Piedmont Hills Key Club | July 2022

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PiedmontHillsKeyClub|Division12East|Region17|CNHDistrict 1377 Piedmont Rd, San Jose, CA, 95132 ARC Reactor July 2022 Edition

Table of Contents 02 Secretary’s Note 03 MOTM + OOTM 04 Monthly Calendar 05 Event Recaps 09 Special / Division Events 16 Upcoming Events 18 Club Goals 19 Media Director’s Notes 20 Freshmen Welcome Week 01 | 21 Contacts

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In his first year of Key Club, Jackie Wei has become an officer that has made a long lasting impact on our board. Holding two positions in both the DLT and home club, he has become an officer others can rely on for support and help. He embodies all of the core values of Key Club and strives to make Key Club a better place. With his push towards creating more in-person events, Jackie is someone who sticks by his morals and does what he can to improve our club to make it more comfortable to our members. Thank you Jackie for everything that you do and we can’t wait to see what the rest of the year has instoreforyou.


Despite the summer, Becky Ouyang has been a member that has been showing great dedication and passion to continue on her Key Club journey. Her kind and caring nature embodies our 4 core values and her efforts have been noticed throughout our board. Congrats Becky and

Member + Officer of the Month:

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S M T W T F S July 2022 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | 04

Zucchini Obon Festival Part III with Chao-Chi Yang Shortage When I arrived at the festival in Japantown, I made my way to the food court. Thomas and I went to the tempura booth to check in with the event organizer. After getting our hands washed and putting on hostedfestival.eventbetween.withzucchinicontinuethewherepersonchargeputtingshowedourapronsalongwithglovesandapaperhattocoverourhair,aguyustheprocessofpreparingatempuradish.Iwasinchargeofinfriedsweetpotatoes,whileThomaswasnexttomeinofputtingzucchinisontheplate.Whatwouldhappenwasawouldputsaladontoaplatebeforepassingitontome,Iwouldputpiecesoffriedsweetpotatoes.Then,IwouldpassplatetoThomasforhimtoputinzucchinis.Theprocesswoulduntiltheplatewascompleted.Thomaskeptencounteringashortagesincehehadtowaitforthecookstobefinishedfryingit.ItookphotosoftheeventwhenwehadbreaksinOnethingthatThomasandIfoundinterestingaboutthewasthattheywereplayingcountrymusicinaJapaneseIgottasaythatthiswasprobablythebestserviceeventsofarinthisnewterm. 05 |

Heartwarming Letters

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St.Jude Cards for Patients with Torence Yuen

Although this was an online event, it brought me great joy to host an event and see that quite a handful of active participants are still withincalmcanthatwordsseeingothercommittedbring,theautumn’sdedicatedtotheirworkeventhoughthesummer’sheatisfadingintowind.Iknowthatanonlineeventcanneverbringaroundsamejoyandthesamesensationthatanin-personeventcanbutknowingthatthereisalwaysanopportunitytostayregardlessofyourlocationisquitepleasant.Readingpeople’slettershasalwaysbeenaguiltypleasureofmine,butthesparksthatlightupandtheomnipresentscenerythatcanbringaboutleadstoafulfilledhopeinsociety.Realizingevengentlewordsmixedwithlifeandinvigoratedwithpassionbringaboutaworld’skindnessintheeyesofthereaderandallsenseofreasontofocusonthebrightlightthatisimbuedtheletters.

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The Real Opening KCTC 2022 with Stanley Lew KCTC(KeyClubTrainingConference)istheopeningto wonderfulKCTC.experience,spirit!finalsoulmate.suchbackthewithsupposedlywasworkshop.recruitment/retention,workshops.gaveKeyfromLTGShopefullyphotodidsoD12EinSokuntheafoundwithmeenjoyingmyfinalyearinhighschool.Thedaystartedoffmebeingsemi-lostonceIwalkedintotheparkuntilIAndrewTranandhungaroundwithhimbeforearrived.Whenwewalkedovertosignin,IwaitedlineforabitbeforereceivingatextfromLeslie,oneofmypenpals.Apparentlyshesaidthatsherecognizedme,Isaid,"ShouldIbunnyhop3times?"Needlesstosay,shefindmeandwehadareallyniceconversation+gotatogether.Bychance,ifMickaisreadingthis,I'llmeetyouin-personsoontoo.Afterthat,theintroducedthemselvestoalltheotherKeyClubbersdifferentdivisionswhilealsoactingoutaskitwhereourClubspiritwasstolen.Then,KiwanisadvisorHueyLeeabeautifulspeechtousbeforewemovedontoourIwenttotheVPworkshop,memberrecognition,andfundraisingAfteralltheworkshopsweredone,thegroupIwithatelunchtogetherandrodethecarouselwhereI"choked"thefakehorse.Then,weproceededtheDCMportionofKCTCandrodethetrainaroundoutskirtsofthepark.Afterridingthetrain,werushedfortheserviceeventofKCTCwherewedidactivitiesascreatingdogtoys,playingbingo,andplayingFinally,KCTCclosedoffwiththeltgsgivingtheirremarks+announcingthatwerecoveredourKeyClubTrulyanunforgettablememoryofmyhighschoolespeciallywithallthephotosIcapturedatIhopethatallattendeesatfutureKCTCswillhaveasofanexperienceasIdid. | 12

It Just Gets Better And Better! KCTC 2022 with Jackie Wei SANRIO! Not going to lie, I had absolutely no idea what that was when it was introduced as the theme for 2022's KCTC. Turns out it's a world home to many cute Japanese figures including Hello Kitty! Anyway, the whole event was supa supa cute as we learned more about Key Club through delving into the Sanrio world. We all attended workshops for our respective positions and received tons of good advice. We then explored various workshops for more general topics like member recognition and retention and the Kiwani's (our adult organization!) family. Lunch was really chill, as I sat with my alwaysIfdefinitelyfareventsmemoriessuchhavemytheirsoulmate,participatedit'ssureactuallywithtooksuperheadingattendedStanleyansyrupandgoingimagined.ourfriendsandtalkedwhileeatingyummyfood.Duringthisperiod,groupalsoexploredthepark,whichwaswaycoolerthanIIgotpinklemonadeshavedice,whichI'mnottoliewasreallybadbecausetheicechunkswerehugethesyrupwasnotbeingabsorbed,buthey,atleastthesoupwasreallygoodatthebottom!WethenwentonawesomecarouselrideforFREE,anditwastherewhereandIwereapparentlychokingthehorses.WethentheDCMandtooklotsofpicturesbeforethentothe(FREE,onceagain!)train.Althoughthelinewaslong,wemanagedtogetinprettyquickly.ThetrainrideusaroundtheparkandmyfriendsandIwereconversingthisVERYrandomdudefromMSJnamedVarchie.IperformedinfrontofeveryonebyfreestylingandI'meveryonewasimpressed(don'taskforitthoughbecausesogoodthatyourearswouldexplode).Anyway,weinalotoffunactivitiesafter,suchasplayingbingo,andmakingdogtoys.Finally,theLTGsgavefinalremarksandwetookahugegroupphoto.ThiswasfirsttimeattendingsuchabigKeyClubevent,andIdidn'tsuperhighhopesgoingintoit.However,overall,Ihadanamazingtime,andIcan'twaittomakeevenmoreandexperienceevenmorefunmomentsinthetocome!ThishasbeenabsolutelymyfavoriteeventsoandI'velearnedsosomuch.IfyouarenewtoKeyClub,Irecommendyougocheckoutsomeoftheseevents!you'reworriedabouthavingnofriendstogowith,youcanreachouttomeoranyoftheotherofficers:D!13 |

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PHHS KEY CLUB GOALS JULY Hours 269.5 / 7000+ Pediatric Trauma Program $80.08/$2000 Erika’s Lighthouse $0 / $1500 17 |

Media Director Notes Month


Let’s give that man a big shoutout and appreciation because it is certainly not easy completing a huge chunk of the newsletter within a two week period. Off topic but we’re in a duck cult (you might wanna join too) B) ANYWAYS I hope you guys are ready for… a new school year, or maybe your first year of high school!!! :oo of July KEYp on serving! Key Club Media DIrectors 2022-2023 |

Finished the July newsletter- just in time for school to start! Were really excited about this newsletter in particular because we’re testing a new formatting! Instead of doing each page individually, we’re now pairing pages up- giving each pair of pages a single design. This will be the new standard for newsletters moving forward, and I think it’ll look much better. :D Let us know what you think! Hello hello hello! I hope you guys have been enjoying your vacations and everything so far this summer! If you’re like me and didn’t have the chance to travel, I hope you were productive this summer or got plenty of rest. Since I was really busy this month, Andrew hard carried me and was in charge of most of the newsletter!


WelcomeFreshmanWeek ATTENTION FRESHMEN!!! We came together and formed a committee of officers where we created videos that include tips and advices on how you can survive high school! Go to our instagram page @phhskeyclubd12e for full video!! If you guys ever have any questions– literally ANYTHING– about life, high school, why your cat hates you etc etc., do not ever hesitate to reach out to ANY of our officers! We are students too and we don’t bite! We’re just here to help you succeed in school and life in general!! :DD 19 |

Sokunthea Mau | President sokunthea.mau@gmail.com Stanley Lew | VP of Service stanley43595@gmail.com Chau Doan | VP of Admin cdoan3493@gmail.com Lori Lew | Secretary lori67158@gmail.com Christina Tran | Treasurer tranchristina103@gmail.com Facebook: Piedmont Hills Key Club Website: phhskeyclubd12e.weebly.com Instagram: @phhskeyclubd12e YouTube: Piedmont Hills Key Club Snapchat: @phhskeyclub Twitter: @phhskeyclubd12e Contacts Division 12 East (D12E) Website: https://division12east.weebly.com/ Division 12 East (D12E) Newsletter: issuu.com/division12east Cali-Nev-Ha (CNH) Cyberkey: cnhkeyclub.org Cali-Nev-Ha (CNH) Newsletter: issuu.com/cnhkc Key Club International Website: keyclub.org | 20

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