PHHS Key Club | December 2020

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CNH | KEY CLUB Piedmont Hills Key Club | Division 12 East | Region 17 | CNH District


1377 Piedmont Rd, San Jose, CA 95132

2 | Table of Contents

3 | Note from VP of Admin

Member of the Month


During the past month of December, Tonton has taken an incredible amount of initiative within our club! She consistently attends our service events, and always asks questions whenever she has any. Even with finals week, Tonton continued to attend our events without fail! Despite only being a freshman, she showed exemplary spirit as a Key Clubber in many events. Through bringing some of her friends occasionally, she boosts member engagement and maintains a lively event mood. We hope to continue to see Tonton at more service events!

4 | Member of the Month








































12/5 - Habitat for Humanity 12/9 - UNICEF Math For Good 12/9 - AtlasGO Charity 12/10- Special Person Cards 12/12 - Little Love 12/13 - Cards For Hospitalized Kids 12/13 - Christmas Greeting Cards 12/19 - Free Rice 12/19 - Thank A Healthcare Worker

12/19 - Write For Rights 12/20 - Goodie Bags 12/20 - Charity Miles 12/20 - We Are Still Here: Caribbean Indigenous People 12/20 - Appreciation Slide Shows 12/26 - Ekoru 12/26 - There With Care 5 | Calendar 12/27 - JouleBug

I attended one of many cardmaking events in our activities calendar, and this one proved to be uniquely entertaining.

Eric Nguyen

The main objective of the event was to create a single online card describing something you feel passionate about discussing or to send good wishes to an elderly individual. One generous hour was allocated for the task itself. Their main website did not require any specific info from the writer him or herself, like most other events, so anonymity was ensured for the most part. Yet I still tried to write about something that could possibly stand out in the potential mass amount of online letters being sent. I don't remember what I wrote about, but I remember it being well-written enough that I was comfortable sending it to an anonymous recipient. Much more so than the actual event or tasks themselves, I was pleasantly surprised when what seemed to be a thirty-minute task was extended into a one-hour long event. Events in most of the community service clubs now are card-making, and thus, making it a fun event can prove difficult. But kudos to OIC Sokunthea for trying to make those awkward Zoom calls less awkward, and even more kudos for being quite successful in the first event she hosted.

6 | Event Recap

I signed up for Charity Miles, and one morning over break, my family decided to go hiking at Sierra Vista, a nature preserve up in the mountains nearby.

Aaron Teng

The initial steep downhill portion of the trail proved to be more of a pain than a blessing; hiking in the reverse proved to be far more of a trek than going in the forward. My sister and I felt like we could keep going, but my dad was already beat. He was very intimidated by the amount of uphill left, and kept complaining about how the hike would last for another three hours. Despite all his complaining, we managed to traverse the entire trail. A week later, my sister and her friend attempted the same trail and completed it in half the time. The top of the hills presented various scenic viewpoints, and since we went there early in the morning, there was a carpet of clouds covering the city. The view combined with the fresh air made me feel very relaxed. But there was also a lot of cows. And cow poop. From the top of a hill, I happened to spot what we thought to be a bobcat near a tree at the bottom of the hill. It slunk back into the shadows rather quickly, and we didn't get to make out any more details. Overall, it was an enjoyable experience. Though the pace could have been a lot faster, it all worked out in the end. After all, the slower the walk, the more hours I get. ;) 7 | Event Recap

Recently I had attended an event where I was instructed to make a slideshow showing my appreciation to my recipient. I thought back to what I had done throughout quarantine and realized how many friends I made through this Discord server. It sounds dumb, I know, but showing them that slideshow really made their day, and even though this year was a piece of trash, it was nice knowing that some good things came out of it. It was this event that made me realize that I should think more about the positive rather than the negative and the event itself was pretty fun! Andy was very welcoming and played some fun music while talking to his friends! It was pretty self-explanatory and I'm happy it made someone's day :)

Google Slides Hit Different Event: Appreciation Slideshows Sokunthea Mau

In December, I hosted the Appreciation Slide Shows event. During the event, we created slideshows to show appreciation to our friends, family members, or anyone we want! I created a Google Slides presentation for one of my good friends, using funny pictures of him, inserted some inside jokes, and used funny gifs in order to make him laugh. As I played music throughout the event, there seemed to be good vibes across the board. I showed my friend the presentation afterwards, and I’m glad he laughed along with me. I hope the event was fun and that the presentations did their job of showing appreciation!

Funny Slides; Good Vibes Event: Appreciation Slideshows Andy Truong

8 | Event Recap

Event: Write for Rights Tanner Ngo

In December, I attended an event titled "Write for Rights". This event was created by one of the largest annual human rights campaigns, Amnesty International. From my recollection, it is an organization dedicates most of its time to help demand justice and human rights for those being unjustly imprisoned or facing abuse. To accomplish these goals, the organization kindly asks volunteers to write a few letters who are suffering from injustice due to biased court decisions. During the event, I wrote two cards regarding two people who were wrongfully accused of a crime and imprisoned afterward. Whereas I did not personally know the individuals, I could feel the pain writhing through the affected families because of such an unjust act. The knowledge I gained from the event made me heartbroken for the afflicted families, as they were most likely parents of young children. From this event, I learned that our justice system is incredibly flawed and biased. It wasn’t just a couple of individuals that were being persecuted against by such a system, but thousands more. I'm glad that I was able to be educated on this subject as well as being a part of a huge movement. I hope that those thousands of victims affected by the injustice of the system can be freed and united with their families. With the power of our voices, we the people can change the flawed system for the better.

9 | Event Recap

Event: Free Rice I started self-learning the German language out of pure interest in my freshman year. I never expected to use the knowledge I gained at any time in high school. As I got more invested in the language, I temporarily took in German as one of my hobbies but stopped when school overloaded my schedule. However, our current circumstance gave me more opportunities to return to activities I would not have otherwise had time for. Since the FreeRice website provided a variety of different topics for members to choose and answer trivia questions about, I chose German just for fun. With questions touching upon various aspects of German, I used my rudimentary German to answer them to the best of my ability and learned new terms as I progressed. For the most part, this event was stress-free because everyone was able to answer questions about a topic of their choice and answer at their own pace, ultimately gaining funds to donate to food banks. But for me, the event transformed my expectations into an unprecedented reality, and I am grateful for this.

10 | Event Recap

Event: Thank a Healthcare Worker!! With the ongoing pandemic going on, the brave frontline workers continue working nonstop to assist the unfortunate. Especially with the holiday season coming up and winter approaching, healthcare workers have to find a unique balance between working, staying healthy, and relaxing. I came across the “Thank a Healthcare Worker” event and decided to sign up. It felt appeasing to send a few messages to the healthcare workers, letting them know that they are courageous and greatly appreciated from all aspects of society. Throughout the event, I wanted to at least provide a small sense of ease to their demanding jobs. While the event itself was short, I believe that the time spent was worthwhile. I feel that there is always a unique aura of gratefulness when people hear the simple words “thank you,” but I feel like that same aura is still present, perhaps even amplified, when receiving a random message of kindness.

11 | Event Recap

12 | Announcements

13 | District Updates

Club Goals

PTP: $370/1500

MNT: $255/1500

HOURS: 2177.779/ 7500 14 | Club Goals

Follow Us!

Newsletters are released every month! monthillshighschoolkey club 15 |

Hello everyone! This year feels like it jumped from March all the way to December because of how much time has quickly passed. Every year I’d promise myself to exercise, but then I’d end up eating mountains of sugar instead. Maybe in 2021, I will find something to motivate me because recently, money and pride are not big enough incentives… Anyways, our Key Club has been able to accomplish so much despite our current circumstances as we’ve had several gaming tournaments, bingo fundraisers, and even a virtual carnival in collaboration with Unicef. We’ve had countless events every month and weekly meetings--all wrapped for the end of this term to achieve our hour and charity goals. We’ve done so well! It wouldn’t be possible without the passion and commitment of our members. I hope everyone is staying safe. Despite all the scares and threats spread on TikTok, I’m sure 2021 will be a better year (haha fingers crossed…).

Adora Nguyen PHHS Key Club Publicist

16 | Oh no.

Greetings from 2021! Time sure does fly, but there were many exciting events that happened within the last month. Congrats on making it through finals, and for continuing to attend service events during the holiday break! We have a lot of exciting events coming in the future, one of them being the Key Club Valorant Tournament. Reflecting back on the year, it was definitely interesting and quite hard, It’s great seeing that there are people interested in attending our events, which motivates the officers to keep making you guys, the members’ experiences as best as possible even with the special circumstances that we’re all under. In my opinion, there were some events in 2020 that definitely stood out, and I ended up having some unexpected fun with those. :) As I (and hopefully you guys too) continue to finalize our resolutions for this year, I will be looking forward to making more fun memories in future events with you guys :DD

Alice Nguyen PHHS Key Club Publicist

17 | Oh yes.

2021. If you say it aloud, it spells out “2020 won.” Hmmm… Buuut, at least 2021 is starting off strong with a bunch of new seasons of solid animes — Attack on Titan, The Promised Neverland, Re:Zero, and a couple more. If you didn’t watch any of those listed above yet, you probably should or at least start on the grind. Super highly recommended. :) As for Key Club, district competitions are around the corner and we have a couple of fundraisers planned in the next two months. So keep on the lookout for that! Anyways, it is the first newsletter of the year, and quite a special one. With a lack of event photos, the newsletter team has been hard at work trying to complement this loss with graphics. As always, we’re grateful to all our gracious readers, and if the numbers are accurate, there is quite a bit of you guys. :o As the new school semester rolls over, I hope you all find yourselves not over- worked by your classes and manage your time well enough to not pull off all- nighters. Unless you like doing that, then that’s out of my control. Most large scale outdoor events are still not allowed, which is really unfortunate. I know online service events are not exactly quite the same thrilling time as regular service events, but let’s still try to do our best! I know y’all can do just fine.

Eric Nguyen PHHS Media Director 18 | Director’s Note

Annabelle Tran | President Mary Tran | VP of Service Kirsten Takeshima |

VP of Admin

Erin Takeshima |


Jasmine Nguyen | Treasury

Facebook 105995889492518/ Website Instagram @phhskeyclubd12e Youtube UCbWpyt3RJFa-3v2JczdZXqg Snapchat @phhskeyclub Twitter @phhskeyclub

Division 12 East (D12E) Cali-Nev-Ha (CNH) International Key Club

19 | Contacts

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