PHHS Key Club | March + April 2022

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Piedmont Hills Key Club | Division 12 East | Region 17 | CNH District

ARC Reactor March x April 2022 1377 Piedmont Rd, San Jose, CA, 95132

Table of Contents 02 President's Notes 03 MOTM 05 Monthly Calendar 07 Event Recaps 11 Special/Division Events 21 Upcoming Events 23 2022-2023 Board Reveal 27 Club Goals 29 Media Director's Notes 30 Contacts

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President’s Note What's up key club!

The school year is coming close to an end and we're on that final stretch before AP exams and finals week :,) I hope everyone is doing well and this is just a daily reminder to check up on yourself! It's crazy how bumpy this school year was and I'm glad to be apart of your key club journey. Let's make the most of what we have right now and move forward to reach our goals for PTP! I'm so grateful to have such an amazing officer board and kudos to everyone who applied :)) I'm so so proud of you all and I can't wait to end this term strong. To all of you crazy people taking a ton of APs, good luck on all of your exams and I'm manifesting a solid 5 for you guys !! Take care and stay healthy... and remember... KEYp on serving :,)

Your new favorite prezzie,

Sokunthea Mau PHHS Key Club President 2022-2023

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MARCH Member of the Month:

Throughout the month of March, Andrew has been frequently attending every general meeting and consistently signs up for events. He is overall a dedicated member with a very welcoming personality exemplifying Key Club's core values. We hope to see Andrew continue on his Key Club journey and we appreciate all he's done for our club! Thank you Andrew!

Andrew Trang

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APRIL Member of the Month: Even when her term ended, Alice has always been a member that has made an effort to stay close with her home club and inspire others to start their Key Club journey. From her easy going personality to her love for service, she makes time to attend service events even near AP season. Alice is a great role model for other members to look up to and she is someone members can always talk to when they're in need of any help. Even though her Key Club journey is coming close to an end, we will never forget how much of an impact Alice has made for

Alice Nguyen

our club.

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Volunteering + Competition = Fun!!! Alum Rock Trail Crew with Thomas Tran

During March, I was begged by Charles to go to his event which was way too early in the morning, therefore I brought my friend Derek as well because everything is more fun with more friends! However, I arrived way too early to the event and along with this, I was completely lost as I didn't know how deep I had to go into Alum Rock. Without any phone signal, I was unable to call or message Charles to tell me where to go so the only thing I could do was until Charles finally arrived and showed me the way. Soon, everyone arrived and we grabbed gloves and vests as we were instructed on the types of plants we were going to be pulling out. Charles, Derek, and I saw this cool Japanese knife called a Hori-Hori but sadly we were unable to use it as they only allowed those 18+ to use it so we ended up using a rusted farming tool called a Mattock. In the end, Charles was the only one who used it because Derek and I saw that it was a lot faster to pull out the plants just with our bare hands. And so, the competition to see who could pull out the longest, intact root began. Charles had higher accuracy and was, for the most part, able to pull out the root completely, but because he used the Mattock the root always ended up broken in half. In comparison to Charles, Derek and I had a very low success rate but in return, when we succeeded, pulled out incredibly long roots with which we showed off to Charles who took an incredibly long time due to him using the farming tool for accuracy. Overall, it was a really fun event and I'm glad that I had chosen to wake up early on that day to attend it!

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Beautifying our school!! INTER



Community Cleanup with Lori Lew I've always wanted to do a club collaboration with my friend, Yen and I was finally given the opportunity to do one with Interact! I never knew how much work doing a collaboration was, until now. Though, I was ready to tackle the planning of this collaboration so that it will occur. I wasn't sure if this was going to be successful or be a complete failure, but I knew either way, it would be super fun. As I arrived at school thirty minutes before the event started to set up everything with my friend, we stopped by Ms. Moneymakers classroom to let her know we were on campus since she was our advisor for the event. After that, we went over to Ms. Murray's classroom since our grabbers, trash bags, gloves, and vests were in her classroom. We went straight to setting up everything. Yen and I placed grabbers, gloves, and vests on our table. We were both super excited and after a few minutes passed, a few members came for the event. They signed in and waited until it was 9:00. When everyone arrived, the custodian and Ms. Murray explained to us specifically where we should walk to pick up trash. When they were done explaining, I started giving out the materials for everyone and we took a quick group photo. Once that was finished, everyone exited the halls with their partners/trios and started walking around the school to pick up trash. To my surprise, while I was walking around the school with my friend, I noticed how there was actually a lot of trash everywhere. We found all sorts of trash, but not as interesting as the shoes Chao-Chi found. Since this entire event was supposed to be a competition on who could fill up their trash bags the fullest, I was so confident that my friend and I would win. This was because our bag was completely full. I walked around the school so happy until I saw Chao-Chi and Torence's bag. They were on their second bag :'). I was pretty surprised they came back to the halls to get a second bag, but I appreciated their hard work and dedication. Once everyone came back for the prize, I sent a picture to the Key Club officer group chat and asked them to pick a bag. Of course, Chao-Chi's and Torence's bag was picked. We congratulated them and the event ended here! I really enjoyed hosting this event with Yen and I hope to do another one next term!

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A Chill and Productive Month! Key Club X Med 101 AP Study Session with Thomas Tran

It was the month of April with AP testing right around the corner, so Key Club and Med 101 held a collab event in which there would be study sessions throughout the entirety of the month of April! Occasionally, during the in-person study sessions, AP class teachers would come and students in their classes would be able to ask questions. It was relatively quiet on days and chill with Lofi music playing when no AP teachers were available to attend the study session. However, the very last study session was a day where both the AP World History teacher and the AP Psychology teacher, whom many of the students had, attended. And so, I did my homework and watched as the sophomores and juniors lined up in order to ask questions and receive extra help from the AP teachers. Since it was the last study session, there were also many snacks including soda and pizza which Med101 provided! Though I wasn’t one of the people that had to worry about it, it was pretty crazy to see how much everyone studied during AP season and I’m very glad I was able to be a part of the study sessions!

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2022-2023 Board Reveal with Victoria Trang

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A Flood of Clothes Spring Clothes Drive with Chao-Chi Yang

What was just a random idea turned out to be a massive success. I remember the time when I messaged Erin about the idea of a clothes drive, I didn't expect myself to be in charge of the event until she asked me for an update during our officer meeting. That's when I got excited because I initially thought that someone else would take care of the event. I asked the amazing pubs to make the flyer for the drive and told officers to publicize it. I also had a committee with Victoria Trang, Christina Tran, and Ualani Nguyen. People would drop in and sign in to have their clothes counted. The committee then counted and folded the clothes into bags. I really appreciate them for sacrificing their lunches most of the days for two weeks, especially Victoria! She helped a lot with the process and this wouldn't have been possible without her help. :) It was amazing seeing the number of clothes the students AND staff were donating. The top donor, Andy Lee, donated over 100 pieces of clothing, with Erin Takeshima ranked second with over 80 pieces of clothing. YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!! It was originally planned to gift the top donor free milk tea, but we've decided to give all non-officer donors FREE DRINKS!!!! We then had our sorting event which took place on the 18th. At first, everything was a bit messy and disorganized, but we got it together and started sorting the donations by category. It was really cool seeing the piles of donations sitting on the desks while the volunteers were counting. In the end, we put them into bags and labeled the donations based on categories. In total, we received over 800 donations!! This wouldn't be possible without the support of our execs, committee, volunteers, and donors! We love you!

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Media Director's Notes Hi Key Club! First time ever doing a newsletter, so it was pretty tough combining 2 months into 1. But we got it done! Would not have been able to do it without the help of my fellow Media Director, Chao-Chi, who planned and organized this whole thing! Hopefully it’s up to the standard you’re used to with previous newsletters. I can’t wait to do more in the future! :D. For now, I’m just Chao-Chi’s assistant trying to pull my weight. But maybe, in the future, I’ll be the one in charge of this ;D

Hey superheroes! I'm so excited to continue making our monthly newsletter with a MD, Andrew! I cannot wait to see what we have to offer for you and also what you guys have to offer for Key Club! Make sure to keep signing up for service events and support Key Club and our amazing community! Andrew and I finally finished this newsletter after we were transition from the old board to the new one. It was really tiring, but worth it! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this newsletter and get excited as there are more to come >:)

KEYp on serving!

PHHS Key Club Media Directors 2022-2023

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Sokunthea Mau | Stanley Lew | Chau Doan | Lori Lew | Christina Tran |

President VP






Secretary Treasurer

Facebook: Piedmont Hills Key Club

Division 12 East (D12E) Website:


Division 12 East (D12E) Newsletter:

Instagram: @phhskeyclubd12e

Cali-Nev-Ha (CNH) Cyberkey:

YouTube: Piedmont Hills Key Club

Cali-Nev-Ha (CNH) Newsletter: Key Club

Snapchat: @phhskeyclub

International Website:

Twitter: @phhskeyclubd12e | 31

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