PHHS Key Club | April + May 2021

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Pi edmontHi l l sKeyCl ub|Di vi s i on12Eas t|Regi on17|CNHDi s t r i ct

1377Pi edmontRd,SanJ os e,CA95132

Apri l :

Venezi a Mej i a

T hr oughoutt he pr evi ousmont h and our t r ans i t i on t ot he new t er m,Venez i a has beencont i nui ngt os how herdedi cat i ont o KeyCl ubbyt ur ni nghercamer aondur i ng meet i ngsand par t i ci pat i ng i nt he event s wehol d.S hehasevenbeengoi ng t oour DCMsandchi mi ngi ni nt hechatwhens he can.I t ' seas yt os i mpl yt ypei naf ew wor ds orpr es st he but t ont ot ur nyourvi deo on, butnotever ybody doesi t ,s o we' r e ext r emel ygr at ef ulwhenVenez i adoes .S hei s al s oj us ta gr eatper s onover al land a f un per s on t ot al kt o!Bi g congr at st o herf or al s o bei ng our Di vi s i on May MOT M!



Mi chel l e Nguyen

Al t hough May wasver y bus y wi t ht es t sal l t hr oughoutt hemont h,Mi chel l econt i nuedt o at t endmanyofours er vi ceact i vi t i es ,di s pl ayi ng hercons t antcommi t ment .S eei ng member sl i ke Mi chel l e at event s when ex am s eas oni satahi ghands i gnupsar eatal ow hasbeenex t r emel ymot i vat i ngandi ns pi r i ng. Dur i ngoneofouri nper s onevent s ,t heHear t &S ol esRunPacketPi ckup,s heexhi bi t edKey Cl ub’ scor eval ues —l eader s hi p,i ncl us i venes s , char act erbui l di ng,andcar i ng—byr eachi ng outt ot heot hermember st hatpar t i ci pat edi n t heevent .S het r ul yr adi at espos i t i vi t yandan uns t oppabl e pas s i on f or Key Cl ub.

Apr i l2021Cal e ndar

4/ 5:2122Boar dAppsRel eas ed

4/ 21:Apr i l Ki wani sDCM

4/ 911:DCON2021

4/ 25:Apr i l DCM

4/ 11:2122Di vi s i onL TAppsRel eas ed

4/ 28:2122Boar dReveal ed

4/ 1824:I HSxMHSxPHHSBaz akBaz ak Ri ceHotDogF undr ai s er

May2021Cal e ndar

5/ 5:L as tGener al Meet i ng

5/ 1730:S t udyT i psEvent

5/ 56/ 7: D12E Pok émon Hous e

5/ 19:S peedi ngwi t hS er vi ce

Compet i t i on

5/ 19:MayKi wani sDCM

5/ 726:D12S uperS t udyS es s i ons

5/ 28:D12EBobaWar sF undr ai s er

5/ 15:MayDCM 5/ 15:Hear t& S ol esRun Pack et


I nt r oduct i ont ot he

Hel l ohel l oKeyCl ubber s ! ! !Mynamei sEr i nT akes hi maandI ’ mt hr i l l ed t obes er vi ngasyourPr es i dentf ort he20212022t er m!Il ovewat chi ngani meandKor eandr amass odon’ tbeaf r ai dt os ends omer ecommendat i onsi fyouhaveany!Ihopeyou’ r eex ci t ed f ort hi st er m t oobecaus ei t ’ sgoi ngt obeacr az yone!

WHAT ' SUPKEYCL UB! !Mynamei sS okunt hea Mauand Ipr oudl y s er veasyourVi cePr es i dentofS er vi cef ort he20212022t er m!F or t unat el y,covi di ss l owl ycl ear i ng up s o Ican' twai tt o meetyou guysnex tyear !I ' m as uperl oud per s ont hatcango onand on aboutt hedumbes tt hi ngss oIhopewecanbef r i ends: ) )Al s oi f youhaveanyques t i onswhat s oeverf eel f r eet os l i dei nt omydms ! ! T hey' r eopenandempt y: , )

What ' sups uper her oes !Mynamei sRebeccaandIam honor edt o bes er vi ngyouf oranot hert er m asyourVi cePr es i dentofAdmi n.I f youhave anyques t i onsaboutanyt hi ng,KeyCl ub r el at ed ornot , don' tbeaf r ai dt opm meonF acebookMes s engerorI ns t agr am!My hobbi esar edanci ng,pl ayi ngt enni s ,andhangi ngoutwi t hmydog, Rocket .I know t hatt oget her ,wewi l l maket hi st er m oneoft hebes t , whet heri tbeonl i neorbackats chool !

Heys uper her oes !Mynamei sT annerNgoand Iwi l lbes er vi ng as yours ecr et ar yf ort he20212022t er m!Iam s uperex ci t edt omeet wi t hyoual l .Hopef ul l ywecangot oi nper s onevent sbecaus et hat woul d be s uperf un!Anyways ,have a s upercools ummerand I can’ twai tt omeety’ al l : D

Hit her e!Mynamei sVi vi anT r anandIwi l lbes er vi ngast r eas ur erf or t hi st er m: ) ) ) !I ver ymuchenj oyget t i ngt oknow peopl eandani nt er es t i ngf actaboutmei st hatIhaveas out her naccent( Er i n& T anner l ookawayi fyou’ r er eadi ng) .Comeup t omeanyt i met ot al kand l et ’ sbecomebes tbuds<33


Whyhel l ot her eKeyCl ubber s !Mynamei sChr i s t i naT r anandI wi l lbe s er vi ng asone ofyours ophomor er epr es ent at i vesf or t he20212022t er m.A f ew f unf act saboutyour st r ul yar et hatI enj oykar aokeandI ’ m qui t es uper s t i t i ous .S o,cat chmes i ngi ng t oT ayl orS wi f t ’ s“YouBel ongt oMe”anddon’ tbeaf r ai dt oj oi n me!Ihopet omeetyouguyss oon

Mynamei sT homasT r anandI ' m cur r ent l yas ophomor er epr es ent at i veatPi edmontHi l l sKeyCl ub.I ’ veonl yr ecent l yj oi ned KeyCl ubanddeci dedt ogetoutmor es oI ’ mr eal l ynew t oever yt hi ngandhopet hatIwi l l beabl et ol ear nal ot !Myf avor i t e hobbyi swat chi ng ani me butr ecent l yI ’ ve been r eal l yi nt o t abl et enni sandvi deogames !

Heyguys ! !Mynamei sT i naPhan.Iwi l l bes er vi ngasyourj uni or cl as sr epr es ent at i vet hi syear ,andIhopet ogetcl os ert oal l of you! !I ’ ml ooki ng f or war dt o meet i ng ever yone aswe come backt os chool !Don’ tbeaf r ai dt ot al kt ome,s or eachmeat @t i na. phan_oni g: D

Hel l o!Mynamei sPet erT r uongandI ’ l l beyours eni orr epr es ent at i ve f ort he 20212022t er m!Ienj oypl ayi ng gamess uchas mapl es t or yorval or ants odon’ tbeaf r ai dt ot al kt omeabout t hem : >IAL S OL OVES US HIYAYA!

Hel l ost o al loft he s uper her oesoutt her e!I ' m Vi ct or i a,your act i vi t i escoor di nat orf ort hi st er m.I fanyoneneedsa s ong r ecommendat i on,Woos ungF ace i s outt her e.Anyways , hopet os eeal lofyouats er vi ceevent sdur i ng t hes ummer andonwar d.

Hi ever yone,mynamei sS t anl eyL ew andI ' l l bes er vi ngas one ofyourpr oj ectdi r ect or sf orour20212022t er m!T hi s wi l l bemyf i r s tt i measanof f i cerandI can' twai tt os eeever yone once we getback t oi nper s on!One f un f act aboutmei st hatIr eal l yl oveeat i nganys our / s pi cyf oods !

Hi !I ' m Char l esWu,10t hgr ade,andI ' m oneofyourpr oj ect di r ect or sf ort he202122t er m.I r eal l yenj oypl ayi ngbas ket bal lwi t hmyf r i ends ,aswel lascompet i t i vel y.Ial s ol ove gami ng and pl ayi ng wi t h mydog!Ial s ol ove f ood t oo much: )

Myname i sS t ephani e Gao and Iam goi ng t o be your f undr ai s i ngcoor di nat orf ort he20212022KeyCl ubT er m!I l ovebei ngout door sandbei ngabl et ot r avelar oundt he wor l d,butI al s ol ovewat chi ngs por t sl i kef oot bal l andbas ket bal l .Mos ti mpor t ant l y,I ’ ms uperex ci t ed f ort hi snew t er m andwhati twi l lhol d.Iam al s oanout goi ngandf un per s ons odon’ tbeaf r ai dt or eachoutt omef oranyt hi ng!

HeyKeyCl ubber s ! !Mynamei sNat al i eand I ’ m as eni or .I am oneofyourpubl i ci s tandIam s oex ci t edt obepar tof t he boar dt hi st er m.Ienj oybi ngewat chi ng kdr amas / T V s hows ,t aki ng phot os ,and pai nt i ng i nmyf r ee t i me.Iam al waysopent ot al ks odon’ tbeaf r ai dt ocomeupt ome ands ay“HI ! ! ”Ihopet os eeyoual l nex ts chool year ! !

S UPS UPERHEROS ! !Mynamei sVi vi an( s he/ her )andI ' mS UPER T HRI L L ED t o be s er vi ng asone ofyourcoPubl i ci s t sf ort he 20212022t er m: DD We had qui t e an i nt er es t i ng yearf i l l ed wi t hupsanddowns ,butt hr oughoutt heper i od,I hopeyoual l wer eabl et of ocusont hepos i t i veas pect s !Uns upr i s i ngl y,I ' m a compl et epackageofanani me,manga,manhwa,webt oons ,kdr ama,kpop,andGens hi nI mpactent hus i as tヾ( ・ ω・ `) !I nt er es t sas i de,Il ookf or war dt ogr owi ngunderKeyCl ub t hi st er m andhopeyoudot oo!


hel l ooo!I ' m ChauDoan( s he/ her )andI ' l l beoneofhi s t or i ans f ort he2122t er m! [ □ ] Iam goi ngt obeanupcomi ng j uni or: " )s ool di krBUTI s wearI ' m ver yyoungathear t ! !I can' t wai tt o make s ome new memor i esand maybe meetnew keycl ubber shehe<33

What ’ supkeycl ub! !Mynamei sKat el ynNguyenandIam oneofyourcohi s t or i ansf ort hi st er m.A f ew f unf act sabout mear et hatI ’ m anupcomi ngs ophomor enex tyear ,IL OVE r ol l ercoas t er s ,andmygot obobaor deri sei t herhoneydew mi l kt eaort ar omi l kt ea! !

HEYGUYS ! !Myname i sJ ocel ynMa and Ihappi l ys er ve as yourMedi aDi r ect ort hi st er m!Ican’ twai tt omakemont hl y news l et t er sandf unmemor i eswi t hyoual li nt heupcomi ng, hopef ul l y,i nper s onyear: DPl eas echatwi t hme(i fyoumes s age t he PHHSKeyCl ub I ns t agr am accountt hi syear ,I ’ l l mos tl i kel ybe t he one r epl yi ng t o you 9( •౪•9) ) ,I ’ d be s upergl ad t obecomef r i endswi t heachand ever yoneof youKeyCl ubber s !

Hi ! ! ! !Mynamei sJ as mi nePham.I ’ l lbeanupcomi ngj uni or , andwi l ls er veasyourOut r eachCoor di nat orf ort hes emes t er .Ican’ twai tt omeetandgett oknow youguys ! !Ihope t hatwecanbecomef r i endsandmakememor i est oget her !


HANGI NG WI TH THEGANG! EastSi deEl derswi t hSokunt hea Mau

I nt he mont h ofApr i l ,Ihos t ed an event cal l ed " Eas tSi de El der s "wher e we made vi r t ualcol or i ngpagesonCanvat os endt oi s ol at ed s eni or s .Si nce t he yearwascomi ng t o an end, Ihad l ow expect at i ons f or t he numberofpeopl et hatwoul ds i gn up,s oI t ooki ti nt omyownshandsand r eached out t opeopl eper s onal l y!Ical l ed up s omeI ndependence f r i ends f r om my mi ddl es chool andas kedt hem i ft heywer ei nt er es t ed!Iwas ver yf or t unat et o have ar ound ni ne peopl e s i gn up f ormy eventand we had a gr eat t i me!Ir ambl ed on f oran hourwi t h myol d buddi esaboutt hedumbes tt hi ngsandi twas ni cebei ngabl et ocat chup wi t ht hem even t hough we haven' ts een each ot heri ns o l ong.Pl usmy I ndependence f r i endsar en' t cur r ent l yi nKeyCl ub s o Imi ghtormi ghtnot haver ecr ui t edt hem ; )Over al lt hi seventwas s o much f un and i ti ns pi r ed me t o hopef ul l y do mor e chi l l event s i n t he f ut ur e!


BONDI NG ACTI VI TY! Att hes t ar tofourl as tgener almeet i ng,wewentover t henor msi nourweekl ys l i des .T hent hef uns t ar t ed!At t he bondi ng,of f i cer sand member swer es pl i tup i nt o br eakoutgr oupsaswepr epar edt omakeour" s peci al di s hes "f ort he ol d execut i ve of f i cer s .Forourgr oup, t he of f i cer sIwaspai r ed wi t h wer e T homas , Pet er , and Char l es ! Our gr oup pi cked and chos et he mos t r andom f oodswecoul df i nd on t he i nt er netand pas t ed t hem ont o our pl at e. T hi si ncl udedavar i et yoft he wei r des tf oodss uchasm&m pi z z a and a t hous andyear ol degg.T hen,i twas j udgi ngt i meandourgr oupwont het i t l eof" Mos tConcer ni ng" ! ( whi chwascl ear l yt hemos tappet i z i ngdi s h)Over al l ,t hebondi ngwass uperf unandexci t i ngandI ' mr eal l ygl adIwast her e!


TOTALLYSTUDYI NG ( atl east ,ki nd ofanyways) St udyTi psEventwi t hVi ct ori a Trang Becaus e t her e wer en' t t hat many event si n May,Ionl y at t ended a f ew event sher e and t her e,l i ke DCMsand DCM s er vi ce event s .T he mai n eventI par t i ci pat ed i n was t he s t udy t i ps event .T her ewas n' tmucht odof ort he event ,buti twasagoodexper i encef or me t ol ear n how t o pl an outpubbi ng t i mesand j us tcheckup on I ns t agr am ever yoncei nawhi l e.I twasni cet os ee al l oft hepos t st hatcamei naf t erani ce l ong dayofpr ocr as t i nat i ng on as s i gnment sands t udyi ng.Forme,al otoft he t i pst hatwer es har ed wer e us ef ul ,l i ke t aki ngbr eaksever yoncei nawhi l eand notcr ammi ng,whi chi ss omet hi ng Ido way t oo of t en t hi st i me oft he year . Hopef ul l y,ever yone who par t i ci pat ed, of f i cer s and member s , got t o l ear n s omet hi ng new oratl eas tr emi nded of s ugges t i ons f or s t udyi ng.



Speedi ng wi t hServi cewi t hCharl esWu

T hi seventwasbas i cal l yani nt r oduct i on ofKey Cl ub f orhi gh s choolAVI Ds t udent s ,butanyone wasabl et o at t end. We hel d di f f er ents er vi ce event si n di f f er entbr eakoutr oomsf ort he member s t oj oi nandgetaf eel ofwhatKeyCl ubi s l i ke. T he s er vi ce event Ihos t ed was cal l ed " Shave t he Day. "Me and t wo ot herof f i cer s ,Chr i s t i naandSt anl ey,deci ded t o hos tt hi seventf ormember st o do.I twasr eal l yf un!Ever yone i nt he br eakoutr oom t r i ed t o beatt he t op s cor e,andi twasr eal l yf unandcompet i t i ve.We wer e al lengagi ng wi t h each ot herand t al ki ng.We event r i ed t el l i ng j okes( di dn' tgos owel l ) .Ir eal l yenj oyed t hi s event and I hope f ut ur e of f i cer s / member s ar e abl e t o cont i nue doi ng Speedi ng wi t h Ser vi ce.


PO-KEY-MON MEMORI ES! S i gni ngupf orD12E' sPokemonHous eCompet i t i on waswaymor ef unt hanIhadant i ci pat ed!Atf i r s t ,I wasner voust hatIwoul d be pai r ed wi t hs t udent s f r om ot hers chool st hatIhaven' tt al ked t obef or e. However ,eveni ft heywer eKeycl ubber sI ' venever metbef or e,i twasl i keaKEYt hatal l ofuscl i ckeds o wel lwhenwei nt r oduced ournamesand hobbi es and s oon r eal i z ed we had s o much mor ei n common t han we t hought ! I enj oyed ever y momentwhen i tcame t o ourgame ni ght s or t al ki ng aboutVal or ant ,Ani malCr os s i ng,and our bad RNG on Gens hi nI mpactoutofnowher e.I ' l l neverf or getal lt hes hor tyetchaot i cmemor i eswe s har edwhi l epl ayi ngJ ackboxort hel aughswehad when we pl ayed Gar t i c Phone wi t h ot hert eams . S houtoutt o my Ghos tgang As h' sMi mi kyut i es ! !



Dur i ng t he mont hofMayIwasabl et o at t end my f i r s teverDCM!T he DCM began wi t hi ce br eaker s ,i nwhi chwewer edi vi dedi nt os ever al br eakoutr oomsand had t o cr eat e Pokemon car ds .Cal cul uswast het hemeofmybr eakout r oom' s Pokemon Car d!Many peopl ei n my br eakoutr oom wer e cur r ent l yt aki ng Cal cul us , and t hey want ed t o us et he car dt o expr es s how t heyf el taboutt hecl as s .T hen,eachoft he s chool spr ovi dedar ecapofwhatt heyaccompl i s hed t he pas tmont h and al lt hei rpr ogr es s . Fol l owi ngt hat ,MOT M,OOT M,andt hes chool of t he mont h wer e al lannounced.Fi nal l y,t her e wasas er vi ceevent !Iwasunabl et oat t endt he event ,butIam s ur et hos ewhoat t endedhada gr eatt i me.Ihad a pl eas antexper i enceatmy f i r s tDCM,whi ch s eemed ver y wel lpl anned.


HYDRATE,DON’ TDI E-DRATE! Even t hough t her e hasbeen a s l i ghtdr oughtof event sdur i ngt hemont hofMay,oneofmyf avor i t e event swast heboba f undy!Af t erf i ni s hi ng a f ew of myf i nal s ,Ineededs ugart of uelmet hr oughmyl as t t wof i nal s ,t oj ui ceupal l mybr ai npower s ! ! !Si ncet hi s wasa di vi s i onwi de eventand Mi l pi t asand Pi edmontHi l l shappenedt obet eamedupf ort heboba war ,i tonl ymade s ens ef orme t oi nvi t e one ofmy buddi esf r om Mi l pi t ast oj oi n and r ai s e mor ef unds . Des pi t ehow at eens ypar tofmewant edt os eeour execut i vesgetdar ed f orl os i ng,we wer er ai s i ng moneyf orPT P,s oi twasamus tt ogo! !PT P,Pedi at r i c T r auma Pr ogr am,i soneofKeyCl ub' smai npr oj ect s wher ewer ai s emoneyt or educet henumberofchi l dr enaf f ect ed byt r auma.Sonotonl ywasIhel pi ng mybr ai nr echar ge wi t ht ea,Iwasabl et o make a s mal l but wor t hy di f f er ence f or chi l dr en!


KeyCl ubber sl i s t ened t o numer ousgues ts peaker s+ per f or mer sand wel comeaddr es s esf r om member soft heDi s t r i ctL eader s hi pT eam!Af t er war ds ,t her e wer es es s i onshos t ed byL T Gsaboutwayst oi mpr ove one’ s home cl ub.

On t hi sday,at t endeeswer e abl et o at t end 5 di f f er entwor ks hops hos t ed byl eader si nt heCNH Di s t r i ct ,r angi ng f r om a var i et yoft opi cs . Awar ds wer e t hen gi ven out t o des er vi ng Key Cl ubber s . Congr at ul at i onst o ourver yown Er i nT akes hi ma ( Di s t i ngui s hed Secr et ar y) ,Er i cNguyen( Di s t i ngui s hedCl ubNews l et t er ) ,andEmi l yVu( Rober t F . L ucas Out s t andi ng Awar d & Di s t i ngui s hed L T . Gover nor ) !

umni nganAl i hoporhear ks cerWor i f hanOf t hedaywi edt t ar t ss Member oo tbet .Don’ . ed. r i et dr ctBoar i r t s 21Di he20yend,t hever .Att ent es pr s 22Di henew 21eannouncedandt swer t ul onRes i ect houghasEl adt s , ner ctGover i r t s h AmyWang asournew Di t ed wi l al t ns d goti ctBoar i r t ur eas r hiasournew T s y,MayaOi ar et ecr erKawaguchiasournew S t Car e. e t s u r T l a n o i t na er nt , and Emma Chang as our new I er F ormor ei ndept hi nf or mat i onandr undown, vi s i t t he f ol l owi ng r es our ces : L i nkt r ee: Webs i t e: I ns t agr am:

ht t ps : / / l i nkt r . ee/ cnhkc ht t ps : / / dcon. cnhkeycl ub. or g/ @cnh_dcon


OurDi vi s onhasr el eas edanew s er vi ceact i vi t y:Ser vi cei nCandyl and,a mont hl ong s er vi ce pr oj ect ,s panni ng f r om 6/ 57/ 5. T hr oughoutt he mont h,KeyCl ubber swi l lpar t i ci pat ei nt he 10 act i vi t i esbel ow att hei rownpace( t her ei sa 2. 5hourl i mi tf or eachact i vi t y) .T hef i r s tKeyCl ubbert os pendatl eas t30mi nut es oneachact i vi t yandat t endt heDi vi s i onwi des er vi ceeventon J une30wi l l wi nf r eeboba,aKeyCl ubl anyar d,andas hout out on t he D12E I ns t agr am account ! !T ol ear n mor e,vi s i tt i nyur l . com/ d12es ummer i nf o;r emembert os ubmi tphot o pr oof vi at i nyur l . com/ d12es ummer s ubmi s s i on.Havef unpar t i ci pat i ng!


KeyCl ubT r ai ni ngConf er ence,al s oknownasKCT C,i sanannual Regi onwi de eventand i sanex ci t i ng,yeteducat i onalex per i ence f oral lKey Cl ubber s !T hi syear ,i twi l lbe St udi o Ghi BEEt hemedandt akepl aceon6/ 19f r om 10AM t o2PM,andt o ens ur eever yone’ ss af et y,i twi l lbehel d overZ oom.Dur i ng t he event ,you can meetKey Cl ubber sf r om al loverRegi on 17 ( D12E,D12W,D12S,D34N,D34S,D43)t hr ough f un act i vi t i es ! T her e wi l lal s o be s es s i onsand wor ks hopswi t h gues ts peaker s and awes ome pr es ent er s !So… BE T HERE OR BEE SQUARE! ! Regi on 17hasal s o or gani z ed a Regi onwi de Spi r i tWeekCompet i t i on f r om 6/ 12t o 6/ 19wher e KeyCl ubber scanpar t i ci pat ei na Spi r i tWeek ei t herbyt hems el vesori nagr oup!OnKCT C,t hewi nni nggr oupands ol o par t i ci pant wi l l be announced and ear n a pr i z e!


OurDi vi s i oni sget t i ngf orr eadyf orF al l Ral l yNor t h( F RN)andwi t h t hatcomest heannualT s hi r tDes i gnCont es t !Pl eas enot et hat onl ybl ue,whi t e,and gol d ar e al l owed and be s ur et oi mpl ementt hegui del i nesi nt hef l yerbel ow.T hedes i gnwi l l bedueon 6/ 20@ 11: 59PM andbes ur et os endi tt oL T G Char i t haGangi ’ s emai l ( d12e. l t g@cnhkeycl ub. or g)wi t ht hepr operf or matbel ow aswel l .T hemember swhohavewi nni ngdes i gnswi l lgetaf r ee s hi r t ,boba,yourchoi ceofanyi t em i nt heupcomi ngs pi r i tpack, and ol d mer ch!We hope t os ee yourbeaut i f uldes i gns !


] HEY S UPERHEROES !OurDi s t r i ct ,Cal i NevHa ( CNH) , hasr el eas ed Di s t r i ctT ech T eam ( DT T )and Di s t r i ct Vi s ualMedi aT eam ( DVMT )appl i cat i ons ,and youal l canappl y!S er vi ngonaDi s t r i ct l evel i sanamaz i ngex per i enceandwhi l ebei ngont het eam,youcanhel p over l ook many Key Cl ubs i n CNH. Now,whi chones houl d Iappl yf or ?Wel l ,yous houl d def i ni t el y appl yf orDT T i fyou have a pas s i on f or codi ng webs i t es and handl i ng t echnol ogy. You s houl d appl yf orDVMTi fyou enj oygr aphi c des i gn and/ orvi deoandphot oedi t i ng.T hedeadl i nef orDT T i sJ une25@ 8PM andcanappl yvi abi t . l y/ DT T Appl i cat i on;t hedeadl i nef orDVMTi sJ une30@ 6PM and can appl y vi a t i nyur l . com/ dvmt app2022. Youdef i ni t el ydon’ twantt omi s soutont hi soppor t uni t y, happy appl yi ng Key Cl ubber s ! !


La gWo r d sf r o mO Si o r s . KEYCL UBEXPERI ENCE: KeyCl ubwasdef i ni t el yoneofmyf avor i t ehi ghl i ght si nhi gh s chool !I twasanamaz i ngex per i encebei ngabl et ovol unt eeri nt hecommuni t ywi t hwonder f ul f r i endsandadvi s or s .I am s ot hankf ul f ormyt i mei nKeyCl ubt hathashel pedme gr own s o much t hes e pas t 4 year s !

I NSI GHTF ORF UT UREKEYCL UBBERS: Don’ tbeaf r ai dt ot akeonanynew oppor t uni t y! ( you got t hi s ( ๑ ๑ ) ) )

MyTr 

Anne l l eTr 

PHHSKeyCl ubVi cePr es i dentofS er vi ce2021

PHHSKeyCl ubPr es i dent2021 KEYCL UBEXPERI ENCE:

T he communi t y,f r i ends ,cowor ker s ,advi s or s ,and educat or st hatyou meeti n Key Cl ub ar el i ke no ot her .T hes e peopl ewer eoneoft hef i r s tt o wel comemet o Pi edmont Hi l l sand al s o one oft he l as tt o wi s h me good l uckand goodbye.If eel s of or t unat et ohavemades omanyhappy memor i es i n t hi s cl ub!

I NSI GHTF ORF UT UREKEYCL UBBERS: T ake advant age ofever y oppor t uni t y!I fyou have t he chance t o do s omet hi ng now, t r y i t out -

And yTr uo ng

K Ta k e s ha

PHHSKeyCl ubVi cePr es ei dentofAdmi n2021

PHHSKeyCl ubS eni orRepr es ent at i ve2021

KEYCL UBEXPERI ENCE: Hel l o ever yone!I ' ms o ex ci t ed t hatyou' r e al lr eadi ng t hi s news l et t erbecaus ei tmeanst hatyou' r ei nKeyCl uborar e i nt er es t edi nKeyCl ubandj oi ni ngt hi scl ubhasbeenoneof t hebes tdeci s i onsI ' veevermade.I ' vemets omanyi ncr edi bl e peopl e and made s uchgr eatmemor i est hr oughKey, and myl eader s hi p hasbl os s omed s omuchbecaus eofi t .

I NSI GHTF ORF UT UREKEYCL UBBERS: T of ut ur eKeyCl ubber s ,don' thol dback!I fyouhaveevena l i t t l ei nt er es ti ns omet hi ng,s hootyours hotandt r ybecaus e youneverknow whatwi l l happenorwhatyou' l l getoutofi t .

Ja s meNg uy 

PHHSKeyCl ubT r eas ur er2021


KEYCL UBEXPERI ENCE: KeyCl ubhasgi venmemor eoppor t uni t i est omeetpeopl e i nhi ghs chool . Af l uct uat i ngper s onal i t ys uchasmys el ff ound i thar dt o per f ect l yf i ti n,butt heenvi r onmentofKeyCl ub hel ped me bond wi t h ot her s .

I NSI GHTF ORF UT UREKEYCL UBBERS: T ot hePi edmontHi l l sKeyCl ub of2122,f ocusoncr eat i ng bonds .Vol unt eerwi t hpas s i on,butyouhavemi s s edayear t o meet new peopl e.

And r e wNg uy 

Lo ui sS t o s PHHSKeyCl ubS eni orRepr es ent at i ve2021

PHHSKeyCl ubPr oj ectDi r ect or2021

KEYCL UBEXPERI ENCE: Ij oi nedKeyCl ubi nmys ophomor eyearwi t ht hei nt ent i onof get t i ngex per i encewi t hs er vi ngmycommuni t y,notknowi ng t hati twass omuchmor et hanj us tvol unt eer i ngandcol l ect i ngs er vi cehour s .However ,asIcont i nued t ovol unt eer ,t he mor eIf el li nl ovewi t ht hepeopl eImett hr oughi t .If ounda s econdf ami l yi nKeyCl ubandr eal l yenj oyedmyt i meher e.

I NSI GHTF ORF UT UREKEYCL UBBERS: I woul dr ecommendgoi ngt oever yeventyoucanbecaus e youneverknow wheni tcoul dbeyourl as t ,andmakeconnect i ons wi t h peopl e.

Ry  Tr i d a d


PHHSKeyCl ubAct i vi t i esCoor di nat or2021

PHHSKeyCl ubHi s t or i an2021

KEYCL UBEXPERI ENCE: I fIhad onewor dt odes cr i bes peci f i cal l ymyoneyearon t heKeyCl ub Boar d,i twoul d be“s t at i c. ”Wedi dal otl es s andevent swer eal otl es sengagi ng.But ,t het r ans i t i onf r om t hepr evi ousyeart ot heyearofCOVI D pr oved t o bel es s wor r i s ome f ormy pos i t i on s i nce medi a di r ect or smai nl y deal t wi t h t ech and onl i ne pr ogr ams .


You’ r e an abs ol ut e i di ot i f you don’ t go f or i t .

Er i cNg uy  PHHSKeyCl ubMedi aDi r ect or2021


KEYCL UBEXPERI ENCE: Hel l o,myname i sAdor a and Is er ved ast he 20202021 copubl i ci s t .Dur i ngt heent i r et yofal l myyear si nKeyCl ub,i t hasover al lhel ped mepas st het i meofhi ghs choolwher e dayss eemedt ogobyal ots l owert hanIeverwant edi tt o be.Iat t endedmanyevent shopi ngt oal s os er vet hecommuni t yi n my bes tef f or t s ofbei ng t hei rs mal ls uppor t .

I NSI GHTF ORF UT UREKEYCL UBBERS: Ihopeever yonewi l lf i nd t hei rownpas s i onsi nl i f e.Ihope youdonotwas t eyourpr eci oust i medoi ngs omet hi ngyou know won’ tf i ndanyus et oyoui nt hef ut ur e.I hopeyouf i nd t her i ghtpeopl et or el yonbutover al l ,Ihopeyouf i ndyour ownhappi nes sand s ucces si nt heper s onyouar et oday.

Ad o r aNg uy 

Jne l y nNg uy 

PHHSKeyCl ubPubl i ci s t2021

KeyCl ubD12EF undr ai s i ngCoor di nat or2021

KEYCL UBEXPERI ENCE: Hi hiever yone! !Myname’ sEmi l yandIs er vedast heI PL T G and myt i mei nKeyCl ub waspr obabl ymyf avor i t epar tof hi ghs chool !Iwasabl et omeets omanynew peopl eand makef r i endswi t hpeopl et hathaves t uckwi t hmef ort he pas t4year s .Notonl yt hatbutIal s ol ear ned s omanys ki l l s t hatI ’ l l t akewi t hmei nt hef ut ur el i kepubl i cs peaki ng,t eamwor k, et c. and I enj oyed ever y s econd of i t: )

I NSI GHTF ORF UT UREKEYCL UBBERS: Ij us twantt os ayt oyoual lt ocher i s hever ys i ngl emoment andt akeever yoppor t uni t ycaus et r us tmewhenIs ayt hat t he t i me r eal l y f l i es by : , )

Em yVu

KeyCl ubD12EL i eut enantGover ner2021

Br ne yS 

CNHKeyCl ubDi s t r i ctCommuni cat i onsandMar ket i ngChai r2021


Nc yDuo ng

CNHKeyCl ubDi s t r i ctNewsEdi t or2021


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