Piedmont Hills Key Club | October 2022

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PiedmontHillsKeyClub|Division12East|Region17|CNHDistrict 1377 Piedmont Rd, San Jose, CA, 95132 ARC Reactor Caring, Our Way of Life October 2022
Happy Octobrrrr Key Clubbers !! I hope everyone was able to enjoy homecoming week and drool over the bee-autiful hallways (especially the senior’s minionmurals)!!Anyway,didy’allfeelthatearthquakeawhile back?!?!?!ThatwastheaftershockfromallthespiritatFallRally North! Even though we didn’t win, I’m so proud of everyone who attended and cheered their hearts out for our division. OctoberhasbeenquiteabusymonthforKeyClubwithofficer dares, board applications, and early bird dues. Don’t forget to PAY UR DUES. This especially comes in handy when you’re doing college apps and the admissions officer goes like “whoa! that’s so many service hours!!” And then when they checkthefancyCNHsystemandseeallyourhourslike“dang, they’re legit!!” SO PAY YOUR DUES. We’re planning on releasing our fall board soon, so keep an eyeoutforallthebusybeesjoiningthehive!!Shortlyafter,we’ll be having club pictures. Bee sure to come out to support and feature yourself in the yearbook one more time!! Asthecoldweatherbeginstosetin,makesuretokeepwarm. Staysafeandkeeponserving!(holiday sznhassomeofthebestserviceevents imo,sokeepaneyeout!) Currentlysobbinginconcessions, Chau Doan PHHSKEYCLUBVICEPRESIDENTOFADMIN2022-2023 VPA NOTE VPA NOTE | 02



This past month of October, Aiden has been a member consistently attending events garnering a total of 32 hours this past month! His dedication and commitment for Key Club are commendable and he has become such a great role model for other Key Clubbers. This past month he signed up for TWO EIGHT hour shifts for Registering Of Voters where he helpedmakea large impactonourcommunityaidingvoters in our area! His kind and warm personality made him approachable for members and we can’t wait to see what elseisinstoreforhim!ThankyouAiden!

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Halloween Fun!

Noble Elementary Fall Festival with Charles Wu

This month, the week before Halloween, I decided to sign up to volunteer for the Noble Elementary Fall Festival. It seemed like a fun event to volunteer for. Upon arrival, I saw many booths already set up - a Hotwheels racing booth, slime table, pumpkin painting table, hoola hoop toss, and more! Most importantly, there was a lot of good food that Noble's PTA prepared for both kids and volunteers. A teacher instructed me and my friends to help set up the pumpkin painting booth and help run it when the kids come. This booth was a huge hit, as many kids decided to paint pumpkins. There were so many kids there that I had to stand up to make room for more kids. The atmosphere at this Fall Festival was incredible, with little kids running around having fun, eating cotton candy and competing to see who had the best Halloween costume. This event hit me with a wave of nostalgia made me realized how bad I want to be a lil kid again. It brought me back to those joyful, careless days, dressing up as Lightning McQueen on Halloween and going Trick or Treating at night, stomach hurting from eating too muchcandythenextday.

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500 Carrot Seeds. Gone.

Ruskin Garden Renovation With Stanley Lew

Alas, the final day has arrived for the garden restoration. Of course, this was a semi-bittersweet day as I really wanted to complete the event, however, I would miss seeing the members who had volunteered for our event. Regardless, the day started off as all the other days had: Andrew arriving late even though he lived 3 houses down the garden. At this point, all the volunteers had gotten used to Andrew's habits and so had I, so I rounded everyone up and began assigning Key Club and CSF members to different partsofthegarden.Wehadplantedagrannysmithappletreebare-rootthe other day and I wanted to finish planting all the other seeds by today. Groups of students were assigned to help soften the soil, and plant pea seeds, beets, pansies, etc. Now if we were to discuss the carrot seeds.. let's just say one of our members decided to sprinkle 500 seeds in one tiny triangle area! Regardless, it was a very successive day. All the planter boxes were finished except for one since we didn't have enough time. Thank you to everyone for volunteering and making this event a success! As an after-event reflection, Andrew and I have been working on a watering system and have received information that a spreadsheet is going around the teachers right now. We've also pre-germinated seeds and have visited after school to plant them for two hours after school. It is my wish that the garden (especially that apple tree it was so expensive) makes it through the winter and provides a bountifulharvest:)

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PHHS On Top :D

For October, our division council meeting was over zoom and the activity was mainly watching a movie. The movie's name was "The Nightmare Before Christmas". At first, when I heard this movie's name, I thought it would be something related to Christmas because of the title, but it ended up as a spooky Halloween movie. Before the movie started, Jackie, our LTG, and her division team went over some recaps from this month and the presidents from each club gave club updates. When the slide for member of the month, officer of the month, and club of the month came, PHHS was able to win club of the month. I'm very proud of our club especially after we were able to create our own spirit packs for frn! Not only this, but one of our members, Kerry Do was one of the people who won the member of the month award. This member has been super spirited during our in-person events, so congrats to him! :) After Jackie finished presenting the slides, it was time for the movie. It took a while for the movie to successfully load and everyone kept blaming Varchas, one of the people on the DLT. I thought this was very funny haha. Overall, I am happy that I attended this DCM!

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Spirit Bootcamp with Thomas Tran

As FRN was getting closer and closer, our division decided to hold a spirit boot camp in order to learn and practice cheers for the spirit battle at FRN! Although I already knew all the cheers, I still decided to go because it seemed like it would be a lot of fun to hear everyone cheering. Once I arrived at Cataldi, we got right into the cheers. First Katelyn went over the cheers one time and then we all did it with her. It made me really pleasantly surprised to see that a lot of the people at the spirit boot camp already knew most of our cheers and made it a lot more fun for everyone! Afterward, the attendees split in half and we had a Spirit Battle with the winner getting candy. Stanley and I were on the same team and refused to lose so we screamed our hearts out the entire time and midway through the spirit battle, I had to pull down my mask because I couldn't breathe. We ended up winning the first one and then doing another one for fun later on but at that point, Stanley and I were drained so we tried our best with what little energy we had left. Finally, the spirit coordinators gave out candy and the spirit boot camp ended early because we ended up getting through all of our cheers a lot sooner than expected. Overall, it was really fun and spirited and I hope that we will be able to win the spirit stick next year at FRN!

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Fall Rally North with Ualani Nguyen

Time for FRN again! FRN (Fall Rally North) is our chance to show our spirit to all of the other divisions. Once we arrived at Six Flags, we checked in and met up with all the other divisions. We had the 1st rally session, so we headed toward the stadium. We did lose in the first round, but overall, it was super fun anyways. After the rally, I went to get lunch with my friends. Andrew, Stanley, Lori, Quynh, Annie, and I all got typical American food, but Jackie didn’t join us in the Americanness and got a salad instead. Once we finished, we rode the Pirate Ship, Boomerang, and SkyScreamer (though it took peer pressuring… I mean encouragement). I later convinced the whole crew to get in line for Joker, even though it was really long. Anyway, dude, the line for it was so long, and the ride broke while we waited. As we were waiting, the time we had to be at the front gate was approaching, but I was able to convince the gang to commit to the wait. We got a little lost when we were running back (thanks to SOMEONE)- don't worry; we made it to the bus- but we were almost ABANDONED. I felt so exhausted thanks to that workout and screaming the “How do you feel” chant over and over ALL. DAY. Anyway, FRN was super fun, and I had a great time with my crew, and D12E!!

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Hours 957.677 / 7000+ Dues 58 / 100 Pediatric Trauma Program $284.28 / $2000 Erika’s LightHouse $0 / $1500 25|


HEY GUYS!! This is the very first newsletter I helped complete and I’m so excited about this one! Andrew and Chao-Chi have been so helpful in this process and I feel like that went by really fast.. (sorry for asking you so many questions Chao-Chi) I hope you enjoyed those little easter eggs I put in here and there, and be ready for more! This month has been filled with tons of amazing events, some of which I took part in, and I was really happy to get to show everyone else just how fun they were. Enjoy this one- and look forward to the next!

Woah! As they say.. another month, another slay! Can you believe that November is already well on its way? Time has been flying by so fast. I heard FRN was a blast! Even though we didn’t get the spirit stick this year, I know that we will next year! :D Keep on finding service events.. Especially the one in November next month: the ROV event where you get to work at an actual election poll station! :00 Oh and also! I am so excited to see who our new board officers are! Make sure to apply and take initiative- we don’t bite! That basically wraps up everything and I wish y’all a great upcoming November! (also don’t get too sugar hyped :D)

Another month has concluded! Man… time flies- it felt like just last week when Chao-chi and I completed the September Newsletter… Now, we have the help of a third media-director: Annie! Having an additional person to help us create these newsletters will be such a benefit- we finished this one in no time :D. Hope you guys are as excited about Annie as we are!


Annie Lim, Chao-Chi Yang, and Andrew Tran

PHHS Key Club Media Directors 2022-2023

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