written, approved, maintained and amended to guide and manage a city like Edmonton. In my time as a community volunteer, I've read through policies for Transit Oriented Development, public involvement, and neighborhood infill, for recreational facility planning, top of (river) bank development, and community revitalization. Plans, policies and strategies exist for pretty much everything, and while mostly well worded, can be a mixed-bag when ideas and direction become out-of-date, vaguely defined, or crafted without sufficient input and broader involvement. The top-level guiding policy and principles for Edmonton is the City Vision, “The Way Ahead: Edmonton's Strategic Plan 2009-2018”. The plan's long-term goals are broken into six strategic areas:
: The Way We Green an Pl ic eg at tr S l ta Environmen Live Plan: The Way We le op Pe s n' to on m Ed We Grow ent Plan: The Way m op el ev D al ip ic Mun Move Plan: The Way We r te as M on ti ta or Transp nance egy: The Way We Fi at tr S l ia nc na Fi m Long-ter Prosper Plan: The Way We t en m op el ev D ic Econom It's frustrating when good ideas put to paper aren't reflected in decision making. We've seen it in our own backyard when the goals of neighborhood revitalization aren't mirrored in a decision by City Council or the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board. While the City Vision defines laudable goals and directions, it is implementation that takes us from paper to practice, goals to decision making, policy to statutory plans. The SPURR doesn't exist without community, without a population to serve and connect. The same goes for a city. For us, the residents of this city, the People Plan“The Way We Live” does cover ground. It acknowledges the importance of municipal government to our day-to-day lives, it acknowledges that our population is aging, the importance of people services, programs, and facilities, of connecting people, communicating,
Insidethis issue
and advocating. It is well written, with the best of intentions, but a broad outline of goals and ideals is almost a world removed from the reality of school closures, aging infrastructure, and dwindling community involvement and voter turnout. This is where implementation of the City Vision needs specific strategies, tools and political will to build, sustain, and revitalize communities from downtown to the city limits. We need something for residents, volunteers, and community groups to rely upon and specific strategies and commitments for the City, Administration and Elected officials to stand behind. The Way We Live defines a number of “strategic policy directions” such as - The City of
page 6
Community League AGM Updates
BRZ UPDATE page 2 Sculptures on Stony! New Forum
Edmonton partners with community leagues, school boards, and other organizations to build community. It builds, revitalizes and sustains Great Neighborhoods, provides and promotes innovative methods to reduce barriers to participation and engages citizens in local government. Implementation needs to make these tangible to us, it needs to help turn broad goals into real action and decision making that benefits us and the places we call home. Planning & Development, Public Involvement, Neighborhood Revitalization, Infrastructure Renewal, Enforcement, Partnerships - there's a lot that can go into this. In April, we'll talk specifics, starting with some lessons for Edmonton from another city's “West LRT”.
JPR UPDATE page 4 What is Permaculture? Safety Survey Results
DIRTY GARDENER page 11 Yoga prepares the body for the growing season!
STONY PLAIN ROAD AND AREA UPDATE businesses within the BRZ wishplease ing to participate e-mail Many thanks to the Fine Arts Students, their instructor Agnieszka Matejko and JP Neighbourhood Revitalization for sponsoring this project. Editor: Jamie Post Gardening: Michele Hebert Community Info: Wendy Kinsman Business Info: Diane Kereluk SPURR Photographer: Kailey Schwerman Advertising: Jim Wooley
Publisher: Pie Communications Inc. 544, 12222 137 Avenue Ph: (780) 757-0993 Fax: (780) 401-3438 Edmonton, AB, T5L 4X5
What is SPURR The Stony Plain (road and area) Urban Revitalization Report is a community based newspaper whose mission it is to serve the west-end communities of BritanniaYoungstown, Canora, Glenwood, High Park, Mayfield, & West Jasper / Sherwood along with the Members of the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association. SPURR is a joint initiative for Community & Business Interests of Edmonton’s westend lead by: City of Edmonton Community Services, Neighbourhood Revitalization Project and the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Revitalization Zone. The opinions expressed in the articles appearing in The SPURR are those of the people named as the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of The SPURR, its editor, its publisher, the City of Edmonton or the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Revitalization Zone. For More Information Please Contact: Wendy Kinsman, Jasper Place Revitalization Coordinator, Office of Great Neighbourhoods City of Edmonton Community Services Dept. 10835 - 120 St. N.W. P.O. Box 2359, Edmonton, AB, T5J 2R7 Ph: (780) 495-0321 Diane Kereluk, Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association 10043 151 Street. Edmonton, AB, T5P 4Z7 Ph: (780) 477-5169
DIANE KERELUK (780) 477-5169
Students in the Fine Art Sculpture class at Grant MacEwan University have offered to exhibit their fine arts sculptures they have created along Stony Plain road for approximately six weeks starting March 2.
The first batch of 13 has been placed in front of participating businesses within the BRZ and the second set will be placed March 21. For a list of locations where you can view this beautiful art visit: Any
Thought for the month: Only when the last tree has died, the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize that we cannot eat money. ~Cree Indian Proverb For the latest news and events visit:
You be the Judge…Restaurant Review Stony Plain Road and Area is lined with dozens of restaurants to suit everyone's taste and budget. The Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association and the SPURR would love to hear about your dining experiences in the area. Enjoy an evening out with your friends, family and/or loved ones and tell us about your experience. Each month we will choose a review and if yours is selected you will win a $25 gift certificate towards your next
dining experience and we will print your review in the next SPURR edition! Reviews should be around 300 words and e-mailed in Word (.doc) or Rich Text (.rtf) to: Winning entries will be based on the quality of writing and may be edited for content and length upon publication. Start writing today!
Check out the
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Without our Advertisers you would not be reading this newspaper. Our Advertisers survive on your business. Please support our advertisers and when you call or visit them please make sure to say you saw them in the SPURR. Thank you.
Check out our forum for the latest news and updates. Log in at
Letters to the Editor are great, however, if there is content you would like to submit for inclusion in The SPURR, a story about the history of your community, an event or act you would like to acknowledge in detail, please feel free to send it to
If you have a story or a photo depicting how life is, was or should be in Edmonton’s west
end we would love to hear from you. Please forward your stories to the publishers address above, thank you.
Many of our local Community Leagues will be holding their Annual General Meetings over the next few months, please consider giving time to help your community by volunteering to fill an open spot on a board of directors.
FREE EVENT CALENDAR Please send us your date sensitive event information, we would love to include what
Beginning in April, Local Social Worker, and Revitalization Member Catherine McGuire will be interviewing and profiling some of our local service providers in The SPURR.
we can and it’s FREE.
S P U R R MARCH 2011
STONY PLAIN ROAD AND AREA UPDATE Host Hotel & Accommodations Black Knight Inn - 2929 50 Avenue 1.800.661.8793 Special Conference Rate $104 single/double
Placemaking and Promotions Red Deer - May 11, 12 & 13 The Alberta Downtowns Conference will appeal to: * everyone charged with marketing a destination * city and county administrators and elected officials * tourism and economic development practitioners * local businesses and retail and lodging associations * anyone with a vested interest in the downtowns Conference organizers are busy finalizing sessions and speakers on subjects that will include: * destination development * destination marketing * recruiting investment * social media and marketing * Business Revitalization Zone- what, why and how to? * night-time economies - entertainment and social districts.
$189 Early Bird Deadline April 1 For more information email:
Keynote Speaker Roger Brooks, CEO Destination Development Inc. Roger’s expertise comes from having assisted nearly a thousand communities in their efforts to become better places to live, invest, establish a business or visit. He possesses a rare talent: his boundless enthusiasm - and his steadfast sense of purpose is contagious. As a speaker, he’s not only inspiring, but he gets people excited, laughing and scribbling notes as fast as they can, fired up to go home and make something happen. The information is not only entertaining, but is clear, concise, relevant and it sticks.
t h n e e h w w t e s e s r e t h t h a p o s h s the best! y h W If you are looking for new places to “Meet & Eat” or “Stop & Shop” the west end has it all. Stony Plain Road and Area has close to 500 businesses in over 60 categories ready to help you Stay, Play, Eat, Meet, Shop, Service … Whatever you need you can find it by checking the business directory at
Hungry? There are over 50 restaurants to choose from, search “Fast Food” or “Restaurants”. Car trouble? We have 23 locations under “Automotive Repair and Maintenance”.
try us out at S P U R R MARCH 2011
WENDY KINSMAN (780) 495-0321
ART on STONY PLAIN ROAD March and April are going to feature a very exciting art experience on Stony Plain Road! We have been working in partnership with Agnieszka Matejko, Arts Instructor with Grant MacEwan University's, Fine Arts Program. The Fine Arts students are bringing vibrant, wooden art sculptures to Stony Plain Road on March 2 and more will arrive on March 21. Many thanks to the support of the Stony Plain BRZ
and the businesses who have agreed to have the students display their works of art in front of their store fronts. Be sure to bring your family and stroll down Stony Plain Road to view the sculptures and to stop and enjoy the shops along the way. Bringing art into the Jasper Place Revitalization is one of the actions citizens requested during the consultation phase of the revitalization. This project was supported through a Neighbourhood Revitalization Matching Grant from the City of Edmonton and Grant MacEwan University, Fine Arts Program.
grow food and want to learn about food sustainability. Permaculture allows us to design food-producing systems in small spaces.
Permaculture Workshop Grow Your Own Healthy Food On Saturday, April 2, 2011, The City of Edmonton will be hosting a Permaculture Workshop at an
The workshop will take place at Britannia-Youngstown Community Hall, 15927-105Ave., 9:00am.-4:30pm. Megan Wilson is a practicing Permaculture
introductory level, for those of you who love to grow plants or for the people who have a desire to learn to
The JPR Feeling Safe In Our Community Working Group would like to thank everyone who took the time to complete a survey during the fall of 2010. Your input has provided valuable insight into what residents of the JPR area are concerned about in their neighbourhoods. The Working Group will be analyzing the survey results at their March meeting and will use this information to help define their actions and goals for the remaining years of the JPR strategy, thus helping to make our communities a safer place to live. The results of the survey are found below and we hope you find them interesting. If you would like further information about our survey, have additional comments, or would like to join the Feeling Safe committee or attend a meeting, contact us at
Compiled Results
do you live in? •
22.7% West Jasper Place 18.7% Canora 8.6% Britannia Youngstown 8% Glenwood 42% Other 1) Which neighbourhood do you live in? 17 Britannia Youngstown 37 Canora 16 Glenwood 45 West Jasper Place 2) Do you feel safe and secure in your community? 33 All of the time 71 Most of the time 45 Some of the time 9 Never
5) Where do you feel the three major crime locations are in your neighbourhood? Along Stony Plain Road / Jasper Place Alleys / Garages Parks 6) Have you ever been a victim of crime in your neighbourhood? 90 Yes No 74
7) Did you report it to the police? 79 Yes No 32 Why or why not? 3) How would you feel safer in your community? • Car stolen / car theft / vehicle broken into / minor • More police presence / patrol / community vandalism to my car police • My safety / A man came at my husband with a • Increased number of street lights / lighting in knife / I was mugged parks / lighting in alleys / use of motion detector • Property damage / vandalism lights / more crossing lights • More Neighbourhood Watch 8) Have you ever witnessed a crime in your neighbourhood? 4) What do you feel are the three major crime 76 Yes No 84 problems in your neighbourhood? Did you report it? • Drugs / drug houses / drug related crime / Grow 45 Yes No 31 Ops Why or why not? • Break and Enters (B&E) / Home invasions / Garage • Scared to / because you don't want to get hurt / break-ins didn't want to get beat up • Petty theft / Shoplifting • Civic duty / important / it's what you do 4
Not sure, looked like a drug deal / frequently see drug deals / selling drugs at the corner
9) Have you ever called to report a bylaw complaint? 59 Yes No 87 Was it satisfactorily resolved? 30 Yes No 24 10) What do you like about living in this neighbourhood? • Close to schools / work / stores / location in general • Good neighbours • Old and mature / established neighbourhood / large lots 11) Are you aware of the SPURR newspaper? 75 Yes No 66 Do you read the SPURR newspaper? 62 Yes No 16 12) Do you have any suggestions on how to improve your neighbourhood? • More police presence • Take back the neighbourhood / More community events • Community Watch group / Neighbourhood Watch / Neighbourhood Watch stickers 13) Do you have any additional comments? I truly believe this City needs to be creative/assertive with the Province in order to stop these mature neighbourhood schools from closing Bike paths, there is no place for us on bikes to ride safely / people should watch for kids on bikes I love my neighbourhood / this is an excellent neigbourhood S P U R R MARCH 2011
J P R U P D AT E designer and an organizer with the Edmonton Permaculture Community Association. Megan is planning a very fun, dynamic and educational workshop. She is inviting everyone to participate in a pot luck following the workshop with a wonderful video on Permaculture. The workshop is open to people from ages 16 - 99. Early-bird fee is $35 before March 20 and $60 after March 20. A fee subsidy is available. All proceeds will go towards the Stony Plain BRZ's future Holistic Urban Market. E-mail: to register; please see the Permaculture Ad accompanying this article. Megan Wilson, “What is Permaculture”? Most of us want to live our lives in a way that feeds us, shelters us, keeps us healthy, and provides us with a sense of contributing to the world around us. It's getting more and more difficult every year to achieve that. Rising food and fuel costs, a shaky economy, and food safety scares are only the local effects of global problems that are even harder to grasp, much less do anything about. It's easy to get overwhelmed and imagine that there's nothing to be done about any of those problems without sacrificing your own well-being and way of life. I'm here to tell you that that's not the case. Permaculture provides solutions to some of the world's (and your neighbourhoods) most complex problems in your own backyard through smart design and local action. Let me explain. Permaculture is a system of design which builds sustainable systems to support human life (and all other kinds too). The word 'sustainable' has been used so much lately in so many contexts that I'd like to provide my own definition: a sustainable system produces at least as much energy as it consumes over its lifetime. This is in direct opposition to our current way of living, which requires huge inputs of fossil fuel energy in order to operate. For example, between farming equipment, chemical fertilizers and pesticides, processing, and transportation, each calorie of food energy that enters your mouth requires about ten calories of fossil fuel energy to bring to your lips.
S P U R R MARCH 2011
If you take this example to a larger scale and look at it from the other side, if every U.S. citizen ate one meal a week consisting entirely of local organically grown food, it would save 1.1 million barrels of oil every week! And before you protest that local organic food is expensive, let me point out that there is nothing cheaper or more local than your own backyard. Permaculture allows us to design food-producing systems in small areas that require little maintenance, so that nearly anyone can produce at least some food within meters of their door. Producing some of your own food has many benefits. Firstly, you know exactly where it comes from and how it's been treated - no pesticide residues or bacterial hazards. There are also many health benefits to spending time being active outside, not to mention the social benefits to your neighbourhood and yourself of having more people out and about on a regular basis. Conversations over the fence about your yard are a great way to meet your neighbours. I can't emphasize enough the difference in flavour and nutrition that you will find between tomatoes and carrots that have been shipped in a refrigerated truck for thousands of kilometers and those that you have picked fresh from your own backyard. If you want to learn more about how to design a system that can feed you healthy local food (while saving you money), why not join me at the Introduction to Permaculture workshop on April 2nd! Join the Planning Academy - 2011 The City of Edmonton’s Planning Academy offers a series of courses to help Edmontonians: • Better understand and participate in the planning process • Better understand the roles, rights and interests of all parties involved in the planning and development process Play a part in planning Edmonton’s growth and change – courses begin March 30, 2011. For more information:
COMMUNITY NEWS BRITANNIA-YOUNGSTOWN 15927 - 105 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5P 0T8 Phone: 780-483-8983 New Website! Outdoor Skating The skating rink is still open and will be until the weather finally decides warm up. Check out the “Fusion West Edmonton” Facebook page for the daily status of the rink. Gardening Club Next meeting: Thursday, March 4 at 7:00 pm (first Thursday of the month) Community Hall. Our hot topic will be landscape design, presented by Kevin Napora. Kevin will be speaking about classic landscape design practices and how these can be applied to our yards and gardens, either with the help of professionals or relying on our own green thumbs and muscle. Bring in a picture of your landscaping problem area (8x10) and we'll work on redesigning it together. To keep in touch and hear about upcoming events, send an email to Miep Raedschelders at and we'll add you to our email list. Soccer Registration (Outdoor) Start thinking about spring because outdoor soccer registration is coming up! Tuesday, March 8, 2011 - 6:00 - 8:00 pm at the hall Late registration will be held at the Mayfield Hotel on Mar. 17. Check our website ( or the ad on p 5 for the time. 1st Annual Spring Show & Sale! This is BIG news! We are having a Britannia Youngstown Spring Show & Sale in April. When: April 9, 1:00 - 5:00 pm Where: The Community Hall (15927-105 Ave) We're hoping to have between 20 - 30 vendors at the show including home-based businesses such as Scentsy, Avon, Tomboy tool, Tupperware, handmade jewellery, baking, etc. For more information or to ask about having a stall at the show, email Debbie at or got to Support our community by supporting their business ventures or just have some coffee, buy a cookie and visit with your neighbours. Introduction to Permaculture When: April 2, 2011 Where: The Community Hall (15927-105 Ave) Learn about how to turn your yard into a natural and sustainable urban landscape, incorporating food into urban spaces. For more info contact or Jordan at 780-999-6535. You'll also hear about plans for a holistic market in our neighbourhood. Senior's Circle Because of the difficulty getting around in the snow and cold, we have put our meetings on hold until further notice. However, feel free to email Jane at if you think it might be starting up again or go to for the status. The snow is getting more manageable! 6
Parents and Tots Looking to meet some other parents in the community? Social development is very important in the early stages of life for your children - and also for you! We meet weekly on Thursdays from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM at the Britannia Youngstown Community Hall (15927 - 105 Avenue) for a Parent & Tot Playtime. Newborn up to school age are all welcome. If you have any questions please email Simone at or call 780-628-5630. Hall Bookings For hall bookings, general inquiries, requests for programs or to join our league, please call the Britannia Youngstown Community Hall at 780-483-8983 or email We'd love to hear from you. Please speak clearly when leaving a message, and leave both your name and a telephone number so that your call can be returned. Need a membership? With new things happening all the time around here, it's a great time to start getting involved with the league. Call Laura at 780-484-7773 for your membership or leave a clear message at the hall at 780-483-8983.
CANORA 10425 - 152 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 4P1 Phone: 780-489-6007
Canora Community League Annual Meeting March 20, 2011 10425 152 Street Annual Business Meeting - 7 PM - Annual Financial Report - Annual Budget - Election of Executives & Directors Snacks after Everyone had a fantastic time Friday evening when Country Swing came to our hall. The music was great, and there were guest musical artists. Country Swing is coming two times more before summer. To get tickets, the venue has changed. See the following. Show & Dance Featuring Country Swing With Calvin Vollrath, Alfie Myhre, Pete Hicks, Richard Chernisky, Ron (Oz) Danyluk, Les Vincent, Ray St. Germain, Darryl Campbell Date: April 1, 2011 • June 25, 2011 10425 - 152 Street - 9 PM - 1 AM Tickets: $15/person Tickets will be on sale at: Myhre's Music - 8735 118th Avenue Lazaro's Music - 15115 Stony Plain Road Late Light Lunch For more info: Christine - 780 860 1874 EASTER HAM FAMILY BINGO Saturday, April 16, 2010 Doors open at 11:00 am Bonanza and 2 early birds @ 12:00 noon 8 Go Go @ 1:00 pm Special Games for the children Concession open
GLENWOOD Important Phone Numbers Rink: 780-489-6070 Hall Rentals Inquiries: 780-952-7006 Email: Executive & Board Members Directory- 2010 - 2011 President Tony Lovell 780 478 0979 1st V P Ray St. Germain 780 481 6860 2nd V P Bob Poliues 780 962 0292 Secretary Shandi Hyggen 780 486 6179 Treasurer Verna Helten Building Paul Birch 780 999 4229 Events Christine Lovell 780 860 1874 Membership Erin Robinson 780 920 2092 Programs Roberta Spence 780 444 2548 Flowers Stella Benko 780 489 6483 Emma Black 780 489 2057 Iris Horbasenko 780 484 4771 Neighbourhood Watch Cathy Gronmeyer 780 489 4570 Publicity Virginia Lovell Bingo Virginia Lovell 780 478 0979 Casino Greg Roberts 780 963 4529 Sports Paul Birch Please remember if you know of a Community League member who is ill or has lost a love one please call Stella @ 780-489 6483 Emma @ 780 489 2057 Iris Horbasenko @ 780 484 4771 Skating Times: Monday - Friday - 4:30 PM - 9 PM Saturday - 1 PM - 5 PM, 6 PM - 9 PM Sunday - 1 PM - 5 PM Rinks closes @ -20 Celsius
16430 - 97 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5P 0E8 Phone: 780-489-7571 4,921 People live in Glenwood! (2009 Census) See The April SPURR For Dates Glenwood is a mature neighbourhood with an amazing mix of people from families with babies to teenagers, adults and seniors living with and without assistance. With such a wide variety of people to reach, we need some help bringing ideas, planning programs and organizing sports teams. Right now there are two people sitting on our executive who have selflessly volunteered their time for over TWENTY YEARS each! Several others have been a part of the community league for more than a decade. Don't you think it's time we gave them a little help? While we can't do without their expertise and experience, we certainly can jump in to lend them a hand! Our annual general meeting (AGM) will be coming up in April. We are looking for people to come to share your ideas on programs to run, some people to fill a few vacant positions, and hopefully have a chance to catch up on what's new and exciting in our beautiful community. Worried about the time commitment? Here are the details... • The Executive meets on the first Thursday of the month ten months of the year. (No meetings in July and August.) • Meetings are approximately 1-2 hours long. • Everyone on the executive shares the workload for community events. S P U R R MARCH 2011
COMMUNITY NEWS • Our experienced directors have contacts for many things, and we have support from the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues and the City of Edmonton offers many workshops for people new to community league executive positions. • The Executive consists of: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Facility Director, Program Director, Membership Director, City Liaison, Gaming Director, Sports Director, Secretary, Newsletter Coordinator and some Members-at-Large positions. Some of these positions are currently vacant, some will become vacant in April. Watch the April SPURR, the website or Facebook for the meeting date in April. Please come out and join us at the meeting. It is open to everyone living in Glenwood. ATTENTION PARENTS WITH INFANTS AND TODDLERS!!! Are you looking for somewhere to go just to get out of the house this winter? Starting in January, the Glenwood Hall will be hosting a mom's (or dad's) morning out on Wednesdays between 9:30 and 11:30 am. Bring your little ones, a few toys and a snack to share and have a morning out! You can call Michele at 780 439-3169 for more information, or email SKATING RINK NOW CLOSED! Due to the changeable weather, and a thinner than usual base layer, our skating rink is now closed for the season. We will be looking a rink attendant interested in putting in the rink and taking care of it as well as doing snow removal at the hall for NEXT winter (this is a paid position). If you think you might be interested, contact Michele at 780 439-3169 to leave your info so that we can contact you next fall... HOCKEY NIGHT IN GLENWOOD The Oilers will be on the big screen at Glenwood Hall with FREE Oilers games playing at the hall.Doors open 30 minutes before each game - watch the SPURR or check out for game dates and times. Cash bar is available, along with FREE popcorn. Children are welcome with parent supervisors. Sunday, March 13th at 11AM vs. Penguins
SCRAPBOOKING DAY Saturday, March 12th 10 am - 6 pm Glenwood Community Hall - 16430-97 Ave Registration for the Scrapbooking Day is $20. Register by email with Katherine Ewchuck at or phone (780) 489-5955 for more information. Tuesday Night Euchre Euchre is a 'trick-taking' card game played in groups of 4 with partners. Join us for Euchre EVERY Tuesday night at the Glenwood Community Hall. Registration is at 6:30 pm, games begin at 7 pm. Glenwood Community Swim Many community leagues are moving away from hosting community swim times but Glenwood still has ours! Pack your swimsuit and head over to the Jasper Place Pool from 4-6 on Sunday evenings for a free swim. Make sure you bring your membership card! MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE YEAR ROUND! Contact Michele for more information at 780 439-3169. HALL RENTAL Seats 100 people in theater style seating, 80 seated at tables. We offer FREE WiFi in our community hall!* Must be a member in good standing. Please call the hall for reservation.
HIGH PARK 11032 - 154 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 2K1 Phone: 780-484-4646 BABY - CHILDREN'S SALE DO YOU WANT TO SELL THEM????? When: March 26th, 2011 Where: High Park Community League 11032-154 street N.W Sale Time: 10am to 2pm (Those with a table will be allowed in to set up on March 25th, 2011 from 6 to 8 pm) Cost: $ 25.00 per table Call Nora @ 780-486-1867 Payment of table rental must be paid before March 1st to hold table for event.
The skating rinks are up and operational! A Big THANK YOU to Gary Kotyk, and various other community volunteers for your hard work to keep the ice, make the ice, and work hard to keep the snow cleaned up! You must have a valid community league membership (skate tag) or pay a drop in fee! We have an indoor skate room for lacing up, a boarded rink with floodlights, and a pond-style rink. The rink is open: Monday through Friday: 4:30pm-9:00pm Saturdays: 1:00pm-9:00pm Sundays: 1:00pm-6:00pm Except where prohibited due to large accumulation of snow, inclement weather, or temperatures below -23ºC or above 0ºC
SENIORS & 50+ MARK YOUR CALENDARS for April 14, 2011 Your Board of Directors will be hosting another dinner! Our First Annual Easter Dinner Doors Open 5:30 - Dinner 6:00 Cost is a valid Membership or $5.00. Memberships will be available to purchase Bingo Bingos are a necessary source of income for our community. Volunteer for a bingo & receive community credits to use for recreational, wellness activities for your children, yourself or your spouse! Upcoming bingo dates: March 26, 2011 (5:00-12:00pm) April 17, 2011 (5:00-12:00pm) May 16, 2011 (5:00-12:00pm) June 14, 2011 (5:00-12:00pm) July 20, 2011 (4:30-12:00pm) To volunteer, call Val at 780-483-7122. Alternate dates and times also available on shorter notice throughout the year Board Meetings Our next community Executive meetings will be on March 8 and April 5, 2011, 7:00pm at the hall. All members of High Park Community are Welcome to attend! HALL RENTALS Main Hall - Weddings/ Weekend $450.00 Daily Rentals - 8hrs $300.00
A note from your MP “Our Government has strived to make Canada more united, more prosperous, a safer, and a stronger country. Our Government will continue to work hard on the economy: protecting existing jobs and helping to create good, new jobs for Edmontonians.”
780-442-1888 S P U R R MARCH 2011
COMMUNITY NEWS (Each Additional hour after 8hr rental is $50.00 per hour) Upstairs meeting room - 8hrs (No Kitchen) $100.00 A matching CASH ONLY damage deposit is required. If you have any questions or wish to view that hall please contact Roger Little @ 780-474-7892 between 5pm & 8pm. Pre-School Registration If you would like to register your child/ children, between the ages of 30 months and 4 years, in our parent cooperative preschool, please contact Nora at 780-486-1867 or Angela at 780-760-5131. Register your child today! Or email Adult Drop-In All adults welcome. Drop in, have a cup of coffee and a visit! Wednesdays - 12:30pm 3:30pm High Park Community Hall. For information, call Joan at 780-489-5419 High Park Softball Spring Training Britannia School 16018 104 Avenue Wednesdays March 9th to April 27th Squirts 6pm to 7:30pm Bantams 7:30pm to 9pm Thursdays March 10th to April 28th Mites 6pm to 7:30pm PeeWees 7:30pm to 9pm
MAYFIELD 10941 - 161 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 1G2 Phone: 780-483-4675 Thank you to all the seniors that were able to attend and volunteers that helped make the Seniors dinner on Feb 13 a great success. I hope everyone had a great time. Contact Information Community League President: Kristy Bergstrom 780-450-2347 or e-mail The Mayfield community League is also on Face book at Mayfield Community ~ Edmonton Bingo Mayfield is always looking for volunteers to work. The credit you receive can be used towards Mayfield Community classes and children's programs outside our community. Please call Grace at 780-486-4801 if you are interested. The next bingo dates are: and March 22nd at the Castle Downs Bingo hall. Hall Rentals The Mayfield hall is available for rental. You must be a member of the Mayfield community to rent the hall please call the Hall at 780-483-4675 and leave a message. Community Memberships If you wish to purchase a membership please call Elaine at 780-481-8108 to pick one up. Families - $25.00 Singles - $15.00 Seniors - $10.00
Yoga Every Tuesday at the Hall. 6:30 to 7:45 PM Call Fran for more info 780-484-1476 Seniors Carpet Bowling Tuesdays and Thursdays For more info call Doreen @ 780-486-1833 or Marlene @ 780-484-5728 If you are interested in playing cards, there will be tables set up for games such as crib, hearts or any other games you enjoy playing. Broomball Dropin on Monday nights from 7-9pm Participants must be at least 16 years of age and sticks are provided. Park Committee They are still looking for people to help, all ages and time commitments welcome. If you want to join contact Trevor Waddell at or 780-233-6800. Seniors Group Mayfield is offering a Senior's skate every Thursday from 2:00pm to 4:00pm free to Mayfield members $2.00 to everyone else. Skating rink and family skate area The Skating rink and family skate are up and running. Rink will be closed when the temp falls below -20. The hours will be as follows. The rink is closed on Mondays Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 4 - 9pm, Thursday 2 - 9pm Saturday 12-8pm Sunday 12-5pm. Mayfield Crafts Every 3rd Saturday of the Month , the hall will be open from 10am - 4pm for anyone interested in doing scrapbooking, knitting, drawing or any crafty activities. Call Deidre at (780) 486-1477 if you have any questions. Soccer Soccer registration at Mayfield hall on Tuesday, March 8th form 5 - 8pm. WEST JASPER / SHERWOOD 9620 - 152 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 4N9 Phone: 780-483-2815
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 19th, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the community hall (9620-152 Street). All positions will be up for election. SOCCER REGISTRATION Soccer registration will be held on Tuesday, March 8th at the community hall (9620-152 Street) from 7 - 8:30 pm. Children from ages 5 to 18 can join soccer. This is a 6 week program running from the end of April to the end of June. No experience necessary. This is a community level program and is tax creditable. Fees TBA at
registration. First-time players, please bring your birth certificate. This is an outdoor program. Coaches are required to have teams play. Coach training is available at no charge. Contact Jim at 780-489-7596 for further information MEMBERSHIP Family: $25.00 Single: $15.00 Senior (55 and over): $5.00 Have a say and make your opinion count by becoming a member. There will be many changes coming to our community from the city with densification (TOD's), etc. Get involved. The city recognizes the community league as a major stakeholder. Let's make our community strong. The more organized and vocal we become, the more city council and the administration listen. Contact Jim at 780-489-7596. RINK HOURS The rink is open: Tuesday to Friday 4 - 9pm, Saturday 1-9pm, Sunday 12 - 6pm RINK RULES All children under 12 years of age should be accompanied by an adult. All persons under 18 years of age MUST wear a helmet (this is mandatory by our insurance company). Family skating is every Sunday from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm. No shinny hockey is allowed on the ice during this time. No unruly behavior will be tolerated. If the temperature falls below -20 Celsius including the wind chill factor, the rink will be closed. Have fun and play safe. RECREATION SUBSIDIES Sports equipment, YMCA programs, unlimited free admissions to the City of Edmonton recreation facilities, etc. Contact: 780-496-4918 or SENIORS PROGRAMS Our community league offers a number of programs for our senior members. However, everyone is welcome. All programs are offered at the hall (9620-152 Street). Cards: 1. Whist on Wed afternoons from 1 - 3pm 2. Whist on Sunday evenings from 7 - 10pm The cost is $1.00. Coffee and snacks provided Cribbage Tournaments: Tournaments are held the first and third Wednesday of every month from 7-10pm. The cost is $5.00 per person. Carpet Bowling: Come and get some exercise on Mondays from 1 - 3pm. The cost is $1.00 per person. Prizes are awarded based on number of participants. For info please call Shirley at 780-489-8945. COMMUNITY BINGO On Sunday, April 17th , 2011 community bingo will be held at the hall (9620-152 Street). Children 8 and older are welcome to participate when accompanied by an adult. Special children's only game. Door prizes, 40 games and chances to win prizes. Cash prizes include 2 early birds, 2 bonanzas, and 1 odd/even game. Children will not be allowed to play for cash
S P U R R MARCH 2011
COMMUNITY NEWS prizes as per Alberta Gaming & Liquor Regulations. Doors open at 11:00 am, Bonanza precall begins at noon followed by the early birds. Regular games start at 1:00 pm. Come one, come all, bring your friends & neighbors. SWIMMING FREE swim at the Jasper Place pool Saturday evenings from 6 - 7pm until the end of June, 2011. Please remember to bring your membership card for admittance. SHERWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Please call 780-489-2600 for registration (kindergarten to Grade 6). LIBRARY HAS TEMPORARILY MOVED TO WEST JASPER PLACE A temporary location has been set up on the 3rd floor of the West End Professional Building at 9509-156 Street.Hours of operation are: Mon. & Fri. 10-6 pm; Tues. to Thurs. 10-8 pm; Sat. 10-5pm. The library will provide: hold pickups, returns, high demand items of CD's, DVD's, video games, best seller paperbacks and magazines. There will be public computers with internet as well as unlimited WiFi. For further info, please phone 780-496-1810.
NEW INFRASTRUCTURE FOR WEST JASPER PLACE At the information session on January 26th at Sherwood School, the city provided the following: • In the spring of 2011 as soon as the snow melts, the city will work on 95th Ave through to 98th Ave, replacing street lights, roads and sidewalks. • In the spring of 2012, the city will work on 98th to 100th Ave. • Our neighbourhood will be the first to receive LED lighting. • The new street lights, in most cases, will be installed on the opposite side of the street, and will be placed on the property line between houses. • There will be 15' light poles with LED lighting on our multi-use trail. • There will be a bike trail marked logo on 153rd St. between 95th and 100th Ave. This will not hinder vehicles from driving nor parking on 153rd St. EDMONTON POLICE CRIME MAP Since the beginning of this year, West Jasper Place has had 4 break-ins of garages and Sherwood had 1 office building break-in.
Safety Notice: Do not use your remote to lock your vehicle. Manually lock your vehicle door by hitting the lock button inside the vehicle. Robbers are using a new device that clones your security code. They sit in a vehicle not far from your car. When you use your remote to lock your car, the security code is recorded on their equipment. Once you are out of sight, they open your vehicle and steal any goods. NEW HOUSE DEVELOPMENT PERMITS In 2010, there were 4 new house development permits issued for West Jasper Place and 1 new house development permit for Sherwood.
Community Services
Ebenezer United Church 16302 106 Avenue Edmonton T5P 0W9 Phone 780-489-5803 Church Service, Sunday at 11 a.m. List your Non-profit group for $99 per year (*some conditions apply).
Special event listings FREE for non-profits, otherwise classified rates and some conditions apply.
Place your business card in the SPURR and reach out to the community. Email:
CLASSIFIEDS Next Deadline: March 23 For Sale For Sale: 4 bedroom lakefront home at Sunrise Beach on Sandy Lake. To view call Gordon Boddez at 780-939-1111 ____________________________
T: 780.496.8122 F: 780.496.8113
2nd Floor, City Hall 1 Sir Winston Churchill Square Edmonton T5J 2R7
Power Speakers Toastmasters Club #3650 Meets Every Wednesday from 7:00 – 9:00pm Grant MacEwan University Room 437 - 10045 – 156st Contact Norma at 780-432-4854 ____________________________ Goodwill Spring Cleaning Event March 1 – 31 Shed your winter wait. Bring your gently used household goods to Goodwill and shed some of that winter wait. Goodwill West Edmonton 10004 – 169 Street Check for other locations near you and for the smart donating guide.
S P U R R MARCH 2011
Cat Sitting by
The Cat Lady Call Joan at 451-3384 Let your cat(s) enjoy your holiday in the comfort of their own home.
C A N O R A PA R K WAT C H Come out with your children to join in on an afternoon of snowshoeing on March 12. We will be meeting at 1:00PM behind the Canora Community Hall at 10425 152 St. We will be going over to the Canora Greenspace and will meet back at the hall. There will be a fire pit, hot chocolate and snacks at 3:00PM. Please note that if the temperature is below -20 with the wind chill this event will be cancelled. The Third Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held on the Canora Greenspace on 149 St and 104 Ave on April 23. Toddlers and children under 5 will have their own little area to hunt in. Parent supervision is required. The hunt will begin at 1:00PM sharp. We will be having a flower planting bee around the middle of May at St Anne Park. All "green thumbs" that wish to come join us in playing in the dirt can call 780-484-1777 for the exact date. We will have coffee and refreshments for anyone willing to come out and help. If you have any ideas on how to keep our flowers from running away or being taken away, please let us know.
Our 4th Annual Mini-Carnival will be held on May 29 at St Anne Park on 153 St and 104 Ave.There will be a barbeque, refreshments and snacks. Come out and visit with you friends and neighbours. We will be having live music for your enjoyment as well as games, face painting and lots of fun for the children. The carnival starts at 1:00PM. We are still looking for volunteers to help with the carnival. If you can help, please call the Canora Community Hall at (780)489-6007 and leave a message for Canora Park Watch or email to
A message from the Honourable Heather Klimchuk MLA, Edmonton-Glenora
New hospital beds reduce Emergency Department pressures, add capacity Alberta Health Services is on track to complete its plan to open 360 new beds in Calgary and Edmonton before March 31, 2011 to help relieve pressures on emergency departments and improve access to care. Two thirds, or 239, of these new beds have been open since April 2010. These beds include transition unit beds, hospice beds, medical assessment units, detoxification and mental health beds. This increased capacity is part of a larger strategy to reduce pressures in emergency departments and improve access across the health care system.
The August event is still being planned and we will keep you updated in the coming issues of the SPURR. Canora Park Watch will he holding its next meeting on March 15 at Canora Community Hall, 10425 - 152 St, at 7:00PM. We are trying to have a member of the Park Rangers come out to speak to us. Everyone is invited to join us at these meetings. We are always looking for new ideas for events. Come out and let your opinions be heard.
Hair by Ebony and Ivory would like to welcome our newest Hairstylist Katherine Martins to our team!
Book your appointment now and recieve 20% OFF all her services until April 1, 2011
Check out our websitee at Che www.ha call 780-488-1404 780-488-1404 to book TODAY!! We are located at 15129 Stony Plain Road
Outdoor Soccer Central Registration EWZSA Community March 17th from 6:00 to 9:00 pm Mayfield Inn, Pallisades Ballroom, 16615–109 Ave. (parking south west) EWZSA office 780-451-6453 ext 0 for more information and Home Community registration dates go to
New transition units are located in several Alberta hospitals, including the Foothills Medical Centre and the Peter Lougheed Centre in Calgary, and serve a need for patients who no longer require acute care, but are awaiting placement in a continuing care facility. These beds also act as a stepping stone to continuing care. On the new transition units, nurses are supported by physical, occupational and recreation therapists who keep patients physically, socially and emotionally engaged. Opening these new beds also frees up inpatient hospital beds for patients waiting for admission from emergency departments, easing pressure across the system. In addition to these 360 beds, there have been 502 new continuing care beds opened in Edmonton and Calgary since April 2010. Alberta Health Services is the provincial health authority responsible for planning and delivering health supports and services for more than 3.7 million adults and children living in Alberta. Its mission is to provide a patient-focused, quality health system that is accessible and sustainable for all Albertans. Constituency Office: 10649-124 Street Edmonton, AB T5N 1S5 Phone: 780-455-7979
S P U R R MARCH 2011
Join Kids On Track for our monthly family rally on March 12, 2011.
It is March in Edmonton, and time to get ready for the growing season. The most important tool in the shed is the gardener, and often the most neglected. We need our bodies in tune before hitting the dirt, so to speak. I have been taking a beginner's yoga class since September, and feel much better doing so. My yoga instructor, Barb, is very knowledgable and patient in instructing me on the proper techniques and poses. Every Wednesday night from 7:30 until 9 p.m. at the Jewish Community Centre is where you can find me and my girlfriend, Trudy. The cost is really reasonable (most cost-effective I have found),
and the good night's sleep afterward is priceless. The studio is quite large and spacious, overlooking the river valley. All ages are welcome, and guys too. Call the JCC directly at 780-487-5122 or go online for more information. There are several other yoga studios and classes in the West-End - Mayfield Body and Health Studio, and Bikram Yoga (where my daughter goes) are two that come to mind. Check out your local community league for classes, also. If they don't offer them, get in touch with the Program director and request that they be offered. Take along a friend or spouse - it is much easier to make the commitment if someone else is counting on you. Take a class or two, and find the studio that is right for you.
Happy Gardening.
You can bury a lot of troubles digging in the dirt. - Author Unknown
The rally starts at 5:30 and ends at 8:00pm at Kids On Track (15641-96 Ave). Our rally consists of free family dinner with a childrens program and parents cafe to follow. If you need a ride just call our hotline (780-481-2942 ext:1) and leave your name and number and we will arrange to pick you up. If parents are unable to make it their children are still more than welcome!
For more information please call 780-481-2942
2011 Registration Notice
Check us out at West Edmonton Baseball Players: To ensure that you “Play Ball” this year, please note.
Registration Dates, Times, and Locations Saturday, March 05, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm at the La Perle Community Hall (18611 97A Avenue)
Friday, March 11, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm at Crestwood Community Hall (14325-96 Avenue)
Saturday, March 12, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm at Crestwood Community Hall (14325-96 Avenue)
Late Registration Tuesday, March 22, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm at the La Perle Community Hall (18611 97A Avenue)
Registration Fees Birthday between Jan 01/06 – Dec 31/07 Jan 01/04 – Dec 31/05 Jan 01/02 – Dec 31/03 Jan 01/00 – Dec 31/01 Jan 01/98 – Dec 31/99 Jan 01/96 – Dec 31/97 Jan 01/93 – Dec 31/95
Player Age 4–5 6–7 8–9 10 – 11 12 – 13 14 – 15 16 – 18
Kids 1st Ball Jr. Rookie Sr. Rookie Mosquito Peewee Bantam Midget
$ 75.00 $ 125.00 $ 150.00 $ 200.00 $ 215.00 $ 220.00 $ 225.00
For additional information about SJP Baseball, visit our website at or call Dan at 780-481-0689.
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Member Alberta Recycling
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Urban Living at its best - - Cohousing.
Own your own self contained unit and actually know your neighbors. It’s not co-op, it’s not a commune, it’s intentional community. Come out and hear from people who are planning a project in Edmonton-Glenwood. This cohouse awareness session will be held Thursday, March 3, 2011, 7-8:45 pm. Jasper Place Community Services, 10030-167 St. Edmonton, AB. (Off Stony Plain Road, West of Continental Inn & Suitesaround the corner, in plaza with restaurant).
RSVP preferred but just show up if you can. Sharon - 780.456.3774
Call us to discuss building your dream home.
Allard | Callaghan SW 780.430.0037 Montalet | Beaumont 780.929.2598 Infill Lots - Call us today to 780.450.9898 find out about building in mature neighborhoods
S P U R R MARCH 2011